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Your guide

to fundraising
success >

Your help
is urgently
Every day, animals are being
lost to illegal poaching and
habitat destruction.
Many species are on the
brink of extinction.

Chimpanzees in the wild are needlessly being

slaughtered for bush meat, while their forests
are devastated by logging. It is estimated that
80% of their habitat is already gone.
Every 11 hours a Rhino is killed. Only a few
thousand Black Rhinos remain in the wild.
They are being hunted to extinction simply
for their horns, which are used for traditional
medicines. Their horns are made from keratin,
the same substance as our hair and nails. They
have survived for over 40 million years but are
now threatened by humans.
Less than 400 Sumatran Tigers survive in the
wild due to illegal poaching and destruction of
their habitat for agriculture.
Tasmanian Devils are an Aussie icon and
endangered, with over half of their population
wiped out by the contagious Devil Facial
Tumour Disease.
Only 300 wild Asian Elephants remain in the
Kui Buri National Park, Thailand and those left
and threatened.

Taronga is working in Australia and around

the world to help safeguard species at risk.
We are working in 18 countries across 5 continents.


You can help us

We believe that wildlife and humans can
share this planet.
You can help us breed threatened species, protect their
genetic diversity and even re-introduce them to the wild.

Get started >

This guide is full of fundraising information
and ideas to help you get started.
Good luck.


Thank you for

choosing to
fundraise for

at School
> Animal-theme mufti day
ask for gold coin donations
> Cake bake
donate the proceeds

There are many ways you can raise money

and here are some ideas >

> School disco

charge an entry fee

Remember it doesnt matter how much you

raise as it will all help support our vital
breeding and conservation programs.

> Colouring in competition

contact us for a template and
charge a dollar to enter
> Crazy hair day
ask for gold coin donations
> Spelling Bee
hold your very own spelling competition and
get parents to sponsor you for
each word
> Sponsored silence
parents and teachers are sure to pay good
money to see how long you can keep quiet
> Piggyback
on an existing event. Organise your
fundraising activities to take advantage of
an event that is already happening, such as
a school assembly, play or concert
> Birthday pledge
instead of receiving gifts ask for
donations to wildlife


Case Studies
Take a look at some of the fantastic ways
children have raised funds for Taronga >

Sofia and her

Birthday Pledge
Inspirational Sofia decided to use her 6th
Birthday to do something very important to
her, to help save precious animals. She chose
to raise funds for Rhinoceros and Bilbies. So
instead of buying her presents she asked
people to help her reach her fundraising goal
of $500. She ended up raising an amazing
$550. As she told her Mum and Dad...
I really dont need anything but
these animals are endangered
and they really
need help.

Max and Sam dog walk for

Sumatran Tigers
Year 6 schoolboys Max and Sam, from Mosman Prep,
raised an awesome $1,000 by dog walking for two terms
to help protect Sumatran Tigers. The boys were inspired
to fundraise after attending the launch of the ABC TV
show Wild Life at the Zoo.
As few as 400 Sumatran Tigers survive in the wild due
to illegal poaching and destruction of their habitat for
agriculture. They are hunted for their skins and bones.
They are critically endangered.
Max and Sams fundraising will help Taronga to conserve
Sumatran Tigers, with over 30 bred at the Zoo since
1979. Tarongas breeding program acts as an insurance
against extinction in the wild. Taronga also campaigns for
sustainably grown palm oil in tiger habitats and partners
with international groups to protect Sumatran Tigers in the
wild from poaching.


Case Studies
Take a look at some of the fantastic ways
children have raised funds for Taronga >

School girls raise money

for Ghost Bats
Kelly and her Year 6 mates, from St Aloysius Catholic
Primary, held a mufti day to raise funds for Ghost Bats
and Tarongas Wildlife Hospital. They wanted to help and
reward the Taronga Wildlife Hospital for keeping our Aussie
mates out of the extinction category.
They shortlisted four animals that were either really
endangered or had only been adopted by a few people.
The animals were the Fijian Crested Iguana, Regent Honey
Eater, Ghost Bat and the Feathertail Glider. They had a vote
and the Ghost Bat received the most votes.
The only reason it is called a Ghost Bat is because when the
moon shines on its wings it looks like a ghost. And to their
prey they are a living nightmare because of their excellent
hearing and inch-long fangs.

