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Allergy prevention:

black cumin
black tea
butterbur, more, more, more
vitamin C
cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
curcurmin (from turmeric)
vitamin D
dust mite caution
flax or fatty fish, more (omega-3 fats)
Bifidobacterium longum
green tea
beware hair dye containing PPD
hot peppers (contains capsaicin)
Lactobacillus acidophilus
lactobacillus rhamnosus
licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)
loquat leaves (Eriobotrya japonica)
avoid dichlorophenol-containing pesticides
probiotic therapy
pycnogenol (grape seed extract is close)
lots of salad, more
white fruits and veggies
rose extract
salt water nasal spray
soy, more
stinging nettle, more
minimize stress, more
Additional information
Treating Alzheimer's:
see the Long Term Cognition section for Alzheimers prevention
acetyl-L-carnitine, more, more, more, more
alpha-GPC (choline alfoscerate)
alpha lipoic acid, more

amla (Anwala churna)

ashwagandha, more (Withania somnifera)
anatabine, more
peppers, tobacco, eggplant, green tomatoes
antiviral drugs
Anwala churna (Emblica offinicalis)
astaxanthin, more, more
B vitamins
Bacopa monnieri, more
bamboo, more (Bambusae concretio Salicea)
berberine, more
bay leaf (Laurus nobilis)
berries, more
cannabis, more, more, more, more, more, more
chocolate, more, more
choline alfoscerate
cinnamon (liver caution)
clioquinol, more
CO-Q10 (or idebenone (more), more, more
coconut, more, more, more, more, more, maybe not (more)
coffee, more, more
curcumin, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more (from turmeric)
vitamin D
deferiprone, more, more
having a dog
dong quai (Angelica sinensis)
doxycycline, more
drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera)
vitamin E
electric shocks?
Evodia rutaecarpa
flax, walnuts, or oily fish, more, more, more, more
genistein, more, more (from soy)
ginkgo biloba, more, more, more
goji, more (Lycium barbarum)
grape seed extract, more, more (grape seed equivalent to pycnogenol)

green tea, more, more, more, more

in combination with huperzine A
horny goat weed (Epimedium species)
huperzine A, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
kava (Piper methysticum)
ketogenic diet (related to coconut oil, above)
L-theanine, more
lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
lipoic acid, more, more
low-methionine diet
luteolin, more, more (in celery, peppers, oranges, thyme)
lycopene (cooked tomatoes)
mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)
Mediterranean diet
melatonin, more
music therapy
niacinamide, more, more
nicotine (not effective in diabetics)
phosphatidylserine, more
protein restriction
red yeast rice
red wine
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
saffron, more
sage tea, more, more, more, more, more
sea cucumber
beer, bananas, and string beans
minimize stress
soy, more
discontinue statin drug use (see cholesterol, below)
therapeutic touch

the problems with Alzheimer's drugs
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrigs Disease)
calorie restriction caution
cannabis, more, more, more
carotenoids (a plant-based diet)
Sirt1 gene activation (see Sleep for more on Sirt1)
Arthritis prevention/treatment (see also Natural anti-inflammatory and pain medications
apple cider vinegar
arnica, more
Bacillus coagulans
black cohosh root (Cimicifuga racemosa)
boswellia, more (Boswellia serrata or Frankincense)
broccoli, more
bromelain, more, more
vitamin C, more
calorie restriction, more, more
cannabis, more, more
red, orange, and yellow veggies
castor oil
cat's claw, more (Uncaria tomentosa)
Chinese herbs
circadian clock synchonization
citrus peel
coffee caution
complementary medicine
devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens)
curcumin, more (component of turmeric)
vitamin D, more, more
limit dairy
dental diligence
ergothioneine, more
essential oils, more

exercise, more
fish/flax/chia/walnuts, more, more, more
frankincense (boswellia) more
fucoidan (found in bladderwrack and kelp)
germanium, more
gossypin (see the cancer section for more on gossypin)
green tea, more
minimize inflammation, see inflammation below
be careful with iron
vitamin K, more (found in most green veggies, kale is the richest source)
kelp (may supply too much iodine)
krill oil
meditation, more, more, more
mud therapy, more
NSAID caution
omega-3 fatty acids, more, more (flax, fish), more
oregano oil
paleo (grain and dairy-free) diet
pau d'arco, more
minimize exposure to perfluorochemicals (PFCs)
phellodendron bark
pumpkin seeds, more
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)

sarsaparilla root
minimize high-heeled shoes, more
stinging nettle, more, more
sulphur baths
tai chi, more, more, more
thunder god vine, more (Tripterygium wilfordii)
turmeric, more, more
vegetarian diet, more

white willow bark (Salix alba)
Asthma prevention:
avoid acetaminophen, more, more (Tylenol, etc)
boswellia (frankincense)
vitamin C, more
calorie restrictioin, more
red, orange, and yellow veggies
avoid cholesterol drugs
cleaner caution
vitamin D, more
fish/flax/chia/walnuts/purslane, more
minimize inflammation see inflammation below
ma haung
magnesium, more
avoid phthalates, more
lots of salad (folate)
a vegetarian or (better) vegan diet
Treating asthma
basil (Ocimum sanctum)
boiled carom (Trachyspermum copticum) seeds, inhale
cinnamon (liver caution)
cloves relieves chest tightness
black cumin, more (Nigella sativa)
vitamin D, more
question the diagnosis
drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera)
essential oils
ginger (Zingiber officinale)
lemon scent
avoid microwaves
mullein (a common weed)
nettle root
pycnogenol (grape seed extract is close and a lot less expensive)

cooked tomatoes
tiotropium (heart drug)
Ways to lower blood pressure:
acetyl-L-carnitine, more, more, more
limit alcohol
aloe vera juice
alpha-Lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine
angelica, more
apple cider vinegar, more
antioxidants for those with peripheral artery disease
aspirin at night
astaxanthin, more
beet juice, more, more
control blood sugar, more, more
brown seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida)
vitamin C, more
calcium, more
see Osteoporosis for more on calcium
calorie restriction, more
a low-carb diet
low-glycemic carbohydrates
celery, more
celery seed, more
chlorella, more, more
cinnamon (liver caution)
Co-Q10 (or idebenone (more)
coconut water
dark chocolate, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more

cordyceps, more, more

vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more
DASH diet
drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera)
egg whites (I wont touch this due to the ultra high content of methionine - see long-term
cognition and longevity sections)
essential oils, more
exercise, in short spurts
keep insulin resistance low = exercise!
intermittent fasting
fennel, more
fiber, more, more, more
flax seed, more (or fish), more, more
folate (fresh greens)
avoid added fructose(or added sucrose)
Fructose in fruits is OK due to the fiber. (more)
garlic, more, more, more
gazpacho, more
glutamic acid
minimize grains, starches, and sugar
whole grains
grape seed extract, more (tastes terrible)
grapes, more, more
hawthorne, more
red grapefruit juice
hawthorne berry
hibiscus tea, more, more
hot peppers?, more, more
intermittent fasting
kiwi, more
lipoic acid
magnesium, more, more, more
meditation, more, more, more
melatonin, more, more, more, more
minimize nitrates
nattokinase, more

nuts, more
olive leaf, more
extra virgin olive oil
orange juice
paleo grain and dairy-free) diet, more
parsely (but not too much)
panax ginseng, more, more
a pet
a plant-based diet
potassium, more, more (bananas, oranges, kiwi, veggies)
potatoes, especially purple potatoes, more
pycnogenol (grape seed extract is equivalent, and cheaper - and it tastes terrible)
Qigong, more
reishi mushroom
limit salt (does not affect all this way can be canceled out with enough potassium)
salt sources
black sesame meal
sesame seed, more, more, more
siberian ginseng
sleep, more, more
spinach, more
sugar caution, more, more, more
sunshine, more
tai chi, more
taurine, more
black tea
don't smoke tobacco (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
cooked tomatoes (tomatoes are most nutritious when cooked)
vegetarian diet
dark green veggies
wakame seaweed

watermelon, more
weight loss, more, more, more
limit wheat
hypertension meds best before bed
avoid hypertension meds, if possible, more, more, more, more
Additional information, more, more
Common Stuff that Raises Blood Pressure:
St. John's wort, ephedra/ma huang, yohimbine and licorice
stress (duh!)
coffee (for three hours)
diet soda
too much alcohol
antidepressants during pregnancy
aspartame (Nutrasweet)
energy drinks
fatty foods
too much food
fructose, more, including high fructose corn syrup
sucrose (table sugar) is one half fructose
herpes see long-term cognition for how to suppress herpes
hormone replacement therapy
free radicals (be slim)
maybe not too much salt!
excessive sitting
Lowering blood sugar
low-dose alcohol with meals
amla (Phyllanthus emblica) (Indian gooseberry)
apple cider vinegar, lipoic acid, CoQ10, pyridoxamine
vitamin C
caffeine, more, more
chia seeds
chromium, more
cinnamon, more (liver caution)
cloves, more
green coffee beans
Co-Q10 (or idebenone (more)

exercise the most important thing!, more
after a starchy meal
intermittent fasting, more
ginseng, more
glycemic index diet, more, more, more
goat's rue (Galega officinalis)
green tea with starchy food, more, more
juniper berries
vitamin K
magnesium (a plant-based diet)
mediterranean diet, more
nuts, more, more
osha root (Ligusticum porteri)
resistance training
sage tea
Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)
silymarin (milk thistle (Silybum marianum))
avoid statin drugs
avoid sucralose
tai chi
vinegar, more
minimize wheat
more blood sugar information
vitamin A
acid-alkaline balance (body pH), more, more, more (see also baking soda)
be slim and avoid diabetes
adzuki beans
limit alchohol, more
andrographis (Andrographis paniculata)

angelica, more
apigenin (celery and parsley, chamomile tea, and a plant-based diet)
apples, more, more
artichokes, more, more
aspirin, more, more, more
ashwagandha, more, more, more, more, more
astaxanthin, more, more, more
astragalus, more, more
autophagy (see autophagy in the longevity section below)
avocados, more
do not overdo the B vitamins
bacopa monniera
baking soda (see also acid-alkaline balance)
basil, more, more
bat plant (Tacca chantrieri)
bay leaf
beans and peas (pulses)
bee propolis vs. prostate cancer
beets, more, more, more
berberine, more
beta alanine (in mice)
beta glucan
try to avoid needle biopsies
birch, more, more
bitter melon
black tea
blackberry tea
blueberries, more, more, more
boswellia (Boswellia serrata)
branched chain amino acids
broccoli, more, more, eat the stem too!
spice it up, more, especially with mustard leaf or radish, very lightly cooked or raw,
enhanced by an alkaline diet
bromelain, more, more
bupleurum, more, more
vitamin C, more, more, more
cabbage, more

caffeine, more
calcium, more, more, more
see Osteoporosis for more on calcium
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
capsaicin (hot peppers), more, more
a low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet, more, more, more, more
cardamom, more
carotene, more, more
red, orange, and yellow veggies
cat's claw, more, more (Uncaria tomentosa)
celery seed
chaparral, more
cherries, more, more
chicory, more
Chinese skullcap, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
(Scutellaria baicalensis)
chocolate, more, more, more, more, more
chrysanthemum extract
cinnamon, more, more (liver caution)
citrus, more, more, more, more, more
modified citrus pectin, more, more, more
citrus peel, more, more, more, more
fresh whole cranberries
cleavers tea, more
Japanese clover (Kummerowia striata)
cloves, more
coffee, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more

cruciferous veggies, more, more
cumin, more
n-acetyl cysteine
dark chocolate
vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
dandelion, more, more, more, more, more (Taraxicum officinale)
dichloroacetic acid, more, more, more, more, more
DCA warning
vitamin E from diet - not pills
enriched environment (social engagement)
exercise - the most important thing!, more, more, more, more, more, more
vigorous exercise vs. prostate cancer, vs. other cancers
vs. breast cancer, more
resistance training, more, more
fasting, more, more
fennel, more
fermented foods
fiber, more
fisetin, more (found in strawberries and mangoes)
fish/flax/walnuts/purslane, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, fish vs.
breast cancer
fish oil + cucurmin
flax seed, more, more, more, more, more (must be ground for maximum absorption, and should
not be cooked)
flax seed vs. prostate cancer (more), vs. breast cancer, (more, more) omega-3 vs. skin
cancer (more)
forest bathing
fucoidan found in kelp and bladderwrack
fucoxanthin, more, more
gamma tocopherol
sesame seeds
gamma-tocotrienol, more
garlic, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, #1!
best raw, more, more
germanium, more, more
Geum japonicum

ginkgo biloba
American ginseng
ginger, more, more, more, more
glucose restriction (calorie restriction would do it)
goji tea
goldenseal, more, more
goldthread (coptis groenlandica)
gossypin found in a plant-based diet and hibiscus blossoms
grape seed extract, more, more, more, more, more, more
green tea, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
especially in combination with quercetin
gynostemmma tea
manuka honey
icariin (found in horny goat weed)
reduce IGF-1, more (see Common Stuff that Causes Cancer for more information)
control inflammation, more (see Inflammation, below)
iodine, more, more
beta ionone
vitamin K2, more
a ketogenic (low starch/sugar) diet, more, more, more, more
Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng)
lemon juice
lemongrass tea
licorice, more, more, more, more, more
a healthy lifestyle vs. prostate cancer
litchi fruit
lovage (Levisticum officinale)
lycopene, more, more, more, more, more, more (cooked tomatoes is the richest source)
manto de la virgen (Fagonia cretica)
masturbation vs. prostate cancer
mate tea
may apple, more
melatonin, more, more., more, more
avoid late-night blue light and alcohol (more), and strong electromagnetic fields (more)

