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Transport X

Portable Dissolved Gas Analysis

Operation Manual
Version 1.5

Lissue Industrial Estate East
Co. Antrim
N. Ireland
Tel : +44 (0)28 92622915
Fax : +44 (0)28 92622202


(EN) Notes
Mode of Operation of TRANSPORT X
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the
equipment may be impaired.

Disconnection from Power Supply

Disconnection from the supply is achieved through the power inlet connector.
To disconnect from the supply, turn off the device using the touch screen, then power off using the
ON/OFF switch, then disconnect the supply cord.

Exhausted Gases
Gases exhausted by TRANSPORT X are at concentrations which are non flammable and non toxic. All
exhausted gases are quickly diluted into surrounding atmosphere.

Battery Replacement and Disposal

The TRANSPORT X uses a lithium coin cell battery. The lithium coin cell battery is a long-life
battery and may never need to be replaced. If battery replacement is necessary it should be
performed by an authorized service technician.
CAUTION: There is a danger of a new battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed. Replace the
battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Do not dispose of
the battery in a fire or with household waste. Contact your local waste disposal agency for the
address of the nearest battery deposit site.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE Directive

In the European Union, this label indicates that this product should not be disposed of with
household waste. It should be deposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery and recycling.
For information on how to recycle this product, please visit and follow the links
for WEEE.
This product has been tested to the requirements of CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1, second edition,
including amendment 1, or a later version of the same standard incorporating the same level of
testing requirements

There are no serviceable parts inside the equipment.
For continued fire protection, use only approved and recommended fuse.
Do not use equipment if power cord is visibly damaged or worn out or missing or damaged PE pin.
Use only safety approved power cord.
Do not operate TRANSPORT X (top cover open) in rain conditions.
Unit should be stored with lid closed when not in use to avoid accidental damage during transit
Equipment should not be left operating unsupervised.

(FR) Consignes de scurit

Mode de fonctionnement du TRANSPORT X
La garantie commerciale sera annule si la dfectuosit est cause par une utilisation non conforme, une
ngligence ou une modification non autorise de lquipement

Mise hors tension de lappareil

La mise hors tension est ralis par le connecteur d'admission de puissance
Pour dconnecter l'appareil, arrter le dispositif en utilisant l'cran tactile, puis mettre hors tension en
utilisant le commutateur "MARCHE/ARRT", ensuite dbrancher le cordon d'alimentation de la prise

Gaz dchappement
Les gaz produits par le TRANSPORT X sont non inflammables et non toxiques. Tous les gaz
dchappement sont rapidement dilus dans l'atmosphre environnante.

Remplacement et Recyclage de la batterie

Le TRANSPORT X utilise une batterie de cellules de pice de monnaie de lithium, qui est une
batterie de longue vie et peut ne jamais devoir tre remplace. Si le remplacement de batterie est
ncessaire il devra tre systmatiquement excut par un technicien autoris.
ATTENTION: Cet appareil prsente un risque d'explosion si la nouvelle batterie nest pas installe
correctement. Remplacez la batterie uniquement par le model recommand par le fabricant.

Directive sur la collecte des Dchets des Equipements Electriques et

Une directive europenne impose ses membres la collecte et le recyclage des batteries. Ne vous
dbarrassez pas de la batterie use, celle ci doit tre ramene dans un point de collecte approprie
et recycle. Contactez votre agence locale de recyclage pour connatre lemplacement le plus
Pour plus de prcision sur le recyclage de batterie, visitez le site Internet et
suivez le lien WEEE.
Ce produit a t test aux exigences de la CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 61010-1, deuxime dition, y
compris l'amendement 1, ou une version ultrieure de la mme norme comportant le mme niveau
d'exigences relatives aux essais

Consignes de scurit

Aucune pice l'intrieur de l'quipement nest rparable par lutilisateur. Contacter un technicien approuve
pour tous travaux de maintenance et de rparation
utiliser uniquement le model de fusible approuv par le constructeur
n'utiliser pas l'quipement si le cordon dalimentation de secteur ou la prise secteur est endommage
Utiliser uniquement le cordon dalimentation approuv par le constructeur
Ne pas utiliser TRANSPORT X (couvercle suprieur ouvert) par temps de pluie
Le matriel doit tre stock avec couvercle ferm afin dviter tout endommagement durant le transport
Le matriel ne doit pas tre laisser sans surveillance durant son fonctionnement




System Description




Sample bottle and connectors


Accessories Kit


Thermal Printer





TRANSPORT X operation



Turning ON / OFF



Preventing Contamination



Unit operation


3.3.1 Starting New Measurement


3.3.2 Analysis Tools


3.3.3 Internal Error Checking


3.3.4 View Previous Results


3.3.5 Settings


Taking an Oil Sample




Sampling Procedure

Injecting Sample into TRANSPORT X


Cleaning Apparatus


Sampling and Analysis of Gases from Gas-Collecting


(Buchholz) relays










System Check (Allows the User to confirm the

TRANSPORT X is functioning correctly.)



Accurate knowledge of the condition of oil filled equipment is of paramount

importance to electrical utilities.

Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) has been

essential in this area for many years, allowing faults to be detected in their early
stages, costly outages to be avoided and assets to be optimised.

