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The arrival of the bride

Robyn Donald

The arrival of the bride ()

Original title: Bride at Whangatapu (1977)
Publisher: Harlequin Ibrica
Stamp / Collection: Jasmine 73
Genre: Contemporary
Starring: Logan Sutherland and Fiona Ward

Fiona is a single mother and urgently needs a job in a warm

place for your child is sick and climate of London makes it
worse. In a job interview again found by chance with Logan
Sutherland, the father of her child. As he finds out the truth
about his parentage, forcing them to accompany him to New
Zealand, but not before marrying Fiona.
Chapter 1
Fiona Ward was nervous. You could tell by the way his
fingers squeezed the top of the portfolio, with such force that
looked white against the dark skin.

It showed in the

expression of his eyes dark gray; in his tense, usually soft

and smiling lips. In his finger gold ring highlighted as a link
to Serfdom, disagree with their extremely young factions,
because despite having twenty-three years looked no older
than nineteen. Only his eyes, cold and distant, covered by the

shadow of a painful memory, showed that it was no longer

fresh out of school girl.
The wait was unbearable. Both depended on the interview!
The health of Jonathan, his own tranquility, all expected of
the man who was on the other side of the cold, mocking
doorstep. The doctor had said that Jonathan needed to spend
at least a year in the field, running freely and breathing fresh
air, if you wanted to get rid of the terrible cough that shook
her body throughout the winter. Fiona prayed to God that he
was well in the interview, allowing you to leave the cold and
wet Wellington, and go to that beautiful peninsula in northern
New Zealand, where the warm sun caressed the earth.
It had seemed an answer to their prayers when the efficient
Miss Dobbs, employment agency, told him about the job.
It's like 'I had explained secretary;

preferably with

knowledge of accounting, though not indispensable.

Her large dark eyes had looked compassionate slim girl
sitting across the desk. Mrs. Ward seemed too young to be a
widow; but even so, was the mother of a child of four years.
It was tragic that her late husband would not have let them
better off and that she had been forced to desperately look for
a job in welcome their son.
I think it's perfect for you Mrs. Ward. The property is very
large, I think it was one of the first farms were established
there, and the house is an old colonial residence. The owner
needs someone to help with office work. You will work not
only for himself but also for his mother, who is a well known
writer. That will keep pretty busy. The pay is good, and
have no objection to the child. It seems that the wife of one
of the pastors is ready to serve you while you work. It is a
property on the coast, and the house is next to the beach.

Looks great ... Fiona said quietly, imagining his son tan,
healthy and happy Jonathan, running and screaming in the
sun. With an effort he turned his thoughts to reality. Thank
goodness his father advised him to take a secretarial course
after Jonathan was born.
Here's the address. The owner is staying at the hotel Settlers.
His appointment is tomorrow at four. Ask for Mr. Smith.
-Yup. That's not his real name, of course, but do not worry,
Mrs. Ward. For years we have dealt with them; will not
happen anything wrong with family ... Smith. Good luck!
Well, now they need luck. Jonathan ... refused to think about
it. A noise behind the door made Fiona nervous lips tighten
and relax your tense fingers. He had to appear calm and
confident! Mr. Smith, whoever he may be, should not notice
how desperate I was for work; at least he owned his pride.
The door opened and the man left.
-Seora Ward? Sorry to keep you waiting ... His voice
trailed off at her more closely.
He was tall, dark and handsome, full of that serenity that
comes only with self-confidence.
She whispered, pale lips:
-No ... No! He spread his arms as if to remove him, then
felt the room spinning around; fell sinking into a momentary
Nausea thickening invaded his throat.

With a trembling

hand he brushed a strand of hair from her damp forehead.

For a moment he wondered what had happened.


Sutherland made him a glass on the lips and said firmly:

Drink this.

Not said in barely audible tone, and then quenched when

forced to drink the liquid strong, without compassion.
It's only brandy. What will drink or I'll have you swallow
the rest? Fiona opened her eyes slowly. He was kneeling
beside the sofa, his strong arm like steel around her
Drink-what she said shakily.
Well He placed the glass on the table and stood up, looking
at her with those eyes that looked blue-ice. Hurry.
The glass against his teeth gritted as he sipped the liquor
slowly, head tilted to avoid the accusatory gaze. When he
finished, he walked away with his back to look out the
Fiona quickly lowered the legs of the sofa, trying to collect
his belongings, his head still spinning. It was in an elegantly
furnished room with vases filled with roses of many colors.
Her perfume was sharp and evocative. He reached for his
wallet, he saw her across the table and took it. Under the
pretext of taking the comb, took the photograph of your child
and put it in your purse, squeezing to do. The crackling noise
seemed to produce an echo in the room, but realized it was
his idea because of the tension. It was impossible for him to
hear as little sound. Then she combed her coppery hair,
comb saved and closed the portfolio.
'I ... I feel better now.
Well -he turned examinndola-. Yes, you have a little more
color in your cheeks. Are you sure you're okay?
Yes He thanks his feet, still hesitant and quickly leaned on
the arm of the couch. He replied determinada-'m fine. Now
I'll go.
I -Why?

-why? he repeated. I ... think it's natural. Definitely not

want to work for you, and I ... Her voice became louder, I do
not want to.
Possibly he said, but made no move to open the door, which
was unusual in someone who had an instinctive politeness.
Not think you should go yet. It was a very strong drink and,
if I remember correctly, your head does not take a lot of
-I Am fine thank you. Goodbye, 'he said coldly.
He crossed the room, but Logan came before, taking her arm.
I think we do have something to discuss replied, flatly.
Responsible for the employment agency informed me that
you had a four year old son. You should marry soon after ...
So was -she tried to drop his arm.
The pressed with greater force; his fingers hurt him.
-Casada And widow so soon?

You have lived tragic

moments since we met last time, Mrs. Ward. How did your
She bit her lip, and lies, said many times, there came easily:
-In A car accident murmured. Let me go ... You're hurting
'Sorry snapped his arm, but remained close, watching her.
I'd forgotten how fragile you are.
Rigid, his nerves to explode, Fiona looked white
handkerchief edge protruding from the pocket of his suit
Logan. Every instinct warned him to flee, to run as if the
devil was chasing, but knew he could not. But if he could not
flee, fight.

Yes I'm sure he said politely.

Actually no purpose to

remember. It's a pointless exercise interesting you only the

old, so we can say goodbye do not you think?
He laughed softly.
Oh, no, Mrs. Ward, we do not say goodbye! How's your
Jonathan answered quickly. And it has not yet completed
four years.
-Ah, No? You must forgive me for not believing. Do You
Know? I would see it. I'll take you home and I can meet
-Do Not! he answered too quickly. Nervously, improvis-:
It ... has been staying with a friend.
A pity. Who looks, you or your father?
'That what matters. I do not know what you're up to, but do
not have to allow you to get in my business. Goodbye.
He quickly grabbed his wallet.
'Most mothers said insolently, take a photograph of her
children in her purse. My mother has always done.
He unzipped, and as his fingers searched the portfolio, Fiona
Do not you dare! Do not you ...!
Covering an arm, and with a rapidity that astonished, Logan
emptied the contents of his briefcase on the table, looked
purse and opened it. Fiona breathed irregularly and gave him
a sharp kick in the leg.
Although she reached to grab the photo, Logan took it and,
with the other arm, attracted young, taking her by the hair
furiously. Tears blinded the eyes of Fiona. She sobbed and
clutched at his head, trying to get rid of painful captivity.

It seemed an eternity before passing the loose. Again he

tried to take his picture, but he avoided it, turning it over to
read what she had written on the back.
Jonathan Logan Ward, four years said in a tone completely
devoid of emotion;

photography then broke to pieces.

Jonathan Logan Sutherland should have been called, little

I'll have to send you back negative glanced sadly cartulinapieces. It was the one I had.
Fiona ... why?

His voice sounded cold, hands pressed

heavily on the shoulders. Why do not you tell me?

After what you called me? she whispered. After what you
did to me? Would you have believed that the baby was yours
when I told you she was pregnant? His voice trembled as he
spoke. If I remember correctly, you said it was any one, a
vicious and that was just the beginning.
Of course I did shook his head, as if to touch him away
manchara-. Holy God, Fiona, was furious! Were eighteen
and fell into my arms like a ripe plum. I was twenty, old
enough to have known that it was wrong to sleep with an
almost fresh out of school girl. How do you expect me to
Well, that's a matter buried, do not you think? said without
intonation. I ... I understand that was a surprise for you ...
-Una Surprise?

he interrupted breathing hard;

continued more calmly.


Yeah, I guess you can call it a

surprise. Sit, Fiona. We have much to discuss.

'We have nothing to talk replied coldly.
Do not be silly, 'said impatiently. Of course we have to
discuss this. You should know that I could not turn around

and forget about it once I knew what the child, or you would
not have fought so hard to avoid I found out.
Nothing has changed-he felt one incontenible- fear.
Jonathan is my son.
And mine Logan murmured softly and then amenaz-: Are
you going to sit or have to force yourself?
She bit her lip, turned, and began to mourn without being
able to contain himself.
'God saint! he exclaimed, putting a handkerchief, holding
her against his chest as she cried for all the worries and fears
felt in the last five years. She cried because now Jonathan
had a father and also because this would not be his alone.
-What ... sorry murmured between sobs, stepping back.
Me too, but at least you will mourn relieved. Maybe you
should drink some more brandy.
No ... no, thanks, I'm already quite stunned.
You look exhausted. Go to the bathroom and while you fix a
little, I'll tea. Then we'll talk.
The room was large and luxuriously furnished. There was a
travel alarm on the nightstand next to the bed, but that was
the only witness to the presence of Logan. In the bathroom,
Fiona was frightened with the image reflected in the mirror.
Never seen such despair on his face, even when their parents
died two years earlier as painfully.
She washed her face and combed her hair back, before
applying a little lipstick. Although it was cheap, its color
coral looked good; their improved appearance was paying
support for the struggle ahead.
It would be a battle, he knew, and while repressing all
emotion, he could not help the tremor that ran through her

'I could not leave you, my boy murmured, as if her son with
Logan stood by the window when she returned, looking back
cloudy and stormy day.
-List For combat, I see.

You served tea, Fiona.


sandwiches are for you.

Thanks ... I admitted hungry, sinking into a chair. It take tea
without milk, is not it?
'Yes' was to sit in front of her, taking the cup of tea with that
courtesy that once she found encantadora-. Come, come, it
seems that you need.
The sandwiches were delicious; were smoked salmon, pate
and chicken, and ate real appetite.
You see you I also remember your tastes Logan said softly.
There was a long, tense pause. Tell me about it, Fiona. How
is it?
Surprised, set the cup and for the first time, I looked into his
eyes. On its attractive mature factions, saw the children of
his son, so similar, that just looking at a photograph was
enough to claim paternity of the child.
It's big for his age smiled softly. He cries when he gets hurt,
gives terrible cries, but then gets up and continues with what
you are doing; It is very special. Occasionally gets tantrums,
but fewer and fewer as it is learning to control his temper. He
is very affectionate with people he knows. It's ... He lifted his
shoulders and spread his hands is Jonathan. A person with
rights, not a copy of one, not a vehicle to carry hopes and
You lie, Fiona. He is your hope, the object of your dreams.
Why do not you tell me? Oh ...! he interrupted when she
wanted to discuss something. I understand that at first it was


I was a brute, and you were too young to

understand my anger towards me and not you. But then ...

you should assume that would help.
Yeah, I guess so -arrugando forehead, trying to remember
exactly how you felt at the time, when terror and shame were
the only companions who could not evadir-. I ... do not really
know what I felt. You see, I loved and thought ... that to
make love to me, it meant you loved me. It was very naive,
very silly. Anyway, you were angry so much that I returned
with my parents right away. Then when I discovered I was
pregnant, I told them. They were wonderful. Dad wanted to
tell the father, but never confessed it was you.
But as father of the child, I was right ...
I know, but I was too hurt by your refusal to notice. Not
really related to the baby with you, even if it seems silly.
Until I began to look so much like you, I did not think ... had
rights over it.

And then ... well, my parents died, and

Jonathan was all I had. He feared that if you enterabas,

would try to interfere in our lives. She hoped to find some
emotion reflected in his face, but he was wrong, since their
expression was remote, as cold as charity offering it ... and
that she would accept for the sake of Jonathan.
You want to interfere, right? asked categorical.
I have to, Fiona. You had no right to hide the birth of
Jonathan, although I understand why you did it. Obviously,
you need money; if not, you'd come to the interview. Why?
Not so much for the money itself. It is for Jonathan. Had a
severe attack of bronchitis a few months ago and still
coughing. The doctor says you need sun and a life in the

That's why so ... I found this wonderful

'Sorry Logan wrinkled forehead. Is the disease has left some

serious trail?
No ... oh, no!
I think we can give that life in the camp said, watching her.
'I can work for you! she cried, hotly. Do not be absurd.
Not what I meant. I suggest we get married. It will be five
years later but, as they say, "better late than never."
Fiona swallowed, unable to utter a word.
You've got to be crazy, I could not ... he murmured.
-You Can and you will, dear He leaned forward. It's the
sensible thing, you understand, when you think a little. The
child needs a family, a father.

He's my son and I'm

responsible for it. I do not intend to let him suffer under the
stigma of illegitimacy, so we have to get married. Oh! ...
Continued when she looked at him in terror. It will be just a
formality, I promise, unless you want to become a true
-Do Not!
Supposed-what ... Poor Fiona! You have suffered much for
a night of madness, due to the hot blood of youth and excess

I can never make it up the last five years, but I

guarantee your future and Jonathan are safe.

He realized he could not escape it. Despair vibrated in his
voice when he objected:
But ... everyone will know. I mean ... sorry, Logan, but
could not face the people to know that I was stupid enough to
... well, to love so much.
It's an antiquated way of putting it, dear, but I understand.
Nobody will know, except for my mother who will have to
know, but do not worry about it. His only ambition over the
last five years has been to marry me, so he accepted the

situation, especially when you see Jonathan. No, the story

you tell is that we met and got married five years ago despite
objections from your parents, but discussed and we parted.
Do not warn me of the birth of Jonathan because you were
afraid I was going to take it off. But we have now found
again, and we decided that we still love you.
How do you account for the failure to communicate your
marriage to yours? Fiona asked coldly.
Because my pride hurt a woman left me. Many people find
me completely incapable of admitting failure.


shuddered at the hint of disdain in his voice. She stared at

him, seeing the difference after five years. Back then he was
incredibly attractive, reckless for safety that gave his good
looks, wealth, but mainly his personality. Therefore he had
taken over his heart and body so easily.

In short, his

recklessness and his passion had led to Jonathan, and he was,

the product of youthful folly, who cared. Without another
thought, I knew I would marry him, with that cold and
calculating man who threw the marriage because he thought
it was his duty to do so.
Everything depends on Jonathan. If he likes you, will carry
out the plans. Otherwise ... no.
He laughed, but without a hint of humor.
'I will marry me if he cries every time you look at me. It is a
Sutherland ... I do not expect you to understand what that
means until you've lived in Whangatapu, but he is entitled to
a better life than you can offer. So make up your mind,
Fiona. Believes that fate would have it we met again. There
is no escape for you or for me. Now, I'll take you home. I
want to know my son smiled halfheartedly.
Fiona stood, ignoring the last sentence.

'You can not force me to marry you said firmly, trying to

hide the fear in his voice vibrated.
'I do not think replied coldly. You have no other choice,
dear. You should try to accept it and enjoy it, because you
will appear to be a loving wife when we go north. No desire
more gossip than necessary. The languages will be released
for several weeks, until they reach another topic of
discussion. Well, what do we expect? It's time to go.
Available Logan had rented a car, not too big, for ease of
parking, but very luxurious.
When they arrived in front of an old mansion converted into
a honeycomb of apartments, he looked with distaste.
-This Is not a place for a child, 'he said. Sign in to look for
it. Tell whoever is caring you are going to spend the night
with relatives. Bring a suitcase with some clothes.
But ... where ...?
I've booked a room for you at the hotel. In return I will
arrange for the wedding. That will give us three days to get
to know more. Then we will consider a couple of weeks
holiday so the child gets used to me-looked wryly and ... you
Jonathan sat in the small room of Mrs. Wilson, watching
television, watching a children's program. When his mother
came, she screamed and jumped enthusiastically, putting his
arms around her.
Hello, dear Fiona kissed him lovingly.
Mommy, I've been good. Mrs. Wilson made me an egg for
lunch and draw a face on the shell.
It was so like Logan, his heart stopped for a moment. "God
grant that never develop cynicism or hardness of his father,"
Fiona thought with fervor.

I'm glad, dear. Now you should thank Mrs. Wilson and say
You wish a cup of tea, dear? Have you got the interview?
Do you think you'll get the job?
Mrs. Wilson was sweet and was alone in the world. I was
going to miss Jonny, as he called. Fiona could not lie, so he
said to the small:
Jonathan, watch television again, dear-then, when the child
obeyed, continued: Something wonderful happened today,
Mrs. Wilson. The ... the man who interviewed me was the
father of Jonathan. You see, I am not a widow. I left before I
knew I was in a state, and changed my name because I was
afraid to try to take it off. Now ... want him back with him.
Oh, dear child! 'Mrs Wilson sighed excitedly. How good is
that for you ... and for Jonny! But I'm going to miss He took
a handkerchief to her eyes, and then continued: Of course,
you have reason to return with him. Jonny needs a father.
When you may go?
-You Want to meet Jonathan before we leave.
It's a very sensible thing. Are you happy?
Yes, very happy, not only for the sake of Jonathan, Mrs.
-I Am glad. You deserve it and you need to take care. Sorry
to see you lose weight and so worried. Stay in touch with
me. I'll be waiting for news of your new life.
Excited, Fiona bent to kiss the soft, wrinkled cheek.
Thank -and before bursting into mourn, named the child.
This returned, said goodbye and thanked Mrs. Wilson would
be complimentary. Then he took Fiona's hand as they walked
down the long hallway to the door of your apartment.
What's for dinner, Mom?

I do not know, dear Fiona opened the door, entered and said:
We're staying in a hotel tonight, Jonathan, so I have to take
some of your clothes. If I put your best dress on the bed
dress will you know?
-Mis Long pants, jacket you did to me and my new shoes?
Yes, I can do it alone, mami.
As he put his clothes in a suitcase, Fiona felt a heavy heart.
Any sacrifice was worth it for your child!
Logan was waiting by the car. He straightened and walked
toward them; his face, a fearless mask, except for the light
came into his eyes when he looked at the boy, his youthful
image, except for Jonathan's hair had some coppery tones the
hair of his mother. By taking the bags, Logan said softly:
-Le You tell anything?
No, 'said she.
Well He grinned the boy. Hello, Jonathan.
Hello, sir, 'he looked curiously. Are we going with you?
Yes, you can sit back.
'With Mommy?
No, I think Mommy should sit in front so you can see where
we're going.
With his head tilted to one side, his father Jonathan inspected
without blinking. It was not difficult to understand that was a
recapitulation between the two men, who had nothing to do
with Fiona, except that she was the cause.
.-According cheerfully replied the child.

What is your

Logan, do you?
I'm Jonathan Logan, and I have four years. Mami turned
twenty, and twenty had a cake with candles. How old are

Thirty; and enters the car, we ...

Not jump, dear. The car is not in Logan, so you have to take
extra care Fiona 'I said.
'Have been prestao?
I -Prestado Fiona corrected the moment. He has rented as is
here to take us with him, instead of taking buses.
'Better' said Jonathan, and explored the ashtrays.
Fiona asked him not to, but Logan interrupted.
Leave it, it does no harm.
No, I guess not.
She had also put their best clothes: a blue dress, old
fashioned three years ago, but that was fine despite quedarle a
little big. Looking in the mirror of his small apartment, he
had thought that he was well groomed without being flashy.
Now, having seated next to Logan with his expensive suit, I
knew I was out of place. Even the clothes you could tell
Jonathan homemade. The thought hurt, but tried to remove
him from your mind. Logan was rich, but maybe this will not
win the affection of his son.

Jonathan had not known

anything but kindness and love, and without knowing why,

he sensed that Logan wanted to love the child. For once in
your life have to struggle to achieve it, thought ironic, since
his splendid physical appearance, which made it almost
irresistible to women would not have had any effect on your

She did not feel worried about Logan's attitude

towards Jonathan. It was the idea of forced intimacy in a

marriage without love what disturbed her nerves.
He knew that easily yield to the great attraction that still
existed between them. At the hotel, his touch had quickened
his pulse and realized something was unaware when an
immature young man of eighteen, and was that a man could

feel sexual interest in a woman that even liked. Although his

eyes looked coldly showed in the bottom heat only expected
to make a signal to burn the ashes. And that signal does not
need great effort. His brief desire was a wonderful moment,
a night of passion and commitment, an ecstasy of mutual
satisfaction. But the lesson was learned, and well, in a hard

The bitter taste of humiliation would be present

forever in your memory.

Are you worried about something?
No, now ... no longer answered quietly.
Then do not wrinkle the forehead, do not look good. What
time Jonathan lies normally?
'At six o'clock.
-Duerme Uneasy?
-Do Not. Once remains asleep in the same position until six
in the morning.
-A Six? 'I smiled. Then, you will be well on the farm.
There we got up early.
Gratefully, he took the topic of conversation neutral.
Tell me something from there, Logan.
My family is very old in New Zealand. The first Sutherland
arrived found some land that completely depopulated during
the wars between tribes, and bought it. Whangatapu called
the "Sacred Bay" or the "Bay Forbidden" because it was
believed that there lived turehu, enchanted people.


Sutherland built a small Nikau whare for his wife and lived
there for fifteen years; She gave birth to six children and he
cultivated the land. When you were rich enough to build a
proper home, he took a few masons Australia and erected a
Georgian house with volcanic rock that forms part of the
grounds of the property. The house is still there, two floors,

square, opposite the beach. He then enlarged, but my father

took most of the added Victorian style, to let the pure original
Georgian lines. Around the house there is an acre of garden,
which is the domain of my mother, and the necessary
facilities on the farm.
'How far is the nearest town?
-A Twenty kilometers.
When Jonathan begins in school, did you go to look for a
Yes, come to our fence. Collect children at quarter past eight
to take them to a school with two teachers, there are a few
miles away. After high school, send it to study high school in
Somerville, where we make purchases.

There is a small

recreation center next to the school where you can go three

times a week, during the mornings. Do you know how to
Yes, but I've had little experience on gravel roads.
-Soon learn. You can practice on farm roads before leaving.
A small brown hair with copper flashing stepped between
Are we going to live with you, sir? Jonathan she asked with
-Yup. You think you'll like it?
The boy hesitated, then replying with determination:
If Mom likes, me too, because I want to be where she is.
Where do you live?
Very far from here, in a house on the beach.
you You live on a farm? he asked excitedly.
'With cows, sheep and dogs?
Yes, we have everything.

-If Had a puppy without a friend, you think I could be his

special companion?
Fiona turned her head in amazement. She did not know that
Jonathan wanted a dog.
'Yes, I think so' said Logan. What kind of dog you like?
Not know it until I see it.
Very successful, because the dog has to choose you you too.
We'll see what we can do. I convenient stop calling me "sir"
now that we know better.
How should I call you?
There was silence.
You can call me dad or Logan, if you prefer natural tone he
'Are you my daddy?
Yes, I am.
Mommy, is he my father?
Fiona nodded, a lump in the throat.
Yes, your father, Jonathan.
Sighed the boy, who spoke later in serene tone is heard.
Well, that's fine. Always wanted a dad, but mom said it was
so far away that he could not come. I'm glad you came, you
... Dad. Now you can take care of my mom. Mrs. Wilson told
another lady mom needed someone to look after her because
she was so tired. Are you going to take care of you?
Without doubt, Jonathan. What would you most like your
mom, you know?
A mischievous giggle was heard before his response:
He wants to buy a train because when I ordered one, she said
I could not afford it and then cry in the bathroom. It also
wants to books and records. Whenever he stops to look at
those stores, but I think what he wants most is a train.

-Jonathan! Fiona was ashamed before the cunning of his son,

but the boy's eyes smiled and twinkled. Enough is enough, he
added sternly. Look, there's a dog. Would you like one just
like it?
The child's attention was distracted by seeing the immense
"barzoi" towing his owner down the street. She looked
through, stretching in his seat in order to continue.
No, it's big and hairy replied after a moment. I want a dog for
my size.
It's just 'said Logan. Well, we got to the hotel.

Chapter 2
'Are asleep?
Fiona nodded to go through the door. The room we had
booked them Logan stood by his suite. She thanked the
consideration it had shown him, avoiding interfering while
she fed him and slept with Jonathan.
Judging by all the papers around him, should have taken their
time on something useful, but now kept them in his briefcase,
standing up and looking forward.
'I look tired. I have asked that we serve dinner here, and I
suggest you go to bed early. We have much to do tomorrow.
-like What?
-Comprarte Some clothes to begin with, and organize the
move of that ... your apartment.
She smiled slightly, dropping into a chair.
-You Do not need to hide. I am not ashamed of the
department, but certainly is very little for you. Jonathan
wanted to talk to you.
-Yup? he replied, quietly, almost sharply. Drink some sherry.
I see you're tense, like gathering all your strength.

Fiona took the glass, but left on the table, aside without
Logan, do not malcres, please.
What do you mean?
Would have to say, though his terse response not encouraged
to continue.
Mean that until now he has been happy with very few
material possessions. Let not feel anything just ask to have it.
Fiona, your fault I lost five years of my son's life.
She paled to note the bitterness in his voice.
I completely blame Not so; both your parents and I must
share responsibility. I am a stranger to him, and I'm not
foolish enough to think that I can buy her love, but it is still
very young and some toys will help you lose the discomfort
you feel in a strange environment. You have done a good job
with it, and you have to accept that it is getting to the age
where a parent will ever more important to him. Did you
know you wanted a dog?
Not muttered embarrassed.
'So you do not know everything about him suddenly smiled
and walked across the room, he approached her, took her
hand and brought him to his feet. Are you afraid of me?
No, there is no reason for it, do you?
You wish to become in love with me? she asked softly before
tilting his head to kiss her.
His mouth was warm and possessive, ready to snatch what
she was unwilling to give. Some deep instinct warned him to
stay undaunted by his kiss, not fight it, although each
direction will indicate the danger, since that was what he
expected and enjoy conquering. He remained motionless, his

mouth RECOMA all over her face as if I were hungry soft

satin skin.
You're more beautiful than before murmured. But so cold ...
You hid behind a wall of ice, Fiona? Does that provoked
thee? Am I guilty that hide your passion? 'Suddenly she
laughed and released her. I wonder how long it'll stay that
way. Bet?
-Do Not. They will not change things, Logan. Sorry, but if
you want that kind of relationship, it is better you went to the
farm without us.
I wish my child more than you answered cruelly. But I am
sure that, soon, I'll have them both.
Never thought you cocky 'he replied, full of anger.
Answer me honestly you a question, Fiona: Was that time we
made love the only time you have given to a man?
She looked startled, blushing.
-No You have the right to ask me that!
'It's not your affair-he was indignantly. If you think I'm a
vicious ...
'You've answered me he smiled. No other man has possessed
you. Well, that makes us things. Come, drink sherry; will
calm down and will make you crave.
Years later, Fiona would not remember much of what
happened in the following days. Fragments kaleidoscope,
disjointed images were all that was left ... buying clothes,
Jonathan laughing with his father on the trolley, careful time
tantrum with a word of Logan, old Mrs. Wilson put into the
hands of Jonathan one small parting gift, wind, rain and cold,
and then the civil ceremony at the foot office record. The tall

and distant with her, as he placed the wedding ring on her

finger, and lack of passion in the customary kiss.
And then the plane ride to Rotorua; she and Logan
progressively relaxing while Jonathan proved to be an
efficient intermediary. The infant giggles mixed with a deep
male laughter; the first time Jonathan said he wanted to kiss
her father before bedtime; the first took Logan's hand as they
walked down the street; questions about his grandmother
Sutherland; the telegram from Whangatapu commanded
Logan's mother ...
Three weeks later, the plane ride to Auckland, huge isthmus
between two bays; a cup of coffee at the airport and the trip
by hydrofoil to Whangatapu to get in silent splendor of a
warm spring afternoon walk.
He indicated -Whangatapu Logan.
Looks like a wonderful place ... Fiona replied, swallowing.
Are you nervous? Fiona nodded and he patted her hand.
You'll be fine here; do not worry.
Consideration made her smile slightly, but something made
him go tense. For the sake of Jonathan, would have to get
ahead, but his heart was frightened by the fact that Mrs.
Sutherland and others were waiting down on the farm ...
Logan's fingers caught hers tightly.
Come -the encouraged softly, you'll take it.
He managed to stay upright, serene, leaving the plane,
walking with her husband while he was carrying her sleeping
son, into the tall, thin woman, with black pants and a bright
red coat, waiting with his hands tucked in pockets.
'Are asleep? he asked in a deep voice. Let me see, Logan.
A long finger stroked the little rosy cheek; Ailsa Sutherland
then smiled and looked at her.

