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Volume 6, Issue 13 January 31, 2010

Relief Efforts in Haiti

ASSEMBLY TIMES World Vision is on the ground right now in the Compassion’s Haiti Disaster Relief and Recov-
Haitian city of Port-Au-Prince, helping families ery Response will provide urgent essential sup-
Sunday Morning: and children devastated by the 7.0-magnitude plies and immediate care to Compassion-
earthquake Tuesday afternoon. Your donations assisted children, families and projects affected
10:00am Bible Class
are vital to the relief efforts and are needed by this major natural disaster, plus ongoing
11:00am Worship Service today. support to repair
and rebuild damaged
Thursday Evening: Every dollar makes homes and centres.
7:00pm Bible Study a difference and This includes items
now if you give a like water, food,
donation to the medical supplies,
Haiti Earthquake temporary shelter,
CONTACT INFORMATION victims through and blankets.
World Vision, by
1 Christina Street February 12th, it Our first efforts have
will double in im- been to stabilize our
Village of Kenosee Lake
pact due to a gen- Haitian staff (to lo-
erous contribution cate them as well as
Box 184 from the Canadian tend to any wounds
S0C 2S0 Government. they have), then to establish a secure work site
(306)577-2477 (currently operating out of the Compassion
With an international response team flying in office parking lot), and through the help of
from around the globe to assist, our relief ef- Leadership Development students and staff
___ forts are underway. World Vision Haiti is now from Haiti and Compassion International, we
distributing emergency supplies to families and are setting up a response strategy and begin-
LEADERSHIP children struggling to deal with this catastro- ning to assess each affected project.
phic disaster.
Elders: One hundred per cent of all funds raised
World Vision has been working in Haiti for over through the Haiti Disaster Relief Fund will be
Cameron Husband
30 years, helping an estimate 300,000 Haitians used immediately to provide for Compassion–
Harold Floyd each year to overcome poverty through provid- assisted children and families affected by this
Dale King ing access to education, improved access to crisis. Compassion is not withholding ANY funds
Jim Sedor food and clean water and improved nutrition as for administration purposes.
well as helping families with improved medical
care. Now, more than ever, your help is needed Any funds raised in excess will be stewarded by
to help families in Haiti and let them know they Compassion for additional aid in future disaster
Rolland Bouchard are not alone in this emergency. relief efforts.



THRIFT STORE DAYS Please make your cheques payable to

Marie McMillan - continued health
We will be working the thrift store “World Vision Canada” 
January 26 & 28 
February 23 &25 ANNOUNCMENTS Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard—
More dates coming very soon. Please submit written announcements by 
missionaries in Mexico.
Anyone interested in volunteering to help out Thursday each week.
please come any of the days listed here! Feel  Bernice Lawrence—struggling with

free to talk to Kay ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING health problems
 We would like to invite everyone to attend our Brent Peterson–
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE annual general meeting after the potluck on 
Here is a list of upcoming Homemakers Circle January 21, 2010. During the meeting we will
events. For more information talk to Judith. Chris Cornforth—continued health
be electing the executive (Chair, Vice-Chair, 
February - General Craft Night. Secretary, and finance). Be praying now for concerns
March 12 - Spa Moose Jaw.
those whose names you like to put forward. Those whose names have been put
April - Public Speaker/ to be announced. 
May - Greenhouse. This meeting is primarily to hear reports from forward for Shepherding
June - Tea house. the different ministries, approve a budget for
The specific details will be announced as each the year, and to fulfill the requirements of our  The new year: Our Resolute hearts
activity comes up. non-profit organization status. Please Plan to
  Pam asked us to Pray for her
attend this meeting. Thank you.
The Missions committee would like to invite
MORE ANNOUCEMENTS ON PAGE 2 Paul and Katrina Korchinski - friends
everyone to participate today in a special col- 
of Pam King. Paul is undergoing sur-
lection to support the relief efforts in Haiti.
Volume 6, Issue 13 January 31, 2010

(Continued from page 1) ASSEMBLY, January 31, 2010

White’s Ferry Road relief ministries has been a driving force in Christian Joy To The World
Disaster Relief since 1981 and we have seen the result of quick and generous re-
We Place You On The Highest Place
sponse in times such as these by people coming to Christ. During the last eight
years, over 3,000 people have been baptized into Christ as a result of the compas- Amazing Grace
sion that our World Radio speakers have shown through word and deed. They are Communion
our contact point and the work will be done through the local churches in Haiti He Keeps Me Singing
with your help. He Knows Just What I Need
The pictures and video we are watching on the news networks are eye-opening
illustrations of how quickly your priorities can change. One minute you are prepar-
ing for bed as the sun slips out of view and the next you are in the middle of disas- Special Collection
ter and darkness. When your whole world is turned upside down, you are instantly Be with me Lord
dependent. When we arrive with your support, we are not just bringing money and Caring and Sharing
supplies; we are bringing hope to a devastating situation and turning eyes to the Announcements
cross where true, lasting relief can be found. It's people like you that God uses as
His hands here on earth. Your past generosity testifies to your concern for the lives
of others during times of disaster. With the stroke of your pen or the click of your
mouse, you can give hope and change lives in Haiti forever. Please join your broth-
ers and sisters around this nation in responding quickly and generously with your MANLY MOVIE
tax-deductible donation to help the earthquake victims in Haiti. Friday, February 5, 20
At the Brew Pub with
the movie following at
the church building on
the BIG screen.
Starting at 7:00pm
Bring snack food for the
During a Provincial Safety Inspection at the And an appetite for wi
camp it was recommended that we make a ngs!
The movie will NOT be
change to the current septic system for the kitchen. After consulta- a romantic comedy, so
your manhood will rem
tions, we were told that this repair could cost up to $5000. At the ain intact through the
present moment there is not enough money in our “Capital Fund” to evening!
pay for this improvement. We are asking if you could please make a
donation to our “Capital Fund” so when improvements like these
are needed, we can make necessary changes. If you wish to give,
please make cheques payable to “Clearview Christian Camp” and
mail it to Clearview Christian Camp, co/ Laura Olson , 4 McDougall
Road, Regina Sk. S4S 5M4. Please include a note saying your funds
should be directed to “Capital Improvements”.

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and

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