Hix News 201504

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Thanks Bob. Hard to

believe all the years
gone by. It's my 72nd.
So I can start saying
every day above the
ground is a good one.
Tom Steedman 1960
and with
granddaughter Keira

Turned 72 back in December

without fanfare. Had a low
key celebration with
daughter Dawn and Granddaughter Sarah. My son,
Chadand daughter in law,
Cheryland 2 grand boys,
Chad Junior (CJ) and Aidan
live in Wake Forest, NC. They
just had almost 8 inches of
snow and it was the first
time since 2000. Chad said
they were paralyzed for
several days. I use the saying
"Every Day Above Ground Is
A Good Day" on my checks.
Stay Well

Hey Buff,
I enjoyed the BD card
you sent me, especially
the cool background
music. You "da buff"!
Henry Lichtenstein

Thank you so much for the anniversary card. Janet

and I celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss. We are
together since the HHS Junior Prom in 1961.
4 children and 7 grandkids later, we are enjoying
our retirement
Janet McMenamin Butcher & Harry Butcher 1962

Bill Fuchs

Robert Whitey Otten


Tom Manaske

Joan Brandt McHugh


Suzanne Garrett Cullen

Bruce Goldmacher
Robert Bialick
Alison Swanton Mason
Hey Buf,
Well I made it another year and want to thank you for the
birthday card. As always it was much appreciated. Keep up the
good work of spreading to all the Hicksville High alumni.
Fred Fulco 1960
Thank you for the card, and for
thinking of me. It was much
appreciated. Today's my wife's
birthday, not mine.
Jack Platt 1969
Thanks for the info...what is your
wife's name? Did she gradate from
Hicksville? When is your birthday and
anniversary? I will straighten things
out. buffalo bob casale

For B

First Name, Last
Name, Married
Name (women
Month, Day of
Birth & Year of
For Anniversa
Day, Month, Ye
ar Married
First Name, Last
Name, Married
Name (women
Year of Graduat

email: editors
Ha! I didn't mean to trouble anybody and it was funny to
see the card today, so thanks. My birthday is May 10, 1951; my wife,
Michelle R. Greco Platt is a 1970 graduate of Bethpage high school with a birthday
of February 15, 1952. Our anniversary is July 1. Btw, she graduated from the same
school, same year, as chuck Lorre (Charles Michael Levine) claims he graduated,
and she never heard of or saw him there. Thanks to all
Jack M. Platt

Ellen Notov Kaz


Tony Bellacera

It is always nice to be remembered by

HixNews on our Anniversary. Many thanks.
Jennifer and Pete Foster 1957

Mike Soblick

Dear HixNews
Thank you for the card,
and for thinking of me. It
was much appreciated.
I loved the marching
band and your
Sandy Sandler Wolfe

Dear Buffalo Bob & the Gang at

Thank you for the lovely card. A
relaxing birthday is the way to
go! All my best to the Hicksville
team and for all the work you do
to keep the newsletter alive!
Sue Z (Ambrico) Smith

Thank you for the card,

and for thinking of me. It
was much appreciated.
Lisa Sheffield and
Jaysen Silverman 1974

Kathy McManus Bock 1976

Dear HixNews
Thank you very much for the card. This is a month early, but I appreciate it.
Lynn McMorrow 1968
Please advise of the proper month day and year. I'll make a change to my master list.
Buffalo Bob Casale
Buffhere it is
Lynn McMorrow (1968) and Marc O'Riordan were married on 14 February on
Nantucket Island. Lynns birthday is 14 March. Your records were correct other
years... perhaps they were copied onto a new format wrong.Anyway, I thank you
for being so kind to remember me. Lynn, Coquette '69 & '70 (since inception of the dance group) and
critical care specialist R.N.for 44 years.We both have very recently retired and relocated to Vero Beach,

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A note to Diane Annucci class of 1961

HixNews is featuring you in the alumni profile for
March. You can preview by opening the attachment
that is on the Home Page.
Hope you are well.
love yah
Buffalo Bob Casale
cc: Irene and Linda Annucci
Attached are 2 pictures from our "mini" reunion in
Florida for the class of 1953. We met at the Disney
Yacht Club Resort for lunch; chocolates donated
from the resort.

Left to Right: Manny Carreras, wife Joan, Vince Caruso,

Pat (Lenzner) Caruso & Steve Moddle.

