VecLife Spring 2015

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Achieving Through Believing

VEC life

Termly Newsletter of news and events for parents, our patrons and supporters.

Inside This Issue


All The Latest News 1 to 9

The Sports Report
Apps Amazing!
Faith Group News 12 to 13
Eco News
Performing Arts
14 to 15
Spectrum Festi News
Classroom Catch-up 17 to 23
Back Page

News In Brief
Thank you to Keith Miller
and the staff of The
Co-Operative in
Southbourne for collecting
for us over the past year.
They have raised a
fantastic 550 which will go
towards purchasing
equipment for our
hydrotherapy pool.
Explorers raised 83.45 for
our school toilet twinning
initiative. Tasty treats were
sold over one break time
much to the delight of the
Victorias toilet twinning
appeal has raised a grand
total of 341.65. Well done
to Jen Williams, her team
and everyone who helped
raise this money. The
money will go to improving
sanitary conditions for those
in desperate poverty.
61 was raised for FOVEC
by a Valentines raffle run by
Chris on reception.
FOVEC are planning a craft
Fayre this year to take
place on Saturday 13th
June. Details are a little
sketchy at the moment but
it will be on our all weather
pitch weather permitting.
For the full details keep an
eye on our Facebook page.

Merlins Magic Transforms VEC

Its been a little bit of an open secret at
Victoria but over the past few months
Merlins Magic Wand, the worldwide
childrens charity have been busy
bringing their special brand of magic to
our school. Merlins Magic Wand is a
unique charitable organisation which was
set up in 2008 by Merlin Entertainments
to deliver magical experiences to
seriously ill, disabled and disadvantaged
children across the world. Some
children, due to the nature of their illness
or disability, are physically unable to visit
Merlin attractions, this is why they invest
in taking the magic to the Children. They
want to ensure that local children who
are prevented from visiting their
attractions due to severe illness, physical
disability or other exceptional
circumstances still have the opportunity
to experience the unique magic of
Merlin. Shortly before our new
hydrotherapy pool was complete we
made a bid to Merlin to ask them if they
would come and transform our swimming
pool changing rooms into something

FOVECs Easter raffle

under way and has raised
210 to date.

The Earl of Shaftesbury with Mr Brown

wonderful. Our bid was successful and

Merlins Magic Wand went one better by
not only transforming our changing
rooms but also the corridor leading to it.
After months of hard work by their
dedicated design team the project was
completed and we held a launch event.
"Merlin has made the changing
rooms into a magical experience
for children. It was
heart-warming to see how a
simple idea can have such a huge

The Earl of Shaftesbury

The Earl of Shaftesbury and football
legend Harry Redknapp attended along
with dignitaries from Merlins themselves,
Morgan Sindall and the schools
governing board. After keynote speeches
from Sandra Hazel and Gordon Mutton
from Merlins and Headteacher Simon
Brown, student Joanne Sibley performed
the opening ceremony. As you will see
from the photographs Merlins Magic
Wand have miraculously transformed
these environments and really have
brought magic to our students swimming
experience. We cannot thank Merlins
Magic Wand enough but Im sure that the
reactions of our students will be thanks

VECLife Spring 2015


Magic, Technology
and Progress... By Kate Baldwin
As this Spring term comes to an end we can look
back on a very busy and productive couple of
months and look forward to the Easter break!
We have enjoyed a wide variety of events over the
term including another great performance by the
English Touring Opera who returned with
Waxwings, an interactive opera about a young boy
who loved birds. We celebrated World Book Day in
style and as a legacy we now have some amazing
Storysacks produced by the classes. Students in
Furzey class had a fantastic life skills opportunity
when Morebus provided us with a stationary bus at
school so that the students could practice boarding,
leaving, and familiarize themselves with the process
of travelling by bus.

Our new story corner

have already seen the corridor area being

used by students who are loving the beach
theme and interactive fish pool.

Technology at VEC continues to progress with

iPads being used more in classes, Xbox
Kinect sensors promoting engagement,
interaction and movement and our new LEAP
We also have Creative Arts Week underway which motion sensor being trialled with some
students. Inside this edition you will find
is based on the theme of Wonders of the
World. This years focus is more on arts and crafts, another Apps Amazing, reviewing apps which
and there will be a variety of different activities and support communication as well as a report on
eSafety that we hope you will find useful.
workshops for students to take part in. (Ive heard
on the grapevine that there may even be some
chocolate themed crafts which I am trying to get in This edition of VEC Life is full of the
usual tales of trips out, adventures, fund
raising and student achievements. I hope you
enjoy finding out what we have been up to!
Merlins Magic Wand have been in to work their
Wishing you all a restful, relaxing and fun
magic on the swimming pool changing rooms and
Easter break.
corridor leading to the pool. The work they have
done is fantastic and a real benefit to the school. I

International Schools Award for VEC

We are very pleased to announce that we have been
awarded the Intermediate International School Award
Certificate. The assessors commented on our
application and have written:
This is an outstanding application and a credit to
your school. It clearly demonstrates your
commitment to international education and to
wishing to embed the international dimension into
your curriculum.
The next step is to gain the International School
Award accreditation and we have submitted an action
plan to lead us towards this next level.

Morgan Sindall Gifts TV

VECLife Spring 2015

Steve Plumb and Ben Lyne from the Morgan Sindall

Group visited in January to officially hand over some
amazing equipment donated to one of our Childrens
Home lounges. A state of the art Smart HD 3D TV
with a sound bar and a 3D Blue Ray player replete
with four pairs of 3D glasses. The money was raised
through a Morgan Sindall donation initiative and the
equipment was supplied and fitted by George Fry of
Bournemouth. The students were thrilled with the new
equipment and immediately tuned in to the football!
A massive thanks to everyone at Morgan Sindall from
everyone at Victoria.
Steve, Ben and Sue with some grateful students.

VEC Holds Safer Surfing Day

Tuesday 10th February was Safer Internet Day at Victoria. Classes
LB, CN, BE, Arne and Pergins have all taken part in eSafety
workshops using CEOP resources to promote safe practise online
and to highlight the good things about the internet as well as raising
awareness of the dangers. Students took an active role in
discussions with their peers, and viewed some of the CEOP short
films (which can also be found on Youtube). Some of the younger
students also played games which helped to promote safe internet
use. If you are interested you can find out more about what CEOP
does by Visiting:

A Magic Day Out

By Amy Hunt

Merlins Magic Wand is a worldwide charity whose

aim is to put some magic back into the lives of
seriously ill, disabled and disadvantaged children. As
you know they have recently transformed our
swimming pool environment and changing rooms. As
a result of the links we have formed we were able to
take two students, Joanne and Jacob, to Merlin
studios in London.
These studios are the home of the creative geniuses
known as the Merlin Magic Makers and we were very
fortunate to be able to spend a day in their creative
They had a fantastic day and were treated like VIPs.
They were taken to the moulding room where Joanne
and Jacob both had the star treatment and had their
arms cast as wax works just as many celebrities
have done before them! Joanne was very excited to
see the waxwork of Liam from One Directions head,
and even managed to give him a sneaky kissthe
highlight of Joannes day!
During a full tour around the studios they were able to
see the full process of creating a waxwork including
seeing various famous figures in different points of

Joanne, Jacob, Eddie and me with the creative

geniuses of Merlins Magic Wand.

completion. They also spent an hour with

four rollercoaster designers who were able
to show them the secrets behind the
creation of some of the best known
rollercoasters they were taken through
the process of creating Smiler from start to
finish and the students were able to
experience the feeling of being on a
rollercoaster whilst sat in the meeting room
thanks to the Oculus technology headset
which Jacob particularly enjoyed.
Huge thanks to Elly and Sarah from Merlin
for an incredible day out.

