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FROM A.D. 1150 TO 1580


R E V . A. L. M A Y H E W , M.A.

R E V . W A L T E R W. S K E A T





"THESEOUI Ancient Words here set down, I trmt will for this time satisfie
the Reader."-K. V ~ S T E G A N , ~~~iii,~iion
a f ~ r c n y c d i , ~ i i i ? i ~ch.
~ uii
~ ~(at
r ~the
, end)
"Authentic words be given, or none !"

Lillli O l i

M ' Z C P ~ I T EOmimi



[ A l l rigiirs rereruedl



THEpresent work is intended to meet, in some measure, the reqnire-

.!merits of those who wish to make some study of Middle-English, and

(who find a difficulty in obtaining such assistance as \\-ill enable them to

!find out the mennin~s
. and etyrnolopies
- of the words most essential to
: their purpose.
J T h e best Middle-English Dictionary, that by Dr. Rlitzner of Berlin,
has only reached the end of the letter H ; and it is probable that
)'it will not be completed for many years. T h e only Rliddle-I<nglish
Dictionary that has been carried on to the end of the alphabet is that
("by the late Dr. Stratmann, of Iirefeld. This is a valuable rrork, and is
c:,indispe~~sablefor the more advanced student. However, the present
dwork will still snnnlrr
a defciencv.
. . a
,, as it differs from Stratmann's
in many particulars. We have chosen as our Main Words,
Owhere possible, the most typical of the forms or spellings of the period
of Chancer and Piers Plowman ; in Stratmann, on the other hand, the
form chosen as Main Word is generally the oldest form in which it appears,
frequently one of the twelfth century. Moreover, with regard lo authorities, nre refer in the case of the great majority 01 our forms to a few,
cheap, easily accessible worlrs, whereas Stratinann's authorities are mainly
the numerous and expensive publications of the Early English Text
Society. Lastly, we have paid special attention to the French element
in Middle-Enslish,mhereas Stratmann is somewhat deficient in respect of
words of French origin '. The book which has generally been found of
most assistance to the learner is probably Halliwell's Dictionary of
Archaic and Provincial TVords; but this is not specially confined to the
Midclle-English period, and the ~ l a nof it differs in several respects
from that of the present wail<.
'The scope of this volume will be best unde~stoodby an explanation of



A new and thoroagl~lyrevised edition of Stmlmann's Dictionary is being prcpared

by Mr. IIenry Bradley, ior the Dele~xtesof the Clarendon Press.



the circumstances that gave rise to it. Sonie useful and comparatively
inexpensive volumes illustrative of the Middle-English period hare been
issued by the Clarendon Press; all of which arc furnished with glossaries,
explaining all the important words, with exact references to the passages
wherein the words occur. In particular, the three useful hand-books
containing Specimens of English (fiom 1150 down to I 580) together
supply no less illan sixty-seven characteristic extracts fiom the inost
important literary monuments of this period; and the three glossaries to
these books together fill more than 370 pages of closely-printed type in
double columns. The idea suggested itself that it xvould be highly
desirable to bring the vcry useful information thus already collected
under one a@ha6et, and this has now been effected. A t the same time, a
reference has ill every case been carefully given to the pariiiuiar Glossarial
Index which registers each form here cited, so that it is perfectly easy
for any one ~ v h oconsults our book to refer, not merely to the particular
Index thus noted, but to the references given in that Index; and so,
by ineans of such references, to find every passage referred to, with its
proper context. nloreover the student only requires, for illis purpose, a
small array of thc text-books in thc Clareiidon Press Series, instead of a
more or less complete set of edibions of nliddle-English tcxts, the possession of which necessitates a considerable outlay of money. By this
plan, so great a covipi-ession of information has been aclrievcd, that a
large number of the articles give a summary such as can be readily
expanded to a considerable length, by the exercise of a very little
trouble ; and thus the work is practically as full of material as if it had
been three or four times its present size. A couple of cxamples mill
shew what this re a!I 1' means.
At p. z6 is the follo\ving entry:'Bi-heste, s6. promise, S, Sz, Cz, P ; byheste, S z ; beheste, Sz ;
byhest, Sz; bihese, S ; biheest, W ; bihese, p2., S.-AS. be-hiPs.'
By referring to the respcctive indexes here cited, such as S (=Glossary
to Specimens of English, Part I). and the likc, we easily expand this
article into the fo1loming:'Bi-heste, s6. promise, S (9. 1 9 ) ; Sz (I a. 184); Cz (B37, 41, 42,
F 699); P (3. 126); byheste, Sz ( 1 8 6. 25); beheste, Sz (14 a. 3 ) ;
byhest, Sz (12. 57, 18 6. 9, [where it may also be explained by ~ r n n i ] ) ;
bihese, S (where it is used as a plural); biheest, W (promise, command, Lk.xxiv. 49, Rom. iv. 13 ; pl. lidecsiis, Heb. xi. 13); bihese, S
(pl. hehcsts, promises, 4 d. 55).-AS 6ehiPs.'
In order to exliihit the full meaning of this-\vhich requires no further



explanation to those who have in hand the hooks denoted by S, Sz, &c.-it \vould be necessary to print the article at considerable length, as
follows :-'Biheste, s6, promise; "dusi hihesic," a foolish promise, (extract from)
Ancrcn Riwlc, 1. 19; "and we1 lute aule hulde ],e 6ihesfe bat he nom,"
(extract from) Robert of Gloucester, 1. 1 8 4 ; 'Lholdcth your biheste,"
Chaucer, Introd. to hlan of Law's Prologue, 1. 37 ; " dihesfe is dctte,"
samc, I. 41; "a1 my biheste," samc, 1. qz; "or breken his diheste;" Chaucer,
sequel to Squieres Tale, 1. 698 ; "porw fals dih~~fe,"
Piers Plowman,
Text B, Pass. iii, 1. 126 ; "to vol-vulle (fulfil) pat lyheste," Trevisa (extract
from), lib. vi. cap. 29, I. 25; "the lond of promyssioun, or of liehesfe,"
Prol. to IV~andeville'sTravels, 1. 3 ; "vij, fair @-hesi," William and the
Werwolf, 1.57; "pe &hest (promise, or grant) of o11ere menne kyngdom,"
Trevisa, lib. vi. cap. 29, 1. 9 ; " y schal sende the biheesf of my fadir in-to
>on," Wyclif, Luke xxiv. 49; "not hi the lawe is bdeest to Abraham,"
TVycl. Kom. iv. 13 ; " whannc the 6iheesfir weren not talcun," Wycl. Heb.
xi. 13 ; "longenge to godes h h e , " Old Eng. Homilies, Dominica iv. post
Pascha, 1. 55.'
VWc thus ohtain fifteen excellent examples of the use of this word, with
the full context and an exact reference (easily verified) in every case.
And, in the above instance, all the quotations lie within the compass of
the elcven texts in the Clarendon Press Series denoted, respectively, by
S, Sz, S3, C, Cz, C3, W, Wz, P, H, and G.
Tbc original design was to make use of these texl-hooks only; but it
was so easy to extend it by including examples to be obtaincd from other
Glossaries and Diclionaries, that a considerable selection of interesting
words was added from these, mainly for the sake of illustrating the
words in the Clarendon text-books. These illustrative ~vords can be
fully or partially verified by those who happen to possess all or some of
the works cited, or they can safely be taken on trust, as really occurring
there, any mistake being due to such authority.
A second example will make this clearel.. ' Brant, a& steep, high,
MD, HD ; brent, JD ; brentest, superl. Sz.--AS. iira?it (6ro7zl) ; cp.
Swed. 6ra?~t,Icel. 67-aftr.'
Omitting the etymology, the above information is given in two short
lines. Those \vl~opossess the 'Specimens of English' n;ill casily find
the example of the superl. 6rmiest. By consulting Witan~r's,Halliwell's,
and Jamieson's Dictionaries, further information can he obtained, and
the full article will appear as follows :'Brant, a+. steep, high, MD [brant, brent, adj. ags. drand, arduus,



altus, altn. 6mtty, altsch\v. 67-aater, schw. 67-ant, 61-ail, din. 6raL, sch. hren?,
nordengl. Diall. 6ranl: cf. "Crarrf, steepe,"&Tanipulus Cocabulorum, p. z5:
steil, hoch.-"Apon
the bald B~icifelondra~ztup he sittes," Icing Alesander, ed. Stevenson, p. 124 ; "Thir mountaynes ware als Zranl upritjc
as thay had bene walles," AIS. quoted in Halli~~~ell's
Dict., p. 206; " Hyje
bonklccs & 6rc72l," Gawain and the Grene Knight, 1. I? 16 j ; " Barred to
r e hyj bonk per breniesl hit \\,ern," Alliterative Poems, ed. Jlorris, Poem B,
1. 3791 ; HD [brant, steep, i K ~ ~ t h"Brant
against Floddcn Hill," explained by Na1.e~ from Ascham, " up the steep side ;" cf. Brit. Bibl, i.
132, same as 6,-and&?-"And
thane thay com tille wonder heghe
mountaynes, and it scmed as the toppes had towched the firmament;
and thir mountaynes were als b r a d uprijle as thay had belle ~~ralles,
that ther was na clymbyng upon thame," Life of Alexander, RIS. Lincoln,
fol. 38] ; ID [brent, a$. high, straight, upright: "Rly bak, that sumtyme
brmi hes bene, Now crnilris lyk ane camok tre," Maitland Poems, p. 193 ;
followed by a d i ~ ~ u . n be.xfendLi?g
to more lhn7z 160 liites of sn~nllprzizi,
which wcj&deaf- lo yzio/e]; brentest, sz@erZ. Sz. 13. 379 ["And bowed
to pe hy? bonk per bril~/esthit mere (MS. wern)," Allit. Poems, I. 379 ;
all-tady cited ih Rliitzner, a6outI.'
The sork, in fact, contains a very large collection of vords, in many
variant forms, appearing in English literature and in Glossaries between
A.D. 1150 and A.D.1550. T h e glossaries in S z , S3 (Specimens of English, rzg8-1393, and 1394-1579) have fi~rnisheda considerable number
of words belonging to the Scottish dialect, which most dictionaries
(excepting of course that of Jamieson) omit.
T h e words are so arranged that even the beginner mill, in general,
easily find what lie wants. We have included in one article, together
with the Main Word, ail the variant spellings of the glossaries, as well as
the etymological information. We have also given in alphabetical order
numerous cross-references to facilitate the findingof most of the variant
forms, and to connect them with the Rlain Tlrord. In this \ray, the
arrangement is at once etymological and alphabetical-adapted
to the
needs of the sludcnt of the language and of the student of the literature.
T h e meanings of the words are given in modern English, directly altcr
the Main Word. T h e nriant forms, as given in their alphabetical position,
are frequently also explained, thus saving (in such cases) the trouble of a
cross-reference, if the meaniug of the word is alone required.
An attempt is made in most cases to give the etymology, so far at
least as to shew the immediate source of the Middle-English word.
Especial pains have been taken with the words of French origin, which



form so large a portion of the vocabulary of the Middle-El~glisliperiod.

In many cases the A F (Anglo-F~encb)forms are cited, from my list of
English Words found in Anglo-l'lench, as published for the Philological
Society in 1882.
T h e student of English n.110 x~isiiesto trace back the history of a word
still in use can, in general, find the Middle-English form in Skcat's
Etymological Dictionary, and mill then be able to col~sultthe present
work in order to obtain further instances of its early use.
T h e relative share of the authors in the preparation of this work is
easily explained. T h e whole of it in its prcscnt form (with the exceptioil
of the letter N) was compiled, prepared, and written out for press by
Mr. Mayhew. The original plan nas, ho\~cver,my own ; and I began
by writing out the letter N (since augmented) by way of experiment and
model. I t will thus be seen that Mr. &Taylle~v'sshare of the work has
been incompnrably the larger, illvolving all that is most laborious. O n
the other hand, I may claim that mucli of the labour was mine also, at a
inuch earlier stage, as having originally compiled or revised the glossaries
marked Sz, S3, C z , C3, W, TVz, P, and G, as well as the very full
glossarial indexes cited as U,PP, and W 4 , and the dictionary cited as
Skll. T h e important glossary marltcd S \vas; honever, originally the
work of Dr. Morris (since re-ir-ritlen by &TI-.hlayliem), and may, i n a
sense, be said to he the bacli-bone of the 1%-llole,
from its supplying a
very large number of the inost curious and importarlt early forms.
The material used has been carefully revised by both authors, so that
they must be held to bc jointly responsible for the final form in which
the whole is now offered to the puhlic.

One grcat difficulty in finding a Middle-English word in this, or any

other, Ilictionary is due to the frequent variation of the symbols denoting
the vowel-sounds. Througliout the wliole of the period to xvhich the
work relates the symbols i a n d y , in particular, are cor~stantlyinterchanged,
whether they stand alone, or form parts of diphthongs. Consequently,
words which are spell 11jit11 one or these syrnbols in a given text must
frequently he looked for as if spelt with the other; i.e. the pairs of syinbols
i and y,ni and ay, ci and y,oi and oy, ai and zy, must he loolied upon
as lilielp to be used indifferently, one lor the other. For further information, the student should consult the remarks upon Phonology in the
Specimens of English (1150 to I ~ O O )2nd
, ed., p. xxv. For those who

have not time or opportunity to do this, a few brief notes may perhaps
T h e followiiig symbols are frequently confused, or are employed as
equivalent to each other because they result from the same sound in the
Oldest English or in Anglo-French :2;~;--ai, a~;-ez; y ; - o L ; o y ;-ui, 9.
a, o ;-a, u?, e, ca ;-c,
eo, ie ;-o,
u, OZL ;-(all
originally short).
a, u?, en, e, ee;-e, ee, eo, Zi ;-a, 00, OC;-U, O ~ ui;-(a11
These are the most usual interchanges of syml~ols,and will commonly
sullicc for practical purposes, in cases where the cross-references fail.
If the word bc not found alter such substitulions have been allo\vcd for,
it may bc talcell for ranted that the Dictionary does not contain it. As
a fact, the Dictionary only contains a considerahlt number of such words
as are most common, or (for some special reason) deserve notice; and
it is at once conceded that it is but a small hand-book, vhich does not
preteud to exhibit in aii its fulness the extraordinarily copious vocabulary o l oul. language at an important period of its history. The student
wishing for complete information will find (in course of timc) that the
New English Dictiouary mhich is being brought out by the Clarcnclon
IJress will colltai~iail words found in our literature since the year 1100.
Of course variations in the vo~vel-soundsare also ii~troduced,in the
case of stro~igverbs, by the usual 'gradation' due to their method of
conjugation. T o meet this difficulty in some measure, numerous (but
not exhaustive) cross-references have bee11 introduced, as xvliell, e.g.
'Bar, bare' is given, with a cross-reference to Beren. Further hclp in
this respect is to be had from the table or 183 strong verbs given at
pp. lxix-lxxxi of the Preface to Part I of the Specimens of English
(2nd edition) ; see, in particular, the alphabetical index to the same, at
pp. lxxxi, lxxxii. T h e same l'rcface further contains some account of
the three principal 3Iiddlc-English dialects ((p. xl), and Outlines of the
Grammar (13. xlv). It also explains the meaning of the symbols P, "6
(both used for lh), j (used f o r y initially, gh medially, andgh or r fillally),
with other necessary information.

This worlr gives aN thc words and early form contained in the
glossaries to eleven publications in the Clarendon Press Series, as
below :~.-SPECIMENSOF EARLYENGLISH,ed. Morris, P a r t I : from A.D. 1150
tO A. D. 1300.
This book contains extracts from :-1. Old English Homilies, ed. hlarris,

E. E.T.S. 1867-8,pp. 23o-a4t; s. The Saxon Chronicle,*.l,. 1137,1138,1140,

1154; 3. Old Eng. IIomilies, ed. Morris, First Series, pp. 40-55; 4. The same,
Second Serics, pp. 89-109 ; 5. The Ormnulum, ed. White, 11. 962-1719, iq,. 3157 ; 6. Layamon's Brut, ed. Madden, 11. 13785-74387 [add13784 to tile ?azrriiberof
the iiize ill fhe v&re,zic] ; 7 . Saivles Watde, from Old Eng. IIorniiies, ed. Monis,
First Series, pp, 245-zqg, zgg-z67 ; 8. St. Juliana, ed. Cockqne and Brocli;
9 . Tlie Ancren l<iwIc, ed. Morton, pp. ZOS-316, 416-430; 10. The \Voaing of
our Lord, from Oid Eng. Homilies, ed. Morris, First Scries, pp. 277-283; 11. A
Good Orison of our Lady, from the same, pp. 19,-199; 12.ABerUury, the I,iun,
Eaglc, elid Ant, from An Old Eng. !Viiscellany, ed. Morris; 13. Old I<entiih
from the same, pp. 26-36 ; 14. Proverbs oi Alfred, from thc same, pp.
xo2-730; 15.Verbion 01 Grncsisan<lExodas,er!. Morris, li. ryo?-z536 ; 16.Owl
nnrl Nightingale, from An Old Ens. hiisccllnny, ed. hiorris, 11. 1-94, 133-~32,
253-282, 303-352, 391-446. 549-555, 598-623, 659-750, 837-855, 905-920,
1635-1683, 1699-1794; 17. A Mmnl Ode (two copies), from An Old Eng. hiiicellany and Old Xng. IIJomilies, 2nd Series, cd. hlorris; 18.lIaielok the Dnnc,
ed. Skeat, 11. 339-748; 19. Icing IIorn (in full).

SZ.-SPECIMENS OF ENGLISII,Part 11, ed. Morris and S k c a t ; from

A. 1). 1298-1393.
This book contait~sen~rvcls
from :-I. Robert of GloacesteisChroi~icic(William
the Conqueror and St. I>uostnn) ; 2. Metrical Psalter, Psnllnr 8, 14 ( I S ) , 17(18),
23 (24), 101 (103), 103 (104); 3. The Proverbs of Flendyng; 4 . Specimens of
I.yric Poetry, ed. TTrigI~t (Alysoun, Yiea for Pity, Parable of the Labo~irers,
Spring-time); 5. Roberl Mannyng's I l a n d l y n ~ eSynne, 11. 5575-5946; 6. Ii'iliium
of Shoreham, I>e Baptismo; ?. Ctirsor Mundi, ed. Morris, !I. 1'373-1,791 [nihl
11372 20 the nzznik~is the refe?.rizie]; 8. Eng. Metrical Homilies, ed. Snlvll
(Second Sunday in Advent, Third Sunday after tile Oclave of Epiphany) ; 9. The
Ayenbile u i Inwyt, cd, hlorris, pp. 263-9, and p. 2 6 2 ; 10. IIumpole's Pricli of
Conscience, 11. 432-9, 464-509, 528.555, 662-707, 728-829, 1211-rzyz, 141%1473, 1818-29, 1836-51, 1884-1929, 2216-2233, 2300-11, 2334-55, 2364-73,
7813-24; 11. Minot's Songs, Nos. 3, 4, 7 ; 12. William o i Palerne, cd. Slmnt,
11. 3-381; 13. Allitcmti,e I'oims, ed. Morris, Poem 13, 11. 235-544, 947-972,
1009-,051 ; 14. Mandeville's Travels, Prologue, part of Cliap. r z , and Chap.
26 ; 15. Piers the Plowman, A-tcxt, Prologne, l'asaus I, part of Pass. 2, Pass. 3,
Pass. 5, parls ofPais. 6 and 7; 16. Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, Boolr VII. 11. 1230, 400-487; 1 7 . Wyclif's translati011 of St. Mark's Cospcl, Chapters 1-6;


IIeieford's version of tile Psalms, Pr. r4(15), 2 3 (24). 1 0 2 (103) ; 18. Trevisa's
translation of IIigden'r Palyclironicon, lib. i. c. 41, c. 59, lib. vi. c. 29;
lo. Chaacer, M a n of Law's Tale ; 20. Gower's Confessio Amantis, part of
Hook V.



Part 111, ed. Skeat ; from A . D . 1394-1579.

This book contains extracts from :-1. Piercc the Ploughman's Crcde, 11. 153267, 339-jh5, 744-765, 785-823 ; 2. Hoccle?~'sDellegimine Principurn, stanrns
281-301, 598-628; 3. Lydgate, Loi~donLickpenny, and the Storie of Thebes,
bk. ii. 11. 1064-1419;4. James I (of Scotland), the I<iog's Quair, slanrue 15%153 ; 5. Pecock's Repressor, pl. i. c. 19 ; pl. ii. c. 11 ; 6. Blind Harry's Vl'alliice,
hlr. i. 11. 181-448; 7. Chevy Chase (earlier version); 8.hfaloiy'sl\Iorte Dartl~ur,
bk. rai. c. 3-7 ; 9 . Caxton's Ilistory of Troy; 10. The Kot-brown Maid;
11. Dunbar, Thialle and Icose, and Poem on being desired to be a Frial.;
la. Hawe%Pastime of Pleailire, c. 33; 13. G. Dougla$, Prol. t o K.neid, book xii ;
14. Sl:elton, Why ComeYe Nat to Courle, 11. 287-382, 396-756; PhilipSparrow,
11. 998-1260; 15. Lord Berners, tr. of Proissarl, c. 50, c. 130; 16. Tyndnle,
Obedience of a Christian Man ; 17. Morc, Di;liogne Concrmil~giiererics, Wr. iii.
c. 14-16; Confutation of Tyndale, bk. iii ; 18. Sir T. Elyot, The Gorernor, blc, i.
c. 7 7 , 18 ; lo. Lord Surrey, Lr. of B.'.ncId, bk. ii. 11. 253-382, 570.736, and minor
pocrnr ; 20. Sir T. JI'lat, Three Satires, and niinor poems ; al. Latimcr, Sermon
on the Plo~iglicrs; 23. Sir D. Lynderay, Tile Monarchy, bk. iii, li. qqgy-+6iz,
4663-9+ 4709-38; blc. iv. 11. 5450-5639; 23. N. Udall, Ralph Roister Doirter,
Act iii, sc. 3-5 ; 24. Lord Bucklrorst, The Indtictiall ; a 5 Archam, The Schoolmaster, bk, i ; 26. Gnscoigne, The Steel Glns, 11. 4r8-470, 628-638, 750-893,
lolo-1x79: 27. I,yly, Euphues n:ld his Xplrcebus; 28. Spenier, Shepherd's
Calendar, November, December.

T h e remaining eight publications in the Clarendon Press Series which

have also been indexed are those marked C, Cz, C3, W, Wz, P, 11, and
G ; i.e. three books containing extracts from Chaucer, two books containing parts of Wyclif's Bible, part of Piers Plowman, Hampole's Psalter,
and Gamelyn ; the full titles of which are given below.
We also give all the important words occurring in CRI (Chaucer, ed.
Morris); and in addition to this, and for the purpose of illustration, forms
are given from various texts and llictionaries, and from tlie Glossaries to
B (Bruce), PP (Piers Plowman), and WA (TVars of Alexander).




No'r~.-The abbreviations referring to the authorities Tor the forms of English
words (AD. 1150-,580) are printed in italics. (CP=Clarendon Press.)
A@,$.: Alphita, a Medico-Botanical ' 20. CV: Icelandic Dictionary, Cleasby and
Vigfuason, ~ 8 7 4 . CP.
Glossary, ed. Mowat, 1887. CP.
2. Anglo-Saxon Goipeli,in AS. andNorth- 21. D G : Davies, Supplementary English
Glossary, 1881.
umbrian Versions, ed. Slceut.
3. Apfelstedt: Lothringischer Psalter (des 2%. Diei: Etyrnologinches LVGrterbuch,
XIV Tahrhondertr>.
,, ,881.
q. B: Barhour's Brucc, rd. Slieal, 1870, 23. Douse: Introduction to the Gothic uf
Ulfilus, 1886.
EETS. (Extla Series xi).
24. Ducange: Gloasarium, ed. Henichel,
5. Bardsly: English Surnames, 1875.
6. Bartsch: Chrestornathie de I'ancicn
zl*. Ducnngc: Glossaire Franqais, ed.
f r a n ~ a a(glossaire), 1880.
6:. B H : Barlsch and Homing, Langut
25. EDS: English Dialect Society.
et Litterature fran~aises,,857.
7. Bosworth: Anglo-Saxon Dietionilly 26. E Z T S : Early English Text Society.
27. Fick: Whrterbuch der indogermanis1838.
chen Spraclien, 1874.
8. Bruchet: French Dict., 1882. CP.
28. Flonio: Italian and English Dict.,1611.
, Hrilamnnn : Grundriss. 1886.
zg. G : Tale of Gamely", ed. Skeat, 1 8 8 ~ .
10. BT.: Bosworth-Toller AS. Dicl. [ACP~
1 1 . C: Chuucer: Prol., Knieht's Tale
N L I I I .Priest's
Tale. cP.
la. C z : Chaucer; Prioress, Sir Thopas, 31. G ~ e i n : Glossar der angcliiichsischen
Poesie, 1861.
M o n k Clerk, Squire. CP.
13. C3 : Cha~iccr; Man of Law, Pardoner, 32. Grimm: Teutonic Xyth~logy,ed. Stalhbrass.
Sccond Nun. Canon's Yeornan. CP.
. 1881.
14. Cath.: Catholicon Angliculn ( a , ~ .33. 11: IIampole, Psalter, ed. Bramle~,
1884. CP.
1483), ed. IIerrtage, 1881. EETS
34. 1ZD : Ilalliwell, Dict. of Archaic and
Provincial Words, 1874.
15. Chron.: Two Saxon Chronicles, ed.
35. Heliand, ed. Heyne, 1873.
Earle, 1865. CP.
36. I D : Jnmieson, Scoltisi~ Dictionary,
16. CM: Chaucer,ed. Mcrris, 1880.
17. Constans: Chrestomathie de l'ancien
37. 1Cluge : etpologisches TIrarterbuch der
franqais (&lossaire), 1884.
deuticlien Spruche, 1883.
18. Cots.: Cotgrave, French and English
38. Leo : angelsichsisches Glossnr, 1877.
Dict., 1611.
19.Cartiar: Greek Etymology, ed. Wilkins 39. Ma?zip.: Manipulus Vocabulornrn, Le"ins, ed. Wheatley, EETS, 1867.
and England, 1886.




40. AfD: Mitzner, altenglischer W8rter- 61 SA Shal~espearcLexicon, bv Schmidt,

buch Ti\-H1.1885.
>. "
41. blinshco : Spanish and English Dict., 62. Sieveis : Grammar of Old English, ed.
A.S. Cook, 1885.
6 3. SAD: Skeut, Etymological Dict. o i
42. ArD: Narcs, Glossary, 1876.
Eng. Lang., 1884. CP.
43. N k D : New English Dictionary, ed.
64. Skeat, English Words in NormanIvIi~rray[A-UOZ]. CP.
French, 1882, Phil. Soc.
44. NQ : Notes nud Queries.
45. OET : Oldest EnglinhTerls, ed. Sweet, G j . Skeat, hlceso-gothic Glossary, 1868.
66. SPB: Smythe Palmer, Dictionary of
1885, EETS (83).
45'. ONE: Oliphant, The New English,
Folk-Etymology, 1882.
G7. Sprnscr: Faery Qneenc, glossaries to
Hoolts I nod 11, 1887. CP.
46. Otirid : Evangelienbnch, glossar, ed.
68. Sweet: AS. Reader, 1884. CP.
Piper, ,864.
47. P : Piels the Plowman (li~tert),ed. 69. Tatian: Evungelienbilch, cd. Sievers,
Skcat. CP.
48. Palw: Palsgrave, 1,escl~ircissementde 70. T C : Trench, Select Glossary, 1879.
71. ?i-duisa: version of IIigden, Rolls'
Iang~leiiancoyse, ed. 1852.
Series (41).
49. I'P: Piers tbc Plowman, glossary by
7 2 . Vot. :
TTright's Vocabularies, ed.
Skcat, rSSj, EETS (81).
Wiilcker, 1884.
50. PP.Notcr: by Skcat, 1877, EETS(G7).
51. Proiiipf.:PromptoriumParvulorum, cd. 73. VP : Vespasian Psalter, ar printed in
OET., see 45.
Way, Camden Soc., 18Gj.
52. PE.:(after P r e n c h i o r m ~ ) , ~ c e A ~ f e I ~ t e74.
d t .Vulg : Lhc Vcilgvte Version of the
53. R D :Richnrdaon's English Dictionary,
75. W : Wycliffe, New Testament (Par1867.
~ c y ' srevision), ed. Skeat, 1879. CP.
54. Roland: Chanson dc Roland, ed. Gau76. PVz: Wycliffc, Job, Psalms, &c. (rctier, 1881.
vised by Hereford and Purvey), ed.
55. S: S1,eeimens of Early English, l'art I,
Skent, 1881. CP.
ed. Morris, 1885. CP.
56. Sz: Specimens of Early English, part 77. W A : Wars o i Alemodrr, ed. Skeat,
1887, EETS (Extra Series nlvii).
11, ed. Morris and Skcat, 1873. CP.
57. S3: S~~ccirnenr
o i English Literatille, 78. IVeigand : deutsches Wiirterbach,
ed. Skeat, 187y. CP.
58. S 8 : Sinonoma Hmtholomci, 14th Cent. 79. TVindisch : Glossary added to Old
Irish Texts, 1882.
Glorsary,ed. Mownt, 1882. CP.
59. Sch~nid: Gesetze der Angelsnchsen 80. WW: Wright, The Bible Word-Book,
(glossar), 18jS.
Go. S D : Stratmann, Dict. of the Old Eng- 81. ZRP: Zeitrchriit iiir romanische Philalogie, ed. Grober.
lish Langnage, 1878.


ME. : Middle English.

A F : Anglo-French, see 64.
Nort11.E. : Northern English, see 4, 36.
A S : Anglo-Saxon, see 10,3 7 , q j , 62.
Church Lnt.: Ecclesiastical Latin, see 2 4 , . O F . : Old French, see 3, 6, 17, 18, l z , 24,
30, 48, 54.
OHG. : Old IIigh German, see 3 j , 46, 69,
Goth.: Gothic, see 2 3 , 65.
Gr.: Greek, seeg, 19, 27.
OIr. : Old Irish, see 1 9 , 79.
Icel. : Icelandic, see ao.
OMerc.: Old blercian, see a (Rushworth
It. : Italian, see 28.
Lut. : Latin.
version), 45.73.
Late Lat. : Post-classical Latin, of Latin ONorth. : Old Northumbrian, see 2.
OS. : Olci Saxon, see 35.
origin, see zq, 7 2 , 74.
Low Lat. : I.atin deiiverl from the later OTeut. : Old Teutonic (as restored by
scholars), see 2 7 , 43.
European languages, see I, 14, 24,
Sp. : Sk>anish, sec 41.
$1, 58.

I n thc etymological part thrcc stops are used as symbols in connexion with the cognate forms cited, namely the comma, the semi-coloil, and the colon. T h e comma is
uscd to connect various spellings of a word, as well as parallel formr cited from nearly
connecteil lnnguagea: for instance, s.v. daunger, the O F , forms are so connected. T h e
semi-colon between two formr denotes that the two forms are phonetically equivalcnt,
andthat the preceding one ir directly derived frorn, and is historically connected with
the one following this symbol; for instance, s.v, bugle, the O F , h z f k is the phonelic
equivalent of thc Lat. li~ialum,and is immediarely derived therefrom. T h e colon between two forms denotes that the two forms are phonetically equivalcnt, and that the
form following this symbol is an earlier, more primitive form than the oiie preceding,
withant an immediate interborro\~ing betireen the languages being asserted ; for instance, s. v. demen, the Goth. ddidny'a./nr~ is an older form thail the AS. ddmorr, but
ddr,inn is not borrowed from the Gothic. T h c abbreviation 'cp.' introduces other
cognate farms, and has the same value us the symbol + in Skent's Dictionaries.
The asterisk * a t tlie beginning of a word denotes a theoretical form, assumed (upon
scientific princlliles) t o have iornlerly cnisted. T h e sign=is to be read ' a translation
of.' ' ( $ 2 ) ' after Prompt., Catli, and other aulborities rciers to foot~notesor other notes
citing the form in question.







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h ~ l i t ~ s t ~ f f e ~asdadnice
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Abiggen ; see Abven.

Abil, adj. able, CM ; able, C ;

abeien, S ; abie, PP ; abui), pr. s., S ;

hable, abugb, pr. pi., S ; abouhte, pt. r., S ; a,
S3. MD.-OF. able, habie (mod. F.ho6ile); boughte, G ; &bought,pp. C3.-AS. dLst. habiiem.
6yc,~a,z. (A- I . )
Abilite, sb. ab~lity,N E D ; habilitie, Abyme, rL. abyss, S z , HD.-OF. a6ime,



Abiljeit, pp. apparelled, S3.-OF.

abisme; Low Lat. *abysdssil,zrt,n, supcrl. of

ha. Lat. nbysrus; Gr. LiJiuooor, bottomless.


(A- 11.)

but, S , S*, P ; ace. 8 ; ah, S,

Sz ; ak, S z , P P ; hac, S ; ech, M D ; auh,
bit, rb. dress, a monk's
habit, MD2 S ; such, MD ; 0 % S ; occ, S.-AS.
PP, CM, H D ; abite, W.-AF. abit (hobit) ;
Acc-; see AC-.
Lat. habiturn (acc.).
A-biten, a. to bite, S.-AS. d-bitan. Accident, sl. accident (a term of the
schoolmm), C3.-Lat. aiiidc+iten&.
(A- I).
Accidie, sb. sloth, indolence, S , CM,
Abject, pp. and a@. cast out, NED.
PP.-AF. airidic ( N E D ) ; Low Lat. ariiAbjecte, u. to cast aside, S3.
niedia; Gr. dzn8io, heedlessnesr, torA-blawen, v, to blou., M D ; ableow, die,
por. (A- 11.)
pt. s., s.-AS. d-Udwan. (A- I,)
A-cennen, u. to bring forth, to beget,
~ - b l ~ ~to d
~ M~D ;,
M D ; acenned, $j.M D ; accenned, S ;
pr, $., S ; pi., S ; ab~enae,jt. $., M D ; a: akenned,
M U ; akenllet, S ;
,,lena,pp. RID.-AS. d.licndan. (A- ,.)
A-bouten, adv. undprrp. about, C z , P, aoend), S.-AS. diemnan. (A- I . )
M D ; =buten, s ; =buuten, S ; abuton, S ; ' A-cennende, sl. betelling, birth, S.
abute, S ; aboute, S , G ; oboute, M D ; A-cenneng, sb. birth, S.
obout, Sa.-AS.
on-baltan (=on-be-dtan). A-chape, u. to escape, N E D ; achsped,
(A- 2.)
pt. s., Sz-OF. ashaper; c t AF. m~apev.
A-bouen, adz. andprcp. above, ca,pp, (A- 9.) Cf =sohapen, Ascapie.
MD ; aboue, PP ; abufen, S ; abunen,. Achate, u. to purchase, NED.-OF. oMD ; abowen, M D ; &bone,S3, J D ; O ~ O - ci'atrr (F. acheter), arnter ; Late Lat. aicapven, MD ; obowen, MD ; c,boune, MU. tare.
Phr. : st here above, Sz.-AS. on +bu&
Achate, sl. purchase, provisions pur(=be+ufan). (A- 2 . )
chased, N E D , C ; achat, [ I D ; acate,
Abregge, u. to abridge, shorten, C ; a- N E D ; scates, pi, HD.-OF. achat, A F .
breggide, pp., W ; breggid, W.-OF. a. aatc. See above.
bregcr, alregitr : Prov. adrevjar ; Lat. 06- Achatour, s6. a purchaser of provisions,
Ireviare. (A- 8,)
purveyor, C, NED, [ I D ; aoatonr, NED.A-breiden, u. to start up, to draw A F . athatow, aiatour; Late Lat. aiiapta(sword), to thrust oat, to blame, S ; a- to"".
breyden, N E D ; abraid,pt. s.,S; abreyde, Ache, $8. pain, Prompt. ; eche, M D ;
C z ; abraYde, C ; abroClen,@., S ; a%rv- haohe, 1ID.-AS. reib (rie). See Aken.
den, S.-AS. d+lregdan. (A. I . )
Ache, rb. wild celery, parsley, N E D ,
A-brode, a h . abroad, PP ; abrood, C2 ; Voc-OF. ache; Lat. apium ; Gr. drtov.
abrod, widely apart, PP. (A- 2.)
Achesoun, sb. occasion, motive, IID,
Abusioun, $6. deceit,. S z , CQ.-OF. a- MD, NED.-OF. nihoison, ocoison ; Lat.
busion (Cotg.).
oiiaxione7,~. Cf. Anoheroun, Enohesoun,

Abiljement, r6, clolhing, S3.-OF.


Abute, Abuton, Abuten;

see A- Chesoun.

Achtande,ord. eighlh, Sz, NED.-Icel.

A-buaen, a. to bow, MD ; =buen, M D ; d f t a r d i ; cp. O I I G . ahtande. C f . Eighte


abouwen, M D ; abbowe, N E D ; abeah, (04.).

E., M D ; abeh, S.-AS.
d-bzeps. (A- A-(iolien,u.towancold;aoolede,pt.r.,
S ; acoled,pj., S.-AS. d-idlien. (A- I . )
toencnmber, PP; acumA-byen, Abye, v . to buy, to pay for, Acombren,~.
S3, C z , C3, P P ; abmpe, P P ; abiggen, brid,pj., S2.-OF. eniombrer. (A- lo.)
p p ; abuggen, S, P P ; abeggen, MD, G ; Acomplesshen, u. to accomplish




D. to

A-fer, adv, afar, W, Wz ; afeer, NED ;

d-ddPoca?i. of feor, S (s.v.fior). (A- 3.) C t A-ferre.

endure, benr, H D ; adri-

3en, 5 (19. ZO~?), MD.-AS.



Afere, sb., afiair, bustle, appearance,

demeanour, Sz, NED ; effere, Sz ; effeir,
A-dun, adu. down, S ; see Adoun.
A-aunien, u. to din; aaunent, 2 pr. s., Ss, S3; efCer, Sz ; affe-s, $1, PP.-OF.

a f e n = a + j i r e ; Lat.$~iiiccrr,to da. (A- 7.)

adenya,pp. MD. (A- I.)
adv. downward, N E D ; A-feren, u. to frighten, terrify, S, Pl';
afferen, MU; affearc, z pr. s, s u v , S ;
adonward, Sz.
afered,pp. afraid, S, C. 1' i aferd, S, C, l',
adversarie, r6. adversary,
W I ; afeerd, \V; afert, PI'; eferde, S3,
aduersarie; Lat. adue~rarius.
P, W ; sfferde, S3.--AS. dikran. (A-



Advertence, sb. mental attention, C3.


Lat. ndve,tentia.


adz. afar, Plompt. ; oferrurn,

Advocat, $6. advocate, intercessor, C3; S,A-ferre,
; onferrurn, S z ;
NKD; onvokate, PP; vokxte, rausidicm,Voc.; vo- ferr, NED, ( - ,
~t Afer,
kettus, pi. PP.-OF. aliuoiat; Lat. oduo
ratum (ncc.).
Affamysit, pp. famished, S3, NED.
E , rb. law, MD.-AS.
(4,larv, divine cp.
OF. afil,Ler; Late L ~ a~~h7,,. are.
law, the Mosaic law, marriage; Goth. iciws,
adu. i~assionatcl?, HD,
an age,
cp. OH(;. J ~ the~ law

of Gad, eternity (Otfrid). Cf. =-hee,
hearty, affectionate,
Eu-bruche, Eohe.
13; affectuse, NED.-Lat.
lhumble,gentle, M D ; see NED,



humbly, S ; see


d ~ i ~

rnodnesre, S ; see Admodnesse.

x h t e , nu eight, MD ; see Eighte.
Ehtene, izwai. eighteen, S ; see Eightene.
Eoure, prorr. your, S ; see 3oure.
Xrd, sb. native land, home, S; sce Erd.
Erfe8-telle, a@. diificult to count, S.
See Arfe'b.
Brnde, sl. criund, MD; see Erende.
Zmd-race, 56. messenger, S ; =maraches, p i , S.-AS. $rend-mca.
a m e n , u. to run, S ; see Rennen.


1E-uez, a@. pious, fast in the lab", S.AS. $3st.

See 1E.

Afaiten, u. to aifcct, to prepare




Ct Ef-

to frighten, Cz; affrayed,

~ C,,C3, ~u.
~ ,
. Sz,
W ; sce Afrayen.
Afile, u. to file down, NED; s*ffyle,C.



A-flemen, u. to drive w a y , M D ; a-


ulem, imp.




Afolen, v, to befool;
$$,, S ;
afoild, NKU, IID.-OF, a/o~er
Low Lat. *od,!olio(are, to make foolish.
(A- 7.)
A-fon, u. to receivc, S ; afeoh, i n ~ j .S, ;
avop, $7. pi., S ; auenge, pi. pi, Sa.- AS.
dgd~e,o?i-/h (for ondjdri), see Sievcrs, 198,
5. 1. (A- 4.) Cf. Onfon.
Aforce, u. to force, constrain, NED, I I ;
afforce, H ; aforsea,, 11.-OF. a@r
ier, i t f o r d c i - , r+l?irr; Late Lat. ezfirtiare,
from Lat. fortis, slrong. (A- 9.)
A-fore, a h . , prep., bciore, l'P, W W ;
affore, P P ; afor, PP ; affor, 1'1'; aforn,
NED.-AS. orzforate. (A- 2.)
A-forthen, a. to inrther, promote, to
achieve, to manage to do, to manage to
give, to aKard; P, NED, SkD, I I U ; 8for&, NED.-AS, gr t,for(lian. (A- 6.)
A-fote, a h . on foot, P P ; afoote, S3,
W ; auote, Sz. (A- 2.)

dress, to tmin, tame, subdue, N E ~ 1', 1';

affalten, P ; fa~ten,Sz,PP ; faiten, PP.OF. afaiter, afeifw; Lst, efeitare, fieq. of
aflcwa; ad+fzce~e. (a-7.)
A-fallen, u. to fall, M D ; auallen,
MD; afeol,pt.s., MD; ;mllen,pp., MU.
-AS. d-fialian. (A- r .)
A-fallen, v. to fell, NED; dal, itilp.,
S; aual, S.
A-felde, adv. a~field,to the field, PP.
(A- a).
A-fellen, u. to fell, NED; auellen, Afrayen, u. to disturb *om pence and
MD.-AS. d-jellun, dfyiinn. (A- I.)
quiet, to frighten, NED; affraye, Ca (E.



455) ; afreyd, pp. alarmed. afraid, NED ; Lat. aggueuiarr, from *greuir for L Z ~gra.
*mared, W,Sz, C, C3; affrays, S 3 ; af- uis. (A-7.)
f r * ~ t ,S3 ; f r d , S3, fraid, S3.-AF.
~ to bear
~ heavily~ on, to ~
afmyer, ef~ayn., OF. cgf7acr: I'rov. rr- grie7c,
H D ; agreuea, ?$,, c2,
f+ecfor; Low Let. ezfridare, fromfiirlu~n; p p . _ o ~ . ag,rver; Lat, aSgraZ(arc;ad+
cP. O S . f d u , Peace. (A- 9.) See Affrayen. gm,ral.e, from# ji. (A- 7.)
A-fright, pp. terrified, C ; afriit, NED, ~
~sb. agrimony,~
; i
A D ; afryate, HD.-AS. d-fyrht, d-fyrf- agremoiue, voc; egrimouy,
ed (A- I.)
egremoin, C3; egremounde, NED; ogreAfter, $re$. and
after, accordingto, moyne, VOC.-L~~. aSrjezonia; G ~+,p..
S, HD, sz, C3 ; efter, S, S I ; eftir, S3; g;vv; ,p. F. aigremoine.
eaSter,MD ; aftir, Sz.-Eftcr
is a comp. A-grisen, u. to be horrified, to terrify,
form, see SbD.
loathe, HD, MD, S ; agryse, Sz, C3.After-clap, $6. an evil consequence or to
AS. d-grisan. (A- I , )
result, H D ; after-clappys, pl., MD.
After-del, ib. disadvantage, MD; af- o ~ ; $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p Sa,
, oPP ;; ~ ~ ~
ter-dele, HD.
~ - f =du.
~ on~fire, ~sz;, muere, sz; Agte, sb. Possession, S ; see Auhte.
A-gulten, u. to sin, to offelid, MD, PP,
afiere, \+ z . (A- 2.)
S; agilten, MU; sgelten, MU; a;ulten,
Afyngred ; see Ahungerd.
S ; agulte,pt. s., PP ; apult,pp., S ;sgilt,
A-gasten, a. lo terrify, MD, PP ; west- m , p p . - ~ ~ d.gylian.
(A- r,l
en, S ; agwte, p. r., C z , C ; agast,jp.,
but, S, S z ; see As.
PP, Sz, S3, C z , C3, G ; &gazed,S a ; agaste, pi, SL, w.-AS.
d+g9rtan, to A-honge,lnp. hanged UP, S. (A- 1.)
Ah*, o 4 warthy, valiant, N E D ; see
fzighte~. (A- I,)
A-gen, pirp, and adu, towards, back, AUht.
Ahte, $6. possession, Sa; ahhte, S ; see
again, S ; see A-pin.
Agenes, prep. against, S ; see Ajeines. Auhte.
Agenst, prtp, agaiiist, NED; see A- Ahtlice, ad*. valiantly, NED; ohtliohe, Nh'U. See Auht.
A-hunger& @. a-hungered, PP, S3;
Agenst-Christ, 36. Antichrist, S3.
NED; afyngred, PP.-AS. ofA
~ u. to
~ cil~cuiate,
~ S. ~*hungre%
hyng~ed. (A- 3.) See Of-hungred.
(A- I . )
~ ~ b awe,
. h H~
, NED; see Aihte, 26. property, S ; ayhte, S ; see




Aghe-ful, a@. awful, H ; aghful, H.

A-gon, u. to obtain,,~gan,

to require.

(A- 3.)

Air, sd. air, S z ; aire, NED; see Eyre.

Airtis, ~6.231.quarters oithe sky, S3 ; see

Aisille, rb. vinegar, S ; eiril, MD ;

C3; agoon, C z , C j ; agone, S3 ; egoo eisel, MD; eyselle, MD; erylle,Prompt.;
P P ; ago, Cz.-AS. a-gdn, pp. of d - g d ~t6.
, =sene,MU; eysell, Sh. ; aysel, H.-OF.
a i d (eisil), also, aisi, PI. 68. 3 1 (Metz) ;
go forth. (A- I.)
&graythen, u. to make ready, to Late Lat. aiitum(cp OF. a&); Lnt. aczfum;
dress, NED; *grepea,pp., S Z ; %graypea, See Schnchardt, Vohalismus, i. z94.
NED.-From Icel, grciSa: Golh. g ~ - m i d - Aisliche, adz. timorously, S3 ; see Eisliche.
jan. (A- I.)
A-graythinge, sl.. apparel, Sz, NED. Ak, ronj. but, S z , P P ; see Ac.
Agreable, a 4 pleasant, N E D ; ag- A-kelen, u. lo xirake cold, t o gma
d-cdlan. (A- I.)
greable, favomable, S3. -AF.
aprcabb, cold, S, MD.-AS.
Aken, u. to ake, to throb with pain, Cz,
(A- 7.)
A-gref, in grief, NED; agrief, C ; o- Sz, l'rampt., NED; eken, MU ; )Gk,
grefe, NED. Ph-hr.:takes not ilgreve,takes NED; oo,pt. s., MD; ok, MU ; oke,MD,
NED; akide, N11U ; oken, pi. pL, not unkindly, NED. (A- z.)
; cP. Ice]. aha, to
Agreggen, u. to malie heavy, lo be AS. aian, pt. dc, PP.
heavy, to aggravate, I-ID; agreggrd, pp., drive, Lat. were. C t Ache.
Wa.-OF. n ~ e ~ g i e Prov.
no~eujar;Late Aketoun, sb. a jacket of quilted cotton
A-gon, pp. and adu. gone away, ago, SI,



Al-halowen, $6. pi. all saints, NED ; Almain,

German, NED ; A1alhalowes, NED; halalwes, Sz.

main.., $1. Germans, NED; Almsygnes,
alertan (F. allenrand.)
Al-halowen day, rb. All S a i n t r ' ~ ~33.-OF.
NED.-AS. eaira hal,~esad q .
Almain, sb. a kind of dance, N E D ;
Aliance, sb. alliance, NED ; alliaunoe, almond, NED. Corn$ : wlmain-lean,
ND ; Amond-leape, Cotg. (s. v. iaut).
C2.-AF. alianir.
Almaine, sb. Germany, H ; Almwne,
A-liche, ndu. alike, PP, NED.-AS.
NED; Alemaine, S ; Almeyne, NED ;
gr-lice. (A- 6 . ) Sce Iliche.
Alie, cb. ally, relative, PP; mYe, c z . Almen, NED; Alamanie, S.-OF. Aleexaignr; Lat. Allemannin, the country of
unite, ally, NED;
Alien, u, to
allyed,$$., C2.-OF. elicr; Lat. ailigare.
Almes-dede, $6. deed of mercy, 3%.
(A- 7.)
A-liri, adu. across (said of the legs), P ; Almesse, sb. alms, charity, S, PP,
dyry, PP.-AS. on+li7.a, the fleshy part Prompt., Sz, C3: relmes, S ; elmesse,
M D ; almes, S, Sz, W ; almous, Sz ; dof the leg (Voc.). (A- 2.)
get lightly down messis, $I., W.-AS. nimysse; Church
&lijten, to a~ig~,t,
(cp. OF. aincos-4; ekefrom a horse, to descend, also, to lighten, Lat. *ali?~zosi+za
M D ; =lyghte, cz; alyghte, pt. $., p p ; m w n a (Tertollian) ; Gr. IAqliooiv?, alms,
33 i
aly3te, PP ; alihte, MD ; ali)te, S ; a- Lu.
lyhte, S z ; ali>t, pp., sz.-AS. d-ijhtan. Al-mest, adu. airnost, Sz, Ca, 'IV,Wa;
almeeat, M'a ; almost, PP.
(A- 1.)
Al-mi>*, 4.all-powerful, M D ; *I~ - l i ~#. tto ~ ~ , illominate, to might,
NED, G.-AS. elmiht.
light (a fire), NED.-AS, on.~ihtan. (A- *.)
adj. almi~hty, NED ; A~ - l i ~ tto ~enlighten,
~ ~ NED
; amichti, S ; allmahhti3, S ; almYPY, S a ;
lichtyn, s 3 ; alyotnyng,pr ,$,, S3, (Aalmihti, S-AS. mlmeahti,s
Al-kaly, tb. all<ali, C3.-Arab. a1-qaliy, Al-miitin,
almighty, NED;
calcined ashes; from qalay, to roast in a mihteu, N m ; almihtin, S,
; sce Alweye.
Alkamistre, r*. alchemist, C3, NED. Alne-way
A-lofte, adu. on high, aloR, PP ;
OF. alkenzirte.
P P ; on-lofte, S z , Ca ; o lofte, NED; o
Al-kamye, sb, med1ev.d chemistry, PP. loft, N E D . - I ~ ~ ~ . iopt(of motion), d
--OF. alcam~e,a l f ~ i m i;e Sp. nlqtrirnia ;
(of position);
air, sky, loft; cp.
Arab. ai-h:niie; Late Gr. x7ri. ofdoubtful AS, ,,)d
air, (A- z,)
origin, prob. from xuprio, pouring.
A-londe, on land, in the land, Sz, H D ;
Al-karon, $6. the Icoran, S2.-OF, a/- a*lona, s2.
roran; Ar. al-qorin, the reading, from A1-one, a$., ads. alone, MED. Phr.:
fa.ara'n, to read aloud.
hym allane, Sz. See One.
Al-katran, sb. the resin of fir trees, ~
lu. seem
~ long
~ to,~to long,
pitch, also, bitumen, NED, Sz.-OF.
NED. alonge8, $p, filled with longing; Sp. alquit??in; Ar. ol-qatran, from
alonget s2,-~s.of.hngianj
gatnra, to drop.
(L3.) '
Al-kin, adi of every kind, MED, P P : &long on,
~ f sz,
A w n , Sz, PP ; alkynnes, PP ; alle BY- NED.-AS. gc.iang, dong.(A- 6.) see
nez, %-AS. a i h iynner, gen.
Al-kynd, a4. of every kind, S3.
Al-only, adv. merely, Sa; Ale onw, Sa.
All- ; see Al-.
A-loofe, adv. aloof, more nearly to the
Allunge, ad% zltogether, S, M D ; al- wind, N E D ; aofe, S3; alnffe, HD.
Probably from Du. lo& in te loej, to windlynge, MD; allinge,MED.-AS,ea/iunga,
ward. (A- z.)
Allure, rb. a place to walk in, s gallery, A-losen, a. to prai", P P ; dosed, j j .
a walk by the parapets of a
a chi- notorious, Sz, NED, IID. (A-7.)
Al-out, adu. entirely, N E D : all Oat,
ster, S3 ; alure, Prompt., NED.-OF.
alum (now allure), walk, going, a gallery, H.
also, aleere (=Low Lat. *e/atara), from A-louten, u. to bow down, S3, N E D ;
.loartid, jt. r., 1'P.-AS. d-idtan. (A- I.)
airy, to go (P. aller).



Ambassage, rb. embassy, N E D ;



u. to admoniall, warn, H D .

--OF. anzonestar; Late Lat. * adtaonitarr,

~ at~an easy
, pace, from Lal. adnronitus,pp. of d111orzrr6, see
ambler; Lat. amkiarc, to Constans. (A- 7.)
Amonestement, ib,admonishment, S,
Amblere, rb. an ambling horse or mule, HD.-OF. amonesfcl,Aent.
Amonestyng, ib. admonishing, CM.
Amellen, v. to enamel, MD ; ammell, &rnonge, prep. and ads. among, in, at
Palsg.; smelled, pp., I'ulsg. ; smelyd, intervds, P P ; amange, NED; omang,
H D ; amiled, I I D ; smeled, NED.-AI'.
MD ; amang, S, Sz ; among, S, PP. Phr.:
nyntrier, OF. ciniaiNer; OHG. miaiz/aa, cure *mong, e ~ c ramong, every now and
to smelt, liquefy ; cp. It. smaitore, toenamel then, S ; ever and among, NED.-AS. onI l i ) . Cf.~n-amelen,mute.
nzarzg, on-ceniats,+ (A- 2.)
Amenden, w. to amend, mend, MD, S, A-manges, prep. among, Sz, S3, C2,
Sz, Cz, W ; amended, i9j"p.z; amendid, C3, G, PP.
Wz.-OF. ojneiider ; Lat. bnielrdare,fiom &morewe, on the morrow, Sz, W ;
e z + menduin, fault. (A- 9.)
amorwe, HD, PP, Sz ; amoreae, S ;
Amene,ad/.pleasant, S3, NED; ameyn, amor)e, S (16. 4 3 2 ) . AS. 07' morgen.
S3.-OF. anierze ; Lut, anaoenzrm.
(A- 2.)
Amerant, s L amaranth, a fadcless Amountance, sb. amount, N E D ;
flower, S3.-OF. ait8erantc; oliiaratr mountouns, Sz, IID.
twn (acc.) ; Gr. dpdpar,rar. (A. 11.)
Amounten, u. to ascend, rise, amount,
Amercy, u. to amerce, fine, P, NED.- mean, $2, Cz, PP; amunten, S.-AF.
AF. aorwiier; from OF. estre a nzerci nniunfer, from, a d + ?,zontem. (A- 7.)
came rstre anie~iic,
then arnercier.
Ampole, ib, a vessel for holding conAmete, ia. a t , emmet, NKD ; amte, seorated oil, or far otlrtr sacred uses, N E D ;
W z ; emete, X'oc.; emote, NED ; ematte, ampu~ies,PI., P ; ampol~es, Sz, PP ;
Voc. ; smtis, pi., Wz ; ampti=, NED.hanypeies, PP.-OF.
a7lipole; Lat. amAS. &mete, liliet6. Cp. OHG. limeiza ; paila.
fiom OHG. d, ofi+rrcizatr,to cut, as if A
~ sa, ~
' the cutter or biter off.'
i r ~ n ~ elri,D ; amares,pi,S.-AS, am$rr,
Ametist, ib. amethyst, NED ; ametis- ' .,i,'
tus, W (II(ev. 21. 20); amatyste, H D ; ~
~see amete,
amaste, H D ; amaffised, MD.-OF. ameto mnraer,
tist,; Lai. on,ethyrz#j,~jscc); Gr. dp48uo- t&Pzp"drin,
pp., MD. -AS,
(A. I ,.)
(Schmid). (A- I,)
Ameuen, v. tobemoved, NED ; ameu- Amyable, adi friendly, lovely, N E D ;
ea,pt. s., c ~ . - o F . ~accented
~ ~ ~ stem
~ ~ amyabill,
S3 ; amiable, 1VW.-OF. arliiof erniovcr ; La1 exnroucrr. (A- 9.)
able; Lat. amicabiiem.
Ameyn; see Amene.
I pr s. I grant, allow, S ; on,pr.i.,
A-midde, adv. and pr,ep. amid, Sz,Cz, An,
see Unnen,
P P ; amidden, S ; amydde, PP.-AS. on
An, num. and ind@ art. one, an, S , S2,
niiddon, an nriddzmr. (A- 2 . )
Amirail, sb. a Saracen ruler or e o m ~ P1' ; sce Oon.
M U ;, An. prep. on, upon, in, PP, S, Sz ; see
Prompt.; amyralle, MD ; amrayl, H D ; On.
admirald, S.-OF. nniiraii,aaniira~;cp. An, ronj and, i t PP, S , Sz ; see And.
Arab. on>zri&A>; conrmanrler of the sea, Anchesoun, ib. occasion, MD; anar?rir-ai~ll~zit?~in~7~,
commander of the faith- cheisun, RID ; anchaisun, HD.-AF.
anihesoun. Sce Aoheroun.
A-mis, ads. amiss, C2; amys, G ; on- Anore, sb, an anchorite, recluse, hemit,
w s , NED. (A- %,)
a monk, a nun, NEI), S, Sz ; auncre, Sz ;
Amome, sh. an odoriferous plant, amo- anker, Sz ; anores,pl., P.-AS.ano.a,m.
, ; Church Lat. anachoveta ; G r .
mum, NED ; amonye, W, HD.- OF. (* c n i ~ a f.)
al,'ome (Cotg.) ; Lnt. amomum ; G r . t p w p o v , dvaxw~nrjr.
And, conj and, also, if, G, S, Sz, S3,
a name applied to several spice plants.
bassages, PI., S3.

b*, tol




Cz ; ant, S, S z ; an, S, S z ; a, MD.~-Phr. : i An-he3en, u. to exalt, N E D ; anheaed,

e*nd if,M U .
A , ps ,z .
Anefeld, rl. anvil, W z ; anefelt, N E D . An-hitten, u. to hit against, S, MD.
-AS. o n j l t i (Voc.).
An-hon, u. to hang (tr.), MU ; anhofi,
An-ent,prep. and adv. on a level with, pr.p/.,S; anhonge,pp., MD.-AS,on-hdn.
among, opposite, toi3~arrls. in respect of, An-hongen, u. ir. and intr. to hang,
N E D ; anent, MD; onont, S ; onond, S ; S , & I D ; anhonged,ilp., M D ; anhanged,
anende, M D ; anonde, M D ; ononde, C z ,
M D ; anendes, M D ; anentes, N E D ; Aniente, v. to bring to nought. N E D ;
aneatis. W, Wz ; anemptis, M D ; an- anyente, PP.-OF. anienter, from a, to +
empst, N E D ; anence, H ; anens, H ; ~zierst; Late Lut. *neientcm = 116c + miern.
ynentes, H.-AS. on eft*, on efn, on em*, (A- 7 . )
on even ground with.
Anientise, v. to bring to nought, to
Anentesch; see Anientise.
destroy, N E D ; anientice, 11
' , ; anentisen,
Aner-ly,adu. only, alone, S2, N E D , J D . CM ; anentesch, P P ; anyntisohe, Wz ;
Anete, sl. the herb dill, Voc., W, N E D , neentishe, N E D ; annentisnohed, pp.
-OF. m e t ; Lat, anrthsm (Vulg.) ; Gr. CM ; anyntirchid, Wz ; enentyscht, H ;
enentist, H.-OF.
allicntir (variant of
dv780u, dial, form of duioov. See anise.
A-netheren. w. to lower, humiliate, a"ie*ter), pr. P. anientissa~t. (A- 7.)
N E D ; enethered,pp., H U . (A- I.) See Anise, sb. anise, also dill, N E D ; anys,
N E D ; aneyse, Voc.-OF.
a r i s ; Lat.
Anew, $6. ring, wreath; =newis, pi, nnisu"; Gr. dvicov. Cf. Anete.
A-niBerien, a. to lower, humiliate,
S j ; aneus, IinLs of a chain, NED.-OF.
aniaus, ~ 1of. ant/, ring; Lat. a7zej/us,dim. M D ; anefiered, pp. M D , HD.-AS. d +
%i8t~80+s.(A-I . )
of &u/ui, dim. of anpins, a circuit, year.
Anew, enough, S j . (A. 6.) See ynow. Anker, sb. anchor, S.-AS. anior; Lat.
A-newe, adu. anew, N E D . (A.
see ancoya ; Gr. i i y ~ u p a .
Anlas, $8. a kind of daggcr, anlnce,
Angel, r6. angel; ongel, S; angles, MD,C ; =nelace, R D ; anelas, MD, N E D .
Low Lat. anelaii-r (Ducange),
$/., S ; iengles, S ; anglene, zen. S.-Lat.
OWelsh ai8~1as.
angeizri. See Engel.
An-gin, rb. beginning, MD ; angun, S, An-leth, a. face, countenance,MD, H D ,
N E D ; onndliet, M D ; onlete, MD.-Icel.
An-ginnen,u, to begin ; on gon, pt. s., andlit (Swed. aaietr) : A S . and-mlita.
S.-AS. an- ( ~ n - ) ~ i n r s a n .
Ann-; see An-.
Angle, $6. s name given to the four as- Annamyllit, pp. enamelled, S j ; see
trological ' IIOUS~S,)
N E D , S2.-OF. QIZ@ ; Enamelen.
Latin ngzp/um (acc.).
Annuel, a@ yearly; rb. a mass said
Angles, s6. pi. the English, the people either daily for a year after, or yearly on the
of 'Angul; a districl of Holstein, S, N E D ; anniversary of a person's death, N E D ;
anuell, S3.-AF. a ~ n ~ u cLate
i ; Lat. afmuEnglis, S.-AS. A n ~ i e pl.
Angre, i6. affliction,sorrow, wrnth, pain, aienr, for Lal. aanzlcm, from annsri, year.
inflammation, N E D , S z , P P ; angers, S z . Annueler, $6. a priest who sang an
-1ceI. a s p .
annual, PP, C j , I I D .
Angren, u. tonnnoy, injme,make angry, An-on, adu. at once, instantly, soon, in
N E D ; angre, PP.-Icel. angra.
a short time, S, Sz, C j , P P ; anan, S ,
Angwisch,s6.anguish,Wz;&nguyssh, N E D ; onan, S z ; onon, S, S j ; anoon,
OX dn, iuto one; o r
P P ; angoise, S, M D ; =nguise,MD; an. S j , C2, GI W.-AS.
guisse, MD.-OF. engoisie,AF. nnguiiie; d m , in one (moment).
Lat, angudia, tightness, from angc~e,to Anonder; see Anunder.
Anon-ryght, adu. immediately, C j ,
An-hei3, adu. on high, S z , PP ; an hei, G ; anonrihtes, S ; ananriht, S .
S z ; an h e y , % ; an hii, W.
An-ouen, ads. above, S , N E D ; onuuen,
An-heten, u. to heat, to become hot; NED.-AS. on zlfan.
whet, prr. S ; auMet, pp. S.-AS.
on- A-nongh, ad/. (us $red.) enough, CM ;
anew, S3. (A- 6 . ) See Ynow.

Anoy, sb. discomiort, vexation, trouble,

Aparaunce, $6. appearance, NED;
MD, S2, PP ; &noye, Wz ; anui, MD ; mpparence, Cz.-AF. nppare>zie. (A- 7.)
enuse, S.-OF.
anoi: OSp. enoyo: OIt. Apart, adw. apart, aside, Cz; ilparte,
inodio, from the Lat. phrase a t mihi i?z separately, PP, NED.-OF. apart. (A- 7.)
odlo; see Diez. C t Noye.
Apart, a. to set aside, separate, NED ;
Anoyen, v. to annoy, PP, Wz, Sz, Cz, aparte, S3 (24. 14).
C3 ; enoiede, pt. z., W ; noyede, W ; a- Apartie, adu. in part, partly, PP, NED.

nosed,$$. W ; anuyed, PP ; muid, h l D ; (A. z.)

