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Visiting Paris museums and monuments are the things you most want to do here.

However, they can be crowded,

overwhelming, and expensive. Here are 10 insider tips to make it smooth,efficient, and sometimes cheaper.
1. Go at Night
Some of the larger museums are open at night.
The Louvre- Wednesday & Friday till 10PM( but they start chasing you out by 9:30PM)
DOrsay- Thursday till 9:45
Quai de Branly- Thursday till 9:30PM
Palais de Tokio- 11:30PM every night except Monday
2. Go Early
The Louvre opens at 9AM, so be an early bird and catch the Mona Lisa first. Be careful thought because Toursit groups are
likely to go to the museum in the morning.
3. Buy Advance Tickets or a Museum Pass
You can buy advanced tickets in person or on the internet for most museums, monuments, and exhibits at Fnac.
Museum Pass-If you plan on going to at least 2 museums a day, than a pass is a no-brainer and you cut through the lines.
Passes are good at over 60 museums & monuments in Paris & surrounding areas.
2 day Pass- 42 euros
4 Day Pass-56 euros
6 day Pass-69 euros
Available at most museums. Also available at the Tourist Information desk at the airport.
Click here for official site
You can also order in advance and have passes delivered to your home or hotel for an additional cost.
4. Fast Louvre Tickets
Inside the Carrousel de Louvre (the shopping mall in the Louvre) there is a Tabac that sells tickets.Closed on Tuesdays.
5. Metro Stop for the Louvre
The metro stop is Palais Royal-Musee de Louvre off the 1 & 9 lines, not the Louvre-Rivoli stop.
6. Free Admission
Many Paris museums are free on the first Sunday of the month. Click here for the list.
It is also possible to have free admission for some museum if you enter in some criterias such as:
-Being under 25 years old and from the European Union
- Being under 18 years old
7. Small Museums with Free Admission
Some of the best Paris museums are small gems with free admission.
Click here for list-
8. Fastest Entry to Eiffel Tower
The fastest way to get into the Eiffel Tower and by pass the lines, is to make reservations at Altitude 95 restaurant on the first
Call Altitude 95 @ 01 45 55 20 04 and make reservations as far in advance as possible .Ask for window seats. Average
price per meal :50 euros per person.
When you arrive, go to kiosk on the left between the legs of the tower, when you are facing the front.
9. Guided Tours of Louvre, DOrsay, & Versailles
The most informative and efficient way to see The Louvre, DOrsay, & Versailles is to go on a private or group tour.
Group Tours Given by the Museum
Louvre- Tours are in English and last 90 minutes.
Times: 11AM, 2PM, & 3:45PM everyday except Sundays & Tuesdays.
Cost: 5 euros in addition to entry fee.

Musee DOrsay- Tours are in English and last 90 minutes.

Times: 11:30AM &2:30PM everyday except Monday.
Cost: 7.50 euros in addition to entry fee.
Versailles- Tours of private rooms are in English and last 90 minutes.
Times: 11AM, 1PM, 2PM, & 3:45PM everyday.
Cost: 7.50 euros in addition to entry fee.
10. Best View of Paris-Bell Tower at Notre Dame
Climb 250 steps up the bell tower and see where Quasimodo rang those bells. Most experts and historians say this is the
best view of Paris, showing mostly the older part of the city.
Hungry? One of the most beautiful lunch spots in all of Paris is the restaurant at the Musee D'Orsay. The setting is elegant
and the food is delicious, reservations aren't required. Even if you don't want to visit the museum, guards will grant restaurant
visitors access at the entrance of the museum. It is a short walk from the Louvre and the Orangerie.
Not far from the Pompidou and Picasso museums is the Musee de la Chasse which is dedicated to hunting in France.
Housed in a three story mansion, the staff is particulary welcoming, the collection eclectic and sumptuous. More off-thebeaten path museums can be found at
You can also find private tour of areas with which you can have a cut-the-line ticket to museum, like the Impressionist Tour of
Montmartrewith a ticket for Orsay Museum or a Marais Tour with cut-the-line tickets for the newly opened Picasso Museum.
This is really intersting because you can earn lot of time by doing so, for the line can be very long, especially during holidays
or week-end!
If you know where to look, it can be quite cheap to eat in Paris. For lunch - stop at any of the bakeries you pass. Grab a ham
and cheese sandwich, or a quiche with a bottle of water and eat on a park bench. Same thing for breakfast, just stop into any
of the bakeries, or even one of the grocey stores and pick up something quick and easy.
The Marais has quite a few street vendors where you can pick up a quick and cheap lunch or snack.