Oh my, that's really cool,

Bob. You should get an
award for all you've done
to keep alive the memories we have of our many
friends and experiences
from our high school days
at HHS. I haven't gotten
the news letter in a long
time, so can you make
sure I'm on the list or tell
me how to access it. I
wouldn't want to miss my feature.
Thank you and Best Wishes!
Diane Annucci
I'm glad you are on board with this feature. You can
always access the newsletter at our website...
Clicking on this hyperlink brings you to the current
issue. All issues are listed in the archives in the menu
at the top of the home page. Click on archives and
you can view past issues all the way back to day 1 in
October of 2000. Enjoy and keep me in touch.
love yah bob

A note sent to Ginny Becht Moore

...who scans photos for the class of 1971

Need a scan of Coren Estrin Minow, New Reader
from today. Thanks
love da buff

Small group this year as a few were unable to

travel. Many thanks for a GREAT newsletter.
Steve Moddle

Sorry, Bob ... there's no such

person in the 1971 Comet
Ginnie Moore

Hi Bob,
Hope all is well with you
and yours. An historical day
is upon me. I am most happy toinform you
that Iwill finally be turning 70 on March
6th. Nowwhen one askshow old you are, I can
tell them I'm in my early 70's
rather than my late 60's. Just
sounds better. Hope to be
emailing you in ten years with
more historic news. Thank you for
all you do.
Richard Speciale 1963
Very nice picture of
you and the wife
on a cruise. Where
did you start from
and where did you
go? And what is
your wife's name?
Remind me of her
birthday and your
anniversary so I can make sure they are on our master list.
I went on a cruise once and that was almost 30 years ago in
1986. We left Miami and went to Nassau and Private Island
and one other place I cannot remember. It was nice but I
was on vacation and hated having to dress in a suit for
dinner. I know things have changed dramatically over the
years. My wife's cousin, Jan Leif BayNeilsen,who grew up in
Lyngdal, Norway was first matewith the Royal Caribbean
Cruise Lines. He was second in command. Originally, he
sailed commercially and made trips to Japan then onto the
United States with a boatload of cars. He worked his way up
nicely and gleaned a nice retirement. He now lives in
Thailand with his much younger bride.
Warm Regards
Buffalo Bob
p.s. Below is me before and after surgery. When my Liberty
Plumbing & Heating Supply business was on Burns Avenue
in Hicksville, we were
next door to Champion
Color. The owners were
good friends and they
created the new image
shown below

Hi Bob,
Thank you for the email and that beautiful picture. Judy
and Ilive in South Florida in the Palm Beach area. Judy
and I cruise often due to the convenience of various
ports and Florida residents rates. Weleft from thePort of
Miamiand sailed into the Western Caribbean.My wife
Judygraduated from H.H.S. in 1966 .Her maiden name is
Judy Rudowsky. She will also
be celebrating a birthday April
29th.I met Judy when I was a
senior and she was in 9th
grade. Can you believe that?
We will be married 47 years
August 18th. We are the
parents of two children and
four grand children. Life has
been good up to today. No one
can predict tomorrow.
Would yoube interested in a
story of a 68 year old grandfather of four who invented,
patented and manufactured a toddlers educational
drinking cup which teaches
them how to drink out of a true
open cup? That person is me.
I put together several senior
citizenson this three year
project. One of the fellows
involved in the projectis an
artist,my wife's first cousin,
who also graduated from H.H.S.
in 1960. His name is Tom Phon.
We have been interviewed on
CBS News and various social
groupson how seniors citizens
have a position in the in the work place. Florida is big on
stories like this.If you see an interest in thislet me know.
I honestly dont know how you keep up with all this. You
and your staff are just great.Thank you for keeping the
classmates and memories alive. Little did we know, we
were born and blessed in great times?
HI again Robert! It is Richard Speciale Class of 63.
Bob I did Not receive the March News Letter ? Hope all is
well with you and yours. I am working on putting
together my cup invention we discussed last month.
Have a pleasant weekend.
Richard Speciale 1963
Richard, we don't actually send you the newsletter. Hixnews.com
is updated on the first of each month and we send out a notice
that we've done so. You can go to hixnews.com at any time
whether you get a notice or not. Roger HixNews webmaster

Bob & the gang at HixNews,

Don't know if anyone else has told
you, but I really
appreciate the time, effort and
thoughtfulness you've taken to
keep our Hicksville high school
memories alive. Loved the picture
of you and my brother, Chuck,
taken in your nautical cadet
uniforms. Hope you're doing well,
and keep upthe great work.
Warmest regards always
Mary Jane Gemuendt
Hi Bob:
Saw your flashback regarding track
distances in the middle to late 50s. I
recall it as 440 and 880 relays; (if
you hold the baton) we win.
Anyway you were a fast guy; we
had a fast team and beat a lot of
so-called speed demons. Great
Fran DeCabia 1960

A note from Fran DeCabia after viewing the

Class of 1960 In Memoriam Video...
Hi Bob:
I just saw the Class of 1960 In Memoriam and it was quite
touching as it put a face with the name. May they all Rest in
Fran DeCabia 1960
Dear Bob
Why do I never see any information about the class of
1953? There must also be a few deaths among this class.
Marcella A Yenick1953
Dear Marcella,
HixNews is not a newspaper like the New York Times
that has a staff of investigative reporters. We
depend entirely on our member/subscribers for the
content of our monthly newsletter. We would
welcome any information that you would like to
share about your HHS Class of 1953. Should you
have information about deaths that are not posted,
please advise. Best wishes,

