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Instrumentation Description


The instrumentation system includes devices that monitor system

performance. Some devices protect the equipment by tripping an
alarm or shutting down the equipment if it is not operating within
design conditions.

Instrumentation includes all devices that display or monitor flow,
pressure, speed, temperature, and vibration. The instrumentation
diagram shows devices used on the GG and power turbine. Other
diagrams show instrumentation for each system such as air, fuel,
lube oil, and hydraulic starter.

List of abbreviations
Abbreviations are used for words and phrases. Use the following list
as a guide:
GG = gas generator
H2O = water
OEM = original equipment manufacturer
rpm = revolutions per minute
RTD = resistance temperature detector
UCP = unit control panel

List of drawings
Refer to the following system drawings for additional information:
Air diagram RTXX48XX
Fuel gas diagram RTXX51XX
GG lube oil diagram RTXX46XX
Hydraulic starter diagram RTXX55XX
Instrumentation diagram RTXX37XX
Power turbine lube oil diagram RTXX46XX

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Instrumentation Description


Alarm and shutdown settings

Operating indicators throughout the system transmit information to
the UCP. If an operating parameter is too high or too low, the UCP
signals an alarm or shuts down the equipment. The established limits
protect the equipment. Never operate the equipment above or below
its limits. When an alarm or shutdown occurs, correct the situation
before attempting to continue operation.

Gauges display a pressure or temperature. Often temperature
gauges are mounted on the equipment, and pressure gauges are
located on panels. The panels are mounted on a console or near the
equipment. Gauges can be used as back up readings for electrical

Level switches and transmitters

Level switches and transmitters have the following three purposes:
To sense a liquid level or amount
To provide a means of automatic control of the liquid
To provide a way to protect the equipment
A level switch opens or closes a set of contacts at a predetermined
high or low liquid level. A signal is sent to the UCP which signals an
alarm or shuts down the equipment if the level or amount is above or
below the predetermined setpoint. A level transmitter sends an
analog signal to the UCP, which is converted, to a level reading. That
level reading is compared to a predetermined high or low liquid level
or amount by the UCP. An alarm is signaled or the equipment shuts
down if the level is above or below the predetermined setpoint.

Manometers are liquid filled devices that measure air pressure in
terms of
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Instrumentation Description


H2O level. The higher the pressure, the more H2O is displaced. One
manometer is used to measure the seal air pressure across the
labyrinth seal behind the second stage disc in the power turbine.

Pressure transmitters
Pressure transmitters provide a means of automatically monitoring or
controlling a system. Transmitters send a signal to the UCP that
relates to the measured pressure. The UCP trips an alarm or shuts
down the equipment if the measured pressure is above or below a

RTDs are located at critical points along the equipment train. RTDs
cause the current passing through them to vary as the temperature in
the system changes. The UCP uses this resistance to display
temperature or automatically protect equipment by signaling an alarm
or shutting down the equipment. The UCP also controls other devices
based on RTD temperature reading.

Speed Pickups
Speed pickups generate a signal that changes when the distance to
the shaft or gear changes. The speed monitor records a change in
the level of the signal caused by a ridge in the shaft or a gear tooth.
The number of changes over a given time results in rpm.
Predetermined setpoints, low and high, are compared with the rpm. If
the shaft speed is too low or too high, an alarm sounds or the
equipment shuts down.

Switches provide a means of automatically controlling a circuit or a
system. Switches open or close a set of contacts at a predetermined
pressure, temperature, or vacuum to send a signal to the UCP which
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Instrumentation Description


trips an alarm or shuts down the equipment. Some switches reset

automatically when the pressure, temperature, or vacuum returns to
an acceptable level.

Thermocouples generate a differential voltage and that voltage is
used to determine the temperature at the location of the hermocouple
by measuring the level and converting it to temperature in the UCP
which displays the temperature. If the temperature is above the
predetermined setpoint, an alarm sounds.

Vibration and axial position detectors and transducers

The vibration and axial position detectors and transducers sense the
gap between the probes tip and the rotor shaft. The detectors and
transducers provide a negative voltage proportional to the gap
distance. This voltage signal is sent to the UCP to determine
vibration, position, and Keyphasor detector position.

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