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C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

1. Introduction

2. Reading and writing to a console

3. Built-in data types

4. String data type

5. Operators

6. Nullable Types

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

7. Datatype conversions

8. Arrays


10. If statement

11. Switch statement

12. Switch continued

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

13. While loop

14. Do while loop

15. For & foreach loop

16. Methods

17. Method parameters

18. Namespaces

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

19. Class - Introduction

20. Static & Instance members

21. Inheritance

22. Method hiding

23. Polymorphism

24. Method overriding Vs hiding

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

25. Method overloading

26. Why Properties

27. Properties

28. Structs

29. Classes Vs Structs

30. Interfaces

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

31. Explicit interface implementation

32. Abstract Classes

33. Abstract Classes Vs Interfaces

34. Diamond Problem

35. Multiple inheritance

36. Delegates

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

37. Delegates Example - I

38. Delegates Example - II

39. Multicast Delegates

40. Exception Handling

41. Inner Exceptions

42. Custom Exceptions

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

43. Exception Handling Abuse

44. Preventing Exception Handling Abuse

45. Why Enums

46. Enums Example

47. Enums Concepts

48. Types v/s Type Members

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

49. Access Modifiers - Private, Public and Protected

50. Access Modifiers - Internal and Protected Internal

51. Access Modifiers for types

52. Attributes

53. Reflection

54. Reflection Example

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

55. Late binding using reflection

56. Generics

57. Generic Collections

57. Reason to override ToString() method

58. Reason to override Equals() method

59. Difference between Convert.ToString() and ToString() method

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

60. Difference between string and stringbuilder

61. Partial classes in C#

62. Creating partial classes in C#

63. Partial methods in c# - Part 63

64. How and where are indexers used in .net

65. Indexers in c#

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

66. Overloading indexers

67. Optional parameters

68. Making method parameters optional using method overloading

69. Making method parameters optional by specifying parameter defaults

70. Making method parameters optional by using OptionalAttribute

71. Code snippets in visual studio

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

72. What is dictionary in c#

73. What is dictionary in c# continued

74. List collection class in c#

75. List collection class in c# continued

76. Working with generic list class and ranges in c#

77. Sort a list of simple types in c#

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

78. Sort a list of complex types in c#

79. Sort a list of complex types using Comparison delegate

80. Some useful methods of List collection class

81. When to use a dictionary over list in c#

82. Generic queue collection class

83. Generic stack collection class

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

84. Real time example of queue collection class in c#

85. Real time example of stack collection class in c#

86. Multithreading in C#

87. Advantages and disadvantages of multithreading

88. ThreadStart delegate

89. ParameterizedThreadStart delegate

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

90. Passing data to the Thread function in a type safe manner

91. Retrieving data from Thread function using callback method

92. Significance of Thread.Join and Thread.IsAlive functions

93. Protecting shared resources from concurrent access in multithreading

94. Difference between Monitor and lock in C#

95. Deadlock in a multithreaded program

C# Tutorial Teme lectii video

96. How to resolve a deadlock in a multithreaded program

97. Performance of a multithreaded program

98. Anonymous methods in c#

99. Lambda expression in c#

100. Func delegate in c#

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