Thrills and Spills!

Three lucky students, Dan, Harry and Jacob
went to visit Airkix in Basingstoke in January
for what turned out to be an unforgettable
experience. Funded by our friends Coles
Miller and the Parkstone Golf Club the boys
got the chance to experience indoor skydiving.
Airkix use a wind tunnel that circulates air into
a flight chamber which creates a kind of
weightlessness which in turn feels very much
like hurtling through the air as if skydiving.
None of our students have experienced
anything quite like it before and were totally

VECLife Spring 2015

Yes, its every bit as fun as it looks!

Meanwhile another intrepid group headed to the

SkiPlex indoor ski slope which is housed in the same
complex for some indoor tobogganing.
Jacob, Amar and Spencer experienced the thrills and
occasionally the spills of this fun sport. We would like
to thank Coles Miller and the Parkstone Golf Club for
making this special day possible and also a huge
thanks to Tracy and the staff at Airkix and to Shelly
and her staff at SkiPlex for their professionalism.
Jacob and Amar ready to roll.

Father Stephen Moves On

Father Stephen leaves St

Aldhelms Church this Easter,
VEC Highlights ESafety
moving to Burton Bradstock. He
At our recent Parents evening we showcased
has been a good friend to the
Victorias commitment to Esafety and
school in quiet, unobtrusive ways
demonstrated Aurasma. Parents were asked to
and presided over staff
take part in our Esafety quiz and were given
weddings, and christenings. On
fact sheets on how to use new technologies behalf of all staff and students we would like to
safely. Occupational Therapy were also on
thank Father Stephen for his support over the years
hand to chat to parents and to demonstrate
and wish him all the very best for the future.
some sensory play ideas.
(see Faith Group news on page 13)

Hollys Sweet Success

Holly with her tasty treats

Horizons student Holly Dobell held a Valentines

Day cake sale for charity. As well as feeding
some very grateful staff members with some
lovely cupcakes and pastries Holly was busy
raising money for Hope and Homes which is an
international charity working to ensure that all
children have the chance to grow up in the love
of a family. Holly is also supporting the creation
of a family room here at Victoria. As you can see
the variety of cakes on offer was amazing. Holly
couldnt have done it without the help of the
Horizons staff, especially Rachel Jablonski. The
grand total raised was a brilliant 140.

VECLife Spring 2015

World Book Day


Witches, Pirates, Stickmen, Cats, Wolves and a

whole lot more! We had a lot of fun on World
Book Day. Each class made a story bag of bits
and pieces, props and fun items to bring their
selected story vividly to life. As well as being
shared with other classes on the day
these now make up a valuable resource
for future use. At the end of the day the
best of the story bags were chosen for
special commendation although all were
of a very high standard. Lower school
winners were Class JW with their take
on Little Red Riding Hood, Middle
school winners were Class CN with Six
Dinner Sid and the Upper school winner
was Noahs Ark by Class BE. The Post 16
winner was Pergins Class with Jack and the
Beanstalk (from Roald Dahls revolting
rhymes). Over the course of the day many
stories were also read from our story corner as
staff members introduced their own Jackanory.
As a bit of fun staff were also invited to title a
fictitious autobiography about themselves with
the winner being Sarah Gilling with The Diary of
a Beach Terrorist.

Story Bag Winners

Class JW

Little Red Riding Hood

Class CN

Six Dinner Sid

Class BE

Noahs Ark
Jack and
The Beanstalk

VECLife Spring 2015

Strictly Comic Relief Day

Red Nose Day 2015 came to Victoria in a big
way this year. We had a non-uniform day with
staff and students doing something funny for
money and changing our faces for
funds. Our own radio station VIBE had a day
long comic relief schedule starting with Harry
Bassetts Full English Breakfast Show when
Harry kicked off VIBEs all day joke day!
Unfortunately due to inclement weather we had
to cancel our sponsored car wash but our
strictly style dance off more than made up for
it. We had our very own Craig Revel Horwood
in the shape of Sean Mogg, Gemma Milne took
the roll of Darcy Bussell, Len Goodman was
Also on the big day working towards our
target total Carmel students Georgia and
Charlie put their baking skills to the test to
make and sell cakes. All those that partook
gave the thumbs up and the girls raised 12
toward the final total. All the merrymaking had
a point though and our aim is to raise 150
which would buy a wheelchair for a disabled
child in Zambia. When the totals came in we
had raised a brilliant 122.22.
ably represented in the shape of Angus Collins
and Matt Saunders was the embodiment of
Bruno Tonioli replete with Italian culinary
references. Tony Rudd MC'd with a hilarious
turn as Brucie with help from Amy Hunt as
Tess Daly. All the competing staff and students
had a ball but it was Liz and Jacob who stole
the show and won first prize.

Cake Sale Raises Funds For Phillippa

Phillippa Armstrong travels all over the
country taking part in dog agility events
and although she is disabled competes
successfully alongside other able bodied
competitors. Phillippa uses a power
wheelchair for mobility but recently it has
become unreliable. As a result Phillippa
has had to cut back the number of events
she can attend with her dogs Zippy, Binky
and Boogie. Friend and fellow dog agility
competitor, VEC Teacher Alison Calcutt,
heard about this and in conjunction with
Phillippa organised a cake sale. Eager
staff members snapped up the delicious

Phillippa competes around the country

cakes and 25 was raised to go towards a

replacement chair. Everyone at VEC hopes Phillippa
will be competing from a brand new chair in the near

VECs Nurses are in Fashion!