Editors Note: HixNews is reader-driven and welcomes contributions from all classes, not only 1953

Dear HixNews
Lots of snow and very
cold in Western
The UpsideSkiing is
great this year.
Neil Barrocas 1964



....Each month, we pr
ofile a former student th
at has
submitted a biographica
l sketch of their life. Th
is month
we have highlighted Di
ane Annucci from the cla
ss of
1961. Many of you ha
ve not used the opportu
nity of
sharing precious momen
ts with other classmate
s. Its not
too late to submit a sketc
h to be included in the
Bio Section (click the lin
k on the left to go to th
e bios
section) of the newslet
ter. We are including a
document that you can
fill in on you computer
and, after
completing the documen
t, forward to

Hi Bob,
I was just on the Classmates site and I
reviewed my biography.It may seem dull
to you, but it sounds OK to me so, if you
want to, you can use it for the Hix News site.
I'm not into trying to impress people. Really,
some biographies sound like the writer thinks
he/she is a celebrity in People magazine.
I'd like to make a suggestion.On the various lists
of names, I think it would be easier if women
were listed by their maiden names with their
married names in parentheses. That is the way
we remember them.
Take care,
Barbara (Bieniewicz) Dethlefsen

I'll send an update to Roger for inclusion on the Bios

at HixNews. Nothing dull about your sketch. It's done
well and encompasses a nice flow about your life.
By the by...the sketches at HixNews do highlight the
maiden names...
Stay well
love yah bob

Hicksville High School Newsletter Hall of Fame

I would like to nominate
Stan Kellner, born 5/22/1934 & passed on 4/24/2011. I attended
HHS with Stan and he was a great athlete and a very compassionate
person. Stan served as an assistant coach at HHS in 1961 and
served until 1966 when he took over as varsity basketball director
at Brentwood high school leading the school to 9 straight winning
seasons including the Suffolk County titles in 1971 and 1972. When
he retired, he started a motivational sports camp named "Yes I Can
Camps". He was inducted in the Suffolk County Sports Hall Of Fame
and appeared on LISN telecasts with Barry Landers and Carl Reuter
discussing basketball. Stan headed up mens basketball at C.W. Post
from 1978 to 1981 and became ambassador for the sport as a basketball analyst for two decades on
Cablevision's Sports Network.
Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak described him as The
most influential coach in my life." Stan attended our class of 1952
reunion and was proud to be a Hicksville High School Graduate. I
saw him shortly prior to his passing and he was as compassionate
as ever trying to help others learn.
Bob Birk
HHS/class of 1952

A note from Brian Hill and Maggie Stolz after viewing the
Hicksville Then & Now Video...
Hicksville New York Then and Now
My wife and I just watched your video about Hicksville, and
thought that it was wonderful. She is actually one of the
twelve Stolz children who grew up on Duffy Avenue. Her
oldest brother is in your Viet Nam in memoriam section, and
her mother was Margaret Duffy (as in Duffy Avenue), daughter of the first bank president of LI National Bank. The home
at 205 Duffy Avenue,
was built by her
grandfather in 1920,
and is, to this day, still
occupied by several
grandchildren of
William Duffy.
Again, many thanks
for your efforts.
Brian Hill and
Maggie Stolz
Thanks for the attaboy. Thank heaven for Dick Evers who was a
Historian for Hicksville. I was able to copy a lot of his photos and
use them in the presentation. Was one of the Stolz girls Joan?
I seem to gravitate toward thinking that Joan was married to
Joe Switala. Let me know because I have a story or two. Thanks
again for the feedback. Did you graduate from Hicksville High?
Are you aware of the Hicksville High Newsletter?
Buffalo Bob Casale
Dear Bob,
No, I grew in Huntington Station, went to public elementary
and junior high schools, and then on to Chaminade in
Mineola. The Stolz kids all went to St. Ignatius and Catholic
high schools, most of the girls at Our lady of Mercy, the boys
to seminary prep or Catholic Diocesan high schools. One of
the brothers is a lector there. Maggie and I met at St. John's
University, and were married just before her last year of
medical school in Nashville, where we've lived for almost 35
years. Seven out of the eleven surviving Stolzes married, but
none to Hicksville natives - almost most of them still live on
the Island. Four of them are still in their grandfather's home
on Duffy, where, unfortunately, they had to let the horses go the liability insurance got too high to allow them to continue
to board animals. Even after 35 years in Nashville, we've
never missed a Christmas home in Hicksville!
Brian Hill

A note from Dennis Listort...

