Advanced English II Essay

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Advanced English II

Use of Technology Not Stop Being Human

Present by
Julieth Lorena Malaver Snchez

Universidad Santo Toms de Aquino

Degree foreign in Language English


It is said that since man appeared the technology exists, it, seen as one of the
most useful tools for humans, helping in various every day, work and especially
work on improving communications. According to this as evolution, progress
and scope that has had so far, has other effects that benefit but also harm both
personal, social, educational, employment and family level.
Good management of this tool makes the human being is enriched and become
one of the powerhouses of knowledge, but as named above, technology has
brought about effects although it is known to have impaired social relationships
within the same family and be the same person individuality link.
Currently it is all technology, there are many people who can`t imagine the
world without a cell phone, without a technological artifact, creating addiction to
be in constant contact and leaving behind as the background training as a
person, such as growth and that relates interacts with the world in which it
operates, turn inward in their technology having an unrealistic idea of
communication while empty.
Long ago the family ties were apparent very strengthened, networks formed by
contact, speech, gestural communication, presence and conversation, now lives
in a virtual world, a world in which new generations are growing through a
screen, where human development is lagging behind. Now the relations are
filed by social networks, showing your life without having the same privacy that
you once had and becoming a danger to himself, by the amount of people who
can access this type of information, there is talk of Facebook, twitter, Instagram,
YouTube, WhatsApp, line, viber, Skype and others.
According Nachyelli Buitron 1"Life flows every day, sometimes without
being aware of everything that comes with it. For some, greet us and
give us a good morning kiss, is the food of our soul to continue; for
others, have a good job, good economic position and family, is enough
and to others, is to know that we can be close to ours with the simple
click of a computer mouse.
For each and every one of us, we have established the priorities and that
is one aspect that we cant judge. However, we cant deny the influence
of technology has invariably changed our perception of life.

Mtra. Nachyelli Buitrn Morales

Catedrtica del Departamento de Letras del ITESM Campus Estado de Mxico, Mxico.Fernndez Collado, Carlos
(1996) La comunicacin humana: Ciencia Social. Mxico: McGraw Hill, 468 p.
McLuhan M.l y B.R. Powers (1993) La Aldea Global. (2 ed.) Barcelona: Gedisa, 203 p.
Negroponte, N. (1997) Ser Digital. Mxico: Ocano: c1996, 261 p.
Pacey, A. (1983). La cultura de la tecnologa. Mxico: Fondo de Cultura Econmica. Captulo 2. (pp. 30-65)
Prez de Cullar, J. (1997). Nuestra diversidad cultural. Informe de la Comisin Mundial de Cultura y Desarrollo.
Mxico: Ediciones UNESCO.

Technology is part of our lives and this, no doubt. Daily use means of
transport to get to our destination; use the phone to make a personal or
business call; send a fax to someone located in another building or to
another state; wrote an "e-mail" to communicate with our colleagues, our
friends or our family; and so we can mention a variety of technologies
that live with us.
Therefore reference to the multiple consequences that technology brings
to daily life is done, the priorities of the individual today wants to acquire
are based on the latest technological innovations in the market and leave
behind what really matters is the interaction with the other. Thus it does
not mean that these advances are bad, you want to make known what is
being lost and that it is essential to grow as people.

Knowing handle these tools gives rise to complement and make our work more
efficient, not to mention that there is a being who needs the other and that not
everything can be technology.
The vast majority of people have forgotten essential life activities such as
sports, go to meetings with family, with friends, and is evident in the lack of
health studies, high levels of physical inactivity and non-diseases are being
generated because of the addiction that has these new creations to be as useful
have made man a slave, and that in the future will dispense with its services
that it gets a robotic world in which the ability human will be replaced.
Currently example is taken from the fact that is no longer necessary to use
physical books, colors, pens, booklets, drafts and other materials formerly used
to enter a classroom, teachers or guardians are becoming animators and
motivating the learning process and not the bearer of knowledge, libraries are
increasingly empty, there is little work, knowing that everything can be easily
found in the stations programming the computer with wedges, songs and
programs have been prerecorded and simply clicking the presence of the
speaker or Dj is no longer necessary.
Finally, care must be taken with the use of this tool to be as efficient can be
counterproductive to personal, family and social life, we must make good use of
it as to not, integrity as people can be affected in all aspects. It is for this reason
that we recommend using the technology still human.

Mtra. Nachyelli Buitrn Morales
Catedrtica del Departamento de Letras del ITESM Campus Estado de Mxico,
Fernndez Collado, Carlos (1996) La comunicacin humana: Ciencia

Social. Mxico: McGraw Hill, 468 p.

McLuhan M.l y B.R. Powers (1993) La Aldea Global. (2 ed.) Barcelona:
Gedisa, 203 p.
Negroponte, N. (1997) Ser Digital. Mxico: Ocano: c1996, 261 p.
Pacey, A. (1983). La cultura de la tecnologa. Mxico: Fondo de Cultura
Econmica. Captulo 2. (pp. 30-65)
Prez de Cullar, J. (1997). Nuestra diversidad cultural. Informe de la
Comisin Mundial de Cultura y Desarrollo. Mxico: Ediciones UNESCO.

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