VECLife Spring 2015

With Hollie Wenden-Gipson

The school Nursing Team have chosen two

charities this year which they would like to raise
money for. Firstly, Hope and Home a charity
who works in nine countries across Central and
Eastern Europe and Africa. They help to close
down institutions and open small group homes
where every child has the right to grow up in a
family environment, to be cared for and be
protected from harm or abuse. The other
charity that we aim to raise money for is the
VEC Childrens Home family room project,
which we are in great need of. We currently
have no separate areas for friends and families
when they come to visit the children who reside
here, we would love to provide a welcoming,
relaxed and comforting area where the children
can spend quality time with their friends and
During the Year the Nursing Team will be
hosting several fundraising events, these
include, Cake Sales, Bingo Nights, Traveling
Trends Fashion shows as well as some
individuals within the Nursing team taking part in

The Nursing team limber up

crazy challenges such as Tough Mudder, the

Nuts Challenge and Run or Dye. Our next
fundraising event which we would like to invite
you to is a Traveling Trends evening which we
will be hosting on 30th April at Victoria school.
Doors open: 7pm. Show starts: 7.30. Ticket
price: 6 in advance and 8 on the door please
contact the Nursing Team on 01202 763697 for
your tickets.

Bus Loaned For Training

Morebus has teamed up with us to help our
youngsters familiarise themselves with the regions
bus services. The operator is providing a stationary
vehicle, so students can practice the process of
boarding and leaving, before they embark on a real
journey. Furzey Class Teacher Kathryn Webb
commented: This is an excellent opportunity for my
class to learn the processes involved in travelling by
bus. For wheelchair users, boarding a bus, knowing
where to sit - and then being able to disembark - is a
real challenge. But it is well within their reach, with a
little practice. Many of my students find change and
new activities difficult and the chance to take part in a
rehearsal is incredibly useful to them too.
Morebus is keen to ensure its vehicles are accessible
to all those living within the local community. We are
very happy to provide a practice bus for pupils at the
Victoria Education Centre, said Morebus
communications manager, Nikki Honer.
Offering youngsters the chance to familiarise
themselves with the layout of the bus is important
because it gives them a real sense of how the real
thing will feel - but without the added pressure of
other passengers on-board.

All aboard with Morebus

Learning Life Skills

Im glad were able to provide assistance

and I hope this experience will ensure a
number of new passengers feel they can
travel on our buses without any barriers.
For information about Morebus, please visit

Victoria to Benefit From Local Events

We have been lucky enough to be chosen as one
of the charities supported by the Pirates of Poole
again this year. Already friends of long standing
with Victoria the Pirates of Poole raise much
needed money for local charities by attending and
organising many events throughout the year. This
year Harry Paye Day is taking place on Saturday
20th June on Poole Quay with a host of events and
We have also been chosen by the Can-Am car club
and their next big event (Lazy Sunday) is on at the

VECLife Spring 2015

end of May. The Can-Am car club are also

good friends who have supported us in the
past. They are one of the oldest American car
clubs in Britain being formed in the early 60s.
The club is very active raising money for
good causes organising many events. We
would like to say a massive THANK-YOU to
The Pirates of Poole and The Can-AM Car
Club for their continued support.

Johnnys The Real Deal

Class CN student Brandon's brother Johnny
is in training to run in this year's London
Marathon event on the 26th April. He is
running for Livability/Victoria Education
Centre and hopes to raise a lot of money.
His training is going well and he has set up
a donation page on Just Giving. Let's all get
behind Johnny who is working so hard for
us. If you are popping into school you can
also find a sponsorship form with Chris on

Brandon with Johnny.

VECLife Spring 2015

Jamie Designs app For VEC

In October last year first year university student
Jamie Cruwys contacted me expressing an
interest in creating an app as part of his course to
benefit us. He was interested in writing an app or
using technology to surmount a problem or cover
an area not fulfilled by the apps or equipment we
currently have. It could be a tailor made app with
specific phonics or vocabulary or a class specific
learning app or anything in between. After
consultation with Sarah Gilling and Mark Mosely
we formulated some ideas for Jamie to work on.
Over the last few months Jamie has made further
refinements and the app is now ready to be
tested. The app uses the iPad microphone to
enable students in their SaLT sessions to
practice vocalising. The aim is to keep an
object in flight by using your voice. The object is
subject to gravity so maintaining sound is
essential. The app then scores your
performance and various statistics are available.
Having seen the latest version which Jamie

Jamie (right) demonstrates his app.

brought in to demonstrate I can say it is shaping

up really well and is not only engaging but
visually interesting as well. We hope to test drive
the app soon so that Jamie can add the finishing
touches needed. Many thanks to Jamie for his
time and efforts.

New O.T. Service Starts

By Ceri Vosper

Over the years the school has adapted the

therapy and nursing provision to try to best meet
the needs of the students. With the development
of the Childrens Home and now of the Horizons
unit it has proved essential that the functional
skills of the students and residents are
transferred between all environments. We also
need to make sure that the equipment needs of
all individuals is met not only in the school but in
our residential provision. With this in mind the
Occupational Therapy team have followed the
steps of the nursing team and have
reallocated responsibility.
We now have two lead roles. A lead residential
OT Rhiannon Beer, who will be responsible for
all students who have either a residential
placement or respite care within the Childrens
Home. She will also be responsible for any part
students and the residents of Horizons. The
Lead School OT- Gemma Milne, is responsible
for the provision of the school OT service offering
diverse treatments and class groups to all the
day students as appropriate. All students will
therefore have the opportunity to receive an

Clockwise from top left: Lead School Residential

Nurse Billie Halls, School Nurse Jo Roberts, Lead
school OT Gemma Milne and Lead residential OT
Rhiannon Beer.

improved and consistent level of care across

both the school and the residential areas.
The nursing team have a lead
residential nurse Billie Halls and a lead
school Nurse- Jo Roberts. This system has
been in place for nearly 2 years and has
proved very successful. If you have any
doubt about which therapist is overseeing
the care of your child please feel free to contact us in the therapy department at any time
on 01202 758322.

VECLife Spring 2015


With Hannah Powis

DoE Awards Night
This was an awards
night to celebrate
the achievements of
the students that
completed their
Bronze and Silver
Duke of Edinburgh
awards earlier this
year. Well done to
all thirteen students that completed their Duke of
Edinburgh, on the night awards were presented to
students by the Mayor of Poole.

Regional Boccia
Alex Elliot, Liam Drummond, Sophie Pritchett
and Abi Punchard all went down to Exeter
for the regional boccia tournament. Well
done to all the students that took part and in
particular to Alex and Liam who have
qualified for the national boccia competition.
England V France
On the 21st of March we took a trip up to
Twickenham to watch the last of the games
in the Six Nations. It was a thrilling day, with
all the other teams playing before us we
knew that England needed to beat France
by 26 points or more to win! It was a great
game with 12 tries being scored in total, the
final score was England 55France 35 and
was a day that was enjoyed by everyone!!!!!!

