Manual de Utilizaçao Do Sap Basis Um. Um Otimo Documento para Administraçao Dos Ambientes

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SAP Basis Basics

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Welcome to SAP!

SAP was started by three IBM employees in 1972, and blah, blah, blah you can find this sort of information on the
internet, in books and other publications, in SAP published documentation, etc. This paper does not contain
information which can be easily harvested from the internet but information from over a dozen years of SAP
implementations. Nor does it contain information to the other SAP implementation team the functional team. It is
their role to have meetings, ask questions, create spreadsheets, and all the other tripe that makes them look really
busy and valuable.

No, this paper is aimed at the technical side of the team the Basis people and takes a lighter view of things in the
hopes that your already frazzled mind can stop screaming Panic! Panic! Panic! for at least a few minutes. You are
on the fringe of joining the Brother-and-Sisterhood of SAP Basis Professionals. Of course, even that is now a
misnomer since Basis is no longer called Basis you wont even find it in the SAP Glossary at
anymore. But we still do the same things. So lets start off by defining the Basis role: anything having to do with
the IT or technical part of SAP falls under the heading of Basis. There are sub-Basis roles that might require
specialist like Portals people, CRM middleware people, etc. but they still fall into the category of Basis.

There is a old story about a project manager addressing his Basis staff: People lets solidify the role of the Basis
team. It goes like this: anything I dont understand about SAP is Basis. Sadly, on some projects, this is close to
being true.

What does Basis mean? I dont know how the phrase was coined, but Basis functionality can be labeled the nonflavored base of any SAP instance which we will talk about in a minute. Up until version 6.10, Basis was the only
term for the whatever that was this base. As of 6.10, Web Application Server internet connectivity - was added to
this whatever layer, so now you will see a few people described as being WAS consultants but it is all Basis. If
someone asks you what is your SAP area of expertise, you say you are a Basis specialist. If you say you are a WAS
specialist, people might just think that English is your 4 th or 5th language. And hardcore Basis people will point at you
and laugh.

Besides, wait around a month or two and SAP will call it something different.

While we are on the topic of what to call things, here are the primary rules for SAPese. If taken alone, SAP is not
called sap. It is always called S-A-P. But when joined with other terms, you can call it sap like SAPGui is sapgooey, SAPScript is sap-script, SAPTech is sap-tech, etc. If you call the standalone term SAP sap in front of anyone
who works for SAP, you will get really nasty stares and possibly frantic little black notebook scribbling as your name
and other personal information are logged for future er, hmmm use.

II. What is ITs role in a SAP implementation? What can Your Implementation Consultants
do for Your IT Group?

It often seems that the Basis group does little while the Functional group has all these meetings and has to update all
these spreadsheets and progress reports but this is not true. The Basis group has limited options when it comes to
configuration we pick the OS, platform, and database. Once that is decided, we purchase the hardware and install
the software. At least part of this, the install of the first DEV instances, must be done by IT while the Functional
group is still doing Blueprint so that they can use a SAP instance as a reference and demonstration resource.

And while there are some variables in picking the right OS, platform, and database, once it is done it is done and
there is rarely any changing it later. Some of those variables include which combinations have the largest SAP user
base, which get newly released software the soonest, which provide the highest and most stable, which receives the
larget share of SAP R&D resources, which seems to guarantee the longest useful life, which allows the strengths of
our existing staff to be put to the best use, which moves our company in the direction the entire enterprise needs to
go? So you do have to make some decisions.

The good news about this lack of choices on the part of IT is that we dont have to produce nearly as much
documentation as the Functional group. This document is part of the Basis Information Kit. Our main document
produced using a SAP implmenetation is called the SAP Technical Infrastructure STI Doc- document and it is a work
in progress all through the SAP implementation. Some parts of it, like the SAP instances to be installed, the clients to
be created, the TMS procedures, etc. can be entered from the start but these procedures may change based on what
works and what does not work for the Basis and Functional groups. Other parts of the document must be completed
later as they deal with server serial numbers, server DNS entries, SAP directory files, etc. Generally, your
implementation partners Basis lead will complete as much of the document as possible, and pass it on to the client so
that the addition of new information is a continuing process.

The client Basis group will also receive some SAP publications and other Hitachi produced documents. Besides the
STI Document, they will be provided with a Basis Operations document tailored to your specific OS and database.
This document details approximately 95% of what a Basis person needs to do in order to handle the day-to-day
chores of running a SAP instance. The Basis Operations document will be reviewed jointly by the consultant Basis
lead and the client Basis group. The document you are now reading, Basis Basics, will provide a list of all Basis topics
to be covered during Knowledge Transfer (KT) and daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, and annual tasks
your Basis group to schedule as appropriate, and an appendix containing practice exercises for the Basis group to do
to get a hands on feel for the SAPGui interface. Some SAP Tutor files, SIMs, may also be provided for use in teaching
SAPGui navigation. Your implementation partner may provide other SIMs and tutorial files as they become available.

Installation guides for all SAP software can be found at It is a good idea for the
client Basis group to download and distribute copies of the appropriate installation guides and scan through it if for
no other reason that to become familiar with the terms SAP uses to reference IT entities, its software, and the SAP

Formal training by SAP is always encouraged, and it another good resource for an introduction on how SAP views the
IT world. The people you meet in these classes may be a valuable asset in the future if you run into problems with
after your implementation partner is no longer enagged. Having your company join ASUG American SAP Users
Group is another good people networking tool and can be done at


What is a SAP Landscape? What is my role in a SAP implementation?

The SAP Landscape is like a layout of a complex garden you have areas for roses, and areas for lilacs, and it is all
laid out in proper form. A SAP landscape can range from one SAP instance with one client and one user who does all
the input into the instance via keyboard to dozens of instances with hundreds of clients and thousands of users, with
keyboard input, RFC (Remote Function Calls) and ALE (Automatic Link Exchange) from other SAP instances,
links to external databases, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) via flat file from banks, vendors, etc., and RF units
in the warehouse. In other words, a SAP landscape can be very simple, or very complex. A bed of petunias, or the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

A normal SAP landscape consists of a Development (DEV) instance, a Quality Assurance (QAS) or Test (TST)
instance, and a Production instance (PRD). Some very small implementations will have only a DEV and PRD
instance, with the DEV instance containing a QAS client for testing purposes.

A non-Production SAP server should have 2 (preferably more) processors, at least 4 gig of memory, and at least 100g
of disk space. A Production SAP server should have at least 4 processors, from 4 to 8 gig of memory, and at least
200g of disk space. A hefty server with 6 8 processors, 6 8 gig of memory, and at lease 200g of disk space can
host two SAP instances. This can be done for DEV and QAS but PRD should never share a server with any other SAP

The SAP instances form the core of a SAP landscape. The other installed SAP products are peripheral to the SAP


What is a SAP Instance?

A SAP instance is all the components created by the SAPinst program who all share the same database. There are
three mandatory sub-instances; the Database Instance (DB), the Central Instance (CI), and the Dialog Instance (DI)
aka Application Server. This is the minimum configuration of any SAP instance. There can be multiple DIs but only
one DB and only one Active CI which means that a copy of the CI can exist for High Availability but only one of the
CIs can be active at any given time. You will hear about SAP being multi-tiered and that term is referancing these
three layers. Sometimes you might see other SAP tiers like ITS but that really isnt a separate tier, it used to be an
additional piece of software working with IIS, and now ITS is part of Basis/WAS so it is part of the CI Tier. These
layers, plus other SAP written software, are also known as the SAP Business Framework.

You can probably guess at what the DB contains. There are any number of tables in a SAP instance, from 21,000 to
38,000. Many have four or five character names that are usually abbreviations of things like USR for user, MANDT for
client, etc. You could guess that USR is short for user. But MANDT? So, we add one more variable to the equation
those four or five character names are abbreviations of German words. Needless to say, trying to look at SAP from a
typical DBA prospective is almost impossible. Fortunately, SAP supplies the tools for you to manage all these tables.

The Central Instance is a lump term for all the SAP executables, the installed OS file structure, and anything that is
placed on the OS to support and communicate with the SAP instance. It talks to the database, handles requests
made by the application server(s), and sends back the information. Other software products often call this the
middleware layer.

The Dialog Instance connects the users to the CI, passes the issued requests to the CI, and sends the returned
results to the users session. SAP uses a client piece called SAPGui which handles the user-to-DI communication on
the users workstation.

These are the three main pieces of a SAP instance installation. There are other parts that can be added for various
sub-access and external tasks. For a Development SAP instance or a Quality & Assurance or Test SAP instance, all
three layers are normally installed on the same server. For a Production SAP instance, the DB/CI are often installed
on one server and the DI on another server for load balancing purposes. It should be noted that the installation of a
CI instance automatically installs a DI which can be used by everyone if needed, be used only as needed by Basis
staff, or never be used.

Instance can be a difficult term to understand almost every major database applies this term to the installation of
the database software. So if you see reference to an Oracle instance, this means the installation of the Oracle

software. An Oracle database is the creation of a new empty database within that Oracle instance.

Understanding the Startup and Shutdown prodedures may help solidify this layer concept.

The normal SAP instance start up consists of three parts: starting the SAP OS Collector, starting the Oracle Listener,
and starting the SAP instance. The process mainly goes like this: ora<sid> logs on and starts the Oracle Listener
then <sid>adm logs on and runs the startsap script.

What? You say we missed a step? What happened to the SAP OS Collector?

The startsap script takes care of the SAP OS Collector for us. When the SAP Instance starts up via the startsap
script, it checks to see if saposcol is up and running whether from the root user starting it manually or from another
SAP Instance already starting it up, it doesnt matter. If saposcol is up and running, the script simply moves on to
the next step. If it is not, the script starts saposcol as root and then proceeds. So the SAP OS Collector gets handled
one way or another.

However, you may need to bring up multiple Oracle Listeners depending on the database configuration. If the MCOD
installation option was used then only one Oracle Listener is used since both databases share one Oracle listening
port which is normally 1527. If, however, two Oracle instances were installed, and each database uses its own unique
Oracle listening port, then multiple listeners must be started. The startup procedure for each SAP Instance would be
exactly the same as if only one SAP Instance resided on the server.

The process to stop the SAP instance is close to being the reverse of the start procedure. <sid>adm stops the SAP
Instance, ora<sid> stops the Oracle Listener, and root stops the SAP OS Collector. The only real difference is that
saposcol is not automatically stopped by the stopsap script there may be other SAP instances on the server which
means this software needs to stay up and running to gather OS information until that instance comes down.

One thing to note the Oracle Listener does not start the database, it simply watches port 1527 for any database
related activity. The startsap and stopsap scripts handling the startup, mount, opening, and shutdown of the
database. None of this activity could occur if the listener was not polling port 1527, relaying the requested
database function, and returning the results through the same port.

The <sid>adm and ora<sid> users are assigned environment variables using the SAP installation run that identify
them as users of a specific Oracle database and SAP instance. So when oraabc starts the lsnrctl program with the
lsnrctl start command, oraabcs environment variables tell the server which database for which the listener is to


What are the different kinds of SAP software? What kind of hardware will they need?

Although the most common flavor is SAP is called R/3. This is SAPs main ERP product that handles Financials,
Controlling, Logistics, Sales, Human Resources, and lots and lots of other ERP stuff. All these modules that is what
the functional people call them live in and use common data in one SAP instance. All the modules are installed
during a SAP instance installation. Whether all the modules are implemented is up to the SAP customer.

Each SAP flavor must be installed in its own SAP instance. Products such as APO (Advanced Planning &
Optimization), BW (Business Warehouse), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), SRM (Supplier
Relationship Management), SolMan (Solution Manager), and SCM (Supply Chain Management) are all SAP
flavors installed into their own instances all of which are pretty much installed the same way installed with a
DB, CI and DI - and the process is pretty much the same depending on the age of the product. Just like SAPs
product line, its installation program SAPinst has changed over the years as well.

In addtion, there are add-ons supplied by SAP. Products such as plug-ins for communicating with other SAP
instances; the SAP Learning Solution, Sarbannes-Oxley, Best Practices, etc. can be added to an existing SAP
instance. These add-on products are what the name implies they add more functions and data on to an regular
SAP instances.

Some SAP transactions communicate with external software but the functionality is either in the SAP instance or out
on your network or on the internet. SAP transactions like SCOT use built-in communication ports for the use of
sending email from SAP to a SMTP server. Transaction SICF activates business packages for access via the internet.

RFC Remote Function Calls can originate in the SAP instance and go out to talk to some other product that
knows what to do with the request passed, and information is send back into the SAP instance. And, of course, an
SAP instance can talk to another SAP instance using RFC for example, this is how the Transpost Management
System moves changed from one instance to another. There are also products written by SAP partners which can be
accessed externally from a SAP instance: products like Vertex which is a Sales Tax database, and BSI which
calculates payroll taxes.

As for hardware, SAP has special hardware sizing software on which it trains its hardware partners like IBM, HP,
Dell, etc. They have worked together to create templates for very small, small, medium, large, and very large SAP
landscapes. Once you contact the hardware vendor of your choice, they will meet with you to calculate your SAPs a
unit of measurement SAP uses to estimate workload decide into which category your company fits. From there it is
pretty much a plug-in the company data and spit out a sizing reports.

Lets get this out into the open early: a Basis consultant does not do hardware sizing. Normally, they will look at the
sizing report from your hardware vendor and tell you if they think it is too weak or too string. That is about all you
can expect of them their career could be very short-lived if they say Hey, they are just trying to get you to
purchase some really expensive boxes that you just dont need!. Remember, SAP created the sizing program and
trained this hardware vendor on it and that is what your quotes will be based. Anything critical said about the
proposal could get back to all sorts of people who could more or less hurt you in certain circles. Im not talking about

punching you out or stalking you. More along the lines of every problem message you open with SAP gets its priority
bumped down to like a -5.

Also, we recommend that you get hardware estimates from more than one hardware vendor. Even if you mentally
are locked into an IBM box running AIX and Oracle, it doesnt hurt to see what the other platforms are selling for.
And it doesnt hurt if rumor gets back to IBM that you are talking to Dell. Playing hardware vendors against one
another can lead to some hefty discounts given by a vendor who doesnt want to see a sale walk out the door.

You can get a head start on the hardware sizing process by reading the documents available at If nothing else, you can impress your hardware vendor by sprouting out all these SAP
terms like SAPs and High Availability and SANs.

Besides servers for your database and SAP instances, you might need other servers for your SAP landscape
depending on the complexity of your SAP implementation. At the very least, you will need an additional not-too-hefty
server for a Solution Manager instance which is what SAP is now requiring as the tunnel to get into your SAP
landscape; youll need a small server having a public IP address and located in your DMZ for your OSS connection.
More about this later.

And there may be a need for Portals servers, UME server, a SAPConsole server the list goes on and on. As stated
earlier, a SAP landscape can be very simple or very complex.

Remote installation on your SAP servers can make the installation task simpler it is always more comfortable to do
the work from your own workstation than having to sit in a cold, noisy computer room. The Basis group of Hitachi
recommends Terminal Services aka Remote Desktop for this work. PCAnywhere and products such as Tight VNC
do not possess the stability of Terminal Services.


How does SAP get installed?

First, it must be noted that only the SAP company is allowed to KT (Knowledge Transfer) installation information.
Clients may watch all they wish during installation, and are encouraged to install and delete sandbox instances on a
spare server rather than let it gather dust. But installation is not part of your purchased Technical Knowledge
Transfer package.

Without getting into the little details, here is what gets done during the typical SAP install the work that gets done
after the hardware has been installed into the network and DNS:


Make all server configuration adjustments as specified in the SAP installation guide.


Download and install JDK 1.4x you can use JRE 1.4.x if you arent going to use the ABAP add-on.


Install the database software.


Patch the database software.


Run SAPinst to install the CI and default DI instances.


Run SAPinst to install the DB instance.


Run SAPinst to install any additional DI instances.


Download and install the most current SAP kernel.


Current the TMS for the SAP instance.

10. Download and apply all outstanding SAP patches.

11. Request and apply the permanent license key.
12. Do remaining post-installation work such as connecting SAP Online Help, creating clients, adding
users, etc.

Normally the post installation work takes 2 - 4x the amount of time of the actual installation. The installation itself
normally take a one eight hour working day and the post-installation work two eight-hour working days for a total of
three working days to install a SAP instance. This regardless if it is a DEV, QAS, or PRD instance.

VII. Do I have to install JDK 1.4x?

SAPinst the SAP installation program needs at least JRE 1.4x in order to run the SAPinst interface when you install
a new SAP instance. But if you intend to add the Java Add-on or Java components after the SAP instance is installed,
you need JDK in order to do so.


What is a SAP client?

OK, we have the concept of a SAP instance, and that instance has a database which contains thousands of tables
which contain a whole bunch of rows. After SAP is installed, these tables need to have some base data in order for
customization and configuration to begin. Like state abbreviations, country codes, HR titles, etc.

SAP provides a subset of this data so that the Basis team can get in the new instance, add themselves a user ID in
client 000 our client - and start the real work. We dont want to mess this subset of data up so we need to
populate it to a work place for the Functional Team to do their work. Or several work places.

The base SAP instance comes with two clients: 000 and 066. Forget client 066, it is used by SAP when you get close
to GoLive and you want an EarlyWatch report. This is optional and I believe a fee is involved for this service.

All the base or subset data is contained in client 000. Also, client 000 is where the Basis Team does a lot of its
maintenance like patching. The Basis Team people are the only implementation members who will ever have access
to client 000. You can think of client 000 as the owner of all the client independent data in the SAP instance.
Explanation in a minute.

So, in order to let the Functional Team do their own thing without screwing anything up, we create a new client for
them. Think of a client as a view of the database. If you log into client 000, you can see all client independent data
like the ABAP programs and all the data that is dependent on client 000 only. If you log into client 100, you see
all client independent data like the ABAP programs and all the data that is dependent on client 100. You cant see
the data that is dependent on client 110 while you are logged on to client 100.

Thus the concept of client dependent and client independent data. All rows in some tables are accessible from any
client like T000, the Data Dictionary tables, tables that contain the ABAP programs, printers, etc. These are said to
be client independent. Data like users, companies, vendors, customers, etc. are client dependent. You have to go
into a specific client in order to see this data.


How do I create a new client?

This is a pretty easy procedure. Basically, you add a new logical system in transaction SALE, create a new client in
transaction SCC4 using the logical system you created previously, create a RFC target destination using transaction
SM59 with the same name of the logical name, create a RFC source using transaction SM59 for the source or from
client, log on to the new client, and schedule a client copy from the source client to the destination or to client.
Thats all there is do it

When you bring up a new SAP instance, you add a client 100 and schedule a client copy from client 000 to client
100. This is called a local client copy since the source or from client is contained within the same SAP instance as
the target or to client. When you add a new SAP instance to your landscape, like QAS, you might want to copy
client 100 in the DEV instance to client 200 in the QAS instance. This would be a remote client copy.

A client copy is destructive in other words, all the data in the target client is deleted during the client copy. So the

procedure is not just for creating new clients but refreshing existing data. The only exception to this rule is the using
the SAP_CUST profile to do the copy it will leave all the data in the target client intact with the exception of the user
master data which will be deleted and replaced with the source clients user master data. You can even mix and
match, the data from one client and the user data from another, and copying them both at the same time in the same
client copy run.

A client is created using transaction SCC4 and at the time of creation you must specify what type of client it will be.
Is it to be used to create configuration changes that are to be transported to QAS and PRD? Is it a reference client,
frozen so it can be used to refresh the data contained in test clients? Can both client-dependent and clientindependent data be changed in this client, or only client-dependent data, or no changes allowed at all? These
various types of client have their own labels to the SAP implementation team: golden client, unit test client,
configuration client, ABAP client, production client, etc. If someone references a client with which you are not
familiar, be sure to ask for clarification so that the wrong client does not end up being the source client for a client


What is this permanent key stuff?

When a SAP instance is first installed, it installs with a temporary license that expires in 4 weeks. You must request a
permanent license key via the SAP Marketplace. More about that later.


How do the users communicate with the SAP instance?

Well, of course, you need to add them to the SAP instance. Then the user has to be able to connect to the application
layer in some from. Normally this is using the SAP supplied program SAPGui which is installed on a users
workstation, but here are other ways such as connecting to a Citrix server on which SAP is installed or connecting
from the internet using a SAP product via Portals, ITS, or some other product, or using one of the SAGUi alternatives
like SAPGui for Java.

SAP uses some common ports no matter where it has been installed. The first instance installed on a server is
labeled as System Number 00. It would use ports 3600 for the Dispatcher, 3300 for the Gateway, and 3600 for the
Message Server. If you had a second SAP instance installed on the same SAP server, it would normally use the next
available number in the port range. So SAP instance #2 would be System Number 01, use port 3601 for the
Dispatcher, 3301 for the Gateway, and 3601 for the Message Server. As long as a user can access these ports from
his workstation, he can log on via the SAPGui installed on his workstation.


How do I limit what my users can do when they log on to a SAP instance?

SAP user security is done via roles. A role is basically a group of transactions, authorizations, and authorization
objects bundled together for use by a group of users with common functional needs. This group definition is saved
and generates a profile which is attached to the SAP user who needs it.

People often get intimidated by SAP security there are thousands of transactions, authorizations, and objects. It
helps to think of all this is simplistic terms.

Lets say you have a user who needs access to one transaction in the SAP instance. All he needs to do it log on, go to
transaction SPAD, and print a list of available printers. That is his whole job, to create this printer list once a day. So
he needs the authorizations that allow him to log on to SAP, to go to the SPAD transaction, and to print the list to any
available printer. He has * to all printers. He basically needs a role containing the transaction he is allowed to do,
SPAD, and the authorization object S_SPO_DEV set to all because he can see and print to any printer.

Then lets says a new check printer gets added to SAP, and we dont want the user to be able to print his printer list
to the new check printer. So we change authorization object S_SPO_DEV to a list containing authorizations for the
printers to which he can print, excluding the check printer. His dropdown list for printers wont even show the new
printer now. And he will be able to print to any printer in his printer authorizations list.

This is a simplistic example but you can see how it works. SAP security can be very tight or very loose. In general, it
is loose in DEV, using a modification of the SAP_ALL profile sort of God-like powers and what the Basis people
normally use since it already exists and why make a role that does the very same thing? - to allow every DEV user to
do everything with the exception of Basis tasks. QAS may be a little tighter, or a combination, allowing the user
SAP_ALL during training but limiting the user to his/her PRD role in another client on the last day so he can test the
role he will really use out. In PRD, of course, users should only receive the rights to only what they absolutely need
to do.


How do I patch a SAP instance? How often should I do it?

There are three different types of a SAP patch: support packages, kernel replacements, and SAP Notes aka OSS

Support packages are used to make ABAP code and functionality changes. ABAP is the language in which SAP is
written and it is pronounced AAAA-bop and not AAAAA-bap. Support packages contain a group of ABAP fixes that
must be installed via transaction SPAM from within a SAP instance. You apply these fixes in a specific order: Basis,
ABA (Application Basis patches the software that supports the interaction of SAPGui with the SAP instance), APPL
(application functional patches), and then plug-ins, etc. that also exist in the instance because add-ons and stuff have
to be patched too. After you apply support packages to a SAP instance, you need to regenerate all the ABAP loads so

that users dont have to sit watching Compiling messages the first time a changed ABAP program is called.

Kernel patches are simply a replacement of the SAP executables on the OS level. This is always done to a new SAP
instance and most likely done following a support package application run.

SAP Notes or OSS Notes contain a patch or two to solve an immediate problem. The Basis staff either manually
applies an ABAP code fix or uses the SNOTE transaction in the SAP instance to apply the fixes. There are times,
however, when the note contains instructions that must be done manually in other words, things must be done that
SNOTE cannot do. Eventually, as the SAP Note corrections become more and more, SAP will group them together and
release a new support package so that they can be applied en masse and not one-by-one.

In order to download any of these patches, you must log in and download them from the SAP Marketplace at And you must have a valid OSS ID aka SAP Front-end User ID or s number
with the rights to access the patches webpage.

Other products, such as J2EE, are patched via a combination of deployment of packages and replacement of OS

In general, you should schedule your support package maintenance often enough to prevent shell-shock to users due
to massive changes in the SAPGui screens, and rarely enough that you dont spend all your time preparing for the
next support package application window. Often, patch application is driven by an identified problem that can be
fixed via a support package referenced by SAP.

Just make sure to get a list of all the packages that will be applied, and use the SAP Notes Side-Effects tool off the
SAP Support Packages in Detail site at to get a list of everything that is changed
during patching for your Functional team leads.


What are all these numbers? s number, license number, etc.

When you become a new SAP customer, SAP assigns you a customer number. This number is like any other
customer number you assign your own customers, or that companies assign to you. It uniquely identifies your
company to SAP.
Once you sign your software license, each of the SAP components you purchase is assign an installation number.
So, you signed a Business Suite license? Then you will be assigned an installation number for R/3,
another installation number for BW, another installation number for CRM, etc. You also signed a license for KW? That
would be another installation number. SAP sometimes splits existing products out to other divisions, so you may
even be assigned a second customer number with new installation numbers assigned under that number. SAP did
that with Enterprise Portals. An installation number identifies a customer's SAP component. If you open a problem

under your R/3 installation number, SAP knows that the problem is going to deal with R/3 and not CRM, BW, etc.
A few weeks later, SAP shipped your installation kits and you installed R/3. Four weeks later your users get a
message saying that the license has expired. But you signed your license agreement! When an SAP instance is
installed, it gets assigned a temporary license key that is good for approximately four weeks. You need to request a
permanent license key as soon as you finish your installation of the SAP instance. How? First, you will need your
hardware key. This identifies your operating system information so SAP can generate a key that is not only good
for your SAP version but for your hardware as well. To see your hardware key, log on as <sid>adm and go to a
command prompt. Type "saplicense -get" and your hardware key will be displayed. Jot it down, you will need it later.
The hardware key for NT is different than, for example, the hardware key for AIX. So if you change your SAP license
from AIX to NT, you will need to make sure that your company is attached to the new hardware key or you won't be
able to request new permanent license keys.
To request your new permanent license key, go to Use this website to give SAP
information on which SAP flavor your have installed. You will have to provide your hardware key as well. SAP will
generate the new key and e-mail you a text file. Save the text file on your SAP server, log on as <sid>adm, and go
to a command prompt. Type "saplicense -install ifile=<path and name of txt file from SAP>". Your key should be
installed! In later versions of R/3, you can use the SLICENSE transaction as well.
Now your system is flying! But your ABAPers sign on for the first time, and they need to add a new program to
upload master data. When they enter se38 they get a message asking for their developer key. This key is
generated by SAP as well, and is used to register your super users who will be responsible for adding new code and
changing SAP-owned code. Go to to register your programmers. Once you have the
developer key, give it to your ABAPer and he can enter it into the system. He will only have to supply it once per SAP
Now your ABAPers are cranking out code, your system is humming, and then! Pow! The dreaded short dump hits
you when you aren't looking. You look up the error code and find a valid OSS note to fix the problem. You log on to
apply the advance correction, your give yourself a developer key, go to transaction se37, but a new popup won't go
away, it keeps asking for an access key for R3TR FUGR XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. You must get an object key in
order to modify an SAP-owned object. Since SAP owns all the ABAP code that comes with the SAP instance, you have
to get a key in order to apply the advance correction. Again, you would use, this time to
generate an object key.
All this SAP website access also demands that you have an OSS User ID, or as it is now known, SAP Service
Marketplace User ID or S Number. The user ID to perform the tasks outlined in this message must have
administration rights. You should have received your primary OSS ID when you got your SAP license. If you have
not received a primary OSS ID, or your SAP reseller seems to have control of your primary OSS ID, contact SAP AG to
resolve the problem. Your OSS ID is connected to your SAP customer number, so if you have two customer
numbers, you will receive two OSS IDs. Make sure to limit the powers of any subsequent OSS IDs generated by
the Basis group. More on this later.
SAP has recently complicated the license scenario by introducing user licenses. Do not confuse your software license
keys with SAP licensing of the usage of named users. These are two different things! Usage by users of an SAP
instance will be monitored by your auditing team, and normally the only function of the Basis group in this regard is
using su01 to register the "type" of each user.
Now there is only one other really important number you need to know: the phone number for your Basis technical


How do I add users? Do I have to add them all to each client one-by-one?

You use transaction SU01 to add and change users. If you want to copy the users from client 100 to the users in
client 110, you can do a special kind of client copy that is non-destructive. When the profile SAP_USER is used during

a client copy, just the user master data is copied from the source client over the target client, and the rest of the
database is left intact.

No matter how you manage your user security, there is no getting around the fact that you have to manually add
them all to at least client at some time or another. The best way is to add them all to client 100 in DEV since that is
the Golden client and should never be refreshed or written over by a client copy. Once you have them all in one
spot, you can use a client copy for just user master data and pop all the clients wherever you want them.

There is another way to add users to clients called Central User Administration (CUA). CUA allows you to designate
one client in the SAP landscape that is the parent of all or specified clients, both local and remote. When you add a
new user to the parent client, the child clients get populated with this data. Thus, one user add will trigger others
within the instance and to other SAP instances as well. This technique should only be used on clients that are not to
be refreshed in the future.

XVI. Do I have to add printers to each client too?

No, printers are client independent data. Once you add a printer using the SPAD transaction in an instance, it is
available to all clients in that instance.


So what does the Functional Team do in their own little client(s)?

They do configuration and customization. Think of configuration equal to you going into Outlook on your workstation
and changing things in your Tools -> Options. You change your Calendar Default Reminder to 5 minutes instead of
the default 15 minutes. Now, multiple that by about 1000x and you have an idea of what configuration entails. This
configuration covers tax rules, country codes, company codes, sales regions, sales areas, sales pipeline, all that stuff
technical people really dont want to know.

Customization is changes made to SAP-owned objects when configuration does not have an option for what you need
to do. For example, SAP comes with several canned Sales Invoice documents. If none of them contain a format you
can use, your Functional Team will work with an ABAP consultant to create a new Sales Invoice document that better
suits your companys needs.

Depending on the configuration and customization changes made, the SAP instance may force you to register these
changes in the form of transport. The implementation will try to group all these changes into transports that contain
all the work done for a project or a unit of work so that they can be moved to QAS and later PRD easily.

The TMS (Transport Management System) is used to move these transports between SAP instances. Movement of
these changes between clients in the DEV instance can be done by the functional people using SCC1. What goes on
in the DEV instance mostly never is important to Basis. Once the changes need to go to QAS, the Basis team takes
over and uses TMS to move them for the functional team.

TMS movement can be very loose or very tight. Some shops simply release a transport and then send email to the
Basis group asking them to move the transport into QAS, and later into PRD during off hours. This is called manual
TMS control.

Some companies schedule jobs to move any transport found in the QAS queue to QAS at a set time once or twice a
day. The transport is also moved into the PRD queue where is stays awaiting approval. Once the transport has been
tested in QAS and is ready for PRD, the project supervisor and/or system administrator uses a transaction to OK the
change import into PRD which releases the transport in the PRD queue which gets imported into PRD during the next
scheduled PRD TMS job run. The method is automatic and requires little intervention by the Basis Team.

Most companies use some combination of these methods. There are several variations such as moving changes to
client groups in DEV the same time the change is imported into QAS, and importing the change into multiple clients
across the landscape.

The TMS tool is used by the SPAM and SAINT transactions in order to manage the support packages waiting to be
applied which is why it is one of the first post-installation steps that must be done in a new installation. All the SAP
instances of a particular flavor share a transport directory which is normally owned by the DEV instance since it is the
first instance installed. Different SAP flavors need their own SAP transport directory, meaning all CRM instances share
a TMS, all BW instances share a TMS, etc. Very few transports can safely be cross-instance applied since not only the
SAP flavor should be the same but the Basis version as well.

ABAP programmers are special. No only do they create new ABAP programs, they sometimes have to change
existing ABAP program. These programs are SAP-owned so things can get a little sticky. Whether adding a new
program or changing an old one, every programmer need a developers key that we previously discussed. This will be
fine for new programs, programs that should either begin with Y or Z. So if you hear someone reference Z
programs, you know what they are talking about, it is a general term to refer to all home-grown SAP programs and
include not only the programs whose names begin with the letter Z but the ones that being with Y as well.

SAP doesnt like programmers just going in and changing ABAP code that it owns. And remember, ABAP programs
are client independent, so if a bug gets into a program from a change made by a programmer in client 120, it affects
client 000, 100, 110, etc., all clients share one version of the ABAP programmer. As a form of security and to allow
better tracking of SAP-owned objects, a key must be generated at - SAP Software
Change Registration that is unique to the object about to be changed. Only the Basis group can do this,
programmers cannot request SSCR key on their own, or that is the way your Basis group should make it work. Basis
has control over the other S numbers generated against your SAP license, and you have to have a S number with
administration rights in order to generate a Developers Key or an Object Key. So, genereally, when adding a new S
number for a non-Basis group person, allow note searching and any message to SAP options on, and everything
else off.


What factors affect SAP Performance?

Like every other complex piece of software, performance in a SAP instance depends on many factors. So you often
have to play detective to find the core of your problem.

The most common complaint is when a SAP instance is cycled meaning stopped and restarted. As we touched on
earlier, a SAP instance is comprised of millions of lines of ABAP code which are generated into load objects. When a
SAP instance is stopped and restarted, all data and program information is flushed from SAPs internal buffers. So
every time a new SAP program needs to run after being cycled, the needed program has to be read and then placed
in the program buffers for use. Not only that, if the ABAP code for that program has been changed or the load object
invalidated in any way like a kernel replacement that added new functionality, etc - the program must FIRST be
recompiled and then loaded into the buffer. The next time the program is called, it will execute faster since its load
object is already out there in the buffer. The most commonly used programs in a SAP instance number in the
thousands, so as the day goes by, SAP response time goes faster since getting a hit in the buffer for a certain
program happens more and more often. But there might come a time when some of these fast program have to be
switched out of the buffer because their date/timestamp is the oldest of all the programs in the buffer, and the buffer
is full. Buffer swapping can slow a SAP instance down.

