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Gujarats Tallest Green Commercial Hub

Green Work Spaces

Overview of Shapath V- Green Building :

Building orientation
Proper building orientation for best
utilization of day light
Glazed north faade to take in
Glare free north light.
Use of solar shading devices.

Energy efficiency

Chilled water based HVAC system

Energy and water meter
BTU Meter
BMS system
Sensor based Lights in common area

Deep overhangs on east and west

Water Conservation
Use of Rain Water Harvesting
Use of Sewage Treatment Plant
Separate grey water line for flushing and
Water efficient fixtures
Recycled water for air conditioning

Material & Resources

Eco-Friendly Climate Control

Improved indoor air quality to
enhance the comfort and well
being of the occupants
Use of TFA- Treated Fresh air in
the HVAC system
Zero use of CFC based
refrigerants in new base building
HVAC system

Waste disposal

Use of Fly Ash Bricks which is made from

Industrial waste material

Provision of RMC plant on the site

Double Glazed aluminum windows

Provision of different bins for dry

and wet waste at every floor

Savings during consumption

Environment Control

Reduced Footprint & construction cost

Sourcing local construction material

Efficient use of water
Water efficient landscaping
Use of ash bricks, aluminum, frames,
glass , Low VOC Paint and CRI certified

Optimum Use of Day light

Maintaining Air Quality
Natural Air Flow
Installation Air Handling Unit
Controlled Air Exhaust
Use of LED and CFL lighting
Water Management
Rain Water Harvesting
Water Efficient Plumbing and Fixtures
Water Treatment and Recycling and
minimal Disposal
Grey water reuse in HVAC

Solid Waste Control Strategies

Ingress protection, preventing dust and external elements
from entering the building
Separation of non bio degradable disposables
Grey water recycling


Technology to reduce Material Input per Unit of Service (MIPS), reduce your ecological

Reduced unwanted heat gain/loss, pay less for power consumed in climate control

Reduced power consumption on artificial illumination, Pay less for power

consumed in lighting

Rainwater Harvesting, Pay less for power consumption in water pumping

Treat and reuse of Grey water, Pay less for non drinking water consumption

Reduced garbage disposal, pay

less for handling and clean up


Reduced operating costs

Reduced impact on the environment

Energy savings: 20 30 %

Enhanced occupant comfort, safety

and health

Water savings: 40 50 %
Improved Productivity of occupants

Green Features


Low VOC material is used in the common & lobby areas

Rain Water Harvesting ,Water efficient fixtures, Water metering

Zero use of CFC based refrigerants in building HVAC system

1st building to provide Treated Fresh Air

Sewage Treatment Plant Use of Recycle water in the flushing,

Landscaping & HVAC

IBMS ( Integrated Building Management System)

Walling Material : Recycle material (Fly Ash Bricks), Frame Structure

RCC , Double Glazed Glass with Aluminum Window


How Can you make the best use of it

Guidelines by SAVVY- 5 simple Steps

Submit Interior, Fire system, Plumbing and
Electrical plans to SIPL for approval.
Obtain approval of HVAC plans from SIPLs designated
Read and sign all attached sheets and agree to abide by
the rules.
Obtain Interior Commencement Permission from SIPL
Allow periodic inspection by SIPL team.

Design Criteria for HVAC :


Air Handling Unit (AHU)

Temperature providing up to 24o C.
Light Load of 1 W/Sq.Ft and Equipment Load of 2.0 W/sq. ft.

Occupancy of 100 Sq. Ft./person.

Heat load for one computer is consider as 150 wt
Server room load to be calculated separately according to the requirement
Treated Fresh Air which is exhausted through toilets.
Temperature controller and 2-way Valve with Ceiling Suspended AHU.
BTU Meter provided on Chilled Water Tapping. The reading on your BTU Meter reading will be compared with Main
BTU Meter and readings of main BTU Meter will signify total unit consumption.


An acoustic and insulated Trapdoor must be
provided below the AHU and BTU meter in
the ceiling
Do not remove or displace the AHU installed
by savvy without permission

Ease of Maintenance and

Reduction in wasted heat
Reduced power bills for Air

Do not use Any kind of split or FCU. It will

disturb the functioning of AHU in the whole
building and affect the billing as well.
The supply duct of AHU must be acoustic and
thermally insulated
The distance between supply grill and return
grill must be 1 meter at least
Manual or Automatic dampers should be
provided in the cabins to reduce circulation in
unoccupied areas
Self closing glass doors should be provided at
the main entrance of the office for better

Electronic equipment like printer, scanner ( heat

generating equipment ) etc. should not be near
BTU meter and 2-way valve should not be
tampered or damaged
TFA duct should be kept open under the ceiling
TFA should not have damper and should not be
Additional cost would be applicable to for
additional load requirement apart from design
Keep in mind our standard design criteria for
HVAC ???