A day out at Twickers

Powerchair Football
An exciting weekend of powerchair football took
place here at Victoria in March in partnership with
the WFA. The weekend saw lots of students
taking part in both a coaching wheelchair football
award and a taster day. We were joined by
Swindon Rockets PFC and Portsmouth PFC for
the taster day. The event was a complete
success and everybody involved had an
absolutely great time. The event has sparked the
set up of a new powerchair football club, Wessex
Warriors PFC who will train here at Victoria every
first Saturday of the month between 2pm and

Table Cricket
On 3rd February we had five teams
compete at table cricket, to get to the
regionals in Exeter in May. Our team did
really well in all the games and we won
them all. They all worked well as a team
and encouraged each other. Their batting
was on top form as they scored 358 in one
match. The mayor from Bournemouth
came to the event and also a representative from Lord Taverners. They came first
in our group and qualified for the regionals
in Exeter on the 14th May.

VECLife Spring 2015

Apps Amazing!
By Jon Godber

Your Guide To Apps With

Special Needs In Mind

Com id app


Over the last few editions of Apps Amazing we

have looked at apps which tie in to the
educational aspect of our curriculum, Literacy,
Maths etc. Equally important to us in special
education is communication. Throughout our
lives we constantly communicate with each other
in one way or another. Take that ability away
and you would soon see how fundamentally
important it is to our day to day lives. As
technology advances many doors which were
shut for people with communication disabilities
are now wide open. Apple, with the iPad has
fully embraced the amenability of their
technology and attained new levels of
accessibility. With more and more developers
working in this area there is a wide choice of
apps available. Because of the complexity
involved in a fully featured communication App
they dont generally come cheap. Here are a few
choice picks.

By Grembe Inc Price: 39.99
iCommunicate lets you design and customize such
things as visual schedules, storyboards,
communication boards, choice boards, flash cards,
and speech cards. The app provides text-to-speech
with 20 different voice options, and enables users to
include their own pictures and record their own
audio for boards. Includes 10,000+ N2Y SymbolStix
images and supports printing via AirPrint or email
Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible
with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Locabulary Pro
By Red Mountain Price: 99.99
Locabulary provides vocabulary to communicate quick
phrases, moods, and requests for assistance. The app
can be used for everyday communications, teaching,
or for fun. Locabulary Lite has expanded Category and
Phrase Settings. Users can create and link Location
Presets for points of interest to a category or bank of
phrases. The app speaks text-message abbreviations,
e.g. type "cul" and "See you later" is spoken. You can
also backup and save all phrase categories to a
remote Locabulary server.
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. iPhone and iPad.

Therapy Box LTD Price: 119.00
Predictable is an AAC app providing text-to-speech
and customizable functions with social media
integration. The app uses a word prediction engine
featuring integrated intelligent self-learning of new
words and contexts and easy-to-use category folders.
Users can compose and send email and SMS
messages, Tweets, and Facebook updates. It supports
switch access, including use of the entire screen as a
switch. The app is also accessible via Bluetooth switch
Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with
iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Assistive Ware Price: 169.99
Proloquo2Go is an award-winning symbol-supported
communication app providing a voice to over
100,000 individuals around the world who are unable
to speak.
Users can open Proloquo2Go and begin to use it for
effective communication immediately. Its also the
most widely used communication app here at
Victoria. First released in 2009, Proloquo2Gos
research-based vocabularies, highly customizable
features, natural sounding voices, and unique
innovations make it the premier Augmentative and
Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for
children and adults with autism, cerebral palsy,
Down syndrome, developmental disabilities,
apraxia, stroke, or traumatic brain injury.
Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible
with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

TapSpeak Choice
By Ted Conley: 129.99
TapSpeak Choice for iPad is a comprehensive
communication board and speech editor and player
designed to save setup and maintenance time. The
app supports the DynaVox PCS library as well as
user photos and images. Boards can contain from
one to 56 messages. The app offers 18 grid
dimensions and a dynamic layout that automatically
adjusts grid size as you add buttons. TapSpeak
Choice can use the iPad screen as a switch for
scanning to help users with limited motor skills. Because of consistent icon placement, users develop
a deep familiarity for the button taps for each word
and includes 101 pages with over 1700 buttons.
Available as an In-App Purchase or included in the
Plus version.

Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. iPad only.


VECLife Spring 2015


And other news

With Hazel Noyon

New Chill-Out Room Is Very Cool

The residents of the Children's Home now have
their own Chill Space to relax in at the end of the
busy school day. Whilst the more physically-active
students are playing table cricket or boccia
elsewhere, some others can recline in comfort to
the gentle sounds of wind chimes, bells and a
gurgling fish tank! A sensory-bar offers
opportunities to explore textures, and various
Our fab new room.
lights and other effects complete the experience. If You Go Down To The Woods
The new P-pods (supported seating system) help
Students on a Winter
to provide a very relaxing environment, and
Scavenger Hunt one
further additions and adaptations are planned to
February weekend found
ensure the room continues to live up to its name!
something not on the
The room was officially declared open by
list a dog!! Emerging
Simon Brown and James Duffy.
from the new walk way in the
woods we had the
feeling we were being
watched. Are there fairies at
the bottom of the garden? Hobbits, maybe?
Anyway, we continued looking for 4 varieties of
moss!! The feeling of being watched wouldnt go
away! Walking through Horts territory, we got a
glimpse of something small and white. Quiet
stalking and Gemmas gentleness resulted in a
scared little dog being taken into protective
custody. Nurse Hollie phoned several people she
hoped might come and collect our little captive. No
Ben makes a new friend
one would come. So at the end of her shift Hollie
took the dog home until she could get it to a vet the
The Art Of Sounds
next day, to have its microchip read. We
Next Steps 2s sensory music group The
subsequently learned that the dog had been
Alternatives have had a very creative term. They successfully reunited with its worried owners the
have used their skills of listening and enjoying
dog had been missing since the Friday of that
sound to put together a Sound Scape of VEC.
weekend, we found him on Sunday. The owners
The young people wandered around the whole
sent us a big box of chocolates and a doggie thank
property and grounds listening, identifying what
you card but some of the students would have
they heard, and then made a list of the sounds
preferred to keep the dog!
they chose to represent the school in sound.
Then more specific wandering-around happened Sensory Clubs a Hoot!
to record the sounds on the list! The final stage
Pack multi-sensory experiences, singing and signing,
was to edit and put the Sound Scape into some communication, and lots of laughter into 45 minutes,
order. The result of all this careful listening will be and what do you have? Answer: Thursdays afterpresented on VIBE radio, and there may be a
school Sensory Club! Participating staff and students
competition to see if any one can identify some of have become experts at spontaneity and every week
the more mysterious sounds!
45 minutes pass far too quickly!

VECLife Spring 2015

Fond Farewells
Faith Group students and staff have said Goodbye to
Father Stephen, who leaves St Aldhelms Church for a
new ministry in Burton Bradstock. Father Stephen has
been a great encouragement and support to the school,
particularly for the school and FOVEC Carol Services,
and we thank him very much for this. He has never
visibly balked at the disruption to the Church caused by
us in the midst of the beautiful tree festival! Christmas
wont be the same without him!

