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the rank fellowship





Email. Phone. Facebook. Coffee. Pint.

Foreward // 2

Your choice.

Thematic Career Index // 3

The people in these pages are available for you to call on in whatever way you

Mentors // 4

We range in age from 20s to 30s. We have widely varied occupations and interests and backgrounds. All of us have benefited from being able to call upon
others for advice, guidance, and support along the way. And we invite you, in
turn, to call on us.

Useful Contacts // 24

You might be navigating the UCAS process and have questions about applying
for a certain subject or university. You could be looking for work experience in
a particular industry, or interviewing for internships, or wondering how to make
the most of your gap year. Maybe youre new to the Fellowship and contemplating your first Community Action Placement, and want to ask someone how they
dealt with it.
We are not giants. There are many more experienced and more distinguished
people you could call upon - they might be friends, family, or other Rank Fellows.
We deliberately chose to exclude anyone with a title, an Oscar, or a Nobel Prize
from these pages. Instead, you will see other young people still finding their way
in the world. You dont need to try and impress us. And you certainly dont need
to worry that we are too old, too busy, or too important to approach.
We are not too young to have our regrets. Almost always, theyre the things we
didnt do, the opportunities we missed, the questions we never thought (or were
too apprehensive) to ask. Often we didnt know which person to speak to. With
this guide, its simple. You can talk to any of us.

Max Kirby

Mentor and Rank Fellow




page number


7 - 20

Antonia went to Edinburgh University where she

studied Spanish. After graduating she moved into
broadcast journalism where she worked for an independent production company that produces documentaries exploring ethical and moral issues.


6 - 12 - 17 - 18 - 22


4 - 7 - 8 - 15 - 17 - 19 - 21




5 - 9 -17

CAP // N/A


6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 13 -15 -16

Degree // Spanish

ART //

7 - 19


7 - 20


6 - 16 - 19


4 - 10 - 23


11 - 23


18 - 23

LAW //

13 - 21


14 - 15 -16



School // Marlborough College

University // Edinburgh

Interests // Art, travel, philanthropy

Happy to talk about // Anything,
including career guidance and public

After her spell in journalism Antonia set up - and to

this day continues to run - The Sara Charlton Foundation, a grant making charity that combats domestic
violence in the UK. Her work includes lobbying and
policy work, fundraising and working with grass roots
organisations to support as well as implement initiatives that support victims and raise awareness on the
Antonia is particularly good at careers guidance, and
helping people decide what they should study or what
industry they should enter after leaving school. Antonia also has a experience with setting up initiatives,
particularly in the charity sector, and is happy to share
her past experiences, good and bad, as well as listen to
fears and concerns that inevitably come with executing an idea and decision-making.


School // Canford
University // Oxford
Degree // Biochemistry
CAP // Centre 63; 999 Club
Interests // Diplomacy, science
Happy to talk about // You name it!





Seb is a third year undergraduate student and currently about two thirds of the way through his four
year Masters course. He has recently completed internships with a pharmaceutical company, a strategic
management group and as a Chemistry researcher. In
honest terms, Seb dont have a definite view about
what he wants to do once he finally graduates and
is considering joining the armed forces. When not at
work, Seb is a keen climber and alpinist, and generally
tries to spend as much time abroad as possible. One
of the most exciting places he has been to so far is
deepest, darkest Russia.

Max is on the management team of a corporate finance firm established in 2009. They work with companies as well as private equity and hedge funds to
advise them on raising capital. After graduating, he
started his career in investment banking at Lehman
Brothers and subsequently moved to Sweden for
two years to work for Klarna, one of Europes fastest
growing tech companies.

Growing up, Seb travelled around quite a lot, spending extended periods of time in both Denmark and
France. As such, he never really felt that he had a continuous point of contact or constant mentor. Instead,
Seb had a fantastically diverse group of short term
mentors, all mainly informal, and many of whom were
friends. Cumulatively, all the little bits of advice that
they gave him had a massive, positive effect, and as a
result, Seb would be happy to act as a mentor for just
about anything, or anyone - and if nothing more than
simply someone to bounce ideas off.