Grocery Stores and Ready-To-Eat Food

Grocery stores are a good way of feeding yourself. Making your own sandwiches is the cheapest way of eating. The
boulangeries (bakeries) are the best places to get bread. There are cheese shops, then meats shops, to fill in the rest.
Outdoor markets, selling fruits, veg, meats, cheese, etc are readily available all over the city. They seem to set up one or two
days per week, so the trick is to find out what day / location the market will be present. A neighborhood market schedule can
be found at
As for cheap ready-to-eat stores ( i.e. if you are familiar with London, then Paris used to be quite a shock in terms of the
absence of similar grocery stores with ready-to-eat food), but in the last three years thing have changed.
You'll find dailies called Monop' (small version of the Monoprix supermarkets) where you can buy sandwiches, drinks, salads,
etc... and even eat on site. Also some "healthy fast foods such asBert's and Cojean can, be found almost everywhere now.
Same concept as a McDonalds, but with healthy salads, sandwiches, soups rather than fat hamburgers.


If the weather is nice, why not do a picnic? Paris offers a lot of nice places where to do so: the Champ de Mars near the
Eiffel Tower, the Jardin des Tuileries, the quais along the Seine, the Parc de Bercy, the Jardin Andr Citron and of
course the Bois de Boulogne or the Bois de Vincennes.
You can buy cheap food at any food stores ( Monoprix, Franprix, Huit Huit, Shoppy, G20), and there you will also find
bags that keep your food cool (those ones used for frozen food).
Crepe stands are everywhere and provide nourishment for the health nut (fill it with egg and cheese) or can satisfy the sweet
tooth (nutella, jam and butter). Some are made with buckwheat and can take the place of lunch. They range in price from 2
euros to 5.
If you want to make it typically French, buy a saucisson (dry sausage) some pat or rillettes, some good cheese,
cherry tomatoes and fruits and buy one or two fresh French baguettes. And do not forget a good bottle of wine, the
plastic glasses to go with and of course a bottle opener!

Free every day, all year round

Free permanent collections

Muse d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris

11, avenue du Prsident Wilson, Paris 16th - Metro Ina

Maison de Balzac (free admission to the collections, except during temporary exhibition periods)
47, rue Raynouard, Paris 16th - Metro Passy

Muse Bourdelle (free admission to only a part of the collections during exhibitions)
16, rue Antoine Bourdelle, Paris 15th - Metro Montparnasse - Bienvene

Muse Carnavalet - Histoire de Paris

23, rue de Svign, Paris 3rd - Metro Saint-Paul Chemin Vert

Muse Cernuschi
7, avenue Velasquez, Paris 8th - Metro Villiers

Muse Cognacq-Jay (free admission to only a part of the collections during exhibitions)
Htel Donon - 8, rue Elzvir, Paris 3th - Metro Saint-Paul

Petit Palais, Muse des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris

Avenue Winston Churchill, Paris 8th - Metro Champs-Elyses - Clemenceau

Maison de Victor Hugo

Htel de Rohan-Gumne - 6, place des Vosges, Paris 4th - Metro Bastille

Muse de la Vie Romantique

16, rue Chaptal, Paris 9th - Metro Pigalle
Free entry

Muse national de la Lgion d'honneur et des ordres de chevalerie

2, rue de la Lgion d'honneur, Paris 7th - Metro Solfrino

Muse Bible et Terre Sainte

Institut Catholique de Paris - 21, rue d'Assas, Paris 6th - Metro Rennes

Muse Librairie du Compagnonnage

10, rue Mabillon, Paris 6th - Metro Saint-Germain-des-Prs

Muse Curie (Institut du radium)

11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5th - Metro Cardinal Lemoine / Place Monge

Muse du Parfum-Fragonard
9 rue Scribe, Paris 9th - Metro Opra

Thtre muse des Capucines-Fragonard

39, boulevard des Capucines, Paris 2nd - Metro Opra

Muse de la Prfecture de Police

Htel de Police du Ve arrondissement - 4, rue de la Montagne Sainte-Genevive, Paris 5th - Metro Maubert - Mutualit

Arnes de Lutce
47, rue Monge, Paris 5th - Metro Cardinal Lemoine

Atelier Brancusi - Muse national d'art moderne - Centre Pompidou

Place Georges Pompidou / Rue Saint Martin, Paris 4th - Metro Rambuteau

Le Plateau Centre dart contemporain

Place Hannah Arendt, angle des rues des Alouettes et Carducci, Paris 19th - Metro Buttes-Chaumont Jourdain