Metformin, more, more, more (diabetic drug)

methionine restriction, more (see a plant-based diet entry below, also the methionine entry in
long-term cognition, below)
methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
avoid microwave popcorn
milk thistle
modified citrus pectin, more, more, more, more, more
mushrooms of all kinds, more, more, more, more, more
mustard seed, more
inhibit Nf-kappaB
grape seed extract, resveratrol, cruciferous veggies, yerba mate, curcumin, aspirin,
green tea, quercetin
nigella sativa
black nightshade, more, more, more (Solanum nigrum)
noni, more (Morinda citrifolia)
olive leaf
olive oil
oolong tea
extra virgin olive oil, more
omega-3/omega-6 ratio
oolong tea, more
oranges, more
papaya, and papaya leaf
pau d'arco, more, more
peaches, more
piperine (black pepper)
a plant-based diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
phytonutrients, chlorophyll
changes genes!
polyphenol antioxidants

pomegranates, more, more, more, more, more, more

prickly pear
propolis, more, more, more
a low protein diet
PSA tests not worth it
pumpkin seeds
purple sweet potatoes
purslane (Portulaca oleracea) (a common weed)
quercetin, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
red wine, more
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more
rhodiola, more, more
rooibos tea
rosemary, more, more, more, more, more
saffron, more
salad vs bowel cancer
go easy on salt
peas, soybeans
savory (Satureja hortensis L.)
selenium, more, more, dietary selenium (not supplements!)
sesame, more
sesame lignans (from un-hulled brown sesame seed)
silibinin, more (milk thistle extract)
sleep, more, more, more, more
stay slim, more, more, more, more
avoid soda (more), especially diet soda
soy, more (genistein), more, more, more, more
spinach, more, more, #1!
spirulina, more
squeezing breasts vs. breast cancer

strawberries, more, more, more

avoid stress, more (see Stress, below)
sulphoraphane (found in broccoli)
sunlight through windows, but not (moderate) direct sunlight, more, more
moderate sun vs. pancreatic cancer
morning sun is safer
sunscreen warning
minimize sugar
sulfur, more, more, more, more
healthy diet far better than relying on antioxidant supplements
avoid supplements containing only alpha tocopherol, more, more
sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), more, more
tea, more
Thapsia garganica
thunder god vine, more, more (Tripterygium wilfordii)
thyme, more
tomatillo (Physalis longifolia) (a weed common in Kansas)
triphala, more, more, more
tulsi aka holy basil (Ocimum sanctum)
turmeric, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
vegan diet (a plant-based diet)
all green veggies, more, more, more
walnuts, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
water, more
red wine
winter squash
yerba mate tea
yerba santa
more anti-cancer: here, here, here, here, here
Common Stuff that Causes Cancer
abdominal fat
acetaminophen (Tylenol), more, more, more
acidic pH level
acrylamide, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
where it is, more, more
advanced glycation end products (see Avoiding Parkinsons for more information)
air fresheners, more, more
air pollution

aflatoxin, more, more (improperly stored peanuts and soybeans)

too much alcohol (more), even in mouthwash, even a little alcohol
best consumed with food, more
aluminum, more, more, a dissenting view (see long-term cognition for more information)
animal origin fats, proteins, and sugars promote pancreatic cancer (includes milk and eggs!)
Aristolochia sp. found abundantly in Chinese medicine.
arsenic in drinking water (more), in rice (brown rice appears worst), in chicken, even in plants
fertilized with chicken manure!
aspartame, more, more (Nutrasweet)?
B vitamin supplement overdosing
potassium benzoate, sodium benzoate (both plus vitamin C)
BHA, more (butylated hydroxy anisole)
maybe not, more
bisphenol A, more, more, more
heat causes leaching into water, minimize canned foods, register receipts
high blood sugar in women
polycarbonate and even metal bottles
foods heated in plastic
glcannabis causative of testicular cancer in young men
canned food, more, more
cadmium (see long-term cognition for more on cadmium)
caramel coloring in sodas, more
excessive dietary carbs
child abuse
choline in meat and eggs
hexavalent chromium
cleaning products caution
contraceptive pills
non-stick cookware - see microwave popcorn, below
many cosmetics
excessive creatine
too much dairy
dental x-rays (particularly for children)
type 2 diabetes drugs sitagliptin and exenatide
being type 2 diabetic
diesel exhaust, more
eggs, red meat, poultry, more, more, more, more, more
strong electromagnetic fields, more, more

lack of exercise, more, more

a high-fat (Atkins or fast food) diet
fire retardants, more, more
fireplace smoke
compact fluorescent bulbs
fluoride, more, more
selenium (more) (garlic, brazil nuts), vitamin E
deep fried foods, more
excessive fructose, more (also sucrose)
ass fibers, more, more
cigarette filters, insulation
Helicobacter pylori (the one that causes ulcers - preventable by antibiotics)
a high glycemic diet, more
glyphosphate, more, more, more
refined grains
high blood pressure
high blood sugar in women
IGF-1, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
avoid diary and meat, avoid a high-protein diet (more), avoid BCAAs, practice calorie
restriction (more), a plant-based diet (more, more, more, more, more, more), consume
medical imaging
inflammation, more, more, more, more (see Natural anti-inflammatory and pain
medications\practices, below)
too much iron, more, more, more, more (see avoiding type 2 diabetes for more on iron)
Lantus (insulin drug)
night shift work
night-time lighting
mammograms, more
meat, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
even handling chicken!
If one does eat meat, cook it at a low temperature.
too much methionine, more, more, more
see long-term cognition for methionine sites
2-methylimidazole (brown coloring in soda)
4-methylimidazole (brown coloring in soda), more, more
milk, milk fat, more, more, more, more
skin creams containing mineral oil
mosquito coil smoke
sodium nitrite (in processed meat)

obesity, more, more, more, more, more, more

opioid-based pain killers
poor oral health
pain killers, more, more
papilloma virus (causes warts also)
perfluorooctanoic acid, more, more See Heart Health for additional information
perfluorooctane sulfonate, more, more
microwave popcorn
incidental radiation
radon gas
Roundup herbicide (glyphosate)
vinegar, more, more
safflower oil
excessive salt, more, more, more, more, more, more
shift work, more, more
Gulf shrimp
Simple Green (non-toxic cleaner)
excessive sitting
excessive sleep
smoking tobacco
soft drinks
sodium nitrite
too much starch
statin drugs, more, more
stress, more, more (see stress below)
excessive sugar, more, more, more
sugary soft drinks, more, more
excess thyroid medication
tobacco smoking, but not cannabis
trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils), more
excessive tryptophan, more, more
TSA scanners(more), but not mobile phones (more, more, or maybe so (more))
well, maybe mobile phones (this, however, was a weak study)
styrene, more, more
dental x-rays?
more cancer causes
see also Antifungal
information, more
aloe vera

broccoli and cabbage

cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
common myrtle oil (Myrtus communis)
pau d'arco
gray santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus)
Childrens health and prenatal (under construction)
Children are not little adults. That is why we have pediatricians like Dr. Craig Canapari
acrylamide caution
abuse causes cancer, stroke, anxiety disorder, and heart disease, and becomes a cycle
Toxoplasma gondii (from cats) causes maternal violence
maternal diabetes causes ADD
EEG biofeedback, exercise (more), how NOT to treat ADD, iron supplements for lowbirth weight, n-back vs. ADD (more), breast feeding vs. ADD, meditation vs. ADD, yoga
vs. ADD, sleep vs. ADD symptoms, exercise vs. ADD
ADD drug caution (more), nutrients that help, noise helps, organizational strategies, the
feingold diet is VALID, medication may not help in school, beware of inner-ear
air freshener caution
no alcohol, more
a maternal plant-based diet to avoid allergies
aluminum warning
infant formula caution (see long-term cognition for more on aluminum)
arsenic in chicken and pork, even from brown rice syrup in baby food!
avoid amalgam dental fillings
anesthetic caution
antibiotic-pregnancy caution
early antibiotic use causes obesity, and gut flora disruption
avoid aspartame, it may be causative of preterm birth (nutrasweet)
fast food begets childhood asthma, more
asthma information (see also asthma, above)
vitamin B12 during pregnancy
get them to bed on time
on behavior, more
zinc support for healthy birth weight
avoid bisphenol A, more, more, more, more, more, damages childrens teeth, causes obesity,
causes antisocial behavior
see common stuff that causes cancer for more information

do future generations a favor and avoid this stuff

eat enough while pregnant!, more
avoid barbeque smoke
cannabis caution, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis pregnancy caution
Train your kids brain!, more, more, multi-sensory (more)
a second language (more, more), a social life, self-directed learning (more, more),
school, music instruction (more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more), art instruction, math (more, more, more (talk to your toddler!)), coding (more,
more, more, more, more, before they read!), early literacy, Zeenii
music practice suggestion
sports and executive function, walk to school, more, more
childrens online libraries
online learning (more, more), useful study technique (more)
read and talk to your baby, from the first day!
every interaction counts! Even playing with food!
forget IQ (more, more, more, more, more, more, more)
no garbage, more, more, more, more, more, more
Childrens minds are their own!
fish/flax/walnuts/purslane, more, more for better school performance
vegetarian or (better) vegan childhood diet for higher intelligence
prenatal mercury caution, avoid most fish and corn syrup
chlorella vs. mercury in the brain
get better grades (more, more, more)
sitting up and aerobic fitness helps
fluoride caution, more see common stuff that causes cancer for more on fluoride
limit TV, more
avoid flame retardants
found in household dust
coffee makes smaller brains (more), low birth weight (more, more)
obese moms beget dumb kids (maternal exercise for a smart kid! (more)), pesticides vs.
IQ, manganese vs. IQ
healthy diet for smart kids
maternal zinc and PUFAs for a bigger brain
paternal diet important also
breastfeed!, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
avoid bone loss during lactation
breast milk aroma vs. pain
promotes brain growth and success
resistance to candida, and celiac
may prevent ADHD
bromelain vs. breast enlargement

limit breakfast cereal, more, the box is more nutritious

vitamin C for fetal brain development
chicken vs healthy male genetalia
choline supplementation during pregnancy prevents schizophrenia
and makes smarter babies, more
and prevents spinal cord defects
on circumcision, more, more, more
citronella caution
cleaning products caution
limit corn and canola oil when expecting
co-sleeping is not safe, a rebuttal?
coughing not eased by antibiotics, but by honey
avoid cramming for tests
raising creative kids - musical training!
success is not always found in winning
dont let them cry
beware needless CT scans
cuddle, more, more, more
and roughhouse
be positive!
beware cyberbullying
child training
wheat bran vs. childhood diarrhea
dichlorobenzene caution
have a dog, more, let them play in the dirt
drug testing does more harm than good
hormone disrupting chemicals vs. later generations
vitamin D in pregnancy and lactation, more, more, more
versus allergies, vs colds and influenza, vs. critical illness
vitamin D and pathogens vs. type 1 diabetes (more, more)
see also below about cows milk being causative of type 1 diabetes
adolescent obesity begets type 2 diabetes
Mediterranean diet vs. gestational diabetes
eat together, more, no mush!
minimize electromagnetic field exposure while pregnant, more
enrich the environment, talk to toddlers
exercise to be slim, for heart health, avoid cancer, and to avoid diabetes (more, more), and to
promote a healthy adult lifestyle
exercise while pregnant for less risk
heart disease can start early
soy, more promotes healthy cardio health in offspring.
how to grow up
lead in childrens foods, more
n-3 fatty acids to avoid hyperactivity in teens, and psychological disorders

minimize n-6 fatty acids (such as corn oil) for less chance of newborn obesity
meat and passive smoke
vs. fertility
minimize fluoride exposure, more, more, a rebuttal (more)
avoid playing football, more
be French about food, avoid foods marketed toward children
fructose warning
vitamin D vs. gestational diabetes
glycol ethers cause birth abnormalities
beware glyphosate, more, more (Roundup herbicide)
gummy prenatal vitamins are deficient
iron caution during pregnancy
maternal junk food diet harms the baby, more
keep cool during labor
lavender aromatherapy vs. cholic
infant milk formulas laced with aluminum
NSAID caution, more
ineffective at preventing febrile seizures
obese moms beget obese kids, more
no bedroom TV
sleep vs. obesity for adolescents
obese kids prone to asthma, and stupidity
citrus help for cardiovascular risk
Obese and carnivore mothers and obese fathers beget obese kids, who then live shorter lives..
obesogen caution, more, more
eat organic when expecting
poor stress response predicts obesity in children - see stress, below
exercise counters stress
pacifiers vs. boys emotional development
avoid over-parenting, more, more
avoid perfluorooctanoic acid, more, more
non-stick cookware, microwave popcorn bags
mobile phone caution, more
phthalates cause premature delivery
piperonyl butoxide prenatal caution, more
potty training guidelines
potty training Vietnamese style
vitamin D vs. preeclampsia
The prenatal spoken environment is important.
minimize punishment (use praise instead)
recess is important to prevent nearsightedness
regular sleep versus behavioral problems (parental bonding affects sleep)
limit social media

solid food too soon may cause allergies

do not spank, more, more, more
smarter discipline, more, make music
labelled praise
avoid humiliation as punishment
do not smoke tobacco, more (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
Autism causes (other than genetic predisposition)
Maternal obesity, maternal weak thyroid, maternal autoimmune disease, induced labor,
inflammation (more), tobacco smoking, BDE-47 sodium valproate, grains, chemotherapy
drugs, aged fathers and mothers, fever, stress, folic acid deficiency, vitamin D
deficiency, and influenza,beget autism. Also these chemicals, altered gut bacteria, lead,
mercury (or not), and added fructose (or sucrose). Pharmaceutical and air pollution is
also suspected.
Consume folate (lots of salad). Avoid luteolin supplements.
Scan low-birth weight babies
Play games that they prefer!
Girls need different treatment, more
Enrichment therapy

Nei Yang Gong for improved self control

A ketogenic diet may help, so might n-acetyl cysteine
music vs. pain
Adequate maternal protein
resistance training for kids
fish/flax/chia/walnuts/purslane (omega-3 fatty acids) vs. schizophrenia
a better brain
fish caution (use algae-derived fish oil, also Now Foods claims to test for such
contamination in their fish oil supplements)
Wheat, cats, aged fathers, and childhood trauma may contribute to schizophrenia
Cannabis vs. schizophrenic psychosis
farmed salmon caution, seafood caution
about infant sleep
spirulina caution, more
Steer kids away from soda, more, more
and junk
soy warning, more (as found in baby food)
fathers stress affects mental development
exercise vs. childrens stress
let children talk to themselves
toss the TV, more, more, more, more (or at least take frequent breaks!)
do vaccinate!, more, more, more, more, more
not an autism risk, more
Think for yourself!

