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Artserve Michigan


Arts Education Partnership

Music Education resources

National Association for Music Education

Support Music

Anneburg Videos

Teacher Vision

K-12 Music Education Resources/Links

Music in Schools Today

Education World



Fairfax County Public Schools – videos

Utah Department of Education


Performing Arts Series

Arts in Education

Visual Arts Education Canada

Best Practice in Teaching the Arts

Music Education resources

Arts Education

Music Worksheets
Curriculum Sources

Lesson Plans

Art History Adventure – Computer Game

Artist Toolkit

Resources for Music TeachersGrades K - 12 A collection of links for every kind of music
teacher there is. Whether your interest is band, orchestra, vocal music, or just an overall
interest in music, this site will help you.

This Day in Music HistoryGrades5 - 12 A daily listing of what happened on this day in
music history. Includes a search engine and calendar information.

PlayMusic.orgGrades 3 - 8 This site introduces youngsters to the instruments of the

orchestra in a fun way.

Essentials of MusicGrades
9 - 12 A comprehensive music resource for casual listeners and
serious students who want to gain a better understanding of music through the study of
various periods in music history.

Glossary of Theater TermsGrades

K - 12 Get back on cue with this online dictionary.

 Americans for the Arts--leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in
 Arts Education Partnership--the issue of arts education has been in the news
recently with the release of a new publication, Third Space: When Learning
 Arts for Learning--developed by Young Audiences, Inc., Arts for Learning is a
comprehensive education program connecting community arts resources to the K-
12 curriculum.
 Artslynx International Arts Resources
 Cable in the Classroom--the Classroom is a special initiative begun in 1989 by the
cable industry to provide public and private schools in the United States with free
access to educational television programs.
 Who's Dancin' Now?--A valuable tool for educators, artists, administrators,
parents, and students to learn about arts education in an easy and effective way.
 Young Audiences, Inc--commending Young Audiences (YA) as the first
nonprofit organization to receive the National Medal of Arts, President Clinton
praised YA's achievements in working with educational systems, the arts
community, and the private and public sectors to make the arts an essential part of
all children's education.
 Encyclopedia Smithsonian
 Joy to Learn Web site

Web Sites

American Alliance for Theatre and Education
The American Alliance for Theatre and Education is the leading national professional
organization for theater educators, theater artists, and educators who use drama and
theater in the classroom. Its growing visibility helps build partnerships with policy
makers and institutions and represents a diverse membership. The mission of the
American Alliance for Theater and Education is to promote standards of excellence in
theater and theater education by connecting artists, educators, researchers, and scholars
with one another and by providing opportunities to exchange, expand, and diversify their
work, their audience, and their perspectives.

American Association of Museums
The mission of this not-for-profit association is to represent the museum community,
address its needs, and enhance its ability to serve the public.

American Symphony Orchestra League
The American Symphony Orchestra League offers opportunities for professional
development for those who staff symphony programs; highlights, researches, and reports
on best practices; advocates for arts literacy on a national level; and brings the highest
standards and latest research in arts education to the attention of orchestra education

Americans for the Arts
Americans for the Arts is a nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America.
With a 40-year record of service, it aims to represent and serve local communities and
create opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the
With offices in Washington, D.C., and New York and more than 5,000 organizational and
individual members and stakeholders across the country, the organization focuses on
increasing public and private sector support for the arts; ensuring that every American
child has access to a high-quality arts education; and strengthening communities through
the arts. To achieve these goals, it creates partnerships with local, state, and national arts
organizations; government agencies; business leaders; individual philanthropists;
educators; and funders throughout the country. It provides extensive arts industry
research and information and professional development opportunities for community arts
leaders via specialized programs and services, including a content-rich Web site and an
annual national convention.

Artslynx International
Artslynx works to develop comprehensive guides in areas not already well developed by
others. In general, Artslynx links to nonprofit resource libraries serving as master sites
themselves. Examples of Artslynx-generated pages include pages devoted to journals and
organizations, as well as specific areas of physical theater, fight direction, and African

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1905 and chartered in 1906 by an Act of Congress, the
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is an independent policy and
research center whose charge is to do and perform all things necessary to encourage,
uphold, and dignify the profession of the teacher and the cause of higher education. The
foundation is a major national and international center for research and policy studies
about teaching. Its mission is to address the hardest problems faced in teaching in public
schools, colleges, and universities—that is, how to succeed in the classroom, how best to
achieve lasting student learning, and how to assess the effect of teaching on students. The
foundation is rooted in its original mission of strengthening the future of the profession of
teaching and the calling of educator. The work of the Carnegie Foundation is focused on
four major areas of concern: undergraduate education, professional and graduate
education, K–12 and teacher education, and knowledge-sharing functions.

