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God may have made you free but until it is announced in a way that "those that think they

understand then criminal henchman may not be able to recognize your freedom.

This document is to lawfully filed and recorded in the courts and made part of the public record.

A Declaration of Sovereignty and

On this day: [DD Month YYYY], I, [First Name]-[Middle Name]: [Last Name] of sound mind
and body, hereby assert my sovereignty and independence, as my unalienable right under the law
given to man by the One True Living God. The term “man” implies and includes woman. Under
the universally recognized and self-evident Supreme Law and by the Supreme Authority of the
One True Living God, I am at liberty to exercise all my rights and reserve all my rights endowed
to me by my creator. I now exercise and invoke all remedies restoring me to my God given
liberated state and free myself of all encumbrances overt, covert or implied. I hereby declare the

I understand my obligations regarding the Covenant set forth by the One True Living God and
comply with the terms of the Covenant and understand the law given by the One True Living

Within this declaration the term "contract" is taken to mean any written, implied or spoken
agreement that carries with it binding terms and conditions. In addition I hereby exercise my
remedy under all fictions of law and UCC 1-207 as follows:

The Code is complementary to the Common Law, which remains in force, except where
displaced by the Code. A statute should be construed in harmony with the Common Law, unless
there is a clear legislative intent to abrogate the Common Law.

I cannot, shall not or am not bound to any terms or conditions of any colorable contract made by
me, either in the past or in the future, entered into by me with any man, person, human being,
agency or government and no man, person, human being, government or agency has the power
or right to deprive me of my remedy.

All binding contracts of a non-colorable nature are null and void and shall be subject to re-
negotiation and re-acknowledgment by me.

I do not accept any encumbrance or obligations that results from any "Fiction of Law" nor do I
recognize fictions or colorable commodities, laws, principles or the terms or conditions of any
contracts for fictions as binding.

Any and all contracts both verbal and written, either overt, covert or implied, made by me in the
past, present or future shall be viewed under the eyes of the law as entered into under duress,
against my will and the will of the One True Living God with the following exception:

I shall be held blameless and immune to all implied criminality and penalty for non-compliance
of any contract either through my entry into the contract or as a specified term or condition or
other violation of colorable law, perjury or otherwise, in any contracts and shall be judged as
entered into by me as under duress.

I do not recognize any authority other than my Creator, the One True Living God. Any injury,
violation or trespass either direct or indirect, conscious or unconscious; against my person, my
body, my family, my friends, and property owned by the same, by any man, person, human
being, government or agency shall be deemed for the purposes of judicial remedy as a crime
against the One True Living God and this declaration shall serve as a warning to all people,
regardless of their acknowledgment or acceptance of this declaration, as ignorance of the law is
no excuse.

Let it be known that no man, person, human being, government or agency shall have the power
to infringe any of my rights endowed to me by my creator and to do so by any man, person,
human being, government or agency shall be judged as a crime against the One True Living God.

Let it be known to all men, persons, human beings, governments or agencies that any document
directing, implying or proving ownership of property to me, shall hereby regard me as a
sovereign and in no way will be construed or imply that I am a corporation or other entity of
color. Any said documents having words, images, incorrect name references or punctuation
proclaiming or implying that I am not a sovereign shall be considered, typographically, in error.
Any man, person, human being, government or agency proclaiming or implying that I am a
corporation shall be in error and these said proclamations or implications shall be judged as a
crime against the One True Living God.

Any libel, slander, defamation or mischaracterizations of my person, my body, my actions, my

property, my character or my intentions by any man, person, human being, government or
agency shall be judged as a crime against the One True Living God. I assert my God given right
to be judged by my peers in a real court of common law for any transgression alleged against me.
The term "real" being defined as recognized, ordained and sanctioned by the One True Living
God. My peers shall be required, to be themselves sovereign. My peers shall also understand and
be bound to the covenant required by the One True Living God and understand the basic law
regarding their continued sovereignty.

This declaration does not expire and shall not be amended by any human being or anything other
than myself.

As this right and all my rights are held to be self-evident, this declaration requires no permission
by any man, person, human being, government or agency and shall stand unimpeded, un-
infringed and unchallenged.

I, [First Name]-[Middle Name]: [Last Name], under the authority of the One True Living God
make this declaration binding and this declaration shall be considered by all people as being in

[First Name]-[Middle Name]: [Last Name]


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