The TRANSPORT X represents a new generation of test equipment for DGA in

equipment oil, allowing accurate, rapid, reliable results in the field. To ensure
optimum performance of the TRANSPORT X it is important that this manual be
read fully before using the equipment.

System Description



The TRANSPORT X utilises new technology to achieve extremely high

performance standards and genuine portability, giving measurements of all the
fault gases plus moisture. The gases are extracted from the oil sample using a
highly stable proprietary dynamic headspace equilibrium method then measured
using infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy. The TRANSPORT X can also test
direct gas samples taken from transformer headspace or a Buchholz Relay. The
dynamic range of the measurements of the TRANSPORT X, along with the ability
to have no contamination between samples, means it is very suitable for testing
tap-changers and circuit breakers also.

The TRANSPORT X is contained within a rugged, impact resistant, carrying case.

Accessories for DGA tests of oil are contained within a separate lightweight case.

These include a sample bottle with connections and pipes and a syringe for
extracting a 50ml oil sample from the equipment and injecting it into the bottle.
See Section 2.2

The TRANSPORT X contains an embedded PC and touch screen.


incorporated software contains instructions to guide the user through the operation
of the system and algorithms to assist the diagnosis of the equipment. The PC
has an internal database that can store over 16000 records. Communication with
external PCs is possible via USB connections, allowing databases to be imported
or downloaded.

A thermal printer is provided enabling the user to maintain hard copy records of all
samples tested on the instrument.

The power supply requirements are 115/230VAC, 50/60Hz. An optional extra is

available in the form of a cable and transformer to allow the instrument to be run
from a 12v power supply such as a cigar lighter.

System Check Kit is available to allow the user to check the operation of the
TRANSPORT X. See Section 8.

Optional extras are sampling of direct gas samples (see Section 7), and also for
the forced cooling of oil samples.


Sample Bottle and Connectors

The sample bottle provided includes a lid-assembly incorporating airtight

compression fittings and a temperature probe to be connected to the top panel of
the TRANSPORT X. These are simple snap-in connectors that are polarised so
that only one order of connection of the input and return is possible. Ensure these
connections are fully made when using the TRANSPORT X. The sample bottle is
coloured in order to filter out UV light that can cause degradation of the oil.

In-line Teflon

Airtight gas
inlet and
outlet fittings

Airtight sample
injection valve



Figure 1. Sample Bottle and Lid-Assembly

It is recommended that the sample be analysed as soon as possible after

extraction, so that minimal degradation of the oil occurs.

However, Kelman

provide a serial numbered, ground glass syringe with the TRANSPORT X

standard that can be used for reliable sample storage provided it is kept out of
direct sunlight and extremes of temperature.

It is essential that the bottle be kept upright and not be inverted while containing
oil. The oil should be disposed of suitably as soon as the sample has been tested
(see section 6).

The bottle should be cleaned thoroughly after each test with a clean cloth. It is
also recommended that the bottle be washed with new transformer oil or the next
oil to be sampled if possible (see section 6).

It is important also to ensure there is no residue of oil left in the oil injection port in
the lid assemble or the connections valve for the syringe, as this could cause
contamination of the next sample. For cleaning purposes it is recommended that
the user inject a sample of new, clean oil (or the oil that s next to be sampled) into
the bottle as normal.

This should then be disposed of correctly and the

TRANSPORT X prepared as normal for the next sample. This will ensure that no
unwanted residue of oil remains from a previous sample.

Care should also be taken to prevent any contamination from the syringe (see
section 4 & 6).

A Teflon coated magnetic stirrer is provided and should be placed in the bottle
before the lid is screwed on during assembly of the pipe work. This magnet is
rotated within the bottle during the analysis procedure, and it is essential for the
correct operation of the TRANSPORT X. The magnetic stirrer should also be

cleaned after each test.

The stirrer can be removed using the retriever stick


An in-line Teflon filter is fitted in both the return and inlet gas pipes. Luerlock
fittings are used to connect these filters and these fittings allow for quick
replacement of the filters at regular intervals or if oil should get into the pipe work
by accident. These filters are impervious to oil and function to protect the
instrument from aerosol and accidental spills. It is imperative that both these filters
are present at all times. If a spill occurs and oil makes its way into the gas analysis
chamber of the photo-acoustic module, the instrument will require a full service
and recalibration by the manufacturer.

It is recommended that the Teflon filters are changed after every 20 samples. If
any oil residue is present in the pipes, or these filters appear discoloured, then
they should be replaced before taking the next sample.


Accessories Kit

The TRANSPORT X comes complete with a full range of accessories and some
replacements. These include:1

50ml ground glass syringe

Two-way plastic stopcock (for use with syringe)

Bottle lid-assembly

Magnet retriever

Quick Connection Valve (for oil injection from the syringe)

Teflon coated magnets


Replacement Teflon filters

115/230v power cable

sample bottles

All of the accessories are supplied in a light carry case, with protective foam
inserts. The figure overleaf identifies each of the Accessories in the carry case.