Please extend my sincere thanks to
Ron Wencer for his assistance with my
ongoing research regarding Bruce
Sollod. In the March issue, Ron was
kind enough to suggest several places
where I might find more documented
information. I am grateful for Ron's
Thank you.
Dennis Listort 1964
A comment on last months Blizzard of 2015 photos...
If we get any snow in Tucson
Arizona, this is our first line of
Ray Feierstein/1963

Very funny from a New Yorker's perspective!

Best regards

Beth Mangani Knipfing1961

Class of 1985 30-Year Reunion
To all at Hix News!
Can you please post this event for the Class of 1985's 30
anniversary reunion?
Thanks very much!
Frank Walker
Frank, when I click on the link, I get a "Content Unavailable"
Roger Whitaker, webmaster for hixnews.com

A follow-up to Suffolk Countys efforts on behalf of our

Vets returning to civilian life to help with PTSD and
other service related disabilities...

Dear Bob,
I thought you'd like to know that I was asked to meet with
Kirsten Gillibrand, Peter King, Lee Zeldin and Steve Ballone,
when Senator Gillibrand held a Bipartisan Conference in
Bayshore supporting the President's signing of the Clay
Hunt Bill, which aims to improve Mental Health and
enhance Suicide Prevention Resources for our Veterans,
known as the SAV ACT. Senator Gillibrand was an original
cosponsor of the Bill which passed unanimously through
the House and the Senate. They visited and heard about
The Joseph P. Dwyer Peer to Peer Counseling Program,
Meals of Honor and the North Shore LIJUnified Behavioral
Health Center, all in Bayshore, Suffolk County,that is the
first to also offer counseling to the spouses and parents
and family membersof returning Vets with PTSD. I am so
glad our Program is being used as a model for our Vets
care and well being. What is most important is that our
Politicians are listening to those of us who have experienced thetragedy of PTSD and lost a loved one.
Channel 12 news also interviewed me about my feelings,
the day the Clay Hunt SAV ACT passed. I was, of course so
happy our Vets will be approached when coming home

and given information about

where they can get help anonymously. It was one of my son
Daniel's wishes and I feel he lives'
onthrough the many soldiers who
will get the helpthey so desperately need.

The Peer to Peer Counseling is

finally going National.

Thank you for your continued

support. I appreciate the articles you have written. The
more people that know about the 22 Vets a day that
commit suicide, the more help our Vets will get.

Mary Stea 1965

Judy Marcus Shivers

from the class of 1964
has changed her email
address. Anyone wishing
to contact Judy, please
send a note to
and we will make the

We need your help to make our reunion a success!

Can you help us with...

Can you volunteer for a few hours at the registration table?
3:00-5:00 PM 5:00- 7:00 PM 7:00- 9:00 PM
3:00-5:00 PM 5:00-7:00 PM
Email me if you are willing to help
at our 50th Class Reunion:
Elin Fischman Lawrence
Quote by Syndicated Psycholgist
John Roseman:

Attendance at high school reunions should

be mandatory because thats where one
discovers, or should, that grades dont really
matter that much. Sometimes, the really
successful person didnt make outstanding
grades and the person who made
outstanding grades has led a less than
outstanding life. One comes away from a
high school reunion less impressed with a
former classmates accomplishments that
with how he or she treats other people.
You want to reconnect not because the
individual in question is a high dollar
CEO but because he/she is a genuinely
nice person.

mail to: elaw


1954-1955 6th grade class photo, Nicholai Street School, Room 4, Teacher: Mabel W. Harris, Principal: Harold Jeffrey Robbins
Row 1 (front to back): Francine Pape, William Mannkopf, Cynthia "Cam" Moulton, Larry Obracanik
Row 2 (front to back): Barbara "Bonnie Scharr, Robert Antonetti, Ann Samoray, Paul Roussillon,
Row 3 (front to back): Judith Yanof, David Storch, Carol Drozynski, Peter Kreymborg
Row 4 (front to back): Barbara Bieniewicz, Florence Behl, Robert Zarczynski
Back (L to R): Miles "Buddy" Juppe, Jeffrey Bay, William Cook, Walter Healy, Ronald Cavallo, Peter De Neeve,
William Wolfe, Peter Molloy

I don't recognize some of the names. Did you catalog the names from recollection or did you actually write the names years
ago? I sent the photo and names to almost 300 people and only five have responded.
love yah bob
We lived in a Levitt development that was on both sides of Levittown Parkway between Old Country Road and Newbridge Road.I went to first grade in the Bronx and entered second grade when we moved to Hicksville in August 1950.
If you recall,there were not enough schools at first for so many new residents, so they kept moving us around while
they were building more schools. I remember attending Nicholai Streetand even Fork Lane for a yearandDutch Lane,
the closest to my home. I went to the old high school, now the junior high school, while the new High School was
being built.
I lived on Rim Lane, which was on the edge of the Hicksville S.D. abutting the Westbury S.D.I didn't hang out in town
after school or participate in extracurricular activities, because the walk home was too long and both of my parents
worked. I'm not surprised that you don't remember the people in the photo, becauseyou livedon the other side of
Newbridge Road near Ann Cassese and so would have been in different classes and had different friends. I looked at
the photo closely again anddon't remember how many actually graduatedwith us. There were a lot who seemed to
disappear along the way.