Another factor that often causes a slow down or even a hanging SAP instance is failure to dump the database log.
This occurs more often in Oracle instances since a MS SQL Server database will just keep growing until there is no
more room on the hard drive, which is something rather easy to spot. Many people fail to process the ReDo files
created by an Oracle database by backing them up to tape and informing BRBACKUP that they have been processed,
and they just keep accumulating until there is no place else to put them. This can cause the database to hang which
causes the SAP instance to hang. For a DEV or QAS instance, most DBAs turn off log archiving. On PRD instances
where a backup should occur nightly, a task can be scheduled to delete all ReDo files older than 2 or 3 days as long
as the archive files are backed up when the rest of the SAP instance is backed up. Another common problem with
Oracle is if the logging and automatic archiving are turned off. Both should be never both be off to prevent the
archiver from getting stuck.

It is possible for someone or something to get into an infinite loop and just keep eating up your CPU. Transaction
SM50 shows you what is running at any given moment. Almost every process shown in SM50 has a corresponding
process on the server side. You can use the process ID in SM50 to investigate the corresponding tasks on the server.
You can normally use SM50 to cancel any hung processes but sometimes you have to go to the OS level and cancel
the process there.

Server space is not just critical on the hard disk where the logs are created. Any shortage of hard disk space on a
SAP server should be corrected at once. SAP is like any other software; it uses TEMP space, and generates other type
logs, like job logs and print logs. You want to make sure there is plenty of space available on all your SAP server

Index rebuilds and statistics jobs should be scheduled on all your SAP instances on a monthly basis. This will keep
your database tuned and efficient. Any time you do a mass program regen using transaction SGEN, you should

schedule a statistics run on the database as well.

Every SAP instance contains three profiles that let us tune and adjust various parameters such as buffer size, default
client, number of processes, etc. Rarely will you touch two of these, the DEFAULT.PFL and
START_DVEBMGS00_<server>. The third, <SID>_DVEBMGS00_<server>, you will probably spend the rest of your
SAP career changing. Erroneously changing one of these profiles is common reason why a SAP instance that was
working perfectly in the past wont come up now. That is why even though you make your changes to the profile
using transaction RZ10, once you activate it, it gets written as a flat file out on your instance server. So if a
parameter change causes your SAP to fail during startup, you can undo the changes with VI on UNIX or notepad on


What the heck is all that DVEBMGS00 crap?

Up to now, we have discussed that a SAP instance contains three components; the DB, CI, and DI instances. But
what do I SEE on the OS level when my SAP instance is up and running? The answer to this is complex, and you
arent even close to being able to understand it all, so we will just present the big picture for now.

Besides having your database software running, and any shadow processes it might spawn, your SAP instance creates
many processes when it successfully comes up. It may be configured to start at least one of every type of process
SAP uses during the average day, or it may be a more specialized SAP instance that just handles user communication,
leaving the more muscular work for the CI elsewhere. But every SAP instance will have at least 1 work process
kicked off when it starts.

The types of work processes are as follows:





Process user requests in foreground<SID>_<DVEBM>


Server uses to process mission critical updates



Server uses to process less critical updates


Used for lock management


Process jobs in the background



Message server<SID>_<DVEBM>







Gateway server



Used for spool management



So, given that the German word for update starts with a V, the standard SAP instance that is the first instance on a
server i.e. System Number 00 you get DVEBMGS00. So I can tell just by looking at the
\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00 directory on the OS level that this is a full SAP instance it has all the parts. A
SAP instance can only have 1 message server, so we know this is the main directory for the instance. When a DI is
optionally installed, the name is normally in the form of D<System Number> since it is subservient to the main SAP

Just looking at the processes running on a server, you can pretty much tell if your SAP instance came up sucessfully
or not. First, the message server comes up, and then the gateway/dispatcher starts and connects to the message
server. And finally, the disp+work work threads for the dialogs, batch, and update processes start, the enqueue and
spooling specific ones first. One depends on the other, the dws cant start unless the gateway/dispatcher is up which
cant start unless the message server has come up successfully. The reverse is true during instance shutdown, first
the dws go then the gateway/dispatcher, and finally the message server shutdown will always be the last thing in
your log when you stop your SAP instance, it isnt down until that messsage shows in the log.


And this <SID> thing?

SID stands for System Identifier or something pretty similar. Each SAP instance must have a three
character code that is unique on any given server, and should be unique within any given SAP landscape.
That is where DEV, QAS, TST, and PRD came from. Anytime you see a reference to <SID>, it takes the
place of the SAP instances system identifier in upper case, <sid> is the same in lower case.

DEV, QAS, TST, and PRD used to be good enough to handle your entire landscape. But with new SAP
flavors and their instances came the need to modify this slightly. Different implementations do things
differently but they should implement a plan that can grow as their landscape grows. Generally, we use
the first 2 characters to designate the SAP flavor, and the last the part of SAP instance. So the R/3
instances would be R3D, R3Q, R3T, R3P, and maybe even a R3S installed at some point or another as a
Sandbox. The same for CRM CRD, CRQ, CRT, and CRP. I think you probably get it now.

When a SAP instance is installed, its directory structure will look like this:

usr ->
sap ->

<SID> ->

* IGS executables


* Audit and Trace logs


* Used with SSO


* Logs instance operational files

SYS ->
exe ->

* SAP Instance Executables


* SAP Instance Profiles

trans ->
EPS ->

* Storage for support packages


* Store common TMS configuration


* Stores the instance TMS queues


* Header files for transports


* Data files for transports


* Logs TMS operational files


* User names of users using TMS


* TMS Temporary storage

So from this chart, we can see that the TMS files are stored in /usr/sap/trans, the instance profiles in
/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile, our instance logs and work file in /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work, and our SAP
executables in \usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\run. If we had a DI instance attached to this instance, there would be a
/usr/sap/<SID>/D01 directory as well. DEVs profile directory would be called /usr/sap/DEV/SYS/profile and on and
on and on. This is universal regardless of the operating system used the / just become \.
When a SAP installation runs successfully, two aliases are created sapmnt and sapalloc. They are both point to the
same thing - \usr\sap. So you could also access the trans directory by using /sapmnt/trans.

It is important to remember that SID and System Number are two different things. One is the System Identifier
the three character label for the instance and one is the System Number more or less the instances order of
installation on the server. Most instance System Numbers will be 00 but more and more products are coming out to
interfere with this numbering scheme. For example, if during post-installation work you install the Java Add-on, this
will create an instance 01 (or whatever the highest system number is + 1) although it is not a ABAP SAP instance, it
is a Java SAP instance. If you go to install a second SAP instance of this same server, the System Number for this
new instance would default to 02. You can manually override this if you wish, and can use any system number up to
98 as long as it is not already in use. Dont use 99 either since SAP uses that one for OSS connection.


Where on the OS level can I look for help with SAP related problems?

Your /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work directory can sometimes be your best friend. If anything bad happens when
you start your SAP instance, it will be recorded here, usually in the dev_rfcx, dev_ms, dev_wx, and stderrx files.
Those xs stand for numbers because several of them can be created at any given time. Anything with the word
*old* in it is from the previous Sap startup and you can ignore those files.

If a SAP instance does not come up, go to the work directory, sort the files descending by date/timestamp with ls
-ltr for descending or ls lt for ascending, and start opening files to searching for problems. 99 times out of 100
you will find more information regarding the problem

XXII. And if I dont find my problem in the work directory or dont understand what the error
message is telling me?

SAP supplies tools to help you help yourself. Write down or cut-and-paste (if your message is from a SAPGui screen,
using CTRL+Y and CTRL+C can do this) any error messages, and then go to You have
to use that S number we talked about earlier to log on here. Once you are in, you will see SAP Notes aka OSS
Notes - search screen that allows you to paste or key search criteria. Start broad and narrow your search scope until
you think you might have an idea as to your problem. But make sure that the SAP release for the note matches your
SAP release or the note is probably worthless to you.

Cant find anything in SAP Notes to help you? You can go to and open a problem
directly with SAP. A few warnings about doing this dont set the priority of your message to Highest unless this is a
PRD instance that is down. SAP gets cranky about that I would leave the priority at Medium unless you are dealing
with a real show stopper. Also, expect to wait a day or two for a non-PRD problem. And make sure that you have a
working OSS connection so that SAP can log into your SAP landscape more about this in the next section. Be sure
to provide other information like OS vendor, release and SP level, database vendor, release and SP, kernel patch level,
support package levels, etc. so that SAP doesnt have to ask or dig the information out.

You might get faster results by tapping the knowledge of your fellow SAPers on one of the more popular SAP
websites. SAP Fans, SAP Genie, and SAP Super Users have forums where you can post your problem, and SAP Super
Users contains Knowledge Repositories where you can pilfer hints, tricks, and techniques without going through the
pain of figuring something complex out yourself. And turnaround can be within minutes if you get lucky and someone
out there is really bored or an insomiac.


A working OSS whatie?

As you have probably figured out by now, the technical part of the SAP company was once called OSS or SAPNet.
Then it was changed to SAP Frontend Support. And now all this is folded into the SAP Marketplace. Here is where
you can download software and patches, add new S numbers, get your permanent license keys, register ABAP
developers, send messages to SAP, and just about anything SAP related you will ever need to do. The old way of
communication to SAP was using transaction OSS1 which went out, knocked on SAPs door, and allowed you in with
the proper user ID and password. This was called an OSS stands for Online SAP Support or something close. OSS1
will no longer be in use as of April, 2006, and all its functionality has been replaced by the SAP Marketplace at But you still see tons of OSS references within SAP Notes so just get use to dealing with
multiple terms for the same thing which is a norm for SAP.

In the past, a new SAP client was looking at installing a X.25 or Frame Relay connection in order to have a direct
connect to the SAP servers, and you normally had to go through a 3 rd party to get this work and its configuration
done. Now, it is a simple matter of obtaining a public IP address, setting up a server in your DMZ, installing a SAP
product called saprouter, and setting the permissions table. However, this seems to be one of the implementation
tasks that every client keeps putting off until there is a major problem on some sort, and SAP needs to get into your
landscape, and you have no OSS connection up and running. So the importance of getting your Remote Connection
Data Sheet completed and FAXed to SAP cannot be over stated. It really isnt hard to fill out, and it should only take
about half an hour at most. In return, SAP will FAX you the information you need to complete your setup to one of
the SAP servers there are different ones supporting different OSS configurations and different parts of the world.

Get it done early and keep a monkey the size of King Kong off your back when you hit a problem.


Why do we need a Solution Manager instance? What does it do?

Once you get your OSS link to SAP up and running, SAP support can be used via transaction OSS1 until
April 2006. At that point, all SAP support activates must be done either via the SAP Marketplace or via
new functionality of your Solution Manager instance.

Think of a Solution Manager as the hub of your SAP landscape. It contains information about your SAP
instances called satellite systems. This information includes the instance patch levels, clients, add-ons,
etc. It does this via Remote Function Calls (RFC) we talked about earlier from the Solution Manager
instance to the satellite instances. And SolMan gathers this information on a scheduled basis to keep it

As of April when SAP needs to get into one of your instances, you will open a connection for them in the
SolMan instance, and they will use SolMan to connect to the instance with the problem. Instead of having
to write down all the pertinent information about the instance having problems, all the information SAP
needs like patch level, kernel version, etc. will be easily displayed by SAP by the SolMan instance. Your
OSS connection will be added and configured via SolMan.

Opening a service connection will use a different procedure than the previous method as well. First, the
LOP program needs to be run on the box hosting saprouter, and a Service Connector Setup Program
needs to be run on a workstation holding a SAPGui so that OSS1 can sorta still work the way it used to,
and a whole lot of other things we havent done yet and have to research in order to explain it to you.
Just keep in mind, the whole process is going through a major change and when we understand, we will
pass the knowledge on.

Solution Manager does a whole slew of other functions as well including customer service and help desk
tasks. Since you have to have it by April 2006, you may as well include it as part of your SAP landscape


Basis Knowledge Transfer

Hitachi will teach you as much as possible about Basis but stops short of breaking a SAP instance to show
you how to fix it. If something occurs that was not presented in your KT, your Basis group should have
been given the necessary tools to find a solution on their own. Taking responsibility for ownership for
your new the SAP instances is a hard step to take but the most valuable KT Hitachi provides is to show
you where to look when you dont know the asnwers.

Besides using the provided documentation, opening messages to SAP, and posting your situation on a SAP
website, you have full access to the SAP Online Documentation library at This site
contains online documentation for all of SAP products and can be a valuable information resource.

The following is a list of topics your Hitachi Basis consultant will cover during KT:

ABAP Workbench:

how to add/change/delete/run a program

how to add/change/delete/run a function

how to create/change/delete/use a variant

how to make changes to a table structure

how to browse the data in a table

Client Administration:

how to add/copy/delete a client

how to lock and unlock a client


how to add/change/delete RFC destinations

how to add/change/delete Logon Groups

Instance Monitoring:

how to what work processes are in use

how to perform a Tuning Summary (ST02) session

how to monitor all table and update locks

how to change the number of work processes available

how to increase the number of batch processes after hours

how to troubleshoot performance

how to view application log data

how to view all errors occurring in a specific work process number

how to monitor Internet Communication


how to create a new background job

how to see the status of a background job


how to apply support packages

how to apply kernel replacements

how to schedule database maintenance jobs

how to apply a SAP note using SNOTE

how to add/change/delete system parameters using RZ10

how to mass regenerate all or selected SAP ABAP loads

how to add/change/delete Logical System Names


how to send a system-wide message

how to lock a transaction

how to change the time zone

how to change the SAP logo on the main screen

how to configure SAP Online Documentation

how to add/change/delete a message on the logon screen

how to track the problem causing a short dump

how to stop a run-away process

how to configure/monitor email going out of SAP

how to view the SAP file structure on the OS from SAP

Non-Instance Software

how to start, test, and stop saprouter

how to log on and off the J2EE Visual Administrator

how to confirm that J2EE is up and running on a server

how to start, test, and stop the IGS instance

how to start, test, and stop the J2EE instance

SAP Marketplace Functions:

how to apply for and install a permanent license key

how to generate a developers key

how to generate a SAP System Change Registration key

how to open the SAP landscape for access by SAP

how to download patches from SAP Marketplace

how to download new software CD images from SAP Marketplace


how add/change/delete a role

how to add/change/delete/display a user audit trail

how to view a users security errors

Spool related:

how to add/change/delete a printer

how to reset the cache for a printer

how to reprint and reroute print

how to reorganize and reclaim TemSe objects

how to keep the job log clean

Start up and shutdown:

how to start and stop a SAP instance

how to start and stop a SAP-related database

how to know a SAP instance is up and running

troubleshooting SAP instance start up and shut down

how to start, test, and stop HTTP communication


how to add/change/delete a TMS setup

how to release/transport a transport request

how to lock a transport queue


how to view errors in the system log

how to search SAP notes for issues

how to open/check/close a problem message with SAP

User related:

how to add/change/delete a user

how to do mass user changes

how to see open user sessions

how to add/change/delete a SAP Marketplace user ID and password


Basis tasks to be done on a regular schedule

Daily Tasks:

Check that the SAP System(s) is up

Check that daily backups executed without errors

Check that all application servers are up

Check the CCMS alert monitor (if applicable) (RZ20)

Check work processes (SM50)

Look for any failed updates (update terminates) (SM13)

Check System Log (SM50)

Review for cancelled and critical jobs (SM37)

Check for old locks (SM12)

Check users on system (SM04)

Check for spool problems (SP01)

Check job log (SM35)

Review and resolve dumps (ST22)

Review workload statistics (ST03)

Review buffer statistics (ST02)

Review error log for problems (AL02 & ST04)

Review UNIX system logs for problems (AL16)

Review Windows system logs for problems (OS06)

Check the uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

Weekly Tasks:

Check database for free space (DB02)

Monitor database growth (DB02)

Check spool for problems and that spool is properly cleared (SP01)

Verify all properly approved transports imported into PRD (STMS)

For Oracle, run a check database and a update statistics job (DB13)

For MSSQL, run a check database integrity mainenance job and a update statistics


Check file system for adequate space (RZ20 - Technical Operations Templates ->

Space Management)

Review space usage and that sufficient free space exists in the file systems

Check system monitoring systems for update

System monitor Review for any events that should be added or deleted

Check system monitor alert mechanisms

System monitor Test e-mail

Test paging

Clean tape drive. Tape drive Clean using cleaning cartridge


Defragment the server memory by cycling the SAP instance and rebooting the server.

Record database growth usage for plotting growth.

Record disk space growth usage for plotting growth.

Perform a full server backup.

Review disk storage usage on server.

Do any server "housecleaning" - old /tmp files, etc.

Check consumable resources - tapes, check, data cartridges, preprinted forms, paper, etc.

Quarterly Tasks:

Perform quarter-end backups and send tapes to long-term offsite storage.

Review user IDs via SUIM for terminates users that should be locked or


Review list of "prohibited" passwords in table USR40.

Review system profile parameters for password standards.

Review all scheduled jobs via SM37 to determine if they are still appropriate.

Test database recvoery Restore database to a test server/

Archive all transport files older than 6 months from the /usr/sap/trans

Cleaup all SAPDBA/BRTOOLS files and logs.


Can Hitachi recommend any good books to help new Basis people?

Yes, SAP has a branch called SAP Labs which produces a series of books called Made Easy guides. The
SAP Authorizations Made Easy and SAP System Administration Made Easy guides are geared toward the
Basis team members, and can be purchased from These guides are not released new for
every version of SAP so just order the most current you can find. You can download older, free versions
at SAP Super Users.

The SAP R/3 System Administration for Dummies is a good high-level resource for becoming familiar with
SAP components and terminology but it is hard to find since it is no longer in print. Sometimes a used
copy turns up on if you are lucky.

SAP R/3 Administrators Handbook is written by known, reliable author and is the only other book we
purchase whenever a new version is published.


Can Hitachi recommend any SAP courses for new Basis people?

Recommended Basis aka WAS courses are:

ADM100 - SAP Web AS Administration I

ADM102 - SAP Web AS Administration II
ADM505 - Oracle Database Administration I
ADM940 - SAP R/3 Authorization Concept

Starting the SAP Instance

The normal SAP instance start up consists of three parts: starting the SAP OS
Collector, starting the Oracle Listener, and starting the SAP instance. The SAP OS

Collector (saposcol) and the Oracle Listener (Oracle<SID>TNSListener) are

registered as Services on your host server during installation so you should not
normally need to start either of these programs. There is also Services called
SAP<SID>_<system#> and which must be started.
Even if you have multiple SAP instances on a server, the start up process is pretty
much the same.
If you have only one SAP instance on ther server, you will have
one saposcol and one Oracle<SID>TNSListener running as Services. If you have two
SAP instances on the same server, you will have one saposcol and two
Oracle<SID>TNSListeners unless you the database for the second instance was
installed as a MCOD or you made major changes to listener.ora and tnsnames.ora
files, either case which allows you to share one listener for multiple instances.
If you have multiple listeners due to multiple SAP instances, remember that the key
to having all your SAP instances happy with Oracle is to have each Oracle instance
use a different listener port. The default Oracle is port 1521 during the Oracle
database instance installation and this is changed to 1527 during the SAP instance
installation. So you want to make sure that your listeners all have unique
listener port numbers like 1527, 1528, 1529, etc. or 1527, 1537, 1547, etc. or
whatever works for you and your shop.
If you are running SAP on MS SQL Server, your database engine only needs the
MSSQLSERVER Service running plus the saposcol and the SAP<SID>_<system#> Services
in order for your SAP instance to start.
You will only ever have one saposcol program running as this program gathers
information about things happening on the OS level which pertain to all SAP
Enough talk, here is how to start a SAP instance.
Log on as a user with administrator rights to the server on which your
SAP instance resides.
Double-click the SAP MMC console icon of the desktop.
Open this navigation path: Console Root SAP Systems <SID>
Right-click on the <server_system#> and click Start. You can refresh
the Syslog entry until you see the SAP Basis System: Initialization complete
message. Please note, your SAP instance is not fully up until you see that
Wait until the startup message is seen in the log. Then close the SAP
MMC console and log off the server.

Verifying that the SAP Instance is up

The easiest way to confirm that the SAP instance has started successfully is to log
on to the instance. If you try to logon and are refused connection, check the logs
in the \usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\work for applicable errors. Sort the files in
descending order by date. The most helpful files are normally stderr, dev_w0,
dev_disp, dev_ms, and dev_rfc.
If you need further assistance, please refer to the section SAP System Start Up

Stopping the SAP Instance

The stopping of a SAP instance is practically the reversal of the start up

Process; stop the SAP instance, stop the Oracle Listener, and stop the SAP OS
Collector. For Windows, you never need to manually stop the database listener,
database, and saposcol Services for a normal server cycle. And if there are other
SAP instances still running on the server, the OS Collector needs to continue to
gather information so leave it up.
Log on as a user with administrator rights to the server on which your
SAP instance resides.
Double-click the SAP MMC console icon of the desktop.
Open this navigation path: Console Root SAP Systems <SID>
Right-click on the <server_system#> and click Stop. Confirm the
verification popup. You can refresh the Syslog entry until you see the SAP
Basis System: Stop Msg Server message. Please note, your SAP instance is not
fully down until you see that message.
Wait until the stop message is seen in the log. Then close the SAP MMC
console and log off the server.

Starting and Stopping the SAP OS Collector

If for some reason you need to manually start or stop the saposcol program, open a
Services session and perform the needed function there.

Your Companys Take on Backups
Backup and recovery for a SAP instance is best handled along with the other
backup and recovery needs of your companys computer systems. But for those
companys who do not yet possess a solid backup and recovery solution, or who
simply want to segragate the SAP landscape from all other internal IT solutions,
here are a few things you need to know.
Online versus offline, high availability, frequency, are all decisions your IT
staff need to make based on their history with similar procedures at your company,
the recommendations of SAP, and the guidance of your implementation Basis
consultant. Enforced backups, and detailed and tested recovery procedures should
be part of any Disaster Recovery plan, and a documented part of any SAP
implementation project.
If your company falls into the latter category, SAP does supply tools for your uses
which can be used in either line command form or from within the SAP instance. If
you SAP server contains a tape drive or has access to the network tape unit,
transaction DB13 can be used to schedule periodic backups. This is the same
transaction where weekly statistics, log cleanup, and database verification jobs
are scheduled in the post-installation work after installation of a new SAP
instance. DB13 scheduled BRCONNECT runs which can also be CRONed in command line
form by the IT staff.
For more information, please see the SAP Online Documentation for DB13 by going to
the DB13 transaction and clicking Help Application Help or referring to the
section Creating Database Statistics, Index Rebuilds, and Log Backup Jobs Oracle.
More information regarding BRCONNECT can be found in the SAP BRCONNECT Guide which
can be found at http:\\\instguides.

What Needs to Be Backed Up?























Working with saprouter

Starting saprouter (OSS Link)



Verifying the Status of saprouter

If you have previously successfully established SAPNet (OSS) communications with

SAP via saprouter in the past, there can only be three reasons for a broken
SAPNet connection to SAP: the SAP VPN is down (which rarely happens); your
saprouter configuration has been incorrectly changed (also very rare); or your
saprouter is not running (happens all the time).


Stopping saprouter


Applying a SAP Note

Not all SAP Notes can be applied via the SNOTE transaction. Some are information
only, providing no code corrections. Others entail corrections that can only be
done manually. This latter type of SAP Note should be applied to your SAP system
in conjunction with a trained ABAP programmer. Also, SAP recommends that SNOTE
change requests NOT be transported into other systems. Use the SNOTE transaction
in each SAP system that needs the correction, and delete the generated change
requests since they should never be transported and could lock resources during
application of other SAP Notes and support package application.
If you do not have a working OSS connection, you can download an OSS note from the
SAP Marketplace using the SAP Download Manager and use the upload feature in SNOTE
to load it into the SAP instance instead.


Working with the SAP Marketplace

When a SAP instance is first installed, it comes with an automatical four week
license. But you cant install any kind of SSCR key on a termporary instance, so
it is best to get the permanent license key immediately.
The license key request process has been drastically overhauled by SAP over the
past. Normally, if you request a new SAP license key, the information will be emailed to you in the form of a script. But in case you dont receive this e-mail
promptly, it is important to know how to obtain the newly generated key the oldfashioned way.

Finding your Hardware Key





Alternative Method for Finding your Hardware Key


Requesting a New SAP License Key




Applying a SAP License Key the Old Way






Applying a SAP License Key the New Way


Generating a Developers Key for a Programmer


Generating an Object Key to Change a SAP-owned Object


Opening a Service Connection for SAP Support

Before opening a service connection for SAP, be sure that the SAPAG client has been
added to the appropriate SAP system and Client, and that a Security Audit Trace has
been activated for the SAPAG ID.
Before a Service Connection to a SAP server via your saprouter can be created, the
saprouter must run the LOP Line Opener Program to initiate the mode of SAP
connection. Please LOPInstalltion.exe on your saprouter server before trying to
add and open any Service Connections.


Problem Logging with SAP Support






Creating, Modifying, Deleting, Transporting, and Resetting Print Devices











Resetting the Cache for a Printer

If resetting the printer cache does not clear your printing problem, try using
some a non-SAP application to print to it to see if it working correctly on the
network. This should at least narrow down the possibilities.


Printer Output

Creating a Local aka Frontend Printer aka Desktop Printer

Local or frontend printing is sometimes confusing in concept but actually very easy
to understand. As a rule, local printer is simply another way of saying that the
user is going to print to the default printer designated on his\her workstation.
You probably do this all the time with Windows to printer spreadsheets, Word
documents, etc without thinking about it. You can do the same thing using SAP.





Viewing a List of Pending Printer Output Requests for All Printers


Viewing a List of Output Requests for a Specific Printer


Reprinting a Document

Re-routing Print to a Different Printer


Deleting Obsolete Temporary Objects and Reclaiming the Space


Mass Recompilation of ABAP Programs



SAP IGS Server

The IGS server (Internet Graphics Server) component displays and generates the
graphics used by SAPGui HTML users. For example, the BW users accessing reports
via the internet use the IGS server. The ITS server also channels graphics through
the IGS server. The IGS server is installed as a started Service on each server so
starting and stopping this service can be done using the Services session on the
SAP server.
The most current installations of SAP use the START profile of the SAP instance to
start the IGS server and it appears as a process in the Process List of the SAP MMC

Support Tasks in the SAP Marketplace

Some adminitrative tasks performed on the SAP Marketplace are
instantaneous such as SSCR (SAP Source Correction Registration)
requests for Developer and Object Key, while others like a
permanent license key request or registeration of a new OSS ID,
can take 15 minutes, or several days. As you work with the
various SAP provided tools, you will learn the difference between
normal lag time, and the possibility of something being wrong.





Changing the Authorizations for an Existing SAP Marketplace User ID

aka S Number aka OSS ID
***The vast majority of your OSS ID users have enough privileges to
perform their SAP Marketplace tasks without any additional rights
granted to their user ID.


Creating, Modifying, and Deleting System Parameters








Overview of All Work Processes Running on a SAP System



Stopping Run-Away or Bad Work Processes


If this does not kill the process, you can go to transaction SM04 and kill the
users session. If this does not kill the process, you can log on to the server,
open a Task Manager session, and End the Process. If this does not kill the
session, there is an executable in the RUN directory on the server called
sapntkill.exe. Run it providing the process ID number. If none of the above work,
you have no choice but to bounce the SAP instance and\or possibly the serve.

Increasing or Decreasing the Number of Work Processes



Broadcasting System Messages

Creating a System Message
Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM02.
On the System Messages screen, click the Create button.
On the Create System Messages popup, type up to 3 lines of System
message text. Select a server (there should only be one) from the Server
dropdown. If you want to limit the message to one client, select a client
from the Client dropdown. If desired, fill in an Expiry date and\or Delete
date. Click the green to save the message.
A System message added message will appear in the bottom status bar.
You may now leave the SM02 transaction.

Modifying a System Message

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM02.
On the System Messages screen, double click on the Id number of the
message that needs to be changed.
On the Display System Messages popup, click the pencil and glasses
picture-icon to switch to change mode.
On the Change System Messages popup, make your changes and click the
green to save the changed message.
A System message changed message will appear in the bottom status bar.
You may now leave the SM02 transaction.

Deleting a System Message

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM02.
On the System Messages screen, click on the Id number of the message to
highlight the message that needs to be deleted. Click the Delete button.
On the System message: Delete popup, click the Yes button to delete the
A System message deleted message will appear in the bottom status bar.
You may now leave the SM02 transaction.

Sending a System Message to a Single User

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SE37.
On the Function Builder: Initial Screen screen, type in the Function
name TH_POPUP. Click the Single Test wrench picture-icon.

sent to

On the Test Function Module: Initial Screen screen, fill in User,

and Message Text. Click the clock picture-icon. The message will be
the specified user.
You may now leave the SE37 transaction.

Locking R/3 Transactions

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM01.
On the Transaction Code: Lock\Unlock screen, you will see an empty box
at the very bottom of the screen. Type in the transaction code you want to
lock and press Enter.
The transaction code to be locked should appear at the top of the
transaction list. Place a in the to the left of the transaction to be
locked by pressing Space. Press Enter.
The transaction is now locked. You may now leave the SM01 transaction.

Short Dump Analysis

Short dumps care generated when one of the SAP programs encounters an abnormal
condition, a condition that the program was not coded to handle in any of its error
routines. While it is not a function of the Basis support team to debug SAP
programs, familiarity with some of the dump sections can be valuable for SAP Note
searches and\or logging system problems with SAP.
Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction ST22.
On the ABAP runtime errors screen, you can click the Today button for
todays dumps, the Yesterday button for yesterdays dumps, or use the Own
Selection section of the screen to narrow down your time date\time range and
then click the Start you selection button.
On the List of Selected Runtime Errors screen, double-click on any
short dump you want to examine more closely.
On the Runtime Error Long List screen, make note of the error that
occurred in the What Happened? section, any unique information in the Error
analysis section, and search terms for searching SAP Notes in the How to
correct the error section.
You may now leave the ST22 transaction.

Viewing Database Lock Information


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.

Go to transaction DB01.
The information displayed on the Oracle Lock Monitor screen can be
and filtered to meet your reporting requirements.
You may now leave the DB01 transaction.

Viewing Table Lock Information


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.

Go to transaction SM12.
On the Select Lock Entries screen, fill in the Table name or use *, the
Client or use *, and the User name or use *. Click the List button.
On the Lock Entry List screen, you can use the Refresh button to
monitor the table locks, or double-click any line for detail information. You
can also use this transaction to delete a table lock or all table locks, if
You may now leave the SM12 transaction.

Viewing Update Lock Information

Occasionally, due to a dropped user session or some other unknown
reason, an update transaction fails. When this happens, locks
placed on resources may not be released. If an object was marked
as currently being updated, and the update fails, the lock may
still be present in the SAP system. Any other transactions
attempting an update on the locked object fail. Database errors,
including SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC errors, appear in the system
log. To remove these update locks, you should try to force the
update to complete. If the update cannot be forced to completion,
the lock should be removed from the object.
Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM13.
On the Update Records: Main Menu screen, if you are looking for the
update locks produced by a specific user and\or in a specific client, type in
the Client and\or User. Using a From date and To date range can help as
well. But if the originating lock happened some time ago, using a date range
will not help. Normally, there arent that many hanging update locks at one
time, so dont worry about being too specific. When you have entered all your
information, press Enter.
The Update Records screen contains a list of outstanding update records
matching your selection criteria. If the list is empty, go back to the
previous screen and open your search by using * in client and user, and a
date range of 01-01-2000 through 12-31-2010. If you still get no results,
there are no incomplete update records.
The best way to resolve incomplete update records is to try to force
them to completion. From the top-most menu of the Update Records screen,
click Update records Update All records.
You will see an Update Updating update requests which have not yet
executed popup. If, after reading this information message, you decide that
deleting the update records would be a wiser decision, skip to step 7.
Otherwise, click the green picture-icon. You will be given one last chance
to stop via a Update selected records popup. Click Yes to start the update.
If the update records are fairly old (a day or so) and\or the update
force produces an error, or you are unsure whether forcing the update record
to completion is the wisest choice, forcing the update may not be an option.
If this is the case, deleting the update lock is probably your best course of
action. From the top-most menu of the Update Records screen, click Update
records Delete All records. You will be given an opportunity to change
your selection criteria in the Delete Update Records popup. Click the green
picture-icon to continue. You will be given one last chance to stop via a
Delete data will be lost popup. Click Yes to start the delete.
You will not receive a confirmation message after the update or
delete. You may now leave the SM13 transaction.

Viewing OS Server Files from SAP

The SAP directory structure on a Windows server can be viewed via SAP using the
AL11 transaction. All the usual SAP directories are accessible as well as any
custom data views. Text files can be accessed and ported in and out of the SAP
instance. Directories can be sorted by Name or Date\Timestamp.