School // KCS Wimbledon

University // Oxford
Degre // History
CAP // Princes Trust
Interests // People, sport, politics
Happy to talk about // Anything,
including finance, interviews and

Max believes that leaders have the power to change

the world for the better, and this is why he is passionate about nurturing the leaders of tomorrow as best
he can, as well as bringing people together - whether in a commercial, charitable or social context. He
particulalry values outdoor activities as a catalyst for
building personal relationships, and loves to hike / run
/ cycle (anything that doesnt involve him being too
co-ordinated!). Furthering his partnership with the
Rank charities, Max launched the Rank Outdoor Challenge series in 2012 and the third event last year saw
record numbers join.
Maxs mentors, formal and not, have been an incredible source of wisdom and support through his life
so far. He has been inspired by their goodness and
generosity, and he would be only too happy to chat
to any Fellows who might find similar support helpful.





Tessa is a self-employed jewellery designer with experience and passion in both the fashion and commercial
art industries. After studying History of Art at Edinburgh University Tessa worked in a Mayfair gallery for
four years before embarking into the world of entrepreneurship and starting her own jewellery business,
Tessa Packard London.
School // Marlborough College
University // Edinburgh
Degree // History of Art
CAP // N/A
Interests // Art, jewellery, fashion
Happy to talk about // Anything,
including the art and fashion world,
and entrepreneurship

Tessa is also an active member of several charitable boards, including the Rank Fellowship, the Young
Marlburian Foundation and the Society of Young Philanthropists, which all focus predominantly on youth
work and education.
Tessa is particularly passionate about helping budding
entrepreneurs start their own creative businesses,
whether this be a gallery or design studio.With a large
network of individuals in these fields, Tessa would be
happy to also try and help school leavers and students
with introductions and work placements in those arenas. Having built her business from scratch, and with
no prior connections in the fashion / jewellery worlds
before she begun, Tessa understands just how challenging it can be to follow your dream, but equally that
with hard-work and the right advice, anything is possible. She would be more than happy to impart advice
and share her experiences and insights with anyone
who might be interested

School // Lancaster Girls Grammar

University // Oxford
Degree // History
CAP // Centre 63; Elohim Church
Interests // Politics, photography
Happy to talk about // Whatever
might be useful, such as university
applications, CAP placements etc

Lynton is currently halfway through a History degree

at Christ Church, Oxford, and so far is having the time
of her life. Although Lyntons future career plans are
still somewhat of a question mark, she is seriously
considering postgraduate study in either history or
law, with a career abroad in either academia, the media,
or for an NGO after that. Having spent four months
on an exchange programme at Princeton University in
the US Lynton has caught the travelling bug, and cant
wait to set off for somewhere new after her studies.
This year Lynton is planning on furthering her involvement in uni-based groups such as the Womens Campaign, Campaign for Racial Equality and Oxford-based
homelessness campaigns. She is also hoping to launch
a project to highlight the experiences of low-income
students at Oxford, and raise awareness of issues of
class and wealth inequality within the student body.
Inspired by her involvement with the Rank Fellowship, Lynton is keen to continue to work with projects
that have a positive impact on others, such as the new
Fellowship Mentoring Scheme. She hopes to pass on
to new fellows the vision, drive and values that Rank
helped instill in her as well as forge lasting relationships with other Fellows.






Rebecca is in her final year at Liverpool John Moores

and has recently gained an offer from the University
of Manchester to undertake a Biochemistry MSc which
is due to begin in October 2015. After her studies she
would like to either join the NHS Scientist Training Programme and the Clinical Biochemistry division, or focus
her energy on drug development with a focus to combat cancer. She hasnt fully made up her mind yet!
School // Lancaster Girlss School
University // Liverpool John Moores
Degree // Biochemistry
CAP // Essex boys & Girls Club
School // Marlborough College
Happy to talk about // Anything,
including the art and fashion world,
and entrepreneurship