Welcome home, Fiona she said gently. I guess you're dying

for a cup of tea.
Yes ... thank you.
Logan's mother looked at Jonathan.
I see you have something of yours. These coppery highlights
in her hair. Otherwise, it would be identical to Logan at the
same age.
As if he could continue talking, he asked them to follow the
gravel road to the house. Jonathan woke up in the arms of his
Oh! extasiado- exclaimed. Already gone the plane?
Yes, I think so. The pilot was anxious to go home 'said
Where are we? Jonathan looked around.
-In Your house.
Big blue eyes lingered on the strange woman.
'Are you my grandmother Sutherland? she asked.
-Yup. You can call me granny, if you want.
-Abuelita? he repeated the word thoughtfully, then gave her
a charming smile. I like it. I had another grandmother and a
grandfather, but went to live with God a long time ago, so I
do not remember. You can call me Jonathan Logan
Sutherland if you wish.
Hello, Jonathan Logan Sutherland! I think, in short, better'll
call Jonathan.
-OK. Do you also live here? Put me down, Daddy, I can walk
Once on the ground, ran ahead of them, stretching his arms
and making a noise that mimicked the plane.
Ailsa Sutherland sighed at him.

'How charming! He paused, kissing the child before saying

excitedly voice: You must forgive me if dotage a little, Fiona.
I try not to spoil him, but will be difficult.
Not always charming. Ask Logan, he's seen it kicking and
screaming furious Fiona smiled.
Well 'said his mother, his temperament is perhaps stronger,
but Jonathan is lovely ... natural and spontaneous. You can
get used to living here without great difficulty.
The house was protected from the sea by a wide belt of
casuarinas, whose long green needles whispered, moved by
the light breeze.
-The Wind forecasts say it will rain tomorrow, 'said Mrs.
Sutherland. I need not tell you, Logan.
No, I can smell it and he smiled.
Fiona looked perplexed, standing when he placed an arm
around her shoulders. Jonathan completed the circle hugging
them, putting his hand between Logan strong fingers.
I like this site. I'm happy to be here, and do you mommy?
Yes, dear, very happy. It was a strange feeling noted Logan's
arm over his shoulders; I knew it was for his mother and if
someone else was watching.
A Fiona loved flowers; his parents were enthusiastic








opportunities like this subtropical area.

He stopped and smelled the fragrant air.
Oh! His eyes, radiant, observed a beautiful garden with the
beauty of a heritage of over a century of growth and attentive
Camellias growing in a flowerbed width along with several
species of roses, whose flavor is spreading in the still air.
Some bees flew tirelessly around a group of purple lavender,

while one tui was very pleased at the highest branch of a tree
covered with golden flowers. It was such a magnificent
garden and the house, asymmetrical proportions and so
abundantly planted, which had a dreamlike air.
What plant is this, that of the immense shades of purple
It's the waratah of Australia. It's beautiful, is not it ?, and tuis
love to your honey. Listen, that is going to sing.
Until Jonathan remained motionless, while the clear notes
sounded in the air like a chime.
Fiona felt a series of indescribable emotions and fought back
tears. He had said that the tui noticed it, as he finished his
song with a superb imitation of an ax chopping wood, which
made everyone laugh.
-Also Imitates the men who whistle Mrs. Sutherland said
their dogs. There are birds ringers in plants, singing later
when everyone else is silent. Look, there is "Simpleton". He
lives with the hope of someday catch this bird.
"Simpleton" was a big black cat, about the size of a mouser,
spanning tree lawn toward him. When Logan heard the voice
calling him, raised his ears, but he ignored it until the tui
away. Then he changed course and went to Logan, letting
caress between the ears.
Why "Simpleton"? Fiona asked, laughing.
Not having very fine instincts. He lives just to eat. Logan sat
up, taking her arm.
What are you doing, Jonathan? Ailsa asked.
Come, is falling dew and'd better go.
Everyone looked. The boy was beside the trunk of a leafless
jacaranda, watching her soft branches with firm resolve.

When they approached, he raised his arm holding onto the

lowest branch, letting lift and laughing pleased.
Tomorrow I'm going to climb this tree he announced, until
the cup!
All right, tomorrow Fiona him down, kept embraced a
moment, then putting it on the floor. Now, sir, it is almost
bathtime and dinner.
Can I stay up late today? I slept on the plane.
Fiona was about to answer, but Logan was ahead.
Just a little later than normal.
It was one of the things that take getting used Fiona: Before it
was the only one who gave orders to Jonathan, and now could
not avoid a certain resentment when Logan made a decision
for her.
It was something that had to adapt. He nodded to Jonathan,
allowing your husband to guide her up the stairs to the terrace
and then to a room that ere twice as big as his old department,
whose furniture was like the dream of an antique dealer.
'I -Subiremos to change our clothes Logan told his mother;
Fiona can meet after Jinny and Tom.
I'll put Jonathan in the guest room next to yours. I thought I
would be happier near you.
Well Logan looked up at the sound of an engine. That must
be Tom with luggage. Fiona Indcale where to go, will you,
Mom? I'm going to help Tom.
Mrs. Sutherland led by a large carpeted stairs to a room on
the first floor. At the door, watching Jonathan, a sad smile
appeared on his lips Logan's mother. Fiona then realized the
enormity of what he had done.
-What ... sorry muttered weakly.










misunderstanding between them.

I see that you realize the folly you made to conceal the
existence of his son Logan ... He is not a man with whom
easy coexistence, but for the good of all, it has to be. I had
never seen him so relaxed as he looks to Jonathan.
Mrs. Sutherland paused to add then more emphatically:
Forgive me if I seem abrupt, but you must understand your
position. All are prepared to accept you for the sake of Logan
and the child. Of course there is great curiosity about you.
Logan is loved and respected by all Northland; as his wife,
you will admire and even envy you. People expect us certain
level of behavior and character. If you do not get to that
point, you have to leave.
-The Warning gypsy, right? Thank you, Mrs. Sutherland.
'I've bothered, I know, but I had to say; and believe me,
Fiona, it better be the one to tell you that is Logan advirtiendo involuntary contraction of the eyebrows of Fiona,
he added. Yes, you know it when upset. Not worth provoke ...
Well, this is your room; now I leave.
The room was large, as opulent as the reception room, but
with a more severe style, Fiona and the first thing he saw was
the big double bed. I was going to protest, but her lips closed
It was natural: Logan had not told her mother all about her
marriage, but if he had the idea that the show this regal bed
would force her into his arms, would have to think about
anything else!
Logan's mother left and soon after he came with his suitcase;
placed it on the floor and watched Fiona.

I'm not going to share the bed with you, 'she said, anticipating
any comments you knew would be calculated to make her
lose confidence.
-why Not? 'was to the piglets. It is very comfortable, I assure
you, and you will not like sleeping on the floor.
I dare say that acostumbrara- me. He opened the suitcase,
determined not to give up. He could not force her to sleep
with him, and he would not be persuaded by charm to
Why fight the inevitable? To save your pride? Or make me
suffer a little, being realistic enough to know it's inevitable?
Would you like to win romantically, with all necessary
galanteos to pretend that we're in love? Love is just a
romantic dream, Fiona, you should know.
She turned, her eyes sparkling with anger, hating him for the
arrogant confidence she had in her sexy tan.
Not inevitable 'I replied, trying to contain himself with great
difficulty. ... You're so vain you think any woman who has
shared the bed with you, you wish you until the end of his
life! Memories of any pleasure to share with you clouded
with your reactions when we woke up the next morning. I
have had almost five years to think about my stupidity and
your brutality, and the only conclusion I have reached is that
I'll never risk it again!
He laughed softly, not impressed at all by the words uttered
in hushed tones to Jonathan, who was busy exploring the
cupboards, not heard.
-The Manages to hold back, so I see. I'll have to make sure
it's around when you show signs of wanting to spit. For now
... forget it. Just remember, Fiona, that proximity will be my
ally ... and that my patience is not inexhaustible.

'You said ... You promised that this would be a marriage in

name only.
I'm prepared to wait until you have forgotten the
understandable desire to make me pay for everything I told
you five years ago. God knows I've learned enough about
women to know that they have a long memory for grudges
and I am happy to let you develop yours for a while. But not
forever, Fiona. Jonathan needs other children in the family,
and you and I are going to give them when you admit that
this attitude of yours is just an attempt to cover you want me
as much.
'How ruin you! he exclaimed. Deliberately made to think
otherwise! You ...
Oh, God, Fiona! Do not protest more! he replied impatiently.
Stop doing the role of innocent! You should know that would
not intend to live as a single after our marriage. What the hell
do you think I am, half man? Stop acting like Lucrecia faced
her rapist, and prepares the child for dinner.
With trembling hands, Fiona turned to take small pajamas
Jonathan, trying to calm down.
She heard Logan's voice behind her.
Maybe remember little pleasure we share, dear, but it
happens that I have a better memory. You were very
innocent, and what you lacked in experience what
compensabas with ardor and your great desire to please. It
will again be well.
Having to prepare Jonathan, helped him. He bathed and then
took him to his room, smaller but equally luxurious; then his
pulse was normal, but the shadows did not leave their eyes.
Logan had fallen; she got into the room and changed,
washing hands and face before makeup. One of the gifts of

Logan was a cosmetic case with everything a woman might

need. Trying to concentrate on their arrangement, kept calm
I Well, how am I? she asked Jonathan, who watched with
great interest.
-Bonita As Daddy says. Can we go now?
Yes He took one last look in the mirror to see reflected the
smooth, youthful face; then took the hand of his son. Come
see where is daddy and grandma.
Logan was waiting at the foot of the stairs, slim and attractive
with pale gold colored sweater and dark pants.
-beautiful, Fiona, but not very appropriate -she warned
mockery, certainly alluded to was wearing a light green dress
that gave him a virginal air.
Jonathan dined before them, breaded steak and vegetables
with obvious appetite, while the adults drank sherry and
talked about Rotorua and climate. Mrs. Sutherland held a
tender look on the child, like high middle-aged woman
named Jinny, the housekeeper and cook, who had directed
him to Fiona acute and penetrating look, a smile that was just
a movement of the lips, and then ignored.
In the middle of the fruit salad, the child left the spoon,
yawned and leaned back in his chair.
It's bedtime Fiona said softly, standing up. He picked her to
upload it to the room.
Jonathan fell asleep almost instantly, lying in bed with
abandon. Fiona leaned down, kissed him on the cheek and
then left, leaving the door open so he could hear them if they
woke up.
Mother and son were waiting in the lounge. He turned to look
at the door opening, Fiona noted the resemblance between

them. Both shared the black hair and blue eyes, chiseled
features, agile walking motion; but it was the air of authority,
the great self-confidence, she could never possess, something
against which would have to fight in vain.
What hope would have to face them?
The thought made her stumble. Logan stepped forward,
taking her arm.
You're as tired as little remarked. And I recommend the same
medicine ... bed early. Take your sherry and then have dinner.
-Ya Is asleep?
Fiona smiled at the anxious question of his mother.
Yes, like a log. Probably not move all night.
Oh, great! I guess you also you will be tired.
Why travel will be so tiring? Sitting all day should not cause
yawning, but that always happens.
Dinner was superb; took champagne, as it was a special
occasion, then coffee; a scent of jasmine came through the
open windows.
North wind was blowing constantly waving curtains;
suddenly the sound of rain against the windows was heard.
-Time Is worsening Logan remarked, rising to close the
windows. It's bedtime, Fiona. You look dead tired. Say
goodnight mom and I accompany above.
Mrs. Sutherland smiled.
Yes, lie down and sleep well, dear.
Obediently, she said good night and went to Logan. He will
put an arm.
Jonathan'll see, 'he said softly to the door of his room.
In the large bedroom, Fiona threw the curtains and walked
awkwardly into his suitcase, refusing to look at the bed as if
to avoid a threat. He took the suitcase a light pink nightgown,

looking pensive moments and some stayed. Then, with

determination, she went to the bed and began to remove the
What are you doing?
The voice of Logan, who had just entered, startled, but
continued with what he did.
I'm preparing a bed on the floor he replied.
In response, he crossed the room and grabbed her wrist
Come with me she ordered. They came through the
bathroom, to the small room where there was a bed
individually. Here I will sleep until you sobrepongas your
tragic attacks.
He was upset. He had cheated, knowing it would worry all
through dinner about how they would sleep.
-No Need you to move, I can sleep here. And I'm not making
a tragedy! he replied angrily.
You'll be closer Jonathan in the main room. And if you are
not making a tragedy, at least you're getting a good imitation.
No ... 'I covered her mouth with her hand. You're tired, me
too, and I'm not going to hear more nonsense-their lips
replaced his hand. His kiss was rough, not smooth or respect,
and lasted so long that the blood buzzed in the ears of Fiona,
If you say anything -the threatened, very close to her lips, I'll
take the other room, I rip your clothes and you inherit albeit
by force. So go and lie down!
You're a tyrant first snapped, rabiosa-, but since you're the
father of Jonathan, I guess I'll have to take it.
-Also Am your husband.
She walked to the door, but there turned to say:

'Only think of you as the father of Jonathan.

It would be a fool if only saw you as the mother of Jonathan.
Also you're my wife. Never forget, because I have no
intention of doing so!

Chapter 3
A chuckle beside her woke her. Jonathan, Fiona thought, and
smiled sleepily, feeling back into his apartment. A deep voice
He will wake up if you give a Logan said He kissed his son.
Wake always a lady with a kiss.
Yes, daddy-the movement of eyelashes on his cheek denoted
a butterfly kiss style.
Hey, that's not fair! protested, catching him by the arm before
he managed to escape. A real kiss, my child, or I'll be asleep.
Jonathan laughed, giving her a smacking kiss. She tickled
and, while he writhed, kissed him on the forehead.
-it's Raining. Daddy says that later we can go to the shed to
see the tractors. Am I can put my jeans?
Yes, son He lifted his gaze; Logan was standing next to the
bathroom door at her sarcastically, with a plush robe open to
the waist, revealing that just showering. The look was
mocking, as she hid under the covers, running a hand to
I suppose I'd better shave before you know your morning
kiss. Want to watch, Jonathan?
Seeing his father shave had a very compelling fascination for
the child. He escaped from Fiona's arms and ran across the
-La I can turn? Can I make it sound?

-if You can.

As soon as he heard the sound of the shaver, Fiona jumped
out of bed, put on sneakers and a quilted housecoat, lilac, and
began to brush her hair. When the unit is stopped, the two
men entered the small room where slept Logan, and she went
to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
When they returned, he was dressed in blue trousers and pale
gray wool sweater. He was taking his clothes from the
suitcase to place in empty dresser drawers.
Logan caught her and kissed her neck.
You smell very well commented, releasing her. What is it?
- "Lily of the Valley". Logan, is this comfortable is for my
exclusive use?
Yes he laughed to the astonishment of his eyes. You will fill
the drawers and still say you have nothing to wear! Speaking
of clothes, better to dress our son.
'I've put his clothes on the bed, he can dress himself -in a
boost smiled at her. You also smell good.
It's an after shave lotion. I think it is called "Men". I have a
cousin of fifteen, Deirdre, keeps me well stocked. Have you
finished removing the laundry?
Yes, except for a few things from Jonathan. I'll put them on
the bed and can save suitcase somewhere.
Everything seemed very homely, while Logan suitcase
climbed to the top of the cabinet and Jonathan dressed, joyful
singing nursery rhymes. He had a clear voice that made his
father look.
-HA Inherited the voice of you. I always unajusted.
-Do You think? -Even Though the gray morning, Fiona felt
happier than in recent weeks. Logan, his prankster humor, no
threat to his peace of mind, unless it be called threat to the

fact that their physical dominate the large room, that

emanation of manhood that was such an essential part of it.
So he said graciously:
Well, I'm glad you're not perfect; so I feel more confident.
Oh! he said, extending his arm to draw her to him. He forced
her to raise her face to study it.
It would be a perfect oval if you had the square said cheeks
gently tracing the outline with a finger. Do not look much,
dear, or maybe I can forget that I promised to wait patiently
He leaned and kissed her.
At that time they knocked on the door. It was Jinny with a
Oh! exclaimed slightly apurada-. Sorry ...
-why? Logan looked flushed face ridicule from his wife
before soltarla-. Do we have you brought tea, Jinny? God
bless you, but rather have to do to spoil too lazy to Fiona.
I thought you might want to stay at rest, since it's your first
Many thanks Fiona was glad to have covered the bed and
arranged the pillow.
Logan wanted yours look like a real marriage and no one
could tell that she had not been shared.
Do you have time to take tea with us? Logan asked.
Jinny shook his head.
No, Tom will start screaming for his breakfast in a minute, so
I better go. He looked at Fiona. I have oatmeal for Jonathan,
do you like?
'There's only two things you do not like Fiona replied: beans
and carrots, which refuses to try. He will eat anything that
gives. Can I help you with something?

No thanks, I'm very well organized to do things myself

answered the maid, leaving the room.
-why? Fiona she asked her husband, surprised.
Logan shrugged.
She and her husband take nearly twenty years here and have
done what has seemed almost that long. My mother is not
home we say and think Jinny want to make sure that you
understand your position here.
'I see-but it was difficult to understand that the housekeeper
always did what he seems and disdained the help offered.
'I gently advised -Trtala with Logan. It is a little dry, but if
you become your friend, never find a more faithful.
She takes two people to make a true friendship 'I replied,
fighting the desolation he felt. It seemed that the bitter
loneliness of recent years was not finished. His eyes fell on
Jonathan, buttoning his belt with great seriousness, and
thought it might be worthwhile. Perhaps people would never
accept Whangatapu but was prepared to accept the little
innocent, and therefore would have to endure anything.
It was a horrible day. There were moments of sunshine when
everything looked fresh and freshly washed, but these were
followed by terrible northwest winds bringing heavy rain and
After breakfast, Logan retired to his study and Mrs. Fiona
Sutherland advised to return to the room to finish ordering
your clothes, taking Jonathan arms and carrying him ... to
give your mother a little peace, he said.
At noon, the two rooms were already fixed. Fiona had found
a vacuum in a closet and had used it, made the beds and
cleaned the bathroom. He had ordered all the toys in the room
Jonathan, and vases filled with water.

For several minutes he stopped in front of windows,

overlooking the garden, which seemed so beautiful last night.
Yet it was, even though the sky was gray and the rain fell
heavily attenuating the colors and moving branches with
Was the time what made her so unhappy? The sky began to
lighten in the east despite the sunshine that looked over the
hills to the north. For somewhere a blackbird singing, light
and cheerful.
Maybe, she thought, and she would always be his life. It had
been high hopes for moving to Whangatapu, and warm
optimistic thoughts, to see it as an opportunity to begin again.
Why would expect something more? It had been a fool to
think Logan's mother could be like a real mother, kind and
understanding. Within the circle of what her husband called
friends, maybe find someone who ABLE TO HIM call friend.
And if I had not ... at least it was Jonathan.
Below, the house was as silent as if he were empty. Fiona
hesitated a moment, by the stairs, before heading towards the
door marked by Mrs. Sutherland in the way of a quick walk
around the house.
The parlor music was not very big, but had a good piano.
Fiona's pale cheeks flushed, and thought that there might find
a little peace and comfort for your spirit.
At first only played a few simple pieces, then let out for their
favorite, some beautiful waltzes of Chopin, some of the
mysterious Russian composers, playing whatever came to
mind. Apart from the old piano lady Wilson, was the first
who played since the death of his parents and had missed so

Jonathan approached her, watching in silence as he liked to

do, with so absorbed like his expression.
He thought it had been a long time, when Ailsa Sutherland
touched her shoulder.
It's almost lunchtime; I'm sure he'll be hungry after all that
you've touched.
I ... So yes, I think so Fiona wondered if there was a kind
suggestion that an hour of piano was too. The conversation
over lunch intensified this feeling.
Did you hear playing Fiona, Logan? asked Mrs. Sutherland.
Yes He smiled at him from across the table. I like how you
interpret Rachmaninov, although you'll have to practice to
retrieve the art.
Fiona could accept criticism when it was justified.
It's a beautiful piano; Jonathan will love.
Can you touch it? 'Mrs Sutherland was surprised, looking at
the open hands of Jonathan, as if waiting for them on the
piano keyboard.
Yeah, him and tried to play a few notes before completing
two years and since then I have been teaching-explained
Fiona, smiling.
I thought I was too young to learn he remarked his
amazement grandmother.
Logan looked quickly, smiling.
-Also Can read it remarked, looking at Fiona.
'God Holy! Do you have taught?
Yes, when he wanted to learn Fiona said calmly.
'I've always thought it was wrong to force the children said
Mrs. Sutherland energy. Definitely not natural for a child can
read before five years. Perhaps only know their memory
booklets concluded hopefully.

Why is magical age five? Logan asked while Jonathan tore

his grandmother theory by turning the plate, which had bread,
to read from behind, slowly, the manufacturer's name.
-No Is possible! 'Mrs Sutherland gave him a puzzled look
the boy. And I thought it was a normal kid said, shaking his
head. I realize that I should be careful what you say.
-Children Are able to hear anything Jonathan remarked
You think we could go see the machinery after lunch, Logan?
I see that the sky is clear Fiona asked, changing the subject.
-I Do not sleep nap in the afternoon will -comunic Jonathan
them all. Mommy, I can wear my new rubber boots?
They walked splashing on the lawn towards the group of
buildings that stood near the stockyards, which were
protected from the wind by a row of tall trees.
Fiona looked at the animals with some anxiety. They struck
him as strange with wool blankets for winter, big, arrogant
and dangerous, but Jonathan watched without fear as a
chestnut approached them cautiously, he held out a carrot that
Logan had in his pocket and laughed uproariously when the
horse ate it.
'Do not you like horses? she asked Logan to it, fun.
'I always think that bikes are safer and faster Fiona watched
his son carefully, but made no attempt to stop him as he
peered into the yard. He looked up, met Logan's eyes and
blushed. I try not to instill my likes and dislikes said quickly.
Do not be so defensive. You have done so much for him and
you gave my mother enough to think about. Can not you
No, because unless you think it's necessary, I'd rather not.

'I think it's necessary because I'm sure that once you lose your
fear will enjoy it. Unless you feel an absolute terror.
No, terror, no. Why do you have so many, Logan? I thought
everyone gathered their flocks with motorcycles today.
I prefer horses. There are many areas that are too steep for
anything else than a horse. Look-le turned eastward, pointing
an area of hills, rocks and ravines, almost all covered by
underbrush That's an old extinct volcano, the Puiamumu, or
volcano Valiente Guerrero. You can not make any tractor or
bike up there.
-Comprendo! Have you ever gone?
Sure. The first time was when I was about eight years. There,
a single to reach the top way but on horseback.
Must have a magnificent view.
Yes, miles and miles of land are, almost to the west coast. Eh,
imp !, where do you think you're going?
He grabbed Jonathan when he tried to climb the fence of the
corral of horses.
-To Catch the little horse ... see? Can I have it, Daddy?
'That, small, is a crusty old pony Sheterland, and can not
have. Now listen, Jonathan: You must not ever enter this pen
unless I'm with you. Roger That?
Yes, but ...
-Entendido, Jonathan?
There was a meeting of minds. Jonathan kept looking without
fear of her father, her mouth pursed in anger. She gave him a
pleading look to Fiona, but she shook her head.
All right, I will not, I promise. Why, Daddy?
Because some of these horses are not used to children and
can scare them. I'll teach you to ride, do not worry. Now, let's
go to the shed where the equipment is.

It was very large, filled with all kinds of vehicles and tools.
Jonathan, of course, was fascinated. After the first five
minutes, Fiona let alone continue exploration and settled on
the fender of a tractor, his eyes fixed on the horizon. The sun
shone and began to feel warmth and sleep. Gradually, his
eyes were closed and his mind went blank.
The sound of footsteps on the gravel awakened; a man
entered the shed. He was young, slightly long fair hair and
swaggering gait, emphasized by the tight jeans. When he saw
her, stopped her with curiosity.
-Hello! He moved to lie on the huge wheel of the tractor. And
who are you? No, do not tell me you're the boss's wife and
who have been crazy to know since I've known you, five
years later.
I'm Fiona Sutherland His voice was calm, hiding he did not
like the insolence of his words.
Good heavens! If you had been my wife, I would have made
sure you will not escape after the wedding.
'You see Logan? It is somewhere in the shed.
'You can not put me in my place. I intend to look at you as
often as I can. Where is the child? He smiled sarcastically.
If you mean our son is with Logan. He turned his head when
he heard voices nearby. Perhaps it was his imagination, but
the footsteps of her husband rushed when I saw who was
lying on the tractor.
Hello, I am introducing myself to your wife.
Logan's cold gaze paused Fiona's face, then contact the
Danny, could you have a look at this engine? Looks like
someone broke box oil. Come Fiona is about to rain. We'll
have to run dry if we get home.

