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Till death unto

It was quite,very quite almost cubin was the only
sign of life for miles excluding the sealife on the beach beside it.It
was scool however,I could imagine growing up here.I took a deep
breath and approached the front door.Ill wait here Yce my
friend from the Olivine home,called after me.I paused for a minute
and debated whether to drag him in with me I decided against it.I
didnt want him to see me as weak.
There was graffiti written all over the wall,which made
me quite relactant to see what was inside.The door opened with
ease,like it wasnt even attached to its hinges.My eyes were
closed by themselves.It was like a survival instinct or something,a
defense mechanism.I wanted to see inside but my eyelids were
trying to protect me.You dont have to do this Yce suddenly
appered at my sidemaking me jump Im fine.I snapped at him
keeping my eyes closed.Look Noisseur,its not an easy thing to
doHe began,he was showing a sensitive side Id never seen
before ever since he came to the Olivine Hom eat age of 7.he was
really small at that time and he wouldnt eat or speak for
weeks,And it was night hed be heard crying into his pillow, Id
feel bad for him deep down but most of the other kids made fun
of him, called him a baby and what not,so I ignored him.
Then one day we choosen the same project topic in
school,Animals so our teacher made us work together.At first I
was annoyed,I didnt want to be seen with The Baby but our
common interestof animals brought us together.

Our Olivine Home,wasnt exactly funded verywell so we didnt

have much facilities but there was a small,quite tiny
actually,the library.It was full of baby books which was great
up until I was 6 or 5.Then I wanted something a bit more
challenging.So the only other option were Encyclopideas.I
chose the one about animals.
Yce actually used to have an animal,up until he had to
leave home of course,but this was still his advantage over
me.hed actually seen am animal in real life.
Yce grew up quite built compared to us smaller frame
back in the day.So the bullying stopped once he hit puberty.He
had light brown hair that covered his face most of the time and
humungous bright blue eyes
The idea of our obsession with animals was pretty fun
now that we looked back at it.But it was the kickstart of the whole
friendship.Once we became friends,Yce and I realized we had a lot
in common.Firstly our parents died the same way.They were shot.
I dont know where my dad is .If he even know I exist
but according to the police reports my mother and I lived here
until one day February 26th,10 months after I was born, my
mother was shot.I dont know why .I dont know whom but she
was shot dead in this very rare house and nobody ever came to
claim me.Its like a big puzzle that was never been solved.
Thats not why I came to the house today.Two weeks
ago,Yce and me were sent to the main office for something
stupid,anway while we are waiting for our head master Yce was
snopping around.He went behind the door so I could warn him
when our headmaster came down the hall.
Anyway as we were finished getting a lecture we
headedback to our rooms.He had not said anything about the files
so I assured he hadnt seen anything but when he pulled a brown

folder from under his shirt with a grin.It was actually mine.There
wasnt much information on it except for this address under
previous home.So we took a little trip.
I didnt know what I was expecting to see,I was eager to
get here , but now I was here I didnt seem to want to see
It seemed like we were studying there for ages until Yce
finally spoke againAre you okay? He asked ,putting his hand on
my shoulder.Look maybe this was a bad idea. Nocome in
with me I opened my eyes finnaly,Yce just nodded and followed
me silently .
The entrance wa dark. I couldntsee anything so I took
out my phone and used the torch . the walls were painted
cream,there was one ripped a part couch int the middle of a
roomand one completely destroyed bed in another .That was the
only furniture in the whole house.
I was quite disappointed even though I dont know to
expect . I sat in the cornerof the room with the bed .Do you think
she was killed in this room? I asked Yce.
Yce shrugged and sat beside me .Why do you think
they shot here? I asked him again.Yce shrugged again. I knew I
was making things awkward but I wanted answers and only way I
couldhave gottenany at that time was IF THE HOUSE COULD
So I ra nout of the house and just kept running.I could
heared Yce shouting but I needed to get a way.I was tired of
wondering what could have been so I gave up.

I ran and ran leaving all of my problems behind . I could finnaly

move on.So Ive never felt so free.

I imagined that The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt

whether one may not be going to prove one's self a fool; the
truest heroism is to resist the doubt; and the profoundest
wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted, and when it
be obeyed.
Another thing to myself was sometimes you've got to let
everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with
anything... whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it.
Because you'll find that when you're free, your true
creativity, your true self comes out. Tears shed for self are
tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of
Feelings aroused by the touch of someone's hand, the sound
of music, the smell of a flower, a beautiful sunset, a work of
art, love, laughter, hope and faith - all work on both the
unconscious and the conscious aspects of the self, and they
have physiological consequences as well.
It's difficult to believe in yourself because the idea of self is an
artificial construction. You are, in fact, part of the glorious
oneness of the universe. Everything beautiful in the world is
within you.

-Joyce Garcia

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