I took the names from the program for the"Moving Up" dance wherethe names for each class were
listed, and I did remember most of them. I think that many of the students that you don't recognize
probably moved or went to private or parochial schools. I've attached a list of the other1955 classes
listing the names. I don't know how good the quality will be, as some of it is faded. But if youcan't
reada particularname, tell me and I'll look at it with a magnifying glass or I can mail you a copy.
I have seen correspondence from Bonnie Scharr in the newsletter and she is in the photo, so if you sent it to her, she
should recognize at least some of the other students. A bit of trivia - her mother was the school crossing guard on
Levittown Parkway near Dutch Lane School.
I also have a 1952-1953 4th grade Dutch Lane School class photo. It is a larger class so I won't have time to work on
that just now.
Best regards,
Barbara (Bieniewicz) Dethlefsen
Thanks for the tour. I attended grade school in Bayside K through 7th and into the 8th grade. P.S. 46 through 6th and P.S.74
(Nathaniel Hawthorne Junior High). My family moved to Hicksville in October of 1955.
I went into the 8th grade at the high school. This was the year the high school opened for business. We lived on Berry Lane
that was just around the corner from Fork Lane School. In 1957 we moved into the Glenbrook Homes near the high school.
I was on track to graduate in 1960 but failed Problems with Mr. Naso. I had the option of taking the course in summer school,
then graduating. I was however in a great relationship with Kathy Kapsol and decided to stay an extra year. It was the best
move ever. I had a ball. I did take his course over and passed with flying colors because I was finally concentrating. I took
driver Ed during the summer of 1960 and needed only to pass Naso's class to graduate. But I took some serious courses with
the prodding of Kathy who was brilliant...local and national honor societies...and changed my life and direction.
Anyhow, I got to play Luther Billis in South Pacific and that was a joy.
I know almost everyone in the photo...don't remember Jeff Bay, Flo Behl, Pete DeNeeve, Carol Drozynski, Bill Mannkopf,
Francine Pape and William Wolfe. I looked at the master list of graduates from our class and did not see them listed. So, from
the time the picture was taken, they moved.
I didn't hang out downtown either but not because of logistics, but more of the crowd I hung with was not into that. We
used to enjoy going skating at the Levittown Roller rink, having house parties and just going from house to house. I don't
think I ever went to the Sweet Shop. Plus I was very active in sports and spent hours upon hours getting into condition and
No complaints about growing up in Hicksville. A great place to live and the camaraderie was the best.
love yah bob

I cannot help.
Ken Schumann 1961

Can't help youI went to

East street school.
Nobody looks familiar to
Wilbur Kuntzi 1961

Hi Bob,
I spotted Larry right away. I
didn't know Judy Yanof until
High School. Looking at her in
this 6th grade picture I wouldn't
have recognized her.
Bill Canham 1961

Loved seeing that picture
again. I think I have a copy
buried somewhere in tons of
albums as it is familiar.
Barbara got the names right I
think,and it'samazing that
most of us stayed together
right through high school.
Thank you Barbara!
Bonnie (Scharr) Papes 1961

Hi Guys,
On your People Searching for People
listing, would you kindly add me? I
am Stephanie (Schlegel) Manning,
HHS class of 1968 searching for two
classmates from class of 1968:
Amy Brill and Fred Kurland
Thanks! You are doing a great job!
Stephanie Schlegel

HI Bob,
I have a looking for request. He is
Henry Steinman. He was a scouting (Boy Scouts and Explorer
Scouts) buddy. Can you see if
anyone knows his whereabouts
please. Thank you Bob, and thank
you and the HIXNEWS staff for all
your good work.
Ron Rocek

A note sent to Carol Christopher

Your name is on the People Looking for People page. You are
looking for Linda Carlucci. We have an email on file for Linda.
Please let us know if you've already made contact???
The editors at HixNews
p.s. Carol...what class did you graduate with???
Dear Editors,
Thank you very much for asking. I did find Linda and we
have spoken on the phone many times.
Our Lady of Mercy, Syosset 1961

A note sent toVince Przybyszewski...

Your name is on the People Looking for People page. You are
looking for Paul Patterson. We have access to Paul and can
put you in touch.
Please let us know if you've already made contact
The editors at HixNews

A note sent toFrank Delaney...

Your name is on the People Looking for People page. You are
looking for Chet Nichols. We have access to Chet and can put
you in touch.
Please let us know if you've already made contact
The editors at HixNews

Dear Classmates,
We are in our 15th year of the Newsletter and the
People Looking For People List has groooooown....

huge... gigundis!