Thinking of Festivals


This term, Faith Group regulars have celebrated

Chinese New Year, the Jewish festival of Purim,
the Holi festival of colours and St Patricks Day!
(we do love a reason to celebrate!!) We have also
thought about Burns Night, International Women's
Day (including nominating ladies who deserve
recognition!) and World Water Day. Our repertoire
of songs continues to grow, as does our
extraordinarily ability to communicate choice in so
many ways.

Our congratulations go to Lucy Rogers and husband Matt on the birth of their daughter Hannah ,
born on the 7th February 2015. Also birth congratulations go to Ewelina Jankowska and husband
Jarek on the birth of their son Oscar, born on the 23 rd March 2015.

Eco-School News
By Lisa Frett

The spring is upon us at last and we are half

way through switch off fortnight. The Eco
Committee thought it would be nice to have a
tomato growing competition for all the classes
and a prize for the first green tomato and for
the biggest ripe tomato (You probably need to
repot your seedlings now ready for the
Easter holidays. Good luck and happy
We would like to thank everyone involved with
raising money for the Toilet Twinning Project.
We raised 341.65. Explorers raised just over
80 selling delicious sweet and savoury treats
over break time and Green Island produced
Gift Pack toilet rolls. We have paid for a toilet
and a school block in Muko, Uganda. There is
talk of future soup kitchens and milkshake
bars. Listen out on VIBE Radio for jingles on
forthcoming events!
This will include Walk in Wednesday on 6th
May. We are hoping that staff will walk or
cycle to work on this day. If you live further

away maybe you can park and walk the last bit
of the journey. Its good for you and the
environment! We would also like to thank
Eileen Rideouts husband Kevin for coming in
to look at our grounds. There are plans to make
a big bug hotel and he has begun work with
Class CN investigating species of plants and
animals in our grounds. This is going to be a
great addition to our new boardwalk/
woodland walk. Finally, a special thank you to
James Sargent for all his hard work emptying
everyones recycling bins. James has been
giving up his break times making sure all our
recycling goes in the right bin so if you see him
in the recycling area, please give him a hand.

VECLife Spring 2015

Body Language
Performance and Dance at VEC
With Belinda Ellicott

Hello and welcome to Body Language, all the news

and events from Performance and Dance at Victoria
school. First off a few Christmas stories from last year
which happened too late to make the Christmas
edition of VECLife. To get our students in the
Christmas mood and to prepare them for their work on
fairy tales this term, the Creative Arts Team took
Classes JA and LB to the pantomime in Poole. We
had a great time and were sat right at the front so we
could see the movement, lights and feel the music.
Everyone thought it was very funny and we all
especially enjoyed joining in with the song at the end
oh yes we did!

Having fun at the panto!

Christmas Party is Snow Joke!

We decided to hold our 2nd annual whole
school Christmas party in December
ending the term with a Frozen theme,
organized by the Creative Arts Team and
assisted by the Events Management
students. All students were invited to
attend and there were games of snowball
throwing, knocking down snowmen and
pass the parcel. Arts Award students ran
tables making stone trolls, decorating
snowmen, feeling snow, face painting and
making snow paintings. There was even
an indoor snowstorm for everyone to
venture into. We had a great afternoon
and everyone was really in the mood for
the Christmas holidays.

Student Charley Is Made Up!

For part of her Silver Arts Award studies, Charley one of
our Post 16 students, has started attending Arts
University Bournemouth on a Thursday evening to study
make up and prosthetics. Charley is doing really well
and will complete the course at the end of March when
we all look forwards to lessons ourselves.

All together now!

Students On Song
The Key Stage 4 and Post 16 Arts Award
groups made a recording of the BandAid single
Do They Know Its Christmas just in time to
sell for the holiday season. We are biased but
think it is the best version so far and the
students were raising money for the schools
toilet twinning project. There are still some
available priced 1 each, send your name and
money in an envelope with how many you want
for the attention of Belinda Ellicott. All proceeds
will go to the project to help a school in another

VECLife Spring 2015

Waxwings Delights Students

Our good friends at the ETO (English Touring
Opera) payed us another visit on March 20th with
a new production called Waxwings. Waxwings is
the latest in ETOs acclaimed series of operas for
young people with special needs. The opera is
highly interactive, with lots of multi-sensory
elements, and is designed to stimulate and engage
with young people with many different and
complex needs. The opera features beautiful new
music created by Clive and Mark Ives, of the
celebrated ensemble Woo Music, with live singing
and playing, and lots of interactive design by Ruth
Paton. Words and direction are by Tim Yealland.
The cast includes singers Guy Elliott, Katie

The students interact

Grosset and Emily Blanch, and cellist Jonathan

Kitchen. Babis Alexiadis has created a new
animated film for the climax of the show,
featuring dancer Ricardo Campos. The story is
about a boy called Olly and his sister Cilla. Olly is
autistic and is obsessed with birds. They find a
waxwing on their way to their new school and

The talented cast take a bow.

take it with them. Ollys new teacher

immediately takes against him, and the boy
struggles with the simplest questions. The
teacher hears the little bird in Ollys pocket
and calls for the Headteacher, who turns
out to be part human, part Minotaur, with
an appetite for small birds. They run with
the waxwing to the top of the building to
escape, and make wings for Olly made of
wax and feathers. Dance Teacher Belinda
Ellicott who organised the event
commented It was a wonderful interactive
experience where all the students had the
opportunity to interact with the company
and be part of the show themselves,
helping to tell the story. Another lovely
experience for our students with English
Touring Opera.

The Friday Crew Return

By Mike Whitlock

The Friday Crew are back

in the studio.
The Horticulture and
Horizons joint radio show
has been off air for a
couple of weeks while they
work on their new song with their band the
storm diggers, they are also having production
meetings preparing for a big re-launch of the
Friday Crew show, the crew told us it will still

Imaginations taking flight

include all the favourites like Do you

know what I think? with Laurence, whats
in my lunchbox? with Chrissy boy and
quiz Chris McBride the walking
encyclopaedia of entertainment plus a
few new surprises. As for the new song
they are being quite secretive, all they
would say was is its our best song yet
look out for an album release soon.

VECLife Spring 2015

Are You Ready For Spectrum?

