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Hi Moulya

Below is the English I would like translated to

Notice each batch is identified by an M number (M1001
for the first). Just keep the Punjabi is same batches with
same M number. Also translate the line starting with :::,
it is the title of the batch.
The language name shown isnt important, it just the
original language of the passage. Dont translate that.
Keep our language as natural as possible, retain the
integrity at sentence level as these will be matched to
A cut down example Of English to Hindii.
1) m1001 t0114::French
:::::: Simple Phrases
I dont understand
I dont speak French
Could you speak more slowly, please?
Could you repeat that please?
Please, Im looking for




, ?

, .

To Do in Karanatka
1) m1001 t0114::French
:::::: Simple Phrases
I dont understand
I dont speak French
Could you speak more slowly, please?
Could you repeat that please?
Please, Im looking for
Do you have.?
Do you have a room for two?
When does it shut?
How much is it?
Where is the toilet please?
Where are there some restaurants, please?
One black coffee, and one white coffee please.
Could I have the bill please.
To the airport, please.
A table for two.
Im not feeling very well.
Were lost.
We want to go to ...
Im looking for an cash dispenser.
Could you please call me a cab.
Were in a great hurry.
Whats the weather going to be like today?


2) m1003 t0336::English
:::::: People Relating
Yes. No. Hello. Good day. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Good bye.
Please. Thank you.
Mr. Mrs. Miss. Man. Lady. Girl. Boy. Baby. Family. Friend. Stranger. Father. Mother.
Parents. Sister. Brother. Son. Daughter. Cousin. Aunty. Uncle. Grandmother.
Grandfather. Age. Young. Old. Child. Children. Teenager. Middle aged. Older.
Younger. Tall. Short. Fat. Thin. Big. Small. Bigger. Smaller. Strong. Weak. Sick.
Well. Happy. Sad. Smile. Frown. Laugh. Cry. Shake hands. Kiss.
I said Hello to the man. Shake hands with your uncle. Good evening Mr Smith.
Yes, that is my sister. Thankyou Uncle John. May I see the baby, please? No, I am
not old. The boy is younger than his sister. Smile when you are happy. I am with
my friend. The mother carried the baby. My cousin is taller than me. The lady is
fat. Mr Jones is with his grandchildren. There is one girl and one boy in the family.
Mrs Jones was happy to see her son. My grandfather has a big nose. The young

girl is sad. All the children are teenagers. I saw my aunty smile. We said good
bye and left. John is sick and sad. All their children were grown up. The young girl
gave her grandmother a kiss.

3) m1004 t0276::English
:::::: Shops in Town
Where is the nearest bookshop?
Where is the post office in this town?
Where can I find a bakery?
The department store has jewellery near the entrance.
How far away is the cinema?
Which street has the most restaurants?
Is there an Italian cafe nearby?
I want to find a bank quickly.
Are there ATM's for a Visa card at that bank?
I am taking my prescription to the chemist.
Two shops past the post office there is a hairdresser.
Across the street from the menswear store there is a liquor shop.
The cafe has tables on the footpath.
The cake shop has the bright green door.
The camping shop has the tents upstairs.
The jeweller has that type of watch.
The travel agent has many exciting trips on offer.
The ladies clothes shop is operated by a nice elderly lady.
I took the visitors to the souvenir shop.
The young people like the games arcade.
The tobacco shop will sell matches.

4) m1006 t0303::Mandarin
:::::: The Seasons
There are four seasons in a yearspring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring is a very beautiful season even though it is still a little chilly.
When spring is here, the flowers bloom and the birds chirp. It symbolizes the
start of new life.
My favorite season of the year would be summer.
I enjoy going to the beach and surf with my friends and feel the heat of the sun.
During autumn, leaves start to fall. It gives me a sad feeling.
Among the four seasons, my least favorite season is winter, because I am afraid
of the cold.
However, I do like winter during Christmas because I get to build a snowman and
have snow fight.