Despite how much I ran, caught up the rain that came with
Good heavens! Fiona leaned against the wall of the porch,
breathing agitadamente-. What terrible weather! Does this
happen often here?
We've had three weeks and, according to my mother. It is
normal; Spring is the most unpleasant season we have and
this one is a bit more than usual.
From the door a sweet accent sounded full of malice.
-However, Should be a wonderful time for you, Logan.
The turned, smiling coldly.
We're talking about the weather, Denise.
While presenting, Fiona felt the girl look about her. He had
not afectuosidad deep in her dark eyes, no sign of welcome,
but seemed to soften the look at Jonathan, who watched the
strange-eyed amazement.
Hey, Jonny said Denise Page with charm-, do you're having
Yeah ... Hey, you look like Snow White.
And there really was a remarkable resemblance between
Denise and Princess drawn on their favorite stories book.
Denise was tall and slender, elegantly dressed a combination
of trousers and pale pink fleece jacket, long black hair and the
wearing collected, revealing a face of extreme beauty. He had
a look of delicate nerves, and yet there was strength in thin
hands and wrists, Fiona thought as he shook hers, Denise grip
was almost masculine.
But, Jon, that's the cutest thing you ever been told he laughed,
blinding him with her smile. Her lashes narrowed and he
turned to Logan one flirtatious look. The saying "like father,

like son" is met. You better come over to secaros, dear, or

Gather a cold. It's getting cold.
There was a bathroom behind the rear door, where Logan
could shower before entering the house. Fiona Jonathan
wiped his face and head with a towel and then told Logan:
-Subiremos To move.
'I'm quite dry. I'll wait.
Ten minutes later, Fiona opened the door of the room. A
high-pitched giggle and deep voice of Mrs. Sutherland, told
him where expected. Breathing deeply, Jonathan passed first.
Mrs. Sutherland was sitting in his favorite chair by the
blazing fireplace, embroidering. Logan and Denise Page were
standing by the fireplace, face to face, she laughed as she
watched him and he belonged. They looked like a family,
harmonizing perfectly. She and Jonathan were strangers; The
boy ran and leaned on her grandmother's knee, and Fiona was
just as strange intruder.
'I was telling your husband that he was the natural remarked
Denise, taking a little Fiona Logan when approached. No
wonder he never gave any of our tricks! Know, Fiona, who
was one of the most persecuted people of Northland: all the
girls were after him! It was not fair you did not tell us you
were not available, Logan. I think you enjoyed the hunt,
You exaggerate, Denise replied quiet.
'I do not do, but I recognize that it has not been very discreet
of me to say. You have beautiful hair, Fiona. Once I thought
that my color my tone, but decided that would be too
artificial, so I never did.

If it was an indirect, Fiona decided to ignore it. Denise did

not like him, but he would not engage in a battle with her. He
smiled, allowing Logan approach it a chair to sit.
Denise's eyes one detail is not lost.
'But not wearing an engagement ring! he exclaimed. I never
thought would you let your girlfriend do not take this detail
showing your affection, Logan. Or are you married so
precipitously five years ago you did not have time to buy
-The My grandmother are adapting Logan replied quietly.
Are you cold, Fiona? You want a hot drink?
It's a wonderful idea 'Mrs Sutherland put his work in a Ven,
Jonathan bag-, go get some tea for your mother.
Let me go to me Denise smiled, taking the hand of Jonathan.
Long time no see Jinny, and I have to talk to her for a while.
He promised to give me the recipe of sweet mango. I do not
know what puts you, but mine never tastes as good as hers.
We'll go all. I know what will happen if you and Jinny begin
to exchange recipes ... never make tea. Fiona, come to the
fire, my dear, you look very pale 'Mrs Sutherland hurried
from the room, followed by Denise and Jonathan, holding
A long silence; then, Logan inquired, abrupt:
What Danny Harman told you to annoy you?
Why do you think has bothered me?
I've seen that look on your face before.
Oh, nothing, really, only he did not like his attitude. Does it
work for you?
Yes, is the son of a friend of my father, and will be with us a
year to learn before taking charge of a sheep farm in Hawkes
Bay. What you did not you like your attitude?

-The ... Well, it looks too young and impetuous.

It's young and impetuous' said Logan, and hates my guts. If
you can do something to hurt me, it will. The only reason I
came here is that: to create problems. Try to see it as little as
possible, Fiona. He is cunning, ruthless, and not think it is
very balanced.
Fiona looked at carefully. Found it difficult to believe what
Logan said.
It's a stupid story, and I'd rather not talk about it, but he will
seek the opportunity to tell it, so I'd better hear the truth for
me. Danny has a sister, a twin sister. Three years ago we met
when she was twenty. He thought he was in love with me.
When I realized what was happening, maybe I was less
discreet than they should, but she has some instability Danny,
and to put it frankly, I could not take no for an answer, but I
had to spell it so, neither she could be wrong. He married
another of spite.
'And Danny hates you for that? Fiona could not believe it.
So is ... You see: the man she married my brother Stephen.
He and Mary live forty miles in Punere. When he learned that
he had been taken as a substitute, began to misbehave with
Mary. Stephen was a good friend of Danny, and this I blame
the breakup of that friendship, and unhappiness of her sister
and Stephen.
-has To be unstable Fiona said quietly.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. It would be fair to add that
I behaved brutally with her.
Yes, I can imagine me.
As it was you, just at that time I was upset with myself, so I
fired ... But you decided to walk away in silence and care for

your wounds in private. Ever has it occurred to you that,

having acted with greater intelligence, I would have married
you then?
What kind of marriage would have been?
-Same As we have now.
No, because this is Jonathan now. The security procure fake
marriage makes this worthwhile.
I hope you keep thinking the same within ten years he said
grimly. There will be no divorce between us.
'There was ... His voice trailed off when their eyes met, and
the glimmer of desire Logan's eyes changed in hardness. He
approached her, taking her in his arms. Not withstanding,
Fiona remained undaunted.
-even're Cold Logan muttered. As cold as ice, and yet have
the lips and the color of passion. Kiss me, Fiona.
-Do Not ...
Then I will do He kissed her without tenderness, sensual and
demanding way, using all his experience to achieve a
Her heart raced, his body betrayed her, showing his physical
response. By departing Logan said mockingly:
How much longer do you think you can keep that attitude,
Fiona? You know that I want, and I have shown you dutifully
you also desire.
-The Lust is not the ideal basis for a marriage 'I said
defiantly, remaining impassive under the touch of her hands
on her hips and breast.
When nothing else, is a good substitute replied, closing his
eyes with his kisses, her against him, hands clenching, cruel,
her waist. She opened her mouth to protest, and prevented the
urgency of his kiss, which erased all rational thought from his

mind. She clung to him, holding his head in his hands, unable
to control the needs that had subjugated for so long, moving
against Logan with the passion he claimed.
When he finally looked up, shined satisfaction deep in his
eyes, but there was understanding in them, so Fiona could not
be bothered.
What fools we mortals! Logan he remarked quietly, joking
voice. Both you and I, Fiona.
Why you?
Because it would be very easy to take regardless scruples
your romantic heart in my way. If I told you I love you,
would you believe me?
Not murmured.
Shall I certify thee believe before you give in?
It would have been easier to say yes, let the flatter, remember
it could be a passionate lover tenderly ... Her eyes filled with
Logan gave a gasp and kissed her tears.
No, Fiona, please. I am a brute for taking. I promise I will not
touch that topic at any time. When you're ready, will become
ours in a real marriage, but not before.
-of Course! -ironiz-. How do you wish to be directed? Why
He smiled, giving it a light tap on the cheek.
Oh! For now, you had to chase me, dear.
'And join all the others who have walked behind you without
achieving anything? That will never happen!
His reference to Denise's comments surprised him.
Let me take you current, Fiona. Take things as they go past
you. It may not be the husband you expected, but I think

when you get used a bit more of me, see I'm a pretty effective
substitute knight with you dream avail.
A corridor from laughter made them separated, like guilty
lovers. Logan smiled.
He sees you ... very kissed commented derisively, but I feel
You'd better wipe the lipstick she laughed her and Logan,
surprised, took out his handkerchief to wipe. A moment later,
the evidence was removed. The door opened and before
Fiona enough to stay away, he girded your waist again,
giving him a kiss on the head.
Hey! Denise laughed while wearing the tray to one of the
tables small. Never thought I'd see someone falling in public,
Logan. Fiona, what have you done? What is the magic that
makes our wonderful Logan show your feelings so clearly?
Logan has never been very vocal in public 'her mother said
dryly, but his gaze was no dissatisfaction; Fiona, blushing,
broke the arm of Logan.
'He's still more than usual Denise replied cheerfully. And we
had thought that tea will heat up, Fiona, when all you needed
was the love of your husband. How does it feel to be married,
Logan? Oh! I forgot which has already been too long since
your marriage, right? How clumsy of me ... and how little
Fiona noticed that Denise Page was subtly hinting that she
had known what it was to be in the arms of Logan. He had
the uneasy feeling that Denise was a plan that had been
drawn and who knew the truth of their marriage.
For the next half hour, while Denise talked and laughed,
impressing Jonathan with undeniable charm, Fiona observed
any sign of tension between her husband and young. Logan

and Denise gave no little, but very carefully to take his mask,
he could not keep his eyes seek male. And even if there were
signals, the slight frown of Mrs. Sutherland, revealing that he
was alert, ready to intervene if it felt that the course of the
conversation drawback was noticeable.
-Normalmente You're so quiet? Denise asked Fiona.
She is a quiet soul, Denise, even if your child speak for three
Logan replied with warm voice.
The boy is a sky There was sincerity in the voice of Denise,
who hugged Jonathan against her, smiling at her. I hope
you're not a possessive mother, Fiona, because I love to get to
know him better. I was thinking ... you see: I took the two
children of Evelyn Dickinson to a central school plays once a
week, I spend the morning Yarn Circle. Would you like to
pick Jonathan too? He would love and would be good to
know the children they will then go to school. I drive well,
Fiona; tell you, Logan.
It's ... very safe Logan was thoughtful, watching the child in
the arms of Denise. What do you think, Fiona?
He had expected to decide by itself, and was thrilled to see
that asked their opinion.
'I think is an excellent idea he said softly. We will give you a
couple of weeks to be I used to be here, and when I have
learned to drive on gravel roads, I'll take the first two times.
They are three days a week, Logan, is not it?
Yes, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
-The Yarn Circle the 'said Denise meets Wednesday.
Then, thank you very much.
'You see, Jonny. Would you like to go with me to play?
Jonathan yawned, covering her mouth before answering
sleepy environment:

Yes, thank you, Denise.

-Jonathan! Fiona looked at him sternly, but Denise
intervened before he scolded:
'I've asked him to call me that, Fiona, so do not bother with it'
I touched one cheek affectionately. I think being so formal
with older is very outdated. If you insist to call me Miss Page,
I bother much.
Fiona looked at Logan, and he nodded.
Ah! cried Denise, intercepting his silent communication-.
Your lord and master has allowed it, so you can not deny me.
You know, gentlemen? I must go. Tonight we have guests for
dinner, and I must still arrange flowers. My mother called me
at any time. Lady Sutherland, when given one of his fabulous
parties to present to the wife of Logan friends?
'In a few weeks the mother said Logan. When Fiona know us
a little better. And although I do not want to rush you,
Denise, if you want to get home before another hailstorm, I
suggest you leave asap.
Logan walked her to her car, parked on the gravel circle,
facing the entrance.
Leaving Fiona, I saw him inclined to listen to something that
Denise was saying. She brushed her cheek when he
straightened. Then started the car, walked down the road and
disappeared around a bend.

Chapter 4
Fiona she called Logan, I have a lot of cards for you to type.
Can you finish them today?
She smiled and went into the studio with a bouquet of
camellias in her arms.

I Everything all that? He looked at the pile of papers and

raised his eyebrows horrified. Do you have put in order of
-Yup. The three above are the most urgent, but I would like to
leave all today. Where is Jonathan?
-Montando On his tricycle. It is only for three days, and I'm
sure the tires are not going to last a long He paused,
continuing jovially has not coughed up this week. They
should bottle this air and sell it.
No doubt you have done you no harm her husband said
softly, watching with wry glance, the blush that covered her
cheeks. With that dress, I see well enough, enough to eat.
For a moment when their eyes met, a tension between them
was established; Logan then said suddenly.
You'd better get rid of the flowers if you do this. Can you
finish them today?
They'll be before teatime.
-All Right.
Camellias were intended to be placed in a large white vase in
the hallway. Fiona worked quickly and efficiently; that and
keep their rooms tidy everything was Jinny allowed him to do
at home. Sighing, he thought not had time to do much more:
first Mrs. Sutherland, who wrote detective novels and was
finishing the latest and, second, Logan, kept busy with office
He never imagined all the paperwork that had to be done on a
farm like that. Apart from anything related to Whangatapu,
there were articles he wrote for the newspaper, had to keep
records and diaries, notes on the experimental herd of cattle






correspondence. It seemed that belonged to a large number of

organizations, not all related to your business, as Fiona

discovered one day to get a letter from a Greek child of which
he was protector. He has not said, but when she started to sort
your files, found letters from two other children, one of
Bangladesh and one of Hong Kong. She was thrilled more
than his own attention to Jonathan, making her understand
how little I knew of that enigmatic man who was her
After the day he visited Denise is quietly behaved, showing
to her polite, but without giving any indication that expected
something more intimate than friendship that was developing
between them. I did not notice any flame of passion in their
eyes, and had made other attempts to kiss or hug her, and
though he often put his arm around the waist or shoulders, it
was only when there were people to watch.
Sometimes remembered his comment that she ran around and
wondered if that was what Logan expected of her. On other
occasions, when he acted as a partner should do, she
apologized earlier attempts domain and thanked consideration
and courtesy undemanding.
It could not be better with Jonathan. Fiona was happy to see
them together; He idolized his father, who taught him to ride
a spirited pony, took him fishing in a small boat, and never
thought it was too small to try to do what he wanted. Also
there was respect in their relationship. Jonathan learned that a
look of his father could be such a strong corrective and any
word or physical punishment. Fiona was glad of it; long he
had thought his son needed a strong male discipline.
Fiona sighed as he placed the vase on the console. Jinny
Jonathan loved because he was the son of Logan. A wife he

treated her rather coldly, ignoring any attempt at it for a more

warm friendship.
You're good hand for flowers' I said Mrs. Sutherland. Could
you mecanografiarme some leaves? I rewrote the middle of
the third chapter and have completed the fourth.
I have some things to do for Logan, but I do not take much.
I'll finish it for you before dinner.
Not to become like a slave. As I'm going to visit family Page,
take me to Jonathan after lunch. Lilian has not been feeling
well lately and when I talked to Denise last night, he said he
needed someone to encourage her; Jonathan's distracted and
we'll let you the afternoon off.
It will be the best. I'll have enough time to do everything if
not interrupt me. Is Jonathan still riding his tricycle?
Yes, what kid! You must have walked miles with that thing.
It has acclimated very well! It is very similar to Logan when
he was the same age, determined and fearless. Logan was
always the boss. His brother Stephen followed him, imitating
a small shadow, never achieved the success of Logan. I
wondered if it was because of the proximity of their ages, as
there is only a difference of fourteen months between them.
Stephen idolized like his hero; of course, that he has already
happened. Not that it's weak, has enough of Sutherland in
character, but always be a follower She smiled remembering
and then his expression entristeci-: Did you talked about
Stephen and Mary Logan?
I know you are not exactly happy Fiona replied quickly,
hoping to avoid any comment on the dramatic story.
No, I fear that Mary is like his brother, unstable. It was
Stephen who wanted before her silly infatuation Logan, and
went to Stephen who was sought after failure. I'm sure he

loves. Unfortunately, Stephen was bitter to feel disappointed.

If you stop feeling sorry for themselves, get along, I'm sure.
I trust that will solve their problems. After all, they would not
have stayed together if his life had been hell, is not it?
-I Do not know. Stephen is possessive, like Logan. I think it
is able to use any affection he has Mary as a weapon.
'You're describing a type of ... domestic tyrant!
No, dear, just a man who has always been jealous of his
brother, and did not want to accept that his wife used it as a
shelter. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to you.
Moreover, I hope that the news of the marriage of Logan
serve as a kind of catalyst, breaking with the past so you can
start again.
-Vendrn Here? Fiona did not want; disturb your peace of
'Do not you has said Logan? Come next weekend to party,
and stay Saturday night. Stephen is fortunate to have an
excellent manager who takes care of the farm when he walks
No, he had not told me Logan smiled wryly. No doubt you
thought you already knew.
-Jinny And I were talking about it, but I guess we did when
you were not present.
Mrs. Sutherland seemed doubtful; I did not know how to
Never mind continued, now you know. What are you going to
put you on Saturday night?
-even I have not decided.
Logan Let me choose for you. Has excellent taste.
Ailsa would have been astonished and frightened if he could
peer into the mind of Fiona.

That should choose !, Logan thought angrily. As if she could

not do it! How dare he? ... What arrogance of those
Sutherland ...!
Logan, glancing up when she entered the study, saw his dark
gray eyes and flushed cheeks, but said nothing, just watched
as he sat at the typewriter and started working. After a few
moments, Fiona managed to calm down; a secret smile, very
naughty, came across his generous mouth.
Logan raised an eyebrow, but he also had work for a long
time there was no sound but the keyboard and the rustle of
-What Does this mean? Fiona gave him a letter.
Logan looked puzzled, clasping dark eyebrows, as he
surveyed the notes.
I do not remember having written this. Oh ... yeah, right. It's a
boy from a machinery company that wants to present an
exhibition here. Suggest that you contact the Board official
Agricultural Council ... there've written your name and
address ... and please agree with him. Will have to be a free
exhibition because I will not allow Whangatapu be used to
promote the product of a single manufacturer. An exhibition
is a good idea if the officer concerned to study.
When he was halfway to the letter, a soft bell indicating that
lunch was ready was heard.
Bloody hell! Logan murmured, and stood holding out a hand
to Fiona.
-Jinny Not support delays lunchtime, so we better go.
Fiona made a slight grimace.
-even You is not nice, right? she asked Logan as he took her

It's very difficult to sympathize with someone who

disapproves all murmured Fiona. But do not think the blame.
It's very kind of you. Why not blame? There was a hint of
mischief in his smile shining.
Because everything you know about me is that I abandoned
you, and Jinny can not imagine how could someone want to
leave you but for a very powerful reason, since apparently
you're so perfect in everything.
If I thought ... 'He paused, before continuing calmly. I do not
want it bother you. Thought I'd get along well with you, start
treating as my wife, but if you can not, then you have to
I think that's very drastic he objected. It is very difficult to get
domestic help in New Zealand and Jinny is a real treasure; I
do not mind having a severe integrity and I admire. Do not
say anything because he thinks I'm creating problems and that
does not benefit me. She wants to Jonathan and is most
Is that all you care? What Jonathan's life happy? Do you ever
think of yourself as a woman, as well as mother of Jonathan?
'Yes, I am, but I have to prove it to anyone. Nothing is
Jonathan who needs me, and while so be it, I'll be here.
Do you think you'll ever need?
Fiona looked directly at him, aware that his coldness towards
him intrigued. Women loved him because he was attractive
and had an undeniable magnetism; men also liked him for his
integrity and because it had that indescribable quality that
turns some people into leaders. By the time he was giving her
time to be accustomed to the idea of being his wife with
everything involving marriage, but he also knew that
impatience was part of his nature.

And yet not afraid. He does not take by force and she knew
she had safe and strong defenses, because she loved him
again, only this time not accept anything but his love, and it
was something he was not willing to offer at the moment, as
he showed his deepest instincts. The guiding passion,
temptation of owning his own completely. Also, supposed
Fiona, a certain tenderness that was left to the girl she had
been, and sorry for all those years that he had been forced to
mature suddenly raising her son, taking care without the
support of a husband. Logan was a complex man, but so she
was and could not be satisfied with a fleeting passion. If
someday returning to deliver to him, should be under
complete knowledge of his love, and to win it was willing to
fight against the world, if necessary.
Every woman needs to be conquered; I thought that was the
first lesson of our mundane manual Logan said quietly.
'And you know perfectly that manual? He took her hand,
squeezing fuertemente-. Better not continue this fascinating
discussion or Jinny will hate us both, but I continue it in
another more convenient time.
Fiona is not restless. It may seem fragile, but she had the
resources and strength that had been forced to exercise. "At
least, he thought ironically, these people express their
displeasure in a civilized manner".
Then, in the afternoon, he changed his mind. Denise Page
returned to Mrs. Sutherland and dedicated interrogate Fiona
such a subtle and skillful manner, although Ailsa only looked
like two girls talking. Fiona was pale beside the warm and
inviting beauty of Denise, becoming an insubstantial creature
with no character. Until Jonathan seemed to prefer to Denise.

'Do not you should bathe now, Jonathan? Dinnertime asked

the visitor when Mrs. Sutherland left them alone approaches.
'I wash before dinner and I shower before bed' said Jonathan.
Would you like to bathe tonight, Denise?
The triumph shone in the dark eyes of Denise. He looked at
Fiona, speaking in a tone of satisfaction in his voice.
Isn't want your mother bathe you?
Jonathan laughed, a lovely child sound, in contrast to the
severe formality of the room.
No, not tonight.
-Malvado Shrimp! Fiona 'I replied in a tone of the deepest
disgust. It was a game that often amused.
-A Mami mind if splashed water Jonathan continued, settling
next to Denise, waiting, huddled, to see if his mother reacted
to the provocation.
-A Jonathan dislikes you wash your face Fiona replied.
When you bathe, Jonathan, you'll splash all you want, 'I said
Fiona smiled. Giving permission to Jonathan could mean
flooding the bathroom, I discovered Denise!
At that time, Jonathan saw his father. With a glossy look of
defiance towards his mother, he ran across the terrace, toward
his hero.
There was silence. Denise leaned back in his chair with a
sensual movement like a cat, ran his fingers through his dark
curls and spoke to Fiona maliciously.
Looks rapidly away from you, Fiona. Does it hurt to feel that
transferred her affections so quickly?
'What if it hurts? No, why should it hurt? Fiona's voice
sounded like he was not taking the conversation, but his brain

worked calmly. From the start he realized that he did not like
Denise; Fiona thought sadly I knew the reason.
'What do you think life here? he continued investigating
Denise. I think he has done well to Jonathan, but I can not say
the same for you. Have you always been so pale, or take
something to get it?
I've always been pale. It goes well with red hair.
A deep blush appeared on her cheeks Denise, who lost his
'Then your bib must be what attracted Logan, because
nothing else could do! Do not you know that unless you have
appeared, Logan and I have married?
It was very difficult and could be enjoined to marry you with
me. Fiona tabs deceptively fell over his eyes, hiding his
-El Was in love with me ... and I it! Denise protested.
So I knew the sudden marriage, although he was not willing
to still use their knowledge. Fiona felt a momentary sympathy
for her. Spoiled, beautiful, always got his way, probably his
first obstacle constituted Fiona and Jonathan, appearing in
Whangatapu as wife and son Logan. It was clear that he
wanted the man, but Fiona was sure even more coveted
position mistress of the farm. He must have been sure of
achieving your desires, perhaps Logan had had some kind of
relationship with her, although it was very informal.
Fiona was not sure his feelings towards Denise. Although it
was a very controlled man, give some sign of his love
repressed, and had not given any that denotase tension when
Denise was near him.

Maybe he was underestimating the opposition, he thought

wryly. Denise was certainly beautiful enough and confidence
made it appropriate to be considered the ideal wife of Logan.
Fiona finally muttered:
If that's the case, I feel sorry for you.
'Your? he replied with an arrogant Denise movement of his
head. I who feels sorry for you! Maybe you're his wife, but I
bet he has not wasted even one moment, in the years that
have been separated, thinking of you. And even now most of
the time ... But then ignores you ... wanted to Jonathan and
had to carry you as part of the settlement.
For a moment Fiona clenched his hands on the chair arm.
'I think it's better to end this unwelcome conversation quickly
said, disgusted by the poison of Denise, before either of them
go too far.
Denise regain their confidence, speaking with contempt:
All right, finish it ... for now. In many things I look for
Sutherland, you know? I, like them, I always get what I want!
That's good if you're willing to pay the price, 'said Fiona
sadly, remembering that she had taken what they wanted ...
and seemed to have to be paying for the rest of his life.
Oh! I will pay willingly, worth it!
Denise's words still ringing in the ears of Fiona. A full night's
sleep had failed to free her from his advances, especially the
next night, when Denise sought to become the center of
attraction and got it effortlessly, as if to show Fiona with
class opponent he had to fight . Mrs. Sutherland had invited a
couple of artists, Forrest Thurston and his wife, and the warm
support of Ailsa, Denise became a sort of second host.
The Thurston were people with minor aspect of artists that
Fiona had seen. Shorter and thicker, looked like brothers and

no husbands. Mrs. Thurston was very capable and creative in

porcelain paintings, while her husband had an international
reputation as a portraitist of great insight and technique.
Fiona was a little scared at first, but the simplicity of the
couple made her feel comfortable. Forrest joked with her
kindly and perceptive eyes watched carefully.
-Titubeante, Evasive, but also indispensable. You should
laugh more often, dear. When you do, I see the real Fiona.
His words left one of those silences that often occur at any
meeting, and was amused voice which Logan replied:
His laugh was the first thing that attracted me, Forrest. We
met at Coronet Peak in the South Island. We were skiing and
Fiona fell in front of me. When I reached her, she laughed in
the snow. Had dropped his hat and his hair was spread on that
whiteness. I've never forgotten. He walked with a loving
gesture, took a lock of hair that was on the blushing cheek
Fiona. This irritated, but not forced away from him, nor the
memories evoked.
-The True color copper commented Forrest, so beautiful and
so rare. Did you know that copper is the metal of Venus, the
goddess of love?
There was another short silence; then a laugh from Denise
and their insidious words:
'And to think we always believed that redheads were
unlucky! How nice to have the colors of Aphrodite! Although
it was a lady of dubious morality, at least it was not boring.
The next day, leaning over the railing overlooking the sea,
Fiona wondered why the malice of Denise's comments had
not been informed by anyone else in the room. Perhaps
because he spoke with a charm that only Fiona knew to be

The sun was in his bare arms and face, leading to a state of
delicious drowsiness. Along the gravel road that divided the
property, was the green car that Logan had bought into about
a week. For this reason it was a few miles from the house, in
that quiet place where larks rose an ode to spring.
Fiona was proud of his skill with the car. This afforded him
some moments like this, being able to be alone and
completely relaxed. Against nature, everything seemed so
small, remote and unimportant ... until the pain and had
become part of it since returning to give his heart to Logan.
Sometimes I felt I had to satisfy all the needs of your blood
and become his wife in every sense of the word. As silly
mourn the moon was as naive love as a condition asking your
union! And despite this ... If they did, if their marriage was
based on passion, once it is lost, what would be left? Ashes of
a fire to be extinguished with the same rapidity with which
had burned. He was a father Jonathan, and for that reason he
had married Logan.
But Jonathan owed more than fatherly protection: the gift of
parents who were respected themselves and each other, and
once you lower its guard against carnal desire, would also
respect to itself and thereby , he knew, any affection that
Logan could feel toward her. What I feared was his
indifference and despair that would make her suffer. I knew
that if I gave him what he wanted, he would see her as a wife,
not as Fiona, a woman of character, intelligence and talent,
never be content to lose their individuality to become another
possession of Logan Sutherland.
So the secret struggle between her and Logan should
continue. He had reason and logic on your part; she just

intuitive intelligence of the heart of a woman, a fragile shield

for battle.
-Soando Awake?
The voice came from behind, completely unexpected, and
gave him a strange reaction. He turned pale face toward the
man who approached her.
Danny quizzical expression Harman became another concern.
-are You okay? I did not want to scare you.
'He's done replied irritably. Sorry, not expecting anyone. How
did you get here?
I've left the horse along the creek to see you, but I repeat that
I did not want to scare you. I thought maybe some company
Fiona hesitated, Logan's warning came immediately to mind;
but there, standing in the sun, Danny he looked very young
and eager to please, no way dangerous. He smiled.
Logan must go back and think that I have lost.
Danny eyes looked familiar to the car.
-do You like it? They are easy to handle these cars, right?
'Much. Now I like, when I've managed to control fear. Long
time no driving.
Danny kicked a tire, bent down to examine it and nodded.
Must be nice buy his wife a device like this when one wishes.
The lucky Logan ... and Mrs. Sutherland happy! It has been
almost a Cinderella story; at least so they say.
The look he gave her was mocking, not too delicate to see if
it had hit its weak point attempt. Fiona was irritated but
managed to restrain himself.
-Eso Say? It must be very boring to have little to do and fill
the time with gossip. Now I have to go.

