Ee4701-Advanced Ee Lab: Power Systems Lab Experiment No: 2 EE11B049-Vishnu Bhargav EE11B008 - Mrugender Lal

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mrugender lal

EE11B049- Vishnu

To study the various power components and parameters for
balanced, unbalanced, linear and nonlinear loads connected to 3 phase
supply , using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. In this simulation ,we shall
study the effect of unbalance and non-linear loads by studying the
various power components and parameters.
Source Voltages : vsa, vsb , vsc
Source Currents : isa ,isb ,isc
Load Currents : ila,ilb,ilc

Case 1 :

Voltages and load currents are balanced.

Source voltages - vsa = vsb = vsc = 230 V RMS
Load Impedences : Za = Zb = Zc = 55+j25
Average Real Power :
P = 2391 W ; Pa =797.2 W ; Pb = 797 W ; Pc =796.8 W
Average Reactive Power:
q = 1087 VAR
Apparent Power :
S = 2626.5 VA ; Sa= 875.5 VA ; Sb = 875.5 VA ; Sc = 875.5 VA
Power factor :
Pf = 0.9103 ; Pfa = 0.9101 ; Pfb = 0.9030 ; Pfc = 0.9105
Total Harmonic Distortion:
%THDIa = 3.132 e-6 ; %THDIb = 7.175 e-6 ; %THDIc = 7.509 e-6
%THDVa = 7.867 e-6 ; %THDVb = 0 ; %THDVc = 1.196 e-5
Instantaneous Real Power:

Instantaneous Reactive Power:

Oscillating Real Power :

Oscillating Reactive Power :

Case 2 :
Voltages are balanced but load currents are unbalanced.
Source voltages - vsa = vsb = vsc = 230 V RMS
Load Impedences : Za = 150+j16 ; Zb =50+j47 ; Zc = 75+j16
Average Real Power :
P = 1585 W ; Pa =674.7 W ; Pb = 561.4 W ; Pc =348.6 W
Average Reactive Power:
q = 709.2 VAR

Apparent Power :
S = 1811.2 VA ; Sa= 350.7 VA ; Sb = 770.7 VA ; Sc = 689.8 VA
Power factor :
Pf = 0.8510 ; Pfa = 0.9781 ; Pfb = 0.7207 ; Pfc = 0.9941
Total Harmonic Distortion:
%THDIa = 0 ; %THDIb = -6.032 e-6 ; %THDIc = 7.027 e-6
%THDVa = 7.867 e-6 ; %THDVb = 0 ; %THDVc = 1.190 e-5
Instantaneous Real Power:

Instantaneous Reactive Power:

Oscillating Real Power :

Oscillating Reactive Power :

Case 3 :
Voltages are unbalanced and load currents are unbalanced.
Source voltages - vsa = 230 V ; vsb = 0.8*230 V ; vsc =1.1* 230 V RMS
Load Impedences : Za = 150+j16 ; Zb =50+j47 ; Zc = 75+j16
Average Real Power :
P = 1524 W ; Pa =916.4 W ; Pb = 359.3 W ; Pc =349.6 W
Average Reactive Power:

q = 595.8 VAR
Apparent Power :
S = 1678.7 VA ; Sa= 350.7 VA ; Sb = 770.7 VA ; Sc = 834.7 VA
Power factor :
Pf = 0.9081 ; Pfa = 0.9781 ; Pfb = 0.7204 ; Pfc = 0.994
Total Harmonic Distortion:
%THDIa = 0 ; %THDIb = 6.853 e-6 ; %THDIc = 5.589 e-6
%THDVa = 7.867 e-6 ; %THDVb =1.227 e-6 ; %THDVc = -7.072 e-6
Instantaneous Real Power:

Instantaneous Reactive Power:

Oscillating Real Power :

Oscillating Reactive Power :

Case 4 :

Voltages are balanced but load currents are unbalanced and distorted.
Source voltages - vsa = vsb = vsc = 230 V RMS
Load Impedences : Za = 150+j16 ; Zb =50+j47 ; Zc = 75+j16
Rectifier Load : R =200 and L=80mH
Average Real Power :
P = 3026 W ; Pa =1153 W ; Pb = 1039 W ; Pc =834 W
Average Reactive Power:
q = 715.2 VAR
Apparent Power :
S = 3210.4 VA ; Sa= 848.4 VA ; Sb = 1183 VA ; Sc = 1179 VA
Power factor :
Pf = 0.9424 ; Pfa = 0.9781 ; Pfb = 0.770 ; Pfc = 0.9831
Total Harmonic Distortion:
%THDIa = 17.9 ; %THDIb = 12.73 ; %THDIc = 12.78
%THDVa = 7.324 e-6 ; %THDVb = 4.229 e-6 ; %THDVc = 1.295 e-5
Instantaneous Real Power:

