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Diana Cristina Vzquez Domnguez


It was built in 1532-1537 by order of Emperor Justinian. It was the defining

building in the Byzantine architecture of its time because it marks the most
relevant features of this: including the lifting element, contemplation from
anywhere, spatiality, mystery, etc.; all this to place the viewer in a space
environment where there is no chance of distraction.
The use of new techniques, materials imported from different parts of the empire,
its vast size (mass) and geometry applied to achieve symmetry; are some of the
aspects that stand out and get noticed at this construction the greatness of the
empire. Besides being a symbol of empire is a symbol of union with God, It is
indeed a proof of the esteem With Which God Regarded the emperor, That I
furnished him With Men Who would be so useful in Effecting His designs, and we
are Compelled to admire the wisdom of the emperor,
First it consists mainly of two large spaces: outdoor (atrium) and interior
(basilica), they are communicate through a narthex. The outside space was a
space for men and basilica was the house of God. In this case the narthex
worked as a separation between the divine and the human.
Then we found that one of the most relevant aspects is that there are two trends:
the basilica, conformed with a rectangle that gives a dynamic sense and a
longitudinal direction and rhythm; and the centralized, with a square in the heart
of the Hagia Sophia, with a static sense. Around this central square there are four
pillars to the corners, which in turn are connected by arches and together with
the squinches are giving form to the central dome. The dome is above other two
half domes secondary framing and support the principal dome. Around the
square plan, its an hexagonal one, which shoots four sides with small halfdomes. Around these central domes are the narthex, the aisles and galleries,
which hardly involved in the structural strength. Finally in aisles are barrel vaults
with two floors of archery.
The various effects achieved in Santa Sofia have an end. As the secondary
domes that frame the main are there to create a emphasis and gain insight into
the celestial ascent in to the dome. The fact of not finding a main faade, which is
the center of attention, is to be seen from a top view or from different angles to
the observer's perception never be static and can look over all the elements of

his majesty. Also is designed to have a sense of lightness, this is why top-down
construction is becoming lighter and lighter. It is said that it seems that the dome
is floating due to its construction method; this is achieved since the four pillars
(squinches) that support it are hidden and in the sides are slender columns which
makes it lighter. In the aisles are barrel vaults with two floors of archery, which
from first to second are becoming thinner and giving this effect in which the dome
seems to float. Also the four small domes attached to the two half domes prepare
you to look up to the central dome. All this sense of lightness in the space is
offset by the large size of the building, seeming abundance of mass; leaving us in
the contradiction described by Procopious of space and mass.
The aim of the work was to communicate a promotion to the divine, large spaces
where while there is a game with the masses, the mystical light to give some
drama and mystery. Not only trying to make a big structure, but also to create an
experience to the viewer, all of this using different visual effects. The main dome
creates an abundance of light, but as it says Procopius no light and gloom,
because not all the spaces have this abundance of light; some, because of the
size, fall into the shadows and mystery. Another aspect in space is that the
church doesnt expands from everywhere or at random, its carefully organized;
the organization makes possible the emphasis of other elements besides de
principal dome, like the central nave or the arches in the interior.
The cathedral was the basis for many other works around Europe and the Middle
East. As I mentioned in part one way how to build. The centrality of the plant
used is exploited later in other works around the world to highlight, illuminate and
give an upward look.


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PROCOPIUS BUILDINGS. [ONLINE] Available at:*.html. [Last

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