choice in veggies is best

video games sometimes promote junk food
water before school for better grades
on childhood obesity
fruit juice causes obesity (see more on this in the obesity section, below)
mental health sites, more, why kids resist veggies (ways to overcome this)
Cholesterol control
alfalfa, more
aloe vera
amla (Phyllanthus emblica) (Indian gooseberry)
apple cider vinegar, apples
astaxanthin, more
beets, more
blueberries, more
vitamin C
cayenne, more, more
cinnamon, more (liver caution)
citrus peel
cocoa, more, more
inhibits LDL oxidation
coconut oil, more, more
cordyceps, more
coriander seeds
cranberries, more, more
curcumin and capsaicin inhibit LDL oxidation
avoid eggs and brains
exercise, more, more, more
fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
fiber, more
flax seed

green tea, more, more, more, more

avoid added fructose including high fructose corn syrup (sucrose is half fructose), more
hazelnuts, more (filberts)
vitamin K2
depleted by antibiotics
lecithin?, more
lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
macadamia nuts
melatonin, more, more
mushrooms, more
niacin (not a panacea)
nuts are best source of phytosterols (control cholesterol)
orange peel, more
paleo (grain and dairy-free) diet
pectin found in fruits like apples, guavas, mangoes and pears is soluble fiber
avoid perfluorochemicals
phytosterols, more, more, more (I get mine here)
pistachio nuts
a plant-based diet, more, more
polyphenols in olive oil
psyllium (Plantage psyllium)
pu-erh tea
pumpkin seeds, more, more
rye bread
sage tea
no saturated fat
selenium caution

sesame seeds (lignans from un-hulled brown sesame seeds), more, more
sunflower seeds
strawberries, more
minimize stress
cooked tomatoes
avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils)
turmeric, more
walnuts, more, more
limit wheat
after 65, trying to control cholesterol may do more harm than good, more, more, more
more on cholesterol, more, more, more
the many perils of statin drugs, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more
do not combine statins with niacin
cholesterol unimportant - or negatively important!, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
avoid cholesterol oxidation
Long-term cognition (avoiding Alzheimer's, etc.)
vitamin A
acai (Euterpe oleracea)
acetyl-L-carnitine, more, more, more, more
acetyl-L-carnitine arginate
n-acetyl cysteine, more, more
minimize exposure to acrylamide
minimize advanced glycation end products (see avoiding Parkinsons for more information)
be adventurous, more
Aerobic exercise - the most important thing! more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
vigorous is best, more, more, more, more, more (break a sweat!)
non-vigorous exercise may not even help
never too late (more, more, more, more), avoid fitness goals, dont stop!
Aerobic exercise calorie restriction, and engagement promote adult neuroplasticity, but it
is a dual-edged sword (here is a positive edge).
limit alcohol, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
alpha-lipoic acid, more
avoid aluminum, more, more, more (drugs (Maalox, Mylanta), aluminum cans/ pots/milk
containers, frozen pizzas, cheese)
bacopa monnieri, berberine, citric acid, curcumin (more), folic acid, ginger, ginkgo biloba,
horny goat weed, lithium (more), n-acetylcysteine (more), propolis (more, more),
propolis, vitamin C (more), vitamin E (more)

angiotensin receptor blockers (blood pressure meds)

reject/remove amalgam fillings
minimize anticholinergic drugs, more
avoid general anesthesia, more, more, more, more, more
anatabine, more, more (found in green peppers, eggplant, tobacco)
avoid anemia
general anesthesia caution
antidepressant treatment (see depression, below)
apples, more, more, more
ashwagandha, more
avoid aspartame (Nutrasweet), more, more, more, more, more, more, more
excitotoxicity explained
excitotoxin remedies: acupuncture, curcumin (more, more, more), ginger, grape
seed, L-theanine, methylcobalamin, nettle, quercetin, resveratrol (more, more),
saffron, schisandra
aspirin for elderly women at risk of heart disease, more, more, more
astaxanthin, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
vitamin B12, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, B12 + B6
elderly need more
vitamin B9 (folate), more
B vitamins, more, more, more, more, more
bacopa monieri, more, more, more, more, more, more
avoid benzodiazepine, more (treats anxiety and insomnia)
avoid bisphenol A, more, more
see Common stuff that causes cancer for additional information
keep blood sugar low, more, more, more, more, more, more, more (see blood sugar, above)
keep blood pressure low, more, more (see blood pressure, above)
beet juice, more
berberine, more
all berries, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
but not with milk!
Bifidobacterium breve NCIMB 702258, more
keep blood pressure low-normal
keep blood sugar low, more, more, more, more, more, more
blue foods
blueberries, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
avoid artificial butter flavor (microwave and theatre popcorn)
vitamin C, more, more
cadmium caution, more
artichoke, melatonin,, piperine (more), quercetin (more), royal jelly, zinc (more, more,
more), taurine (more, more), curcumin (more, more, more, more), black cumin, chlorella,

naringenin, garlic (more, more), vitamin C, green tea

caffeine, more, more
calcium, magnesium, and potassium
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, be hungry
combined with exercise
avoid cancer
cannabis, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
no long-term harm, more, more, more, more
carnosine or a less expensive precursor beta alanine, more, more
celery, more, more, more
Chinese skullcap, more, more, more, more, more (Scutellaria baicalensis)
chocolate, more, more, more, more, more
keep cholesterol optimal, more, more, more, more
GPC choline
cinnamon, more, more, more, more, more, more, more (liver caution)
modified citrus pectin vs. heavy metal poisoning, more
clioquinol - may prevent Alzheimer's
avoid cocaine
coconut oil, more
coffee, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
Co-q10 (or idebenone)
copper caution (more, more, more), or maybe not
curcumin (more, more, more), green tea, capsaicin, R-lipoic acid, resveratrol
cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
curcumin, more, more, more, more, more (from turmeric (oxalate caution))
the turmeric extract that I use (stains readily) - I mix it with phosphatidyl choline
(squeezed from a gel cap), I like to further mix it with a bit of peanut butter. Not all gel
caps are amenable to squeezing, but the brand I linked to is squeezable without
vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
be cautious of DEET - a rebuttal
there are natural alternatives, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
dental diligence, more, more, more

avoid depression (see Depression, below)

avoid diacetyl, found in artificial butter
avoid type 2 diabetes, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
(see Avoiding type 2 diabetes, below)
eat dirt
dong quai (Angelica sinensis)
vitamin E (from nuts and other plant sources), more, more, more, more
for women: estrogen therapy, more
intermittent fasting
avoid a high-fat (fast food) diet, more, more
avoid a very low-fat diet
fisetin, more, more (found in strawberries and mangoes)
fish/chia/walnuts/flax, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more (omega-3 fats)
flavonoids, more, more, more
flavonoid content of foods
minimize intake of fluoride, a rebuttal (more)
fluoride information
folic acid (get it from plants) (do not supplement)
minimize fried foods
avoid added fructose including high-fructose corn syrup or sucrose
avoid reheated frying oils
gamma tocopherol, more
sesame seeds
garlic, more, more
minimize general anesthesia
ginkgo, more, more
a contradicting study, more
ginseng, more, more
low glycemic index foods
goji (or wolfberry: Lycium barbarum)
gotu kola
grape juice, more
grape seed extract, more, more, more
green tea, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
green tea extract is more concentrated - probably better (tastes terrible) (liver caution)
but not with milk!
take care of your heart, more, more, more, more, more
avoid/cure Helicobacter pylori infections
wear a helmet, more, more, more, more, more, more, even when playing soccer
hesperidin (a citrus bioflavinoid)
keep homocysteine low
hormesis (mild stress)
avoid hospitals or at least insist on significant exercise!

hunger, more (as long as you don't live in a third world country)
keep human growth hormone (IGF-1) low, more (see Common Stuff that Causes Cancer for
more information)
control homocysteine levels
horse chestnut
huperzine (gives me gas and diarrhea)
idebenone, more
immunotherapy (there is lots on immunity, below, which might also help)
avoid inflammation, more, more (see Natural anti-inflammatory section, below)
forget IQ, more
iron caution, more, more
curcumin and green tea (see avoiding type 2 diabetes for more on iron)
suppress herpes, more
listed in order of efficacy in my experience:
astragalus, more, - in vitro and traditional medicine
cat's claw - in mice and traditional medicine (Uncaria tomentosa)
licorice root, more - in vitro, in mice, in vivo
BHT, more
lemon balm, more - in vitro and folk medicine (Melissa officinalis)
tansy - in vitro and folk medicine (Tanacetum vulgare)
fucoidan - traditional medicine
oregano oil
not tried:
barren strawberry - in vitro (Waldsteinia fragarioides)
coffee - in vitro
intravenous vitamin C vs. shingles (a form of herpes)
elephant's tongue - in vitro (Haemanthus albiflos)
Eleutherococcus - in vivo (Siberian ginseng)
golden everlasting - in vitro (Helichrysum aureonitens)
hyssop - in vitro (Hyssopus officinalis)
king of bitters - in vitro, in vivo, and folk medicine (Andrographis paniculata)
mint, more, more, more in vitro, in vivo, and folk medicine
pau darco - in vitro
propolis, more, more
quercetin - in vitro
sandalwood essential oil
tea tree oil - in vivo (topical use only)
thyme - in vitro
zinc - in vivo (topical use)
more supression info
avoid hospitalization when practical
hyaluronic acid

avoid inflammation, more, more

learn to juggle, more
kids need to limit junk food
great literature
vitamin K, more (kale is a rich source)
vitamin K2 (made in the body from vitamin K)
ketogenic diet, more, more, more, more
But dont go extreme
a second language, more, more, more, more
hand gestures help
avoid lead (contaminates Christmas lights, lipstick (more, more). hunted game (more))
garlic (more), cilantro (more, more), red cabbage, vitamin C and thiamine,
ashwagandha, gotu kola, chlorella, Chrysanthemum morifolium, curcumin (more, more),
flax, avoid fluoride, kombucha, maca, marjoram, myrrh, olive leaf, vitamin C (more,
more, more), silymarin
lemon balm
low-dose lithium, more, more
but not high-dose (used in treating bipolar disorder)
loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
lutein ( found in green leafy veggies)
luteolin, more, more
peppers, celery, parsley
magic anti-aging elixer
magnesium, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
meditation, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
Mediterranean diet, more, more, more, more
melatonin, more, more, more
avoid mercury, more, more, more
how to avoid mercury, astaxanthin, Cipura paludosa, cilantro, curcumin, lipoic acid,
garlic (more, more), ginkgo biloba, glutathione, arginine, DHEA, holy basil, DHA,
propolis, quercetin, selenium (more, more), spirulina, tribulus terrestris, avoid Candida
fish caution (more)
methionine restriction, more, more. more
methionine in foods: here, here
I simply follow a vegan diet (excluding brazil nuts) to minimize methionine.
I take B12 subligually
Metformin caution (a rebuttal), take it with vitamin B12
minimize milk?
mindfulness, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
about mindfulness
learn music, more, more, more, more
n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back, n-back,

n-back, n-back, n-back

my favorite (free) n-back implementation. This is because it is so configurable
some n-back instruction, more
n-back (and other training) results, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
online n-back
other (free) effective brain games, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more
use it or lose it, more, more, more, more, more, more
a dissenting opinion (more, more), a rebuttal; it takes more than just n-back (more)
intense study changes the brain
never too late!, more
Even compassion is trainable!
for those with money
nattokinase, more, more
neck exercises vs. head trauma
minimize nitrates, more, more
nuts, more, more, more, more
avoid working in an office
olive leaf, more, more
olive oil, more
olives, more
oligomeric pranthocyanidins (grape seed extract is a potent source)
avoid chronic pain (see Inflammation and Pain, below)
avoid opioid pain meds
minimize pesticide exposure, more, more
PGC-1 alpha
cold exposure, endurance exercise
phosphatidylcholine, more
phosphatidylserine, more
piracetam, more
a plant-based diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
Polygonum multiflorum Thunb (Chinese herbal medicine)
polyphenols, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
bad phenols (more, more)
choose color and heirloom varieties
pomegranate vs. postoperative cognitive dysfunction
avoid undercooked pork
pregnenolone, more
proton pump inhibitor (acid reflux med) warning
prickly pear, more, more
pterostilbene (in blueberries)

purple foods
purpose in life
raw food diet caution
religion as a hippocampal threat
resistance training, more, more, more, more, more
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more
resveratrol dose-dependent caution
use a reverse osmosis purification system
avoid rice bran
rose-colored glasses
rosemary, more
avoid Roundup (glyphosate)
vinegar, more, more
sage, more, more
lots of salad, more (folate)
avoid too much salt, more, more, more, more
low saturated fat, more, more, more (except coconut)
seafood caution
silicic acid
silymarin, more
calorie restriction
get enough sleep, more, more, more, more, more
Avoid obstructive sleep apnea (dont be fat)
be slim, more, more, more, more, more, more, even bariatric surgery helps, (more, more) I don't know how they can patent this, but I strongly
suspect taking the ingredients (uridine, choline, omega-3, antioxidants (food is better than pills!)
and B vitamins) are much less expensive. This is where I get uridine.
uridine (triacetyluridine), more, more, more, more
sirt1 gene activation (see Sleep for more on sirt1)
dont smoke tobacco, more
avoid passive smoke
life after quitting
never too late to quit, herbal help?, other methods, mindfulness, more, more, cannabis,
exercise (more, more, more), n-acetyl cysteine, gross-out!
SSRI antidepressant caution
Get treated immediately for mini strokes
limit sugar, more (simple starches (carbs) turn to sugars in the gut)

avoid statin drugs, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
Simvastatin, lovastatin, mevastatin, and the rest are neurotoxic!, more, more, more
limit stress, more, more, more (see stress, below)
but short-term stress is good
avoid refined sugars and simple starches (avoid fast food and sugary drinks)
swimming in lakes is getting scary
tart cherries
testosterone, see better sex for additional information
take care of your thyroid
avoid tranquilizers
avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils), more, more
avoid tricyclic antidepressants
keep triglycerides low
a vegan (plant-based) diet
vinpocetine, more
backward walking
drink purified water
weight loss, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
red wine
expressive writing
yuzu (Citrus junos Tanaka)
zinc, more, more more, more
more on avoiding alzheimer's, more, more, more
a great brain site
additional information, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, neurobunk
Do not wait until Alzheimer symptoms appear to implement the above preventive measures!
The ability to imagine, in detail, is important for anyone who creates. I keep in practice by imagining 2digit colored numbers on a differently colored background. Those numbers rotate on a vertical axis, so
they momentarily appear backward. I do this exercise while I am counting off the seconds while
stretching. Working this into my routine means that it will happen. This ability, like any other, does get
easier with practice.