S ; a n u y ~ d Sz
, ; ennuyed, P.A
~ to satisfy,
~ piease,
~ torequite,
AF. ennuyer. Cf, Noyen.
HD, P P ; apiryd,pp. S3, Cz,C3; apayed,
Answere, i b , answer, MD ; onaswere, Cz, W ; apajed, W, PP.-OF. apnicr
S ; snsware, S ; onswere, S., a*nasware, (,payer): pro".
~ ~ad~~p~/are,
t .



u. to give an answer, S,
P P ; ondswerien, S ; andswarede, pk. r.
S ; andswerede, S ; ontswerede, S ; onswerede, S ; onswerde, S ; answsrede,
S ; answerede, S.-AS. n n d ~ m o ~ i a n .
Ant, conj and, also, if, S, S z . See And.
Antem, sb. anthem, Cz ; antefne, MD.
-AS. antafse ; Church Lat. anti/orm (cp.
Prov. anttyejia, It. anti/onn); for older
antzphina ; Gr, dvri(owva, lit. things sounding 2" response. Cf Antiphone.
Anticrist, $6. Anlichrist, M D ; ante~ristW
, ( I John 4. 3) ; anorint, MD ;
ancryst, Voc.-Cllmch Lat. antirhriitss
(Vulg.) ; Gr. d v r i ~ ~ i o r o s .
Antiphone, sb. antiphon, N E D ;
Church Lat. ant$honn; see Antem.
Antiphonere, $6. anthem-book, Ca ;
antyphonere, Voc. ; anfenare, Voc. ; amfanere, Voc-Chu~ch Lat. nll.ilp/ionnii71~.
Anum,adu. at once,S.-AS. dnrrni, dat.
oc dn, one. rrhe MS. has and, pnt for
anri (=anurn)]. See Oon.
An-under,pmp. under,S ; anonder, S.
An-uppe, prepep.
and ndu.


fiornpnceni, peace. (A- 7.)

Ape, $6. q c , MD, Ca,C3, P ; fool, HD.

P h , : pe olde ape, i.e the devil, MD; w n

of ape ( = O F . vuz de sinfej, wine which
mvlres the drinker pleasant, wiinton, or
boyish, Cotg., MD, IID.-AS. npa.
Apece, i6. thc alphabet, I'rornpt.; see


v. to belong, Sz, PP ; ap-

ap(p)endrc; Lat.
nd+prrzdere. (A- 7.)
Aperoeyue, u. to perceive, Cz, P P ;
penden, Sa, PP.-OF.

aperaeyue, 1'P.-OF. aperpniv-, accented

stem of nperieucir; Lute Lat. apperiiphe ;

Lat. adtpercipem. (A- 7.)

Aperceyuinges, observations,


Aperen, u. to appear, S, Pl' ; apeeren,

PP ; =Pel., Sz ; aPPiere, P ; apperand,
P 7 . j . S3.-AF. spe7-s stern of a?ert, Pr.s.
of apnroir; Lat. a j j a r e n (ad+parere).
(A- 7.)
&pert, adj clever, expert, NED ; asaspert, eipcrt; Lat. er-

pert, 33.-OF.
pertus' (*-9')

See Expem'

Apert, ad/ open, NED, H, I I D ; ads.

Cz. Phr.: in to .pert (=I.~I, inpalam),

apcrt; Lat. npertur, pp. of
S, M D ; an- ap,rie, a verb with B=ab, 1xefin. (A- 8.)
Aperteliche, ndu. openly, Sz; %pertly,
A:nyghte, R ~ Z I .by night, C z ; eni% p, H ; appertly, p ,
S ; o n i g , S. (A- 2.)
Apertenaunt,pr.p. appertaining, Cz.
adu. at night, nightly, S3. -OF. a+ertel,ont.
Apalled, pp. madc pale, NED ; ap- ~ ~ e r t e nu.eto, appertain, NED, C3.p-Ued, C, Ca.-OF. apalir, apnliir; Lat. OH. aperlsnir; Lat, adtpenerti~zere.(A- 7.)
ad+pal/irefor pallere. (A- 7.)
Apertinent,p~..p.appertitining, Cz.Aparail, $6. apparel, PP ; apparaille, Late Lat. adperlmmtc?>8.
Apesen, u. to appease, NED, S3 (3b.
Aparailen, u. to make ready, to fit up, 1352), C2, C3 ; appease, S j ( ~ g a zg5).furnish, to dress,
PP ; apparay~eden, OF. ape^-er, fmrn a i - p d t ; Lat. peema, Sz ; aparailed,pp. S ; apparaillea, peace. (A- 7.)
P.-OF. apareiller ; Late Lat. *ndparicu- Apeyren, v , to harm, diminish, impair,
inre, to malie equal or fit, from Lat. par, YP, W ; apesre, P, W ; appayre, Sz, P ;
apeyred, pp. Sz. -OF. ampeirer, mmpeirer ;
equal. (A- 7.)
bnuppe, 5.
An-u Pan,




Lat. in +peiorare, to make worse, from Ar, $pep., ronj and ode. before, S, S2, G,
peior, worse. (A- lo.)
H, P ; see Ex.
A p e y r y n g , rb. injuring, Sz, W ; ap- Ar, are, Sa, PP ; see Aren.
pairing, 53.
Arace, u. to puil up by the roots, Ca,
A-piken, u. to trim, adom, M D ; CM; arache, NED.-AF. aracer, OF.
apiked, pp., C. See OF. piqnar (Cotg.).
esraihier ; Lat, e(.z)radiiare. (A- 9.)
Aplien, u. to apply, devote one's ener- Aranye, sd. spider, Prompt. ; arain,
gies lo, NEU; apply, S3-OF. iplier; H D ; aranee, H D ; eranye, Prompt.;
Lat. cqplicnve.
erayne, Prompt.; erayn, H ; araue, H ;
Apointen, a. to come or bring matters erane, Voc.; yreyne, W a ; aran, H ;
to u point, to agree, nrnange, tu prepare, irain, N E D ; m r a n s , pl., I I D ; yreyns,
equip, NED.-OF. npointer, from apoint. Wa.-OF. araif~ze(iraigrrej ; aranea.
Apointment, $8. agreement, N E D ; Arate, u. to correct, blame, rate, PP.
I'robably a variant of Aretten. Cf. OF.
poyntemente, S3.-OF. apointernent.
Aposen, u. to qurriion, sz,PI), prompt.; avaiter=arciter (Godefroy).
A r a y , s d . army, P P ; array, Sz (19.393)~
epposen, C3, PP. Cp. Opposen.
A p o ~ t e l , s d . ~ ~ ~ an pt lp~o, s~t ;e i , ~ ~Ca.
~ ; C-OF. ayri (nri.oi1.
appostil, NEU ; apostle, W ; postlis,pl. Arayen, u. to array, NED, P P ; arayed,
NED.-AS. ~postoi; aposfolus pp. W ; arrayed, Cz, C3.-AF. orqvcr;
(Vulg.); Gr. dndoiohor, one sent forth, OF. areicr, n l r r r : It. nrrrdore (Floiio);
messenger ; cp. AF. opostle (OF. aportre). from Lat. a d + Low Lut. *?do(OF. mi),
p'rpa'ation, of Teutonic origin. ( 1 - 7.)
A p o s t i l - h e d , s6. ofiice of apostle, W.
A p o t e c a r i e , sb. apothecary, C ; pote- Arblaste, sb. a luilitary engine for
mi,siies, MD, Sz ; alblast, 32.Bars, NED.-OF. opoteiaire; Late ~ ~ throw>"':
t .
npothecarie.izim (acc), floln npothciicia;c ~OF.
, arlmbstc; Late Lut. ariu6allistiita.
Arblaster.,sb. an arblasl-man. Sz.
, ,. storehonse.
Apoyson, u. lo poison,PP ; apoysonea, Arch, s6. arch, Prompt.; arches, pl.
jp., 1'P.-OF. apoisoner, for el,rpoimlrer.conrt of Alclies. P.-OF. a7.16~(Cotg.).
(A- 10.)
. chief: erohe-, Church
' Lat. ariiii- ; C r . d p ~ i - ,&-.
App- ; see Ap-.
Appairen, u. to injnre; appayre, Sz, Arch-angel, id. archangel, S, P P ;
archangles, pi. 3.-Church Lat. archa~qe1'; see Apeyren.
lz'r; Gr. d , p . p ~ & y r e ~ a ~ .
Appairing, ib. i~ljuring,S3.
A p p e l , $6. apple, P P ; eppei,
MD ; ap- Arche-biscop, sd. archbishop, S ;
archebissop, Sz.-AS. ercc-disco$ (S); Lnt.
plis,pl. W2.-AS. nppel.
A p p l e - g a r n a d e , $6. pomegranate, Sa a7'hd+AS. disco?.
Archer, sb. archer, Sz; archeer, Cz ;
( p n ~ n d e ) .Cf. earnet-appiue.
Aprentis, sb. apprentice, NED ; pren- h".chere, Voc.-AF. arihcr. See Ark.
A r c h i - d e k e n , sb. archdeacon, PI';
tis, Sz, P P ; i~prentys,$1. PP.-OF.
aprcniis (AF. npr8ntiz), nom. of aprerri$ ercheaekene, Sz.
from apre7zdnire, to learn; apprehendere A r c h i - f l a m y n , sb, high-priest, Sz.= ad+prehepzdeye. (A- 7.)
C h u r d ~Lal. ai.ibzjia~nc~c,archbishop (DuA-quenchen, u. 10 quench, PP ; a- cange), from Lut.Janicn.
cwenohen, S; aqueynte,pt.i.Sz; aqueynt, Archi-triclin, $6. tile ruler of the
PP.-AS, A-czuenmn. (A- I.)
feast, S : architriolyn, W.-Church
(Vulg.); Gr. dp,y~rpixAcvnr.
Aquerne, $6. sqnirrel, S, NED; ac- a~chitricli~srrs
querne, S.-AS. dcwenz (Voc.); cp. Icei. Arch-wyfe, ib. a wife who niier ;
ihorni, G. eiihhonr. MDu. dscoren.
..$1. Cz..CM.
Aqueyntaunce, ib. acquaintance, Sz, Are, sb. honoor, reverence, also, grace,
CM, MI).-0k.
acointanie, AF. agueyn- clemmcy, MD, NEII, S ; ore, S, Sz, G,
tance. (A- 7.)
I I D ; happy augury, MD, S.-AS. dre
A q u e y n t e n , u . to become know",^^; ( d r ) ; cp. OIiti. Pya, llanoor (Otfrid).
aquointe,pp. ucquainted.NED; aquente, A-recchen, u. to explain, expound, to
N E D ; aquynt, Sz-OF.
aminter (a- speak, NED.-AS. d-vriian. (A- I.)
i24irrtei ; Late Lat. adiigrcitare, from Lat. A-rechen, u. to reach, to strike, to reach
adtcoftsitum, pp. of copioscer.e. (A-7.)
in thought, to imagine, to be sufficient,




b i n g e , sb. the act of arming, putting pp., P P ; assaljeit, Sz.-AF.

an of armour, Cz.
OF. asaiir; Lute Lat. adsali~ire. (A- 7.)
Armipotent, ndj. mighty in arms, C. A-saken, u. to deny, renounce; ssoke,
-Lzt an,~cpofolcateni.
pL e, S.-AS. fl-sacan (Schmid). (A- 3.)
Armony, sb. harmony, S3.-F. hay- Cf. Of-saken.
monie ; Lal. i2av"i~onia; Gr. bpsovio.
Asaut, 16. assault, Sz ; assaut,C, PP.Armure, 16. armom, weapons, P, Cz, OF. asngt. (A-7.)
C3, G ; armonre, C z ; s*rmuris,?I.,W, Ascapie, a. to escape, P P ; askapie,
arm2Li.e (nrxnoul.c), arvzerrrt; ~ p ancapen,
Lat. ar.n8atr'ra.
Cf. Achape.
Arn, $6. eagle, H O ; arsn, H ; see Ascaunce, ronj. as though, C f , NED.
Asche, ib. ash, i i r i i s ; aische, W, \\'2 ;
Amde, Pi. s. ran, S ; see Renuen.
aske, H ; arken, pi, S ; axen, S ; asA-rode, on the rood (the cross), NED, shen, Cz; arskers, S ; asrhes, C3; asS, Sz. (A- 2 . )
chis, W z ; askes, Sz, P ; askis, H ;
A-rowe, ndv. in arow, one after another, askee, Sz.-AS. aice (axe) : Icel. aiira :
Goth. aqp.
S ; areawe, S ; airewe, NED. (A- 2 . )
Ascrien, u, to cry out, NED ; esorien,
Arr-; see Ar-.
eiiriev; Late Lat. ez+puiri&y, sb.scur, wonnd, NED, JD; ar, H D ; MD.-OF.
Ian, see Diez.
see Erre.
Ascrive, a,lo ascribe, H.-OF. asrriuArred, ?p. scarred, JD.
b s e n i k , $b, arie,lic, c~.-oF.anelzic;stem of pr. p. of aiirire : It. aicrivere ;
Lat. arrenzani; Gr. d p o ~ v ~ a l vyellow
or- L"t adscn'bel.e. (A- 7.)
pirnent, orig. the masculine, male, from Ascry,$b.011tcry, Sz.
Asegen, u,lo besiege, C.-OF. asegier :
Lipoqu, a male.
I t , asscdiar.e (Florio). (A- 7.)
Arskes,pi newts, Sz ; see Ask.
Arsmetike, rb. uriihmctic,NED; ar*rs- Aselen, m. to seal up, lo set one's seal
metrike,c.-oI?. arii,,~ctique:
pro". aris. to, NED ; aseel%W s ; asselen, PP, Sz.
-OF. arrseier, rrzsrlcr; Late Lat. insigiimetica;~ ~ol.ji~
t ,,i,t tiio; G ~dP,gMnx+
/ore, from iifiiium, seal. (A- 10.) Cf.
( r i x v 7 ) , the url of counling.
Arst, a#. and ads. szrpcri. first, G, P ;
A-senchen, u. to cause to sink, S ; asee Erst.
MU. (A- I . )
Art,ib. a quarter of the heaven, point of seunt,pp.,
Asent, s6. assent, SL,P P ; assent, C3,
the compass, NED, S 3 ; airt, NED, JD ; PP'-OF'
as:s>e7it' (A- 7')
h e h , NED ; &idis,pl, S3.-Gael, nrd ;
Aseth, $A. salisfaction, PP, H D ; aOIr. aird, top, irright, point.
Seeth, bT'; .sethe, Cath., 1111; assflh,
h t o u , art thou, s s ;
Sz, Cz, J D ; asaetz, PP ; anseth, NED, HD.C3. See Ert.
OF. a i d , asel; fromLate Lnt. adiatir. For
Arwe, $6. allow, N E D : arewe, Sz ;
final .t in OF.=) in E , I ~ Icp.
~ ~OF.
srwes, $1. Sz, C% 1'; arewis, W z ; a-0- fiit
~ f ~ . * i e l p , faith. I
I our ~arretr.~
wis, W2.-AS. a w e for *ar.hwc ; cp. Goth.
arhwflz*za, arroh., the thing belonging to (A~
~~ 6appoilltcd
, ~
torder, s.~
the bow, from *arhm=Lut. a n u s .
AS, d-setnis, inditute(Schmid).
Arwe, a@ cowardly, timid, lazy, slug- ~ - ~ ~ tot sett up,~ ~ , NED.
gish, vile, basc, Prompt.; arei, S ; arh. A S , d~ietian. (A- ,,)
MI); or), NED ; erewe, S ; arewe, sb. ~
~rb. decree,
~ judgment,
sa, ;
betrayer, enemy, S,MD.-AS. earc(earh); ,.,sise, C , G ;
ass+za, PP.Icel. argr; cp. OHG. el;c (Otfrid).
OF. as(s)isb, n silting down, settlement of
Arwed, pp. made cowardly, PP.
imposts, from as(s)li, pp. ofar(i)erir, to sit
Aqen, v . to be timid, to frighten,NED. at, to settle; Lat, assid6re. (A-7.)
As, $6. unit, a single bit, u jot, ace, NED, Asisour, sb. juror, PP ; asisoure, P P ;
C z ; ace, S3 ; ase, PP. Plir. : ambes as, sisonr, PP ; sysour, PP.
double aces, Cz.-OF. ai; Lat. a:.
Ask-;see Aso-.
Asailen, u. to leap upon, assail, P P ; Ask, $6. a newt or eft, a lizard, NED,
sssirile, PP, S; asssjlle, Cz, PP; mailid, HD, J D ; Wke, NED; asker, HD, JD,



a h . as quickly as possible,

Atemprely, adu. temperately, El. HD.
A-tenden, u. to set on fire, kindle, lMD ;

Sz, PP; ssswythe, Sz ; see Alswithe.

A-swowne, a h . aswoon, Cz; as- atend,pr. r., S. (A- 2 . ) C t Ontenden.
sowe,, see NED (s.7.
At-ewen, u. t o show, t o appear; atenizvoon) and SkD (5.v. swoon). (A- 6.1
wede,pt, r.. NED ; atywede, S ; atawed,
A-syde, azlv aside, Cz. (A- 2.)
pp., MU.-AS. nt-4atvan (ietdzuan): Goth.
at-al'gjan, from azr~p,the eye ; ep. O H G .
At.,pv@z( I ) , a t ; e l - ; a-.-AS. nt-.
Ougtn, to show (Olfrid).
C t Awnen.
At-, pr-e$z (2)) from, away; &-.-AS.
nt- for 08- prodilic iorm of "lit-, away: (At- 1.)
Goth. z'npa-; cp. Do, ont-, OHG. ist- (G. Ateynt, pp. convicted, affected with
sorrow, P P ; atteynt, 5 3 ; attaynt, S3.ent~).
At, pros. re/. and ranj that, Sz, S3, H, OF: ateint, pp. of nteirzdre, to attain ; Lat.
nttznfer,e. (A- 7.)
N E D ; see pat.
At, prep. at, in, with, from, of, amongst, At-fallen, u. to fall away, NED.-AS.
PP, S, Sz, C z ; et, S ; set, S ; ed, S ; at, ntfeaihn. (At-3.)
used with the i l s j i ? ~ .1,8ood, SSZ,NED (vi), ~ t - f l ~
to flee
~ ~away,
, NED; atfip,
H. Comb. :-ztte, ;it the, I'l', S, Sz, Cz ; pr. e, S.-AS, at->do>z. (At- 2 . )
ate, S, Sz ; ette, S ; eter, S ; atten, Sz, ~ t - f prep.
~ ~before,
~ , NED ;
1'P; at-after, sfter, Cz; att-alle, in cvery s,. etforen, S ; afore, N E D , - ~ ~ nt.
way, S z ; at-foren, before, M D ; et-foren, f,,,2,
(At- I,) ~ f Afore,
S ; at-uore, S z ; at-om, at home, Sz, PI'; go away,
at one, in accord, NED, s ; .t eon, M%-pE:g"n,
(At- 2 . )
G (5.". oolc), C z ; &-.(;-ones,a t once, together, PP,C2, C3; attonis, S3; attonys, Ath, sb. oath, ; see Oth.
Athamant; see Adamaat.
S3 ; attones, S3.
Atache, a. t o arrest, indict, Sz, P P ; Athel, a@. and sb. of goad birth, noble,
attache,PP; atttteche,Sa,NED; atachet, a lord, NED, S, S z ; hathel, NEII, S z ;
pp., S z , lip-AF. atlaiiac~;cp. It. atlai- hathill, N E D ; hatell, NII>.--AS. dele,
c8dc : OS. iaili: 0. Teut. *apaiii, of good
cam. (A- 7.)
catch, c 3 , HD, falnily, floln *aPai, race,family; f p . OHG.
A-take, u, t o
NED. my.:
caught, NED.
Apeling, $6. a member of a noble
(A 1.1
Atamen, v. to cut into, broach, open family, n noble, s ~ r i n c eof the blood
(a vessel), NEU, PP, H D ; attamen, HD, royal, NET); epelyns, S.
Prompt., Cz-OF.
atamer: Prov. (en)- &pestrien, u. to da,ken, S,-AS, d.
iat~inzar; Lnt. alta7i~iilarr. (A-7.)
i (A- I.)
Atazir, sb. infl~~r~icc(nstrological
term), &pet, iolii. ",,ti1 that, s. seeoth.
Sz, C3. Cp. ST. atasit,; Arab. at-tdthtv, At-holden, u. to withhold, retain, S :
'al+t6thfr, iinflnence, see Stringass, '47-ab.
D0zy3j G)orsary, s, ,. athzlde, S ; ethslden, S ; athslde, S;
etholden, S ; ethalt, pr. r., S ; atheold,
Pt. s., S : athol~le,??., S.-AS. ot--iiealb*.
a,pny, N E D ; at- (At. %.)
At-beren, u, to
bar, pt. s., 1iD.-AS, czt~6tran. (At- z.)
Atiffen, u. to adorn, deck the person, S.
At-breken, u. to brealc away, escape, -OF
aizy8r, cp.
(Cotg.) (A. 7.)
NED. (At-*.)
u. to stir t ~ i i urge,
entice, NED
At-bresten. u. lo burst away, escape, attyae,HD; attice, NED,-OF,
NED.-AS. et~bnrsms. (At- 2 . )
kindle (Barlsch); Latc Lat. atlitiarr, from
Ate, rb. eating, S. See Eten.
ad+titiunb (for t?.'t;o)a brand (Voc.:, see
Atel,; atell, XED.-AS. nucange, 5.7. otticinari. For the change
ado/; cp. Iccl. atall.
of l i intosofl i as well as into gsec Brachet,
Atelich, a@. liorrible, S ; eatelich, S. s.v. amnrir.
(A- 7.)
-AS. atetic.
Atlien, u. lo think, suppose, intend, to
Ateliche, adu. horribly, S.-AS. atelice. direct one's way, to go, h . 1 ;~ attle, MD ;
Atempre, pp. us a@ tempcrate, H ; attele, Sz ; etlien, MD ; etteleden, pt.
attempre, C, HD.-OF.
etempr!; Lat. ]pi, Sz.-Icei. $/a (etia); related to OHG.
aftem$erafus. (A- 7.)
a h t h , to consider.




Atlinge, $6. purpose, conjecture, MD ; atwinne, C3 ; a t x w n q , W ; otwinne,

S ; otwyn, H. (A- 2.)
v. to outdo in counscl, C, Atyre, $6. equipment, dress, head-dress,
PP, Cath. ; atir, Sa ; atteir, 53 ;
NED. (At-2.)
At-rennen, n. to run away, to smpasa H D ,
in rcu~ning,C, MD; att-rann, pt. s., S ; Atyren, u. to attire, N E D ; atyred,
pp:, P P ; atired, 1'P; tyred, Sz.-OF.
&om&, NED. ( ~ t - 2 . )
At-rinen, u. to loucb, to befall, N E D ; alzm.. (A- 7.)
Auchtene, = i n n . eighteen, S3 ; see
att-ryne, MD-AS. el-Arinnn. (At- I.)
At-routen, u. to rush away, escape, Eightene.
Aucte, $6. property, S ; see Auhte.
S z ; at-ruten, NED. From AS. htdtai'.
(At- 2.)
Auctoritee, $6,a~~thorliy,
Cz, C3 ; anAt-scheoten, v. to shoot aaap, M D ; torite, S3 ; euotorite, C.-AF. autorite,
atsohet, pi. s., S ; atrchote, pp. NED. auctorite; nzrcio~itateiii.
Auctour, s6. author, C, Cz, H D ; aoo(At- 2.)
At-stonden, u. to withstand, S ; ed- tor, S3; antour, S3, NED.-AF. autour;
Lat. azrilovrni, from augere, to make to
stonden, S, NED. (At- a,)
At-stonden, u. to remain, to stop, gmw, to originate.
NED, S z ; etstonden, NED; atstonde, Augrim, sb. arill~rnetic,S ; see Alsorisme.
pp., S.- AS. el-statal~ffalon. (At. I.)
Auh, ronj but, S ; see Ac.
Att- ; see At-.
Attame, u. to broach, to cut into, IID, Auht, arg. worthy, valiant, doughty,
NED (5. v. ai@t) ; ait, Sz, M D : oht, S ;
Ca ; see Atamen.
aht, NED; e h t , MD.-AS. dwiht (dht).
Atteir ; see Atyre.
Atter, i6. poison, venom, esp. of rep- Cf. Ought.
Auhte, $6. possessions, N E D ; auht,
tiles, NED, S ; natter, NED.-AS.
for *&or, dir, (Voc.) ; cp. OHG. eitar, S 2 i ahte, 52 ; -hie, MD ; ahhte, S ;
agte, S, S (15. 2 0 9 0 ) ; eihte, MU, S;
eitlar [Otfrid).
~ t t ~~ b $,,ider,
- ~S; at~ echte,
~ S~ ; ehte,
~ S ,; eyhte, S ; eihte, S ;
ayhte, S : aucte, S ; aght, S2.-AS. &hi:
tercop, HD.-AS, allor-coppa.
See Owen..
Atter-lich, aiij vcnomoas, bitter; at- Goth.
A d , sb, an awl ; anle, N E D ; owel, S ;
terluohe, NED.
s.-AS. nwej(V0c.j ; CP. OHG.
~ t t ~ ~ - ah.
l i ~bitterly,
h ~ N, ~ ~ aules.?i.,
. h (G. ahit).
Atter-lothe, sh. ao antidote to poison, a Aulf,
sb. elf, SkD; anph, SkD ; a d ,
allplied sl3ec. tu \'arioxs ~>lants,
NKD, Voc.,
Hn ; ouphe, Sh,;
SI,D,-I,.cl, dq7,
1ID.-AS. afior-ldde.
Cf. Elf.
Attern, o4. venomous, crucl, IID, Aumener, s6. an alms-pnrre. a purse,
NED ; hatterne, N ~ ~ .AS,
- eltern, NED, HD.-OF.
azmmonlcre; Low Lat.,
ettren. See Atter.
x ai?izoii?iarin(6~1.m).
Attice, v. to stir up, NED ; see Atisen.
Attour, rb. sriiiy, d~ess, hezd-dress, NKD; aumonere, Sz, WED; anmenere,
atour, NKD: a t u r n , S-OF.aloit7;
1 1 ~a;m n e r , ~ ~ . - ~ F . a u , , i o 7 zchurch
niunr, from atfrmcr, aior-er.; Lat. ad+
*a~,,,osiaari,rr, fro,n *aiimasilla. see
ionzarr, to round off.
Attri, a& venomous, S, I I D ; attri), A ~ ~ - An-,
N E D ; wattfi, S*.-AS.
eilriz. See
s6, a
of b;,lnnce and
weight, NED, S2, P P ; auncer, 1'P; armA-twe~ne,in twain, PP. (A- s )
cere,P, HD.-AF. aaniciic for *iaz~llcei~e;
At-eten, reproach, twit, S.-AS. L ~ ~ I. & t~illnieiia
(CP. ~ t ionceiia),
el-viian. ( a t - I.)
kind ofmeasnie,'(1710rio); dim. ofLut, tans
At-witen, v. to depart, N E D ; atwot, (lnnieni), a plate, n scale o f a balance.
pt. e,MD. ( ~ t 2.)Auncessour, $6. ancestor, N E D ; anA-two, in two, Sz, Cz, C3, P P ; at#, oessour, NSD, 1ID.-AF, oniessza.; Lat.
Sz. (A- 2.)
A-twynne, in two, apart, W, G, P P ; Aunceter, r6, predecessor, ancestor,
etlnnge, S.





N E D , Sz, C M ; ansestre, N E D ; suncestre, N E D ; annsetters, pi., N E D ,

H D ; annceterea, HD.-AF. aunceitrr,
artccifrc: e~zt~-ctrxer.
Auucien, n d j old, whilom, en-; sb. an
old man, an elder (title of dignity), a senior
member of an I n n of Court, N E D ; =uncient, Sa ( 2 5 . 13'3, HD.-AF.
OF. anrien; Late Let. antiarrrr,~ (cp. It.
nnaiono), for ante-aauni, from Lat. ante,
Auncre, $6. anchoress, nnon, Sa: see

commend, to boast, N E D , Wz.- OF.

auanter; Lat. a d + L a t e Lat. vanitare, to
boast. (A- 7.)
Avauntour, sJ. boaster, C ; susunter,
NED.-OF. nuantez'r. (A- 7.)
Auentaille, .rb. the movenble front of
a lielmet, Ca, HD.-AF.
aucntai!ie, OF.
emtntaii; ate at. *e.zuentai~iu,,~,airhole. (A. 9.)
~ to get
~ air by~opening~the
aveiltaille, H D , Ng1).
Auenture, $6.chance, a chance occurAncre.
rence, jeopardy, S, S3, C, C3, G, P P ;
afternoon, H D ; seemaern. anentur, sz ; auntour, Sa : aunter, s d ,
Aunders-meat, s6. uiternoon's colla- PP ; antur, MD ; eventour, HD. Conib. :
tion, Cotg. (s.v.~ccine'), HU. C p Goth. un- an auenture, lest pe~.chnnce, PP ; on
auenture, in case, P P ; anaunter, for s*n
Aungel, sl. ailgel, messenger, W ; aunter, S z ; in auenture, PP.-AF.
annge, H D ; aungeles, pl., S z , C A ; auenture; Lat. aduentura, a thing about t o
am#&, W 2 (Ps. go. I,).-AF.
ejbrtie. happen. (A-7.)
Cf. Angel, Engel.
Auer, sb. property, a beast of burden,
Auntour, f6. dhance, adventure, Sz; HD.-AF. aver (pi. avers); OF. aveir
eunter, S3. ConiJ.: s*nz*unter,for an (auoir) ; Lat. habere, to have.
aunter, in case, S L ; see Auentnre.
Auere; see Afure.
Auntren, u. to adventilre, S3, G, PP.IT, H D , CM ;
Auerous, ndj.
OF. aucnturer.
aueronse, W, Wz, PP ; auarous, Sz, PP,
Auntrous, a@ ailvent.irous, Cz, PP. NED-OF. averus. See Auer.
Auter, ~ b altar,
S, Sz, C, Cz, C3, I,, W, Auerylle, sb. April, N E D ; nueril,
Wz ; awter, S3, ED.-OF. r(aler, a l t w ; S z ; auerel, PP.-OI';
Lat. apriiii,
Lat. a l f a ~ e .
from ape~ivt. See Apert.
Autour ; see Auctor.
A-ulem, imp. s. drive away, S ; see
An- (Av-);sce Af-.
Auailen, u. to avail, .PP; o*ua,i~>~,
B; Auoide, u. to emply, to malre o i no
auaille, Ca, PP,'SZ ; ausyle, PP, prompti; effect, to make ~ v i d ,to remove, t o move
awayled, pt. s., Sz-Cp.
OF. unili,!)e, away, retire, t o avoid, N E D , W ; auorde,
W ; auoyd, WW, Sh. ; auoided, pp., W,
from udoiv; Lat. 9 , d t ~ e .
Aualen, v. t o descend, to lower, M D , Wa.-AF. auoidcr; OF. eduuidzer; er,
Sa, S3, B ; S V ~ ~ I I., ~
; i ~ ~ d , p $ , , sout
~ .+"uidie?;
- ~ ~ . to empty. (A- 9.)
avolr, from phr. d uai; Lat. ad z'aNen, t o Avouter, sb, nd~ilterer,U'z; avowtere,
auoutre, aculve; Lat. adulthe valley. (A- 7.)
f e i z m . Eor intercalated u see Brachet
Auarous ; see Anerous.

Auaunce, u. to
c3, p;

snanoed, S1.-OF.

advance, N E D Sq C




Avoutrer, $6. adulterer, H D ; auonts3; avaunset, jj,,'fiz

reris,p!., W ; avowtreris, W z .

Auauncement, $6. advancement, G ; aEE::'?sse,
anancement, Sz.
AvouCrie, r6. adultery, PP, C M , W,
Anaunt,ads., and interj forward, away, H I ) . avoutry, c a , h ; avowtrie,N E D ,

m a f m t , OF. nuant; Late
Lat. a6-antr.
Avaunt, sb. boast, vaunt, C, NED.
See Auaunten.
Anauntage, sb. superiorit?; advantage,
N E D , S3, C ; auantage, S2, C3.-AF.
auantae, from auant, before.
Avaunten, u. to speak proudly of, t o

w ; LV,tery, WMD; auowtries,pl.,W .

O F . auoutrie, ab2uerie, aiiiterie; Lat.

Auowe, $6,


s,, C, c a , G ;

33, PP, Prompt.;

P P ; auowie,

p i , W, W q .

Avowen, u.t o bitid with a vow, N E D ,

W (Acts. 23. I+), ?.-OF.
auoer; Late




sgen, S ; *Yen, S ; ageYn, S, 53, Cz,PP;

sjain, S ; aYeyn,S,Cz; e)ean, S ; .>on,
MD ; w o n , S ; ajien, S; wee, S ; aie,
Sz ; aye, Sz ; igain, Sz ; ojein, MD ;
ogain, MU.- AS. on&n, o n p a p , see
Sieveri, 314, 3. (A- 2.)
&pines, pmp, and corq against, contrary to, in return for, PI', S ; ajeyner,
PP; a)enes, S, Sz; agenes, S ; agzener,
S ; *?ens, Sz,W, Wz, P P ; aaeins, PI';
aieyns, PP I ayeins, C* ; *gems, Si.
Cz ; agwns, C z , C3, PP ; igaines, Sz ;
bjeines, S ; oganis, Sz ; ogaines, S z ;
ogaynes, Sz ; OnnjreneQs,S. (A- 2.)
A-jeinst, $yep. and roaj. eaginit, MD ;
qeynst, PP.
to owe,
A ~u. to~have,~to be,
S ; see Owen.
Ajen, o.+. own, S ; see Owen.
Ajen, prep., adu. against, back, S ; see
Ajen-bien, o. to bny back, NED, W z ;

aaeenbieth, pr. r., Sz ; aienboght, pt. r.

S z ; aienboujt, W, Wz.
@.=,,-biere, ~ 6 .redeemer, NED, W.


Ajen-biyng, sb. redemption. NED, W.

Ajen-clepe, u, to recall, \.V, Wa.
Ajen-fijtinge, pr. j.fighting against,


Ajen-risgng, sb. resurrection, NED.

v , to ray
to contradrict, NED ; aaenseie,
W , wz.
Ajen-stonden, u. to ~vjthstand,NED,
W ; aienstooa, p!. s., Wa.
Ajen-ward, adv. haclrivard, in reply,
Over again, NED, I+-,
S3 ; aaeinward, Sz ;
agaynwsrd, Sz, C3.
A-jer, in lbe year, Sz. (A- 2.)
Ajte, nwm. eight, S z ; ait, Sa ; see
Ajt-sum, a+ eight in all, Sg.

Ba, aq. and conj.both, S.-AS. bd, both.
Baar, p!. s. bare, carried, C, W ; see

Baie, in ph~,:

b e e , at bay, S2 ; see


Baili, sb, stewardship, uilliiatio, TI' ;

baillye, power of a bailiff, G.-Ot..bailie,
Babelen, v . lo bubble, P.
Babelyng, sd. babbling. S3.
Baber-lipped, a 4 . having thick lips, Baili, rb. steward, nillicur, W ; baillif,


P, Prompt.

Babishe, edj. babyish, S3.

Baeheler, id. a bachelor, an unmarried
man, C, Cz ; a novicc in the church, or
arms, young knigllt, P.-OF. iiachclrr.
Bachelerie, id. state of bachelor, CDI,
M U ; b&rhslrye, company of young mnl,
Cz.-OF. barhclcrie.
Bacin, sd. basin, cymbal, a light helmet,
MD; bacyn, lrelmct, MD.-OF. 6aiin.
Bacinet, sd. helmet, MU ; bacenett,
Prorripl. ; ba,snetes,pl.,S3.-OF. daciriet.
Basoun, sb. bacon, C, P P ; bacon, PP.
-OF, b c o n .
Bad, pt. 3 . :,m).ed, S ; see Bidden.

Bad, $1.i. badc, Cz ; see Beoden.

Badde, 04.bad, PP ; badder, comp.
worse, C z .

Baddeliche, a h . badly, PP, IID.

Bade, pl. s. remained, S3 ; see Biden.
Bagage, 6 . dregs, refuse, S3 ; baggage,

Baid,$t.$l. remained, S3; see Bide?.

bailiif, C ; b=illi~~es,$l.,
bailiffs, P ; bayll y ~ ~ eP.-OF.
Baill, sb, sorroiv, S.1; see Bde.
Bair, at$. bare, S3 ; see Bare.
Bairnis, $6.$1. bairns, Sa ; see Barn.
Baiten, v . to i d , Cs, S3 ; bayte, Sz,
C3.-Icel. bcifa.
Bak, sb. bilclc, PP, C ; cloth for the back,
cloaL, coarse mantle, C3 j bac, S.-AS. 6m.
Bak-biten, u. to backbite, slander, 1'.
Bak-bitere,ii,. bacl<bi~er,S.
Bak-bitynge, sb. backbiting, P.
saken, u . t o bnlge, MD ; hoke, pi. $.,
M D ; book, MD ; baketl,pp., P ; bakenn,
S ; bake, C, Cz, P ; y-baken, 1'; 7-bake,
P.-AS. daco~z.
Bakere, sd.baker,WlD ; bakers,pl., PP.
Bakestere, $8. baker, P ; baxter,
NED, P.--AS be<ril~e,
woman-baker (also
used of men).
Bald; scc Bold.
Balde,p!. s. encouraged, S ; seeBolden.
Bale, d,sorrow, miaiortune, death, S,




C 3 ; destruction. Sz ; baiu, S3 ; bales.$[.,

Bare, rb. a wave, billow, NED, Sa (8 b.
evils, torments, H ; balys, S3.-AS. bcalu. 38); beres,pL,NEV; bieres, MD; beares,
MD.-Icel. bdra.
Bale-drinch, $6, a deadly drink, S.
Bare, sir. boar, Sz ; see Boor.
Bale-ful, a+. baleful, evil, MD.-AS.
Bare, a@ bare, simplc, single, sheer, S,
Bale-fully, ndu. miserably; b a u y , C ; bajr, bare, worn alone, S3. Comb. :
baruot, barefoot, S.
Sa, MV.
Balene, r6. whale, Sz, Voc.-Lat. 6a- Bare, sir. the open country, S ; naked
skin, W.
Bali, adj. grievous, S, NED.-AS., Barel, sb. barrel, Ca.-OF. baril.
b a l e f ~ ~ Goth.
bahrrs (in compounds).
Baren, u. to make bare, uncover, S,
Balies, ~ b$1.
. bellies, S z , P P ; see Bely. M U ; =-bared, #., S3.-AS. 6nrion.
Balke, $6. balk, beam, ridge, M V ; Baret, i 6 , deceit, strife, NIiD ; barrat,
bdks, $1. ridges, divisions of land, S3 ; confusion, S3.-OF. barat, fraud; cp. Icel.
balken, I,.-AS. b-alin.
bardtta, a contest.
Balled, a+. bald, C , P P ; bauede, Sz, Bareyne, a@. barren, C, C z , P P ; bar
reyn, Wz ; barayn, S3.-OF. d a r a i p r .
Baly ; see Bely.
Barej, $6. a barrow-pig, S ; see B+
Ban, sb. bone, S, Sz ; banes, $I., S z ; rowe.
see Bon.
Bargane, ib. bosiners, strite, combat,
Band,pt. s. bound, S ; see Binden.
Sz; bargagn, bargain, I'P; bargeynes,
Bane, $6. destruction, death, bane, poi- pi., PP.-OF barpuina.
son, PP, C ; bone, PP.-AS. bann, boi~a.
Barly, sb. barley, MU, P P ; bar&, S.
Banere, sd. banner, S, PP, Prompt.; Barm, $6. bosom, S3, C z ; berm, S.baner, Sz, C, PP.-OF. bmiiei-e.
AS. bcarm.
Banere, $6. balmei~bearer,NED.-OF.
Barmkyn, r6. rampart, S3; barneldn,
balcerr; Low Lat. bo7inator; from bannur,~, the outermost wall ofa castle, I I D ; bameba7zdunr, standard.
Baneur, sb. banner-bearer, Sz ; see Barmkp-wall, $6. rampart~wall,S3.
Barn, $6. bairn, child, S, Sz, I I , PI';
Bank, sb. a bank, tumulus, PP ; bonk, bern, S ; barne, S3, P ; bearnes, pl., S ;
Sa ; bonkis,pi, S3 ; bonkea, Sz.
bairnis, S3.-AS. leanr.
Bannen, u. to ban, curse, snmmon, Sa, Barnage, $6. childhood, Sz, MD.
S3. P ; to iolbid, prohibit severely, P ; B
~u. to burn,
~ S, sz ;~see
bonnen, MD ; i-banned, pp., S.
Bannyng, $6, corsing, 11.
Barnhede, $6. childhood, H, PP.
Ban-w0rt, '*. bone-wort, '3, MD ; Barn-~ite,sb, sorrow felt for a ~ h i l d ,
see Bon.
SI, NED.-Icel. bar?$-izit.
Banyour, 36. banner-bearer, MD, Sz ; Barn-team, sb. ofspring, a family of
anyowre, proinpt.; banper, M D ; ban.
diildren, MU; barntern, SL.-AS. h a m eur, Sz, N E D ; baneoure, 1'P.-AF. (,anmar, OF. bantor; Low Lat. *banaotorent. tda,,
Baronage, sb. the men, vassals of a
Ba~tym,"' ba1'1ism2 Sz, W ;
feudal chief, S ; assembly of barons, Sz, C 3 ;
timys,pl. W.-OF. ba$apiirnze.
barnage, MD.-OF.
baynape, Low Lat.
Bar,pc s. bare, S, S2, C Z ; see ~ e r e n .
S3 ; see BareYne. Baroun, $6. baron, loid,, PP: b a ~ o w s ,
Barbarik, ib. barbaiian, W.
$2. PP.-OF. baron, a c c of d m , a man, n
Barbarus, sb. barbarian, W.
Barberyns, zb. $1. lieathen men, W.
Barowe, $6. barrowpig, MD ; bwel,
Barbour, $6. barber, C , N E D ; bar- S, NED.-AS.btarh.
boure, Prompt.-AF.
barbour, OF. bar- Barrat, sb. confusion, S3 ; see Bmet.
beor ; Late Lat. i,avhatorim.
Barre, $6. bar ofadoor, C ; bar ofjnrtice,
Barbre, a@. barhaarous, Sz, C 3 .
G, PP ; barrer,$i, ornament ofa girdle, C ,
Bare, sl. bier, S; see Beere.
PI'.-OF. ba,.re.




pt. r., burst, Sz, P P ;



B+y, sb. noise made by the united songs
of birds, S3; barlting of dogs, MD, HD.

~dagger,l MD,
~ PP,~ PAY.:
d t o baie,
~ a t bay,
, Sa.-Cp. OF. adnier,
Prompt. ; a a s h r d , P P -AF. bnielardc. to bark.
OF. basalart (cp. I.ow Lut baiiiianie~s). Bayard, id. a bay horse, a horse, P,


I'robably from Late Lat. badiie, a biii- CM ; baiardes,pi, 1'. I'hr.: blynde bayardes, i.e, foolish people, lit. blind horses,
hook ; see NED.
~ a s n e t e s ,~ 6 pi,
helmets, 8 3 ; see HD, S3,MD,NU.-Cp. Low Lat. baiardus.
Barn, a+. ready, willing, obedient,
Bataille, sd. battle, S, PP : bataile, far, pleasant, easy, good, NED ;
1.P ; batzyle, Sz, C, P P ; batayls, pi. Manip.; beyn, l'roalpt., S3.-lcel. beinn.
Bayne, $6, both, S3.-ON. bain.
battalions, S3.-OF. dafailie.
Bataillen, v to embattle, fortify, MD; Bayske, a+. bitter, H, Rm; bask,
batailed, pi. x , P P ; b;rtaylld,pp. embat- MD, HD, J D ; be33so, MU.-Icel. ddidr.
tled, C.-OF. datailiier.
Be-, prrJz. See in many eases BiBaten, u. to bate, abate, grow less, Sz, words.
MD ; src Abaten.
Beade; see Bidden.
Bateren, u. to batter, beat, pat, PP.B
~ semen.
OF.bat-, stern of batre, with freq. saiilx -rr. Bearyng in hand,.,,$ cajolery, s3:
Bape, a+. and ronj. both, S, Sz ; see
Be-bedden, v. to supply with a bed, S.
Bapiere, $6. water-pot, S.
Beche ib. valley, S ; bieoh, MD ;
Batte, $6. club, staff, bb. Prompt., bac~,e,N'~D.
Voc.; battir, pi., W.-OF. botfr.
Be-cheee, u. to choke, stifle, S, NED.
Battill, for pasture, S3, J D ; ~ ~ dib, dbed,~ p p, . - ~ ~ btdd.
battle, HI).
Bedde-strawe, rb.bed,couch,rtratum,
Baudekyn, sb. a gold-embroidered stuff V,,;
named from Bagdad, M D ; bawdekyn,
P P ; beode, S ;
Prompt.; baudkin, S3.-OF. barrdtguivz; beyde, S 3 ; beaes, S, H,
Sz, S3, P ; beads,
Law Lat. baldairinus, from It. b'aidaiio,
S3,-AS, (ge:bed,
messenger, hcrald, crier,
Bauderye, sb. uilchastity, f a d conver- Bedel, s6. bedeles,pl.
S, ; bedelles,
sation, MD ; pandering, Chl; bawdq,S3. P.-OF. bedel; cp. AS. bydd.
Cf. Budele.
Bauderyk, sb. baldric, MD; haw- Bede-man, 36. beadsman, one wlio
deryke, l'lompt. ; bawd+,
C, Voc.
prays for another, P ; beodemon, Sz, NED;
Baudry, sb. baldric, NED.-OF. ha%- beodeman,PP,
dmi, 6aid7ei.
Beden, v. to command, to offer, S, Sa,
Baudy, a@ dirty, C3, P, Palag.
S3, Cz : beode, Sz ; bedden, S ; bidden,
Bauld ; see Bold.
S ; beot, pr. s. S ; byt, C ; bet, S ; bead,
Baundoun, $6. discretion, freewill, pt. r., bed, S, sx; bawd, S3 ; bad, Cz, Sz ;
power, Sz ; baundon, CM.-OF. bandon ; boden, pi. S ; beden, S3; bode, SL;
Low Lut. *da7idonrm, from dondurn for bede, $9. S z ; bode, bodun, invited, W ;
annuiiz, public proclumation.
bown, S z ; bidde, C3.-AS. diodarr.
Bausand, a4. marked with white,
Note that many of the above formr are
NED-OF. da2rsont ; ep. Prov. dawan, It. confused with tbose of the verb Bidden.
Bede-sang, $6. the singing of the
Bauson, sd. badger, M D ; bawsone, prayers, S, NOD.
Prompt; bawsyn, Voc.; bausenez, $1. Bedred, a& lying in bed, bedridden,
S L ; ballcyne~,MU. See above.
CM, P P ; bedreden, Sz, P ; bedrede, PP.
Bawd, pt. s. bade, commanded, S3; see -AS. bedreda and dedridn (Voc.).
Be-drenchen,u. to drench completely;
Bawe-lyne, $6. bowline, H D , Sz; see be-drernt,pt.pi., S3; pp. MD.
Bed-roll, rb. catalogue, ND. See
Baxtere, rb. female baker, P P ; see Beyde-roule.
Bee, ib. bee, Voc.; been, $1. S3, Ca,

,,, ,,,,

Bere, sb, bear, C, MD, P P ; beres,pi. of goose, Sz, MD, NED.--OF. dcnzagzre ;
Cz ; beores, PP.-AS. b e m : OHG. k t o . cp. Low Lut. btl-naia.
Bere, sb. birr, HU, MU. See Beere.
Bernen, v . to bum, MD, S, Sa ; barB ~d ; barley,
~ ~MU ;, betr, S3 ; be&, nen, MD, S ; bearnen, 5 ; beornen, S ;
birhen, S ; barnde, pt, r., Sz ; barnd,
Zen., S3.-AS. bere.
C i Brennen.
~ basket,
~ H ;l 11;~
. bristles, C ; see =ryebarlep, basket for keeping barley in, Berstles, ~ b$1.
HU. See Lepe.
Beren, u. to bear ; bere, S, W ; berp, Berwe ; see Bergh.
pr. E., Sz; beore'b, pi., S ; bar. pi, r., S, Berynes; see Buriniaee.
Sa, C z ; bare, S2 ; ber, Sz, C3 ; baar, W ; Berjen, u. to help, dcliver, preserve,
bure, S3 ; beore, pi., S ; boren, pp. NED; berwen. S ; berrihenn. S; berege'b,
born, Sa ; borun, Wz ; iboren, S ; iborn, pr. s., S ; iborhen, pp., S ; ibore3e, S ;
S ; ibore, S, S z ; y-boren, Cz; y-born, iboruwen, S.-AS. broipn.
Cz ; y-bore, Sz, Cz. Phr. bereth on Besaunt, $6. a gold coin named from
hand, persuades, maker (him) believe, Byzantinm, W, M D ; besauntes, pi, S 3 ;
assures, S3; berth hir on hond, beureth besauntis, W.-OF. hsant.
false witness against her, C3.-AS. btran.
~~ ~ i s~~e n . ~
Beren, a. to cry, makc a noise, MD, Be-slombred, pp. dirticd, bedaubed,
H D ; bere, to low as a cow, P P ; see S3 ; b e ~ l o m b e ~ e NED.
Besme, $6. besom, rod, Prompt.; besBergh, sb. hill, P P ; berghe, PP ; me., pi., S ; besyms, W ; besmen, dat.,
beruh, PP ; berwe, PP ; berghe, dat., P. S.-AS. beima.
-AS. beorg; cp. 0x1, bri (Windisch).
.ad adu.
t s~dpe~i,
best, P P ;
Beriall, a*/. blueish-green, beryl- beart, S ; bezste, S.
colonred, 53. See Beril.
Beste, sb. advantage, S.
Berie, sb.
C j bery, P f o m ~ t . ; Beateriinge, rb. bestirring, emotion,
beties,pi.gmpes, S, PI ,-AS. berige.
Berien, u- to pierce, strike, MU; hew, ~e-swapen,pp,
convicted, S.-AS. beto thresli, Cath.-lcel. lierja, to strilie; swdpcn, pp, oibe-izvdpaa,
to persuade.
cp. Lat. fcrire.
adu. ro,i$. bettcr, S, C, Cz, Sz, G ;
Beril, sb beryl, RID ; bere1, MD.-OF. bette, I,. p k , go bet, go as fast you
l e d ; Lat. lieryNui; Gr. BjpuhAor.
con, C3; betere, a+. and adu. S, Sz;
Beringe, sb. birth, bebaviaur, bearing, betre, S, sz; bettre, S.
Cz, S ; beNnEe, I'P; see Beren.
Beten, w. to amend, S, Sz,P, S3; beete,
Berken, u. to bark, Sz, PP; berwd, to kindle, C ; beyt, S3; bet,??. r., S ; betpr. s., Sz.-AS. btorian.
ten, pt. pi.,kindled, C3; bet, pp., S, S z ;
Berkere, sb. watch-dog, PP.
ibet, S.-AS. bitar, pt. bitte, pp. DL'ted. See
Berkyng, $6. burliinc, C.
Berme, ib. barm, Prompt., S ; berm, Beten, u. to beat, S, C, PP; seeBeeten.
C3.-AS, beorma.
Be-thenchinge, sb. thinking upon,
Bern, rb. a man, PP, H D ; loerne, P P ; mrditutlon, Sa. See ~ i - p e n k e n .
burn, Sz ; bnrne, Sz ; beorn, MD ; Beuer, sb. beaver, S, Voe. ; beuvep',
burnes, pi, Sa ; biernes, P.-AS. beom. S-AS. bejcr (bsofir) ; cp. OHG. bi6ar.
Bern, $6. barn, Cz, WID; beren, S Beyde-roule, $6. bead-rol1,prayer-roll,
(1%. ~ 6 3 MD
) ~ ; berne, S ; dot., C?, W ; catalogue of persons for whom prayern are
berries, PI, W , 1112, P.-AS.
h e n : 0. to be said, S3; beadroll, bedroll, ND.
North. berern, i.e. barley-house.
See Beae.
Bern; see Barn.
Beye, u. to bny, CM, C3; see Biggen.
Bernacle, s6. a snaffle for a horse, W z ; Beye, ndj. both, Sa ; beien, S ; beyne,
barnacle, Voc., NED.
S.-AS. begen.
Bernake, $6. an instrument set on the Beyer, a@. Zen. of both, P P ; beire,
nose of unruly horses, Vac. ; bernak, PP, &ID; beyre, MU.-AS. b t p .
Yrompt-OF. 6ernac.
Beyn, a& pliant, flexible, pleasant, S3,
Bernake, sl. barnacle, a fabulous kind Prompt.; see ~ a y n .





Bi-,p~e$z, also be., by., beo-, b-.

Biddinge, rb. prayer, S ; bidaynge,
Bi-bled, pp. covered with blood, C; begging, P.
Biden, u, to bide, remain, P P ; byden,
bybled, MD; bebledd, Sz, S3.
B i - b u r i e n , u. to bury, MD; be-byrie- Sz, P P ; bod, bode, pt. s., SI ; bade, S j ;
den, pt, $1. S ; bebyried,pp., S ; bebered, baid, $1. abode, lived, S3.-AS. bidan.
Sz-.4S 6i-byrgan.
Bidene, adu. together, S ; at once, S t ;
Bi-cacchen, u. to catch, enmare, MD ; bedene, NED; bydene, Sa.
bi-oauhte, pt. s., MD; bi-keihte, S ; bi- Bi-draueled, pp. slobbered, covered
ooaght, pp., MU.
with grease, P.
Bi-callen, u. to accuse, summon, MD, Bie, sb. collar, Wwa ; see ~ e i 3 .
S ; becallen, MD, HD.
Bienfet ; see Benefet.
Bi-cause, r o 4 because,MD; by-cause, ~
$b. $1. ~
~ biennial
commemorations of the dead, P.
Bicche, ib. bitch, PP; byoohe, PP.
isb. man, ~
PP, H D ; ~
see Bern,~
Bitched, .?@. a word of doubtful mean- si-fallen,
u. to befall, c ; biuane, ;
ing, applied to the basilisk, and t o bones biful
pt. $. bcfrll, S ;
Sz ;
used for dice, NED, Chi, Cj; brched, MD; s,;
; *ifillbifel, Cz ; bibichede, NEL).
felde, Wz ; bifalle,pp. befallen, S, S z , C ;
Bi-chermen, o. to scream at, S.
bifelde, Wz ; biualle, S.-AS, befrailan.
Bi-cherren, u. to entice, mislead, be- xi-flen, *. to fly from, S.-AS, be+)on.
S.tray, S ; bicharre, S ; bicherd,
~ i - f l ~ ~ ~ , , ,u. to Row round ; bisette,
AS. h-ierran.
p t i., S, NED (p. j z a).
Bi-clappen, u. to lay llold of suddenly, Bi-foren,prep, before, S, Cz ; biuoren,
C3 ; beolappe, Palsg.
S ; byuoren, S ; beforen, S ; biforn, Sa,
Bi-clarten, u. to defile, make dirty, S, c z , c3;
S ; bifor, S ; befor, s z ;
beforne, S3.-AS. hijoran.
Bi-clepien,u. to accuse, S; bicleopien, Big,
.big, C2 ; byg, P P ; bigg,
s ; bicle,,pea, $$., S.-AS. bt.ile,,pian.
wealthy, Sa, MU ; bygge,jl., PP.
Bi-clippen, u. to embrace, W, W z ; Bigat; see Bileten,
bi-clipped, pt, s. wrapped (him) round,
s 3 ; by-dypped, pp. smroundcd, Sz; bi- Biggen, m. to till, dwell, build, MD,
I'P, S 15. 1611); byggen, P P ; biggmnd,
dippid, W.-AS. hi-clippan.
~ i - ~ lo lenclose,
~ ~
~ be.
~ $7., P.. N.-Iccl. dyzgejn; cp. AS. h@~*.
Biggen, u. to bay, Sa, P ; bnggen, S,
~ i - u.
~to biaeken
~ l ~~
i t hroot,
~ S,~SzIPP
, ; bY8.8.ei Pp ; bemen, MD; beye,
C3; bij, Sz; bye, Sz; by, C i ; bie, Wa;
NED (p. 7 z z a), MD. Sec Culme.
buyep,pr. s., I'P ; bup, S ; bies, rcdecms,
Bi-comen, u. to come, go to, to befall SJ ; bOhtel pf. S.I S ; bouhte, S ; b o w l
befit, a,,it,
sz,S ; bycome: Sa . bohton, p i , S ; bo)te, S ; bogt, pp.,
PP, Sz; bicom, pi. s., S ; bycam, PP ; s;'~.~,,,,~~,
P.-A~. bycgnn.
bicome, pp., Sz ; bycome. Sz ; beoomen,
Biggere, rb. bnyer, W ; biere, Wz.
S3 ; bioumen, S.-AS. be-culr~an.
Bi-gilen, c. to beguile, S, P ; bimle,
~ i - ~ ~ ~dj.
~ ~ l i ~
h ,
MD ; bicumeliche, adz. becomingy, S.
~ i - d ~ f f ~ d , bp epr .o o ~ ~cz
a , ; b e d a ~ d , Bi-ginnen, a. to begin, 3, Sa ; bigan,
pt. s., S, C z ; bigon, S ; bigonne, apt. r.,
C3 ; bigunnen,$f, $1, S ; begouth, pl, s.,
~ i d d ~ , u,
, , to beg,
ask, S, s 2 ,p p ; SZ, 53 ; bigunnen, ?$., S ; bepunnon, S.
byaae, Sz ; beode, ; bit, pr, i., S, ; -AS' beginnat''
bra, Sz ; bad, pt. s., S, Sz, P P ; bede,
Bi-gon, p$. surrounded, provided, set
WQ., PP; beade, S; beaen,pp. S; ibeden,
round, MD; be-gon, filled, S2.-AS. beS.-AS. biddan.
NO^^ that some 01the ahove folmi are gdn, PP. of ficgdn, to go roilnd, surround.
due to a confusion with those of the verb Bi-greden, u. to cry out at, to lament,
S ; begredde, pt.pi, MU.
Biddere, s6. asker, PP; bidders, $1. Bi-gripen, u. to seize, MD ; be-gripe,
pp., S.-AS. be-g~ipan,to chide.
becgurs, Sz, P.




Bi-growe,pp. overgrown, S ; begrowe,


Bi-grucchen, u. to begrudge, murmur

at, P ; bygrucohe, 1'P.
Bi-gurdel, rb. a purse, PP.-AS. di~ y r d e (Mutt.
10. g).
Bi-gynandly, a h . at the beginning,
H . See Biginnan.
Bi-hangen, u. to deck, loth he, MD ;
bi-hengen, $1, $1. hllng aboot, S.-AS.
Bi-heden, u. to behead, MD; bi.heaide, $1. s., W ; biheeaia, pp., w.-AS.
Bi-heste, ~ h promise,
S, SI, CZ, P ;
byheste, sz; beheste, s2 byhest, sa;
a h s e , s ; biheeet, w ;
s.AS. be-hL.
Bi-heten, a. to promise, S, C3, W ;
bihote, S, Sz, P ; byhote, C ; beohote,
S a ; bib-t, pr. r., S ; bihet, pi, $,, S, s l ;
bihi>te, W ; behighte, 52 ; behime, s z ;
bihight, P ; biheyhte, S ; b i b t e n , pp.,
S ; byhote, Sz ; bebote, S ; named, S3.AS. be-hdlan. See NED (r 7,. behichl).
Bi-heue, a@. profitable, S, MD.-AS.
be-Age, necessary; from *diiidJ, utility (in
behdpic). See Bihouelg.
Bi-hinde, prpp, behind, S ; adv. S z ;
b i b n a e , buclrwards, w z; = to come,
future, C3.
Bi-holden, u. to hold, to behold, PP,
C, MD; bi-heaide, S ; bibaiden, s z ;
bibalt, pr. i., s ; biheoid, PI. $., S ; be.,.
heold, Sz ; bihuld, Sz ; biheolt, s ; biholde, pp., Wz, C3; beboldinge wron&
vsed for beholden, indebted, S3-AS. beheaidan.
Bihote; see Biheten.
Bi-houe, $6. dat. advantage, MD ;
biofpe, Sz. Cf. Biheue.
Bi-houely, adj. behoveful. necessary,
CM, M ~ behouelich,Sz.-AS,
Bi-houep, $7,. J. behoreth, needs, S,Cz,
1'; behouep, S z ; byhouep, Sa ; bihoues,
S ; byhoues, P.pi., are olliiged to, S* ;
behoued, pt. s., S ; bihofte, W.-AS.
Bi-huden, 8. to hide, MD; by-bud,
imp. r., S.-AS. be-hjdari.
Bi-iapen, v. to deceive, befool, M D ;
bYiaped,pp., C, C3, PP.
Bijs; see Bisse.
Bikeihte ; see Bioaochen.
Bikenen, beclion,Wz; secBeknen.


Bi-kennedd,pp. begotten, MD.

Bi-kennen, u. to commit, commend,
to signify, MU ; bikenned, $1. s. recommended, Sz ; bekenned, Sz.
Biker, sb. a fight, MU, HD.
Bikeren, u. to fight, PP, I I D ; bekeryn, Prompt.; byokarte, pi. pi. skiimiahed, S3.

C3; byknowe, C ;beknowe, Sa ; biknew,
$1. i., C ; biknewe, pi, S ; biknowen,pp.,

f"vwrabl~ received, P.
Bild, rh. buildins, s3.
Bilden, u, to build, PP, W, CM, M D ;
buld@n, MD; belaen, MD, S3; bulde,
$1. I., C. M D ; bildide, W ; bildidan, pt.
PL. W ; bilden, Wz; belt,#., S3; y-buld,
Sz, S3; y-beld, S3.-Probably from AS.
bold, dwelling.

Bi-leden, a. to use, treat, M D ; biladet

( J o y biledep),pr. pi, S.-AS.
Bi-lefful, adj believing, S, MU.
Bi-leggen, u. to lay (something) on,
cover, to prove, explain, ML) ; bileist, 2
$r. '.., glozest, S, M D ; bilsede,pt. r., enclosed, SPAS. bilcrgan, to cover.
Bi-leue, sh, belief, S, Sz, PP, C3 ; belean*, S ; byleue, PP ; belane, S ; bileaue, S ; biliaue, S ; beoleel=, Sz, P P ;
bilefues,$i, S.-Cp. AS. (fe)ijaja.
Bileue; see Biliue.
Bi-leuen, u. to believe, PP, MD, S ;
beleue, S ; bil@fes,$7. pi., S ; bilines,
S ; bilefden, pl.pi., S.
Bi-leuen, u. to leave, forsake, renounce,
HD, M D ; bilef, in$. i., S, MD.-Cp.
AS. idfan, to leave.
Bi-leuen, v , lo remain, be left, MD,
CM, C2, Sz,
; byleue, IID ; bil=uen,
S ; bileaue, S ; bilefue, S ; bleuen, Sz ;
blefp, pr. i., Sz ; bileued, pp. left remaining, G ; byleued, G.-AS. be-i&a=.
Bilfoder, sb, food, sestenunce, Sz, hlD ;
~ i - l i ~lo belong
~ ~ ~
to, M
, D ; bi.
lien,pr.pi, S.-AS, bi~liif6zn,to lie round.
Bi-likien, u. to make plearing, MD';
bi-liked,$$. made pleasing, S.
Bidimpen, u. to happen, to belong to,
S ; belimpen, S ; belamp, pi. r., S.-AS.