Instantaneous Reactive Power:

Oscillating Real Power :

Oscillating Reactive Power :

Case 5 :
Voltages are unbalanced but load currents are unbalanced.
Source voltages - vsa = vsb = vsc = 230 V RMS
Load Impedences : Za = 150+j16 ; Zb =50+j47 ; Zc = 75+j16
Rectifier Load : R =200 and L=80mH and Feeder Impedences Zsa = Zsb
= Zsc = 2+j3.14
Average Real Power :

P = 2556 W ; Pa =1212 W ; Pb = 594.6 W ; Pc =749.4 W

Average Reactive Power:
q = 680.1 VAR
Apparent Power :
S = 2703.5 VA ; Sa= 769 VA ; Sb = 691.5 VA ; Sc = 1243 VA
Power factor :
Pf = 0.9456 ; Pfa = 0.9756 ; Pfb = 0.0599 ; Pfc = 0.9746
Total Harmonic Distortion:
%THDIa = 13.4 ; %THDIb = 12.73; %THDIc = 8.16
%THDVa = 5.099 ; %THDVb = 7.058 ; %THDVc = 4.468
Instantaneous Real Power:

Instantaneous Reactive Power:

Oscillating Real Power :

Oscillating Reactive Power :

1.Why the voltages and currents are become
unbalanced and what are their effects on power system?
A. Voltages and currents are unbalanced because of
unbalanced or non-linear loads . This causes poor power factor,
large neutral current ,more looses in electrical machines and
transformers , de-rating of transformers and machines and
large reactive power requirement.
2.What are the sources of harmonics and how they
affect the system?
A. Harmonics voltages and currents in an electric power
system are a result of non-linear electric loads. One of the
major effects of power system harmonics is to increase the
current in the system.
3.How the neutral current (InN) depends upon the
unbalanced load currents?
A. The neutral current can be determined by adding the three
phase currents together. In an unbalanced system sum of the
unbalanced currents is not zero. Hence it results in non zero
neutral current.

4.What are the useful and non useful power in electric

power system?
A. The portion of power that, averaged over a complete cycle
of the AC waveform, results in net transfer of energy in one
direction is known as Real power. Hence real power is useful
power. The portion of power due to stored energy, which returns
to the source in each cycle, is known as Reactive power. Hence
reactive power is non useful power.
5.How shall you define power factor for distorted
voltage and current waveforms given by Eqn.(1) and
A.Power factor is defined as the ratio of Average Active Power
and Apparent Power.
Instantaneous Active power
p(t) = vsa* isa + vsb* isb + vsc * isc
Average active power


t +T

p (t) dt

Apparent Power
S=Sa+Sb+Sc ; Sa = Va*Ia ; Sb= Vb*Ib ; Sc = Vc*Ic
Power factor =


6.Why three-phase system is mostly used instead of

single-phase system?
A. Three phase system is more power efficient than a single
phase system.Three phase system gives a smooth power flow
unlike the single phase system.Also it is more economical.
7.Why is it desired to have balanced and sinusoidal
voltages and currents?
A.Unbalanced systems create distortion. It increases the
neutral currents. It increases the harmonics . Power flow is not
smooth. It results inless power factors.Balanced system with
sinusoidal voltages and currrents give smooth power flow with
more efficiency.
8.What is typical power factors of single phase and
three phase induction motors?
A. The power factor of induction motors varies with load. For
single phase it varies typically from around 0.85 or 0.90 at full
load to as low as 0.35 at no-load. For 3 phase it varies from
0.84 to 0.91 at full load to 0.7 at no-load.

9.What is typical THD for diode rectifier and which

harmonics are dominantly present?
A.Typical current THD for diode rectifier is 48.43%. Dominant
harmonics are 3,5,7.
10.In power systems mostly odd harmonics are present
why this is so?What are possible source of even
harmonics and why they are considered more
problematic than even harmonics?
A. Symmetrical waves contain only odd harmonics and unsymmetrical waves contain even and odd harmonics. Most
power system elements are symmetrical. They produce only
odd harmonics and have no DC offset. Non -symmetric waves
are the sources of even harmonics. Due to this all
triplen(3,6,9,12,) harmonics add with each other in the
neutral conductor of a 4-wire Y-connected load. In power
systems containing substantial nonlinear loading, the triplen
harmonic currents may be of great enough magnitude to cause
neutral conductors to overheat. This is very problematic, as
other safety concerns prohibit neutral conductors from having
overcurrent protection, and thus there is no provision for
automatic interruption of these high currents.

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