Rebecca feels her mentors in the past (at school, the

workplace or university) have made a real contribution
to helping her achieve her goals and prepare her for
whatever she needed. At Lancaster Girls Grammar she
was lucky to be part of a new mentoring system between the older girls and the younger students, which
she felt made a huge positive difference to her school
career. Unsurprisingly, Rebecca feels mentoring is an invaluable asset or system to have in place, and feels that
sharing experiences and advice is essential for people
to achieve their dreams. Rebecca is happy to act as a
mentor and a friend to anyone who needs help and advice on subjects such as formal interviews, university
applications for Masters and Bachelors degrees and the

School // Repton
University // Loughborough
Degree // Politics
CAP // Blackpool Carers Centre;
Westminster House Youth Club
Interests // Sports, politics, Everton
Happy to talk about //Absolutely

Eleanor is a second year undergraduate at Loughborough University studying Politics with Media and
Communication studies. Although she is not entirely
sure what her intentions and aims are after University,
Eleanor is very keen to get involved in the media and
journalism industry, and has recently written articles
for the Everton Football Club monthly magazine as
well as being an active writer for the university online
student paper. Her ultimate aim is to work for a major
newspaper or present with Sky Sports - with the latter definitely her preference!
Eleanor is a passionate sports player at Loughborough,
and very much believes in the importance of team
sports as a way to develop personal relationships and
individual leadership. She also believes that the development of a network of mentors and mentees will be
extremely important and useful to many fellows too
by propagating the idea of supporting leaders for the
benefit of society, which is ultimately at the core of
what the Rank Foundation represents. Being herself
a younger Fellows, Eleanor feels that she would be
able to provide advice about applying to university as
well as advice about how to gain work experience to
support your CV.







Joe is in his third and final year of an undergraduate IT

degree. He recently completed an internship with Cisco where he worked as a Business Analyst, adding to his
portfolio of experience which also includes web design
and e-commerce practises. His long term career aim is
to work as an IT consultant.

School // Haberdashers Askes Hatcham College

University // Southampton
Degree // Information Technology in
CAP // Arum Community Church
Interests // Sports, technology,

Away from his studies Joe is passionate about sport.

He is currently a 1st Kye Brown belt in karate, plays
inter-mural football at university and is also hoping to
complete the Southampton half marathon this April.
Having been lucky to have very supportive friends and
mentors growing up, Joe really understands the importance and value of having an active support network
to deal with the knockbacks life inevitably throws you.
He would be happy to act as a mentor for anyone who
wishes to have one and is happy to help out in any way
he can even if it is nothing more than a chat and catch
up every now and then!

School // Mowden Hall; Uppingham;

Salisbury School Connecticut

Yorkshire born and West Indian bred, Piers is a former British Army officer now working in the oil and
gas industry. He served on operational tours in both
Iraq and Afghanistan in the Queens Royal Lancers before moving into the commercial sector. Piers has spent
the last four years working for an indigenous Nigerian
oilfield services business, with a focus on growing their
pan-African footprint through acquisitions and greenfield start-ups. He is also working on starting an oilfield
services operation based in the Caribean.

University // Bristol
Degree // Geographical Sciences;
Terrorism; International Relations
CAP //
Interests // Travel, photography,
new businesses
Happy to talk about // Entrepreneurship, start-ups, business, mergers
and aquisitions

Happy to talk about // Anything!





School // St Marys Shaftesbury

University // Edinburgh
Degree // Ancient History; Law
CAP // N/A
Interests // Travel, literature, politics
Happy to talk about // A career in
law, women and the City, internships, graduate schemes, CVs





Laura currently works for an international law firm in

the City as a solicitor specialising in general commercial
and technology contracts. Before starting her current
placement she took some time out to travel the world
and enjoyed adventures in various countries in South
America. As part of her legal career, Laura has been
heavily involved on both sides of the recruitment process and would be happy to share her dos and donts
for application forms and interviews, including what
makes your CV stand out.