Bi-linnen, u. to cease, to be silent, to

make to cease, M D ; by-linne, G ; blinnen, S, S z , C3 ; blyne, S3 ; blynna, Sa ;
blin, Sz ; blan, pt. s., MD ; blane. S3.-




AS. dlinnan (=be + iif$nan, to cease, to be Bi-queste, rd. beqnest, P, MD.-A dedeprived of), pt. b2mn (pl. W > , m a ~ )pp.
, riv. of irot8an see NED.
Bi-quethen,u. to bequeath, MD, CM,
Bi-liue, adu. quickly, S, Sz ; bylyue, P P ; byquethen, C, G ; bi-queth, pi. r.,
Sa; belyue, Sz, S3; bliue, S, 5 2 ; blyue, Sz ; biquath, IT, G.-AS. bi-irur8an.
S3.-AS. 6c iz&, wllh life.
Bi-quide, s6. bequest, Sz ; begaide,
Bi-liue, rd. food, sustenance, 5 (4b. loz), MD.-Cp. AS. iruiiic, a rill.
MU ; b y m e , I'P; bileoue. hfD ; bileue, Birafte ; see sirenen.
S, SD.-AS. bC?:~ofa; c P OHG. biiihi.
(it) behoved, Sz ;
~ i ~ pi.
d $.,
Bi-liuen, iive by, S.-AS. di-libban. birrde, S ; see ~ u r e t h .
Bille, sb. papal bull, petition, PI'; see Bird, sb. a young bird, h f D ; see rid.
Birded,pt pl. laid snares for birds, S3.
Bille, sb. bill, b e a k s , C ; bYllejVoc.Bire, 16. daf.force, irnpelus, W; see Bur.
AS. 6i2e.
Bi-reden, u. *-e@ez. to take counsel,
Billen, u. to peck with the bill, S.
M D ; by-tad, pp. determined, resolved,
Bi-loken, u. to look upon, regard, MD; s z ,
be-locest, z pr. s., S.
Bi-reinen, u. to rain upon, bedew, MD ;
Bi-long on,$?@.pertaining to, S.
be-rayne, berain, S3; birine,rubj.
Bi-luken, u. to enclose, lock op, itn- S ; beraynde,pf.p/. S2.
prison, include, hlD ; bilokcn, fp., S ; be- Bi-reusien,v . lolament, regret, MD, S;
loken, S ; bilouked, Sz, MD.-AS.
ha- bireused,pp., to feel

~i-masen.u. t o confuse. SkD

(s. v. lkrafi,


Bi-menen, u. to mean, to bemoan, MD,

H U ; bymenen, P ; bemenen, Sz, P ;
biment,pp., S-AS. 6i-li~hi.nan.
Bi-mening, id. bbenioaning, S
Bi-mong, pi.@. among, S, MD.
Bi-mornen, u. to motlrn over, MD,
W ; bimurnen, S.-AS. biniunzon.
Bi-mowe, u. to mock, W?.
Binden, u. to bind, S ; band, pt. $., S ;
boud, Sz, G, C z ; bonden, fL, S ; bunden,$$., S ; bundyn, Sz ; bunde, ibunae,
S ; bounden, S, Cz ; y-bounde, S2, Sa,
Cz ; y-bound, S3 ; ibunde, S. - AS.
Bi-nemnen, u. to declare, stipulate;
by-nempt, pi. r. promiserf, S3.-AS.
~ i - n e s e prep,
and adu. beneath, Sa ;
bynepe, C ; binepen, S.-AS. henro8an.
Bi-ninlen, u. to take from, MD ; bynymen, S ; benymen, Sz ; bineome,pr. s.
iubj. deprivz, S ; binam, pt. i., P ; binom,
sa ;
S ; bYnome,pp., P ; benumde,
31.-AS. be~nzllian.
Binne, $6, bin, chest, M D ;
Voc.-AS. bins, manger.
Binne, adu. m.lpr9. witllin, S ; byme,
Sa; bine. S.-AS. biflinnan (for k~innan).

6.-AS. di:&fian.

rive , - ,

~i-rinnen,u, to -run with moisture,
MD ; bi-runne,pp. bedewed with tears, S.
A S . di-rinnnn, to run as a liquid, binmnen, pp.
Birle, s.4. cup-bcarel; MD, HD.-AS.
la, byre&.
Birlen, u. to porn out dlink, to give to
drink, IvlD, Ill, H , H D ; bryllyn, Prompt.
-AS. dyrlio3i; cp. Ted. byria.
Birlynge, ~ 6a. giving t o drink, pouring
Out liq"or, If.
Bi-rolled,pp. rolled ahout, Sz.
Birth, sb. birth, offspring, natural disposition, nation, MD ; buvp, &ID ; birpes,
p i nations, Sz, hlU.-Icel. 6ulSr; cp. Goth.
ga-fiaurlh~,birth, native caunlry.
Birth-tonge, r6. native tongue; burptonge, Sa.
Bisay; see Bisen.
Bi-sohed,pp. besprinkled, Wz.
Bi-schetten, u, to shut up ; bessette,
Sz ; bischetten, pt, p i , I'P; bishetten,
P ; bishette, fp., PP.
to shine
MD ;
bysohyne,l0p. shone upon. Sz.
~ bPbishop,
S, PP; bissoopp,
the Jewish high priest, S ; bissho~is,pl.
ehiefpriests,\V; bissopes, 32.-AS. biicop;
Lat. episropus.




t a h t e ; bitagte ; bitauote, S ; bitaaghte, Biuien, u, to tremble, NED ; bine8,pr.

G ; byta;t, Sz ; bitaeht,pp. ; bitaht ; bi- r., S.-AS. 6sqfa2ion (beojian); OHG. bibin,
teiht ; bitagt ; beteht, S . A S . fir-tktan, see NED.
Bi-wailen, v. to bewail, lament, C z ;
pt. defhhft, pp. ktkht.
biwaille, hll) ; biweile, MD, W ; biwailBitel, a@. sharp, biting, MD.
Bitel-browed, adi. with shaggy, pro- led,
minent eye-brows, Sz, P ; bytelbrowed, Bi-welden, u. re$. to wield oneself,i.e.
to hare full and free use of one's limbs,
Bi-tellen, v. to clear, jostify, to en- hfD ; b~rwelde,S3 ; bewelde, Palsg. ; bepress, EIIOW,
to claim, to set free, to per- weld, to wield, I-ID.
stlade, deceive, MU, S ; bitald, pp., H, Bi-wenden, to tom, M D ; biwente,
pt. s., turned round, S.
MU.-AS. bt~triiarz.
Biten, u. to bile, P P ; byte, P P ; bot, Bi-wepen, u. to bewecp, S, W.-AS.
pi. s., Sz, P P ; bote, P.-AS. bitnn, pt. be~zoPpan.
bdt (pl. bifon), pp. bife?~.
Bi-werien, v . to defend, S.-AS. 68Bi-teon, v . to draw over, to cover, to zvmian.
employ, NgTJ; biten, MD; bitowen,pp., Bi-winden, u. to wind about, S ; beS ; bito>en, NED ; bitogen, MD.-AS. be winden, to enwrap, cover, S ; bewunden,
pp., S.-AS, be-wzlidan.
Bi-penken, u. to tirink, bethink, S, W ; Bi-winnen, u. to obtain, MD; biwon,
bipenchen, S ; bipohte,pt. i., S ; bipoite, pt. s., S.
planned, S z ; bipouhte, S ; bepout, Sz ; Bi-witen, u. to guard, MD; bywite,
bipoht, jp. irpeiited, S ; bipouht, S ; by- S ; biwiste, pt. r., MD ; biwirten, pl., S.
thought, called to mind, C. -AS. 6;Bi.wloppe, m. to ~ m rauiid,
Bi-wreyen, u. to accuse, to reveal, disBi-tiden, v. to happen, betide, MD ; close, Ca, C3; bywreye, C ; biwreie, S ;
bityde,Cz, C3; beotyde, P P ; bitit,pr.s., bewreye, C, Sz ; bewraye, NED.
PP ; bitid,'S; bitide,pf, s., S z ; betydde, ~
i~ b p l~
C. O ~ ~ a ~
E , sc.C ~
Bei3. ,
PI' ; bitid,$$.,S; betight,$$.,s3; NE1).
>J,, ~ t S,
; ofspring, p ,
Bi-tilden, v. to cover; bi-tild, p?., S. ~ i - ~a& ~ ~ ~ l ,
-AS. be-teidalz. See Ouer-tild.
u. lo obtain, possess, beget,
Bi-time, o h . betimes, S, S z ; b i t m e , SBi-jeten,
; bi3iten, S ;
PP; bitimes, C3.
beget, S ; b ~ g e t e n , p p Sa:
biptenn, bL
Bi-toknen, u. to betoken, Ca ; bitock- yete bi;ite, bij,,te, bigottan, bi30ten,
nen, S ; bytoknen. PP ; betolinen, S, PP ;
fij.,oitan (,5<rje~an).
betaken, Sz ; bitaonedd,pp., S.
prep. beyonil, S, Sz, P P ; bi.
Bi-trayen, w. to betray, PI', C s ; bi- ;ende, W ; biiunde, P ; biyonrl, S z ; bp.
traide, pt. s., 5. From 01'. trail.: It. fra- ionde, S ; bi3endis, W,
dire ; Lat. fratiere.
Blaberen, v . to blabber, to lvlk idly,
Bitter, n 4 : bitter, MD ; bittur, P P ; lin, l'rampt.; blaberde,pf. s., PP.
bittere, adu, ihillerly, P.-AS. bitor.
Bladder, i b . bladder, MD; bladdre,
Bitter, sb. bitlcrness, S z , P.
C3 : bledder, $3 ; bledet, Voc. - AS.
Bittur-browed,a@. having prominent bl&dw, Ohlrlc. blliirc (OET.)
brows, PI'. Sec Bitel-browed.
Blak, aii/. pale, MI); blake, wan, Pulsg.
Bi-turnen, u. to turn ; biturnae horn, Phr. : blak and blo, pale and livid, MD,
pt.pL, turned Lhrmselvea about, Sz.
NEI) (s. v. blaih, 1 3 ) -AS. 6Ldc. C t
Bi-twenen, $re?. betiuecn ; bitwine, Bleike.
bitwen, betwenen, betuene, S.-AS. i- Blak, a@, blacl:, MD.-AS. 6lec.
Blake, rb. imnt, black, S ; blacknear,
Bi-twix, prep. betwixt, S2, C Z ; bi- S2.
twixe, Cz ; bitwixen, Cz ; betwyx, be- Blake-beryed, $6. blackberrying, i e ,
twux, S ; bitwex, S; bythuixte, S z . wandering bither and tlrithei porpoiely, C j .
AS. be-fzsroz.
Blanchet, sb. a white powder used as a
Bi-twije, prep. belween, M D ; betwe, cosmetic, S-OF. binnihcf.
S z ; bituhhe, S.-AS. bt-tzoih, be-tzoah.
Blanc-mangere, sh. a kind of cheesecalce, P
I'; blammanger, PP.
Bityl, $6. beetle, NED.-AS. biiula.



Blank, aq. white. S3.-OF. blanr.
Bleten, u. to bleat, Prompt.; blaaten,
Blase, $6.blazel flame, I'P.-AS, d1es.c S.-AS. 6iAtan.
Blasen, u. to blaze, flare. P P ; blasie, Bleuen; see Bileuen.
$7. s. ~rzhj., S ; blesand,pr. p., 33.
Blewe, a& blue, livid, Cz, P P ; black,
Blasen, v. to blow (with tranrpet), to MD; blew, MD.-OF. blm~. See Blo.
proclaim, publisli, NED, Chl. Cp. OHG. Blewe, r6, blue, MD; blul, Sz.
Bleynte ; scc Blenchen.
Blasen, u, in heraldry to blaze arms, ~
i u. to~ cease,
~ S, ~sz,c ~
3; ,
i. e. to describe them, MU, SS, Prompt.,
Palsg.; blaze, Cotg. (s.v. Llasonner).
Blasfeme, a+. sad lib. blasphemous,
blasphemer, MD, W.-Lat. 6iaiplirmar;
Gr. BAda+npor.
Blaundissen, a. to flatter, H ; blaunmss, pl. s., 1~1;bloundisand, pr. p., H.OF. 6landiv (pr. p. blic~idiiiia~~t).
Blawen ; see Blowen.
Bledder ; see Bladder.
Blee, s6. colonr, complexion, MD, H D ;
ble, MD, J D ; bleo, S, S a ; blie, JD.-AS.


Blis, i.bliss, S.-AS.

,,,sievers, zoz (,),

llisr (=bNbi),

Blissien, v. to rejoice, be glrd, to gladden, MU; blisrin, S, Sz-AS. blirrian ( =

baOnan), see


blithe, cheerful, S, S z ;

blype, Sz, C2.-AS.


Bli'6e-liche, adu, gladly, S ; blute-

liche, S ; blotieliohe, S ; blipeli3, S ;

blepely, s~.-As. btiaeliie,
~ l i adu.
~ q,,ickly,
~ , S, sz; see Bib?!~.
Blefs ; see siletten.
a& livid, Sz, P P ; black, MD.Bleike, ad;. pale, S, NED ; bleske, 1 Blo,
~ ~ ~d(,.).
Prompt. ; blaylie, NED ; bleYk, 33 ; ~ l ~ $6,dblood,
S, Sz, PP; blade, rial.,
bleke, wan. Paleg. Phr.: blaike and blo, S2,-AS, 6idd.
pale and livid, NED (s.v.hloi/r,13).-Icel.
Blode, $6. a blood-relation, a person,
bleikr Cf. Blak.
Blenchen, u. to flinch, turn aside, S, P ; living being, MD, CM ; blod, MD.
Blok, a& pale, NED. fir. blok and
bleynte, pt. $., C ; bleinte, NED.-AS.
blo. NED. See E l a .
hienran, to deceive.
Blenden, V . to mix together, MD; Blo-man, s6. negro, M D ; bl-on,
MD ; blewe-men, pi, MD. -Cp. Icel.
blende, pp., S2.-Cp. Icel. blanda.
Blenden, u. to blind, deceive, MD,
PP; blent, pr, s., c3;wente, pt. s., P P ; Blame. $6. flower, Sz, MD.-Icel. bihn.
blent,pp. blinded, C3, H n - ~ s , blendnn. flo~r',blossom.
Blenk, $6. pleum, blink,
~ 3 ;Blosme, $6. blossom, S, PP, Prompt.,
CM; blortme, S ; blosmen, pi, S z ;
blenkis, pl., NED; blinkes, MI).
Blenken, u. l o glitter, to glance, NED ; bloosmes, S3.-AS, dldifma.
bwnke, to open the eyes, s z ; bienkit, Blosmen, u . to blossom. Wa, Prompt.;
blosmed,pt. $I., P.-AS. bl6stminn.
pt. r., looked, S z ; blencheden,pi., MD.
Bloundisen, u. to flatter, H ; see
Blere, ad/.blear, dim, NED.
Bleren, u. to make dim, to be blear- B1aundissen.
eyed, MD, sz, P ; blered,pp. dimrned,sz, Blo-disynge, $6. blandishing, 11.
Blowen, u. to blow, P P ; blawe, S ;
c3, p.
blou, h i p . J . 2 S ; bloawe8,pr. s., S ; bleu,
Blesen, u. to blaze, s 3 ; see =lasen.
l *. to
~ Pi', S ; blesseth
~ s., S ; bleowen,l)/.,
~ ; b l - w e ,n , ~ ~Sz. , ;
hir, p,,. *., crosses helself, c 3 ; bleroed, blow% C3.-AS, bidwan, pt. blJow, PP.
p$. S ; bletcasd, consecrated, S ; y-blessed,
s3, ~ 3 P,; i-blessed, S ; iblescede, S ; Blowen, u. to blow, to bloom, M D ;
iblerset, A
. bl:lsian,
61&jan; i-blowe, $25. S.-AS. bldwa?r, pt. bibow, pp.
ONorth. b1dcd~;an ( N E U ) ; from hldd, gebwwan.
Blubren, v. to bubble, MD; blubrande,
Blete, a+, bare, exposed, miserable, S, P.?..
M D ; blait, JI); blout, JD.-AS. b/Jat, Blustren, u. to rush about aimlessly,
wretched, miserable; cp. Icel. blaufr, Du. NEU ; blustreden,prpl., P.
blwt, G. Won.
Blui, rb. blne, Sa ; see Blewe.

Blp-hede, rb. blindness, H.
Bolle, id. bowl, S, Sz, C3, P ; a rounded
seed-vessel, NED IS. v. boll), I I D ; bou,
B l p k e ; sic Blenken.
rounded top (of barley), S3.-AS. 6ol/o.
Bo- ; see Bou-, Bu-.
Bobbe, sb. a knock, jerk, jog, S3; Bollen, u. to swell, S2, Pl'; boUed,pp.,
Sz, PP.
bobbes,pi, S3.
Bollen, pp. swollen, NED ; bollen, W;
Bobben, u. to knock, strike, MD.
Bocche, rb. turnour, boil, P P ; botche, bOlne, 5 3 ; bowlne, S3.
Bollyng, sb. swelling, P.
Wa, Prompt.; boche, CM; boce, Civ1.Bolnen, u. lo swell, Sz, P, H ; bolned,
AF. bociie, OF. bore, bump.
Bocher, id. butcher, Sz, S3, P, C.-OF. j t . s., Sz ; bolnyde, Wz; bolnyd, W.
Bolnyng, $6. swelling, H, W.
Bolt, $6. arrow, S ; bolte, Prompt.-AS.
Bocherie, $6. shambles, W, Prompt.-

bolt (V.oc).
OF. bouiherie.
Boljen, u. to puff up, MD ; boluwG3,
Bod, sb. abiding, waiting, delay, Sz.
Bode, id. message, corninand, S, P P ; pr. 5 , S.-AS. be&an,pt. bcalg(p1. buigon),
bodes, $1, S, S2.--AS. (gr)boii, command. PP. boIge77.
Bon, sb. bone, PI', Sz; boon, Wz ; ban,
Boden ; see Beden.
S ; banes,pi, S. S2 ; bon, S ; boen~s,Wz;
Bode-word, $6. command, s ; bod- bannes,
Sz. I'hr.: to make bones, to
worde, message, Sz.
S3.-AS. 6d9z.
Bodien, u. to nnnounce, S ; bodeden,
Bon, pp. prepared, Sz ; see Bonn.
pi,pL, S.-AS. bodian.
gentle, M D ; bonBody, $6. body, person, PP; bodie, S ; Bonayre, a ~ gkind,
bodi, S, PP: bodii, S. phr.: my ioly ere, M I ) ; boner, adu., M D ; bonnre,
Sz. See nebonnaire.
body, my jolly self, Cz.-AS. botIi&
Body-half, rb.the front part (of a dress), Bonayrelyche, a h . reverently, Sa.
Bonchen, u. to strilce, bump, Sa, P ;
see Buncllen.
Boile ; see Bule.
Boistous, adj boisterous, noisy, S3 ; Bond; see Binden.
boustious, S j ; bustuus, burteous, S3; Bonde, ib. a peasant serf, slave, NED,
buystous, W.
Sd ; pi.,PP.-AS. bond=, bundn, n householder; Icel. bhzdi, for ddaiani/i, a tiller of
Boistously, ndu. loadly, Cz.
Bok, $6. book, S, Sz, PP ; boo, S, sz; the soil.
boke, P.-AS. bdc ; Cp. OHG. buoh (Ta- Bondenan, rb, tiller of the soil, NED ;
bondman, P ; bondemen, pi., Sa, P, G, PP.
Bokele, sb. buckle, MD ; bokle, MD.Bone, sb, p i n , poison, P P ; see Bane.
OF. boile.
Bone, ib. ~>rayer,petition, S, Sz, Cj, G,
Bokeler, sd. buckler, shield, C, G ; PI,; ban, S z ; boone, C, G ; bone-, pi.,
bocler, Pn1rg.OI.. bocier.
S.-Iecl, b h . Cf. Bene.
Boket, sd. bucl~et,C ; bokett, Prompt. B
~alg, ~ of bone,
~ sz.
Bold, 4.
fierce, bold, daring. PP, S ; ~
~~ b . ~
~ PP, tcath.- ,
bauld, bawld, S3 ; belde, big, blortering, OF bonri, bonnet.
S ; bald, S2: balder, romp., P.-AS.beald;
Bonk, sd, bunk, shore, Sz, S3 ; see
OHG. bald (Otfiid).
Boldeliche, ads. boldly, S ; baldly,
see =,-.
Sz ; boldely, Cz.
boar, C, Wz; bare, Sa ; bore,
~ ~ l u. dto make
~ ~bold,,
PP ; bar, S2, PP ; bores, PI.,P.-AS.
MD ; boldea, pi.$., P ; ,bade, s . - ~ ~S,
Boot, sb. boat, Sz, W, CM; bet, PP.js. a kind clay, cj. cnn6b.: AS.
bole armoniak, Armenian clay, C j , N E D
Boras, $6. borax, C, Cj.-OF. borar:
(s. v. at~imoniac).-Lat, dolur; Gr. piihor,
It. lorore ; Arab. birag.
Bole, $6. bull, S, C, C3 ; bnle, S ; bu- Bord, sb, board, table, S, Szl C, N E D ;
borde, S ; boord, W ; bordes,pl., S.-AS.
lee, $I.,Sz ; bolis, W ; boolis, W.-Icel,
bord, plank. Cf. Bred.



Borgounen, v . to bud, S a ;

see Bur-


Borne ; see Burne.

Bornen, v. to burnish, S3; see



Borwe, sb. pleagc, snrely, Wz, C, Cz,

G ; borgh, H ; borghe, P ; borewe, Sz ;
borwes, pL, sponsors, S z ; ledger, P.AS. borii.
Borwen, u. to deliver, to borrow, MD,
PP, Ca, G ; borewe, W z ; borowe,NEU;
bmede,pt.s.,PP.-AS. borgian.
Borwyn e sb borrowing, Prompt.;
Boske ; see Busch.
Bosken; sce Busken.
zest, rb. boast,
MD, c3, p p ;
boost, C2 ; boste, PI' ; bostus,pi., H.
Bosten, u. to boast, 1'1' ; booSte,NED.
Bosum, s6. bosom, S, &!' (Jol'n 13. 23) ;
bosem, MU.-AS. bdsaz.
Bote, prep. and eolV. without, except,
unless, bat, S, Sz, PP ; bot, CM, Sz; but%
S ; butt, S ; boute, S, Sz ; buten, S ;
buton, S ; Con26 : bote-$ef, except that,
unless, Sz, C.-AS. be-dlon (b~ttiion).
Bote, rb. remedy, snccour, amendment,
S, Sz, Cz, G, P ; boot% S3, C, G . phj.. :
t o bote, to advimtage, in addition, NED.AS. bdf ; cp. Goth. bofa.
Botelees, a 4 without remedy, P P ;
bootelesse, uscless, S3; botles, SI.
Voc.; botfler, C ;
Botelere, $6.
butler, S.
BoteUe, ~ b bottle,
MD ; hotel, CM.OF. bouleiie, also hotel.
Boterace, $8. buttress; boteras,
Prompt. ; butterace. S I C (11. 749); but*eras, pi., SlcD; buttrace, SkD ; butteraoes, SkI1.-ME. iioteitzce for OF. 6086f e ~ e f r i.
, e. (pillars) bearing a thlilsl, $2. of

Boterace, w. to buttress ; butteras,

Palsg. ; boteraoerl,pp., PP.
Bothe, ad/.both, I'P, S ; nape, s, Sz ;
be% S ; *eve, S ; buote, Sa.-Ice). bdti,
both (ncut.).
Botme, sb. bo(tom, C, C3, Prompt.;
boPom,avale,Sz,NEU; boPem,Sz.-AS,

Botme-les, adj. battomless, CM.

Botnen, u.. to heal, to recover, M D ;

botened,pp. betlered, P. See Bote.

Botun, sb. button, bud, Prompt., Voc. ;

bothom, MD, CM; buttonys, pi., S3.OF. boufon, button, bud (Colg.).
Bouel, $6. bowel, M D ; bouele, Sa.OF. bod (and boeb); Lat. botrllur.
Bouge, $6. a leathern bottle or wallet,
I ~ ~ EW
Y ,Z(Ps. 77. 13); bowge, Wz,Prampt.
-OF. bouge, bodget, leather-case ; Low
Lat. buiga, leathern vessel (Voc.). Cf.
Bouhte; see Biggen.
Bonk, sb, the belly, imr1k, body, C, JD ;
b d c : Icrl. bdhr.
Boun,pp, prepared lo go, ready to start,
S3, CR1, P P ; bon, leady, S z ; bun, Sa ;
bown, I,, H.-Icel. bu'zlila, prepared, pp, of
bda, to get ready, to till; "1'. AS, ge-bdn,
PI' of f e b d a ~ a ;cp. IS. bound (said of a
Bounen, u, to get ready, lo go, nlso lo
Ni?D ;
NED ; bownd,pt. s., prepared himself, gut
ready, S3.
Bour, $6. bower, chamber, wornens'
chamber, C, G ; bur, daf., S ; boure, S, Sa,
P ; bowre, P ; bourez,pi, sleeping-places,
s~.-As. MY, a divel~ing.
Bourde, sb. jest, I'P, C3, G ; board, S a ,
s3;bar&,EEL).-OF. dotrrde.
~ to jest,~ c3, ~ p~ horde,

Bourding, sb. jeiling, 53.

Bourdon, $6.pilgrim's staff, CM, H D ;

bordun,Sz,PP; burdon,S,HD; burdoun,
P , M D ; bordon, MD, ~ p bordo,,n,
-OF. boz~rdon (Cotg.); Low Lat. 6unio; see B ~ X ~ O ~ .
Boustious, nifj noisy, S3; see Boistous.
$b. bough, p p ; bob, S ; bogh,
s2.bowh, ~ p boje
dat., S ; boges,pj.,
bewis , s3 .3
> sz.
s3; bowes, PP, s 3 ; boowes, c ;
b o p , dot., S.-AS. big, bdli, Icel bdgr,
bow of n ship ; cp. Gr. aZp(ur.
Bowe, sb. bow, TTz, P P ; bonwe, W T;' ~
bowss,pl., P P ; boys, S 3 A S . bogs.
Bowe-lyne, sb, boiilinc, M D ; bawelyne, Sz.
~ v. to ~bo,,., bend,
~ to ,
direc1 0ne.s coursc, t,,rr, nwny, PP, Sz, C2,
W ; bouwe, Wz, P P ; boghen, Sa, H ;
buwen, S ; bujen, S ; w h e n , S ; bugen,
S ; beien, S ; bowande, prp. obedicnt,
Sz ; buer,pr, s., Sz.-AS, bdyan.
Boydekyn, ib. poniard, bodkin, NED,





Prompt.; bodelryn, Prompt. ; boydelbns, Bred, sb. board, tablet, MD, S (s.v.wax);
pl., Cx.
brede, Prompt.-AS.
Boyste, rb. box, PF, Prompt., Cath. ; Bred-ale, sb. bride-feast, S ; see ~ r y d boyst, MD ; boist, C3.-OF.
hisit (F. ale.
Brede, rl. bride, P P ; seeBryde.
Bqte ; see Biggen.
Brede, $6. roast-flesh, S ; see Brade.
Brac, rb. a crashing solmd, frwr ; Brede, $6. breadth, S, Sz, S3, Cz, H ;
braoo, outcry, S.-Icel.
b m k ; cp. AS. breede, C, M'z. I . : on breid, on
breadth, ubtoud, S3 ; did on breid, did aBrace, $6. conple of honnds, Prompt.- broad, unfolded, S3.-AS. CxAdu.
OF. b ~ o i e ,the two arms, a grasp; Lat. Breden, v. to spread, S, Prompt.-AS.
bmihia, pl.
Bracer, $6. a guard for the left arm in Breden, u. to roast, M U ; bret, pr. r.,
archery, C ; braser, Voc. See Ascham, S.-AS. lr-&ion.
Toxophilos, ed. Arber, p. 108.
Breden, v . to breed, to produce, to be
Brade, sb. roast flesh, S ; brede, S.- piodaced. MD, PP ; bredden, pi.$/., PP ;
-AS. brddc.
i-bred, pp., S.-AS.
IvJdan, to nourish.
Sce Brode.
Bradit ; see Brayden.
Bred-gume; see Brydeeome.
Brak; see Ereken.
Brand, $6. brand, firebrand, sword, MD ; Bred-wrigte, il. bread-wright, baker,
brond, brand, Sa, C ; brondes, pi, s ; 3. See Bred.
brands, i, e. fire-side, Sz; bronBis, torches, Breech, sb. pi. breeches, drawers, Cz,
C3 ; brech, S ; breche, PP ; brek, Voc.
W.-AS. 61.snd (bvond).
Brant, n 4 . steep, high, MD, H D ; A S . b v k , pi. of 6766; cp. Icel. briekr, PI.
of &dk.
brent, JI); brentest, iz@erZ,, Sz.-AS.
Breed ;see Bred.
brant (bront) ; cp. Swed. bl.alzt, I C C ~ . braitr.
Bras, re. brass, C z ; ares, S; breas, Breels, sb. pt. wretches, HD, MD (p.
S.-AS. dm*.
Breken,w.tobreak, S, S r , P P ; breoken,
Brasten; see sresten.
S ; are=%,ppr s., S ; brao, pt. i., S ; brek,
Bratful ; see ~ r e t f u l .
Bra8, $6. violence, MD ; brappe, dat., S ; brec, Sa ; brak, Sz, 1'P ; breken,pi.,
S ; Y-broke,pp., S z ; ibroke, S2.-AS.
S.-Cp. Icel. 6rdB. See BY&.
( ~ bydrof*),
PP., bi.ocen.
~ sb, brawn,
~ flesh,
, b'.ean, Pt.
P P ; brawnes, pi., muscles, ~ 2 . - O F . Brek-gurdel, 86. a breech-g~rdle,MD;
braon, Prov. branon (brason); Low Lat. brekg9rd~lle, iuriibarc, Voc. ; breohgerdel, MU ; breigirdel, MD ; brigirdii,
brad one^,^ ; see Dacange.
Brayde, sb. a qnick mo\,ement, a start, MD ; brygyrdyll, Prompt. ; breigerdlis,
a while, moment, MD, CM ; braid, s 3 ; PI2 purses, PP. See Breech.
brayaes, $1, grimaces, S z ; breides, cun- Breme, sb. brcarn, Prompt. ; brem, C.
ning tricks, MD. Phr. : s t a. brayde, in a -OF. bresme (F. br?nie) ; O H G . bvahiema.
moment, SI.-Ice1 bra& quid<movement. Breme, n i i j fierce, angry, S, S2, S3, H,
Sa ; breeme,
Brayden, u. todraw, pull, to draw away P P ; brem, S z ; br$me,
quickly, to twist, braid, to start, to move C.-AS. b?6nie, famous, noble.
quickly, hasten (intr.), to wake up, MU, Bremely,adu. fiercely,ft~riously,loudly,
Prompt., Sa,CM; breyde, CM,Cs; breide, Sz ; bremly, Sz.
W z ; b r e ~ d e ,pt. s., PP, CM, Cz, C 3 ; Bremstoon; see Brynston.
braYae, M U ; bradit, S3; broaen, pp., Bren, rb. bran, S z , C, P.-OF. 6ren (F.
MD ; broywn, iaguroin~,
Pron~pt.; bray- 6 m n ) .
den, MD ; browden, MU, J D ; browded, Brene; see Brune.
C, H D ; brouded, Cz; broyded, W W ; Brenke; see Brink.
b r ~ a e a ,MD.-AS.
b"~gu'a+ pt. braEd
Brennen, u. to barn, Sz, S3, C, CZ,
( p i brufdon), pp. bro&n.
PP, W ; bren, S z ; brinnen, S, S a ;
Brea- ; see Bre-.
brende,pt.r., S,Sz, Cz ; brent, Sz ; brenBred, s6. bread, S, PP; breed, Cz,Wz; don, pL, S ; brenneden, M'; brende,
brmd, S ; bread, S ; brad, S ; brede, Sz; brenned, brend, Sa ; brende, C ; brenbresde, dat., S.-O.North. 6rhd.
ten, W z ; brend, pp., S, Sz, C ; brent,




Cz, S3, W ; Y-brend, C 3 ; y-brent, C S ; brochte, S ; brouite, S z ; bronhte,

Icei. brenno; cp. Goth. brinnan. Cf. S ; broite,S, Sz; broght,pl., Sz ; broht,
dp. S z ; broght, Sz ; brou)t, Sz; ibro)t,
Brenningly, adv. ardently, fiercely, C. S Z ; Y-broit, S z ; 7-brought, C ; ibroht,
S ; ibrouht, S z ; ibrooht, S.
Brent, ad$ rterp, high, S1, J D ;
Brink, $6. brink, margin, MD; branke,
dal., W ; b l n k e , MD.-Cp.
Swed. brinA,
Breo-; see Bre-.
Brerd, sb. brim,rnargin, surface, top, S3, led.
Brinnel~;see Brennen.
M U ; brurd, M U ; brerde, MI),-AS,
brerd, brim, lop of a vessel, shore ; cp. Brisel, *ti/. bbrlle, H ; bresil, H ;
brissal, ID. See below.
OHG. b~o,?, also Icel. b,.od&, the front.
Brerd-ful, adu. brimful, MD ; brurd- Brisen, v . to cmsh, MD ; b ~ i s s eMD
bresen, MI); brinid,pp., W.
All, Sz. Ci. Bretful.
Brere, $6. briar, S3, W z ; brer, s 3 ; Brisokis, d.pL wild cabbage, H.
Britel, acij brittle, fragile, MD ; britil,
breres, pi, S, S3, C ; breris, W.-AS.
bdr, aiao bribre, pl. (OET).
Sz, W ; brutel, MD ; brutil, CM ; brotel,
MD.-From base ol AS. bruton, pt. pi. of
Bres ; see Bras.
6r:otan3 to break.
Bresil, a@. brittle, H ; see
Britnen, u. to break, break up, MD ;
Brest, ~ 6 .breast, c ; breort, MD ; bruttenet,
$9. deslru~ed,slain, 5 2 ; brebreast, volce, 5 3 ; brepte, p p ; bryst,
t r n r a , HI).-AS.
brytiziari, to distribute,
MD.-AS. brdosl.
Bresten, u. to bmst, S2, CZ, W, M D ;
Britoner, $6. a man of Brittany, a
bresten, s3, MD ; bersten, S, C ; brast,
pt. $., ~ 3 PI';
barste, 12; br.ste, pi, Frenchman, 'I ; Brytonere, P ; see BraCa, S2 ; brest, S.3; brusten,pp., damaged,
Brijt, a*. bright, S, P P ; brioht, S ;
hurt severely, Sz, MD.- I e c l br.esta,
brict, S ; briht, S; bd@, S ; bryht, SZ ;
livart, pp. b~arostinn; cp. AS. Jtrsias.
Bretful, adj. brimful, S3, C, PP, I ~ D
; bryit, Sz ; brihtre, conap., S ; briater,
bratful, Sa, IT; breaful, pp. cp.swed. S ; brictest, superi, 3.-AS. beorht.
Brijte, edu. brightly, MI); bqghte,
bmddfui. See Brerdful.
Bre8, ib. breath, vapour, voice, word, CZ.
Brijtnesse, ib. brightness,Wz; brichtMD, PP, CM ; breve, di,t., S-AS. br&b.
S ; brihtnesse, S ; brictnesse,
Brethe, rb. anger, wrath, H ; breth, H. nesse,
-1cei. brngi, anger, from irdr, hasty, S.-AS. 6eol.iitnes.
Brocage, a treaty by an agent, P P ;
See ~ r o 8 .
brokages, pi, I,.-OF.
brosngr, ' enprime
Brethir ; see Braver.
~~t,.brief, letter
~ ofindulgence,
~ ridge de
t ruse et ,de perfidle ' (Godefroy).
Broche, sb. brooch, match, spear, spit,
brenettes,pi., P.-Late ~ ~breucll*m.
t .
M D ; ~brouch, ,Ss ; broth, C ; broches,
~v. to brew,
~ M D ; brew,Pt,
~ PL'
PP.-OF. broiiie.
contrived, Cz, P P ; breuh, Sz, PP.-AS.
Brochen, a. to spur, pierce through,
brbwun, pl. brdaw, pp. browen.
on thespit, broach~a cask,
; broth~
~bieuster, P ; breusters,
=% ~
pt. s., Sz, PI'.-OF.
broiher, Pro".
female.breeers, s%,
Breyden ; see Brayden.
$6. a stag in its second or third
=rid, ~ b a. young bird, Pf, Cs, C3, W ; ,,Brocket,
N D , M ~ ) ,Cotg.; broket, M D ; brokbriaa, S ; briaae, P P ; bred, P P ; bredde,
, (Cotg.),
P P ; berd, MI1 ; bird, MD ; briddea, pL, kettis, ?l,,s ~ , - OF,
Brocour, $6. broker, P ; brokour, P.s2,C ; brsaaee, s z ; briadis, n7, AF.
abroionr ; Low Lat. abrocalorem (Dubirds, S3 (26. IISO).-AS. bridd.
cange), from abrocare, to broach a cask,
Brigge, $6. bridge, PP, S, CM ;brugge, from broia. see=roche.
P P ; bregge, MD ; brygge, PP ; brig, ~
~a+. bbrodd,
d s a , p, p ; brood, c ;
S%.-AS. bryig; cp. Icel. b,yggia.
breid, 5 3 ; brode, C, PP ; brade, S, Sz,
Briggen, w. to bridge, S.
II ; broddeste, superL., Wz.-AS. brdd.
Brike, rb. caiamit~,Cz ; see B q k .
Brode, adu. broadly, wide awake, C j ;
Bringen, u. to br:ng, S ; brohte,pt. s., widely, PP; broode, broadly, plainly, C.


Brode, s6. brood, S, Prompt.-Cp.

OHG. braot (Weigand).

Broiden ; see Brayden.
Brok, rb. brock, badger, Prompt. ; broc,
W ; bracker, pl., P ; brokk~s,Pl'. AS.
b ~ o ;c OIr. br066.
Brok, sb. brook, P P ; broke, P.-AS.
Brol, rl. a brut, child, M D , SZ, PP;
brolle, P ; brawl, N D . - Cp. Low
Lat. broiiur, 'mise~culus' (Prompt., p.

Brond ; see Brand.

Bro8, o d j uiolcnt, MD ; brap, M D

6rdSr. Cf Bras.
Bropeful, a d j violent, hlD ; braithful,
Brothel, $6. a wretch, PP, M D , H D ;
brothell, I'alsg.
Bropeliche, d w . violently, MD ;
bropely, hasrily, quickly, S z ; braithly,
bralth, JU-Icel.


BroDGer, id. brother, P P ; fen. r., Cz;

brosere, pi, S ; brezere, S ; brethir, S?, ;

bresre, S ; brisere, S ; bretheren, Cz,



Bro8er-hed, sb. brotherhood, h l D ;

bretherhede, C ; britherhed,W; britherhod, W.

Brutayne, sb. Brittany, Sz.
Brutil ;see Britel.
Brutiner, $6. a man of Brittany, a
Frenchman, a swaggerer, P P ; Brytonere,
P ; Britoner, p.
Brutnen, a. to hew in pieces, M D ;
bruttenet,$$. slain, Sz ; see Britnen.
Bryche, adi. reduced, paor, Sa.-AS.
bryre,, frail.
Bryd~ale,rb marriage-fcast,MD; briw e , P, w ; bredale, S ; bruydale, P ;
brndale, S.-AS.
a bbride-ale,
Bryde, $6, bride, iion~id<rra,
Voc., P P ;
brede, PP ; bruyd, CM ; arud, MD, S ;
brid, MD. - AS. by@: OS. Iriid; cp.
OHG. bnlt ( O ~ f ~ i d ) .
Bryde-gome, 16. bridegroom, MD ;
bredgume, S ; brudgume, MD. -AS.
bdd.ut,ta (b~idsunuzj; cp. OHG. b d i So010 (Otfrid).
Bryk, $6. misery, calamity, M D ; brike,
C Z ; *ruche, injury, MU.-AS. byyce.
Bryllyn ; sce Birlen.
Brymme, s6. margin, shore, S, MD.AS. bvim, surf, the sea; cp. Icel. brim.
Bryn-ston, .d. sulphur, Voc., PP, SI ;
brymston, \
; bremstoon, C, PP ;
brimstoon, C3 ; brunrtan, H.-Cp. Icel.
Brystylle, sb. bristle, I'rompt., Voc. ;
berstles,$/., C.-Fmm AS. lyml: OHG.
BrYttlynge, sl. breaking up, S3. See

Bro8er-rede, ib. fraternity, M D (p,

3&+).-AS. brddowBdeir.
Brouded,pp.braided, Cz; seeBrayden.
Broudster, $6. embroiderer, JD.
Broudyng, rb. embroidery; browdyng,
C, CM.
Brouken, u. to use, enjoy, eat, PP, C, XU-; see Bou-2 Bo-.
G ; bruken, S ; brexen, S ; brooke, to Budele, xb. beadle, officer, P P ; bndeles,
endure, S3 ; bruc, in@. i. use, S ; ibroken, pi, S ; beodeles, Sz.- AS. bydd; cp.
ad... S-AS. bru'iaa., ot. l r d a (01. brrrion\. OHG. butii. Cf. Bedel.
pp. brocm.
Bue, Bu8; see Ben.
Broun, adj. brown. C, P P ; bmn, $6. Buggen, v. to buy, S, Sa, P P ; see
brown horn, 3.-AS. bvdn.
Bru-; see Bry-, Bri-, Brou-.
Bugle, sb. wild on, S2, Prompt. ;bugill,
Bru ge see Brigge.
S3 ; bowgle, S3 ; bugle, buiialo-horn,
~ r d sj.
, locust(= brtrinur), Wa, H ; bugle, MU.-OF. 6 z ~ i e ; Lat. liunr/um


.B,o o*i ~ o r .
~v o ~,.



Brune, $6, burning, S,M D ; bxene, S1. Builen, u. to boil, Sa ; bwlith, pr. r.,
Wz ; buylyng, pr, p., PP ; buyliden, pf.
-AS. 6ryne.
coat of mail, S ; p/., WZ.-OF. 6zci//iv; Lat. builirc.
Bmnie, ~ b .
brinie, MD ; brini, H D , MD ; burne, Bule, sb. boil, 1'P ; bilis, $1,W ; byles,
MD ; bryniges, p/., S ; brenyes, 1ID.P P ; boilus, PP.-AS. 4128; cp. G. bruZe
Icel. brynja: Goth. brunjo; cp. AS. byme. (Weigand).
Brurd; see Brerd.
Bule ; see Bole.
Brusten; see Bresten.
Bulle, f6. bull, papal rescript, P ; bille,
P P ; petitton, PP ; bylle, PP.-Lat. 6u/la,
Brut, r6. Briton ; Bmttes, PL, S.

D 2

Bnsperse, r l I IU.:IIP-., i ~ ! l v i : y , -1r1.


Ba~umliche.d : : .


r l . I.L:.L~~, 1 1':

b~sinesse, ( , ; : boxurnly, -.; b u = " m l y , ~ ' . .

beayncrse 5, ; besynes, 11, bLPrneases. Buxumnesse. . . L 1, !L.KC,
buxomnes, P ; boxurnnes, Sa.
By-, pr&. See Bi- words.
Bnp ; see Ben.
~ r . ~ : . . ~ t r ! >, I l l , t', c',,;

I I' ;

By, Bi,prep. by, at, according to, S , Sa,

Bnp ; see Bigsen.
with regard to, PI', S , Sa, S 3 ; bie, S ; be
Buuen, $*.a$. and aiiw. above, S ; bane, S , S z . Phr.: by sndby, ad*. immediately,

S ; boue, M D ; bufon, S.-AS. be-%fan. S i : in order, separately, C , Prompt., MD.

Buxnm, a*. obedient, ready, willing, BY, w. to dwefi, boild, Ca ; see ~ i g g e n .
courteous, 1'1'; boxurn, S z , PP ; buxom, B y g g p g , sb. bmlding, S z .
CM ; bahsum, S. See Bowen.
By?e; see ~ p i 3 .

C- ; see also under 9.

Czse ; see Cbese.
Caas, sb. ease, circumstance, chance, C ; Czste, sb. dat. chest, S ; see Chest.
kas, Sa ; mas, 33; oaa, S3, CZ.-AP. iai; Caf, r8. chaff, PI ; see chaf.
Lat. raiutn (ace.), a fall, from cadere, t o Caitif, odj. aalld $6. captive, rniseraLlc
wretch, MD, W, C 3 , H ; cicytif, C z ; cayCaas, $6. case, quiver, C ; see CaSse.
tiue, P ; op*tifes, p i , s3; caytiues, ~3 ;
Caban, sb. hut, small room, &ID, P P ; kagtefes, Sz.-AF. raitif: Prov. rapti-;
cabin, MD.-OF.

rabane; cp. Low Lat. Lat. raptiuvm (acc.);

rabanna. rafianne : see Bmchet.

see Bradnet (s.7.




~ t a k ,Vac.; c o t o k e , Palsg.; az.Stock, caukyr, Voc.; canlrere,Yo<,-Lat. ianier,

crab, an eating tamonr, also, in pi. izncri,
JD ; oustoc, JU. See Cole.
Camamelle, 16. camomile, Voc.; oa- lattice-worlr.
memille, Voc.; camamyle, Prompt. ; C a n k e r d , p $ , corrupted, S3.
cammamyll, Pnlsg. ; oamomYle, MI); C a n n e , sb. cane, reed, MD ; oane,Voc.cammamxld, S3 ; cam-y,
~ ~mlz,Lu
t ;. GX. ,'dvva,
cane, reed ;
Lat. ra*tza,?ii/ia; Gr. ,yapaipnAav.
Heb. giirieh.
Camel, sb. camel, MD; camelle,
~ 6 can,
MD, W : cane. Voe.
Prompt.; camaille, Cz ; chamel% cp.
~ ~rarriin,
t . measure for liquids;
Prompt. ; chamwle, MD.-OF.
weip,,d (s.v.
Lat, ca,,ieism (acc.); Gr. xhpqha.; Hrb.
Canofi, sb. a rulc, MD, P P : csnonn.
PP. - Lat. canon ; Gr.
Cameline, rd. camlet. MD.-OF.Lar,ie- AiD;",; canon-law,
a WIG, standard, from
line; Low Lut. rat,rr/inznll.
c u e , rrerl. Sec Canne.
C a m e l o t , id. camlet. S k D ; chamelot,
u. to admit into the
S3: chamlet. Cotg.-OF. car~~aiot
to cunonizc,MD ; to conse.
cp. Low Lat. ramelotzrvz.
crate admit to the dignity of tlie papacy.
Cammamyld, d. camomile, S3; see MD.ILqte
L ~ianorizare.
~ ,
Canonistres, sb. pi. men slcilled in
Camp, sb. 'Ontest,
MD: camp, S ; canon-law or rcclesiaslical law, PP.-OF.
kemP, !D; k=mpe, dat., MD.-As. calnli
,o,, j,te; L~~~
(corn$) ; cp. Iccl. ?zap$.
Canoun, s6. a canon of a chapter, hlD ;
Campe, nG. See Kempe.
kanun, S ; chanoun. S, Voc., C3, G ;
Campen, contend. contest, esP. at c~.non, c~.-oF. cn,,onc, cnnoinc
fool-ball, M', Prompt.-AS. ea'flpian.
mi,,,); chorch at. iat~oiriiurn(ucc.) one
Campynge, sb. pedi$iladi=iil*m, game of on the ~hurc~r-roll
or list (ratzon).
foot-hall, Prompt.
aiij lively, brave, chect.ful, AfD.
Can, pr. s. can, knorus, S, Sz. Phz,.: s*, JD,
can panc. S ; see Runnen.
C a n t , $6. a portion, S3; comer, SkD.
Canceler, rii. chancellor, S ; see C h a w - NU.-OF. rant; cp. lt, canto,
Candel, sb. c*ndle. M D ; kanael, S : C a n t e l , sb. edge, piece, bit, MD, C, S%.-AS, cflnm (conliei) ; J-at. P ~ O , ~ ~I ,,~~I.S, ~kantei,
ragrdeia; cp. Icel. ?zy*iliN candle, torch.
(1'. ihaizieau),
Candel-messe, 56. Candlcmnis. h f n ; caper-cailye, ~ 6 .capercaiIyie, JD.canael-m-se, dat.. S, S~.-CP. Icd. ~J'?z- I,. mp,,ii-ioi~ie,lit., tire hoise
the forest.
diil~nieisa,i n Church Lat. randelaria, the seecap,,l.
feast of the Purification.
Capitain, rb. captain. Ca ; capitame,
Canelle, sb. cinnamon, S% Voc., Carl). s3.- 01:. inpitain:~ ~~ .t ~ ~te~, p i t a n e u m
(4; canrlle. Cath. : canel, W. W1.-AF. (,,c.) caplain,flolll ~ ~injut.-~r.~heuet .
ranrile; Late Lnt. ianeiia, cinnamon, also. tarn.
a reed (Ducangr), from Lat. canna. See C a p i t l e , rd, tlie w m ,the chief point,W:
see Chapitre.
C a n e v a s , s d . canvas, C3; canvas, Voc. ; Cappe, $6. cap, hlD : keppen, pL, S.
canwas, Voc.-AF,
canevos, raneonce;
C a p r e * , 86, wild goat, W z ; c*p=etis,
L~~~~ ~ia,,abniizri,
t .
hempen cloth : fro,,,
Lat. ca$l-etur: cp. F. thewOF. car,ve (F. c~a,zu,.e),
L~~~L*~. PL. "2.-Late
rannaburii, Lat, iicnnabis: Gr. rCvvapis.
horse, nag. MU.,
Cang, a$. ffoolisli,lustful, M D ; csnges, Capu1,
PP, MI); oapil. IvID : capel. C3 ; caple,
fooi.i, S ; kanges, p i ,
see MD.
PP, HD.-Icel. hapall; Lat. iobolllrr;
P P ; No~es,(p. 341)
cp. Ir. cap%//, Wel. icfji.
Cangen, u. to befool, MD.
C a r a c t e r , sb. il mark, sign, character,
Cang-liche, adv. foolirhly, MD.
W ; carecter, W ; csrrracte, Palig.;
Caw-schipe, sb. foolishness, MD.
oarecte,PP; coreot, IV : caraotes, pl..
C a n k e r , sb. cancer, a disease, MD, W ; H D ; w e c t e s , PP.-Lat. ciinrater; Gr.





~ a p a m i p ,an engraved marl<; cp.



Carayne, r '
Oarbokvl. \


. ,:i:o.~.

; , c Caroigne
: a. I J :, > I I , .
c l ~ a ~ b o l l ~1'l eI l , clvur-



?, .



u. to dance in a ring, to sing,

Carolinge, -*. . a 1 1~. 6 . I',,.

Carpen, .. I I :! . I i:. J ! : .


> :??.

camedo, fir . ,

.rl1 - 1 . 1 : .

Carre, sd. car, cart, Prompt.: charre,
iardc : MD ; =hare, Voc., S3, W ; schare, is?Late Lat. iarduiiz incc.1,
C. Cz :
.. from iardzrz~r, arnlzrar. Voc. : char.
~, Sz., Sz.
~ " , ,
>ham, MD ; oharis,pl., W, Wz, 1.1.-OF:

rulum (acc.).

Carde, ib. tcnsel, Prompt. ;-OF.

Carden, a. to card wool, MD, Prompt.,


carder, It. caiiiaf'c (Florio).

Cardiacle, $I., pnin about the heart, PP,
Cath. (n.), C3 ; cardyaole, Prompt.; cardiakylle, Cath., Voc.: oardiake, Cath.OF. cariiinouc, a malady of the heart
otg.); ~ a i e l . a trardinii,
'cordis passio ';
from x~.,,
the ha,, YO.
the intrusion of l see Croniaue.
Care, rb. grief, S, C3, C ; cayr, S3 :
kwe, S2.-AS. rrerzl : OS. kara ; cp.
OHG. cham.
Care-full, a*. fn11 of grief S3, C : karful, S2 ; ~airefulnch,adu. anxiously, P ;
oarfuli, Sz.
Caren, u. to be anxious, MD; karien,
S ; oared,pt. s., G ; p i , P.-AS. ieorian.
Carf,pc s. cut, C z ; see Keruen.
Carited, ib,charity, S ; see charitee.
Cark, Carke; see Charge.
natic2rs, iolon,lr, ma,.i
Carl, rd, a
(us, MD, C3.-Icel. kari; cp. OHG. b a d
a man ;
caremme. M D ; cadmen, pl.. S.-Icel.
karlnaaUr (karma8r), a mm, male.
Carme, i b . a Carmelite friar; karmes,
pi., Sa.-OP.
(13artsch); from
Chmch Lst. Camel8is; Hrb. Cartiie!, 'cultivated land.'
Caroigne, ib. carrion, MD, PP, C ;
caroyne. MD, PP ; camin, S z ; oareyne,
MD, PP ; cayeyn, Wz ; carayne, MD,
Sz : caraing, h l D ; karyun. 11: carion,
MD; caren, M D ; karyn, MD: careynr,
$1. W.-OF. ca*.oignc(F. iharogne); cp. It.
r a r e p a ; from Lal. mro, flesh. See Crone.
Carole, sb. a round dance, singin&,MI);
karole, a chain, h l D ; caroles, p i , C ;
carolles, MU.-OF.
ramie (caroile); It.
mrdia, a dance, song (Florio): Low Lat.
rarola, ka**ila,a dancing, also, a clinin (of
pearlr),see Ducange; I.nt. rorolla, aw-reath ;
dimin. of corona.- ALM. For another
account of this word see SlD.



tarre, also car (char); Lnt. iarrwn (acc.).

A Celtic wold, cp. OIr, iarr(Windisch).
Carry, v. i a m o uahe?,c, t o carry, MD;
carien, Cz ; to hive, )ride,travel, Sz ; ycmied, C2. - AF. orier (OF. charier,
rhallroie>); Late Lilt, mrr.iiare (corrigam),
see Ducnnge. See Chsrgen.
m i kart, H

., ...,

. ,

67. 18).
C a q , sb. a rough material, S 3 ; see

Casse, s6. box, chest,

cover, Prompt. ;
kace, Prompt. ; omas, C-OF, rasse (AF.
ciiassc) ; Lnt. mapra; ep. Gr. d $ a .

Cast, rb. a tlirow, plan, intention, plot,

MU, C, G ; carte, P ; kastis, $1, H . Icel, host.
Castel, sb. village, small town ( = caitcil~rm), W ; castels, PI., camp (=carha),
Wz : kastels, H (Ps. 77. 32).-Late Lut.
(Vulg.), Lat. casfe~fufl~,

sb, castle, S,-OF,
tr!). Sce




S, MI),


$1. fo~tificationr,

Casten, u. to cast, throw, to consider,

imagine, purpose, design, S, Sz, S3, C ;
kasten, MD, H ; kesten, MD, Sz ; caste,
pi. r., MD, Sz, SS, Cz, C3, G ; kast, Sz ;
kert, S3 ; oasten, pi., P, W ; kesten,
Sz, W ; cantiden, W : casten, pp., MD,
Cz ; i-oast, S ; y-cast, C3 ; ikest, Sz ;
kest, Sz ; cart, C3. Phr. : caste tornes,
tried tricks, C.-Icel. iiaiia.
Castyng, rb. a vomiting, W.
c a t , s ~ cut,
voc, M U ;
xat, S,

Catapuce, J. name of a purgative

plant, euphorbia. C ; catapus, CM.-OF.
iztapirie (pciita), garden spurge (Cotg.) ;
Low Lut. cntapotinni, * medicamentnm quod
non diloitur, pillulu' (Ilocangc) ; Gr, nara~ h ~ i o that
can be gulped down, a pill,
from n h o r . drink. Cp. Low Lat. cathejuriu,
'semen rpulgie.' SU.




sedewsle,Alph.-AF. retezuale, OF.ri!oual, nership in power, C ; ohanpartye, S3.ii!ouart; Low Lat. zedoarilmi; Arab. jad- OF. chanlpart, field-rent, see Cotg.; Lat.
wrir (from the I'rtsinn).
Cesen, sb. p i counlries, S ; see CUE%. Champion, sb. a fighter in the duel, a
Chaf, r6. chaff, straw, MD ; ahaff, MD ; champion, MD; ohampioun, C, G.-AF.
ohaffe, W, Prompt.; chef, M D ; caf, H ; rharnpion; Late Lat. rampionem.
cafe, H.--AS. can$
Chan- ; see Cho*un-.
Chaffare, 36. business, selling, mer- Chanoun; see canoun.
chzndise, Sz, Cz, C3; chaff*=, C3 i chaf- chape, $6. the locket
a scabbard,
are, S ; cheffnre, S : chapfare, M U ; cotg., 13th. : schape, cath. (%.).-OF.
cheapfare, MD.--AS. i4ap +fan', a lour(cotg,).
ney, business; cp. Icei. k i 2 ~ p j ~ 1 .
Chapele, rb. chapel, S, M D ; chapelle,
Chaffaren, u. to chaffer, S z , C3, P, W. MD ; schape~~e,
vat.- AF.
Chaflet, rb. a small stage or platform, mp,k; church ~ ~iapeila.
t .
S3. HD.-A dimin. of OF. ihaf~u!, ( h a ? chapelein, $8. cl,aplain, M D ; chape/nutl see Ducange (s.7. chaafallun~). See leyne,MD, C ; c h a p e l e y n s , P ~ , ~ z . - ~ ~ .
iheprbin; Church Lat. capriianus.
M D ; Chapiter, ib. the
of a column,
cheyne, Prom~t.,Cz : chyne, MD.-AF.
L ~ capireilsc
~ .
rhnine (iheine); OF. ihaiinr, cadene ; Lat. dimin, of
$6. a chapter, division of a
Chaire, seat, chair, M D ; ohayere @kChapitre,
, a meeting of clergy. MD, P P ; chapW z ; chaere, S, MD,-AF:
MD ;
zter, S3 ; chapitere, P P ; ch-pitle, P P ;
rhaipre,rhayerc, seat, throne; Lat, mthrdra; ohapitele, PP; oapitle, summary, W.Gr. ~ o O i 6 ~ a .
OF. ciiiipitre, rhapitle; Lat. rapitulum,
Chald, a 4 cold, S ; see Cold.
dimin. of rupzrt.
Chalenge, $6. false claim, accusation, chapitre.hous, rb., pp ;
claim, MI), W z ; calsnge, M D ; ohal- ohapitel-hous,PP,
aunge, MD.-AF. iho/rn@, chiiaiansfe, OF.
Chapman, $6, merchant, C, PP ; chapialrngr ; Lat, ralzrmnia.
man, Sz, PI' ; chepmon, S ; chapmen,
Chalengen, u. to accuse, charge, claim, pi, S, Sa, C3, PP.-AS. idap,,,on.
MD, W, Sz, 1'; chrrlange, H ; calenChapmanhode, s*. trade, Sa, C3.
gynge, pr. p., wz ; chalangeae, pt. ,.,
Chapolory, $8. a k i d of scarf, S3; see
Sz ; chalangea, pp. accused, P.-AF.
rhnicnger, d a l i i n ~ e r 'calurnniare!
Char, Chare, sb. car, S3 ; see Carre.
Chalengere, sb. accuser, Wz.
Chamber, il. chamber, MD; chambur, Charbocle, $6. carbuncle (stone), C2 ;
MD; schambyr, Voc.; chsmbre, Cz, C3, see Carbonole.
P P ; chombre, MD ; ohaumbre, hlD, PP ; Charen, u. to turn. S ; see Cherren.
chawmere, MD ; chsmer, Voc.; chd- Charge, ~ b a. load, injunction, responsimer, S3.-AF. chnmhre: Lat. camera.
bility, blD, Sz, C3, C, W ; oharche, MD ;
Chamberere, $6. handmaid, MD, Sz, ~ & r k =S3;
, karke, M D ; cark, MD, G.Cz ; chrrmbrere, MD ; chomberier, MD. AF. c h a r , , also Rark.
-OF. rhattzbariert.
Chargen, u. to put a load on, to enjoin,
Chamberling, b
chamberlain ; MU, Sz ; to care far. W, Wa ; oharchrng,
cheumberling, MD ; ohamberlein, M D ; pr. p., S3 ; y-charged. pp., Sz ; charged,
scllamberleYne, Voc. : chamberliryn, Sz.-AF.
OF. cargiEv; Late La;.
MD ; chamerlane, Voe.-OF. d a n l r e - iarriiare. See Carry.
icnc (cp. It. camerietigo in Florio) ; OHG. chargeouse, =dj. burdensome, W ;
ihamnrlini; Lat. ramere+ 0HG.-lzjrc. On ohariouse, wz.
the suffix see SkD.
Charitee, sb, charity, Ca ; oharyte, Sa ;
Chamelle ; see Camel.
cherite, MD, Sa, ti; oarited, S ; ka~itep,
Chamelot, sb. camlet, S3; seecamelot. MD.-AF.
rharite, OF. caritet, Prov.
Champaine, adj. nand ib. level, level raritat; Lat. ian'ta!e,n. C t Cherte.
country, CM. S3.-AE'. ihonapeipe.
Chari3, adj. sad, S.-AS.rrarig; cp. 0s.
Champartie, rl. share in land, part- kag-as See Care.





Charnel, sb. charnel-house, P, WD.AP. iharncl, iansel; Lnl. iarnalcitr.

Chartre, sb. prison. S,MU.-OF. chartve, Ps. ~ q r 7. ; Lnt, ianrl-em, see I3racllet.
For t r from origiilal rr, compare OF.
veinire ; Lat. ui7iiei.e.
Chartre, ib. chaiter, S, PP.-AF. chart r e ; Lat. <h/iai.tzrla, dimin. of rharfa.
Chase, $8. himting, permit, also, hnnting-ground, MU ; chas, hl1) ; chays, $3.
-AN. rhaie, hunting-ground.
Chaser, sb. hunter (horse), chaser, M D ;
chaseris,$/., Sz.
Chastelet, s6. little castle, domain, P.
-OF. ihnstdet (Cotg.). See Castel.
Chasteleyne, $6,cajlellun, MU.-AF.
Chastien, v, to chastise, MD, S ;
chaste, Sz, Cz, P.-AF.
ihaitier, OF.
rasti8r; Lat. casfipre.
Chastisen, u. to chastise, MU: chastyse, Cz.
Chastyng, sb. chastisement, P.
Chaud, mij. hot, Sz, PIx.-OF. chaztd,
rhnld; Late Lat.ia/<lzrnz; from Lat. caiidui.
Chaunce, sb. chance, Sz, Cz, C j ;
cheance, bill: cheaunce, M U ; chans,
MD ; chance, S3. - OF. rlieanre; Late
Lat. iadeniia, a falling, from cadiere.
Chauncel,ib.chancel,Prompt.; cllsun-11,
I'alsg. ; ohawnsrue, Voc. - OF.
chancel; Late ].at. iaacelie<i, chancel,
screen ; cp. Lilt. iaiirelli, pl., latticework,
dimin. of cani7-i, lattice work, from cancer,
a crab. See Canker.
Chaunceler, $6. chmceilor, Prompt. ;
chanoeler, MI); c-nceler, S.-AE. chnlzrcler, OF. ianreliai~.r;Late Let. iicnre//arius.
chauncellerie, ".

chanoelerie, ML).-AF. rlia2airelene.

Chauncerye, $6. clruncery, MD.-AF.
Chaunge, sb. change, Ca.
Chaungen, v. to change, MU, Sz ;
chaunei, S ; chongen, S z ; i-ohanget,$$.,
S.-AF. rhaii,qer, 01'. ihatigieq calcfier;
I.ow Lat. canzbiare, to barter.
Chaunger, s*. molley-chnnser, W.
Chaungyng, $6. changing, Wz.
Chaunterie, xi,, clianltry for singing
masses for the ilend, C.-AE. chauntrrie,
OF. chanterit; Lvtc Lat. canlaria, from
Lat. ia?zinre, to sins.
Chavel, i b . thc jaw, hlD; ohavyl, M D ;
ohawle, MD; chanl, MU; chonle, MU ;

chol, S3; choll, MD.-AS.

regff. See
further in Skl) (5.". >io/).
Chavyl-bone, s6. jaw-bone, Prompt. ;
chilvylbon, MU.
Che-; see chi..
Cheap, $6.bargain, S ; see Chepe.
Cheap-ild, sd, a fernale trader, S. See
Chearre, v . to tran, S ; see oherren.
Cheas, $1. s. chose, S ; see Chesen.
Checker, rb. exchequer, S3; see Esoheker.
Cheef, sb. and a<q. head, upper part,
chief, hlD, P P ; chief, M D : c h e q P P ;
chef, MD; ohyf,PP.-OF. rha(AF. mi@),
'hewe; Late Lat. iapuin (acc.); cp. It, capo,
Sp. d o .
Cheef-mete, sb. chief meat, PP, Sz.
Chees; see Cheren.
Cheest ; see Cheat.
Cheffare, rd. business, S ; see c h &
Chekelew, a@. s~~ffocaling,
H D ; see
Cheken, a. to choke, suffocate, MD,
Prompt., SkD. Sre NED (s.v. aihoke).
Cheker, JI. c x c l ~ e q ~ ~ PP;
c r , see Esoheker.
Cheld, a@. cold, Sz: see Cold.
Chelde, $6. cold, PP.
s ; xeiae,
chelaen, u. to grow
M~..-As. iea~tiiali.
S, sz; see Chil,
Ch,ge, sb,
Chgle, i b . thioat, flu made np from the
fur about the muten's throat, S ; cheole,
MI)., o elle MD.-AS, ieoie, the throat ;
o H ~ihjJe
, ((G, kchie), seeDnertheschele,
Chelle, sh. bowl, inceilse-veescl, S.-AS.
(rylle), a ressel for drillking; cp.
OHG. c/re))a.
Chemys, sb. chief mansion, J D ; see
Chene; see chyne.
cheOgen; see chesen,
Chepe, rb. bargain, business, MD ;
cheap, S. Phr. : gaodohepe, cheap, MD ;
gret ohep, plmty, cl~enpness>M U ; to
good cheea, too cheaply, C.-AS. <Pa$,
business, purchase, price, also, cattle; Icel.
Ranp, bargain; cp. OIIG. hoz+(Otfrid).
Chepe, sb. Cheapside, Sa, P.
Chepen, u. to transact boriness, buy or
sell, hill, S ; chepet, jj.,
S.-AS. rbapian,
to bargain.