Short-term cognition:
we are all a little bit ADD
aerobic exercise - the most important thing! more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more
take-a-computer-break reminder program, further benefits
bacopa monniera
beet juice

beta alanine (in mice)

keep blood glucose low, more, more, more, more
blueberries, more, more, more
chocolate, more
avoid cholesterol reducing drugs, more
circadian rhythm via normal light
Skip the comments to think clearly.
creatine, more
vitamin D, stay alert with vitamin D
dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)
tyrosine, exercise and meditation. vitamin B6, phenylalanine, beets, excitement, coffee
avoid anticholinergic drugs
avoid doorways
electrical brain stimulation caution
eucalyptus aroma
exercise, more, more
fast food vs. alertness
clench your right fist
avoid added fructose, more, more
ginger (Zingiber officinale)
goji tea
gotu kola
green tea, more, more
chewing gum, more, more
immune system maintenance - see immunity, below
lemon balm
bright light
low-fat diet
mindfulness for rapid recall
uplifting music
napping, more, more, more
enjoy nature, more
nitric oxide

limit time spent online
peppermint (aroma)
piracetam, more
picamilon, more
red light for the afternoon blahs
rhodiola, more
rosemary, more, more, more, more
sage tea
sleep, more, more, more, more, more
Weekend sleep will not cover weekday deficit.
speak words aloud
avoid statin drugs
minimize stress
sugar crash (reactive hypoglycemia) is real, more, more
short-term stress
superbrain yoga
talk to yourself
uridine, more
wakeful resting
walnuts, more
water, more
weight loss
more on cognition enhancers, more, caution
Cramping of extremities
excessive supplemental vitamin D
herbs (I have not found these to be of much help)
stretch the affected muscle before bed (works for me!)
quinine (from tonic water)
I have personally found that eating too much mushrooms or red cabbage will cause
nighttime leg cramps, but I have overcome this with stretching.
Menstrual cramps
herbs, more
a plant-based diet
Crohns and other inflammatory bowel disease

Bacillus coagulans aka Lactobacillus sprogenes

cannabis, more, more, more, more
avoid oral contraceptives
curcumin (from turmeric)
vitamin D, more, more
elemental diet
possible foods to avoid
Indian frankincense, more (Boswellia serrata)
mastic gum
a plant-based diet, more
probiotic yogurt
avoid sucralose
avoid titanium dioxide (white coloring in processed foods and cosmetics)
additional information
Being mildly autistic (the term Asperger's is going away in the DSM V), I have fought mild
depression my whole life. Listed here are antidepressants in the order of my personally
experienced efficacy (YMMV):
uridine (actually triacetyl uridine) The best buy I have found is here. (works FAST!)
5-HTP is a short-acting version of tryptophan (more, more, more, more)- best taken on an
empty stomach. Can cause tummy upset if taken right before a meal - a problem that tryptophan
does not have. Beware of heart complications!
lithium orotate, more (I felt effects within a day) I get mine here
thyme (takes a couple of days to phase in/out)
cyprenil/selgiline/deprenyl, more
mindfulness, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis (good for episodic use), more, more
flax (or fish\walnuts\chia), more, more, more, more
aerobic exercise, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more

keeps blood sugar low

dont be a gym rat
trimethylglycine, more (anhydrous betaine) (I felt the effects within three days)
vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis good for episodic use, more, more
avoid junk food
minimize sugar, more, more
positive thoughts
turmeric, more, more
adequate sleep
be slim
chocolate, more
green tea, more
acetyl-L-carnitine, more, more
testosterone, see better sex for additional information
don't smoke tobacco (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
low-dose lithium (lithium orotate)
probiotic bacteria, more
B vitamins, more, more
brain training
sage tea
lemon balm
lavender, more, more, more
a little bit of lecithin too much can cause depression, more
zinc, more
Panax ginseng
oregano oil
Depression remedies I have not tried (I am not depressed at the moment)
acupressure, more
acupuncture, more, more, more
a bit of alcohol
alkaline diet
avoid aspartame (Nutrasweet)
astaxanthin vs. alchohol
avoid amphetamines and MDMA (ecstasy)
Bacopa monieri

good bacteria
bifidobacteria vs. postpartum depression
avoid high blood pressure
avoid low blood pressure, more
avoid bisphenol A
see Common stuff that causes cancer for additional information
bois de rose
brain game of face sorting
bupleurum, more (Bupleurum falcatum)
electrical brain stimulation
bright light, more
keep c-reactive protein low
calorie restriction
camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia)
canine therapy
catuaba (Trichilia catigua)
cell phone caution
chromium, more, more, more
control chronic disease
avoid excessive cleanliness (?)
clary sage, more (Salvia sclarea)
Co-Q10 (or idebenone)
cold showers
coffee, more, more
curcumin, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more (from turmeric)
minimize dairy products
avoid diabetes (see below)
avoid strong electromagnetic fields
essential oils, more, more
flax seed
folate, more, more, more (in salad)
forest bathing, more, more, more, more

gardening, more
Ginkgo biloba
glyphosate (Roundup herbicide) caution, more, more
goji berry (Lycium barbarum)
graviola (Annona muricata)
horticultural therapy, more (see also forest bathing above)
avoid hypnotic drugs
prevent inflammation, more (see Natural anti-inflammatory, below)
kanna, more, more, more (Sceletium tortuosum)
kava, more, more
lemon grass
lions mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
avoid living alone
Lobelia inflata
maca (Lepidium meyenii)
magnesium, more, more
masturbation bloodstream endorphins less depression
meditation, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
mediterranean diet, more, more
melatonin vs. seasonal affective disorder, more, more
mimosa (Albizzia julibrissin)
motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)
night light caution
offline vacations
minimize omega-6 fatty acid consumption (see inflammation, below, for omega-6 sources)
opioid painkiller (analgesic) caution
let go of the past
avoid excessive mobile phone use
piperine, more (black pepper)
a placebo
a plant-based diet, more, more

probiotic bacteria, more

have a purpose, more
red clover
rhodiola, more (Rhodiola rosea)
rosemary, more
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)

saffron, more
Salvia divinorum (!)
saffron, more (Crocus sativus)
change of setting
avoid shift work
sufficient sleep, more, more
sleeping pill (hypnotics) caution
avoid sodas, more
minimize stress, more, more
moderate sugar consumption, more, more
valerian, more
may cause depression
yoga, more, more
zinc, more
St. Johns Wort (more, more) is often touted as a depression remedy, but I avoid it due to the
risk of cataracts. Getting cataracts would throw me into deep depression.
Avoid most prescription anti-depressants, more, more, more, more, more, more
Avoid statin drugs, more, more, more, more
Avoid trans-fats (partially hydrogenated vegetable oils)
a vegan or vegetarian diet
Calorie-dense foods (meat, cheese, junk food) deaden the dopamine reward system. So
too many Happy Meals will make you unhappy!
Sometimes antidepressant drugs work and sometimes they make you feel worse.
more, more, more
A high-protein diet can cause depression through inhibiting serotonin absorption.
last resort: ketamine, more
additional information, more, more
Maybe happiness should not be a goal.
Avoiding type 1 diabetes
vitamin D, more, more
a gluten-free diet?

minimize cows milk, more, more, more, more, more, more

dietary treatment, and vitamin E (from food - do not supplement)
Avoiding type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
minimize advanced glycation end products, more, more (see Avoiding Parkinsons for more
minimize alcohol consumption
alpha lipoic acid, more
dietary antioxidants (a plant-based diet)
astaxanthin, more
Atkins (ultra high fat) diet caution
mix beans with high glycemic carbs
belly fat is especially bad, more, more
avoid beta blocker drugs
avoid bisphenol A, more, more, more, more, more
see Common stuff that causes cancer for additional information
blueberries, more, more, more
avoid branched chain amino acids (BCAAs - a body building supplement)
a good breakfast
brown rice vs white rice
see Osteoporosis for more on calcium
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis, more, more, more
capsaicin (hot peppers), more
limit carbs, not fat (more), limit carbs to dinner time
beta carotene (orange/yellow veggies)
chocolate, more
circadian clock is important
cinnamon, more (liver caution)
cissus quadrangularis (gives me diarrhea)
citrus peel
coffee and tea, more, more, more, more, more
curcumin, more, more, more (from turmeric)
vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
dental diligence, more
avoid depression and pharmaceutical antidepressants
diet, more
avoid eggs
everlasting (helichrysum plaicatum)
exercise, both aerobic and resistance, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
toss the TV!, more, more

it doesnt take much (more, more), but make it vigorous!

lots of low-fat, less high-fat (fast) food, more, more, more
fasting, more, more, more
intermittent fasting, more, more
abdominal fat is especially dangerous
fiber, more
fig leaves, more
fish oil, more, more (or flax)
avoid added fructose or sucrose more, more, more, more
fruit, but not fruit juice, more, more
be cautious of glucosamine
a low glycemic index diet, more, more, more, more
grapes, more
grape seed extract
avoid greasy foods
green tea, more, more
avoid hypertension (see Ways to lower blood pressure, above)
keep IGF-1 low, more (see Common Stuff that Causes Cancer for more information)
be careful with iron, more
green tea, vitamin E, astaxanthin, silibinin, Chinese skullcap, rosemary, astaxanthin,
curcumin and capsaicin (more, more, more), eugenol, licorice
vitamin K, more, more
ketogenic diet, more
Januvia (sitagliptin phosphate) caution
lipoic acid
magnesium, more, more, more, more, more
Mediterranean diet, more, more, more, more, more, more
melatonin, more, more, more
mercury caution
avoid too much methionine (see long term cognition for methionine sites)
avoid methyl-glyoxal, more (advanced glycation end product (AGE))
minimize milk?, more, more (leucine in milk is a BCAA)
minimize nitrates, more, more
avoid MSG
nuts, more, more, more, more, more (including peanuts)
olive leaf
extra virgin olive oil, more (women only)
paleo (grain and dairy-free) diet, more
PCBs environmental concern

black pepper
avoid perfluoroalkyl chemicals - see Heart Health for additional information
avoid pesticides, herbicides, more, more, more, more, more, more
a plant-based diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
potassium, more
resveratrol, more, more
avoid too much white rice, more
sage tea
avoid shift work
avoid protracted sitting, more, more
but use moderation
sleep, more, more, more, more, more
being slim is more important than being fit
dont smoke tobacco (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
avoid soda, more, more, more
avoid sugar, more
avoid statin drugs, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
minimize stress, more
less sugar, more fiber, more
black tea (probably green tea also)
keep uric acid low
avoid added fructose, a vegetarian or vegan diet
minimize red meat, more, more, more
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more
rose hips
Sirt1 gene activation (see Sleep for more on Sirt1)
minimize sitting
testosterone (see Better Sex for more information)
traffic noise caution
turmeric, more, more, more
a vegan (plant-based) diet (more)or vegetarian diet and exercise
walking after meals
limit wheat?
yerba mate, more

Medline for more informaiton, more

be careful with selenium
last resort: surgery
Treating diabetes (see also the section: blood sugar)
acetyl-L-carnitine, lipoic acid, curcuming, omega-6 fats, omega-3 fats
avoid AGEs to save eyesight (see Avoiding Parkinsons for more info)
almonds, more, more, more, more
aloe sap
alpha-lipoic acid, more, more, more
apple cider vinegar
arginine, more, more, more, more
no aspirin
vitamin B12
bayleaf, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, and turmeric, more
berberine, more, more
benfotiamine, more, more, more
bilberries and leaves
bitter melon
black tea
blueberry leaf
broccoli sprouts, more
Byetta caution
vitamin C
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis, more, more, more
capsaicin, more (hot peppers)
low-carb diet, more, more, more, more
Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)
chocolate, more, more, more, more, more, more
cinnamon, more (liver caution)
co-Q10 (or idebenone)
coconut oil, more
coffee, more, more, more
black cumin (Nigella sativa)

common cumin (Cuminum cyminum)

curcumin (+ resveratrol), more, more, more, more
vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more
versus pain
exercise, more, more, more, more, makes white fat brown
vigorously!, more
fenugreek, more, more, more
fiber, more
fiseten, more (found in strawberries and mangoes)
flax, chia, walnuts, or fish, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
folic acid (folate - get it from salad) (do not supplement)
avoid added fructose or sucrose more
garlic, more
ginger, more
American ginseng
Panax ginseng
low glycemic index diet, more
goat's rue, more (Galega officinalis)
grape seed extract, more, more, more, more (equivalent to pycnogenol) (tastes terrible!)
Gymnema sylvestre
keep HDL high
holy basil (Oscimum sanctum)
horsetail (Equisetum myriochaetum)
a ketogenic diet
vitamin K2
Kung Fu
lemon juice
alpha lipoic acid
maggots for stubborn wounds
magnesium, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
Mediterranean diet, more, more
metformin caution, more (see long-term cognition for additional information)
mushrooms, Oyster, more
neem, more

oat bran, more

okra, more
olive oil
avoid organochlorine compounds (many pesticides)
osha root (Ligusticum porteri)
prickly pear, more, more, more, more
propolis, more
qigong, more
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more
sesame oil, more
silymarin (milk thistle (Silybum marianum))
soluble fiber
soy, more, more
spices, more
avoid statin drugs, more
sweet potatoes
tai chi, more, more, more
tarragon (Artemisia dracunulus)
keep triglycerides low see triglycerides below
vegan diet
vegetarian diet
vinegar, more
walnuts, more
yoga, more, more
about diabetic meds, more, more, more, more, more, more
about diabetic neuropathy
additional information
acid-alkaline balance, more

aerobic exercise - the most important thing!

halts mitochondrial decline
vigorous is best
aluminum hydroxide chronic fatigue syndrome?
astaxanthin, more
B vitamins, more, more
beet juice, but only if you dont use antiseptic mouth wash
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more
cordyceps, more
goji tea
red or black grapes
keep homocysteine low
iodine, more (kelp is a potent source)
vitamin K2
lemon grass
lipoic acid
low protein diet
methionine restriction, more, more (mitochondria supply cellular energy)
mushrooms may protect mitochondria
potassium, more, more, more
resveratrol, more, more
reishi, cordyceps and maitake mushrooms
siberian ginseng
avoid statin drugs, more, more, more, more, more
Epilepsy (very much under construction!)
cannabis, more, more, more
vitamin A, more, more
n-acetyl cysteine
minimize advanced glycation end products (see Avoiding Parkinsons for more info)
getting rid of aging cells see autophagy in longevity
antioxidants (best obtained from a plant-based diet)
aspirin caution
astaxanthin, more, more
vitamin B1
vitamin B12 (elderly need more)
control blood pressure, more see Ways to lower blood pressure above

control blood sugar, more, more

blueberries/bilberries, more
broccoli fights cataracts
vitamin C, more, but not too much
calorie restriction
carnosine (or beta alanine), more
carotenoids, more, more, more, more
preventing cataracts
cholesterol control
coffee caution, more
curcumin (contained in turmeric)
vitamin D, more
vitamin E, but not too much
fisetin (found in strawberries and mangoes)
flax, fish, more, more, more, more, more, more
Fluoroquinolone caution
low-glycemic index diet, more, more, more (see avoiding Parkinsons for more information)
gossypin vs. cataracts (see the cancer section for more information on gossypin)
grape seed extract, more
green tea, more
laser pointer caution
lutein, more
lycopene (cooked tomatoes)
melatonin vs. glaucoma, more, more, more
minimize dairy
noni (Moringa ctrifolia)
omega-3 fatty acids (fish, flax, chia, walnuts)
physical fitness
a plant-based diet
minimize red meat
rosemary, more, more
saffron, more, more

avoid statin-based anti-cholesterol drugs, more, more, more, more, more
good sunglasses
taurine, more, more
cooked tomatoes (source of lycopene)
turmeric and curcumin
a vegan (plant-based) diet
zeaxanthin, more
dark leafy greens
zinc, more
glaucoma information
AMD information
additional information, more, more
The Eye Digest, eye self-examinination
vitamin A
avoid aspirin, acetaminophen, or other NSAIDs, more
vitamin B12
vitamin C
calorie restriction, more
carotenoids (veggies), more, more
Co-Q10 (or idebenone)
acetyl-L-cysteine, more
vitamin D
vitamin E
ear plugs (duh!)
fish and flax
folic acid (lots of salad) (do not supplement)
gingko biloba, more
lipoic acid, more
common loud sound caution
magnesium, more, more, more, more, more
NSAID caution, more
tinnitus information
don't smoke tobacco (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
avoid toluene and styrene

zinc, more
Information on tinnitus
Heart Health/Circulation
Aerobic exercise - the most important thing!
Toss the TV!, more
Short, intense exercise is best., more
Walking is good
n-acetyl-L-cysteine, more
acetyl L-carnitine arginate
acid-alkaline balance
minimize acrylamide
minimize advanced glycation end products, more (see Avoiding Parkinsons for more info)
avoid too much alcohol, more, more
alfalfa, more
arginine, more
aspirin no help for diabetics, not compatible with Ibuprofen, and not recommended
astaxanthin, more, more
Atkins diet caution
avoid adderall and other amphetamines
a little wine, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
alpha-Lipoic acid
apple juice, apples, more, more, more, more
arginine, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
aspirin not
astaxanthin, more, more, more
Atkins (high protein) diet caution, more, more
autophagy (see longevity section for more on this)
Avandia caution
avoid azithromycin, more, more
B vitamins, more
good bacteria
beans, more, more
beets, more
berberine, more
berries, more, more, more, more
betaine (trimethylglycine)
avoid bisphenol A, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
see Common stuff that causes cancer for additional information

