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[Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb]

The Ayurvedic Living Cookbook

Copyright 2014,


Food Disclaimer:
Consumption of raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs, seafood or shellfish, or
unprocessed fruit juices used in tropical drinks, may increase your risk of
foodborne illness.
The recipes contained on the website and in this cookbook
and other publications are suggestions provided for information purposes only.
Recipes may be prepared only at your own risk. Neither, it's
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
Balancing The Doshas ..................................................................................................................... 6
VATA DOSHA ................................................................................................................................... 6
PITTA DOSHA................................................................................................................................... 7
KAPHA DOSHA................................................................................................................................. 8
A Food Plan to Balance Vata Dosha .......................................................................................... 10
A Food Plan to Balance Pitta Dosha .......................................................................................... 11
A Food Plan to Balance Kapha Dosha ....................................................................................... 12
Tridosha Basic Food Guideline Chart ............................................................................................ 14
VATA.................................................................................................................................... 14
PITTA ................................................................................................................................... 14
KAPHA ................................................................................................................................ 14
Ayurvedic Living Recipes ............................................................................................................... 16
Recipe Index .................................................................................................................................. 18
Ghee (clarified butter), essential in any Ayurvedic Kitchen ................................................. 18
Breakfast ideas: ..................................................................................................................... 19
Soups: .................................................................................................................................... 20
Rice dishes:............................................................................................................................ 22
Classic Ayurvedic Rice dishes: ............................................................................................... 24
Pulses: ................................................................................................................................... 25
Vegetables: ........................................................................................................................... 26
Salads: ................................................................................................................................... 27
Chappatis: ............................................................................................................................. 27
Chutneys and Condiments: ................................................................................................... 28
Puddings and Teatime Treats: .............................................................................................. 30
Drinks: ................................................................................................................................... 33
Ayurvedic Diet & Weight Loss....................................................................................................... 36

We all know that for healthy living we require a balanced diet consisting
of protein, carbohydrates and fats, minerals, vitamins, etc.
Ayurveda considers the diet in great detail.

The Ayurvedic diet is one that not only nourishes the body, but also
restores balance of 'Tridoshas' which is essential for maintaining Health.
Depending on our dosha, or constitutional type, some foods can be
beneficial, and others should be avoided. These same foods may have
the opposite effect on another dosha.
The science of Ayurveda teaches that the right diet is the foundation of
health & healing. For maximum health and vitality, the ideal diet is one
that balances our doshas.

Balancing The Doshas

Here we are recommending foods to balance each of the three doshas.

The qualities of vata are cold, dry, light, hard, and rough.


General : excess vata can be counterbalanced with nutritive and tissue-building foods that are
warm, moist, heavy, soft and oily, as well as foods with a sweet, sour and salty taste. For
example, vata pacifying foods include ghee, soft dairy products, wheat, rice, corn and bananas.
A person with a vata constitution should favor foods like hot cereal with ghee, hearty soups and
vegetables, and whole cooked grains and chapatis. Spicy foods are generally okay for vata.
Vegetables : Asparagus, beets, carrots, cucumber, green beans, okra (bhindi), onions and garlic ,
radishes, sweet potatoes, turnips.
Fruits : Bananas, coconuts, dates, mangoes, melons, peaches, all sweet fruits in general.
Grains : Oats, rice and wheat


General : Foods with the vata qualities, such as crackers, frozen desserts, and large amounts of
raw vegetables and salads, will aggravate vata. Also, refined foods such as white flour and
sugar, have light and dry qualities and would be best avoided by people with vata
constitutions.Pungent, bitter, astringent; light, dry, cold foods,stimulants like smoking, alcohol,
junk food, sugar, tea (esp. long leaf teas and green tea), brown rice.
Vegetables : Cabbage, cauliflower, celery, brinjal, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, peas,
peppers (simla mirch) potatoes, sprouts, tomatoes, zucchini (tori). If you do have these
vegetables cook them in pure desi ghee or unrefined til oil. Tomatoes are best avoided except
as a small addition to salads.
Fruits : Apples, pears, pomegranates.
Spices: Vatas can have almost all spices and herbs in moderation When there is aggravated
Vata, the following are to be taken with caution : coriander seeds (dhaniya powder), fenugreek
(methi seeds), saffron, turmeric, parsley. Avoid too much hot, dry spices such as dried chili,
which will aggravate dryness.

Pitta's properties are hot, sharp, oily and light.


General : you can balance excess pitta with foods that are cool, dry and heavy with a mild,
naturally sweet, bitter or astringent taste. For example, milk, rice, beans, steamed vegetables

and fruit are good for pitta people. Mild spices like cumin, coriander and cilantro are
particularly beneficial for pitta. Sweet, bitter, astringent; cold, heavy, dry. Moderation,
coolness, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, green coriander (dhaniya), coriander seeds, cardamom,
sprouts and raw foods.
Vegetables & Fruits: can eat most vegetables and fruits. Exceptions are given below.
Grains : Barley, oats, wheat, parboiled rice.


General : pungent and oily foods such as curry, fried foods and spicy condiments, as well as
spices such as cayenne, garlic and dry ginger, should be avoided by pitta constitutions. Pungent,
sour, salty, hot, light, oily. Stimulants like smoking, alcohol, coffee, pickles, vinegar, fried foods,
spicy foods, fermented foods, curds, almond, corn, til, mustard oil.
Vegetables : Beets, carrots, brinjal, garlic, hot peppers, onions, spinach, tomatoes.
Fruit : Sour and unripe fruits. If there is aggravated Pitta avoid grapefruit, papayas, peaches,
bananas, apricots.
Grains : Brown rice, corn, millet, rye.

The qualities of kapha dosha are cold, heavy, liquid and unctuous.


General : To balance kapha dominance, eat smaller amounts of food and emphasize food with
vata properties of light and dry. Also, foods which are dry, hot or sharp are recommended, so
look for foods with pungent, bitter or astringent tastes. Examples include puffed cereals such as
puffed rice or corn; small, astringent grains, such as millet, amaranth, and quinoa; and light,
bitter vegetables such as leafy greens. Spices like ginger, turmeric and chili are generally good
for kapha people.
Favour : Warm light food, dry food cooked without much water, minimum of butter, oil and
sugar, stimulating foods (ginger, chillies, pickles), raw foods, salads, fruits.
Vegetables : Generally all vegetables are good, but if you are suffering from any kapha disorder
like lung congestion, congestive asthma, sinuses, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high
cholestrol, then avoid all sweet juicy vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkin family, sweet
potatoes, tomatoes, tori, ghiya etc.
Fruits : Apples, apricots, pears, pomegranates, dried fruits in general (apricots, figs, prunes,
Lentils & Legumes : If the dosha is not aggravated all except tofu and kidney beans are
Spices : All are good - ginger is best for improving digestion, turmeric is excellent for drying out
the mucous, chillies are excellent for removing mucous.


