Physiology Notes

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Chapter 1 & 6:Homeostasis


Homeostasis- keeping internal environment stable relative to the

Law of mass balance- what comes in must equal what comes out
Two options:
Excretion- elimination of material from the body
Convert substances through metabolism
Mass flow=concentration of x * volume flow
Clearance-rate at which something leaves the body.

Homeostasis is not equilibrium

Instead its a dynamic steady state
To maintain the body regulates certain variables at a setpoint

There is an input signal, integrating center, output signal then a


Local control- starts in one tissue and is handled in that tissue

Reflex control uses long distance signaling
Two parts: a response and feedback loop
Three parts to a response loop: input signal, integrating center and
an output signal

Negative feedback loops are homeostatic

Positive feedback loops are not homeostatic
Feedforward loops anticipate change

Tonicity: how cell volume would be affected if placed in a certain

Hypotonic- cell gains water
Hypertonic-cell loses water
Isotonic-nothing happens
Tonicity depends on the concentration of non-penetrating particles
Passive transport that uses kinetic energy of molecules
Higher to lower concentration-down concentration gradient
Occurs until the concentration is equal everywhere
Faster over short distances
Faster with high temperatures
Faster with smaller particles
Diffusion directly across a phospholipid bilayer is called simple
o Only nonpolar lipophilic molecules can diffuse
o Exception is water-depends on concentration of membrane
o Rate of diffusion is determined by surface area

o Ficks law of diffusion and membrane permeability determine

diffusion rate

Protein-Mediated Transport-carried out by transporters

4 classes: structural proteins, enzymes, receptors and transporters
Structural proteins
o Connect membrane to cytoplasm
o Create cell junctions
o Attach cells to the extracellular matrix
Transport proteins are either channel or carrier
o Most channel ones are water filled
o Selectivity of a channel protein is determined by the diameter
and the amino acid charge of the protein its membrane

Facilitated Diffusion uses carrier proteins

For example GLUT transporters
Takes advantage of concentration gradient
Active transport is opposite-requires energy
Down concentration gradient
Primary uses ATP, secondary freeloads by using the concentration
gradient potential energy of another molecule
Sodium-Potassium pump-primary active transport
SGLT transporter-secondary

Vesicular Tranport
Phagocytosis-think amoeba
Endocytosis-creates smaller vesicles

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