Transport Tasks
Configuring TMS - Transport Management System - for the First Time
Note: if you already have a TMS configured, do not use this section to add a new
instance to the existing TMS configuration. You could severely damage any preexisting transports, making them untransportable. Instead, use the following
section Adding New Instance to TMS Setup.
Log on to client 000 of the SAP instance to serve as the Domain Controller.
Go to transaction SE06.
Click on the Perform Post Installation Actions button.
Go to transaction STMS.
You should see a popup box with the title TMS: Configure Transport
Domain. If the popup doesn't say that, press F6 to change to the
correct popup box.
Fill in the TMS: Configure Transport Domain popup with the
Description, Name of DOMAIN_<SID>, and the description of the
Transport Domain. Then click Save.
On the Transport Management System screen (if you arent there, back out
until you are), assuming that this is the first SAP instance and there are no
installed SAP instances in your landscape yet, and assuming that you
want your transport requests to be transportable and not local only,
click on Overview Systems.
On the System Overview Domain Domain_<SID> screen, click SAP System
Create External System. Fill in QAS if you are going to have a three system
configuration or PRD if you are going to have a two system configuration, or
make up a <SID> if you are never really going to have another SAP system. Fill
in the rest of the information including the Path which is assumed to be
\\<current server>:\usr\sap\trans for NT or \usr\sap\trans for UNIX. Click
Environment Transport Routes.
On the Display Transport Routes screen, click the User Settings button,
turn on the Hiergraphical List Editor, and click the Continue button. Back
out of the screen and then go back in you should see the list in a text mode
which makes it easier to handle.
10. On the Display Transport Routes screen, click the Display<>Change button to
toggle into Change Mode.
11. On the Change Transport Routes screen, click Configuration Standard
Configuration Development and Production System.
12. Fill in the Development and Production System popup, using your current SAP
system SID as the Development system and the SAP instance you created in step #8
as the Production system. Click the mark to Continue.
13. Back on the Change Transport Routes screen, click the Save icon and confirm
all the popup questions.
14. On the Change Transport Routes screen, back out until you can once more see
the Transport Management System screen. Click Overview Systems.
15. On the Display TMS Configuration: System XXX screen, double-click the TMS
Domain domain controller SAP instance.

16. On the Display TMS Configuration: System XXX screen, click the
Display<>Change button to toggle into Change Mode. Click the Communication tab
and make sure that the Transport Group Name is correct. It should contain of
the Domain Controller in the format of DOMAIN_<SID> where <SID> is the System ID
of the SAP Domain controller. Use the dropdown to find the correct entry it the
field is blank. Click the Transport Tool tab. Verify that the information on
the tab is correct and click the Insert Row button. Add a Parameter of CTC and
a Value of 1. Click the Save button.
17. Do step #16 for every system in your TMS Domain, making sure to change all
Transport Group Names are the same and the CTC row is added to each with a value
of 1.
18. Save your way back the the main STMS screen.
19. You may now leave STMS.

Adding a New SAP Instance to an Existing TMS Domain Controller

Log on to client 000 in the SAP instance you want to add to the existing
Go to transaction SE06.
Click on the Perform Post Installation Actions button.
Go to transaction STMS.
You should see a popup box with the title TMS: Configure Transport
Domain. Press F6 until you see a TMS: Include System in
Transport Domain popup.
Fill in the TMS: Include System in Transport Domain popup with the
Description, Target Host, and System number of the TMS Domain
Controller then click Save.
You should see a message that says SAP System waiting to be
included in the Transport Domain.
Log on to client 000 of the Transport Domain Controller and go to
STMS, keeping your original session in the other SAP instance open.
On the Transport Management System screen, click Overview Systems.
Highlight the System you just added and then click SAP System Approve.
Then confirm all the messages.
Back on the Transport Management System screen, click Environment
Transport Routes.
11. On the Display Transport Routes screen, click the Display<>Change button
to toggle into Change Mode. Click on Edit Transport Route Create.
On the Create Transport Route popup, use the Consolidation boxes to enter
the SID of the transport domain, create a Z* transport layer, and the SID
of the system you are adding. Click Save and confirm. Back out to the main
Transport Management Screen.
Back on the Transport Management System screen, click Overview Systems.
Double-click on the new system, and click on the Communications tab. Make
sure that the Transport Group name is the name of the original transport
domain. If not, change it. Click the Transport Tool tab. Verify that the
information on the tab is correct and click the Insert Row button. Add a
Parameter of CTC and a Value of 1. Click the Save button.
You can switch back to the new instance, and confirm that the SAP System
waiting to be included in the Transport Domain has disappeard.
14. You may now log out of both SAP instances.

Make a Local Transport into a Transportable Transport

Sometimes, mistakes just happen. For this example, we will use a transport
SM1K00047 as the erroneous change request. Make sure to release SM1K00047 before
beginning this procedure.



Log on to the client who is the owner of the local transports that needs
Go to SE03.
On the Transport Organizer List screen, click on Merge Object Lists which
in the Requests\Tasks section.
On the Merge Objects List screen, put SM1K00046 in the first Request\Task
field. Make sure that the Released check box is "on" in the Request Status
section and click the Execute icon.
On the Merge Objects List screen, click on the Merge icon.
On the Enter Transport Request popup, click the Create Request icon.
On the Select Request Type popup, click "on" radio buttion Workbench Request.
On the Create Request popup, fill in the necessary information and make sure
that the fill in the Target field so that the transport request is NOT local.
Click the Save, OK, icon, etc. until everything is done. You will
get a new transport request number, in our case SM1K00050. This new request
can be released using one of the transport organizer Transactions like SE10,
etc. Once it is released, you can go to \usr\sap\trans on the OS level and in
directory cofiles copy K00050.SM1 to K00046.SM1, and in directory data copy
R00050.SM1 to R00046.SM1.
You may now leave SE03.

Once you have control of your session again, the transports are done. Verify their
return code in the Import Queue list. It shoud have been updated automatically.

Transporting Change Requests

To manually transport change requests from DEV\QAS to PRD:
Make sure the change request(s) has been released via Se10 or one of the
other Transport Organizer Transactions.
Go to transaction STMS and click Overview Imports. Double-click the PRD
Click the refresh button to make sure you have the most current view of the
PRD queue. Make sure the change request(s) you want to transport shows in the
Using the F9 button, highlight all the transactions you want to manually
Click on Extras Activate Inactive Requests. Confirm the popup. This
bypasses the STMS_QA process.
Leave the change requests highlighted. Click Request Import. On the
popup, make sure that the target is client 300. Make sure that Synchronous
radio button is "on" in the Execution tab. Make sure that the first three
options are checked "on" in the Options tab. When you are done, click on the
green and confirm the next popup.
Once you have control of your session again, the transports are done. Verify their
return code in the Import Queue list. It shoud have been updated automatically.

Adding a Change Request to a Transport Queue

Make sure the change request(s) has been released via Se10 or one of the
other Transport Organizer Transactions.
Go to transaction STMS and click Overview Imports. Double-click the PRD
Click on Extras Other Requests Add. Fill in the Number of the
Transport Request to be added to the queue and then press Enter.
Confirm the Add Transport Request popup. The transport request should now
appear at the bottom of the queue list.

Viewing the Transport Queue History

Go to transaction STMS and click Overview Imports. Double-click the
queue for which you want to view the history.
Click on the Import History button or press Ctrl+F7. The resulting list
can be sorted and filtered to produce a more exacting report if needed.

Re-Transport Several Change Requests at Once

Go to transaction STMS and click Overview Imports. Highlight the queue
into which the transport(s) to be moved again were originally transported the
FROM queue - and click the Import History button or press Ctrl+F7.
If your SAP instance is older, you may have a very long Import History list
in the next screen. Use some of the available filters and sort options to
create a more controllable list of transports. Use the F9 to select and\or
unselect as many as you need to transport.
Once all choices have been made, click Request Forward System. Fill in
the TO system and click on the Execute green mark.
Now you can go to the TO queue and refresh the list. Your imports should
all be there.

Transport Tool System Confirmation

Go to transaction STMS and click Overview Imports.
On the Import Overview screen, click Import Queue Check Transport
Tool. You may get a message asking if you want to check the the transport tool
for all systems. If only want to check a limited subset of the SAP instances,
use F9 to select and\or deselect those systems before you click Transport Tool.
On the TMS: Check Transport Tool screen, a list of all selected SAP
instances to be checked will appear.
If you see any thing but red green Oks, expand all the lines with the non-OK
marks and look for more information. Correct these problems and then run this
report again until it comes back clean.

Use Target Groups to Transport to Mulitple Clients in Two Different

Log on to client 000 of your TMS Domain Controller SAP Instance.
Go to transaction STMS.
On the Transport System Management screen, click Overview Transport

On the Display Transport Routes screen, click the Display<>Change button
toggle into Change mode. Click on the Target Groups line and click the
Create button.
In the Create Transport Group popup, fill in the Target Group as
give a Short Description and click the Client Assignment button. Be aware
that the Target Group name must start and end with a \.
Enter each Target system and Target client you need. For our example, we
DEV 100, QAS 200, and QAS 210. Click the green check mark to Transfer. You
now have a target group. Now you must create a Consolidation Layer.
Back on the Change Transport Routes screen, click on Transport Routes and
click Create.
In the Create Transport Route popup, click the Extended Transport Control
button at the bottom of the popup. Make sure Consolidation is "on" and fill
in the information using our Target Group as the Consolidation Target.
Click the green check button to Save the change.
10. You now have a Transport Group. Confirm the Disturbution of it to the other
SAP Instances.

Configure TMS to Use SAP's Quality Assurance Functionality

A Quality Assurance system must have a) a delivery route leading from it to
another instance, and b) be the target of a consolidation route. See topic
Using Target Groups to Transport to Mulitple Clients in Two Different Instances
to fulfill the a) requirement.
Log on to client 000 of your TMS Domain Controller SAP Instance.
Go to transaction STMS.
On the Transport System Management screen, click Overview Transport
4. On the Display Transport Routes screen, click Display<>Change button to
toggle into change mode. Click on the instance in which you want to control
QA. Normally, this is QAS and the instance to be controlled is PRD. Under
Transport Routes, click on the QAS instance and click Create.
5. On the Create Transport Route screen, make sure Delivery is "on" and fill in
Source and Delivery systems with QAS and PRD. Click the green check mark to
save. Now you have met condition a.
6. Back on the Change Transport Routes screen, click on the QAS instance and
click the single pencil Change button. You will see a Change System
Attributes popup. Click "on" Quality Assurance - Delvery After Confirmation.
If you want to change the people who OK the transports, click the
Procedure button and make your changes. Then back out. Click the green check
to Transfer your changes.
7. Back on the Change Transport Routes screen, click on the Target Groups line
and click the Create button.
8. In the Create Transport Group popup, fill in the Target Group as \XXXCLNTS\,
give a Short Description and click the Client Assignment button. Be aware
that the Target Group name must start and end with a \. Enter each Target
system and Target client you need. Click the green check mark to Transfer.
You now have a target group. Now you must create a Consolidation Layer.
9. Back on the Change Transport Routes screen, click on Transport Routes and
click Create.
10. In the Create Transport Route popup, click the Extended Transport Control
button at the bottom of the popup. Make sure Consolidation is "on" and fill
in the information using our Target Group as the Consolidation Target. Click
the green check button to Save the change.
11. You now have a Transport Group. Confirm the Disturbution of it to the other
SAP Instances.

12. You may now leave the STMS transactions.

Automate the Transport Process


Log on to client 000 of your TMS Domain Controller SAP Instance.

Go to transaction STMS.
On the Transport System Management screen, click Overview Imports.
Double-click on the queue for the SAP instance are in.
On the Import Queue screen, click the Refresh button. Click on the Import
All Requests button.
5. On the Start Import popup, fill in the information for the job. Make sure "At
Start Time" is on. Although Period appears grayed out, you can still change
it to the periodic value you need. I recommend every hour in DEV, 4 times a
day in QAS, and once an evening in PRD. Click on the green check mark to
6. You may now leave the STMS transaction. If you ever need to change this job,
you must do it via STMS and not SE37.

User Tasks
Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Users
Creating a User
Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the new user
is to be added.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the new User
name and click the blank page picture-icon.
On the Maintain User screen, fill in at least the following information
for each tab:

Last name, First name, Internet mail

Logon data
Initial password, repeat password,
user type
Decimal formation, Date formation,
Time zone, OutputDevice

When all necessary data has been entered, click the Save
You will receive a User saved message in the status bar at the bottom
of the screen. You may now leave the SU01 transaction.

Copy an Existing User to a New User

Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the user is
to be changed.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the User name
to be copied and click the double blank page picture-icon.

On the Copy User popup, type in the To for the new
Copy button.
On the Maintain User screen, click on the tabs and
the users information. When you are done, click the Save
will receive a User saved message in the status bar at the
You may now leave the SU01 transaction.

user and click the

make the changes to
picture-icon. You
bottom of the

Modifying a User
Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the user is
to be changed.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the users name
and click the pencil picture-icon.
On the Maintain User screen, click on the tabs and make your user
information changes. When you are done, click the Save picture-icon.
You will receive a User saved message in the status bar at the bottom of
the screen. You may now leave the SU01 transaction.

Deleting a User
Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the user is
to be deleted.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the users name
and click the trash can picture-icon.
On the Delete user popup, click the Yes button.
You will receive a User deleted message in the status bar at the bottom
of the screen. You may now leave the SU01 transaction.

Locking a User
Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the user is
to be locked.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the users name
and click the lock\unlock picture-icon.
On the Lock user popup, click the lock picture-icon.
You will receive a User locked message in the status bar at the bottom
of the screen. You may now leave transaction SU01.

Modifying a Users Password

Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the users
password is to be changes.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the users name
and click the lock\unlock picture-icon.

On the Change Password popup, enter the new password in both the New
password and Repeat password boxes. Click the green picture-icon.
You will receive a The password was changed message in the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. You may now leave the SU01 transaction.

Add a Role to a User

Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the user
needs the role. Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the users name
and press Enter to confirm that the user exists.
Click the Change button or press Shift+F6.
On the Maintain User screen, click on the Roles tab. Fill in the
name(s) in the field(s) provided, and when done press Enter.
Click the Save button.
Go to transaction PFCG, and on the Role Maintenance screen, type in the
name of the role to which the users where added and press Enter to confirm
exist of the role.
Click the Change role little yellow pencil button.
On the Change Roles screen, click the User tab. Click on User
Comparison and then Complete Comparison. Once the comparision is done, click
Save one more time and you are done!

Mass User Changes

Making user changes one-at-a-time can be extremely time consuming not to mention
boring. SAP has provided mass change transaction to help eleviate the tediousness
of making many user changes. It should be noted, however, that the mass change
transaction is limited as to the changes that can be made. For example, you cannot
change the password for multiple users. Also note that it is best to make one type
of mass change at a time. For example, you need to add a new role to and delete an
existing role from 20 users. The best method to achieve this would be to first do
a mass change to add the new role. Save the changed users. Then delete the
existing role from the same 20 users.
Log on to the appropriate SAP system and the client where the user
changes are to take place.
Go to transaction SU10.
On the User Maintenance: Mass Changes Initial Screen screen, you need
to select whether you will select users based on Address Data or Authorization
Data and click the appropriate button. If you click Address Data, you can
find users with any combination of First name, Last name, User ID, Company,
City, Building, Room, Extension, Department, and Cost Center. If you opt to
use Authorization Data, you can specify a combination of Groups, Reference
User, Authorizations, Athorization Objects, and many other fields. For either
method, fill in the fields you want to search on in the Users by Complex
Selection Criteria screen, and click the Execute button.
On the Users by Complex Selection Criteria screen, you can click on
the users to be changed, or click the Select All button. Once all the users
you want to change have been selected, click the Transfer button.
Back on the Maintenance: Mass Changes Initial Screen screen, you can
select all the users on the screen again by clicking the Select All button or
change your mind and make any last minute corrections. Once you have all the
users selected that you want to change, click User Change.

On the Mass User Changes screen, scroll through the tabs, changing data
and clicking the Add or Remove button for each correction. Please note, each
SU10 batch run must use all Adds or all Removes but never a mixture. Do all
Adds in one run and then all Removes in another. Once all your changes have
been made, click the Save button.
On the Mass changes popup, you will see how many users you are about to
change. To make the changes, click on Yes.
On the Log Display screen, you will see a log of the changes you made.
Expand the list to see the transactional details.
You may now leave the SU10 transaction.

User Information Repository Reports

Log on to the appropriate SAP system and client where the user reports
are to be generated.
Go to transaction SUIM.
On the User Information System screen, click the Infosystem
authorizations entry on the navigation tree and click the double arrows
pointing down picture-icon to expand the list of available reports.
Click on the clock picture-icon to the left of the report you want to
run. You will be taken to a selection filter screen to customize the data you
need to see on your report. Once your report has been produced, you can print
it or send it to your hard disk.
You may now leave the SU01 transaction.

User Information Repository Reports

Log on to the appropriate SAP system and client where the user reports
are to be generated.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, from the top-most menu
bar click Information Information system.
On the User Information System screen, click the Infosystem
authorizations entry on the navigation tree and click the double arrows
pointing down picture-icon to expand the list of available reports.
Click on the clock picture-icon to the left of the report you want to
run. You will be taken to a selection filter screen to customize the data you
need to see on your report. Once your report has been produced, you can print
it or send it to your hard disk.
You may now leave the SU01 transaction.

Displaying and Dropping User Sessions

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM04.
On the User List screen, all users currently logged on to the SAP
system are displayed. To delete a users session, place a in the to the
left of the user to be dropped and click the Sessions button.
On the Overview of Sessions popup, click on the session No to be
deleted. Click the End Session button.
You will not receive a deletion confirmation message. You may now
leave the SM04 transaction.

Tracing a Users Activity

Creating a User Audit Profile
Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM19.
From the top-most menu bar on the Security Audit: Administer Audit
Profile screen, click Profile Create.
On the Create new profile popup, type in a new Profile name and click
the green picture-icon.
On the Filter 1 tab of the Security Audit: Administer Audit Profile
screen, click the to the left of Filter active to place a in the box. In
the Selection criteria section, select the Clients and User names to be
traced. In the Audit classes section, click on all the auditing functions
you need for this profile. In the Events section, click the radio button to
the left of the level of auditing you need. Once you have entered all your
trace information, click the Save picture-icon. You will receive an Audit
profile saved in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Please note that while the user trace has been saved, it is not yet
active. To activate the user trace, see the next section Activating a User
Audit Profile.
You may now leave the SM19 transaction.

Activating a User Audit Profile

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM19.
On the Security Audit: Administer Audit Profile screen, select the
audit profile to be activated from the Profile dropdown. Click the lit match
picture-icon to activate it. You will receive an Audit profile activated for
next system start in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. The audit
will not begin until after the SAP instance has been recycled.
You may now leave the SM19 transaction.

Deactivating a User Audit Profile

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM19.
On the Security Audit: Administer Audit Profile screen, select the
audit profile to be deactivated from the Profile dropdown. From the top-most
menu bar, click the Profile Deactivate. You will receive a Current audit
profile was deactivated in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
You may now leave the SM19 transaction.

Deleting a User Audit Profile


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.

Go to transaction SM19.

On the Security Audit: Administer Audit Profile screen, select the
audit profile to be deleted from the Profile dropdown. Click the trash can
On the Confirmation prompt popup, click the Yes button. You will
receive an Audit profile deleted in the status bar at the bottom of the
You may now leave the SM19 transaction.

Viewing the Audit Analysis Report

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM20.
In the Selection, Audit classes, and Events to select sections of the
Security Audit Log: Local Analysis screen, provide your information to filter
the audit information. If you need to trace the activities of a specific
user, be sure to include that users ID. Click the Re-read audit log button.
The resulting list is displayed. This list can be printed using the
usual methods.
You may now leave the SM20 transaction.

Security Tasks
Creating a User Role
The easiest way to create a new user role is to copy an already existing user role,
either one of your own or one of the ones provided to you in the installation of
SAP. So lets assume that you have none of your own and use one of the SAP role
templates provided. It might assist you with picking one of these roles if you
have someone dump the appropriate information into a spreadsheet containing the
Role Name, Role Description, Transactions contained in the Role, and the
Transaction description. The SQL query would be something like this:
This query should be changed based on the details of your SAP instance.
the roles(s) to be used as the source for your role copy.


Log on to client needing the role.
Go to transaction PFCG.
On the Role Maintenance screen, either type in the role name to be
copied or select it from a dropdown. Press Enter to confirm that the role
Click the Copy role button or press Shift+F11.
One the Query popup box, fill in the to role field with the name to be
given the new role. Come up with a standard that everyone follows so the base
original role is designated in some way so you dont forget where you got the
original. The name must begin with Z or Y. Most people will add a Z- in the

first two characters of the role name. If you want to only select specific
roles from a Composite role, you would click the Copy selectively button,
otherwise click the Copy all button.
Once the role has been copied, you will be taken back to the original
PFCG screen where you will see the name of your new role. Change you Role
description and save the new role before working with it any further

Modifying a User Role

Log on to client needing the role change.
Go to transaction PFCG.
On the Role Maintenance screen, either type in the role name to be
changed or select it from a dropdown. Press Enter to confirm that the role is
Click the Change Role little yellow pencil button role button or press
Click the Authorizations tab and then the Change Authorization Data
On the Change Role: Authorizations screen, expand and change the
authorizations you need to adjust. When finished click first the Save button
and then the Generate button looks like a little red and white beachball.
Back out to the Change Roles screen and click the User tab. Click on
User Comparison and then Complete Comparison. Once the comparision is done,
click Save one more time and you are done!

Deleting a User Role

Log on to client needing the role deletion.
Go to transaction PFCG.
On the Role Maintenance screen, either type in the role name to be
changed or select it from a dropdown. Press Enter to confirm that the role is
Click the Role Delete button or Shift+F2.
On the Delete Role popup, confirm that you wish to delete the
deletion. If you get an Information popup, confirm it also.
Your deletion will return a successful message in the bottom status

Transporting User Roles between Clients (Transport System Method)

When a modification is made to a role in the 100 client, the roles must be
transported to the 800 client. One role, several roles, or all roles can be done
if needed. They can all be added to the same transport change request. After the
roles have been moved to other clients, you will need to log on to each of those
clients and do a user comparison. You will also need to do a text comparison in
client 100 of the appropriate SAP system.
Log on to client 100 of the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction PFCG.
On the Role maintenance screen, type in the Role name of the first role
to be transported. Click the Truck picture-icon.
You will see an Information popup. Click the green picture-icon.

In the Choose objects popup, unclick the s beside User assignment and
Personalization. If you want to transport the users along with the role,
profiles, and authorizations, you can the to the left of User assignment.
Click the green picture-icon.
On the Prompt for Customizing request popup, click the blank page
picture-icon to create a new change request. On the Create Request popup,
fill in the Short description and click the Save picture-icon. You will be
returned to the Prompt for Customizing request popup which contains the
generated change request number for this system change. Click the green to
You will see a Data entered in change request message in the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. Now enter the name of the next role to be
transported and click the Truck picture-icon.
You will see an Information popup. Click the green picture-icon.
In the Choose objects popup, unclick the s beside User assignment and
Personalization. If you want to transport the users along with the role,
profiles, and authorizations, you can the to the left of User assignment.
Click the green picture-icon.
On the Prompt for Customizing request popup, continue to use the same
transport you created in step 6. Click the green to continue.
Continue to perform steps 7 through 10 until all the roles you need to
transport have been attached to the transport change request.
The generated transport can now be released and transported into the
clients needing the modified roles.
You may now leave the PFCG transaction.

Transporting User Roles between Clients (Upload\Download Method)

Central User Administration distributes clients and their information to the other
clients connected to the Distribution Model. It does not, however, do the same for
roles and role authorizations. So when a modification is made to a role in the 100
client, the roles must be transported to the 800 client. One role, several roles,
or all roles can be done if needed. They can all be added to the same transport
change request. After the roles have been moved to other clients, you will need to
log on to each of those clients and do a user comparison. You will also need to do
a text comparison in client 100 of the appropriate SAP system.
Log on to client 100 of the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction PFCG.
On the Role maintenance screen, type in the Role name of the first role
to be transported. Click the Truck picture-icon.
You will see an Information popup. Click the green picture-icon.
In the Choose objects popup, unclick the s beside User assignment and
Personalization. If you want to transport the users along with the role,
profiles, and authorizations, you can the to the left of User assignment.
Click the green picture-icon.
On the Prompt for Customizing request popup, click the blank page
picture-icon to create a new change request. On the Create Request popup,
fill in the Short description and click the Save picture-icon. You will be
returned to the Prompt for Customizing request popup which contains the
generated change request number for this system change. Click the green to
You will see a Data entered in change request message in the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. Now enter the name of the next role to be
transported and click the Truck picture-icon.
You will see an Information popup. Click the green picture-icon.

In the Choose objects popup, unclick the s beside User assignment and
Personalization. If you want to transport the users along with the role,
profiles, and authorizations, you can the to the left of User assignment.
Click the green picture-icon.
On the Prompt for Customizing request popup, continue to use the same
transport you created in step 6. Click the green to continue.
Continue to perform steps 7 through 10 until all the roles you need to
transport have been attached to the transport change request.
The generated transport can now be released and transported into the
clients needing the modified roles.
You may now leave the PFCG transaction.

Performing a User Comparison on the Modified Roles

Log on to client 100 of the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction PFCG.
On the Role maintenance screen, type in the Role name of the first role
to be transported. Click the Change button.
On the Change Roles screen, click the User tab.
On the User tab, click the User compare button.
On the Compare Role User Master Record popup, click the Complete
compare button.
You will receive a User master record for role was adjusted message in
the status bar at the bottom of the screen. You may now leave the PFCG

Performing a Text Comparison to Refresh Role Selection Lists

Log on to client 100 of the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, type in the user
model_user. Click the pencil picture-icon.
On the Maintain User screen, click the Text comparison from child Syst.
On the CUA: Text comparison from Child Systems screen, type LSDEV100
for the Receiving system and LSQAS800 for the to system. This is a range,
and since LSPRD300 falls alphabetically between LSDEV100 and LSQAS800, all
three systems will have the text comparison performed. Click the clock
On the CUA: Text comparison from Child Systems results screen, you will
see a list of the systems compared and the compare results. Click the white
arrow on green picture-icon 3 times, or until you have left the SU01

Users, Roles, and Authorizations

SAP security is based on authorization objects and authorizations. An
authorization object is used to indicate that a user can perform a certain
activity. An authorization is used to limit the scope of that activity.
For example, a profile contains the S_DEVELOP authorization object. This
authorization object allows a user to perform ABAP workbench activities. Some
users will need to do all ABAP activites while others will only need to perform a

few. So S_DEVELOP has a selection of authorizations you can use: ACTVT, DEVCLASS,
OBJNAME, OBJTYPE, and P_GROUP. The authorizations are set to the appropriate
values as needed. A tree view of the S_DEVELOP authorization object can be seen
Create or generate
Activate, generate
Create in DB
Delete in DB
Convert to DB
All Functions
Deactivate Mod. assistant
Single Value or Value Range
Single Value or Value Range
Single Value or Value Range
Single Value or Value Range
The S_DEVELOP authorization object in a profile lets a user perform ABAP workbench
activities. But having a S_DEVELOP authorization object with the ACTVT
authorization value set to Display (03) means that the user is limited to display
only in the ABAP workbench transactions. Thus we see that authorization objects
grant while authorizations limit. It is important to remember, however, that a
user with a profile having a S_DEVELOP with full authorizations still cannot access
an ABAP workbench transaction until a matching S_TCODE (start up transaction code)
has been added as well. In other words, a user may have the rights to add, modify
and delete ABAP programs but until an entry for SE38 has been added to the S_TCODE
authorization object, he cannot access transaction SE38 which is the ABAP Editor.
All authorization objects and authorizations are grouped into profiles before being
attached to users. Profiles use a combination of authorization objects and their
respective authorizations, and their creation can be complex as well as tedious.
In order to simplify the creation of profiles, the Profile Generator (transaction
PFCG) was created. Roles are created via a more user-friendly interface which
generates profiles based on the information added via this interface.
Manually creating profiles is the old way of doing things. There are times, such
as the start of a new SAP landscape where no roles exist, that the use of profiles
is handy. But once the landscape has been completed all users, with the exception
of the Basis team, should be attached to roles. There should never be a need to
manually create a SAP new profile. To add a new role, the easiest method is to
copy an existing role that matches your needs as closely as possible and make the
changes you need for the new role.
This documentation covers changing user security via both methods.
Adding Authorization Objects and\or Authorizations to a Profile
Remember that profiles are NOT the standard way to implement SAP security

Log on to the appropriate client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SU02.
In the Manually edit authorization profiles section of the Profile:
Initial Screen screen, enter the Profile you want to change. Make sure the
Active only is checked. Click the Create work area for profiles button.
On the Profile List screen, double-click the profile to be changed.
A profile can contain authorization objects only (single profile) or
one or more other profiles (collective profile). If the next screen is titled
Maintain Profile, this is a single profile, and you should proceed to the next
step. If the next screen is titled Collect Profiles, this is a collective
profile and you should skip to step 13.
On the Maintain Profile screen, you must decide if you need to add a
new authorization object and one or more of its authorizations, or add a new
authorization to an authorization object already in the profile. If you need
to add a new authorization to an authorization object already in the profile,
skip to step 7. Otherwise, scroll down the Consisting of authorizations list
until you find a blank line. Type the authorization object you need to add
and press Enter. You will need to scroll through the list again until you
find the authorization object you just added (it is was to find since the
Authorization column should still be blank). Once you find the new entry
line, use the drop down to fill in the Authorization column. Click on the
Save picture-icon.
If you need to add another authorization to an authorization object
already in the profile list, click on the +Add authorization button.
From the Maintain Profiles: Object Classes screen, double-click the
Object class of the authorization you are adding.
On the Maintain Profiles: List of Authorizations screen, select the
authorization you need to add by double-clicking the appropriate line. This
will return you to the Maintain Profile screen where you can see that your
authorization has been added.
On the Maintain Profile screen, click the Save picture-icon. Then click
the lit match picture-icon to activate the new profile changes.
On the Activate Profile: Execution Screen screen, click on the lit match
picture-icon to complete the profile activation process.
You may now leave the SU02 transaction.
In order the change a profile collection, you must make the changes in
one or more of the dependent profiles, save the changes in the dependent
profile(s), activate the dependent profile(s), save the collection owner
profile, and activate the collection owner profile. On the Collect Profiles
screen, double-click on the profile you want to change.
You will be taken to the Maintain Profile screen. Perform steps 6 to
11. Then use the white arrow on green picture-icon to go back.
On the Collect Profiles screen, click the Save picture-icon. Then click
the lit match picture-icon to activate the new profile changes.
On the Activate Profile: Execution Screen screen, click on the lit match
picture-icon to complete the profile activation process.
You may now leave the SU02 transaction.

Adding Authorization Objects and\or Authorizations to a Role

Log on to client 100 in the DEV SAP system.
Go to transaction PFCG.
On the Role Maintenance screen, enter the Role you want to change.
Click the Change button.
On the Change Role screen, click the Authorizations tab and then click
the pencil picture-icon.

If you are only adding a start up transaction to the role, skip to step
10. Otherwise, the assumption is that a new authorization object is to be
added. On the Change role: Authorizations screen, click the +Manually button.
On the Manual selection of authorizations popup, enter the
authorizations objects that need to be added (ie S_DEVELOP, S_PROGRAM, etc.)
Click the green when you are finished.
Back on the Change role: Authorizations screen, if all the displayed
signal lights are green, skip to step 8. Otherwise, fully expand the lines
that are yellow and\or red and supply the necessary information. All signal
lights should be green before moving to the next step.
On the Change role: Authorizations screen, click the Save pictureicon. You will receive a Data saved confirmation message in the status bar at
the bottom of the screen.
On the Change role: Authorizations screen, click the red-and-white
beach ball picture-icon to generate a profile from the saved role. Reply
affirmatively if any confirmation popups. You will receive a Profile(s)
created message in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. If you do not
need to add any start up transactions to the profile, you may now leave the
PFCG transaction.
On the Change Role: Authorizations screen, expand the Cross-application
Authorization Objects Authorization Check for Transaction Start
Authorization Check for Transaction Start until you see the Transaction code
entry line. Double-click on the entry portion of the Transaction code line.
In the Maintain Field Values popup, scroll down the list until you find
a blank From and To line. Enter the transaction(s) to be added, and click the
Save picture-icon when you have finished.
On the Change role: Authorizations screen, click the Save picture-icon.
You will receive a Data saved confirmation message in the status bar at the
bottom of the screen.
On the Change role: Authorizations screen, click the red-and-white beach
ball picture-icon to generate a profile from the saved role. Reply
affirmatively if any confirmation popups. You will receive a Profile(s)
created message in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
You may now leave the PFCG transaction.

Granting Transaction Access to a User via Profile

*** Since SAP R/3 4.5, this is not the standard for user authorizations.

Granting Transaction Access to a User via Role

Log on to the applicable SAP instance and client.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, fill in the User ID
for the user you want to change, either by typing it in or choosing it from the
drop down. Click the little yellow pencil Change button.
On the Maintain User screen, click on the Roles tab. Fill in the new
role in the first available Role field. Press ENTER to confirm that the role
exists. Click the Save button.
Make sure to use transaction PFCG to run a user comparion to rebuilt
the role-to-user connections.
You may now leave the PFCG transaction.

Revoking Authorizations from a User via Profile

*** Since SAP R/3 4.5, this is not the standard for user authorizations.

Revoking Authorizations from a User via Role

Use the same procedure as Adding Authorization Objects and\or Authorizations to a

Revoking Transaction Access from a User via Profile

*** Remember that profiles are NOT the standard way to implement SAP security. ***

Attaching a Profile to a User

*** Since SAP R/3 4.5, this is not the standard for user authorizations.

Attaching a Role to a User

Log on to the applicable SAP instance and client.
Go to transaction SU01.
On the User Maintenance: Initial Screen screen, fill in the User ID
for the user you want to change, either by typing it in or choosing it from the
drop down. Click the little yellow pencil Change button.
On the Maintain User screen, click on the Roles tab. Fill in the new
role in the first available Role field. Press ENTER to confirm that the role
exists. Click the Save button.
Make sure to use transaction PFCG to run a user comparion to rebuilt
the role-to-user connections.
You may now leave the PFCG transaction.

Client Tasks
Client Copies within the Same SAP System
*** SAPs terms for the sending and receiving clients can be confusing. The
target client is the client into which data is to be copied. The source client
is the client which contains the data to be copied. Also, remember that all client
copies are destructive and will delete all data before copying in the new data.
The only exception is when the SAP_USER profile is used. In this case, only user
master data is deleted from the target client before the new user master data is
copied. ***

Create the target client if necessary.