Cheping, $6. marliet, W ;

Sa, P.-AS.

chepynge, 643); scheae, Voc.; case, S.-0.

trade, commerce.


(OET), AS.



Lut. caiezrs.

Chepmon ; see Chapman.

Chesen, u. to choose, S, Sz, Cz, C3, G ;
Cher, a@. ddear, PP ; ohere, MD. Phr.: cheosen,S,S2,MD; ches,i>np.s.,Sz:chees,

cher; Lat. C3; ohoyrs,S3; cheas,pf s., S; ches, MD,

S z ; chees, MU, Sa, C z , C a ; chesit
Cherarchy, sC. an
of holy (weah), S3; curen, pL, M D ; ousen, S ;
pp., S ; yohore, P P ; cosan, S.rulers, a hierarchy, S3 ; yerarchy, s k icoren,
pp. core*.
(p. Rro).-OF. /lierori/iie; GIr. i
~ ~ AS.~ clornn,
~ pt.
~ c hj i (PI.
~ iaron),
cp. It. gevarrhia, a hitmrchy of rningels Chesible, $6. chasnhle, P ; chesibylle,
Voc.; ohesyble, Puisg. ; chesypyl, Voc. ;
ohesypylle, 1'rompt.-OF.
*ihasible, cp.
Chere, $6.a time, S ; see Cherre.
there, $6. face, friendly welcome, S, CI1urch hat. iasibnla, caszibula (OF. chanrfrom caruia, a siiceidatal vestment,
MD, sz, s3, c 3 , G, c z ; chiere, s 3 ; a);
a cottase.
oheare, S3; oheere, G ; cher, sz;
Chesoun, i6..caose,nccount, M D ; cheW ; cheres, pi, wry faces, 5.-AF.
sun, Sz, I i ; cheson, H. See Aohesoun.
countenance,OF.ihere, bead (Iloland);
Lat. <era, the face, bend; tir. x6pa; see Chest, sb. jangling, strife, MU, P ;
oheast, MD ; oheaste, MD ; cheste, G,
Ducange. Cp. E, cheer.
Cheren, u. lo make good cheer, to S ; cheestir, pi, W.-AS. cJnst.
Chest, $6.. chest, ark, coffin, PP, MD;
make glad, MD, Prompt., S.
Cheriche, u. to ch~rish,P P ; c~lwce, chest, hlD ; oseste, dat., S. Cf. Kist.
Chesten, $6. chestnnl-tree, Manip. ;
C2.-OF. rherir (pr. p, chen'smiit).
chesteyn, C, M D ; oheston, Voc.-AF.
Cherissing, ib. cherishing, PP.
Cherl, ,b.
S, s z , cz, c 3 ; chcsfai7re, OF. chnitaig7ic; Lat. cosfnnca;
chorie, ~ ' ~ ~ ~
~ , t VOC.-AS.
. ;
reor/; from Gr. n d r ~ a u o v .
Chesten-tre, sC. chestnnt-tree, MD ;
cp. MHG. her!. C t Cad.
Cherliche, adu. dearly, fondly, PP ; chestantre, V m
@hesun,$8. cause, occasion, account,
cherli, Sz. Sce cher.
Cherre, $6. a turn, space of time, bosi- S2, I3 ;
ness, affair, joh, M U ; ohere, S ; char, Chesunabile, a+. ope11 to an accusaticn, H.
M D ; chore, s k n (I,. 7 y 2 ) . - ~ ~ .
Chesen, sh. pi. coontries, S ; see Cu8"b.
(ei??, c y ~ r;) cp. OHG. rhPr.
Cherren, u. to tnln, M D ; charre, S ; Cheuaunce, rd. gain, profit, MD.
churren, S ; charen, S ; cherrle, $8. p i , Cheuen, u. to sncceed, to nitain one's
S.-AS. rcwa7z (iimii);cp. OIIG. Mren cnd, MU, C3, 1'; cheeusn, S2.--OF.
h i , o m h e See Cheef.
Cherte, $6. charity, MD: friendship, S3. Cheuesance, $6.success, profit, agree-OF. ihevte; Lat. cnrifaicm. Cf, Charitee. m a t , ML), PP ; cheuisaunce, agreement,
Cherubim, $6.$1. cherubim; ohern- bargain, PP, C.-OF. ~hlicuisnnie.
bym, W z (1's. 17. 1 2 ) ; cherubin, Sz ; Cheuesen, u. to procure, to gct, MD;
cherubyn, H.-Church
Lat. rian-zrbirn chevisen, MI>; cheviss, to achieve onc's
(Vulg.); Hrb. ihevz~bim,pl. o i ihe;,ub. Cp. purpose, 5 2 ; cheuyce, to lend, S3.-OF.
OF. iherubi*~, Ps. I;. 10.
iheuir (pr. p, ihruirsa7zi).
Chervelle, r6. cheivil, PP ; cherefelle, Cheuetayn, $6. captnin, Sz ; cheneAlph. ; chiruylles, pi., PP-AS. re$lIe, teyn, Mi>; ohevanteyn, Sz, PP, C ;
(Voc.); Lat. iacr-i/oii2im;Gr. xo~~iquhhov;
cheuentayn, MD, PP ; chefetayn, MD;
chivetexn, MD ; ahiftaigne, PP.-AF.
cp. OF. rerfuel (Colg.).
Chery, s6. cherry, Voc. ; there, V o c , ihevr/ny>r (cheuenteyrz); Late Lnt. capiOF. rerise; I.ate Lat. ceizmz, adj, from tarzcz6ni,fromLat.rapit-stem ofrojut, head.
carmum, cherry; from Gr. nipaoar,
cherry. Cf. Capitain.
tree; see Diez. C t chiries.
Chewen, v . to chew, S, Sz; cheowen,
Chesbolle, $6. a slnail onion, poppy- MD.-AS. rJozuan, pt. ciaiv (PI. ruwon),
head, Voc.; chesebone, H D ; ohesse- PP. cowen.
bolle, H D ; chespolle, Voc.
Cheyne, 16,chain, Cz ; see m a n e .
Chese, $6. ciieese, MD, Voc., S (18. Chibolle, $6. a small kind of onion,
=her ouer, careful of, PP.-OF.




ehemys, JD.-OF.
dg+mes (Barlsch.), ostyr-tre, Prompt. ; citur tree, MD.iiiCfniois, chief rnnuoi hoti~e(Catg.); Late OF. ci1r.e; Lat. iilrz~mjucc.).
Lat. iaprnansum (acc.) ; see Ducange (3.".
%ticky,1.1, MU.
cnput mansi). See Cheer.
Clam, $1. s. climbed, Sz ; clamb, C l ;
Chpney, $6. iurnace, W ; see Chimcnmben,
Clanlych, aids. purely, Sz ; see Clene.



$6. $1. nicgards, H: see

clappen, u. to make a noire like the

clapper of a mill, MU, Palsg; to chatter,
Chpe, sb. chink, fissore, Wa : chenes, Cz, ~3.-Icel. Riappa.
pi., S z , M D ; chynnes, S3.-AS. rinu.
Clapping, sb. chatter, idle talk, Cz.
C h p n p g , id. chink, S3.
Clapsen, v. to clasp, C, C M ; see
Chyp, u. to chip, S3. See Choppen.
Chyrmen, u. to chirp, S3; see Chir- claret, sd. a spiced wine, MD, Prompt.
dare, MD ; clarre, C, MD : olarry, MD.
C h ~ s l ~ , choicely, S * ; see Choisl~. --OF. tiorel(AF. ~ 1 ~lAate
~ ~ )~cia; t .
Chyssell, $6. chisel, S3; see Chisel. rtttrm
iIaraiurn. See Clere.
Ciclatun, id. a costly silk texture, S ; Clarifien, u. to glorify, RID, W, H
ciclatoun, MD, Cz ; siolatoun, M D ; (Pr. ry, I).-OF. ciarajer; Lat. clarificare
ciclatuns, $I., S.-OF. riiialun in Roland (Valg.).
(cp. Icel. rikiaiun); cp. Arab. siqidl, a fine Clarioun, $6, clarion, C, MD ; clarycloth.
one, Prompt.-OW.
clarion (F. ciairon).
Cipres, $6. cypress, M D ; oi~rees,Cz ; See Clere.
owres, Palsg. ; oipresae, MD. -OF.
Clarre, 16. a spiced wine, C, CM ; see
iyprt~; Lat. ca@rersi's, ryparissui; Gr. Claret.
Claspen, v. to clasp, Palsg. ; clapsen,
Circe, s6. church, S,Voc.; see Chirohe. C, CM.
Circe-wican, 16. dat. church-dwelling, Clauster, s6. cloister, MD ; oloster,
Ml?: oln~~stxes,
j?., Sz.-Lat. rlouslm,n
cistern, josephSs pit, MD, (cloitrt'm), whence Icel. kiaurtr, AS. rllirCf.
Cuth. ; sisterne, MD ; sesterne, Prompt.
Claver, sb. clover, tri/oii%m,Voc., MD;
-Lat. iislerma, (Vulg.).
clarryr, S3; clovere, Voc.-AS.
pit, S.
(OET.), also ri@,fLe,(Voc.); cp. Dan.
Citee, rb. city, MD, Cz, C3; W e , M D ; dioury.
m e , Plump!. ; scite, S ; citee, MJj, C2. c k w , $6. hoof, voc.;
v,,~.; clawC i ; cite, s , Sa, Cath.-AF.
rile, ??. wess,
s ; cluvis, s 3 ; olawes, =laws
citct; Lat. ciaitatens, a community of clllbird, c~,-I\s, cl,+wu, hoof; cp, 1 ~ ~ 1 .
dlntq', see Weigand (5.". iilazre).
Citesein, sb. citizen, M D ; GiteseYn. clawen, u. to scratch, stroke, MD ;
W (Acts 2 2 . 26); cste=eYne,
clowe, to scratch, PP. iJh'hr.: to claw the
AF. cileseyn, rilrzeifs: Prov. ciuladon, bacx, to fiatter, s3, comb,: daw-baog,
iiptadon ; Late Lat. *iiuiiadanum.
sb. flatterer, sycophant, Cotg. (s. v.Yoteur).
Citiner, 36. citizen, J D ; cyttenere, cleche, $8. hook, MD ; cleek, HD.
u. to seize, MD, *ID; cleke,
Citole, $6. cithem, C,MD,CM: cstole, MClechen,
U ; ,leilris, $,. s,, S3; clahte, pf. ,.,
Voc.-AF. cilole, OF. iylhollr ( =Lat. cilh- MD ; olaucht, pp-2MD,
a m ) ,Ps. 5 6 . 8 ; cp. LowLat. cilola, (Voc.);
G ~ xtel-pa,
ni~oplri cp. Clea.Pt.s, clothed, S3; see Clothen.
Chaldee githDydd, Dan. 3, 5 . See ~ i t e r n e . Clee, sb. hoof, Wz.-AS. cido. See
Citolerer, sb. a player on the cithern;
Clef, $1. t. split, Sz ; see Cleuen.
cytolerer, Voc.
Citrinacioun, $6. the turning to the Clei, rd. clay, Wz, MTi; ole=, Prompt.:
colour of citron (in alchemy), C3, CM.
W (John g. 6), Voc.-AS. c l q .
Citrine, ndj. citron-coloured, MD.Clemen, a. to plaster with clay, to
OF. cityin; Lat. iiivisur.
daub, to smear, MD, Sz; clernrcI,pp., glued,
Citnr, ib. citron-tree, MD. Conr6.: H.-AS. il&man, from <id!",clay.


Clubbe, id. elul,, h l D ; clobbe, MU.

Cloister, il. cloister, M D ; cloistre,

-Ice1 hlzr66n, hlznribo.
C3 ; cloystre, C; oloystyr, Prompt.-AF.
rioirter, OF. cioist*.e ( F . cioitn).
Cf. Clubbed, ad/. club-shaped, rough, MD,
Prompt.; olobbed, C z .
Cloisterer, $6. cloister-monk, Cz.
Clucche, u. to clutch, P P ; see Cloohen.
Clom, $6. silence, S3 ; see Glum.
Cluddis, id. pi, masses of cloud, S3 ;
Clomsen, a. to be benumbed, stupihed, see Cloude.
PP, H. See Clum.
Cluke; see Cloche.
Clomstnes, $6,numbness, fixedness, H . Clum, 26. stillness, siicnce, MU, CM ;
Cloos, ad/ close, C3: clor, MD.-AF. Clom, Sz.
rim, closed, pp. of dore; Lat. ilaadere.
Clumsen, u, to be benumbed, stupifred,
Clos, s6. an enclosure, a locked.up place, M D ; olomsen, P P ; olomsed,jp., set fast,
H i ~ l u m s tHi
. D ~ U I I ~ S Y'~enervat~ls;
MD ; cloos, Prompt., Sz ; C I O ~ S S , 53.
Closen, a. lo close, to enclone, MD.Clumst-hede, $6. nuunbness, IT.
From AF. cios, pp; Lat. ~ 1 a s ~ uSee
~ ~ ~Clupien,
u. to call, Sz; see clepen.
Cluppen,~.l o ernbrace, S, MD; dyppe,
Closter, $6. cloister, MD ; see Clan- s,; ciippeS~.R.ID;cleppen, >ID; olupte,
pt. s., S.-AS, i+ppan.
Closures, enclosures, fastenings. cluster-loc, $6. enclosure, S.-AS.
rkfitsr-106. See Clauster.
Closyngis, rb. $1. gzzter, Wz.
Clute; see Cloxxt.
Clot, sb. a clod, MD ; clotte, Cath. : cluvis, $6. $1. hoofs, s3; see clmw.
clodae, Prompt., Calig., Manip. ; clottes,
Clyffe, sl. clif, h1D; clsfe, M D ;
p L lumps, Sa; clottir, W3. See Wei- diue,
dat,, S ; cleoue, M D ;
gand (s. v. h1oss).
cliues, $1.. MD ; cleuer, MD.-AS. rlif
Clote, sb. b1lrtlocl[, Voc, MD, Prompt., (OET), pl. cieq8,cliojzL;
Alph.; cloote, MU.-AS. rldie.
Clote-bur, $6, burr oi tlic buidocl<, C3. Clymbare,
Clote-leef, sb. lcaf of the buidoch, C3. Clymben, u, to climb, C z ; see CEmCloteren, u to clot, coagulate, Prompt.;
=loaeren, Prompt. : clothred, PP., C.
to shrink, sa; see
Cloth, $8. cloth, clothing. S, Sz ; clope, clingen,
Sz; clopt, Sz ; elas, S ; clases, $I., S ; cnawen,
to know, S; see gnewen.
clo%es, S.-AS. cld3.
Caawlechen, v. to acknowledge, MU.
Clothen, u. to clothe, S ; claVen, S ; Cnawlechunge9~~~c~~nowledsment,S:
clea, pl, $., S3; do3eden, pL, S z ; yCnelinng, $6. lrneeling, S.
clothed, pp., P' ; Y - c I ~ c~ 3, ; clea, s3.
Cneowe, r*. dot. knee, S ; see m e .
Cloude, $6. a
rock, a hill,
Sz, MD ; clude, MD ; clowdys. $1, MD Cniht, sl, knight, S ; see Kni3t.
(s. Y. clot) ; ClUddis, masses of cloud, S j ;
Cnotted, pp. knotted, S ; i-knotted, S ;
cloudis, 11 (Ps. Q. 37).-AS. ildd.
see Knotte.
Clout, s6. cloot, rng, W ; olowt, C3; Cnouwe, il,dot. knee, S ; see Kne.
c l n t e s , p l , s ; cloute=,Sz.S3,C3; olowtes, cnowen,
to know, s ; pp., s2 ;
S2.-AS. cidt (Om.).
Clouten, a. lo patch, mend, S3 ; clou3- Co-arten, u. to compel, constrain, I I D ;
%ana, pz A Sa : clouted, ?p., provided coartea.pp., ~ 3 . - ~ ~60-oritare,
to eonwith an iron plate, S2.
strain, compress.
Cloue, pp. split, W ; see menen.
Cocatrice, sl. a serpent (=Lat. basiliaClowe, a. to santch, P ; see Clawen.
cru=Heb.pethen, an adder or cobra), Wz;
Clowe, $6. a clove, pink, Prompt.; cosatryse, birriliiiur, r o r o d ~ i i i iPrompt.;
clowes. pL, MD.-OF. rlou, do, o, anail; kokattise, M D ; cookattice, WW.-OF.
Lat. clnuunr (ace.).
coiatriz, croeadiie : Sp, coiadri~,basilisk,
Clowe-gilofre, rl. a clove~gilly-flower, cocatrice (Minsl,eu). Cp. Cokedrill.
Ca ; olowe-mlofrea, p i , Sz.-AF. clove Coeke, rb. in phr. : by oocke (a profane
dr gilofrc. See Geraflour.
oath). S3, ND ; by oock, Sh.; Cock's pas-





sion, Sh. : Cox m y passion, Sh; by cock Cokedrill, ib crocodile, HD, MD ; coa n d PSe, Sh., NU, SkD (s. v. pic); for caarylle, Voc.; ookodrilles, PI., N D ;
cokkes hones, C 3 ; for cooks body, ' d r cocodrilly, Trev. I. 131, MU.-Low Lat.
par Die",' Palsg.-Cp. Grimm, p. 15 (n.). roiod~illm; cp. It. cocodnl?Ilo,a crocodile
(Florio), Sp, cocodriiIu, a serpent, crocoCocow; see Cukkow.
dile (Minsheu); Lat. irocodilzr; Gr. xpoCod, sir. cod, pod, husk, M D ;
~o8fiAos. Cf. Cocatrice.
Prompt., Palag.; ~ o a d i ~PI,,
, W.-AS,
Cokeney, ih, cooli'r assistant, scullion,
codd, bag (Mark 6.8).
child, codrney, MU, PP,
Cod, sir. pillow,Cath., M D ; ~ ~ d d i ~ , p zu ~, ,d e x o o k pelted
Sz; cocknaie, M D ; coknay, Prompt..
1ID.-Icel. koddi, pillow.
Cath. ; cokenay, CM ; oooknwe, Palsg.
cof, ~dj.quic~c,MD ; kof, MD ;
bring) ; cockney, Sh.; kokeney,
MU ;
adu., s ;
romp.,s.-AS. P(s.P ;7.ooknayes,pi,
rdf: cp. Icel. d-kafr, vehement.
Coker, sh. quiver, also a kind of halfCoffes, sb. pi. cuffs, I' ; see Cuffe.
or sailers, MD ; kokor, MD ; oocnr.
cofin, $6. basket, M~ ;
Wz boots
Prompt. (see n.); cokeres,PL, P P ; cockcr,,st o f a pie,
; o;ffyns:
a qliiver.
pl,baskets, Sz ; cofyns, W ; cofynes, W. ers, HD, ND.-AS,
-OF. r@n; Lat. ophirsw (vulg.) ; G ~ . , Coket, sb. a seal with which bread sold
t n London was stamped by a. public officer,
xlptvas (NT).
D~cange;cocket, Cath.(n.); certificate,S3,
c0fre, $6. box,
MD, cz, c3,p ; ND.
oofez, S z ; oohes, pi, S1.-AF. rojue;
Coket, $6. a kind of fine bread stamped,
Lat. ropkitsum (acc.) ; see Brachet.
PP, Sz. CP. Low Lat.#anis de coket, see
lo ,,t into a co&r, sj.
( 5 . v. iokd).
See above.
Cog, $6. cog, tooth on the rim of awheel, Ducange
ih. cuckold, CM; kokeMD: kog, Voc.; oogge, dat., S.
P ; kukwald, Voc. ; oookewold,
Cognisaunce, $6. knowledge, M D ; wolde,
MD ; kukeweld, MD ; cokolae, MD,
COgniPanee, that by which something is SkD.-~p. Prov. izlgo 1 ; L ~ ruruizrm,
~ .
]known, Sh; oonisantes,pi, badgee, Sj.See Cukkow.
AF. conisaunie, knowledge, OF. ~o,poisCol-, PeiFs, expressing depreciation, confro,,, cognoissan~,
tempt. Comb. :-ool-fox, a crafty fox, C.;
Lat. rognoriere.
a hig knife, M D ; col-prophet,
Coife, sb. coif, cap, MD: c o ~ f e ,S3, col-knif,
h15e prop~,et,
Fola-prophet, N D ;
c " ~ ; Low Lat'cofca'
cole-proph4t, ND ; oolle-tragetour,
C t cuffe.
jugF1er2 CM (5'
Coint, ndj. knowing, ~rndent, skilful, Cold, a 4 cold. P P ; chala, S : Bald.
sly, neat, fine, quaint,
Lorut M D . S ; -la, Sa, MU: Lola, 3 ; chold, S ;
quoynte, M D ;
MD, Sj, C z ; cheld, Sz ; cola, evil, G.-AS. reaid,iald:
MD; quarut, H,
Goth. haids from O'reilt. *hala*, to fie-e,
-OF. 6oinLe, pnident, trim, friendly; Lut, cp.
Icel. kola (pt. Bdl, pp. halinn).
Colde, to grow 'Id, '3, MD'-AS'
Cointeliehe, ad*, skilfillly, neatly, ceaidiarz.
quaintly, MD ; quoynteiiche, MD :
queyntelich, M D ; queynteii, S j ; quein- Cole, $6. cabbage, cale, kail, Voc., MD ;
cool,MD; kale, MD, H.-AS. cole (OET):
teliche, Sz ; quaintelye, Sz.
cointise,, $kill, cunning, M D ; cp. Icel. k d i ; Lat. ia*<iis,stalk, cabbage:
quointise,MD, S z ; qunntise, ?I: queyn- See
Cole, sir. charcoal, coal, S, Sz; ooole,
tise, MD, S3; quaintis, H.-OF.
M U ; coyne, & I D ; coles, pL, Ca, C3;
W ; k ~ l e s S%.-AS.
col ( O m ) .
Coite, sir. quoit ; co*e, prompt., palq, Go",
Mantp. ; coitis, $I., SR. Cp. the v. mt, Cole, adi. cool, somewhat cold, Prompt.,
J D ; OF. ioifier, to p i h ,
(Bartrch). MD.-AS. edi; cp. OHG. kunii (Otfrid).
Coiten, v. to play quoits, Prompt., Colen, u. to cool, MD, Prompt., G, H.
-AS. d i i a n ; cp. OHG. hzraien (Otfrid).
Cok, $6. cock, S a ; ookes,$Z,, C j , P P ; Coler, sir. collar, MD : caller, targuei,
kokes, PP.-AS. rdi; Lat. togz~111, from Prompt.; oolers, pi., P-OF. coier (F.
roilier) ; Lat. roilare, from ioiluni, neck.
coqrwc, to cook.



Colere, 16. anger, C, MD.-OF. <olere:
Lat. choiere; Gr. p h i p a , an affection ofthe
Colerik, aiii choleric, passionate, Cs,
MD ; coleryke, Cath. - Lat. cholen'cus,
having one's bile affected; Gr. x o A e p i ~ l r ,
from xaAfi, gall.
Coles, 8s. Pl. (7) ; inphr. : swearing
preeious coles, Sg.
Collacioun, sb. conference, CM.-OF.
coliniion, discourse, harangue; Lat. coNationem, a bringing together, conferring.
Collen, u. to embrace, IVz, MD ; kolleu, Sz. Der. : coll~*@s,~ 6$1,
. W2.p
Cp. OF.ioil!e,aneck-embracement (Cotg.).
See Coler.
Collerie, fa. eye-salve, x7; =OliTie,
MD ; colorye, 1ID.-Lat. coNyrium; Gr.



Combre-world, rb. cun~berer of the

world, S3.

Combust, pp. burnt, MD, Cg.-Lat.

pp. oicombrrrere, to burn.
come, $6. a coming, S, sz,c3;
S ; kime, S; cume, S; comes, p2,,S,AS. cyme.
comelyng, $6. stranger, W, wz ;
kumeling, MD ; comling, W ; comlyng,
s z ; ~ ~ ~ ~ l i n ~W i; ~
, p L , H.
come, S; cumen, ; Xu,
S ; ,,
S z i curninde,
pv. p., s ; cornynde, Sz ; oominae, Sz ;
comste, comest thou, Sz ; cornp,pr. s., Sz ;
pi, ,,,S, s > , G ;
S, G, p ; kam,
S ; c o m e , 2 p t . r . , S , G ; ooman,pt,pi,S;
coomen, ~ z comen,
MD, S, ti; come,
s z ; i - ~ ~ ~ ~ S~ ; ,i-kumen,
p p . , S ; i-oume,
S ; i-oomen, S ; i-come, S, Sa ; oomen,Sz,
S3, G ; come, 5'2.-AS. cuman; cp. Goth.
c*, p p ;
commended, pp., PP.-L~~.conil,2eladnre.


Colloppe, sb. a dice of flesh, iarbancila,

Prompt., MD, Palsg.; collop, Cath., Cotg,
( 5 . ~ .r'blette) ; Golope, Voc.; colop, Cath.
(%.I; coloppe, PP ; colhoppe, PI', Voc.;
collip, Manip. ; oolopus,pl., PP, Sz.
Colour, jb. colour, preteb, S3, C a ; Comers, d, pi, strangers, visitors,
colur, S,MD.-AF.ioluu;
Lnt, roiorem.
passers.hy, sl, ~ p comeres,
Col-plontes, $6. $1. cabbages, I'P, Sa ; Commoditie, $6, advantage, profit, S3,
kole-Pl.ntes,pk Caze-Pl~ntes,PI'. See ND, sh.-OF. coliimodit~(cotg.); ~ ~ t
Coltre: see Culter.
Comp, sb. contest, S ; see Camp.
Columbine, d. columbine (flower), compainoun, ,b. compa,,ion,
MD.Alph., M W h ; columbyne,Voc., Prompt.; OF. ron$ognon; L~~~~ ~iol,~panionenr.
t .
colurnby, S3.-OF. columbine; Late Lat.
Companable, aiij, sociable, PP, C i
oompanabile, R . - OF. iompaignaWd
Colvyr; see Culuer.
Colwie, a& grimy, S.
Companie, rb. company, MD, Cz ;
C o l v d , pp. mybonat=s, Prompt. See ..rnp,ynye,
s ; cornp.inie,sz.- OF.
cot,a$,rioanie, from cotia#ain, an associate at
to commmd, PP,
; meals ; from Lat. cznn +panis, bread.
cornanden, MD ; comaundet, pi. I., Sz ;
comparison, MD,
sz,M D ; oumwnd, s ~ . - o ~ Comparisoun,
; Late Idat. co'npararomander, rornrnande~;Late I.=t. commen. C2.-oF.
dare, to order. Cf. Cornenden.
Comaundement, rb. commandment,
C, PP: cornandement, C2.
~s6,commander,~C3,pP ;
cornandour, Sz.-OF.
Lat. commendatorem.
Combe, $6. comb for hair, comb of a
bird, prompt., voc.; xomb, MD.-AS.


56. circle, ~circuit, device, craft,
MU, C3. G : compass, C : oompasse,
S3; cumpas, Wz.-OF.
cot,~pai; Late
Compassen, a. to go round, to devise,
contrive, MU ; oumpas, Wa; conpassed,
Combren, u. to encumber, overwhelm, pih.2 S3.-AF. ron*asser.
MD, s g ; comeren, s3; ~ ~ , ~ a$.,~ Compassyng,
~ ~ , p ~ .$6. craft, contrivance, C.
S a ; cnmrit, pt. r., Sa ; cummerit, S3; Compeir, u. to appear, S3.-OF. corncumbred,pp., Sa.-OF.romdrer, tohinder, per-, tonic stem of conzpareir; Lat. romfrom con~bre,a heap, see Ducange (s. v. parerr.
rumbra): Lat. rumulum (acc.).
Comper, $8. compeer, comrade, C, Sz ;




dites, p i , %-OF.
ronduit (Bartsch) ;
Lat. condic<lum,from conducere.
Complie, sb. the last cl,urch~service of Confessen, u. to confess, to receive a
the day,
MD ; wmplie, S, MD. confession, MD.-AF. confesrer; from Lat.
--OF. complic ; Church Lat. conipleta ron/eeriar, pp. of ro1zI;feor.
Confessor,sb.r confessor of Christianity
Compline, $6. compline, M D ; com- before the lieathen, a hearer of conferrions,
plyn, MD ; oumplyne, conipletorium, MD, S ; cunfersurs,pl., S.-AF. ron)i~or;
Church Lat. conjtesjoranz.
Prompt. See above.
compere, Prompt. ; cumpers, $I., MD.Of OF. origin ; Lat. coniparem, (acc.).

Composition, sb. arrangement, agreemcnt, C, Cz.-AF.

Confiture, 36. an apothecary's mixture,

compoiiciol~;Lat. cor,&- C3.-OF.

ionI;lzrre (Cotg.); Late Lat.



Comptroller; see Controller.

Confort, $6. comfort, C3, C, PP.-AF.
Comsen, u. to eommence,Sz,PP, MD; "Jnfirt.
cumsen, Sz, PP.-OF.
comencer; Lal. Conforten, u. to strengthen, comfort,

cam + ircitiare.
MD, C, P ; oounforte, Sz, PP.-AF. r o n ~
Comune, a@. common, P P ; oomun, fovter ; Late Lat. ionfortare ; Lat. o n +
M D ; oomyn, M D ; comen, S2.-AF. jortis, strong.
rotrrmun ; Lat. coarr,zunenc (acc.).
Confounden, u. to bring to confusiou,
Comune, ~ bthe
. commons, commonalty, C3 ; confoundet, pp., PP.-AF. ionjounP P ; commune, Cz ; comunes, pi., PP ; dye ; Lat. coi@undeie.
comyns, Sz, PP.
Confus, pp. put to confusion, C3, C,
Comunlych, adv. commonly, Sa ; PI'.-AF. confis, pp. ; Lat. ronfisum.
aomunliche, PP ; oomunly, Ca.
Congie, m. to bid farewell to, dismiss,
Comyn, sb. cummin, Cz, MD, ProFpt. ; get rid of, PP ; oongeye, PP, MD; ounge,
oummyn, W.-OF. conzin; Lat. CYniinum PP-OF. colzgirr, to dismiss, from rongik,
(Vulg.) ; Gr. ~1i)rivov.
cunt,<iet: Lale Lat. cornnziaturn, Lat. comComynalte, rb. community, Wa.-AF. mcalu?ta, permission to go.
cornmunalte; OF. romniunoutt~;Late Lat. Conisantes, xb. pi. badges, S3 ; sec
*iommunalitatrm,from communalii.
Comyne, u. to commune,
Wz ; Conjecten, u. to guess, suppose, MD,
commune, C3.- OF. rommz'nzrr; Lat. S3.-l,ut, conjeciare.
Coniectere, sd. diviner, Wz.
Comynere, sb. participator, W.
Conjoignen, u. to conjoin, MD; conComynte, sb. commlmity, Wa ; oomu- iunit,pp., S3.-From OF, conjaignant,pr.
nete, PP.-Lut. cornmunitatem.
p. of conjoindre ; Lat. conjusgere.
Con, pr. s. can, know, S. Phr. : con- Con-ioyninge, sd. conjoining, C3.
ponk, thanks, S ; see Kunnen.
Conne, u. to know, to be able, Sa, S3;
Conabill, a@. suitable, convenient, B . see ~ u n n e n .
OF. covenadle, ronuennble; Late Lat. con- tonne, v . lo Lest,
con, Cz, P ;
kun, H ; cunnien, SkD.-AS. csnnian,
Conand, sb. covenant, B; Connand, B; to try to know.
Cnnnand, B.-OF.
ionurnant, agreeing, Conning, rb. science, skill, Cz, C3 ;
befitting, also, a covenant, pr. p. of ma- bonning, Cz ; ooninge, Sz ; kunwng,W.
acnir; Lat. conurnire. See Couenaunt.
Conning, sli;lful, ca,
Conandly, ndv. befittingly, S3.
Conningly, adu. skilfully, Ca.
Conceipt, sd. imagination, fancy, idea, conrey, sb. division of troops, also proMD, S3 ; conceit, C3; conceits, p/., "ision, MD ; conrai, Sz.- OF. runrei
fantastic patterns, S3.
(ionroi), eqnipage, arrangement, a division
Conceiven, u. to comprise, to conceive, of troops (Bartsch) ; It. <orredo, equipage,
to imagine, MD; oonoeyue, 1'P.-OF.
paraphernalia (Florio);Low Lut, cow~dizrm,
concevoir; Lat. concipere.
equipa~e,provision, entertainConduit, r6. @~idmce,a conduit, MD ; ment (Ducan~e); ion + rcdiz'rn, a word of
mndut, MD; conaite, MD ; conau)rte, Teat. origin.
S a ; m d y t h , V o c . ; condeth,MD; knn- Conseil, sb. counsel, S, Sa, Cz ; coon-





seil, G, C ; conssil, PP.-OF.

romeii; bring, MD.-AF. runveier; Late Lat. LonLat. ronii/izm.
viare, to accompany.
Conseili, u. to advise, S z ; conseine, Conyng, $6. cony, rabbit, MD, Sz, 33,
PP.-OF. ionseiiiirr.
P ; konyng, S ; ounin, S ; conig, MD,
Constable, sb. constable, warden, H D ; cony, Prompt., H D : conies,p/,, S3.
officer, C3, P f ; conestable, MD ; cun- -AF. cony*& ionyn, ronii (pi. ronir); Lat.
stable, P P ; cunestable, S.-OF.
co~re- iuniculum (acc.).
stable ; Late Lat. rotner sfabuii, sce Brachet. Conyngere, sb. rabbit-wanen, MD,
Constablesse, $6. constable's wife, Sz, H D ; oonnyngere, Prompt.
Coosted, pt. pi. went past, S3: see
Constance, sb, constancy, cz,MD.- Costay.
OF. ronstnnce (Cotg.) ; Lat. ionstantia.
Coostez, $6. $2. properties, qaalities, Sz ;
See Cost.
Constorie, sh. an ecclesiastical
Coote ; sec Cote.
PP, Sz ; oonsistorie, PP, CM.-church
Lat. consistoris'm, a place of assembly, Cop, sb, top, head, MD, Sz, C, W, Wa;
from Lat. comiiferr, to stand together.
coppe, dat., MD, W z ; ooppis,$l,, W2.
Contek, $6. strife, contention, C, G, H , Cope, ra. cape, cope,Voc.,Sa, C ; koge,
MD, CM; contumely, M D ; contak, M D ; S ; ooope, Prompt., M D ; oopis, pL, P.conteke, H D ; oonteck, HD, N D ; con- Cp. bel. kdpa; Late Lat. izpa, @pa.
takt, HD.-AF. iuntrk.
Copen, a. to cover with a cope, provide
with a cope, PP, Sz; i-copet,pp.,Sa.
Conteken, a. to strive, MD.
Contekoar, sb. one who quarrels, HD. Copen, u. to barter, to meet, to have to
Contenance, sb. look, gesture, outward do w'th, lo encounter, S3, Sh.-C~. Du.
to buy.
appearance, encooragement, favour, MD, kOopen,
Sa, Cz; contenwnoe, IT, C3 ; mnten. Caper, sd. copper, C3, MD ; oopm,
annce, S2 ; countenance, S3; mntin- Voc., Prompt.; copper, MD.-Du. hoper;
duper, cuprum, for Lat. cyprizim
aunoe, G.-OF.
contGnance; ~~t~ ~ ~ Late
t Lat.
(aes); from Cyprw; Gr. Khnpor.
continentia, mien.
Coppe, rb. cnp, Sa, P ; see Cuppe.
Contesse; see Countesse.
Contrarie, a& contrary, ~ 2 ~, 3 . - Corage, $6. heart, spirit, MD, C, C1.AF. rontrarie (OF. contmire); Lat. con- AF. coyaSe.
Corageus, a& courageous, Sa, M D ;
Cz.-OF. rage.^^.
contrarien,to oppose, c~.-oF. CorweoUSj
Coral, 16. coral, MD ; coralle, Prompt.:
aontrarier; Late Lat. <onhariare.
MD, c z , c 3 ; corall, Yalig., Manip. ; ourdl, S3.-OF.
corailum,cora//ilrm; G r . ~ o p & h centre, MD, C ; oontreie, Sa ; oontrelre, m ~ a l Lat.
Sz ; cuntre, Sz, MD, C ; oontrai, Sz, A'ov.
Corasiue, $6. a corrosive, S3 : see
rontrada; Late Lat. roiatmtn, from at. C"osif.
Coraye, u. to curry a horse, MD; see
rontm, see SkD.
Control, $6. restrictive authority, Sh.- curry.
OF. rontre.rble, contre.rol(e, a duplicate Corbel, sb. raven, MD: corby-1, Sz ;
; Late
roll, used far verific;ition, see Brachet, Cotg. 'Orby'
Lat. corvcilurn (acc.), from Lrit. ioruus.
(s. 7 . controiie).
Cordewane, sb. Spanish leather, C z ;
Control, u. to restrain, check, Sh.
cordewan, MU ; cordewayne, Voc. ;
Controller, rb. siiperintendent, over- cordwane, prompt. ; cordmane, Voe, ;
seer of accounts, S h ; Comptroll-, S3.
corden, MD.- OF. cordonan,
Controven, u. to contrive, hlD, P P ; Prov. iordoan, Sp. rordoudtr, cordovan
contraeven, MD, S2 i contreyen, P P ; leather (Minsheu), from Cordova, name of
oontriven, MD.-AF.
iontrowel. ; con + a town in Andalusia.
OF. frower, to find, compose poetry; Low cordwaner, $6. a worker in leat~,er,
Lat. fropare, fiomtyop%r,asong, lit. a trope, ~,,,,,~t. ; cordwainer, S~D.-AF.
turn of speech; tir. .rpdsas u tom.
waner. See above.
Conventiculis, s6.pi assemblies, Wz. Core, 16. the heart, central part of fruit,
Conveyen, 'a. to accompany, also to Prompt., MD.-OF. cor; Lat, ror.



Coriour, $6. currier, W ; cariour, W.

See Cuny.
Corn, sb. a grain, corn, MD, S, C 3 ;
coren, S ; cornys, fen., S3; corns, pl.,
S z ; oornee, Sz, PP, Cz, W.-AS.
Goth. haurn; ep. Lat. p i n u r n ; see Brugmann, 5 306
Corny, ad/. strong of the corn or malt
(applied to ale), Cg.
Corone, $6. crown, MD, Cz, C3;
ooroune, MD, Ca ; oorowne, C ; comne,
M D ; oroine, S ; the tonsare, G ; oNne,
S ; krune, S ; orun, S ; crounia, pl., S3.
-AF, cororar (roroune); Lut. iorona.
Coronen, a. to croivn, M D ; corounen,
Sa, Cz ; crouni, MD, Sa ; Y-corouned,
PP., S* ; y-crouned, S3; y-coroned, P P ;
i-kruned, S ; cruned, S.- OF. iororer
Corosif, adi. corrosive, C3; corrosive,
sb., a corrosive, a caustic, ND ; corsive,
N D ; oorssiue, S3; corsye, S a ; ooreie,
ND.-OF. rorrosif, biting away.
Corour, $6. runner, Wz ; see Curroor.
Cors, sb, curse, S3, G ; see Curs.
i b . a body, a dead body, M D ~S,
Cz,C3, P P ; corPs,S3, Cz; eoQif4 S3.AF. cors, corps; Lut. iorpur.
Cors, sb. course, Sz ; see Cours.
Corsaint, $6. the body of a saint,

relic, MD; oorseynt, Sz ; coraeint, CM,

PP.-AF. corsai>zt; Lat. corpus sanctrrm.
Corser, r6. horsedealer, MD, S3, H D ;
see Courser.

Corsing, $6. exchange, barter, S * ;

horse.dealing, HD.
~ 6~a. ,corrosive, Sz; see Corosif.
Cort, $6. court, MD; see Court.
Corteis, aiij cconrteous, S z ; oorteys,
S z ; curteis, S3, C.-AF. crrrttif; Late
Lat. rortenirm, curtessenr.
Corteisliche. ad*. eourteourly,
.. P P ;
cirteisly, Ca. '
Cortesye, $6. courtesy, P P ; carteysy,
Sz ; curteisie, Sz, Cz, C3.-AF. curteiiir.
Corumpable, adj. corruptible, C.
Corumpen, u. to corrupt, MD; cor.
rumpen, C.-OF.
rommpre; Lat. c o r

Corupcions, s6. pZ. sores, illnesses, PP,

Coruen,pp. carved, S3, C ; see Keruen,
Cos, s6, kiss, S, W, Wz ; see Cus.
Cosan, pp. chosen, S ; see Chesen.
Cosset, xb. a lamb brought up withoul

her dam, S3, ND.

Cosshe,sd, alittlehoure,Prompt.,Palsg.
Cost, s6. rib, ride of a human body,

shore, coast, MD, S z ; coste, Ca ; oostes,

iortc; Lat. ioita.
Cost, $6. nature, property, condition,
manner, M D ; costez, p i , properties, Sz ;
coostex, Sz. Cf. Cust.
Costage, ib, expense, Cz, HD.-OF.
roilage. See Costen.
Costard, rb. a kind of apple, Prompt.,
N D ; humorous expression [or the head,
Sh, N D ; costaI'de, S3; costard, a cap,
ND. It probably means the 'ribbed
aoo1e.'-OF. ioste + ard. see SkD (D.
. 7. ,0 6.) .

pi., SL, P.-AF.


~ ~ ~ t ~~ 6 sc~ier
d - ~
costermonger, S ~ ;D oostard-mongar,
palsg. ; coster~.monger,S ~ ;D cost...
monger, ND.
coste, ~ 6 cost,
~ , ; cost,
c 2 , - ~cust,
~ , roust,
Costen, a. to cost, MU; coste, pt. r.,
Cz; costed, P ; costed, pp., P.-OF.
,,te,- (couster) ; at. constave.
Costey, a. to coast, also to came near,
approach, MD ; coosted, went past,
S3.-OF. rorfoier (F, c6foyer). See Cost.
Costlewe, a+. costly, CM, MU; costelewe, Prompt. See -1ewe.
Cosyn, $6. cousin, C, P P ; oosin, S, Sa ;
s3; oo~yns,pi. kinsmen, W j
Gousyns, W,-AF, iosin(cousynj; cp, ~~t~
Lat, roii+zus(Brachet); Lat, corso6rinus.
Cosynage, s6. kindred, fellowship, 1%;
cusynage, H.
Cote, sb. cottage, S,Voc., C, C z ; ootes,
$1, sheep-~otes,S3; co=tetes, S3.-AS. rot:
also iyfe (Grein) ; c t OI-IG. cutti, ,'grex
Cote, rb. garment, coat, Sz, PP, S3, Ca,
C ; mote, C, W.-AF. cote, OF. cotte, Ps.
z r . 18; MHG. kotte, Irutte.
Cote-armure, $6. coat-armour, linen
coat wilh armorial bearings worn over
armour, body-armour, S3, C z , C.
Coten, u. to provide with coats, S2 ;
cotyd, $9. clothed, S3.
Couche, 26. cliamber, Mr.
Couchen, u. to lay, place together, to
lie down, MD, 3 2 , C2, C3; ~ ( ~ ~ c h r
Prompt.; cowchen,C.-AF. cuchcr, <ocher,
OF. coiiher.; Lat. rolloiore.
Coude, pt. s. could, Sz. See Kunnen.
Counforte, u. to camfort, Sz, PP. See




ueitiden, $t. pl., W2.-AF.

roveiter, OF.
iountr ; Late Lnt. wveiiier ; Late Lat. *iupidifare. See
Countesse, sb. countess, Cz ; contesse, Coveitise, sb. greed, avarice, P P ;
Sz ; cuntesse, S.-AF. rontrsie, from OF. coueityse, C3 ; couetise, PP ; oouetyse,
conte, io,,zle: Late Lat. con~itetn,a count (a Sz, S3; ooueitisis,. -$1... W.-OF. ioveitisc.
court dignit+), in Lat. a eompa~ion.
Coveitous, a#. covetous, MD ; coueyCountrefete, u. to counterfeit, C, C z ; tous, Sz; couetous, S2.-OF. roueitur,
contrefete, MD ; counterfeted, pp., C3. AF. e ~ ~ w i i Late
u ; Lat.
-From OF. coatrefrt, contrrfeit, pp. of Couenable, a d j proper fit agreeing,
rontvq2irr, rontrefain; Lat. rolifra +,farere. W, M u , Sz, I{ ;
, s ,.' oonabiu
Countre-taille, rb. correspondence (of H ; conmble, Prompt.; cunmil, H.-AF;
sound) ; inphr. : at the countretaille, with cumenable ; Late Lat. ro~~wnnbiieni.
corresponding sound,Cz.-OF. contrciailla, couenaunt,
s~ a
pp ;
the one part of a tally, the counter-tenor ,,,t,
p p ; covana, M D ;
MD,part in mtliic (Cotg.).
AF. iouenant, OF. conwenant, pr. p. of
Countryng, sb. countering in mosic, conwnir, to agree; Lat, conurnire.
S3 ; the plain cllant, S3 (%).-See S3 (P. Couent, ~ ban
PP, Ca, C3; oouant, PP.-OF. rouent,
Coupable, a#. culpable, P P ; oupabil, coxwmt; Church Lat. ronuenfxr, from Lat.
H.-OF. rozrpabk.
conurnire, to come together.
Coupe, sb. fauk, P P ; culPe, PP, ND.Couerchief, sb. kerchief, MD ; keuerOF. roupe, oipc; Lat. cu*.
chief, MD; kerchef, C 3 ; kyrchefe,
Coupe, rb. cup, Sz ; oupe, S.-AF. iupe; Prompt.; courchef, I I D ; courche, S j ;
Lat. iupa. Cf. Cuppe.
kerche, Prompt.-OF. couure-chd covcr.
Courben, a. to bend, M D ; courbed, ing for the head (Cotg.).
pt. s., P-OF. courbw; Lat, cumare.
Coueren, u. t a cover, MD, Cz ; keueCourche, sb. kerchief, S3; see Couer- ren, MD, S3, P, W ; kuueren, MD ; kychief.
ueren, MD, W.-AF.
courir; Lat. roCours, rb, running, coarse, MD, Cz, C3; operire.
oors, Sz.-AF. courr; Lst. o*rmr,a (acc.).
Coveren, u. to gain, to heal, to recover
Courser, rb. a steed, ME), Cz ; E O I I ~ one's health, MD, Sz, W ; keueren, MD,
P P ; kuueren, MD, Sz ; keuord,
sour, MD ; oowrcer, Prompt.-OF. <ourpi. s., H.-OF. rourrr, (in recourcr) cou6rer,
s i c ; Late Lut, i~zriarizrm(ace.).
to seize (Bartsch) ; Lat. -rrl$erare (in recourser, ib. horse-dealer, palsg. ;
~~pe"'") ; v Late Lat. r=$er@me*tumj
ser, MD, s3 (s. ., horrc);
Court, i.court, enclosure, yard, PP, acquisition
S ; kurt, s ; tort, M D ; Couert, a$. and $6. covert, hidden, a
courte, p p . - ~ ~ .
~~t~ L ~coytern;
~ . cove't. MD; cowart, S3.-OF. cow~rt,PP.
of rourir.
Lat. cohortem, an enclosure.
Couertu~e, sd. bed-clothes, horseCourteislich, &. courteously, P P ; cover,
cover,n s, MD, s; kuuertur, s.sec Corteisliohe.
Courte-py, rb. short coat or cloak, PP, OF.
Couine, rb. conspiracy, craft, deceit,
Sz, C ; cowfieby, Voc. ; kourteby, P ; trickery, s 3 , ~
H D~
; covyne,
C ; oovin,
courte-nies, PL, PP ; Court-pies, PP.MU, N D ;
ND,-AF. rouinr, from
CP. Du. hoyf, short+$&, rough coat; CP. OF, couenir, colzue
Lat. conuenir,..
E. pea in $ra+ackrt.
Cow, $8.cow, MD, Voe.; ku, S, MD,
to make known,
Voc. ; cou, MD; knes, p n . s., S ; ky, pL,
MD, Sa ; kie, MD ; kye, 11; kyn, MD,
Coathe, $8. s. could,
S, Sz, S3; s,, c ; kyne, S3, P ; ky)n, Sz ; kyen,
pp., S2; couth, C Z; see Kunnen.
P? ; kien, Wz ; ken, MD, Sz, PP.-AS.
Couthe, rb. kith, P P ; see Kyth.
pi. 14 (gen. rxina).
Coue, 16. den, Sa.-ONorth. cdfa, ' spe- Coward, ad/.%ad~b~carvardly,
lunca ' (John 11. 38).
MD, Cz.-AF. toward, cuard, cp. the
Coveiten. u. to covet, MD, PP ; co- heraldic term Zion rouani, a lion with his

Counte, $6. connty, shire, P, M D ;

eountee, MD, PP.-AF.







cnbbe, Prompt. ; oribbe, S, MD. Cp. Crok, i.

a hook, curl, a croaked way,
OHG. irippca (Tatian).
wile, deceit, MD, Voc. ; crokes, p i , S ;
Crike, rl. creek, MD; krike, MD, S ; crocks, HD. PAY. : went on croke,went
astray, H.-Icel. krdhr.
crylre, C, Prompt.-Icel. kriki.

Crimosine, $6. and adj. crimson, S3; Croken, u. to bend, to curl hair, to turn

as~de,MD, Wz ; orokid, pp. curved, Wa ;

crimosin, SBD; crammasyn, S3.-OF.
manoisin (rramoiss~; I.ow Lat. ianiusi- i-oroked, S.
n u n ; from Pers, girniisi, crimson ; from Croket, sl curl, MD, HD.
Skt. krmi, a worm, insect, (i. e. the cochi- Crokke, $6. crock, pot, Sa, P P ; orooke,
neal insect).
S, Voc.-AS, crocia.
Crisme, $6. consecrated oil for anoint- Crom-bolle, $6. cmmb~bowi,Sj.
ing, MD ; crysme, oil, Prompt.-Ch~ch Cromme >b. crumb, ~3 ; crumme,
Lat. chriima, sacred oil; Gr. ,ypiuw. Cf. MD;
Voc.-AS. cnmia.
Crisme-ehild,rb. the child anointed at crommen,
to cram, MD, sa ;
baptism, MD.
Crisme-clot$ $6. the chrism, the cloth crone, sb. an aid hog, Sz, MD, C3 ;
tied round the head of the anointed child, crony, S ~ D . cp,0 ~~ ~ ~hnronir,
S. Cp. Church Lat. rhrismalispanri's.
?icard r a r o n e = ~iharogne,
Crisome, $6. the chrirom-cloth, iris- see S ~ (p.
D 797). See caroigne.
mole, Voc. ; clvsome, Pal%. ; orisom, cronicle, JL
Cotg. (s. v. ires?neau).
rro>zzyite. For the intrusive I cp. maniipie,
Crist, a+. and sl. anointed, Christ, MD, partiiipie, principic, sylia6le, mzticle,
Sz, W, Wz.-Lat. Chrirtus; Gr. xpiorb, treacle, rariiiaile.
Cronique, $6. chronicle, Sz ; chronCristen, adj. and rb. Christian, S, Cz, ique, c.-O.F. cronique; ~~t~ L R ~riiron.
C3; christen, S, S z ; cresten, Sz.-Lat.
its; G ~Xpou,K&,annuls.
Croos, water-pots S ; see Croh.
Cristendom,sl. Christianity, S,Sa, C3:
s6. top, upper part
tree, crop
crystendom, Sa.-A.S. crisicndd>>,r..
of corn, Voc., PP, S z ; crogpe, Prompt.,
Cristenly, d ~
in .
a Christian manner, palsg. ; oropges, $[., young shoots, c ;
croppis, S3.-AS. crop.
Cristes-messe, sl. Christmas, M D ; trope, pt. r, didst creep, P ; cropen,
Cristemasse, Cz.
*p., M D ; see Crepen.
Cristiente, sb. Christendom, M D ; trope, rb. crupper, HD ; troupe, CM,
oristiante, S3 ; mistianytee, Sz, C3.S~D,-OF, cropc (F, rrore8),
OF. creriiente, crzjiunfet; Church Lat.
Croper, sb cropper, the hinder part of
a horse, C3.-OF. rro~dpi*re(Cotg.).
to make
baptize, MU, S, ; i-*,.istned, pp., sz; y. Cropiers, sl. $1. the housings on a
horse's back, HD.
eristned, pp., Sz; cristned, C3.-AS,
Cropone, sl. the buttock, HD.-AF.
Critouns, $6. pl. refuse of the frying- cYoP"*.
pan, W2.-OF. rretotu (Cotg.).
Cros, $6. cross, PP, M D ; orosse, P,
Crochette, $6. a small hook, crotchet MD.-ONome, cror (rorr); cp, Ir. iros,
(in music), MD ; oroohettes, pl. crockets, Prov. croi. Cf. Crois.
S3.-OE. rroihet (Bartsch).
Crosselet, sd. a small crucible, C 3 ;
Croft, $6. field, enclosure, PP,S%,MD.- croslet, C3. See SkD (s.v. cnriilie).
AS. rrofl; cp. OD". rrocht, a field on the Crouche, $6. the cross of Christ, crucifix,sign or repiesentationof the cross, MD,
Croh, sir. a crock, waterpot, M D ; ~ 6 6 8 ,PP, H D ; cruche, P P ; crowch, S.-Cp.
OHG. i d r i (krdzz? in Otfrid; Lat. inrcipi., S.
Crois, d. cross, PP, S, S3; crops, PP, (stem of cyur). Cf. Crois.
Sz, Ca, C3: croie, M U ; croioe, MD, Crouchen, v. to sign with the cross,
Sa.-OF. rrois, iroiz; Lat. iniienr, see MD ; crushen, MD ; crowche, MU ;
oronohed,pi. r., MD.
Urachet. C t Croushe, Cros.





Croud, Croude, $6. a musical instru-


Cryen, u. to cry, MD, P P ; orie, PP ;

ment (stringed), H, W ; see Crowde.
cri)inge, pr. p., Sz ; ori)ed, pt. s., S z ;
Crouken, u. to croak, Sz; crowken, orieaen, $1, S ; criede, S2.-AF. irier,
Prompt. ; croak, Sh.
cryer, for older cridar; cp. It. gridare.
Crouken, a. to bend down, S3, M D ; Crymailed, pp. anointed, P P ; y4msee Croken.
m l e d , P P ; see Cremelen.
Croune, $6. crown, the tonsure, S, G ; Crystal, r6, ice, crystal, M D ; cristal,
see Corone.
crirtai; Lat. rryitailum, ice
(Vulg.), also, mountain-crystal; Gr. xp6oCrouni; see Coronen.
Crouning, sb. crowning, Sa ; the ton- Ta**oY, ice.
Cubit, $6. elbow, a cubit (measare),
sure, P. See above.
M D ; oub~.tes,p i , Cz; cupsaee, 32.Crowch, rb. cross, S ; see crouche.
Lat. rubituflz.
Crowd, v. to coo as a dove, S j ;
Cucurbite, sb. a gourd-shaped chemical
Crowde, sb. a musical instrument ves"ei.-Lat. n*mrbita, gourd.
(stringed), Prompt., Cath., Voc. ; crouthe, Cudde, pt. s. made known, S ; see
M D ; oroud, H ; oroude (=chorus), W, Cuven, =sthen.
1%;crowd, NU ; orouth, MD. -Wel.
Cude, $6. cud, 5, MD; code, MD ;
~ v z ~ t ha , fiddle: Ir. mrit: OIr. crot; cp. cudde, Prompt., Palsg.: quide, MD ;
Low Lat. chrotta (Ducange). Cf. ~ o t e . quede, MD; quid, IID, SkD.
Cuen, $6. queen, S ; see Quene.
Crowde, sb. wheelbarrow, Prompt.
Crowden, w . to push, IlD, Sa, C3; Cuffe, $6. cuff, PP, Prompt., Palsg.;
MHG. kufe, coif,
croaden, MD, HD, C3; crude, to press coffes, pl., PP.-Cp
forward, S ; crowdsn, Prompt. ; crud, Cf. Coife.
*rru'dan, to press, Cukkow, sb. cudtoo, MD, Prompt.;
pf. i., MD, HD.-AS.
drive, pt. rrPnn' (pl. cadon), pp. croiien; cocow, Voc. ; oocowe, Palsg.; cusko,
cp, n u . iruydcn, to push (Hexham). See Voc. ; gukgo, S3.-OF. iourou ; Lat. ruSievers, 384, 385.
wlum (acc.).
Crowdyng, sb. pressure, Sa, C3.
Culle, a. to strike, to kill, P ; see
Crowen, u. to crow ; crawand, pr. p., Xulle.
S3 ; him oroweth,pr. s. rellex., C3.-AS.
Culme, sb. soot, Prompt.
crdwan, pt. irJow, pp. crawen.
Culorum, sb. end, conclusion, PP.-For
Crownell, sb. corolla, small crown, S3. La1 ieculon~min the phr. : in seiula searSee Corone.
lorum, for ever and ever, at the end of the
Crucchen, w. to ciouch, M D ; crushen, Gloria Patri.
Culpon, sb. slice, shred, MD, C ; culCruche ; see Crouche.
pown, Prompt. ; culpen, Manip.-AF. 601Crud, ib. curd, MD ; curde, Prompt. ; por'n ; Low Lat, io@o*onem ; cp. F. coupoa.
cruades, pi., Sz, P1'; croddes, P P ; Culter, rb. coulter, the fore-iron of a
crouds, J D ; curdays, Voc.
plough, PP, Vac., Prompt. ; kulter, PP ;
coltre, PP.-Lat, iulter.
Cruddid, p). carded, Wz.
Crude, v. to press forward, S; see Culuer, ib. dove, MD, W , Wz ; cullfre,
S ; colvsr, Voc. ; culuere, Sa. - AS.
Cruel, odj. cruel, MD; cmwel, M D ; culf'e (OET).
orewell, MD.-OF. cruel; Lat. rrudeiem.
Culuer-briddis, y o u n ~pigeons,
Cruelnesse, sb. cruelty, MD ; crawel- M'.
nes, Sa.
Cum-; see Com-.
Crueltee, i.cmelty,Cz.-AF. rruelte; Cumen, v. to come, S ; see Comen.
Lat. crudelitatem.
Cumlyng, sb. stranger, H ; see ComeCrulle, adj. curly, C : kmlle, M D ; b n g .
crollle, MD.-Cp.
G. kroile, cnrl ; see Cumplie, sb. compline, S ; see Compue.
Cumrit, pt. s. encumbered, Sa; cumCrune, sb. crown, S ; see Corone.
merit, S3 ; sec ComBren.
Cry, sb. c r i , M D ; eve, Prompt.; Cumsen, u. to commence, Sa, P P ; see
crei, S.-AF. s r i , crie.


how to, H ; see Xun-

Can, 16. kin, kind, nature, S ; ounne,

dat, S ; see xyn.
CUR-; see Con-.
Cunde, th. kind, natore, S ; see xrnde.
Cunde, a+. nnatoral, kind, M D ; see



naturally, S ; see





Cun,u. to know

Cnrsen, v. to curse, MD; corse, Sz

oursede, pt. s., S ; oorsed,pp., Sa.-AS.


Curt, $6. court, S ; sce Court,

Curteis, a+. courteous, S3, C ; see



ads. courteously, Ca ; see


Curteisye, $6. courtesy, P P ;

see COG


Cnnes-mon, s6. kinsman, S ; see CUS, $6. kiss, Prompt.; ews, W ; oos,
S, W, Wz ; kosses,pi, MU ; cossis, W2.
Cuuin, sb. cony, rabbit, S ; see conyng. -AS. <or; cp. OHG. <us (Tatian).
Cunnen, u. to know, to be able, S, S z ; Cusen; see Chesen.
see Xunnsn.
Cussen, u. to kiss, S, MD ; kussen, S ;
Cunreadnes, s6. p?. kindreds, S ; see kesse, S, Cz ; custe,pt. r., S ; keste, C a ;
kiste, S, C a ; kest, S a ; ousseden,pi.,Sz.
Cupabil, adj. culpable, H ; see con- -AS. cyiran; cp. OHG. rrdrsalz (Tatian).
Cust, sb. choice, moral excellence, chaCuppe, ib. cup, S, Ca, C ; kuppe, S ; racter, M D ; custe, dat., S.-AS. cyst;
coppe, Sz, P.-AS. C I , P ~Lat.
P ; iupa. Cf. cp. OHG. Jut (Otfrid). See Chesen.
Custome, 16, custom, a public due,
Cuppe-mel, ads. by cupfuls, Sa, P P ; MD,S ; oustume, S ; costom, MD.-AF.
in cupmel, P.
nritume, toustune; Late *consuNuLat. consuetudiCupydez, sb.pi. cubits, Sa ; see Cubit. nirnem, *ronsuetuni~ren&;
Curace, sb. coiiass, S3, S k D ; curat, =em; see Constans, aud SkD (p. 798).

cuirace; Late Lat. roraciurp~,

from Lat, iorizmm, leather.

Curall, sb. coral, S a ; see Coral.
Curat, sd. curate, C.-Late Lat. curatus.
Curatour, s6. curate, priest who has
cure of souls, PP, Sz.
Cure, $6. a chargr,eure of souls, PP,Ca;
cures, pi, pursuits, Cz.-Church
Curiour, $6. currier, W ; see Coriour.
Curious, odj. bbosy, z,ealous, eager to
know, damtv,
,. fine.. MD.. 51;
- careful. C.

Curlew, i6. corlew, cofurniz, Prompt.,

Custome-house, ~ 6custom-house,
Cut, $6. a cut twig, a lot, C, C3, H,

Prompt., MD; hut, H , MD; cutte,

Palsg. ; kuttis,pl.,H. Phr.: to draw outs,


See gutten.

Cuth, r6. race, people, P P ; see Xyth.

Cuth,pp. known, S ; see xunnen.
Cu'be,pt.s. could, knew, S; see Kunnen.
CuEen, u. to make known, S ; see Xythen.

Cu'bmon, $6. acquaintance, kinsman, S.



Cu'breden, $6. familiarity, MD.

cuaefe, ,b. relationship,

Wz 0's. 104.40) ; curl%H : mrlu, MD ;

corlew, MD ; -'low).=, Voc.-OF. coy- land, S, MD; see
iieu, curlew (Cotg.).
$6. cut-purse thief, P P ; kitteCurrour, $6. runner, courier, Wa ; =or- OIS, ?P. seexutten.
ou., Wz ; currours, pi. li~ht-armed
Cwakien, u. to quake, S ; see Quaken.
troops, S3.

curw, v. to prepare leather, to curry

horses, to rub down, flatter, S3, MD ; ourrayyn, Prompt. ; ceraye, MD.-OF. muraer, iourecr (F. iourroyer) ; It. cowedere;
from Low Lat. ionrediu,,~. see conre=.
curs, $I,. curse, C, G ; oars, s3,G.
Cursedly, ads. wickedly, Cz.
cursednes, ~ 6 malice,
oursednessa, Cz ; cursidnesse, misery,

Cwalm, 36. death, pestilence, MD; see


Cwalm-hus, i.prison, place of torment, MD.

Cwalm-SCOW,s6. place

of execution,
cweai'*-n-sf*w (Schmid).
Cwa'b, Pt. s. quoth, S ; see Quesen.

S, MU.-AS.

Cwead-schipe, ~ 6 wickedness,



Cwellen, a. to kill, S ;

see Quellen.


Cweme, adj. pleasing,S; see Queme.
Cwide, $6. speech, bequest, S : see ~ u e Cwemen, u. toplease, S ; see ~ u e m e n .%en.-AS. cwide, a saying.
Cwennkenn, u. to quench, S ; sec Cyll, $6. a canopy, SIcD (s. v. id).-OF.


<eel, canopy, inner roof, ceiling (Cotg.);

Cwesen, u. to speak, S ; ~ w dpt.

, r., La*. Caez*m, see Mrachet, p. 1".
S ; see ~ u e % e n .
Cyne-rice, rd. kingdom, rule, S ;
Cwic, a d j living, S ; sce Q u a .
Cwidden, v. to speak, announce, M D ; Cyrce-iserd, church-yard, S ;
i-cwiddet,pp., S.-AS.


Dade, sb. deed, S ; see Dede.