General : Foods such as dairy products, wheat, avocados and oils have these qualities and will
increase kapha in the body. Sweet, sour, salty; heavy, oily, cold. Desserts, sweets, ice cream,
deep fried foods, possessiveness, miserliness, laziness.
Vegetables : all sweet juicy vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkin family, sweet potatoes,
tomatoes, tori, ghiya etc.
Fruits : All sweet juicy fruits in general.
Lentils & Legumes : Tofu and kidney beans.
Spices : excess salt.
These guidelines can be used according to your mind-body constitutions, to maintain dosha
balance, and to restore balance if necessary.

A Food Plan to Balance Vata Dosha

Taste preferences - sweet, sour and salty. Avoid anything pungent. It has a drying effect on your
system. Ideally, in summer, prefer sour and salty tastes. Consume salty and pungent foods in
winter. Use sweet taste as a supplement during both seasons.
Most non - vegetarian diets suit your prakriti. Aquatic meats help to promote your Kapha levels.
Dairy products like butter, cheese, yogurt and clarified butter are generally considered good for
Of the frozen desserts, Kulfi is a better option than ice - cream.
Oil is a vital requirement of Vata bodies. Your prakriti needs frequent oil massages.
Favor warm food, moderately heavy textures, added butter and fat. All soothing foods are good
for settling disturbed Vata. Use foods such as: warm milk, cream, butter, warm soups, stews,
hot cereals, fresh baked bread.
Since vata is a cold dry dosha, warm, nourishing foods such as these are good for stabilizing
vata. On the other hand cold foods such as cold salads, iced drinks, raw vegetables and greens
are not very good for persons with vata imbalance.
Breakfast is highly recommended. Use hot cereals such as cream of rice or wheat or any other
breakfast that is warm, milky, and sweet. Take a hot or herbal tea with snacks in the late
afternoon. Avoid drinks with high caffeine as vata gets disturbed by it.
Use spicy foods such as spicy Mexican or Indian foods that are cooked in oil. Use warm moist
foods such as cooked grains and cereals, bowl of hot oatmeal or cup of steaming vegetable
Warm milk is good. You can add a little sugar or honey to it if you prefer. Avoid eating candies
as it disturbs vata. Prefer salted nuts that are heavy and oily as opposed to dry salty snacks. All
sweet fruits are Ok for vata. Avoid unripe fruits as they are astringent. Take warm or hot water
instead of ice water and drinks.
Spices: cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, cloves in moderation.
If your basic constitution is mixed (vata-pitta or vata-kapha), include portions for the second
influential dosha.
Vata dosha is aggravated and increased during autumn and early winter. During these seasons
all mind-body types can include some of the above foods and decrease others. Constructive
lifestyle routines are important to restoring and maintaining balance.

A Food Plan to Balance Pitta Dosha

Taste preferences - sweet, bitter and astringent Pungent foods should be to the bare minimum.
Ayurveda suggests the intake of bitter and astringent foods during both summer and winter to
promote Vata in summer and Kapha in winter. You could feast on sweets all year round.
You should avoid oily foods. Ayurveda recommends a reduced intake of oils and fats, as these
promote the fire in your prakriti. Clarified butter is a better option.
Among dairy products, yogurt is good for you. Milk, cheese, and cottage cheese can be used
moderately. Indulge in all kinds of frozen desserts.
Considering the fire element domination in the Pitta , Ayurveda advises you to cultivate a
handful of simple habits.
Favor Cool or warm but not steaming hot foods. As far as practical use less butter and added
fat. Consume food with moderately heavy textures.
Since Pitta promotes strong efficient digestion, you can generally eat just about everything.
Take cool, refreshing food in summer. Reduce the consumption of salt, oil, and spices, all of
which are "heating" to the body. Salads are good, so is milk and ice cream.
Avoid pickles, sour yogurt, sour cream, and cheese. Avoid vinegar in salad dressing; use lemon
juice instead. Alcoholic and fermented foods should be avoided. Their sour Rasa aggravates
Pitta. Coffee is also pitta aggravating due to the acid in coffee. Herb tea is good. Prefer mint,
licorice root or other pitta pacifying tea.
Breakfast: Cold cereals, cinnamon toast, and apple tea is a good breakfast for Pitta. Avoid
coffee, orange juice and doughnuts - they aggravate pitta.
The vegetarian foods are the best for pitta. Consuming red meat tend to heat the body from
the fat. Consume abundant amounts of milk, grains and vegetables.
Avoid oily, hot, salty, and heavy foods such as fried food. Instead consume starchy foods such
as vegetables, grains and beans. Avoid the tendency to overeat under stress.
Avoid processed and fast foods as they tend to be heavy on salt and sour tastes. Japanese and
Chinese food are good choices. Avoid highly spicy food such as is found in Mexican restaurants.
To bring down aggravated Pitta, take two teaspoons of ghee (clarified butter) in a glass of warm
milk. (Avoid taking the ghee if you have problem with high cholesterol).
Spices: black pepper, coriander, and cardamom.

If your basic constitution is mixed (pitta-vata or pitta-kapha), to maintain balance, include

smaller portions for the second dosha.
Pitta dosha is aggravated and increased during summer. During hot, dry seasons, all mind-body
types can choose some of the above foods and decrease others. Mental and emotional peace
and constructive lifestyle routines are important to restoring and maintaining balance.

A Food Plan to Balance Kapha Dosha

Taste preferences - pungent, bitter, and astringent . Reduce use of sweet, sour, and salty tastes.
Sweets must be avoided. Also try to restricting the consumption of excessive pungent foods in
summer, instead prefer foods with a sour taste.
Among dairy products, cottage and other types of cheese are the best options for you. Butter
should be avoided and only toned milk be used.
All frozen desserts are to be avoided.
For your Kapha prakriti, very little of fats and oils are required. Treat your body occasionally,
with a warm oil therapy of mustard oil with a little amount of Apple vinegar.
To balance Kapha you need Warm, light and dry food, cooked without much water, minimum of
butter, oil and sugar.
Kapha need to restrict the consumption of too much sweet foods or fatty foods. Keep an eye on
the salt consumption also, which tend to result in fluid retention
Light meals are to be favored such as light breakfast and dinner. Avoid deep fried foods. Eat
lightly cooked foods or raw fruits and vegetables. Eat spicy, bitter and astringent foods. Watch
out for eating too much food, a typical kapha tendency.
Select hot food over cold food whenever feasible. Dry cooking methods (baking, broiling,
grilling, sauting) are prefered than moist cooking such as steaming, boiling or poaching. As an
appetizer eat bitter or pungent foods instead of salty or sour. Foods such as romaine lettuce,
endive, or tonic water are good to stimulate your appetite.
Take ginger tea or a pinch or ginger to stimulate appetite. Other preferred spices are cumin,
fenugreek, sesame seed and turmeric. Any food that is spicy is good for kapha such as very hot
Mexican or Indian food, especially in winter.
Foods that are good for kapha breakfast are hot spiced cider, buckwheat pancakes with apple
butter, corn muffins, and bitter cocoa made with skim milk and a touch of honey. Avoid cold

cereals, cold juice or milk, and sugary pastries. Bacon and sausage aggravates kapha due to
their salt and oil. For kapha types, breakfast is optional. (You may skip it if you like).
To pep you up in the morning, take honey, hot water, lemon juice and ginger. Try hot ginger
tea. Try skipping a meal or two and take a spoonful of honey in hot water to keep you going.
You have a sweet tooth. So, cutting down on sugar is difficult but it is recommended. Take
honey instead. Avoid taking more than a spoonful of honey a day.
Don't overindulge on dairy foods. Butter, ice cream, and cheese are among the worst foods you
can take as it aggravates the kapha. Take warm low fat milk. Avoid hamburgers and milk shakes.
Eat raw fruits, vegetables and salads. Watch out the restaurant foods, especially oily, salty,
sweet or deep fried foods - these are all kapha aggravating. Eat salad with minimum salad
dressing. Take a glass of hot water instead of ice water. Eat salad instead of soup especially in
hot weather.
Kapha dosha is aggravated and increased in the spring of the year. During this season, eat less
and choose more dry, fibrous foods. During wet, cold seasons,
If your basic constitution is mixed, include smaller portions for the second dosha.

