Common Database Assignmnt Criterias

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Unit Title: Data Analysis & Design

Assessment Criteria
P1 Understand data models and
database technology

Possible evidence

P1.1. Provide evidence to support an

understanding of different data models.
Compare and contrast different data
model structures.

Critical explanation about data models structures, a

compare and contrast among them and an explanation
about how they benefit database development should be
give. Also a deep explanation about different data models
applicable to the given scenario with reasons should be
visible. (Task 1.1)
Critically compare the advantages and disadvantages of
the different database technologies. (Task 1.2)

P 1.2. Critically discuss the benefits

and limitations of different database
P 1.3. Analyze different approaches to Analyze about different database design approaches. (Task
database design
P2. Be able to design and implement
relational database systems

Design a relational database system to meet a given

requirements in above case study. (Task 2.1)

P 2.1. Design a relational database

system to meet a given requirement
P 2.2. Build a relational database
system based on a prepared design

Convert the relational mapping schemas into a database by

using a query language (Task 2.4)

P 2.3. Apply a range of database tools

and techniques to enhance the user
P3. Be able to use manipulation and
querying tools
P 3.1. Explain the benefits of using

Convert the logical model (ERD) into a database by using

a query language. (Task 2.5)
Explain the benefits of using manipulation and query tools
in a relational database system (Task 3.1)



manipulation and query tools in a

relational database system
P 3.2. Implement a query language
into the relational database system

Write following SQL queries to display results. (Task 3.2)

P 3.3. Critically evaluate how

meaningful data has been extracted
through the use of query tools
P4. Be able to test and document
relational database systems

Evaluate how meaningful data has been extracted through

the use of query tools (Task 3.3)

P 4.1. Critically review and test a

relational database system
P 4.2. Create documentation to support
the implementation and testing of a
relational database system
P 4.3. Create user documentation for a
developed relational database system

Evaluate a range of testing techniques and applies one to

your own database design (Task 4.1)
Provide documentation to
implementation. (Task 4.2)




Create user documentation for a developed relational

database system. (Task 4.3)

P 4.4. Explain how verification and

validation has been addressed

Demonstrate ways in which the database has considered

the areas of verification and validation. (Task 4.4)

P 4.5. Explain how control

mechanisms have been used

How you can implement the database to minimize errors at

the input and data integrity. (Task 4.5)

Grade Description Merit

Possible evidence
M1. Identify and apply strategies to M1.1. Effective Judgments have been made in identifying
find appropriate solutions
proper solutions for the scenarios given.
M1.2.Complex problems with more than one variable have
been explored
M1.3. An effective approach to study and research has
been applied to identify and explain tasks
apply M 2.1. Relevant theories and techniques have been applied
in creating designs, developing and testing the databases.
appropriate methods/techniques
M2.2. A range of methods and techniques have been applied
M2.3 A range of sources of information has been used
M 2.4. The selection of methods and techniques has to be
justified in best way
M2.5 The design of methods/techniques has been justified
M2.6 Complex information/data has been synthesized and
M2.7 Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been


M3. Present and communicate M 3.1. The appropriate structure and approach has been
used according to assignment written document given with
appropriate findings
assignment set
M3.2 Coherent, logical development of principles/concepts
for the intended audience
M 3.3.A ranges of methods of presentation have been used
and technical language has been accurately used. Submit the
assignments on or before due date specified and the 80%
attendance for classes.
M3.4 The communication is appropriate for familiar and
unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used.

Grade Description Distinction

Possible evidence

D1. Use critical reflection to evaluate

own work and justify valid D 1.1.Conclusions have been arrived at thorough synthesis
when designing, developing and testing databases and they
have been justified.
D.1.2 The validity of results has been evaluated using
defined criteria
D.1.3 Self-criticism of approach has taken place
D1.4 Realistic improvements have been proposed against
defined characteristics for success
D 2.1 Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated
D2. Take responsibility for managing
and organizing activities.

D 2.2. Substantial activities, projects or investigations have

been planned, managed and organized
D.2.3 Activities have been managed
D.2.4 the unforeseen has been accommodated
D.2.5 The importance of interdependence has been
recognized and achieved



D3. Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ D 3.1 Ideas have been generated and decisions taken
creative thinking
D.3.2. Self-evaluation has taken place
D.3.3. Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied
D.3.4 Problems have been solved
D.3.5. Innovation and creative thought have been applied
D.3.6. Receptiveness to new ideas is evident
D.3.7. Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar

Tutors general comments and assignment feedback



Development needs

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