Plans are underway for a major
national music festival for people with
learning disabilities in the heart of the
New Forest. Intrigued? Read on..
Something for your long range diaries if you
are not aware already.
Two New Forest-based charities have joined
together to set up the countrys first not for
profit national music festival exclusively for
people of all ages with learning disabilities their
families and members of the care industry.
With over forty bands playing the line-up
already includes: ABBA Revival, Kosheen
(unplugged), Fleetwood Bac, Wille and the
bandits, The Egg, Dubheart, Tony as Robbie
(Williams tribute), The Godfathers, Teenage
Welsh-Harpist Hero Melia, Record Producer
Mark Tinley (Duran Duran, ADAMSKI etc..) who
is putting together a Dr Who themed DJ set, the
big noise community samba band and a
number of bands from the Isle of Wight forming
the "Rock the Cowes bar bullet stage" plus very
special guests to be announced. There are also
many activities and side events including a
circus school, 1920s swing dance classes and
electro swing from Decadent times even a zip
Set in 65 acres of woodland, with camping and
a number of bookable rooms available in the
main house, the Festival will be an opportunity
for people with learning disabilities and on the
autistic spectrum to enjoy three days of
activities and music. New Forest Spectrum will
take place from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th July
in the heart of the New Forest and tickets are
exclusively available now to people with
learning disabilities their families and people
who work in the care sector through the web
site (see link at the bottom of the page).
Advance tickets are 120.00 for three days
including camping; if you need to bring a carer
with you they are free! Children under 12 are
also free but must be accompanied by a paying
adult. Young adults between 12 and 18 are half
price. New Forest Spectrum is 100% wheelchair
friendly, with raised decking in front of the main
stage, wheelchair friendly toilets, a hoist and
flatbed for changing and some track way.
Please note that the festival is mostly in a grass
field. Yes Camper vans are welcome!

Spectrum: The very first festival of its kind

Working with a number of focus groups of

people with learning disabilities, the festival has
plans for two stages, a dance tent, a sensory
area, circus school, lots of activities and of
course, the obligatory camping, and much
more.... Hal Kennard, (who has been a carer for
a young man with Down Syndrome for the last
two and a half years) the festivals Co-Producer
New Forest Spectrums music policy will be
broad, eclectic and fun with a twist of pop a dab
of disco and a sprinkle of reggae. The concept
behind the festival this year is audience
interaction! The hardest part is letting everyone
around the country with learning disabilities
know about the festival please help us spread
the word Hugh Calder; music tour manager for
over twenty years, ten of which was with The
Stone Roses and Ian Brown, and father of two
disabled children; the Festivals other
Co-Producer said: We have tried to ensure
there is something for everyone from an Autism
Friendly chill out zone, massage and pampering
tent, CODA Music jamming tent, to zip wires and
circus acts. We are really excited about this
unique offer and hope as many people as
possible will come and make it a successful
annual event. Find us on Facebook!
The Minstead Training Trust and Stables Family
Home Trust between them provide care and
support to over 250 adults with learning
disabilities. The idea came about from an
informal chat between the two Chief Executives
about how many mainstream music festivals are
inaccessible to many of the people they support
despite many people having a love of music and
dance. From those humble beginnings, New
Forest Spectrum was born.
More information from

VECLife Spring 2015








Green Island


From Class JW to Post 16!

Sams Story Wins Top Prize
By Lisa Boyes

We entered the Young Writers Competition for

2015 and the title was Out of this World. We
were given the topic of Space and Sam chose to
write a poem choosing words from his iPad using
Grid player. He created an acrostic poem.
We submitted the poem in February and we found
out today that he has been one of the successful
winners and his poem is going to be published. He
will also receive a 10 book voucher.

CNs Charlotte Writes Letter

Astronaut Sam

Charlotte wrote to FOVEC who funded the

performance by Aesops Theatre in Education
Company about the life of Henry VIII.
Thank you for the show that we watched. It was
about King Henry VIII and his six wives and that he
wanted a baby boy. We have been learning about
King Henry VIII in our lessons. I learnt that the first
wife was divorced, the second was beheaded, the
third died, the fourth was divorced, the fifth was
beheaded and the sixth survived. My favourite part
was when my friends played a part in the show and
my TA was beheaded! I enjoyed the show a lot.
From Charlotte (Class CN)

Charlotte puts pen to paper


VECLife Spring 2015

Never a Dull Moment

With Class JW
By Sally Thornley

Class JW have been working hard this term

but made sure they had fun at the same time.
Regular trips to Westbourne library have
ensured all the students experience the joy of
such a trip. They have all helped to choose
their favourite bookssome funny, some
calming and some completely outrageous.
This all lead well into World Book Day at the
beginning of March which the children loved.
Just look at the enjoyment James got from his
opportunity to lie in the dark den with a head
torch and a bookthats what its all about.
We were lucky enough to have Explorers
come into our class with their story of
Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose.
Harrison especially loved the bit where the
goose grabbed the bowl of mousse. What a
lovely surprise when we found out that we
had won the Story Sack Competition for the
lower school with Little Red Riding Hood.
Speaking of Red Riding Hood, did anyone
see some wolves dressed up as Grandma?

We had two in our class on the same day and

it was pretty difficult telling them apart from the
real thing. They sure brought Little Red Riding
Hood to life in more ways than one and made
everyone who saw them smile (top marks and
thanks go to their Mums)and they both
looked soooo cute, dont you agree?

The students decided that firemen were one of

their favourites when we did topic work on
People Who Help Us and a trip to
Westbourne fire station soon confirmed that.
The firemen were informative and very friendly
showing the children the fire engine and its
ladders, that went so high the whole class
were completely amazed and even left James
speechless! Tyler was in his element and
thought it was great when the fireman let him
hold the hose. At this point in time the rest of
the class had moved well back. Alisha loved
dressing up in the firemans outfit. Alfie and
Mia enjoyed watching the fireman sliding down
the pole. Harrison and Holly couldnt stop
laughing when Jen and Shelley had a race to
see who could get themselves dressed up as
a fireman first. It was a very close race and in
the end they could both easily pass for part of
the Westbourne Brigade. Its official, say


VECLife Spring 2015

Class JWSpring is in the air and on its way.

We have been out in our school grounds,
looking in our planter boxes and even went to
Moors Valley Country Park to search for signs
of spring. We have found the sun in the sky,
buds in the ground and on branches of trees.
The birds have certainly been singing more
and daffodils are everywhere. We
definitely know its Easter time when we decorate buns with little yellow chicks and Easter
eggs. And so Red Nose Day came along and
what a funny old lot we had in Class JW. Alfie
looked particularly dashing sporting his
fetching red conk and fitted in perfectly with his
class mates who all looked brilliant. Yes Alfie
you look terribly handsome and what a cracking smile too!
Class JW definitely made our day and always
make it a class where there is never a dull

Alfie has fun on red nose day

moment Thanks Class JW!

Happy Easter to everyone.

LB Learn About The Great Fire

By Liz and James

This term Class LB have been learning about

the Great Fire of London, how it began and
ended, and what the people who lived there
did during this time. The students made their
own town houses for a beautiful display in the
classroom. They also wrote a diary entrance
just like Samuel Pepys did. We are very proud
of the students as they were SO enthusiastic
about this subject and learnt lots of facts.
Heres what James Bloor learnt
At the bakers shop fire from the oven. Set
next door on fire. Wind blow spread. Samuel
Pepys write in his diary. He buried big cheese
and wine. People run away from their houses.

