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John Jahrling
English 10
23 October 2014
Oppression of Ownership
Good Morning, fellow citizens of democracy
All of us, at this moment in time and all throughout the history of
established civilizations, have lived under the illusion that our authority figures, our
governments, our politicians, would make the best decisions to further enhance and maintain
the basic serenity a human being desires. We act as if they are flawless beings of a perfect
magnitude of judgment, humbleness, wholeness and understanding. However, we all are fully
aware, hopefully, that they are also just human beings at the end of the day. They were not
implanted with super minds with the knowledge of what's best. This is where the flaws in our
flawless governments creates holes in our barrier of illuded serenity, and lets rays of light hit us
with a sense of realization.The idea I intend to bring to light today, is Eminent Domain. For those
of you that are not aware of this practice, its a practice where our flawless government will,
without second thought, choose any parcel of land, even if it is inhabited by people, and destroy
any landscape or structure, no matter whats in the way, and use it to build structures that
supposedly would benefit everyone.
But wait, theres people living their. Families that have had hundreds of years of
memories and legacies built upon. What does our flawless government do? They bulldoze all
that. Hundreds of years, decimated in a hundred minutes. But, the humble and understanding
authority definitely notices that heritage, and so, they pay them with apologetic compensation
money. Its all better now isnt it? After all, slips of government controlled paper would definitely
replace all that heritage. However, take out the part in the description of eminent domain that
mentions compensation, and it sounds just tyrannous. The power of taking private land for the
installation of facilities with intended public use. But, add the money, and somehow, everythings

okay. Add the money, and all is replaced. Add the money, and supposedly, there's fairness in it
all. Now, you may be thinking. How is this harmful? What group is this harm directed to? What is
eminent domain doing to hinder peace? Well, considering this tyrannous practice is government
regulated, and the government controls our land, then, it affects everyone. Whether you're
black, white, poor, rich, a hero, or a tyrant, if the government wants it, theyll take it. No
objections, no one voting to have the establishment constructed.
Did we really want another supermarket built on that timeless ranch? Did we really need
to waste dollars on another hardware store built on that perfectly fine vineyard? Did we really
ask for another chain restaurant built on top of that historical battle ground? Did we really vote to
close that historic structure to make room for a new one that will close in a few years anyway?
And was it necessary to kick that world war two veteran out of his humble home to make room
for a venue where a generation of youth that has forgotten about that ferocious fight will go and
cause mischief? Just because youre a human who wears a suit and walks into the capitol
building to make decisions for other people, doesnt mean your human morals vanish. Morals
need to be considered, especially when you work to uphold a country that supposedly treats all
as equals, and guarantees liberty, and ownership. No one wants to see all gray steel and
concrete,instead there should be green high hills and low grasslands, at least, enough to
provide that classic American image of nature, serenity and freedom. Which brings me to
address another group of individuals.

If this entire time, you were thinking humans are plights on this world and nature ought
to be the dominant force, Eminent Domain is coming after you as well. Imagine how vast and
open those rolling grasslands and low lying valleys and towering mountains are. Now, imagine
how large an oil refinery is, or a coal refinery is, or a power plant, and how much space they
require. Imagine all the peaceful animal sanctuaries violently destroyed by a power obsessive
government. Take the Amazon Rainforest for example, where, since 1979, 289,000 square

miles and counting has been deforested, at first for farming, and now, an increasing proportion
of deforestation driven by industrial activities and large-scale agriculture ( Global Forest

Eminent Domain is not a fair or just practice. Its an over excessive use of government
power, thats supposed to be in the hands of the civilians. But, perhaps you dont care because
you feel it will never happen to you. But, when you are forced out of your peaceful home with no
say or objection, when you are bribed with money to leave all that youve worked hard for, when
you have the american dream stripped from you forever, when you go look for that special place
far from the city to find its been replaced by an oil refinery, when you hear certain animal
species are becoming extinct due to city expansion, then you will know, the only way to stop
Eminent Domain, lies in you. So--ask not how Eminent Domain is going to fight you--ask how
you are going to fight Eminent Domain.

Works Cited
Buttler, Rhett. "Amazon Destruction." N.p., n.d. Web.
What are n.p. & n.d.

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