Some of you may have connected but the editors have

no way of knowing if the "look" is still valid.
Please go to the list and see if your request is still active.
If you've contacted who you were looking for, or if you
want to remove the inquiry, please advise us at
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents
our current list: available by clicking on the link below:
The Editors

A note sent to George Olafsen,

Class of 1961

Are you related to Eugene Olafsen?

Frank Delaney from the class of 1957
is looking for Gene. Please advise if you
have an email address for Gene. Hope
you are well. Hard to believe next year
will be 55 years since graduation.
Buffalo bob casale

A note sent to Pat Appelman

Are you related to Richard Appelman?

Carl Probst from the class of 1959 is
looking for Richard. Please advise if
you have an email address for Richard.
Hope you are well.
Buffalo Bob casale
es he is my brother.
Here is his email....

A note sent to Richard Appelman

Your name is on the People Looking for People page.

Carl Probst from the class of 1959 is looking for you. We can
contact Carl and can put you in touch. Please let us know if
you've already made contact.
The editors at HixNews

Dear Classmate...
You asked to be included on the master list of the Hicksville High School
Newsletter. You submitted an email address but no name was ever posted.
Can you please send us your name and indicate also when you graduated so we can add
it to the roster. And your maiden name if married. Thanks
Buffalo Bob Casale, Editor
Don't know why no name was posted. We are Bob Paton and Teresa Celentano Paton, both graduates
of the class of 1955 and we look forward to receiving the Hicksville High School Newsletter.
Buffalo Bob,
I graduated in 85. I think this site is for older grads?

Matt Felix

It could be for those in the eighties if more people were aware of the newsletter. If you have an email list of former
classmates, send a note encouraging them to sign up for the newsletter http://hixnews.com. How did you find out
about the newsletter? Did your class have a 20 year reunion in 2005? Are you aware about plans fora thirty year
reunion for this year? We had an email from Frank Walker, http://www.frankwalkermusicny.com/ asking us
to post information about the planned 30 year reunion. Why don't you get in touch with Frank and see what's up.
Thanks for letting us know your graduating class. regards
Buffalo Bob Casale
Dear HixNews
I've been a subscriber for a couple
of years now and form some
reason I'm not on your list. I do
get your e-mails yet I'm still not on
the memberlist. Perhaps you can
fix that?
Eileen Duerbeck Kelly 1968

Pat Kelly Bruno 1960

Hi HixNews
I just saw the list of alumni
and would like to add my
name. Thank you
Joyce Mattis Curran 1967
Hi. How do I get a
subscription to the newsletter? My graduating year
was 1976. My name is
Ilene Meister. My maiden
name was Wolfson. Thank
you for your cooperation
in this matter.
Ilene Wolfson Meister

Editors Note Sorry

about that oversight,
Eileen. You are on the list
Best, Henry

Just found your newsletter.

It is great.
Robert Jennett 1977
p.s. My father is Richard
Jennett retired principal of
Fork Lane; long time principal
of Lee Avenue. I think he
retired in 1986

Beer Anyone?

Who knew Pope Francis was so

funny?! The Vatican got Talent.
The Pope is quite the comedian.
Hard to believe this funny video
came from the Pope.
Yes, that was The Pope ......."

This is really cool. If tyou like beer,

youll like this. If you dont like beer,
youll still like this! Click on the link
below and enjoy!


Thanks to Carl Probst for the following

Really Old Video...

Really Old!

F16 Drones. Almost Unbelievable!

This is awesome! Didnt realize drone technology had advanced this far so quickly.
They are using up their obsolete F-16s. Not a good day for the future of manned aircraft. Seems like the PILOT is on the endangered list. This little four minute video is really something. A first for a full size jet airplane. Thousands of planes that were graveyard bound, with costs in the hundreds of millions, can now be used as never before. These F-16 Boeing aircraft have been in the
bone yard at Davis-Monthan for 15 years and are now being used as drones.


In the sea of mostly tired reruns

circulating the Internet, occasionally a
gem surfaces.Thisvideo of a Fireworks
Show in China is a treatfor theeyes.
Lessthan 2 minutes in length but with
shapes thatIve never seenbefore. This
Hunan Province town is where
fireworks were invented and the show
has never been equalled in the West.
TheChinese are not only the inventors of fireworksthey are still, the

A Boy's Gtift

Remember the story of the boy who

found $20 and gave it to a soldier?
This is the follow-up. Be sure to watch
to the end. The initial story has been
around a long time. The ending, to
date, is Amazing....

More Fun:


Friends Furever!

Theres something for us to learn

here...natural enemies playing
The Bear and the Tiger blow me away,
the rest make me laugh & smile!

Dear Classmates,
I have published a new video on You Tube.