Log on to the target client in the appropriate SAP system. If the
target client is new, use SAP* for the user and pass for the password.
Go to transaction SCCL for Local Client Copy.
On the Client Copy Copy a Client screen, use the Selected profile
dropdown to select a profile that matches your needs. Use SAP_ALL or SAP_UAPP
to copy all data except change documents, SAP_USER to copy only user master
data, or one of the other SAP provided client copy profiles. Type the Source
client and Source client user masters in the provided boxes. These two boxes
should contain the same client number unless the data is to come from one
client and the user master data from a different client. Once all information
has been provided, click the Schedule as background job button. If you
receive a Change documents will not be copied message in the bottom status
bar, click the green next to the transaction command field at the very top
of the screen to continue.
On the Schedule Client Copy in Background screen, use the Background
server dropdown to select the background server on which the job is to run.
There should only be one server available in the dropdown. Click the Schedule
job button.
On the Verification popup, check that everything is correct and click
the Continue button.
On the Start Time popup, if you want the client copy job submitted
right away, click the Immediate button. To schedule the copy for a later date
and\or time, click the Date\Time button. In the Date\Time section, provide
the Scheduled start Date and Time. If you are unsure as to the format of date
and time, click on the top-most menu bar System User profile Own data.
Click on the Defaults tab to see your default date format. If the user is
SAP* due to a new client, you may receive a date validation error if you use
the date format of MM-DD-YYYY. Try other variations such as DD.MM.YYYY,
MM\DD\YYYY, YYYY.MM.DD, YYYY\MM\DD, and YYYY-MM-DD. Click the Save pictureicon.
On the Background Print Parameters popup, select an Output device from
the dropdown. Click the green to continue.
You will receive a client copy confirmation message. You can monitor
this copy by using transaction SCC3. You may now leave the SCCL transaction.

Client Copies between Different SAP Systems

*** SAPs terms for the sending and receiving clients can be confusing. The
target client is the client into which data is to be copied. The source client
is the client which contains the data to be copied. Also, remember that all client
copies are destructive and will delete all data before copying in the new data.
The only exception is when the SAP_USER profile is used. In this case, only user
master data is deleted from the target client before the new user master data is
copied. ***
Create the target client if necessary.
Log on to the target client in the appropriate SAP system. If the
target client is new, use SAP* for the user and pass for the password.
Go to transaction SCC9 for Remote Client Copy.
On the Client Copy Copy a Client screen, use the Selected profile
dropdown to select a profile that matches your needs. Use SAP_ALL or SAP_UAPP
to copy all data except change documents, SAP_USER to copy only user master
data, or one of the other SAP provided client copy profiles. Since this is a
client copy that uses data from a client in another SAP system (or remote
client), a Source destination must be provided. This is a RFC connection
pointing to a specific client in another SAP system. If there is no RFC
connection to the client you wish to copy, you will need to create one.
Otherwise, use the dropdown to select the remote source client. To test that

your select Source destination RFC connection will work, click the RFC system
check button. Once the proper remote source client has been selected, the
System name and Source client boxes will fill automatically. Once all
information has been provided, click the Schedule as background job button.
If you receive a Change documents will not be copied message in the bottom
status bar, click the green next to the transaction command field at the
very top of the screen to continue.
On the Schedule Client Copy in Background screen, use the Background
server dropdown to select the background server on which the job is to run.
There should only be one server available in the dropdown. Click the Schedule
job button.
On the Verification popup, check that everything is correct and click
the Continue button.
On the Start Time popup, if you want the client copy job submitted
right away, click the Immediate button. To schedule the copy for a later date
and\or time, click the Date\Time button. In the Date\Time section, provide
the Scheduled start Date and Time. If you are unsure as to the format of date
and time, click on the top-most menu bar System User profile Own data.
Click on the Defaults tab to see your default date format. If the user is
SAP* due to a new client, you may receive a date validation error if you use
the date format of MM-DD-YYYY. Try other variations such as DD.MM.YYYY,
MM\DD\YYYY, YYYY.MM.DD, YYYY\MM\DD, and YYYY-MM-DD. Click the Save pictureicon.
On the Background Print Parameters popup, select an Output device from
the dropdown. Click the green to continue.
You will receive a client copy confirmation message. You can monitor
this copy by using transaction SCC3. You may now leave the SCC9 transaction.

Client Copy Variations

Limiting a Client Copy to Refresh User Master Data

Sometimes you need to retain the data residing in a client but refresh the roles,
users, and other security components that have changed in DEV client 100. Since
role changes dont transport across the other clients maintained via Central User
Administration, a user master client copy can be used on any client in the SAP
Log on to the appropriate client on the appropriate SAP system.
If the user master data is coming from a client within the same SAP
system, go to transaction SCCL. If the user master data is to be copied from
a client in another SAP system, go to transaction SCC9.
On the Client Copy Copy a Client screen, use the Selected profile
dropdown to select profile SAP_USER. Type in the same client for both the
Source client and Source client user masters. This should be the client that
contains the user master data you want to copy. If this is a user master copy
that uses data from a client in another SAP system (or remote client), a
Source destination must be provided. Once all information has been provided,
click the Schedule as background job button. If you receive a Change
documents will not be copied message in the bottom status bar, click the green
next to the transaction command field at the very top of the screen to
On the Schedule Client Copy in Background screen, use the Background
server dropdown to select the background server on which the job is to run.
There should only be one server available in the dropdown. Click the Schedule
job button.
On the Verification popup, check that everything is correct and click
the Continue button.

On the Start Time popup, if you want the client copy job submitted
right away, click the Immediate button. To schedule the copy for a later date
and\or time, click the Date\Time button. In the Date\Time section, provide
the Scheduled start Date and Time. If you are unsure as to the format of date
and time, click on the top-most menu bar System User profile Own data.
Click on the Defaults tab to see your default date format. Click the Save
On the Background Print Parameters popup, select an Output device from
the dropdown. Click the green to continue.
You will receive a client copy confirmation message. You can monitor
this copy by using transaction SCC3. You may now leave the SCCL or SCC9
transaction, whichever is appropriate.

Viewing the Client Copy Logs

Log on to any client in the target SAP system.
Go to transaction SCC3.
On the Client Copy\Transport Log Analysis screen, click the All clients
From the list of Client copy logs, double click on a client to view
summary information for all client copies where this client was the target
client. Double click on any of these summary lines to see statistics for a
particular copy client job.
You may now leave the SCC3 transaction.

Creating and Deleting Clients

Creating a Client
*** Before adding a new client you should first ask if it will be used in
communications with other clients (Central User Administration, source for client
copies, etc.) If so, the new client will need to be assigned a Logical System ID
that is unique among all the SAP systems in the landscape. It is recommended that
all new clients be assigned to a Logical System ID as soon as they are created. ***
Log on to any customizable client in the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SCC4.
On the Display View Clients: Overview screen, click the pencil and
glasses picture-icon to switch into change mode.
On the Display View Clients: Overview popup, click the green to
dismiss the informational message.
On the Change View Clients: Overview screen, click the New Entries
On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, fill in Client
number and description and the City. Use the Logical system dropdown to
assign a logical system ID to the client. Type USD in the Std currency
box. Select a Client role from the client role dropdown (remember that there
can only be one Productive client per SAP system). In the Changes and
transports for client-specific objects, Client-independent object changes,
Protection: Client copier and comparison tool, and Restrictions when starting
CATT and eCATT sections, select the necessary restriction levels from the
provided dropdowns. Once all information has been provided, click the Save
You will see a Data saved in the status bar at the bottom of the
screen. You may now leave the SCC4 transaction.

Deleting a Client
Log on to the client to be deleted.
Go to transaction SCC5.
On the Delete Client screen, verify that you are deleting the correct
client. If you also want the client deleted for T000 (ie the scc4 entry), put
a in the to the left of Delete entry from T000 by clicking the . Click
the Background button.
On the Schedule Client Copy in Background screen, use the Background
server dropdown to select the background server on which the job is to run.
There should only be one server available in the dropdown. Click the Schedule
job button.
On the Verification popup, check that everything is correct and click
the Continue button.
On the Start Time popup, if you want the client delete job submitted
right away, click the Immediate button. To schedule the delete for a later
date and\or time, click the Date\Time button. In the Date\Time section,
provide the Scheduled start Date and Time. If you are unsure as to the format
of date and time, click on the top-most menu bar System User profile Own
data. Click on the Defaults tab to see your default date format. Click the
Save picture-icon.
On the Background Print Parameters popup, select an Output device from
the dropdown. Click the green to continue.
You will receive a client copy confirmation message. Dont panic, it
looks like a client copy confirmation and says nothing about this being a
delete job. You can monitor this copy by using transaction SCC3. You may now
leave the SCC5 transaction.

Restriction Change Levels in a Client

When adding a new client to a SAP system, the information listed in
the SCC4 can be confusing. This is a brief explain of the
available client restrictions.
Client role:
The category indicates the role of the client in your R/3
Possible roles are:

Production client
Test client
Training client
Demo client
Customizing client
SAP reference client

This field should be maintained by the customer for

Documentary purposes. Release 3.0 also ensures the following:
If there is a productive client in the target system, no client copy (remote
copy) which also selects cross-client customizing objects may be imported
into the system. If cross-client settings are imported, inconsistencies may
occur in all clients.

In a productive client, customizing settings that can be maintained as

"current settings" can be excluded from a client lock or transport links;
this means current settings (e.g. exchange rates, posting periods) can always
be maintained in a productive client without recording changes. SAP is
planning to link further effective functionality to this flag, to enable
adequate protection of a productive client in a system with further (test)
Other settings for a client:
Change and transports for Client Dependent Objects
Changes without automatic recording the client can be customized
although the system will not generate change requests.
Automatic recoding of changes the client can be customized and all
changes are generated into change requests.
No changes allowed no modifications can be made to the client it is
protected or locked. This is the usual configuration for a production
client where customization should not be performed.
No transports allowed changes are allowed but cannot be
Client-Independent Object Changes
Changes to repository and client-independent customizing allowed no
restrictions on this client for changes and development.
No changes to client-independent customizing objects - allows for
development on repository objects but not client-independent
No changes to repository objects lets users perform clientindependent customizing but no development or modifications to
repository objects.
No changes to repository and client-independent customizing objects
this setting prohibits any client-independent modifications and is
common on Production systems.

Creating a Logical System ID to be Assigned to a Client

A logical system gives a client a unique name which can be referenced by other
clients within the SAP landscape. Once you have created a logical system, use the
SCC4 transaction to assign the logical system to a client. Normally, you create
the logical system before creating a client so that both start out together.
Adding a logical system to a client after the client has been in existence and in
use to a long time period could cause referencing problems between that client and
the rest of the SAP systems.

Log on to any customizable client in the appropriate SAP system.

Go to transaction SALE.
On the Display IMG screen, expand the navigation tree like so:
Application Link Enabling (ALE)
Sending and Receving Systems

Logical Systems
Define Logical System

On the Display IMG screen, click the clock picture-icon to the

left of Define Logical System.
On the Display IMG popup, click the green button to dismiss
the informational message.
On the Change View Logical Systems: Overview screen, click the New
Entries button.
On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, fill in the Log.
System and Name. The logical system should match the naming convention already
in place: LS<SID><Client Number>, such as LSDEV100 for DEV Client 100. The
description should be uniform as well such as Logical System for DEV Client
100. Click the Save picture-icon.
On the Prompt for Workbench request popup, click the blank page
picture-icon to create a new change request. On the Create Request popup,
fill in the Short description and click the Save picture-icon. You will be
returned to the Prompt for transportable Workbench request popup which
contains the generated change request number for this system change. Click the
green to continue.
You will receive a Data saved message in the status bar at the bottom
of the screen. You may now leave the SALE transaction.

Communications Tasks
Creating, Modifying, and Deleting RFC Connections

Creating a RFC Connection

Log on to any client on the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM59.
On the Display and maintain RFC destinations screen, click the Create
On the RFC Destination screen, type in a RFC destination name. This
name should contain meaningful information such as the SID of the SAP system
and\or any client numbers. Select the Connection type from the connection
type dropdown, and type the connection specifics in the Description box. If
the connection type is a 3 (another SAP system), fill in the necessary
client logon information in the Logon section. Fill in the Language, Client,
User, and Password for an existing user in the target RFC SAP system. This
user should be a system or communication user (ie RFC_USER or ALEREMOTE), not
a dialog user. Once all this information is provided, press Enter.
In the Technical settings section of the RFC Destination screen, type
in the name or IP address of the Target host. If the target is another SAP
system, enter the number of System number (00 for all SAP systems except BW
QAS which needs a 01). Press Enter.
On the RFC Destination screen, click the Save picture-icon. You will
receive a Destination saved message in the status bar at the bottom of the
screen. You may now leave the SM59 transaction.

Modifying a RFC Connection


Log on to any client on the appropriate SAP system.

Go to transaction SM59.

On the Display and maintain RFC destinations screen, expand the
appropriate RFC destination navigation level and double click the RFC
destination to be changed.
On the RFC Destination screen, make any necessary changes. Once the
information is changed, click the Save picture-icon.
You will receive a Destination saved message in the status bar at the
bottom of the screen. You may now leave the SM59 transaction.

Deleting a RFC Connection

Log on to any client on the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SM59.
On the Display and maintain RFC destinations screen, expand the
appropriate RFC destination navigation level and click the RFC destination to
be deleted. Click the Delete button.
On the Delete destination popup, click the Yes button.
You will not receive a confirmation message. You may now leave the
SM59 transaction.

Testing a RFC Connection

Database Tasks
Creating Database Statistics, Index Rebuilds, and Log Backup Jobs
MS SQL Server
Database statistics refresh jobs should be scheduled to run twice daily on all the
SAP systems. But occasionally a manual refresh needs to be done due to table
reorganization, index rebuild, etc.

Log on to the server using the <sid>adm user ID.

Open the MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
Expand the navigator tree until you see the Management entry.


Right-click on Database Maintenance Plans and click New Maintenance

Use the wizard to create the job you need.
You may now close the Enterprise Manager session and log off the

Creating Database Statistics, Index Rebuilds, and Log Backup Jobs

Log on to the appropriate SAP instance any client.
Go to transaction DB13.
On the DBA Planning Calender for Oracle Database <SID>: Maintain
screen, double-click on a blank line on any day in the future.
On the Schedule Action for <Day>. DD.MM.YYYY popup, use the radio
button to turn on the task you want to do. For each action, you need to
fill in the Start Time in military time format, the Period (Weeks) which is
how many weeks between running of this job blank for one time only, 1 for

weekly, 2 for bi-weekly, etc. and Calender if you want to use any calendar
except the SAP supplied standard Factory calendar.
These are the details for each action:

database offline + redo log or

database offline backup or
database online + redo log or
database online backup
Generic tape names for database backup
Database backup profile usually init<SID>.sap
Options for ReDo log backup
Redo log backup
Generic tape names for database backup
Options for ReDo log backup
Partial database offline backup or
Partial database online backup
Tablespace names to be included in the back up
Generic tape names for database backup
Database backup profile usually init<SID>.sap
Check and update optimizer status
Tablespace names to be included in the statistics run
Adapt next extents
Tablespace names for next extents adaption
Check database
Verify database
Tablespace names to be verified
Database backup profile usually init<SID>.sap
Cleanup logs

You may now leave the DB13 transaction.

Jobs, Job Logs, and the Job Queue

Scheduling a New Job
1. Log on to the appropriate SAP instance and client using BATCH_USER.
2. Go to transaction SM36.
3. On the Define Background Job screen, fill in the Job name field with the new
job name. Select a Job Class priority of A for High, B for Medium, and C for Low.
It is SAPs recommendation that all client-owned jobs begin with a Z for
identification purposes. And most Basis people recommend the next two characters
be the initials for the SAP module for which the SAP instance runs. Like ZBC* for
a Basis job, and ZHR* for a Human Resources job. Click on the Specify start
condition button or press F5.
4. On the Start Time popup, click the Immediate button to start the job right
away, or click the Date\Time button to specify a date\time in the future for which
the job run. Click on the Periodic job radio button and then click the Period
values button if you want to schedule to job to run on a periodic basis. Provide
the periodic values and click Save back to the main Define Background Job screen.
5. On the main Define Background Job screen, click the Step button.
6. On the Create Step 1 popup, fill in the ABAP program Name and any Variant
needed to run the program you had to have created the variant using BATCH_USER
before using it here. Then click Save once more.
7. Back on the Define Background Job screen, check that all the job information is
correct and then click the Save button one last time.

Modifying a Released or Scheduled Job

1. Log on to the appropriate SAP instance and client as either the user ID owning
the job or an administrator ID.
2. Go to transaction SM37.
3. On the Simple Job Selection screen, fill in the Job name field or use any of
the screens filtering options to produce a list from which you can see the job to
be changed. In order for a job to be changed, it has to have a status of Schedule
or Released so turn those statuses on and turn the rest off. Click on the
Execute button.
4. On the Job Overview screen, click on the line containing the job to be
changed and then click Job Change.
5. On the Change Job screen, make your changes and then click Save. If you have
more than one occurance of the same job in your list, you must change each job
scheduled to run earlier than that job you just changed. Once the job you changed
runs, all occurences of the jobs running after that date will be changed as well.

Deleting a Released of Scheduled Job

1. Log on to the appropriate SAP instance and client as either the user ID owning
the job or an administrator ID.
2. Go to transaction SM37.
3. On the Simple Job Selection screen, fill in the Job name field or use any of
the screens filtering options to produce a list from which you can see the job to
be deleted. In order for all occurances of a job to be deleted, all statuses of
the job should be checked on. And enter an all-encompassing date like 01-01-1990
through 12-31-2010. Click on the Execute button.
4. On the Job Overview screen, click on all the perpetent line containing the
job(s) to be deleted and then click on the Delete job from database button.
5. On the Delete Scheduled Jobs? popup, confirm the deletion.

Viewing the Job Queue

1. Log on to the appropriate SAP instance and client as either the user ID owning
the job or an administrator ID.
2. Go to transaction SM37.
3. On the Simple Job Selection screen, fill in the Job name field or use any of
the screens filtering options to produce a list from which you can see the job you
want to view. In order for all occurances of a job to be viewed, all statuses of
the job should be checked on. Click on the Execute button.

Deleting an Active aka Runaway Job

Opinions on this topic vary so these are good guidelines to use. These are
pretty much in the order they should be tried:
1. Kill the session via SM37 or SM04.
2. Try End session through SM50 or cancel program from SM66.
3. If the Work Process in SM50 is in stopped state then killing it will not help
much or quickly, you need to identify why it is stopped (running a program on
another server, runing in parallel etc.) Try and end those.
4. Kill Work Process in SM50 without core.
5. Kill process or PID via program RSBDCOS0.
6. If all else fails, restart the SAP instance server.

The most important things to remember when killing a WP are:

1. Change to restart = no as otherwise the session can jump back in sometimes as
most of its memory is not actually living in the WP.
2. Allow it a long time to stop, there is no need to do it twice or 50 times as I
have seen some people do, the poor old thing is just trying to recover rollback and
reinitialize itself.
Cleaning the Job Log
1. Log on to the appropriate SAP instance and client.
2. Go to transaction SE38 and type in Program name RSBTCDEL and click on the
Execute button.
3. On the Delete batch jobs screen, fill in the filtering information you need.
It is suggested that Delete with forced mode be on. Click on the Execute
4. A status message will appear in the bottom Status Bar as the list of job logs
to be deleted is built. Once all the specified job logs have been deleted, a final
total of jobs logs cleaned will appear in the bottom Status Bar.

Support Package and Binary Patch Tasks

In order to apply new support packages and kernel patches to a SAP system, several
preparation steps are required:
Checking for new SPAM updates, support packages and kernel patches
Downloading the new SPAM updates, support packages, and kernel
Preparing the new SPAM updates, support packages, and kernel patches
for application
Applying the new SPAM updates, support packages, and kernel patches
Mass recompiling all programs used in patched components
Be aware that SPAM\SAINT update and support package application occurs within the
SAP system using the SPAM transaction. These corrections are changes to ABAP
program code and must be handled in a special way by SAP. Kernel patches, on the
other hand, are fixes to SAP executables found on the SAP server. Kernel patches
must be applied when the SAP instance is down.
Please refer to the Check for New SPAM Updates, Support Packages and Kernel

Checking for New SPAM Updates, Support Packages and Kernel Patches
To check if SAP has released any new software fixes for your release of SAP, you
need to know your current support package and kernel release levels.
The patching process consists of:

finding you current patch levels

finding what patches you should be applying
downloading the patches
unCARing the patches
loading the patches into the patching EPS queue

applying the patches

Find your Current SPAM Update and Support Package Level

Method One:

Log on to your SAP instance, any client.

On any SAP screen, click System Status
On the System: Status popup, click the Component Information button.
On the System: Component Information popup, you will see the support package
level for each component installed in your current SAP instance.

Method Two:

Log on your SAP instance, any client.

Go to transaction SPAM.
On the Support Package Manager screen, turn on the radion button beside
the Imported Support Packages in the Directory section of the screen, and
then click Display button.
On the OCS Package Directory: Imported Packages screen, you will see a list
of all SAP Support Packages imported into your current SAP instance.

Find your Current Kernel Patch Level

Method One:

Log on to your SAP instance, any client.

Go to transaction SM51.
On the SAP Servers screen, click on the server for which you need the
information and then click on the Release Notes button.
On the SAP Release Information from Server screen, look down the SAP R/3
Kernel information section until you find Kernel Patch number. To the right,
you will find the current patch level of your current SAP instance.

Method Two:

Log on to the SAP instance sever.

Open a DOS-window and use a Screen Buffer Size of 9999.
At the DOS prompt, type:
disp+work v


and press ENTER.

Scroll back up the listing to where you entered the command in step c.
Scroll down the listing untill you find a line beginning patch number. To
the right is the patch number for the SAP instance hosted on this server.

Find the Most Current SAP Support Packages

It should be noted here that sometimes an older SAP may run on a newer SAP Basis
level. For example, CRM 4.0 has a Basis level of a 6.20 instance but runs on a
6.40 kernel. So make sure that the kernel patches you download match the SAP R/3
Kernel located via SM51.

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
rights http:\\\patches.
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the My Application
Components screen. For example, to find new patches for CRM Basis expand as
Support Packages and Patches
My Companys Application Components
SAP ERP 2004
Entry by Component
SAP ECC Server
to your

Scroll down the Download screen until you find your current package
Any support packages after your current level will need to be applied
SAP System.
You may now leave the SAP Marketplace.

Find the Most Current SAP SPAM Update

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
rights http:\\\patches.
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the My Application
Components screen. For example, to find new patches for SPAM\SAINT for CRM
6.20 expand as follows:
Support Packages and Patches
My Companys Application Components
Click the Download tab of the SPAM\SAINT UPDATE screen. Find the
SPAM\SAINT Update Version XXX value. If this SPAM version is higher than
you current SPAM version, you will need to download and apply the latest SPAM
You may leave the SAP Marketplace.

Find the Most Current SAP Kernel Patches

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
rights http:\\\patches.
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the My Application
Components screen. For example, to find new patches for CRM 4.0 expand as
Support Packages and Patches
My Companys Application Components
SAP ERP 2004
Entry by Component
SAP ECC Server
ORACLE & #DB independent
- OR -

MS SQL SERVER & #DB independent

Scroll down the Download screen until under the File Name column you
find SAPEXEDB*.SAR files. Unless SAP has instructer you to use a different
kernel, the most recent SAPEXEDB*.SAR is the one you need to download. You
may leave the SAP Marketplace.
Now go to the @Database independent section in the same list as ORACLE
was displayed. Scroll down the page until you find the SAPEXE*.SAR that
matches the same number as the SAPEXEDB*.SAR you found in the previous step.
These two files will give you a complete kernel replace.
You may leave the SAP Marketplace.

Download SPAM\SAINT Updates

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
rights http:\\\patches.
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the My Application
Components screen. For example, to find new patches for SPAM\SAINT for CRM
6.20 expand as follows:
Support Packages and Patches
My Companys Application Components
To download a SPAM\SAINT update, click on the SPAM\SAINT Update Title
hyperlink. Click the Download button. On the File Download popup, click the
Save button. On the Save As popup, select a location to store the SPAM\SAINT
update and click the Save button. Alternatively, you may add the patch to
your SAP Download Manager and download all patches in one batch group.
Once you have downloaded your SPAM\SAINT updates, you may leave the SAP

Download SAP Support Packages

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
rights http:\\\patches.
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the My Application
Components screen. For example, to find new patches for CRM Basis expand as
Support Packages and Patches
My Companys Application Components
SAP ERP 2004
Entry by Component
SAP ECC Server
To download a support package, click on the package Title hyperlink.
Click the Download button. On the File Download popup, click the Save
button. On the Save As popup, select a location to store the support package
and click the Save button. Alternatively, you may add the patch to your SAP
Download Manager and download all patches in one batch group.

Once you have downloaded as many support packages as you need to apply,
you may leave the SAP Marketplace.

Download SAP Kernel Patches

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
rights http:\\\patches.
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the My Application
Components screen. For example, to find new kernel patches for CRM 4.0 expand
as follows:
Support Packages and Patches
My Companys Application Components
SAP ERP 2004
Entry by Component
SAP ECC Server
ORACLE & #DB independent
- OR MS SQL SERVER & #DB independent
To download a kernel patch, click on the SAPEXEDB_<version>.SAR
hyperlink. Click the Download button. On the File Download popup, click the
Save button. On the Save As popup, select a location to store the kernel
patch and click the Save button. Alternatively, you may add the patch to your
SAP Download Manager and download all patches in one batch group.
Now backup a step and instead of clicking ORACLE, click #Database
independent. The full path would look like this:
Support Packages and Patches
My Companys Application Components
SAP ERP 2004
Entry by Component
SAP ECC Server
ORACLE & #DB independent
- OR MS SQL SERVER & #DB independent
This produces a list of database independent kernel patches. Scroll
down the Download screen until under the File Name column you find
SAPEXE_<version>.SAR. Use the same instructions in step 5 to download the
patch. Make sure that the version number of your database independent files
matches the version number of your MS SQL Server dependent file.
Once you have downloaded the kernel patch, you may leave the SAP
Download Other SAP Binary Patches
Unlike SPAM\SAINT updates, support packages, and kernel patches, the storage
location for other SAP binary patches can be either SAP Marketplace or sapserv1.
SAP Marketplace is the normal respository but if you cant find your patch there,
go look on sapserv1.

***Due to the shutdown of the sapserv1x servers in April, this section has been
discontinued. Everything should now to accessible via SAP Marketplace.***

Prepare a SPAM\SAINT Update or Support Package for Application

Once you have downloaded your SPAM\SAINT Update and\or support package(s), they
must be moved to the appropriate transport directory and uncompressed. For
convenience sake, I always move a copy of sapcar.exe from the
\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\run directory to the c:\windows\system32 directory.
For a SAP instance, move the downloaded K*.?AR file to the
\usr\sap\trans\tmp directory on the SAP Transport Domain Server which is
normally the DEV server of a SAP Flavor.
Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
Type the following:
cd \usr\sap\trans
sapcar -xvf tmp\*.?AR
This will unCAR all CAR and SAR files in the \usr\sap\trans\tmp directory to
the \usr\sap\trans\EPS\in.
Log off the server.
Log on client 000 of the appropriate SAP system.
Go to transaction SPAM.
From the menu bar of the Support Package Manager screen, click Support
Package Load Packages From application server.
On the SPAM: Confirm upload popup, click the green picture-icon. The
progress of the support package loads will show in the status bar at the
bottom of the screen.
Scroll down the SPAM: Uploading Packages from the file system screen to
make sure your SPAM\SAINT update is listed. Use the Go Back icon to return to
the previous screen.
You may now leave the SPAM transaction.

Prepare a Kernel Patch for Application

Kernel patches must be applied on the SAP server.
before a kernel patch can be applied.

The SAP instance must be down

Logon the server to be patched as <sid>adm.
The downloaded SAPEXE*.SAR and SAPEXEDB.SAR files must be uncompressed
using SAPCAR.EXE. You can place the SAPEXE*.SAR files in any directory and
use the sapcar xvf *.?AR to unCAR the files.
You may now leave the server.

Prepare other SAP Binary Patches for Application

Use the same procedure as Preparing a Kernel Patch for Application.

Application of SPAM\SAINT Updates

Before you apply the most current SPAM\SAINT, please pull the OSS Note 484219 Known problems with transaction SAINT in Basis Release 6.20 or for whatever version
you are using and review any problems you may have adding the SPAM\SAINT patch.
Once you have loaded the latest SPAM\SAINT update into your support Package manager
buffer, you need to apply the update to your SAP system.
Log on client 000 of the appropriate SAP system.
Go to the SPAM transaction.
From the menu bar of the Support Package Manager screen, click Support
Package Import SPAM\SAINT update. Click the green picture-icon to
The progress of the SPAM\SAINT update application will be displayed in
the status bar at the bottom of the screen. These messages look very similar
to the messages generated during a change request transport.
When the Restart SPAM popup appears, click the green picture-icon to
leave the SPAM transaction.
Go to the SPAM transaction. You may notice programs compiling in the
status bar at the bottom of the screen. This is normal.
Once you are again on the Support Package Manager screen, verify that
the SPAM status in the Status section of the screen contains a green light.
You may now leave the SPAM transaction.

Application of SAP Support Packages

Before applying any support packages to your SAP system, release all repair
change requests to prevent error messages due to locked resources. Repairs are
usually advanced corrections obtained from SAP Notes that are eventually
accumulated into support packages. So the same objects repaired in the advanced
corrections will be repaired during the application of the support package.
Releasing the repair change requests allows the support package to overlay the
temporary advanced correction fix.
Before you apply the most current SPAM\SAINT, please pull the OSS Note 782140 OCS: Known problems with Support Packages in Basis Rel.6.20 or for whatever version
you are using and review any problems you may have adding the SPAM\SAINT patch.
Once you have loaded the latest support packages into your support
Package manager buffer, you need to apply the packages to your SAP
Log on client 000 of the appropriate SAP system using a adminitrator
user ID that is not DDIC or SAP*.
Go to the SPAM transaction.
On the Support Package Manager screen, click the Display\Define button
to build your import queue. On the Component Selection popup, click on the
Comp. ID having support packages you want to install. The component order
support packages should be applied is SAP_BASIS, SAP_ABA, SAP_APPL, and PI.
A list of all application support packages for the selected component
will appear in the Define Queue popup. Select the support packages you want
to apply. See SAP Note 782140 for information on restrictions to grouping
support packages into queues. The Package ID with the green to the left is
the highest support package to be placed in the queue. All lower number
support packages for this component will be applied as well. Click the green
picture-icon to confirm the queue.

From the menu bar of the Support Package Manager screen, click Support
Package Import queue.
On the SPAM: Import Queue popup, read the displayed information and
then click the green picture-icon to continue.
The progress of the support package application will be displayed in
the status bar at the bottom of the screen. These messages look very similar
to the messages generated during a change request transport.
When the Imported successfully Information popup displays, click the
green picture-icon to continue.
On the Support Package Manager screen, verify that the SPAM status in
the Status section of the screen contains a yellow light and the Next action
value is Confirm queue. To confirm that your support packages applied
completely, click the green picture-icon. A Support Package queue was
confirmed message will appear in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
You are ready to build another support package queue, or if you have
applied all the necessary support packages, you may now leave the SPAM

Application of SAP Kernel Patches

*** It is recommended that the \usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\run directory be copied to
\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\backup_run before replacing the kernel ***
Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
Double check that the SAP instance, SAPOSCOL, and SAP<SID>_00 services
are stopped.
To apply the new kernel patch to a R/3 instance, copy the new files
into usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\run directory. If prompted for overwrites, say yes
to all.
After the successful completion of the kernel patch, you may bring the
instance back up and log off the server.

Application of other SAP Binary Patches

Use the same procedure as Application of SAP Kernel Patches.

Other SAP Issues

SAP System Response Troubleshooting

What has changed since the performance is poor?

System Parameter Changes (RZ10)?

Increase in the number of users?
Kernel patch?
Support Packages?
Windows and/or Oracle patches?
Hardware Changes?


Any signs of general problems in the System Log - SM21?


Places to look:

SM50: Process Trace Components is there a Trace level set? Is

it greater than 1? What is the utilization of the work processes?
Click the white clock picture-icon. Is the total CPU for the last
dialog process > 10 minutes?
ST04: Is the database monitor activated? If yes, it should deactivated
it in normal operation. ST02: Check the buffering quality. If paging
occurs in a buffer, the corresponding parameter should be increased.
Also refer to SAP Note 121625 in this context.
ST03: Select a server Today's Workload: What are the response
times? In the case of poor response times, where is most of the time
needed? Button 'Top Time': Are there a lot of different transactions
with poor response times or are there only a few? Is a certain
transaction always slow or only sometimes?
ST06: Detail analysis menu Hardware Info. To which extent are the
hardware resources utilized? Call ST06 at times with poor system
performance. What is the CPU utilization? Goto Current Data
Snapshot Top CPU processes and display the main CPU consumers. What
is the utilization of the disks? How high is the paging in the base

If only few transactions are affected by the performance problem, you
should additionally note the following points:
Check whether modifications were made in the affected
or related transactions.
ST03: Display the corresponding performance records.
SE30: Carry out a runtime analysis for the affected
ST05: If the database times are high, you should
generate an SQL trace of the affected transactions to find out
whether the database access is carried out in a useful way.

Look for tables that have experienced unusual monthly growth.

DB02 Space Statistics button
Press Enter on the Tables and Indexes popup
History All objects off\on
Click the Months button
Click on the first number under the Rows Chg\Month
header and click the Sort button.
The sorted results shows the top tables when it comes
to rows changes per month. These tables are your database hogs.


What is considered normal response time?