5) m1008 t0407::English
:::::: Tourist Talk 3
Excuse me. Can you help me?
Where is the train station?
Where is the nearest bus stop?
Which way is it to the train station?
How far is the nearest bus stop?
I need to get to the bus station.
I don't know how to get to the airport.
Can you give me directions to the train station?
Please tell me how to get to the river.
I am trying to get to the football ground.
It is this way.
It is about half a kilometre.
Walking will take you 15 minutes.
It is up that street about 300 metres.
Up this street, straight ahead, for about 500 metres.
You go up this street and turn left at the first intersection.
You go up this street and turn right at the second intersection.
Up here, first right, second left, third right, then only 50 odd metres.
Up here, go past the police station, then turn right.
It is not far to the train station.
It is a long way to the train station.
The train station is a long way from here.
At that intersection there is a sign to the museum.
Any street that way goes to the river.
Are you walking?
Do you have a map? I could show you.
You could go up this street or that street.
You could go along that road or follow the river.
If you go in that direction for a kilometre you will see the big stadium.

6) m1009 t0151::English
:::::: Train Travel
Where is the train station?
Where can I buy a ticket?
I would like to buy a ticket for Montpelier.
I want a one-way ticket.
At what time does the train leave?
Where does the train leave from?
At what time will the train arrive at Montpelier?

7) m1010 t0459::English

:::::: Counting 1-100

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twentyseven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six thirty-seven
thirty-eight thirty-nine forty
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
forty-one forty-two forty-three forty-four forty-five forty-six forty-seven forty-eight
forty-nine fifty
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
fifty-one fifty-two fifty-three fifty-four fifty-five fifty-six fifty-seven fifty-eight fiftynine sixty
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
sixty-one sixty-two sixty-three sixty-four sixty-five sixty-six sixty-seven sixtyeight sixty-nine seventy
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
seventy-one seventy-two seventy-three seventy-four seventy-five seventy-six
seventy-seven seventy-eight seventy-nine eighty
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
eighty-one eighty-two eighty-three eighty-four eighty-five eighty-six eighty-seven
eighty-eight eighty-nine ninety
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
ninety-one ninety-two ninety-three ninety-four ninety-five ninety-six ninety-seven
ninety-eight ninety-nine one hundred

8) m1011 t0131::German
:::::: The Lion
The lion (Panthera leo) is a species of cat. It lives in a pride (pack), is
characterized by the mane of the male and is now based in Africa and the Indian
state of Gujarat. After the tiger, the lion is the second largest cat, making it the
largest land carnivore in Africa.

9) m1012 t0358::German
:::::: Koalas
Koala Bear
The koala is a marsupial and is native to Australia. The word "koala" means "no
water" in the language of the Aborigines.
The cute little animals will never be seen drinking water. They get all the
moisture they need from the eucalyptus leaves.

They live and sleep on the eucalyptus trees and they feed on the leaves and
flowers of these trees.
Koalas can mostly be found sleeping in the trees.
The female carries her tiny baby for seven months in her pouch. There the baby
drinks milk and grows.
Then the little one will sit on the back of its mother until it can look after its self.
In the past, koalas were hunted for their soft fur, and much of the eucalyptus
forests - their habitat, has been destroyed.
Today, these teddy bear-like animals are strictly protected.

10) m1013 t0462::English

:::::: Shopping
Today I went shopping. Mainly I wanted to get enough food to last me through
the next 3 days.
I went to the supermarket and purchased some milk, some butter, some
breakfast cereal, and some eggs.
Next I went to the butcher. I like to buy meat from him because it always looks
fresh and he is very friendly. Today I bought a small chicken and 4 lamb chops.
Next door to the butcher was the green grocer. I bought apples and bananas and
several fresh vegetables. One of these was eggplant which I especially enjoy.
I also had to go to the chemist where I have a doctor's prescription filled and I
purchased some shampoo and some bandages for my first-aid kit.
At the bakery I got a loaf of wholemeal bread and a two cakes to enjoy when I
got home.
I also bought a take-away coffee at the cafe.