The video is dedicated to the 2005 Mega or Multi Class Reunion that was held in July of that year. The second half features the 1955
Fifty Year reunion held in October of 2005. Unfortunately, all alumni are not captioned. I tried to get help with names but I guess time
destroyed that opportunity. Check it out at

1955 Fifty Year Reunion & Multi Year Reunion


Another good one Bob!

Ed Delaney

Hey Buffalo Bob

I want to let you know how
impressed I am with your role in
keeping the HHS family alive and
well. I've made enough videos for
our business websites to know
how much time and work goes
into each one. The same goes for
the newsletters. Keep up the good
work and, I'm sure the HHS family
will join me in saying: Thank you,
Buffalo Bob & the gang at
Al Silbert '62
A great video. I wish my wife had
kept her eyes open in our picture.
Norm Nichols 1952

No! Cissy is a rebel from Tennessee. I met her in early 80's in

Atlanta. I have lived in the South since 1969. Hate cold and
high taxes. Came to Hicksville in 1940; East Street grammar
and then on to the old high school on Jerusalem Avenue
until graduation. Miss not seeing much about the class of
1952. Wish we could have another 1948-1955 reunion.
I would gladly help sponsor one. I have been trying to
locate Cyril Ruemens from my class but no luck. By the
way 3-22-34 is my birthday. Have a great day.
Thank you so much for this.
I don't know/recognize anyone
though. Without the names, we've
all aged so much, beautifully, I
might add, that trying to figure out
if I know any is difficult.
Great jazz background!
Cheryl Proffe Davis 1962

Dear Bob
The girl in the photo below, in the background, on the right
is Jean Hershneider Heppell, a classmate of mine.
Marcella Yenick 1953

Which picture was yours?
Buffalo Bob Casale
1st grouping of 4 pictures we are
bottom. Cissy has a pink dress and I
had a light colored sport jacket. It is just the 2 of us standing
side by side.
Norm Nichols

Editors Note the picture

shown at right of Cissy & Norm
Nichols was not captioned
in the video.
Was Cissy a Hicksville grad?
If so, what class and what was
her maiden name???
Buffalo Bob

Jean Hershneider Heppell

Marcella Yenick, 1953

Thanks for sending! Enjoyed! Will pass on to the all those
that were there from the classes of 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51.
I didn't know you had them. I looked a lot better 10 years
ago. Thanks Again
Art Lembke

When you spot them you'll see 1 or 2 more...

Thanks, Art What picture are you in or is it pictures? Let me

Buffalo Bob Casale
I'm in a few pictures. One is the class of 1949 Group Picture
on the far right...

Also, Im on the far right in light tan jacket and another

standing to the right of the podium waiting to be introduced to speak.

Fond Memories!
P.S. Most from the reunion are still in my address book, I'm
sure they'll enjoy me FWD your Reunion Video.

On right: Ray Muller and

Barbara Fellows Cava.
On far right: Marilyn Stokey &
Husband greeted by Gail Fallon with
Charlie Cava in the

Buffalo Bob,
Do you have 1966? I have it
somewhere and if you need it I
will gladly donate - just let me
know where to send it.
Nancy Alfano O'Geary Smith
Thanks for the offer. I do have a
copy of the 1966 and just hope for
more offers.
Love yah
Buffalo bob casale
You were interested in Hicksville High Yearbooks. Check
out the website below, any Alumni can get their yearbook free then pass it on to you. I thought this may
Thanks, Art, for the input.
I am aware of the classmates yearbooks and use them
occasionally. The problem with their site is the clarity is so
muted and fuzzy, that most downloads are unusable. And it
ain't free There is no way that I'm going to spend $100.00 to
get a reprint of their inventory. They are doing this to make
money and I'm not sure how successful their venture is?
Thanks again.
warm regards
Buffalo Bob Casale
I do have 1951 1952 1953 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963
1964 1965 1966 1968 and looking forward to getting 1971
and 1974
If you pull up the website it reads free! As you said a lie!
You can view the yearbooks on their site "FREE.! If you
want to buy the yearbook, you gotta pay.
Warmest Regards
Hi there Bob.
I graduated in 1971, but I may
still have a 1970 year book that I
would be happy to donate to
you if you need it. I will look for
it in the next day or two. I
would just need to know where
to send it.
Kind regards,
George W. Wink 1971