Tridosha Basic Food Guideline Chart

Dried Fruits
Sweet Fruits
Pomegranate Cherries
Figs (fresh)
Vegetables Raw
Leafy Greens* Okra
Onions (raw) (cooked)
Vegetables ok
in moderation
with oil

Sour Fruits Sweet Fruits
Cranberries Grapes (dark)
Plums (sweet)
Pineapples Prunes
Plums (sour)

Sweet & Bitter
Green Beans
Leafy Greens

Sweet &
Sour Fruits Apricots
Figs (fresh) Figs (dry)
Grapefruit Mango
Pineapples Raisins

Sweet &
Pungent &
Vegetables Vegetables
Cucumber Asparagus
Tomatoes Brussels
Leafy Greens




All Legumes

Buckwheat Barley
Oats (cooked)
Rice (basmati)
Oats (dry)
Rice (white)
Rice (brown) Wheat

Oats (dry)
Rice (white) Rice
small amount)
All Legumes

All Legumes
Beans, Tofu,
Black & Red
All Nuts are OK in small
No nuts except coconut
No nuts at all
All seeds are OK in
No seeds except Sunflower & No seeds except
Sunflower & Pumpkin
Sweeteners All sweeteners are OK
All sweeteners are OK except No sweeteners except raw
except white sugar
molasses & honey
Condiments All spices are good
No spices except coriander, All spices are good except
cinnamon, cardamom, fennel, salt
tumeric & small amounts of
black pepper
All dairy products are OK (in Buttermilk
No dairy except ghee &
Sour Cream Cottage
All oils are good
No oils except almond,
corn, or sunflower in small

Ayurvedic Living Recipes

Ayurvedic Cooking is about guiding principles rather than rules:

Food should be light, easy to digest and assimilate

Heavier food is OK in Winter but in Summer it must be lighter

Use spices intelligently to balance the doshas

Cooked food is considered easier to digest than raw

Certain foods do not go well with others eg: Milk does not go well with sour fruits or
banana, yoghurt and banana are also incompatible.

Different sorts of food are required at different times eg: pregnancy and post illness

Ideal foods are tridoshic, balancing all three doshas eg: green mung dhal and coriander

A few pointers on Ayurvedic ingredients:

Milk:Throughout these recipes milk can be taken as cow or goats milk, rice milk,
almond milk or other milk substitute. Soya milk is less favoured unless it is very good
quality as it can be quite chalky and hard to digest. NB: Dairy milk from cows, goats does
not combine well with many other foods such as bananas and other fruits, bread, meat,
fish, yoghurt and sour foods.

Sweetener: Refined white and even brown sugar have been stripped of vitamins and
minerals which help the body digest sugar. Try experimenting with Indian Jaggery (raw
palm sugar, pictured), date syrup, brown rice syrup, Agave syrup and other alternatives.
Honey should only be used in recipes that do not require heating. When baked, added
to hot drinks or otherwise heated it ferments and blocks the bodys subtle channels.
Adding honey to warm drinks is OK. Honey is the best sweetener for Kapha.

Salt: Himalayan Rock Salt is an excellent salt as it is very easily absorbed with many
beneficial effects. It does not increase blood pressure risk; is rich in minerals; assists the
bodys pH balance; increases appetite, digestion and assimilation of food. Its also

favoured by Yogis as it calms the nervous system. It is milder than normal salt, and is
available from good health shops or on-line.

Fats/ Oils: Ghee is favoured for frying and releasing the aroma from spices. Oils which
are liquid at room temperature should generally not be heated as they become unstable
producing free radicals. Fats which are solid at room temperature (coconut, ghee,
animal fat) are more heat stable. Delicate oils, such as hemp seed oil, are best used after
cooking, such as in dressings or drizzled over steamed vegetables. See below for ghee
recipe. See Erasmus book Fats that heal, Fats that kill (1993) for more.

Asafoetida/Hing:A little known plant gum resin widely used in Ayurvedic cooking to
Vata aggravation (and hence gas!). It enkindles agni and discourages growth of parasitic
worms in the large intestine. A small pinch can be added to almost any lentil, bean and
cabbage dish in the early stages of preparation to increase digestability. Any more than
a pinch will aggravate as its hot and sharp.

Recipe Index

Ghee- an essential in any Ayurvedic kitchen!

Breakfast ideas
Rice dishes
Chutneys and Condiments
Puddings and Teatime Treats
Drinks and Indian Spiced Chai

Ghee (clarified butter), essential in any Ayurvedic Kitchen

Ghee is one of the lightest oils, ideal for cooking as doesnt burn easily. Digestive, improving
absorption and assimilation, ghee nourishes, improves memory, lubricates, makes body flexible
(good with yoga!). Its most beneficial to Pitta and Vata types, and Kapha types should consume
in limited amounts. Ghee helps clean channels and carries medicinal properties of herbs to
Note: People of kapha constitution/ kapha imbalance (eg: cholesterol problems) should use
only a little ghee (one teaspoon a day).
To make ghee:
Place one or two bars of unsalted butter in a saucepan until it boils; then lower the heat. When
the white foam of milk solids which will accumulate on the top begins to collapse and thicken,
start skimming it off. Do not disturb the bottom of the pan, as some of these solids will also sink
and can be left in the pot until after the ghee is poured off. As the butter continues to boil,
watch the oily portion to see when it becomes clear, and watch the sediment on the bottom to
see when it turns a golden brown. Be careful this does not burn! When all the water is
evaporated, the bubbling sound will stop. When only the clear oil and the golden sediment
remain, the ghee is ready. Remove from the heat, and let it sit for a moment. Pour the ghee off
into an earthenware, glass or metal container (not plastic- it will melt!) Ghee doesnt need to
be in fridge but do keep out moisture.Dont use a wet spoon! Keeps for 3 months.

Breakfast ideas:
Breakfast is an essential meal for Vata and Pitta types. Kapha types may not be hungry till
later in the morning and should wait for genuine hunger before eating!