Figure 2. Accessories Kit


50 ml





Power Cable

Bottle LidAssembly



Thermal Printer

The TRANSPORT X is equipped with an inbuilt 2 thermal printer that can provide hard
copies of results on site. If the paper should need changed it is a very simple procedure
to do this. The paper holder is released by holding in the catch on the left hand side,
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Thermal Printer with release catch on left hand side.

The new roll of paper can then be easily fitted into the holder and then fitted back into
place. The button on the top left corner allows the user to feed the paper through the
printer when fitting, and also to check the function of the printer.

Note: If the printouts from the thermal printer begin to show a red tint, it can be an
indication that it may need a new roll of paper soon.



TRANSPORT X Specification

Fault Gas
Hydrogen, H2
Carbon Dioxide, CO2
Carbon Monoxide, CO
Methane, CH4
Ethane, C2H6
Ethylene, C2H4
Acetylene, C2H2

Calibrated Range (ppm)

5 5,000
2 50,000
1 - 50,000
1 - 50,000
1 50,000
1 50,000
0.5 50,000

Water, H2O



+/- 5% or +/- 2ppm (whichever is greater)

Power Supply

115/230Vac, 50/60Hz; 40W


F6.3AH250V 5x20mm


CR2032 3V Lithium Coin Cell

Output Digital


Output Hardcopy

2 thermal printer

Temperature Range

5 - 40C

Operating Altitude

Max 2000m

Operating Pressure

760 - 1040 millibar


11kg (excluding accessories case)


440mm X 340mm X 220mm

IP Rating





The TRANSPORT X has been designed to provide the user with a reliable device
that is easy to use in the field. The embedded PC and touch screen display stepby-step instructions, and there is also an Instruction Card inserted in the lid of the

A syringe and valves are supplied for the oil extraction and injection.

Provided the easy steps are followed the TRANSPORT X will provide reliable
DGA results.


Please read carefully and observe the following instructions.

read and follow the on-screen instructions carefully.

use 50ml samples of oil.

use a clean syringe, lid-assembly and bottle (See section 3.2 and section 6)

DO NOT use solvents to clean any of the apparatus

one magnetic stirrer piece must be placed in the bottle for the sample to be
analysed correctly.

sample bottle must not be moved until the analysis is complete. If the bottle
is moved the results could be adversely affected.

sample bottle must be kept upright to avoid ingress of oil into the pipe-work
of the lid-assembly.


ensure the pipes are connected correctly and securely, as per instructions.

when removed, the bottle lid-assembly should be held upright then cleaned
carefully with a cloth after use and before storage to avoid any ingress of oil
into the pipe-work (see Section 6 for details).

always empty the sample bottle after a test is completed. Also, clean the
apparatus after every test (see Section 6 for instructions).

The Purge time can be increased (max 10 mins) to help prevent carry-over
from a heavily gassed sample to the next sample.

once the TRANSPORT X is unpacked the user should run a System Flush
operation to help clear the gas paths from potential contamination from any
packing material. See Section 3.2



Turning ON / OFF

The instrument should be powered up approximately 10 minutes prior to the first

sample to allow it to heat up. Oil sampling can be performed in this time if desired.

The TRANSPORT X is mains supplied.

To power ON connect the IEC cable to

mains and the unit, then use the red power switch at the top right of the front
panel. The touch screen will then display the TRANSPORT X software. See
Figure 1.
To turn the unit OFF press the Turn Off button on the Main Menu, shown in
Figure 1. The system will then advise when it is ready to be switched using the
red power switch.

Similar to a PC, it is not recommended that the unit is turned

off directly from the power switch.


Preventing Contamination

The TRANSPORT X is designed to prevent contamination between samples. By

simple cleaning of the syringe, jar and lid-assembly this is easily achieved. Please
see section 6 for details.

For best results:


the syringe should be thoroughly cleaned (see section 6).

the bottle and stirrer should be cleaned with a cloth.

the lid-assembly should be cleaned with air and clean oil (see section 6)


It is recommended that after unpacking the unit the user implements a System
Flush. This flushes ambient air through the TRANSPORT X for 20 minutes, and
will help clear any potential contamination from packing material. This function
can also be used to clear the TRANSPORT X if desired after concentrated
To access this function from the Main Menu: Settings -> System -> Start
System Flush



The instructions displayed on the touch screen are used to control the operation of
the TRANSPORT X. Upon power-up, the screen shows the display Figure 4.

There are four options:

Start New Measurement:

See Section 3.3.1

View Previous Results:

See Section 3.3.3

Turn Off:

Power down section 3.1

PC Sync:

Communicating with PC software see manual


See Section 3.3.4

Fig.4. Main Menu


3.3.1 Start New Measurement

After selecting Start New Measurement the user must select the Equipment
Type from the options available highlight the desired option and press Next.
This is vital for the database and the diagnosis options for the sample.

The TRANSPORT X then will request that the information for the database is

This information is vital, as it is the store and search criteria for all


If the equipment information already exists in the database from a

previous test, then the user can select this from the existing database list, see
Figure 5. The unit will use this information and store it in the new record with the
appropriate date stamp.

Fig.5. List records in the database

If, however, the information does not already exist in the database then the user
will have to enter it. For this the user selects Add New from Figure 5. This will
bring up the keypad on the screen, see Figure 6. The software will guide the user


through entering all the necessary details: Location, Equipment ID, Equipment,
Manufacturer and Sampling Point.