Class LBs brilliant display

On The Buses
By Kathryn Webb

Furzey Class have had a very busy term learning

about how use the bus service as part of their
Life Skills work. Morebus kindly lent us a bus
and driver for the afternoon so we could
rehearse using a bus before we made a journey
for real. It was a brilliant opportunity for students
(and staff) to practise buying a ticket, getting into
position, going for a ride on an empty bus. Look
out for an article about our endeavours with
Morebus in the local press too! This week we
have taken a real journey on a public bus to
Westbourne and whilst there, just had to stop off
for a quick cuppa in Starbucks

Just the ticket: Michael practising with Morebus


All Change in Green Island

VECLife Spring 2015

By Margaret Humphreys

Green Island has seen some changes this term,

as we said goodbye to Vicky (promoted to
Senior TA in class JA), well done to Angie
(promoted to TA in our class) and welcome to
Jess (new Education Support Worker). Everyone
seems to be fitting into their new niches
beautifully well done team!
We are loving the signs of Spring, especially the
growth in the flowers and bulbs we potted up last
year. They are looking beautiful. We wish we
could say the same for the tomatoes we are
growing for the Eco School competition. We
may need some replacements soon, having
managed to kill off six plants so far. Jessica is
particularly delighted at the sunshine, and takes
every opportunity to creep over to the sunniest
spot in class. Alison has been running a
sensory story called Spring, and that is going
down very well, with no small thanks to Tony for
his techy skills in sorting the music.
Chelsea and Helen have been working on some
Life Skills training together, and both ladies have
been amazing! Well done. A number of us are
attending some extra curricular clubs, with Hope
rehearsing for the school play every Wednesday
night, and Cameron, Amy and Jess singing and
exploring weird and wonderful things in Sensory
Club on Thursday. Thanks, Hazel! Tiago has
been experimenting with a new rocking chair, an
enormous bouncy peanut, and loving the soft
play room especially the swing and ball pool.

Our Flowers are looking Beautiful

Amy has also discovered the delights of the

bucket swing, whilst singing along with Auntie
Susan. Megan continues to increase her
vocabulary and sentence lengths, and has
become great at greeting people while doing
some delivery jobs around school.

Jess at sensory club

All the students have benefitted from using

sensory apps on the ipad, and thanks to
Elizabeth McAuley for her help and ideas.
Shonia has been particularly impressive, and is
also trialling more switch work, and Eye Gaze
If you recall, last term we were raising money
for the Eco School toilet twinning appeal. I am
delighted to say that Green Island managed to
raise over 80 towards this by selling bespoke
toilet rolls! Thank you very much to everyone
who supported the venture. The school has
raised enough in total for a number of toilets in
Jess Edney to run Marathon
Jess Edney is the newest member of staff in Green Island, and has been spending her recent
spare moments in training for a marathon charity challenge. At the end of March she ran/walked/
limped 53 miles up and down the Dorset coastal paths over three days to raise money for
Orang tan Appeal UK. This is very dear to her heart as she has previously spent time in Borneo
supporting charity work with the Orangutans out there. Having never run a marathon before, we
think Jess should be very proud of herself. We did ask if she would consider doing another
marathon. She did think maybe onebut certainly not more than that again!

VECLife Spring 2015

With Hilary Stewart

Ole For Class JA

Spring term has seen Class JA journey to
Spain for their culture lessons. Weve had
fabulous fun with flamenco castanets
clacking and fans flicking! (Thats enough
onomatopoeia!) Students have played our
own version of one of Spains favourite sports
handball. Nathan responded brilliantly,
pushing the ball when told while Honey and
Amabel had a full on knockabout! Spanish
music has been well represented. We had a
great soundbeam session with Mike and we
have also been playing guitars, something
everyone has enjoyed and responded well to.
All students have enjoyed meeting Sofia,
our Spanish lady puppet, and listening to her
Hola greeting, to which George Kettle
always responds with lots of chat! Weve also
listened to the Spanish words for red, rojo
and yellow, amarillo whilst practising using
our fingers to pick up wooden blocks or
indicating a preference for one colour. Our
final Spanish inspired activity will be to work
on some Gaudi-esque art work which should
hopefully result in some lovely, colourful

Brandon researches Notre Dame

Ama tries her hand at Flamenco

pictures. We are especially grateful this term for

the help of Spanish TA Maria Hardy, who has
been a great source of knowledge. We will miss
Class JAs STA Susie who retired in February
but who was always so supportive and
enthusiastic about Culture sessions but look
forward to having fun with her replacement,
Vicky. Finally, we dedicate this terms work to
Frankie, who always loved Culture, especially
the globetrotting puppet, Jacques.

Paris, Please! Class CN

As part of this terms theme of Famous People
and Places, Class CN have been researching
some of the most famous tourist attractions in
Paris and have put together a fascinating
brochure of facts and useful information. Did
you know that the Notre Dame Cathedral is free
to visit? That the French tomb of the unknown
soldier is under the Arc de Triomphe? William
Sabine can even tell you everything you ever
wanted to know (and probably a lot that you
didnt) about the Paris sewers!
All the students have worked really well on their
chosen attractions, researching them carefully
and producing pages that have now been put
together to form a brochure. A copy of the
brochure is now on display in Class CNs
classroom and further copies are available to
anyone who would like one.


VECLife Spring 2015

En ville avec la classe LB

Class LB have been working brilliantly in French
this term. We have learned the names of some
famous Paris monuments and have had lots of
fun singing our chanson de Paris. We all
enjoyed playing the giant Paris board game as
we had the chance to revise our numbers
vocabulary counting our way around the board.
Recently we have been learning the French for
different places in town such as le collge, la
poste and la piscine. Jacob and Saad have
been demonstrating some excellent Makaton
signing, whilst Sam has made sure that his ipad,
Igor, has been included in singing our new
En ville song with Daniel and Amar. The photos
show the work we have just done on the
computer Madame Stewart was very happy as
everyone matched the words and pictures
together correctly to show our progress-travail
Mme Stewart, VEClife Paris Correspondent
(heres hoping!)