The last 18 months in Harrys life have taught him an

awful lot. Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes has prevented
him from achieveing his dream of becoming an RAF pilot, and his passion for playing music and sport are also
currently on hold due to injury and multiple operations.
In the face of this adversity Harry has learnt patience,
resilience and acceptance, and perhaps more fundamentally that flexibility and optimism are key atributes
to have in life.

Laura is involved in several charitable projects focused

on bringing legal advice to those that may otherwise
not have access to justice as well initiatives that give
careers advice to those who may not have otherwise
considered certain options due to their background or
gender. Laura is particularly passionate about encouraging the role and presence of women in the work place,
helping them to realise their full potential and get the
most out of what they want from their careers.
Laura would be more than happy to give an insight into
what its like to work in a law firm (its not as boring
as everyone thinks!) including any general advice about
applying for jobs during and after university. The future,
careers and what to do is always daunting but its an
exciting time and the best way to start is to ask as many
questions as possible.

School // Canford
University // Manchester
Degree // Music
CAP // Informal Learning Wakefield;
The Saviour Trust Wakefield
Interests // Sport, music, people

Since graduating in 2014 Harry has worked for Investec

Wealth & Investment as well as taking some time out to
travel and see the world. He is currently looking further
afield in terms of future career possibilities and is thinking about graduate medicine (if he can get in!).
Harry would be delighted to offer mentoring advice to
any Fellow, and is also looking forward to speaking to
older Fellows who might be able to share their advice
and experiences with him too.

Happy to talk about // Anything - including dealing with the everyday issues people face





School // Eton College

University // Oxford
Degree // Music
CAP // N/A
Interests // Singing, Politics, Running





Edward has taught in the London state sector since

2005 as a music teacher, assistant head of department
and now as Director of Music at the music specialist
West London Free School. The West London Free
School is a new school that opened in 2011 and selects
10% of its cohort on musical aptitude ensuring that the
school has a strong musical foundation. Over 50% of
the pupils now learn an instrument and this has helped
the school in starting a strong orchestral and pop/rock
band tradition to supplement the large number of pupils who also sing in our choirs.

Interests // Music composition, performance, production, human rights, radio, Classics and the theatre

Alongside his work at the West London Free School

Ed also set up and runs Inner Voices, an inner London
chamber choir that takes some of the best singers from
the schools in inner London and trains them to sing at a
high choral standard and access some of the best music
that the choral tradition has to offer as well as tackle
exciting new music from contemporary artists.

School // Withington Girls School

University // Kings College London
Degree // Ancient Greek and English
CAP // Wirral Brook Advisory Centre
Interests // Music Composition, Human Rights, Classics and Theartre
Happy to talk about // Absolutely

Happy to talk about // Education

Zara is currently a second year undergraduate at Kings

College London. She is the Musical Director and vocal
percussionist of The Rolling Tones KCLs all female
cappella choir and Voice Festival UK 2015 semi-finalists.
Zara is also the Deputy Station Manager and Entertainment Editor of KCL Radio and is currently producing a
series of academic podcasts and a radio adaptation of
Dylan Thomas play, Under Milk Wood. She would love
to eventually go into audio production, whether working on film soundtracks, radio plays or documentaries.
Having been incredibly fortunate to meet some incredible people through the Rank Foundation, Zara hopes to
meet many more through the new mentoring scheme.
She hopes she can be a source of guidance to any Fellows thinking about setting up their own university society or getting involved in extra-curricular activities. She
is also very happy to talk about her experiences of being
a student in London and her experiences of taking a
GAP year. Whether looking for advice or a general chat
about mutual interests over coffee, Zara asks that Fellows dont hesitate to contact her.





School // Davenant Foundation

University // N/A
Degree // N/A
CAP // Clydesdale Community Initiatives
Interests // Sports, Biology (paleoanthropology), philanthropy and people
Happy to talk about // Anything and
everything. Placements may be an area
of interest.





Felix is currently studying at school with the aim to

study Sports Science at either Bath or Loughborough
University. His principal sport is rugby but he also participate in rowing, running and athletics. Felix currently
plays in the Academy Squad for Ealing Trailfinders Rugby
Club, and has also previously played for London Wasps
Academy, Middlesex County and has had trials for Ireland in the past.