Power Drink:
Peeled almonds (rejuvenating), pistachios (tonifying), cashews (magnesium rich), dates
(strengthen liver, used to treat alcoholics!); raisins (balance doshas). This drink is good at any
time of the day or night! Soak nuts and dried fruit overnight or for at least two hours. Blend
with milk (or water used to soak) till chewy. Add rosewater, cardamon powder (sweet, calms,
stimulates digestion) and saffron (cooling, tonifying, good for women, balances all doshas). Try
ground fennel seeds (sweet, digestive, tones stomach) instead of saffron. You can add
sweetener according to taste though the dates are already sweet.

Almond milk:
Soak a cup of almonds overnight and peel off the skin the next day. Blend together one cup of
soaked almonds with 2 cups of water. Strain off the almond milk through a muslin or sieve. You
can drink as it is or add some warming spices such as cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. Another
idea is to blend almond milk with some soaked dates. You can use the leftover strained almond
pulp to make delicious energy balls (see below).

Gluten free Pancakes (great for children): Makes 6-8 pancakes

Wheat flour pancakes made with milk and eggs can be heavy to digest. try these quick and light
pancakes for a tasty breakfast or snack. They really taste like they have added egg. Soak 2 cups
of quinoa grains overnight in just enough water to cover. Add a pinch of salt to taste and blend
in a food blender for a few minutes until smooth. If you want instant pancake batter, you can
use ready made quinoa flour instead and blend with water and a pinch of salt to make an
instant batter. Add a little ghee or coconut oil to a hot frying pan, add a ladel of batter and fry
pancake. These can be served with sweet or savoury. Suggested toppings include: houmous,
avocado, honey, apple jam.whatever you fancy! You can also try semolina pancakes using
coarse semolina (one cup) & yoghurt (1/2 cup). Blend with water, and a pinch of cinnamon and
cook as above. Other alternative flours to wheat include buckwheat, spelt, and mung dhal
flour- all of which can be used to make delicious pancakes. Have fun experimenting.

A breakfast porridge that will keep you going till lunchtime- from Ayuseva clinic
Soak a few raisins, dates, dried figs, apricots (as desired) overnight in a pan of water. You can
also add sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, linseed, blanched almonds, hazlenuts, shredded
coconut. In the morning bring this to the boil and add rolled oats (or millet, quinoa, barley
flakes etc) and cook till soft. Add some cinnamon powder and a few crushed cardamom seeds.
To make creamier porridge you can use oat, soya, rice or almond milk instead of cows milk
which is too heavy in this recipe. To sweeten, add any syrup of your choice (date, maple, barley,
rice etc), fruit spreads along with hazlenut or almond butter. Avoid adding honey until porridge
has cooled right down.

Highly digestible so good for those recovering from illness or with poor digestion (low agni).
Carrot soup:
2/3 medium carrots per person; 1 large onion; 2 potatoes; large bunch coriander; black pepper;
vegetable stock (Marigold Swiss Vegetable Bouillon brand is good); an inch of ginger. Lightly
sweat onion in ghee, adding vegetables (finely chopped) and ginger. Fry for a few minutes then
add pepper and half of coriander coriander. Cover with stock and simmer till vegetables are
soft. Liquidise to a puree in blender, the return to pan, adding more stock if too thick. Add rest
of coriander (finely chopped) and serve. For a more substantial meal, cook red lentils separately
in stock and add to the finished soup before serving.

A native dish from Eastern Europe, can be served all year round, with rice for a satisfying
supper. Beetroots are an excellent blood tonic, good with anaemia. 1 tblsp. ghee; 1 stick celery,
chopped; 1 bay leaf; 4 raw beetroots (bite-size pieces); 1 carrot, grated; 1 potato (bite-sized
pieces); 2 litres (3 pints) water; 100g (4 oz) beet tops, spinach or kale, chopped (optional);
juice of a lemon; 1 teaspoon salt; pinch of pepper; pinch of paprika; 1 teaspoon fresh dill or
teaspoon dried dill weed, yoghurt to serve; finely chopped fresh parsley to garnish. Heat the oil
in a large pan and saut the chopped celery until soft. Add the bay leaf, beetroot, carrot, potato
and water. Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes, until the beetroot is cooked. Add the
greens and cook for a further 10 minutes, then add the lemon juice, salt, pepper, paprika and
dill. Serve hot, topped with a spoonful of yoghurt and garnished with chopped parsley.

Mung dhal soup:

A highly nutritious recipe which detoxifies, kindles digestive fire and sharpens the mind. It
promotes weight loss, reducing swelling and water retention. Eat only mung bean soup for 3-7
days and nothing else! You can eat as much as you need to satisfy your appetite, once the
previous meal has digested (leave 3-4 hours between each meal). Mung beans are available
from health food shops, Indian grocers and sometimes supermarkets. They come in green or
yellow varieties. Green is more detoxifying. Make up a fresh batch for each day, reheating only
as much as you need for each meal so the meal is as full of prana (energy) as possible. A food
thermos works very well if you dont have a kitchen at work. Try not to use a microwave!
Mung beans are less gas-producing than other beans, help remove toxins from the body
(including heavy metals!) and stimulate the digestive fire. This dish will balance all three doshas.
The following soup recipe is highly nutritious and naturally detoxifies the body. It works by
cleansing the liver, gall bladder and vascular system of any ama (undigested toxins).
400g mung beans (whole green or split green or yellow); 2 litres water; tsp. turmeric powder;
2 pinch asafoetida; Lime or lemon juice; fresh root ginger; 2-3 cloves garlic; an inch of fresh root
ginger; 1 tsp. cumin seeds 1 tsp. coriander seeds; rock salt or herb salt.
Makes 5 generous portions.

Wash the mung beans and soak for at least four hours or overnight. Heat ghee or olive oil in a
pan and add teaspoon of turmeric and 2 pinches asafoetida (to prevent gas). Saut for a few
seconds then add the beans, fresh water and fresh root ginger. For one part soaked mung you
need about four parts of water. Simmer for 30-40 minutes adding more water if necessary, until
beans are soft. In a pressure cooker this takes 8 minutes once the vessel has come to pressure.
You can then turn off the heat and leave the pot to cool for a further 10 minutes before
opening it. Once the beans are cooked, heat gheeor olive oil in another pan, add 2-3 cloves
chopped garlic (if you wish) and saut lightly for a minute until soft. Add chopped fresh root
ginger, then one teaspoon of cumin and coriander seeds plus any other herbs or spices (except
chillies) eg: cardamom, black pepper, cumin seeds and briefly saut. Add these sauted spices
plus some rock salt into the beans and simmer for a further few minutes. Serve soup warm with
a squeeze of lime juice and some fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped. You can also add green
leafy vegetables, pumpkin, leeks, courgette, fennel, parsley, mint, coriander, or basil for
variety. You can also add 1 tsp. of ghee or if you are vegan or do not like the taste of ghee 1
tsp. of an omega 3/6/9 oil. Omega oils should be added to food after it has cooled down a bit,
as these oils are not heat stable and thus also not suitable for cooking.

Rice dishes:
Rice features heavily in the Ayurvedic yogic diet. It has a balancing effect on the digestive
system and soothes the nervous system.