-De Again next Logan? He smiled, leaning on the hood of

the car to her with premeditatedly insolence. If you leave
now, you might run over me, and you do not agree to any
more gossip about you. On the one hand, maybe that would
make you think that you here Logan was not a brilliant idea.
It is used to having his pawns and lower the praise and
respect, not naughty innuendo and laughter ceased abruptly
when he enters a room.
Certainly, Danny hoped she rebelled; he was setting the hook,
but ... Fiona was not going to bite. I knew disclose your anger
or uttering a word offensive, were things that would turn
against him. So he said, mustering all his calm:
Do not be silly, Mr. Harman. This day is too nice to mess
with dramatic encounters.
A strange gleam in the eyes of Danny warned him that he had
made a mistake.
'I'm your precious son Sutherland, Mrs. Sutherland. I've been
waiting quite a while now, and you'll be here until you have
finished saying what I want.
Well, then talk; certainly will do well out of the chest.
He laughed, leaning against the car's shoulders in a more
comfortable position.
I suppose your husband has told her version of events. Now
you can hear the truth and I hope you choke. Or maybe not,
since you can not blame you for what your husband did
during the years he served as unmarried, without disclosing to
anyone who had a hidden somewhere wife. As supondrs,
Logan did not like was faithful during separation.
He paused, but not a single muscle moved Fiona face.
-Sedujo My sister and when she got tired, got rid of her by
marrying her to Stephen. Poor fool! He thought it was right to

sleep with the man she thought he was going to marry. He

could have said that men do not marry Logan passionate girls
with more physical beauty than brains, but I was not here
then. You did not tell until later ... when she and Stephen
were busy hurting each other.
He got off the hood and his eyes seemed to freeze the air
between him and Fiona.
'In a way, Mrs. Sutherland, I feel sorry. Like me and like
Mary, you're here on sufferance. No friends, no possessions,
besides being the mother of Jonathan; only a husband who is
half in love with Denise Page. You're too soft for Sutherland,
so come out injured as Mary. And no one can help you. You
are very, very lonely. Goodbye, Fiona, I'll see ...
Fiona watched him down the slope, high shoulders, moving
as if he suspected defiantly at him. A piercing whistle floated
in the air; Fiona, recognizing the issue, smiled wryly as he
turned toward the car. It was "The Richmond girl in love" so
inappropriate for the occasion as it could be any other song.
He got into the car, put it in gear and headed to the farm.

Chapter 5
It came amid a scandal. Kitchen Jinny's angry voice came. It
was the first time he lost his temper since the arrival of Fiona
Whangatapu. There was the young man about to climb the
ladder and leave your question, when he heard the shrill voice
of Jonathan through the closed door. Without hesitation,
Fiona entered the kitchen.
The sound of the door opening seemed to freeze all who were
inside. Jinny, tall and gaunt, his face flushed so improperly;
Jonathan at her, trembling lips, but the challenge shining in
his eyes and, for the first time, Ailsa completely amazed.

Jonathan broke the silence.

-Mami! she cried, clutching legs Fiona, with a force that
spoke for itself.
What is happening here? she asked quietly.
'I'll tell what's going -Jinny regained some of its control, but
was still blushing; disgust showed in his face as he spoke. His
son was rude and unruly, and should be punished.
No doubt so will be Fiona replied calmly. Jonathan, can you
tell me what happened?
Jonathan looked at her tears.
Said you were not helpful, mami murmured. If I was wrong,
she. You are themselves useful ...
That's enough affection-a look at the housekeeper's face, he
said the child was telling the truth. There was a lot of shame
under the indignant expression. Fiona controlled sigh,
realizing why Ailsa had lost his usual composure. You had to
try this with finesse, both Jinny to Jonathan.
You know, Jonathan? Sometimes you hear things that are not
for you to listen to them. I'm sure this has been one of them.
A gentleman does not behave rudely with lady never very
annoying to be with her, so I must apologize to Jinny. You've
upset and now you have to try to please her, you hear me?
For a moment he thought he had failed. Jonathan looked at
Jinny with rebellious expression, then let out a big sigh and
relaxed. With a courtesy almost an adult, he went to the
housekeeper and held out his hand.
I'm sorry I was rude said quietly.
For a moment, Jinny stared at him, then a heatwave covered
his face. He bent, taking the little hand in his.
Me too I'm sorry because I've been rude to you. I had
forgotten that you're almost a man.

Jonathan looked solemnly.

'I am, right? -impulsivo, gave him a big kiss. Daddy was rude
to you when you were little? she asked.
Jinny blushed







Not very often, and when it was me he hit a whip-its
apologies if asked rare tender moment had passed and spoke
with energy as if ashamed to show weakly. Would you like to
go out and bring me three lemons in the back yard? I'll make
lemon pudding for dinner.
He left the child swift as lightning; seemed that there was
nothing he liked better than the lemon pudding and Jinny
could not do it as often as to please.
Fiona turned to leave, knowing the peace of Ailsa and happy
that everything had gone so well. Jinny had learned a lesson
and also, perhaps, Jonathan.
The housekeeper stopped her, holding her by the arm.
I'm sorry he said with great effort. He had no right ... to say
what I said.
Fiona did not sympathize much with it, but could not bear to
see her humble.
-In Front of Jonathan not, but you have every right to
comment. Please do not worry; I will not.
However, Jinny was determined to leave things ready.
No, I need to explain ... It was not really serious; I was
irritated because I had so much to do and everything I was
accumulating. Then Tom has come, has put me ahead and I
told him why did not do something to help me instead of
entorpecerme. He wanted to know why I will not ask you to
do something, and I said ... well you know. Sorry.

Fiona was flattered by the sincerity and the first friendly sign
in the cold attitude of the housekeeper.
All right, thanks for explaining. I know how it feels when you
think the world will come up with an apparent smiled
mischievous expression. I've noticed that Tom is pending so
that everything goes well. Men!
Ailsa laughed and after a moment, Jinny expression softened
into a smile too.
Yes, men! Come and become mad with their questions, then
disappear when one is angry with them. But if I keep talking,
I do not finish lunch. Artist or artist, Mr. Thurston is a good
eater and his wife also.
Fiona opened his mouth to offer help, but Ailsa interrupted.
Then we'll have to leave you, dear Jinny. Fiona, I am sorry to
tell you, but I had to rewrite the last chapter ... I noticed a
terrible failure and had to repeat it all again. I stayed up half
the night ...
They left the kitchen and get to the stairs, Mrs. Sutherland
stopped talking to look around.
Fiona, you've done very well, thank you, dear. You have now
broken the defenses of Jinny and soon forget that did not like
you. Probably try to patch things up asking you to help him in
some things around the house, but whatever you do, you do
not offer you! That takes it as an indication that his work
begins to fail.
Fiona laughed. It seemed that her mother felt the need to
explain the attitude of Jinny, as he spoke with concern.
It's always been a picky eater, but is willing to die for any of
us. And he is extremely proud of Jonathan; she was annoyed
with the child, in fact, being angry at herself for her

indiscretion. I think ... I did not think he would understand ...

or cared. But Jonny is awake and has lots of character.
He laughed at the memory.
'If you had seen, Fiona! As San Jorge facing a fearsome
dragon! He gave me a surprise that I think I will never forget.
And certainly, Jinny either; now will respect you more.
Once in his room, Fiona sat down, sighing, on the edge of the
bed and goes deeply abstracted. The incident in the kitchen
made him momentarily forget Danny and their stories, but
now returned to his mind. They were true or not, there was no
doubt about the sincerity of Danny, nor about his deep
bitterness. Definitely believe what had told her. Are you so
sure something would find that his sister had told him?
Trying to calm down, she told herself not to think about it
until Logan had a chance to be justified.
He came half an hour before the bell announcing lunch and
found her sitting at the small secretary writing a letter to Mrs.
Wilson. Fiona said he was upset. It did not take a wife love to
feel the meaning of his frowning or curve twisting his lips.
When he was angry, his face seemed to become a dark mask
and a bit cruel.
What is it that Danny Harman told you this morning on the
hill? she asked without preamble.
I think you know, 'she said.
He looked at three strides across the room to stand before her.
-What Mary and I were lovers?
He nodded, looking away from the shear intensity of his eyes.
And you have believed it.
It was a statement, not a question. Fiona nodded.
'I'm not dumb enough to not know when a man hates and
wants to hurt. But he believes, Logan. Why?

'Are you saying that you do not? He sounded incredulous, but

the tone of steel of his voice persisted, and the hand that
grabbed her chin was not smooth. She faced her look with
No, do not think so, Logan. You're not that kind of man.
He looked carefully, then laughed and took her in his arms,
holding her tightly, his face against her hair. Every nerve in
her body woke to life, but she resisted the clamor in full
force, while her heartbeat quickened.
-A Every time you surprise me said quietly. Why, Fiona?
'I've said, you're not the kind of guy that gets rid of
inconvenient that way. Why Danny believes, Logan?
'God knows! said grimly. I do not pretend wipe out all the
tangles of Danny's mind; it is likely that a psychiatrist could
tell you why it is necessary for him to believe that seduced
Mary; I can not. I thought you'd think.
'Is that why do not you tell me?
He shrugged, distancing himself reluctantly.
I do not know ... yes, I suppose so. If you would have told
you, maybe you would have thought you told it to you to hear
my story first. It -Arrugando forehead, ran a hand across his
neck, arching her back like a new man relieved of its burden.
The muscles stood out through the fabric of his blue denim
shirt, emphasizing the strong masculine appeal to Fiona pulse
quicken whenever they were in the same room.
To hide the physical impact that caused him, he spoke rashly.
Logan is dangerous. Have you tried to reason with him?
Why this sudden concern? I told you it was unstable and as
you yourself can see, it makes no sense to discuss it. It can
not hurt you now that you know your fault. It will try, but
their special kind of poison can not hurt you, or Jonathan

either. As far as I'm concerned ... smiled, devilishly arrogant

and secure -... do not you think I can deal with it if it becomes
-Oh Yeah! exaltada- replied. I'm sure you can take care of
anything your mind desires.
He watched, smiling fun while she went to the window to
draw the curtain without. His voice continued, slightly
Except regard to certain skinny, otherwise the arrangement
with ease. Where did you get that iron will, Fiona? You look
fragile, but underneath that beautiful, pale mask that show us
all have the strength of steel.
Perhaps he's trying to intrigarte 'I replied, quiet.
He laughed, as he went to the bathroom door.
Dear No, you do not use any tricks, but we've left quiet. Do
not want any more intimate relationship at the moment and
understand the reasons even if you disagree with them. It is
pride, I suppose, the desire to be seen as a person with rights.
It will not be long before it is an accepted fact. When they do,
nothing you say or do can prevent this false marriage
becomes a real one.
I was a short silence, during which remained standing stiffly
at the window looking at the beauty of the garden. Logan
then added softly:
If it's pride that keeps you in silence, do not worry. You've
kept your place without looking for me, as promised. You do
not even have to accept sharing the bed with me; when I think
the time is right, I'll spare you the humiliation of having to
give by defeated, because I will allow no choice.
The threat was underscored by the chuckle, a moment later
by the sound of water from the sink.

For a long time, Fiona stood still as a stone statue. Then he

went to the toilet to take the hairbrush.
The rhythmic planed given a certain calm, at least outside;
only she knew that deep inside he felt a knot of fear and ...
yes, I had to admit it to herself, was so frail that he could find
pleasure in the idea of submission. Deep in her gray eyes
reflecting the satisfaction of a woman who knew desired ...
and wished also looked.
If I could give in to that part of it that betrayed ... which
compelled her to submit to their desires for sensual pleasures
I could find in the arms of Logan ...
But if his body and pushed her heart, her mind rejected such
suggestions. Pursing her lips in a gesture of disgust, Fiona's
hair was collected on each side with two silver combs. Only
when proved that he could not win the love of Logan, accept
defeat heartbroken. Disoriented by the impersonal treatment
that would provide him recently, he had believed that it could
prevent the consummation of their marriage if not win her
love; but now after the last words of Logan, knew that the
purpose of it was stronger than ever.
He thought sadly would not be the kind of man she loved if
left handle by another person. It would be so easy to take the
decisions for her, she could find excuses for their weakness ...
But should not surrender until it was clear that he had failed
in the attempt to win her love.
In whangatapu mail arrived after lunch. The postman left in a
mailbox at the top of the hill, warning his arrival with a loud
and prolonged whistle from his truck. Normally, Tom went
up to collect and after leaving the mailing house, distributed
to the other inhabitants of the farm. With the cards, also came
the newspaper.

After lunch, everyone used to leave a little homework to read

the paper or letters they had received.
Ailsa broke the silence, muttering something with such
agitation that Fiona looked up from his book.
'What a hassle! The truth ... this is too much! Logan!
What happens? -he raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Do you remember you told me of a garden club Auckland is
doing a kind of tour of the north? They want to spend an hour
or more here, as it is one of the few examples of colonial
gardens that remain. This is a letter of the secretariat; says he
hopes it does not bother me because they have advanced the
tour and who will be here on Friday.
Does it matter what day come?
No, but I like to know where I am. I'll have to call and tell
Marie Ramsey organize our Circle Garden; we will offer
afternoon tea. And I have to tell Tom to cut the grass. I
thought we had ten days before they arrived; carob be full of
flowers then.
Mrs. Thurston left his book aside.
-The Garden looks lovely, Ailsa, do not worry; although I
understand that it was very inconsiderate of him warn that
late. Everyone can help with whatever you have to do.
It's very kind of you, thank -Ailsa took a quick look at the
letter he had in his hand. The afternoon tea we can leave it to
Jinny and the Circle Garden. I have to make a list of things to
do before arriving. Come, Fiona, we're going to do it now.
Fiona stood obediently and make an attempt to follow Mrs.
Sutherland in the door, Logan folded the paper and said:
You'll have to spend without Fiona few minutes, mother. I
want to talk to her.

When Mrs. eyebrows rose in amazement, but was too rushed

to be delayed, so Fiona followed her husband to study.
Logan stopped by the desk and spoke sharply.
-Why I let you order as if you were his employee?
Fiona was speechless. She swallowed and finally spoke softly
It's his style. You should know, Logan.
-What makes you stop and because you do not like. If you
made some effort, she would be happy to hand over the reins.
My mother has never been very industrious, and you are my
wife, Fiona! I will not allow people to discuss our marriage,
wondering why not make no attempt to command respect. Oh
my God! There have been enough gossip!
The violence of his tone annoying.
-A Me you do not need me to host here! he shouted without
thinking. This place running so well that my presence is quite
unnecessary, since you have a lovely substitute for Denise
There was a moment of silence, full of tension; then he said:
'So you're jealous of her. I thought so. Why? Because she has
the poise and ability to make others feel at ease? All
attributes left, Fiona, and apparently have no intention of
He breathed deeply, looking in disgust before continuing:
-and Could think of others. Whangatapu has always had a
reputation for hospitality, which we appreciated. You're not
going to destroy it. As it seems the only way to make you feel
that you belong here is through a concrete fact, I'll tell my
mother Jinny and henceforth bear the house.
His anger and disdain the wounded, but not drown in your
own feelings.

If you do that destroy any chance of me being what you

wanted it to be -persisti-. I have no experience in managing
a house like this ... and not know how. If you force your
mother ... and especially Jinny ... to accept me as an
imposition, I hate, and I can not blame them.
Then you'll have to endure his hatred replied coldly. Not
dramatize both. Neither is prone to emotional outbursts and
although my decision the astonished not think it's strange.
Both will be more surprised not allow this situation to
continue. My wife is not a nullity, and I refuse to let you act
as if you were. You are jealous of Denise just because you
see in her what you should be. Once your position in the
house is clear, you have no reason to envy; maybe even find
it's a pretty nice woman and a good friend.
His words were like slaps. Was that his way of telling who
was living in the midst of illusions?
Calling your pride as help, replied equally cold:
Very well, if you wish.
Yes I want it. I am prepared to wait for the rest, as I said
before lunch, but you can start earning your stay in other
ways. Jonathan does not need your constant attention, so you
can not excuse him for not taking responsibility.
You have a wonderful way of doing things, Logan replied
with clenched lips. I understand perfectly. Compensation for
the money spent, is that what you want? Okay, that'll. Hope
you satisfied!
He looked angry and left the room, sick and shivering for the
memories that had brought him to mind that decision. That
was how he had seen exactly that night together on the night
when Jonathan was conceived, but would not endure his
brutality. He went into the kitchen hesitantly.

But what ... -Jinny threw the tea towel in his agitation. Come,
sit down. I'll get you a glass of water.
The cooling liquid nausea I felt relieved. He drank and ran a
trembling hand through his hair.
I'm sorry said after a moment; I just had my big argument
with Logan.
As soon as the words were out, he repented of you if any
No man could get in that state 'said Jinny, washing the glass.
No wonder, as I saw it coming. You also should know.
Fiona leaned forward, resting his arms on the table.
Not know him very well.
No, not it to you. Well, what is there to do?
He says I have to take care of the house. 'There was, all told,
frank and open, with soft words.
'Why the tragedy? You can do it. Ms. Sutherland will be
happy and I can not say that I need a little help.
Oh no sense! Fiona replied wistfully. It is not that part ... if
you teach me I can learn. But I have to be the lady of the
house ... Mrs. Sutherland. And she never understand.
Santo 'God, you do not see it right! Jinny's voice sounded
irritated while collecting cups and the electrically lit coffee.
Since arriving, she has been asking why he refuses to take his
place. He took the pot, measuring the amount of tea that
would put, and cast it into the water boiling up. It's time that
you and I talk a little. Now, drink this tea and listen.
Was silent a few moments, gathering his thoughts. Fiona
drank tea gratefully.
I do not know really how to start ... but I guess I will not do
any harm if I'm to the point directly. You've had a bit harsh
welcome here, especially because we thought Logan and

Denise Page would get married and we liked the idea. She is
everything a Sutherland might be: beautiful, charming, an
expert hostess, an organizer who could replace Mrs.
Sutherland in the affairs of the district. This is an important
place. For years, people around here have been accustomed to
look up to Sutherland, waiting to act, setting the standard in
all important occasions. And Denise would be ideal. It is
popular and known to everyone. Okay, I was happy because I
knew, as Mrs. Sutherland, that things would be very similar
to how they are now. Denise would not interfere with me at
all. But then you came!
Jinny drank his tea, inspecting his face tilted her.
He can not blame us for our misgivings. We did not know
what kind of person would be. We decided to behave their
best to Jonathan and Logan. When he arrived he was
completely different from what we expected. Physically, it
was acceptable. Has beauty, speaks well, his manners are
excellent. But that's all. Denise dull when you are here
because you do not seem to mind. Apparently you are not in
love with Logan. Almost everything you fail, Denise
triumphs. I do not know how you react to someone who only
moves: to me irritates me. I want to Logan as my son, and I
could not help feeling that there was no luck.
"It was not about being shy. Had it been so, we would have
done everything possible to get her out of her shyness. As she
looked ... disinterested. So we also desinteresamos us. I do
not care about your personal affairs ... a little self for the sake
of Logan, but it is not my thing ... and it's time to start acting
like a wife apathetic instead of walking everywhere. It will
not be long before we start having visitors during the
summer, and return with them to Auckland own stories. You

should avoid all these people walk gossiping about her

I'm sick of that word must, must, must ...! Fiona said sharply.
I have them all. Nobody owes me anything to me!
'Stop feeling sorry for you. If you wanted an easy life, he
should not become entangled with Sutherland!
Fiona smiled. Jinny frank assessment of the situation had
some mysterious to restore faith in herself method, a faith
which was severely beaten in recent weeks.
-I I have not tangled with them replied; have caught me.
You'll have to do the best I can. Materially has everything
you could want. Logan is a millionaire, but you do not think
is interested.
-De Really is? He amazement. I did not think I'd
millionaires in New Zealand. I actually did not I think of that
Logan him out.
'Because working in the property? Jinny asked dryly. You
should know its other businesses, girl, if you have been
typing up some of their affairs. There are actions and other
things. I do not care, but I know he's a millionaire. Is the tea
Yes, but I want another cup. I'll serve me.
When Fiona sat back, asked Jinny rapidly:
Where is Jonathan?
Sleeping, I was very tired.
'How you get along with other children at the Center for
Fiona's face brightened.
Wonderfully well. He is fascinated, and made friends easily.
His cough is gone as the doctor predicted.

He made the adequacy coming here. 'Nothing in the world

Jinny had admitted how much he cared child's cough.
No doubt it has been for Jonathan.
-For All Jinny said firmly. That will understand someday.
Now, to work. If desired, you can directly supervise the
arrangement of the house; that is, see what needs to shake,
polishing and order. That will give me more time to cook and
clean .... and that makes typing, you will see that their days
are filled. These old houses require ongoing work to make
them look good. I would not say anything to Mrs. Sutherland.
You go ahead and do whatever it takes. She probably will not
even notice, because it is not much in the house. You would
most like gardening.
Oh! That reminds me ... Quickly, Fiona told him about the
upcoming visit of Garden Club.
Jinny's expression hardened.
I'll have to make cakes and will freeze. You will not believe,
but most of these ladies Garden Club have over forty years
and are fat, but full of cream cakes! Tom will feel in your
element. She loves to teach people his blessed garden. Well
... Where can serve tea?
-In The terrace will be well answered Fiona prontamente-.
We might otherwise offer in the room.
At that time, the kitchen door opened enough to allow
Jonathan peek. Finishing waking, her rosy cheeks and relaxed
look that belied his strong features, reinforced by his angelic
smile looked.
I'm awake announced without necessity, and I'm hungry. Can
I eat an orange, Mommy?
Yes, honey. Go and look over and I'll peel.
He hesitated a moment, inquiring after:

Could be a tangerine? Tom showed me how to squeeze

everywhere to make it very juicy, and then carefully snipped
off you skin and if Jinny gives me a lump of sugar, I can suck
the juice through it.
I think Tom is bad influence on you, boy. You must first ask
Jinny the sugar cube.
A nod of the housekeeper was all that Jonathan needed.
Not forget my rubber boots because the grass is wet and Tom
still being cut.
I can not believe the resemblance 'said Jinny. That touch of
red in his hair and how to play the piano is all you have on
you, although that's not entirely true. I can not find it, but
there is a difference between him and his father at the same
age. Logan was very rude. It had to be ... his father was of the
old school, a true Victorian. Jonathan looks more ... more
sensitive, but it's nothing weak. Oh, do not know! Best started
talking about this party. First dinner with the Page, then about
fifty people said Mrs. Sutherland, so that also means
preparing a midnight buffet. Logan will take care of the
drinks. Any ideas?
Not at this time, and maybe not having never smiled Fiona.
Not my style of entertainment, but think a little about it.
I looked up, saw the understanding of the housekeeper, and
Yes, but it will bear. I had not realized that Logan was ...
well, so important. My parents and I had a pretty sheltered
life. Dad was a teacher and mom stayed home. My father
loved his work and middle class area in which we lived, so I
never wanted us to change us. I did not know there were
people living like here; I feel a little ... embarrassed.

He looked around the bright kitchen, equipped with every

comfort and the most modern equipment.
Everything I see is very different from the life he thought he
had in this region. However, all the people I've met seem to
ignore it. They have grown up in luxury, and it shows in his
worldly way of speaking and acting. Sometimes I feel like an
-All Are human Jinny replied dryly, until that gross
attractiveness as a husband, and all have needs, wants and
common mistakes. Think of them as well, and not feel so
self-conscious. How are you going to wear?
With something that will amaze said darkly. Up to that
attractive gross my husband will open your eyes!
I hope you are prepared to bear the consequences. Logan has
a strict idea of what should be their position, inherited from
his father. This was a good boss, very honest and fair, but
Logan is more human despite being so rude.
Fiona laughed as he stood.
Not put me nothing scandalous, I promise. And I will behave
as best I can ... for your sake, Jinny.
-do For the sake of Logan ... or better yet, for his. The tone
was sharp, but was gently hidden in the expression of Jinny.

Chapter 6
The new understanding between them made a big difference
for Fiona. At least there was a member of the House not
completely disapproved. I was amazed to see Jinny who first
let his guard down after that cold look that was received on
arrival at Whangatapu and convinced that all he could hope
for was tolerance. Now, although it was only for the sake of

Logan, had an active assistance, and dry and acerbic tongue

Jinny outlining the problems he had in view.
Save more: Logan had fallen into a cold indifference in
privacy, and possessively courteous showed when they were
in the presence of others. The Thurston were still with them
in the mornings and evenings; during the day made long
expeditions to take notes of the surroundings. Found Fiona
attracted to them. The Thurston, but should have heard
rumors about his hasty marriage and his subsequent arrival,
never showed interest in finding out anything.
The night before the visit of Garden Club was beautiful,
almost summer and terrace doors were kept open until dusk.
There was a shared before her husband spoke quietly.
Play something appropriate, Fiona. I feel a pleasant
melancholy in me, and I miss her.
Fiona smiled, stood up, and walked through the terrace to the
music room.
During some moments he flirted with the keyboard before
playing a simple and nostalgic melody, singing while playing.
His voice was clear and natural, without affectation or
training, capturing the sadness which contained the song.
I know the words, of course Forrest said quietly when Fiona
finished. John, Earl of Bristol, wrote three hundred years ago,
if I remember correctly. The lyrics are very sad. Now it
something more cheerful.
She laughed and played a snippet of "Carnival of Animals", a
nice piece away any trace of melancholy that might have left
his first song.
Do-what Ailsa- well commented. I wonder if Tom would
pick up the branches pruned roses. I have this terrible feeling
that there's something I forgot to do.