natural blood thinners, more

keep blood sugar low, more, more, more, more
eat breakfast
vitamin C, more, more, more, more, more
keep C-reactive protein low, more
calorie restriction, vitamin C, exercise, fiber, a plant-based diet,
fish/flax/chia/walnuts/purslane, chocolate
calcium supplement caution, more, more, more, more
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
better than supplements
cannabis, more, more
a low carbohydrate diet, more, more, more, more, more, more limit carbs to dinner time
carnitine, more, more, more, more
carnitine in red meat caution, but maybe not supplemental carnitine - see the choline
caution, below
carotenoids vs homocysteine
cayenne, more, more
Celexa (citalopram) caution
chicken phosphate additive caution, also in processed meat and cheese
dark chocolate, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, or cocoa powder
cholesterol control (see cholesterol, below)
choline caution, more - a rebuttal (more, more)
sources, more
cinnamon. more
clean air, more
Co-Q10, more, more, more (or idebenone (more))
coconut, more, more, more, more
coffee, more, more
cold showers
avoid oral contraceptives
minimize corn and sunflower oil, more, more
cranberries, more, more, more, more, more, more
cysteine, more, more or better still n-acetyl-cysteine, more, more, but beware
curcumin (turmeric), more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more

vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more

dental diligence, more, more, more
avoid depresssion
DHEA, more, more
control/overcome diabetes, more
good diet (and exercise (more, more)) changes genes!
avoid yo-yo dieting
avoid diet soda, more
drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera)
vitamin E
egg caution, more; a dissenting view
estrogen replacement therapy for postmenopausal women
exercise, more
just a little!, intensely!, never too late!
Short intense workouts are better.
A little is better than none.
Resistance training is important, too.
exercise beats medication
fasting, more, more, more, more, more, more
abdominal fat is especially dangerous, more
avoid high-fat food (fast food)
fiber, more
control fibrinogen
fig leaves, more
avoid fireplace smoke, more
flavonoids, more, more
flax seed (or oily fish/chia/walnuts), more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
despite mercury content
healthy foods beat antioxidant pills
avoid added fructose or sucrose, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
fucoidan (found in bladderwrack and kelp)
garlic, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
Geum japonicum, more
Ginkgo biloba, more
keep blood glucose low, more
low glycemic foods
grapes, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
grape seed extract, more (tastes terrible)
gratitude, more
green tea, more, more, more, more, more

Heart problems can be painless in women. more
avoid high fructose corn syrup or added sucrose
keep homocysteine low, more
a plant-based diet
5-HTP warning
keep IGF-1 low, more
except for the elderly
how to get IGF-1
excess IGF-1 cancer warning, more (see Common Stuff that Causes Cancer for more
avoid inflammation, more (see Natural Anti-inflammatory below)
influenza vaccine (?)
intermittent fasting, more, more
iodine, more
iron caution, more, more (see Avoiding Type 2 Diabetes for more on iron)
avoid Januvia (sitagliptin phosphate) caution
Work at starting your own business if you cannot find a job.
vitamin K, more, more, more, more (Kale is the richest source)
vitamin K2, more, more (Natto is the richest source and antibiotics will deplete)
Avoid the cannabis substitute K2
ketogenic diet, more, more
kids are not exempt!
kimchi, more
lavender aromatherapy
licorice extract
lutein (dark green leafy veggies)
lycopene (cooked tomatoes), more, more
magnesium, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
meat caution, more, more, especially processed meat
meditation, more
Mediterranean diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
minimize milk?, more, more, more

a low methionine diet (see long-term cognition for sites on methionine), more, more
Moringa oleifera, more
mushrooms, more, more
music, more, more, more
minimize nitrates, more, more
nattokinase, more, more, more
niacin, more, more, more
night owl lifestyle caution
minimize traffic noise exposure
NSAID drug caution, more, more, more, more, more, more
nuts - tree and pea, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
oats, more, more, more
olive leaf, more
olive oil, more, more
minimize omega-6 fatty acid consumption (in inflammation, below, for omega-6 sources)
onions, more, more
avoid ozone
be cautious about common painkillers, more
black pepper (Piper nigrum)
avoid perfluoroalkyl chemicals
microwave popcorn, Scotchgard, vacuum cleaner dust, polishes
avoid too much phosphorus (protein, colas and meat, and cheese)
phytosterols, more, more
a plant-based diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
pomegranate, resveratrol, quercetin, more, more, more, more, more
potassium, more
avoid processed food
proton pump inhibitor drug caution
beware psoriasis
pumpkin seeds, more
avoid older antipsychotic drugs, and newer drugs
minimize red meat, more
meat plus grains especially bad
red sage, more, more (Salvia militorrhiza)
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more

black and red rice, more, more, more, more
rose-colored glasses, more, more, more
rosemary, more
salad, more, more, more
moderate salt intake, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
plant-based saturated fats are not bad
sesame, more
sesame lignans (from un-hulled brown sesame seed)
sex, more, more
silicon, more (beer, bananas, and string beans)
sitting is an independent cardiac risk factor, different than lack of physical activity, more, more
standup desk how-to, but use moderation
sleep, more, more, more, more
be slim (more, more more, more, more, ) even when young
snoring may not be benign
toss the soda, more, more, more
soy, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
spa bathing
avoid SSRI antidepressants, more, more, more, more (Prozac, Celexa
avoid statin drugs, more, more, more, more
eat a plant-based diet instead
minimize stress (duh!)
minimize sugar and processed food, more
moderate sunlight, more, more, more
Tai Chi, more, more
taurine, more, more, more
black tea (and probably green tea or any tea)
testosterone, more see Better Sex for additional information
keep triglycerides low (see Triglycerides, below)
trimethylglycine (anhydrous betaine)
don't smoke tobacco, more (duh!) (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
tocotrienols and vitamin E, more
cooked tomatoes, more, more, more (rich in lycopene and 9-oxo-octadecadienoic acid)
toss the TV!, more
traffic noise caution
avoid trans-fats, more, more, more, more, more, more, more (partially hydrogenated vegetable
oils) (mostly phased out now)

triclosan caution
control triglycerides
turmeric, more, more, more, more, more
keep uric acid low
avoid added fructose, a vegetarian or vegan diet
a vegetarian, more (or better yet vegan! (more, more) diet
watermelon, more, more
moderate weight loss, more, more, more
yoga, more, more, more
zinc, more, more
more preventive information here, more, more, more
Heartburn (gastric reflux)
limit alcohol
apple cider vinegar + baking soda
astaxanthin, more
avoid benzodiazepnes and soft drinks before bed
less carbohydrates
no late night meals
curcumin (turmeric)
vitamin D
try eliminating dairy products, more, more
dandelions, more (traditional medicine)
a gluten free diet
avoid large meals
melatonin, more
noni (Morinda citrifolia)
proton pump inhibitor drug caution
avoid reclining after a meal
be slim
avoid trans-fats (partially hydrogenated oils)
veggies, fruits, and fiber, more
vinegar, more (?)

weight loss
good information, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
warning on acid reflux drugs, more, more, more, more, B12 deficiency
acetyl-L-cysteine glutathione, anti-influenza (sometimes)
alcohol caution, more, more
alfalfa vs. autoimmunity
andrographis, more
versus influenza
avoid supermarket meat antibiotics
asafetida vs. influenza, more
aspartame messes with gut bacteria
avoid too much alcohol, more, more
ashwagandha, more
astaxanthin, more, more
astragalus, more, more
vs. influenza, more
baking soda
bay leaf
avoid blaming others
control blood pressure (see Ways to lower blood pressure, above)
boneset, more, more
a good breakfast
broccoli, more
bromelain (vs. autoimmunity also)
vitamin C
calorie restriction, more, more, more
best initiated after adolescence
calorie restriction vs. auto-immune diseases
cat's claw, more, more
Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicarensis)
chlorella, more
cholesterol drug caution
cinnamon, more (liver caution)
modified citrus pectin
cloves (eugenol)
coconut oil, more, more

GM (MON810) corn vs. normal immune response

cough and cold meds (usually) don't work
corriander oil
cranberry juice
curcumin (found in turmeric)
vitamin D, more, more
vs. lupus, vs. influenza (more), vs. pneumonia
dirt, more, more, more, more, more
beware office desks
vitamin E, more
elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra) vs. influenza, more, more
exercise, more, more
best in combination with calorie restriction
versus influenza
fasting during fevers to avoid auto-immune diseases
avoid fatty (fast) foods, more
fernleaf biscuitroot - folk medicine (Lomatium dissectum)
avoid fireplace smoke
flax or fatty fish, more, more
fish/flax/chia/walnuts (omega-3 fatty acids) vs. autoimmune disease
vs. inflammation, vs. influenza (more)
food safety
forest bathing
garlic, more, best raw
versus influenza
germanium, more, more, more
vs. autoimmunity
Panax ginseng
red grapes
green tea, more, more
green tea versus influenza
hand washing
he shou wu (fo ti)
high IGF-1 autoimmune diseases (see Common Stuff that Causes Cancer for more
high indoor humidity vs. influenza, more, more

vs. colds
avoid influenza shots, more
they are overrated anyway, more
king of bitters (Andrographis paniculata)
Korean red ginseng
lactobacillus rhamnosus, more
licorice root, more, more
limonene (lemons, cannabis)
innate lymphoid cells (eat your greens!)
loneliness is not good, more
magnesium vs. autoimmunity
manuka honey
meditation, more
melatonin, more, more, more, more
milk might cause autoimmunity
milk causative of type 1 diabetes (autoimmune disorder)
mushrooms, more
music, more
avoid needle biopsies
NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) caution
paleo (grain and dairy-free) diet vs. auto-immune diseases
pau d'arco, more
avoid perfluorochemicals, more
a plant-based diet, more, more, more
probiotics, more
versus influenza and colds, more, more
propolis, more
propolis versus influenza
a low-protein diet (lowers IGF-1 - see Common Stuff the Causes Cancer)
a purpose in life
purslane vs. oral lichen planus
GM (PHA-E) rice vs. normal immune response
excessive salt autoimmune diseases, more
saltwater gargle to prevent colds
minimize saturated fat (except coconut)

garlic, sodium selenite

diabetes caution
minimize stress, more
but some is good
minimize sugar
avoid too much sun, more, more
taurine, more
tulsi, more
vaccinations, more
open the window, vs. influenza
zinc, more, more, more
versus influenza
not too much
additional advice
andrographis - in vitro, andrographis - in fish
African wormwood - in vitro (Artemisia afra)
alaska cedar - in vitro (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis)
ashwagandha - in vitro / (Withania somnifera)
apple cider vinegar - as an external wash for produce
basil, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more - in vitro
bay leaf, more - in vitro (Laurus nobilis)
bitangur tree vs. MRSA - in vitro (Calophyllum sp.)
bitter nightshade - in vitro(Solanum dulcamara)
black cumin seeds - in vitro
blue bush - in vitro (Pterionia incana)
blue gum tree (Eucalyptus globulus)
blue light
blueberry juice, more - in vitro and in vivo
broccoli sprouts vs. Helicobacter pylori
vitamin C vs. tuberculosis - in vitro
cabbage and capsaicin vs. Helicobacter pylori (gastric ulcers)
celery seed - in vitro
chamomile, more - in vitro, good for mouth rinse
chicalote (Bocconia arborea) - in vitro
chicken, eggs, and meat caution
cinnamon vs. Aspergillus niger - in vitro
cinnamon vs. Helicobacter pylori - in vitro (liver caution)
cloves, more - in vitro

vs. Aspergillus niger - in vitro

coconut oil, more - in vitro, in vivo
cranberry juice, more - in vivo more, more - in vitro
colt's foot - in vitro (Tussilago farfara)
coffee vs. hepatitis B - in vivo, in vitro
copper - external only
corriander oil - effective in food
cranberry for prevention of urinary tract infections
vs. foodborne bugs - in vitro
vs. vibrio - in vitro
desert lavender - in vitro (Hyptis albida)
dragon's blood - in vitro (Croton urucurana Baillon)
essential oils vs. MRSA, more, more - in vitro
garlic vs. MRSA - in vivo; vs. Helicobacter pylori - in vitro; more, vs. pneumonia
grape seed extract - in vitro
green tea - in vitro, in food, and in mice
hare's ear (Bupleurum slicifolium)
honey, beeswax, and olive oil vs Staphylococcus aureus, topical honey vs. MRSA, more
hopbush - in vitro (Dodonaea viscosa)
hot peppers, more - in vitro and in food
vs. Helicobacter pylori - in vitro
elecampane, more - in vitro (Innula helenium)
eucalyptus oil - in vitro
everlasting - in vitro (Helichyrsum placatum)
fava bean - in vitro (Vicia faba)
figwort - in vitro (Scrophularia frutescens and s. smbufolia)
fisetin - in vitro (found in strawberries and mangoes)
fluoroquinolone caution
four o'clock - in vitro (Mirabilis jalapa)
garlic - in vitro, more - in rats (Allium sativum L.) (Russian penicillin)
vs. Helicobacter pylori - in vitro
vs.Campylobacter (food borne illness)
vs. pneumonia - in vitro
geranium - in vitro (Pelargonium graveolens (Geraniaceae))
ginger - in rats, more - in mice (Zingiber officinale)
Chinese ginseng - in rats (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
golden everlasting - in vitro
goldenseal, more - in vitro (Hydrastis canadensis)
grape seed extract vs MRSA - in vitro
grapefruit seed extract, more - in vitro
gum arabic vs. drug-resistant bugs - in vitro (Acacia nilotica)