Basmati rice:Tridoshic when taken with a little ghee

The most popular rice in Ayurveda, basmati rice is a light and aromatic long-grain variety with
the cooling effect on the body. Good for calming an irritated gut and easier to digest than
brown rice. Lighter than many other grains, so can be eaten by Kapha; its cooling, sweet and
moist nature work for Pitta; and sweet moist attributes balance Vata. Easy to digest but add a
couple of cloves to rice when cooking normally to gently warm the slight coolness of the grain.
Wash rice in cold water to remove much of the starch (which aggravates Vata, grains that are at
least 3-6 months old are preferred as bacteria will have digested some starch), changing the
water until the water is clear.

To cook Basmati rice:

Bring just under twice the volume of water to the rice to boil, adding the rice and a pinch of salt
to taste, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes by which time all the water should
be absorbed. Remove from the heat and allow to stand for 5 minutes before removing the lid.

To cook brown rice

Rinse the rice first, then cook in a heavy-based saucepan with a tight fitting lid. The general rule
is one measure of rice to two or two and a half measures of cold water. Bring to the boil, then
reduce the heat, cover the pan and simmer gently for 40-50 minutes. Do not remove the lid
during this time as the steam plays an essential part in the cooking process. After about 45
minutes the water will have been absorbed and the rice will be tender with a delicious chewy
texture. Another way to cook rice is to gently toast it in a dry pan for a few minutes, then add
the water and cook as above.

Try the following variations, each with 175g rice:

Cumin Rice: Cook basmatirice and cool. Heat 1 tbsp. ghee, add 2 tsp. cumin seeds and
fry to release aroma. Add cooled rice, a handful of freshly chopped coriander and a little
lemon juice.

Lemon rice: Cook rice and add a handful of chopped cashew nuts. Heat 1 tbsp. ghee,
add tsp. mustard seeds and heat till they pop. Add to rice with juice of one lemon
and tsp. turmeric. Garnish with shredded coconut.

Coconut rice: Fry one finely chopped onion and 2 chopped garlic cloves in 1 tbsp. ghee.
Stir in uncooked rice and 50g dessicated coconut. Add pinch of salt and just enough
water to cover rice. Bring to boil, cover and simmer until water absorbed. Stand for 5
minutes before serving.

Rice with almonds: Cook rice. Dry roast 50g flaked almonds and about 40 pine nuts.
Once rice cooked, transfer to bowl, mix with nuts and 3 tbp. each of chopped parsley
and coriander, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a pinch of chilli flakes.

Pilau rice: Cook rice and when water almost evaporated, add your choice from the
following: raisins, almonds, cashews, pistachios, and green peas. Add a cinnamon stick,
tsp. cardamom powder, a few cloves, a bay leaf and a pinch of salt, along with a little
more water. Stir well, cover and leave for 20 minutes.

Healthy fried rice: Steam a mixed selection of vegetables (eg: carrots, cabbage,
broccoli). Cook rice. Heat 1 tbsp. ghee and add teaspoon cumin, turmeric, and ground
coriander. Add vegetables, salt, tsp. cardamom powder and then rice. Mix well and

Classic Ayurvedic Rice dishes:

Tridoshic Mung dhal Kitchadi:
This recipe plays a key role in Ayurvedic nutritional healing, especially during illness and
detoxing. It is also widely eaten by sadhus, who leave it to cook while they are
meditating. Mung dhal is tridoshic, and together with rice provides a complete source of
protein. If you are doing a lot of pranayama or live in a cold climate, be sure to add the ghee.
Especially easy to make in a rice cooker (pictured). Brown rice or barley may be substituted for
the basmati rice to make the dish heartier. If you have good agni, you can try making kitcheri
with split urad (black dhal)which is higher in protein but harder to digest. This dhal is
considered the equivalent of meat in Ayurveda.

To make a tridoshic kitchadi:

1 cup basmati rice; 1 cup yellow or green mung dhal; 1 inch chopped ginger (for vata and kapha,
warms, potent digestive stimulant), 2 tbsp. shredded coconut; 1 handful of coriander
leaves,3 tbsps. ghee or coconut oil; 3 bay leaves (warms, digestive), 1.5 inch fresh cinnamon
bark, 5 cardamom pods, 5 cloves, 10 black pepper corns, teaspoon each of turmeric, cumin
seeds, fennel seeds, 1 pinch of hing. Optional: one cup of diced carrots or celery; fresh lemon
juice (to increase agni) and chopped coriander leaves to serve.
Soak dhal for a few hours to make it more digestible. Wash rice and dhal separately in at least 2
changes of water. Blend the ginger, coconut, coriander and cup water. Heat large saucepan,
add ghee, cinnamon stick, cloves, cardamom, peppercorns, fennel seeds, cumin seeds and bay
leaves. Stir for a moment until fragrant. Add blended items, then hing, turmeric and salt. Stir
until browned. Stir in mung dhal and rice and mix very well. Add 6 cups of water, cover and
bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Then simmer until dhal and rice are soft (25-30 minutes). You can
add vegetables that suit your constitution for a one pot meal.

Very simple kitchadi:

Use one cup of split moong dhal and one cup of basmati rice. Wash then add 6 cups of water.
Add salt and turmeric and bring to the boil the simmer till cooked (or use rice cooker). Add
pinch of cardamom and pinch of clove powder (not in Summer). Add a little cumin fried in ghee.

Kitchadi Khadi:
A delicious tridoshic combination of the above kitchari recipe and a buttermilk soup which can
be eaten at anytime of the year, for lunch or dinner. Very good for Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
with a cold as it pacifies Kapha and does not increase congestion; in pregnancy/ breast
feeding. Mix 200g of yoghurt with one and a half times the amount of water. Heat 1 tbsp ghee,
add teasp each of mustard and cumin seeds, some freshly grated ginger, chopped green
chilly, 2 chopped cloves garlic and 5 curry leaves. Once seeds have popped, allow to cool and
add to diluted yoghurt. Add fresh coriander chopped, a little salt and a pinch of turmeric and
chilly powder. Add 2.5 heaped teaspoons of chickpea flour or barley flour and mix well. Serve
hot. Vata types can add more ghee, Pitta can omit the garlic and chillies, and Kapha types can
use less ghee and more spices. Serve hot with either kitchadi or rice and chappatis.

The essential protein element in Ayurvedic vegetarian cooking. In Summer- make the dhal
thinner so its easier to digest. In Winter you can eat it quite thick.

Basic dhal:
200g red lentils/ green whole moong dhal/ split green or huskless yellow dhal; 750 mls water, 1
tsp turmeric, 1 bay leaf, 2 tbsp. ghee, pinch of hing, 2 tsp mustard seeds, tsp cumin/ fennel
seeds, 2 tsp ground coriander, 2 tomatoes chopped roughly, 1 tsp salt; lemon juice, 4 tbsp fresh
coriander. Boil lentils, turmeric and bay leaf, simmer for 15 mins until tender; Heat ghee, add
mustard seeds, cumin, fennel, and hing until they pop. Add coriander, tomatoes and cook for 5
minutes. Add mixture to lentils along with some water if too thick. Cook for a few more
minutes. Add salt, lemon juice and coriander to serve.