Calm down, Ailsa -Thurston left his glass of sherry as if he

had made a momentous decision. He exchanged a knowing
look between him and his wife. When she received her an
almost imperceptible nod, he went to Logan. I like to paint
your wife, Logan. Any objections?
Fiona, startled, looked at them. Forrest, from where he almost
could not see the face of Logan, but she felt that penetrating
gaze and nodded fearing that mocked the choice of the artist.
However, he did when he answered gently:
-not Yet. It has not matured enough for your brush.
Disappointment flashed in Forrest eyes narrowed.
Maybe not, but that air of innocence is what I want to capture
before it disappears. A year and you will have lost.
'll Take that as a compliment, although I'm sure it's
unintentional. Who have heard that the mother of a four year
old can be innocent?
There's an inner innocence that never disappears said Mrs.
Thurston with lively, warm tone, easing the tension that
seemed to leap from somewhere. Is a native pigeon what you
see in the jacaranda? I did not think many remain.
'From time to time we have some Fiona approached the door
to the balcony to look at the tree. Yes, but you're not alone ...
there are two!
Behind him, he heard the voice of Logan, a subtle mockery in
his words:
It's spring time mate. Have not you noticed?
-Living on a farm, how could I not notice? Yesterday,
Jonathan told me all the truths of life!
There was a laugh, but appreciative low, and the voice over

And that, I think, is one of the advantages of living on a farm

... is a much more practical attitude about sex for children.
Now I remember, Logan. Denise has called today to warn
that Jody has given birth and if you wanted to choose a
puppy. I think he is going to give one to Jonathan, but I find
that a farm dog would be more sensible. What the hell are we
gonna do with a fox terrier?
It's not what we're going to do, but said Jonathan Logan,
indifferent, going Fiona to separate it from the pack and then
remove it from the terrace to the garden.
Upon arriving, he asked:
I -Why? Fiona asked harshly.
Because you did not leave our guest artist immortalize your
beautiful face.
She replied, shrugging.
I saw that glint in his eyes before so I was warned. He knew
he would not allow it, of course, but you can not blame a guy
for trying something.
Fiona reached out to pick a flower, determined not to ask why
he had refused the request for Forrest.
No, I guess not murmured.
Isn't curious? asked only.
About what? he replied with deliberate indifference.
A hand grabbed a handful of her hair so hard that tears came
Do not play with me, my love-his fingers tangled in the
silkiness of the lock, making stop clinging to him.
Fiona waited meekly, her pulse quickening by proximity. The
anger was palpable in the hardness of the male voice.

-No Other man will have what you deny me me. I mean your
time, your attention, your confidence. He sees too much and
would take your soul to place it on the canvas and your soul,
my dear, as your body belongs to me; not everyone can look
a mugshot.
'Are you brought here to tell me that? Because if so, is
refreshing and ...
Logan approached his body harder. She looked up at him and
saw his face, menacing and cruel.
His kiss was wild, like he got rid of his anger and frustration
injuring his lips. He mumbled something about her mouth
before kissing the soft skin of the neck. A wave of excitement
began to cloud the thinking of Fiona; unwilling sighed and
stuck to it. His hands moved to surround the head.
Fiona ... -the hands clenched her hips Logan, dear ...
She opened her mouth to mutter something, but missed the
warmth that surrounded her as she handed to the sweetness of
his kisses. Moments later, he released her, smiling, breathing
Consider it a reward for your good behavior said with a cruel
irony. I noticed your work at home.
The reaction made her stand up, offended.
You wanted something for your money. I hope you're
'You said it, not me. Do not know what I want from you even
think you have it all figured out. I have never doubted your
abilities in the arts of home and now all you have to do is
show a comparable improvement as host. I'll be watching
morning and during the weekend. Two days with my cranky
brother and his loving wife will test your progress. They
intimidate even my mother!

Fiona walked away from him to direct his gaze towards the
sea. The scent of jasmine floated around them.
Logan, why did you marry me? he asked softly. You ought to
know that I would be out of place here. I had no idea what I
would find, but you can.
You know why I married you? Jonathan wanted. And besides
... you have to suffer a terrible inferiority complex if you
really believe that you can not handle a situation like this.
Whangatapu is no different to other farms in the country,
with the exception that is the largest. Any woman who has
been single-handedly raising a child with the pension
provided by the government, does not have to worry about
managing a place like this, especially since Jinny as an
-I Had my parents during the first two years he murmured.
Do not think I could cope without their support.
-A Support I should give I said coldly. Have you ever thought
about adoption?
He turned to look at him with a look of fierce determination.
No, never! He was ... was mine. I could not have. Maybe I
was selfish ... maybe it would have been better with some
I think it has thus been better. We have provided a husband
and security. Are supposed to be the greatest needs of a
woman, is not it?
Mockery offended, but shrugged pretending indifference.
'So they say. Certainly most women seem to need it.
With the exception of Fiona Sutherland, who managed to live
without it for several years smiled, taking her arm. Look, is
leaving the moon. As much as I want to flirt with you, the

better we get. It must be almost time for dinner ... and Jinny
does not like to be kept waiting.
He rounded shoulders and waiting in the living room, they
thought all was well between them when they saw them
return. Only Forrest Thurston looked sharply as they entered.
His dark, penetrating eyes rested on Fiona's mouth, flushed
with kisses, and the smirk husband. What he thought nobody
At quarter past three Fiona was very tired, but the satisfaction
he felt his eyes gleamed. Ladies Garden Club were happy.
The beauty and clarity of the day helped as spring turned out
to be authentic; sleeping wind, the sea sparkled and plants
reverdecan under a warm sun rays.
Even the bus driver was happy. He became interested in the
garden, ladies roamed between squeals of excitement, and
inspected camellia shrubs with expert eyes.
The ladies club gladly ate cakes and canaps prepared by
Jinny. Fiona moved silently among them, smiling, talking,
listening to their comments, filling cups and trays happening;
was found to dominate the environment without any
The president made a short speech thanking him Ailsa
offered a beautiful book about English gardens, and then
followed by his troops withdrew, leaving the feeling of
emptiness that is always when visits are gone and there is
much to collect.
Fiona watched his mother and saw her raise a hand to his
forehead with a grin, quickly dominated. He approached.
-Le Headache? she asked softly.
Oh, dear! Has been so obvious?

No, I'm sure I've just noticed. Why does not sleep? Jinny and
I'll take care of everything.
Ailsa hesitated and then capitulated.
I will, dear ... and thanks. I did not say anything, but you have
taken me a lot of work and I'm like well known. Why where
he is Jonathan?
He went out with Logan, pick the sheep. I will try to not
disturb his return.
I'll be fine in a minute, do not worry.
He followed an average cheerful hour, which was not free of
tension to Fiona. Most women who helped wash, dry the
dishes and collect, were friendly, but she felt her curiosity
and once, when they mentioned to Denise, several eyes
turned to her to see her reaction. Despite feeling cramped
inside, he answered with a nice natural voice, waiting dispel
any possible rumor, and it was a great relief when they finally
left. Then he sat down, trying to reassure them.
Bees buzzed lilacs thyme flowers, while a large bumblebee
was busy on a bright orange calendula. The bleating of a
sheep was heard in silence, followed by the calm of a larger
response. The sky was still blue, but a subtle change in the air
warned that dusk was approaching and from the foliage of a
walnut night song of a thrush, chirping as if it would burst
was heard. The steps of a horse on the grass and laugh
Jonathan heard in the distance.
Fiona smiled. For the first time it felt like home, as part of
routine life Whangatapu. In this silent retreat, one identified
with the sounds of the place. Behind her the great house
dozed; a beautiful relic of the past embellished by the
continued use of a family. For Jonathan would be home all
his life, if he wished, as he was a Sutherland. Whatever the

race to explore, always maintain ties with Whangatapu, the

home of their ancestors.
He saw them approaching, both identically dressed with blue
jeans and cotton shirts with short sleeves, a sweater thrown
over one shoulder with informality. Jonathan, although tired,
walked firmly; his gait, so like Logan, Fiona made him feel a
lump in his throat. The too small, had to get home in the same
way after a long day, exhausted but unwilling to surrender to
Hi, Mom! He ran the last steps, buried his head in his chest,
his strong arms around child's waist her. Oh !, rich smell.
Daddy and I have been gathering the sheep. Have you had
fun with the ladies?
Very nice, thank She put her face on the head of the child and
sneezed when fine hair tickled her nose. You smell like horse.
I've been riding with Daddy She pulled away. Is there tea? I
am very hungry and I bet daddy too.
Fiona looked up at Logan, laughing. The laughter died to
meet his eyes, and he was looking at with a fixity that never
surprised at his expression, a sort of scrutiny that seemed to
abate all its defenses. He looked very attractive; their male
vitality, highlighted by work clothes he wore, his eyes
devouring her.
The calm that had invaded disappeared. Without will, he held
out his hand, but he ignored, as if hypnotized. She lowered
her hand, with flushed cheeks.
Have you had a good day, Logan?
'I went pretty well.
Fiona stood, made an unnecessary gesture to shake her skirt,
took her hand and walked with Jonathan Logan toward the

Come on, honey, I'll bathe and after dinner. And we must go
quietly when we ascend the ladder because granny has a
headache and is resting.
'All right,' said Jonathan, yawning. Daddy says that soon can
I ride my own horse he added. You can also learn and we can
all go together.
Fiona looked at him, proud of him, but controlling a shudder
at the thought.
-Would You like?
-Yup. We could picnics ... he yawned again and stumbled.
Logan bent, took him in his arms and entered the house, his
face expressionless mask carved to hide their thoughts,
leaving Fiona back, bewildered.
When they returned after putting to bed, the Thurston had
returned, her skin reddened by the sun.
'I thought my skin was too old to burn remarked genially.
Fiona, Ailsa wrong?
No, you have a headache and I convinced her to stay in bed.
-The Tension. Worries So then comes the problem! What you
need is sleep well at night.
Yes, that she says. Has not been a lovely day?
Yes, and make an equally beautiful night. I will not see much
of it, because Forrest has made me walk several miles today,
and I'm exhausted. I think lie down early.
-I Also said the husband, making a comical grimace of pain.
I'm tired too, and now I have to pay the consequences with
The couple went to bed early, leaving Fiona and Logan in the
music room. She leaned back in his chair, listening to a disc,
its remote and pale in the dim light expression. No one would

have guessed that he was fully aware of the presence of

When the album was finished, he looked up with such a
warm smile that she was surprised.
He sees you lovely but very distant. Come sit next to me.
I had no excuse to avoid the intimacy, and sat beside him on
the couch.
What are you reading? said quickly to hide his tension.
A book on-the genetic looked sideways, mocking his
astonishment. Good to know something about her when you
are raising cattle.
All that is theory glanced page and wrinkled brows at
difficult- so many words. Heaven seems very complicated!
Do you understand? He pointed a paragraph.
He laughed and took her hand, holding it on his chest before
it to his lips.
Yes, I understand replied softly against his palm. I agree that
is boring and nothing appropriate for the occasion. Do you
realize, my dear wife, that's the first time in all these weeks
we spent an evening alone? Your pulse is shaken like a
butterfly under my fingers. Are you afraid, Fiona?
With great difficulty, he tried to smile.
Yes, when you're well. You are very dangerous flirting,
They're signs of a misspent youth -the drew on his knees. The
book fell. Logan's hand traced the outline of her face, moving
smoothly, with a touch that made her shudder. You are very
beautiful. Why I chose a wife with principles so adamant?
And why I have to be stupid enough to respect them? I'd love
to seduce you tonight, so would break all this tension -subi
hand to cover his mouth. No, do not say anything. Not yet.

It was too easy lay her head on his shoulder, too easy stunned
with the soft beat of his heart against her cheek. He had it
very close, mouth on his forehead. He dropped a new album
on the turntable and sensual soprano voice filled the room.
Fiona relaxed among male arms, and peace under his gaze
lost before, came back and was like an opiate for your brain
tired; when he kissed her, she did not resist, even when his
mouth and his hands were demanding and energetic. While
his fingers down the closure of the dress she protested, but
Logan laughed crushing his lips his words, and then Fiona no
longer thought, as his passion increased to match that of her
husband, and knew that he was born to experience this sweet
spiritual and physical ecstasy.
It was the repeated sound of the phone so the back to reality.
Logan also had to remove his head from his chest, mumbling
Bloody hell! Who will?
I stood up, her away before lifting the handset, while the top
of her dress was arranged.
Oh ... Denise! exclaimed he said. Yes, what do you want?
Fiona straightened. His first thoughts while closing the back
of the dress were climbed mortification, but before long was
grateful for the interruption, and Logan's voice changed to a
warm and full of intimate tone that was unbearable to listen .
Yes, yes, I got your message. I've been busy with other
"Trying to seduce his wife," Fiona thought bitterly.
No, small, I have not forgotten. Oh, you are? Well yeah, I
love to take you with me. But I'll leave early, and I warn you,
if you're not ready ... I'll let you stay at night? It is an
excellent idea Her eyes moved around the room, noticing

then mockingly at Fiona, now very interested, apparently, in

the collection of discos-. No, Fiona will not object. Why
should he?
The provocative question her lips tightened. How could he
speak so lightly, estarle after making love? It was the best
thing Denise called, he said somberly, before he had to suffer
the humiliation of surrender to lust for Logan, only to find
that nothing changed then ...
He was laughing again and, after a funny bounce, put the
handset in place. Fiona released an album, the cover looking
with eyes that saw nothing.
-A You would not want that, 'he said softly behind her. One
of the discs Denise to ... be romantic.
Yes, I suppose it is answered him trembling, trying to put the
disc back into place.
Come, come, I can not let you try things like that. 'I took his
hand wallet and set it aside. Denise come to Auckland with
me on Sunday, you guessed it, and will be sleeping here
tomorrow night so we can leave early.
'I see. You can sleep in the upholstered room.
She prefers pink room.
-very Well. Alcove-that was beside the dressing Logan. I
think it will go up. I feel tired.
-Cansada ... Or tired of me?
The sarcasm in his voice made her want to hit him, reply with
harsh words, but there was nothing I could say to dispose of
the rigid frame.
Let's leave replied quietly. Good night, Logan.
Oh no, do not go!
There was so dark meaning in his voice, his heart was
alarmed. Halfway to the door he paused, turning to look at

him as he approached. For a moment he felt real fear, but the

devilish expression disappeared from male eyes at her.
One of these days ... and I stress nights, taking her by the
wrists, your luck will run out, dear wife. You better be
careful, because when that happens, I will not show any
His long fingers tightened cruelly wrists.
Do not threaten me well, Logan. I would not take it by force.
Your pride needs a voluntary surrender.
The flames burned depth Logan's eyes and spoke with lips
that hardly moved.
You little fool! If I go up to you now, you would be asking
me to make love at five minutes ... just like you were doing
before Denise called. And do not make more comments about
my pride, Fiona. Ardes when I kiss you, and do not deny it,
because you know it's true. You want me as much as I love
Then if that is true, why do not you take me and ended the
hell once and for all? he muttered between his teeth, furious
with him for his ability to read his mind, even more furious
with herself because her body betrayed her.
He smiled wryly.
-A You'll be pleased that, right? Then you give the pleasure
you crave, but still could continue considering you a victim
of my lust. Oh no! I will not give my own lashes back.
He released her wrists stepping back. Nervously, Fiona licked
his lips and left, up on shaky legs to his big lonely bed. Two
hours later she heard him go up and enter your room. That
was when he was finally able to sleep.

Chapter 7

Denise arrived at half past ten. Fiona was alone in the house.
Jinny had to go out and Ailsa had brought with Jonathan
Thurston picnic. Hearing plans Denise's arrival, the lady had
thought he should stay. Fiona had a hard time convincing her
that there was no reason to sacrifice such a beautiful day.
I'm going to type all the papers you need for your trip Logan
and I'll be here to welcome Denise, if you arrive before his
return. You need to leave the house for at least one day. That
headache has left her exhausted. Want Jonathan stay with
'Of course' I did not answer Ailsa vigorously. I can take good
care. Thanks, Fiona, the truth is that yes I need a day
They went into the "Landrover", carrying a large basket of
food and a cheerful grandson in the back seat. Fiona
dismissed them, he went into the house and up to quickly
pick up the rooms and put the pink room. There was not even
powder because every room in the house would remain
pristine, but Denise did not want to find any fault.
He heard the car approaching the hill, when he placed a floral
arrangement of jasmine and camellias on the dresser.
Apron, quickly brushed her hair off, and down, opening the
door when the car stopped in front.
-Hello! Denise almost sang the words to exit the vehicle. She
was dressed in light green pants point that marked every
beautiful curve of her figurative slimmer. Fiona, I see as the
perfect housewife!
He looked around as if expecting to find someone else. Fiona
explained the circumstances with a secret satisfaction.

'So you are no longer responsible Denise laughed as he pulled

a suitcase thin skin of the back of the car. Are you here to
keep Logan supervised?
No, walks the shed organizing things for the shearers.
Sure, they'll be here within about one week. Logan told me
that the rains have delayed. He was upset, the poor! Where
are you going to settle, Fiona?
-In The pink room. Can I take the suitcase?
Good heavens, no! It is not very heavy and I guess I will not
need to wash or anything; i'll be back.
He returned, in fact, soon after. It was personified; while
praising the floral arrangement Fiona, wondered and hoped
Jonathan said that Fiona was not upset for being invited to
spend the night.
Annoying !, Fiona thought she smiled, unconsciously
repeating the words of Logan last night.
No, why would I be? It is the most sensible arrangement. Do
you make the trip for shopping?
Bu ... well, yes and no. I decided to buy a new dress for your
party, and I have to see the dentist. When Logan told me that
he found the ideal travel together. Will you coming?
Do not I know it!
No, is the day I am as an assistant at the Center for Games
and can not postpone it.
They went to the terrace, where he hoped tray disposed on an
iron table. Fiona had tea and coffee while Denise was up and
now asked him what he preferred.
Oh, coffee, thank you! -Acomodndose On a lounger, Denise
looked at his hostess, elegantly dressed in a dark blue cotton
shirtwaist, which enhanced her beauty serenely. Your skin
tans ever, Fiona? Or do you stay so pale all summer?

Fiona Tan 'I brought the coffee, placed on a small table

beside her and continued: Not much, I have to watch, but I'm
not always so pale.
It's good that Jonathan has olive skin of Sutherland
commented Denise looking, pleased, around. You can take
our northern sun without burning. Logan can do ... have a
glorious tan color in the summer.
Good luck having Fiona Logan replied, sitting around not
being rude, but not close enough to give you confidence.
Denise looked like a beautiful cat lounger, enjoying the warm
sun. "As for an announcement of patio furniture!" Thought
The complacency with which Denise looked around him did
not escape. It was as if she owned the place feel. Moved by a
malicious impulse, added:
I hope we have another son, possesses the same brown skin
of Sutherland.
There was a sudden silence, before Denise asked with mock
-Yup. Think you have others?
Well, yes ... Logan, he would like to have more. Think only
son Jonathan was too long. And certainly, Ailsa would love
to have more grandchildren to spoil.
There was a short silence, broken by the sound of a cup as if
a hand had trembled when holding the saucer.
Logan thinks I -As form a dynasty! Denise said lazily. What
do you think?
Oh, I feel happy! It's uncomfortable, sure, but the end results
are worth it.
It sounded a little giggle followed by the bittersweet tone of
voice of Denise.

Then, do not you concerned that Logan thinks of you as if

you were a cow breeding? I would hate it. When I get
married I want to be the most important in the life of my
husband, more important than any child to give you
I do not think Logan see me the same way he sees his won-he
was enjoying the verbal duel. ... There are some differences.
Denise left the cup on the plate firmly, stretched languidly
and put his hands behind his head, smiling strangely.
Always intrigued me the issue of attraction between people. It
must have happened a positive explosion of you to challenge
your parents and marry him so abruptly. After all, that year
he was out just six weeks! And yet now there is no sign of
that ... outburst. You should cover your feelings very well,
He laughed charmingly, but his dark eyes were very
insightful and observers to watch the profile Fiona. He added:
They say that still waters run deep. I hope for the sake of
Logan, possessing an extraordinary virility. He paused before
going to grano-: Are you worried know you was unfaithful? It
is assumed that I do not know, of course, but this place is so
small that one can not avoid hearing rumors. And somehow, a
man is more exciting when you know you have experience in
love. That should make it a much better husband.
When I left, I gave any rights you may have in your life; So,
nothing to do during the years we were apart worries me.
Maybe you ... you had a couple of adventures also Denise's
voice was slightly flirtatious and yet friendly in appearance.
I'm sure no one can blame you, though men have strange
ideas, right? I mean ... I guess Logan thought was perfectly
fine to make love to any woman willing ... and who would

not be willing to Logan? ... But maybe bother you to know

that you did the same.
Denise hoped maybe get some confessions, but would not
find anything like that in the past Fiona. Actually, I had never
felt the slightest interest in any other man.
Not irrelevant he replied calmly.
Come on! Not even a small indiscretion? Denise chuckled.
Actually, the faithful Griselda! * How noble of you,
especially when they have a real reason to stay as faithful to
his memory!
* Dramatic Characters of exemplary fidelity, protagonist of
the eponymous opera by Bononcini.
Did she would know what her marriage late? If so, it seemed
that was not yet ready to reveal his knowledge.
Mean that maybe thought you did not come back to see. It
was an extraordinary coincidence that you'll find in
Wellington, right? I bet you felt like Cinderella when you
brought here ... I think you lived in a horrible place.
Not so much she managed Fiona, wondering if Logan could
have said that. Not the sort of man who would speak of his
wife behind him, especially with his former girlfriend. Denise
was just trying to sow discord between them, she was sure.
It must have been wonderful when you find out how rich
Logan. He said he did a number of extraordinary shopping in
Wellington. What luck!
Anger grew inside Fiona, but managed to suppress it.
Yes, I have a lot of luck, but I think it is Jonathan who has
obtained the greatest benefit by changing circumstances.
There was no mistake in changing expression at this remark
Denise. Fiona looked at her and thought, amazed that his
opponent had real affection for her child.

Yes, that terrible cough is gone, thank God said Denise, and
I'm sure it has grown. It will be so high and robust as Logan.
I guess, as his mother, feel that any sacrifice is worth it.
Yes, 'said firmly. Whatever the sacrifice.
Denise jumped up, laughing satisfied.
That's exactly what I expected you to say. I'm sure, Fiona, no
one could doubt your love for him. You must be a very
powerful feeling maternal love.
Not even an emotion. It is part of the same and throughout
the life Fiona, an apologetic smile on her lips stopped. Holy
God, that sounds emphatic! However, it is the truth.
Sure Accepted Denise, abstracted, walking towards the
He looked at the garden with possessive pleasure, showing
the indecipherable smile outlining sometimes when I was in
Whangatapu. Never was evident when his eyes were fixed on
Logan, but occasionally there was a fierce response in his
expression when he spoke to him, which made him feel
jealous Fiona and sometimes extremely depressed. As Logan
had said the Sutherland did not divorce, the persecution of
Denise, hopeful, though discreet, it was doomed to fail.
Oh, there's Logan! then exclaimed, laughing and waving as
he approached. Hi, Logan! Come and drink a cup of tea! He
looked exalted, blood pouring into his face, as if all his
dreams and hopes reviviesen.
Fiona nodded to not see this shameless glare. He served tea to
Logan as he liked, without milk or sugar. She was not found
because they Denise ran down the stairs to the man and came
up to the terrace she was hanging on his arm and laughing.
Fiona could not avoid the scornful look that cooled his face.
He had no right to do this to Denise, who was spending his

youth in an impossible dream. Logan said the conviction of

her eyes. Without stopping the pass, left Denise aside and
leaned Fiona, brushing his mouth casually, but with a clever
kiss that was almost a punishment.
When he looked up he was smiling, with more than just an
insinuating tone of arrogance in his voice.
Hello, dear, speaking of rags when there is a huge amount of
papers to type in the studied?
Anger flashed in the clear depths of her eyes, but managed to
stay calm in front of that cheeky grin.
He will not worry murmured. Here's your tea.
I'm as dry as a piece of wood; thx. How is your mother,
'Dr wants me to see a specialist in town. Do not think it has
anything bad, but want to make sure. Poor mom, is in a
terrible agitation. Dad wants me to go with him on a cruise,
but can not decide. And besides, I am. I do not want to go
with them if they go on a second honeymoon, but worry if
I'm alone.
Stay here suggested Logan. A Fiona would be pleased to
have you with us and know that we should not talk to my
mother. She has always loved you here.
Fiona forced a smile and support the invitation with all the
warmth he could pretend.
'How wonderful! Denise was more than happy. Impulsively
jumped to kiss him on the cheek Logan, before sending a
smile to Fiona. Forgive me, my dear, steal a kiss from your
husband, but it's a perfect arrangement! Mom will not feel
bad about leaving, leaving me here to the care of Logan, and I
love to stay in Whangatapu. Thank you for having thought.

"As if you had not planned," Fiona thought ironically,

shattered by some as primitive as useless jealousy. "I just
hope you know what you're doing, my dear husband."
Ailsa was delighted with the idea, and immediately went to
the phone to suggest it to Mrs. Page, and apparently it was
also agreed. Also Jonathan, when Denise asked him if he
would like to stay a few days. Everyone seemed to be
pleased. Fiona went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.
He's supposed to be peeling those potatoes, not destroying
them Jinny commented dryly.
I'm compensating them anything Fiona replied.
All right, knead bread relieves more, but I guess those poor
potatoes may stand. You will have to overcome; Sutherland
has always been hospitable.
Fiona snorted as he opened the tap of cold water on the newly
slashed potatoes.
I guess even if it means his death.
-Remember That you are the hostess here and she can not
take place if you prevents it.
All this is fine, but ... Fiona sighed, adding: 'Why is it so
good to me, Jinny?
-for The sake of the family. It irritates me to see how such a
complete woman like you just the situation. I have a
weakness for fools, I guess.
Fiona laughed and kissed him on the cheek the housekeeper;
was the first who dared to such intimacy.
-The Want said; you're all I need to feel your feet firmly on
the ground.
-Djese Jokes! -the cheeks blush covered Jinny, and its
replica made in a soft voice as Fiona had never heard-you.

You're a sweet little woman, and knows how to take things.

Why not try to do with Logan?
Jinny probably knew he did not share the same bed, as she
was aware of everything going on in the house, but it was the
first time he referred to the situation, even indirectly.
Fiona blushed, and could not find the words to answer.
'It's not my business -Jinny grieved to see the flushed face of
Fiona. He is just a man, and it's easy for a man to love where
have their loved ones.
I ... I want something more than that Fiona said quietly.
Well, you should know better Jinny smiled bitterly. Now go
and change. Remember who you are, for the love of God.
Fiona was changed, put on a flowered dress in blue and green
tones and perfumed with an exotic aroma that Logan bought
him in Rotorua, then chasing Jonathan across the room,
threatening him with the spray. Their shouts and laughter
attracted Logan, half dressed, but no shirt; He laughed taking
Fiona arm sujetndoselo back.
-Cosas Girl! Jonathan joked, jumping in front of them said.
I'm not a girl!
No, certainly not. Logan's eyes rested on him for a moment
and then looked at Fiona with bright eyes. She made every
effort to look outraged by the method using Logan to stop the
game, but his pulse was racing. Their eyes met. Fiona pulled
the spray, soft pouring perfume on her neck Logan.
-Hueles Like a lady, papi! Mom is very naughty!
-Mam Is very naughty! Logan repeated lazily. How should
I punish, Jonathan?
His son laughed malicious. Like all children, relished the idea
of punishing her mother.
-Pegndole A whip? He suggested the child.