Dsed, oli/ dead, S ; see Deed.
Dsede, sb. pi. deeds, S; nee Dede.
Dsei, sb. day, S ; asexe,pi., S ; see nay.
Dsere, a&. dear, S ; see Dere.
Dse8, $6. death, S ; see Deep.
apt, fit, S ~ D
(P. 799) ; deft,

innocent, fool is^,, M D ;
w e , a fool, Sz, PP ; aeffe, obtzrmi,
ayestis, Prompt.; aefte,dat.,s.-~s. deft.
~ ~ f t ~ - adu,
l i kfittingly;
~ , denly,~D;
d e f l ~ MD
; dafZ3elike, S.
Dage, r6.pZ. days, S ; see Day.
to become day, S ; see
Dagge, $6. a jag of cloth, Prompt., MD,
IID, CM; dagges,pl. jagged edges, PP.
~ to ~
~ to jag
to cut at the edges, MU, PP, SkD (*. 150):
CM, H D ; daggyn, fraitiiio, prompt.;
dagmde, ~ p . , y r o m p t . - ~ p . OD,,. ,fagsen,
to slab. See Jagge.
~ ~ g si,.gdagger,
~ p2~p.o,
~ ,CM ; sag.
gar, Voc.; daggare, Prompt.
Daghynge, sb. dawning, 1%; see nawing.
Dagonn, id. a jag of a blanket, C M ;
dagon, HD. See Daggen.
Dahes, 8%. dawn: d a h d e s , gen., S.
See Dawen.
Dai, $, S, W ; see Day.
Dai-gang, $6. day's journey, Sa.
Dai-liht, sb. daylight, M D ; dai-E3t, S.
Dai-rawe, s6. daybreak, MD.
Dai-red, sb. the flush of morn, MD.
Dai-rime, s6. the edge oi dawn, MD ;
&&rim, S.-AS. def-rima.
Dai-sterre, rb. duy~star,S,Wz; daysterre, PP.-AS.
def-steorra, morningstar.



Dale, $6. dale, valley, S, P P ; dele, S ;

&leu, dot., S : dales, pi., MD ; d e d e s ,
MD.-AS. d e l : Gotli. dai; see Sieverr, 49.
Dalf, pi. s. dl%, W ; see Deluen.
Daliaunce, id. talk, C, Cz, C3; dsliance, MD.-AF. daiiaunir, interference.
Dalien, u. to talk, Prompt.; d a m , to
play and sport, Palsg., MD.-AF. dayier,
Dal-neominde, pr. p. as 2%. ~artaker,
sharer, S.-0. Merc. del-rciomend, Ps. 118.
63 (VP.).
Dalte, pt. s. dealt, G ; see Deelen.
Damage, sb. damage, loss, Prompt.,
M D ; domage, 33.-AF. d a m a p (also OF'.
domage); Lale Lat. *danueaticurn, tiom
Lal, iiamn2cni,
Dame, 38. dame, lady, dam, S, C3, MD ;
dam,~MD.-AT., dal?~e; Lat. doming.
Damesele, ~ b .damsel, S, Wa, MD:
h m o y s e l e , C.-AF. darnoy~ek;Late Lat.
dornicelia, for *don~liciceNa;see Constans.
Dan, ~ 6a. title of respect placed before
personal names, MU, Ca, CM; &nz,
MD ; daun, MD, CM ;
danz, dans ; Lat. doji~isus; in oblique case
OF. dam; Lat. do,ninunc, see Bartrch and
Dang, pt. r. beat, S3; see Dyngen.
Dar, pr. $. I dare, M D ; dear, MD:
der, M D ; darst, z p r . s., S, C3 ; daarst,
M D : d e r s t , M D ; d&r,pr,r.,MD,Cz,C3,
P ;,durren,pL, MD ; duren, S ; doren,
W ; durre, pr, sub r., MD ; pL, S ;
aurste, pt. mij, s., S ; durst, MD, P ;
d u r s t e , p i , S ; dorste, S, Sa, Ca ; dorst,
Sa, P ; durren, u., MD.-AS. dear, 1 dare,
z pr. s. dearst, pl. durron, wbj. dzrrre,
pt. 5. donte.
Darc, a 4 dark, S ; sce Derk.
Darked, pt. i. lay hid, S ; see Derken.

Darklpg, ads. in the dark, S3, Sh.
Dasewen, u. lo be dim, hID; daswen,

Debonaire, a4. mild, gentle, MD, C ;

debonel-, S a ; deboner, W3, 1-1; deboE. dale. neire, M D ; dubonure, Sz ; debonayr,

C M ; see 53: debonur, H.-OF. debonaire ; cp. 011.
di bolz air<. C t Bondre.
Daunger, 26. abrolllte control, power, Debonerte, s6. gentleness, MD, R.also difficulty, MD, PP, C ; aaungere, re. OF. debonrrete, debonnairefeit(Ps. 44. 4).
De-breiden,u. to tear apart, W.-This
fusal, denial, S:, ; power to harm, PP.-OF.
dangier, don@r, power, lordship, refusal, is a hybrid form: de+ big. brridin.
danger, (Burtsch); Late Lat. *donaislziarium, De-breken, u. to break asunder, to tear,
from Lat. donzinium, see Brachet.
S z ; debrouen,pp., MD.-A hybrid form.
Daungerous, a 4 . haughty, difficult to Debrusen, u. to bruise; debrise, MD;
please, Mil, Cz, C.
debrusede, pi. s., MU; debru$ed, Sa.Daunten, u. to force, tame, MD, Sz, S3, AF. debrurer, OF. dedr<xw.
Y.-AF. iianter, OF. donter ( F . donrpier); Deceit, $6. deceit, MD ; disseit, Wz.
Lat. dontitare.
-AF. d m i t ; Late Lat. drrepta.
Daw, sb. dew, S ; see Dew.
Deciple, $6. disciple, S: see Disciple.
Dawen, u. to become day, Cz, PP, ned, $a. death, sz, PP.-cp. Swed. and
Prompt., pa%
l ,!.
MD, I D ; dageq. S, D*". dod. death. set nee$.
Prompt. ; ds)ede,$t. r., MD.-AS. dagmn. Ded, a*. dead, S, P P ; see Deed.
Dawing, $6. dawning, S3 ; dsgheynge, Dede, pt. s. did, S, Sz ; aeden,pZ. ; see
H ; daghynge, H.

C3; dasewiae,pf. r., W2.-Cp.

naun, xb, a title of


Dawnen, u. to dawn, Prompt.

Dede, sb. deed, S, Sz, P P : Bade, S ;
Dawning, s8. dawning, MD ; a m e n - &ae, pi., S ; drede, S ; dedes, S, Sz :
mge, C.
deadee, MD.-AS.
dPd, (dho!); cp. Goth.
Day, d . day, S k D ; a=%,S : dai, S,w ga~dithr,see B
~ 5 75. ~
(1 Cor.4.3); aa)i,S; dei, S; dreies,gen.,S;
, myen.
deies, S :phr.: be dieiea, by day, S ; now a
S3; see
dares, C z ; h i e , daf., S ; daw, Sz ; da)es, Dede, sb. death, PP,

p r , S ; d&yes,S; *awes, S, P P ; dage, S ;
daga, gen., MD; a.)%, WID; aaaene,. Dede-stoure,$6. death-struggle, Sa.
MD ; dswene, MU; &hene, MI?, S ; Dedeyne, u. to deign, S3. See DeYnen.
dasaen, d a f , S ;3+3$, S ; dabe, S: Phr. Dedly, adj. liable to death, H : see
to give day, to give trust, S 3 ; bring of ~ ~ e d l i .
dawito kill, Sz.-AS. d q ,deges, d e P ; pl.
Deduit, sL delight,pleasure, MU, H D ;
d a p , dagn (and dagcra), dagzmi.
deduyt, C ; dedut, M D ; dute, MD.-AF.
Dayerie, $6. dairy, C ; deyw, Voc., deduit; ep. Late Lut. deducfur, ' anirni
Prompt. See Deye.
oblectatio' (Dnoange) ; from OF. deduire,
Dayesie, $6, daisy, CM ; aayesye, CM ; (~efl.)to rejoice ; Late Lat. deducere.
dais-eie, Voc.; dmyes-e)es,$i, Sz.-AS.
Dee, $6. a die, ivID ; die, Sh. ; dees, pl.
dazes-dnge, i. e. day's eye (Voc.).
dice, PP, Cz, C3; dys, PP, C.-OF. de
Dapen, u. to deign, Sa ; see Deynen. (pl. dez) : It. dado, l'rov. dot; Lat. datum.
Dayntethis,.i6.$1.dailitici, H, MD.Deed, a ~ dead,
Sa, Cz; aed, S, P P :
OF. deintet; Prov, denfat, dinfat; Lat. dad, S ; dyad, Sa ;, p i , S.-AS.
dignitatem. C t Deyntee.
ddad; cp. Iccl. dauSr, Goth. riaupr.
Dayre, rb. dairy-maid, androiiiie, Voc. Deedli, a 4 mortal, snbject to death,
See Deye.
deadly, W, Wa ; dedly, H , P P ; dia&h,
S ; dedlioh, MD, PP.-AS. dhdilc.
De, u. to die, S 3 ; see Deyen.
De- ; see Dis-.
Deef, a+. deaf, MD, C ; def, M D ;
deue,pi, C3.-AS. d&j: Goth, d a u i .
Dea8, pr. r. doeth, S ; see Don.
Deel, s6. deal, share, MD, G ; del, S, S3 ;
Deawes, r6. p i dews, Sz ; see Dew.
Debat, $6. strife, discord, C z ; debate, dem1,MD ; aey1,Sa. Phr. : neuer a deyl,
not a be, Sz ; euery deyl, Sz.-AS. d h l ;
5'3%P : debaat, C3.-AF. debof.

De-baten, u. to eontend, fight, MD, Cz. Cp. Goth. dails ( d a i l i ) : see Douse, P. 94.
Deelen, u. to deal, share, divide, MD ;
debatye (pi. p. a'ebafant), It. &at-




delen, Sa, G ; delte,pf.s., C3 ; dalte, G ;



deled, pp., G.-AS. dhian : Goth. daiqan,

from daiii- ; see Douse, p. n j.
Deep, a 4 deep, C ; dep, S ; deop, S,
M D ; &ep, MD; dup, M D ; depe, r6., Sz,
C3 ; deopre, romp., S ; deope, ads., S ;
deoppre,corrip., S ; depzer, C 3.-AS. dPop ;
cp. Goth. d i u p ~ Icel.
Deer, sb. wild animal, C z ; der, S ;
diere, dat., S ; deer, pL, C2.-AS.
dbor ;
cp. Goth. dim, wild beast.
Deep, $6. death, Cz ; da8, S, MD; de8,
S ; diath,S; dya),S2; dead,S; ded, Sz,
P P ; des8e,iiat., S ; dese, S, Sz ; dede, S,
Sz, S3.-XS. dJap; cp. Icel. daubi, daub?:
Goth, daupui.
Defame, see Diffame.
Defaute, rb. defect, fault, Sz, Cz, P P ;
defalta, S z ; defautis, pl., S3, W2.-AF.
d&ute, d@ite.
Defenden, u, to protect, to forbid, Sa,
MD,C3, H.-AF.d&nd?a;
Lat. dcfmdere.
Defense, d. protection, prohibition,
MD ; defence, Sz.-AF. defieicns8, dejence.
Defet, pp. defeated, MD.-AF. det,
e@f, p p of d e i r e .
Defien, a. to digest, MD, PP, H D I
defye, Sa ; defy, Cath.
Defien, w. to mistrust, to defy, P P ;
a e f ~ e ,ddespiier~, c & t h . - ~ ~ dt+,
de$er: It. diijdare, to defy, (Florio).
Defiguren, u. to disfigure; defygurd,
Pp., S2.-AP, deif;eurer.
Defless, $6. $1, ddeilr, S ; deflen, S ;
see Deuel.
Defoulen, v. to tread down, MD, W,
Wz, H, SkD (s. v. dcjlt); defoilen, MD,
SkD; defoulid, pp., Wz.-OF. dcforrier,
to trample on, rebuke (Cotg).; cp. fozrler
(Bartsch), foliev, Ps. 138. 1 I ; It.,follare, to
press, to full clothes (Vlorio) ; Lat. */zlZarare,
to fill1 cloth ; cp.ficlio, s fuller.
De-foulen, u. to make foul, inguinnrr,
M D ; defowlyn, Prompt.; defoulid, pp.,
W.-A hybrid form, de+ ME. fuien. See
Defte, a$. gentle, S ; see Daft.
Deghe, v . to die, S z ; see Deyen.
Degoutit, pp. spotted, S3. Cp. OF.
degoutter (Cotg.), and Lat. ge'tte, a drop, a
spot, speck on an animal.
Degyse, adj. fashionable, finical, H.OF. desg~rid, dirrembled, sophisticated
(Cotg.). See Disgysen.
Deh, $6. dye, colour, SkD.-AS. d 4 d .
Dehtren, sb. $1. daughters, S ; see

Dei, sb. day, S ; see D S ~ .

Deide; see Deren.
Deih,pv. s. profits, S ; see Du)en.
Dei-hwamliche, ads. every day, S.-

kS. def-hwar~lice.
Deir, v. to harm, S3 ; see Dere.
Deken, sb. deacon, MD; diakne, MD ;
Leakne, MD ; dekene, W ; deknes, pl.,
32, C3.-AS,
diaron; Chi~rchLat.diaconus;
>r. 6~hxovos(NT).
Del, s6. deal, share, S, S j ; see Deel.
Del, id. grief, Sa ; see ole.
Dele, sb. dale, S ; see nale.
Delen, a. to deal, Sz, G ; see Deelen.
Delfin, sb. dolphin, Voc.; delfyne,
'rompt.; delfyn, S k u ; delfyns,pl.,MD ;
Lelplwns,S~.-Lal. dt@hinus; Gr. Brhrpwstem of BrA$[i).
Delful, adj. doleful, Sz ; see Dolefulle.
Delfulli, adv. dolefully, M D ; see
Delices, $6. pl. delights, H , C j , Wa ;
lelicis. W. H.-OF. deliies: Lat. diliiiu.
el it, si. delight, M D ; Q e ~ y tS, j , Cz,
33.-OF. drlit, debit.
Delitable, at@ delightful, PP, Sa,Wz,
H ; delytable, Sa, C z ; dilitable, S2.4F. delitable; Lat. delectabiiem.
Delite, a. to delight, Cath., PP, W a ;
lelyting, pr. p., Ca.-AF. deiiter; Lnt.
Delitingis, $6,pi. delights, \V2.
Deliuer, a@ quick, acti've,M D ; delyzere, C.-OF.
deliwe, quick, litexally
Deliueren, v. to set free,MD; delinery,
32 ; delyuem, 1'P.-AF.
ddiuerrr; Late
.at. deli6erarr ; Lat. de + liberare.
Deliuerly, adu. quickly, nimbly, Sa ;
ielyuerly, b2, C.
Deluen, 9. to delve, dig, S, Ca, P, W ;
l a l f p t . a, MD, W ; dalfe, W ; doluen,pi.,
IlD? P ; delueden (weakpt.), Wz ; dolue,
ud]., Sa ; i-doluen, pp., S ; y-aolue, Sz ;
loluen, buried, S, P ; i-doluen, Sz.-AS.
pt. deaIf(p1. duvor), pp. do&%.
Deluers, rl.pLa i g ~ e r Sz;
s ~ aelueres,P.
Deme, sb. judge, S.-AS. ddma.
Demen, u. to give doom, to judge, de: r e , S, Sz, S3, C z ; deeme, S z : demde,
V . s., S ; i-demed, pp., S ; y-aemed,2S;
I-demd, Sa: i-demd, S ; demet,S; dempt,
5.-AS. dCt~za: OS. ddminn, Goth. don'.
'an. See Doom.
Demenen, u. to manage, to behave


devoir (sb. orig. v.); Lat.



Diamant, 16. diamond, PP, Cath.;

dyamand, M D ; &amaunt, C.-OF. diaDeuoaren, u. to devour, MD ; devoir, magst, a diamond, the loadstone (Cotg.).
See Adamant.
S3.-AF. dmlcrer ; Lat. desorare.
Dew, rb. dew, Pl'; d e w , M D ; daw,S; Dia-penidion, rb. a kind of sweet stuff
like barley-sugar used to relieveconghs,PP ;
dea, S ; deuh, PP ; deawes,pL, Sz.-AS.
diapenydion, PI'; diopendion, 32.-OF.
diapenidion, It. diapcnidio,cp. diapiPde, ' a
Dewill, sb. devil, S3; see Deuel.
diapedon or confection made of Pcnids'
de wit^, $b, duty, s 3 ; see Duete,
(Florio). See Dia and Penid.
Dewle, $6. grief, S3 ; see Dole.
sb. a kind of figured cloth;
Dextrer, sb. a war-horse, Cz; see Des- Diaper,
MD; dinpew, MD,-OF, dimjre,

diapered cloth; Lat. impiden*,
~ servant,
, esp. one who Jasper;
from Gr. r ~ o n c iprobably
of Semitic
looks after the cows and dairy,
P.I r g .
Voc., Prompt., C ; aeye, a cow-boy, an. origin ; see
droihiui, MD, ~ ~ t h . - ~dri8ja,
~ ~ i . C V ; Diaper, *. to variegate, adorn with
figures and colaars, N D ; diirpred, #..
cp. AF. dcp.
N D ; dyaprea, C.
Deyen, u. to die, Sz, PP ;
MD, Diath, sfi. death, S : see Deep.
sz; deghe, sz; aeie, S ; aey, s 3 ; dye, Dicht,pp. re pa red, S a ; see Dihten.
P P ; W e , P P : &)e, Sz, P P ; ae, S i ;
Diciples, sb. $1, disciples, S ; see Diadeide, pi. r., S, 5 2 ; deiWe, MD ; desae,
Cz ; deid, S z ; deit, S3; dede, pi, S3 ; ciple.
deYed,pj., '23.-Icel.'d&:
OS. ddian.
Diefles, s6.gen. devil's, S ; see Denel
Deyen, a. to dye, M D ; dyyn, Prompt.; Dier, i b . wild animal, beast; diere,dai.,
dyed,pt. s., C2.-AS. dhgian, from d h h . S ; sce Deer.
See Deh.
Dier-chin, sb. deer-kind, beasts, S.
Deyere, $6. dyer, C.
Diere, a d j dear, S ; see Dere.
D e ~ l ~, 6deal,
share, S z : see Deel.
~ i ~ ~ ~ -adj,
~ ~
t . $s ;, see
De en, u. to deign, to appear good, fie.
to P care, MD, CM, S 2 i deignen, M D ; ~ i ~~ btdiet,
. ~ food,
, MD, C ; ayeti=,
aaYneae,p*. s., S s ; a w n e d him, (d.)
~ ~dieta,
t . at.
pi, pp.-OF. diete;
C2.-AF. deigner; Lat. dignarr.
dieta ; Gr. Fia'ra.
Deynous, ndj. proud, disdainful, MD, ~ i ~ tot diet
~ ; ailete,
~ , pr. ~ 6 j . ,
CM, Cath. (1). 95, n.).
Sz, PP.
Dewtee, 88. worth, pleasure, liking, ~ i ~ ? j , pr.? .doeth, S; see Don.
Sz, Cz, C 3 ; deynte, Sz ; deinte, M? ; Dieule, sb. dat. devil, S; see Denel.
d e m t e e s , p i , S z , Cz, C3.-OF. dazntie,
to deface, MD ; aefaee,
deinfet, Prov. din- tat; ~ ~dignitatem.
t .
cf. toDiffacen,
obliterate, C z ; defaste, pp., Sj.-OF.
Deyntee, aiEj. dainty, Cz, C3.
~ ~ ~ ~ t ~dainty,
~ cz.
~ Dif-faden,
~ to~cause, 3.
~ fade
i alvay,
~ MD;
j de.
to Ode,
defadide, p?.,
in hall, C,
~ sb, dais,
~ high
Cz, PI' ; deyes, P P : deis, P P ; dere,
p p ; deyse,
fieen, M U ; des, M D ; Diffame, $6. dislionom, disgrace, MD,
day, canopy, JD.-OF.
deir (AF. dois) ; S3, C z ; defame, C3.-OF. dzl'ame.
Lat. dirigrn (ucc.), see Brachet, p. lxv. ~ f , Diffamen, u. to spread abroad a Nmour, also to slander, MD, S z ; defame,
Dejter, rb. $1. daughters, Sa ; see C3 : airameden, pt. pi., W ;
pp., W, C3.-AF, d?ffamer, to slander;
Lat. difaniare, to spread abroad a report.
Di-; see De-, Dis.
Dia, $6. A term set before medicinal con- Digne, a 4 . worthy, proild, MD, C, C a ,
fections or electuariei that were devised by C3, Sx, S3 ; argue, Sz. Phr.: a g u e as
the Greeks, CotE. ; a y ~ H
, D ; &&j,$1. dich-water, i.e. making people keep their
remedies, medicines, PP.-tir.
See d~stance,S3.-OF. d i p * ; Lat. dipzrm.
Dignelich, ads. worthily, P ; dYngneDiadlich, a,$. mortal, S ; see DeedU. liche, Sz.






Dignete, sb. worth, dignity, highoffice, the rout, MD ; aysoowmfrtyn, Prompt.;

MD; dignitee, Cz ; dingnetss,p!., Sz.dissonfet, pt. r., MD ; disconfite, MU ;

AF. dignete ; Lat. di~nilatem.Cf. Deyntse. pp., MD ; disoumfygt, 5 3 ; dysconfited,
Dihten, order, ruie, prepare, =don, S3.-OF. descorrfirc (pp. desronfit) ; Lat.
MD, Sz: digen, M D ; di)tti, S z ; diht, dis +iolrj<cf,8.
pr. s., S ; dishtes, Si ; dihte, pt. r., S ; D i s c o m f i t u r e , sb, defeat, MD ; disdi?te, Sz ; diht, pp., Sz ; di;t, MD, Sz ; oonfiture, C.-AF. d~srunfllifure,d m n f i dight, MU, S 3 ; ydi;t, Sz, S3 ; dy?t, Sz; lure.
&oh*, Sz ; ~ d ~ i S3
t ,; dy%h, H.-AS.
Disconfort, $6. discomfort, C ; disdintan ; Lat. didare.
comfort, W.
D i l a t a c i o u n , $6. extension, diffusencas, Disconforten, u. to trouble, dincomSz, C3.-Lnt. di!alaiionem.
fort, C ; disconfort, S3 ; discomforten,
Dim, adj. dim, MU; dym, C; dymme, MD.-OF. drsio?iforter.
MD ; dimme,p/., S.-AS. dim.
Discoueren, u. to discover, uncover,
Dimliche, ads. dimly, softly (of MD, C3 ; diskeuer, M D ; dissure, Sj.sound), MD ; dimluker, io#ij., S.
OF. d m u r i r , d e s ~ ~ ~ u r i r .
Dimnes, ib. dimness, Sz.
Disdeyn, $6. disdain, C z ; desdayn,
Dinnen, u. to din, MD ; dunien, MD ; CM ; desdeyn, C ; dedeyn, MD, W; H ;
dedei~ne, OF. .desdenie, S ; ainede, $1. s., M D ; donyd, dedeyne, HD.-AF.
M D ; dynnit, MD.-AS.
dylrian; cp. r!ein.
Icel. dynj6. See Dyn.
Disdeyne, v. to disdain, Cz ; desdainen, MD.-AF. deideigner, It. diidegDint, ~ 6 blow,
S, Sz ; see Dent.
Dinten, a. to strike, S.
of ease, MD, 33, Cz,
Diopendion, r6. a kind of barley-sugar, Disese, ~ 6 lack
C3, W ; desese, S3.-OF. dcsaise.
Sz ; see Dia-penidion.
~ i ~ i$6.gthe~ name
of an anthem in Diseseful, adl. ttoublesome, Wz.
the office for the dead bcpinning with the Disesid,pp. troubled, W.
words from Ps. 5. 8, ' D i r i p , Dominns Disgysen, u. to disguise, M D ; demeus,'MD,S3; W r g e , M D ; dorge, MD. gisen, PP, h l D ; dewset, pp., Sz ; &is.
guised, S3.-AF.
dep'ser, degysrr, OF.
D i s - ; see Des.
Disburse, u. to pay out of a purse, deiprirer. Cf. Demse: ,
Disheriten, u. to dli~nherit,Sz ; desS h ; deburs, S3.-OF. desbo-oursrr.
, Sa ; deserited, pp., Sz ;
i en ~to ",,load,~ MD ; aesh efitede,
~ $1. J.~
des/irritrr, 0P. dm~ h ~ r g e hfD
n , ; bisohargden,pt.pi, W. disherst, C.-AF.
-AF. deiiharger.
Dischevele,pp. with hair in disorder, Disjoint, $6. perplexity, MD ; disMD, C.-OF. descheueiP, pp. of descheveler, jo~nt,C.-OF, desjoinct, PP. of desjoind~a;
Lat, dsijungwe.
to discheyel (Cotg.).
D i s m a y e n , m . t o disma~,G:desmayen,
Disclaundre, u. to slander, Sz, C3.
MD.-OF. *d~smayer; cp. SP. A r m v a r ,
~ i ~ ~~
6 disciple,
. i ~ wl (john
~ ao.
, z) ; also
(with different prcfix), OF. eimaiar,
disoiplis, $1.. Pp, W ; diciples, S ; de- p
.,,, rrmagar, lt. agare.
ciples, S ; decipelis, Sa.-AF.
Lat. disi@u!um (aec.).
minstrel, MD; disoures, pi, P.-OF.
D i s c i p l e s s e , ~ 6 a. w0man.disciple.W. disou,., dieor: sp. dicedor, lt. dicjl
D i s c i p l i n e , sb. chastisement, MD; dis- from ~ ~diiira.
t .
oeplines, pi. flagellations, S.-OF. diriis6. a want of
$line (Cotg.); Church Lat. discip/ina equality,
in birtil or $tation, dis.
paragement, disgrace, Cz. See Parage.
Disclaandre, $6. evil fame, Sa, P P ; Disparagen, v , to disparage, disgrace;
deschndre, M D ; dis-nder, ND. See desparsged,pp,, ~ ~ . - ~ ~ . d e s p a
Disparplen, u. to become scattered,
Disclose. w. to disclose, 5 3 ; a=- alsoto scatter, w ; aesparplen, MD, sz;
Elonen, Sz.-OF.
desciore (sub]. -c!o*e) ; dyspsrplyn, prompt. ; spsrplyn, prompt.;
Lat. di$c/auderc.
disperpelde, pt. s., H ; deperpeyld, H ;
D i s c o m f i t e n , v. to defeat, to put to disparpoilid, pp., S z ; aisparpua, &a-





Prov. d~wdarin,from OHG. d d t , dear, debt, obligation, from OF. d i ~owed;

beloved (Otirid). See NQ. (6. q. 270).
debiturn, pp. oldc6crc.
Druggar-beste, $6. the animal that Duhen, u. to get on well, S ; see Dulen.
has to poll forcibly, S3.
Duhe'Fe, 16. body of retainers, people,
Druggen, u. to pull with force, might, worth, di nity, S ; dowebe, S ;
CM, C.-Cp. E. drrrdfe.
doupe, S2.-AS. &ud,
worth, help, body
Drund,pi.pi.drowned,Sz ;sec~rounen. of men, host.
Drunk, $6. draught, &ID; druno, S ; Duk, .ib. lender, prince, duke, MD ; doc,
Sz ; duyk, W, Wa ; douo, MD ; duy!ds,
drunch, S.-~Cp. Icel. dvK/rr.
Drunkelew, a+, given to drinlcing, $2.. W%.-AF. due; Lat. h l c e s i .
W, Prompt. ; aronkelewe, C3, PI'; Dulce, a@. sweet, S3.-Lat. dm"em.
dronkeleuh, P P ; dronkenlewe, P P ; Dule, 16. grief, S3; see Dole.
Uunkeulewe, MD. See -1ewe.
Dully, a@. dull, S3, DG ; ad*, J D ;
Drunken, $6. drinking, S, MD.
dowie, JD.
Drunkennesse, sJ. drunkenness, AID; Dumel, sb. a atlipid man, Manip. ;
dronkenesse, C3, PP.
dummel, a dumb man, Manip.; dumble,
Drunknen, u. to be droii.ned, to cause HD. See Domb.
to drown, MD ; drunkenes, pr. s., Sa ; Dun; see Doun.
dronkenes, %-AS.
dnrriinian, to be Dun, Dunne, adj. dnn, dull brown,
drowned, to be dmnlc. CC Drounen.
MD, Manip. ; donne, MD-AS. &%n;
Drupnin, u. to be cast down, S ; see 0. Ir. dons, dond(Windisch).
Dun, $6. a dun horse; Prover&:Dun is
Drurie ; see Druerie.
i i l the myre, C3.
Druuy, u. to trouble, H ; see Drouen. Dunchen, u. to batter, S, Prompt. ;
dunch, to pash, ID.-Cp. Dan. d%?zke,to
Druuynge, in. trouble, H.
Drye, a*. dry, MD, P P ; druye, MD, tllump.
S a ; drue, M D ; dru, S ; d r i ~ M
, D ; Dune, $6. din; see Dyn.
drie, MD ; dreye, Cz, C. Phr.: druifot, Dungon, r6. dungeon, Sz ; see Donjoun.
dry loot, s.-AS. d ~ y f e ; cp. Du. d m &
Drye, u. to dry, to be dry, MU, G ; Dun-ward, adw. downward, S ; see
d r u i ~ s t 2, $7. i., S2.-AS. drygon.
Drye, u. to wficr, CM ; Dryaed, pt. s. Dup, adj. deep, M D ; see Deep.
continued, Sz ; see Dreaen.
Duppen, u. to dip, Sz, RID ; dimen,
h4D.-AS. dyfjan, for *dt@-imz,see S k u
Drythe; see nrought.
(P.Boo), Sieve%, 400.
Dryj, a+. patient, Sz. Cf. Dreaen.
Durance, ib. endurance, S3 ; imprisonDryjly, adu. patiently, Sz.
mc"t, Sh.
Dryjte, Dryjtyn; see Drihten.
Dubben, u. ( I ) to dress, arm for battle, Dure, edj dear, MD ; see m e .
(a) to dub a knight by the stroke with the Dure, s6. door, S ; dur, S3; see Dore.
flat of tbc sword, MD, S, P P ; dubbed, Duren, ff. to last, Cz, Sz, S3, H ;
pp., S, Sz, PP; dobbed, P P ; doubed, 1'P. dury, MD ; duvre, M D ; deore, Sz ;
-AF. dulber, to dress; cp. Icel. dzrbba, to duyryng,pr.p., Sz ; durede,pt. r., Sz.,
arm, dress, also to dub, AS. dzciiban, to AF. dur.8~;Lat. durare, from ~ Z L I - U Shard,
d ~ i ba knight, in Chron. an". 1085 ; cp. unyielding.
OF. adder, adoubtr, to arm (lloland).
Duresse, sd. hardship, severity, MD,
Dubbing, sb. decoration, adornment, S ; S j ; duresse, MD.-AF. durrirr, r i u n i i e ;
duritia, from dur2ir.
the conferring of knighthood, S.
Dubonure, a& mild, gentle, Sz ; sec Durlyng, $6. darling, S ; see Derling.
Durren, pr. pi. dare, MD ; durre, S ;
Dude,pt. s. did, Sz ; auden,pl, S ; see duren, S ; see Dar.
Dusi, ad/. foolish, S, M D ; dysy, MD ;
to stay, S, Wa ; sce Dwellen. desi, MD.-AS. dyrig.
Dusiliche, ad?,. fooliihly, MD; deDuere, a+. dear, S a ; see ere.
Duete, XI.. duty, M D ; dewtee, M D ; saly, dizzily, Sa ; desselic, Sz.
dwete, CM ; dewite, S3.-AF.
dude, Dusken, v. to grow dark, C.




u. t o throw, toss, S ; duste, Dwinen, u. to vanish away, to waste

pt. r., MD ; deste, fell headlong, hlD.
away, MD, H D ; dwynyn, Prompt.;
dwynen, Sz; dwynede,pt, r. (weak), MD.
Dutchkin, a<& German-like, S3.
Dute, sh. doubt,fear, S, S z ; see ~ o u t e .-AS. M n a n , pt. r h d n (PI. dwinon), pp.
Dutten, u. to shut, close, MD; dit- dwinen.
tenn, M D ; dutande, pr. p., Sa ; dutt, Dwole; see Dwale.
PP.. MD ; dit,MD.-AS. dyttan; see OET Dyad, ad/.dead, Sz ; see Deed.
(P. 573).
Dyed,pt.s. coloured, Cz ; see Deyen.
Duyk, sd. leader, prince, W, Wz; see Dyeuel, i .devil, Sz ; see Deuel.
Dyk, Dyke, sb. dike, ditch, S3 ; dic,
Dulen, v. to get on well, to be fitting, S ; dioh, i\lD ; diche, MD ;pL, S ; &=hen,
to be worth, to avail, walere, M D ; duhen, S.-AS. dlc,
S : dowen, MD ; de*h, pr. s., M D ; deh, Dyken, to make a ditdn, to dig,
MD; deih, S ; dugen,pL, hID ; douste, idyket,pp,,
pt. s., S ; dough*, MD ; dowed, Sz.~
~$d, ditcher,
~p ; dikere,
~ p, ,
AS. d4?anZv e t . pres. d&(Afah, dl<), PI.
Dyn, jd, din, H, hlD; dynne,
d q o n , pt. d o h ; ep. OIIQ tzqc-an.
dene, MD ; dyne, P P ; dine, MD ; dune,
DujeBe, s6. nobles, S, M D ; see Duh- M ~ , - ~ ~ , dylz,
Dyngen, u. to beat, PP, IT ; dang, pf.s.,
D q t i , a&. fit, excellent, brave, doughty MD'
'3' dong, MD ; dange, pl.2 '3;
M D ; doughty, Cz, G ; &,,)tiore,
dongen, pp., Sz ; aongyn, H ; dongene,





dyhtif, strong.

Dyngis, sb,pl, hlo,vs, H.
MD, Skn (P. 801) ; dwales, sl. $1. fools,
Dyngynge, sd, beating,
3.-Cp. Goth. dwair, foolish.
s*.p/. dice, C, P ; see Dee.
~$6. error,~ MD ; lduale, ~
Dys-playere, $6. dice-player, P.
dwole, MD, s (16. 1 7 7 7 . ) - 0 ~ ~ ~ t hdz,a~a,
Dyttay, rb. indictment, S3.-AF. dile;
error (Mt. 24. 24) ; cp. AS. dwoia.
Dwellen, u. (I) to err, wander, (2) to Lat. diitatzlm.
loiter, stay, dwell, MD, G ; anem, S, wz; Dyvers, a&.$P(. divers, MD ; diverse,
divers (pl. divcrsei) ; Lat. didwelland,pr.p., Sz.-AS. dmeiian, to err, MU.-AF.
also to make to em, to deceive; also 2Lersrm.
dwellan, to dcceive, to hinder, delay, also Dyuerseli, ads. in diverse directions,
to remain, dwell ; cp. Icel. dvrlja, to tarry. W2.
Dweole, $6. error, MD ; dwele, M U ; Dyversen,u.tomalcedifference,tadircrdwelle, MD.-AS. (,p)dwroia.
sify, also to be different, MD, Prompt.;
DweoluhBe, $6. emor, foolishness, S. dyuersith,pr. s., W; diuerside,pt. s., W.
Dwer h, ib dwarf, MD ; dwerk, RID ; -OF. di~erscr.
dwerf, 6 D ; w a r f e , MD ; dwerp (for Dyversitee, id. divers colours, TVz.
awer)),S2.-AS. dwmni ; cp. Icel. duerp:
Dyuynistre, s6. a divinc, C.-Late
Dwilde, $6. error, S, MU.-AS. dwild. Lat. *disiniita. See Deuine.
See Dwellen.
Dy3e, a. to die, S a ; sce Deyen.
Dwindle, u. to waste away, Sh.
Dy3t; see Dihten.

Dwal, a+. foolish, dull,erring, apostate,

E ; sce E)e.
I Eadmodien, u. to humble, M D ; eadmode, pt. s., MD ; admoded, pl). 8s a&
E-, pi.& ; see )e-. Cf. mi&e.
Eadil, ndj. wealthy, precious, happy, lowly, S, MD.-AS. dannzddian, from Pas-

s ; mdd, humble. Cf. E8enxoded, Edmod.

blessed, MD; eadi, S ; -die, s ;
edai. S : eav.
Ealde, ad.! old, S ; see Old.
- . S : eava
-.."., s
-.- A S
~ 0 t h .aidags.
From AS. h d , ad, ppos- ~ a l d ex;i an age, age, S ; see Elde.
session, happiness, also, rich, happy: Icel. Ealdren, pZ. elders, chiefs ; see Alder.
a=8?, wealthy; cp. OS. dd, property.
Ealre, fen. of all, S ; see 81.


frid), as in it-Zh, retribulion; it-ndi,

Eam, I $Y. r.. am ; see Am.
Earding-stowe,sb. d ~ e I l i ~ ~ l aSc;e feast
see Erdingetouwe.
Edgrow, $6. aftermath, regcmien,
Earm, s6. arm (of the body), S, M D ; Prompt. ; edgrew, HD.
see Arm.
Ed-leu, $6. retribution, MD.-AS. edZda~on.
Earme, poor ; see Arm.
Earming, sb. a wretched being, S ; see Edmod, adj. humble, MI3 ; see Admod.
Edmodi, ad/. humble, M D ; see adErming.
Earnynge, $6. earning, S ; see Ernen. modie.
Edmodnesse, $8. humility, S ; see
Eatelich, adj. horrible, S; see ateuch. Admodnesse.
Ea8, ndj. easy, S ; see ~ t h .
Ed-wit, $6. reproach, Sz.-AS. cd-wit ;
Ease, adu. easily, S ; see Ethe.
cp. OHG. it-zluizzi, a twitting (Otfrid).
Ebrayk, adj. Hebrew, Sz.
See ~ a - .
Ebrisse, adj. Hrbrew, S.-AS. ebreisc. ~ d - ~ i tto~blame,
~ , S, p ; edEcclesiaste, sb. a preacher, C.-OF. witen, S ; edwitea, pt. pi., PP.-AS. edeiilesiaste (Cotg.); Church Lat. eiclesiastes ruitarz; cp. Goth. id-writjan, OHG. ita(Vulg.) ; Gr. ixxAvocao.i?~ (LXX), from uuisdn (Tatian). Cp. E. twit.
ixrArloio, an assembly.
Edy ; see Esdij.
Eche, dj.each, S, Sz, W ; aelche, S, Ee; see ~ 3 e .
M U ; elus MD, S ; e l c 4 S ; elche, MD ; ~ ~ COX^.
k ..lro,
; aec, ;
MD, 8 ; slche, MD, S ; eilo, M D ; ek, S, SZ, P ;
eke, S,
ilc, MD, S ; flk, S (1%. 91X Sa, H ; eelre, G.-AS. hi:~ ~ tauk
h .
ilch, S ; ulc, M D ; uloh, S ; ulohe, MD ; Eelde; see Else,
sache, MD ; sche, S ; ech, MD, S, Sz ;
Prompt., CM; eom, S ;
ich, a,MU,
S, Sj; yoh, s z ;
M D ; Eem, ~ 6 uncle,
euch, MD, ;
; UFhe,
; =mi MD ; em, MD; erne, S3, Voc., IfD ;
eyme S j ' earn, HD.-AS.
dam; cp.
nich, S ; uyoh, S.- Comb.: eche dayas, OHG; d/ie&,
daily, on each day, S z ; eohe deyl, every
bit, entirely, Sz ; ech on, each one, Sz, S j , Eese; see Ese'
Eest, a@..andsb. eant,W(Mt.S.11),MD;
ca;ech eon, cz,W ; ech one, s z ; ich eSt,
S, Sa, Cz, C j , Prompt.; rest, l'rompt.
p ; ilg
; ioh
; ilo kine., of every kind, MD; -AS. 6ast: Icel. a u i t r ; cp. OI-IG. dst
(dstana, Otfrid).
ilkinas, S ; ich wer, everywhere, S.AS. 6.11, el<, ONorth. eli, olderc.yic. Efenn; secEuen.
The form hlr = d + ge + iic ; cp. OHG. Effecte, $6. effect, MD ; aEecte, (Tatian), G. JPgiich. See Sievers, Lnt. effactns.
Effer, Effeir; see Afere.
Eche, adj. eternal, S ; echeliche, adu., Effray, sb. terror, S j ; fray, S3. Cf.
S.-AS. dce, lalice ; cp. OHG.
also Affray.
See z.
. " ,
-, see Euenvnae.

cz,c j








Eft, a h . again, afterwards, S, Sz, S j ,

Cz, W; a%,
MD ; efte, Sj.-AS. eft.
Efter,prcp. after, S, Sz ; see Afier.
Eche, rb. pain, MD ; see Ache.
Echen, v. to increase, add, HD, CM: Eft-sone, ads. again, soon after, 5 , Sz,
eftMD ; eken, S, S j , H ; ayked,pt. s., MU. C j ; eftsoone, W ; efsone, %-AS.
-AS. Pccan ( d i e s ) : OS. dkian.
Echte, ~ bpossessions,
S ; see Auhte.
Eft-sones, adv. soon after, S.
Eclipse, $6. eclipse, PP; e c w r e , Egal, a@. equal, CM ; e g u e , S3, CM.
Manip. ; enslipa, PP ; clips, P P ; clyps, O F . #gal; Lat. neguaiem.
Sj.-Lat. eilipiis ; Gr. 8 ~ A s $ ~ rfailure.
Egalite, $6. eqaality, CM.-OF. etalife ;
Ecnesse, sb. eternity, M D ; ecenisss Lat. aequalitatens.
dat., S ; eoenesse, S ; echenesse, MD
ecohenesse, S.-AS. knii. See Eche.
Ed-, pragiz.-AS. ed-, ep. Goth. idback, again, OHG. it-, ita- (Tatian, Ot.
Eche, rb. increase, addition, Sz, MD.-

AS. !am.

Eggement, $6. instigution, C3.
Elde, s6. an age (of the world), age,
Eggen, u. to sharpen, to incite, pro- time of a man's life, maturity, full age, old


voke, MD, H, C M ; eggede, $1. s., S z ;

egged, S3,1' ; y-egged,pp., MD ; i-egged,
MD.-Icei. e&.
Eggyyng, sb. instigation, Sz, CM ;
eggyngis,$i., H.
Eghe; see Eje.
Egle, sh. eagle, Cz, PP.-AF. egie, OF.
nitle ; Lat. aguiia.
Egleche, adj. $1. war-like, S.-AS.
agieia, agldea, a warrior, vexator (Grcin).
See Eje.
Egre, adj eager, sharp, fierce, Ca, PP.
-AF. ep-2, OF. ai@e; Lat. aireni.
Egremoin, $6. agrimony, C3 ; see
Ehe: sce Ele.
~ h t ; , r6. property, S ; eshte, S ;
Eie ; see Ege.
Eighte, sum. eight, C3 ; e$te, MD ;
eihte, P P ; exhte, PP ; &ate, Sz ; ajt, Sz ;
zhte, MD.-AS. eahta (ahfa) ; cp. OHG.
ohto, Lat. oito.
Eighte, ord. e i ~ h t hG,
, PP.-AS. enhlose. CC Aohtande.
Eightene, nuts. eighteen, MD ; ahtene, S : anchtene, S3.-AS. eahia-idrre.
Eightetethe, ord eighteenth, CZ.AS. aahfa-tdo8e.
Eihte, sb. property, S ; eyhte, S ;
Eild; see ~ l a e .
Eire, s6. jotlrney, circuit, S l a . phr :
Sne ay?, on circuit, S3.-AF.
and OF.
tire, e y e , ooi,.e, oirrc, from em,sr, rdver; to
malie one's way, from Lat. iter, journey;
see Constans.
Eiren, s6. $1. eggs, PP ; eirun, Wz ;
see Ey.
Eise; see Ere.
Eisel, Eisil, $6. vinegar; see Aisille.
Eisful, dj.terrible, MD.-AS. eger/ui.
Eislich, adj. terrible, MD ; eiseliche,
S.-AS. eflilic: OS. e,irlik ; from AS.
eSesa: 0s. c@o, holror; cP. OHG. egiio
Eisliche, adu. terribly, S ; aisliche,
timoroorly, S3.-AS. rge~li~e.
EiBer, adj. either, S, 52 ; eizer, MD ;
arper, Sz ; @ipiper,S; ey"ber,S, Sz ; &hir,
W ; er, S.-AS. d-ehwader; Sieveri, 347.
Eken, u. to eke, MD; see Aken.
Elch; rec Eche.

age, length of timc, PP, S, Sz, S3, G ;

eelde, W ; ealdlde, S ; helde, S ; ulde,
MD ; eld, MU, S2 ; held, S2 ; eild, S2.
-AS. e i d ~ ~ See
, ~ Old.
~ ~ .
Elde, u. to grow old, H ; elded,pp., Sz ;
eldid, H.-AS. enldian.
Elder, io?,ip, older, S, Cz ; see Old.
Elderne, $6. pi. ancestors, S z ; see

Eldryn, adj old, H. Comb. : eldqnman, old man, elder, H.

Ele, $6. ~ i l MD,
s ; d i , S ; eoiie, S.
ele-sew, oil, S.-AS.
818; Late
tat. oii*~m(cp. It. olio) ; Lat. oieum ; Gr.
ZAa'ou, from ihaio, an olivc-tree ; cp. OHG.
oli (Tatiun).

Eleccioun, $6. election, choice, Sz.OF. eleclion ; Lut. rlectio?icnr.

Ele-lendisch, aiij. ioreibm; elelendis,
XD.-AS. die-lerdisi, of a foreign land.
Elendisch, adj. foreign ; helendis,
MU.-From AS. eiiande (Voc.).
Elenge, adj. protracted, tedious, wearisome, dreary, lonely; also (by conft~sian
with AS. eileniie) strange, foreign, PP,
H D ; e l ~ n g e ,P P ; e l ~ n g ,P P ; alenge,
NED, IID ; alange, NED, Prompt.-AS.
d-**fe, lengthy, tedious; d, ever + iense,
long, from iang.
Elengelich, adz. sadly, P P ; elmgliche, 1'P.
Elf, $6. elf, genius, nyn@ha, incubus,
MU, C3, Sh.; alfe, MD.-AS. eiJ. Cf.

Elf-lock, $6. hair matted together as if

by the elves, Sh.
Elf-queen, s6, fairy-queen, Ca.
Eliche, ads. alike, S3 ; see Iliche.
Elixir, $6. elixir, C3, SkD.-OF. riizir
(Corg.), Sp. eiiiir ; Arab. ei idsir, the
philosopher's stone; Gr. Irlplv, dry.
chief officer's, S ; see Alderman.
Elleft,ovd. eleventh, Sz.-AS. mdlco/tt.
Ellerne, $6. eider-tree, sa~,i6uiui, Sz,
PP ; ellaern, Voc. ; ellarne, Voc. ; eller,
PP ; eldir, 1'P.-AS. rikni.
Elles, adu. otherwise, else, S, Sa, Cz ;
ellis, 53, W.-AS. riicr ; cp. OHG. aNm,
otherwise (Otfrid): Goth. a+$.
Elles-hware, adu. elsewhere, S; aleswher, S, C3.-AS. eileier-/iwhr.
Elles-hwider, adv. else-whi(her, S.

Elmesse, sb. alms, MD, N E D ;


Enbrouden, v . to embroider, M U ;


enbroua, pp. S3 ; enbroudin, S3 ; en-

~neiraude,8rinrvauiir (crmeiuf&) ;Lat. sniam,odut,z (acc.); Gr, ofiiipay6or.

Emete, Emote, $6. ant; see Amete.
Em-forth, prep. according to, PP. Sce
Empaled, pp, enclosed, S3.
Emperere, sb. emperor, MD.-OF.
enrpcreir (cnrperercs) ; 1,ut. ir?8prrator.
S, chf ; emEmperice, ~ b .
pererne, PP.-AY. miperide;Lat. il,ipernfriiem.
~ pp, s%~
zrz),Cz,C3.-AF. eviperur, OF. ru$cveor,
emperrilor; Lat. i?r~pe,lpernrore7,r.
Empoisoner, id. poisoner, C3. See
Empoisoning, sb. poisoning, C3.
Empo*ured, pp' poi'rtrayed, '3'
Emprise, sb. undertaking, Sz,,Cs, C3 ;
enprise,MU.-AF. mzpnrc, mprzse; Late
Lat. i+rctisani,pp. of in~prendere.
Emtien, v. to empty, M D ; empte,
C3.-AS. alrzcf@an, to be at leisure, Ps. 45.
I1 (VP).
Emty, adj. empty, MD, Prompt. ;
empti, MD.-AS.
eit'fig- (etcfi;),empty,
E m y s p e ~ ,$6. hemisphere, Sa.-pte
Lat. e?rizsperta(Voc.) ; Lat. henzriphrrinm ;
Gr. ijp~oqoipiou.
Enamelen, u. to enamel, MD ; enamened, p j . Sh.; annamyllit, S3. Sce
Enbibing, sb. absorption, Ca.


brouded, CM ; embzowded, C.-AF. emElmes-jeorn, a+ charitable, S.

Eluish, ad/. eivish, foolish, Cz, C3. bloyde~. See Brayden.
Encens, r6. incense, &ID,Voc., C.-AF.
See Elf.
Eluish-marked, pp. disfigured by the c'iie*s ; Lat. i=ceniun.
elves, Sh.
Encense, v. to orer incense, C3 ; to
perfume with incense, MD.-OF. eniensar.
Elynge; sec Elenge.
Embassade, rb.embansy, S3 ; seeAm- (Cotg.).
Enchauntement, $6. enchantment,
CM ; enchaunmens, PI., Ss.-AF. 8nEmbassadour, ~ b ambassador,
Embassadrie, $6, ambassadorship, Sz,
' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,6,;,,,,ou n ,H, cM, J D ;
P P ; ensheson, CS, 15.-AF.
bsd, battlement,
~ S3~(,9n. l581)., encheison,
clilne~oun. See Ashesoun.
Enlbattail, u. to array for battle, Sh.
to hinder, encumber,
Embrave, u. to adorn, S3.
MD, S3 (3 b. 1098) ; encombred,$#. tired,
Em-cristen, s6. fellow-christian, S, Sz. troubled, C, CM.-AF. mco>,
See Euen.
Encorporing, $6, incorporalion, Ca.
Eme; see Eem.
Encorsife, a& fattened, H.-From
Emeraude, $6. emerald, Cz,CM.-OF. OF. nsorser, to get fat, to make flesh

Encrees, sb. increase, Sz, C, C3, P P ;

encres, Prompt.
Encressen, u. to increase, Cz, C3 ;
enoresen, C2.-AF.
enn.eic-, stem of, fut. of encrestre ; Lut. i*zci-eiiere.
Ende, rh. end, district, territory, end of
lifi-, S, C3, PP ; ende, P P ; iende, S ;
hende, S. Comb.: on ende, lastly, $.-AS.
l ~ d efor elzdi=*a>dio (Sieveri, 130) ; cp.
OHG. enti (Tutian): Goth. nndeis, connected with and, prep. towards, tllrough,
See SkD'
Ende-dai, $ of dcath, h l D ; endedei, S.-AS. en&-deg,
Endeles, a+. cendlesi, C3; endelese,
S.-AS. enu'eldbs.
Enden, a. lo end, S.-AS. mdian.
Endenten, u. to write an indenture,
PP.-AF. endenteq to indent, notch; Late
h t , indentare.
Endentur, $6, notch, Sz.-AF. enden~2rrc.
Ender, a@. ~oionap.latter, last past, S3 ;
see Xindir.
Enditen, u. to compose, write, indict,
accuse, G, 1'1'; enrlyte, Cz, C 3 . d F .
enditer; Late Lat, indictare.
End-lang, ad*. andprep. along, Sz, S3 ;
endeloa.o, S, Cz ; *ionge, NED ; anlong,
MD; anaelong, MD.-AS, snd-lang; cp.
Icei. mdfans See A-lang.
Enduren, u. to harden. endure, remain,
survive, W, PP.-OF. endurer; Lat, indurare, to harden.




a q . attentive, Wz.-OF.



Er,edu.,conj. andprep.ere, before, S,Sz,

Cz, P P ; ear, S, S3; arr, S 3 ; yer. S3 ;

en- her, S ; ar, S, Sz, G, H, P ; or, S, Sa,Sj,
tersd, pt. s., Sj.-OF. mtrrrrr; It. inter- C j ; ore, Sz ; are, S, Sa, H, P P ; here,
S. Comb.: or ere, before, WW, Sh.; ere
rare; from Lat. i m t m .
euer,WW. Emr, ionzj. iormerly, S ; erest,
Enterment, $6. iintcrment, MD.-AF.
superl. soonest,first,S, PP ; erst, S, Sz, S j ,
Entraille, sb. entrails, Cz ; entrme, C ~C3I ; earst, 3 ; p*rst, G, P ; orest, S ;
S ; -rest, S.-AS. d.r, camp. &ror,
M D ; entrsylys,ji,, voc,-A~. enjmaj/b;"

Enteren, u. to inter, bury, M D ;

cp. Prov. intraiias, pl.; Sp. entraiiai,irom
Erayn, $6. spider, H ; sce Aranye.
Lat. interanea, thc inward parts.
Enumbren, u. to enshadow, obscure, Erche-bissop, 16. archbishop; see
hide, MU; enoumbre, Sz.-OF.
nrom. Archebiscop.
Erche-dekene, $6. archdeacon, Sz ;
6rw; Church Lat. in-umbrare.
Enuenymen, u. to envenom, PP; en- See Amhideken.
Erd, $6. native land, home, S ; rerd, S ;
venimed,pp., Cz.-AF. enueninier.
erde, daf., P : heraes,p/.,S ( 1 5 . 2410).Envenymes,, P.
Envined, pp. provided with wine, C.- AS. " Y ~ ; OS.
Erden, u. to dwell, M D ; erthe, S,
OF. enui*zd (Cotg.).
U ' earden MU.-AS.
eerdia~r; cp.
Enviroun, ad*. in a circuit, around, M
MD ; envizon, S3 ; envroun, S3. Comb.: OII& nrtdn (fatian),
Erding-stouwe, sb. dwelling-place,
in enuyrown, S z ; bi
MD.M U ; eardingstowe, S.
OF. enuiroa.
Envirounen, u. to snrrou~~d,
to move Ere, sb. ear, S, C z , P P ; eere, Wz ; rere,
round, to go about, MD ; envrone, Sz. S ; e'ren,$i., S,Sa ; eren, S ; eelis,Wz,
PP. Comb. : eerering, ear-ring, Wz.-AS,
-OF. enuirotinev.
~v. to wrap up,~ C$-AF,
~ Goth,auso;
l cp. Lat. aurii.
Ere,pr.pi, are, S z ; er, H ; see Aren.
Enuye, sb. annoyance, S ; see ~ n o y . Erende, sb. ermnd, message, business,
Eny, dl'.any, PP, S, Sz, G ; eni, S, p p ; PP, S ; ernde, Sa, P P ; earende, MD ;
eani, MD, S ; -i, MD, S ; eie, S ; ei, &rende,MD ; Xrnde, MD ; herdne, S.AS. 6t.rende ; cp. 0s. dmndi, Icel. eyrindi;
MD, S ; afi3, MD ; ani, MD, S, sz; i,
OHG. dnrnti (Otfrid); connected with AS.
MD ; ony, S2,C, W. Comb : emnis
i n any way, any ways, S ; eisweis, S ; dr, messenger.
eyweis, NED (s. v. anywise); any ways, Erewe, a& timid, S ; ergh, JD; ery,
N E D ; ani3e wise, in any wise, NED; eerie, I D ; see Arwe.
sniwise, S.-AS. dai'.
Erfe, sb. cattle, MD; errfe, S ; eme,
Eode, pt. r., went, S ; ire&, S ; =den, S.-0. Merc. e& <?be, inheritance (OET.
p. 539) : OS. erbi, OHG. erbi (Tatian,
Pi., Sz ; ieden, S.-AS. Jade; Goth. id+;
see Douse, pp. 185, 188, and Brugmann, Otfrid) : Goth. arbi; cp. OIr. orbe (Windisch) ; see 01%
g 6,. Cf, 3eoae.
ErfeB, a 4 difficult, MD ; see Arfe'8.
Eoli ; see Ele.
Erien, u. to plough, MD, P P ; eren,
Eom, I pr. r., am, MD; see Am.
Eom; see Eem.
PP, W, C ; ear, WW ; erynge,pr. p., W;
Eornen, a. to run, S, Sz ; see ~ e n n e n . efiden, pt. pi., Wz.-AS. erian: Goth.
cp. Lat. amre; see Douse, p. 114 (4.
Eorre, ~ banger,
MD, s ; urre, S, MD ;
oerre, S ; irre, MU.-AS.
iwr, angry, Eringe, sb. ploughing, Sz, 1'P ; eming,
anger: OS. h i , angry, OHG. iwi, ont of Sj.-AS. ems<.
the right way (Otfrid): Goth. airzris, Eritage, rb. heritage, Sz, PP.-AF.
astray; cp. Lat. errare for *rrsare. Cf. heritape.
Erl, sb. a man of noble birth, earl, MD,
Eor8e ; see ErVe.
S, Cz ; reorl, S ; erle, S j (15 a. I) ; p r l e ,
Eoten; see Eten.
S j ; eorles, pL, S ; aierles, S ; rerlen,
dat., S.-AS. eorl: OS. erl; cp. Icel.jar1.
Eouwer,pron. your, S ; see 3oure.
Erl-dom,$6.earldom, P P ; eddome, P.
Eppel, ib. apple, MD ; see ~ p p e l .
Erly, adv. early, C , Cz ; eruche, Sa ;
Er,, H ; ere, Sz ; see Aren.




MD ; aavereloh, M D ; everech, MD, S ; Ewer, $8. a water-carrier, $so, vessel for

evrech, MU, S ; afrio, S ; efrec, MD ; water, Palsg. ; euwere, WID ; eware,
evreo, M D ; everilk, MD, S 3 ; everilc, nyuarikr, Prompt.-AF.
ewer; SkD (p.
MD, S ; euerich, S, Sz, Ca : oavlich, 803); OF. euwiev, aifuicr.
MD ; aueric, S ; =vficr M D ; effich, xwilch, a&
every, MD (s.v. &);
M D ; enrich, S, Sa ; rnueralche, S ; sue- ewilche, M D ; iwilch, MD ; uwilc, MD,
rich, S : afri, S ; eauerishe, S ; ever- s . uwilch, MD, ; ewiche, S,-AS, &.
euch, S ; eauereuch, S. Comb.: eue- ii&iri: OHG. io.6&.wei~h ti^^), to.$rich on, every one, Sz, Ca, C3 ; everyoh hwrifi; see sievers, >+,.
one, Sz ; euerilk an, S2.-AS. dfve+dic;
Ewin; rce Euen.
see sure (ever) and Eche.
Exerce, u. t o exercise, S3.-OF. ererEuese, sc. border, brink, edge (ofa roof, ;,, L ~ zericre.
~ ,
mountain, forest), Prompt., M D ; heuese, Exhibition, $6. payment, S3, Sh.MD ; eueses,
efese: OHG' -4F. erhibi~roun; Late Lat. sxiiilitionem
oliia, opicra; see Sievers, 93. Cp. E. rawer. (Ducange),
Euesien, 8. to clip round, to shear, Expert,adj.experienceddC3. S e e A ~ e r t .
M D ; euesed, pp., S3 ; *-eveset, S.-AS.
Expert, a. to
Expounsn, u. to cnpound, PP, Cz,C3;
Euesunge, sl. a clipping, what is clip- expowne,
Sz, S3; expounde, C1.-Lat.
pcd ,off, MD ; eaves, MD ; evesing, ezpo:pon
Man~p.; airings, pi., PP (n.). Corn6.:
E x ~ o w n p g.', interpretation, W.
houae.euyaynge (= do?niciiiun),H.-AS.
Ey, sb. egg, C, C3, Prompt. : eye, S3,
qfesulzy (Voc.).
, G, H D ; eyren, pi., P P ; eiren,
Euete, $8.eft, newt, Wa ; newte, Voc. W ; w
elrun, Wa: wren, MD: egges2PP,
(642, 2 7 ) ; eueten, PL, S ; edes, MD.egrn) ; cp. Icel. egf, whence
AS. ieg
AS. eat'
E. egg.
Euorye, shivery, I I D ; p o r y , Prompt.; Eyle, adj. lloatl~some,tro~~blesome,
everer, Voc.-Prov.
mori (auorz? ; Lat. AS. ,rb : ie:~~,,t.
; cp. ~ ~ tng~us;
h .
eborrum, made of ivory ; cp. F. iuoirr, It. see sievers, 303,
avorio (Florio) ; see Diez.
Eylen, u. to trouble, afflict, N E D ;
Euour, $6. ivory, S3, H D ; euor,
d i n , S ; dlep, pr. i., Sz, P P ; eyleth,
evir, S3 ; ivor, Prompt. ; Yuer, W, W S . Cz, C3, C, PP.-AS. e&n : Goth. aghn.
-Of French origin, from Lat. ebz~r.
Eyre, sb. air, C3,l' ; eire, W ; err, C ;
Eure, a h . ever, S, Sz, P P ; enere, S, .ir, Wz, 1'P ; aier, P P ; ayer, S.7 ; air,
Sz, 1'1' ; efre, S, M D ; afre, S: efer, S, Sz (20. 167); aire, NED.-OF. a i r ; Lat.
M D ; eauer, S, MD ; sefer, MD; auer, asram.
S ; seuere, S ; auere, ; auere, S ; ler, Eyre, $6. heir, Sz, P P ; eire, TY, P P ;
M D ; er, MD. Coflzb. : euer among, ,y,., HD; *ire, Sz ; eir, S, Sz ; eyr,
continually, S3 ; euer eiper, each, S3 : G ; eyer, 5%; heir, S, Cz ; heyr, C3,efreni, ever any, S : euermo, evermore, OF. ,ir, /ieirs ; ~ ~heres.
t .
S, Sz, Cz, C3 ; iefremo, S ; euermor, S ; E
~rb, $.; ~see Ey.
seuer te, ever as yet, S.-AS. &/ye, from
Eyt ; see Eten.
liwa (A); see SkD, and Sievers, 19%.4.
Eythes, i b . pl. harrows, PP.-AS. egede,
Ew, sb. yew, C, Voc.; ewe, Cath.-AS. harrow: OHG. egtda.
dm ; cp. OIIG. Iwa.
Ep,, ~ b awe,
MD ; eie, S ; eye, S, G ;
Ewage, ib. beryl, PP.-OF. ewafe, con- ).E, s ; a)eie, S, NED ; aye, H D ; ey)e,
nected with water (lloquefort) ; Lat. aZ*la- G.-AS. cge : Goth. ngis ; see Sievers, 263.
fimm. The green beryl is called by jewel- q, ~t
lers aqua menao. See below.
Eje, sb. eye, S, Sa, P P : ehe, S ;
Ewe ibrdaunt,sb.burning water, Sz.- eghe, s ; eie, Sz ; YE,Sz, Cz, C3, G ;
AF. ewe, eae, aipre; Lat. ayz'am, see i>e,S3, W, Wa ; y)e, W 2 ; el Sa, 53 ; ee,
Academy, No. 459, p. 139 ; Cp. Goth. S3; e)en, pi, S, Sz ; egen, S ; eien, S ;
eyen, S, Sz, P ; eyn, S3 ; eghen, Sa, C ;
Ewen, u. to show.-AS. 4wa+r: Goth. e i ~ %5 2,, P P ; eilyen, Sz ; eyne, Sh.;
auglan ; kp. OHG. ozcgcii (Otirid). See ehne, S ; ene, S3 ; eye, Sz ; i)en, W, W1,
Atewen, We.
S Q ; y)en, Sz ; iyen, S3 ; yen, Cz, C3 ;









vele, S, Sz ; feole, S, P P ; ueole, S ;

Feht ; see Fighten.
~ e i rb.
, faith, $2 ; fey, c z , ~3 ; see veale, S ; vale, S, H D ; felle, S3.-AS.

fela; cp. Gotli.$iu.

Felefalden, v. to multiply, MD ; feleFeier, a*. fair, S ; see Fayre.

falded,pt. r., Sz.
Feierlec, id. beauty, S.
Feild, sb, field, MD. Conib.: feild- ,Fele-folde, a*. manifold, S ; many

going, a walking ont of doors, S3. See t'"es, PP.