Chick pea and Spinach Curry:

110g dried chick peas, teaspoon cumin seeds, teaspoon coriander seeds, 1 large onion
(diced), 1 carrot (diced); 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped, teaspoon turmeric, 2.5 cm ginger root,
75 g cashew nuts, 50g ground almonds, 220g spinach, a handful of freshly shelled peas, pinch of
salt, squeeze of lime, 130 ml coconut milk, 1 bunch coriander, chopped and some ghee for frying
(or coconut oil): Soak chick peas overnight and simmer for one hour till tender. Toast seeds and
grind with pestle and mortar. Heat 2 tbsp. ghee, fry onion, carrot, garlic, ground spices, cooked
chickpeas, turmeric and ginger using more ghee if necessary. Add cashews and almonds, stir
and add water to barely cover. Simmer for 25 minutes until almonds have thickened the curry.

Add spinach and peas and cook for 5 minutes. Season with salt and lime juice, adding the
coconut milk and half the coriander. Sprinkle remaining coriander on top. NB: Vata types should
avoid chick peas which are too heavy for them to digest.

The preferred Ayurvedic method for cooking vegetables is to saut them in ghee or steam in a
little water. Adding salt at the beginning reduces the cooking time. Excess raw vegetables are
not advised as they are heavy and hard to digest! Raw food is better in Summer, or at lunch
time when digestion is strongest.

Basic sauce for any vegetables: Add 1 tsp. teaspoon turmeric to safflower oil/ ghee, and
heat. Add water, cut vegetables, coriander powder, chilly powder, cinnamon and
cardamon. Blend a good handful of almonds and add to sauce with salt and a little
jaggery to taste.

Basic recipe for any vegetable eg: Okra. Wash, soak and dry okra, then slice. Fry in ghee,
with mustard and cumin seeds. When cooked add salt, turmeric and a little chilly
powder to keep things simple and get the taste of the vegetables. NB: Dont cover okra
when cooking or it becomes sticky!

For any dark green leafy vegetable: Toast 2 tbsp. sesame seeds until slightly golden. Stir
fry 4 cups chopped green leafy vegetables with 2 chopped garlic cloves, 1 tsp.chopped
ginger. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds and salt if desired.

Tridoshic Vegetable Curry: Heat 2 tblsp. ghee, add -1tsp. cumin, mustard seeds, ajwan
and pinch of hing. When seeds pop add tsp. turmeric and cayenne, then 4 cups mixed
chopped vegetables and salt. Stir to coat with spices. Turn down heat, cover and stir
after 5 minutes. Continue to cook on low for another 15 minutes until tender. Serve
with a wedge of lemon.

Best eaten at lunchtime or in Summer as raw food is hard to digest.

Brown rice salad:

150g brown rice, pint water, 35 ml olive oil or tahini, 1 tbsp. lemon juice; 2 tbsp. chopped
herbs (parsley, basil, mint, lemon balm), 250g mixed vegetables (asparagus, avocados, carrot,
celery, cucumber, fennel), salt and pepper. Cook rice then toss with olive oil, lemon juice, fresh
herbs and diced vegetables. Season with s&p. Allow to sit for two hours. You can lightly steam
the vegetables to make more digestible.

Quinoa tabouli:
4 cups finely chopped parsley; 1 cup sprouted quinoa (soak for 8 hours and allow to sprout for
one day); 4 medium lemons; cup olive oil; 2 finely chopped cucumbers; 2 finely diced
tomatoes; 2 tablesp. dried mint; salt and freshly ground pepper. Drainquinoa and squeeze out
as much moisture as possible. Put in large bowl and place cucumbers and parsley on top. Blend
lemon juice olive oil, mint, s&p until smooth. Pour half over quinoa and marinate for hour.
Add remaining dressing and toss before serving.

Carrot- mint- coriander Salad:

Grate 2 cups of carrots, juice of one lime, chopped fresh mint, dash of honey and freshly ground
coriander seed.

2 cups whole wheat/ rye/ spelt/ buck wheat/ barley flour; 1 teaspoon salt; 3/4 cup warm water;
1 tablespoon ghee (optional) to make about 12), teaspoon of ajwan/ cumin (to increase
digestibility, especially good for new mothers). Put the flour, ajwan, cumin and salt into a bowl.
Add the warm water and oil/ghee and mix to pliable dough. Leave to rest cover for at least 30
minutes- 1 hour. Then knead again well on a floured surface (for at least 10 more minutes- the
more it is kneaded, the lighter the bread will be). Turn onto a floured board, and make small

balls with dough. Press flat in hand, add some ghee and fold into four sealing corners well. Roll
out into chapatti shape by turning each time you roll, till paper thin. Heat a frying pan until
medium hot, and then cook each chapatti for 15-20 seconds on each side, turning when brown
spots appear underneath. Press lightly all over using a clean cloth and the chapatti will buff
up. You can also try cooking them directly on the gas. Wrap them in a clean cloth to keep them
hot and soft. A little ghee/butter on one side would make it tastier. To save time during busy
day, one can make the dough a day before and store in the refrigerator overnight. Put dough
and put in a warm room for an hour before rolling out.

Stuffed Paranthas:
Chop a small bunch of coriander leaves and small bunch of fenugreek leaves (methi) leaves.
Crush 2 cloves of garlic. Add to basic chappati recipe above, mixing garlic and greens in with
flour. Add teaspoon turmeric, and of cumin, 2 teaspoons chill powder, 2 pinches of hing. Knead
thoroughly then leave dough to rest for 30 minutes. Roll out and cook parathas as for chapattis.
You can make these with any green leafy vegetable such as spinach.
These are heavier to digest than plain chapattis, so best at lunchtime.

Chutneys and Condiments:

A useful way to balance a meal eg: using coriander and coconut to cool or ginger to stimulate
digestive fire (agni). Serve at room temperature; keep for 1-2 days covered in fridge.

Data and Tamarind Chutney: Crumble spoonful of jaggary into saucepan with a little
water. In a bowl put a small block of tamarind paste (sour pulp, enhances digestion) and
hot water to make a paste. Sieve to remove seeds. Add to pan, along with dates and figs
and simmer with water for half an hour or longer to get the desired consistency. Keeps
for 2 months in the fridge.

Raisin and ginger Chutney: 1 cup (150g raisins), 2 tbsp hot water, 1 tsp chopped
ginger, tsp cayenne pepper, tsp salt; juice of half a lemon. Soak raisins in hot water
for 15 minutes then blend all ingredients, adding lemon juice last.

Green Chutney: Blend a bunch of fresh mint and coriander, 2 chillies (according to
taste!), one cup of lemon juice and 8 tomatoes with a good pinch of salt.

Coconut chutney: 2 cups desiccated coconut (or fresh coconut grated from a brown
coconut); cup ground almonds, 1.5 inch of finely chopped ginger, small green
chopped chilly, 1 tbsp. chopped coriander, 2 cups water, 2 tbsp. ghee, teasp black

mustard seeds, teasp cumin seeds, pinch of hing, 5 curry leaves, lime, tsp.
salt. Blend coconut, almond, ginger, green chilly, and coriander. Add water until smooth.
Heat ghee and fry remaining spices until mustard seeds pop. Pour into blender and add
lime juice, salt and gently mix.