No, I have a better idea. Cgele the bottle, Jonathan, that he

was not spill.
Jonathan did and bottle triumphantly took while Fiona tried
in vain to appear calm and carefree. It was impossible since
Logan outlined a cynical smile and his eyes were inspecting
the flushed face. She could not bear that insolent rating.
What are you doing, Daddy?
'I'll give you a kiss Logan pressed against him.
That's not a punishment! She likes the kiss Jonathan said,
I'm going to kiss her very strong, so ...
His mouth crushed Fiona with demand. Blood buzzed her
ears. His arms went up to around his neck when Jonathan got
between them, breaking into until Logan was separated and
picked him up. Two little arms encircled his neck, drawing
them again.
Now I shall kiss as he told them to be pleased.
Tears brightened the eyes of Fiona. She rested her head on his
chest Logan, all the passion gone, only aware that his chest
was wide enough so that she and Jonathan repose against
-Saturada Of sentimentality 'said an amused voice in his ear.
And you exquisite perfume, My 'I love she replied, smiling.
It's the first time you call me in a loving way. I think that
deserves a prize.
Down to Jonathan told it was to find a small package in the
chest of the other room. While waiting, he kept his arm
around her shoulders female, with no force. She relaxed with
him, resisting a strong urge to run his fingers through curly
hair on his chest, content to feel his arm around naked.
Have I seen that dress before? It's nice and it looks good.

'I did buy it in Wellington.

I remember. I was right to insist. It makes you look like a
'How poetic!
His arm tightened, but the emergence of Jonathan was any
further prevented. Fiona watched him tenderly while wearing
the little white box carefully to give to his father. He could
not suppress a gasp when Logan opened it and saw that it
contained a pink diamond, so exquisitely mounted on
platinum, which seemed not overdone or ostentatious.
'I have delivered today said Logan, placing it on her finger.
He cast a quizzical look before lift her hand to kiss the ring
first, then the beating back of the wrist.
Oh ... is wonderful! A pink diamond ...! -he was excited.
-Yup. It enhances your hand, Fiona.
She looked at him blushing. The mockery was gone from the
male face.
I ... thank you, Logan murmured softly. On impulse, she
kissed his cheek.
I see you'd better get used to give jewelry if you always react
that way. Who knows what would you be able to give a
diamond necklace!
-It's Not the answered quickly, while Logan laughed at her
horrified expression ring.
-I Know. Now, let me go so I can finish getting dressed, or
I'll be late for dinner. Come on, Jonathan, I will put some
lotion on her face. Better than Mom's perfume.
'Like yours?
As mine 'he promised seriously.

Fiona watched as they left, placing a lock of hair in place.

Logan had disheveled and as certainly Denise fix with
exquisite care, she could not go down with wild hair.
Denise, of course, noticed the ring as soon as he entered the
room. Fiona, noting his dark eyes watching him, had to resist
the urge to hide ridiculous with the other hand. Denise looked
expressionless face. For all it was like a doll, beautifully
dressed and made up, but no spark of life. However, his eyes
brightened when Logan came with Jonathan.
Fiona had to admit that when it proposed Denise, could
become the center of attention, using the fascination of its
beauty and its charm to captivate the audience.
"Relegated again," Fiona thought bitterly; then, clenching his
teeth, he said he would not let her get away with it. The
memory of the strangely intimate scene succeeded up, he
returned to mind. Without realizing it, he smiled. Logan
warned and left the circle to approach Fiona as she felt her
heart threatened to burst from his splendid appearance.
Hello said softly, what's so interesting? he asked, as Fiona
looked inspect some ornaments arranged in a glass case.
'That medal replied, improvising quickly. What is it? I can
see "Logan Sutherland," but I'm sure you did not go to the
First World War.
Of course not! It is my grandfather. Like the snuff box next to
it? Is that with the cupid lunging two lovers?
It's very pretty.
Laughter were heard in the hall and then the soft voice of
Denise, addressing them:
'Are you secreteando?
Oh! This is only a matrimonial dispute he replied politely.

-Fiona Is concerned about preparing dinner? Poor Logan! I

thought all you had to do was snap your fingers for things to
be resolved.
Premeditated, Logan placed an arm around his wife; pulling
her close. Before he could say anything, Ailsa hastened to
interrupt the conversation.
'What time think out tomorrow? he asked.
At dawn-there was tension in the tone of voice of Denise.
-A Six o'clock Logan replied, imperturbable as ever.
Fiona found herself smiling.
-We Will arise at five. I will send to Jonathan, Denise. He
always wakes me with a kiss, much nicer than an alarm
'I'll kiss butterfly Jonathan Denise' I said.
The tension dissipated immediately. Denise leaned forward,
touching his head with true affection.
'I love you, dear. Are you awake at five o'clock?
-Most Morning Logan replied. Fortunately, they have been
educated to not wake anyone else, perhaps because his
mother is so moody that does not speak until he drank two
cups of coffee.
Oh ... liar! Fiona exaggerated his indignation. What happens
is that I do not wake up soon!
'I will wake up grumpy I reiterate Logan.
Mrs. Thurston emptied his glass and said, animated:
I know what you mean, Logan, because I am well. Can you
imagine what it means for people like us waking up every
morning and meet someone unbearably warm?
The conversation became general. Logan refilled the glasses,
Forrest became involved in an argument with Denise and

Ailsa and Mrs. Thurston and Fiona chatted comfortably about

the latest book by Mrs. Sutherland, which was wrong.
The dinner passed uneventfully, but there was another tense
moment when Logan scooped up Jonathan, who had been
allowed to stay up later.
Jonathan leaned her little head against his chest Logan, but
straightened to talk sleepy.
-Papi, You smell great! You did not wash the smell of mom.
No, it's true.
There had not finished because Denise intervened in
'Do not tell me you wear perfume and lotion Fiona, Logan!
Mami threw it -inform Jonathan. But I did not grabbed me.
And Daddy said he was going to punish her, but only kissed
her and she likes that. -In His tone there was still a trace of
disappointment. But he added contentedly, Daddy said it was
a hard kiss.
Everyone laughed, the laughter of Denise standing out among
the others.
- At what mischief you borrow! he murmured. His knuckles
looked white around the brandy, and the look he threw Fiona
was filled with disgust. I can not imagine participating in
such childishness, Logan. There seems to be your image.
Logan seemed slightly amused; never as masculine as at that
time, his son resting safely in his arms.
I Do I have a picture? You've been reading a lot of nonsense
about political, Denise. Come, Fiona, let this child to bed
before falling out of sleep.
After that, he was an inexplicable tension in the air. Denise
managed to hide his displeasure well, but went to bed early

because I had to get up too early the next morning. Perhaps

also because Logan and Fiona went to study ...
I've instructed Joe who is aware of everything, -the surprised
Fiona Logan, but will use you if anything goes wrong. You
can trust him completely, follow their advice.
Fiona nodded. Joe Welsh was the oldest farm and assistant
Logan, who trusted him fully employed.
But it can not happen anything wrong, right? asked a little
-En A farm anything can go wrong! Do not worry. Here is
the phone of the hotel where I'm staying, "The Central"; You
can reach me there in the mornings and I'll call you every
night to see how's everything. You'll be alone, do not worry.
Just one thing ... stay away from Danny. Joe suspect you are
plotting something.
What does that mean? She worried her.
'God knows! He says he is in love with Denise, but she is not
interested. It is possible that Danny does not like her to come
with me to Auckland.
The surprise took him speaking to Fiona for a moment. So
that was why what Danny was so bitter! Logan's sin, or what
he considered a sin, was due to his hopeless passion for
Poor Danny commented distraught.
-Tenle Shame if you want, but stay away. You promise?
Yes, of course. I do not like much, but will I have pity.
-A You would feel sorry to the devil; however, your
compassion did not include me.
A strange tinge of bitterness in his voice, he moved. She
approached him, putting his hand which glowed pink
diamond on one of him.

Poor Logan! What you want from me is compassion?

No, by God, no, and well you know! His hand squeezed hers.
Why not let yourself fall in love with me, Fiona? Is pride,
independence or just stubbornness?
-A Mixture of the three things I guess. I know it would make
things easier for everyone, but you everything you want
easier too.
Yeah, I guess so, but nevertheless smiled in a way that almost
swept their defences- I also enjoy hunting. It adds some
flavor to your life waits capitulation.
You said not long ago that not expect, you would save my
pride makes decision making yours.
I've changed my mind, dear. The decision will be entirely
yours. You're not the type of woman who wins with violence
and, to be frank, I find great satisfaction either. I know what
you want from me ... I've known from the beginning, and I
knew I could have you at the time you want. Also, if you
remember clearly what I have said, also assured that he
would not love to you against your will because that would
make you feel like a victim of my male lust. And an easy way
out for you, Fiona, is what you will not have.
She sighed. Why did he have to be so silly to ask for the
moon and stars, when Logan offered such a reasonable
substitute? But if he accepted the substitute and surrendered,
always embitter the knowledge that a vital part of their
happiness lacked.
Yes, I am a very hard man, but you know, Fiona, when you
came here as my wife. You can not deny that I respect your
rights as a person.
"Respect is no compensation for love," she thought.
You're tired and you have to get up early tomorrow.

-A -the Bed then kissed her forehead. Good night, Fiona.

Chapter 8
The beach was long and golden Whangatapu. It was a
beautiful day to play "space battles", as they did now
Jonathan and the two children of Joe Welsh, all armed with
long dry pods of linen, which were excellent rifles ray.
Fiona was lying lazily under the shade of a huge tree, as the
spring sun was very hot. He had an open book, but I was too
sleepy to read. The loud voices of excited children filled the
tranquil atmosphere and ambushing the Martians around
In the bay, a small yacht moving from side to side looked. He
seemed very overloaded; not surprising, since Janey Welsh,
ten years, was learning to sail under the tutelage of his older
brother, and the small yacht class "P" was one square. It was
an ideal place for a novice sailor, with little wind and mild
day so I did not give the opportunity to panic before learning
enough to be confident.
The rugged massif of Monte Warriors looked gray, with the
first haze of summer heat, the airy summit shining under the
sun. The gulls screamed, a pelican dived to find some fish,
and came out a moment later, apparently satisfied, because he
stretched his wings and flew slowly towards the northern Bay
beach where possibly expecting your partner.
Fiona yawned, but resisted the temptation to close your eyes.
Logan would come that afternoon, and would not be asleep at
the time. For four days I was gone and since then, Fiona had
felt empty. The, although tranquilizers, phone calls did not
replace his presence.

Otherwise, everything had gone perfectly. Joe went once a

day to tell him that everything was fine. Ailsa was feverishly
dedicated his novel, and Thurston continued drawing every
corner of the farm. Although Fiona had seen Danny, he had
made no attempt to speak, rather than exchanging the usual
greetings. Jinny and Fiona went well with preparations for
Saturday's party. Even the day we touched assist in Game
Center was a pleasure. Children were lovely, and the other
two mothers who acted as assistants, seemed to him really
nice, after the initial tension was overcome.
Fiona thought maybe beginning to find their place in the
district. Its position in Whangatapu seemed safe now. Initially
expected only tolerance for the sake of Jonathan, but, unless
she was wrong, had reason to believe he had won the liking
of Ailsa and Jinny. Warm, perhaps, but at least it was more
than I hoped to accomplish that first day, which now seemed
so distant. Indeed, the past seemed to have been relegated
somewhere in his memory. That time they had struggled to
give Jonathan something resembling a normal life, seemed
almost forgotten.
There was still some pain, but no doubt he was happier that
some months. Not exactly happy, because his love for Logan
darkened his mind, and he was bitterly jealous of Denise.
I knew the relationship that existed between them was over,
but one of the most bitter doubt was whether Fiona Logan
remembered with sorrow. It was useless to try to convince
her lips had not kissed hers so enticing way; they had shared
moments of passion, but the desire has not been fulfilled. All
I knew was that Logan agrees not hear anything from Denise.
It was a constant thorn know that for Logan, Denise Page was
something sacred, but I had to learn to stand.

He raised a hand full of sand. Three days of full sun had dried
the wet surface, and could freely pass through her fingers.
The children were silent and someone walked across the lawn
toward her; I could hear the soft tread and looked hopeful
look, but it was Logan who appeared in the bank that
separated the land from the beach.
Danny put his hand on overhanging tree branch and fell to the
sand, straightening walking straight Fiona. His expression
was serious, as if unsure of being welcome.
Hello said, stopping a few feet from her.
Fiona rose to a sitting position.
Hey, is something wrong? he asked reserved.
No, nothing. I came to apologize for the way I spoke the
other day. I've been looking for an opportunity to do so.
Fiona knees raised as to lay his head on them, thinking
Logan's warning. But courtesy and deep compassion I felt for
Danny dictated his reply:
-do Not worry about it.
Yes I worry he said sincerely. It was unforgivable for me to
behave like a jerk, and I must admit I did it for the wrong
reasons. Please excuse me.
Of course I do. Think no more about it He lifted his gaze, a
half smile on his lips, finding his gaze fixed and blinked. No
one could be wrong about expressing admiration ... Fiona had
often seen that gleam in the eyes of men ... but there was also
a marked footprint loneliness squeezed her heart. Poor
Danny, so twisted by the chains of hatred, they were forced to
live in a kind of hell! Unrequited love, as she well knew, was
one of the most torturous emotions.
Thanks Danny said quietly. Now I feel much better, though I
know I do not deserve hesitated, as if wondering whether he

should go; then sat in the sand, still several feet away from
her. Are you happy with the party? This is the first time you
see most of the friends of Sutherland.
Yes, and I'm excited.
-Hubiera Thought it was better to know little by little, but I
guess I'll end up once before. I will also be there-looked
directly, offering a sweet smile. I will not create problems, do
not worry. I have very good manners when I am in the
There was another man who seemed able to read your
I was not thinking that will create.
Thank you, 'he said gravely. I'm sure you do not have that
kind of mentality.
There was silence, caused by the inability of Fiona to answer
immediately and then came to them the sound of children
playing. Danny smiled, nodding toward the lagoon.
He're having fun, right? Your son is a real man. Monta well,
to be so small.
'Do not tell me. It will be a surprise. It was not supposed to
know how it goes. I think it hopes to amaze me with your
'He will, I am sure.
Another silence, but now less tense. Danny took out a pack of
cigarettes from his pocket and, before rejecting Fiona, lit one
for himself.
Looks like summer has come remarked, expelling smoke.
Have you ever spent a summer in Northland?
No, never.
I suppose you notice the heat. I noticed when I first came, and
Mary. You aclimatas, of course, but usually the first summer

is exhausting. Lots to do: guests on the farm and the beaches

are full.
-Las Beaches? Fiona asked.
Yes, the houses on the beach. The four, along Ocean Beach,
lend themselves friends of Auckland or further south. That's
how we met the Sutherland, through mutual friends in
Auckland, we experienced one of the houses. We spent three
wonderful weeks. That was three years ago.
He took a deep breath and continued:
-After Whole thing broke us in the face. Anyway, that's not
your problem. I actually had something else to ask. When
Mary comes, will you try to be friendly with her? Need to
please someone in the family. I think perhaps you and she
may have some things in common and she is not happy.
Perhaps a jerk, Mrs. Sutherland, but I want my sister, and
give my life to see her happy.
I doubt you ask such a sacrifice Fiona said, deeply moved by
the pleading in his voice. He got up and picked up her book
and bag, before saying quietly: If your sister you wish, I am
willing to be your friend.
She will want it -asegur Danny. It had stood while her and
stood watching. Had an attractive appearance, serious man
with a problem she could resolverle-. Mary has no friends in
the family; You can guess how alone you feel.
Fiona opened his mouth to speak, then closed it firmly. One
last comment sounded much like a poll and situation on the
farm was not a matter of Danny. However it smiled.
I'm already here very focused. Now I have to go; bye now.
You'd better go also me. I'll take the bag.
She could not refuse, so they walked together back to the
farm, Fiona calling Jonathan, followed shortly after.

Logan and Denise arrived half an hour later when Fiona was
getting a leg of mutton baked. The first indication was happy
Jonathan shouted from outside, he recognized the car.
Go away, 'said Jinny. Do not entertain to knead the flour.
Fiona took off her apron and went quickly; I stopped at the
front door, took a deep breath, then slowly opened and
lowered the stoop, facing oncoming car.
Jonathan came before her, laughing to want to open the car
door. Smiling, Logan opened it, went and lifted into the air
with laughter. Then Logan saw Fiona and down the child
ascended the stairs two at a time to get to her and kiss her
loudly. Fiona's hand grabbed the lapel of his jacket, to
correspond with all his heart. He lifted his head, smiled and
-it's All right?
-it's All right. And you, how did it go?
I've done everything I wanted and now I'm happy to return
Denise's laughter interrupted, spreading almost guiltily.
'Marriage has not improved your manners, Logan wailed
mockingly. I myself have had to open my car door.
By moving aside with a quick apology, Fiona watched
amazed and almost cried because Denise smiled wanly, his
eyes bright and happy, while perched in Logan with an
unambiguous meaning. And he ... Fiona saw the angry look
he gave to Denise, as a warning, and felt the horrible pain of
betrayal like a dagger pierce the heart. She wanted to scream,
slap Denise, curse ... But of course, was the wife of Logan
Sutherland, and could not do any of these things. So he tried
to relax and spoke no expression in his voice:
'You must be thirsty. Would you like a drink?

I'd love Denise murmured. Apparently, rapid gesture Logan

had taken effect, because it is no longer acted as the
possessive woman, appearing in front of her lover satisfied.
His parents were in Auckland for his mother saw a specialist,
he explained, so should abuse their trust staying one more
In direct contrast to the night before his departure for
Auckland, Denise seemed more subdued and, although not
looked directly even once to Logan, nor he her, a sexy smile
on her lips. Perhaps he was remembering. Fiona tried these
thoughts aside and concentrated on his duties as hostess.
Finally, it was time to retire and then his strained nerves were
about to explode.
Logan did not go up with the rest of those present; said he
had some things to attend to in the study, leaving Fiona torn
agony of indecision. Should I lose and discuss with him?
Common sense came to his aid. What was he going to
discuss? An exchange of glances, a moment that seemed to
have shown Denise sexual satisfaction! ... Logan would
Desperate, she tried to convince herself that she was wrong,
that it was one of the tricks of Denise, but the consciousness
of every woman to the man she loves, it made it impossible.
Still dressed, sat on the bed in the darkness of his room,
clenching his hands on his temples to try to drive out the
horrible image that was created in the mind. Finally,
exhausted and with a terrible headache, decided to face the
facts, however unpleasant they were ...
So Logan and Denise had become lovers. Denise was
certainly not the first woman in your life and not be the last.
Although it does not seem, perhaps women will proved

irresistible, and if Denise was offered, which was capable of

doing, then control unshakable she imagined she could have
He also faced another fact. Perhaps he had been wrong, and
he did love Denise. In which case, she had made them great
harm both to marry Logan, but he had acted worse to turn his
back on the woman he loved, on a misconception of
responsibility to his son. It was his determination that your
child be brought up as a Sutherland what had caused all that
mess, and Jonathan, he never let her go.
Unless you leave behind Jonathan ...
The idea got into the tortured mind of Fiona. He bit his lips
till the blood. He tried out the idea, but became louder and
louder until sighed shakily, defeated by herself. It would be
the only way to free Logan and make him happy ... but at
what cost!
He ended up feeling nauseous. I could not think clearly, he
could no longer control the black shadow of despair, and
sleep, something he never seemed so sweet, it seems that
unattainable in its current state. Walking hesitant, paced the
room. In a cupboard in the master bathroom, the pills were
sleeping Ailsa. If I took one achieve that longed oblivion.
The soft light from the hallway lit enough. He walked
carefully, not wanting to hear Logan took the pills and
returned. From the top of the stairs, he could see the
silhouettes of Logan and Denise, embracing passionately.
Without stopping entered the room, put on pajamas, and lay
trembling and feeling sick to the heart.
When they knocked on the door, she stood still, waiting for
Logan thought she was asleep. But he opened the door,
turned on the light and spoke:

I know you're awake, Fiona.

Trembling sat, distraught and haggard face.
'I've heard passing through the corridor he casually said,
closing the door. He leaned back in her arms folded. And I
can see the conclusions you've arrived.
Do you mind? She could not avoid the question.
'Not really, but perhaps Denise.
The name of his opponent did to Fiona tense, struggling to
control his anger and his horrible jealousy.
And that should not happen, is not it?
Oh, God, Fiona! ... He stopped being controlled with
difficulty. Stop acting like a jealous wife. You have no right
to behave well.
She shrugged as if he had struck.
You're right, I have no right to resent for any care they offer
it to anyone. Especially in the case of Denise, who seems to
think it does have some rights over you.
Poor Fiona! Does it bother you to know that if you had not
come to my hotel that day, I might have married Denise? At
least I would have had a loving and passionate wife in my
arms every night, instead of me tied to a piece of ice.
The anger faded from his eyes, leaving them lifeless, empty.
-I Can leave said with a strange weakness.
Oh, no! Logan's expression was cruel, as he walked toward
her. No, dear. You are my wife and my son Jonathan is. You
-No ... Do not you dare touch me! -he had a dry mouth.
-why? Are you disgusted that my arms still feel Denise, and
his kiss is still on my mouth? The sarcasm made her cringe,
desperately trying to free the covers to run, run away from
that horrible room and inhuman man who dominated.

But he could not help his arms nor his mouth and had to
suffer the ultimate humiliation of his kiss and his daring
hands he undid his nightshirt, and let him caress every inch of
his body, his lips and hands.
Fiona buried her face in the pillow, fighting the feelings that
created its wild ardor and experienced until it went limp,
catching his breath in gasps of fear and shame. Then he
kissed her mouth again, forcing her to open beneath his,
before pushing and dry lips with his hand.
I'm not going to rape you said with disgust, cold eyes running
over her nakedness. I must say that so far has done a good job
of pretending passion. Do not look well; this will be the last
time I touch you ... until you beg me to do so.
The drug he had taken made him feel sleepy eyes and heavy
eyelids. The, full of contempt and anger, is blurred ... dark
features of Logan let out a yawn, and without trying to cover
herself, leaned her head on the pillow and closed his eyes.
His voice came through distant dream. With difficulty he
managed to open his eyes again.
Fiona, what have you taken?
His accent made her vaguely worried smile.
I -Take two pills sleeping Ailsa murmured. Just ... two ... -not
said no more, but pulled the blankets to cover her. Fiona,
reached out to touch him muttering something, and then fell
asleep, her cheek resting on one hand, sleeping as soundly as
a child in the next room.
Logan one time stood staring; then stood up and turned off
the light. The curtains were moving gently in the breeze. All
was silence and stillness ...

A party in Whangatapu was a real social event for the whole

community and the reputation of the family, as his hospitality
was then. Or at least, so I thought Jinny. Actually, Fiona
found no time to think or plan for the next two days. All
participated in the act, or were encouraged to participate, to
A Fiona pleased him, but feared his shrewd eyes, especially
when she and Logan were in the same room. It was very easy
for her husband act as if nothing were walking taut between
them, but even though she tried to imitate him, was well
aware that Thurston knew something was wrong. Marriage
behaved slightly protective of her. At any other time this
would have touched the heart of Fiona, but that body seemed
to have now completely frozen.
Mary and Stephen arrived on Saturday morning, before
lunch. Fiona welcomed them, supporting the curiosity of his
Mary was short and white, very beautiful, exquisite skin and
a very sensitive mouth. Her husband seemed less harsh
replica of Logan, not so high, a little thicker, with the same
blue eyes, who were as ruthless as his brother. They behaved
well, offering what Mary believed was a belated wedding
I bet no one else has given you something cheerfully said. I
love watching my wedding presents, even ugly. Come on,
open it.
After observing the distracted expression of Logan, Fiona
did, and held his breath to find exquisite porcelain figurines.
It was a birth!
It's ... wonderful sighed. Thank you very much. Oh, Logan ...
looking dog! It looks like "Spray"!

His fingers caressed lovingly figurines.

Thurston looked at his wife, who nodded slightly. Muttering
an apology, he left the room, returning a few moments later
with a canvas.
I know you said you did not want to paint her remarked,
smiling at Logan. Afraid I'm not very scrupulous when I
found a good model. So I did it from memory.
It was a small canvas and Fiona looked him jump to a real
life, nostalgic and sad, slim fingers on a keyboard, light eyes
saying things that just brushes Thurston could have caught.
- "Fiona piano" Thurston said firmly, placing the canvas on a
table. When you have your permission, Logan, I will a true
picture, because that is only a sketch of a mood.
'You've captured very well,' said Fiona Forrest, breaking what
threatened to become an embarrassing silence.
'I've seen so often when touched. What you think, Fiona,
when you're playing the piano?
Fiona had not dared to look at Logan, for fear of finding
anger in his expression and grabbed the question of Ailsa like
a lifeline.
-In Beautiful romantic dreams he smiled with a hint of
mockery. I roll on the suggestions of music, it's why I'll never
be a great artist, and I forget the art. Thank you, Forrest ...
love, really my hair has those greens?
There was general laughter and Thurston accused of being an
uneducated in art. Logan also thanked and when Fiona went
to pick up the box, he asked her to stop.
You're going well with the said room.
No one could guess the heartache of Fiona when she replied
with apparent good humor:
I refuse to be part of the decor, Logan!

-A Very attractive part he commented softly, and permanent.

Leave it, Fiona. Why do not you make partner, Forrest?
"Fiona smiling."
Are you asking for my services?
Apparently not need my permission Logan smiled.
-Try well they grasp Thurston's eyes rested on Fiona's face
with the painter peculiarly impersonal look. Actually it is not
easy; Fiona has that mischievous spark that is difficult to
capture. One of these days I'll try smiled maliciously. With
your permission, Logan.
After lunch, all rested; at least women. Stephen and Logan
came to inspect the property; Fiona heard them out,
discussing percentages and fertilizer and sighed to withdraw
from the window. Tonight would be a living hell know all the
friends of Sutherland as the wife of Logan, when things were
so tense between them.
Driven by an urgent need, entered the room of Jonathan, who
was sleeping peacefully. He went to bed with his hands over
his face. She could not stop, could not be away from him,
even to ensure the happiness of Logan. Trembling, he faced
the idea of life without Jonathan, lonely beyond belief. Leave
it would be like breaking his heart into pieces and was not
strong enough for this.
Great tremors ran over her body while fighting a battle within
her; I felt sad and hopeless. There had to make an immediate
decision, since shearers arrived on Monday and Jinny need
your help so they left. Output was a coward, but he was some
kind of peace.
"Admit it," he said wistfully not want to go, you'd have to
leave the two people you love more than life itself. Gently,
avoiding disturbing the child, stood up and walked to the

window, watching the emerald grass, . flowers of different

colors and beyond pastures and the sea, shimmering teal
under the sun had come to love Whangatapu, and leave the
hacienda, never to return, increase the terrible pain that would
take him and people. Ailsa, strong in appearance but
strangely helpless; the surly Jinny, her silent husband, the
Welsh family ... I had learned to esteem them all to feel calm
in their presence felt satisfied with the type of farm life..
The voices from below made her stop her thoughts; Logan
and her brother were returning.
-... 'Said Stephen really hit us last summer weed, but
apparently the grass is recovering. By the way, I see you gave
up your seat on the Board of Livestock Institute. Why did
you? I thought it was one of your main interests.
-for The circumstances: the principal, because I need to be far
more time at home.
-I Guess so. I like your wife. Not what I expected.
-Ah, No? Logan looked wonderingly. What did you expect?
I thought it would be less calm and intelligent. Denise wrote
to Mary that she was beautiful, but had little personality.
Little did I see you married to someone like that, although it
was beautiful; it sounded like jealousy. Denise guess not feel
very pleased to learn that you were out there a hidden wife.
Denise has no reason to be jealous. Logan's voice was cold,
as someone who plays with great difficulty.
Come on, Logan, do not fool me. Everyone expected you
casarais. It would have been for you.
Then all wrong.
You will ya mean that Denise knew all along that you had no
intention of marrying her?