11) m1019 t0295::English

:::::: Animals
An elephant is a big animal. A mouse is a small animal.
A giraffe is a tall animal. A rabbit is a short animal.
A cheetah can run fast. A tortoise can only walk slowly.
A lion can roar. A pig can grunt. A bird can sing. A sheep can baa. A cow can
moo. A dog can bark.
A fish can swim. A monkey can climb. An eagle can fly. A worm can move under
the ground.
An ostrich runs on two legs. A kangaroo hops on two legs. A human walks on two
A goat has horns. A deer has antlers. A pig has tusks. A hawk has talons. A lion
has fangs.
A panther is black. A polar bear is white. A canary is yellow. A zebra is black and
white. A panda is black and white.
A bear has fur. A crow has feathers. A flying fish has scales. A frog has a soft wet

A camel likes the desert. An ibex likes the mountains. A gorilla likes the forest. A
bison likes grasslands.
A tiger eats deer. A deer eats grass. An owl eats lizards. Lizards eat insects.
Insects eat leaves.
A snake can poison people. A bee can sting people. A shark can eat people.
A seal lives where it is cold. An elephant lives where it is hot. A whale swims to
both hot and cold places.

12) m1029 t0401::English

:::::: Introductions
This is my wife. Her name is Kate.
This is my husband. His name is Tom.
Meet my girlfriend, Jenny.
Meet my boyfriend, Harry.
This is my only child. This is my oldest child. These are my children.
May I introduce Joanne. She is my youngest.
This is Stuart, this is Bob, this is Trev. This is Stuart, Bob, Trev.
This is my mother and father. These are my parents.
I would like you to meet Barry. He works with me.
You must meet Sally. She is fun.
You will meet Molly later.
You met George last night. You have already met him.
I meet you last week.
Have you met Walter?
Would you like to meet my boss?
Where did you meet Jennifer?

13) m1041 t0101::German

:::::: Verb Training Can
Can I help you?
Can you drive?
Can you speak German?
I couldn't come any earlier.
I can't do that.
To be able to do something.
He won't be able to do it before Tuesday.
That may well be so.
It may be that.
It's not my fault.


14) m1043 t0279::English

:::::: My House
My house was built by a builder in 1968. The walls are brick walls and they were
built by a bricklayer. The roof is made from roof tiles and they were laid by a tiler.
There are three external doors and fourteen windows. There are ten rooms and
seven internal doors. The doors, windows and walls would have been installed by
a carpenter. Outside the house there is a carport. The rooms in the house are a
lounge, a kitchen, a dining room, three bedrooms, a TV room, two bathrooms and
a laundry. The heating for the house is from a gas wall furnace. There is an air
conditioner to help keep the house cool in summer. Outside there are several
trees and some colourful garden.

15) m1044 t0238::English

:::::: My Lounge
My lounge is the most used room in my house. It has two sofas in it. One is a
three seater sofa and one is a two seater sofa. These sofas have several colourful
cushions on each of them. There is a coffee table with some interesting books on
it. There is just a small television because there is a larger one in the TV room.
On the walls are a few paintings and there is also a single mirror and a clock.
Photographs of my family are on the shelves where the TV is. A lamp stands on
the floor near one of the sofas. The floor is carpet. Two large windows allow good
views of the garden outside but they face the wrong way to let in a lot of


16) m1045 t0240::English

:::::: House Vocabulary
house, townhouse, apartment, site, section, block, wall, brick, weatherboard,
concrete block, cement sheeting, roof, slope, roof tiles, corrugated iron, slate,
shingles, gutter, downpipe, windows, glass, frame, wood, aluminium, pane,
winder, door, door handle, latch, door bell, knocker, lock, key, door mat, front,
back, side, garage, path, garden, letterbox, room, lounge, kitchen, dining room,
bedroom, bathroom, laundry, study, attic, ceiling, floor, basement, steps,
entrance, clothesline


17) m1046 t0242::English

:::::: Lounge Room Vocabulary
Lounge, living room, sofa, armchair, swivel chair, rocking chair, coffee table,
occasional table, curtain, blind, book shelf, painting, poster, wall hanging, lamp,
ceiling light, light switch, television, sound system, audio, carpet, floor mat,
fireplace, heater, air-conditioner, sideboard, cabinet, ornaments, sculptures??


