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Sydney Storms

Sydney Storms
940 S. 5th W.
Rexburg, ID 83440

Event Ad
Web Page
Business Card

Description: Montage made by two or more photos and the
use of typography.

Date: February 14, 2015

Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Practice using photoshop layers.

Learn to blend pictures together using masking and applying filters.

Process: After finding 4 images from google, I started with the

background and then added more

images from there. After each image, I added a mask and blurred
the edges with my brush tool. It gave the effect that the pictures
were fading into the background. I used correct correct typography
for the wording. I got the quote from google images.


Description: A duplex folding brochure.

Date: March 28, 2015
Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr


Adobe Illustrator, InDesign


Align a two-sided folding document. Learn how to wrap text

around pictures and use paragraph styles.

Process: I made a two page layout and divided them

down the middle I used a monochromatic color scheme and

created a logo using Illustrator with the shape tool. I made
sure to wrap text around one of the photos that I found online. I created repitition with shapes and made sure they
were aligned.




A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft Word and a scanned image.

Date: April 1, 2015

Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Program(s)/Tools: Microsoft Word

Objectives: Create a full-bleed design.

Choose a color scheme and typeface that work for the message
and audience. Learn to use only Word design features without using any Adobe programs.

Process: After deciding what type of event I wanted to do, I

got onto Word and created a full bleed design with a lot of repitition and alignment.
I chose colors that went with the Halloween theme from google.

5K Halloween

Saturday October 31 at 8 AM


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from Runnin 4

Join Runnin 4 Sweets as

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of 2015 in Rexburg!

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Description: Show good photography and image editing skills.
Date: February 07, 2015
Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Learn basic photography skills.

Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match those colors, then

incorporate the colors into the layout.
Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it.
Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool.
Size and crop the image, then place on an 8.511 page layout.
Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements in
Process: I first decided which colors I was going to use and
then took a good quality picture. I cropped and messed with the
picture until I liked what it looked like and then made sure that it
had movement and alignment along with repetitiveness.

Description: Webpage showing and describing a logo
I created.
Date: March 14, 2015

Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Program(s)/Tools: Text Wrangler, HTML, CSS

Objectives: Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and CSS
and create a webpage.


I used HTML and CSS and created a page that

talked about my logo and displayed my logo on it. I linked the
CSS portion the the HTML page so I could see the
colors and dimensions.

Description: Matching business card and letterhead
with an added logo created by myself.
Date: February 28, 2015

Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Illustrator & InDesign

Objectives: Use my new logo to design consistent

layouts for a business card and letterhead.

Process: The first thing that took place was me figuring

out what type of business I was going to represent and then

I designed a logo in Adobe Illustrator that complimented
the business. After that I created an 8x11 inch letterhead
and placed the logo and my contact information on the
page. I also added a watermark because it was required of
me. I then took the shape tool to make two rectangles
representing the front and back of the card. I added the
logo and my contact information on that as well.

Description: Matching business card and letterhead with an
added logo created by myself.

Date: February 28, 2015

Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Program(s)/Tools: Illustrator & InDesign

Objectives: Use my new logo to design consistent
layouts for a business card and letterhead.

Process: The first thing that took place was me figuring out

what type of business I was going to represent and then I designed

a logo in Adobe Illustrator that complimented the business. After
that I created an 8x11 inch letterhead and placed the logo and my
contact information on the page. I also added a watermark because
it was required of me. I then took the shape tool to make two rectangles representing the front and back of the card. I added the
logo and my contact information on that as well.

Gentlemens Quarters

Sydney Storms
5521 Melrose Plaza

Description: Black & white flier to promote a graduate
leadership conference.

Date: January 24, 2015

Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Indesign

Objectives: Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic
flier layout.

Process: I started sketching designs that would help me for-

mulate a plan to catch the audiences eye. I then started designing the flier and organizing everything that I drew from my
sketches onto the computer. I contrasted different shades of grey
to make the flier standout. I then simplified the message by taking things out that didnt necessarily help with the unity and
flow of things.


L e a d e r s h i p C o n fe r e n c e

October 21
8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Lincoln Conventioun Center
Do you want to have the compititive edge in businness?

Come lear n how at Vouant Communications annual

Graduate Leadership Conference.
Who: Available to g raduating seniors. Space is limited.

What: D u r i n g t h i s d y n a m i c t h r e e - d ay s e m n a r, a t t e n d e e s w i l l m e e t w i t h t o p e xe c u t i ve s o f Vo u a n t C o m m u n i c a t i o n s t o d i s c u s s b r e a k t h r o u g h l e a d e r s h i p t e ch n i qu e s , w h i l e c u l t i v a t i n g a t t r i b u t e s o f l e a d e r s h i p t h a t
w i l l m a r ke t t o a ny e mp l oye r.
How: R egistration and more infor mation available at leaders
Vouant Communications: Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomor rows leaders gain essential leadership
skills in the workplace.

Description: 3 different types of logos for the company
Q.I.T Madagascar Minerals

Date: February 21, 2015

Comm. 130 Section 3
Cory Kerr

Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator

Objectives: Create three completely different, original logos

to fit a company or personal image that will appeal to the audience using only Adobe Illustrator.

Process: I went on to google images and found an image that

pertained to minerals. I chose a diamond. I then went on to my

Adobe Illustrator and made shapes of the diamond using triangles to recreate it in my own way. For the other logos I just used
typography, but I made sure that words were visible and that
there were usually two different complimentary fonts.

Q.I.T Madagascar Minerals


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Madagascar Minerals


M i n e rals

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