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Support TUSC candidates in the election...


he general election is
underway and the Tories are
claiming that the British economy
has finally recovered from the
economic crisis caused by the bankers
back in 2008.
But the governments own figures show
that, seven years on, people are still worse
off now than they were before the crisis.
Camerons government has imposed the
longest squeeze on working class living
standards for generations.
Meanwhile the Tories have unveiled
new plans to attack the poor yet again if
they are re-elected. Iain Duncan Smith has
announced that there will be
12 billion more benefit cuts, hitting the
most vulnerable even harder.
And the mainstream party leaders have
marked the start of the election campaign
by upping the rhetoric on immigration.
The racist Ukip party attacked the Tories
for missing their target to cut the number
of migrants coming to Britain. David
Cameron insisted he would stick to the
He blamed migrants for putting
pressure on schools and hospitals. Its
rank hypocrisy from the millionaire who
has slashed services. The real pressure on
services isnt migrantsits austerity.


We all want to see the Tories out but

Labour offers no alternative. Labour leader
Ed Miliband has also said immigration is
a problem. And Labour leaders will still
make cuts if elected. They are committed
to sticking to Tory spending plans. Its
no wonder many working people arent
inspired to rush out and vote.
There is a growing likelihood that the
smaller parties could hold the balance of
power after 7 May.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage tries to claim
his party will take on the establishment.
But UKIP is just as much the party of big
business as the Tories. In Scotland Labour
is likely to be all but wiped out by the SNP.
Labour opposed independence in the
recent referendum, siding with the Tories.
But the SNP is no real radical alternative.
When they control local councils they
make the cuts.

Thousands marched against racism on 21 March

Smaller parties like the Greens and

Plaid Cymru in Wales will also benefit
from disillusionment with the mainstream


a fight against austerity, to stand up for

working class people and to stand up to
racism. If thats the kind of party you think
represents your views, get involved in the

The election of Syriza in Greece and the

growing support for Podermos in Spain
shows that people want to break from
austerity. We need the same here.
Whoever gets elected in May we
urgently need more strikes to take on the
bosses and a movement to beat austerity.
The Peoples Assembly has called a End
Austerity Now national demonstration on
20 June. It is very important that its a big
show of strength by all those who want an
alternativeno matter whos in power.
In the election the Trade Unionist and
Socialist Coalition will be standing over
130 candidates. They are standing for

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