York Public School raises

$1,000 to help save
endangered Rhinos
York Public School held a free Friday Disco in school time.
The school sold rhino water, special sparkling water
purchased for $1.90 a bottle and sold for $4 per bottle.
The children were very excited because the water had
flashing lights and lit up in all different colours at the disco.
The schools fantastic efforts raised in excess of $1,000
to help protect endangered rhinos. This magnificent
animal has been hunted close to extinction simply
for their horns.
The rhino is on the brink of being lost forever.


with colleagues
> Dress Down
Organize a dress down day or fancy dress day and get
everyone to donate $5
> Give it up for the wild
give up something you like to raise a few dollars
> Have a cake sale
> Arrange a sausage sizzle
> Organize quizzes and games
from a pub quiz to bridge
> Shave it
take the chop for conservation
> Have a raffle
> Take part in a public fundraiser
> Run an auction
> Hold a public collection


Take part in a
public fundraiser
Help protect endangered species and increase understanding
of wildlife while you get fit and have fun.
One of the easiest ways to fundraise is to take part in a public event
and raise funds for Taronga. Choose from inspirational fun runs,
ocean swims, bike rides or triathlons.
> Sun Run
> Cole Classic
> The Surf Swim
> Canberra Marathon, Half Marathon and Fun Runs
> Gold Coast Triathlon
> Manly Scenic Fun Run
> Port Stephens Triathlon
> SMH Half Marathon
> The Great Ocean Road Marathon
> City2South
> Run Melbourne
> City2Surf
> The Sunshine Coast Marathon
> The Canberra Times Fun Run
> Blackmores Running Festival
> Melbourne Marathon Running Festival
> Noosa Triathlon
> City2Sea

Create an online
fundraising page
Setting up an online fundraising page is
quick and easy. >
Visit Everyday Hero or gofundraise and create
your own page.
Ask your closest friends and family to sponsor you first.
Theyre likely to give more generously and set the trend
for other donations.
Personalise your page and make it your own. Tell people
what youre doing, why youre fundraising for Taronga
and what youre hoping to achieve.
Write your own message on the page and upload your
own photos and videos. Remember to promote your
fundraising on Facebook and Twitter to get everyone
you know to sponsor you.
Publicise your fundraising to help raise as much
money as possible >

Tell others
> Write a press release keep it short and snappy.
Include the key facts who, what, when, where, why
and how. Put your contact details at the end for
more information. Include a great, eye-catching
> Contact media - local papers love to hear about
local people getting involved with good causes.
Email a press release to your local newspaper,
radio station and community websites. Follow up
with a phone call.
> Social networks you can create a Facebook
event or Tweet about what youre doing on Twitter.
Link your online sponsorship page to Facebook.
> Email link include a link to your online
fundraising page whenever you send an email.
> Work intranet and newsletter ask your
employers if they will include details of your
> Tell Taronga wed love to hear what you are up
to. Please send Taronga your story and we could
include it in our newsletters or on our Facebook
and Twitter pages.
> Word of mouth tell everyone you know that
youre fundraising for Taronga.
> Put up posters and fliers to let people know
about your fundraising event. Thank everyone let
people know how grateful we are for their support
and how much youve raised.

If you organise your

own event check it
is safe & legal

Make the money grow

> Matched giving
many companies have budgets for matching their
employees fundraising efforts. So find out if your
employer does Matched Giving. For every dollar you
raise, they will donate a dollar.

Fundraising is great fun, but you need to be sure everything

you do to raise funds is legal and fits with Tarongas wildlife
conservation and preservation objectives.

> Sending your money to us

please dont send cash in the post.

There are certain rules for holding auctions, raffles and


What happens with

the money you raise?

If youre organising an event of your own, you may need a

licence from your local authority, you will need to think about
health and safety issues and insurance.
You will need to fill in a Fundraising Event Application Form or
a School Fundraising Application Form.
For further information please email:

Your fundraising efforts will support Tarongas work

such as international research and education programs
focusing on endangered species around the world, as
well as assisting with the conservation, breeding and
preservation of wild animals and their habitats.

ABN 41 733 619 876


Tarongas Top Tips for

fundraising success
> Keep it simple the best fundraising projects are the simplest. Be realistic and cost out
your event carefully. Have a wet weather plan.
> Set a date and start early keep a checklist so you know exactly what needs to be done at
every stage. Be aware of major sporting events and school holidays.
> Have a goal setting a fundraising target helps you plan. Think about how much you want
to raise.
> Tell us about it please let us know what youre planning.
> Keep it legal you need to ensure everything you do is legal. Do you need insurance?
> Ask for community help approach local businesses for support.
> Do Your sums make sure you keep an accurate report of all financial transactions you
make for your event. See if your employer is willing to match donations.
> Spread the word tell your friends, family and work colleagues about what youre up to and
let your local media know. Get online and keep people updated via Facebook and Twitter.
Send a blanket email to your address book.
> Maximise your reach use Everyday Hero and gofundraise and create your own page.
Make it easy for people to sponsor.
> Compete - with colleagues, class mates and friends to see who can raise the
most money.
> Thank everyone let people know how grateful we are for their support.
When you know how much you have raised, tell them so they know what a
valuable contribution they have made.


Your invaluable support will help Taronga, one of the worlds

most respected wildlife organisations, to put things right.
Your contribution will make a real difference to the future
of the worlds wildlife.


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