The user must then select Oil Sample or Gas Sample. The default is Oil Sample,
but if it is a direct gas sample, for example from the transformer headspace or the
Buchholz Relay, then the user should select Gas Sample. Press Next when the
correct option is highlighted.

The user has the option of adding the Oil Sampling Temperature, i.e. the
temperature of the oil at the time it was sampled. This is be used to calculate the
% Relative Saturation of the sample. If the temperature is not added then the
results will not include a %RS figure.

The user also has option to add to a Comments field for the sample data. This
can be used to record additional information for a particular sample or equipment.

Fig. 6 The addition of Comments and sample Temperature

Once all the necessary information has been entered, the user checks all the
information before continuing.


Fig.7. Keypad for entering information.

Fig.8. Details confirmation.

After all the sample information has been selected or entered, the software guides
the user through the testing process.

It is strongly recommended that a clean dry bottle be used for each test.
Figure 9 shows the initial instruction screen.

Fig.9. The first instruction screen.


The unit prepares for the oil sample by purging with ambient air, and then
automatically taking a zero reference measurement. The user selects the purge
time between 2 and 10 minutes. The default is 2 minutes, but longer purges can
help prevent contamination from previous samples which are very heavily gassed,
for example from Tap Changers.

Fig.10. Progress of purging process

Fig.11. Progress of zero reference process

The TRANSPORT X is now ready for the oil sample to be injected.

See Section 5 for details on sample injection.

Fig.12 Instruction screen for the sample injection


Once the sample has been injected the temperature of the oil is measured. This is
to avoid condensation in the internal pipe-work of the system. Therefore it is
recommended that hot oil not be tested, and that it has time to cool.


temperature measurement takes 90 seconds.

NOTE: If the oil temperature is higher than the internal cell temperature, then the
sample does not continue. The screen will display this temperature difference and
its countdown. Do not remove the bottle from the holder during this time. When
the temperature difference figure reaches 0.0C the unit will automatically start the
magnetic stirrer. If the bottle is not in place at this time, the stirrer will not operate,
meaning the results will not be correct.

After the temperature measurement is complete the unit begins the process of
measuring the dissolved gases in the oil sample. This takes 18 minutes in total.

Do not touch or remove the bottle during this measurement process.

Figure 13 & 14. Measure the DGA in the sample.


When the measurement procedure is complete, the results are shown on the
touch screen, as illustrated in Figure 15.

Fig.15 Results displayed on screen

Pressing Next will provide the options window shown in Figure 16. The user can
then select Print to get a hardcopy from the in-built thermal printer, or select
Advanced in order to use the embedded DGA diagnostic tools to help in analyzing
the result. See Section 3.3.6.

Press Finish to store results in the database memory.

Pressing Cancel will abort the result.



3.3.2 Analysis Tools

Note: These tools are not the opinion of Kelman, rather based upon thresholds
set by the user and also on established standards and algorithms.

By selecting Advanced as described above, the operator can use the

incorporated software tools to aid in the analysis of DGA results. However, at this
stage this option is only available to Transformer samples. Therefore if the user
has entered Tap Changer, Circuit Breaker or Other as the Equipment Type
then the analysis tools do not apply. As the analysis of DGA results of Tap
Changers and Circuit Breakers develops Kelman plans to incorporate this into the
analysis tools for the TRANSPORT X.

Caution and Warning Thresholds

The first diagnostic tool is based upon gas level thresholds settable by the user.
Default levels are initially programmed into the Transport X based upon the
program TOA 3 from Delta X Research. Each gas level has preset levels for both
Caution and Warning levels. If the value of any gas is over their Caution or
Warning level then it will be highlighted in yellow (if above Caution level) or red (if
above Warning level). See Figure 17. A Transformer Condition, Normal,
Caution or Warning, is then given based upon these alarm levels.


Figure 17. DGA result with Caution and Warning levels.

The operator can examine the current threshold settings by selecting View Limits.
These limits can also be changed by the operator via the Settings option in the
Main Menu, as follows: Settings -> Gas Limits then highlight each gas in turn
and set the Caution and Warning levels by the arrow keys shown, see Figure 18.
The Default button resets the default settings.

Figure 18. User settable Individual Gas Thresholds


Analysis Algorithms

The operator can select the Diagnosis option shown in Figure 18 to give access
to Rogers Ratios, Key Gas method and Duvals Triangle analysis tools.

Figure 18. Analysis Algorithms Options

Note: These algorithms are based on established algorithms and are designed to
aid in the diagnosis of transformer faults, not in the detection of transformer faults.
If the gas levels are very low and the transformer does not appear to have a fault,
then these algorithms can give misleading results and should not be applied. The
user settable thresholds are very useful for this purpose. This is explained fully in
the standards and references stated above. For example, Duvals Triangle will
always provide a fault code, even if there is no fault in the transformer, so should
only be used if a fault is already suspected.