Muse Zadkine (free admission to the collections, except during temporary exhibition periods)
100bis, rue d'Assas, Paris 6th - Metro Notre-Dame-des-Champs

Muse d'Ennery (free entry (advance booking required) on Saturdays)

59, avenue Foch, Paris 16th - Metro Porte Dauphine

Muse national de l'Air et de l'Espace

Aroport le Bourget, 93 - RER Le Bourget

Free on 1st Sunday of the month, all year round

In Paris:

Muse national d'art moderne - Centre Pompidou

Place Georges Pompidou, Paris 4th - Metro Htel de Ville / Chtelet - Les Halles
Muse de l'Assistance Publique - Hpitaux de Paris (closed for renovation work until 2016)
Htel de Miramion - 47, quai de la Tournelle, Paris 5th - Metro Maubert - Mutualit / Saint-Michel - Notre-Dame
Muse des Arts et Mtiers
60, rue Raumur, Paris 16th - Metro Arts et Mtiers
Muse de la Chasse et de la Nature
Htel de Mongelas - 62, rue des Archives, Paris 3rd - Metro Htel de Ville / Chtelet - Les Halles
Muse national Eugne Delacroix

6 rue de Furstenberg, Paris 6th - Metro Saint-Germain-des-Prs / Saint-Michel - Notre-Dame

Muse national Gustave Moreau
14, rue de la Rochefoucauld, Paris 9th - Metro Trinit
Muse national Ernest Hbert (closed for renovation work)
Htel de Montmorency-Bours - 85, rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris 6th - Metro Vaneau
Muse national Jean-Jacques Henner (closed for renovation work until Novembrer 2015)
43, avenue de Villiers, Paris 17th - Metro Malesherbes
Muse national du Moyen ge - Thermes de Cluny
6, place Paul Painlev, Paris 5th - Metro Cluny - La Sorbonne / Saint-Michel - Notre-Dame
Muse national de l'Orangerie
Jardin des Tuileries, Paris 1st - Metro Concorde
Muse d'Orsay
1, rue de la Lgion d'Honneur, Paris 7th - Metro Solfrino / Muse d'Orsay
Muse national Picasso (closed for renovation work until 24 October 2014)
Htel Sal - 5, rue de Thorigny, Paris 3rd - Metro Saint-Paul / Chtelet - Les Halles
Cit de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine
Palais de Chaillot - 1, place du Trocadro et du 11 novembre, Paris 16th - Metro Trocadro / Champ de Mars - Tour Eiffel
Cit nationale de lhistoire de limmigration
293, avenue Daumesnil, Paris 12th - Metro Porte Dore
Muse du Quai Branly
37, quai Branly Portail Debilly, Paris 7th - Metro Alma - Marceau / Pont de l'Alma
Muse Rodin
79, rue de Varenne, Paris 7th - Metro Varenne / Invalides
In Ile-de-France:
Muse d'Archologie nationale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Place Charles de Gaulle, 78 - RER Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Muse dpartemental Albert-Kahn
14, rue du Port, 92 - Metro Boulogne - Pont de Saint-Cloud
Maison d'Auguste Rodin Meudon
19, avenue Auguste Rodin, 92 - Metro Mairie dIssy
Muse des annes 30
28, avenue Andr-Morizet, 92 - Metro Marcel Sembat
Muse national du Chteau de Compigne
Place du Gnral de Gaulle, 60
Muse franco-amricain du Chteau de Blrancourt (closed for renovation work until 2016)
Chteau de Blrancourt, 02
More info on Muse franco-amricain du Chteau de Blrancourt
Muse national de Port-Royal des Champs
Route des Granges, 78 - RER Saint-Rmy-ls-Chevreuse
Muse national des chteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Prau (Chteau de Bois-Prau: closed for renovation
Avenue du Chteau, 92 - RER Rueil Malmaison
Svres - Cit de la Cramique
Place de la Manufacture, 92 - Pont de Svres
Muse national de la Renaissance - Chteau d'Ecouen
Chteau d'Ecouen, 95 - Garges - Sarcelles
Muse dpartemental Maurice Denis
2bis, rue Maurice Denis, 78 - RER Saint-Germain-en-Laye
More info on the Muse dpartemental Maurice Denis
Muse franais de la Carte jouer
16, rue Auguste Gervais, 92 - Metro Mairie d'Issy

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