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Classic guitar
Friday 9 of November of 2007

The wood of my guitar

The wood of rose or pink wood (rosewood)
The friends luthiers have to us disoriented with this generic name, it is possible to be translated like wood
pretty, or pretty, that is to say, any wood Could be in the definition, very ambiguous truth! ; but to that they
really talk about, good, to palisandro, the wood santo, jacarand, the cedar and other so many. In order to
clarify but the subject I am going to comment on mentioned wood defining its sort and family to that they
belong, thus others like the ebony, the fir, bubinga and so many other wood that serve available, these or
begins to be scarce by the extinction or its high costs.
The Palisandro
They belong to the sort dalbergia of the family fabaceae and they are in Africa, India, Asia, central America
and South tropical, they are wood of dark brown color to reddish, are dense and hard, known are palisandro of
Brazil or wood of Pernambuco or Rio that they belong to the sort dalbergia nigra. Due to the high demand
these already they are scarce and they are replaced by the tulipero, tree very similar to palisandro although
but dense and of yellowish color but without much dark vein. Palisandro of Honduras dalbergia stevensonii
that she is original of Guatemala that is but dense that the one of Brazil. African Palisandro dalbergia
melanoxylon that it is but hard of almost black dark reddish color with dark veins, grows in everything Africa
and its name correspond there to granadillo black, wood very appreciated for the building of Oboe and
clarinete by its hardness and impermeability to the water.
The Palisandro of India dalbergia latifolia she is but hard and its dark brown color with veins purples.
Santo wood
if with the wood of rose or pink wood (rosewood) we were confused here is the same, here many are the
species that receive the wood names santo and are of different sorts. They grow in western India
, america central y sur tropical. sort guaiacum that they belong guayacanes of yellowish wood and it lasts; the
sorts bulnesia, lit urges on, pintoa, porlieria with its respective ones species and colors give their name a wood
Of the sort jacarand of the family of bignoniceas original of America. There is 40 species between Mexico,
the Caribbean, central America and South tropical, the majority is located in Brazil. The scientific name was
taken from the guaran word jacarand.
Jacarand of India jacarand ovalifolia native of Brazil, it was introduced by the English to decorate the
gardens of its houses. In general its wood is of reddish brown color with stria varying in intensity according to
its places of origin.
Published by Hugo Alcayaga Ramirez in 13:16


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Classic guitar
Monday 12 of November of 2007

continuation. The Wood of my Guitar

The cedar
Of the sort cedrus of the family of pinaceae it comes from the division pinophyta (exconiferous), original of the Middle East and the Himalayas. There are four species; cedar of
the Lebanon cedrus libani , cedar of the atlas cedrus Atlantic , cedar of Cyprus cedrus
brevifolia , cedar of the Himalayas cedrus deodara. The wood is of
hard scent and of orange yellowish color with wide and but dark striae.
Also cedar to several species denominates itself to him of coniferred wood s, the red cedars
of the West, of Japan, of China, North America, of central America, Spain. With names like
Yours, Cypress, Juniper.
The Fir
Of the sort Make haste of the family pinaceae like the cedar for that reason he is so similar
and one is confused, there is 25 species of true firs distributed in Europe, Asia and North
America. The white fir Abies alba , pinsapo Prepare pinsapo , the balsamic fir Prepare
balsamea , oyamel Prepare nun , the red fir or of Christmas Prepare picea, the Bulgarian fir
Prepare borisaregis , the Greek fir Prepare cephalonica . The difference with the cedars this,
in which the true firs lack conductive resin glasses, we remember that the cedars have a
strong scent whose resin moves away to the insects and worms, also used like antiseptic.
Of the sort guibourtia of the family of fabaceae, there are 17 native tropical species of
Africa, are developed in humid places and forests near lakes, we know some here in the
forest Brazil and Bolivia.
The Ebony
Of the sort diospyros of the family ebenaceas, the well-known species but is diospyros
ebenum of very hard relatively uniform black color, it compacts and fine. This species grows
in dispersed areas of Asia, Africa and mainly India.
The Mopane
Of the sort colophospermum of the family fabaceae, it only grows in Africa and its wood is
very hard and difficult to work, it is substitute of the ebony diospyros ebenum since this one
is difficult to obtain, like badly called Mozambique blackwood 0r ebano de Mozambique
that corresponds to dalbergia melanoxylon or granadillo black.
The Mahogany
Of the sort swietenia of the family of meliaceae , they are in the zone tropical to the south of
Mexico, the Caribbean, America Center, the amazonian river basin of Brazil, Bolivia and Peru.
The mahogany of Cuba or Antillean swietenia mahogany, the Honduran mahogany swietenia
macrophylla . In general the wood is of reddish brown color with dark veins.
The Larch
Of the sort larix of the family pinaceae difference of the others pinceas by the type of
leaves and he is but resinous in its crust. The pataganico Larch or Lahun fitzroya
cupressoides , the European larch larix decidua. Its wood is of reddish and grained brown
Published by Hugo Alcayaga Ramirez in 12:06

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