Dance Education
To strengthen the arts as a basic part of education, the Ohio Arts Council's Arts in
Education Program led statewide efforts to develop the Dance Education Resource
Guide, a resource handbook for teachers of preK–12 students. Initial support in 1990
from the National Endowment for the Arts ignited collaborative efforts with partners
including the Ohio Department of Education, Ohio Dance, the Ohio Alliance for Arts
Education, and the Ohio State University Department of Dance. As technology continued
to shape educational practice, the need to reconstitute the Dance Education Resource
Guide as a Web site invited in 1996 purposeful engagement in Dance on the Internet, a
technology workshop cosponsored by the Ohio Arts Council and the Ohio State
University Department of Dance. Future plans will expand this Web site to link CD-
ROM and online texts, making the Dance Education Web an integral part of the World
Wide Web. Global contributors are invited to link their Web sites to Dance Education

Educational Theatre Association
The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA), founded in 1929, is the professional
association for theater education. EdTA's mission is to make theater a part of lifelong
learning. The Association's major areas of effort—educational development, teacher
training, and advocacy—serve to accomplish this mission by helping to improve the
learning environment in the theater arts.

Eurydice is an institutional network for gathering, monitoring, processing, and circulating
reliable and readily comparable information on education systems and policies
throughout Europe. Eurydice covers the education systems of the member states of the
European Union; the three countries of the European Free Trade Association, which are
members of the European Economic Area; and the European Union candidate countries
involved in the Socrates Program.

Getty ArtsEdNet
The programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust focus on the visual arts in all of their dimensions,
serving both general audiences and specialized professionals.

Greek Society for Music Education
The Greek Society for Music Education is a nonprofit scientific organization aiming to
advance music education of people of any age in Greece, improve the role of music in
education, and develop the field of music education and pedagogy.

Hong Kong Arts Development Council
The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC) was established by the government in
June 1995 to plan, promote, and support the broad development of the arts (including the
literary, performing, visual, and film arts) and arts education. The ADC is dedicated to
fostering artistic creativity and providing a more enriching life by enhancing the quality
of living and artistic appreciation of the general public.

MENC—National Association for Music Education
MENC developed the National Standards for Music Education and administered the
overall development of the National Standards for Arts Education (1994) under a grant
from the U.S. Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and
the National Endowment for the Arts. The national standards represent the first
comprehensive set of educational standards for K–12 arts instruction. MENC has since
published more than 20 documents in instructional techniques for helping students
accomplish the standards, dealing with such issues as staffing, scheduling, equipment,
technology, and assessment.

Music Education Resource Base
The Music Education Resource Base is a bibliographic database of more than 31,000
resources in music and music education from 35 Canadian and international journals and
other sources covering the period 1956 through the present. The journals are indexed by
title, author, and subject.

National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture
The National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture is a national association of nonprofit
organizations and individuals committed to furthering the independent media arts: film,
video, audio, and digital, including education, production, exhibition, distribution,
collection-building, preservation, criticism, and general advocacy. Members include
media arts centers, production facilities, university-based programs, community
technology centers, museums, film festivals, media distributors, film archives, afterschool
programs, community-access TV stations, and individuals working in the field.
Combined, these organizations serve approximately 400,000 artists and other media
professionals nationwide.

National Art Education Association
The National Art Education Association was founded in 1947 with the merger of the
Western, Pacific, Southeastern, and Eastern Region Art Associations, plus the art
department of the National Education Association. It has more than 22,000 art educator
members from different levels of instruction: early childhood, elementary, intermediate,
secondary, college and university, administrative, museum education, and lifelong
learning. The association also includes publishers, manufacturers and suppliers of art
materials, parents, students, retired teachers, arts councils, and schools.

National Arts Council Arts Education Programme
The National Arts Council Arts Education Programme (NAC-AEP) develops initiatives
that advocate the value and the importance of arts education in Singapore. It connects the
arts community with the education sector and supports the professional development of
arts educators. The NAC-AEP assesses and endorses arts education programs offered by
Singapore arts groups and arts education providers for schools.
National Dance Education Organization
The National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) advances dance education centered
in the arts. As a nonprofit organization, NDEO is dedicated to promoting standards of
excellence in dance education through the development of quality education in the art of
dance through professional development, service, and leadership. The organization holds
public discussions and sponsors institutes, workshops, conferences, and programs. It also
develops guidelines, promotes standards, and designs curricula. NDEO has forged
alliances with approximately 150 federal and state agencies and arts associations in
support of dance arts education.

Partnerships with Opera in England
Royal Opera House Education represents the work of the Royal Ballet and the Royal
Opera companies and the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. Each year the department
works with around 93,000 people of all ages, backgrounds, and geographical locations.

A key player in the musical life of Norway, the main goal of this organization is to make
live music of high artistic quality accessible to everyone in the country. It highlights three
important tasks: (1) produce quality concert programs and arrange tours of these
programs throughout Norway, in close cooperation with local organizers; (2) administer
Norway's national school concert scheme and ensure that it reflects both high artistic and
educational quality and musical diversity; and (3) act as an advisor, coordinator, and
operating agent in the implementation of Norway's international cultural policy.

Singapore Education
This Web site provides curriculum guides and resources for all disciplines, including the

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