JJ graduated with a degree in Geography from Edinburgh University so probably should have become a
school teacher. Instead, he tried to get a job doing long
hours in corporate finance for CitiBank. Many interviews later, he (thankfully) found himself working at a
small investment boutique that specialises in investing
in listed equities (both long and short). He has worked
there for almost eight years and has been exposed to
all areas of the business. For him this has confirmed the
importance of working in the right place, as after all, you
do spend more time with your colleagues than you do
with anyone else.

Felix has a strong interest in entrepreneurship and philanthropy, using the profits from his past business enterprises to aid others in their lives. For his CAP placement
Felix was posted just outside of Glasgow with a charity
called Clydesdale Community Initiatives (CCI), who aid
people with mental, social and physical difficulties, helping them to be reintroduced and integrated into the local community through work experience. He found his
time there to be a fantastic learning experience.
Felixs mentors to date have been both formal and informal and have had an amazing impact on him. They
have been brilliant sources of wisdom and support
through his experiences - both high and low. He has
been touched and humbled by their efforts to help him,
and Felix hopes to reciprocate and help any Fellow who
might need advice and guidance.

School // Eton College

University // Edinburgh University
Degree // Geography
CAP // N/A
Interests // People, travelling, outdoor
activities, finance
Happy to talk about // Anything
including investment management,
paragliding, presenting skills, road trips,

Having almost become the anonymous worker-bee in

corporate machine, JJ believes that we need to think beyond what is immediately set in front of us. He believes
there are so many opportunities available that there is
no reason to settle for something which doesnt suit
you, even though it can be hard to know what that is.
In his opinion one of the best ways to discover this is
by talking to peers; talking about personal preferences,
past experiences, individual characteristics, and longterm goals.
In the past JJ has provided mentoring advice with the
Worshipful Company of Grocers, and would be happy
to continue to share his advice, views and experiences
(both personal and professional) with any Fellow who is
not sure what the next step might be for them.





School // Oundle
University // Leeds
Degree // History
CAP // N/A
Interests // Arts, photography,
Happy to talk about // Anything related to advertising, production, media and
associated industries





After graduating from Leeds University in 2007 Si quickly felt the need for more education, but in a field better
suited to the rat race of millennial life. He joined the
Financial Management Program (FMP) at General Electric, where for three years he honed his business and
accounting acumen in their Energy division, and spent
one year of the three living in Italy.

Natalie heads up public relations for the British luxury watch company Bremont. She joined the business in
December 2013, bringing with her a wide experience of
working in the luxury watch sector.

Following his graduation from the FMP in the summer of

2010, Si took a dramatic change of professional direction
in deciding to follow his long held ambition of being a
film producer. It wasnt long before he discovered advertising and the creative whirlpool of Londons commercial production scene. In January 2011 he joined Home
Corp, an independent production company, before going
freelance in 2012, where he and spent 8 months working
with some of Londons top commercial film companies
as a Production Assistant / Production Manager. In January 2013 Si joined production company Outsider to become their Head of Sales & Marketing, where he works
with the best talent in the business across all manner of
creative commercial content.

School // St Marys Ascot

University // Edinburgh
Degree // Philosophy
CAP // N/A
Interests // fashion, culture, travel
Happy to talk about // Anything and
everything relating to PR, luxury industries, career advice

Previous to her placement at Bremont, Natalie spent 3

years at the media agency Finch & Partners, where she
directed a number of high profile fashion and luxury clients including Lange & Shne and Bremont. Natalie then
moved onto The Massey Partnership where she further
developed her knowledge of the sector working with
leading brands such as La Montre, Herms and Breitling.
Having left university being totally none the wiser as to
which career path she wanted to go down Natalie can
fully appreciate how daunting it can be when looking
to start work, particularly when having not done a vocational degree. Natalie would be delighted to help anybody in whatever way she can, be it through industry
contacts or indeed imparting any advice that might be

Si also co-runs Art For Hearts Sake, a social enterprise

which seeks to raise awareness and encourage charitable donation through creative engagement, with his wife
Sophie, which they started in 2012.