Gnaphalium oxyphyllum, americanum, more - in vitro (Mexican traditional medicine)

hesperidin - in mice (from citrus)
Japanese honeysuckle, more, more - in vitro (Lonicera japonica)
Hydrangea vs. oral bacteria - in vitro(Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium)
hydrilla - in vitro (Hoya verticillata)
indole-3-carbinol vs. drug-resistant bugs - in vitro(cruciferous veggies)
king of bitters, more - in vivo, more, more - in vitro (Andrographis paniculata)
lactobacillus rhamnosus (probiotic bacteria) - in vivo
lavender cotton (Achillea fragrantissima) - in vitro
lavender oil vs. MRSA - in vitro
lemon and lemon peel
lemongrass oil vs. E. coli - in food
licorice, vs. MRSA, vs. Helicobacter pylori - in vitro
vs. skin infections (topical) (Glycyrrhiza uralensis)
love-lies-bleeding - in vitro (Amaranthus caudatus)
manuka honey, more, more vs. MRSA - in vivo, topical application
sweet marjoram vs. pathogenic bugs - in vitro
Mexican calabash - in vitro (Crescentia alata)
mexican wormwood - in vitro (Artemisia mexicana)
mint in vitro, in food (Menth piperita)
mint weed - in vitro (Hyptis pectinata)
miswak tree - in vitro (Azadirachta indica)
mullein vs. TB,- in vivo more vs. other bugs - in vitro
myrrh - in vitro (Commyphora molmol)
neem tree vs. oral bugs - in mouth
nitric oxide
no-biru - in vitro (Allium gray)
noni fruit extract vs Aspegillus - in vitro
nutmeg, more, more - in vitro
oolong tea - in vitro
oregano oil - in mice; in food, on wounds, vs. sinus infection, vs. a bunch of bugs - in vitro
osha root vs. MRSA - in vitro (Lingusticum porterii)
gray santolina vs. Candida - in vitro (Santolina chamaecyparissus)
savory - in vitro (Satureja hortensis L.)
sweet-scented Indian-plantain - in vitro (Hasteola suaveolens)
unripe papaya - in vitro
pau d'arco, more - in vitro
pineapple vs. urinary tract infection - in vivo
a plant-based diet vs. vaginosis
broadleaf podocarpus - in vitro (Podocarpus nagi)
pomegranate peel vs. nasty bugs , more - in vitro (Punica granatum)
ponderosa pine - in vitro (Pinus ponderosa)

propolis, more - in vitro; more - in rats

purple prairie clover, more - in vitro (Petalostemum purpureum)
purslane (Portulaca oleracea) (a common weed)
Quassia undulata vs. nasty bugs - in vitro
rose geranium essential oil - in vitro (Pelargonium graveolens L)
rosemary, more, vs. pathogens, vs. drug-resistant pathogens - in vitro (Rosemarinus)
sesame leaves vs. pathogens - in vitro
silver - external only
spurflower vs. oral pathogens, more vs. Helicobacter pylori- in vitro (Rabdosia trichocarpa)
stinging nettle - in vitro (Urtica dioica)
sunlight, a pinch of salt, and lime to disinfect water
tarragon vs. pathogens - in vitro
green tea
inhalation of tea catechins vs. MRSA - in vivo
tea tree oil, topical vs. MRSA - in vitro, good for mouth rinse
thyme, more, more - in vitro; more, more - in food (Thymus vulgaris)
turmeric, more - in vitro (cucurmin is the active constuent)
uva ursi, more, more - in vitro (Arctostaphylos uva ursi)
Welsh onion - in vitro (Allium fistulosum)
western juniper in vitro (Juniperus occidentalis)
wild mango leaf vs. pathogenic bugs - in vitro (Irvingia gabonensis)
winter savory - in vitro (Satureja montana L.)
yellow gentian - in vitro(Gentiana lutea)
Let the body handle sinus infections, or use oregano
zinc, more, vs. pneumonia
adzuki beans - in vitro
ashwaganha vs Aspergillus sp. - in mice (Withania somnifera)
avocado seed extract vs. Candida and other bugs - in vitro
basil, more, more, more, more - in vitro
bayberry vs. foodborne fungi - in vitro
black cumin vs. candidiasis - in mice (Nigella sative)
cayenne, more - in vitro
vs. Candida and other bugs - in vitro
Chinese skullcap vs. Candia - in vitro
cinnamon vs. oral candidiasis - in vivo
Clausena excavata - in vitro
clove vs. all kinds of bugs - in vitro
vs. Candida, more, more - in vitro
vs. oral candidiasis - in mice
coconut - in vitro
vs. Candida - in vitro
cumin vs. all kinds of bugs - in vitro

vs. foodborne bugs - in vitro

curcumin, more, more - in vitro
vs. Candida, more - in vitro
dandelion seeds - in vitro
echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia), more - in vitro
vs candidiasis - in mice
essential oils vs. Apergillus - in vitro
essential oil aromatherapy - in vitro
essential oils vs. Candida - in vitro
anise, clove & rosemary - in vitro
flaxseed vs. lots of bugs - in vitro
garlic - in vitro
garlic vs. Candida albicans, more, more - in vitro
geranium vs. Candida - in vitro
giant devils fig - in vitro (Solanum chrysotrichum)
skin mycosis - in vivo
vaginal yeast - in vivo
Gnaphalium oxyphyllum, americanum vs. Candida - in vitro (Mexican traditional medicine)
grapefruit seed extract - in vitro
vs. Candida - in vitro
green tea vs. Candida - in vitro
gum arabic vs. Candida and other drug-resistant bugs - in vitro (Acacia nilotica)
Hawaiian orchid tree (Bauhinia purpurea) vs. Candida and other bugs, but cytotoxic - in vitro
honey, beeswax, and olive oil vs Candida albicans - in vitro
holy basil vs. Candida - in vitro (Ocimum sanctum)
indole-3-carbinol vs. Candida and other drug-resistant bugs in vitro (cruciferous veggies)
kimchi - in vitro
lactic acid bacteria - in vitro
lavender vs. Candida - in vitro
lavender cotton (Achillea fragrantissima) vs. Candida albicans - in vitro
licorice vs. Candida - in vitro (Glycyrrhiza glabra roots)
lycopene vs. Candida - in vitro (cooked tomatoes)
mangosteen - in vitro
sweet marjoram vs. Candida and other bugs - in vitro
Mexican calabash vs. Candida - in vitro (Crescentia alata)
myrrh - in vitro (Commyphora molmol)
noni fruit extract vs Candida, more - in vitro
oregano vs. Candida, more - in vitro
papaya latex sap vs. Candida, more - in vitro
passion fruit seed - in vitro
pau darco - in vitro and in vivo
pine bark extract - in vitro (grape seed extract is almost the same)
a plant-based diet vs. HPV

pomegranate peel vs. Candida and other pathogens - in vitro

purslane (Portulaca oleracea) vs. Candida and other fungi - in vitro (a common weed)
Quassia undulata - in vitro
resveratrol vs. Candida albicans, more, more - in vitro
rose geranium essential oil, vs. Candida - in vitro (Pelargonium graveolens)
rosemary vs. Candida , more - in vitro
safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) vs. candidiasis) - in vitro
sea cucumber - in vitro (Bohadschia Marmorata)
sesame leaves vs. Candida - in vitro
shitake mushroom - in vitro(Lentinus edodes)
silver vs. Candida - in vitro
tarragon - in vitro
tea tree oil - in vitro(Melaleuca alternifolia)
oral candidiasis - in vivo
vaginal drug-resistant candidiasis - in vitro
thyme vs. candidiasis - in vitro
Tribulus terrestris vs. Candida and other bugs - in vitro and in vivo
turmeric, more - in vitro; more - in guinea pigs
vinegar (?) - folk medicine, topical application
wild mango leaf - in vitro (Irvingia gabonensis)
xylitol vs. Candida toxicity - in vitro
yarrow vs. Candida and Aspergillus - in vitro
yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea) vs. Candida - in vitro
agrimony - in vitro and folk medicine
andrographis, more - in vivo and folk medicine
astragalus, more, more - in mice, in vivo, and folk medicine
barren strawberry - in vitro (Waldsteinia fragarioides)
basil, more, more - in vitro (Ocimum basilicum)
boneset, more - folk medicine (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
bupleurum, more - folk medicine (Bupleurum chinense)
cat's claw, more, more, more - in vitro and folk medicine (Uncaria tomentosa)
chameleon plant - in vitro (houttuynia cordata)
Japanese clover - in vitro (Kummerowia striata)
Chinese skullcap, more, more, more - in vitro, in mice and folk medicine (Scutellaria
coconut oil, more, more, more
coffee vs. herpes - in vitro
copper - external only
dandelion extract - in vitro
Echinacea - in vivo, folk medicine (?)
elderberry, more in vitro, in vivo, folk medicine(Sambucus)
vs. influenza, more

elephant's tongue - in vitro (Haemanthus albiflos)

Eleutherococcus, more, more - in vitro, in vivo and folk medicine (Siberian ginseng)
Japanese honeysuckle, more - folk medicine (Lonicera japonica)
garlic, more, more - in vitro, in vivo, and folk medicine (Allium sativum L.)
Geum japonicum - in vitro
golden everlasting - in vitro (Helichrysum aureonitens)
green tea - in vitro (catechins are the active principle)
hyssop - in vitro (Hyssopus officinalis)
king of bitters, more, more - in vitro, in vivo, and folk medicine (Andrographis paniculata)
lemon balm - in vitro (Melissa officinalis)
licorice - in mice, more, more, more, more - in vitro, in vivo
marjoram - in vitro (Origanum majorana)
old fustic - in vitro (Maclura tinctoria)
osha root - folk medicine (Lingusticum porterii) congestion, sore throat
pau d'arco, more - in vitro and folk medicine
pennyroyal - in vitro (Hedeoma pulegioides)
peppermint - in vitro (Metha piperita)
a plant-based diet
prickly pear cactus - in vitro
propolis - in vitro
quercetin - in vitro
reishi mushroon - in vitro (Ganderma lucidum)
rosemary - in vitro
sage - in vitro (Salvia cyprea)
selfheal - in vitro (Prunella vulgaris)
schisandra - in vitro
Siberian ginseng - in vivo (Eleutherococcus)
sinus infections are usually bacterial - not viral, and antibiotics will probably not help
Statin drugs inhibit immune response to influenza.
thyme, more, more - in vitro and traditional medicine (Thymus sp.)
turmeric, more, more, more - in vitro, in rabbits, and folk medicine (contains curcumin)
quercetin - in vitro
inactivating influenza on surfaces
Natural anti-inflammatory and pain medications\practices: (see also Arthritis
prevention/treatment section)
acai, more (Euterpe oleracea)
acetyl-L-carnitine, more
vs. neuropathy
acupressure, more
acupuncture, more, more, more, more, more, vs. lung inflammation
vs. migraine
Align probiotic (Bifidobacterium infantis 35624)

angelica, more, more

antabine (found in green peppers, eggplant, tobacco)
antibiotics vs. chronic lower back pain
apple cider vinegar, more, more, more
apple peels
arnica, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
astaxanthin, more, more, more, more
aspartame (Nutrasweet) fibromyalgia
auricular acupressure
vitamin B2 vs. migraine
vitamin B6 vs. migraine
vitamin B12 vs. migraine, more, more (elderly need more)
baking soda vs. toothache
banafsha (Viola odorata) for coughs
bay leaf (Laurus nobilis)
black cumin seed (Nigella sativa)
black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (a common weed)
blueberries, more
boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
boswellia, more (frankincense)
bupleurum, more
butterbur, more
butterbur vs. migraine, more, more, more, more
cabbage, also externally applied
calorie restriction, more, more, more
vs. migraine
cat's claw
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
capsaicin, more, more, more, more, vs. cluster headaches
a low-carbohydrate (Paleo) diet
cat's claw - in mice and traditional medicine (Uncaria tomentosa)
clove, more (topical, toothache)
complex carbohydrates
carrot juice
castor oil, more

cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa)

celery seed
chamomile, more
Chinese skullcap, more, more, more (Scutellaria baicalensis)
side effects
modified citrus pectin, more, more
cloves, more, more for coughs and sore throat
cherry juice, more, more, more
chlorella, vs. fibromyalgia
cinnamon, more (liver caution)
Co-q10 (or idebenone (more)
Co-Q10 vs. migraine
coconut, more
codeine caution
comfrey (external only)
high copper to zinc ratio
N-acetyl cysteine
vitamin D, more, more
vitamin D vs. migraines, more
tart cherries
capsaicin (for sinus)
cat's claw, more
coconut husk fiber tea, more
coconut oil
crossing arms
bitter cumin
curcumin (in turmeric), more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
vitamin D, more, more, more vs. menstrual pain
control depression, more (see Depression, above)
devil's claw, more (Harpagophytum procumbens)
dimethyl sulfoxide, more (DMSO - external only)
earthing, more, more
epsom salts, more, more, more (external only)
ergothioneine, more

essential oils, more, more

eucalyptus, more, more, more (Eucalyptus globulus) for sinus, cough via aromatherapy and
external application
exercise for back pain, exercise is anti-inflammatory, exercise vs. fibromyalgia, vs. migraine
intermittent fasting, more
avoid a high-fat diet
feverfew vs. migraines, more, more, more
flax or oily fish, more, more, vs. breast pain (more)
garlic, more
ginger, more, more, more
ginger vs. migraines, more, more
ginkgo biloba
a low-glycemic diet, more (ditch the flour and sugar!)
glutamate worsens fibromyalgia
grape seed extract, more (tastes terrible!)
green tea, more, more
guided imagery
hawthorn, more
HDL (good cholesterol) (raised by exercise and weight loss)
headache remedies?
hesperidin, more, more (from citrus)
5-HTP vs. fibromyalgia
5-HTP vs. migraine, more, more
lower homocysteine vs. migraine
icing may not be as beneficial as thought
infrared light, more, more
a ketogenic diet
lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus salivarius Ls33 probiotic, more
laughter, more, more
lavender, more
lavender vs. migraine
licorice root
alpha lipoic acid vs. neuropathic pain, more, more, more, more
loquat leaves (Eriobotrya japonica)
lycopene (cooked tomatoes)
magnesium, more, more, more

magnesium vs. migraine, more, more, more, more, more

magnesium vs. neuropathic pain, more, more, more
mango leaves (Mangifera indica)
mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)
manual therapy, more, more, more
marshmallow root, more (Althaea officinalis)
massage, more, more
McKenzie Method
Mediterranean diet
meditation, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, via gene expression
vs. migraines, more, more
melatonin, more
melatonin vs. migraine, more, more, more
melatonin vs cluster headache, more, more
metformin, more
methionine restriction
avoid homogenized milk
Recognize the mind as not self, more
mint tea
MSG worsens fibromyalgia and IBS
MSM (a form of organic sulfur)
mullein (a common weed)
for congestion
mushroom, more, more, more, more
myrrh (Commyphora molmol)
common myrtle (Myrtus communis)
meat tenderizer vs. bee stings, more
niacin vs. migraine, more
beware the nocebo effect
noni (Morinda citrifolia)
nutmeg, more
nuts, more
obesity linked to episodic migraine
olive oil, more, more
olives and olive leaf, more
omega-3 fatty acids
onions, more
oregano vs. toothache, more
orchid tree, more, more (Bauhinia purpurea)
hyperbaric oxygen, more

pau d'arco, more

peppermint, more
vs upset tummy, more, more
periwinkle, more
pink grapefruit
be with plants
a plant-based diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
plantain, more (Plantago major) (a common weed)
pomegranates, more, more
purple potatoes
prickly pear, more, more, more
propolis, more
purple camels foot, more (Bauhinia purpurea)
a purpose in life
purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.)
coenzyme Q10 vs. migraine, more, more
qigong, more
quercetin, more
reflexology, vs. migraine?
resveratrol, more, more, more
riboflavin (vitamin B2) vs. migraine, more, more, more
rose, more
rose hip
rose-colored glasses
rosemary, more, more
safflower tea
sage, more fever, influenza, congestion, sore throat
Saint Johns Wort
causes cataracts
savory (Satureja hortensis L.)
schisandra for inflammation, cough, and nerve pain
sex , versus migraines
extended sleep, more, more
be slim, vs. migraine
don't smoke (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
snake root (Polygala senega) for coughs
spa bathing
avoid statin drugs, more