Key Gas Method

IEEE C57.104-1991

This technique allows visual comparison of the result to 4 typical fault results and
examine which one matched most closely, with the TRANSPORT X result, which
is shown in a blue bar graph. The user can then scroll through the 4 typical
options using the arrow keys, and they are shown in pink alongside the
TRANSPORT X result. The user can select the option most like his result, or else
select None if there is nothing applicable. See Figure 16.

Figure 19. Key Gas Method, showing Overheated Cellulose selected by the
Rogers Ratios

IEEE C57.104-1991

This method is based upon established ratios and uses these to determine the
type of fault. See Figure 17.


Figure 20. Rogers Ratios with Fault Code.

Note: If the gas levels are low the Rogers Ratios window will show a warning that
gas levels may be too low for this algorithm. See Figure 20. The fault code will
still be displayed, but caution should be used when applying this.
Duvals Triangle

TechCon 2004 Michel Duval

The method uses a triangle to plot the intersecting point of the gas values. Where
this point falls indicates the type of fault the transformer may have.

Figure 21. Duvals Triangle


3.3.3 Internal Error Checking

TRANSPORT X includes the function of monitoring the internal operation of the

system and also checking the validity of oil samples. If an anomaly is detected
then this will be reported to the user at the end of the sample measurement
process. In addition any result which invokes an error code will be visible in the
database list, as shown in Fig 22.

Fig. 22. Database list showing 2 results with error codes

Error codes are divided into two main types hardware and sample. The
Hardware type describes an issue with the TRANSPORT X unit, whereas the
Sample type describes issues with the sample being measured.

Figure 23 give an example of each type of error code.

For a Hardware code that is categorised as a Warning (highlighted in Red) the
user is prompted to contact Kelman Customer Support immediately as it has
detected a malfunction with the TRANSPORT X unit.


A Hardware code that is a Caution (highlighted in Yellow) prompts the user to take
certain action, such as change the in-line filters. If this code persists the user
should contact Kelman Customer Support.

Fig. 23. Examples of error codes

A Sample code that is a Warning (highlighted in Orange) indicates that the

TRANSPORT X had detected a serious problem with the sample. This would
mainly be caused by interference in the sample from a solvent or SF6 and the
results from this sample cannot be relied upon.

A Sample code that is a Caution (highlighted in White) tells the user that there is
an issue with the sample, but the results are still valid, but may have a larger
margin for error. These may be caused by high target gas in the ambient (the user
can potentially take the TRANSPORT X unit to another location for further testing).

If any of these error codes persist, or there are any further questions please
contact Kelman Customer Support.


3.3.4 Viewing Previous Results

This option allows the user to examine results stored in the database.


selecting View Previous Results from the Main Menu (Figure 4) the options for
searching the database are given. See Figure 24. The database is organised
based upon information entered by the user when doing the DGA tests. If the user
selects the desired search criteria and presses Next the database is displayed. If
Location is used for example, all the various locations in the database are listed.
Using the scroll buttons the operator can select the desired location and press
Next and all the records for this location will be listed. The appropriate record can
easily be found using the arrow keys and by pressing View Record the result will
be displayed as previously shown in Figure 15. The results can be printed and
analysed as described in the previous sections.

Fig.24. Search database options


3.3.5 Settings

The Settings option from the Main Menu brings up the screen shown below.

Figure 25. Settings Options

Date & Time

Set the date and time as required.


Adjust the sensitivity of the touchscreen. It is not

recommended to change the default setting.


Select the desired language from available list.

Gas Limits

Set the gas thresholds for the diagnostic tools see section


Set the temperature normalization; default is 20C.


System Flush option see section 3.2

System Check option see section 8


Taking an Oil Sample

This sampling procedure has been adapted from International standard IEC 567
for the sampling of oil from oil-filled electrical equipment for the analysis of
dissolved gas.

Correct sampling of the insulating oil is essential to ensure that a representative

sample is obtained that will give an accurate snapshot of the overall condition of
the oil within the equipment.
A Dissolved Gas Analysis is only as good as the sample taken.

The method described below ensures that a secure sample is obtained and is
ready for injection into the TRANSPORT X without further risk of contamination,
post sampling.

The method is described with the aid of reference to diagrams - Figures a to h.

The technique assumes that there is an available fitting on the equipment being
tested that will allow connection of a 2-way lure lock valve directly to the
equipment (see valve B, Figure a), either in-line in a sampling pipe, or as a fitting
that can be connected directly to the sampling point. Many different configurations
are possible but the requirement is the same for all.

The sample container consists of a 50ml ground glass syringe to which is

connected a two-way plastic stopcock. Although this stopcock is removable from
the syringe, for the purpose of this sampling description, it should be considered
as part of the syringe / sample container assembly.



Sampling Procedure

Connect syringe to lure lock valve (B) on equipment sampling point (Figure
a). Turn valve B to allow oil to flow out to waste. Let approximately 1 litre of
oil flow to a waste container.

Turn valve B and gently draw oil fully into the syringe (Figure b). At this
stage bubbles of air from the dead volume in the valves will be drawn into
the syringe and some of the gas present will be dissolved into the oil. Also
some of the gas in the oil will escape into these bubbles. This oil and gas
must be rejected as unrepresentative of the oil in the transformer.