School // Truro School

University // LSE
Degree // Law
CAP // Greenbank Christian Centre
Interests // Politics, films, fitness,
Happy to talk about // Anything - albeit with questionable helpfulness in some





Emily is in her final year at LSE, graduating in July. She

interned at two City law firms last summer where she
really enjoyed the pace and focus of the work, and was
lucky enough to accept a job at on the back of it with
Hogan Lovells. Before she settles down to work full time
for them in September as a solicitor, Emily is planning to
travel for a few months and see the world.

Tom, a committed Christian, is back in full-time education and loving it. After looking likely to head into the
corporate sector - spending time working for the financial regulator - Toms career path changed course when
he decided to do a two-year training scheme, post university, at a large church in London. As a result of that,
Tom felt led to pursue a full-time church ministry.

Moving from home in Cornwall to London was a culture

shock For Emily.Three years on and she absolutely loves
London, but like many students she feels this big change
in her life would have been much easier with more obvious avenues of guidance. Most of her mentors have been
informal and general (although extremely valuable), but
not always had specialisation in the areas she would have
liked to have addressed. To prevent others from experiencing this gap, she signed up to her universitys Pathways
to Law scheme, which provides mentoring solutions to
sixth-form students with an interest in or intention tin
pursuing law. She would be happy to extend this role to
anybody in the Rank network. Emily is also equally as
happy to act as a more general mentor/source of guidance, as she recognises the value in this too.

School // Colchester Royal Grammar

University // Southampton; Oak
Theological College
Degree // Economics & Management; Theological Studies
CAP // Temple-Shafton Youth Project
Interests // Acting, shooting, coastal
footpaths, football, ale
Happy to talk about // Public speaking,
leadership, Christian ministry, fundraising

As a result, Tom is now at Oak Hill Theological College

in London, alongside his wife, Josie, who is also studying
there. They hope to graduate in 2017 and become involved in a network of churches known as the Co-Mission.
Over the course of his life thus far,Tom has been indebted to older men and women who have been deliberate
in mentoring him and offering him sound wisdom and
counsel. Hes delighted to have the oppertunity to give
something back by way of this mentoring scheme. Hes
more than happy to meet up to chat about anything and
everything, although his particular strengths lie in public
speaking, leadership and fundraising.








School // Stowe
University // Northumbria
Degree // Commercial Property
CAP // N/A
Interests // Current affairs, travelling,
paragliding, skiing, motorcycles, film
Happy to talk about // Any of lifes
challenges, including business and interview advice

Geordie is currently the Head of Business Management

in a fast moving financial services organisation within
the private wealth arena, and operating across 35 different countries. After studying commercial property at
university, he worked for the Financial Times in their
Marketing and Sales division before joining the British
Army. He served 6 years in the Household Cavalry Regiment, including two tours of Afghanistan, jungle warfare
exercises in Belize, desert warfare exercises in the Kalahari Desert and mobility exercises in Canada.After leaving the Army Geordie spent two years in Italy running
European operations for a growing automotive electronics company, whilst also helping start up an award
winning food and drink business. He is a member of the
Royal Geographical Society and therefore a keen traveller, but also enjoys outdoor sports, particularly those
in the mountains.

Rank Fellowship website //
Rank Fellowship Facebook //
Rank Fellowship Instagram //
Rank Fellowship Twitter // @rankfellowship

Rosamond McNulty //
Tim Young //

Geordie is highly enthusiastic about leadership, mentoring and bringing out the best in people. He is a firm believer that you can achieve anything you put your mind
to. Having worked in a number of different industries
and difficult environments around the world, he is well
placed to give career advice, and has a broad network
of contacts willing to help. Geordie also recognizes the
challenges young people face today. He is a good listener and is keen to share the knowledge he has gained
from experiencing a number of lifes obstacles. He is
more than happy to help, advise and journey with any
fellow who is interested.



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