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London School of Business & Management

BTEC Level 4- HND

Centre No


Unit No & Unit Title

Unit 21: Human Resource Management

Course Title


Lecturers Name

Asif Sadiq

Assignment Title &

Assignment No

HRM Practices in Organisations

Date Set

November 2013

Due Date

PART A (Task 1 & 2): 20th January 2014

PART B (Task 3 & 4): 17th February 2014
November 2013

Semester / Academic

Unit Outcomes Covered:

LO 1: Understand the difference between personnel management and human
resource management
LO 2: Understand how to recruit employees
LO 3: Understand how to reward employees in order to motivate and retain
LO 4: Know the mechanisms for the cessation of employment







Created by: Asif Sadiq









Assignment Brief
You are advised to select two organisations which you are familiar with. This
could be:
a) Your current employer
b) A previous employer, or
c) Organisations that you have or have had contact with, possibly
through work experience or through a family members or friends.
The size and structure of organisations are not important. All organisations
employ people and therefore manage their human resources. What is
important is that you have had exposure to the company and, therefore, have
some knowledge and understanding of the approaches the companies use to
manage their staff and how they organise their HRM activities and functions.
You are allowed to collect relevant data through primary research (e.g.
staff/management interviews and questionnaires etc).secondary research (e.g.
companies website and academic literature etc)
Consult with your lecturer if you are uncertain about any aspect of the
assignment. You should ensure that you refer to the relevant module concepts
and theories to demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between
theory and practice
Notes: You must produce a reference list that shows all the sources you have
used in your assignment.

Created by: Asif Sadiq

Tutor Notes
Key Points:
You should answer ALL questions in both PART A and PART B of the
Your assignment should be handed in by the deadline. If you fail to submit the
assignment by the first deadline, you will not have a chance for re-submission.
This assignment must be your own work and original.
You are expected to apply Harvard referencing system to acknowledge any
secondary sources of information used to support your work in the assignment.
You are expected to check spelling mistakes and grammar. There should be
clarity of expression.
Your work should be presented using an appropriate report structure that
shows e.g Table of Contents, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions,
References and Appendix (if necessary).
Your work should show evidence of factual content and understanding of the
subject, critical analysis, justifications, arguments and any relevant academic
frameworks and models.
Your name, student number and Unit number should be in the footer of every
Your assignment should be approximately 3000 3500 (for both PART A &
PART B) of the assignment.
Submission Regulations
1. Assignment Front Cover Sheet must accompany the assignment [now available
from the Moodle].
2. You must save your document in the following file name format, so that it can be
easily identified: Name_Surname-CourseTitle-Unit-Assignment-Date Submitted
e.g.: John_Darren- HND BS- BE-Assignment Part A-20 January 2014.doc

3. Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date, via Turnitin. Please
refer to the LSBM Moodle for detailed assignment submission instructions.

Created by: Asif Sadiq

Submission Instructions for PART A
Deadline: 20th January 2014
Task 1:
AC1.1: Distinguish between personnel management and human resource
management. Provide appropriate examples from you chosen organisation to support
your answer.
AC1.2: Assess the functions of the human resource management that contribute to
organisations purpose and success.
AC1.3: Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in relations to human
resource management functions.
AC1.4: Analyse the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource
management functions. Provide appropriate examples of legal and regulatory
framework from the organisation of your choice.

Task 1 covers assessment criteria AC1.1, AC1.2 , AC1.3 & AC1.4

Task 2:
AC2.1: Briefly analyse the reasons why organisations require human resource
AC2.2: Outline and explain the stages involved in planning human resource
AC2.3: Compare the recruitment and selection process in two organisations.
AC2.4: Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection techniques in two
organisations. Explain which organisation effectively employs recruitment and selection
Task 2 covers assessment criteria AC2.1, AC2.2, AC2.3 & AC2.4

Created by: Asif Sadiq

Submission Instructions for PART B
Deadline: 17th February 2014
Task 3:
AC3.1: Assess the link between motivational theory and rewards with reference to
your chosen organisation.
AC3.2: Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay. Give
reference of your organisation where appropriate.
AC3.3: Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different context within your
chosen organisation.
AC3.4: Examine the methods that organisation used to monitor employees
Task 3 covers assessment criteria AC3.1, AC3.2, AC3.3 & AC3.4

Task 4:
AC4.1: Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with organisation.
AC4.2: Describe the employment exit procedures used by two organisations.
AC4.3: Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment
cession arrangements.
Task 4 covers assessment criteria AC4.1, AC4.2 & AC4.3

Created by: Asif Sadiq

Grading Criteria (Pass, Merit, Distinction)

Criteria for PASS
Possible evidence
LO1: Understand the difference AC1.1 Distinguish between personnel management
between personnel management and human resource management
and human resource management
AC1.2 Assess the function of the human resource
management in contributing to organisational purposes
AC1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line
managers in human resource management
AC1.4 Analyse the impact of the legal and regulatory
framework on human resource management
LO2. Understand how to recruit AC2.1 Analyse the reasons for human resource
planning in organisations
AC2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human
resource requirements
AC2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process
in two organisations
AC2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment
and selection techniques in two organisations
LO 3. Understand how to reward AC3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory
employees in order to motivate and and reward
retain them
AC3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other
factors determining pay
AC3.3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in
different contexts
AC3.4 Examine the methods organisations use to
monitor employee performance
LO4. Know the mechanisms for the AC4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment
cessation of employment
with an organisation
AC4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used
by two organisations
AC4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory
framework on employment cessation arrangements.

Created by: Asif Sadiq

Grade Descriptors for MERIT

Possible evidence

M1 Identify and apply strategies to

find appropriate solutions
M2 Select / design appropriate
methods / techniques

M1 - Use effective and analytical approach required to

write the report
M2 Ensure relevant theories and techniques in HR
planning, Recruitment & Selection, Motivation and
Rewards have been applied.
M3 Present and communicate M3 - A range of methods of presentation and correct
appropriate findings
terminology with regard to HRM have been used.

Grade Descriptors for DISTINCTION

Possible evidence

D1 - Conclusions have been justified and reached

D1 Use critical reflection to through a combination of analysis.
evaluate own work and justify valid
for D2 Evidence has been seen of a structured research
managing and organising activities process for the report. Harvard referencing system has
been used correctly to build and present accurate data.
D3 Demonstrate convergent / D3 Innovation and creative thought have been
lateral / creative thinking
applied in the report.

Created by: Asif Sadiq

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