Felen, u. Lo feel, S ; uele, MD ; fel me,
I pr. s., Sz ; felde, $1. r., S ; feld, Sz ;
Feir, sb. companion, S3; see Fere.
Cz ; feelede, C3.-AS, p l a n : 0 %
adl, ffairs, p p ; see rayre,
fdlian (in ,clfl/ia?z), OHG. fdljan ; cp.
Feire, ads. kindly, PP, S, Sz.
fua/eii (0tf:id).
Feiren, u, to make fair, S.
Fell, d. skin, S3 ; fel, MD, Sz, G, P ;
Fei8, sd, faith, S,
feyth PP. feth
S z ; felles,pi, S ; uelles, S ; fellys,
s3; feiip, Sz ; fei, Sz ; fey, &, C; ; fai: felle,
cp. Goth.$/l.
Sz ; fay, G, PP. I%r.: ye-feth, iu faith,
Fellen, u. to fell, S, P P ; falle, Sz ;
falle'8, pr. pl., S ; felde, pi. s., G, PP.adj.
hlD; faithfol, AS. fellan, OHG. fallian ; 0s. filliar,
PI'; fei>tful,Sz.
0 H G . j e l b n (Otfrid).
Feivliche, aiiu. faithfully, M D ; feii- l g l n e s s e , s 6 . astuteness (=Lat. a ~ i * l f i a ) ,
lithe, Sz ; fei3pely, Sa ; fepli, Sz ;
l y , PP.
Felon, sb. villain, tmitor, P P ; feloun,
Fel, sd. a fell, mountain, Sz ; fell, MD ; p p ; felloun, s3; fello,,ne, s 3 . - ~ ~
felle, MD, Sz.-Icrl.&il.
/'c/oztf$,felon, acc. offel. See Fel.
Fel, a d l base, cruel, treacherous, Sa, relonie,
>l.base wickcaness, M D ;
PP, C % G2 W ; fell,.S3 ; fell% Sz, S3, felony, S ; felonye, s z , s 3 , c3,wz.
Wa ; pi, PP,,
Felonliche, adv, cruelly, PP ; felunFelawe, 86. partner, companion, fellow, iyche, sz ; felounelich, P P ; felunly,S*.
S, Sz, C3, P P ; fel-w, S2,PP; felow, S3. F~,?,
s6. a section of ~
~boob an i
P P ; f e l w , S ; fallow, Sz, S3; felaus, mrd,clne tailed the Canon, C3, CM.$/., Sz ; feolahes, S ; uelaies, Sz.-Icel.
~fan, ~a brunch,
~ category;
Jek'b partner in common property
cp, Dncmge (s.v.jen,.
See Fee.
Fen, sd. mud, mire, marsh, dung, Sa,
Felawen, u. to associate, to lie fellow S, G 11. fenne,~oc.,prompt.,w; uenne,
t o ; fallow, 5 3 ; uelaien, MD ; felaghid, s.i.&.jbrzn : G ~ ~ I , . Jmud,
Fenden, u. to defcnd, 1'1'; fend, in@.
Felawrede, sb. fellowship, MD ; ue- ,., S ~ . - F ~ OOF.
~ d@rd7,a ; Lat. dflnderr.
Is3rede, Sz.
Fenestre, sb. window, P P : fenystaris,
Felawschipe, sa. fellowship, society, p i , S ~ . - O F . J ~ ~ ~Lat.fincstra.
crew, PP; felspchipe, Sz; feolahsoipe,S.
Felawship, associate, MU; felou- ~ e n k e l sd.
, fennel, MD, PP ; fenecel,
sohipid.f$., Wz.
Voc.; fenkil, PP: fynkel, P P ; fynkrl,
F e l a 3 l i c h e , ad*. intimately; feoloh- voc. ; fenel, PP ; fenyl, Sz. Conrb.: fenel
lukest, izrpevl., S.
seed, PP.-Lat. feieriiuium, fofo~nicuilrrn;
Feld, rb. field, S, P P : feela (heraldic), cp. AS.fmoi (Voc.).
Cz ; ueld, Sz ; fild, MD ; felde, dat., S, Feole ; see Fele.
Sz ; uelde, S, Sz ; nalde, S ; feldes, $I.,
F e o n d , i d . enemy,PP; feont,S; feondS, S3.-AS.feid.
es,p/., S ; sec Feend.
Feld-fare, sb. fieldfare, lit. ' field-farer; feora, ~ 6 army,
s ; see Ferd.
Sz ; iamperter, Voc. ; rurr'rcnr, Voc.
F e o r d e n , p t . p L , fared, S ; see Feren.
F e l d i , a d l . champain(=Lat.can~p~perfrir),Fer, $6. fire, S ; fere, dot., S2; mere,
MU ; feeldi, W.
Sz ; ueree, S ; see F u r .
Peldishe, 4.belonging to thecountry, Fer, a*., odu. far, PP, S, Sz, C z ; ferr,
S, Sa, P P ; uer, S a ; feor, S ; ueor, S ;
Fele, a#. mmany, S, Sz, S3, Cz, P P ; for, S ; ferre, <on@., C ; ferrer, Sj, C,







P P ; ferrest, sr@8rl., PP. Comb. : fer- ferlikes,pl,Sa; ferlyes,Sz; ferleis, S3;

forth, far away, completely, Sz, S3, Cz, ferlis, P.
C3; f='forth, S3 ; feoruorp, S.-AS.
Ferlyly, adw. wondrously,sa ; ferlilic,
fcorr : OS. fir; cp. Goth. f a i m . Cf. sz,
Fermacye, ib. pharmacy, medicine, C.
Ferd, 26. an expedition, army, M D ; -OF. janliacie; Late Lai. pharmaiia ;
fard, S ; feord, S ; uerd, MD; ferde, Gr, qapilanr(a.
; mrde,
M D ; ferde, p i ,
Fermans,rb. enclosure,S3 ; fermance.
ferdes, MD ; verr'en, riat., S ; uerdes,
JD.-OF.jk~.mance, from jcrnier, to shut ;
M D . - A S . I ; ~ ~ , i y ~ ' d , f ~ ~ dSee
. Paren.
~ ~jyvzare,
t . to strengthen.
Ferd, sa.
; feerd, MD ; Ferme,, an entertair~ment,
ferde, </at.,hlU, CM, Sa.
meal, MD ; farme ; MU, CM ; ueorme,
Ferdful, a+. ccatising terror, timid, MD.-AS. )own; cp. Low Lat. M e , a
MD. W. W2 : feerdful. Wz.
<nor+ in....ilnn-\
~ i r d i a ~sh.
k ;fcnr, MD.
Ferme, a@. firm, MD, Ca.-AF. f i m e ;
Ferdnes, sb. fear, MD, Sa.
Fere, a. to frighten, terrify, PP, Sz, W ; Ferme, sb. rent, revenue, MD, Sz, C ;
feare, S3 ; feere, CM ; fered,pp., Sz, C3; fermes, pl. farms, S3.-AF. jernzr ; Late
ferd, S z ; ferde, S3; feared, S3.-AS.
f&ran, to frighten.
Fermen, u. to stren~then,PP.-OF.
Fere, sb. companion, S, Sz, S j , G ; fen,irr, to strmglhen, also to shut; Lat.
uere, S ; feer, S3 ; feir, S3 ; feren, p i , jwnare.
S ; ferin3 S ; feiren2 S ; fe-5, S, Sa ; Fermen, 8. to hold land at a fined rent,
feeres, S2. See Ifere.
Promnt. See Ferme., ii,~
'Fere, a@. well, soimd, MD, Sz ; fer, Fermerer, sh. infirmary officer, Cath.
S, B ; feir, B. I%?'.: hol and far, MD, ee Enfermerere.
S ; haill and feir, safc and sound, B.Fermery, id. infirmary, S3, Voc.; ferIcel. .few,
. able,. drone
" (for
. travelline).
mobe, 1'1'; fermory, Cath.; fermane,
Fere, sb. power, ability, S, MU.-Icel. Cath. (n.); fermerye, Prompt., Cath. (n.).
favi, opr~ortzmily,
-OF. ir'rtnerie,
i n j ~ t n a n k ,injnnerie;
Fere, $6. fear, I'P, S, Cz, M D ; feer, Church Lst. i?$$i5rmonh, a place for the inM D ; fer, MD, P P ; feere. P P : feris. firm (Dacanee).
MD ; fee=(., MU.-AS: j i r , sudden ~
~~ b .farmer,i steward, ~CM,
danger ; cp. Icel.fdr, harm.
h l D ; fermer, Cath. See Ferma, ib.
Fere-full, erij fear-causing, also timid, Fern, $4. fern, C z ; ferene, dai., Sz.
MD ; feezf-1, LCD ; feflul, hlD ; feHul- Phr. : aiseohen of ?erne, fern ashes, MU.
lest, szrperl., CM.
Comb. : fern-asshen, fern ashes, Cz.-AS.
Feren, a. to fare, to go, to behave, feani (Voc.): 0HG.fam.
MD ; ferde,pt. s., G, S, Sz, Cz ; ferden, Fern, d@. and ad*. old, long ago, Cz,
pl., S j ; feorden, S ; uerden, S ; furde, PP; fenle, CM ;fitrn, MD. Comb. : fernMD ; ferd, Sz. -AS. I;ra?z, pt. f d d ; aerer,p.iat years; fern yere,formerly, PP.
deiiv. of Fares.
-AS. fynz (see Sievers) ; cp. OS. j a r s ,
Ferien, a. lo bring, M D ; faret?,p>..pi, for%,fi?~s, Goth. f ~ i i n i ~ .
S.-AS. fiiian, Icel. fe+ : Goth. fajhrlan. Ferreden, $6. company, S ; aeraae, S.
Deriv. of Faren.
See iefered.
Perlac, rb. fear, M D ; fearlac, S ; far- Ferren, a+. and adu. far, distant, M D ;
lac, S. See rare.
feren, S ; verrenne, p i , S ; ferne, C.Ferlien, u. to wonder, P P ; ferly, JD; AS.fiom%. from afar. See Per.
ferleis,, S3 (13.80); ferliede,pt. s., Ferrebsilke,sh. coarsesilk, S3, Florio.
-It. joiatli, from $dm, flower. Cf.
Ferly, adj. ddangerons, dreadful, sudden, Floret-silk.
strange, S z , PP, CM; terlich, hlD, S ; Fers, a*. ilercc,bruve, Prompt., C, PP ;
ferli, S z ; ferliche, ads., S ; fedy, S2.fiers, Sz, Cz, C3; xierse, PP.-OF.
AS. f i ~ l i c fdvlia.
$err (Roland) ; Lat.fmrs.
Ferly, rb. awonder, Sz, P ; farlg, M D ; Fersly, adv, fiercely, PP, B.







Fersnesse, $6. fierceness, Wz, P P ; P ; Y-feterea, pp., G ; fettrea, Ca:

ifetered, G.-AS. (gr)fiicrion.
feersnesse, W, Wz.
~ Ic,. ~
~ first,
t S, sz,
, Feth, 36. faitll, S3 : f e W adz. faithp p ; uerst,sz; furst,s, s * , P ; farst, f ~ i l y s, a : see Feis, Feisliche.
S.-AS. j j r s t : OHG. furi~io. Superl. of Fether, 36. feather, C z ; *Per, Sa;
feayr, Prompt. ; feVres,pi, S ; fetheris,
redhe, ord, fourtl,, c 3 , p p ; ae,.the, \vings, W Z; fedreg,$cr.
p p , s ; reorthe, PP, S ; feurthe, s 2 ; Fe8er-foted, a@. ffoiir-footed, S.-Cp.
fe*h, sz ; fierth, sz; ueofl,s,-~s, AS.,68errfdte. Wilh AS. j d r r cp. Goth.
Sdwor. See Poure.
fdor8a. See Foure.
~ ~ * $6.hfarthing,
~ sa,
~ P P~; fer, Fe8er-home, 86. plumage, MD; fedramme,
~ ~0s.
thing, PP. a m 6 . : ferjinger
n in
r. %-AS. f e ~ * ~ - h ;a ~cP.
Icel. fiadrhaazr, see Grim%
sa .(, 3or) ; ferPyng nolre, /EScriiarno,
Teut. M., p. 327. See Fether.
Fetis, ad/ wdellmarle, neat, handsome,
Fertre, s6. litter, bier, shrine, M D : MD,
S z ; fetys, Sz, c3, C ; fetyoe,
feeayr, j e ~ ' ~ t ~Pr~lnpt.-OF.
- ~ * ~ ~ ~ je7ley6, I~rompt.-OF.~aiiis(~.ire); ~ ~ ~ . f ~
$&re ; Lat.jirctrun: Gr. *iparpov.
Fertren, place in a shrine; fer- ~ ~ t i ~ l i ~ h ~S ~, ,~P P;datys~ .
terea, pi. s., Sz.
l Y , C.
Fesannt, ~ 6 .i>lleasant, S3: fesant, Fetten, to fetch, MD, s z , s 3 ; fete,
Voc.: fesalmtes. ?I.,
: fesauns, 32.>ID, s ; fetteth, if,,$.
p i , G ; fette,pt, $.,
OF. faisan; Lat. phasian2rnz (acc.) ; Gr. S, c2,c3; uette, MD; f a t t e , ~uatte,
MD ; fet, S3 : fetten, pi., Sz, P ; y-fet,
Fesien, w. to drive away, MD ; fesm, pp., C2 ; fet, MD, S Z , C Z: fette,p/., MU.
Prompt., H D : oeize, D G ; pheeae, ND, -AS.fetian (Grcin). Cf. Feochen.
Sh ;
ND.-AS. fisian, forf4s- Fettle, sd. order, conditiou. Phr. : in
ian, lo drive away, see Sieiers, 154. See good fettle, JD, HD.
Fettle, rb. girdle, belt, horse-girth, JD.
Fest, a$. and v . ; see Fast, Fasten.
cp.~ ~ ~ i . f ~o~~i {i i~, , f ~ ~ i i .
Fest, $6. fist, C3: see rust.
Fettlen, u. to bin&, fit, make ready, set
Feste, sb. feast, S, PP, Cz, C 3 ; fest, in order, h f D ; fettle, to tie up, put in
S3; fertes,pl., S2.-AF. feste; Lat. festa. order, J D ; fetyl, J D : fettled,pp., Sz.
Festeien, u. to feast, to entertain, MD; Feute, sb, t~aclc,scent, Sa, MD : fewte,
festeyinge, pr.p., CZ.-OP. festeicr, fes- uer?a,pzmw~,Prompt. ; fute, odunr, Prompt. ;
toicr; LatcLst. *ftstiiare; cp. Plov.fes- foute, Sz. Co>n6.: foote-saunte, scent,
Feuer, $6. fever,PP ; feuere, P P ; feure,
Festen, $6. fasting, S ; see Fasten.
; fYueri%PL,W.-AF.fimre ; Lat.fiFestlich, adj. festive, fond offearts, CZ. PP
See Feste.
Febmar~,HD ;
Festnen, o. to fasten, S ; festnin, S ;
feuirjer, S3; feueqere, H D
festned.pp., S ; i-uestnea, S ; featnyrl,
(5.". frai$ic!.-OF.
fcarier; Late Lat. *fePP.-AS.f&stniavz.
Fet, $8. deed, 1'P ; feet, Cz, P P ; fait, d ~ a r i u m ;Lnt.febn'ari2/nz (menirna).
S a ; fait% pP.-OF. jet, f a i t ; Lat. fa<- Fewe, ad/.$/. few, S, PP: feaw, S z :
oeaw, Sz ; fawe, ; fezwe, S; vewe, Sz :
f e u , S ; fo, S : fon, 5 2 ; fa, H (PB.IOI.
Fet, a@. fat, S ; see Fat.
2 5 ) ; foner, iomp., Sz.-AS.
fdaruc; cp.
Fet,, feet, S ; see mot.
Goth. fawi.
etel, $6. vessel, Sz ; vetles, MD : Fewnyng,s6.thrusting,Sa.
MD ; j l . 3 S.-AS.f=tei~, pl. fatelFewte, s6. fealty, S3, prompt., HD ;
rar (Voc.). See Fat.
feute, Mu.-AF. f ~ a u i e , f ? ; Lat.$de/Feter, sC. fetter, MD ; fetrr, ioniprr, ifatens.
Prompt. ; feteres,p/., G.--AS. fe(or.
Fey: see FeiW.
Feteren, u. to fetter, MD, G ; fettren, Feydom, sd. the state of being near

2 7





sb. conrsc silk, Cotg. ;

Flemer, sb. banisher, Sz, C3.
Flen, u. to flay, S ; fle, S ; flo, S ; flurt-silk, figured silk, HD.-OF. lieuret
flouh,pt. i., S ; ulopn, pi, MD ; flayn, (Cotg.); cp. G. Joreti. - Cf. Ferret$$., MU ; uean, HD.-As.flearz, pt.jdh, Silke.

Florin, sb. florin, originally thename of

a coin stamped with the emblem of a lily,
MD, C3 ; Uoreines, pL, P.-OF. fin'*
Florischen, v. to flourish, also t o
cause to flourish, to make to prosper, to
f l e i r ~(Otfiid).
brandish, flourish a weapon, MU ; floryFlesche-aye, $b. flesh-fly, prompt.; Schyn, to malie flourishes in illuminating
ueisch.flie, Mu,W2(Ps. 77.45andio4. 31). books, Prompt. ; fluriohep, pr. r., adorns,
fleshly, S, PP; fles- decorates, %-OF. @rim- base of Pr. P.
ofjfo~ir.; LatJordl-~ ; see Constans.
liche, edu. materially, S.
Fleten, a. to float, ~rnirn,PP, B, S, S3, Flat, rb. fat, Scam, Sz, JD.-Ice1.Jot.
C, W ; to flow, W z ; fleit, S3; ueyt, S3; Flote, sd. a fleet, B ; flot, 8.-Icel.floii.
fletes, pv. s., Sz ; fleet, Sz, Ca ; ueteth, See Fleten.
C3 ; Uet, PP ; fleet, pi. r., MD ; fluten, Flote, ib. company, multitude, S, MD.
$L, MD ; floten, MD ; note, Sz ; flette, -OF./loie (fiite in Cotg.); Lul.jluitz<m.
Sz ; Setiden, Wz.-AS. jECoinn, p t . p a t Flote, Floten ; see Pleten.
(pl.j%cton), pp.,8oten.
Floteren, u. to flnctnate, flutter, PP.f l e x , sb. flax, C, P, Voc.; U*x, Prompt., OF.fiter ( + suffix -cr); Lat.Juitzrare; see
Flex-hoppe,sb. /inodium, Voc.
Flotering, $6. restless motion, Wz.
Fleyen, n. to put to flight, to scare plour, id. flower, Ca, cs ; flur, S ;
away, frigllten ; flep, JD, S3 ; flaien,MD ; floures, pi, youthful powers, Sz.-AF.
nay, Sa ; flayed, pp., Sz ; fleyit, B.-Cp.
Jur; Lat./Eorem.
Icel.jeygj, to cause to fly, throw.
Flour-dammes, 36. ladies' flower, perFlicht, $6. flight, PP, B ; fliht, M D ; haps Dame's violet or Dame-wort, H e s %3t, S ; fluht, S.-AS.&ht:
O H G . j u h t perir 7iiairo~zaiir(Britten's Plant-names);
(Tatian). See Fleen.
Mi. Smuil suggests 'damask rose,'S3.
Flit, sb. strife, MD ; nyt, Sz.
Floure-de-lice, $6. fleurde-lys, Sz ;
Fliten, a. to strive, contend, quarrel, PP, flour-de-lyss, S3 ; flour-de-lycis,pi., 53.
HD, H ; Uytin, I'rompt. ; flitis, pr. s., -OF.@r de lis (Baitsch, 193. 2).
scolds, H ; Uyt=nde,pr. p., Sz ; flote,pi. Flouren, v. to Rower, floadsh, PP, Cz,
r., M D ; fliten, pp., MD.-AS. flitan, pt. W2.-0E.florir.-Cf.
Jdt (pl. jliton), pp.Jiteit.
Flowe, Flowen ; see Fleen.
Fliting, sb. quarrelling, scolding, P P ; Flowen, u. to flow, S, P P ; Uowe, to
flytynge, H.
abound, Wa ; flohp,pr. r., S ; Uojed,$t. s.,
Flo, sh. arrow, CM, M D ; fls*, MD ; Sz.-AS.Jdwnn, pt.Jdow, pp.jldrnc?c.
flon, pi, MD, Sz : noon, G ; flan, hfD ; Flowing, rb. flood, Wa.
Uo, MD.-AS.*
(Voc.). C t Flan.
Flowte, $4. pipe, c a r i 6 t ~ i ~Prompt.
Floe, $6. a gathering of men, beasts, uoyte, MU.-OF.jouie, I t . j a ~ ~ t o .
birds, MU ; Uooke (of swine), W (Mt. 8. Flowten, u. to blow on a wind in30) ; Uockcs,pi., S.-AS.jfocc.
stri~ment, MD ; flowtyn, ralamiso, jfo,
Flocke, u. tr. and intr. to collect, Prompt.; floytynge,pr.p., C.-OF.&gather, MD, S3.
ter; Late Lat. 'jlaluare from Lat.Jatus;
Floc-mele, a h . in crowds, M D ; flok- see Constant.
mele, Cz.-AS.)ornr&Lz~rtm.
Flowtour, sb., fluter, piper, CM.
Flod, sb. flood, sea, S, Sz, PP ; Uood, Cz, Flum, i b . river, MU: flow, flood, JD.
W ; node, PP ; Bodes, pi, P P ; fludis, C o m i : Uum Jurdan, river Jordan, MD ;
flum iurdon, S ; flom Zordan, MD, W ;
Flor, sb. ?om, MU, S z ; Uore, dat., S, Ueme Jordon, MD. -.OF. )urn; Lat.
j'umrn (cp. Vulg., Mk. r. 5 ) .

Flesch, in. flesh, PP;

uesc, S ; Reis,
S, Sz ; fleys, PP ; ues, S ; fleisoh, W ;
Ueysh, Sz ; fleiash, SI ; f l e s h , S, PP ;
Uesce, dot., S ; ulesse, Sz ; flessce, S ;
fleischis, pi., Wz.-AS.jl&sc;
cp. OHG.

Flye, sd. fly, C3, PP ; fli;e, M D ; fleje, Pole, sb. foal, S, PP: foles, PL, P P :
MI) ; fle, S3.-AS. flduge (fljg~). See 'olus, P.-AS. foia: Goth. fuia; cp. Lal.
luiius: see Bruzmunil, 5 208.
Fole, mij. a i d $6. foolish, lastful, a fool,
VID, S2 ; foole, 53 ; foule, I5 ; fule, SI ;
,001, C z ; foles,pi, S z , S3, P,-AF.!'.
to subiisr, support oneself, S.-Icel.pytja,
Folgen ; see Folwen.
to carry, remove, supporl,,@'(id
to remove oneself, lo flit, also, to support Folie, ib. folly, Sz, 1'P : folye, S, C z ,
?P; folies,pi, S-AF. foiie.
Folily, ad*. foolishly, C3 : folili, W.
Fnast, xd. brcatb, S.-AS.J~IIL~~~.
Fnasten, u. to breathe, to breathe hard, Follich, a+ foolish, RID ; foly, Sz :
MI), S, HD.-Cp.
OHG. 'ilraitd~~, 'an- blliohe, adu., S.
Fol-merde, sd. poleeat, Sz ; see F u l Fnesen, u. to brezthe hard, to sneeze ; nard.
fnescth, pr. s., puffs, snolts, C3.-AS.
Folte, a 6 foolish, Prompt., Cath.;
blett, 1'lompt.-OF. fold (Bartrch). Sce
Fnesynge, sb. snorting, Voc.; fnesj n g e (-Lat, itenzzrtaiio), Wz (Job 41. 9). Folten, a. to behave foolishly, hlD,
-AS. 'iiosi~?zg(Voc.).
'rompt. ; folted, pj. crazed Sz.
PO, a 4 feew, S ; see Fewe.
Foltheed, 36. folly, PP.
Foage, a+. spotted, S ; sce Foh.
Foltische, a+. foolish, W ; foltish,
Fodder, $ for cattle, M U ; fod- H n
dm, <fat.,S,-AS.fhdo~,fod~/ov.
Foltren, u, to totter, S3; see Faltren.
Fode, $, S, Sz, M U ; uode, S ; Foltrye, sd. foolishness, Prompt.
food, h i D ; fnae, MU.-IZS jbda.
Folwen, u. to iollow, Cz, C3, P P ;
Fade, $8. child, lad, pcrson, aitimnz~r bl;en, hlD, S ; folewe, Sz, 1'P; folgen,
S, Sz, I'P, HD, MD.
j ; foll2henn, S ; folhin, S ; fallow, Sa ;
rpolted, S, Sz : fou, S ; faie alghe, Sz ; foluand, pr. p., Sz ; folhez,
$1, S ; foa;e, S.-AS. jdh ; cp. Goth. Or. s., S ; folhes, S ; folewes, S ; felewez,
faihzrs, GI. noiaihor.
5 ; fulwes, Sz ; folgede, pt. s., hlD ; folFoine, $6. bcech~marten, Cotg. (s. v. wcde, PI'; folgeden, $1, S ; foleoheden,
fouiiziic) ; foyne, PP ; foynjee, S3 j ; folud, S Z ; )e-folged, irp., S : i-folewfooyne, the f i ~ rof the marlen, Prompt.
?a, 1'P ; y-folowed, PP. - AS. foigian
foyns, pL, inr, MU, HD.-OF. foilre, 'fvli~an>
,.: a,.OIIG. f o i ~ &fOtfrid).
fairie, fninr, the beech-maitcli, also foilit
Fon, u. to seize, gmsp, lake, receive, S,
the finit of the beech tree; Late Lat iz ; fo on, I pr. j C a'bj begin, S ; feng,
f q h n , 'muiteia,' also 'glans fagi' do^ hi. s. becan, hlD : feng on, S : veng, Sz ;
cange) ; from Lat. f n s i ~ i u ~from/alt~i.
reng, p i , S2.-AS. ,fZ+% P'. s. /did, pt.
Foison, ib. abundance, plenty, might hf,
@. f 0 i ~ ~ t . i n .
M D , Sh., I I D ; foyson, Sz, C3; foysyn
a& few, S a ; foner, con@, fewer,
Sa ; forsoun, B ; fusioune, B.-OF. fii~ 5%; see Fewe.
son,firisoii ; Lat. furioizeni.
Fond; see Fonnen.
Fob, sb. folk, people, S, Sz, Wz, PP
uollr, MD; folK, PI' ; uolxes, ctn., S 1 Fongen, u. to take, receive, PP, S,
32, S3 ; fangen, PP ; fang, Sz ; see Fon.
folkene,~e,r.pI.,S ; folken,S2.-AS.fo1<.
Folc-king, ib. the king of the people, Fonger, sb. receiver, Sz.
Fo-man, 16. foemaa, P P ; fomon, Sz ;
Ml);folc-kinga, dnf., S.
Folde, ~ b earth,
round, the world, Sz; ramen...Pi.. S.. Sz .: varnen, S. See Poo.
MI), I~ILI,I,.-AS.@lde, OS..,6iiin.
Ponne, adj. and sb, fo,>lish,a fool, MD;
Folde, ib. s fald,pluit, MD, PP. Phr. rone, H D ; fon, MU, H, HD.-Cp. Swed.
in monie volde, in manifold (ways), S.
fane, a fool.
Folden, u. to fold, sl~nl,embrace, PP Fonnen, u, to act foolishly, MD ; fonfalde, MU ; folde,pt. s., S3 ; folden,pp., ned, pp. us a#. foolish, loi~d,W, Wz,
Sz,IT.-AS.fcaldan, pt.fiold, pp. ft#id~s. H D : fond. S?. HD. Scc above.



Forcere, sb. casket, strong-box, P P ; OF.forfe!,



forfait; Late fovisfartrdm,

forcer, HI) ; focer, H U ; forar, HD.forefacturn (Docange). (For- 4.)
OF. foisici; Low Lat. forsariurn (arc.),
Forfeten, a, to do wrong, to fail, to
see Ducauge.
fo~feit,MU, P P ; forfaiten, PP. ( F o r - 4.)
For-curs~ed,pp. utterly accursed, S. For-feynted, pp. enfeebled, 1'P ; for(For- I.)
faynt, S3. ( F o r - I . )
For-cwiddare, sb. foreteller, S. ( P O T - For-freten, u. to eat away, P P ; forfret,pr, s., FP. (For- I,)
Ford, rb. a ford, psrage, course, MD ; Forgaf; see Pol.-3iuen.
forae, PP ; forth, PP, Sz : V O T ~S ,L ; For-gar, w. to lose; forgart, pi. pL,
Sz.-Cp.Icel.fyrir-pim, toforfeit. (For- I.)
furth, (OET.).
Sz. (zor-3.) Forgen, u. to make, construct, f o r ~ e
~*. t o condemn
d hlU. ~for. (of
~ smdh'r
~ worli),
~ M D,; forgeden, $8. $I.,
$., S ; fordemea; IOp., IMD; Wa (Ps. 128. 3) ; forgit, pp., S3 ; forsia,
fordemet, S ; fordempte, pi., MU.-AS.
3) ;
fi~-dittzas, (For- I , )
For-geten, u. to forget, RID, S, S2 ;
For-don, u. to destroy, S, MD, S2, C,
P ; fordoon, Sz ; fordos, $7. J., S, PI' ; rorgetil,
fforgetf,,l, H.-AS. fornordonne, @?.., S ; fordude, pi. $., PP ; giiol,
forded% S ; fordeden, $2.) S j ; fordo, forgetilnes, sb. forgetfulness, H.$$., P P ; fordon, S ; fordone, S3.-AS.
pt. -d~'iea
PPpp. -ddn.
For-gilten, a. to forfeit, to make gi~ilty,
For-dreden,u. to frighten, MD ; for- MD; rorgulten, MI); to linrm, PP ; fordred,pp., S. (For- I.)
gilt, pt. s., MD ; forgulten, $I., MD ;
For-drenche, u. to make drunk, S. forgult, pp., S, M D ; forrgilltedd, S.
(For- I,)
(For. I . )
For-dronken, pp. drunlcen, C3 ; nor. For-gon, v. to forgo, S z , C3 ; forga,
:?-.-ken, S.
S2 ; mrpoon, Cz ; forges, pr. pr.., S ; forFor-drqe, a. to dry up, S ; fordruye Ban, @., R.ID ; forgone, IND, %-AS.
$$., MU, CM ; fordrye, cz. (ror. I . ) ' fir-gd*~. (For- 1.1
to neglect, pay no heed
For-dynnand,pr,p.,fiilins ~ i t hloud to,For-heden,
Sa.-From AS. hbdail, ( F o r , I . )
din, s 3 ; foreainning, s3, (Forfore'1ead,
$ ~ ~ ; forehened,
Fore,$re$, before, S ; for, Jn. Coriib.: N ~ , r - ~ , " , "
for by, past, by, B, Cz, C 3 ; for sane,
to conceal, H D : foropposite to, s3, B ; for ~ ~ t before,
h ,
in For-helen,
$@.,% HD; forhole, S , HD.front of, R ; forowth, B ; forrouth, Sz,
pt. - A d (PI.
lo*), PP.
B; forrow, SS, H.-AS. fir,
in the AS. fi'heian,
-hole%.( r o r - I.)
sight of, before, Goth. faioura.
about,S3' (FcrForest, rb. forest, MD ; forestes, pL, For-hewed3i'p,p.3hewn
For-hilen, v. to protect, MD. (For- I.)
Forester, $6. forester, MD ; forster por-hiler, $8. protector, sz,HD.
C, PP, I I D ; foster, HD.
For-hiling, rb. protection, Sz.
strange, MD ; foreynes, For.hoght, d.contempt,MD.
$I. strangers, I'l'.-0Y.forain
; Late Lat.
For-hojien, a. to neglect, despise, S ;
For-faren, v. to perish, to fare ill, For-langen, v . to long for; forrlanPP, Sa, (; ; forfayr, I!; forfarn, pp.
destmped, Sz.-AS. for-faran,
( r o r - I.) geaa ,?),, s,
to lose wholly, MD, H D ;
For-fered, iV. exceedinsly afraid, Ca, forleosen,
MD ; forleost,
pr. r., S ;
MD. (For- I . )
vorleost, pr. r., S ; forleaep, 5 ; forles,
F ~ r - f e r e n ,to~perish,MD;
forferden, pi. s,, s ; forlesed, z pi. J,, aestroycast,
$t.$L M U ; forferde, S>; forrlurenn,pi, s ; forloren,+$., S ;
(For- I.)
forrlorenn, S ; vorloran, S ; forlorne,
Forfet, sb. crime, forfeit, PP, MD.- S 3 ; forlorn, S z ; forlore, Sa, S 3 ; uox-





lore, S2.-AS. foiorleoinn, pt. idas (pl. For-priken, u. to spar violently;

iilron), pp. lorel%. (For- I . )
v o r - p r i k e d , p t . s., Sz. (For- I.)
F o r - l e t e n , a. to leave off, forsake, yield F o r r a y , sd. foray, B.
np, S, Sz, C? ; uorlete, to forgive, Sz ; F o r r a y , w. to lorage, B.
forlet, pt. s., S ; forleten, pf., S.-AS.
F o r r a y o u r , rd. forayer, forager, B :
fir-lhlan, pt. -ldt, pp. -lhtcn. (For- I.)
foreyours,pl,, P P ; foreioures, PP. C t
F o r - l e u e n , v. to abandon, M D ; for- Forager.
leaf, imp.s., S. ( r o r - I.)
F o r r e d , #p. filrred, Sz, P P ; see F n r -

F o r l o r e n ; sce For-lesen.
F o r l o y n e n , u. to go far astray, MD, For-reden, u. to betray, hnrt, wrong,
; forr*aaen,(lf.pL, MI) ;
IID ; forloyned, pp., S ~ . - O F . ~ ~ ~ . I O , S
L ;~forreaaen,S
forrad, pp, IZD ; forred, S.-AS. ,fwto go far before (Cotg.). (For- 4.)
F o r m a y l l e , rl. the fernale hawk, MD, r'darr' (ForHD.-c~. OF. fin,,#, a kind
l,a,ulr F o r - s a k e n , u. to forsalie, lo deny, refuse, I'P, S, SL ; uorsake, S ; forsoo, pt.
., Sa ; f o r s ~ k PP
, ; uorsoc, S ; forsake,
a+, ,i.$CTI,
S, PP ; I3Pt.s..
S ; for=Oken,Pl., 1'1'; forsake,$p.,
PP.-ASfar~iacan,to renounce, pt.
ancestor, S, sz,s3,H, P~ ;
@'Orfoster, progenitor, Sz ; forme-mete, first .'*'' pp.
F o r - s e o n , m. to despiseise,
hfn ; for--,
s . - A s . ~ ~ Y ~ , , ~ruperl.
H D ; forsent, z pr. s., S ; forrse, s d g . ,
offire, before.
(For- I.)
F o r m e , sb. form, figure, shape, M D ; S.-AS.,6r-*ion.
F o r - s l o u t h e , *. to lare through sloth,
riabeiiu9,r, voc.; furme, MD ; feu-,
MD, W ; four,,,, M D ; foorme, form o f a C ; forsleuthed, pp., wasted idly, P.
tF0" I.)
hare, Prompt. (see F.jornic, Cotg.).-AF.
F o r - s o n k e , p p . sunk deep,S3. ( r o r - I.)
fonne ; Lut. forma.
F o r m e l egle, ih. female
MD, For-spent, $$. exhaustecl, Sh. ; forespent, 53. (FOZ- I.)
CM. Cf. FormayIle.
F o r m e n , u. to form, prompt.--^^. For-spreak, sb. an advocate, HD.
(For- 2 . )
former ; Lat. forn8wt.
F o r - s t a l l e n , a. to forestall, obstruct,
F o r m e r , $b. former, creator,MD, PP.
PP. See SkD (1,. 805.) (For- 3.)
MD'For-standen, stand for,avail ;forComb.: formere fader, nncrslor, Sz.
stod,pt.r.,S.-Asfar-stn~~daaa.(For- 2.)
F o r m e s t , aiil: supcrl. fint, S, P P ; far- F
*. to be .nnf,,~,M
~ ~ for;~
mest, Sz.-AS.fymctst
sunegede, $$. ?I., sinful, MD; forsineF o r m o u r , ib. former, creator, hfD, PP ; gede, S.-AS. for-sym~ian,pp. fo7,syngad.
formeour, P P ; formyonr, MD, S2.-OF.
(For- I.)
/ormeor ; Lirt. fonrmtorm.
F o r - s w e l t e n , a. to die, S, M D ; v. h.,
Forn, prep. and adu. before, MD, H D : to kill, S, RID; forsweite, pp., MD.-AS.
foren, S. Comb. : forn a m s , over fo~swtlfon,'mori, perire! (For- I.)
against, W.-AS. fiyarz: cp. OHG.forn, ~
u. to S W ~ I I O Wup,
~M D ;
' d i m ' (Tatian).
uor-zwelp, Sx. (For- I.)
Forn-cast,$$. forecast, C, CM.
For-swerien, a- to forsivear, M D ;
Forneys, sb. furnace, C ; fornays, forsuore,pt. r., MD ; forrworen, pp., S,
MD ; furneise, S ; fornes, S z ; fourneys, G, P P ; forswore, P P ; uorsuore, Sz ;
Cz, C3; fornesse, HD.-OF. fornaise; forsworene, pl., S.-AS. foior-srurrian, pt.
sudr, pp. -suoresr. (For- I.)
F o r - n i m e n , u, to take away, MD; for- For-swering, rb. perjury, Cj.
~to cover
- W ~ I I ,~sweat. ~
M D ; forswat,pp., S2, HD, B. (For- I.)
For-old, a+. very old, C. (For- I.)
- For-pinen, u. to torment, M D ; for- Forth,adu.forll~,l~en~efi~th,
3a ; forth,
pinede, pt. s., MD; forpined, pp., I I D ; PP, S ; uorth, S, Sz ; fur%, sS,
fomrned, CM, P ; famlshcd, wretched, p ~ e p . , along, Sz; furth, S3. Conz6.:
forth daies, far advanced in the day, W ;
Pl'. ( r o r - I.)





fore days, H D ; furth of, forth from, S3 ; For-waste, pp, utterly waisted, wasted
for8 riht, straiglit\>.ay, M U ; forti rihtes, w i t h mliery, S3. (For- I.)
S ; forti to, ilnlil, S ; for to, Sz ; forte, S, Forwe, $6. furrow, PI' ; see Fur.
Sa ; fort, S ; uort, S ; forthward, for- por-werien,
u. lo wear oat, MD ; forward, S, Sz. C3: fortiwyth, l i ~ h tbefore,
%, ,
++,, s3, (Pox. I,)
Sz ; forthwit, S ; forwit, Sz.

For-werpen, a. to cast aside, renounce,

Fors-clepien, u. to call forth, S.
MD ; forrwerrgene, S ; forrwarrp,pi. s.,
Forsen, adw. even, also, hlD ; forr- i v i ;~ forrwurrpelm, pl., S ; forrworr-

penn, S . AS. fodzrm (ji~162~li~).

Forsen, u. t o promote, prriorm, S.-AS.


Forther,ado. further, Sz, P P ; ferther,

Cz ; mrder, S i ; f u a e r , MU. Conr6. :
forthennore, furtlrcrmorr, Cz, C3; forthermo, C3; fouthirmar, Sz ; forther
ouer, Inorcover,
suffix -So?,).
Forther, u. to farther, aid, S z ; forthren, C ; f,,firen,
S; firthre=, S,-AS,
t o po fort],, S, sz;
uor8-farinde, pr. p. pi, S.
to liepart, die; for%
feorde, $1, i., S.-AS./ora~flrare.
For~presten,u. to destroy, MD; forprast, pp., Sz. (For- I.)
For8-teon, u. to dram, forth. bring u p ,
M D ; forsteh, pt. s., S.-AS. jor,8-lPoir.
For-punehen, a. t o relient, S ; forthynketh, pv. s. i,prr,l., MD ; forthenkith, W ; forpynkez, s ~ fortllinke,
$I., Sz ; forthou)te, pi. s., \V.
(Pox- I.)
For-trauailled, pp., wearied with toil,
MD ; fortravalit, S 2 , B. (For- I.)
For-tuhting, ib. seduction, S ; fortihting, S.-l'rom AS./of-tyhtnle, t o lead
arlray. (For- I.)
Fortune, s6. fortune, chance, &ID,
PrornpL. ; fortoun, U.-OF./o?-tz'nc;



penn, pp., S-AS.,'oi.-weorpa7z,

pt. -zoiarp
(For- I . )
(pl. - w ~ ~ ~ opp.~ .worpr,r.
z : ,
For-wetyng, iA foreknowledge, C.
sb, forethought, foreknowledge,
p , (F,, 3,)
For-witen, u. to foiel:now, M D ; forwet, $,., C ;
I \ ~ ~ ) . - ore.
~ s , ~
wita~r,pt. p r -wn't. (For- 3 . )
(For- I.)

S a ; norwounded, PI. r., Sz. (For- I . )
F o r - w r a ~ ~ eP
dA, w r a ~ p c dUP, C3.
(ror- I.)

For-wreien, v. lo accuse, S; forwreye,

; forwreiaet,pp., ~ I U . - A S . ~ ~ .

(For- I.)

v. to l,crish,

S ; furwnr.
; uorwur8en, s : forworthes,
pr. pr., sz.-~S. jor-zueor&ziz,pt, - w e a d
(PI. -anrrdoiz),
pp. -?"voi-den. (For- I . )



u. to rewnri~,S,


sz ;

for~yelae,c1; for.yheide, to rendcr,

for-yhela, pt. r., Sz.
AS. /o,.-celr/arr.
(For- I.)
For-jeldinge, sb. relributian, Sz ; foryheldinges,pl., Sz. (Fox- 1.)
For-?emen, u, to neglect, M D ; for.
yemen, S.-AS.3i.#dn~an.
(ror- I,)

For-prd, $6. courl, W. (For- 3.)

For-jeten, u,to forget, S,PP; foranten,

PI'; foryeten, S ; forgeten, S, Sa ; vor)ete, S : forgetith,, G ; foraiete8,

pen, S3, IIU, C.
pr, s., S ; foqiet, S : forjet, S ; foryet, S ;
forgat, pt, r., S ; foraete, Sz ; foraat, G,
Fortunous, mi/. fortunate, IID.
xV:.forgeten,$$.,s , Cs ;
~ ~ ~ .pp. ~tired ~out k ~ d for3ieten,
, forwten,pl.,
S ; foryete, S ; for3eten, Sz,
ins, sz,cii forwake, sz, (For. I,)
P P ; foraete, P, W2; forgen, H.-AS.
For-wandred, pp. wearied ollt with foy.giian,
(pl. .cdntoaj, pp.
wandering, P. (For- I.)

Fortune, u. t o malre fortunate, to hap-

(ror- I,)

l o spoil by in~lulgence, ror-jetful,
PP;forweny,l'P;forwene,PP. (For-I.)
For-ward, $6. agreement, PP, S, C, C2 ;

a@. forgetful,
z 5 j ; foryetful,

TV (Jan.


For-?iuen, 8. to forgive, PP ; foryeue;

foreward, S, S*, PI';
vorewara, S ; C3; for)euen, P P ; forlieue, S ; forr3iforward% PP, Sz ; vorewarde2 S1.-AS.
fenn, S ; foryiue, Cz ; uoraiuen, S ; for.
~jorcweard. (ror- 3.)
A gifen, S ; for>ef>
in*, s., S ; forg&f,pf,r.,




S ; fomaf, G, W, P P ; for?ouen, bP., Sz ; l Foute, sb. scent, trace of a beast of

forpaen, 1'1'; forjouun, W ; '?ir30ue, chase, Si; see Feute.
[ r o r - I.)
Fownys, $6. $2. fawns,S3 ; see Fawn.
For-aiuenesse, $6.forgiveness, M D ; Foyne, rb. a fain, thlust, S3; ptick,
, ~ , S.~
, forveuenesse.
, S.~PP:,. bnncitrr. hianio.;. foines...$1.., Nl).
foraieuenesse. S.
1. ~ovnkn.u. to thrust or 1uni.c with a
~ i s t e rsb,
, nourishment, MD, IID ; one sword, RID, C ; feyne, bID ; -foignen,
nurtured, a child, M D ; fostyr, nmturer, hlD ; foin, ND, Sh. ; foygnede, pt. r.,
fosterer, S3.-ASfddfo.
( = f d d - ~ t ~ ~noe) , M D ; foyneden,ji, MD; fwn)eit, G.
Fo3, sb. rni~tt~al
consent,jzz,rc/sra, MD :
rishrnent. See Fade.
Fostren, a. to foster, support, clierish, fo?eldat., S.-AS./d., 6ird~.
PI' ; fosstrenn, S ; fostred, jt. i., CS,~3 ; Fra, F r h ; see Fro.
Fraisten. u. to try, prove, MD. ID.
$6.., Cz.-AS. fhtrin,r.
LfU;Sz, pIU.-icel:
$8, acnrriageiond, a ~ o n dMD,
H D ; fraisted,
c ; fothyr, B ; fudder, J D ; fudyr, B ; /mists; cp. Goth.fraisa?r, AS.,+kdiia~%.
uoTere, pi., MD.-AS. $8er: cp. O.H.G. Fraks, sb. a man, IID ; see Freke.
fuodaiar !kod.frriier), whence F.joudre.
Frakly, a@. keenly, greedily, liastily,
S2, B, JD. See Prek.
Foa. adi.
S ; see Poh.
. spotted,
~ o u l $6.
, fowl, bird, Sz, C, pp ; foael, Frakne, sb. freckle, it>atiarro, l'rompt. :
s ; fowel,
C, pp; foghill, H ; fuhel, S ; fmkyn, itntiiz&ln, Voc. ; freken, P i i n u s ,
foaii, S3; fugeles, pi., S ; fuaeles, S ; Manip., H D : fuecken, Paisg., Manip. ;
fughils. H ; meles, S ; fttweles,
S ; fog- francs, pi., RU, C ; frelules, MU.1cel.fieil~ia.
heler,Sz ; f ~ g h l e s , S z . - A S . ~ ~ ~ o I .
F O U ~a*., foal, IT, MD ; = o u ~ n, m , Frahede,$$. fledrled, HI).
Sz ; ful, S ; f u ~ ea, h . , S ; foule, G ; ful. Frakny, a*. freckled, Prompt.
uste, izrpcrl., MD. Conib.: ful-itowen, Fram, jrt$. from, S, Sz, P P ; oram,
badlydisciplined,wanto,>,MD; ful-itohen, Sz; urom, S. Comb. : rnm-ward,prcp,
away from, MD, I I U : frommard, S ;
S ; fulitohe, S.-AS.fdl,
urommard, S.-AS. lj,,,,(fmnz) and
Foule, sb. fool, II ; see Pole.
fmarwrard, ' uversos.' Cp. Fro.
Foulen, u. to mabe foul, defile, revile,
destroy, sz,y p ; fowlen, sz; fulen, S ; Frame, $6. benefit, ad\.nntnge, S, Sz:
MD ; ureme, MD.-AS. ficiiia:
sz ; fils, $$., s~.-As.pijam,to freme,
i inqoinnre!
See roul, lcrl.fianii, advancement. Frern*~is from
Foulere, rb, a taker of birds, Wz. See



~ ~ ~ l -ib,hfally,
~ dH., See Foule,
Foundemant, ". foundation, '3, W.
Founden, u. to found, PP : fundit, PP.,


Framien, u. to serve, bentfit, refresh,

~ c c o ~ P I ~MD:
J ~ . fremmen, M D ; freme,
S, H D ; frame, ID.-AS.fiemina.
Frank,=, ndj. !rerec,Mnnip.-AF.fmnr,
~ , , . , + ~ ~ i liiomnic,
Frankeleyn, $6. freedman, iibertirzzrs,
MU ; also a freehol4er, C, HD, G ; frsnkeleyne,prompt., PP ; frankela7,.,
PP : frankelin, Cz : franoolern. MD:
fraikeleyns,$i, C (A. 2 1 6 ) . - ~ ~ . > a u r r Pelay~i,frn~mr2cin;Low Lnt.paizrhiianur.
T h e suffix i a i i u i is of Teutonic origin ; cp.
AS. -I+; see SbD. (sv. rhnmb~riain).
Fraught, jj. freighted, laden wit!,
cargo, &ID, C3; frgughted, S3.
Fraunchise, sb, freedom, prerogati~e,
liberality, MI), PP ; fraunchyse, C2 ;
frwnchis, H ; franchiss, E.-AF. franchise (frauriihise); formed with suffix
-ilia: see Apfelstedt, Introd. 67. See

S3; Y-founde, S3; foundun, W.-OF.

jolrder ; Lat.fundare.
Foundour, $6. follnder, pp.-@P.iondeur ; Lat.fioxi/atorenz.
Foundren, u. to founder, also to cause
to sinlc, MD ; foundre, C ; foundered,
pj., Sz ; fownarya (as horse), PI'.-OH.
fonrircr, an extended form offondrr, to fall
(Buitsch) ; sec also Diez, p. 144.
Founs, sb. bottom, Sz; founce, MU,
WA.--OF. >rzs (Barlsch) ; Lat. fmdus ;
cp. Prov. f o ~ ~ n sdeep
(Diez, p. 143).
Foure, nuni. four, C3, PP ; fower, S ;
nonr, S ; f ~ ~ w eMU
r , ; faur, MD ; fanre,
Sz ; fawre, Sz ; fowre, Sz.-AS. f4ozuer,
OS. f i w a r : Gotii. Sdwor; cp. OWel. Franke.
Fray, $6. terror, S3, B ; see Effray.
pefgJar, Lat. p u t n o r .

Frayel, $6. baslret, PP ;



freyel, P P ;


to gain friends:
frayle, Prompt.; fraile, HI>,el,
areonden, S.
fyael; whence Low Lat. /raetl*~rn (Du. ~
~$6. female friend,
Frendrede, s6. friendship, HD.-AS.
Fraynen, a. to ask, Sz, S3, Cz, P P ; fy60,d,.i;.&~.
fraiinen, PP ; fra)jnenn, hlD; freinede,
pt. s., s ; freinde, S ; fraind, Sz ; freyned, Frendschipe, d . fricn;lship, S, C ;
freontsohipe, s,-AS friar cipr,
Pp., Ca.-lcel.frcgna, AS.frignan.
Fre, n,ij. free, rxc-born, generous, S, s z , Freoien, v. to free. RID ; vri, +A$. s..
SZ ; freoae, $t. s., MD ; fried, irp., S.C, C Z , PP ; free, cz,PP; fq, HD ;
AS.f?doga?z vrCo>z),pt.,Mode, pp, frcod.
PP, Sz.-AS. /do.
See rre.
Preden, u. to feel, experience, MD,
Freolsen, m. to free, to celebrate, hlD ;
IIU; freade,pt, $., MD.-AS. (ce)fff~,iaii,
frelsen, M D . - ~ S . f i i o i ~ i ~ ~
~ , feltum
fro,,, ~s.,+b<f,,,imisc,
;' cp. Icel. f ~ j d i m ,to free. From
aged; cp. 011~.
enpcricnccd (ot.
AS. f~dois, freedom, festival: Gotli. /mifrid).
hali, 'collnm liberum,' freedom.
Fredom, b . freedom, liberality, S,
Frere, sb. brother, friar, MD, C, G, P ;
sz, cz, c3; frebme, sz,U.-AS.
freir, S3 ; frer, B ; freres, pl., Ca, P.ddm.
; fratrem.
Freitour, $6. refectory, hall for meals, OF. f ~ e r e , f i e d ~ eLat.
s 3 , MU, I'P; fratotrr, FIU ; fraflour, Fresch, a@. fresh,new, MD, C : fersoh,
S3 ; freitur, MD ; fraitur, s3; fratery, SZ; fresohe, Wz, PP ; freis, S i ; freissh,
H D ; froyter, HD (p. 370).-OF. ~gfre- Sa.-AS.ier~i.
Freschly, adu. freshly, B.
toir ; Late Lut. 1-efsitoriitnz.
frek, adj. eager, greedy, bold, Sz ; Fresen, u. to frccze, P P ; freost, pr. s.,
S ; frese,p!. s., M D ; froren, pp., LID.frak, J D ; frike, M D ; fryke, HD.-AS.
f n c ; cp. Goth. f~ifir, greedy (in ,faihu- AS. JrPoiaa, pt. /?hi (pl. fn'ro+ij, pp.
frikfriks); Ice1 frekr.
Freke, ~ 6 a. boldman, awairior,n man Frest, rb. delay, MD, Sz, B ; ferst,
MD, Sz, P ; freek, P P ; frek, Sa, 1'PI MD; first, MD ; furst, S ; virst, S.freyka S3 ; fraik, PP ; frayk, 1'P ; freik, Icrl. frest, AS. $erst, fyrrt, j m t , an in.
P P ; fr*, H U ; freckys,pl, S3; trekis, terval.
a bold man, warrior.
Fresten, w. to delay, to lend, MD,
Frekel, $6. freckle; freklys, p i , S3; Prompt.
freckles, *avioinc, Mmip. See Fraken.
Freten, u. to devour, S, sz,cz, p ;
Frele, a$. frail, Sz, P ; freyle, hID; freate, to fret, feel vencd, S3; fret,^. s.,
freel, YP.-OF. fielc, fiaiie; Lat.fiagi- MD, Sa, P P ; fretcn, pp., S, Sz ; frete,
Sz, C3.-AS. fretan,;! (pl, fii;.ton),
pp.f'eien, a compound ofetan, to eat; cp.
Fre'reletee,sb. frailty, Cz; freiete, P.
to eat.
yrncions, SZ, c2,B ;!an=Jra+zta*,
freolioh, S ; freyliohe, Sz ; freliclle, adu. Fretten, u. to adorn, furnish, MD, Sz ;
freely, PI', Sz.-AS. fiiolii, ad". fi&liie. fret, pp., MD, S3 ; fretted, P.-AS.
See rre.
frntwinn, 'ornure;' cp. 0s.frataiidn.
Fre-man, 86. freeman, S.-AS.
Freuren, a. to comfort, S.-AS. f d ,,~ofz.
/'ria%. Sce rrofren.
Fremde, aq. and $6. strange, foreign, Fri-daei, $6. Friday, the week-day
stringer, S, Cz, 11
' ' ; fremmde, S ; fre- sacred to I.nga, the AS. nameoful'entomc
mede, S ; fremmed, PP.-AS. jrenredc, goddess having atlribc~tessimilar to those
freaide, strange.
of the Romau Venus, S ; fridai, hlD.Fremen, u. to accomplish, S, HD; AS. F%-de,.
see Framien.
Frie, rb. the wife of \Toden, MD.-AS.
Frend, s6. fricnd, S, C ; freonae, P P ; Frign ; see Grimm, Teot. M., p. zgg,
freondes, pi., PP; freond, S, Sz ; ure- Frien, u. to fly, M D ; i.frijet, pp.,S a ;
ondes, S ; fl.endes, C3, P P ; frenden,dai., fryed, PP; y f q c a , PP.-OF. ~rirr
;~ ~
u. rcJez.




Frude, $6. frog, MD : fruden, PL, 3.-

Frigt, i.fright,MD ; friat, MD.-AS.

Icel. j7-auBr ; cp. Dan./%.

Frume, sd. beginning, h.ID; frome,
M D ; fiicht, pp., s~.-As. fir/itl;zrr, pp. MD.-AS.fwma ; cp. Goih./rums.
Frurnentee, $6. furmety, wheat boiled
timid, S.-C~,,~~.: frigti in milk, MU, I ~ I D; frumenty, MD, H D ;
MD : firmentie, $3. -OF.
luue, reverence, S.
fiumentec, jmzeniee; LrteLnt.fru~,~e~ztata;
Frigtihed, id. alarm, S.
from f~zrliicntn?,~,corn (OF. /?ornext,
Frigtilike, adv. timidly, S.
,%ut,ient, wheat, corn).
Fri8, sd. Peace, sectlrity, deer-parlc, Prurnse, $6. beginning, S ; urumtie,
forest,wood, S, Sz, PP, I I U ; fry*%Sz, PP. MD.-AS.fryniba
-AS. f t d ; cp. OHG.f ~ i d a(Otfrid).
Frustir, a,$. fin~itruted, uscless, JD,
~ r i s i e nu., to free, protect, spare, MD; S3.-Cp. OF. frirstver; Lut.f1z~ri7-are.
friaie, S : ffithed, jp., enclosed, .'l
~ i i fruit,
S, s2 ; frnit, s ; frufl,
AS. @t)/~i#ian, to protect.
C j ; froit, M D ; froyt, R (Ps. 125. 6 ) ;
Fro, prep. from, S, Sz, C z , PP ; fro% fryt, Sz ; frutis,pi.,B ; froytis, B.-OF.
P P ; fra, S, Sz, S3. Conib. : frathine, f m f (f~i'it) ; ~ ~
t .
from thence, S3, ; frawara, aivay froln, ~
forward, Sz, MD ; frawart, S3. -AS.
fram, Icel./i. Ci. Fram.
Fuhel; see Foul.
Frofre, $6. comfort, MD; frouer, S ; Fugel,
Ful, ad/. foul, S;rule, ads., S. Cmnh. :
froure, S, MD.-AS./~oyor.
ful-itohen, S. See Foul.
Frofren, w. to comfort, S ; frouren, S ; Ful, pt, s,, fell, S, PP, See
frefrien, MD; freuseti, pr. r., S.-AS.
a .f
S. Condli. : ful iwis,fn11
a~suredly,S ; fol iwis, S ; ful out, comH D ; ~~letely, : to ful, comi~letely,Sg. See
rrogge, .a, frag, s, Voc,;
MU. - AS.

~ ~ i g u. tto ~fear,
~ a!so
, to alarm,


~ Y D D , ~ .


Ful, i.a goblet fnl! of drink, s toast

at a heathen feast: uul, S.-AS. fir/;
I C ~ I . full; see ~
~ T ~i M.,
,fro< (Cotg.) ; p. 6,.

Froit; see Frat.

Frokke, sd. frock, PP, MD:


P P ; froggis, pi., B.-OF.

cp. Low Lut. /~-OCILI, JOCOCUI, see Dacunge.
For interchange offv and) cf. Frounce.
to complete, MD ;
Frosche, sd. frog, Voc. ; frorke, MD,
II ; froskes, pi, ?#ID; froskis, I1 ; fros;
ses, MD.-AS. f n z ; cp. Icel./vofroikr.
Froten, u. to rnb, hID, $1 ; frotynge,
pr.p., w ; frotyng, gnting, S I ; yfl.oted, Ful-endin, m. to briiis to an end, S ;
pp., Sz.-OF. frotar: It. fietiare: Lat. fulendYl S.
Ful-forsien, u. to perform, S.
fliCtut>h, from frican; sce Constana.
Frose, sb. froth, foam, MD, Prompt.; Ful-frernien, u. to ~erfect,MD; fullforpe, Sa.-Icel. fv08a, fiauB; cp. Dan. frernedd,pp.,s.
fraadr, Sw./ra&~.
Ful-fullen, v. to fulfil, perfect, to fill
fnll, hlD ; folvellet. imp. $1.. S ; fulfellp,
Frothen, u. to froth, C, MD.
pf. p i , ,S ; fox-t,
~ ~ a ,a ~fold, ,,init,
~ N D ; ~pr. J., S ;~luluelaen,
frounces, pi., 1)P ; flounce, SkD.-OF. %2 Sz ;
fronca, wrinlile (Bartsch). For interchange Ful-hed, sd. fulness, Sa ; folhed, MD.
off7 and$.cf. Frokke.
Fulhtnen, u. to baptize, bID ; f u l l h ~
Frouncen, w. to knit the brow,wdnkle, nenn, S. See Fulluht.
fold, MD, ND, HD; frounsen, I I D ; Full, adj. full, MD ; ful, S : fol, S z ;
frollnsea, pj., S3; fronst, HD.- OF. vol, Sz ; f u e , dd., S, PP; adu., S ;
froncer ; Lvle Lat. frortiare.
fonest, sitper/.,Sz.
Frount, $6. front, forehead, Sz, MD, Fulle, $6.fill, S ; frlle, S2.-AS.,@iio:
B.-AF.frount, ~ Y U I LLat.
~ ; jrpnle>>r.


f ~ ~ ~ ~ $ < $ ~ ~ h ~ ,


Fullen, u. to fill, complete, S :



fdle, Fundles, rb. a finding, S; fundless,

S ; fulde, j t . s., S: felde, Sa ; vulde, Sz ; HD.
fslden,$i, S ; i-fullet, PP., S ; i-uulled, Fundling, 16. foundling, S.
S ; hi-fulled, S ; ifuld, Sz ;
S ; rundy,
to become stilf with cold,
fulde, $1,. S.-AS, fylian : OS. fullian :



Fulliche, ahiu. f1l11y2 S ;

volliche, Sz.

fo1liche, S :

~ib. ~ S :~runte,, Voc.

funt-fat, font, S. See Font.

Fullnht, sb. baptism, S ; fllllouht,
$6. fire, s.,SS, I'P ; fir, s : fer, s ;
M U ; fullon?t, MD ; fullo)t, h1D.-AS.
fee,, ss; fyr, pp, cz; furr, PP; fuir,
fuizoiht (OET.). Sec Fnll.
Sz, PI'; fyre, M D ; fere, dat., S z ; uere,
Ful-mard, sb. polecnt, MD, Voc. ; Sa.-AS. f j r : OHG.fizr (Otfrid).
fulmarde, Palsg. ; fnlmerde, Voc. ; ful- Fur, sb. furrow, S 3 ; furgh, MD ; farch,
mare, ~ n n i p . : fulmere, Voc., Prompt. 1\11] ; forwe, P P ; iorwes,pi, P. C01126. :
(P.407) ; folmarde, Sa.-AS.$ii+ meal*,
fllrrow's breadth, s 3 ; fllrlong,
marten. See Fonl.
ft%rrow'slength, Cz, C3, P P ; fourlonge,
Fulnesse, $6. fulness, MD ; uolnesse, P ; forlang, PP.-AS.furh.
Fureur, s6. fnry, S3.- OF. fztreur ;
Fulst, sb. help, S.-AS./ylit
Zest) ; cp. O S . f i i l J ~ t i . See Full.
Furial, nQ. raging, Cz-Lat. furialix.
Fulsten, u. to hclp, S.-AS. ,@bfnrz : Furre, 16. fur, Prompt., Palsg. ; furris,
pi, l'l'.-OF. firerre, a sheath (Bnrtich) ;
~ul-sum, p~cnteone,S. seerun. rp. Sp. f h o , lining: It. fbdem, lining. a
fnrrcd garmezit, a sheath, scabbard: Goth.
Fulsumhed, ib. abundance, S.
f o b , sheatli : cp. Icel. f&r, lining, OEIG.
Fulsumnesse, $6. satiety, h l D ; ful- fiatnr,
I<iugeand Weigand (s.v./utter).
sornnesse, Ca,
Furren, v. to line with fur, X U ;
~ u l S e$,6. fulness, MD. See Full.
funyn,l'rompt.; mrrcd,p$., MD; forred,
Fultum, $, MU : fultume, dat., Sz, PP.-OF.*rrcr(Bartsch),
MD ; pi, =fi~i+t&ain).
Sce Full.
Furst, sb. delay, S ; see Frest.
Fulwes; sec rolwen.
Pus, a*. eager, prompt, MU ; foas,
Fulleis, $6.p i , leaves, S3.-OF. fuillc, M D : vous,RlD.-Icel. fiiss: OIIG. funr
fiilir ; Lzt. foiit$n~.
Fume, sb. fume, smoke, MD : confusion Fusen, 71. to horrl,, MD: fusede, $t. s.,
~ l > . - ~ S . / L s a r z : OS.,"dsinri.
in the brain produced
drlml;ellneis, C.OF. fa~m: Lut.fumz~t~i.
Fust, rb. fist, Sz, P P ; frste, Voc. ;
Fumetere, ib. theherb furnitory,fi~ti~uifist, MD : fest, MU, C3 : feste, *at.,
tprrac, ea~th-smoke,Alph., Voc, C ; fit- C3.-AS.fLsf:
mytere, Voc. : fnmeter, Prompt.-OF,
Fuqten; sce Fighten.
fumeterre : Late Lat.,6tmzii ferrae (Alph.). Fylyng, sb. defiling, Sz. See Foulen.
Fumosite, sb. indigestibility, MU : ryn, ~ bend,
. SI, S3, Ca, G ; see pine.
fumositee, [he quality of getting into the
$6. fire, PP, c z; fyre, MD. corn&
head (of wines), Cz, C3 ; fumositie, fyre-fiaucbt, liglitning, s 3 ; fj?.-reea,
smoakitiess, Manip.
red as fire, C. See Fur.
Fumouse, a*. angry, Palsg. (p. 714).
~ ~ r t rb.h u, pasanqe, inlet ofthe sea,
Funden, u. to hasten, go, to strive, S, S3 ; firth, JD.-1cel.nhZi~.
M D ; fond% S, S3 : foonde, Sz : found%
p y , fiery, C ; few, S3. See ru'nr.
Sa, H.-AS. fir7adian, to hasten. See ~
~u. to fight,
~ p p ;t see ~ i~~ h t ~, , , .
Fyjte, sb. fight, P P ; fijte. S, Sa ; uihte,
Funden,,found, S ; see Finden. s ; feht, MI) ; fe;t, Sz ; fseht, MD ;
Fnndie, a+. heavy, M D ; see rind$. faahte, S.-AS.froht: OS.fehta.