Turn valve B and allow oil to flow out of this valve to a waste container
(Figure c). The amount of oil run off at this point will depend upon the size
of the equipment being tested but could vary between 1 and 4 litres. At the
same time disconnect the syringe from valve B and, holding it upright, expel
all of the bubbles and almost all of the oil from the syringe (Figure d).

Turn valve A when most of the oil has been expelled, leaving approximately
2ml of oil remaining in the syringe (Figure e).

Connect the syringe back onto valve B. Turn valve B and allow a small
volume of oil to flow out through the open arm of valve A (Figure f).

Turn valve A and gently draw 50ml of oil into the syringe (Figure g). Flush
this oil out of the syringe into the waste container (this is important to
ensure no contamination from the previous oil in the syringe).

Repeat the above step 3 - 5 times.

Redraw 50ml of oil gently into the syringe.

Turn valve B to stop further oil from escaping from transformer.

Turn valve A and disconnect from valve B.

You now have a representative sample of oil from the equipment ready for
injection into the TRANSPORT X.


Equipment Oil Sampling Methodology

Valve A

Valve B

Oil Pipe /

Figure a

Oil Pipe /

Figure b

Figure c

Figure d

Figure e

Oil Pipe /

Valve B

Valve A

Oil Pipe /

Figure f

Oil Pipe /

Figure g

Oil Pipe /

Figure h


Injecting Sample into TRANSPORT X

Having obtained a representative oil sample, it is very important that it is handled

correctly in order to ensure reliable results.

Problems with sampling, storing or

injecting the oil sample can all affect eventual results.

If a sample is not tested directly after being taken, then it is recommended

that it is stored in a dark, cool place to avoid degradation of the oil during
storage due to sunlight and heat. Photo-degradation of a sample can cause
erroneous results.
If plastic syringes are used for sampling, it is important that the sampled oil
be tested as soon as possible and they should not be used for storage. It is
recommended that oil in plastic syringes should be tested within one hour of
sampling otherwise gas can be lost from the oil sample.
Accurately label the sample for future reference.

The following procedure should be followed for injection of the oil:

Inspect the oil sample to ensure there are no large bubbles present. If there
are bubbles present inspect the three-way stopcock on the end of the syringe
to ensure it has not worked loose or that the valve is orientated correctly. If a
problem is found the equipment should be sampled again. If the valve is
secure and closed correctly then the plunger should be put under a slight
positive pressure and shaken vigorously until the bubble dissolves back into
the oil.
Note: If the oil being sampled is hot and the plunger is slightly tight in the
barrel of the syringe, it is possible for the oil to cool and contract, forming a
partial vacuum which will then draw gas from the sample into it and form a
bubble. Shaking with a slight positive pressure on the syringe will dissolve
this gas back into the oil and the sample will be okay for analysis.


Once the sample is confirmed to be okay the male quick connect fitting
should be attached to the three way stopcock.

See Fig. 25. Ensure this

fitting is free from oil (see section 6).

Fig. 25

Male section of quick-release valve connected to syringe.

Connect the syringe to the bottle. The outer sleeve of the female fitting on
the lid-assembly should be held between thumb and forefinger and pulled
downwards as far as it will go. See Fig. 26. Insert the syringe with the
male quick connect fitting firmly into the female connector, until a slight
click is heard. Release the outer sleeve of the female connector.


Fig. 26 Outer sleeve of the female connector

4 Turn the three-way valve 90o to open the channel from the syringe to the
bottle and close the side arm of the valve.

Fig. 27 Stopcock valve

Note: If the side arm of the valve is not closed the oil will escape, ruining
the sample (and creating a mess).


Slowly depress the plunger of the syringe fully.

When the syringe is fully depressed maintain gentle downward pressure
on the plunger, wait 3-4 seconds and disconnect the syringe at the quick
release valve. To do this, pull down the sleeve of the female section and
lift the syringe, 3-way valve and male quick connect assembly up from the
female section.

Note1: Do not turn the three-way valve to disconnect. By not turning the
three-way valve, gas is prevented from escaping through the side arm and
also the syringe will not drip oil when syringe is being removed.

Note2: Be careful not to separate the male quick release section from the
valve/syringe until the syringe is disconnected from the bottle at the quick
release valve as that would provide an open channel for the gases to
escape to atmosphere.

Follow on-screen instructions to complete analysis.

See Section 3.


Cleaning Apparatus

It is important that the correct clean-out procedure is used to avoid any contamination
from one sample to the next. Also, thorough clean out is important for maintenance of
the correct volumetric ratio, which calls for 50 ml of oil. A small amount of residual oil
left in the sample container or injection pipe-work may have an impact on the results
from the TRANSPORT X for the next sample. Cleaning also helps to keep the unit
and its accessory case in good condition.

Note: DO NOT use any solvents to clean any part of the TRANSPORT X or its
accessories as this can seriously affect results.
If cleaning of the sample bottle and syringe is deemed necessary then warm
soapy water can be used.

However the user needs to ensure that the

apparatus is fully rinsed and dried before using again.