Performance Standards:
Response time
CPU time
Wait time
Load time
DB request time

-- 1 second (dialog), < 1 second (update)

-- approx 40% of average response time
-- < 1% of average response time
-- < 10% of average response time
-- approx 40% of average response time

Database Standards:
Direct reads
-- < 10 ms
Sequential reads-- < 40 ms
-- < 25 ms
High Value Indications:

DB request time - Database or index problems

Load time
-- Buffer problems
Wait time
-- Not enough work processes
Locked tasks
Long running transactions

SAP System Start Up Troubleshooting

Whether you are trying to start a brand new SAP instance, or an old one, there are
some very specific places to look for information.
If this is a brand new SAP instance, and the installation completed 100%
successfully, you know that the instance itself must be viable. If your
installaion was never able to complete due to the instance not being able to start
up, the issue is probably due to lack of resources. Use the sapinst directory to
search the installation logs and find your problem. Sort them with ls ltr is
see the list sorted in descending order for the ease of viewing.
If you have a test searching tool, look for error in all files with the suffix
If your SAP instance has been up and running fine for a good while, then something
has probably changed that makes it not come up.
have you changed any instance paramters?
did you do a kernel replacement for some reason?
have there been SAP Support Packages applied that
necessitate a kernel replacement?
have there been OS patches?
is the database archiver stuck or hosed?
has a crucial directory run out of space?
has a semaphore or ipc segment gotten stuck from a
previous run?
is your memory so fragmented that it cant get enough
primary space to start the instance?
has someone changes the directory privileges?
Go to the \usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\work directory and do sort the files by
date/timestamp order for ease of viewing. The most useful information can be found
in the dev_wx, dev_ms, dev_disp, dev_rfcx, and stderrx files.
If all else fails, zip the contains of the \usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\work directory,
open a problem with SAP, and attach the zipped file to it. Also provide them with
the answers to the above questions as well as your current hardware and database
platforms, patch level for SAP support packages, kernel, and the OS, and anything
else you might think useful.

The Delicate Art of SAP Note Search

How often have you seen a posted message saying "I have searched through SAP Notes
and can find nothing related to this matter."? And how often have you gone to SAP
Marketplace and done a search yourself and found a hit? If we only had a had a
Searching SAP Notes (formerly known as OSS notes) is a science as well as an art.
Lets use this error message as an example:

"BR051I BRBACKUP 6.10 (80)

BR055I Start of database backup: bdmsqjbi.anf 2004-02-27 00.05.42
BR602W No valid SAP license found - please contact SAP"
First, you should search the specific error message "BR602W No valid SAP license
found". If you get at least one hit, you should read the SAP Note even if it didn't
look as if it pertained 100%. Why? Because it might contain information leading
to other notes that did pertain, or give you new ideas for more search terms to
help narrow the scope of my query.
If you didn't find a note that matched the problem, you could make your next search
a little less specifc, like "brbackup No valid SAP license found". First you could
search for the phrase, and if you had no luck, you could search for all words. And
if that produced nothing tangible, you could make it even less specific as in
"brbackup SAP license error" or "SAP license error".
Normally a very specific query will get you the results you need. But sometimes
things get lost in translation. For example, you are applying support packages and
get an import error with the following message "Panic! Panic! Panic! there's no
object header". Since we speak English and we realize that the SAP product was
designed and implemented in Germany, we have to guess that the English word
"Panic!" somehow was translated from the German word "Warning!" and that we can
temporarily delay a panick attack until we can research the error. Moral of the
story? Realize that some things just don't translate correctly from language to
language, and search accordingly. If you searched for "Panic! Panic! Panic!" and
got no hits, you could try "warning message no object header".
Last, and not least, read and become familiar with your SAP Notes. There are
certain notes that you pull over and over again due to some task that needs fresh,
current and precise information. These are mostly lists of supported printer
devices, known problems with applying patches, etc.

SAPGui Troubleshooting
If a user seems to be experiencing SAPGui errors, several things need to be
Is the operating system on the users workstation patched to
the level recommended by SAP?
Is the user using a version of SAPGui that is too old for his
Is the user using a version of SAPGui that is not certified for
his operating system?
Is the users workstation having resource problems?
Is the users workstation connected to the LAN?
Can a different user reproduce the same error on the same
Are there any SAPGui patches that have not been applied?
Most SAPGui problems can be solved by either a) deleting and reinstalling SAPGui on
the workstation, or b) deleting and installing a newer version of SAPGui.
Make sure that these lines were added to the services file on the users
After you have successfully configured your SAPGui, add these three lines to the
bottom of your \Windows\system32\drivers\etc\services file:



If you have SAP Instances using System Numbers other than 00, you will have to add
their equivalents to the services file as well. Also, check if you are having
connection problems due to firewall restrictions. And, be sure that your Insert
Key is set so that you can type your password in properly you can delete whatever
is in the password field in order to enter your password.
If you have never tested connectivity to a SAP instance on the workstation having
the connection problem, first you need to make sure that the workstation can
connect to the SAP server in some non-SAPGui way. Lets say your user us trying to
connect to System ID (SID) DEV, System Number 00, and IP address Open
a DOS-Windows and type this:
telnet 3200
If the screen rolls and goes totally blank then your dispatcher is reachable. You
can close the DOS session. If your window never goes completely blank and you set a
"Connecting To Could not open connection to the host, on port 3200:
Connect failed" error message right under the command you entered, the dispatcher
is not reachable. Also, make sure the \Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on
the workstation is correct.
For information regarding operating system, resource, and hardware requirements for
running SAPGui, see SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software.

Central User Administration is Not Transferring Change from the CUA Parent Client
If CUA stops sending changes from DEV to QAS or PRD, something in the RFC setup has
changed. Either the password or the user type for RFC_USER was changed, or the
SM59 RFC connection to was changed and is no longer working.
Use SCUL in DEV in your DEV CUA parent to list the errors that are occurring. Look
for the user you tried to transport but could not. You might see You are not
authorized to change users in group or No authorization for group users in
role. This does not mean that YOU are not authorized, it means that the RFC_USER
doing the ALE communication between the SAP systems is not authorized.
First, reset the RFC_USER password in DEV, QAS, and PRD. And make sure that the
user type is Communication and not dialog. Now go to sm59 and do remote logins
using the QAS RFC connections. If they work (ie nothing seems to happen after you
click the remote logon button) everything should now be fixed. If you get a logon
screen for QAS, change the password in the sm59 screen to the same password you
changed RFC_USER to in DEV and QAS.
Retry your user change.
hosed and down.

If it still doesnt go to QAS, maybe the QAS system is

See also

Important SAP Marketplace Links

Installation Guides


Read messages from SAP to you

Download SAP product installation
License Keys
Request New Permanent License Key
Messages to SAP
Open problems with SAP
QuickLinks Page
An index of SAP links
Oracle DBA Page
Page for Oracle DBA Material
OSS Notes
Search the SAP Notes Database
Download SAP software patches
Remote Connection
http:\\\remoteconnection Learn about the OSS connection and
order it from SAP
Service Connection
http:\\\serviceconnection Open a Service Connection for SAP
to access your SAP landscape
Software Distribution
Download new images of
Installation CDs & DVDs
Register Developers and Changes
made against SAP objects
User Administration http:\\\user-admin
Add\Change OSS ID user information

S A P BASIS Useful Tips

Useful Tips:

Logging on without being authorized

Client 066 usually exists in a SAP system because of EarlyWatch services. Often this client does not
have master users. If it is true, anyone can log into the system using the client 066, user SAP*, and
password PASS. Enjoy yourself.

Locking the whole system

Using the command tp locksys SysID only the user SAP* will be allowed to login. The command tp
unlocksys SysID cancels the lock.

Connection between SAP R/3 and operating system

The command sapevt can be used to trigger an event from the operation system. Thus, a job previously
defined within R/3 will be released.

SQL code help

Run the command oerr ora error number under user oraSysID.

Direct input logs

The transaction BMV0 (direct input logs) shows all direct input logs.

Oracle import and export explanations

Run the command imp help=yes under user oraSysID. This format can also be used with exp, impst,
and expst.

Table analyses between two systems

The contents of a table between two systems can be checked through the transaction OY19.

Setting up module FI/CO without using IMG

Almost all parameters can be set using the transactions ORFA (Asset Accounting), ORFB (Financial
Accounting), and ORKS (Cost Center Accounting).

Long messages on footer

Click on the message and hold the mouse button. After moving the mouse to the left side.

Graphics on SAPscript
The program RSTXLDMC can be used to upload graphics (file extension .tif on PC files) into
individual standard text.

Deleting cost elements and cost centers

Since they have no postings you can use the transaction KA04 for deleting cost elements and KS04 for
deleting cost centers.

Filling up an empty date field quickly

Strike the key F4 (or click on matchcode symbol) and press ESCAPE. The current date is automaticly

Displaying check object when not authorized

Soon after the lock try to access the transaction SU53. It reports the last objects verified and also the
respective values.

Correction and transport system

The transaction SE10 provides the easiest way to manage any request/transport and corrections.

Helpful reports
RSCLTCOP Copy tables across clients
RSAVGL00 Table adjustment across clients
RSINCL00 Extended program list
RSBDCSUB Release batch-input sessions automaticly

RSTXSCRP Transport SAPscript files across systems

RSORAREL Get the Oracle Release
RGUGBR00 Substitution/Validation utility
RSPARAM Display all instance parameters
RSUSR003 Check the passwords of users SAP* and DDIC in all clients
RSUSR006 List users last login

Unconditional mode when importing or exporting a request/transport

Run the command R3trans -u under user SysIDadm.

Reapplying hot packages

If you accidently applied hot packages out of sequence for instance. Use the transaction SM31 to
modify table PAT03. You have to choose the desired patch and click on delete entry.

Scheduling of system maintenance jobs

RSBTCDEL Clean the old background job records
RSDBCREO Clean batch input session log
RSPO0041 Removing old spooling objects
RSSNAPDL Clean the old ABAP error dumps
List of most used SAP extensions and their components
CUST1 MENUS000+C01 Customer option in the Office menu
CUST2 MENUS000+C02 Customer option in the Logistics menu
CUST3 MENUS000+C03 Customer option in the Accounting menu
CUST4 MENUS000+C04 Customer option in the Human Resources menu
CUST5 MENUS000+C05 Customer option in the Information Systems menu
CUST6 MENUS000+C06 Customer option in the Tools menu
CUST7 MENUS000+C07 Customer option in the System menu
ZXUSRU01 Exit_saplsusf_001 At login time
SAPMF02D Exit_sapmf02d_001 When saving customer master data
SAPMF02K Exit_sapmf02k_001 When saving vendor master data
M61X0001 Exit_saplm61c_001 When processing MRP planning
M61X0001 Exit_sapmm61x_001 When processing MRP planning
FYTX0001 Exit_saplv61a_001 Modifications in pricing procedures
MBCF0002 Exit_sapmm07m_001 Checks for materials documents
SDVFX002 Exit_saplv60b_002 Link between SD and FI documents
M06B0003 Exit_sapmm06b_001 When saving MM documents

Before going live

It is highly advisable to increase the next extends size of some tables and their indexes even before
initial loadings

and from S000 to S999


Unknown SAP Tricks
SAP R/3 Hints


Of course it does not guarantee a successful implementation. It is a great deal of summed up aid, though.

Team integration has to be enhanced

Set high standards of performance for implementation team
IT teams and users have to work closely during the implementation
New ways of thinking and acting must not be discarded
Do not underestimate the user training needs
Project management should be on the critical list
The nearest SAP branch should be your partner
Consultants are not always the key to succeed
Consultants are a good source of knowledge. On the other hand, letting them make
configuration changes the transfer of knowledge will be harmed
Foreign consultants usually do not know country-specific details
Deepening your basis knowledge is always useful
Avoid changing standard R/3 objects as much as possible
Always follow the SAP rules to give names to your own objects
Establish SAP connection as soon as possible
Exchange information with other companies
Focus on interfaces with non-R/3 applications
Plan the whole environment carefully (servers, network, protocols, etc.)
Development and production environment should be totally independent

SAP R/3 Enhancements


Some special features allow you wide modifications without changing standard SAP R/3 objects. Those
techniques are not as widespread as they should be. In fact they are powerful tools.

Field exit
After entering a value in a field, it can be checked through a field exit. The system makes the field value

available to be checked and changed in an ABAP/4 function.

User exit
Points previously set in the system that let you evaluate data. The fields available are also previously
defined by SAP. All fields value available can be checked in an ABAP/4 program.
It allows solid data entry regarding special rules. According to previous rules, the system can evaluate
an entry and a message can appear on the user's terminal if a check statement is not met. A validation
step contains prerequisite statement and check statement. Both of them are defined using Boolean Logic
or calling an ABAP/4 form.
Fields contents can be changed using substitution. When data are being entered, the data can be
substituted by another value regarding rules previously defined. A substitution step contains prerequisite
statement, substitution value and substitution exit. All of them are defined using Boolean Logic or
calling an ABAP/4 form.
Values or ranges of values are specified under a set name. Sets are easier to create and maintain instead
of using tables. They give you more flexibility when maintaining your system.
Key words
It allows changes on field description according to data element. The short key word used on most
screen to identify the corresponding field contents can be changed too.
Requirements & formulas
ABAP/4 forms that can be used to handle pricing procedures, rounding rules, copy and data transport
Sales activities.

Note: In spite of flexibility, you should think at least twice before applying any enhancement.
Generally speaking, validation and substitution are available on Asset Management,
Controlling, Financial Accounting, and General ledger.

SAP R/3 Troubleshooting


System gets stuck

It happens mostly when archive area is overloaded. Run the program brarchive with deletion
option to release disk space.
Short dump
Not always the problem is technical. Try to create all SAPoffice users through transaction
SO32 (create all SAPoffice users) and review your application data carefully.
Field exits are completely ignored
Make sure your SAP profile parameter contains the option abap/fieldexit = yes.
Transaction SE16 (table contents) does not work properly
Make usage of the menu option to regenerate the display program. You can also try changing
key words according to field names. Choose Option -> Parameters users.
Rollback segments are too small


Before increasing up the rollback segment size you should verify your programs. Very often
the problem belongs to them.
Files for rollback segments are already enormous
Check the rollback segments configuration. It has to match the allocated area on tablespaces.
Changes have to be done using Oracle tools.
Extended help under windows does not link correctly
Check the file sapdoccd.ini under your presentation server. It must be present in the main
windows directory and should assign to help files directory.
Release procedure with classification does not work
As a matter of fact you are not the only one to notice it. It hardly works. Before using release
strategy you should apply all notes on OSS. Pray might be useful too.
Transport area is overloaded
The command tp clearold SysID cleans up the transport area according to parameters
previously set on the plain file TPPARAM.
Instance does not establish communication
Shutdown the whole system and check the Interprocess Communication Facilities. Any
references should be found. Either the command IPCS (UNIX) or showipc INSTANCE
NUMBER (SAP) show all message queue, semaphore set and shared memory identifier.
Before trying again you have to remove them using the command IPCRM (UNIX) or cleanipc
Research based on version 3.0f under Unix, Oracle data base and Windows.

SAP R/3 Security


Simple changes can rise your system security. Usage of SAProuter is a good choice when correctly implemented. Login
through SAP LogonPad (from version 3.0f onwards) improve the access control. SAP profile parameters shall also

Rdisp/gui_auto_logout = 1800
The user connection is closed after 30 minutes without usage.
Login/fails_to_session_end = 3
After 3 wrong password the connection is automaticly closed.
Login/fails_to_users_lock = 5
After 5 wrong password the user is locked.
Login/min_password_lng = 6
Password length at least 6 characters.
Login/password_expiration_time = 90
Password expires after 3 months.

Note: I do not have to waste my time telling you to change all default passwords.

Make sure to have the master user SAP* in all clients otherwise anyone can log into your system.
See Tips & Tricks.
SAP R/3 Programming


Indeed these powerful ABAP/4 functions are very interesting and can bring some advantages. Improve your

home development easily. They belong to standard objects and should never be changed.

Trigger an event from ABAP/4 program.

Fetch job log executions filling the structure TBTC5.

Fetch values from a set filling the structure RGSB4.

Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform a processing step
with loss of data.

Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform the step.

Create a dialog box in which you inform the user about a specific decision point during an action.

Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform a processing step
with a particular object.

Create a dialog box in which you require the user between the two processing alternatives, or to cancel
the action.

Create a dialog box in which you inform the user about a specific decision point via a diagnosis text.

Create a dialog box in which you display a two-line message.

Fetch information from the current instance filling the structure FRCSI.

Send messages from ABAP/4 programs to SAPoffice. The structure SOLI may contain the message.

Hang the current application from 1 to 5 seconds.

Submit a remote report.

Set progress indicator on the left lower corner of the current window.

Format terms of payment according to base line date and payment terms.

Browse printer spool numbers according to user informed.

Fetch printer spool according to the spool number informed.

List of all users filling the structure SOUD3.

Return the amount in words filling the structure SPELL.

Gather information from the current system including upgrade activities. It completes fields from the
structure KKS03.

Gather information of all instances filling the structure MSXXLIST.

List of logged users filling the structure UINFO.

Information about the current user. It completes fields from the structure KKS03.

List of work processes filling the structure WPINFO.

Transfer files from the frontend to the application server.

Transfer files from the application server to the frontend.

Download files at the frontend in excel format.

Execute an external program on the presentation server.

Delete file at the frontend.

Get the label from a frontend device.


Create a dialog box in which you display an one-line message.

Note: These functions have been used and have worked as well as they were supposed to do.

SAP R/3 Glossary


Information Technology has many key words and SAP R/3 has introduced many others. In order to understand even
better this field you should keep in mind those terms.

ALE (Application Link Enabling)

It provides integration for separate R/3 systems, keeping full interaction. This makes possible
distributed enterprise applications.
Application server
The application server is used to run the business application programs in the R/3
client/server concept. The application modules are loaded from the data base server to the
application server as required. Thus the application server requires only storage capacity to
accommodate UNIX, Swapping and the SAP runtime environment.
Batch Input
A technique to input data safely. It ensures application data integrity for background interfaces.
It pretends to be someone typing. See also direct input.
CATT (Computer Aided Test Tool)
It allows you to combine and automate sequences of repeatable transactions in test
procedures. CATT reduces the number of manual tests, and forces you to test systematically,
defining input values and expected test results.
CCMS (Computer Center Management System)
It allows you to monitor, control and configure your R/3 system. This toolset lets you analyze
and distribute client workloads and report on resource consumption for system components.
Central System
In an R/3 central system, both application and data base software are run on one computer.
In commercial, organizational and technical terms, a self-contained unit in an R/3 system with
separate master records and its owns set of tables.
Client/Server System
Client/server systems are structured modularly, with components working in a sender/receiver
relationship. Software components can also be used in a client/server relationship.
Communication Server
It provides the connection between local area and wide area networks and may be either a
router, a bridge or a gateway. In R/3 installations, the communication server must support the
TCP/IP protocol over wide area networks.
Company code
The smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be
drawn up for purposes of external reporting. This involves recording all relevant transactions
and generating all supporting documents for legally-required financial statements, such as
balance sheets and profit and loss statements.
Computer type
The R/3 system supports various computer types of SAP's platform partners, such as Bull,
DEC, IBM and HP. The suitability of a particular computer type depends on sufficient CPU

CPI-C (Common Programming Interface-Communications)
Common Programming Interface of Communication has been introduced by IBM as a highlevel interface to SNA/LU6-2. CPI-C has become the subject of the X/Open stardarlization and
is used by SAP to facilitate program-to-program communication between R/3 and external
system. SAP offers CPI-C libraries based on TCP/IP.
It contains all the objects that a developer has changed or created. It also controls customizing
that has been maintained.
A system to help SAP employees to give comprehensive support to their clients.
Data base server
The data base server stores the SAP application programs and data in the R/3 client/server
concept. It also handles the SAP update program and batch jobs.
Direct Input
A recent technique to input data safely. It ensures application data integrity for background
interfaces. See also batch input.
The system R/3 agent that identifies the type of task (on-line, update, batch, etc.) and sends
the job to an idle work process.
It is a service that entails having your R/3 installation regularly inspected by SAP employees,
in other to ensure high system availability and high data throughput at all time.
It is a LAN architecture using bus topology. The transmission speed is 10 MBit/s.
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interchange)
It is a local high-speed network with ring topology based on light wave conductors. The
transmission speed is 100 MBit/s.
Field status
Indicator that specifies whether a field can take an entry in the entry screen or if it must be
It is a means of controlling access through a public network to a private network.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
It is the most commonly used file transmission protocol of the TCP/IP protocol family.
GUI (Graphic User Interface)
A graphical interface used by SAP environment as part of the three tiers. It is normally called
user frontend.
IDES (International Demonstration and Education System)
It is a model of an international firm. It is a separate demonstration and education system for
speeding up the pilot process.
IMG (Implementation Management Guide)
It is a hierarchical structure that reflects the R/3 component hierarchy and contains every
configuration activity. Released from version 3.0 onwards.
It means application server and each one has its own set of work processes.
IDoc (Intermediate Document)
An IDoc is a data container for data exchange between SAP systems or between an SAP
system and an external system.

ITS (Internet Transaction Server)

It links the R/3 application server with one or more Web servers, thus enabling the R/3 to
communicate with the Internet.
It means a standard core previously configured. A set of default parameters delivered with the
LAN (Local Area Network)
It is a network foa a tightly limited area with high level data transmission performance.
Common LANs include Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI. These LANs support different
transport protocols, such as TCP/IP and IPX.
A tool for finding specific record. It is made up of search terms. It is used to find possible
entries for an input field.
Number range
A range of numbers that are laid down per file for the assignment of document numbers. It can
be internal (carried out automatically by the system) or external (carried out manually by the
It is a technique introduced by Microsoft to incorporate objects of one application into another.
OSS (Online Service System)
SAP's Online Service System offers fast and effective help for R/3 System problems. It is also
the basic element of communications between customers, partners, and SAP.
It contains all the objects that a developer has changed but the originals of the objects are
located in another system.
A way to implement communication between application programs via Abap/4 function call.
When a work process locks a resource, it sets a semaphore. Another work process that also
wants to access it must then wait.
A set of three letters or number that identify a system. Some sets are not allowed because
they are used by SAP. They are informed when the system is installed.
It is the most widely used transport protocol for open systems. R/3 clients and servers
communicate using TCP/IP.
It provides terminal access to hosts using TCP/IP protocol. It is a well-known command among
Systems Administrators.
Token Ring
It is a LAN architecture with ring topology. The transmission speed is 4 MBit/s or 16 MBit/s.
This involves a 'free token' which circles the loop picking up transmissions. The receiver
station places a confirmation bit into the busy token. As soon as the busy token reaches the
sender station again, it is converted back to a free token and sent on to the next station.
It is a request to transport objects from the software development environment, identified as
the source system, to the specified target system.
WAN (Wide Area Networks)
They are normally operated either by the telephone company or by private companies that
offer leased lines, switched lines or packet lines.

Work process
Work processes perform the bulk of the processing carried out by SAP systems. They perform
dialog steps in user transactions and carry out updates, lock management, printing services,
and so on.
The ABAP/4 Workbench, a graphical programming environment, is used to create application
programs. The programming tools are accessed using buttons, dialogs and windows.
It consists of time and logical sequence of work items, which are processed by human agents
or mechanical processing units.
It is a standardized network access protocol for the packet switching network. The maximum
transmission speed is 64 KBit/s.

Everything about SAP Clients

SAP BASIS Material

BASIS Transactions
SAP Forum

A client is organizational and legal entity in the SAP system. All the business
management data is protected here because other clients can not access them. The
main objective of the client is to keep the data isolated. The data in a client can be only
visible within that client; it can not be displayed or changed from another client. In a
physical SAP system there can be multiple clients. Each of these clients can have
different objective or each client represents a unique work environment. In a
development environment one client can be used as sandbox client (developers learn
how to configuration using SAP environment), one can be used as prototype client
(users do the customizing according to the companys requirements and testing) and
another one can be used as the master development and configuration client (where the
final configuration is done). A client has its own set of tables and user data. To know
whether a table is client dependant or independent you can search for a field MANDT.
The client dependant tables always include the client field MANDT as a part of the
primary key. There can be multiple clients in each of the system of SAP system

landscape as we have already seen in chapter 5. It is better to understand the

customizing process in the CTS pipeline before designing a good client strategy for the
SAP systems. Customizing is a method in the SAP R/3 system that helps the user to
configure the functionality from SAP, according to the customer requirements. When the
SAP objects are just used by only one client, we define them as client dependant data.
There are some objects as ABAP/4 programs, which are used by all the clients in a SAP
system. Those objects are called client independent data. The functional changes
resulting from customizing can be client specific (client dependant) or general (client
independent). You must know the fact that client independent customizing can create
problems if the authorizations and the client strategy are not defined properly. For
example if you have three clients in a development environment then the role of each
client should be defined properly. One of these three clients should be used for client
independent customizing and in other clients, users will not have the authority to do any
client independent configuration.
About SAP Clients
With a standard installation, SAP delivers 000, 001 and 066 clients. Client 000 is
considered to be a SAP reference client and it should not be changed or deleted at
anytime from the system. After a SAP system is installed, you can create other clients
from 000 by using the client copy procedure. For some important configuration you
have to logon to client 000. For example, if you want to configure your CTS system then
this client must be used. Client 000 also plays a very important role in upgrade process.
Every time you do upgrade client dependant changes will be automatically upgraded in
this client and later on the changes can be copied to other clients.
The customer uses client 001 as a SAP sample client. After a new installation both 000
and 001 clients are identical, but after an upgrade 000 will have additional customizing
data. Lot of customer sites does not use 001 client at all. Client 066 is there for SAP
Early Watch service. This client enables SAP to remotely access the customer system.
SAP provides this service to the customer to improve the system performance. After
Early Watch group goes through the checking methodology, a system performance
summery and recommendations to improve performance report are provided to the
customer. SAP recommends to go for an Early Watch session before your project goes
live and another one sometime after the go live date. Client 066 should not be changed
or deleted from the system. In case this client was deleted from the system, then you
have to follow the instructions in OSS note 7312 to download the client data from
sapserv3 and import this data to create 066 client.
Creating a client and setting up the client attributes
To create a client you have to maintain T000 table. From 3.0 onward, transaction SCC4
can be used to maintain T000 table. Also you can chose Administration-> Client admin
-> Client Maintenance from the initial screen to do the same. In client table T000, SAP
system displays all the clients available, their names, currency used and when the client
was changed last as shown in Figure 9.1. If the system is in display mode then you
must change it to the change mode by selecting the display/change icon to create a new
client. When you click display/change button, a warning is displayed as Warning: the
table is client-independent. The New entries icon should be clicked to create a new
client as shown in Figure 9.2.
Figure 9.1 shows Client overview in SCC4 transaction
In the new client creation screen to define a new client you must fill all the required
entries. The client number and the name are entered first. Then in the second line the
location of the SAP system is defined.
Logical system is defined next. SAP uses logical system concept in ALE (Application

Link Enabling), workflow and EDI areas. The logical system must be unique through
out the company and any other ALE system group can not use it. You must be careful
changing the logical system entry. SAP treats a logical system as a client. You can use
transaction BD54 to create a logical system and then enter that entry in the logical
system box while creating a client.
Next entry standard currency can be defined according to the country. For example
USD can be used as a standard currency for USA. To enter a category of a client you
must know the objective of that client beforehand. For example if this client will be used
as a customizing client then customizing entry should be used from the options. In the
next category Changes and transports for client-dependent objects, there are four
options. If you want to use this client as a sandbox client; and you do not want to
record or create a change request every time a change happens to the client then
Changes W/O automatic recording is the right option. If all the changes to the client
should be recorded in a change request then Automatic recording of changes is the
right option. You must choose this option for your master configuration client. If No
changes allowed is chosen, then no changes will be allowed to this client. You must
chose his option for clients in the production environment to protect your system. No
transport option is used when you do not want any user to create a transport from this
Figure 9.2 shows the client create screen
The Client-independent object changes category determines if the client independent
data maintenance is allowed in this new client. You get following four options in this

Changes to Repository and client-ind. customizing allowed

No changes to client-independent customizing objects
No changes to Repository objects
No changes to Repository and client-independent custom.

To choose the right option from Client-independent object changes category, you must
know the definition of Clint independent customizing objects and repository objects. The
examples of SAP repository objects are data dictionary objects, module pools and
screens. Client independent objects apply to all the clients. The factory calendar is an
example of client independent object of customizing. For sandbox client, where user
learns how to do the customizing, you must not allow the client independent
Changes to Repository and client-ind. customizing allowed: Both client
independent customizing objects and SAP repository objects can be maintained. Usually
this option is selected in a master-customizing client.
No changes to client-independent customizing objects: No change is allowed for
client independent customizing objects but changes to repository objects are allowed.
This option can be used for a sand box client.
No changes to Repository objects: If you select this option, then no changes are
allowed to the Repository objects but the client independent customizing is allowed.
When you want to protect the repository objects in a client, this is the right option to
No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. Obj: This option does
not allow any changes to client independent customizing objects and repository objects.
You should use this option for a consolidation and production client where the security of
client independent objects and repository objects are necessary.
In the restriction category of the Change View Clients: Details screen, there are four
options. You are allowed to maintain only the following three options as shown in Figure


Protection against overwrite by copying: If you chose this

option, a client copy can not overwrite the new client. You should
chose this option for a master-customizing client or for an
important client as production.
Start of CATT processes allowed: This option determines
whether you want to allow the CATT (Computer Aided Test
Tool) process in the client or not. Computer Aided Test Tool (CATT)
is tool provided by SAP to test different functionality of the SAP
system. To run the CATT tool you can execute transaction SCAT.
CATT process changes the database extensively and requires lot of
system resources. So we recommend not to chose this option if you
are in the production environment.
Protection against SAP upgrade: If you chose this option, then
this client will be not updated in time of upgrade. You should use
this option for a client that is used for backup purposes or client
066 (Early Watch client) that is used by SAP for customers SAP
system performance. If you chose this option for any client, the
upgrade will not provide any data to this client and it can not be
used as a regular customizing client. You need S_CTS_ALL
authorization to maintain this option.

System-level control in transaction SE06

You can use the system change option to control the system level access to different
types of users in a SAP project. To use system change option screen you can chose
SE06 and then system change option or use SE03 and then go to for setting the
system category and chose set system change options. The option you chose here
directly affects ABAP/4 workbench, Workbench Organizer and the transport system.
You need all access to Workbench Organizer to change the system change options as
shown in Figure 9.3.
There are some TP commands that can be used to control the system level access.
System change option in se06 figure9.3
The following are the four system change options:

Objects cannot be changed: If you select this option then no

changes of any kind are allowed for any objects in the SAP system.
The SAP customers use this option in the consolidation and
production environment. Using this option you can control the
developers and the customizing people directly changing any
development objects and customizing objects in the consolidation
and production environment. So the users use the transport
method to move the objects from development system to other
systems instead of directly creating or maintaining them in the
target systems. The tp command tp lock_eu <sapsid> can be
used in the operating system level to set the system to "cannot be
changed" and the command tp unlock_eu<sapsid> puts the

system back to where it was when the lock command was

Only original objects (w. Workbench Organizer): If you go for
this option then only original objects those are created in this
system can be changed. If the original object exists in some other
system and you have a copy of that object in this system then you
can not change that object. In special cases you can use this option
for the QA or test system. All the changes are recorded in
Workbench Organizer.
All customer objects (w. Workbench Organizer): This option
allows you to edit or repair an object though it is not the original
object of the current system. Any changes to customer objects are
allowed. The changes are controlled and recorded by the
Workbench Organizer. This option does not allow changing the
objects came from SAP originally. You can use this option in a
training system.
All objects (w. Workbench Organizer): With this option you can
change or repair any objects in the system. Now the system is
totally open for any changes to all the objects. With this option also
every change is recorded and controlled by the Workbench
Organizer. This option is generally selected in a development or
sandbox environment.

From 4.0 version the se06 change option looks as following:

Pre-Configured Client from SAP
The pre-configured client from SAP has pre-configured customizing objects for a simple
organizational structure. The pre-configured settings of the client help a customer to
configure a system quickly. SAP recommends the customers to install the pre-configured
client in their system if they want to go for a rapid implementation using ASAP
(Accelerated SAP) methodology. In the ASAP chapter we are going to give you an
extensive definition about this methodology. Now instead of starting from client 001
copy, you can start from a pre-configured client that will provide more configured
SAP provides the transports and help documentation to create a pre-configured client.
The pre-configured client for FI/CO, SD, AM, MM, HR and PP modules is already
available from SAP. According to SAP, customers that have used the pre-configured
client saved 4 to 6 weeks of project implementation time. The way pre-configured client
is designed; some of the small companies can run the pre-configured client for
production after the out of the box installation.
Following procedure is used to create a pre-configured client:
A client is created in T000 table
Copying client 000 to the new client
Copying the data files and cofiles from SAP to your system
Adding those change requests to the buffer and then importing them to the target
We recommend to check your number ranges after the import
Creating a user and assigning SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW profiles
Run the SCAT transaction for CATT tool to test the pre-configured client. This tool is
a great tool for those users, who want to learn about SAP functionality and, what a
pre-configured client can do for them?
The pre-configured client comes with non-matric units of mass, area, length and

volume and a sample factory calendar is pre-configured with the ten US government

Client COPY Procedures

After the SAP system is installed, the client copy is a common thing to do for creating
new clients. A client copy can be done from one system to another or within one
system. A client copy can affect the database and current users in the system; so you
need to be aware of the following important information before scheduling a client copy.
For the stability of the system, always schedule the client copy in the nighttime when
the users are not working in the system.
To avoid data inconsistency you should not keep on working in the source or target
clients when the client copy is going on.
For the best performance, always schedule the client copy in the background. Try to
examine the maximum online runtime parameter max_wp_run_time in the instance
profile. You might need to increase this for a large table copy.
You should have proper authorizations to run the client copy. As a basis system
administrator you should have SAP_ALL profile to complete a client copy successfully. If
you do not want a generic id to run the client copy; we recommend using SAP*. The
internal user SAP* has all the authorizations needed by the client copy.
Always check the database resources before executing a client copy. You can do that by
running a "test run" client copy. The test run will provide all the information about the
necessary database table spaces that you need in the target client.
The main memory plays a significant role in the client copy. Make sure that you have
enough memory to finish the client copy without any problem. When you are planning
the hardware requirement for the SAP installation, it is always better to install memory
recommended by SAP. Version 3.X and 4.X require more memory for memory
management and client copy.
When you trying to copy a large productive client, it better to copy the cluster tables
You should look for all the OSS notes that apply to the client copy in a particular version
of SAP. For example according to OSS note number 34547, SAP_USR client copy
parameter that suppose to copy only user data in the background also copies
customizing data in the background for release 3.0B.
If the client copy is locked by another client copy run, then check the log before deleting
the lock entry in SM12 to remove the lock.
In 2.2 release of SAP R3trans is used for client copy, client export and client import. You
should not do the same in 3.0 or 4.0 release of SAP. You can use R3trans to remove a
client in 3.0 and 4.0 also and we will see the procedure in the deleting a client part of
this chapter. R3trans can be used also for some other important jobs as described in
chapter 10.
It is very important to know that the number ranges have to be reset in the target client
if you are just copying the customizing data. Though the client copy utility has been
improved a lot still we get problems with number ranges. We recommend checking the

OSS notes about number ranges before dealing with them.