Class LB students learnt about Paris

Post 16 and Arne Travel Training

Sophie lays down the law

As part of the VEC Life skills curriculum, students from Arne

have been going out and about to Westbourne in pairs by bus,
learning to use public transport as independently as possible
with the support of class support staff and Gemma Milne, our
school occupational therapist. At the time of writing, three
quarters of the class have been out and have made fantastic
progress in their confidence, skills and awareness. Charlie Scott
and Tom Truong decided to do a bit of doughnut shopping in
Tescos and Charlie showed excellent communication skills
when boarding the bus. Ben Povey and Sophie Young went out
and also impressed staff with their growing confidence, despite
feeling nervous before the trip. Sophie managed to pluck up the
courage to speak to a patrolling policeman and Ben was very
happy with his improved road safety skills. Last week it was Abi
Punchard and Scott Howletts turn and Abi showed her
wheelchairs skills with perfect positioning on the bus while Scott
demonstrated his growing social awareness with excellent
behaviour. We now just have Charles and Abi Smith to complete
their first session before the end of term but I have every
confidence that they will do just as well as their classmates. The
whole class support team and I have been delighted and so
proud of our students performance we couldnt have asked for
better and they should all feel very proud of being such amazing
ambassadors for VEC whilst in Westbourne.
Well done everyone!

Charlie and Tom Looking for a bus


VECLife Spring 2015

Post 16 Life Skills - Pergins and Arne Go Green

As part of our Life Skills curriculum, Pergins and Arne
classes have been investigating environmental issues such
as Global Warming, Pollution and Deforestation. Students
have researched for and produced some fascinating
presentations on these issues and weve had interesting
discussions about what we as individuals and in groups
can do to benefit our environment.
Both classes have also
produced short videos to
remind and prompt others
to act in a more
environmentally friendly
way. Arnes is currently still
being edited by Matt
Saunders but Pergins
video, having been through
Harry Bassett Studios, is
now available to view on
Spencer and Ebony rehearse
You Tube via the following

Director Gemma sets the scene

Both videos will also be available to

watch soon via the schools website.
Students worked hard to try and
make their films both entertaining
and informative and I think theyve
done a great job I hope you agree!

On the way to the filming location

GCSE Students Explore The Troubles

By Jo Allen

For their GCSE Liam and Ebony were tasked to write letters to the editor in the voice of a person
from the Irish troubles. The Troubles refers to almost 30 years of violence between the
Nationalists (mainly Roman Catholic) who wanted independence from the UK and the unionists
(mainly Protestants) who believed in strengthening the political ties between Northern Ireland and
Britain. Armed paramilitary groups, including the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), made
Belfast a terrifying place to live between 1969 and 1997 and much of the violence took place
around the Protestant Shankill Road and Catholic Falls Road areas. The British government
claimed that its forces were in Northern Ireland to keep law and order, but Irish republicans
objected strongly to the presence of the British soldiers.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Liams Letter
the PIRA. Disappointed is an understatement.
I am writing to express my disgust for the atrocities that took place last Sunday. The majority
of my anger is aimed towards the British Army especially the first battalion parachute
regiment because of the enormous mistakes that were carried out on Sunday. The British
army somehow turned a peaceful march into chaos and tragedy.
I am Aiden McCarthy the catholic politician who was running the civil rights march. All I
and the majority of all Catholics wanted was a controlled and peaceful way to get out voices
heard but the British army and a few PIRA members think the best way to solve anything and
everything is through shouting and aggression. What baffles me is that Britain is the so called
birthplace of democracy but will not let Irish Catholics put their views forward, I think it is
wrong and hypocritical. All we want is a fair vote for every single catholic, and anyone who
so wishes to vote.
The day started off well, a great turn out of people wanting a peaceful march and everyone
was in high spirits. I really thought this march would be a turning point in the right direction.
During the march there was an army presence and our route had already been modified to
meet the demands of the British government and military.
There was a point during the march some yobos and members of the PIRA tried to stick to
the route original route and did throw some objects in the direction of the brits and I can see
why this would provoke a response from the soldiers but not with the pointless aggression
that they chose to use, I am saddened and outraged by these horrible events.
The horrible events I am talking about are the murder of 13 innocent people and 27 shot
overall. Many of these people children of 16 and 17, it beggars belief that these kids with a
future have had their lives cut short by the stupidity of the British soldiers. It is also heartbreaking that they simply lied to the media, lied to the public, lied to everyone!
I was in the hospital the evening of the tragedy, there were British soldiers all over the place
hiding the bodies but also hiding the truth. I was handed a piece of paper listing the numbers
and names of the deceased and injured. It stated 27 shot, 13 dead.
The march was not a success, far from it in fact and that rests on the shoulders of Para 1 and

In my opinion the UK government have opened up a whirlwind for themselves.

Hundreds, possible thousands of young men will now join the IRA in order to get
revenge on the British. After the events of bloody Sunday I feel that any chance of civil
rights could be dead.
I feel that the majority of the damage has been done and a lot of hope has gone with it,
but I still think that this conflict can be resolved with peaceful negotiations. We never
fair votes for all and the chance of a referendum. I hope this letter gets my voice and
the voice of so many other Catholics and possible Protestants heard but also
Yours sincerely
Aiden McCarthy

Ebonys Letter

Dear Sir,
I am writing to tell everyone how bad bloody Sunday was, I was defending my
brother because he wanted a peaceful march. I had an argument with my parent
because I wanted to go on the march but they disagreed because I am too young.
I ran off to my bedroom pacing up and down looking out of the window listening for
news on the radio my brother died but I didnt believe it so I ran down to the hospital.
I told my family the news that my brothers dead. It destroyed my family mum got
depression, my dad had a drinking problem and a few months later ended up having a
divorce. My grades at school got lower. My opinion on bloody Sunday is
heartbreakingly unfair the army lied about having a peaceful march, IRA are bad but
what the army did was unacceptable. I blame Britain for trying to change our religion
by putting protestants in our country but IRA violence was unnecessary. I would like
a united Ireland regardless of religion. I dont think anything has changed but if so I
would like to reunite and have a referendum vote.
Yours sincerely
Judith Doyle



Spring is Coming
Come to Victoria for all your gardening needs.
Our shop is set up and maintained by
young adults who are supported by the
team at Victoria. All plants on sale are
cared for and grown by the young people
themselves alongside our wide range of
gifts and produce. The shop is our unique
way of interacting with our community and
many of our customers return again and
Our Friendly Staff await.
again to access this valuable local resource. Why not pop in and pick up
a bargain knowing every penny you spend goes back into supporting the
young people at Victoria.
An excellent selection of Summer bedding will be ready for
purchase early May or before if you have greenhouse protection.
A good selection of perennials & shrubs is always
available at competitive prices!!

Open Monday to Friday 9am - 3.30pm

Issue 11

Parent Participation Meeting

We are holding an Open Morning on

Monday 27th April 2015 from 10am noon.

This is an information sharing gathering event and hopefully an opportunity
for you to tell us how we can help you.
We are hoping to have representatives available for you to talk to from:

Dorset Parent Carer Council, Poole Special Parents Organisation,

Bournemouth Parent Carer Forum, Person Centred Reviews
Thanks, Nicky Greenway

Compiled written and edited by Jon Godber unless otherwise stated. Victoria School, Easter MMXV


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