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Under Jurisdiction of Dean (or VC) of:

Supervisors Title:

Academic Coordinator[s] administer academic programs that provide

service closely related to the teaching or research mission of the
University. This service may be provided to academic departments, to
students, or to the general public. The duties of an Academic
Coordinator are primarily administrative.[T]he program[administered]
must be fundamentally academic in nature, involving University research
activities or activities requiring judgements related to University
instruction. APM 375-4 (This section of the APM is available on-line at .)

The following questions are designed to assist evaluators in appropriately classifying
this position. In no more than six pages please provide narrative answers to the six
broad organizing questions asked below. Immediately following each organizing
question is a series of more focused questions that serve to illustrate the broader topic.
They should be answered in the narrative only if they are relevant to the position.
The appropriate classification for the position will be determined from the
information provided in response to all the organizing questions. No single question
is determinative in deciding upon the classification.
To the extent that these questions do not seem to fit an individual situation, please
provide a full or supplementary description of the position in 6.b.
Please treat this questionnaire as a cover sheet and append the narrative answers.

What is the mission of this unit and how does the Academic Coordinator
contribute to it?
An example of a unit is a research institute or center. It would not normally be a department,
school or college, unless the Academic Coordinator is serving the whole of one of these.


How complex are the responsibilities of this position?



To what extent does this position shape the academic content of this units output?
What is the number and character of the programs run by this Academic Coordinator? How
dissimilar are they from one another?
What constituencies are served by this (these) program(s) and/or this Academic Coordinator?
Are these constituencies located within the University, in the region or in the rest of the
nation/ world? What is the impact of the Academic Coordinators work on these
constituencies? (Committee work could be included as part of the answer to these questions.)
What kinds of problems does the occupant of this position need to solve?

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What financial responsibilities are associated with this position?




To what larger entity (department, school, college, division) does this unit report?
To whom does this position report, what is the payroll title of the supervisor(s), what
percentage of that supervisors FTE is devoted to managing the unit, and how frequent and
detailed is the supervision usually expected to be?
How many employees are supervised by this Academic Coordinator (both head count and
FTE) and how diverse are their duties?
Whom else does this position coordinate, monitor, or advise in a non-supervisory capacity?
In what ways? What is (are) the title(s) of these people within the organization? (For
example, the Academic Coordinator might coordinate independent researcher or GSRs in
their access to, and appropriate use of, unit equipment.)

What qualifications are necessary to this job?



What is the responsibility of the holder of this position for generating the funds that support
the program(s) it runs?
If this position manages a budget what is its size?
How many separate fund sources support the program(s) in the charge of this Academic
Coordinator? What discretion does the Academic Coordinator have as to what is charged to
each fund and the movement of resources between them? Who else is responsible for the
financial management of this (these) fund(s)?

Who is accountable to whom in this position?



Provide examples if unusual originality or creativity is required on an on-going basis for the
successful execution of the duties associated with this position.
To what extent (if any) does this position require long-term planning, including the
development of new programs or the significant revision of existing ones?
If there are near term and firm plans that would significantly expand the responsibilities of
this position, please include this information in answering the preceding sub-questions.

What professional qualifications and/or level of experience are necessary for the successful
performance of the duties associated with this position?
What degree of continuing professional practice and/or development (including independent
research and/or publication), beyond the above specified duties of the position, will be
necessary to success in this position over the long run?

What is the formal relationship of this position to the organization?


Submit an organization chart of the full unit in which this Academic Coordinator is (to be)
employed, including the job classification and FTE of the units various positions.
If the organization chart and the rest of the narrative do not fully convey the way in which the
position helps the unit fulfill its mission, please provide the needed additional information.


Academic Coordinator

Dean or Vice-Chancellor

Supervisor (Add the unit

director as well if different)


Send completed and fully signed questionnaire to Academic Personnel Office, 127 California Hall, MC # 1502.

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