Beetroot raita:
1 cup of raw, grated, beetroot, 1 tbsp ghee, teaspoon black mustard seeds/ cumin seeds, 1
pinch hing, 1 tablespoon chopped coriander, green chilli/ large pinch of cayenne, 5 curry
leaves; 1 cup plain yoghurt, pinch of salt. Add beets to yoghurt. Heat ghee, add mustards seeds,
cumin, hing till seeds pop. Add coriander, curry leaves and chilli. Mix and remove from heat,
adding to yoghurt once cooler. Spices make the yoghurt lighter. Beets are a blood tonic but can
aggravate Pitta in excess, coriander helps cool. You can also try substituting cucumber for the
beetroot in this recipe to make Cucumber raita. Best eaten at lunchtime as yoghurt is quite
heavy for the evening though the spices make it more digestible. Yoghurt can block the
channels so only eat a few times in a week. Dont eat plain yoghurt at night as it will form

After dinner seeds for digestion:

cup fennel seeds, cup toasted coriander seeds (with hard outer shell removed, often roasted
with turmeric); cup sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon cumin seeds, 1 tablespoon ajwan seeds, 2
pinches of rock salt, 1 tablespoon hot water. Dissolve salt in hot water. Heat heavy cast iron
frying pan and roast fennel seeds for 2 minutes, stirring constantly until slightly brown. Sprinkle
on salt water and stir and toast until dry and fragrant. Pour into dish. Roast remaining seeds,
each kind separately for a minute or so until fragrant and slightly brown. Add to fennel seeds
and mix well. Store in glass jar and eat teaspoonful after meals for good digestion and sweet

Puddings and Teatime Treats:

Puddings should be taken in moderation as heavy as they can inhibit digestion, creating toxins
(ama) and weight gain. Traditionally eaten at the beginning of an Ayurvedic meal, preferably
lunchtime, when digestion is at its peak.

Poached Pears- with Sweet Orange & Date Glaze

6 ripe but firm pears, 4 pitted dates, juice of one orange, 2 tsp maple syrup or date syrup, 1 tsp
ground cinnamon,, tsp fresh grated ginger, tsp grated orange zest, 2 tbsp shredded coconut
(optional). Peel each pear, leaving stalk and cut thin slice off base so it stands up. Place in sauce
pan with inch of water and bring to simmer. Add dates, orange juice, zest, and syrup, and
cinnamon, ginger and simmer until pears are tender (about 12 minutes). Remove ears and
place on serving plates. Continue to simmer liquid in pan, stirring all the time until it thickens
enough to spoon glaze over pears. Garnish with coconut to serve. For Kapha in moderation!
Stewed apples:
This comforting, old fashioned recipe is idea for balancing Vata in Autumn, as it involves eating
seasonal, organic food. Ayurveda considers cooked food as easier to digest than raw and this
recipe is no exception.
You need: 4 cooking or eating apples, peeled, cored and sliced;5 organic figs or dried apricots
(soaked in water overnight); 5 organic dates (dates are intensively sprayed with pesticides so
especially important to buy organic!), pitted and chopped OR two handfuls of raisins; 2 tbsps of
Agave syrup (a naturally low GI sweetener) maple syrup, jaggery OR brown sugar. Do not use
honey as Ayurveda considers it to ferment when heated with detrimental effects when eaten!
1/2 tsp each of ground cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg or a teaspoon or mixed spice; 1 tbsp
grated fresh ginger; 4 cups of water. Add ingredients to saucepan, bring to boil and simmer
until apples are soft (10-15 minutes). Allow to cool a little and ready to serve if you like it
chunky, or else bland to a puree. Serve warm for breakfast or as an afternoon snack.

Tasty coconut pudding

1 tbsp. Ghee, 50g jaggery (or raw cane sugar), 100g desiccated coconut, 200 ml coconut milk,
250ml soya milk, tsp. Cinnamon, 1 tsp rosewater (optional), 3 ground cardamom pods, 3
heaped tbsp rice flour. Add a little water to desiccated coconut to soak. Place ghee and jaggery
in pan and heat till sugar starts to melt. Add soaked coconut, spices, coconut milk and soya
milk, bringing to boil. As soon as liquid is hot, gradually adding the rice flour and beat with hand

whisk to prevent lumps. Stir over heat for 3-4 minutes and the pour into a nice bowl to set for 2
hours or eat warm.

Hindustani Halva
Often served warm as a breakfast treat and as prasad after satsangs at Sivananda
Centres. 200g course semolina; 250ml water; 50g ghee/unsalted butter; 1 tsp. ground
cardamom; 50g cashew nut pieces; 50g raisins, 150g jaggery.Toast semolina in a hot dry frying
pan, stirring constantly until it browns slightly and gives off a nutty aroma. Stir in ghee/butter
and set aside. Toast cashew nuts in a hot dry pan until slightly browned and set aside. Put
jaggery and water in a pan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and mix in the semolina,
ground cardamom, raisins and cashew nut pieces. Cook, stirring continuously, until the mixture
has thickened. Remove from the heat and spread the mixture evenly on a serving plate. Leave
to cool, then score into diamond shapes to make serving easier.

Sweet Carrot Halva

3 large carrots, water, ghee, jaggery, 4 cardamom pods ground, teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tbsp
ground almonds or dessicated coconut, cup of soya or rice milk.Finely grate the carrots (or
other vegetables- this is important as thick grating wont look so appetising!) and add to
saucepan. Add all other ingredients (except soya/ rice milk). Simmer with lid on a low heat for
20 minutes until carrots are soft. Add soya/ rice milk to loosen the mixture. As an alternative,
halva can be made with carrots (or sweet potato or courgette).

Boil 750ml milk with 2-6 teaspoons of basmati rice. Add sugar/ alternative sweetener (NB: one
without a strong taste, such as jaggery, which would spoil the taste of the kheer), ground
cardamom and ground almonds and a handful of raisins. Delicious and filling. You can try the
following variations on the basic kheer recipe: Add two teaspoons of Shatavari and cardamom
to make a cooling, antacid recipe, good for women, and an aphrodisiac.

Indian Rice pudding

6 cups milk; 1.5 cups basmati rice; a few strands of saffron, 15 cardamom seeds (not pods!), 2
tablespoons date syrup, cup raisins, cup toasted sunflower seeds, cup dessicated
coconut. Wash rice until water runs clear. Combine rice, milk, saffron, raisins, and cardamon
seeds and cook on low heat for about an hour. When rice is done, stir in sweetener, garnish

with the coconut and toasted sunflower seeds and serve. NB: You should not eat this pudding
with weak digestion as it is heavy to digest! It gives strength to all the bodys tissues, and is
especially good for sperm!