18) m1047 t0283::English

:::::: My Bedroom
The main item of furniture in the bedroom is a double bed. The bed has an inner
sprung mattress on wooden base. The bed is made up with a bottom fitted sheet,
an upper sheet, a blanket, a woollen duvet and four pillows. The bed is decorated
with a cover and several cushions. Along a wall of the bedroom is a four door
wardrobe. The wardrobe has hanging space for clothes and one section of
shelves for spare sheets and blankets. Shoes are stored on the wardrobe floor.
There are two bedside tables with reading lamps and utility drawers. An alarm
clock is on one of these tables. A chest of drawers holds various items of
clothing. A small en-suite has a shower, a hand basin and a toilet.
19) m1048 t0357::English
:::::: My Kitchen
My kitchen is used for preparing food. The cooking is performed either on the
hotplates which use gas for heating or in the wall oven which uses electricity for
heating. A refrigerator is used to store food and drinks. It has a freezer with a
separate door at the top. A pantry is used to store food that does not need to be
kept cold. There a number of other cupboards and drawers for storing various
items used for cooking and eating. This includes a cutlery drawer that holds
knives, forks and spoons and a utensil drawer that has items like an egg slice, a
potato masher, a rubber scraper, bottle openers, ladles and wooden spoons. Two
pot drawers store the saucepans, frying pans, baking dishes and trays. Another
cupboard stores plates and cups, another stoneware oven dishes and another
serving plates and dishes. The kitchen has a U shaped stone bench top and a
double sink. Electric implements include a kettle, a toaster and a coffee machine.

20) m1049 t0248::English

:::::: My Dining Room
In my dining room there is a large wooden dining table and six dining chairs. The
chairs have their seats and backs made of woven cane and they have a metal
frame including the legs. The floor of the room is made of timber boards. A
decorative light hangs from the ceiling above the middle of the dining table.
There is a cupboard in the room which stores table cloths, place mats, wine
glasses, some serviettes and some salt and pepper shakers. The cutlery (knives,
forks and spoons) we use is stored in a kitchen drawer. The crockery (plates and
cups) we use is stored in a kitchen cupboard. The room has a large window and a
glass sliding door. This side of the room faces east and so morning sunshine
streams into the room.


21) m1059 t0298::English

:::::: Careers
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I dont know what I want to be.
I want to be a nurse.
I want to be a plumber like my dad.
I want to be a pilot and fly people around the world.
I want to be a teacher of small children.
I want to be a fire fighter then I will drive a big red fire engine.
I want to be a zoo keeper so I can look after lions and tigers.
I want to be a model because models are very pretty.
I want to be a veterinary surgeon to make sick animals better.
I want to be a bus driver and pick up lots of children and take them to school.
I want to be a journalist because I would like to write stories for the newspaper.
I want to be a jockey and ride horses every day.

22) m1060 t0300::Mandarin

:::::: Transportations
I go to school by bike.
I walk to school.
I drive to school.
I take the bus to school.
I prefer taking public transport because it minimizes the pollution to the
When I get my license (driving license), I will buy a new car.
I was late to work today because I missed the bus scheduled at 8am.
Usually I cycle to work but I took the train today because it was raining cats and
Can I please have two air tickets to Melbourne please.
A student ticket and an adult ticket please.
Excuse me, where can I buy the tickets for The Oriental?

23) m1062 t0306::Mandarin

:::::: Annie and Family
Hi, My name is Annie. I am 16 years old. I am a Year 11 student. I am studying
English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths and Political Studies. My ambition is
to become a successful lawyer, that's why I am study hard now.
I live in Melbourne with my family. We are a family of 5: my father, my mother,
my older brother, my younger sister and me.
My father is a doctor. He owns a clinic near our house. He treats his patients with
My mother is a primary school teacher. She teaches at the primary that I used to
go. She is a caring teacher.