stinging nettle
avoid refined sugar and simple starches
tart cherries
taurine, more
white tea
thyme oil
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Tribulus terrestris
turmeric, more
vegan diet vs. fibromyalgia, vs. menstrual pain, vs. breast pain
vegetarian diet, more
violet (fever also)
backward walking vs. low back pain, more
water vs. migraine, more
white willow tree bark
wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa)
witch hazel (external only)
yoga, more, more, more, more
zinc, more
A low carbohydrate diet will lower metabolic inflammation.
more on inflammation, more, more, more
a pain management summary
migraine information
avoid opioid pain meds
NSAID caution, more
Pro-inflammatory stuff
advanced glycation end products (AGEs) (see Avoiding Parkinsons for more information)
alcohol, more
aluminum (see long-term cognition for more on aluminum)
carrageenan, more, more
chicken and eggs
Helicobacter pylori bacteria, more
too much iron
loneliness, more

meat, eggs, and dairy (more), red meat

monosodium glutamate - in mice
VSL#3 probiotic
negative and competitive social interactions
obesity, more, more, more, more
omega-6 fatty acids
refined vegetable oils, soy oil, meat
a high-protein diet
rancid oils
saturated fat, more, more, more, more (except coconut)
lack of sleep, shift work
ruminating on stressful events
ultra-fine particles in air, more, more
viruses: hepatitis, human papilloma
insulin resistance
Kidney Health
a plant-based diet
Kidney Stones (urinary calculi)
citrus juice, more
a DASH-style diet
drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera)
green tea, more
a low-oxalate diet
pumpkin seeds
additional information
acetaminophen is dangerous, especially with alcohol
acid-alkaline balance
avoid prescription antidepressants (see Depression, above)
minimize advanced glycation end products (see avoiding Parkinsons for more information)
aerobic exercise , more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
just a little alcohol, more, more, more
not even a DROP of alcohol before driving, dont drive hungover
alpha carotene

antibiotic caution
antioxidant pills are of no value (more, more), but foods are
the importance of autophagy, more, more, more, more, more, more
cannabis (more), oleander, lithium (more), resveratrol,
silibinin, sesame, vitamin D, bromelain, pterostilbene (blueberries),
all berries, glucosamine, calorie restriction, fasting, leucine limitation, vitamin K2,
capsaicin, exercise (more, more, more), inhibited by methionine
balance training
vitamin B12
avoid BCAAs
control blood sugar, more, more, more
vitamin C, more
calcium and vitamin D, more, more
see Osteoporosis for more on calcium
calorie restriction the most proven thing!, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
only when combined with exercise
even when started late in life!, more, it can grow telomeres!
rebuttal to the monkey study, more, more, more, more
favorably affects genes
causes hormesis
minimize vitamin B3
cannabis, more
not an accident hazard
minimize carbohydrates, but eat a plant-based diet!
carnosine, more, more, more, more, more (or beta alanine)
arsenic in supermarket chicken and pork
salmonella in chicken caution
chocolate, more
CO-Q10 (or idebenone (more))
coffee, more, more, more, more, more, but not too much!
cooking concern
copper to zinc ratio concern

avoid GM corn
a rebuttal
curcumin, more, more
vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
but not too much!, more, vs. suicide
dental diligence, more
avoid/control depression, more
detoxification is a myth, more
avoid doctors, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more (when
avoid driving while yakking, even hands-free!, more
flax, fish, more
keep HDLs high
vitamin E (from diet - not supplements)
education, more
exercise, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
even just walking!
Toss the TV!, more, more
never too late!, more, more, more, more
changes genes!
affects personality!
short and vigorous is best
don't suffer from falls
control inflammation
intermittent fasting, more
flax/chia/walnuts/fatty fish, more, more
being fit is more important than being slim
folate (salad)
fucoidan (found in bladderwrack and kelp)
genes less important than assumed, more
ginkgo, more, more
avoid gun ownership, more, more
Ibuprofen caution, more
inhibit glycation, more, more, more, more (see avoiding Parkinsons for more information)
keep blood iron normal
gratitude, more
green tea extract, more, more, more
do not carry a gun

he shou wu (fo ti)

hormesis, more, more, more, more, more (mild stressors)
olive oil
idebenone, more
low IGF-1, more, more, more, more, more, more (see Common Stuff that Causes Cancer for
more information)
control inflammation, more, more (see Inflammation above)
low interleukin-6 level
calorie restriction
avoid inflammation, more, more, more, more (see Natural Anti-inflammatory, above)
iron caution
heme iron from red meat is a potent source
vitamin K2, more
the evils of leucine (contained in milk and BCAAs)
lifestyle vs. genes, more
natural lifestyle to avoid toxins
lipoic acid
low-dose lithium, more
give up meat, but take B12 (elderly need more) and carnosine or a less expensive precursor
beta alanine
magic anti-aging elixer
no marathons
mindfulness, more
minimize meat
minimize medical care, more, more
meditation, more
Mediterranean diet, more, more, more
melatonin, more
methionine restriction, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more (see the Long-term Cognition section for more info)
metformin, more
control mTOR
avoid leucine (dairy) and keep blood sugar low
music training
inhibit NF-kappaB - see the section on cancer for inhibition information
olive oil
omega-3 fatty acids, more (flax, fish)
pesticides in veggies
phosphate caution, more, more, more, more (sources, colas and meat, also in processed
conquer phobias
a plant-based diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,

do not heat foods in plastic
avoid excessive polyunsaturated fats, though CO-Q10 (or idebenone (more)) helps
polyphenols, more
more potassium (plant-based foods) and less sodium
a low protein diet
psychotropic drug caution
avoid red and processed meat
resistance exercise, more
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more (can be obtained cheaply here, absorption is
enhanced with grapefruit juice and lecithin)
a dissenting view
rhodiola, more, more
rose-colored glasses, more, more, more, more, more
avoid Roundup herbicide
vinegar, more, more
limit salt
sirt1 activation (see Sleep for more information)
avoid excessive sitting, more, more, more, more, more
adequate sleep, more
avoid sleeping pills if obese, or even if not obese
be slim, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
a rebuttal to the JAMA BMI study, more (BMI is a flawed predictor of health)
do not smoke tobacco, more, even third-hand smoke is bad!
never too late to quit, fruits and veggies to the rescue?, herbal help?
sugar caution, avoid sugary drinks
superoxide dismutase, more
n-acetylcysteine, more
avoid statin drugs, more, causes falls in the elderly
less frying, more steaming
a little stress, but not too much, more, more, more, more (see stress below)
sugary drink caution
sunshine, more
be careful about supplements
tarragon caution
green tea
tetanus shots
toss the TV!

The case for a vegan diet (+ exercise, water, etc.)

veggies!, more
walking, more, more, more
a steady body weight
never stop working
use a water filter
avoid yakking while driving
more information, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
A good diet, exercise, and calorie restriction beats out most supplements for longevity.
Bad moods are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!
alpha-lipoic acid
vitamin C
chewing gum
dark chocolate
circadian rhythm via normal light
citrus oils
vitamin D, more
for women: estrogen therapy
exercise, more
talk about experiences rather than things
happy foods
flax, fatty fish
goji tea
a ketogenic (low starch/sugar) diet
lemon aroma
red, not blue, light in the evening
meditation, more, more, more
early afternoon nap
phosphatidyl serine
a plant-based diet, more, more
avoid statin drugs, more, more, more
avoid refined sugars and simple starches

talk about yourself

write bad thoughts then throw it away
a vegan or vegetarian diet
yoga, more
Re-think "negative emotions"
The perils of obesity:
faster ageing
arterial stiffness
atherosclerosis, more
back problems
poor quality bones
shrinks the brain, more
elevated C-reactive protein
cancer, more, more, more, more, more
chronic disease
lower vitamin D
dementia, more, more
diabetes, more
fatty liver disease
fibromyalgia complications
inflammation, more, more
a disrupted internal clock
shortens life
surgical complications
low life expectancy, more
osteoporosis, more
restless legs syndrome
lower testosterone
A progressive dietitian's blog
Preventing obesity:
answer food addiction with exercise
almonds, more
avoid antibiotics if possible, more

arginine, more
not a good idea to use aspartame (Nutrasweet), Splenda (sucralose), or saccharin as a sugar
substitute, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more (see also Preventing and Treating Stroke)
be an early bird
berries, more
avoid bisphenol A, more, more, more, more, more, more
see Common stuff that causes cancer for additional information
bitter melon, more
black tea extract
black pepper, more
eat a bigger breakfast than dinner
skip breakfast occasionally
brown fat, more
be cold, more
brown seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida)
vitamin C
calcium and vitamin D, more, more, more
see Osteoporosis for more on calcium
calorie restriction prevents weight rebound
cannabis, more, more
capsaicin (hot peppers), more, more
minimize carbs, not fat, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
low carb friends, carbohydrates can kill, a high-fat diet caution, LCHF
a rebuttal
carnitine, more
substitute mashed cauliflower for mashed potatoes
Simple calorie counting is wrong, more
oregano, thyme
tart cherries
chlorella algae
chocolate flavonoids, more
circadian clock is important, more (no midnight snacks!)

cissus quadrangularis (gives me diarrhea)

Co-Q10 (or idebenone (more)
coconut oil, more, more, more
coffee, more
cognitive training
conjugated linoleic acid
vitamin D, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
darkness at night
dental diligence
avoid dichlorophenol pesticides
toss the diet soda, more
dieting does not work
OTC drugs
see an endocrinologist
Exercise alone not a good weight loss strategy, more, more, more, more, more, more
but it helps more, more, more, more, more. more, more, more, more, more
especially vigorous exercise, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, on an empty stomach (more)
aerobic beats resistance training for the time-constrained
short and frequent workouts beget fullness
deadliest fast food meals
intermittent fasting
Dietary fat, in moderation, does not cause obesity, but limit saturated fat (except coconut).
small dishes and cutlery
fiber, more, more
fish oil (or flax), more, more, more, more, more (flax is rich in lignans)
food choices (avoid potatoes, junk food, and grilled food; eat nuts, veggies, yogurt), more
food timing
avoid high fructose corn syrup, more, more, more, more
avoid any added fructose, more, more, more or sucrose
avoid fruit juice
fucoidan, more, more (found in bladderwrack and kelp)
garcinia cambogia, more, more, beware!
No food has the lowest glycemic index of any food, so workout on an empty stomach!
goat's rue (Galega officinalis)
grape seed extract (tastes awful!), more
green tea, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
green tea extract in bulk here
guanylyl cyclase C
Gymnema sylvestre

herbs for weight loss

hibiscus tea
the Instinct Diet
iodine, more (kelp is a potent source - maybe too potent)
nix juice in favor of food, more
keep a journal
a ketogenic (low-starch) diet
not a heart hazard
licorice, more
R-lipoic acid, more
avoid supermarket meat full of antibiotics
mediterranean diet, more, more, more
medium-chain fatty acids
melatonin, more
methionine restriction (see Long-term Cognition for additional information
avoid methyl-glyoxal, more (advanced glycation end product (AGE))
avoid mid-morning snacks
mind tricks
mindfulness vs. food addiction, more, more, more
avoid MSG, more, more, more, more, more
mushrooms, more, swap meat for mushrooms
neurobiological approach
keep night dark, and food-free (more, more, more)
night owl lifestyle caution
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
nuts, more, more, more, more, more
obesogen caution
olive oil
minimize omega-6 fatty acid consumption (see inflammation, above for omega-6 information)
onions and green tea
bitter orange, more
overeating begets same, more, more
paleolithic (grain and dairy-free) diet, more, more
a rebuttal
weight-loss pill caution
a plant-based diet, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
plate size and color contrast key to portion sizes
porangaba tea
minimize potato intake
probiotics, more

avoid processed foods

Diluted protein is bad news, get adequate protein
purple corn
raw foods, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
restaurant caution
resveratrol, more, more, more, more, more
rose hip
rosemary, more, more
saffron (Crocus sativus)
avoid excessive salt, more
minimize saturated fat, more
eat on a schedule, more, more
seaweed fiber
self esteem
shitake mushrooms
how sitting causes obesity, more, more
no excuses!
adequate sleep, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
portion size caution while sleep deprived
slimming tea caution
black soybeans
not a good idea to use Splenda as a sugar substitute, more, more
develop a taste for the spicy
avoid snacking
avoid soda, more, more, more, more, more
soy, more, more
limit starch, not fat, more (a ketogenic diet)
limit stress
not a good idea to rely on sucralose for weight loss
avoid a high sugar intake, more
better sweeteners: coconut sugar, xylitol, stevia, licorice root, luo han guo
thermogenesis, more
eat thoughfully, more, more, more, more, more
turmeric, more, more, more, more, more
a vegan (plant-based) diet, more, more
take the long view
substitute spaghetti squash for wheat-based spaghetti
avoid weight loss supplements
weight maintenance training

whey protein (I would not use this due to the inflammation issues and the leucine content (overstimulating MTOR is not good.) Same thing with BCAAs due to the methionine content.)
Don't eat while working
or just take smaller bites
limit wheat, more(?) If one does consume wheat, make it whole wheat.
white tea
workout ideas, more
yerba mate, more, more
low-fat yogurt caution
yo-yo dieting not a hazard, more (not a good strategy, either!)
a rebuttal, more
more information here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here
Enriched environment versus addiction (wow!)
Treating obesity complications:
vitamin D
grape seed extract
resveratrol, more
Many reasons to not judge the obese:
faulty signaling in the brain, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,
more, more, more, more, more, more, more, a downward spiral, carbs are addictive
(more, more), genes (more, more)
Oral health
coconut, more
limit acidic beverages, more, more
minimize bisphenol-a exposure
avoid brushing too soon after an acidic meal
vitamin C
cat's claw, more (Uncaria tormentosa)
Co-Q10, more
cranberries, more
vitamin D, more, more
drugs vs. healthy teeth
energy drink warning
fish & flax, more, more, more

folic acid
goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
green tea vs. dental caries
hyaluronic acid
hydrogen peroxide
licorice root
manuka honey
nutmeg vs. tooth pain
oil pulling, more, more
oolong tea
a plant-based diet, more - but rinse (dont brush) immediately after eating something sour
pomagranate peel
soda caution
beware sports and energy drinks
dont smoke tobacco (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)
lose weight, more
xylitol, more
additional information
Avoiding Osteoporosis:
a little alcohol
apple cider vinegar
acid/alkaline dietary balance, more, more (a low-starch vegan diet is alkaline)
avoid bone meds, more
beware of coffee and tea, or maybe not
boron, more
curcumin (turmeric), more, more
vitamin B12
blackberry tea
vitamin C, more
sources of calcium, more, best not to rely on dairy for calcium (polluted milk)
fracture risk, heart caution, best spread through the day
conjugated linoleic acid, more
avoid too much copper
vitamin D, more, more, more
DHEA, more

avoid supplemental vitamin E (alpha tocopherol)