HVAC Billing process


Fixed cost

Operating cost : Standard


Operating cost : Odd hours

(* If applicable)

It include common area airconditioning:

- AMC of central chilling system
- salary and wages of operators
- exhaust fans.

It will be metered with the BTU meter

reading installed in each offices and
charged on the basis of:
Actual usage for standard operating
hours : 9 AM to 9 PM

It will be metered and charged on the

basis of :
-Actual usage during odd operating
hours : 9 PM to 9 AM
-It will be higher than the standard
working hour charges as the demand
will be low during these hours
-Reduced if the demand during these
hours increases.

This will be charged on the basis of

office area

In case of any technical problem in billing, the decision of Sr. MEP engineer would be final and binding to all.


Exhaust Grill Must be provided in Toilet Door (min. size 6 x 6)

Exhaust provided in the toilets should not be removed. In case of extension of toilets , exhaust
line for the AHU must be extended and proper waterproofing should be done

Maintaining Air Quality

Reduced water consumption
Water and Energy bill savings
Ease of refitting and repair

Please ensure grey water line marked in Green is connected for Flushing and Domestic line is
connected for other domestic purposes
Make sure not to use Flush or Push Cock for Flushing, and the flush tank must be retained
Please use UPVC or CPVC pipe for alteration. Also, ensure that the diameter of the pipe should
not be more than vertical pipe line
Please make sure to provide cleaning point in the drainage line
Please do not drill in Toilet wall

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Trapdoor must be provided below fire sprinkler main valve in the ceiling
Sprinkler Main valve in your office must not be closed
All sprinklers must be below the ceiling level & visible from below
Effective safety system Use Flexible Sprinkler line if you want to change the location of Sprinkler

CFL, LED lights to be used for better performance of HVAC system.

Halogen lights are prohibited
Reduced power bills for

No additional exhaust load to be connected in the existing exhaust duct like chimney, kitchen
equipment, etc. that exhausts hot air.
In such cases it is recommended to install exhaust fan with carbon filter
Emission control
Waste heat control

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Best Practices in HVAC for AHU

Locating the AHU

Please do not change the AHU location unless absolutely necessary.

The AHU will cause some noise. Ideally it should be located in areas of less
occupancy expected ( like server room , storage room, pantry etc.)

AHU should be located close to toilet to facilitate efficient drainage.

AHU units pulley is design on the base of 70 dg bar and the

ducting should be accordingly done to overcome the noise factor

Best Practices For HVAC Work

Locating the AHU

Trap Door to be provided in the ceiling below AHU unit.

BTU meter should be installed below the ceiling to facilitate easy


AHU must be acoustically insulated from all four sides with Glass
wool of 40 density.

Best Practices for ducting in HVAC

Ducting must be provided for return air

Supply and return duct must have thermal Insulation

Supply duct must have acoustic insulation with glass

wool for at least, first 3 meter distance

TFA duct should not have a damper or lid should not

be closed

Minimum Distance between Supply and Return Grill

should be 1.00 Mt.

Best Practices For HVAC Work Heat Load

CFL, LED lights to be used for better performance of
HVAC system. Halogen lights are strictly prohibited.

Electronic equipment like printer, scanner ( heat

generating equipment ) etc. should not be kept near

Do not connect additional exhaust load (like chimney,

kitchen equipment, etc. which exhausts hot air. )to the
existing exhaust duct. If required, than we recommend
to install exhaust fan with carbon filter.

Best Practices in For HVAC work- In Toilets

Exhaust Grill Must be Provided in Toilet Door (min. size

6 x 6)

Mechanical Exhaust provided in toilet should not

tampered or removed

Ideally toilet location should not be changed. If

absolutely necessary to re-locate toilet, the mechanical
exhaust ducting should be extend to the new location

Drain pipe for AHU should have proper slope minimum

1-1/2 .

Best Practices in HVAC Better performance

Self closing door must be provided at main entrance

door of office.

Proper insulation along the edges of the door will

ensure minimum losses.

Best Practices in for Green building Interior work- Fire

Do not close the main Sprinklers Main valve in your office and do
not tamper the installed fire line

Trap door must be provided below Main Fire valve

All sprinklers must be below the ceiling level & visible from below.

Ideally, location of fire sprinklers should not be changed. If

absolutely necessary, then flexible pipes should be used for the

Best Practices in for Green building Interior work

Use of Flush or Push Cock for Flushing is prohibited, and the flush
tank must be retained.

Please ensure grey water line marked in Green is connected for

Flushing and Domestic Pipe is Connected for other domestic

Water proofing should be proper in case of re-location of toilet,

it should be done with Bitumen sample

Best Practices in for Green building Interior work

Please use UPVC or CPVC pipe for Alteration. And also

check diameter of pipe should not be more than vertical
pipe line.

Please do not drill in Toilet wall without consulting the

Site Engineer.


For further information kindly e-mail us



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