Cleaning the Syringe, Valves and Lid-assembly

The syringe, male quick connect valve and the oil injection tube in the lid-assembly
should be cleaned out after oil injection. This can be done with air, some clean oil or
a sample of the oil that is to be tested next. How this is done and The sequence in
which it is done can often depend on the circumstances of the testing at that time.
The best method is with a combination of air and new / next oil.
This entails

clearing the syringe, valve and lid-assembly injection tube with air


rinsing the syringe numerous times with new oil


injecting a syringe full of new oil into the bottle via the lid-assembly


cleaning bottle and lid-assembly with clean cloth (see below instructions on
how to do this).

By following these best-practices the TRANSPORT X is able to easily clear the affects
of heavily gassed samples for the next test.


It is imperative that the syringe is kept clean in order to prevent cross-contamination of

ensure quick release valve is connected to syringe

turn 3-way valve to take air into syringe through side arm of valve

pull in air to the syringe through side arm of valve

hold syringe with the quick release valve pointing vertically down

turn 3-way valve to close the side arm

push air through syringe and valves, flushing out any oil residue

repeat 4 - 5 times

The syringe should also be rinsed out with oil 3 -5 times when drawing a sample to
ensure there is no contamination in the new sample (see section 4)

Note 1: Use a cloth or waste container to expel excess oil into.

Note 2: It is also recommended that the user thoroughly cleans the syringe after each
sample. This is done by removing the plunger from the barrel. The plunger and
barrel are both then cleaned with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Note 3: Ensure no oil residue remains in the quick release connect adaptor. Use the
technique of vigorously flushing air through the connector with the syringe, as
described above.

Bottle and Lid Assembly

After the TRANSPORT X has completed its analysis the oil sample should be
disposed of properly and the bottle and lid assembly cleaned as described below:

Disconnect the pipe work from the top panel of the TRANSPORT X.


Unscrew the lid assembly from the sample bottle, holding the assembly upright
to avoid any oil ingress into the tubes.

Clean the lid assembly underside and pipes with a clean cloth.

Connect the syringe to the lid assembly with the male quick connect valve.

Using the same procedure as above, connect the syringe to the opened lidassembly and expel any oil residue from the oil injection tube by flushing
through with air 4 -5 times.

Give the bottle a thorough clean with an oil absorbent rag or clean cloth.

For best results (for example if the user is concerned about potential carry-over from a
heavily gassed sample) the user should flush the bottle and lid-assembly with new oil.
To do this the user should:

screw the lid-assembly into the bottle (which has been cleaned with a clean


place it the bottle holder of the TRANSPORT X top panel;


inject a syringe full of new oil into the bottle via the lid-assembly, as normal;


disposed of the oil as normal;


clean the bottle and lid-assembly cleaned as normal with a clean cloth.

This ensures there is not oil residue from previous samples in the injection tune or
connection valves of the system. This is particularly important after testing a highly
gassed sample, for example from a tap changer.


Sampling and Analysis of Gases from Gas-Collecting

(Buchholz) relays



Gas samples from relays should be taken from the equipment with minimum
delays after gas accumulation has been signalled. Changes in composition
caused by the selective re-absorption of components may occur if free gases are
left in contact with the oil.

Gas samples should be properly labelled and

analysed without undue delay to minimise gas loss, specifically hydrogen.



5ml Gas Tight Syringe with luer lock termination and integrated valve.

Length of 3.17mm (1/8) ID gas impermeable plastic tube

3-way plastic stopcock with luer termination male-male-female.



7.3.1 Gas Sampling

See Figure 17 below.

1. Connect the 3 way stopcock (4) to the syringe (1) and to the plastic tubing
2. Ensure integrated valve (2) on syringe is in the open position (position A)
3. Set stopcock (4) position to Y. Use the syringe to draw some waste oil
into the tubing so that it is full of oil.
4. Holding tube upright to prevent oil from spilling out, connect the other end
of the plastic tubing to the gas-collecting relay (5).

This should be

connected at a point on the gas collecting relay with a suitable valve.


5. Open the gas relay valve (5) and carefully turn stopcock (4) to position X
so gas from the gas collecting relay can flush oil and air from valve, tubing
and stopcock.
6. When gas reaches the stopcock (4) turn it to position Y to allow gas from
the gas relay to fill the syringe (1) by the hydrostatic pressure in the relay,
taking care that gas pressure does not eject the plunger completely.
7. Turn the stopcock (4) to position Z and expel gas from the syringe through
the exhaust port of stopcock by pushing plunger home.
8. Turn the stopcock (4) to position Y and fill syringe to the 5ml mark
9. Close the valve of the gas collecting relay (5).
10. Close the integrated valve (2) on the syringe (move to position B)
11. Remove the plastic tubing from the relay valve (5) and stopcock (4)
12. Remove the plastic stopcock from the syringe.
13. Analyze sample as soon as possible after collection and shade from light
in the interim. This will avoid excess gas loss, and also preserve the
integrity of the sample taken.



Position of

Position of







1: 5ml Syringe
2: Syringe Integrated valve
3: Gas impermeable tubing
4: Three way stopcock
5: Relay sampling valve
6: Gas collecting relay
7: Waste vessel


Figure 1 Sampling of gas by syringe


7.3.2 Gas Injection and Analysis

1. Select Start New Measurement from the Main Menu and follow the on
screen instructions as normal to enter all the data for your sample. For
example when prompted to enter the Sampling Point of your sample, you
could enter Buchholz relay. Ensure to select Gas Sample when
prompted by the on-screen menu to chose Sample Type

2. Install bottle and lid-assembly as normal (there is no need for the

magnetic stirrer piece).