Gan, u. to go, S ; son, S, Sz, Cz ; goon,

Ca ; go, S ; gm, Sa ; gonde, pr. p.,S ; ga,
.s., S ; gais, Sz ; goti,p/., S, Sz, Cz :
g ~ o t h ,Ca; gest, 2 $7. s., S, Sz: g-s,
Sz ; goost, Ca ; gap,$r. 1 , S ; g d , S, S2 ;
go*J,S, Cx ; gas, Sz; go%,
S ; gon,
S z ; goon, Cz; gan. pp. SZ ; goon, C z ;
goo, s3; ygon, cz,c 3 ; igon,G ; igoon,
G ; ygo, Sz ; igo, G.-AS. ghz.
G ~ ~s, began,
, ~did;~ see, #innen,
Gane, u. to fit,
pi., S3.i gamma, pr. p. as a&., suitable,
becommg, S3 ; see Gejnen.
Gang, $6. going, Sz.
Gangen, a. to go, S, P P ; gang, S3 ;
gangande, $r. p., P P ; gangand, Sz;
gonge, z pr. s. sub., S.-AS. gan,uan.
Ganien, u. to yawn, gape, SkD; sane,
Munip., Palsg., 53,,C3 ; gone, Sa ; lanin,
Prompt.-AS. ganinn (\roc.).
Gar, a. to caose, make, Sa; gaze, H ;
gart, pi. s., Sz, P P ; see Ger.
Gardin, $6. garden, Sku, Cz; gardyn,
PP ; gwdyne, PP ; gzmdayne, Rlanip. ;
g a i r ~ n gS3.-AF.
gardin (F. jardin).
Garget, s6. tliroat, CM ; see Gorget.
Garite, $6. n watcil-tower, look-out on
the roof of a honse or castle-wall, S3 ; garytte,ahigh'solere,'Prompt.; garett, H D ;
garret, Cotg. (s. v. toureiic) ; garettes,
p i , prompt. (n); garrette., prgerta, Manip.-OF. garite ; cp. Span. gadfa.
Garlek, sb. garlick, P P ; garleke,
Alph. ; garleek, C : garlekke, prompt. ;
Garnet, $6. a kind of precious stone;
garnettes, pi., Skhr); granat, Cotg. ( 5 . 7 .
grcsal); granate-stone (Florio). Cp. It.
,qrandla, pomegranate, garnet. Sce Grain.
Garnet-appille, $6. pomegranate, HD.
See Apple-garnade.
Garth, $6. an enclosure, H D , S3, H ;
orchard, Manip. ; garthe, sepej, Cath. ;
garthis,$/., H.-Icel. gsr.8r. See 3erd.
Gas,@. s. roes; see Gan.
Gast, rb. spirit, S,S z ; see Gost.
Gastlike, a& spiritual, S ; see Gostliche.
Gat, sb. goat, S : gayte, Sa; pi., H ;
gate, S, S?,; see Goot.
Gate, $6. way, path, street, PP, CM,
Sz, l'rompt., IID, S3, H ; gat, s a ; gait,
S3.-Icel. gala; Goth. got?uo, street.
Gate, rb. gate, PP, Prompt.; late, Sz,
G, H,Prompt.; yate,Cz,CM, S3,Prompt.j

gat, S ; jat, P P ; rat, G ; yatt, H ; jett,

S3 ; giate, dat., S ; ~ a t e S.-AS.


Icel. gat.

~ $b. -gate-keeper,
~ ~ S,
~ PP;

gateward, PP ; gatwarde, PP.

~ ~ tpt. t gmnted,
~ , ; see


Gat-tothed, ad/. lascivious, C, CM.

Gaude, $6. weld, Reieda izrteoia, dyer's
greenweed, producing a green dye (distinct
from woad. Florio being here wrong).
Cornb. : gaude grene, a light green colo~ir,
C, H D ; gawdy ggrene, swbviridis;
Prompt.-OF. ,ratrde (Cotg.) : Sp. pa/&,
a herb to dye yellow with (Minshru); cp.
It. guailfo, woad to dye blue with (Florio):
Low Lat. gr'aida, ge'aldadu7~, 'glastum
Gaude, $6. a toy, piece of finery, also a
jest, crick, CM ; gawde, a jape, n u p ,
Prompt. ; gaud, HD, ND; ornament,
Lrt. gaudisnn, a
C M ; trick, C3.-Late
large bead ; Lat. gaudiun~,joy.
Gaude, u. to sport, jest, keep festival,
NU ; to scoff, Manip.
Gaudiouse, a& festal, soic~mis,Manip.
~$6. toying,
~ ; gauaing,
sccfing, ~
Gauren, u, to gaze, cM, cz, c3;
g,w ,,,,

Gaurish, a* garish, S3.

Gayn, a+, convenient, S z ; gaynliche,
adn. rea''ily,

see Oeyn'

Gaynage, s6. crop, S3 ; see Gaignage.

Gaynen, a. to avail, CM, S z ; see

Gayn-ras, $6. return ( = Lat. orrurius),

H ; gaynrase, dat. meeting, I1 ; see 3eyn.
Gayn-stand, u. to withstand, S3.
Gaytre-beryis, sb. $1. berries of the
gayter-tree, C (C. 145). CM, MD.-Cp.
Scot. gait-brwy, bramble-berry, JD;gaiIertree, the bramble, JD.
Ge-,plqjz;see 3e.
Ge, ye, S ; see 3e.
Geaunt, sb. giant, S, Ca: gaunt, Wz ;
gyaunt, PP ; ieaunt, PP : geauntes, pL,
I'P; ieauntez, Sz. AF. gennl ; Let.
Gede, $1. r. went, S.-AS. ge-4ode. Cf.


Gedelpge, $6. vagabond, P P ; see


Gederen, Gedre; see Gaderen.

Gees, ib.$l. geese; see Gos.

jet, C ; geete, Prompt.: see gers,pr. s., H ; a pr. r., H ; gerte, pt. i.,
PP ; gert, Sz, PI', S3, I3 ; garte, P P ;
Geet, ib. pi. goats, W1; geete, IVz ; gad, Sz, PP ; garde, $I., S3 ; gert, P?.,
PP, H.-Icel. g i m (for@tua). See 3are.
see Goot.
Geraflour ; see Gerraflour.
Geet-buckis, sb. $1, he-goats, \Vz.
Geinen, a. to avail, profit, S, Sz ; see Gere,sb.geur,,material,
bnsiness, Chl, Pl', C, Cz, C3, Sz ; geare,
S3 ; ger, C, S3 ; geeres, pi, habits, manGeld, pi. r. paid, reqilited, S ;
ners, C.-Cp. OS. garu-zoi, gear.
Gelden, v. to geld, raiti.are, prompt. Ger-fawcon, sb. n kind of falcon, H D ;
gerfaucun, Prompt. ; gerfawonne, Voc. ;
Malip. ; geldid, pj., W (Mt. zg. rz).gerfawkyn, Voc., Prompt. ; gerfaukun,
Icel. gelda.
~ ~ l dsii, ieunuch,
~ ~w, (.A.~~~8. 34) ; Wz ; gerfawcun, Wa.-Lat. r~yroiaicoplding, W (Acts 8. 2 7 ) ; geldingis, pi,
Ger-ful, a+. changeable, C, CM. See
Gelty, a(@. guilty: see ~ u ~ t y .
to prepare, S ; see ?=ken.
~ ~ l . .gem~;
~ pL,~PP, Gerken,
garland, C3, C : gereG Z ; jemi., s ~ . - o F . ~ , , ~ Lat.Semnia,
lande, PI'; garlaunde, PP.-AF.
re'.gem, bud. See jimmes.





Gemmyt;. a(@. covered with b1lds, S3.
sb,jl. children
~ ; lGurles.~
Gendre, 38. sender, kind, PP ; gendrea,
~ sz ;, see 3eorne.
$I., Sz.-OF. fenre; Lat. genere, abl. of G
Gerner, $6.garner, C, 1'P.-Ar'.prnrv,
OF. g m i c r , pranier; Late Lut. granoGendre, a. to beget ; gendrith, py, s,, l,m,
W z ; gendria, pp., Wz.
Gerraflour, $6. gilly~flower,S3 ; geraGendrer, rb. progenitor, PP.
flour, H D ; gylofre, MU, Sz ($7,</owe);
Gendrure, $6.engendering, Wz.
gyllofre, gaviopliilz~i,
zaliofolur, Prompt. ;
gillofer, ND, Palsg. ; g y l f y dove,
Gendrynge, sl.. begetting, PP.
~ ~ ~ a ~ spanis,,
t t horse,
~ a , I'rompt. ; gillyvor, Sh ; ielofer, 53 ;
jennet, s k n ; iennet, s3,s~.-oF. gelzcttc gelofe+ ND, MD.-CP. OF. SivPe, the
(Baltsch) ; Law Lat. gariophiIzrs,
(cotg.) ; sp. gilzcte, a light horseman dove
(Al~h.),also cayyoph~ii*~~*:
GI. xopud@uA( ~ i ~ ~ h ~fro,=
, , ) : zel2,iia,
the name of
tribe in Barbary, see Dozy.
~ $b. a ~going, ~
~ army,
S ; $2. nations, S2, H.
Gent, 04. noble, nobly-bom, PP, C* ;
spmce, gay, SliU (p. 813),S3; gente, S .
Or'. rent; Lat. gmii8~t,z,born, well-born.
Gentil, ad/ worthy, excellent, gentle,
compassionate, Cz ; noblc, P P ; gentils,
sb. pi, people well born. Cz, C?.-AF.
ctntil, noble, beautiful ; Lat. gc>itiiem.
Gentillesse, sb. nobleness, gracefulness, Cz, C3.-OF. gmtiilesse.
Gentrise, ib. noble nature, P P ; gentrice, PP.-AT. gci~ierist.
Gentrye, sb. gentleness, PP.
Gepoun, sb. a short cassock, CM ; see


lit. nut-leat

Gerss-pilis, s6,jz.blades

of grass2 S3.

See Gras.

Gersum, sb. treasore; gersom, H D :

me pi, S ; garisome, ; gersoms,
HD,-AS: gB'$ZLf>i
; cp. Icel. gerset,zi, a


costly thing, jewel.

~pp. ~ sat: see G
, ~F.
3%; see Gizaen,
Gerte,jt, r.
Gerth, $6. girth, S k D ; gerthis, PC,

p p , - ~ ~ ~ l , ~ ~ ~ ,
Gery, a+. changeful, PP, C.



Gessen, u. to suppose, imagine, CM,

Sz, C2, C3, W, W Z ; gessist, z $7. s., S z ;
gessiden, pi. p ~SZ.-~p.
nu. gt~i~s.
Gesserant, sb. a coat of mail, S3 ;
Ger,pi. years, S ; see jeer.
gesaeron, S3 ; see ~esseraunt.
Ger, u. to cause, make, Sa, JD ; gere, Gessynge, ib. guessing (i. e, doubt), Sa.
to make, I* ; gar, JU, S3 ; %are,IT; Gest, z pr. s. goest, S, Sz ; ge8>pr. s.,
geren, to prepare, S ; gare, it,>$., H ; S, Sa ; see Gzn.
H 2

Gest, sd. guest, Prompt., Sz,C z ; geste, Gigour, 16. musician, S.-OF. giguzor
P P ; sestes,pl, S, PP, Sz, Ca ; geste, S ; (LOW Lat. gipztorcm), from OF. gi&e
gistes, P P ; eustes, PP.-AS. g m f : Goth. (Law Lat. giga), a musical instrument; cp.
pats:. cD.
w i r e . violin.
. Lat. hostis.
- o~
Geste, sd. story, romance, PP, Cz ; Gildir, a. to deceive; gildirs, pr. s.,
gest, S3, Manip.; jest, fun, S h ; gestes, H ; gildird, pp., H.-Icei.
@!dm, to
pi., PP, Cz, C3; ieestes, P P ; gestis, trap.
deeds, W % H. - AF. geife, an exploit, Gildire, $6. deceit, snare, H ; giiairs,
history of exploits, romance; Lat. (rer) pi., H . - I ~ ~gjidra,
a trap.
gestn, a thing performed.
Gile sb. guile, deceit, fraud, PP, C.Geste, a. to tell romances, Prompt., AF.
OF. gzciie
: AS.
M U ; jest, to act in sport, Sh.
Gesten,pp. lodged ( l ) , Sa.
Gilen, a. to beguile, P P ; gylen, Sa;
Gesting, i d . lodgings, Sz.
giled, pp,, S.
Gestinge, sd. jesting, S3; gestynge, Gilery, rd. deceit, 11; gilrys,pl., H.romancing, I'rompt.
See Geste.
OF. xiilerie.
Gestnen, u. to feast, entertain ; gest- Gill, sd. a familiar term for a woman, S3,
ened, pt. s., H D ; igirtned, pp., Sa.
ND, S h ; jill, Sh.-Short for G i l i i ~ n a,
Gestninge, sb. feast, banquet, S ; gest. woman's name, Sh, ND ; Lat.Juiia?ia.
ening, Sz ; gistninge, S ; gystninge, S. Gill-burnt-tayle, ib. the ignis-fatuns,
Gestour, id. a reciter of tales, Ca ; NU (5.7. gyl).
gestowre, Prompt.; gestiours, p i , CM. Gille, sd. a gill(measme),PP; gylle, PP,
See Geste.
Prompt. ; iille, P.-OF. geiie.
Get, sd. fashion, behavioui, CM, C, C3, Gill-flurt, sl a flirt, ND.
Prompt. ; see Iette.
Gillofer, Gillyvor; See Gerrailoar.
Geten, u. to gain, get, beget, P P ; get, Gilour, sb. deceiver, P P ; gylyloure, H.
pr, s., Sa, P P ; gat, pt. s., S, PP; geten, -AF. g&ur.
PP.pi., PP; geten, pp., Pp, G ;
~ i l t~ , d guilt,
S, PP ; see ~ ~ l t .
AS. yiin*, pt. feat (PI. g[lafon), PP. fiten.
iadj. ggoiitleis,
~ s ; gilteles,
c; ~
Oe8,pv. 5. goes; see Ga.
giltlees, C3.
Gett, r6. jet, l'rompt.; sce Iette.
Gin, sb. engine, contrivance, artifice, Cz,
Gett, $9. granted, Sz ; see 3eten.
C3, S 3 ; w n , PP, S z ; ginne, S, S z ;
Geue-like, adj. eqnal. Phr.: o gene- gynne, PP.-OF. engik, engiea, craft, delike, on esual terms, S.-AS. ye-efenliz.
ceit, contrivance.
. .
see Euen. '
I &nful.
deceitful. PP.
~ adi.
~ ,
Geyn, adj. near, convenient, ready, Gingebreed, 16. 'gingerbread, C a ;
direct, Sg ; geyne, Prompt. ; gay% Sz ; gyngebred, gilsti~m,Voc. Cp. Low Lat.
gain. HD : gane. J D ; ge~nes*,rrideyi., giagibretz~~,~
(Ducange), also OF. gigin'fairest, Sz.-Icel. ftg?z.
brait, a preparation of gingcr, pngenbrct,
Gepen, u. to meet, suit, avail; ge32- ginger (Bartach).
nenn, S ; geinen, to avail, profit, S, Sa ; ~
~$6. ginger,
~ S ~ iDcath.
, ~(-) ; ~
gayne, CM ; >ene, to reply, S ; g=e, to gingiuer, IID; gyngyrc, einzibnrrn,~oc.;
fit, J D ; gayned, Pt. s., Sa ; ganyde, pi,
~ i ~ ~einzebrum,
i d ~ ~ cath.
; gynS3 : gan=nd.3r. P.,becoming, suitable, S3. gere, promi,t.-o~. gzntendrr, fenp,br.iure;
--Id. cegna, to go against, to answer, t o ~ , & t .~ i ~ g i i i ~ act.
zilsfiiicr; Gr.
suit. See ? e- ~ n .
Giarkien, u. to prepare, S; see 3%- Ginnen,.,, to begin, s ; gynne, S, pp,
S3; gan, pt. s., began, S, Sz; gon, P P ;
Giaunt, 58. giant, Wa ; see Geaunt.
pi,, sz; gan, pt. $. (used as an
Giet, cm+. yet, S ; see jet.
auniiiary), did, S, Sa, Sg ; gon, S, PP, Sz ;
w,Sz ; gunnen,pl., S ; gunne, S, PP ;
Gif, Gief, if, Sz ; see 3if.
Gigelot, $6. astrumpet, MD, H ; gyge- gonne, S, PP, Sz, Cz, G.-AS. -ginnalt.
lot, wench, egnpz'ia, Prompt.; giglot, ND, pt. -gas (pl. -pnnon), pp. -gunnee.
Gipe, s6. cassock, CM ; ~ u b F1orio.,
Sh ; gigglet, ND.
,OF. jgppe (Cotg.), It. giuppa, giubbn
Giggyng, s6. clattering, C.








(Florio', Sp. aljuba (Minshen) ; Arab.
o1~'ubbah. a wooilcn undergarment ; cp.
MHG. rihui,c, G. scheude (Weigand).
Gipoun, rb. a short cassock, CM ;
mpoun, C ; gepoun, C ; jupon, H D ;
joupone, HD.
OF. ~ ? p o f * ,i2rpogz
(Cols.), It. fi=bbonc, a doublet (Florio.).
See above.
Gipser, $6. pouch, purse, C ; mpcer,
P ~ o I , , ~ ~gypsere,
I ' ~; ~
~ ~
Prompt.- OF. gidbeiiere (cotg.), from
@it., game.
mrdel, id. girdle, C, Cz; gurdel, s.AS. pyrdtl.
Girden, u. to gird, ringere, MD ; guyden MD girde a pi. s., Sz ; gyrte,
pi. s:, S ; ;gurd,aj., S, Sz ; gird, C, Wz ;
gert, S2.-AS, gyrdan.
~ r d e n u., lo $trike, CM, HD, cz,G ;
gurdep, zlirp.pi.,Sz ; gire,pt.i.,cast, PP ;
gerte, G ; g e r d e , ~ ~ . p i . , ~ s~z~ ;h girt,
pp., SkD (s.v.gride), C. Sce jerd.
Gisel, sb. hostage, MD ; gysles,pi, S ;
;isles, MD; jislen, dai., MD.-AS. firit;
cp. Icel. fisi.
Gist, d.guest; see Geat.
Giste, $6. a beam, ball<, joist, MD;
m y s t e , Prompt.; gyst, Palsg.; gintes,
pi., MD ; joyrtes, SkD.-OF. gisLe, joist,
something to lie on. 'See ~ o i s t .
Gistniuge, $6. banquet, S ; see Gest-

Gladynge, i.gladness, M D ;



unge, S.

Glam, sd. word, message, Sz ; loud

talk, noise, MD.-Icel. glam, a linkliug
Glaren, u. to shine brightly, S, SkD.
lsb. ~ S, c~ ~ , , - ~ ~ . ~
Glasen, a@. made of glass, PP.
to furnish with glass, PP.
Gla8, aiij glad, M D ; glade, S.-Icel.
Glaue, s6. sward, S3; see Gleyue.
Glayre, ib. the white of an egg, Cath. ;
See G1eyre.

Gle, sd. joy, glee, music, singing, S, S z ,

P P ; glee, Cz ; glie, S ; gleu, Cz (nj,
MD ; glew, MD, S3 ; glu, Prompt. ; gleo,
S ; glewis,pi, freaks, S3.-AS. ,sib, stem
giiwo-2 see Sievers, '5'.
Gleaw, odj wise, S ; gleu, 3.-AS.
Gled, a@ glad ; see Glad.
Glede, 16. il kite, n~i'iuirr,H (PE.6 2 . 8),
ND, WW, Voc-AS. glidi (VOC.).
Glede, 76. glowing coal, S, PI', S3, C z ;
gleede, C ; gleden, jZ., S ; gledess, S.AS.firiE: OS.glla'(srerng6idi); cp. OIIG.
giccot (dut. gk'oti). See Glowen.
Gledien, u. to make merry, S, Sz ; sce


Gledliche, a h . gladly. S.
Glednesse, sd. gladness, S.
mterne, PP, Prompt. ; gelerne, M u ;
getyrne, Voc. - OF. pritcmc ; cp. It. ~ l ~ d ~.ib. ~ h i S.~ ~ ,
Gle-man, sb. ; see Gleo-man.
rhitarra; Lat. iithara. See Citole.
Glenten, u. to glance, to move swiftly,
Giuenesse, s*. forgiveness, S.-*S.
a t e r u e , sb., C3. PP, MD, C M ;

M D ; glente,Pi. s., MD ; glent, S3, HD ;

shone,SkD (p. 808).-Swrd.,ui;nin, to glance

gifnei, grace.

Glad, pi.

s. glided, hlD; glade, S z ; aside (Kietz),

glaid, S3 ; see Gliden.
S ; see 'Ie.
Glad, aq.glad, S, S z ; gled, S ; glaid, G1eO,"'
h a. m S.
; gladdore, s2.- Gleo-beames. J U ~


AS, piad

~ L d i e n u.
, to make glad, make
S ; gladen, S, Cz ; glade, S3 ; glsid, S3 ;
gleadien, S ; gledien, S, Sz ; gladed, pi.
i., S2.-AS.
Gladliche, udu. gladly, P P ; gledlishe,
Gladnesse, $6. gladness, MD; glednesee, S.
Gladschipe, ib. gladness, M D ; gledsehipe, S ; gledsoipe, S ; glesdrohipes,
pi., S.
Gladsom, a*. pleasant, Cz.

Gleo-dreames, sb.pL jo3.s of masic, S .

Gleo-man, ib. minstlci, 1'~; glewrnan,

P P ; gleman, 1'?.
Gleowien, u. to make mnsic, to make
merry, MD.
Gleowinge, sd. music, S.
Glette,,sb.phlegm, slimy matter in the
throat, uziioittns, filth, Cath. (fs), Sz ;
glett, Cath.; glet, H, Cut11 (n).-OF.
glettc, 'Rsgm, fiith, whidi a llawl< throws
out at her beak after her casting,' Cotg.;
cp. North. E. flit, tough phlegm, JII.
Gleu, 4.wise, S ; see Gleaw.


Glew, $6. joy, glee, S3 ; see Gle.
Glew, ib. glue, MD ; see Glu.
Gleyme, sb. slime, 1
, sluten,




sb. gluttony, H ; glutiry, H ;

glutrie, MD.

Glotoun, $6. glutton, S, PP, TTz;

Prompt.; gleym, subtlety, 33; gleme, gluton, S.-AF. flutun; Lat. glutonem.
Gloume, u. ; see Glommen.
uisncs, Prompt. (rc).
Gleymows,n@.slimy,uisiosms,Prompt.; Glowen, u. to glow, PP, Prompt., C ;
glouand,$7. p., Sa ; glowennde, S.-Cp.
glaymous, HD.
Gleyre, $6. the white of an egg, C3, OIIG. giz~qian.
I'rompt., Cuth. (a); g l ~ y r eCath.
; g l s q e , Glu, sb. gloe, Prompt.; glew, MD.; gluten.
Manip.-OF. giaire, the white of an egg 0 V . f i ~ ~Lat.
(Cotg.) ; Low Lat.glam (Voc.) ; Late Lat. Gluen, u. to gloe, MD ; 7-glewed, pp.,
dara oui (Ducange) ; cp. Sp.ciara de /iuruo, Cz.
also It. iiiidra (Florio).
Glum, u. to look gloomy, S3; see
Gleyue, s l . sword, CM ; glayue, SkD; Glommen.
glave, S 3 , ND ; gleiue, SBD ; gleave, Glutenerie, $8.gluttony, 3.-AF. ,oh'Cotg., ND.-OF.
glaive; Lat. gladi~'m tsmerie.
(act.)-far the u in rlalur. see Brachet i5.v.
Glutoa, sb, glutton, S ; see Glotoun.
rb. elultonv, MD; see Glotori.
Gliden. u. to elide. S : s l ~ d .eCz.
C ? : Gnar, u. to snarl, 53; gnarre, ND.
glydande,pr. p., walking, Sz; glit,pr r., Cp. giearl, to snarl, Sh.
M D ; glad, pi. i.,MU ; glade, Sz ; glaid, Gnasten. u. tornash the teeth,Prornnt.,
Sl: ~ ' l o dMD.
5 2 : slood. C Z : *lode.
Wz,' 1~1;gnayste, H ; gna&e,
Mb ; g ~ i d e np, i , MD :-g~ide;l,pp:,Go.: Palsg.,
Manip.; gnartiden, pi. pi., W, W 2 ;
AS. glidan, pt. fidd (gtidon), pp. gZidtn.
gnaistid, H.-Cp.
Icel. firastan, a gnashGlie; sb. music, S ; see Gle.




Gref, s6. grief, M D ; greeue, daf., G.OF. prd from Lat. grauem, heavy.
Gre-hounde; sce Greyhownd.
Greit, sd. grit, S3; see Greot.
Greith, a q . ready, PP ; graith, exact,


Gretliche, ads.greatly, S, PP ; gretly,

Sz ; gretluker, romp., S.
Gret-wombede, a#. big-bellied, S3.
Gretyng, 26. lamentation, Sz ; s e t ynge, H.
Gretyngful, a@. sorrowful, 11.
Greuaunce, $6. grievance, hnrt, Cz ;
grewanoe, S3 ; greuaunces, pL, PP.OF. grevarzie.
Greue, sd. thicket, grove, MD; greues,
PI., Sz, CM, H D ; grevir, S3.
Greuen, v. to grieve, FP, S, c2.-AF.
gvcurr, to burden ; L Q ~SmaarL..
p~p ; gre- ~
uousere, io7,8p,,
gray3 '3'
See Grys.

direcl, PP, Sa ; grayp, P P ; graypest,

super(., PI', Sz ; graith, ddv., S3.-Icel.
gveiSr, ready: Goth. ga-raids, enact.
Grei'Gen, a. to piepare, SD ; graithe,
H , I I D ; grathis, pr. s., dresses, S3 ;
graithed, pt. s., Sz ; greythede, S ;
#reithide, Sa: greithede,PZ., Sa ; greythe% P?, S ; gre3iPeddj S ; grePPed,
s ; grwthed, IID, 5 % ; i-greiset, S ;
y-greised, S3 ; graia, IT.-Icel. gveisa.
Grei'Gliche, adu. readily, P P ; graithly,PP, I I D ; graythely, Sz ; gratheli, Sz.
&.=mien, to .,ex, to be angry, MD, Voc.
i grayhund,Voc.; gr*yhownd,Voc.;
s ; greme, s ;
pp., S.-AS. grehunde,
Voc. : grehownde, Prompt. ;
. See Gramien.
greahund, SkD ; grehoundes, pL, S3 ;
Grene, $6. snare; see Grin.
greahondes, S3 ; greihoundes, SkD.Grene,' a and id. green, S, PP, Sz, Cz, Icel. gryviiundr, greyilonnd ; grey, a dog.
C3; greyne, B.-AS, g ~ d n e : OS. g d s i ; Greyn, i6. handle, branch,MD; gr-,
cp. OIIG. p.n,o+ii(Tatian).
MD; grayne, WA.-lcel. greir~ili.
Grenehede, ~ 6 .greenness, wantonness
$6, grain ofcorn, a kind ,,fspice,
Sz, Ca.
MD, PP, CM ; greyne, Prompt.; greyn
Grennen, u. to grin, show the teeth (as de Parys, CM.-AF, p i n , grain; at.
a dog), S, W; grennyn, Prompt.-AS.
colour, dye, PP, M D ;
Grennunge, rb. grinning, S ; grengrayn, C2.-AF. p i n e ;
nynge, Prompt.
dye (Dncunge).
Great, sd: gravel, grit, P P ; greit, S3 ; Greyn-horne, s6. Greenhorn, the name
greete, Mamp. ; grith, PP.-AS.&ot.
of an ox in the Towneley Mysteries, HD.
Gres, s6. grass, S, Prompt. See Gras. Griffoun, $6. griffin, C, Sz ; gryffown,
a gripe (Cotg.).
Gresy, a@. grassy, ~ 3 .
Gret, a@ great, S, Sz, Cz, P P ; greet, Gril, ae.horrible, rough, fierce, MD ;
C z ; grete, Prompt., PP, Sz, Cz; grette, gryl, Sz, Prompt.-Cp. MIIG.grel,angry.
P P ; greatte, S ; grate, S ; gretture, coriLp. Grillen, u. to vex, MD ; grulde,pt. s.,
S: erettoure.. P P : crettour. PP: sretter t\vaneed, S ; i-gruld, ..
c ~ Sgrettere, wz; grettert, n~peri.,PP; -A% grilla+a.
grete, ads., S3.-AS. grdot.
Grim, a@. fierce, S ; grym, heavy, PP.
Greten. u. to salute. S. PP. sz: sret. SZ, C i grimme. pi., horrible, S.-AS.



g~dfid;r;'c~.OHG. ~ruezeltio?frid).
Greten, u. to wecp, S, PI', H ; greete,
S j ; gret, Sz ; groten, S ; gretande,pr.p.,
HD ; gretand, Sa, S3, H ; gret, pr. s., S ;
gret,pt. s., S, H ; grete, H D ; grete, pp.,
IID, Sa.-AS.g,,&tan (grtan),pt.grct (pl.
grdtom), pp. p i t e n : Icel. grdia.
Gretien, u. to magnify; i-gret, pp., S.
-AS, greatzan.

Grin, $6. &ire, noose, S, Voc. ; gryn,

W ; grene, layzrrus, nfD, Voc.; grune,
MU ; grone, MD ; grane, MD.-AS. grin.
Grinden, u. to grind, MD ; y-grounde,
pp., Cz ; grunayn, S3 ; grounden, C3.AS. grindali, pt, grand (pl. gvandoir), pp.

Grindere, il. grinder ; grynderis, pi,


Grip, sb. vulture, S ; grype, Voc., Grot, $6. atom, M D ; grotes, pi, S.AS. grot, particle.
Prompt.-Icel. g*r.
Gripen, u. to grip, S, PP, H ; grap, Grote, $8.groat, C3, P P ; grotte, S3.pi.$.,MD ; grop, M D ; gripen,pi.,M D ; OLG. grute, a coin of Bremen; cp. Du.
grepen, M D ; gripen,$$., M D ; grypen, gmot, great. Cf. Gret.
1''; griped, PP.-AS. gripan, pl. g r d j Groten, 8 . l o weep, S, MD ; reeGreten.
(pl. gripon),$pmz.
Ground, sb. ground, foundation, bottom
Gris, $6. a young pig, PP; grise, Clth.; (or water), M ; grund, S ; grounde,
gryse, Voc. : gryce, I'rompt. ; grYs, PL, 1'P; gronde, dat., Sz ; groundes, pi.
MD, Sz, PP.-Iccl, grits.
foundations, Sz. Ph7: to grounde corn,
Grisen, u. lo shudder, Sz ; gryse, to came to tile ground, i.e. was ruined, S2.bc frightened, H D ; him gror, pt. r. reflez., AS. g~irrurzd.
S.-AS. p i s a n , pt. g7ds (pl. grison), pp. Grounden, a. to found; grownden,
Prompt.; groundes, zpr.s.,Sa; grounded,
Grislich, a@. horrible, S, Sz; grislic, pp., Sz.
S ; gryrliche, S,P P ; gri.jli, Sz ; grisly,
~ b a. little wood, prompt., M D ;
Cz, C3; grisliche,
S ; grieslie, S3. g.,ys,pi,
-AS, griiiii.
Grouelings, ads. flat on one's face,
Grist! rb. gronnd corn, SkD.-AS.grist,
S2 ; see Groflinges,
from grrndarz ; for loss of n before s see
Groyn, $6. the snout of a pig, C M ;
Sievers, 185.
groyne, Prompt.; groon,Manip. ; grune,
Grist-batinge, sb. grinding of the Cati,,-OF,gvoi lzg,groin,
teclh, ML); grirbayting, MU ; grisGroynen, u. to grunt, to murmur, \ V ;
bitting, Sz.
groignen, ML).-OF. groignrv, g,.ognzr.
Grith, sb. peace, S ; grit'e, daf., S.Gro~n~ng,rb.murmuri~g,discontent,C
ICCI. grit, domicile, place ofsafety,
Grucchen, u. to grudge, gmmble, I'P,
hence gri8 iu the Chron.
Ca ; grocching, pr. p., Sz : gwc~ ~ i s - bs6.~breach
~ ~,,ftheh peace,
~ , S. S%
ohed, pt. i., S3 ; grutchiden, p t . p i , \V,
GriDGful, a@ peaceful, MD.
Wz.-OF. groa~her,p u i r r , grocer.
GriEfulnesse, sb. peacefulness, S.
Gracching, $8, gr,,,nb~ing, s ; grucGrocchen, u. to grudge, grumble, Sa, chyng, G ; grutshrng, VIT.
S3. See Gruochen.
Gruf, ad*. flat on one's face, MD, C,
Grof,$t. s. dug, buried, H. See Grauen. c2. p h ~a. grnf, ID ; on groufe, MD;
Grof, ndu. flat on one's face, C T (951); one the groffe, MD. Sec Grof.
gmf, h.1D2C2, C.-CP. 1 ~ ~[kWa
1 . dx7.Lfu3 ~ r ~ l di.,~ ,
S ; see G ~ ~ u
to lie on one's face.
Grund, sb. gronnd, bottom of a well, S ;
Groflinges, odu. groveling, MD ;
grouelings, Sz : gronelynge, slrpzaur,
Grundlike, ad*. thoroughly, henrtil)r.
; grufevnge,
cuth. see above.
Grom, sb. lad, servnnt, PI', grome, MD. S. See above.
Grunten, a.togrunt, MD ; gryntiden,
PP, s ( s ) ; gromes,pi.,S, PIJ.-C~. OD,,.
pt. pi., MD. Cp. OIIG. grulmn.
Grome, sb. vexation, anger, S. See Gruntyng, $6. grunting, gnashing, 1%';
grynting, W ; grentyng, W.
Gronen, v. to groan, PP, CM, Prompt.; Grure, $6. horror, MD.-AS. gryrc;
grony, Sz ; graninde,pr p., S ; granand, 0s.g n r r i .
Grure-ful, a& horrible, S.
Sz ; gronte,pt. s., C2.-AS. gniaiatz.
Grop,pt. s.; sce Gripen.
Gruselien, u. to munch, S.
Gropien, u. to seizc, handle, M D ; Grusen, v. to munch, M D ; gryze,
grown, 1'rompi.i grope, C, C3 ; grape, H D ; gruse, JD.
paipoi'e, H, Mainp.-AS. g~dpian, from Grys, $6. a costly fnr, the fur of the grey
gripan. See Gripen.
squirrel, C, Sa, PP, H D ; grey, C3;
Gros, pt. s. r@x. was afraid, S. See gryce, Prompt.; greys, P P ; greyce, S3.
-OF. fris, gray.
Grot, $6. weeping, S, MD. See Greten. Gu,you, S ; see Eow.

Gurdel, ib. girdle, S ; see Girdel.
done, S3, CM-AF. guerdolz: It. gz'idar- Gurden, a. to stiike, hlD; gurdep,
done; Low Lat. uiderdoirz'ni (Ducunge).
sz; ~ i ~ d ~ ~ ,
Guerdonen, u. to reward, CM.-OF.
Gurles, sb.pI. children (of either sex:,


i b , reward, S3, CM; gaer-

guemdorer (liartich).
C, PP ; gerles, PP. Phr.: knave gerlys,
Guerdonlesse, a+ without reward, boys, IID. Cf. Gyrle.
GuBhede, rb, youth, S ; see 3outhede.
Guerdonyng, rb. reward, CM.
Gyde, s6. clothing, S3, MD ; gide, MD,
Gukgo, $6. cuckoo, S3 ; see Cukkow. JD.
Gyde, rb. guide, C3.
Gulche-cuppe, $6. u toss-cup, S.
Gulchen, u. to gulp, swallow greedily, Gyden, u. to guide, Cz, C3, Pnlrg.OF. g u z d c
Gyen, u. to guide, direct, PI', Prompt.;
Gulde, sb.dai. gold, S ; see Gold.
Gulde, $8.
c ; G O I ~ ~ . m e , 53, Ca, C3 ; gie, PI'; gYede, pt. s.,
Gulden, a+ golden, S, h f ;~gilden, PP, S2.-oF. .P:er, fzziihr.
Gy'lofre, $6. gillyflower, Sz (s.Y. cloiozue);
Sz, MI).-AS. gylden.
Gult, $6. guilt, S, Sz, C, P P ; gylt, See Gerronour.
*It, a 9 gilt, PP; gulte, P P ; gilt.,
C ; gilt, S, P P ; =Ite, P P ; gilte, PI';
wltes,pl. faults, S, P P ; gultus, Sz.-AS.
Gylt, u. to gild, S3.
delicate, short, scanty,
Gulten, u. to sin, S ; gilte, pt. s., S ; Gymp, @
S3; gimp, JD ; neat, IID ; jimp, HU,
gulte,pi., 1'1' ; i-gult,pp., S.-ASu.yliar.
~ u i t y a(@.
, zuilty, c, r p ; p y , PP; D G ; gsm, trim, spmce, S3; gim, DG ;
nm, D G ; jemmy, DG.
gilty, PP ; gelty, S.-AS. gyltzf.
G ; g i ~ t y G,
~ , HD. Gyrle, ~ 6 a. child, generally a girl, bllt
also used of a boy, MU ; g e l e s , p i , MD ;
Gumen,pi. men, S ; scc Gome.
girles, hlD. Ci. Gurler.
Gumme, sb. gum; see Gomme.
Gyrss, rb. grass; see Gzm.
Gunge, a@. Y ~ W , S ; gunge=t, s*$eri., G
~SJ. guise,
~ manner,
, C, PP, PI,,,,,^^. ;
youngest, 3 ; gunkerte, S ; see 3ong.
gise, C, S3; gsss, S3.-AF. guise. See
Gunnen,, did; see Ginnen. wpe.
Gur, your, S ; see 3e.
Gysse,, S3; see Gos.


Ha, pm-on.he, S, Sz. See He.

Habben, Habe; see Hauen.
Haberdasher, sb. a seller of small

wares, C, SkD (p. 809).

Habundance, sb. abundance, Ca.

Habundant, a+. abundant, Cz.
Habundantly, adv. abimdontly, C3.
Habunde, u. to abound, NED.-OF.

Haberdashrie,d,Ilaberdashery, SkD. habonder, abssdo; ;at, alzwm!are.

Haberioun, $6. hubrrgeon, a piece of xaC, cwbut, S ;
armour to defend the neck and breast P P .
W, Tvz ; hawbyrgon, Go=, Hacche, $6. hatch, PP ; hash, hatch

a "ilil'. Sz'-Cp'
h%burjon,Sz;habergeoun,Ca; haberion,
haulelfore, from iianbeyc.
src Had. sb. slate, order. runic, person (of
Christ), S ; $1, ranks (of angels), S.-AS.
Habilitie, rb. ability, S3. See Abilite. hddid: cp' OHG'
HE-; jce u''der He-.
Hable, a d j able, S3, MD. See Abil.
~ ~ b ~ ~ abundantly,
~ d s3.
d Haehst,
~ , highest; see xeigh@st.
Haele8, sb. warrior ; see Hels8.
See XabunBa*ntly.
Habounde, u. to abound, NED, S3, Haene,, S. See Xeyne.
C2; see Xabunde.
Herre, $6. lord, S. See Herre.




Hangen, u. (weah) to hang;

(I) inlr., buffoon, rascal, C, P P ; herlot, acrobat,

M D ; hengen, S, MD; hongen, S, Sa,S3; H ; harlotte, M D ; harlotes, p i , 1';
hongien, MD ; hingen, Sz ; hing, MD ; herlotis, H ; a@. scoundrelly, S3.-OF.
hyng, Sz, S3, I3 ; henged,pl. s., MD, S ; harlot, herlot, arlof.
honged,pL, S3, G ; hangiden, W ; hew'Harlotrie, s6. tale-telling, jesting talk,
ed, pj., S ; ( 2 ) fv. hongede, pi. r., S z ; ribaldry, buffooncry, P ; harlatrye, jesting
hongide, W ; hangede, MD ; hanged. =Lat. icr~rrilitnr( ~ L ~ ~ o s s hW
i a;
) ,hsriopp., P ; y-honged, Sz.-AS. hangzalz.
tries,$[,, C.
H a n s e l l e , rb. handsel, earnest-money Harm, d.harm, S ; hserm, S ; hearm,
on a purchase, a gift, PP, Cath. : hansale, S ; harem, S ; hserme, daf., S ; harme,
rlrena, Prompt.: haunsel, M D ; hansel. S, Cz ; hermes,pl,darnages, S ; harmes,
P, HD.-Icel. handsal, the confirming of a pp.-AS.
bargain by shaking hands.
Harmen, u. to harm, S ; hea~me8,pr.
Hansellen, a. to handsel, to betroth, J., S ; hermie, subj.., s.-AS. hranuian.
MD., Cath., %'
; i-hondsald,P$., S.H
~$6. the cranium,
Icel. halzdiaie.
Cath.; harnpanne,Voc.; hamnpane,Voc.;
Hap, $6. chance, fortune, C z , C3, P P ; hernepanne, HD.
W ; happes, pi', P'-lcel'
Harries, brains, Voc., Cath.,
H D ; haerner, S; hernes, Sz.- Icrl.
Happen, to
chance, P, S z , Cz, hjami, the brain ; cp. Goth. hiuainrei.
C3; hapte, $1. s., MD.
Harneys, sb. armour, C, PP, S3;
Happiliche, ads. perchance, P ; happ. herneys, C, PP.-OF. hovncis.
pily, P.
Harneysed,pp. equipped, C.
Happy, a@. lucky, S3.
Baro! infer/. a acry for assistance raised
Happyn, u. to wrap up, Prompt., M D : in ~ ~ r m a n dbyy any one wronged, H D ;
hap, J D ; happis, pr. s., S3 ; h a ~ p i d , harow, P P ; harrow, an exclamation of
pt. E., H D ; happid,pp., 11.
harro! OF.
distress, C, C j , PP.-AF.
H a p p y n g e , sb. wrapping, H.
haro, hard, Cotg., Palsg., p. 501, Bartsch.
Harborowe, a. to harbour ; see Be=- Harre, 26. hinge, C, Cnf. See Herre.
Harryng, sb. growling like a dog, Sz.
Harde, a4. hard, severe, disastrous, Barwen, u. to harrow, harry, ravage,
parsimonious, PP, Cz ; hard, S ; hard% pp, MD, CM ; herwen, MD ; herien,
herdore, adj. cronzp S ; harde, ad% se- S, ; harowen, PP, MD ; her;ien, S ; her.
verely, S, Sz ; , hard, with difficulty. W. ;ien,MD.-AS. hirgian.
Comb. : hsrdeclo8er, saclrdoth, S. Phr.: Hary,u, to drag
CM; harry,
ofhard,withdificulty,W,lV2.-AS. heard. to
vex, H D ; haried,jp.,C.-OF.
Hardeliche, ad*. bravely,
Sz ; havier, to harry, hurry, vex (Cotg.).
h.sraely, S3.
Has, $6.command, S ; see Heste.
Harden? to
hard; y-harded, H a s a r d , sb. the game of hazard played
pp., Cz.
with dice, C3, Voc.-OF. hosuvd, hasart.
Hardenen, u. toharden; harrdenesst,
s6. a
z p ~s.,
. S.
Voe.; haserder,Voc.-AF. haiardour, OF.
Hardi, a@. hardy, S, Wz ; bold, daring, hasadur,
Sa ; hardy, Ca, PP.-OF, hardi.
Hasardrye, $6. gaming, playing at
Hardiliche, a h . boldly, P ; hardi- hazard, Ca.
like, S ; hardily, CZ; hardiloker, ~or>*p., H
~ ~H. , H ~ ~ . .
Haske, sb. a wicker fish-basket, ND,
Hardiment, rb. boldness, MD; hardyment, Sz.
Haspe sb. a hasp, fastening of a door,
Hardinesse, sb. boldness, C z ; hardy- ~~,,i,,.; 'aespe, Prompt., Cath. - As.
nesse, W, I'P.
hiqpse (Voc.).
Earding, $4.a hardening, Ca.
Haspen, u. to hasp, obsernre, Manip.;
Hares, pl. hairs, Sz ; baris, S3. See hasped,$$., S z ; y-hasped, P ; i-haspet,
Harlot, sb. beggar, vagabond, ribald, Bast, s6. haste, PP.-Cp. OSwed. hart.








hawthorn, PP, Heer, s6. hair, S3, C3; heere, W, P P ;

Prompt. ; hajporn, MD.-ONortll. h a p - see Here.
porn (Mat. 7. 16).
Heer, a&. herc, Cz, P P ; her, S, Sz,
Hare, 36. .z hedge, n kind of springe to C ; haer, S; hier, Sz ; hire, G. Comb.:
catch rabbits, S3; hny, ND.-OF. haie her-afternard,herrafter,C3; her-biuore,
heretofore, Sz ; herbiforn, C3; her-inne,
(haye), a hedge.
xaymwarde, sb. helige.waiden, PP ; herein, C3; her-onont, as regards this, S ;
haiwarde, P P ; I,
voc.; hei- her-to, hereto, C3; for this cause, W ;
ward, S . - F ~ O ~ AS. hege, hedge, and heer-vpon, herevon, Cz.
Heete ; see raten (I).
Hajheli3, ad*. becomingly, S ; hajhe- Hefaen; see
like, S.-Icel.
sliitabl~, Hegge, s6. hedge, S, C, I V z ; hegges,
pi, P ; heggis, W2.-AS. heffe (dat.) in
from h a p .
Hajher, adj. sl<ilful, MD ; hawnr, C1'ron.
M u ; hsver, MD; hajherrn&e,adu., be- Hegh, sb. haste, H ; see W e .
Heh, ail/ high, S, Sa, PI'; see Xeigh.
comingly, S. See above.
He,pron. he, S ; used indefinitely,=one Heh-dai, s6. high day, festival, MD;
of you, P ; heo, S ; hi, S ; hie, S ; ha, S, hseje-daeie, dnf., S.
S z ; a, Sz ; I., S z ; e, S ; hss=he+ hes, Hehe, ndu. highly, S ; see Heighe.
he them, S ; hes=he+hes, he her, S.
Heh-engel, s6. archangel, S.-A.S.
Hea-; see under Xe-.
Heh-fader, $6. patriarch, SD: hageHeal, 36. hail, S3 ; see xail.
faderen, $2. daf., S.-AS. hiahfader.
xealden, u. to
S; see =elden.
Healen, $6. pr dat. heck, S ; see Hehlich, adj noble, proud, perfect,
3fD; hely, S3.-AS. hdah/zi.
to oppress,
5 ; Hehliche, ad*. highly, splendidly,
loudly, hfD ; heihliohe, Sz ; he;lYche ;
heande, pt. s., S ; beaned, $p.,
h-hliche, S ; hehlice, S; heslice, 3.s.-cp. AS. hjnan, to humble, fro,,, hian, AS.
despised. See ~ e y n e .
xeas, $6.
ease, daf., S. see,S;
Hehnesse, sb. hishoess, M D ; heyXeste.
nesse. S3; heghnes, Sa ; hi;nesse, W.xeascen, u. to inwlt, MD; heascede, AS.
pt. s., S.-Cp. AS. hyscan.
Heh-seotel, sd. high-sent, throne, S ;
Heater, sb. clothing, S ; w e Hatere.
hegrettle, dct,,
Heaued, $6. head, S ; see Xeued.
W : see xey.
Heaued-sunne, $6. capital sin, deadly
Hei, ail/. high, S, Sa ; see Xeigh.
sin, S.
Heien, 8 . to extol, S ; see xijen.
Hecht ; see H;sten.
Heigh, a@ high, chief. principal, noble,
Hecseities, $1. a term in logic, s3.
PP, CM, Cz, Sa ; heti, PP, Sz ; heyLS3;
~ ~ dxedden,
d ~ ,had; see xausn.
heih, S ; heh, S, Sz, P P ; hegh, Sz, 3 3 ;
Hede, rb. heed, care, Cz, PP.
hey, PP, Cz, S, Sz; hei, S, Sz; heg, S ;
Heden, *. to heed, S ; hedde, ?t.. r.,
S, s z ; hij, W, S ; hyje, S S ; hihe,
SkD; head, RID.-AS.h!dadan:
OS. hodza*t, C; hi, p p ; hy, c z ; haeh, S;
cp. OHG. huaten (Otfrid).
hee, Sz.-AS. Adah, hdh.
Hee- ; see under ne-.
Heighe, ads. highly, P P ; he% PP,
Hee, a*. high s e e Xeigh.
Sz ; heye, S, Sz, PP ; heh;e, S ; hehe, S ;
Heed, sd. head, Cz, C j , G, W ; see heie, S, Sz ; hye, C z ; he, S z ; hse3e, S.Xeued.
AS. hPngc, hiah.
Heedlyng, adu. headlong, W.
Heigher, ail/ coin$. h i ~ h e r ,C, CM;
Heele, sb. heel, P P ; helis, $I., P P ; heyer, Sz, C3; hyer, S3; herre, S, P.belen, dat, S ; h d e n , S.-AS. hP/a.
AS. hirra.
Beep, rd. heap, crowd, number, PP, Heighest, a@. ssupd. highest, P P ;
W z ; hep, PP; hepe, Cath., G, PP.-AS,
heghest, S z ; hehjhesst, S ; hegest, S ;
heap; cp. OHG. holtf(0tflid).
heat, Sz ; haehst, S.-AS. hdhit.



Heih, a+. high;

see Heigh,


Helpen, v. to help, Sz : halp,pt.s., Ca,

P P ; hdplpe, PP, Sz : pl., P ; hoipyn, P ;
huben, P ; holpen, pp., C, Cz, P P :
Heir, $6.heir, S, Cz ; see Eir.
helpan ; pt.
Hei-uol, a@. hhaugt~,Sa. seexeigh. h o l ~ e ,P ; hulpe, ?.-AS.
Hei-ward, $6. hedge-warden, hayward, he=#; pp. hoipee~; cp. Goth, Airpan.
H e l p l e e s , adj. helpless, C3 ; helplea,
S ; see xay-warde.
Hekele, sb. hatchel, mataxe, Prompt.; PP'
Helthe, 36. health, salvation, Sz ;
hechele, hatchel for Han, I I D ; helryae
heelthe, W.-AS. 6i;l~.
mataxa, Voc., Calh.; heckle,
Manip.; hekkill, heckle, cock's comb, S3; H e m , p r o n . p l . dat. und act. them, S, Sa,
S3, Cz, W, PP ; hom, S, S L; ham, S, Sz ;
heckle, 1ID.-Cp. Du. hekci, hatchel.
him, C z ; heom, S.-AS.
hit>>, heom,
Helde, sb. age, S ; see Elde.
Helde, sb. u slope, S ; heldes,pl,, MD. dat. PI.
Helden, a. to tilt, to incline, S, Sz, W ; H e m - s e l f r p r o n . themselves,S,C3, PP ;
healden, to poor, s; helae, pt, j., W ; hemseluen, P P ; hemsilf, W, W z ; hempP.
halde, S ; helaea, Sz ; helmd, H ; held,
pp., Sz.-AS.
helilan; cp. Icel, halla, to Hende, ads. at hand, Sz.
mcllne; E. heel (over). See x e n .
Hende, odj. "near at hand, handy, caurteous, S, Sz, G, P ; heind, Sz ; hinde, S3 ;
Heldynge, sb. an inclining aside, H.
Hele, $6. health, soundneis,S, Sz, ~ 3C,; hendest, superl., S ; hrenaest, S.-AS.
hale, S ; heale, S, S3; hel, Sa ; he~es, (ge!he*dc.
pil S1.-AS. hblu.
Hendeliche, a h . courteously, S, Sz,
Helen, u. tocover,conceal,CM,P, S, sz; P ; h-"delishe, S ; hendely, Sz ; hen%
heolen, S ; halen,pp., S ; heled, Sz: hole, lithe, S3.
MD.-AS. hriaa, pt. A d , pp. h o b ~ r ;cp. H e n d i , a+. gracious, courteons, S2 ;
henay, Sa, MD.-AS.
h e d i g (in cornOIIG. hetan (Otfrid).
Helen, u, to heal, PP, Sa, cz; halyd, pounds): Goth. harrdiifs, clerer.
pp., H.-AS. 8i;lan; cp. OHG. heilen H e n g , p t . s. hcmg ; see Rangen.
Henge, rb. hinge, MD : hengis, pi,
Helende, sb. the Saviour, the Healer, Wz. See Hangien.
S ; halende, S ; healent, S.-AS. hhiend; Henne, ads.hence, S, C j , P P ; heonne,
cp. OHG. heilalrt (Otfrid).
S ; hennen, S.-AS. heonnn.
Heleth, 16. armed man, warrior, M D ; Hennes, ads. hence, S, Sz, P, W ;
hrel8, MD; helaes, p i , S.-AS. he[&; hennus, W ; heonnes, PP.
cp. G. held.
Hennes-forth, adw. henceforth. Cz.
Helfter, $6. nouse, snare, S.-AS. h=rJ- Henten, u. to reizc, Prompt., S j , C3,
tre (Voc.) ; see SkD. (s, v. halter).
P ; hente, pt. s., PP, Sa, Cz. C3, H D ;
Heling, sb. suivation, Sa.
hynt, S3 ; hent, Sz, PP, S3 ; pp., S3, Cz,
Hell, u, to pour out, H ; hel, I pr. $., C3 i Y-hent, C3.-AS. hentan.
H ; hen, imp. s., H ; h e ~ i e s , p iH
, ; hel- Henter, $6. a thief, HD.
land, pv. p., H ; helt, pt. s., H ; pp., H. Heo- ; see under He..
-1crl. hella, to pour. See Helden.
Heo, pron. she, S, Sz, P ; hi, S ; Bye,
Helle, sb. hell, Cz, MD, 1'P ; =irrje- S ; hie, MD; he, S, Sz, P ; hue, Sz : ha, S ;
Sz, S3 ; 3eo, S ; aha, S ; >he,Sz ; )e, S
mum, W.-AS.
hell: OHG. hella: Goth.
(s. v. p ) ; heo, act., hcr, S.-AS. Ado.
Helle-fur, $6.hell-Trre,S.-AS, Bellcyjr. Heo, pro*. he, S ; see He.
Heom, pron. them, S ; see Hem.
Helle-hound, sb. hell-hound, MD.
Heo-seolf, she herself, S.
Helle-mu8, sb. mouth of hell, S.
Helme, xb. a helm, covering for the Hep. s6. heap; see Heep.
head, PP, CM ; helm, MD.-AS. helnr; H e p e , sb. hip, the fruit of the dog-rose,
cp. Goth. hibns.
SkD, MD; heepe, CM.-AS. heope,
Helmed, adj. provided with a helm, Hepe-tre, sb. coraui, Voc., Cath.
Ca, CM.
Heraud, i.herald, S3, C ; heraudes,
Belp, id. help, Cz, PP.
pL, C, PP.-OF. Aeraud, hemuit, heroit.
Heind, adj. ; see Hende.

Hii, a+ h i ~ hW,
, S ; see Xeigh.
Sz, P P ; h d d e n , S ; held*, S ; halst, 2
Hi?en, u. to heighten, extol, W ; heien, pr. s.. S ; s., S, Sz, S3, Cz ; hallt,
s ; hieth, pr. r., W ; i-heied, pj., S (p. S ; hauld, PI., S3; haldes, haldir, inip
pi., Sz ; heold,pt. i., S ; heels, Ca ; hield,
rz3); i-hadpd, S ; heghid, 11.
q e n , u . t o hie,
MU, W ; hyaen, S q hhld, Ss ; heoldon, $l, 3 ; heolden,
s3, ~ p bye,
; ,.gcx.,
sz,c 3 ; S ; heolde, S ; held=, Cz, PI'; hielden,
ailede, pi $., S, sz,s3, PP; hi3+ pp., S ; hulde, Sz ; i-halden, pp., S ; ha1-n)
W ; hied, PP.-AS. h i p a , hi@inlr.
Hilingli, a h . hastily, W.
Hi3t ; see Xatuten.
Hilte, $6. delight, joy. S.-AS. hyhf,
joy ; CP. hihti=f,j,joy,exultation (Voc.).
glad, S.-AS.
Hilten, u. to rejoice,
hyhtarz ; cp, ge-iiiiitn,~(Voc.).
Hilten, u. to adom, Tlcvisa, (1.41,
and 2.363) ; high%,HD ; hihten,Pi.PL 3.
Hiiter, $6.embellisher, Treviss, (1. 7).
Hoball, $6. an idiot, S3; hobbil, IID.
C p . Du. hobbeten, to toss, stammer,
Ho-bestez, i b . j i she-beasts, S2. See


sb. a

kind of hawk, Manip.;

hoby, Uoc., Cnth.; hobby, H D ; hobies,

pl., S3.-Cp.

OF. hobreaa (Cotg.).

$2, S3, PP; hode, Cz,

Eod, sb. hood,

P ; see mood.

Hoddy-peke, $6. a hood-piclr, H D ;

see Nnddy-peke:
Hohful, a@. anxious, M D ; hohfulle,
S.-AS. hohfui, from h o p , care.
Boise, u. to hoist. lift UP, ww ; horse,
sa ; hy-, Pals&.; h ~ s e , P a l r g;. hoighced,
pp., W\X1.-Cp. Ouo. hy~sns,G. hiism,
Du. Aijsihen, also F. hirrcr.
Hok, sb. hook, M D ; hoo, Sz; hokes,
pi., P.-AS. hdt.
Hoked, a @ provided with a hook, P ;
i-hoked, hooked, S.
Hoker, ib. mockery, scorn.MD; hokere,
d ~ t . S, ; hokeres,pl., S.-AS. hdior
Hoker-lahter,sb.the laughter ofscom,
Hokerliche, a h . scornfully, S.
Hokerunge, $6.scorn, h1D; hokerringe, dat., S.
Hokkerye; see Hukkerye.
Hold, 36. a stronghold, C3.
Hold, a@. iinclincd to any one, gracious,
frienilly, S ; holde, pi, SI.-AS.
Goth. hu(pr.
Holdelike, adu. graciously, Sz.
Holden, u. to hold, obie~ve,Iieep, considcr, S, Sx, PP; healden, S; hslden, S,

5 2 ; i-holde, S, Sz ; holden, S,Ca ; holde,

beholden, Sz ; kept. C z ; y-holde, Sz, C3;
y-holden, P ; i-hialde, S.-AS. heaid~n.
Hole, pp. covered; see Xelen.
entire, i. e.
xole, a ~ ,whole,
neatly ,,,ended ,,, P ; see mool.
footecl), Sz.
P ; holly, sz,C ;
h o ~ ~ y c hs3
e , ; h o i ~ i ~ hPP;
e , hoiiche, PP.
Holi, nii/. holy, S, P P ; holy, P P ; hali,
S, Sl ; heal%,S ; ali, S ; hali), S ; hsll>he,
S ; haliolle, a h . , S.-AS. hdlig.
Holi-cherche, s l . IIoly Church, P ;
holikirke, P.
Holi-dai, $, P P ; haliday, P.
Holi-gost, 26. Holy Ghost, P P ; haligast, S.
Holle, i b , hull of a ship, SKD (p. 811).
MU,Vuc., 13rompt.-AS. iioih. Cf.Holwe.
Holly, ib. holly, M D ; holie, S ; holy,
Prompt. Sec Xolrn.
Holpen, $j.; see Helpen.
Holsumliche, ad*. wholesomely, S.
See Xool.
Holt, sb. a wood, wooded hill, grove,
MD ; holte, C, PP ; hoites, p ~s3,
, PP.AS. holt ( O r r . ) .
Holwe, a*. hollow, C3, PP ; howe, pi.,
S3, JD.-Cp. AS, holh, a hollaw.
Holyn, sb. holly, S (p. 1r6), Voc.. MD,
Cath. ; holin, S (p. 1x6); hollen, MD.AS. holen, iioief9z.
Holyn-bery, sl. holly~bcrry,Cath.
Homage, $6. men, retainers, vassalage,
s.-OF. honlate.
Homicyde, sb. assassin, Cz. - AF.
hoii~icida;Lat. honiicid~(Valg.).
Homicyde, sb, manslaughter, murder,
C3. --OF. honzici'i8; Lat. iiomicidi$r?,r
Homliche, a@. meek, donrrstim, \V ;
homeli, W ; hamly, ads. familiarly,
heartily, H. See Hoom.
Homlinesse, ib. domesticity, Ca ;
hamlynes, intimacy, 11.
Homward, odv. hoe~eward,S, Cz.
Eon-; see also under Xun-.

Rond, $6. hand, S, Sz, Cz. See Hand. -AS h o d : Goth. Quzd; cp. Lat.
Bond-fast,$#. fastened by the hands,G. see Bri~gmann,5 469.
Honest, adi honoural~le,worthy, ~ z , Horde-hows, rb. treasary, HD.
C3. P P : oneat. W : onaste. \Y.- OF. IEordere. sb. trmamer. SD.-AS.

hGierte ; ~ u ~ t

Honestetee. sb. honomablenesr, Cz.

Honestly, adv. honoi~rably,C3.
Hong, pt. r. hung ; see xangen.
Hongede, #t, s. irutig; see xangen (2)
Honour, i6. lionunr, MU; honur, Sz

1 ~;G-?V;>;):'



rb. the



office of trea-

sorer; horderwyoan, S.

pr. p., W ; anuret, irvp. pi, S ; anurede

#t.p/.. S ; anured.pp., S ; onourid, Wz.-

Hore, $6. wlrore, P P : hoore, W, W z ;

horis,$/., W ; hooris, W.-Icel. h d m .
Horedom, s6. whoredom, PP ; hordom,
S, Sz.-Icel. iib~dbncr.
Boreling, $6. fornicator, ;2ID ; horlinges, S .
Hori, ad/. dirty, M D ; hoory, MU.AS, horix.

UP. honorer (oiri~rer); Lnt. honavi7rc.

" , sb. honev.
,. PP.. W.-AS. hzz,zir.

See Oroloae.


h o n z ~ v ;Lut. Boiiorem.

Ronoure, u. to honour, PP, C z ; onuri

S ; honur, Sz; anuri, S ; onourynge

Borlege, $6. time-teller, clock, Cath.

Borlege-loker, $6,a diviner, h a r u ~ p c z ,


Horowe, a*. foul, unclean, CM.-From

AS. horh, filth
Voc.; hoiysoukii,p/. (=loorstat), V17.Horwed, $$.>r a@. unclean, Sz.
AS. hzmi,usLife, privet, also hzzaistrie (Voc.). Hors, $6. horse, S ; pC, S, Cz, P P ;
Hood, sb. ltood, PP, MD ; had, &ID; horse, P P ; horsus, PP.-AS. /Lori.
hod, Sz, Sj, P P ; hode, Cz, MD, P ; Horse-corser, i b . horse-dealer, S3.
hooae, C z ; huae, Cath.-AS. hdd.
Horsly, at@ hhurselikc, Ca.
Hool, a& whole, Cz, W, P P ; hol, S, Horte, rb. hart, S3. See Xurte.
SL,PI'; hoole, SL,5 3 ; hole, C 3 ; ha1,S. Horten. u, to hmt, MD ; see Hurten.
-AS. Ad/; cp. Icei. heiil. Cf. Hail.
Hortynge, 16. hurting, H (p. 96); see
Hoolsum, a@. wholesome, I\'; hol- Xirtyng.
some, S3 ;halsurn, S.-Cp. Ieel. heiisaoir.
Hosel, $6. the Eucharist, M D ; sce
Hoom, $6. Irome, CM ; horn, S, Sz; nuse1.
om, S ; ham, S ; horn, ~ d v . ,SZ, C2;
hoom, C z ; hayrn, $3; heame, S 3 ; Hoseli, u. to liourel, Sz ; see Xuden.
whome, Sj.-AS.
Qdix, nom. and dut. Hosen, $6. $1, stoclrings, S, Cz, t i ;
I hoosis, \V.-AS.
Aoian, pi.
loc.. see Sieverf., 217.
=Lor, adi.
c 3 ; her, PP; Hoskins, sb. $2. gaiters, S3; hokshynes, S3.
hore,pi., S3, G, P.--AS, hciv.
Hoste, i6. host, entertainer, M D ; sce
Boornesse, xb. hoariness, Wz.
Boos, a*. hoarse, P P ; hos, P P ; hoose, Ooste.
wa ; hers, PP ; horse, CM ; hsse, 13.- Hostel, sb. lodging, M u : see Ostel.
Hostellere, $6. inn-keeper, 1'; see
AS. Ads ; cp. 6. heiirr.
c@. hot, ~ 3 hat,
; s ; hate, s ; Ostelere.
Mostelrie, i6. inn, C ; SPP Ostelzie.
hot, P P ; hate, ariu, Sz ; hatere, co,ilp.,
Hostery, d.inn, MD; see Ostery.
S : hatture, S.-AS. iidt; cp. G. keisr.
Hoten, u . to bid, promise, M D ; see
Hope, $6. hope, M U ; hoip, S3.-AS.
Hopen, u. to hope, M D ; hope, to HOU,a h . how, Sa, P P ; hw, S ; hwn,
S ; wu, S, Sz ; hu, S, S Z; whou, S3 ;
think, expect, H.
Hopper, sb, a seed-basl<lret,HD: hoper, whoui, S j ; won), %-AS. h i Ci. Xwi.
P ; hopyr, corn-basket, Voc.; hoppyr, Houch-senous, sb. pi. hock-sinews,
i n m ~ ; . n n z i , ~ ~ i /...~
s i z ~~,
~ / i rCntb.
S2 : see Xou:-senue.
Hoppesteres, $6.pi. dancers ( v i z the
ships), MD, C.-AS. hoj$en/ieitre.
Hound, $6. hound, dog, MU, Cz ; hund,
Hord, ib. hoard, Sz, C j ; horde, S, PP.