My brother is in his second year of uni. He studies Bachelor of Science and

wishes to become an Engineer in the future.
My sister is younger than me by 2 years. She is currently studying Year 9. She is
good at sports, especially volleyball. She wants to represent her school to
interschool volleyball competition next year and make her school proud.

24) m1064 t0312::Mandarin

:::::: Time and Dates
George wakes up at 7am.
He brushes his teeth and washes his face at 7.15am.
He takes a quick shower around 7.30am.
He eats breakfast around 8.00am.
He catches the 8.30am bus to go to school.
Noon is lunchtime for George.
He finishes school around 3.30pm.
He plays soccer with his friend until 5.00pm.
He eats dinner at 7.30pm.
He starts his homework at 8.15pm.
George sleeps at 11pm.
She usually wakes up late on Saturday morning.
He slept in today therefore he missed the maths lecture.
The 1st of January is New Year.
The 14th of February is Valentine's Day.
The 24th of December is Christmas Eve.
The 25th of December is Christmas.
My birthday is on the 26th of June.

25) m1065 t0314::Mandarin

:::::: Food
The breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make a habit of having
breakfast everyday; it will make you energetic for the whole day.
This morning, I had two toasts with jam, an egg and a glass of milk for breakfast.
I ate spaghetti for lunch today.
Julie skipped lunch today because she is meeting her client.
In order to celebrate grandfather's birthday, my family and I had had a delicious
dinner at the restaurant.
Don't eat too much for dinner, because it is bad for your health.
My favourite fruits are apple, banana and pear.
We should eat more vegetables and fruits because they have a lot of vitamins.
Some of the most common vegetables are spinach, cabbage, long bean, carrot
and lettuce.
Some of the most common meat types are chicken, pork, beef, mutton and fish.
Steak is made from beef.
Meat is important to us because they are rich in protein.

Jenny is allergic to seafood; therefore she is not allowed to eat prawns, fish and
Rice is the main source of carbohydrate for many Asian countries including
China, Japan and Korea.
The congee is bland so it is easy to be digested.

26) m1067 t0338::English

:::::: The Colour Red
What is red? A fire engine is red. An apple may be red. Some sports teams wear
red clothes. Some countries have red flags. The sunset changes to red as its last
colour. Blood is red. The stop signal on traffic lights is red. One of the colours a
rose may be is red. The carpet on which important people sometimes walk is red.
Mars is called the red planet. The Red Cross is an organisation that helps many
people. Some ladies use red lipstick. Red wine tastes nice. Red parrots are pretty.
Red snakes are dangerous. A seagull has red legs.

27) m1068 t0340::English

:::::: The Colour Blue
What is blue? The sky is blue. On a nice day the sea is blue. Butterflies may have
blue wings. The blue whale is the largest animal ever. Distant hills are blue.
Police wear blue uniforms. Some people have blue eyes. The bluebird likes to
sing. The blue ringed octopus is very poisonous. The United Nations flag is light
blue. The flag of Europe is dark blue. Navy blue is nearly black. Ducks lay blue
eggs. Blue cheese is part blue. The sapphire is a blue gem.

28) m1069 t0342::English

:::::: The Colour Green
What is green? Grass is green and leaves are green. Caterpillars are often green.
Slimy water is green. The green traffic light means go. Green frogs croak. Lime
drink is green. The granny smith apple has green skin. A green praying mantis
hides on green leaves. The green gecko turns his eyes. Green avocado dip tastes
nice. Green beans come from a garden. The green lawn was neatly mown.
Emeralds are green gems. Tomatoes are green when young. Green tea is healthy.

29) m1070 t0344::English

:::::: The Colour Yellow
What is yellow? Bananas are yellow. The sun is yellow. A lemon has yellow skin.
Dorothy walked along the yellow brick road. Tigers have yellow stripes. Yellow
canaries sing a lot. Yellow peaches grow on trees. A sunset starts off yellow. Gold
is shiny yellow. Some trees turn yellow in autumn. The leader in the Tour de

France wears a yellow jersey. New York has yellow taxis. The desert has yellow
sand. In car racing a yellow flag means slow down.