Definitely want. Will gladly
reimburse your postage.
Please send to
Robert Casale
335 Patton Court
Martinez, GA 30907
Thanks so much
Buffalo Bob Casale
Hi Bob
OK. I located the year book. I just need to see if I can
scan a few pages of memories and then I can send it off.
I will let you know when it is sent.
PS. So glad I took personal typing with Mrs. Rosen
when I was a senior!
Editors Note I learned to type when I went to Morse Code
school in Pensacola, Florida. They put a group of grown men
into a large classroom. At each position, there was a typewriter.
The instructor would turn on a recorder that played back a
sound. It was a code character dot dash and thats an A. So
we had to hit A on the typewriter and yell out A! And thats
what we did for eight weeks. The students after 8 weeks were
required to type 22 words a minute or you were out. I made it!
Hi Bob,
I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten
you. Between the weather (I live in North West New
Jersey) and my job (I am an accountant) I have not been
able to scan the pages I want and get to the post office.
But I will let you know as soon as I do mail it. Hope you
are staying warm in Georgia. It's negative something up
here this morning.
Kind regards,
I can scan whatever pages you want and send them back
on a thumb drive. Let me know. I just sent a note because
someone asked me if I wanted a 1971 yearbook and it
jogged my memory to ask you about yours. No rush.
Thanks so much for the offer
buffalo bob
Are you still looking for yearbooks?
Thomas Ernst
Maintenance Manager
Horizon Lines of Puerto Rico
Absolutely! Do you have one? What year?
Thanks buffalo bob
Yes! 1971

I think you've made a mistake in listing my sister, Lisa

Calma Fritz as being in the class of 70. She was
much later. Also, my younger brother, Dennis Calma,
class of 1973 was killed in a skydiving accident in the
early '80's.
Richard A. Calma
Class of '71

Editors Note:

How about just telling us Lisa's class year?

Please tell me instructions
for adding names to the
class In Memoriam List?
Walter R. Scauzillo
Just email the names and
class years to us:
Please add to the In Memoriam section:
Thomas Brennan 1966
Ralph Grasso 1966
Ross Meyers 1967
James Scauzillo 1968
Robert Scauzillo 1972
Ross Meyers 1967

Hi Bob,
I just wanted to check
something with you. In
the latest newsletter there
is a note from Arlene
(Andrade, '57) Sahadachny
asking about the class of
'57. Then in the Passages
section, there was Arlene's
name and picture. Did
she pass away? Last time I
heard from her wasthis
past Christmas. No mention of any problems in her
Phil Fulco
Class of '57

Sorry for the confusion, Phil... we received a

note from Arlene about the deaths offour classmates...
Check out the below. I send to Elliot Gorlin and he puts
into a new format.
Arlene is fine.
Here was the
A note back
from Phil:
Thanks, Bob.
Glad to hear that
shes OK.

Editors Note:

Bob submits content for the Newsletter portion via a

word processing program. I transpose it into the final
graphic format you see here. On the Passages page,
we like to show yearbook pictures of both the deceased
and the classmate who provided us with the information. Although I try to be as concise as possible with
the layout, sometimes confusion does occur and
I apologize if that was the case.
Elliot Gorlin
Editor HixNews

Bob Casales You Tube Videos

In Memoriam for Class of 1958

Hicksville New York Then and Now


Hicksville High Mega Reunions 2000 & 2007


HHS Class of 1963 Photo Gallery


HHS Class of 1960 In Memoriam


Hicksville High School 1963 Fifty Year Reunion


The Big Car Crash of the 1980s

A Short Tour of Bayside
1964 Fifty Year Photo Gallery Before Reunion
2014 5 May Photo Gallery
1964 Popularity Poll

IPledge Allegiance to the Flag

Honoring Hicksville High New York Servicemen
and Women
Class of 1962 Fifty Year Reunion
Memorial Day Tribute to Hicksville High School
Charlie Brown & Franz Stigler
Down Memory Lane Class of 1962 Reunion
Mini Photo Tour of Australia (425 Views)
February 2014 Ice Storm in Augusta, Georgia
Campaign to Rebuild the Fountain in Kennedy
Park, Hicksville, NY

Buffalo Bob Casale early and in the Navy

Class of 1959 In Memoriam
Hicksville High School Class of 1961 In Memoriam (376 views)
Class of 1964 Before Reunion Collage
Class of 1964 In Memoriam
Hicksville High School, Hicksville, NY Class of
1961 Reunion 2004
Class of 1962 In Memoriam
Class of 1963 Fifty Year reunion
HHS 1955 Multi Year & Fifty Year Reunions
In Memoriam Class of 1963
Hyperlink to Forty Year Reunion Hicksville Class
of 1965
Berryman Lane

Robert Casale U.S. Navy career in Pictures


Dont forget the LINKS portion of the newsletter. Links can be

accessed by looking in the menu on the top of the Home Page.
Highlighted below is links to music over the years
http://www.forgotten-ny.com/ Forgotten New York
(Ya gotta check this site out - it's c-o-o-o-o-o-o-l)
http://www.tropicalglen.com Online Jukebox.. Pick your
http://www.anysoldier.com (A great way to correspond with
our service personnel overseas)
http://www.ichiban1.org/html/music.htm Vietnam Era Music
- Top Ten Hits from each year of the war
Check this link out. It is to a nice 50's jukebox.
Get factual information about any ZIP code

Old Time TV Online old TV shows from the 50s and 60s.
A note from Jerry DAmuragreat sitecheck it out

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