When you perform a client copy, it is very important to know the three levels of data in
SAP system and how they affect the client copy. The client dependent application data is
created from the master and transaction data of the system during the application
system operation. The client dependant customizing data is created during the
development process of a SAP project and this data depend upon the client dependent
application data. The client independent customizing data applies to the entire client.
The client copy procedure copies the client dependent application data and client
dependent customizing data unless you specify to copy the client independent
customizing. To maintain the consistency you should follow some SAP rules. When you
are copying the customizing data, you should copy the application data (master and
transaction data). If you just want to copy the customizing data then remember that all
the application tables are reset in the process and this reset process can guarantee the
consistency of the client
Creating custom PROFILES to copy Clients
Client copy profiles are used to copy specific data from one client to another. SAP
provides some custom profiles to perform a client copy. The following are the example
of profiles provided by SAP.
SAP_ALL: All data of a client
SAP_APPL: Customizing, master and transaction data
SAP_CUST: Customizing data
SAP_UAPP: Customizing, master&, user masters
SAP_UCUS: Customizing data, user masters
SAP_USR: Authorizations and user masters
The objective of above client copy profiles is defined clearly. What profile you are going
to use; depends on what you want to copy from one client to another. For example you
want to copy the entire data of a client then you want to choose SAP_ALL as your copy
profile. you can select a profile name from the profile input field possible entries and
then chose Profile -> Display profile from the menu. You can create a custom profile
according to your requirement. To create a custom profile you need to chose the path
Profile-> Create profile from client copy or client export screen.
Profile: Here you define the profile name. The name should be according to the SAP
standard; so it should start with either Z or Y.
Last changed by and last changed on: These fields show the information about the
person who last changed the profile and the time it was changed.
In the data selection category we have the following three selections:
User masters: If you chose this option then the user master records will be copied
from the source client to the target client.
Customizing data: If you want to copy all customizing data then chose this option.
Appl. Data. Initialization. Cust. Data: This option copies master, transaction and
customizing data from the source client to the target client.
Important tips: It is very important for you to understand the data selection procedure
before the client copy. In SAP environment it is not possible to copy selected parts of

the application and customizing alone. If you want to copy application data, we
recommend doing it in batch input. With batch input consistency is ensured.
In the copy mode category the following options are displayed:
Initialize Recreate: This option is grayed out and already selected. This option allows
the system to delete all the tables (not selected in the client copy process) in the target
client and initialize them. You can use the path Extras -> No initialization to have an
option for not choosing this option. We recommend not doing that; it might create
instability in the target client.
Copy variants: If you want to include variants in the client copy then chose this option.
In transport between 2 systems category there is one option:
Client Independent data: If you chose this option then the client independent data
will be copied from one client to another. We recommend executing the client copy
remote compare program RSCLICMP, before choosing this option to do a client copy.
This program provides all the information regarding the differences between the source
and target systems client independent tables.
The other options are:

Default source client: You define the default source client for the
client copy in the profile. You can change the client after choosing
this profile before starting the client copy.
Default source client user master record: You can enter the
client number from where the user master records will be copied to
the target client. You can also change this like default source client.

Comment: You should provide a meaningful description for the profile here.
Client COPY within a system
SCC0 or RSCLICOP (SCCL as of 3.1 release)
In 3.0 SAP uses RSCLICOP program in transaction SCC0 to copy the
customizing environment from one client to another. This will copy client
dependent tables, match codes, number ranges and resolve the logical dependencies
between tables and programs. RSCLIC01 or RSCLIC02 were used to copy clients in 2.0
release. These programs use to create command files and the basis administrator was
running R3trans utility to transport the data files. Those programs are not supported in
3.0 anymore. For the mass data transfer and large number of table copy, we
recommend you to run the RSCLICOP program in the background.

Tips: Trace information about each client copy run is stored in table CCCFLOW. Use
program RSCCPROT to display information about the client copy. You can run
RDDANATB program in the background to get the information about the size of all the
tables in all the clients. If you start the RSCLICOP in restart mode then try to check the
checkentries in table CCCFLOW.
The copy procedure using SCCL
If you are planning to copy the source client to a new client then you must create a new

client in SCC4 or table T000 before starting the client copy.

Logon to the target client and chose transaction SCCL or use the path Tools
->Administration->Choose Administration ->Client admin->Client copy ->Local
copy and you will see a initial client copy screen as shown in Figure 9.6.
The current client is your target client so it is already selected for you in the first line. In
the second line select the appropriate profile you want to use for the client copy. You
choose the source client in the third line. In fourth line you can define the client from
which you want to copy the user master records. The Source Client User Master does
not have to be same as source client. Then if you want to run the local client copy to get
the information about the storage requirements or a complete table statistics then
select the test run flag. We recommend you to run the client copy using the test run
mode first. In test run phase, database updates are not performed.
You should schedule the client copy in the background after all the parameters are
selected as shown in figure Figure 9.6. You can run a client copy online if you are just
copying the user master records; because when you copy only user master records very
limited data is copied form a client and it does not take that long to copy those data.
Figure 9.6 local copy transaction sccl
If the client copy fails for some reason then you can restart the client copy in the restart
mode after the fixing the problems. In this case the client copy will start exactly from
the same point where it failed. A pre-analysis phase requires sometime determining the
restart point. SAP recommends to set the restart flag in the Execute in background
screen when you plan to copy a large client.
Tips: We recommend to reset the buffers by entering "/SYNC" in the OK code on all
the application servers after executing the RSCLACOP or SCC0 for the client copy.
RSCLICOP compares the contents of each table in the source client with that in the
target client.
Client COPY from one system to another
Client copy from one system to another:
The client export/import and remote client copy procedures are commonly used to copy
a client from one system to another. The client can be exported from the system using
transaction SCC8 and then importing the client using SCC7 or using the transaction
SCC2 for both export and import process, the second procedure is to do a remote client
copy from one system to another. If you are copying a production size client we
recommend performing the client copy using the first procedure.
The following are the steps in the whole procedure:

First the data from the client in the source system is exported from
the database to a transport file on hard disk. Before you transport a
client from the source client database, you need to know exactly
what you want to transport and you use SAP delivered profiles
Then the SAP delivered TP command is used for the import to the
target system client database.

The post processing procedure is run in the target client to

successfully complete the client import.

You have to be very careful when copying the client independent data, because clientdependent customizing objects are dependent on entries in client-independent tables.
SAP recommends that you should not copy the client independent tables if they are not
yet modified in the target system. If the customizing is being done in a system regularly
then you have to be very careful taking the client independent customizing to that
system; otherwise you might overwrite the whole client independent customizing
settings and the system will become inconsistent. We recommend to consult the
customizing team of a project before copying the client independent customizing tables.

Transporting a Client
Procedure: To transport clients from one system to another, go to System
Administration then choose Tools -> Administration -> Client admin->Client transport
-> Client export or transaction SCC8. In the client transport screen you can select a
copy profile that matches your requirements and the target system in your CTS pipeline
as shown in figure 9.7. Then you can execute the client export in the background or
online. Before the client export starts, a popup screen shows all the information about
the command files that will be created after the client export is done. After the process
starts. You can watch the export process in client copy log using transaction SCC3.
Figure 9.7 showing transaction SCC8
After the client export procedure is completed, if you chose the client independent data
then three transports are created in /usr/sap/trans/cofiles or there will be two
<sid>KO<no> for the client-independent data ( if selected). For example if the client
export is done from development client 100 then the file will look like DEVKO0001.
<sid>KT<no> for the client-specific data. For example DEVKT0001
<sid>KX<no> for the SAPscript objects as Texts and forms. For example DEVKX0001
The data export is performed automatically. The output of the export includes the name
of the COMMFILE that has to be imported. The following data files will be created in
/usr/sap/trans/data directory using the same example given above:
For client dependent data: /usr/sap/trans/data/RT00001.DEV
For client independent customizing data: /usr/sap/trans/data/RO00001.DEV
For SAPscript data of a client: /usr/sap/trans/data/SX00011.DEV
Tips: Make sure that all the cofiles and the datafiles exist in the data and cofile
directories before starting the import phase.
Then add all the command files to the buffer by using the TP command in
/usr/sap/trans/bin directory as following:

tp addtobuffer <cofile name> <target sid name>

Using the above example cofile: tp addtobuffer devkt00001 qas (if qas is our target
tp addtobuffer devko00001 qas
tp addtobuffer devkx00001 qas
Then logon as <sid>adm to the target system and then use then import the transports
as following:
tp import devkt00001 qas client100 u148 For the client dependent data
tp import devko00001 qas client100 u148 For client independent data
(In the above example QAS is the target system and 100 is the target client)
After you import a client from another system, you must perform post-processing,
activities in order to adapt the runtime environment to the current state of the data. To
execute post-processing, choose Tools -> Administration- >Client admin ->Client
transport->client import or transaction SCC7. Transaction SCC7 will take you to the
client import post-processing screen . In that screen the transport from the last tp
import is proposed. Please check the transport number and if every thing is according to
the order then press enter and that will take care of the post processing activities. You
can also use SCC2 to execute the same process as in transaction SCC7. During this
process, the SAPscript texts are imported and application reports are generated. If
there are inconsistencies, you need to repeat the import after checking the log.
If you get any problem importing the SAPscript objects then use the RSTXR3TR program
in the target client to import those. In this screen you can enter the transport request
for the SAPscript object. According to the above example devkx00001. In the second
line you need to enter the path for the SAPscript data file as following:
/usr/sap/trans/data/<data file for the SAPscript objects>
/usr/sap/trans/SX00001.DEV (using the above example)
You can choose the import option from the mode option. Then you can continue to
execute the program and it will successfully complete the import of SAPscript objects to
the target client.
Up to release 3.0, RSCLIEXP program can be used to create the command files. The tp
command is used to do the import as we have seen before and the RSCLIIMP program
is executed for the post-processing activities and the consistency of data.
Using the transport procedure in 4.0
In 4.0 after the client is exported from the source system using transaction SCC8 as we
have seen in the client export section, the following transport files are created.
<sid>KO<no>: For the client-independent data (if the copy profile selected includes
client independent data:
<sid>KR<no>: For the client-specific data.
<sid>KX<no>: For the Texts and forms.
When all the above transports get released from the source system, the data is
exported to the data files of /usr/sap/trans/data directory automatically. The cofiles are

also created in the /usr/sap/trans/cofiles directory.

Then the command files need to be added to the buffer for the import using the format
from the cofiles as following:

Logon to the target system as <sid>adm

cd /usr/sap/trans/bin - Change to the transport directory
tp addtobuffer <command file-name> <target-sys-id> - Adds to
the buffer

If you are transporting to a new client then the new client should be created in the
target system. Then you can start the import into the target system as shown in the
following UNIX example:
tp import <target-sys-id> client<target-client> from /usr/sap/trans/bin directory
After the tp import process completes successfully, start transaction SCC2 and then
execute the import into the target client. This process imports all the SAPscript objects
and generates all the programs. After the client is imported successfully, you should
perform the post-processing activities by using the following path:
Tools ->Administration->Client admin->Client transport->Post-process import.
After the post processing is done, we recommend doing table compare between the
source client and the target client to check all the client dependent and independent
tables for consistency.
Remote CLIENT Copy
SCC9 transaction
Overview of a remote client copy:
Remote client copy is done using the RFC connection between two systems. You might
get errors if you do not have all the proper authorization you need including user
administration authorization.
Tips: A remote copy requires as much memory as needed by the largest table in the
Upto 4.0, remote copy can not handle large volume of data. Remote client copy reads
the entire table from the source system and then copies that to the target system using
RFC connection. For big tables as BSEG, it takes more time then the RFC wait time; so it
might not copy the big table at all. For the same RFC wait time constraint, large
quantity of texts can not be copied and remote client copy might terminate without any
error. You are not going to see this problem in 4.0 release, because the tables are
copied in blocks by RFC. You should check the memory parameters for memory and
MAX_wprun_time for run time before starting the remote client copy. Try to add the big
tables to the exception list by executing RSCCEXPT report. In 4.0 an inconsistency
check is performed automatically during the remote client copy; if any inconsistency is
there then the system returns an error.
We recommend avoiding big client copies using remote client copy procedure until
release 4.0. In the beginning of a development project upto 3.1I release you can use
remote client copy for the smaller clients; when the client gets real big it is better to run

client export/ import procedure instead.

Remote client copy procedure:
Before you perform a client copy, the RFC destination for the source system needs to be
defined using transaction SM59. In transaction SM59 screen chose R/3 connections
under RFC destinations. Now you click on the create button to create a RFC
connection as shown in Figure 9.9.
Figure 9.9 picture of creating a RFC destination
After the RFC connection for the source system is created, you are ready to perform a
remote client copy.
You can chose SCC9 or the menu path Tools ->Administration->Client admin->Client
copy ->Remote copy.
First line shows the target client, which is the current client as shown in Figure 9.10.
Now you select a copy profile according your requirements. We have already seen how
to create a profile and what is their objective. In the fourth line enter the source client
(from where you are copying). If click the enter button the fifth line Source Client User
Master will be filled with the same number as source client. You can change it if you
want to. Enter the source system name or RFC destination name that you created in
SM59. You can execute the remote client copy in the test mode by selecting the test run
flag. After you are done with all the selection you can click on the Execute in backgrd.
button to start the remote client copy procedure as a background job.
Figure 9.10 to show the remote client copy screen
Deleting a CLIENT
You need to perform two steps to delete a client. First you need to delete the complete
client from database and then delete it from client maintenance table T000.
To delete a client from a SAP system:
First log on to the client to be deleted with the proper authorization to delete a client.
Then choose path Tools ->Administration->Client admin->Special functions->Delete
client or transaction SCC5 and you are going to see a delete client screen as shown in
figure 9.11. In this screen you are going to find two entries; test run and also delete
from T000.
If you want to run a client delete process to find out information about all the tables
that will be deleted then test run is the right option to use. If you do not want to copy
another client to this client and get rid of this client forever then delete from T000 is
the right option to use. You can delete the client in SCC5 by executing it online or in the
background. You can choose either one of these options and in the verification popup
screen you can check all the parameters for client deletion. After the client deletion
process starts you can use SCC3 log entries to check the client deletion process.
Figure 9.11 to show the client delete screen of SCC5
In all the SAP releases so far you can use R3trans to delete a client. We have seen
significant timesaving in this way of deleting a client. If you use the R3trans command
in the operating system level to delete a client then the first step is to create the
command file in /usr/sap/trans/bin (it does not have to be /use/sap/trans/bin as long as

you provide the right path in the OS level) with the following contents:
Client = 100
Select *
For the above example the command file name = del100 and the client we want to
delete = 100 are used
Then in /usr/sap/trans/bin directory run the following command to delete the client:
R3trans w <log file for the deletion> -u 1 <path name and the command file>
For our example here you run: R3trans

-w del100.log u 1 del100

You can VI to the del100.log to anytime to the progress in the deletion process.
Tips: For the database performance, we recommend to do database reorganization after
you delete a production size client from the system.
To check the contents of the log:
Choose Tools ->Administration ->Choose Administration ->Client admin->Copy logs
then Select a client by double clicking on it and select a copy process by double-clicking
on it. The transaction for the log selection is SCC3 transaction. You also can run the
program RSCCPROT to get the same result.
You can select one of the client copy entry from Client copy log analysis second
screen, following three buttons are provided as shown in figure 9.13.
System log
Resource Analysis
Figure 9.13 for the client copy log screen
If you select a Log button from the Client copy log analysis third screen, then not
only you get the general information about the client copy but also the following
information for each of the table copied in the process.
Table name
Delivery class
Development class
Number of entries in the source client
Number of inserts necessary in the current client
Number of updates
Number of deletes
Additional space required by the copied table in bytes
The following is an example of what you will see in a log display screen.







































The above example shows the class C. The class represents the delivery class.
Through the delivery class you can know the kind of data the table has or what
environment the table belongs to. For example, all the tables shown in the above
display belongs to the customizing environment or they have customizing data. The
following are the examples of the delivery classes and their definitions.

Delivery Class


Application table includes the master and transaction data

Customizing table

Table for storing temporary data

Customizing table. It is protected against SAP Update

Control table

System table. They are only maintained by SAP

System table. Contents transportable via separate TR objects

The table information, all the additional storage required in Kbytes, the run time for the
client copy and the end of processing time are also shown as following example in the
client copy log analysis.
Selected tables: 5,672
Copied tables: 5,671
Tables deleted: 0
Storage required (Kbytes): 260,444
Program ran successfully
Runtime (seconds): 10,123
End of processing: 13:37:24
You can click on the Monitor button and watch the progress of the client copy real
The Refresh button always refreshes the screen to show you the up to date
The System log button takes you to the system log screen to show you all the system
The next button Resource analysis is a very important utility to show you all the data
base resources you need to run the client copy in the table space level. In the resource
analysis utility you can get realistic picture of deletes and inserts calculation for the
database. Memory requirements can also be found out by this utility.
Tips: You should always check SM21 (the system log) for all the client copy problems.
Ten Golden rules for CLIENT Copies
Master data can not be copied without copying transactional data and
transactional data can not be copied without copying master data.

Application data (transactional and master) should not be copied without

copying configuration data.

Client copy requires a valid client as the destination client. Make sure that
the client exists in T000 table and you can logon to that client.

The transport system and the transport management system of 4.0 are the
only proper tool to be use to keep multiple systems in sync by transporting

development and customizing changes to another instance.

When you copy a client from one system to another, client-independent
tables should only be copied if they are not yet modified in the target system.

We recommend the users to read all the OSS notes regarding client copy
that applies to their SAP release. It is always better to schedule the client copy
job in the background for the night run when normal work is not taking place.


Always check the database space before performing a client copy.

To avoid data inconsistencies all the users working in the source and target
clients should logoff from the system.

RSCLICHK program should be run in the target system remotely before

doing a client export. This program will give information about the missing
definitions from the data dictionary in the target. After executing this program
and getting successful results you can ensure that the client copy will have no
problems. In case some tables are different; you can use SE11 to compare and
adjust the table structure in both the system before the client copy. A remote
test client copy also can be executed to know the differences between source
client and target client.


If you are not in release 2.2 then do not use R3trans to copy a client.

Simple method for copying VARIANTS

The VARI, VARID and VARIT tables contain all the variants in the SAP system. Those
variants can be copied in the client copy time using an appropriate client copy profile. If
you just want to copy the variants then R3trans can be used to copy those very quickly.
To copy the variants from one client to another in a system using R3trans, follow the
following procedure:
First create a control file with the following contains:
source client = <source client number>
target client = < target client number>
select * from VARI
select * from VARIT
select * from VARID
The second step is to logon as <sid>adm and use the controls file with R3trans as
shown in the client export and import section of this chapter. This procedure will copy all
the variants from the source client to the target client as defined in the control file.
To copy all the variants between clients between two different systems:
First create a control file for R3trans with the following contents to create a data file:

client = <source client>

file = <the path for the data file and the file name>
select * from VARI
select * from VARIT
select * from VARID
The second step is to logon as <sid>adm in the source system and use R3trans as
shown before to execute the control file. The process will create a data file as defined in
the control file. The third step is to define a import control file for R3trans with the
following contents:
client = <target client>
file = <the path for the data file and the file name>
After the control file is created, logon as <sid>admin the target system and execute
R3trans command with the control file to import all the variants to the target system.
Important client management tips
We recommend deleting the large cluster tables first from a client using R3trans client
remove command before going for the deletion of entire client. To increase the client
copy performance it is also better to copy the cluster tables first using the R3trans
command. Then use the RSCCEXPT report to exclude all the cluster tables before doing
the client copy. To get a list of cluster tables use transaction SE85, then chose other
objects -> select pooled/cluster tables. The following control files are for both the above
To copy the cluster tables:

To delete the cluster table before deleting the whole client:
client remove
client = XXX
select * from BSEG
(XXX and YYY represent the client numbers)
Refer to chapter 10 to understand how to execute a R3trans command.
In each database, the rollback segments needs to be extended so that the largest table
in the system can be copied without any problem. In release it only applies to client
transports or copies and deleting the tables. In release 4.0 it only applies to transports.
SAP does not support a non-numeric client.
If you get a message The client copy is locked by another run and you want to kill the
current process to start a new client copy then call transaction SM12 and check the

entry RSCLICOP and then delete it. Make sure to check if any clientcopy job is running
in the background before deleting the lock. If a job is still running, you should wait till it
finishes because you can not start another client copy run.
After the client export is done, the command file might not be created for the SAPscript
objects in /usr/sap/trans/cofiles directory, you only find the data file in
/usr/sap/trans/data directory. Sometimes the SAPscript objects can be locked properly
and the transport request does not get released. To release the SAPscript change
request, logon to the source client and execute SE01. Then enter the transport number
and try to release it from there. If there is a lock problem then solve it and then release
the request.
Transporting from 4.0 to 3.0:
You have to be very careful while doing the transport of a logical database in 4.0. In
release 4.0 the buffer of the logical database is changed. Always run RSLDB400 after
the import of a logical database. Before transporting the repository objects from release
4.0 to 3.1 you need to know that the names of the repository objects in release 4.0 are
extended. Always check the current version of R3trans; you might need for your system
to transport objects from 4.0 to 3.1 releases. If your system has SAP release other than
3.1I; you can not transport SAPscript objects from 4.0 to 3.0. The internal buffer is also
changed in release 4.0, so GUI screens can not be transported from 4.0 to 3.0.

Frequently used procedures

Disable Multiple Logins in the Same Client
To disable multiple user logins within the same client implement this parameter in the instance profile:
login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1
If you do not use this parameter in your system, users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time they try to
login to the same client.
Activating this parameter in your system will make you look good if you get audited!
How about exceptional logins?
In case you're wondering how to allow multiple logins for certain key users you can implement parameter
login/multi_login_users. You can list the user IDs that should be ignored if the parameter above is active in your

Roles with Restricted Company Codes and Values

Do you need to find out what roles you have set up with restricted company code values for specific authorization
If your company has changed its company code (BURK) and if you have limited access to a particular company code in
your roles, you will have to adjust the roles to use the new company code or to use * for any code.

But, how do you quickly find out what roles you need to adjust?
Simple. Query table AGR_1252 and check the contents of the LOW and HIGH fields. You can use your favorite query tool
(Query Analyzer in SQL Server for example) or use transaction SE16 or SE11 within SAP.
Here is a sample query:
from AGR_1252
where MANDT='100'
and (LOW <>'' or HIGH <>'')
and (LOW <>'*' and HIGH <>'*')
and AGR_NAME not like 'SAP%'
The above query looks for any non-SAP role in client 100 where either LOW or HIGH have anything different than *.
You'll get a list of the roles you need to adjust to use the new company code.

View Locked Transactions

As you know, you can lock/unlock transaction codes via SM01.
But, how do you go about viewing the transactions that are locked in the system?
You need to look in field CINFO, table TSTC.
Within SAP, you can use either SE11 or SE16 to browse the table contents.
Make sure you enter "A0" as the "HEX01 data element for SYST" starting value and "A9" as the ending value.
This will list all the transactions locked in the system.
Note: The CINFO field description is "HEX01 data element for SYST".

Logging on to SAP using SAPSHCUT

You need to pass these parameters:
-sysname = entry name in SAPLogon
-client = client number
-user = user ID
-pw = password (in plain text)
Optionally, you can pass parameter -command to execute a transaction upon logon.
See example below:
sapshcut -sysname=SAP Production -client=000 -user=sap* -pw=06071992 -command=SM04
For more information, run SAPSHCUT /?

Fast Logon to an SAP Server

You can log on to an SAP server quickly using the "SAPGUI" executable.
This way, you do not even need SAPLogon.

At the command prompt type:

sapgui hostname instnumber
sapgui myprd 00
The example above lets you log on to the server "myprd" with instance number 00.
The SAPGUI.exe is located under the "SAPgui" directory. You either need to put this directory in your system's path or
change to the directory to be able to log on as indicated above.

Saving Passwords for SAP shortcuts

Passwords are not saved in shortcuts created within SAPGUI. In fact, when you edit a shortcut the password field is
grayed out.
Why? Because you need to first register the SAPshortcuts using:
sapshcut -register
SAPSHCUT.exe is located under the SAPpcsapgui directory. In SAPGUI 4.0 it was called SAPSH.exe.
Once you do the registration you need to open the registry (regedit or regedt32) and change the value data of
"EnablePassword" to "1" under:
Then, you will be able to type and save your passwords.

Getting technical info at the OS level

It is very easy to obtain the patch level of some core R/3 executables such as: disp+work, tp and r3trans.
Many people would like to know how to do this. Here, I will show you how to do it for R/3 systems running on Windows
and SQL Server environments.
1. Go to the command prompt.
2. Change to the "run" directory of your SAP instance (cd \usr\sap\<SID>\sys\exe\run).
3. Run the following three commands:
dsp+work -V | find "patch number"
tp -V | find "patch number"
r3trans -V | find "patch number"
If you want to see all the release information, then do not filter for the patch number.
Now that you know how to do this, you can get creative and write a little script that reads the names of all your SAP
servers from a text file and then it runs the three commands listed above. This way, you can get the patch level of all your
systems by just running a script. This becomes in handy when you're consulting or putting reports together.

Controlling the SAPGUI New Visual Design

SAPGUI 4.6x introduced the "new visual design" or "enjoySAP" look and feel.

As you know, users can switch back and forth the new visual design or the "light" look and feel. They simply use the "SAP
Configuration" applet in Control Panel. However, you the administrator might need to control what they set up on their
PCs in order to have a uniform platform.
The Windows registry controls this setting:
By the default, it is set to "On". When the user changes it to the light version using the SAP Configuration icon that is on
the desktop or Control Panel, then the registry value changes to "Off".
You can hide the SAP Configuration applet. You can even do this when setting up SAPGUI. You can edit the file
SAPSETUP.NID and comment out these two lines:
In SAPGUI 4.6D the line above is number 1,459.
!CreateIconOrLink('SAP Configuration','%WINSYSDIR%\sapfcpl.cpl
','%SAPworkDir%','sapfcpl.cpl,0','Desktop\',' ',cgAsCommon)/TS
In SAPGUI 4.6D the line above is number 1,645.

Locking/Unlocking accounts - Behind the scenes

User accounts can be locked/unlocked via SU01 (User Maintenance.)
But, what goes on behind the scenes? What does the system do to actually set this?
The table USR02 gets updated. The field UFLAG determines if the user account is locked or unlocked. The value "64"
indicates that the user account is locked. The value "0" that the user account is unlocked.
Knowing this, you can then issue an update statement at the database level that locks all users in mass.
Don't lock yourself out, though! Use exceptions for super user accounts in your update statement.
Notice that 4.6b and above have made improvements to this kind of task, making the locking/unlocking a bit easier.
However, changing at the database level is much faster and it is just one simple query.

SAP table with Version and Instance name

USAP R/3 stores its version, instance name and OS platform in tables!
This is excellent as you can then query the <SID> database to get the R/3 version, Instance Name and OS platform as
select * from SVERS
select * from TSLE4
You don't even have to log on to the application to get this info. The above query gives it to you in less than 1 second.

Logging on to SAPNet directly (bypass OSS1)

You can logon to SAPNet -R/3 FrontEnd without using transaction OSS1.
This way you don't have to open an SAP session just to log on to SAPNet.
Here is how to do it:
1. Create the file "saproute.ini" under the %winnt% directory and add the following two entries:
sapserv4=/H/ is my SAP router's IP address. is SAPServ4's IP address.
2. Create the file "sapmsg.ini" under the %winnt% directory and add the following two entries:
[Message Server]
3. Open the SAPLogon program (it is part of the SAP FrontEnd software -SAPGUI, on your PC).
4. Click on the "Groups" button.
5. Click on the down arrow for "SAP Router for" and select your SAPServX from the list.
6. Click on the "Generate list" button.
7. Select "1_PUBLIC" from the list of groups.
8. Click on the "Add and Logon" button.
You're done! You can change the name of the SAPNet session in SAPLogon if you want to.
No more typing OSS1!

Check if your SAP servers are alive from the Command Prompt
This is a very useful tip that can help you check if an SAP R/3 server is up and running. This way, you don't have to log
on to the system just to find out.
Additionally, you can create another script that uses the FOR command to check ALL your servers so you don't have to
check one by one. Have the script do the job for you.
The key to this script is the command SAPINFO.exe, which comes on the SAPFrontEnd CD (SAPGUI). It's part of the
SDK. If you don't have the file, e-mail me and I'll send it to you.
The syntax of SAPINFO is:
sapinfo ashost=host sysnr=nn
When used in a batch file (.bat or .cmd) you can check the errorlevel returned by the program. If it is 1 then the system is
not up and running.
My script below first checks if the system is on the network by 'pinging' it and expecting a reply.
If you want to check all your systems, then create another script (example: checkallrfcs.bat) and use this command:

FOR /F %%i in (SAPsystems.txt) do call checkrfc %%i 00

The command above reads the file SAPsystems.txt, which should have a list of all the servers (one server name per line)
and then it invokes the script 'checkrfc' passing the server name as a parameter. The 00 indicates the instance number.
I believe you will find it extremely useful and it will save you tons of time.
Now, you can just run the script, sit back and watch it report the status of the systems.
Script code:
@echo off
rem ======================================================================
rem Script: CheckRFC.BAT
rem It uses SAPINFO from the RFC-SDK (SAPGUI) to check an RFC destination.
rem It needs two parameters: 1. Hostname 2. Instance Number
rem A ping is sent to the host. If successful an RFC check is carried out.
rem By: Giovanni Davila
rem ======================================================================
if "%2"=="" goto NoParameter
echo Pinging %1 ...
ping %1 -n 2 | find /i "reply" >nul && goto CheckRFC
echo System does not exist on the network! & goto Bye
sapinfo ashost=%1 sysnr=%2 & if errorlevel 1 goto System_Down
echo ---------------------------echo System is up. RFC checks OK!
echo ---------------------------goto Bye
echo --------------echo System is down!
echo --------------goto Bye
echo ---------------------------------------------echo You did not specify at least one parameter!
echo Syntax: checkrfc "hostname" "instance number"
echo Example: checkrfc mydev 00
echo ---------------------------------------------:Bye

Lock a Client to Prevent Logons

Do you need to do maintenance on a system and want to make sure nobody logs on to it while you're working on it?
You can lock a system at the OS level by running: tp locksys <SID> pf=tpprofile
Example: To lock your DEV system enter this command: tp locksys DEV
Users will get this message if they attempt to log on: "Upgrade still running. Logon not possible".

Notice that the message is not exactly accurate. TP locksys is mainly used during release upgrades so the message is
kind of generic. But, it works!
To unlock the system, run: tp unlocksys <SID> pf=tpprofile
Now you can tell your boss that you know how to keep the users off the system!

Only SAP* and DDIC can log on to any of the clients in the system that has been locked.

SAP BASIS Tutorial 1 - Unix & Linux

SAP BASIS Material

BASIS Transactions
SAP Forum
Starting the SAP Instance

The normal SAP instance start up consists of three parts: starting the SAP OS
Collector, starting the Oracle Listener, and starting the SAP instance. The process
mainly goes like this: ora<sid> logs on and starts the Oracle Listener then
<sid>adm logs on and runs the startsap script.


You say we missed a step?

What happened to the SAP OS Collector?

The startsap script takes care of the SAP OS Collector for us. When the SAP
Instance starts up via the startsap script, it checks to see if saposcol is up and
running whether from the root user starting it manually or from another SAP
Instance already starting it up, it doesnt matter. If saposcol is up and running,
the script simply moves on to the next step. If it is not, the script starts
saposcol as root and then proceeds. So the SAP OS Collector gets handled one way or

Even if you have multiple SAP instances on a server, the process is pretty much the
same unless the Oracle databases were installed using the MCOD installation
Then only one Oracle Listener is used since both databases share one
Oracle listening port which is normally 1527. Normally each SAP database ie SAP
instance - has its own listener.

Enough talk, here is how to start a SAP instance.


Verify that the SAP instance is down.


Log on to the appropriate server as ora<sid>.


Type in the following:

lsnrctl start


Log on to the same server as <sid>adm.


Type in the following the saposcol will come up automatically:


If you only need to start the database and not the SAP instance too, type

startsap DB

And do not do the rest of the start up procedures listed below, you can stop
Wait until the startup messages have scrolled by. There may be other
minor programs that start at the time as well. If you try to logon and are
refused connection, check the logs in the /home/<sid>adm for applicable

Verifying that the SAP Instance is up

The easiest way to confirm that the SAP instance has started successfully is to log
on to the instance. If it has not had a successful start up, look at the logs in
the /home/<sid>adm directory. Sort them witj ls ltr is see the list sorted in
descending order for the ease of viewing.

