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Extra Material

ngela Ruiz

First conditional
We use the first conditional to talk about situations that are possible or likely to happen.
If he finishes his homework, hell go to the cinema.

Second conditional
We use the second conditional to talk about situations which are imaginary or unlikely to happen.
If I met Leonardo DiCaprio, Id ask him for his autograph.

Third conditional
We use the third conditional to talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations in the past.
If she had got up earlier, she wouldnt have missed the train.
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.
1. We ________________ (be) late if we ________________ (not leave) now.
2. What ________________ (you / say) if you ________________ (meet) her?
3. She ________________ (be) in trouble with her father if she ________________ (fail) her exams.
4. If you ________________ (go), ________________ (you / give) this to her?
5. He ________________ (go) out if the weather ________________ (be) nice.
6. If he ________________ (not give) me my money, I ________________ (tell) the teacher.
7. He ________________ (not help) you if you ________________ (not help) him.
8. If you ________________ (eat) a lot, you ________________ (put on) weight.
9. They ________________ (not win) the championship I they ________________ (lose) on Sunday.
10. What ________________ (you / do) if she ________________ (not arrive)?
2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Second Conditional.
1. If I ________________ (see) him again, I ________________ (not know) who he was.
2. If you ________________ (have) a car, what car ________________ (you / choose)?
3. They ________________ (live) in a house like that if they ________________ (have) the money.
4. Which charity ________________ (you / give) money to if you ________________ (become) rich?
5. I ________________ (like) him better if he ________________ (not be) so silly.
6. I ________________ (not help) him if he ________________ (beg) me.
7. How ________________ (you / help) the poor if you ________________ (have) the time?
8. I ________________ (not speak) to him if I ________________ (be) you.
9. Which book ________________ (you / take) if you ________________ (go) to a desert island?
10. ________________ (you / see) her again if she ________________ (say) she was sorry?
3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Third Conditional.
1. If the weather had been better, we ______________________ (come) by bike.
2. If Steven had taken his camera, he ______________________ (take) nice pictures.
3. If Sarah ______________________ (not / eat) so much junk food, she could have been in the school
hockey team.
4. If you had listened carefully, you ______________________ (know) about it.

Extra Material
ngela Ruiz
5. They would have flown to Canberra if they ______________________ (have) money.
6. If the sun ______________________ (shine), we would have gone swimming.
7. If you had waited a minute, you ______________________ (see) her.
8. If we had come by car, we ______________________ (arrive) earlier.
9. We would have stayed in Paris, if we ______________________ (have) more money.
10. If you ______________________ (do) your homework, you would have passed the test.
4. Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 If she had more time,

a hed ride it to school.

2 If she has the new Star Wars game,

b shell let you play it.

3 If I were rich,

c Id buy a sports car.

4 He would have phoned the police

d she would have known the result.

5 If he had a motorbike,

e Ill tell you.

6 If she had watched the tennis match,

7 If I find the letter,

g if hed seen the robbery.

shed learn another language.

5. Which type of the if-clauses is used?

1. If I find your key, Ill tell you.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
2. Daniel would have been at home on time if the bus had come.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
3. She would be very happy if her friends came.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
4. My parents would have bought the house if it had been cheaper.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
5. If you had done your homework, you could have written a better test.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
6. If it rains, Ill wear a raincoat.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
7. If it wasnt so late, I would go shopping.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)

Extra Material
ngela Ruiz
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
8. If they had driven carefully, they wouldnt have crashed into the other car.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
9. What would you do if you saw a robber?
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
10. If Lisa had got up earlier, she would not have been late for work.
a. Type I (condition possible to fulfil)
b. Type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
c. Type III (condition not possible to fulfil too late)
6. Finish the sentences. Use the correct phrases.
1. If Amy does the washing up,
a. her brother will clear the table.
b. her brother would clear the table.
c. her brother would have cleared the table.
2. If he learned the new words,
a. he can get a good mark in the test.
b. he could get a good mark in the test.
c. he could have got a good mark in the test.
3. I would go to the party,
a. if you come with me.
b. if you came with me.
c. if you had come with me.
4. If we had seen the film,
a. we will not buy the DVD.
b. we would not buy the DVD.
c. we would not have bought the DVD.
5. My uncle would stay longer in York,
a. if he has more time.
b. if he had more time.
c. if he had had more time.
6. The teacher will not be happy,
a. If we forget our homework again.
b. If we forgot our homework again.
c. If we had forgotten our homework again.
7. If I were you,
a. I will not play hockey.
b. I would not play hockey.
c. I would not have played hockey.
8. If you drove from Paris to Lisbon,

Extra Material
ngela Ruiz
a. which way will you go?
b. which way would you go?
c. which way would you have gone?
9. If you wait a minute,
a. Ill go with you.
b. Id go with you.
c. Id have gone with you.
10. You would have slept much better,
a. If you will take your medicine.
b. If you took your medicine.
c. If you had taken your medicine.
7. Fill in the gaps. Use the correct form of the verb. First, second or third conditional.
1. If Andrews parents ____________________ (not buy) him the computer, he wouldnt have shopped on
the Internet.
2. Andrew would make more friends if he ____________________ (spend) less time on the Internet.
3. If his parents ____________________ (find out) earlier, Andrew would have spent less money.
4. If Andrews mother doesnt pay, she ____________________ (have to) go to prison.
5. Andrew ____________________ (not get) into trouble if he hadnt used his parents password.
6. If I ____________________ (be) Andrews mother, Id sell his computer.
7. If teenagers ____________________ (have) a computer, theyll want to surf the Internet.
8. Susan ______________________ (go) to the concert if her friends go.
9. If you leave me now, you ______________________ (not / be) late.
10. If I studied, I ______________________ (pass) the exams.
11. If I had found your keys, I ______________________ (tell) you.
12. Daniel would have been at home on time if the bus ______________________ (come).
13. If I order lunch, _____________________ (you / eat) it?
14. Unless Anne ______________________ (see) the news, she wont know the story.
15. Would you mind if I ______________________ (open) the window?
16. If you eat too much chocolate, you ______________________ (get) fat.
17. If I had time, I ______________________ (go) shopping with you.
18. She would be very happy if her friends ______________________ (come).
19. I would have bought the shoes if they ______________________ (be) cheaper.
20. If it rains, I ______________________ (wear) a raincoat.
8. Rewrite the sentences in the first, second or third conditional.
1 In order to lose weight you need to exercise more.
(First conditional) If you want
2 He may be late, but he can meet us at the Blue Note caf.
(First conditional) If hes
3 An old woman saw him burgle the house. Thats why hes in prison.
(Third conditional) If she hadnt
4 He wants to be rich and famous. Then hell be happy.
(Second conditional) If he was

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