estrogen replacement therapy for postmenopausal women
exercise - the most important thing!
high-impact exercise
keep homocysteine low
flavonoids, more (see long-term cognition for more on polyphenols)
flax (or fish), more, more, more
green tea, more, more
hesperidin (from citrus)
keep IGF-1 low
vitamin K
vitamin K2, more
lipoic acid
olives, more
a bright outlook
phosphate additives in meat and cola caution
avoid phthalates
phytates (a plant-based diet)
a plant-based diet, more
potassium, more
potassium citrate, more, more
prunes, more, more (dried plums) (I prefer fresh plums when in season)
pumpkin seeds
resistance training, more, more
salt caution, more, more, more, more
silicon, more, more (beer, bananas, and string beans)
sleep, more
stay slim, more
dont smoke tobacco
toss the soda, more
SSRI antidepressants bone fractures
strontium, more
testosterone, see better sex for additional information
vibration therapy, more, more

weight loss
xylitol, more, more, more
zinc, more, more
osteoporosis information, more, more, more
problems with osteoporosis drugs
Parasites (under construction)*
Boswellia serrata
Avoiding Parkinson's:
chemicals to avoid, more
n-acetyl cysteine, more
avoid advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
pro-AGEs: dry heat cooking, fried food, dry cereal, margarine
anti-AGEs: chlorella, okra
astaxanthin, more
avoid amphetamines
berries, more
Bacopa monnieri
Cannabis might inhibit symptoms.
calorie restriction, more, more, more
coffee, more, more, more
creatine, more
curcumin, more (found in turmeric)
vitamin D, more, more
vitamin E
inhibit glycation, more. more
cloves, allspice, cinnamon, thyme, carnosine (or beta alanine)
avoid glyphosate (Roundup herbicide)
green tea
iron caution (see avoiding type 2 diabetes for more on iron)
R-alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-L-Carnitine
a ketogenic diet, more
avoid manganese
melatonin, more
avoid metabolic syndrome
minimize milk
niacin deficiency

nicotine (best delivered via vaporizer or patch)

minimize nitrates, more, more
avoid these pesticides, more, more, more
Polygonum multiflorum Thunb (Chinese herbal medicine)
avoid Roundup herbicide, more, more (glyphosate)
sugar caution
prevent silent strokes (see stroke, below)
a vegan (plant-based) diet, more, more, more
additional information
serotonin treatment?
Prostate health (under construction)*
pumpkin seeds, more
Avoiding sarcopenia (age-related muscle wasting and frailty):
alkaline diet, more
beta alanine
calorie restriction, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
chocolate and oranges
conjugated linoleic acid
vitamin D
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
vitamin E
exercise - the most important thing!, more
fish oil or flax
beware increasing IGF-1 to treat, more
see Common Stuff that Causes Cancer for additional information on IGF-1
low interleukin-6
calorie restriction
Sirt1 activation (see Sleep section for information on Sirt1 gene)
avoid statin drugs
vegan diet, more
vibration therapy
Better sex: (from a guy's perspective)
avoid anemia

Atkins diet caution
basil vs. nitric oxide caution, more (This negatively affected me after drinking tea made from a
handful of basil flowers)
bicycling caution
avoid bisphenol A, more
see Common stuff that causes cancer for additional information
vitamin C
cadmium caution (see long-term cognition for more on cadmium)
calorie restriction
cannabis caution
cholesterol caution
cordyceps, more
damiana (Turnera diffusa)
dental diligence
drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera)
exercise, more, more
high-fat (fast food) diet caution
ginger, more
avoid glyphosate (Roundup herbicide)
beware hair loss drugs
lead caution (see long-term cognition, above, for more on lead poisoning)
nutmeg - not too much!
maca, more, more, more
Muira puama
nettle root, more
pistachio nuts
a plant-based diet
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosis)
don't overdo soy, more
avoid statin drugs, more, more, more, more

resistance training, tribulus terrestris, zinc, be slim
acetyl-L-carnitine, phosphtidyl serine, nettle root, zinc, tribulus, fenugreek, coleus forskolhlii
tribulus, more, more
avoid NSAIDs, more, more
walnuts boost sperm quality
watermelon, especially yellow (arginine and citrulline supplementation will aggravate herpes)
weight loss
avoid too much zinc
This bit on WebMD is helpful, but not very thorough.
This bit at is a little more helpful.
(for women) (under construction)
Avoid glycerine-based personal lubricants
almond oil, coconut oil
bicycle caution, more
cholesterol caution
gm (NK603 x MON810) corn versus fertility
sesame seeds
additional information, more
Skin (under construction)
acne causes: milk
beets vs. acne
calorie restriction
cannabis vs. allergic contact dermatitis
healthy diet vs. cellulite
coconut oil
vitamin D, more
Lactobacillus plantarum vs. Atopic dermatitis
flax oil, more (best consumed as ground up chilled flax seed)
green tea, more
vs. sunburn
hyaluronic acid, more, more
dimethylaminoethanol vs. age spots
avoid milk?
evening primrose oil
a plant-based diet vs. wrinkles, for a healthy glow, vs. cellulite (more)
psoriasis site, another

being slim vs. psoriasis

avoid sunburn
cloudy days are also hazardous
sunlight versus psoriasis
thyme for acne
additional information
acupressure, more
acupuncture, more, more, more, more, more
alcohol not a good sleep aid
Blue light close to bed may interfere with sleep
Help for getting to sleep for computer users
cannabis, more, more (works best when consumed (smoked or vaporized - not eaten) hour
before bedtime)
chamomile, more, more
cherry juice
clary sage
cognitive behavioral therapy
vitamin D
earthing, more
essential oils
exercise, more
foot massage
hops, more
lavender, more, more
magnesium, potassium, vitamin D
meditation, more
night time waking is OK
avoid excessive mobile phone use
a plant-based diet, more
salt caution
schisandra, more
American scullcap, more, more
sex, more
sirt1 gene activation

resveratrol (more, more), calorie restriction (more, more. more, more)

beware of sleeping pills, more, more
be slim
soothing music, more
SSRI antidepressants insomnia
avoid statin drugs?, more, more
low sunlight combined with electric lights create disturbed sleep
tai chi, more, more
tart cherry, more, more
valerian, more, more, more
ylang ylang
yoga, more
5-HTP (a fast-acting form of tryptophan)
additional information
Stress\anxiety remedies:
acupuncture, more, more
aerobic exercise the most important thing! more, more, more
art therapy
ashwagandha, more, more
B vitamins, more
good bacteria
black tea
posturally correct breathing, deep breathing, pay attention to breath
vitamin C
calorie restriction, more
cannabis, more, more, more
Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)
chewing gum
dark chocolate, more
minimize clutter
Codyceps sinensis
cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
curcumin, more, more, more, more, more (from turmeric)
vitamin D

earthing, more
essential oils, more, more, more, more, more
exercise, more, more, more, more, even when forced
intermittent fasting, more
flax seed, more
forest bathing, more, more, more
Panax ginseng
chewing gum
hatha yoga
holy basil (Ocimum sanctum)
kava, more
lavender, more, more, more
lemon balm, more (Melissa offininalis)
lemon grass
licorice root
lions mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
meditation, more, more, more, just a few minutes a day
melatonin, more, more, more, more
mindfulness, more, more
music, more, more, more
noni (Morinda citrifolia)
phosphatidyl serine
probiotic bacteria, more
a noble purpose in life
relaxation techniques
rhodiola, more, more, more
rosemary aroma
salt caution

sex, more
shisandra, more (Shizandra chinensis)
spa bathing
avoid statin drugs
strawberries, more
superoxide dismutase
tai chi
black tea
green tea
theanine, more, more
tulsi (holy basil), more, more
a vegan or vegetarian diet
yoga, more, more
other ways to destress, change your thinking
the importance of avoiding stress
Preventing and treating stroke:
limit alcohol, more, more, more
avoid amphetamines
apples and pears, more, more
avoid aspartame (?) (Nutrasweet)
avoid birth control pills
keep blood pressure low-normal, more
vitamin C, more, more
calcium caution
calorie restriction, more, more
cannabis, more
capsaicin (hot peppers)
beta carotene (cooked veggies, especially orange-colored)
tart cherries
dark chocolate, more, more
control cholesterol
cinnamon, more (liver caution)
cloves, more, more
avoid cocaine
coffee, more

curcumin (component of turmeric)

vitamin D, more, more
dental diligence, more
avoid depression, more, more
avoid type 2 diabetes (see Avoiding type 2 diabetes, above)
avoid diet soda
eat less
exercise, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, even walking
keep inflammation low - see Inflammation, above
intermittent fasting
abdominal fat is especially dangerous
fiber, more
green tea, more, more
get treated for atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat)
isoflavone (beans)
vitamin K
lycopene (cooked tomatoes)
magic anti-aging elixer
Mediterranean diet
a good mood (see mood, above)
olive oil, more
Omega-3 fatty acids (flax, fish oil), more, more, more, more, more, more, more
be cautious about common painkillers
a plant-based diet
pseudoephedrine caution
less red meat, more
less salt, more, more
avoid SSRI anti-depressants
adequate sleep
avoid statin drugs, more
stay slim, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
don't smoke tobacco, more (see long-term cognition for help on quitting)

avoid SSRI antidepressants

minimize sugar and processed food
tea: black or green
traffic noise caution (also a heart and diabetes risk)
turmeric (curcumin), more
a vegan diet, more
lose weight
white fruits and veggies (quercetin is probably responsible)
More preventive info here, here, here, here, and here.
Natural triglyceride control:(lipid profile or dyslipidemia)
amla (Phyllanthus emblica) (Indian gooseberry)
vitamin C, more
calorie restriction, more, more
cayenne, more
chocolate is innocent, more
cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)
fasting, more, more
minimize added fructose and sucrose (or exercise a lot)
green tea
hazelnuts (filberts)
ketogenic diet
lipoic acid
low-fat plant foods
naringenin (grapefruit)
noni seed
paleo (grain and dairy-free) diet
prickly pear
pu-erh tea
avoid refined carbs

shitake mushrooms
minimize sugar and fructose
green tea, black tea
limit wheat
Maybe not applicable to the elderly, more

Unclassified stuff:
Tale all of the above with the proverbial grain of salt.
How to spot bogus health claims, perhaps most claims are bogus!
At least be sceptical, more
Adopting a healthier lifestyle, change diet and exercise habits at the same time for best results.
About domestic abuse.
Coconut oil speeds wound healing. Also bromelain, sugar, and lactic acid microbes.
natural therapy caution
Ginkgo, kudzu (puerarin) nerve regeneration
Pesticides best washed off with friction and vinegar
Canned and frozen veggies are good food, except for the bisphenol A in the can lining.
Emphasize whole foods.
The problem with a raw-food diet, more
Reflexology primer:
I simply walk barefoot on rocks at every opportunity.
Calories burned during any exercise (except deep knee bends!):
Drug overdose info:
Antibiotics in our meat
Constipation yields to a vegan diet., more
A guide to food additives
Titanium dioxide caution (sunscreen, white paint)
Dangerous supplements: beta carotene, vitamin E, excessive vitamin C
Supplement contamination is a big problem, especially with bulk powders sourced from
China. Bulk supplement vendors such as Beyond-a-Century, and sellers on Ebay, do not
test anything. Responsible supplement vendors such as Now Foods do test.

Beware of grapefruit interactions, and other interactions

It might take more than casual sunshine to get adequate vitamin D
Diacetyl in microwave popcorn butter flavoring causes lung disease.
Polluted farmed shrimp and meat
Salmon is a potent source of flame retardant chemicals. Fish oil caution (Now Foods claims to
test for such contamination)
A plant-based diet to avoid thyroid problems., and neutralize carcinogenic pollutants
Though I cite WebMD often, beware!
Quack clinics are also dangerous!
Anti-vaccination idiots kill people.
Chiropractic caution
Chelation caution
Paleolithic diet nonsense (more, more, more, more, more, more); the true Paleolithic diet - plantbased
Is wheat healthy?, more, more
misleading labels
Exercise - the most important thing!
Being fit is more important than being slim, more
getting fit, save time with more vigor!, running works!, gym not required
Consuming antioxidant pills inhibits progress.
Mint, raisins, mustard, music, calorie restriction (more, more), and Rhodiola rosea
enhance performance.
Fish oil and fenugreek for muscle mass
A carbohydrate-restricted (ketogenic) diet helps, also vitamin D.
Cancer-causing, diabetes-causing BCAAs dont help athletic performance and recovery.
A plant-based diet prevents exercise-induced oxidative stress.
A vegan diet is gym-compatible.
Consume citrus during training to reduce muscle fatigue.
Green tea and vitamin E amplify metabolic benefits of exercise
break a sweat to heal.
never too late!
fit it in with short bursts, short sessions are best
Gym not required.
Why back exercise (twisting, etc) is important.
Low-load resistance training - to exhaustion - is best, more
Lots of protein not necessary for exercise. Vitamin D and a ketogenic diet will help.
Heavy metals in protein supplements!

Best to ingest some calcium prior to working out.

Statin drugs might hurt, more, more
for women athletes
Spot reduction is a myth
Avoid AGEs (see Parkinsons for more information)
The safest ways to increase human growth hormone (HGH):
vigorous resistance exercise
vigorous aerobic exercise, more
being slim
Reiki (Therapeutic touch) is bogus
Homeopathy is bogus!, more, more. more, more, more
Astrology is bogus!, more, more (Sometimes used to inform health decisions (!))
Microwave cooking caution?
Cruciferous veggies, ginger, lemon balm, and rosemary versus radiation poisoning.
plant-based diet vs. essential tremors
plant-based diet vs. dietary pollutants and pesticides
Ethical (more, more, more, more, more, more) and gross-out arguments for a plantbased diet.
Periodic fasting vs. epileptic seizures, also cannabis
Tapping - there may be something to this. After all, there is a lot we dont know!
calorie restriction vs. oxidative stress, more, more
Sinus infections are usually viral
A social network for patients:
An interesting food culturing site, and health calculator
My goals with this list were brevity, accuracy, and completeness - in that order. Due to the
continuing emphasis on brevity, I suggest that if one is concerned about some condition that, for
instance, runs in the family, click on the embedded hyperlinks! There is usually always more
information beyond the single word that provides the link.
In vitro vs in vivo: Most of the studies cited here are in vitro tests. These are usually done in a
petri dish. While in-body (in vivo) treatment effectiveness can be implied by such methods,

many such leads are dead-ends due to toxicity or other confounding factors. In the Antifungal
section, for instance, most entries indicate effectiveness on Candida, but only a few on
I get my turmeric from a middle eastern market at the corner of Melrose and Hacienda, in Vista,
California, USA. I cook this stuff up in a pot (it tends to stain the pot) along with high-phenol
spices (also helps preserve cognitive ability) that I get in bulk: cloves, cumin, allspice, and
coriander. I get those spices whole and grind them in a little coffee mill just prior to use - fresher
that way. I also add tomato paste (improves the taste), coconut oil (makes the fat soluble stuff
available), then, after it cools, I stir in a bit of phytosterol powder.
About me:
I, Otto Hunt, am an electrical engineer who enjoys the benefits of ADD (I dont need structure you cant shake the world in a structure!) and mild autism (more, more, more, more, more,
more, more) (Asperger's). I have long had a focused interest in cognitive preventive health, but I
know that such does not happen in isolation. So that interest of mine grew to encompass all of
preventive health.

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