If nothing obvious is found, go to the /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/work directory and

do the same thing in this directory. The most useful information can be found in
the dev_wx, dev_ms, dev_disp, dev_rfcx, and stderrx files.

If you need further assistance, please refer to the section SAP System
Start Up Troubleshooting.

Stopping the SAP Instance

The stopping of a SAP instance is practically the reversal of the start up

Process; stop the SAP instance, stop the Oracle Listener, and stop the SAP OS

The only real difference is that the stopsap script will NOT stop the

SAP OS Collector for you, you have to stop that manually once everything else it
down. There could be other SAP instances still running so the OS Collector needs
to continue to gather information.


Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.


Type in the following:


If you only need to stop the SAP instance and not the database too, type

stopsap R3

And do not do the rest of the start up procedures listed below, you can stop

Log on to the same server as ora<sid>.


Type in the following:

lsnrctl stop


Log on to the same server as root.


Type in the following:

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run
./saposcol -k


Log off the server.

Return to Index...

Starting the SAP OS Collector


Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.


Type in the following:

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run


Log off the server.

Return to Index...

Stopping the SAP OS Collector


Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.


Type in the following:

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run
./saposcol -k


Log off the server.


See also
What Needs to Be Backed Up?

The PRD Instance

Daily backup should be made for these SAP specific directories:

/usr/sap/trans on the TMS Domain Controller Server
Any directories containing flat files that are used by the SAP instance

Daily backups should be made for these Oracle specific directories:

Directory holding redo logs if not in the /oracle structure

Weekly backup should be made for these OS specific directories:


For Oracle, the entire /oracle directory should be backed up daily if there is only
one Oracle Instance on the server, and each separate /oracle/<SID> directory if
there is more than one instance on the server.

It is also recommended that a full offline image of the entire server be made
before the monthly closing cycle.

The DEV and QAS Instances

Weekly backup should be made for these SAP specific directories:

Any directories containing flat files that are used by the SAP instance

Weekly backups should be made for these Oracle specific directories:

Directory holding redo logs if not in the /oracle structure

Monthly backup should be made for these OS specific directories:


For Oracle, the entire /oracle directory should be backed up daily if there is only
one Oracle Instance on the server, and each separate /oracle/<SID> directory if
there is more than one instance on the server.

It is also recommended that a full offline image of the entire server be made at

the same time every month.

Working with saprouter

Starting saprouter (OSS Link)









Verifying the Status of saprouter

If you have previously successfully established SAPNet (OSS) communications with

SAP via saprouter in the past, there can only be three reasons for a broken
SAPNet connection to SAP: the SAP VPN is down (which rarely happens); your
saprouter configuration has been incorrectly changed (also very rare); or your
saprouter is not running (happens all the time).


Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.

Click Start Administrative Tools

Services to open a Services

Look at the SAPROUTER service. If is not started, right-click to start
the service. If it is started, right-click & Stop the service and then rightclick & Start the service. This should bounce your saprouter instance.


You may now log off the server.

Stopping saprouter


Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.

Click Start Administrative Tools

Services to open a Services


Right-click on the SAPROUTER service and click Stop.


You may now log off the server.

Applying a SAP Note

Not all SAP Notes can be applied via the SNOTE transaction. Some are information
only, providing no code corrections. Others entail corrections that can only be
done manually. This latter type of SAP Note should be applied to your SAP system
in conjunction with a trained ABAP programmer. Also, SAP recommends that SNOTE
change requests NOT be transported into other systems. Use the SNOTE transaction
in each SAP system that needs the correction, and delete the generated change
requests since they should never be transported and could lock resources during
application of other SAP Notes and support package application.

If you do not have a working OSS connection, you can download an OSS note from the
SAP Marketplace using the SAP Download Manager and use the upload feature in SNOTE
to load it into the SAP instance instead.


Log on to client 000 in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SNOTE.

On the Note Assistant - Version XXX/XXXX: Worklist screen, on the topmost menu bar click Goto SAP Note download.
On the Note Assistant: Download Note popup, type the number of the SAP
note in the Note number box and click the clock picture-icon. A SAP Note
XXXXXX is being downloaded message will appear in the bottom status bar. If
you get a communications error message, verify that saprouter is up and try
Once the SAP Note has been downloaded, it will appear on the Assistant
- Version XXX/XXXX: Worklist screen under the SAP Notes New navigation

tree. The SAP Note can only be applied if there is a blue box with a black
arrow to the left of the note number. If there is a gray diamond instead, the
downloaded note cannot be applied or is not application for this SAP system.
To apply the SAP Note, on the Note Assistant - Version XXX/XXXX:
Worklist screen double click on the downloaded SAP Note number.
On the Note Assistant Display Note XXXXXX screen, read the note text
to see if there are any necessary manual tasks to be performed after the note
is applied. When you are ready to apply the note, click on the clock pictureicon.
If there are any prerequisite SAP Notes which need to be applied to the
SAP system before the downloaded SAP Note can be applied, a list will appear
in a Load the following notes into your SAP system popup will appear. Click
the clock picture-icon to download these prerequisite SAP Notes as well. If
any of the prerequisite SAP Notes must be applied in parallel with the
original downloaded SAP Note, a list will appear in a SAP Note queue to be
Imported popup. Click the clock picture-icon to apply all the listed SAP
Before applying any SAP Notes to your SAP system, a Confirmation: SAP
Note read popup will appear. Once you have read the information contained in
this popup, click the Yes button.
A standard Make repairs in foreign namespaces... popup will appear.
Click the green to continue.
On the Prompt for transportable Workbench request popup, click the blank
page picture-icon to create a new change request. On the Create Request
popup, fill in the Short description and click the Save picture-icon. You
will be returned to the Prompt for transportable Workbench request popup which
contains the generated change request number for this system change. Click the
green to continue.

On the Confirm changes popup, click the green to continue.

After the SAP Note has been applied to the SAP system, you will be
returned to the Note Assistant - Version XXX/XXXX: Worklist screen. There is
no completion message. Click the green and pencil picture-icon.
On the Set Processing Status for Note XXXXXX popup, click on the
Completed line to turn on the radio button. Click the green . You can now
leave the SNOTE transaction. Modified programs, functions, etc. may require
If the OSS note you applied changed a ABAP program, you must
SE38 transaction and manually recompile the program. If it changed
function, go to transaction SE37 and click the Single Test button
enough to force the function to rebuild and you can back out of the

go to the
this is

Working with the SAP Marketplace

When a SAP instance is first installed, it comes with an automatical four week
license. But you cant install any kind of SSCR key on a termporary instance, so
it is best to get the permanent license key immediately.

The license key request process has been drastically overhauled by SAP over the
past. Normally, if you request a new SAP license key, the information will be emailed to you in the form of a script. But in case you dont receive this e-mail
promptly, it is important to know how to obtain the newly generated key the oldfashioned way.

Finding your Hardware Key


Log on to the server containing the new SAP system as <sid>adm.


Type the following, pressing enter when you are done:

saplicense -get

You will see a line reading saplicense: HARDWARE KEY =
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Make note of this information before pressing Enter.

You may now log off the server.

Alternative Method for Finding your Hardware Key









Requesting a New SAP License Key

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the License Keys
screen, click on mySAP Business Suite.
On the License keys for mySAP Business Suite screen, click on the
Request license key hyperlink.
On the License key: Request screen, click the correct Installation
hyperlink the mySAP Business Suite component.
On the License key request: System overview screen, click the New
system button.
On the License key: Request for a new system screen, fill in the
required information in the System section. In the License request section,
fill in the Hardware key box right above the Save New Item button. After you
have supplied the hardware key, click the Save New Item button. The license
key request will be shifted up to the first line of the License request list.
Click on the to the left of the license request to place a in the box.
Now you are finally ready to click the Send Request button.

You may now close your web browser session.

Checking the Status of a Requested SAP License Key

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the License Keys
screen, click on mySAP Business Suite.
On the License keys for mySAP Business Suite screen, click on the
Display license keys requested by me hyperlink.
On the License key: request screen, look for your requested key. It
should appear with the <SID> you provided during the request process. If the

Status shows as Sent to SAP, the license key has not yet been generated. If
the Status shows as Completed, your new license key has been generated and you
can click on the <SID> System hyperlink to continue.
On the License key: request screen, scroll down until you can see the
License request section. Under the License key header you will see you new
SAP system license key. Write this key down and remember that it is case
sensitive. Or you can cut-and-paste it to a more convenient storage location.

You may now close your web browser session.

Applying a SAP License Key the Old Way


Log on to the server that contains the new SAP system as <sid>adm.

saplicense -install

You will be prompted for the <SID>, hardware key, expiration date of
the new license, and the new license. Press Enter after the entry of each
piece of data.
Once the new license key has been accepted, you will received a License
key applied message. If you have the TXT file SAP e-mailed you, you can place
it somewhere on your server and use the following syntax to install the
license as well:

saplicense install ifile=<location of TXT file>


You may now log off the server.

Applying a SAP License Key the New Way

Log on to client 000 in the SAP system in which the new license key is
to be installed.

Go to transaction SLICENSE.

From the top-most menu bar on the SAP License Administration screen,
click Edit Install license.

On the Install New License popup, fill in the new license key you
obtained from SAP. Click network picture-icon to finish the new license
You will receive a License key successfully installed message.
now leave the SLICENSE transaction.

You may

Generating a Developers Key for a Programmer

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the SSCR screen, click
on Registration.
On the SSCR Registration screen, click the Register developer radio
button and click an Installation hyperlink. Make sure you select the correct
Installation Number for the SAP flavor you need or the generated key will
not work.
On the SSCR Register Developer screen, type in the developers SAP
user ID and click the Register button.
A new Details section will appear.
or cut-and-paste for other storage.

Note the generated developers key

You may now close your web browser session.

Generating an Object Key to Change a SAP-owned Object

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
In the navigator tree on the right-hand side of the SSCR screen, click
on Registration.
On the SSCR Registration screen, click the Register object radio
button and click an Installation hyperlink. Make sure you use the MS SQL
installation and not R/3.
On the SSCR Register Object screen, fill in the information necessary
to generate an object key. If you need help, this information is contained in
the Register Object popup the programmer received on his workstation. Or, if
this is a repair, the information can be found in the SAP Note containing the
advanced correction. Click the Register button once all information has been
A new Details section will appear.
cut-and-paste for other storage.

Note the generated object key or


You may now close your web browser session.

Opening a Service Connection for SAP Support

Before opening a service connection for SAP, be sure that the SAPAG client has been
added to the appropriate SAP system and Client, and that a Security Audit Trace has
been activated for the SAPAG ID.

Before a Service Connection to a SAP server via your saprouter can be created, the
saprouter must run the LOP Line Opener Program to initiate the mode of SAP
connection. Please LOPInstalltion.exe on your saprouter server before trying to
add and open any Service Connections.

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
On the Service Connections screen, click the Service Connections
On the Service Connections Overview screen, scroll down the page and
find the SAP instance you want to open. Click on the red X in that instances
In the Enter Data for the systems semi-automatic opening popup, set
the days, hours, and minutes you want the service connection to stay open.
Click the Continue button.

This part is being rewritten to meet the new SAP procedures.

Problem Logging with SAP Support

Reporting a Problem to SAP

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with
Administration rights

On the Create Customer Messages screen, click on the Start Message
Wizard button.
On the Customer messages Create screen, click the Select a System
On the System Selection popup, click on the + sign next to Show
systems to see a list of your SAP systems registered with SAP. From the
expanded list of system, click on the radio button just left of the <SID> for
which you are reporting the problem. Click the Choose button and you will be
returned to the Customer messages Create screen.
On the Customer messages Create screen, click on the radio button
to the left of the System type which has the problem: development system,
test system, or production system. From the Release dropdown, select the
appropriate SAP software release. Click the Continue hyperlink.
On the next Customer messages Create screen, scroll down to the
bottom of the screen. If the problem involves an add-on, select the
appropriate Add-on and Add-on release from the dropdowns; if an add-on is not
involved, leave these dropdowns blank. Verify that the information showing
in the Oper. System, Database, and Frontend dropdowns is correct. If it is
not correct, selection your SAP systems information from the appropriate
dropdowns. Click the Continue hyperlink.
On the next Customer messages Create screen, scroll down to the
bottom of the screen. From the Priority dropdown, select the appropriate
priority of Low, Medium, High, or Very High. From the Component dropdown,
select which SAP component is having the problem. Once you select a
component, a secondary Component dropdown will appear. Select a secondary
component and a third component as well. Do the best you can to make all
three component pieces fit your problem as closely as possible. Click the
Continue hyperlink.
On the next Customer messages Create screen, scroll down to the
bottom of the screen. Select a language from the Language dropdown, type a
short but descriptive summary of your problem in the Short description box,
and type a more detailed description of your problem in the Long test box.
If there are logs or other files which might assist SAP in resolving
the issue, rename them all so that they have a suffix of .log and use the
Add attachment hyperlink and the Attachments popup to attach them to the
message. After attaching all the necessary files, click the Close hyperlink
to return to the Customer messages Create screen.
When you have provided as much information as possible, click the Send
to SAP hyperlink.
You will receive a confirmation screen with a generation problem
number. Write this problem number down for later use.

You may now leave the Message Wizard and close the web browser window.

Checking the Status of a Reported Problem


Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration rights


Click on Customer Messages.

All the open OSS problems you have sent to SAP

will appear here.


You may now leave the Message Wizard and close the web browser window.

Creating, Modifying, Deleting, Transporting, and Resetting Print Devices

Creating a Print Device


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.

On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, under the
Devices/servers tab click the Output devices button.
On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, click the
pencil picture-icon to switch into change mode. The easiest way to create a
new printer is to copy an existing one. Click on a similar printer in the
output devices screen then click the create with template picture-icon.
On the Spool Administration: Create Output Device screen, fill in the
Output device and Short name. Make any changes that are unique for the new
printer on the Device Attributes and Host Spool Acc Method tabs. When all the
required data has been changed/added, click the Save picture-icon.
You will receive an Output device was saved message in the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. Click the lit match picture-icon to activate the

You may now leave the SPAD transaction.

Modifying a Print Device


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.

On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, under the
Devices/servers tab click the Output devices button.
On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, click the
pencil picture-icon to switch into change mode. Double click on the output
device to be changed.
On the Spool Administration: Output Device (Change) screen, make any
necessary changes on the Device Attributes and Host Spool Acc Method tabs.
When all the required data has been changed/added, click the Save pictureicon.
You will receive an Output device was saved message in the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. Click the lit match picture-icon to activate the

You may now leave the SPAD transaction.

Deleting a Print Device


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.

On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, under the
Devices/servers tab click the Output devices button.
On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, click the
pencil picture-icon to switch into change mode. Click on the output device to
be deleted and then click the trash can picture-icon.
On the Spool admin.: Delete screen, verify that the correct printer is
about to be deleted. Click the Yes button.
You will receive an Output device deleted message in the status bar at
the bottom of the screen. You may now leave the SPAD transaction.
Transporting a Printer or a Group of Printers


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.

On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, under the
Devices/servers tab click the Output devices button.
On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, click the
pencil picture-icon to switch into change mode.
Click on an output device to be transported and then click the truck
On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices (Change) popup,
click the green picture-icon.
On the Prompt for Workbench request popup, click the blank page
picture-icon to create a new change request. On the Create Request popup,
fill in the Short description and click the Save picture-icon. You will be
returned to the Prompt for transportable Workbench request popup which
contains the generated change request number for this system change. Click the
green to continue.
You will receive an Entry is made in transport request message in the
status bar at the bottom of the screen. Repeat steps 11 through 14 as many
times as necessary, using the same transport request for all printers.

You may now leave the SPAD transaction.

Resetting the Cache for a Printer

If resetting the printer cache does not clear your printing problem, try using
some a non-SAP application to print to it to see if it working correctly on the

This should at least narrow down the possibilities.


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.

On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, under the
Devices/servers tab click the Output devices button.
On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, double
click on the printer you need to reset.
On the Spool Administration: Output Device (Display) screen, click on
the pencil picture-icon to switch from display mode to change mode.

On the Administration: Output Device (Change) screen, on the top-most
menu bar click Edit Reactivate.
On the same Administration: Output Device (Display) screen, on the topmost menu bar click Edit Reset Cache.
On the same Administration: Output Device (Display) screen, on the topmost menu bar click Edit NI Reset.

You may now leave the SPAD transaction.

Printer Output

Creating a Local aka Frontend Printer aka Desktop Printer

Local or frontend printing is sometimes confusing in concept but actually very easy
to understand. As a rule, local printer is simply another way of saying that the
user is going to print to the default printer designated on his/her workstation.
You probably do this all the time with Windows to printer spreadsheets, Word
documents, etc without thinking about it. You can do the same thing using SAP.

Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.


On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, click the Output Devices


On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, click the

Change button and then the Create button.


On the Spool Administration: Create Output Device screen, fill in the

Output Name and Short name - I normally use a short name of DESK for
Desktop Printing but alot of people use a Short name SWIN or LOCL
as well. Use the following DeviceAttributes fields:
Device type = SWIN
Device Class = standard printer

And the following Access Method fields:

Host spool access method = F: Printing on frontend computer

Host printer = __DEFAULT. That is _ _ D E F A U L T

Save the printer.


You may now leave the SPAD transaction.

Using this printer will cause print to go to SAPLPD which will use the default
printer of the current workstation.

Viewing a List of Pending Printer Output Requests for All Printers


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SP01.

On the Output Controller: Spool request selection Screen screen, click
on the Output requests tab.
On the Output Controller: Output request selection Screen screen, fill
in any information needed to filter the selection results. Then click on the
clock picture-icon.

A list of all pending output requests will be displayed.


You may now leave the SP01 transaction.

Viewing a List of Output Requests for a Specific Printer


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SPAD.

On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, under the
Devices/servers tab click the Output devices button. On the Spool
Administration: List of Output Devices screen, click on the printer where you
need to check the output requests. Then click on the printer and page

A list of all pending output requests for the selected printer will be


You may now leave the SPAD transaction.

Reprinting a Document


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SP01.

On the Output Controller: Spool request selection Screen screen, fill
in any information needed to filter the selection results. Then click on the
clock picture-icon.
A list of all spool requests will be displayed.
spool request that is to be reprinted.
Click on the printer picture-icon.
should appear in the bottom status bar.

Double click on the

An Output request created message

You may now leave the SP01 transaction.

Re-routing Print to a Different Printer


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SP01.

On the Output Controller: Spool request selection Screen screen, fill
in any information needed to filter the selection results. Then click on the
clock picture-icon.
A list of all spool requests will be displayed.
spool request that is to be reprinted.

Double click on the

Click on the printer with a box outline picture-icon. On the Output
controller: Print spool request XXXX screen, tab down to the line reading
Output device and select a new printer. Click on the printer picture-icon.

On the Output control: Save attributes popup, click the Yes button.

On the Confirm redirection of output popup, click the Yes button.
Output request created message should appear in the bottom status bar.

You may now leave the SP01 transaction.


Deleting Obsolete Temporary Objects and Reclaiming the Space


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SP12.

On the TemSe --- Administration of Temporary Sequential Data screen, on
the top-most menu bar click TemSe database Reorganization.
On the TemSe --- Administration of Temporary Sequential Data popup,
click the All TemSe objects older than option to turn on the radio button to
the left. Fill in the Days box with 7 for development and quality
assurances SAP systems, and 32 in production SAP systems. Click the Delete

On the TemSe objects older than XX days popup, click the Yes button.

After the successful deletion of the selected temporary objects, you
will be returned to the TemSe --- Administration of Temporary Sequential Data
screen. There is no task completion message.

You may now leave the SP12 transaction.

Mass Recompilation of ABAP Programs


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SGEN.

On the SAP Load Generator screen - Generation task section, click on
the line reading Generate all objects in selected software components to turn
on the radio button to the left. Click on the Continue button at the
On the SAP Load Generator screen - Selection by software components of
generation set section, click the button to the left of each entry listed in
the Software component box. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the
On the SAP Load Generator screen Select server for parallel
generation section, there should only be one entry in the Server box. Click
the button to the left of this entry. Click the Continue button at the bottom
of the screen. Several messages will appear in the bottom status bar before

the next screen appears.

On the SAP Load Generator Job Monitor screen, fill in the time and
date listed under the Schedule job at button located at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the Schedule job at button.
On the SAP Load Generator Job Monitor screen Load generator status
section, the status of mass generation is shown. You may now leave the SGEN
transaction and later return to check the progress of the recompilation. No
other load regeneration jobs can be scheduled until this one completes. If a
load regeneration jobs fails for some reason, return to the SGEN screen for
instructions on how to restart the job.

SAP IGS Server


Starting the IGS instance





./bin/startigs -p .



Stopping the IGS instance








Support Tasks in the SAP Marketplace

Some adminitrative tasks performed on the SAP Marketplace are

instantaneous such as SSCR (SAP Source Correction Registration)
requests for Developer and Object Key, while others like a
permanent license key request or registeration of a new OSS ID,
can take 15 minutes, or several days.

As you work with the

various SAP provided tools, you will learn the difference between
normal lag time, and the possibility of something being wrong.

Requesting A New SAP Marketplace User ID aka S Number aka OSS ID

You will need the first and last name, function, department, department
title, language, telephone number, language, and email address of the
person(s) being added as these are all required fields.
Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
From the left navigational tree, click on Maintain User Data Request
new users. You may be asked for your OSS ID and password again, dependently
on your point of original logon.
On the User Data Maintenance screen, fill in the gathered information
from step #1. Then press Save. You may or may not receive a confirmation


You may now log off the SAP Marketplace.

Checking A New SAP Marketplace User ID aka S Number aka OSS ID

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
From the left navigational tree, click on Maintain User Data Display
requested users. You may be asked for your OSS ID and password again,
dependently on your point of original logon.
On the User Data Maintenance screen, you will see a list of your mostly
recently generated OSS IDs. If the user ID you are seeking does not appear on
the screen, you can fill in any of the information allowed in the top row to
performa a search.
Verify the status of the OSS ID for which you are looking. If the
Status reads Successful, and both the User ID and Initial Password fields
contain legitmate data, your OSS ID has been generated and you can pass the
information on to your user.
If the Status reads Requesting, your OSS ID has not been generated so come
again later to check the status. If the Status makes reference to some type
of error condition, please open an OSS problem to get it resolved. The normal
turnaround for an OSS ID generation is eight hours or less.

You may now log off the SAP Marketplace.

Changing the Authorizations for an Existing SAP Marketplace User ID

aka S Number aka OSS ID

***The vast majority of your OSS ID users have enough privileges to

perform their SAP Marketplace tasks without any additional rights
granted to their user ID.

Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration
From the left navigational tree, click on Maintain User Data Search
and maintain users. You may be asked for your OSS ID and password again,

dependently on your point of original logon.

On the User Data Maintenance screen, click Search for an entire list of
your SAP Marketplace users, or fill in the provided fields to help narrow your
search, pressing Search when you are ready.
From the second User Data Maintenance screen, click on the Surname of
any user you wish to change.
On the next User Data Maintenance screen, click on the Authorizations
tab, and then click the Edit button on the bottom of the displayed section.
From the resulting User Data Maintenance Authorization objects overview
screen, click on a line you want to change. For example, if you want the OSS
ID to be able to create new OSS problems with SAP, click the Create Customer
messages on box at the far left to the line.
On the resulting User Data Maintenance Create Customer messages screen,
click on your option Customer if you want the user to be able to open
problems for any SAP Instance you own, or select a specific Installation(s)
for only, say, CRM instances.
Click the Add button at the bottom of th page, and you will be returned
to step #6. Repeat as many times as you need to do so in order to change the
OSS ID to your requirements.
When all the changes have been completed, make sure you are at the same
screen as in step #6 and click Save. You should get a screen thanking you and
saying that your changes have been saved.

You may now log off the SAP Marketplace.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting System Parameters

Creating System Parameters


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction RZ10.

On the Edit Profiles screen, select the <SID>_DVEBMGS00_SAP<SID>
Profile from the dropdown, or whatever instance profile you need to change.
In the Edit profile section, click the radio button to the left of Extended
maintenance. Click the Change button.


On the Maintain R/3 Profile screen, click the Add Parameter button.

On the next Maintain R/3 Profile screen, type in the new Parameter name
and Parameter val. Click the Copy button. Click the white arrow on green
picture-icon twice.
On the Maintain R/3 Profile popup, click the Yes button to save your

On the Edit Profiles screen, click the Save picture-icon.


On the Save profile popup, click the No button.


On the Activate profile popup, click the Yes button.


On the Edit Profiles popup, click the green button.


On the Caution! Caution! Caution! popup, click the green button.

If you receive a Possible Inconsistencies in OP Modes screen, double
click over the <No> unless you are unsure of why this message has been
You will not get a confirmation message.

You may now leave the RZ10

Modifying System Parameters


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction RZ10.

On the Edit Profiles screen, select the <SID>_DVEBMGS00_SAP<SID>
Profile from the dropdown, or whatever instance profile you need to change.
In the Edit profile section, click the radio button to the left of Extended
maintenance. Click the Change button.
On the Maintain R/3 Profile screen, locate the parameter that needs to
be changed in the Parameter name column. Change the matching value under
Parameter value to the new value. Click the Copy button. Click the white
arrow on green picture-icon.

On the Edit Profiles screen, click the Save picture-icon.


On the Save profile popup, click the No button.


On the Activate profile popup, click the Yes button.


On the Edit Profiles popup, click the green button.


On the Caution! Caution! Caution! popup, click the green button.

If you receive a Possible Inconsistencies in OP Modes screen, double
click over the <No> unless you are unsure of why this message has been
You will not get a confirmation message.

You may now leave the RZ10

Deleting System Parameters


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction RZ10.

On the Edit Profiles screen, select the <SID>_DVEBMGS00_SAP<SID>
Profile from the dropdown, or whatever instance profile you need to change.
In the Edit profile section, click the radio button to the left of Extended
maintenance. Click the Change button.
On the Maintain R/3 Profile screen, locate the parameter you need to
delete and click on the Parameter name to high-bright it. On the top-most
menu bar, click Parameter Delete.
On the next Maintain R/3 Profile popup, make sure that the parameter
listed is the one you need to delete. Click the Yes button to delete the
parameter. You will receive a Parameter was deleted message in the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. Click the Copy button. Click the white arrow on
green picture-icon.

On the Edit Profiles screen, click the Save picture-icon.


On the Save profile popup, click the No button.


On the Activate profile popup, click the Yes button.


On the Edit Profiles popup, click the green button.


On the Caution! Caution! Caution! popup, click the green button.

If you receive a Possible Inconsistencies in OP Modes screen, double
click over the <No> unless you are unsure of why this message has been

You may now leave the RZ10 transaction.

Overview of All Work Processes Running on a SAP System


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SM50.

On the Process Overview screen, all processing threads for the SAP
system are displayed. If a thread is being used, the name of the report
running will be displayed as well as the number of seconds that the report has
been running, the client in which the report is running, the action the report
is currently doing, and, if applicable, the table the report is currently
Click on the blue arrow circle picture-icon to refresh the process data
appearing on the screen.
Click the white clock picture-icon to display the amount of CPU time
consumed by each process thread so far.
Double click any display line containing a report name in order to see
more detailed information about the running report. This information includes
database access statistics and timings. Use the white arrow on green pictureicon to go back to the Process Overview screen.
Click on any process thread and then click the blue cylinder with
glasses picture-icon. This will display the Trace Data screen which shows the
actual communication between SAP, the operating system, and the database
server. This information is useful when tracking process thread problems. Use
the white arrow on green picture-icon to go back to the Process Overview

You may now leave the SM50 transaction.

Stopping Run-Away or Bad Work Processes


Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.


Go to transaction SM50.


On the Process Overview screen, find the process which must be


Place a in the to the left of the process number

to be stopped by pressing Space.

On the top-most menu bar,

click the Process Cancel without core.


Click the blue arrow circle picture-icon to refresh the Process

Overview screen until the stopped process has cleared from the


You may now leave the SM50 transaction.

If this does not kill the process, you can go to transaction SM04 and kill the
users session. If this does not kill the process, you can log on to the server,
open a Task Manager session, and End the Process. If this does not kill the
session, there is an executable in the RUN directory on the server called
sapntkill.exe. Run it providing the process ID number. If none of the above work,
you have no choice but to bounce the SAP instance and/or possibly the serve.

Database Tasks
Creating Database Statistics, Index Rebuilds, and Log Backup Jobs MS SQL Server
Database statistics refresh jobs should be scheduled to run twice daily on all the
SAP systems. But occasionally a manual refresh needs to be done due to table
reorganization, index rebuild, etc.

Log on to the server using the <sid>adm user ID.

Open the MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
Expand the navigator tree until you see the Management entry.


Right-click on Database Maintenance Plans and click New Maintenance
Use the wizard to create the job you need.
You may now close the Enterprise Manager session and log off the
Creating Database Statistics, Index Rebuilds, and Log Backup Jobs Oracle
Log on to the appropriate SAP instance any client.
Go to transaction DB13.
On the DBA Planning Calender for Oracle Database <SID>: Maintain
screen, double-click on a blank line on any day in the future.
On the Schedule Action for <Day>. DD.MM.YYYY popup, use the radio
button to turn on the task you want to do. For each action, you need to
fill in the Start Time in military time format, the Period (Weeks) which is
how many weeks between running of this job blank for one time only, 1 for
weekly, 2 for bi-weekly, etc. and Calender if you want to use any calendar
except the SAP supplied standard Factory calendar.
These are the details for each action:

database offline + redo log or

database offline backup or
database online + redo log or
database online backup
Generic tape names for database backup
Database backup profile usually init<SID>.sap
Options for ReDo log backup
Redo log backup
Generic tape names for database backup
Options for ReDo log backup
Partial database offline backup or
Partial database online backup
Tablespace names to be included in the back up
Generic tape names for database backup
Database backup profile usually init<SID>.sap
Check and update optimizer status
Tablespace names to be included in the statistics run
Adapt next extents
Tablespace names for next extents adaption
Check database
Verify database
Tablespace names to be verified
Database backup profile usually init<SID>.sap
Cleanup logs

You may now leave the DB13 transaction.













SAP BASIS Refference Steps

SAP BASIS Material

BASIS Transactions
SAP Forum

Creating Remote Client Copy

This procedure should allow the offshore Basis team to create a copy of a client of a Sap server into another
SAP Server

1. Logon to destination SAP server

2. Use Transaction Code SCC4
3. Go to change mode
4. Create a new client, assign client number & description as per request
5. Logoff from current client.
6. Login to newly created client in destination SAP server using the following credentials :

Client Number

: Newly created one


User Id

: SAP*




1. Use Transaction Code SM59 to create a RFC Connection for client copy if does not exist already.
2. RFC Connection should have Target Server as Destination and the test results should say Connection
test OK
3. Use SCC9 Transaction code to go to client copy screen.

4. Give profile as per the request.

5. Select RFC destination created for the purpose for the source client to client copy
6. Use Transaction code SCC3 for monitoring the progress of client copy
Creating Local Client Copy
This procedure should allow the offshore Basis team to create a copy of a client locally in the same SAP

1. Logon to SAP server

2. Use Transaction Code SCC4
3. Go to change mode
4. Create a new client, assign client number & description as per request
5. Logoff from current client.
6. Login to newly created client using the following credentials :
Client Number

: Newly created one


User Id

: SAP*




7. Use Transaction Code SCCL for local client copy

8. Give reference client for copy and profile as per the request
9. Use SCC3 T code to monitor progress of Client Copy.
Creating RFC Connection

This procedure should allow the offshore Basis team to create a RFC connection in any SAP

1. Logon to SAP server

2. Use Transaction Code SM59
3. On SM59 screen click on Create button
4. On the new screen, give RFC destination name Name by which the connection would
be identified ( For example QASClinet300 )
5. Give Connection Type ( 3 for any SAP to SAP communication ) F4 Help will list down
all possible types of connections
6. Give Description for the RFC Connection Generally the purpose of the connection is
mentioned here
7. Click SAVE

8. Give IP address/Host name and system number for destination server in Technical
Settings tab

9. Click SAVE
Use Test Connection to check RFC.
If Trusted RFC connection is required, give user credentials in Logon/Security

SAP Service Start and Stop - Windows


This procedure should allow the offshore Basis team to Stop or Start SAP Service on a Windows server.
12.Logon to Server using <SID>ADM id
13.Double click on MMC Icon for SAP on Desktop of SAP Admin
14.Select Instance to Stop / Start
15.Right Click Instance/Use the buttons given on MMC tool bar.
16.Click Start/Stop and wait for couple of minutes for status change of the Instance.
17.For starting the sequence of Instances color visual display would be Gray -> Yellow -> Green
18.For stop the sequence of Instances color visual display would be Green -> Yellow ->Gray

NOTE: This would require a Remote Desktop Connection to the Windows Box on which SAP Central
Instance is installed.

SAP Service Start and Stop - Non Windows

This procedure should allow the offshore Basis team to Stop or Start SAP Service on a Non Windows
19.Logon to server using telnet with any id.
20.login to user <SIDADM> using command su - <sid>adm
21.To start SAP Services use command startsap a
22.To stop SAP Services use command stopsap
23.To log off from server use command exit

SAP Start Stop steps Windows


Logon to Server using <SID>ADM id

Double click on MMC for SAP
Select Instance
Right Click Instance
Click Refresh to watch changed status of SAP Instance start/stop

SAP Start Stop steps Non Window

7. Logon to server using telnet
8. login to use <SIDADM> using command su - <sid>adm
9. To start SAP Services use command startsap a
10. To stop SAP Services use command stopsap
11. To log off from server use command exit

SAP BASIS Transaction codes


AL02 Database Alert Monitor

AL03 Operating System Alert Monitor
AL05 Workload Alert Monitor
AL08 Current active users (in system)
SAP Top Site!