Sivananda Yoga Cookie Recipe

These are served at Sivananda Yoga Centres. Delicious!
250g rolled oats
100g wholewheat (or spelt flour)
150g brown sugar
50g raisins
50g nuts/ seeds/ dessicated coconut
1 1/2 tsp each of ground cinnamon and ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg grated
1/2 tsp baking powder
200ml oil or ghee
200ml water

Preheat oven to 200 centrigarde/ 400 F/ Gas mark 6. Oil 2 baking sheets or use greaseproof
paper. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl, add oil and mix. stir in enough water to make a firm
texture. Take a ping pong ball sized amount and shape into cookie shape (about 10cm in
diameter). Repeate with rest. Bake in oven for around 15 minutes until golden at edges. Cool on
a wire rack. Try experimenting with adding goji berries, raw cocoa nibs etc.

Raw Energy Balls

cup raw tahini, cup desiccated coconut, 1 cup of dates/ raisins/ figs/ dried apricots; cup of
nuts or seeds (peeled almonds, cashews, sunflower, pumkin, walnut, hazlenut etc). To coat the
balls- dessicated coconut, sesame seed, ground almonds, raw cocoa powder.
Put all ingredients in blender and mix on maximum speed until firm enough to handle. Roll
mixture into bite sized balls. Then coat in then in dessicated coconut, ground almond, sesame

seeds or raw cocoa powder. You can chill for an hour before serving or enjoy straight away. You
can also experiment with adding any superfoods such as goji berries, raw cocoa nibs, lacuma,
favourite nut butters. whatever you can think of! If you find dried fruit hard to digest, you can
soak it in warm water for a few hours before making these. If you do this, they need to be
stored in the fridge, but they wont last long. Children really love getting their hands sticky
whilst making these healthy snacks. Perfect for lunch boxes too.

15 organic chopped dates, 125 g ghee, 150g brown sugar/ jaggery/ date syrup/ brown syrup, 2
teaspoon cinnamon, 3 ground cardamom, large handful of sunflower and pumpkin seeds, large
handful of raisins; 500g of rolled porridge oats, rice/ soya milk. Put dates in pan with a little
water and cook for 5 minutes until soft then blend into a thick paste. Add ghee and crumbled
jaggery into the pan and melt over a low heat. Add the spices, seeds, fruits and enough oats to
make a thick consistency, mixing all ingredients. Add some rice or soya milk and stir th mixture
over heat for a few minutes, adding more oats to bulk up the mixture. Cooking the oats in this
way makes them soften and the flapjack bind. After 5 minutes of cooking, pour onto a baking
sheet or in a flat oven dish and flatten down with a spoon. Place in a preheated oven and bake
for 30 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius/ Gas mark 4 until they are golden brown on top.

Teas can be made with freshly ground herbs and spices, for every day use or as remedy for
colds and other ailments. Make your own tea by bringing all ingredients to the boil for 20
minutes. Cool for a few minutes and then strain.

Vata tea- equal parts of ginger, cumin and coriander

Pitta tea- equal parts of cumin, coriander and fennel

Kapha tea- equal parts of ginger, cinnamon and a pinch of clove

Hot milk recipes:

1 cup of milk, 2 tsp. organic almond powder, 2 cardamom pods, 5 strands saffron, pinch of
nutmeg.Put all ingredients in a pan and heat till boiling. Allow to cool and add sweetener if

desired (honey, jaggery etc). You can also use the following Ayurvedic herbs with milk/ milk
substitute for specific disorders:

Ashwagandha & Shatavari - for stress, nervous disorders, aphrodisiac and general tonic.

Date milk- back pain, fatigue, aphrodisiac, general tonic

Saffron and almond- proteins, vitamins, energy booster

Raisin and fennel- regulates stomach, decreases acidity, for constipation and weak

Rose milk- cooling and refreshing, with constipation, excellent for aggravated Pitta

Boil 3 cups of water with4 cloves, 2 pinches of ground nutmeg/ cinnamon/ cardamom, inch
piece of fresh ginger for 5 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon rooboish/ black tea/ lemon grass and
simmer for 2 minutes. Add 1 cup of milk/ dairy substitute and heat until hot. Add 2 teaspoons
of sweetener of choice and serve (NB: Cardamon helps neutralise the effects of caffeine tea)

After dinner mint tea:

Use a large bunch of fresh mint in a tea pot of hot water, with 1 tsp. sweetener. Leave for 5
minutes then serve.

Digestive Herbal Wine:

1 bottle organic red wine/ non-alcoholic wine. 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, cardamom, clove,
ginger, fennel. teaspoon of cumin, coriander, nutmeg, black pepper. Heat wine to just under
boiling, then remove from heat and add herbs. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. Strain herbs
(through a cloth if powdered herbs were used) and serve warm.

Lassi (buttermilk)
Aids digestion at end of meal as increases Pitta. Blend 2 cups of water with cup plain yoghurt,
skim off the fat that rises to the surface, add 2 pinches of ginger and cumin powder. For Vata

types, add a little rock salt; for Pitta types a little jaggery; for Kapha types a little dried ginger
powder and black pepper. Or try:

Pachak Lassi: Add 1 inch of fresh ginger, teaspoon cumin seeds/powder, pinch of salt,
1 tablespoon chopped coriander to garnish. Balances all doshas.

Spicy Lassi:2 tablespoons sugar, (or less) 1/2 teaspoon fresh, grated ginger or tsp. Dry
ginger, teaspoon ground cardamom. Good for all doshas.

Sweet lassi: 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 drop of rosewater.

Ayurvedic Diet & Weight Loss

In Ayurveda, Charak Samhita describes eight different types of bodies that are disease prone.
Out of these, the obese body is described as the one afflicted with the most diseases and
troubles. Obesity is the condition or physical state of the body when excessive deposition of fat
takes place in the adipose tissue.
Extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and
ankles and thus, overweight people are susceptible to several diseases like coronary
thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders. Chief
cause of obesity is overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating or
mixing non-compatible food items in one meal.

To decrease weight and get rid of obesity, three things must be kept in mind:
1. Controlling eating habits.
2. Regular exercise.
3. Avoiding the causes of weight gain

Early morning
Juice of half a lemon mixed in a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of honey.

Wheat or Mung bean sprouts and a cup of skimmed milk.

A glass of orange, pineapple or carrot juice.

Salad of raw vegetables such as carrot, beet, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes. Steamed or boiled
vegetables Whole grain bread or whole wheat chapatis (Indian bread) and a glass of buttermilk.
Roasted cumin seeds, green coriander leaves, a little salt and some grated ginger mixed in the


Coconut water, Dry fruits, Lemon tea, Fresh vegetable soup

Whole grain bread or chapatis Steamed vegetables Seasonal fruits except banana and apple.

Home Remedies for Losing Weight

Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.

Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.

Milk products like cheese, butter etc. and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as
they are rich in fat.

Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. A chutney of green mint with some simple spices
can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps.

Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for losing weight and can be
used in a number of ways.

Regular intake of carrot juice.

Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is

Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful in losing

Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in
the body allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.
Dosage: One should start with small quantity of about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken
with hot water early in the morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be

Fasting on honey and lime- juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without
the loss of energy and appetite. For this, mix one teaspoon of fresh honey with the juice
of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water.
Dosage: Take several times a day at regular intervals.

Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into
fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.

Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories
stored in body as fat. Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by
running, swimming or rowing.

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