Stephen looked incredulous. "No wonder," Fiona thought

bitterly. I could almost see Logan shrugging the answer:
I'm not trying to say anything, Steve. You leave the subject,
will you? What happened between Denise and I is ours and
nobody else's business.
If you say you ... For my part, I'd say you've gained in
change. Denise is a nice girl, but above all a fervent lover
Denise Page. Your Fiona has something unusual and has
acclimated well. I like the way he treats mom. A nice child,
too ... a true Sutherland.
Fiona turned away from the window. He heard the voice of
Logan, warm with pride and affection as he spoke of his son.
At least, he thought bleakly, she had given him something
that could be proud, though unwillingly would have taken
away his love. If he had to choose between Denise and
Jonathan, choose the boy, and he had to marry her.

Chapter 9
There was the typical troubles of late in the kitchen, but under
the control of Jinny, everything could be resolved and Fiona
had enough time to change before dinner. Jonathan came in
to kiss him goodnight, hugging her.
Corresponding to his embrace with another equally strong,
she rested her cheek on damp hair, smelling the scent of the
child, to have dinner in the kitchen with Jinny and Tom, and
then Fiona to bed before the arrival of the guests; have
enough time to rest before the start of the noise.
The boy closed the door behind him, and Fiona looked in the
mirror, wondering what she would think Logan. The dress,
which had been chosen by him, never had seen him since;
crepe was light gray, the color of their eyes without pads,

secured to the back of the neck and halter; the thin fabric fell
gently layered from hips to toes. Defying hair fashion,
collected and wrapped gently in the neck was arranged. It
made similar to that of a swan neck, gave elegance and
dignity expected also. It is not exaggerated makeup.
As jewelry wearing pink and silver diamond earrings as
waterfalls falling from the ears. They were his mother, a
beautiful work from Thailand, which gave his face an exotic
Perfume was placed on the wrists and throat and turned to
open at Logan, coming through the bathroom door.
He looked very attractive clothing label, overflowing the
arrogant confidence that made him seem always what was the
Are you ready? she asked.
Yes replied, somewhat nervous.
Put me these twins, please.
She laughed suddenly, feeling calm. Maybe like a modern
god, but for the issue of the twins had the same problem that
all men currents. She placed them in place with deft fingers,
refusing to allow the disturbed proximity.
Thank Logan said briefly when finished. Let'S Go.
When turning, he thought wryly that was perhaps better not
have expected to receive a compliment, since it was clear that
his present mood was not going to replace with something
warmer. Still, the icy feeling around his heart melted slightly
when he asked softly:
Are you nervous, Fiona?
-Don't Worry. I will not beat away from you and everyone is
willing to be friendly, even those who are curious. He looked

sideways, eyes narrowed. First prepare to leave you with your

mouth open. No doubt you have managed to impress you,
Yes, said briefly.
Well going to make it.
No more was said as they walked down the stairs, but those
few words helped. Logan served sherry for two to large
empty room as the rest of the family, more or less in group
entered, must have seemed the perfect couple, talking
together quietly, staring out the terrace while the last rays of
the setting sun nimbaban their silhouettes.
Two hours later, Fiona was glad to know that one, her first
party, held that inexplicable element that would stand out
above all other occasions. Perhaps because most of those
present knew well, or the beautiful place and the pleasure
afforded by the wear the best clothes, but the case was that
wherever he looked, the guests talked and laughed fun.
Fiona's eyes searched the room to meet Stephen with light
between the eyebrows furrowed. Yes, I was there, and
another full glass in hand. It was the fourth he took. Still,
apart from slight blush, he looked perfectly sober, talking to a
middle-aged couple. Logan walked, making sure they were
all taken care of while her mother was sitting on the couch,
talking animatedly with tall gentleman ... Bob Standish, who
lived a few miles further up the coast. Denise's parents also
seemed at ease, with a group of people your age.
And Denise? Stunning with old gold colored dress, was
flirting simultaneously with three men, including Danny
Harman. Fiona Passing sight by the group, he looked at her.
Something seemed to emerge in the air between them, and
Danny approached him.

'Hello,' he said softly. Are you alone? Where is your

-Go Busy.
Ah, yes! The perfect host. Since you're the perfect hostess.
Did you have fun?
'Not really, but I'm enjoying it.
He laughed.
I understand exactly what you mean. All are spending a
wonderful evening and I can assure that will be remembering
even within six months. Can I tell you that I see very
She felt a slight blush on the cheeks; There was a hint of
desperation in his tone that belied the mockery of his gaze.
Yes, of course. I guess we all are tonight, do not you think?
You could call an elegant meeting beautiful people. Who is
the brunette who's in that corner, Danny? It seems confusing.
Sonia Raintree. One is her husband, who is flirting with
Denise, the tall blond guy. If your wife was completely naked
in the middle of the track, I doubt noticed.
Poor girl! Fiona looked around, but no family member
Raintree lady was going to distract her wing. I'll have to go
talk to her, Danny. Seems lost.
I'll go with you. Perhaps illuminate the icy expression.
In five minutes Danny made Sonia laughed, revealing that
underneath what he called frozen expression, was a little face
beauty, but of great charm.
After a few minutes, Fiona apologized, and crossed the room.
She and Logan were found in the center, offering him a drink.
'Drink something she said in her ear. You must be thirsty.
Ago-heat, right? -Agradecida, Accepted the glass and took a
sip of their content. What is it?

-Cctel Of champagne. Do not drink it too fast, or I'll have to

carry you to your room.
To any observer, they represented a united couple. Logan
smiled at him, no one but she could feel the warmth of his
smile did not reach him until his eyes.
'I drink slowly promised, smiling as if he were the love and
light of his life. All seems well. Do I put the record player?
Yes, it's time, but I will.
Most young people, and some of the older, found the
temptation of moonlight and dance too irresistible. Shortly
after the soft music of an orchestra began to fill the room,
most started dancing. Fiona, chatting with Sylvia Bond, one
of the mothers of Game Center, saw Denise talking to Logan
next to the balcony door, her vivid face turned toward him
like a flower.
It seemed estarle asking something, something that Logan
rejected as pouted at the answer and changed the direction of
her gaze to meet Fiona's eyes.
A sudden malice shone in the dark eyes; Denise gave him a
long, slow smile to their hostess, said something to Logan
and allowed Mr. Raintree, who was with them, take her arm.
With difficulty, as it was altered by Denise challenging look,
Fiona attended his companion.
-... Wonderful he finished Sylvia enthusiastically. You must
come and see me soon. We only live a few miles from here.
-I Would love to. Ailsa tells me you have a spin and you can
not produce enough to meet demand.
Sylvia blushed slightly.
Yes admitted. It started as a hobby, but the recent rise in the
type of craft that I do, opened a large market grinned over his

shoulder to Fiona. Hi, Logan, I am congratulating your wife

for this wonderful holiday.
I'm glad you're having a good 'he said, putting an arm around
the shoulders of Fiona in posesiva- attitude. Where is Kevin?
Speaking of sheep's loving wife replied with a grin that made
her seem much younger man. But look, there is.
For a few moments, the four were talking; Logan then
apologized, leaving Fiona to dance with that mastery that she
found so attractive ... and irritating.
They never spoke much as they danced. As he recalled
wistfully, Logan used to say that disturbed his concentration.
Now his hand is gently moved through the silky skin of her
back, taking pleasure in the confusion of it.
You'd better not see anyone else touching and said quietly. In
response, Fiona smiled and circled his neck with her arms,
moving provocatively against him, as sensual as I could.
-Comprtate, Fiona! he muttered gruffly.
-why? 'I replied, consumed by the mad desire to irritarlo-. I
am your wife, do you remember? All here assume that our
marriage is normal ... like you've wanted them to think.
What's wrong with a wife flirts with her husband at a party?
Nothing, except that you're not acting like a wife, dear.
You're showing how a woman seduced purposes.
She laughed, but, warned by the glow of anger in the eyes of
Logan, loosened his hands, taking a more natural attitude,
aware that he had lost any opportunity to make their marriage
was normal. Your futile effort to awaken the sensuality of
Logan, had only managed disdain.
With good reason, he thought bitterly. She had her chance
and had wasted the arrogant desire that he loved her. He must
be content with what he offered, without mourn for the moon.

Had now lost everything. It looked and felt the burning

cheeks blush under his penetrating gaze.
What's so interesting? he asked softly.
'You. I bet you're the only woman in the room that looks
blushes when her husband.
'Well, then do not! he replied, annoyed. Logan, who is Bob
Old and devoted friend of my mother -A. At one time I
wanted to marry him, but she seems content with his
friendship. Do you think trying to play the role of
matchmaker? Take my advice and let them calm. Both are
mature enough ability to lead their own lives.
And with that you put me in my place he murmured.
'That only you can do.
The blush on her cheeks increased.
Logan ... He paused, hesitating.
Oh! It does not matter.
'It's not the right place, right, Fiona? Where did you learn to
dance so well? You are very slight.
'You taught me, remember?
Yes, it's true. I was wondering if you too. Do you remember
the first time we met?
I 'When I fell at your feet? He smiled a little wistful. It was
very appropriate, right?
Maybe. I also had no defense, you know? It was the first time
he lost his head completely. You were so beautiful and
innocent and you offered with such extraordinary intensity ...
I tried to get you when you left. After my father died, and had
to return.

-The Death of your father must be a big blow-he had a

serious expression. It was unexpected, right?
-Yup. Do you understand what I mean, Fiona?
She reacted to impatience in his voice with the peculiar
natural gesture that made her so provocative.
Yes, but no need to apologize for what happened long ago.
Despite my innocence, I knew I was not the first woman with
whom you were making love. You were too clever.
-Me Believed a simple tenorio! He clenched his hands on the
back of Fiona.
Oh, Logan ... no! Like you, I lost my head, how I can blame
you accept what I offered you so enthusiastically? I did not
then ... and I do now. After all, Jonathan is the result.
Yes She was silent a moment, then said suddenly: I wish to
meet your parents.
'They were incredible murmured. Practical and friendly ... I
think they must have thought they had a completely crazy
daughter when I appeared to them to tell them I was going to
have a child, but they were always loving and understanding.
I think you would have liked, Logan. Jonathan worshiped.
Our son is adorable. Charm is a very powerful weapon.
'You must know; You're the same dam Fiona laughed.
The grimaced. The music stopped and, with his arm around
her waist, Logan took Fiona to the terrace, where Mary and
her companion were.
Mary was pale, as if he had a headache. Fiona muttered
something about the heat, and suggested a drink.
Good idea, 'said Mary, more cheerfully. For me, just lemon
juice. I've had enough champagne.
The two men went for drinks, leaving Fiona and Mary alone
on the terrace.

Let's sit Fiona said. Do not know about you, but my feet are
killing me and it seems like Ailsa is in charge of the party
'Has dismissed the faithful Bob? Mary sighed with relief by
sitting on the couch beneath the windows of the study. Oh,
you are here right! No need to tell you that the festival has
been a success, Fiona.
No, all is well and I am very pleased. I had the most terrible
fear during all these weeks thinking about it, but I should
know that with Jinny and Logan in charge of everything,
nothing could go wrong.
And you also she added her companion. You did a good job,
Fiona ... I know it's not the time or place, but there are some
things I want to say.
Fiona was prepared. The last thing he wanted now was an
intimate conversation with Mary; however, it was inevitable,
as he could understand after watching the determination
expressing the beautiful face.
-Come In.
It's about Logan and me. There was nothing. I lost my head
for him a while, but I always mattered was Stephen, but I
needed to Logan to show me in the most brutal manner.
Danny did not want to believe it. He wants to Denise, and is
jealous because she wants nothing to him. My brother ... you
want to create problems, and I can not make you see things ...
oh, well! I guess no big deal.
The large eyes were cloudy and dull to fix their imploring
look at Fiona and continued:
-Parecis Pretty happy you and Logan. I've noticed that you
watched us Steve and me. He does not understand. I thought

to marry would show who really loved, but has not resulted
She tried to smile. Most of the time we get along.
I think you're very brave He placed a hand on Mary,
trembling. The strongly pressed for a moment, releasing
before the arrival of Danny.
I think luck Mary Logan has said before greeting her brother
The corresponded to smile, his alert expression, as he placed
a chair next to Fiona.
-The Two most beautiful women in the party and no man
accompanying them. Your husbands do not you deserve.
The meaning of his words was clear, but Fiona chose to
ignore it.
And what husband deserves his wife? he asked cheerfully.
Aha ... a feminist among us! Logan knows?
-If I know what? Logan had arrived with drinks; Mary gave
him his glass, another to Fiona, and stood, smiling at Danny.
The tension arose between them, palpable, threatening. Mary
drank half the lemon juice nervously as Danny answered.
Your wife just manifest as admirer of the Movement for the
Liberation of Women. Did you know that you were sheltering
a snake in your chest, Logan?
Sure She laid a hand on her bare shoulder Fiona in posesivaattitude. You must admit that you do good advertising.
No doubt Danny got up and made a comical bow. So much
so, that I should ask her to dance. Do I have your permission,
It was a direct challenge. Fiona felt more pressure on the
hand resting on his shoulder, but Logan merely replied
Fiona does not need my permission to dance, Danny.

Then Sutherland beautiful lady, come dance with me. Now

you can safely leave Mary with Logan.
Fiona bit his lip and stood up to go with him, telling him
severely once had moved away from the others:
-Te Delight embarrass your sister?
No, I have been very mean. I'll apologize-he was ashamed.
Better let 'I advised. But try not to repeat it. Heaving a sigh,
Danny took her in his arms.
Now I have mad, and that he intended to be good. Hey, I
relax, I will not bite you.
'You're squeezing a lot.
He loosened his arm, watching her teasing glint in his eyes.
'I'll be good, but you put difficult one. That dress is made to
flirt on the dance floor.
Danny kept his promise to behave, trying to regain his
sympathy. It was so successful that soon had her laughing
and quiet. Thereafter, the night flew by. Almost all seniors
went after dinner, but younger decided to continue, and three
in the morning were on the beach, singing around a campfire
with the music of a guitar.
Fiona was having so much fun sitting next to Logan and
Danny, when guitarist said:
Hey, I ran out the rope. You know touching, Fiona?
She was surprised, but accepted the instrument. Logan
removed his arm from his shoulder, and encouraged:
Come on, Fiona.
For a moment he toyed with the strings, then touched a
beautiful Maori love song, Pokare kare Ana, about two
unfortunate lovers. Everyone sang for half an hour before she
looked around and saw some yawns. He began a piece called
Now is the hour, the usual farewell song. All accompanied

her and that was the end of the party. There was a general
farewell and tired, Fiona began collecting vessels around the
house to put them in the dishwasher, while Logan led to
Denise's house because his parents had withdrawn hours
That bothered her, but Fiona sided fierce jealousy that
threatened to devour as he moved from one place to another
emptying ashtrays, to fill the time.
On the third trip to the kitchen, he found Stephen there,
sitting with his head in his hands. Upon entering her, he got
up and gave him a strange smile.
-The Perfect housewife. Or are you waiting wakes up to find
out how long Logan takes to bring home Denise?
He was not drunk, but he had drunk more convenient.
My wife hates Denise continued brooding, before Fiona
could speak. I hate you too.
'Your you think? Fiona was surprised her. I do not; otherwise,
everything would be very strange.
He looked amazed.
You're very calm. I wondered what you see Logan in addition
to your physique. Maybe that unattainable air ... he has
always loved the challenge, and I must say you show him
one. And Mary ... oh, yes! She hates you because you've got
to Logan. She still wishes; the little brother is not enough
snapped a deep breath. I've been watching all these years. It's
all so funny ... I watch, she looks at Logan, Logan to you and
you ... you sit like a cat and not look anything but your son. I
do not like to see Mary suffer ... because I love her.
-Yup? Fiona was not sure if the tactic was about to use the
best, but went on I thought it was premeditated.
I -Premeditado? What do you mean?

-A Way that you force always be defensive.

What the hell do you mean?
You're so aware of the presence of Logan that compel her to
be too. I do not know very well, but am a woman, and as
such, I can tell you that's humiliating. No wonder Mary gets
nervous when you observe. I'm sure she thinks I enjoy
making it, but if you loved ...
Deliberately let his voice trail, shrugging his shoulders
Yes, I love Stephen replied dully.
Then your desire for revenge must be greater than your love,
or you're stupid. It is a miracle that has not stopped you. I
think it has to love you much to bear.
-still Love Logan.
Then be that she is a masochist Fiona replied firmly, placing
a cup of coffee on the table before him. It has to be to enjoy
the situation in which it is located; I feel very unhappy.
Automatically, Stephen drank coffee and then put the cup,
staring absently.
If love me, show me.
I guess not get enough stimulus Fiona replied softly. What do
you expect me to do? Does believe me if I told you he loves
I ... He shook his head ruefully. No, why would believe it?
-why? Do you expect some heroic gesture to prove it? He
smiled mockingly. It is very difficult today to die of love, so
Mary would have no choice but to endure and stay with you.
There was a long silence, Stephen broke, talking excitedly:
Why do you bother for us? We do not even know.
Because he said, choosing his words carefully, irritates me to
see two people who are in love, hurting both and making

everyone else feel uncomfortable. And if you do not realize

that your wife loves you, brother, you are so insensitive that
do not deserve it ... or child.
This was a calculated and deliberate tactic, mentally prayed
that Mary forgive her for revealing your state.
Stephen stared, pale.
What ... did you say?
'You heard. I guess he has not told anyone, but when I saw I
realized that she is pregnant.
Suddenly, Stephen seemed to have aged. Ruefully, shook his
I ... it ... why not told me? You know I ... I ...
You -Acusaras Logan to be the father? Fiona 'I said
brutally. To his astonishment, Stephen's eyes filled with tears.
I ... I never have accused of cheating My meditation. Never!
said tightly.
Maybe not with words' said Fiona. But your attitude is
sufficiently expressive.
Oh, God! he murmured. He placed his forehead on one hand
and then, raising his head, he spoke with a dignity that she
did not think poseyera-: You've stuck very strong, kitten. And
now, what do I do? You, you seem to know everything ... tell
Just trust her ... and show him. She is also proud ... you, the
Sutherland, you have no monopoly of that quality. Do not let
you know what your pregnancy, then she will want to tell
you. Jeez, man, know how to treat your wife! You always
knew what was needed to make her happy, or you had not
done such a good job to make her unhappy!
Stephen shuddered, but grabbed her arm as she passed him,
looking almost pleading eyes.

He asked what the hell has happened to me to change

Maybe, but will be so grateful, he will not try to find out. I
doubt ask for an explanation.
He laughed and stood up, holding her shoulders in a warm
I think my brother won more than bet when married you,
kitten. Denise said you had no personality ... I would love to
see his face when he finds out how wrong you are.
Maybe that day never comes Fiona replied, turning away.
Maybe, but ... 'he said, with sudden concern in his blue eyes,
so like Logan.
-No Reason to worry, Stephen. Go and good luck.
Even slightly disturbed, he smiled.
Good luck to you too said hotly. I tell you honestly.
"Luck has no place in mine, Stephen," she thought, but did
not say aloud. If she had managed to make him see his
marriage in a new light, perhaps he had done well to stay
there; maybe Logan would be grateful therefore if you ever
found out. He continued his work until it all picked up and
the windows open to let in fresh air.
But Logan had not yet returned.
Tired, went upstairs, took off his beautiful gray dress and
hung; the skin was cleaned and got into bed, when the first
rooster announcing the dawn.

Chapter 10
Wake up she said, moving her shoulders. It is ten, Fiona, and
your son has something to teach you.
With the dream still weighing him on the eyelids and with a
little headache, a hand to his lips, yawning.

Logan, why do not you die and leave me alone? -When,

Sobresaltada-: Ten! It can not be! I set my alarm for seven.
I'm switched to return He sat on the bed for her with
unfriendly eyes, as he threw back the hair you had on her
cheeks. You were sleeping so deeply that neither you moved
when I entered.
For a moment, Fiona was confused under his sneer;
immediately warned sunken and wrinkled sheets pillow
beside her.
'That was not necessary remarked, rigid.
With guests in the house do not want to risk. Anyway, you
did not put any objection. Or get used to snuggle with anyone
who gets in your bed? Fiona asleep is much more accessible
than Fiona wakes.
-What ...? He paused, red with embarrassment. It was
possible he had the audacity to have gone to her directly from
the arms of Denise to steal something that was not given
-Quiet Said softly, was too tired to match your invitation.
Although ... he added in a tone that caused wishes golpearlo-,
could gather enough energy now, if you still feel the same
humor. That nightgown reveals much more than it hides.
Very attractive and provocative.
Go to the devil! he snapped, angry with herself, for allowing
the power to awaken every nerve in his body.
He pulled her into the circle of his arms, watching his
rebellious face with a spark of humor.
Not estalles still, small; have much to do. Jonathan and I give
you exactly half an hour before you get up and eat breakfast
before take up the pens of horses. The shearers come
tomorrow, which means that you and Jinny have much to

prepare this afternoon. The Thurston leave and Denise comes

to help shrink and muttered -the felt cruelly: you can see if
you did last night or not love, since you have such a keen eye
for my sins.
Fiona felt his whole being wrapped in a wave of anger, but
then they were interrupted by a knock on the door and the
immediate entry of Mary, beaming. Fiona looked amazed and
wondered why he thought it was just beautiful: it was really
beautiful, even dressed as then, with a simple housecoat.
Am I interrupting something? he asked as he crossed the
room. Well, I do not mind if I do. Fiona, lovely girl! I love
you, love you, love you, and if something someday I can do
for you, I will gladly even if it means having to sell my
engagement ring She suddenly launched on the two
embracing as Fiona was still Logan's arms, kissed her and
then Logan, laughed, blushed, and I sat on the bed beside
them, eyes bright with tears at the stares of amazement.
What a comic ye both! No, Logan, I have not gone mad, or
maybe just for joy. Ask Fiona about it ... she'll tell you.
Fiona, Steve and I had a long talk last night when he came
up, and I think we've cleared all, thank you, you're wonderful,
sensitive and tough! So I told him about the baby ... in six
months you'll uncle, Logan ... and if it's a girl, I'll put your
name, Fiona. I'm so happy that I want to mourn!
'Here no! Fiona said cheerfully, fascinated that his few words
had been so successful. He fought a feeling of envy. Mary
and Stephen deserved happiness, after years of stubborn pride
and lack of understanding. You know how men cry when you
die continued. Afligiras Logan.
-Al Poor Logan, nothing! Do not be ashamed easily.

When you leave, so engrossed in their happiness, it seemed

that his feet barely touched the ground. Logan waited to close
the door before turning his eyes to his wife.
-Envidia, Fiona? No suits you. How did you do?
I just talking bluntly She shifted in her arms, trying to pull
away, but he pressed harder.
No ... stay here. Looking abandon Whangatapu?
He tried to find the words to dissipate his suspicions. It never
occurred to none, and knew that the fault was reflected in his
expression. The hardened him terribly.
Listen to me; Fiona: if you try to go follow you and meet you,
making you wish you had never been born. I'm serious!
There was no point to continue hiding the truth. Nervously
licked his lips, before asking in a voice that was more of a
How did you know?
There was no sign of softness in the rigid lines of his face. I
had never seen him so cruel expression.
-I Can read you like a book, dear. You think I'm blind?
He relaxed the strength of his arms.
Now we can not talk, but until we can, remember one thing:
You will not go to Whangatapu whatever happens. You
accepted conditions to marry me, and however great the lie of
our marriage, you have to learn to live with it.
Me-not talked to Denise; in that case I would not have
married you He stifled under his cold stare.
There was nothing you have said relentlessly. Nothing.
Logan ... I ...
Fiona, if you had trusted me, both for your own sake and for
that of Jonathan, you would never cornered as you are now. I
hoped you would, but it was in vain. Until you decide to trust

me, we will continue as we are. Now, you wake up, or want

to have Jonathan waiting for?
No ... at least ... He paused, as he did not intend to rise, pidi: Logan, can you go?
No, 'said, flatly. You are my wife, and I have every right to
stay in the room while you change.
He shot a glare, threw back the covers and got out of bed
wrapping his coat, trying to close the loop that held her in the
neck with trembling hands. The watching, mocking, as she
searched underwear and pants, a sweater and blouse before
leaving the bathroom and close the door with a challenger
blow. And washed and dressed, combed his hair, rushing in
the room.
Logan was standing next to the dresser, looking at the
photograph of his parents. No further when she came in, so I
just saw his profile. An intense wave of love and desire the
seized and impelled to call your attention:
Logan ...
- Ah, you're ready! Come, come. The child is controlling his
impatience in the kitchen and there's probably mad at Jinny.
The deeply emotional moment had passed. He remained
All were in the kitchen, to Ailsa, who admitted having a
slight headache. Maybe he was glad that Stephen and Mary
they looked so happy. He had never been very maternal, but
the situation between his second son and his wife had
managed to worry. Perhaps also the marriage of Logan. But
as Fiona and Logan always appeared in public so ... well, so
friendly, you just waited.
As they neared the corrals, the sun tending their magic over
the sea, bright blue.

-The Summer is almost here remarked Mary. You'll see how

hot, Fiona.
I must instruct the geese for Christmas' said Jinny, or do you
prefer turkeys, Fiona? Perhaps the goose is too strong for
There was a general laugh.
-You know I see the world through my kitchen Jinny she
defended with good humor. After shearing, Fiona, we talk
about Christmas.
'I'll enjoy-what Mary said enthusiastically. On Christmas Eve,
Logan always organizes a big barbecue, all light candles and
sing traditional songs. Kids will love, especially when gifts
are distributed. It's very patriarchal!
Logan laughed, grabbed the arm of Fiona and gave a hand to
Jonathan, who was dodging the herbs in their wake.
And you, child, will have to buy gifts this year. I'm sure Mom
will assign work with pleasure.
-without Doubt yes! Ailsa 'agreed.
There was more laughter and Danny, reclining in the yard, he
saw a cheerful close group. His eyes fell immediately on your
sister, then with doubt Stephen; both seemed relaxed and
happy. Stephen hugged Mary and gave you a kiss on the
The Welsh family was waiting too. After the greetings,
Jonathan climbed the fence, pulled a carrot from his pocket
and called. A beautiful brown pony approached him, wagging
his tail. Fiona unconsciously clutched both Logan's arm, her
nails were marked on the skin.
-Quiet Muttered, audible only to her. He's done it before.
When the pony bent to take the carrot, Jonathan grabbed his
mane, talking softly, and placed the saddle. Janey Welsh

helped him put it on and the child with such a straight face,
that made Fiona was contrajese the heart, inspected all the
details were in place, and then led the pony next to the trunk
of an old tree. A moment, and he found himself sitting
proudly in his chair, his feet in the stirrups and hands gently
holding the reins.
The guys from the Welsh cheered, causing the stir pony head,
but Jonathan kept complete control and without looking at
your audience, began to demonstrate their knowledge. The
animal, called "Ailsa" walked, trotted, moved back and forth
in front of them, obedient to the orders of Jonathan. A Fiona
seemed to him like magic.
Without thinking of those around him, continued the child
with the whole process in reverse; to remove the saddle,
"Ailsa" Jonathan followed up the fence, rubbing his nose on
his shoulder, with what appeared to be a great affection.
When he arrived with his mother, the boy smiled; a grin from
ear to ear.
Fiona felt a lump in my throat. He swallowed before
My dear, you did great! You're a good rider!
Now you will not worry about me when amount 'I said,
hugging tightly to her legs.
- I never have worried, silly 'I replied tenderly cuddling
beside her. I knew you'd be safe with Dad.
Now you see how easy it is, you can learn how you too.
I suppose so, 'said weakly. He looked up and found a trail of
... something, in the face of Logan. The words you say
before, came back to him: "If you had trusted me so much for
your sake and for that of Jonathan ..." and knew what he had
to answer.

