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Steps to Doing Well in Math

Improve Your Math Marks
By Deb Russell,
Here are some quick steps to help you get better at doing mathematics. Regardless
of age, the tips here will help you learn and understand math concepts from primary
school right on through to university math. Everyone can do math, be positive and
follow the steps here and you'll be on your way to seeing success in math.
Understanding Versus Memorizing
All too often, we will try to memorize a procedure or sequence of steps instead of
looking to understand why certain steps are required in a procedure. Always, always
strive for understanding the why and not just the how. Take the algorithm for long
division Typically, we say, "how many times does 3 go into 7" when the question is 73
divided by 3. After all, that 7 represents 70 or 7 tens. The understanding in this
question really has little to do with how many times 3 goes into 7 but rather how
many are in the group of three when you share the 73 into 3 groups. 3 going into 7 is
merely a short cut. Putting 73 into 3 groups means understanding. The long division
algorithm rarely makes sense unless the concrete method is fully understood.
Math is Not a Spectator Sport, Get Active!
Unlike some subjects, math is something that won't let you be a passive learner.
Math is the subject that will often put you out of the comfort zone, don't worry as this
is normal and part of the learning process. Try to make connections in math, many of
the concepts in math are related and connected. The more connections you can
make, the greater the understanding will be. Math concepts flow through levels of
difficulty, start from where you are and move forward to the more difficult levels only
when understanding is in place. The internet has a wealth of interactive math sites
that let you engage, be sure use them.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Do as many problems as is required to ensure you understand the concept. Some of
us require more practice and some of us require less practice. You will want to
practice a concept until it makes sense and until you are fluent at finding solutions to
various problems within the concept readily. Strive for those 'A Ha!' moments. When
you can get 7 varied questions in a row right, you're probably to the point of
understanding. Even more so if you re-visit the questions a few months later and are
still capable of solving them. This too is key to understanding. Be sure to check out
the worksheet section for lots of practice examples.
Additional Exercises
This is similar to practice. Think of math the way one thinks about a musical
instrument. Most of us don't just sit down and play an instrument. We take lessons,
practice, practice some more and although we move on, we still take time to review.

Go beyond what is asked for. Your instructor tells you to do questions 1-20, even
numbers only. Well, that may work for some, but others may need to do each of the
questions to reach the point of fluency with the concept. Doing the extra practice
questions only helps you to grasp the concept more readily. And, as always, be sure
to re-visit a few months later, do some practice questions to ensure that you still have
a grasp of it.
Buddy Up!
Some people like to work alone. However, when it comes to solving problems, it often
helps to have a work buddy. You know the saying: two heads are better than one.
Sometimes a work buddy can help clarify a concept for you by looking at it in a
different way. Organize a study group or work in pairs or triads! In real life we often
work through problems with others. Math is no different. A work buddy also provides
you with the opportunity to discuss how you solved the math problem. And as you'll
see in this list of tips, conversing about math leads too permanent understanding and
you know that understanding is key.
Explain and Question
Try to explain to somebody else how you solve math concepts. Teach a friend. Or,
keep a journal. It's often important to state either in writing or orally how you solved
your math problems/exercises. Question problems, ask yourself, What would happen
if.......I solved it this way because.....
Remember William Glasser's findings: 10% of what we READ
20% of what we HEAR
30% of what we SEE
50% of what we SEE and HEAR
70% of what is DISCUSSED with OTHERS
95% of what we TEACH TO SOMEONE ELSE
William Glasser
Phone a Friend......or Tutor!
Seek help when it's appropriate. Don't let yourself get stuck and frustrated. Seek
extra clarification when needed, be your own advocate! Whether you have a friend or
need to hire a tutor, recognize the point at which you need help - then get it! Most of
us need help some of the time, if you let it go too long, you'll discover that the math
will only become more frustrating for you. Here's a handy tips for getting a tutor list.



Rujukan :
Dep Russel, Steps to Doing Well in Math,
di akses pada 9 Januari 2011
Artikel ini adalah tentang langkah-langkah untuk mencapai kecemerlangan
dalam matematik. Salah satu langkah untuk cemerlang adalah dengan memahami
dan menghafal. Selain mengingati atau menghafal urutan langkah yang diperlukan,
kita perlu memahami mengapa langkah-langkah tersebut diperlukan.
Selain itu, matematik juga suatu subjek yang membolehkan kita menjadi aktif
dari segi pemikiran. Ini adalah kerana, matematik akan membuatkan kita selalu
berfikir dan melalui tahap-tahap yang semakin sukar. Semakin banyak konsep yang
dipelajari, semakin banyak pemahaman kita tentang dunia matematik.







memerlukan latihan demi latihan. Kita perlu melakukan banyak latihan terutamanya
dalam penyelesaian masalah untuk memastikan bahawa konsep yang dipelajari
betul-betul difahami.
Selain daripada itu, latihan tambahan diperlukan untuk memantapkan lagi
pemahaman seseorang. Belajar matematik diibaratkan seperti belajar muzik. Ianya
memerlukan latihan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Dengan melakukan
latihan tambahan juga akan membantu kita untuk memahami konsep dengan lebih
Kemudian, kerja berkumpulan juga salah satu langkah untuk mencapai yg
terbaik dalam matematik. Dengan bekerja dalam kumpulan, pelbagai idea, pendapat
dan cara penyelesaian dapat dikongsikan bersama.
Langkah terakhir adalah melalui penerangan dan soalan. Cuba untuk
menerangkan kepada rakan dan kemukakan beberapa soalan kepada diri sendiri
untuk mendapatkan kepastian.
Kesimpulannya, artikel ini telah menyatakan bahawa matematik memerlukan
usaha dan latihan untuk mencapai markah yang terbaik. Pada pendapat saya, guru
juga perlu memainkan peranan yang penting untuk menarik minat muridnya

meminati matematik. Subjek ini akan membantu murid untuk berfikir dan
mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan seharian. Walaubagaimanapun, murid perlu
sedar bahawa bukan hanya mengharapkan guru untuk mengajar, tetapi murid-murid
juga perlu berdikari seperti yang telah dinyatakan dalam langkah-langkah untuk
mencapai kecemerlangan dalam matematik.

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