30) m1071 t0346::English

:::::: The Colour Black
What is black? Black is really no colour. Coal is black. The lead in a pencil is
black. Bitumen roads are black. A crow is black and noisy. A black panther hunts
at night. The spots on a leopard are black. Black swans live in Australia. A black
cat can be unlucky. Black clouds bring rain. Nights without the moon are very
black. The sky is black from space. After a bushfire trees are left black.
Sometimes sheep are black. A black belt is worn by good Kung Fu fighter. The
tyres on a car are black.

31) m1072 t0348::English

:::::: The Colour White
What is white? Clouds are white. Snow is white. Waves breaking near a beach are
white. A swan has white feathers. The inside of an apple is white. Cows give us
white milk. White lines are marked on roads. Polar bears have white fur.
Ballerinas wear white tutus. White chocolate tastes nice. Our new refrigerator is
white. The printer has A4 white paper loaded. White blossoms fell from the trees.
The aeroplane left a white vapour trail. The mountain tops were white with snow.
The football team wore all white.

32) m1074 t0352::English

:::::: Bus Conversations
Where is the nearest bus stop? Down this street, past one intersection. Second
intersection, turn right.
What time is the next bus? It is due at twenty to one, that is in 6 minutes.
Does this bus go to the train station? You need to change buses after 3 stops.
Does this bus go to the shopping centre? Yes, it is not far.
Can I get a one way ticket to the airport?
Can I get a return ticket to the swimming pool?
How much does this ticket cost? The cost is $2.50.
It would be best value for you to purchase a daily ticket.
Is that seat taken? No, it is free. Yes, it is taken.
I use a weekly ticket because I need to travel to work every day.
On a bus you should allow old and disadvantaged people to have priority use of
the seats.
Bus routes usually have a route number and bus stops have maps which show
the bus route.

33) m1110 t0422::English

:::::: My Car
This is my car. It is red. It is a small car but it has four doors.
It uses petrol which I get from a service station. Sometimes I have to put oil into
the engine and sometimes water into the radiator. I also have to keep the tyres
inflated to the proper pressure.
The car is manual drive which means I have to change gears as I am driving. My
wife's car is automatic so it changes gears for the driver.
I wash my car regularly to keep it looking good. The car is serviced regularly by a
mechanic to keep it in good mechanical order.
Mostly my car is used for short trips in the city but sometimes I go for a long
drive in the country.

34) m1112 t0426::English

:::::: Driving Licences
Can you drive a car?
Do you have a driver's licence?
Do you have an international driver's licence?
Who issued your driver's licence?
What type of vehicles does you licence cover?
Can you drive a truck?
Yes, I can drive a car.
No, I can not drive a car.
I have never learned to drive a car.
Yes I have a driver's licence.
It was issued by the state of Victoria in Australia.
I also have an international driver's licence.
I don't have a driver's licence.
I have a driver's licence but I don't have an international one.
I had a licence until June last year when it expired. I still need to get it renewed.
I have lost my licence for bad driving.
I have had my driver's licence cancelled for bad driving.
My licence covers cars only.
My licence covers cars and motor cycles.
I have a licence for trucks up to 8 tonnes.
I am licensed for all vehicles, including prime mover trucks with multiple trailers.
35) m1117 t0436::English
:::::: Food Introduction
Food is what we eat.

To eat food we put it in our mouths and chew it with our teeth. It then goes down
to our stomachs and goes into our bodies.
We need food to make us grow when we are young.
We need food to give us energy so we can move.
We need food so we can fight off diseases.
Too much food makes us fat.
When we have not had food for a while we feel hungry.
Sometimes people cannot get enough food. They may get very thin or even die.
Some food we eat raw. Some food we cook.
We also need to drink water. There are lots of different liquids that we drink but
they all contain water.
Some of our foods come from animals. Some of these are meat, poultry, fish,
dairy products and eggs.
Some of our foods come from plants. Some of these are vegetables, fruits, nuts
and cereals.

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