That never be said that my child can do something and I said

firmly. Darling, you and Dad can teach me and I bet I shall
prove better rider than you two.
Jonathan Logan looked triumphant and turned her face so she
could not see his reaction. Then he said:
Good girl. Work into submission, right, Jonny?
During the day, Fiona felt great enthusiasm, as if he had
made an important decision, something that would change his
life completely.
Mary and Stephen went after lunch, waving cheerfully, and
later did the Thurston, who decided to learn from the arrival
of the shearers.
Because you have not had to put up before she told Mrs.
Thurston to Fiona; they become crazy, dear. They eat like
horses! And you do not want any visitors complicndote
Before leaving, Forrest reminded his host his desire to paint
Fiona. Logan did not commit, but told him he would let him
know if he changed his mind and Forrest had to be content
with vague promise.
It was the busiest afternoon would have had Fiona. Jinny
worked with maximum speed, large amounts of baking cakes
and breads. Fiona helped him, happy to do something to keep
your mind occupied. When Denise came, was wrapping food
in plastic to put them in the freezer. Denise was a very
efficient worker and among both developed lot of work,
before Jinny were offered tea and fired with his usual
You -Pasemos into the living room, will you? Denise
suggested, having as if she loves.

Fiona felt exhausted his patience, but he controlled. Life was

complicated enough to bother with Denise. Calm, aware that
something was going to happen, that Denise was preparing
for some kind of confrontation was maintained. His mind
rejected the idea. Tired from the night before and afternoon
so hectic, did not want to exchange malicious thank who was
at all costs to ruin your life.
However, there was no escape. He resigned, went into the
parlor. For the first time Denise looked calm. He inspected
everything that was in the room with the usual brightness of
possession in the eyes, before facing Fiona, now sitting with
apparent calm.
I think it's time we take off our gloves suddenly said Denise.
Not if you talk to cliches Fiona replied casually. Denise red
lips tightened into a thin line; hated being teased her.
Do not be so insolent replied, violently. Do not you think it's
time for you to get out of here? There is nothing holding you
now. Jonathan is well and I promise I'll take care. I know
that's what you're worried.
Fiona felt calmer; that could withstand direct attack.
I'm sure you would. I know you're proud of him, if only
because it looks so much like Logan. But you is not a
miniature of his father, you know?
If you mean it is not like he replied disdainfully, I can stand
it. Logan wants a son to continue here in Whangatapu, and
that's what Jonathan will He raised his shoulders. I am as
ruthless as Logan, but in this case it is not for me. He loves
the child, and because you want an heir, I'm happy to be
Jonathan, even your son.
Fiona thought, amazed, "Logan does not even know what all
you can see is the master of Whangatapu, not man, would not

be able to bind Jonathan to a life that was inappropriate for

Logan's love for his son was not a possessive emotion, did
not see the child as an extension of himself. As an
Sutherland, yes, but self-possessed person, as Fiona gave him
freedom to decide their own emotions. Blinded by Sutherland
heritage and pride in their name, Denise did not understand
the man she thought she loved.
Denise, no need to continue this conversation. I will not leave
Whangatapu and if you think about it calmly, you'll know
why. Please do not make me spell it out.
I assumed you would not leave without a fight. You find a
very comfortable life, even though you're only here for
tolerance! Look, Fiona, make things easy. I do not like to
exchange insults, but I'm prepared to be cruel if I force it.
Materially you'll be fine ... Logan will make it! I know it will
be terrible to let Jonathan, but definitely want the best for
him. A happy home situation ... you can not provide this!
You and Logan have you been not a normal relationship ...
even before he told me, I knew it! No love between you. And
although seduce achieved it, I will always be close hesitated
and then hit the blank. Do you know that Logan and I are
lovers? And they have been their unhappiness and frustration
for his fake marriage which finally broke their resistance
when we were in Auckland. He loves me, Fiona, and I love
him. He tried to be true, but the flesh is weak and who had to
be faithful? What a wife who only sees him as the father of
her son, who denies everything, which accepts giving you,
but it is cold as ice? There is nothing you can offer to Logan
that I can not give, and thus my love for him. I tried turning
me into his lover.

Fiona stood, his face pale.

-Denise, Enough! If you love Logan Really, I feel sorry for
you, because I'm not leaving.
Breathing heavily, Denise spoke through clenched teeth.
-No Try to use my better instincts, because, as it relates to
Logan, I have none! Do not you have any pride? Staying
here, knowing that your husband wants another woman ...
who makes love when -the opportunity arder- dark eyes. And
there will be many opportunities where I stay here! How will
you handle that? Knowing that your husband is ...
-Denise, Shut up! You can say what you want about me, or
you, but do not have to slander and Logan! Fiona took a deep
breath, gathering all his strength, praying to find the right
words and terminate such penosa- discussion. Look, I'm sorry
but will not change. I neither know nor care what happened in
Auckland, but if you think that Logan is entangled in a sordid
intrigue at home, in the eyes of the people he loves most, then
you know nothing about it. Nothing! Now please, let's finish
this. I told you that I will not and I will not go! -of Any way I
could tell that smug that Logan had forbidden.
Yes you will go, because if you do not when I tell you, that
I'll districtwide finds out just date you married! he observed
the reaction of Fiona. Did not you know that I was aware,
right? Was suspicious from the start, so I looked for someone
to investigate the records. If you stay here you marcars your
son a bastard and you as any one! Then you will see Logan's
attitude towards you. He has more than it shows the pride of
Sutherland and it hit where it hurts. Moreover, such a thing
would kill his mother!
'And you do that?

'I've said I'm ruthless. And if I can not be your wife, you do
not get any pleasure to take my place.
Fiona stood up, angry, seeing the other determined to meet
their own needs and desires no matter at whose expense.
When Fiona was upset, his eyes darkened, all her beauty
seemed to increase and strengthen. And now he was very
angry, fighting for her husband and her son, by Ailsa and
He said with chilling pride:
-What Just said has convinced me that the worst thing you
could do is leave. You've revealed that Logan does not know
the slightest, you see it all from the point of view of your
selfish obsessions. Your revelation can create a wave of
gossip, I have no doubt, will give pleasure to some gossips,
but have equal pleasure to discuss your part in history,
atribuyndote some reasons. And then you will not be more
than the woman scorned.
Denise stared. This was a Fiona did not know; worse, not
even suspected existed. He kept controlled, when he had
expected to see her sunken and almost apologetically. Fiona
was proving a force that Denise could not match.
Not pretend threaten rabiosa- replied. I will make sure that no
decent person tread this house, and will be your fault!
Do not be stupid. You know that is an empty threat. We are
in the twentieth century, Denise, not in Victorian times, and if
you do what you say, people will think you have good reason
to be so evil. And that would not please your parents.
The defeat was seen in the features of Denise. It looked like
he was fighting a stone, as if everything had built in his life,
suddenly see him completely baseless. Instead of the lack of
personality that had believed to see Fiona, he met a woman

who stood firm against blackmail and threats, someone

infinitely stronger than her. At the time of bitter failure,
Denise Page began the painful cost to maturity. But when he
looked up and saw compassion in the eyes of Fiona, he could
not help his spite.
Not feel sorry for me almost growled. I'll have it for you!
You'll have to live knowing you're the second! And that does
not make any difference in my relationship with Logan.
Loves me, loves me!
Even if that is true, 'said Fiona calmly no future for you,
Denise. You have much to offer the right man. Be adult
enough to accept what can not be altered.
Denise was impressed by his serenity.
Not understand you said, confused, almost sobbing.
Fiona said, choosing his words carefully:
You've led a sheltered life too, surrounded by people who
love you and admire you. My life has not been the case,
Denise; at least not recently. How did you expect to find? He
smiled bitterly. Sometimes even I understand me.
Denise looked; actually looked for the first time in his life, he
thought, noticing his square chin, generous and passionate
curve of his lips, eyes clear and serene.
I've been a fool, right? sighed deeply. I thought I knew so
much! No ... do not say anything she managed to smile. I hate
you right now. Maybe ... after a while ... learn to esteem you.
I do not know. I think I'll go home now.
You'd better not stay a while 'I suggested Fiona, admiring her
for her courage and worried case were too upset to drive
I do not think to bear. Do not worry, the car knows the way
home. Before I go ... I want you to know that I lied ... Logan

has never made love to me. I thought ... I thought it was

because he is too honorable. I tried to give the impression that
we had become lovers. He ... he knew what he was doing, I
think. Last night I decided I'd get rid of you because ...
because the way home he told me that ... there would be
nothing. He was polite but definite; I thought if you let him,
he would end up turning to me She pressed her lips
trembling, ignoring the concerns of Fiona. You see ... when I
lose, I admit it. I hope ... I hope to be happy he finished
Denise ...
- Do Not! Leave me some dignity and do not show me your
compassion! You would have taken with the greatest pleasure
and without remorse, but now I see it was never meant for
me. I thought I could manipulate you all, and what I did was
the scariest ridiculous. Are you shall tell Logan?
No, 'said Fiona quietly.
-it Does not matter. Nothing matters now. Do not do anything
stupid He saw the worried look on Fiona. I too want to
pretend to kill myself ... I will not come over to stay, of
course. Tell ... tell Ailsa I decided to travel with my parents ...
no, I will tell myself. I'll call tomorrow I was going walking
towards the door as he spoke, he turned and asked, Are you in
love with him, right?
Fiona nodded.
-Yup. That explains a lot said Denise. I do not think you
deserve it, but I guess you know what you do. Goodbye.
Minutes later, Fiona heard the car gently sliding down the
road and sighed deeply. He was on the verge of tears.

Chapter 11
Clouds won the battle against the sun and at the approach of
night, cold wind blew through the southern mountains. Logan
looked worried; outstanding sheep being shorn were ready in
the fields, but if it rained, would be too wet to work and lose
one day if he had to wait for them to dry.
After dinner, Logan went to the pens to discuss things with
the team leader shearers. Fiona lay down to Jonathan and
when down, he found Ailsa middle of the ladder.
I'm going to bed said his suegra-. It's heavy and for me to stay
up late and have to be good tomorrow. I want to polish my
murderer. Dale Logan goodnight from me. Until tomorrow,
Fiona lit the fire in the fireplace, drew the curtains and put a
record on the stereo. Although he had slept well the night
before, also felt tired. Too much emotion, he supposed, and
sat quiet on the large sofa, waiting for the "Pastoral
Symphony" by Beethoven, exercise its calming effect.
But it was not. For some reason, the music could not appease
your mind and half of the disc, paced back and forth across
the large room like a caged tiger. At times like smoking
wanted, or knitting; nor the piano offered hope to relieve their
stress. Finally he had to admit that he would face his situation
or job would cost now decide what to do in light of the
revelations that Denise would do in the afternoon. She
supposed she should be pleased that his suspicions about
Logan had no base, but for some reason, the pleasure was far
from his mind. On the contrary, I felt bitter remorse for
having deceived so easily and for his stupidity. Love was not
enough to avoid hurt; now understood that his anger had been

a way to hurt him. And his pride, arrogance, Logan had

prevented him tell the truth.
-Tonta! he said softly. Silly, silly! -his fist struck the arm of
a chair, making her writhe with pain his mind failed to
recognize. He had spoken the truth, and she was denied until
his confidence despite loving him. This was where he had
been wrong from the start, preventing occupy another, since
that was not the father of Jonathan. He had convinced it
would be an insult to enable him to become a real husband
when there was no love between them, but it had been his
pride and ... yes, I had to admit ... of an old repressed desire
to avenge the Wild disappointment he made you feel five
years ago. This feeling was gone.
If accepted Logan would be on his terms and her decision. He
did not want the inadvertent collection of your body; he said
it clearly. He wanted more, their trust and faith in him,
something she could give. Maybe it was all he wanted and
still had she shown her love with his tolerance, his refusal to
take advantage of his physical attraction to him? Sadly, he
recalled his own presumption to speak to Stephen for less
than twenty four hours.
"Want Mary will prove his love?" He had asked. "How
She was asking the same thing. A test of a love that Logan
might not feel. Could accept the sadness of being "second" in
order to give Jonathan a safe and happy home? There would
be mutual respect, perhaps affection, probably passion into
such a relationship. Can you settle this? Tired but triumphant,
stood up and approached the portrait he painted Thurston.
The eyes of the box looked wistful.

"Admit it," Fiona told the graffiti. "What you accept under
any conditions, and be happy with it!" Did it matter that the
only time his heart pounding for her was when he made love?
He had shown from the beginning that he was prepared to run
correctly marriage, and she had blocked him each attempt,
refusing to commit forgetting, in return, a romantic dream.
Sighing, he admitted that there might be some tenderness in
the relationship, which was more than what she expected
from the beginning. Perhaps love is showed in the daily
details, tolerance and small everyday things. He went to the
window and pulled the curtains. The sky was clear, no moon,
but Venus shining. It was very quiet, so much that Logan's
footsteps down the hall thunder seemed to pass in front of the
door toward the study.
Fiona turned, turned off the light and went out. No time to
think, went into the beam of light coming from the half-open
door of the study. He was inspecting some documents, hands
brunettes in contrast to the paper. When Fiona appeared at the
door, he lifted his head, giving him a quiet look.
I thought you'd be lying. You wanted to see me for
I ... yeah She blushed and swallowed before speaking. I want
... if you still want that our marriage is made real.
The sound of the papers was continued while inspecting.
Fiona wondered if he had heard; then he looked at her and
Fiona was horrified to see only cold contempt in his eyes.
-Would You like? he asked dryly.
Yes murmured Fiona, determined not to be a coward again.
Another silence, this time shorter, during which Fiona nerves
sharpened; then he spoke in a tone completely devoid of

-very Well. You look tired. Come Up. I'll finish as this.
He spoke as if they were finalizing a business deal. Fiona
swallowed again dry before turning around and returning to
his room. I did not expect great jubilation, but at least
something. His coldness had made him want to run away
from the house and hide in some dark place where he could
not hurt her again. Perhaps it was understandable that Logan
saw action simply as part of a case pending whose conclusion
was reached, but at least he could make it look like a
successful conclusion, he thought bitterly. He must know
how much effort it cost him say those words of capitulation!
Why was he so angry with her?
He stopped in the middle of the stairs, sighed and continued
to rise. Now there was no return. If he was angry, maybe it
was because I was thinking the lost time and that was her
fault. All times when courted with sweet kisses turbulence
returned to his mind. If she had surrendered to his own
emotions and needs in any such occasions, there had been
humiliated in his surrender. It was his stubbornness that had
led to the current situation. The arrogant control Logan was
tested too many times and she had to pay the price or
continue the farce of a marriage as they had lived before.
Fiona pushed the bedroom door, turned on the light and just
stood watching time. Both luxurious and yet so little
happiness for her in that place. There had cried for the moon,
only to be was denied. He could give her love Logan and
maybe that would sweeten the bitter knowledge that it was
Venus, the goddess of passion, who reigned in the room and
not love.
As a bride on her wedding night, was prepared for him,
showering, brushing her hair over her shoulders. The gown

she chose was silk, long, Greek style, color your hair even
clearer. Through sheer fabric skin glowed with the smooth
whiteness of a marble statue.
When she was ready, she turned off the light and went to the
window, unable to make the last move of getting into the big
bed. The stars shone like jewels on black velvet sky.
In the darkness a voice, that of the small nocturnal hunter
shouted warning everyone in the field that night was good for
hunting hear. Fiona had once seen a hunted animal in broad
daylight. So he was now terrified, longing for a refuge.
He heard the door to the room of Logan; stiffened unwittingly
heard while moving from one place to another. He heard the
shower, then there were long waiting minutes before Logan
opened the door and entered.
His eyes were already well accustomed to the darkness and
could observe without difficulty. In the darkness it seemed
immense, Figure prohibited against white door with a dark
robe covering her body. Almost immediately turned on the
lights and she blinked, dazzled.
Insolent assessment looked at the look he gave with serious
and impassive face. Blushing, Fiona felt her body warm
while he watched, but was forced to endure those merciless
eyes as she raised hers to look at him directly.
Come Logan said softly.
Keeping your head up, she crossed the room. Logan's gaze
was menacing and cruel, yet Fiona's heart pounding wildly in
his chest, so high that was sure to be heard.
Logan grinned when just a few paces from him, who stood
with arms crossed over his chest and arms leaning against the
door he stopped.

It was an exquisitely refined torture. Fiona bit her lip, then

raised his arms around his neck and offered him completely.
His surrender was as full and complete as he had hoped, but
still did not move, though the flames threatened deep in his
I -Why this change, Fiona? she asked with almost motionless
She shook her head, muttering:
-Eso Matter? -still To take this last step, she wanted to hold
on to the remnants of his pride.
-Yup. I want to know what has caused this sudden change.
Have you decided to try to catch fire with fire, taking a page
from the book of Denise and try a little of seduction?
Now she felt angry, but when he tried to withdraw their arms,
hands Logan moved quickly, pressing her wrists to make it
stay put.
And if I did, what? he asked shakily.
Be interesting to see if you have the courage to take just a
moment before he answered his mouth covered hers in a kiss
devoid of tenderness and respect.
For a Fiona moment she panicked, trying to break their arms,
which were a cruel prison but held her effortlessly, and soon
could think, lost in the dark power of his passion, responding
in a way that could ever make , a technical expert lover. She
understood that this was no courtship, but seduction, but his
mouth and his hands in his veins lit a fire that could only be
appeased by complete union, and when he picked her up to
take her to bed, she did not protest.
He placed it on the bed, took off his robe and stood beside
her, his body against hers, sensual mouth on her skin,
caressing hands expertly as she took off her nightgown. She

shivered, finding the consuming fire of his gaze, but stroked

the warm moist skin of her shoulders, kissing the dark
column of her throat, then a dark wave of ecstasy took her
away, into a state of unconsciousness whereby , a voice that
he thought he recognized sighed his name.
Satisfied, slept cuddled, and when Fiona woke up it was still
dark, although one of the roosters sang triumphant farm, so
the dawn was not far. Slowly, moving his body carefully to
avoid waking Logan, got up, went into the bathroom and a
glass of water is served.
The liquid eased his parched throat, but there was a stabbing
pain in his temples that are not easily calmed, and for a few
moments leaned against the cold wall tiles. Life never in the
darkest moments, seemed so futile, so devoid of all hope.
Would it always be so? The passion, satisfaction and then
after the bitter taste of a frustrated love. Over time, no doubt,
she would get used to the fact that Logan possessed all the
qualities expected of a lover, except for tenderness, but now it
seemed the worst humiliation that he had suffered and hoped
that its sensitivity so embotase that could not hurt her again.
The small value inexhaustible flame she found life whenever
required it, he turned back to his aid. She straightened up,
returned to the room, willingly, had become the source of
their unhappiness. Logan was removed when she slipped
between the sheets, and said dully:
'You should have brought me a glass of water. Also I have
I did not know you were awake she said. How about I bring?
He turned on the lights, watching her with narrowed eyes as
she crossed the room, playing this menial task. Well, he

thought bitterly, itself had chosen this role: Logan's wife

running after him. God send him strength to perform it
without complaint.
Logan drank the water and waited for her to return to get into
Are not you going to turn out the light? Fiona asked, fearing
too near him to invite him to begin again their heartless
courtship. She had thought that once you surrender your
body, would end their problems, or most of them. What
strange way I beat life, showing the futility of their efforts,
just started!
-Do Not. We need to talk he replied firmly.
Surprised, Fiona looked at him, feeling again painfully aware
of his physical presence. Like her, the tension had not
disappeared from his expression, but was much quieter as he
had seen before.
He felt a sharp pain in the heart. At least she had provided
that physical appeasement.
No, Logan said first discuss joking and smiled at the blush
that his words were causing Fiona's cheeks. After what
happened ... never thought you sonrojaras me.
No ... do not be ironic. What are we to argue?
As if you did not know!
Had tenderness in his voice? Fiona did not know, but his
breathing quickened when Logan touched her shoulder.
He sees you as if you had an exciting evening, which
completely approve. How have you done that bruise?
Mischief shone in the eyes of Fiona, but his voice was heard
You do not know your own strength.
The tenderly kissed the injured part.

Forgive me if I was too abrupt. Although usually when a dam

breaks, some people gets hurt, and something similar
happened last night. You and I have to make some
clarifications. I want to know why you decided to let all my
legal rights about you last night. I'm sure you had no such
intention yesterday.
No ... He hesitated, then deciding that talk without hiding
anything; now only sincerity could help. To hell with his
pride - It was the culmination of many things I was trying to
not to notice that he was playing with a lock of her hair,
tangled it between his fingers. I knew I could not stay away
from you much longer, but as thought you were in love with
Denise, I did not want that ... use me as a kind of substitute.
-Do You thought I was in love with Denise? She saw him
incredulously it. I think I told you it clear that, although I had
thought of marrying her, never been in love.
Not tell me all clear 'he replied with a slight asperity. How do
you expect me to know how you felt? Do not know well, had
no idea how or thought would react, and she tried to make me
see I had some rights over you. At first I thought maybe you
had thought she was the most suitable for you wife ... but ...
hesitated, twisting a peak sheet with nervous fingers, not
daring to look.
But ... interrupted him, saying nothing more.
-The Things got braces, and when you returned to Auckland,
she ... well, you know. The saw and knew very well what his
attitude implied.
I know what you mean. I have never felt so angry in my life
then, but I expected a little jealous maybe you return reason.

Yeah, well ... somehow it was so. I just thought if you had
become his mistress, was because you loved her. I did not
think you could make love unless it was for that.
'At least you know that said giving me a strong pull hair.
I -Decid leave and leave the field open for her. Jonathan
loves her, and she him. I then said I should not go, you told
me in confidence, and I realized that I had never trusted you.
I accepted it all, safety, your love for Jonathan, Whangatapu
... Had you tried to do things right, and I was not offered
anything. So I decided it was time to give to give you
something ... no gratitude or anything, but because if you
loved Denise, all I could bring with me was a kind of shelter
... He lifted slowly tabs looked at him, adding softly: I ... I
love you Logan. I think I've always loved, even in those years
when thought you would never see. All I want is you to be
-the Liar came with wonderfully Gentile hands. Want
something more than that, so do not pretend to be so noble
and self-sacrificing.
She laughed, finally believing in what his eyes, his hands and
his voice betrayed him.
You're right, of course. I am so sorry that you loved Denise
really, because goodbye yesterday, and if I see a lot in the
future, will finish by taking his eyes!
Helplessly, he began to laugh, the sound of her laughter was
muffled on Fiona's hair, she felt an inexplicable heat flow
through him; a revival of his emotions, but he realized what
he had not yet told him, that he should assume the key to
happiness he had never expected and did not deserve.
But do not have to wait long.

Oh, Fiona, my dear silly! finally exclaimed, kissing her

forehead and then her eyelids, smoothing the hair 'tangled
gently. I I love you so much! It should hit mercilessly by
He made me bruises easily murmured softly, holding her
close, feeling a joy that I had never experienced before in the
area. The love for him took her breath; wanted to say
therefore that the words would not come and could only
squeeze her head against his chest.
'Not yet,' he said, fun, with a threat of passion in his voice
that made her shiver with excitement.
He loosened his grip, but gently traced the contours of your
face and throat, absorbed in the wonder of being able to give
him leave to his hands, thoughts and emotions.
Logan you why you were allowing both Denise? she asked
I waited poderte to jealousy She picked up her hand to kiss
her. Done once the explanations, and so will not be doubts.
Before you reaparecieras in my life, or so he had decided that
Denise was the best wife I could find.
-Tan Coldly calculated?
-I Think so. She was in love with the idea of becoming a
Sutherland, and I believed. You have to admit, my dear, that
is beautiful enough to boil the blood of any man.
Hear him say that he was jealous, but nothing replied.
You and I met again, and I wanted to Jonathan Logan
continued. My cold way of seeing things, I decided you could
be molded as wife and I married you. I am not a patient man,
but did not think apremiarte in any way. You had paid a high
price for a night of madness, and could not pressure you.
With no thought of was how I you afectabas lifted his face to

look him in the eye and said wryly: I was hard effort to keep
my hands off your body and I had to build some barriers to
protect myself in case the things got out of control. Hence my
fits of temper. It was a hellish situation. You were acting like
such a sensitive; Jinny was put uncompromising, doubtful
mom. Danny, meanwhile, was about to create problems and
Denise did her best to make things from exploding. Believe
me, I was about to crawl into bed with me to get rid of all the
worries! Indeed, it was seriously thinking to do ... you
showed me you could answer a very satisfactory manner. So
... something happened that left me completely stunned, as a
callow youth to his first love.
'I realized that I loved. So suddenly. It was the day that we
waited under the walnut tree after the garden club members
leave. Jonathan embraced and seeing there, your bleary eyes
of exhaustion, our son in your arms, I thought ... that's the
only woman I want. It was not just a physical desire, as
previously thought, was a deeper and more fundamental than
that necessity. When I brought Whangatapu I was sure you'd
love me a month later, but never hasselled your defenses,
except the physical. And that was not enough for me. I
wanted to complete, but you did not give me any indication
of what you felt about me.
And you are not a patient man murmured lovingly. You've
been with me, though.
At that time they kissed; a long statement of love and
tenderness, a kiss without passion, a promise, a realization.
Do not interrupt me to separate themselves- -the scolded. I
guess you understand that today we have much work ahead.
We have no time, dear. Not that there's much more to say. I

left Denise behave as it did because I thought that jealousy

would help you make a decision. I made sure that there were
to escape, and waited for the results. I did not think it would
happen so fast. That kiss you saw between Denise and I was
the only ... a thank you for having carried Auckland me. She
took advantage, of course, but I did not care. I wanted you to
be jealous, but when I saw the revulsion in your eyes I knew
it was a mistake.
Fiona laughed, but spoke sadly.
Last night ... why you were so cold, so ... so impersonal?
-Supe That Denise had been here; I saw her leave and I had
an idea about what had happened He leaned on one elbow,
watching her with a wry smile. Actually do not know why I
behaved well. Did not intend to take until everything had
been discussed, but lost control of the situation at the time
you touched me, and then it was too late He gave her a soft
kiss on his chest, I must confess that something incorrigible
and primitive in I enjoyed your surrender, especially because
you also gozabas it.
-Brbaro! scoffed, surrounding her arms to bring it to
It's truth-he looked into her eyes and laughed with great
laughter of a conqueror, saying before his lips return to
encontrarse-: I'll enjoy it more now, my dear, because there is
no barrier between us. You are my wife, and all our
relationships will henceforth be so full of love.
She looked at him maliciously.
And what will happen with the shear?
-Al I Fuck that!
And it was ... like it would henceforth: love, laughter and
passion together to reach ecstasy together.

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