3. When prompted on-screen to inject gas sample, connect syringe to

sample bottle via quick connect fitting (similar to injecting an oil sample).

4. Open the integrated valve on syringe and depress plunger fully.

5. Leaving syringe and valve in the same position, draw the plunger back to
the 5ml mark (be careful not to remove it completely) and depress again.
Repeat this procedure approximately 5 times in quick succession to rinse
the entire sample into the sample bottle of the TRANSPORT X. End with
the plunger in the fully depressed position.

6. Pulling down on the outer sleeve of the quick connect fitting, disconnect
syringe and quick connect from sample bottle, similar to disconnecting
syringe when testing an oil sample

7. Press Next to continue and wait for results to de displayed on screen.

8. As normal, the results can be printed from the incorporated thermal
printer, and should be stored in memory by pressing



System Check

Allows the User to confirm the TRANSPORT X is functioning


Due to the inherent stability of the TRANSPORT X, routine calibration of the

instrument is not necessary. Recalibration is only necessary in the event of a
serious fault occurring within the instrument or due to misuse of the instrument.
Under these circumstances this re-calibration must be performed by the

It is recommended that the user periodically assesses the operation of the

TRANSPORT X using the System Check Kit apparatus.

This kit consists of a cylinder of gas containing all the DGA target gases at
known concentrations, together with a length of Nafion tubing, used to connect
the gas cylinder to the inlet connector on the top panel of the TRANSPORT X.

This procedure can be performed as often as wished but should be undertaken

nominally every three months.

1. Power up the unit.

2. Follow the options from the Main Menu -> Settings -> System -> Start
System Check. Follow on screen instructions.

Note: do not put the oil sample bottle into its holder and do not connect
the bottle lid assembly to the top panel.


3. Connect the Nafion tubing to the cylinder fine control valve by pushing
the flexible black viton tubing over the barb connector in the cylinder mini
flow control valve outlet. See Figure 18.
4. Connect the other end of the Nafion tubing, which is fitted with a male
quick release connector, to the top panel female quick connector as
shown in Figure 19 below.

5. Carefully open gas flow from cylinder by turning the knob on the Mini Flow
Controller slowly in an anticlockwise direction.

6. Set flow to 500ml/min, approximately half of maximum flow, by turning

Mini Flow controller knob until the small metal ball in the flow channel is
level with the 2nd graduation in the clear plastic flow cell attached to the
flow controller: See Picture 1.


Barb Connector

Viton tubing incorporating
open Tee junction fitting.

Flow Rate Ball set to 2nd graduation on flow

indicator = 500ml/min

Figure 28. Details of Viton tubing connection to Mini-Flow Controller and flow
indicator setting


Note: The regulator can be sensitive so careful attention is required when setting
the flow rate.

Mini Flow Controller

with Nafion attached
via Tee junction

24 long
Nafion Tube

Quick release connector

termination of nafion
tube connected directly
into top panel of
Transport X

Cylinder containing 100ppm each of Hydrogen,

Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Ethane,
Ethylene, Acetylene, Methane in Nitrogen

Figure .19. This shows the cylinder of gas mixture connected to the
TRANSPORT X via a 24" length of Nafion tubing.

7. Press Next to Continue, and follow the simple on-screen instructions

8. When the test has been completed the TRANSPORT X will return either a
Pass or Fail report.

9. If a PASS is returned it can be considered to be a successful System

The user should turn off the gas flow and disassemble the Nafion
tubing form the TRANSPORT X top panel and also from the cylinder.

10. In the event of a fail the user should re-do the test.


11. Before re-doing the test ensure that there is no obstruction in the Nafion
tube assembly : This can be checked as follows :
Connect the Viton end of the Nafion tube to the barb connector of
the Mini Flow Controller on the cylinder.
Block the side arm of the Tee junction in the Nafion tube.
Using the Mini Flow Controller set the flow to 500ml/min .
Place an obstruction momentarily over the open end of the Nafion
tube and note the effect this has on the flow rate.
If the flow rate drops this indicated that there is still an open
channel in the Nafion tube .
The user should also ensure the flow remains steady at 500ml/min or
more throughout the test by observing the position of the flow indicator
ball throughout this 2nd test.

12. If a second fail occurs the user should re-do the test one more time and
report all the results to Kelman.
After studying the results Kelman may report a faulty unit and request return
or may make other suggestions for confirming functionality of the
TRANSPORT X by the user.
1. The cylinder of Gas Mixture is non flammable and non toxic. It should however only be
used in a well ventilated area by trained personnel.
2. When empty the cylinder can be disposed of by recycling or as normal domestic or
industrial trash.
3. The cylinder is pressurized\ed to 300psi at 20 C when full and contains 20 L of gas.
4. Each test consumes at least1L of gas and so a full cylinder should be good for up to 20
system checks.
5. The gas mixture in the cylinder has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture marked on the bottom on the cylinder.


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