AL11 Display operating system file from CCMS

DB01 Exclusive waits in Oracle database
DB02 Database performance; tables and index
DB03 Parameter changes in database
DB05 Analysis of table with respect to indexed fields
DB12 Backup logs
DB13 DBA planning calendar
DB14 DBA logs
OSS1 Online Service System logon

RZ01 Graphical background job scheduling monitor

RZ02 Network graphical display of instance
RZ03 Server status, alerts, maintain operations mode
RZ04 Maintain operations mode and instance
RZ06 Maintain alert threshold
RZ08 CCMS Alert Monitor
RZ10 Maintain system profiles X
RZ11 Display profile parameter attributes
RZ20 Alert Monitor 4.0
RZ21 Maintain settings for Alert Monitor 4.0
SA38 ABAP reporting
SCAM CATT management
SCAT Computer Aided Test Tool
SCC1 Client copy transport X
SCC3 Client copy log
SCC4 Client copy administration X
SCC5 Delete clients X

SCC6 Client import X

SCC7 Client import post processing
SCC8 Client export
SCC9 Remote client copy X
SCCL Local client copy X
SCMP Table comparison
SCU3 Table history
SE01 Transport organizer
SE03 Workbench organizer: tools
SE06 Set up workbench organizer
SE09 Workbench organizer
SE10 Customizing organizer
SE11 Data Dictionary maintenance X
SE12 Data Dictionary display
SE15 Repository Info System
SE16 Display table content X X
SE17 General table display X
SE38 ABAP editor X


SFT2 Maintain public holiday calendar

SFT3 Maintain factory calendar
SICK Installation check
SM01 Lock transactions X
SM02 System messages
SM04 Overview of users
SM12 Database locks X
SM13 Update terminates X
SM21 System log
SM30 Maintain tables (not all tables can use SM30) X
SM31 Maintain tables X
SM35 Batch input monitoring
SM36 Schedule background jobs
SM37 Overview of background jobs
SM39 Job analysis
SM49 External operating system commands, execute
SM50 Work process overview
SM51 Instance overview
SM58 Error log for asynchronous RFC
SM59 RFC connection, maintain
SM63 Operations mode, maintain
SM64 Event trigger
SM66 Global work process overview
SM69 External operating system commands, maintain
SP00 Spool
SP01 Spool control
SP02 Display output requests
SP11 TemSe (temporary sequential objects) contents
SP12 TemSe administration
SPAD Spool administration (printer setup)
SPAM SAP Patch Manager
SPAU Intersection SAP transport/customer modifications
SPCC Spool; consistency check
SPDD Intersection SAP transport/customer modifications, DDIC
SPIC Spool; installation check
ST01 SAP system trace X
ST02 Buffer statistics
ST03 Workload analysis
ST04 Database performance analysis
ST05 SQL trace X
ST06 Operating system monitor
ST07 Application monitor
ST08 Network monitor
ST09 Network Alert monitor
ST10 Table call statistics
ST11 Display developer trace X
ST12 Application monitor
ST14 Application analysis
ST22 ABAP dump analysis

ST4A Oracle: analyze the shared cursor cache

STAT Local transaction statistics
STMS Transport Management System X
STUN Performance monitoring
SU01 User maintenance X
SU01D Display users
SU02 Maintain authorization profiles X
SU03 Maintain authorizations X
SU10 Mass change to user records X
SU12 Delete ALL Users X
SU2 Maintain user parameters
SU22 Authorization object check in transactions
SU3 Maintain own user parameters
SU53 Display authorization checked values


Including SAP Systems in the Transport Domain


Once you have configured an SAP System as the transport domain controller, you can include all additional systems in
the transport domain.

This occurs in two steps:
1. Submit the new SAP System to be included in the transport domain.
2. Confirm the inclusion in the transport domain controller.
Submitting a System to Be Included
To include an SAP System in the transport domain:
1. Log on in client 000 in the SAP System that you want to include in the transport domain.
2. Call Transaction STMS.
If your SAP Systems have a common transport directory, TMS proposes that you include this SAP System in the
transport domain when you call the transaction.
(If your SAP Systems do not have a common transport directory, see SAP Systems Without a Common Transport
The dialog box TMS: Include System in Transport Domain appears, displaying the transport domain name and
the address data of the domain controller.
If your SAP System consists of multiple application servers, you can choose one server for the TMS.
3. Save your entries. Your SAP System performs the following actions automatically:

Creates the user TMSADM

Generates the RFC destinations required for the TMS

Sends the address data to the domain controller

Sends the profile parameter for configuring the transport control program to the domain controller

Configures the SAP System as a single system

The initial screen of Transaction STMS indicates that the system is waiting to be included in the transport domain.

For security reasons, the domain controller must confirm the inclusion of the SAP System.
Confirming the Inclusion of the System
To confirm inclusion of the system in the transport domain:
1. Log on to the SAP System that functions as the transport domain controller.

2. Call Transaction STMS.


Choose Overview Systems.

The system overview appears.
The column Status shows that an SAP System is waiting to be included in the transport domain.


Position the cursor on this SAP System and choose SAP System Approve.

5. Confirm the prompt and distribute the configuration.

This SAP System now contains the necessary information about all the other SAP Systems in the transport
domain. At the same time, the address data of the new SAP System is sent to all the other SAP Systems, and the
SAP System is entered in the transport profile of the transport control program.

To avoid losing data, always check the transport groups after you include an SAP System in a transport

To reject the inclusion of an SAP System in the transport domain, choose SAP System Delete in the
system overview of the domain controller.

Check the consistency of the transport groups. Incorrectly configured transport groups can damage
import queues and transport logs.

The configuration of the transport domain is now complete for this SAP System.


Contents 2

Features of SAPGui. 5
Transaction SM02 6
Transaction SM01 7
Transaction SM28 8
Transaction SM59 9
Transaction SLICENSE 11
Transaction SCC4 12
Transaction SCCL 15
Transaction SCC3 15
Transaction SMGW 16
Transaction SCC1 17
Transaction SM50 17
Transaction SM51 18
Transaction SM04 19
Transaction SM13 19
Transaction SM12 21
Transaction SM35 23
Transaction SM21 24
Transaction ST22 25
Transaction ST01 26
Transaction ST05 28
Transaction ST11 29
Transaction ST03N 31
Transaction STAD 32

Transaction ST02 32
Transaction OS06 35
Transaction OS01 35
Transaction DBACOCKPIT 37
Transaction AL11 39
Transaction AL08 40
Transaction SM66 40
Transaction SU56 41
Transaction SSAA 42
Transaction SU01 44
Transaction SUIM 45
Transaction SU10 46
Transaction PFCG 47
Transaction PFUD 51
Transaction SU02 51
Transaction SU03 53
Transaction RZ20 54
Transaction SE01/SE09/SE10 56
Transaction STMS 57
Transaction RZ10 63
Transaction RZ04 64
Transaction SM63 65
Transaction SMLG 66
Transaction SP11 67

Transaction SP12 68
Transaction SPAD 69
Transaction SP01 72
Transaction SE93 74
Transaction SM36 75
Transaction SM37 78
Transaction SPAM 79
Transaction SAINT 82

Features of SAPGui.

The different features on the Initial SAPGui screen,

Maintain Favourites
Activate display of Technical names in menu tree
Activate Quick cut and Paste feature when required
Activate to display the Key ids in drop down list wherever it is available.
All the following transactions explored using the Menu tree under Tools.

Transaction SM02
In this transaction you can send messages to users who are logged in and new users logging to
the client. This message is a client specific and can also be language specific or generic.

In the first 3 lines you maintain the text to be communicated, then server name is the chosen
from the list, in Client you maintain the number of the client for which the message to be sent
and the language can be maintained so that only to those users who are logged in that language
will receive the message.
By default the system has Expiry date and time of the current day and Deletion date.
This can be changed according to requirement.

Transaction SM01
This transaction is used for the control of transaction code in case the business requires that the
users who are authorized to carry the transactions are to be stopped temporarily.

You enter the transaction code as indicated in the picture FS00 and then press Enter key which
lists it in screen,

Clicking on the transaction and chose the button Lock/Unlock to toggle as required.

Transaction SM28
This transaction is to perform check the SAP system installation does not contain errors during
the process of installation, which if any needs to be attended. This is one time activity after the
installation only.

Transaction SM59
In this transaction the Remote Function Call (RFC) are maintained that is required for
communication between the SAP systems in the location and also to external systems and
programs. This is setup according to the requirements and type of connection.

ABAP connection is used for communicating between the SAP systems, TCP/IP connection is used
for the non-sap systems or IP Address.
In an ABAP connection the input values to be maintained
Name of RFC
Description of RFC
Target host
System number
Gateway Host
Gateway Service

Client number
User name

On maintenance after save, the connection Test can be performed to check the connectivity is
properly established and the time taken.

Transaction SLICENSE

This is used to maintain license certificates for the system received from SAP. The license is
issued by SAP for the combination key SAPSID, Hardware key that is to be provided over the
On receipt of the license file from SAP, save it on to your PC and execute this transaction and
select New Licenses and select Install license, this lead to a new window where you can browse
and chose the file sent by SAP and Open. Again this is a onetime operation after the SAP system

Transaction SCC4

This is a cross-client transaction; any changes made will affect all the clients in the SAP system.
This is a controlled transaction which is to be authorized userid only.

A client has various characteristics that are maintained considering for which purpose the client
is used.

In the picture above, the client is 150 means the transactions that are carried in this client is only
accessible for users assigned to this client. Logical system is a value which has dependency in
the transactions as it gets tagged with the transaction data, if any change is done then the
relevant data will be lost even though exists in the system. Hence making a change of the logical
system once defined is not to be done in Production system. Client role defines for which
purpose the client is used for, it can be
SAP reference client, Test client, Customizing client, Demo client or Production client. In
Development the client 150 is set as Customizing client, client 160 set as Test client and client
170 as test client.
We also control here whether in this client changes can be carried out by authorized consultant,
it can client dependent objects or client independent objects. Does the client is protected or not
protected for over writing. Permission on CATT and eCATT functionality is permitted or no.
The checkbox at the bottom can be set according to the requirements. To protect from changes
during client copy and performing a upgrade of software.

Transaction SCCL

This is used for the creation of new clients when required after the maintenance in transaction
SCC4. Login into the new client with user SAP* and PASS, here the depending upon the choice of
SAP profile different objects are copied into from the defined source clients. In a new client to be
used for testing, the SAP_ALL profile is used from client 000 and 001.

Firstly the with test run checked in the program is executed in frontend or in background to verify
the system has sufficient resources in terms of space, memory for completing a successful client

Transaction SCC3

This can be used to monitor the process of client copy that is running in background or check the
log of front end process.

Transaction SMGW

In this transaction we can monitor the status of the gateway service (sapgw00) on the SAP
system for all clients, it is a status at that point of time and is dynamic in nature.

Transaction SCC1

By this transaction we can import the change requests from one client to another within the
same SAP system. The change request containing client dependent objects that are modified in
one customizing client (150) be imported to testing client (160).

You enter the source client number from where it is to be imported and enter the transport
request, check include request Subtasks. Execute once with Test Run to verify there are no errors
and then uncheck the Test Run and execute to import either Start Immediately or Schedule as
Background Job.

Transaction SM50

To monitor the status of all the work processes in the SAP system, this is used. This lists all the
work process with their type, current status, and program, user id, action being performed at
that point of time. This is always dynamic and a good screen view is to have work processes free
(waiting) so that any call by a user can be taken up immediately without any delay in response
In case a work process is stuck then we cancel the work process job selecting Process>Cancel
without core. In case the work process is stopped after an error in one of the job it was
executing, then Restart it choosing Process> Restart after error >Yes so that the work process
is available for the users.

Transaction SM51

In this transaction, we can monitor the sap system instance whether it is active and the various
types of work processes are configured on the system. The Server name is made of
Hostname+SAPSID+system number

By choosing the Release notes in the picture we can find the level of Kernel applied to the SAP
system. This Kernel lists all those errors that were fixed by SAP in this patch level.

Transaction SM04

By this transaction we can check how many users are logged into the system and in which client
and how many session each user is generated and in each session what transaction is being
executed. We also have the time when this session was started. The terminal used by the User,
type of connection and the amount of storage space utilized by the user depending upon the
transaction and selection options.

In this transaction we can pick particular user and end the session if required.

Transaction SM13

In this transaction we keep track of the status of the Update service is Active, in case it is not
active then we activate from the Update Administrator.

To monitor the list of updates that have failed we can choose the period using From date and
execute either F8 or click the execute button.

This lists the information like Client, User, Date, Time, Tcode and Status with the failure of update
If any updates failed records are found then, we can determine reason for the failure and contact
the user and provide information. After fixing the reason for error, the record status can be reset
and Repeat Update can be executed for entry in database Else the record can also be deleted
from the listed and the user can post the same transaction for the same data set to get desired
update in the database.

Transaction SM12
By this transaction we monitor the master data or transaction data that is locked exclusively for
a particular SAP user id for performing modifications at that point of time. In such case, other
users who try to access the same data set will be stopped by the Enqueue service giving
information of the data being locked by the User id.

Here in initial screen you can run for a particular user and client or with * we run for all

In the picture it shows at that point of time in client 170, Users who had exclusively accessing
data set in SAP for which others cannot modify. The related table and other information is
provided also the time from when this is locked. If you double click a line then we get further
details like in below picture.
A decision can also be made in case under certain circumstances it makes to delete the lock for
the data set. Then we can do it using the icon Delete.

Transaction SM35
To monitor the batch sessions that are created by the users from different modules transactions.
In this transaction we can start the processing of a session, release a session that has stopped
with error and delete a session if required.

As shown in the screen filter on date, created by can be applied to reduce the list of sessions to
review. The sessions can be different stages of the processing like New, Incorrect, Processed, In
Process, In background, Being created and Locked. In case a session is ended with error, then
using the Flag icon the session can be released for re-processing. The session can be processed
in the front end mode where the data set of the session can be viewed how it is being processed
by the program in different screens depending upon the transaction code for which the session
was created.

Transaction SM21

In this transaction the SAP system log is displayed for the values inputted in the initial screen.
The values that can be maintained is the From Date

The list can be restricted for Problems Only, Problems and message and All messages. The
information in this list can further used to analyze the errors which are indicated with Red sign
under Priority. Also we get information of Tcode that was used by the user when the error got

Transaction ST22

This transaction lists the ABAP dumps generated in the system, we can restrict for a date, user
as required. This each record indicates the reason for the error, transaction code, variables that
caused the error. The types of error can be of various kinds for which action is to be taken to fix
this error from happening again after analysis. For this we refer also the SAP notes on with the search terms of the name of program, transaction or other

Transaction ST01

By this transaction, we can set the system trace on to analyse by checking the required
parameters and activate the trace ON for a period. The trace is normally kept off as this involves
the storage space, it is activated for a short period of analysis and then Trace is set to OFF. After
this using the analysis can be made on the data that is recorded during the Trace period.

Transaction ST05

This transaction is used to set performance trace for a user or all. With this on activation of the
trace the user transactions gets captured in to the trace file with information on the program

name, table name, records fetched against each SQL command the system performed with the
variables according to transactions and values.

The button Activate Trace sets the trace on for all users, Activate Trace with Filter in which
Username, Transaction code or Program name. After a set period the Trace needs to be
Deactivated, then We can Display Trace

The data captured in the trace is used for analysis and see duration taken for the execution of
each SQL, table accessed, program name, Action, number of records, return code.

Transaction ST11

Using this transaction we can view the trace files for all the work processes that happen at the
OS level with start of SAP and operational status of SAP work process.

On double clicking a file this gives the details of the

Transaction ST03N

In this we can monitor the workload on to the SAP system. Here we have different variants which
can be used for analyzing the data that is captured on a daily basis, then weeks and Month

The right section of the screen provides different options that can be expanded to find the
various statistics that the system is captured by double clicking to the day/week/month.

We then will have informations like Transaction profile which gives the transactions that
consume more time in execution, response compared to other transactions used in that period,
similarly more informations can be found under other nodes for analysis.

Transaction STAD

This is also for making analysis of workload for a defined values in the input screen like date,
time and amount of period, for a particular SAP USER of multiples, specific Transaction, client

Transaction ST02

By this transaction we monitor the various parameter setting and utilization factors in size or
percentage that is maintained for buffering.
There are different types of buffer in the system used for specific purpose as given below;

Table definition buffer Gives the details of the percentage of tables buffered, quality of
database access for fetching records to the user requests. If the allocated space for the buffer is
small and not able to buffer the table definitions, then Swap happens where the table definitions
are removed from the buffer area and moved to temporary tablespaces like PSAPTEMP. The
buffered objects in buffer can also be viewed by choosing the button buffered objects. Any
changes to the values of the parameter can be done using the Instance Profile in transaction
RZ10 by maintaining under the Extended maintenance. The changing in values has to be done
in reference to the recommendations by SAP or any SAP Note only.

Similarly there are other objects Field definition buffer, Short name tab buffer, Initial records
buffer, Program buffer, CUA buffer, Screen buffer, calendar buffer, OTR buffer and Export/Import
Shared memory buffer.
Each parameter buffering level if it is at >98% then we say the system properly tuned, and if
ranges below then we try to improve it by adjusting in a Production environment. Where almost
all the relevant objects are touched by users required for the business operation.

Transaction OS06
By this transaction we monitor the parameters relevant at the operating system level. In this we
notice the amount of the CPU utilization, Memory utilization, Hard disk utilization between
read/write, Network response on LAN,

Transaction OS01

This transaction is used to monitor the Presentation server, Database server and Application
server. The presentation server means the PC/laptop from where the user is logged in to SAP,
Database server is one where the SAP system database is running, for a SAP System we have
only one database server, Application server is the system which is running a central instance or
a dialog instance with dialog work processes that take the requests from the presentation server
and pass onto database server to get required data.
Even here we use this transaction to check the communication level and find packet loss by
pinging to any of the systems.

Transaction DBACOCKPIT

This is a central transaction combined together with other old transactions that existed in the
earlier versions of SAP. On opening DBACOCKPIT we get following screen;

The right pane of the screen contains nodes like Performance, Space, backup and recovery,
Configuration, Jobs, Alerts, Diagnostics and Wizards.
Again each major node contains other sub-nodes that take to new screen and gives more
information on the database different parameters.
The regular tasks that are done from this transaction is running Backup of database, checking
the freespace of each tablespace, monitor application connected to database, overview of
backup, etc.

The actions to be performed to database can be done by choosing the parameter and switching
to change mode and maintain values as per requirement.
The database diag log can be viewed to check the different messages that are logged.

Transaction AL11
We can access the different file systems that have been defined and attached to a Parameter. In
this transaction we can view a file, find files under a directory,

Few important directory parameters are DIR_CT_RUN, DIR_DB2_HOME,DIR_DATA,

DIR_EXECUTABLE, DIR_TRANS. Using the directory parameters in the profile or in program we can
call a file from the OS level in SAPGui on the user PC/Laptop. This is also used where customized
directory is maintained for maintenance of the documents that can be attached to SAP objects
like Purchase order, Sales order, Quality inspection certificate, Engineering BOM, drawing when
the DMS and K-pro is activated in the system.

Transaction AL08

This is a global version of SM04, in which we can monitor the users logged to a SAP system from
multiple Application servers. The number of users logged using each application server will be
shown and the total kinds of connections like dialog and RFC .

Transaction SM66
This is a global process overview similar to process overview using transaction SM50. In this we
can monitor the work processes state in all the application server connected to the database

Using the Select process Button we can choose the other options to view the work processes

In this transaction the work processes cannot be managed as in SM50, it is only a monitor view.

Transaction SU56

Using this transaction we can monitor the number of objects that are buffered from individual
user authorization roles and profiles. This is only a monitoring tool, no further action can be
taken from within this transaction.
We can use this to analyze for a particular user, or reset the buffer for the user

Transaction SSAA
This is a combination of different transaction that are to be executed by a Basis person on a daily
, weekly, monthly, on implementation and on upgrade of the system. On execution with Function

key F8 or Choosing the icon

. Further each node indicating in Red colour indicates this
transaction is not executed today, on execution the Red turns to Green, indicating this action was
performed today. But it does not ensure the Basis consultant did a proper review of the results
and took any action. But this acts as a check list which a Production support member is to
perform as per the SAP standard guidelines for a proper functioning of SAP System. This one
transaction does almost cover the transaction that are discussed in this document separately.

Transaction SU01

This transaction is used to manage the SAP users; it can be used for Creating a User, Changing a
User, Displaying, Deleting, Locking, Unlocking and Set new password. As in Solaris Chemtech we
have implemented the Central User administration model, all System and clients cannot perform
all these mentioned function using SU01. The SAP System UED and Client 150 are defined as the
controller of all child systems and clients integrated in the model. Each SAP systems client 000,
001 and 066 are not included in this model.

The transaction further includes multiple tabs within in which other information is to be
maintained as required and some are mandatorily to be maintained. The General information
contains, Name of user in 2 parts Last and First. We also can maintain more informations like
Communication language, Department, Function, Telephone, Email id, Company address, Under
Default Tab - User type Dialog, Valid from, Valid to, Default parameters like Logon language,
date format, Decimal Format, Time format, Output device, Time zone of the user, Under Roles
multiple roles will be assigned along with the child receiving system.
On saving the user will be distributed to the respective child systems which were assigned when
assigning roles under the Tab - Roles.
The user in turn is transmitted to the child systems in the form of IDoc (Intermediate Document)
that can be monitored using the transaction WE02, the status of the IDoc.

Transaction SUIM
This is a transaction which has bunch of program reports that can be used to perform analysis at
different levels User, Role, Profiles, Authorization, Authorization Objects and Transactions.

Under each node we have further nodes that can be executed with values to restrict the scope of
report and analyze report.

Transaction SU10

We use this transaction to perform a change, it be either addition or deletion of any common role
for few of the User id or change Company address, Parameter, Output device or even delete
Users from the system. Only restriction in this transaction we have is if something is
deleted/removed or added then twice the transaction is to be done both cannot be mixed. This
transaction can also be effective from System UED and Client 150 for addition or deletion of a
user. Only if the set of Users are to be Locked or Unlocked then it can be done in the respective
system and client using this transaction.

Transaction PFCG

To create a role with a set of authorization to execute a set of transactions, this transaction is
used. In the initial screen a name for the role to be created is maintained, we can create a Single
role or a composite role basically.

Further a role can also be created by copying an existing role as template, import from a file on
User PC, import from another system using RFC or make the role as child and is created by
deriving from another Role. When the role is created by deriving from another role, then such
roles are known as Derived Role. Mainly there are following kinds of roles;

Single Role

Derived Role

Composite Role

A single role is included with a set of transactions; this can also be done by multiple ways like
directly adding Transaction using the button Transaction or Selecting from the SAP Menu, from
other role, from area menu, Import from file or Derive from another role as in picture.

After including the transactions and saving, move the Authorizations Tab to maintain other
details for the transaction to be effective. As a transaction is made up of a authorization class,
authorization objects and activities that complete the values for anyone to execute a transaction.
If any of the values is missing or not maintained then the user to whom the role is assigned will
not able to transact and complete the transaction.
In the Authorizations tab we maintain authorization and generate profile for the role. In the
picture below notice the authorization class is at the end of the each node of the tree. These
further expand to contain authorization object that contains pre-defined elements that are
Domain/Data element defined in the data dictionary and assigned. Depending upon the
combination of values the role will permit for executing the transaction assigned to, after
generating the Role. a profile is created for the Role.
Within this transaction using the utilities from the menu bar we can switch to other transactions,
to generate the roles in mass, adjust text of the role with the Central user administration system
and compare the user assigned to roles.

Transaction PFUD

In this transaction as referred in the previous transaction, we perform User master comparison
for a set of Roles using ranges or list of roles. With the execution of this transaction the users
who are assigned with these roles will be compared and updated, thereby effectively included
into the buffer of the User authorization.

Transaction SU02

With this transaction we maintain the profiles manually for a profile, but this is rarely used unless
we need a profile which is not generated via a role.
We enter the profile value to be manually modified and continue, which brings new screen that
can be expanded by double clicking the row

Here in this above we maintain values to the elements and then activate the profile using the
Activate icon button.

Transaction SU03

In this we can maintain new authorization class that is to be used as Customer authorization
objects for which the authorization objects and elements also to be created and combined to the
class to form a authorization check for a z-transaction.
This requires knowledge of data elements, authorization objects and creating Z-transactions
which is not in the scope of this document.

Transaction RZ20

This is another transaction that gives a tool to perform the system administration that was done
using transaction SSAA. In this transaction we have a tree structure that performs a set of
transactions and also keeps a track of all the alerts that were captured during the operation of
the system. There are 2 state of status Current and Open. In the current status it gives
information of the current readings from the system and in Open status it gives all the messages
and lists error messages in counts, these can be displayed by clicking over the alerts and
analysis is done if the alerts are repetitive in nature.

Transaction SE01/SE09/SE10

These transactions are for managing the transport requests (Change requests) that are created
in the process of any developments or changing the customizing structures and values. The

changes made in the development activity that involves the ABAP dictionary objects are known
as Workbench requests and others those involving the IMG as Customizing requests. With
this transaction we change the status of the change requests from Modifiable to Released.
A released change request can be further imported into other system as per the configuration in
Transport management System.

The change request is released by the person who has created from respective client.

Transaction STMS

To move a modified program or customizing setting from development to other system, the
transport management system is used. The transaction STMS gives the different sub tasks to
setup an effective Transport system. Primarily the development system is setup as Transport
Domain Controller (TDC). The TDC will contain the standard file structure under which the all the
files are stored and shared across to other system which are integrated to this TDC.

Here in the picture system UED is made as Domain Controller with which other systems form a
part of this Domain.
Further in the systems, a Transport route is configured as how the change requests can move
from one system to other.

As in picture, The changes made in UBD system will be consolidated in UBQ and then finally
delivered to UBP. Similarly, changes made in UED system will be consolidated in UEQ system and
finally delivered to UEP system. There is another component in transport system known as
Transport Layer, standard layer SAP is for all objects created by SAP and a new transport layer
ZUDN is created for the BI systems and ZUED is created for the ECC systems. Any change
request of the IMG components and customer develop ABAP objects will pass through
ZUED/ZUDN layer to quality system.
Change requests are imported into a system when it is in the buffer of a system where it is
required. This is controlled within the change request as to what is the target system when it was

Using the icon Truck we move to next screen from where we can import a request,

On double clicking to a system where import is to be made, we move to next screen,

In which the list of change requests is listed, if the status (st) of the change request is Request
waiting to be imported indicated by is present,

Then according to the procedure of import, the change request is imported to the system as
shown in

A change request can be imported immediately by selecting option Immediate or at a defined

date and time or after a event occurring with certain parameters. Firstly the client where the
import is to be performed is entered, where the client dependent objects in the change requests
get to the right client. And Client independent objects will have effect across all clients even
though we import to client 200.
The Request can be imported in a Synchronous mode or Asynchronous mode. If the Synchronous
is used then the session is active till the completion of import and if the session ends or breaks
then the import fails. In Asynchronous mode the import after initial check in front end moves at
server level and the action is not effected even the session that started the import breaks/fails or
changed to other transaction.
The last tab Options, in the import screen contains certain check box which can be flagged to
perform special action in addition to the normal Import og change request.

Transaction RZ10

To maintain a SAP system certain profiles are created which control the starting of system,
setting the different parameters for running a SAP System properly as desired.
There are normally 3 kinds of profiles

Default profile


Start profile


Instance profile

The Default profile contains those parameters which is applicable to all instances of the SAP
system. A Start profile exists for each instance that is created in the SAP Environment; it can be
Central services instance, ABAP Central services instance or a Central instance and instances for

Java applications. A Instance profile contains all those parameters that are relevant only to that
instance as described above.
Normally a typical profile contains, Administrative data, Basic maintenance and extended
maintenance views.

Initially a profile is created at the time of installation at the OS level, this needs to be imported to
the SAPGUI with the same name as in OS and import and save along with Activation. Each
change in a profile requires a restart of SAP system to get effective.

The list of SAP parameters can be viewed using program RSPARAM that lists all the values of the
parameters which are not substituted by the customer and are using the default values as set by
SAP for few of them.

Transaction RZ04

In this transaction we create the different operation modes distributed on an hourly basis of a

Using the Operation mode from the menu bar, we can create multiple operation modes like Shift
A, Shift B shown in picture. Further for each operation mode we can assign the host, start profile
and instance profile. Next if required we can toggle between the number of work processes
defined for Dialog and Background processes by increase or decrease using the icon or +
against that is maintained in the corresponding instance profile.

By this way, without requiring to stop and start the SAP system , we can distribute the allocation
of work processed between the dialog and background processes in certain period of time. This
feature can also be activated for a particular day only by assigning the Operation mode for a
particular day of the year or a range.

Transaction SM63

This transaction code is used for managing the operation modes to the 24 hours of a day.

This can be done by selecting a begin time and end time and then assign a particular operation
mode as required.

Transaction SMLG
In case where we have multiple instances for a SAP system through which the users can logon to
SAP, then we create multiple logon groups and assign them to a application server. The number
of users who connected with different logons can be viewed.

Find what is the response time for each logon groups

Transaction SP11

This transaction is for monitoring the number of Temse objects (Temporary Sequential Objects)
that were created for each job. These jobs can be print jobs, batch jobs, background jobs. The
information gives the number of objects created, storage occupied, existing in which all clients,
by user-wise.

On choosing List objects we get the list of Temse objects in the system as per the values
entered in the initial screen.

Choosing a line we can view the information this Temse contains by choosing the Attributes I,
Contents or Delete the Temse object as required.

Transaction SP12

This transaction code contains administration options for the Temse objects,

We can do memory allocation for the and the free space in the allocated space, list all objects as
in SP11 and run Consistency check. The consistency lists the inconsistency between the Temse
objects and the obkect list such as Spool requests or Job lists.

Transaction SPAD

Using this transaction, we can create elements that are required for printing, like Font, paper
size, device types, output devices, spool servers, access method for output. We also can perform
administrative functions like deleting old spool requests, consistency check of the spool
database, Settings, Print request overview.

To a user only the Output device is of importance, the other elements of printing are the
responsible of the Printer administration.
In an output device the components are, name of printer, spool server it is serviced by, device
type that is compatible with the printer, access method for the job to follow when a print out is
triggered by an application.
Name of Output device is picked by User when giving a print command from an application
Spool server is the SAP Instance which will be used to process the print command from the
presentation server to Spool list.
Device type is the driver that is used for converting the instructions received from SAP to printer.
Access Method is the method with which the job is communicated to the printer

The standard list of printers that is compatible with SAP is with the supplier of the Printer. A

consolidated list is also available in the SAP Note.

The various kinds of Access methods to be used is also available that can be used is different
scenario is given below (extraction from SAP help)

Transaction SP01

With this transaction we can monitor the number of spool requests and also how many spool
requests were outputted under the Output requests.

In the list we can also set filters to view that were successfully printed, ended with error,
processing or waiting. The print job can be reprinted with the original parameters or change and
print to another printer or page format.

Transaction SE93
This is the transaction to create a transaction for a Program with certain variant or without
variant. In this we define new transaction code and give a text to it. Then make a choice from
the possible start object. Depending upon the selection the next screen changes and provide
fields for entering the Program name, variant, screen number, access method.

Transaction SM36

In this we create jobs that can be one time run or a periodic running job according to the setting.
In the initial screen we need to give name for the job, spool list recipient if required

Next under Step we assign a program with a variant is assigned to the job and the user that is
used to execute the job

We can have a program from within the SAP, ABAP Program, External command available at OS
level or External program on another specific host.
Next we assign when the job is to be executed by choosing Start Condition,

The job can be started Immediate, on a specific date/time, After a Job, After event, At operation
mode or on a specific date for a factory calendar

The period can be made periodic action where in the same Job with the same parameter settings
will be executed on a Hour, Day, Weekly or Month basis.

Transaction SM37

In this transaction, we can monitor the status of the jobs that are created by a user and for
specific dates.

The list of job can be restricted using the Job status check box flags,

A job can be managed in this transaction like, cancel a Active job, change few parameters of a
job or delete a job from the schedule.

Transaction SPAM

This transaction is effective only in client 000 of a SAP system. Logging to client 000 we can
apply patches to the software that are installed in the system.
To install patches, firstly the patches that downloaded from for
the required software as per the maintenance optimizer ticket created in the solution manager
for a component and SAP system. This identifies the patches needed for the system with
reference to the released patches by SAP.
After download the patches firstly is to be unpacked using command SAPCAR xvf <downloaded
patch file> to folder /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in
Next we upload the patches from the Application server using this transaction if they are existing
in Application server then use Application Server else if from the PC then use From Frontend.
After import the patches are available in the new support packages list that can be displayed,
here we decide on the import queue to be imported. The import queue depends on the patch we
are importing, if it has any dependency on other objects they should be first imported else to be
included in the queue.
Once the queue is created, then we Choose Import Queue, the import can be executed in
frontend mode or in background mode else schedule at a date and time in background.
The import process can be monitored by reviewing import log at SAPGui level; else at OS level in
folder /usr/sap/trans/tmp we can find which file is being processed.
Once the import queue passes the Phase Test_Import then the queue cannot be deleted and it
has to get processes successfully.
Lastly the queue import is completed by Confirm from the menu bar.
We can display the patch level of the installed SAP Components using Package Level.

Transaction SAINT
This is a similar to the transaction SPAM, with the difference being this will install a new Add-on
to the existing SAP system which is compatible with the product.
The process of the loading, queuing, importing and completing import is same as in SPAM.
After loading the process is started using Start button and continues as sequential steps which
are guided by the transaction itself with Continue button till completion of import successfully.

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Setup Early Watch Alert for SAP Solution Manager 4.0
By: shobha kumari | 14 Dec 2011 11:12 am








































































































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By: Shailesh Singh | 21 Aug 2008 1:29 am


startsapname=BN7nr=05SAPDIAHOST= MB5SAP1002

stopsap name=BN7 nr=05 SAPDIAHOST= MB5SAP1002

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