Hound-fleje,rb. dog-fly,rino?aia, MD ;
hund-fleghe, H ; hundeflee, Cutli. ;
hunatle, I-1.-AS. hzc~zdc.~io,c
Houre, ib. hour, M D ; our, SJ, S 3 ;
oware, S3; houres, pi, houra, devotiolls
at certain hours (see i(orae in llucunge),
Sz, P ; oures, P ; houris, orisons, songs
of praise, S3 ; vres, S.-AF. hoar<, OF.
horc (ezrre, are) ; Lat, horn.
Hous, sb. house, 8150 u tcrzn in nstroLogy, PP, SL, C Z ; hus, S.-AS. hdr.

Housbond, $6. the master of a house,

husband, C?, C3, G : housebond, YP;
hosebonde, farmer, PP ; husband, S, Sz,
S3 ; hnsbonde, S ; husebonde, S.-Icrl

hndpib, S3 (p. 4")

; hoddypeke, S3 (p.


Hltde, sb. hi<le, S ; hide, MD; hiden,

p i , S2.-AS. /i;d: OS. hdd; cp. Lat.

Pfuden, u. to hide, S, 1,P; hiden, S,

P P ; huyden, P P ; hyde, Cz ; huide, S ;
hud, in*, i., S ; hit, pr, r., C z ; hut,
M D ; hudde, pi. s., PP; hidrle, Cz, P P :
y-hid, pp., C3; i-hua, S ; hidd, S ;
hndde, S.-AS, hjiian.
Hudinge, $6. concealment, Sz.
Hue, ib. a loud cry, SlrD, Sh.-AF. ha.
See Xouten.
Huerte, sd. heart, Sz ; see Xerte.
Mufe, ib. hoof, Culh., M D ; see Xoue.
Hufe, u. to hover about, S 3 ; see

Bousbonderye, sb. economy, P ;

honsbondry, C ; hosboundrie, P P ; hus- Houen.
bandry, Sh.
Huge, a@. huge, M D ; hoge, h l n ;
Hous-coppis, house-tops, Wz. hugie, S3 ; houge, W W ; hogge, IID,
Housel, sb. the Eucharist, CM; sce MU.
Hugely, adu., hugely, greatly, Cath.
Houselen, v. to housel, CM ; see Huide, u. to hide, S ; see Xuden.
Huirnes, $6. pl. corner5 S z , I'P; see
House-wif, $6. house-wife, PP; hose. Herne.
wyues,pi, W.
Hukken, u. to hawk, to retail, Voc. ;
Houten, a. to hoot, PP; howten, hucke, 1'alsg.-Cp. O D u haiiciz, la stoop
Prompt. ; huten, MD ; y-howted, pp., down (Da. /rrsliiea, to retail).
PP.-CI?. OSwed. ii$~to,with which is re- Bukker, sb. a hawker, retailer of small
lated OF. huter (hzrer).
artlciri, Voc.-Cp. Du. hezthtr.
Houj-senue, sb. hocli-sinew, M D ; Hukkerye, $6. rclail dealing, P P ;
houchrenona, pi., S3.-AS. hdb-simu ; cp. hokkerye, I'P.
Icel. l i d - i i x .
Siukster, $6. huckster, Voc., MD, Cath.;
Houe, ib. hoof, t~ngzrl~,
h l D ; hufe. hukkester, Voc.; hokestcr, MD.
Cnth., M E ; hours, pl., M U ; hoeues, S3, Huksterie, sb, retnil dcnling ; huckus-AS. iidj
trye, PP : hoxterye, Sz, PP.
Houe-daunce, $6. a court-dance, HD, Bul, sb. hill, S z , PP, Voc. ; hil, S ;
ML), Canton (Hryi~nrd,p. 54). Cp. OD". hille, dnt., S ; hulle, S ; $1, S ; hulles,
S L ,P i hilles, MD.-AS. hyll.
Houen, u. to wait about, remain, S, Sz, Hulden, u. to flay, MD, Sa ; hila,
S3, I' ; hufe, S3.
H U ; helden, MD: hylt, fl.,l1D.Howe, sb. high hill, tnmulnr; how, 11 AS. (be)hyl'ian, to flay, skin; cp. Iccl.
(P. 374>, JD; howis,pl., 11.-lcrl. hour". h~zda.
Howfe, sb. hood, coif, terza, Cath. ; H~tle,$8. a hull, husk, covering of gmin
howoe, P, CM, Cz (p. 178) ; houue, PI'; or nuts, PP ; hole, Prompl. ; hoole,
hounes,pl., Sz, P.-AS. hi&.
Prompt., SkD (11. 811).
Hoxterye, rb. retail-dealing, Sz, PP ; Hulpen: see Xelnen.
see Xuksterie.
Huly, a@. slow,moderate, JD ; hoolie,
Huche, rb. Iiiltch, clothes-liox, a chest, JD.-lccl. hdS(izr, adj.
tlre ark oi Israel, Prompt., H, MI> ; Huly, adv. slowly, 11; holy, H.-Icel.
hucche, P, IIU ; hutche, Prompt.-OF.
Hulynes, 36. sloruness. H ; huliness,
Hud, $6. Ilood, MD ; see xooa.
Huddy-peke, $6. a ]mod-pick, one who Humble, a+. l~umble,MD ; hlmyll,
thieves cut of a man's ilood, simpleton, S3 ; S3.-OF. liz~mbie,humilr; Lat. /iu>,rilo,r.




Humblesse, ,-I.. hnmility, Sz, Ca, C3. pp., Cz; hoped, P; ihuret, Sz.-AS.
Humilitee, ib. humility, Cz.
Hurkelen, u. to stoop down, crouch,
Hund, rb. i~ound,S ; see wonad.
Hund-fle, r6. dog-fly, H ; see wound- Test, M D ; hurkle, HD; hurkled,pt. i.,




Hundred, nz'nr. hnndred, S, F , cath. ;

hundret, S ; hondreti, P; honared, Sz ;
hundereth, Sz ; h u n d ~ ~ t h
Hurne. sb. corner. S. Sz : see Bern..
Hundred-feald, k.8.i I: I; I I..;
~ u ~ r o k. , r ' , - 2 . \I I ,. - I ' . .
Hunger, ' !.t~t~:~r,it:>.~~~~.~;httng,wr,
,, !, .. . . , , : r . r - ~ > : : l.*lc<. .!. !.:c
. , honscr.
1 . :\ . : I 1 . 1 t , .t I I . \Ill.
. . . , .
- . .; hunxre.
Hurte, $6. hurt, miiirio, Cuth.; hurt,
Bunger-bitten, a$. famished, WW. PP, Ca ; homis,p!., S3.
Hungren, u. to i~lmper,S ; hungrede, Hurten, o. to dash against, push, inpt. E., was hungry, s.-AS. hyn~ron.
jure, MU, Prompt., P P ; horten, MD ;
Hungri, adj. Iruagry, S.-AS.
hun- hirten, W, Wz ; y-hurt, pp., Sa, S3.OF.ii*crtet:
Hurtlen, u. to dash against, rattle, dash
Hunte, $6. hunter, S, C ; honte, C.down, C, W , Wz.
AS. hunfa (Voc.).
Hunten, u. to hunt, S, C2. -AS.
Kuschen, u. to hush, M D ; hussen,
MU ; husrht, pp., MD ; hossht, MD ;
hust,p$., C.
Hunteresse, $6. huntress, C.
Hunte8, $6. a hunting, MD ; honteq Husel, $6. the sacrifice of the Eucharist,
S ; heusel, CM ; horel, MU.-AS. hdrci.
S2. MD.-AS. hzmtod.
Hunting,ib.; an huntinge, on hunting, Huslen, a. to administer the Eucharist,
MD ; hoseli, Sz ; hoslen, S ; honselen,
a-liunting, S , C z ; on hontyng, C.
CM ; huseled, $$., houseled, S ; hesled,
~hill, ~MD ;, hepe,1ll);
b hupes,
S i y-housled, s a .
pi., CM, MD ; hipeg, c ; hipir, w.-AS.
Hus-lewe. sb. house-shelter, S ; see
,z ~.
Huppen, u. to leap, dance, jump, M D ; Hous
~ u & e $b.:
see wure, s... S.. Sz.-CD. G. iiufib/eir.
ad/. high ; see Beigh.
Hurde, sb. keeper, S ; see Xerde.
Burde, pi. r. head, S z ; see Heren.
Eye, $6. haste, Sa, S3, CM, C 3 ; hie,
Hure, ad*. s t lcust ; hure and hure, at MD ; heye, MD ; hegh, 13.
intervals, S, MD ; hur and hur, fre- Hyen, u. to hasten, S3, PP; see Hipn.
auently. S.-AS. hr'ril, at least. Cf. L a Hvne. ib. domestic. servant. liind. $ 2 .
P,-E~-'W ; hini (ulied of the viipii
Hure, $6. hire, S, S2, G, PP; huire, S, Mary), M D ; hind, Sh.; hine, pi, S, Sz ;
hinen, S.-Cp. AS. hilza ,,*an, a man of
S2, P; huyre, P.-AS.
Huren, u. to hire, MU ; huyre, pr., the damerticz. > h a , also written hiwtaa,
ti; hyre, ti; hureae, pt. s., S ; hyred, Sen. pi. of hfman,dorneiticr. See Bewe.

/ EYi


[For words in which i~zitialI has lha soundofJ, see under I (consonant) 6elowI.
I-beten, a. to amend, S.-AS. fc-bdfan.
I-biden, 2,. to have to do with, %-AS.
I-biten, v. to bite, eat, taste, S.-AS.
I-bede, $6. prayer, S ; ibeden, pi, S.fe-biton.
AS. grlrd. See Bede.
I-bere, sb, noire, S.-AS. gebdre, ges- I-blissien, u. rgRer. to rejoice, S.-AS.
ture, cry : 0.5. gibdri.

I-,p?e& ; see je-.

Ia?de, pt. r. went, S ; ieaen, $L, S ; see



Innen, u. to lodgc, C ;


I-sene, adj. evident, seen, S ; y-sene,

S3, C.-AS.g4*zc.
C t Sene.
Inno8, ib, womb, S.-AS. iiiizob.
I-seon, v. to scc, S ; i-seo, Sz ; i-sien,
Inobedience, sd. disobedience, S, W. S ; y-se, Sz ; i-si, S ; y-ei, S z ; i-se, $ 1 ;
-Late Lat. i!soiicdicnfie (Vulg.). (In- 3.) y-ay, Sz ; i-seonne, Q E ~ . . , S ; i-sea, I p7..
r., S ; i-seoti, pr. s., S : i-se;d, S ; i-sihti,
Inobedient, a(#. disobedient, 5'2.S : i-si8, S ; i-sist, z pr. s., S ; i-szh, pt.
Late Let, i~roi,ciiie7itrm(Vulg.). (1x1- 3.)
Inoh, enough, S ; innoh, S ; inow,S ; I., S : i-seh, S ; i-seih, S ; i-seyh, S ;
inouh, S ; inou, Sz ; i m p , S ; ino3h,s ; t-sey, Sz ; 5-3-3, S ; i-sei, Sa ; y-rey, S i ;
inongh. C ; innoghe, S z ; inonwe, $I,, !-Ze3, I pt. i., Sd ; i-se)e pe, z pt. s., Sz ;
1-reien,pi, S ; i-seyen, S ; i-se;e, S, Sz ;
S z ; see Ynow.
; y-.e:en, Sa ; i-seh@n,p?.,
rnpassyble, a+, incnpabie of sufiring, , 1-se~en,
S ; y-seye, S z ; y-so)e, Sz ;
I{. (In- 3.)
Y-zoie,S2.-AS, gi-idan.
Inpossible, a4. imposiibic, Sz, 1'P.I-set,?p. said, S (3n. 93) ; see Seggen.
~ . = t e~ %zi,8poisi6iiir
(i7,.j. (In- 3.)
I-sihae, sb. sight, S ; )esecbe, S.-AS.
In-ras, sb. inroad, W. (In- I.)
Inunctment, $6. ointment, S3.-From feiiiid'
Lat. inz~nitus, of i , ~ - ~ to
+ anoint.
~ ~ ~ , Isle,
. ~ , $6. dowin?? aslles, fauiik H D :
isyl, Prompt. ; iselle, Cath. ; easle, HIJ ;
(In- 2.)
pi, H D ; nreles, Trevisn, 4. 431 ;
In-with, within, S, Cz, R.
S z ; iselen, dat.,SD, Cath. (a).In-wyt, sb. conscience, conscioumess. ltsellez,
uili;cp. hIsG. ure,e(G, uise,),
Sz : inwit, 1'1'; Ynwitt, PP.-AS, irzwit,
stem lLS. iS found in Lat, us-rre
craft. (In- I.)
(were), to born.
I-orne,p$. run, S ; see Rennen.
I-some, a4. agreed, peaceable, S.-AS.
Ipotaynes, rbpi. Bippoi~otamusei,Sz. g,~.rd ,,z.
lo please, S ; see I- ~ - s q t e , p ts.,. aonght ; see I-secnen.
Isturbed, pp. disturbed, S.-OF. aIrchon, d. hedgl,og, Sz; urchon, $ 0 ~ ; 6L ~ ~~es.~ +.isrbare.
l'rompt.; urchone, l'alsg. ; urchin, SI,. ;
I-swink, $6. toil, S.-AS. ge-izuinr.
vrchuns, pi, H ; irohouns, Wz.-OF.
I-pank, 38,thunght, intention, S.
ti.eiOs: L~~~1 , ~ *e,.iiiarc,,z,
Lat. ericizli,
from 6 ; ~ ;cp. GI,
hrdg. I-penchen, w . to think S ; i-pohten,
pt. pi, S.-AS, gcpeiica~i.
hog, see S k u (s.v.'?.mi~/ainble).
Iren, ~ 6 iron,
S,c ~ ~ I Iyren,
c3,PP; I-pe3, pt. 1. thrived, Sa ; see Theen.
gri n n , W z ; ylmn, \v, Wz ; yre, S A ; I-polien, u. lo endure, S.-AS.
P e n s , pL, P ; yrnes, P.-OMerc. ireiz 90Iian.
(OllT) : WS. iiei.iz: OHG. isei.9~; cp. I-ponckad, a+. minded, S.
OIr. ism : Ganlirh iral-nor.
I-tiden, u. to betide, S ; itit, pr. r., S ;
Iren, a4. iron, jkrrcus, SD, Cnth.; ityt,
irnene,pi., S.-Ohlerc. ircu: WS. isern, I-timien, u. to happen, S.-AS. gesee OET.
tinrzan; cp. Icel. timo.
I-reste, sb, reit, S-AS, pr-rrit.
I-twix, mennwhile, H.
Irisse, a 4 . Irish, S ; Yrisse, S ; Irish, I-uaid, pp hated, S ; see I-fseied.
S ; Ersche, S3.-AS. ii.iic.
I-ueied,pp.joined, S ; see rep=.
1%??. s. is, S ; his, S, Sa ; es, S, Sz, I-ueiped, pp. treated with enmity, S.
I*; esre, S2.-AS. ir.
See FeBe.
Ische, u. to issar, cause to isiue, JD ; Iuel, a@, evil, S, \V2, Sa. See uuei.
isch2 H i iSchit,Pt. s., 33, B.-OF. inzr ; ~
. ~u. to~feel, ls . -~ A ~
s . ~, ~ ~
Lat. ~ ~ ~ i 9 . d .
I-secgan, u. to confess; isecg8,pr. i., Iuen, $6. ivy, Cath.; yven, Cath. (n) ;
ivin, IID, EDS (C. vi).-AS. s+2egn (Voc.).
S.-AS. gr~seiyaiz.
$6. companion, S ; see I-fere.
~u. to~Ecek;~i.03te,pt,pi,
~ S.~ I-uere,
Iui, sb. ivy, S ; ive, S3.-AS. @~g.
-AS. gesdinn.
I-sel8e, s6. happiness, S.-AS. ge-~&ls. I-uo, v. to talce, S ; nee I-fon.
See Selde.
I-ureden, u. to hurt, injure, S.-ME.

Ynnen, C.-AS.






a device, H D ; get, Prompt., S k D (jet), Ioustes, sd.pi. tournaments, CM.-AF.

C , Cj.
Ietten, u. to throw out, to fling about Ioutes, rb.p/. a food madc from herbs,
the body, to strut about, SI:D, Prompt., , b ~ o t h ,P, HI>, Prompt. (it); iowtes, is$l'ulsg.; getten, Prompt ; ietting,pr.p., pales, Cath., Prompt. ( n ) : iowtys, potage,
S j . O F . jeticr ( g e i i e l , jrrter (,qeilef-); I'rompt.: jutes,Voc.;eowtus,Prompt.;n:. iactare, freq of i a i h e , to throw.
O F . iowte, ' O ~ C I B ' (1%. 36. a ) ; L o w Lilt.
Iewe, s6. Jew, P P ; Iewes, pi., PP ; jzrtZ, ' vwilled meolc' (Voc.); jrrtla ( D u ~
&us, S ; Qius, S ; -us, S.-AF.
Geu, cunge); proh. of Celtic origin, cp. Breton
OF.j~reri,&"ic2r ; Lat. Zt<deztm.
iot, porridge, Wel, urn'/, OIr. tih, see
lcirys, Lectnrcs on Welsil Philology, p. 7.
Iewise, s6. ; see Inwise.
Iogelen, v. to jngxle, play f&, PP, Ioyne?, u. to join, PI3,C.? ; joyneaunt,
pv.p.,jorn~ng,S3.-OF. j8Lrdr.e (pr, p. joigI'rompt. ; iuglen, 5 3 , S k D .
Iogelour, 36. bniioon, juggler, C M , C z , "ant! ; Lat, i l m ~ r r e .
I'P; ioguloure, Plompt., iogulor, dc- Ioynturis, s6.pi joiaing5 W ; ioyntours, W.-OF. ,ibinfrrre; Let. iunil?rra
ceiver, H;iuguler, Cnth.; iuglur, S.(Vulg.).
A F . jugitor; ioiaiatorem.
Ioie, $6:joy, S, C 2 : joye, S, S z , C z , p p . Iuge, s6. jndgc, Sz,Voc., C z , C j ; jugge,
-AF. joir, O F . y o i t ; Lat. brnzrdia, PI. of C : jugges, pi, P ; jnges, S3.-AF.j%88;
Lat. i7~dim111.
gaudiuni, rejoicing.
Iugement, $6,judgment, S z , C z , C j ;
Ioien, u. to rejoice, Wz, PP.
Ioist, u. to put out
at a juggement, C.-AF.j~lccmclzt
fixed rule, toagist c u t t l e , ~E~D,S ( C . ~ i ) ; Iugen, u. to judge, dccidc, P P ; iugge,
jyst, E D S ( C , xxvi) ; ioyst, pp., lodged ( ~ PI',
f CM.-OF.jucer; Lat. i w d i ~ a r i .
cattle), Sa.-OF.iirter, to lodge, fromgiite, Iugge-man, i b . jadge, G.
a place to lie in, a pp. form of gcsir ; Lat. Iuglen, v. lo jugglc. S3 ; see Iogelen.
iaZrc, to lic ; see N X D (s. v. a$,).
Iuguler, i buffoon, Cath.; see IogeIolif, adj. gay, merry. C , H,PP; iolef, lour.
S z ; ioli, w'a, PI'; joly, C2.-AF. jolyf, Iugulynge, id, jl-,ggling, S3.
Iumpred, sb. mourning, $3.-AS. jdoIolifte, s6. amnsement, enjoyment, jovi- , n e ~ +rdden. See 3emer.
ality, H ; iolitee, C z , C3.-OF.joiiuete.
~, disciples,
~ ; see
Iolily, ndu. merrily, G.
Iolynesse, $6. festivity, C , C z .
Iupartie, i6. jeopardy, C M , C j ; IeoIorne, 16. joorney, Sa ; jornay, S a ; see perdie, S3 ; jeobertie, HD.-OF. jcu
parli, u divided game, n
( H W c h ) ; L a l ~Lat. /o<UJ $ ~ ~ . ~ (Doit~s
Iouisaunce, sb. enjoyment, S3.-OF.
jouiiianir (Cotg.), from OF. j o i r : Prov. cange).
Ius, sh juice, S z , HD.-OF. jlrs; 1-at.
r Lut. gniuieiel-a.
Iourne, i.a day's work or travel, P P ; i " ~broth.
iornsy, Sz ; jurneie, S k D ; iourney, S3, Insten, u. to joust, C 3 ; see Ioosten.
C z ; iornes,p/, S z ; iournes, I1 (1%. 2 2 . Iuetlen, u. to jostle, push, S j .
?).-OF. ~b?'?ur,joz'?ll/e, a day, a day's Iutes, b r o t h ; see Ioutes.
Journey2 tixed day ( c ~ A. F . jonzeie, day
~ b a. pieceof smrnful behaviour,
oil whicha conrt isheld) ; L o w Latjonrafe, S 3 ; see Iette,
*i/i*trraafa, from Lat. ~ ~ Z L I ~ L ~ L S .
Iuuente, r6. youth, Sz, PP.-OF. joIousten, u. l o approach, encounter, to went* (Ilartsch) ; 1,at. ie'ziegzia.
jac~st, tilt, PP, CM; iusten, C3.-OF.
xudse, 16, j,,dgmel,t, 1 ' ~ ; iuwse,
joailer (jmtev),j l ~ d e r; Late Lst. j2(.zlai.e, C M , c ; iewise, 111) ; ie+s, 1'p ; iuyse,
to approach, from Lilt. inxta.
C 3 ; iuise, HD.-AE.
j g i s c ; Lat. iudiIouster, sb. champion, PP.




K- ; see also under C-.
PP, S b n ( 5 , " . *en), Prompt., H ; kende,
Kacherel, $6.bailiff, Sz ; see cacherel. pt. s., Sz.-AS. ietrnaii, to malrr to knnw :
Kerf, pt, r. cut, curved, S ; sce xeruen. Goth.iian,qaian =*haiz~iia~z,canial
Kairen, a. to go, 1'; see xayrpn, K A N N , base of *IIORNAX, to kiiow.
Kennen, a. to lmow, SliD. ( 5 . v. ken: ;
Kaiser, i6. Cesar, emperor;
M D ; mysere, hlD; oaisere, MD ; kay- ken, s3, J D ; Lend, pt, jrC, S3 ; Lend,$).,

Si.-Iccl. henna, to lcnoiv. See above.

sere,S ; kayrer, s z ; leiser, S ;
Keoruen, u. to carve, S ; see Keruen.
S3.-Cp. Gutli. k i s a r ; Lap. cariar.
Kepe, r6. heed, S2, 53, C Z ; kepi S3.
Kale, 16. cabbage, cale, H ; see Cole.
Karf, pr. s. cut, S ; see Keruen.
Kepen, o. to keep, mad<, observe, regard, S, Sz, S3, C z ; keped, pt. i., S2 ;
Kateyl, sb. property, Sz ; see Catel.
S2.-AS, <@an,laler form of cjpii,i
Kayren, u. togo, ~ n o i e
Sz, MD;
(=cdnjinn), see Sicvers, 97.
kairen, P ; cair, LO drive bncliward
forwards, JD.-Icel. k q m , to impel, drive. Keppen, caps, S ; see Cappe.
Kechyn, s6. kitchen, S I ; seexuohene. Kernel, $6. a loophole in a fortress, a
P P ; crenelle, H D ; kymellis,
Kedde,pt.s.madeknown,S; s e e ~ y t h ~ nbattlement,
pi., 53 ; kirnelis, I'P.-OF. i~zaei,froiii
K e l e , ~tocool,W,Sz,
h ; o.clm.
&ling, $6. a large kind of cod, MD, <'"* (cva'2), a l l ~ t ~ Lut.
with batlle~
H D , Sz (r.v. loddaj ; kelynse, MD; keel- Kerneled, a 4 f~~mishhed
ments, P.
ing, ID.-Cp. Icel, kcihz, *gadus.'
Xemben, u. to comb, S, Cz, PP; kern- Kertel, ib. ; see Kirtel.
yn, Prompt.; kempt, pp., MD.-AS.
Keruen, o. to curve, MD, Prompr., S,'
iemdan. See Combe.
Cz ; keoruen, MD, S ; crerf, pt. r., M U ;
kierf, S ; k s d hill; ksrf, MD, S ; carf,
Kemelyn, sb. tub, CM.
Kempe,r6. warrior, S, MD, Cnth.-AS. CZ; Guruen, p i , M D ; cornen, pp., MD,
cmmppa, Ice1 hsnipa: OHG. ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~also
p h i S3,
o , C ; icoruen, S3; Y-soruen, S3, C3 ;
y-koruen, Ca; i-koruen, S ; kerued, S1.
kernpho (T:<tisn); &te *It. rn,,,pjo, firoln
A S . rcoljia*, pt. i e a r j (pl. ruqon), pp.
Lat. calrrpni. See Camp.
Kempe, edj. shaggy, rough, C, C h l ; co'j'cn.
Kesse, a. to kiss, S, Cz ; see Cussen.
oamne, C (p. 155). E K r S ( i ) .
Kempster, i6. J. flax-comber, Palsg.; Keste, w. to cast, Sz ; see Cssten.
kemster, Voc. See Kemben.
Kete, a<& bald, lively, gay, powerful,
MD, Sa, P P ; ket, imscible, JU.-Cp. Iccl.
Ken, sd. pi. cows, Sz ; see Cow.
Dan. haad.
Kende, a#. nnulurul, kind, Sa ; see k d l ~ merry,
Kete-lokes, s6. $1. trefoil, H ; see
Kende, i6.race, kind, S z ; see xynde: Cat-duke.
Kendeliche, adu. naturally, Sz; bee Keuel, $6. a bit for a horse, a gag, a
small piece of \rood nsed in casting loti,
MD, H, S ; kevyl, Prompt.; cavel, JD;
Kendlen, u . ; see Kinmen.
Kene, adj. bold, keen, sllarp, Prompt., kevelles, pi., M D ; c*flis, Mn, J1).S, C z ; keyn, M D ; kenre, ioiizp., MD; Ice'. *Qi.
Keueren, u. to recover one's health,
kennest, supcd., MD.-AS. ~ 6 , ~OTent.
MD, P P ; keuord,jt. s., H ; see Coveren.
'kini; cp. OHG, kria~ei( ~ t f ~ i diirz'orzj.
Keueringe, sb. recovery, Sz.
Kenne, $6. dat. ]<in,S, S z ; see xyn.
Kennen, u. to beget, engender, to bring Keye, sb. lrey ; Ray, M D ; cays, pi,
forth, to he born, MD, P P ; y-kend,pp., M D ; keis, S ; kei>es,S2.-AS. r e f .
Sz ; kenned, MU.-AS, ie,nian, to beget, Kidde, pt. J. made lmoin,S, P ; pp., S ;
conceive, bring forth : OS. Rianiorz, to kid, S ; ree xythen.
beget, causal from OTeut. root KAN, to Kidnere, $6. kidney, SkD; kydney,
generate, see I<lu~ge(s. v. hino).
kuiti; belly + &a,
Kennen, v. to show, declare, teach, S I , See liere.




S.-AS. i n i h t ; cp. OHG. hirdt, 'puer'

Kourte-by, $6. short coat, P ; see
.. 'miles,. dizcipcilus'
Knijten, u. to knight, S.
Kouthe, $2. s. could, S ; pp. S i ; see
Kni)thod, sb. knigirthood, S ; knyght- Xunnen.
hode, dal., C z ; knighthede, C ; kny;tKraghan, $6. humt grass=rremium,
dry lire-wood, >I; orakan, Cnth.-Cp.
hod, army, warfare, W, Wz.
Knoppe, $6. knoh, bnckle, bud, MD, North. E. crack, (0 make 8 noise (JD).
Prompt., Cath., Palsg., S3; b o b b e , C ; Krake, ib. crow, I I ; cr*ke, Cath.;
knappes, p i , Sa, P; knoppes, CM, pp. krakis,pi., H.-Iccl. hr.dbr.
C o . Dan, hnoo.
u. t o anoint with oil or fat:
- - ~ ~
kremelyd,pp., MD; see Cremelen.
Knopped, at$. inil of knobs, S3.
Knotte, rb. knot, Cz, PI', Prompt., S3. Krike, $6.creck, S ; see Crike.
-AS. ozofia.
Krune, sh. crown, S ; see Corone.
Knowen, v. to Lnow, MD; knawe, Ku, $6. cow, S ; see COW.
Sz ; onawen, S ; knas, H D ; onowe%,
$8. Litcheii, S ; kychene,
pr. s., S ; kneu3, i+t. s., 5 2 ; knewen,pi, MKuchene,
D ; keohyn, sz;kychens,pi, S3.-A~.
S ; i-cnawen, pp., S ; ?e-onowe, S ; y- cyce,e,
onowen, S3; Y-knowe,Sz ; knowlm, W ;
Kud, $p. made known, Sz ; i - h d , S ;
s2; knawen,sz ; mawin,s3.- See
-AS. cndwan, pt. oziom, pp, crzifviierr.
pt. s. made known, Sz ; knde,
Knowes, ~ bpr
. I C D ~ C ~c, 2 , P ;
xne. Kudde,
I., S ; see Kunnen.
MD ;
knouleshe, aequnintnnce ( = Lat. natos),W ; *KUde, pf,pi could, S ; see gunnen,
knawlache,MD; knawlage,hlD; know- Kueade, a@. dat. bail, Sz ; see Qusd.
-oh, Sz. See de;;o.
Kulle, u. to strike, to kill, P, MD; -11%
Knowlechen, v. to acl<nowledge, Sz, Cuth. ; kyllyn, P~ompt.; colen, MD ;
Wa, P ; onawlechen, MU; knouleohe, culle, P.-The word mealis properiy to
W ; knoulechide, pi. s., W ; knowleohi- lrnock on the hcnd ; ep. Nonueg. hylla, to
poll, to cut the shoots off trees, from koli,
den, pi., W.
Knowleching, $8. the acknowledging, the top, head; Icel. hoiir, heail, crown.
C3: onawlechllnge, S : knaulechynge, Kumen, u. to come, S ; see Comen.
Sz; knowleching,C?; knouleoh~ng,Wz. gun, u. to get to know, to learn, H ;
Knucche. $6.small bandle.. MD,. Cath see Conne.
(?a) ; knyohe, Catll.; knitch, J D ; knytK ~ ,6. ~kin, , s2;
chis, pi., \~.-CP. G. Ji*ol*e (Kluge).
ht., S, S L ;
Ecnytten, *-to knit, bind, Prompt., Sz, xunde,
,,aturai, kina,
C3, I'P ; k n u t t e , p . s.,RID; knette,MD ; Xynde,
knitte, C3 : k n t , $A M D ; knit, C2.Kunde, ib, kind, race,
S1 ; see
AS. mytfar. See Knotte.
g o , pt. s. quoth, S3 ; see Koth.
Eokewolde, $6. cuclcold, P ; see Coke- Kundel, s6. offspring, MD.
Kundite, ib, acondnit, S3; see Conduit,
xole-plantes, cabbages, P ; see Kunes-men, $8. $1. liinsmen, S, S a ;
see ~ y n e s - m a n .
. ~ - - ~
Kollen, u. to embrace, S> ; see collen. Kunnen, u. lo Lnow, to know how, to
be able, S, S3, Wz, Chl; cunncn, S, S %;
pt. pr. can, S ; see Kunnen.
c0nne2 S, S3, P i cum, H ; con,$f. P.,S ;
xonning, J*. &ill, c z ; see Conning, kon,
S ; can, S, Sz ; kan, S, Sz : eon, can,
Konyng, ~ 6 .
rabbit, S ; see co- d,,
s z ; canstu, zpr. s.,
pron., S ; canstow, S z ; ouUe, pt. s., S ;
Eoth, pt. $. quoth, S3; cothe, MD; see kuse, S ;
S, Sz, S3; oowthe, G ;
oou)%e,Sz ; outh, Sz ; cottde, Sz ; cowde,
Koude, pt. s. kner', Wz ; see Xunnen. G ; koude, W z ; coujde, Sz ; kouthen,pi.,
Eouren, u. to comer, S z ; couren, MD. S ; kude, S ; cu%,pp.,S (17 b. 161); Xu%,
-1cel. kdr-a, to sit quiet; cp. G. kauern, S; oouth, C z ; oouUe, S z ; kouthe, Sz.AS. runnarr, pt. idbe, pp, tip (used as adj.).
see Weigand.








$6. kindred, S ; see Xyn- kunde, S z ; ounde, S ; kinde, S. 5 2 ;

kende, Sz ; kyna, S3.-AS. (ge)iynri.
Xuppe, $6. crrp, S ; see Cnppe.
Kyndely, at*. natural, kindly, MD ;
kyndli, W ; kyndly, Cath. ; kundeliche,
Kassen, u. to I<iss,S ; see Cuaren.
MD.-AS. ~ y ~ * d < l i ~ .
g u t , sb, lot, a cut twig, H ; see cut.
Kyndely, aiiu. natnriilly, kindly, S2 ;
Kuth, i b . kith, friends, PP.
W ; kindely, Sz ; kindslike, 5 ;
KuSe, pt. i., could, knew, S ; see xun- kylldli,
kendeliche, Sz ; kuyndeliche, S3, PP ;
oundeliche, S.-AS. cyirdeiicice.
Kutthe, country, P P ; see Kyth.
Kuppes, ib.pi. manners, Sz, IID, &ID; Kyndlyn, a. to bear young, Prompt.;
fee Xyth.
Kutten, u. to cut, MD, CM; kitt, MD; Kyndlyngis, ib. pl. brood, litter of
kut,pt.r., M n ; kitte, Sz,Cz,C3; kittide,
Kynes-man,sb.kitisman, M D ; curiesw, M D ; ketten,pl., p ; kyt,pp., W ; kit, mon,
S ; kunermen,pi, S, Sz.
guueren, u. to recover one.s health, Kynrede, sb, kindred. S3, Wz, C ; Runrede, S ; kynredyn, I+ ; kinredis,pi., I T ;
S I ; see Coveren.
~p p ; seed cunypdn."es,
~ pi., ,S.- AS. ~ a f +* riden,




Xwene, ib. queen, S ; see Quene.

Ky, sb. p i cow4 S3 ; see Cow.
Kychen, $8. kitchen, S3 ; see xuchene.
K ~ n"pi.
Sz, ;
Kyn,sb. kin, kind, generation,S,\?T,MD;
kun, $2; kin, S, Sz, Cz ; cnn, MD, S ;
kunnes, Re*., Sa ; cunne, h t . , S ; kunne,
5 , S*; kenne, S, Sx; kynne, P.-AS.
q n n : OS. knnni, OEIG. kz~nrsi(Otfrid) :

Goth. k u i ~ i :from Teut. basc *~oxun,

rout KIN.
Xynde, 4.natural, Icind, Sz, S3, P ;
knnde, $2, MD; cundei M D ; kind% S ;
kenae, Sz, pi'; kuynde, SI, PI'.-AS.

Kynde, $6. kind, nntilre, race, children,

imturvl d~spositio",PP, S%,S3,CZ,C3, W ;

La, i n i d . lo !, S ; lo, Wz (Ps. 67. 34).

A S . id. Comb. : la. hwure, at least, S.
Laas, s6. snare, C, C j ; see Lar.
Labbe, sb. he that can keep no eonnsel,
I'rompl., CM; lab, a blab, titrle~tuttle,
Labben, a. to blab, babble, P P ; labbing, p r j.,Cz.-Cp. Du. 1a66en, to blab.
Labbyng, a+ blabbing, CDI.
Lacchen,~.l o catch, seize, match, P P ;
lanhte,pi. s,seized, practised, I'P; lau)te,
I'P, Sz ; la)te, S ; laucte, S ; laschide,
pi, I'P; Iauht, pp., P P ; lagt, S ; latchyd, Prompt.-AS. ieicali, ge-leccan.


Kysse, r6. kiss, Pn1sg.-From

sen. See Cunssn.

AS. cyi~

Kyth, $6. one's country, native land,

PP, Sz ; kith, I'P ;
kuth, PP ; outh, PP ; kutthe,PP ; kitthe,
S, P P ; couthe, PP; m h e z ,
pi, S, ; oe%en, s ; che8en, s ; kupper,
manners, Sz. - AS. <j8ts1 (~$8): o ~ c
~,,ii;ia, race, kinship; see Sicvers, ass~ y t h u,~to~make
, k",,,
MD, C z ,
c3, PI', S.3; ki'en, S, Sz ; ou'en, S ;
couthe, MD, PP ; couth,pr. r., 1' ; kydde,
pi. , , PP; kidde, PI', S; kuaae, S L;
oudde, S ; kedae, S, M D ; kya, S z ; kid,
MD; kydst, apt. r., S j ; i-kud, I)I)., S ;
kud, S z ; kyd, Sa; kid, S ; kiade (as
a,$.), S.-AS.
( g r ) r j 8 a n : OS, kddian;
O l l G . /rund/an, also iii'ndriz (Otfrid).

Latching, sb. taking, Sa.

Lacert, $6. fleshy mL,scle, C, CM.OF. iaierie (Cots.); Lut. laicrtum (acc.), a
muscle, strength, usnully, the muscular part
of the arm.
Lad, Ladde ; see Leden.
Ladel, r6. ladle, 'P, C3 ; ladyue,
roilear, Prompt. ; ha$rsoriun~,
Laden, u. to barden, to charge with
burdens, Prompt., W W ; to draw water,
to lade, Prompt ; laden, pp, onemtar,
Prompt., SI<D.-AS. hiadan (pt. hldd, pp.
hiaden) : Icel. hiaUa, Goth. hiatham (in




H D ; lemman, S, PI', Cz,C3 ; leouemon, lererle, pi. s., S ; leorde, S ; lerde, S z ;

S ; lemmaaes, pi. sweethearts, P P ; lem- Y-lered,pp.,S S ~(z)
. Leren,u, to learn, S,
mons, concubines, PP.
Sz, S3, C z , H.-AS. Mren: Goth. la*.,
Leofsum, a+. pprecious, S ; lefsum, to makc to find out, to Leach.
Lerned, a+. learned, Cz, PP.
Leoften, u. to flatter, caress; leoftede, Lernen, a. to learn, tend, S, Sz, S3,
$1, i., S.
PP, W z ; lurnen, S z ; leornen, S, S z ;
Leome, $6. limb. Sz ; see Lim.
leornin, S.-AS. leornzlra.
; SeeLeme, Lemen. Les, Lese, a@. fake, S ; see Lees.
Leon, sb. lion, Sz, Cz, TVA ; lelln, S ; Lese, sb. a leash, laza, Cath., P P ; lees,
leoun, S, Sz,Ca ;,lyoun,Sa; liuns,$l.,S; Pro~npt.,C3; leeoe, prompt.; lease, cotg.
leons, S-AF. h t ~ lOF.
~ , ieo*; Lat. ICOXC*II.
(s.v. I ~ ~ s s;E
Palsg. ; leesshe, IID ;
Leonyn,a+ lion-like,Cz.-OF.icoain; leysche, Sz.-OF. laisit; Lilt. lam, u.
Lat. leoni?rum
loore rope.
Leopart, $6. leopard, P P ; leparde, Lesen, u. to lore, Sz, S3, Cz, PP, W ;
V O C ;lepart, C ; lebwd, Voc ; leberde, liese, S ; leese, PY, S3 ; to destroy, W ;
Voc.; lyberde, Cath. ; libard, B ; lab- leosen, S, Sz, I T ; leert, z pr. r., P P ;
barde, Prompt.; lebbard, Prompt.; leo- lest, pr. s., Sz ; lees, pi, r., P P ; les, P P ;
perdes, $I., P P ; lepardes, Cz ;lebardez, lese, YP ; loren, p i , P P ; lorn, @., PP,
Sz ; libardes, Sz; liberdes, S3. - AF. Sz ; lorne, S3 ; lore, PP, G, Sz ; ilore,
legbad, bopart, lepart, pl. Iropars.
G ; Y-lore, Sz ; loste, pt. s. (weair), W ;
Leop, sb. cheek, face, S , PP, S a ; lere, loaten, pi., PP, CJ, C, Wz ; loste,$p., YP;
PP, 5 2 , 53, W A ; lire, P P ; lure, SD.- lost, P P ; y-lost, C3.-AS. idoran, pt. lias
AS. hidor, the cheek, face, look.
(pl. iuropr), pp.
Leornen, u. to learn, S, Sz ; see Ler- Lesen, u. to set free, redeem, S, HD,
H ; les, imp. s., S 2 ; lese, G ; lerde,
Learning-cnibt, sb. disciple, SD, S. Pt. x., S ; lesed, 9% S ; i-lcsed, S.-AS.
: OS. idiian.
LeoBre, adj. bad, S ; see Lu8er.
Lepe, sb. basket, Voc., H D , H (s.v. lirr), Leser, rb, releaser, SD, HD, S*.
Palsg.; leep, W, Wz, I'rompt.; leap, Lesewe, sb.
MTz; leesewe,
Cotg. (3.". naiie) ; lepis,pl., W ; lepes, S TVz; lese, SD, Sz ; lewse, iiat., S ;
(s.7. bread).-AS. IEap; cp. Icel. iagrpr.
lesewis, $I., W ; lyssouris, S3.-AS.
Lepen, a. to leap, mn, PP, G; lope, lea', lesu.
Cath., HI); leop,pl. s., PP, Sz ; lep, YP; L e s e w i n , ~to. feed; lesewynge,pi,.$.,
leep, P P ; h p , Sz, S 3 ; lepe, P P ; loupe, W, S z ; lesewid,pp., Wz.-AS. iemi(in.
P ; lope, Sa, P P ; lep,
Sa ; lopen, P ; Lesing, $6. lie, S, s2,c3,W; I
lope, P ; lopen, pp., PP, Sa, H U ; lepte, PP ; see seesinge,
pt. i. (ireak), Sz ; lippide, W ;lepten, PI., ~
d , liar, W.i
PP.-AS. hleapan, pt. 6160$ (pl. hldopon),
pp. hliapcn: ~ ~ hiaupan;
~ h ep.
. 1 ~ ~ 1 .Lesnesse, s6. remission, Sz. See

Leper, ~ a leaper,
c ~ t h . ;loper, cuth.;


cc'?P. Icss, S.


Lessin, u. to diminish, Prompt. ; lessi,

leperes, pi. nmners, wundercrs, PP.
Lepe-jere, $6. leap-year, Voc., Cath. ".
Lepre, sb. leprosy, S2 ; leprye, hfanip. Lessinge, "- diminution,
LAY. iepre ; L Z ~ .
(vt1ig.); G ~A.& V ~ , G . Lest, sa. desire, Cz ; see Lust.
Lest, fadta
see Last.
Lere, $6. flesh, muscle, Cz ; see Lyre.
L ~$6,cheelt,
~ ~face, ,sa, s3; see L ~ Lest,
~ $9,. .s. it pleases, PP; Pt. s., P P ;
Lered, #p, used as adj. ; l;eredd, the See Lusten'
learned, clergy, S ; krud, instructed, IV, Lest, py. loses, S z ; see Legen.
Leste, ad/. sz'pprrl. least, 52, CZ, G,
Wz.-AS. /&red.
Lered-men, $b, p~ the learned, the PP ; lest, S, PP 1 last, S.-AS. I&.
Leste, inz$. s. listen, S ; see Lnsten.
clergy, S.
Leren, v. ( I ) to teach, S, sz,S3, H ; Lesten, to last, s, Sa ; see Zasten.
learen, S ; leoren, S ; ler, iw9. s., S ; Lestinde, adj. lastiilg,S ; leastinde, S.









Lihen, u. to deceive, S ; see Sy3en.

IID ; lyn, S j ; Ian, pt. r., SD. - AS.
Liht, a 4 . light, not heavy, easy, S ; lir~nan,pt. lann (pl. Izrsnorr), pp.Jtt?~fz~t~
Iyht, S ; licht, Sz ; liit, W z ; li;te,active, cp. Ice1 linnn.
S ; adu., S z ; liltere, iomp , Sz, W.-AS.
Linnunge, ~ a ceasing,
ieoilt: OHG. ifiti; cp. Goth. leihts; see ~
iu, trust:
~. liaain,
- - ~TD,
Sievers, 83.
Lipning, $6. trust ; lypnyng, B.
Lihtlich, a& easy,li~ht,S ; lihtliche, ~
i cheek,
~ face,
~ p p ;, see
n,iviu., S ; li3mohe, S, Sz.-AS.
kohtiia, Lispen, v. to lisp, SkD ; lyspe, Cath, ;
lipseae,pt. s., C.-AS, wiijpiari.
Lihtschipe, $8.swiftness, S.
Lisse, sb. ease, rest, joy, happiness, S,
Liken, u. la 1>1ease, S O , PP, W.W, PP; lYsse, S, PP.-AS. ziss (for ~ i s - ~ j ;
S 3 ; liki. S ; IykYen, S ; like, to relolce, see sievers, 258.
~ i e ~ .
Sz ; like%,pr. s. ir?~pefl.,PP, S s ; lyke%, Lissien, v , to
S D ; lisse,
PP, Sz, Cz ; lykeae, yt. r., Sz.-AS,liiiarl
lyss, S3.-AS. likian,
(also lira*), to please, liternlly, to be like
List, pr. i. iiii#crs. it pleases him, Sz,
or soitablc for. See Liohe.




Likerous, n't. ddaity, lecherous, Sz,

PP, C j ; Iykerous, PP ; lycorouse,
dninty-mouthed, palsg-.; I ~ C O ~ O , , ~ ,cutg.
(s.v. leiAc?,esse). See Leohour.
Likful, a4. pleasing, SD.
S, W ; likfng,
. .~8.
rr, v v z ; wnyng,
az, ~ 2 .
Likinge, a$. f*vourable ; lykynge, Sz.
Likli, a 4 likely, SD.
Liklihed, rb. likelihood, SkD; lykliheae, C z .
Liklinesse, 6 probability; lykli-


pp; ,
List% $6. list or edge of cloth, PP,

Maoip. ; lyrte, PP, Sz, Pulsg., Cath. ;

lyyste, Prompt.; lyyst, Prompt. Comb. :
lyste of the ear, 9,ioide I'o~ay//#,Pa1sg.OF, iirie: 1 ~ ~ lifts.

Liste, sb. craft, astuteness, S, Sz.-AS.

list, OHG, [id, from TC,,~.

C t Lore.
Listely, edu. silly, Sz.-AS, listlice.
Listes, sb. $2. the lists, the ground
enclosed for a tonrnament, Cz ; lystes, C.
nesse, Ca.
-AP. iistrs, pl.; OF.Jim, (also lice), a tiltLiknen, u. to liken, to comuare, P P .: ,vard .: see D t ~ c van ~,fs.e v. ticia:.
lykne, PI'; liokne, PP ; lykned, $$.,CZ ; Listre, $6.a lector, preaclh;ng friar, PP ;
licnea, W ; iliknet, S2.
listyr, Prompt. ; reader, Trcvisa, 6. 2 5 1 ;
Liknesse, rd likeness, appearance, PP, listrer, pL, PP. -OF. iiitre for lit7.e ;
W ; licsness, S ; liknes, S z ; lyxnes, S j . Church Lat. latitor (Uocange).
-AS. gaiicncr.
Lit, a@. little, S ; see Lyte.
Lilburne, $6. a heavy stupid fellow, S3. Lit, sb. stain, dye, colonr, S, S D ; littis,
Lilie, :a. lily, aryerrtea, S, Sz. con~b.: pl., WA.-Ice1 litr, colour, complexion,
lylie-whyt, lily-white, Sz.- AS. I& conntenance, dye. See Wliten.
(Voc.); Lat. Iilia, yl. of liiiaun; cp. OHG. Litarge,sd. litharge, protoxyde of lead,
iilia (Otfrid).
C, Cj.-OF. l i t h a r p ; Lat. lithargyyrui ;
Lim, $6. limb, S ; lym, S z ; bme, p p ; Gr. ALBAPYUPOI.
leome, PP, Sz ; linten, pl., S ; lemes, Liteled, pi. s. z p. didst esteem loiuer,
P P ; limes, S ; Iymes, limbs, R a , Sz, PP, Sz ; see Lutlin.
C L ; creat~~res,
I'P ; lyms, S j ; limnles, Lith, sb. joint, limb, member, PP, S, Sz,
C z . BY.:
feonaes lymes, limbs of the C ; lyth, H D ; lythe, Prompt.-AS, l a ;
fiend, PP (cp. Icel. lirnir lojd~zdaiari); the cp. lcel. /i8iar, Goth, lirhi/i.
aeuyl and his lYmme%H (Ps. 108. 30'. Lise, u. to go, pass throngh, S ; litien,
Cb1126. : lim-mele, limb~mral,
S D ; limel, s.-AS. /{didas; cp, 1 ~ ~ il$a,
1 . OMG, //sari,
S.-AS. liiii, iim-~itBiwir,' membratim.'
togo through, s n ~ e l(otfri,+j,
~ ~ tzcithan,
h .
Limpen, m. to happen, to belong to, S ; Lise, a($. gentle, mild, soft, calm,
I m p , $t. s., S D ; lymppeae (vcak), H D ; sweet, S ; lythe, Prompt. ; lythe, aifu.,
lumpen, jp.,S2.-AS. ii?,,lpan, pt. inn$ HI).-AS. N8e (for iinlh-ja); cp. OIiG.
(pi. luriipa,~),pp, geis~mjen.
iiniiidi, lid, Icel. lilzr. Cf. Linnen.
-ling, ruflz. See S k u (s.7. derirling). Liseliche, ad*. gently, S.-AS. Ji$eiice.
Linnen, v. to cease, S ; lynne, S ; nn, Liser, adj. bad, Sz ; see Luver.
list ; cp.
base LIS.


-Literally, ' a secret lier with,'cp. LyayerCy,

HD. See Lotyen.
Loth, mi/.hostile, h.?tcful, grievous, unpleasant, unwilling, S, Sz, l'l', C ; looth,
Cz ; la%,S, Sz ; layth, Sz ; laith, H, P P ;
%&ere, i o n $ , S ; lother, PP ; lathere,
ads., H ; lo&ert, super/., S.-AS itid; cp.
Lothe, a. to loathe, P P ; lasin,S.-AS.
Lothelich, a+. hhntef~l,P ; ldlioh, S ;
1081i, S z ; lodlish, S, Sz ; iaaiio,S.-~S.
Loslesnesse, 16.innocence, S; ladlesnesse, S.
Lotyen, u, to lurk; lotyeth, pr. pi.,
P P ; lotinge, pr. p., C3.-AS.
Loud, ndj. lond; lewd, P P ; lud, S ;
lude, a h . S ; iowde, PP, C ; loude, I'P.
A S . hhid; cp. Gr. ~ A u r d r ,renowned.
Lough, pt. s. langhed, Cz, C3; louh,


see Lahhen.


u. to praise, Sz, S3, H

; see

l of en.

Louerd, sd. lord, S, Sz, S3, PP ; laford,

S ; laferrd, S ; lauerd, S, Sa ; lowerd,
S ; lord, husband, S ; l a u e a , S.-AS.
Louerdinges, $6. pl. sirs, masters, S ;
lordinges, S, Sz, ti; lor4yngea, PP. Cf.

Louyen, u. to love, P P ; luuen, S ;

luuien, S ; lufenn, S ; luf, H ; louien,
S ; 10% Sz ; loft~ie8,pv.
p i , S ; luueae,
pt. i., S ; louede, S.-AS. lujn?r.
LOuYel'e, Jd. lover, C; luff*ris,#l,l.,S3.
Lowable, a@. praiservorlhy, PP.
Lowe, u. to approveof, praise,S3.-OF.
l 0 2 ~ ~ 7 ;low,

loder, l ~ a d n r ; Lut. laudare.

C t Laude.


rb. flame, Prompt., Cath., PP,


log. CCi. Leye.

ad/. low, lowly, humble, S, P P ;

see Louh.

Lowe, a,re$. to humhle oneseif,PP,W

Louh, edj. low, S, Sz, P P ;

law, S3; lowed,pt. s. slooped, PP.

loge, S ; lowe, S; laghe, El ; lah, S ; lshe, Lowe, z pt. s. toldest lies, PP ; lowen
adu.,S; lo)e, S ; lowe, l'P; louwe, S; law, vpon,pp. lied against, F P ; see Ls3en.
S3; laver, ioii~p,,
Sz.-Icel idgr.
Lowen, a. to lo,", bellow, Wz (Job 6.
5) ; loowes,pr. r., S3.-AS. iildzva?z.
Louhnesse, i6. lowliness, PP.
Louken, u. to close, H, PI'; luken, S ; L o m e , ndj. serene, calm, S3, JD;
lowke, PP, El; lowkande, pr. p., Sz ; sheltered, H D ; loun, JD.-lcd. lo@, a
leac, pt. r., SD; lee, Su; IZC, S D ; cairn.
luken, pi, S D ; loken, pp., S, SD ; lorLownyt,pp. sheltered, B.
en=, S ; lowkyt (weak), S3.-AS. hlcalr, LO?, ~ 6 sea,
. inke, sz; see Loghe.
I". l 4 a (pl. iuion), pp. loicla; cl>. Icd. Luce, sh. a fish, n l>il<e,C, CM, Voc.,
Prompt., ND.-OF. lz~z(Barlscl~).
Lourde, n $ i lazy, slnggisli, I ~ I D;loord, Lud, n@. loud, S ; luae, rcdu. S ; see
$ 8 , ND.-OF. lo~wd;Lai. /s,ridui~i, dirty, ~ o u d .
lazy, heavy; see Diez.
Lud, sd. sound, voice, Sa : lude, daf.,
Lourdeine, ib. a lazy rascal. 1'P; lor- S D ; luden, pl., SD.-AS. kljd, ge-hljd;
dein, 11
' ' ; lurdeyn, P P ; lt~rden,I I D ; cp. OHG. ldtl (Otlrid).
lourdeines,pi vagabonds, PP.-OF. lour- Lua, $6. person, Sz ; ludes, p l , tenedein. See above.
ments, Sz ; see Leod.
L O U u.
~ to
~ lower,
Sz, S3; see Luren. Ludene, ~ a voice,
P P : see Leaen, s6.
Louten, m. to stoop, bowdown,worship, L U ~ ,
ddear,s z ; sec L W ~ .
H, Pp, Sz, C z ; to trcatasalout,S3: lut- Lufe,sl. love, s , , ~ A ; luf, H ; luue, S,
p r . ~ .S, ; loutede, pt. s., PI', Sz ;
pp, o,,i 6.: loue.das, a day fur the
luted,pi, S2 ; lutten,
S.-CP. AS. settle,nent of dispates by
idfa?*,to bow down, also izitian, to hide Fp;
cz; luue-eie,
reverence, S ; lo~~e-longinge,
desire, fond
to be praised, H.
cz, ; luf-reaen, good-wil~,
See %of.
Sz ; lufreayn, H (AS. /@den); luueLoue, $6. love ; see Lufe.
w u s e , loveworthy, S.-AS. /sf*'.
Loue, a. to praise, Sz, S3, H ; see Lufli, a@. llo~ely,H ; l~tuelich,loving,
lovely, S; louelokest, sqberl., S3 ; luueLouely, ug. worthy t o be praised, H. lithe, adu., S.-AS. luflie, adv. iujiice.






Lufsum, 4. loveable, pleasant, S,

S D ; lossom, Sz.-AS.



adw. pleasantly, S.-

Lutierliche, adv. vilely, S.

Lutlin, v . to dimii~ish,S ; lutlen, S ;

liteled, $1. s., Sz.-AS, iyflian. See Lytel.

Luue, $6. lovc ; see Lufe.
Lycorys, i b . liquorice, Ca : lycorerre,
Luft, id. a weak creature, worthless fel- Cuth-HF, lycolys; Latc Lat. Iiquiritin,
lonz, PI'; lift, IIU. See above.
giyiyl-riiisa; Gr. -yAur6#)'@, lit. iivtet
Lugen, u, to drift about (on the
Lyf, d. life, S, S I ; lifue, S ; liuea, g m .
SI ; lug@d,pp., pulled about, PP.
Lugit, pp. lodged, S3 ; see ~ ~ g g ~ nBS .n~/a.,alive, S ; lyues, S, Ca ; liue, dad.,
S, SZ ; lyue, S. Phv. : bring o liue, to
~ to klook, s~3 ; see,
kill, Sa (7. I @ ) ; on lyue, alive, S, Cz;
Lumpen,$$. befallen, Sa ; see Limpen. his lyf, durinz hia life, c 2 . - ~1~, ,~
Lunarie, id. moon-wort, C3 ; lunary, Lyf, rb. a living person, a man, P P ; lif,
HD.-OF. lzlnaire; Late Lat. Iuna&z.
S, ; lyfe, WA,
Lure, sa. a bait, enticement, C3, HD.zyf-day, $6. life.time, p p ; lif-da>e,
OF. Ioerre, (now [eurre); M.H.G. llroder, &I., s ; lyfe-days, $I., WA.-AS. /v.ddg.
a bait (now i~rder).
rd. way of life, mode o i life,
Lure, $6. loss, S ; Inre, SD; lire, SD.- s,,Lyflode,
of living,
p p ; liflode, S,
AS. lyre. See ~ e s e n .
PP ; lijflode, TVz ; lyuelsde, uLlus, Calh. ;
Lure, sb. face, SD; see Leor.
liuelod, S3 ; lyuelode, W.-AS, ?if+ Ida',
Luren, u. to lower, to look sullen, S ; a comse, provisions.
loure, Sz, S3, 1'P; lowren, PP.
Lyfly, a lively manner, S3.
Luring, sb. a loolting sullen, S.
Lyft, a@. kit, l'l', Sz; luff, S, PP, S z ;
Lurken, u. to imk, P P ; lorken, P P ; lift, S, PP, S z ; left, SkU. Conib.:
lift-ha=, left side, W z ; luft-hond, left
lurkand,pr.p., Sz ; lorked,$t. s., Sz.
hand, PP.-AS. lyft, weak ; cp. ODu. lzff,
Lurking, sb, hiding-placq S*.
Lust, s6, desire, inclination, plearnrc, '1"e7"5!
$6. air, sky, PI'. S3; lift, IIU,
PP, S, Sz, S3, 11; lest, Ca; hieste, S ;
S2. H ; lyfte. Sz ; lufte, dat., S ; lifte,
lostes,pI., Sz ; lustis,\?'.-AS.
5 % ; lyfte, Sz.-AS. &Pi c13. 0s. /*Pi,
h s t , ~ b the
,f hearing, S.-AS.
OIIG. i u f , Goth, iuftui. Cf. Loft.
h & ~:l Icel. hlzrit, the ear.
a. tolift,
shift, raise, P P ; 1Jiff~
~u. to give~ ear, to tlist, S, p ~
p ; Lyften,
listen, sihlesten,
S ; lhesten, sz:letsen, anfie, 9 ~P.,. Sz ; lyft, $1. s., PP.-Iccl.
Mta. See 'Oft.
Sz, S-AS. h&ita~r;cl,. Icel, hbrita.
, like, W z : see Liehe.
Lusten, u. to desire, S,Sa; lyst, rpr. i., L ~ i k'4.
S3 ; lust, pr. s. iiliper.~.,it pieases him, S, Lyke-waik; see Lioh.
I'P; list, sz,Sj, Cz, PI'; lest, PP; liste, Lykhame, id. body, P P ; see Liep ~s.. sabj., it may please, s ; leste, s, s ~ hame.
Cz, PI'; luste,pt. s. ii,~per?.,
S, S z ; liste, Lym, $6.lime, coix, Ss, C3; lyrne,Voc.
Comb.: lym-rod, a limed rod, Cz ; IymSz, S3. Cz ; leste, C2.-AS. iystu?~.
)erde, a limed twig, S3.-AS. ih.
Lustiheed, sb. pleasure, C z .
Lymaille, sb. file-dust, C 3 ; lymsil,
Lustinesse, sb. pleasantness, S3.
~u, to listen,~ ; lestenen,
~ irom lirnrr,
~ to file; ,Lat.
listnede,pt. r., S ; lertned, SI.
Lymit, ~ 6 .limit, WA.-OF. li7~ife;
G@. ,,plcasunt, s3,cz,c3,p p ;
Lal. liliiitern (ncc.).
lusti, joy[~~l,
friar licensed to ask
Lutby, rd. paramour, H ; see h t e b y . rims
within a certain limit, PP, C, CM;
Lute, ad/.little, S ; see Lyte.
lilliitator, Cuth.; limitour, PP.-OF. iimiLute&ad/.little, S, Sa ; Lytel.
(cotg.); church ~ ~ ~ t i . ~ ~
Luten, u. to stoop ; see Louten.
Lutier, ad/. bad, false, treacherous, S, Lynage, ib. lineage, descent, parentage,
PP, S 1 ; lfler, I'P, 11; liber, PP, S z ; PP, S3, Cz, W ; linage, Cz,Ca; lynsges,
libere, S, H ; leasre, S.-AS. b8ydrr.
pl, tribes, Sa ; lynagis, Wz.-AF. linage.

AS. l z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l i ~ ~ .
Luft, a& leit, S, Sz, P P ; see Lyft.





can, a pr. s., menlit, n~iht,pi. magois, opt. Malisun, $6, malediction, S, H, N D ;
niir,.e, ?nie#e, mu*, pl, niahan, nirczon. See malisoun, C3.-OF. fiiatimison, ninleiieorr,
nin?dedeceon, mahiisson (Ps. 108. 1 7 ) ; Lat.
Sievcrs, 424.
Masse-dai, sb. mass-day, S ; see n'a*dictioneni.
Malliable, ad/: malleable, C3.-OF.
Mahoun,i. hlahomet, Sz; Mahounde, #~c?icnb?e,pliant to the hummer, hammerable
1ID.-OF, Aifaiioin, &inhorns,
Mahuniet (Roland); Arab. iWuha?~snred, Mamelek, sb. a rnamel~the,S3.-Arab.
mauiCAh, a slave, a possession, from moiada,
'the praised.' Cf maumet.
he possessed; cp. It. mamntzic60 (Florio).
Maht ; see Mei.
Mahte, pt. s. might, S ; mihte, S ; Mamely, a. to mumble, P ; see
michte, S ; migte, S ; micte, S ; myhte, Momelen.
S ; mouote, S ; m u t e , S ; miate, 5 2 ; Man. I j v . S. I must, S D ;,
mught, Sz, 11; myite, Sz ; mought, S3, B ; see Mon.
H ; mosht,p?., Sz: moght, Sz. Comb. : Man, ib. man, any one, S ; husband, W ;
mihti (for rrihtc hi), might they, S ; mihti mann, S ; men, S2 ; mon, S, Sz ; manne,
(for milit 0, might 1, Sz ; maihtou, hi.,S ; me, S, Sz, S3, W ; maan, pi., S ;
mightcst thon, 1'P.-AS.
nunlife, mihte, m-eun, S ; mannen, gerz., S ; manne, Sz ;
pl. s. of VLR& I can, See Maai.
mannen, manne; dat., S ; menne, S.
Maille, sb. mail-armour, Cz ; meylle, Coinb. : manhed(e), manllood, Sz, C ;
Cath. ; male, S3, Cath.; mayles, p?., manheid, Sz ; mankin, man1iilid.S; monSkD.-OE
ftdaitie; Lat. maiz'ia.
See kin, S ; monclm, S;mnn-ken, S ; mankunue, S ; mon-kunne, S ; manMacull.
man-quellere, murMake, $6. mate, spouse, S, Sa, S3, C, qualm, pestilence,
derer, executioner, Sz, S3, W, W a ; monC z , 12, Prompt.; makes, pi, S z ;
quellere, S ; man-red(e), homage, S ;
Sz ; makys, S3.-AS. (,fc)maie.
man-sdpe, hornage, honour, S ; manmaken, to make,
pose, writr. PP, s;
s ; m.oien,~l"3e, man.slayer, s ; nlan-sleoht, manman-sleiht, S ; man-sleere,
s ; makye, S z ; mak, s*;ma, s*, B ; slmgLLcr,S;
""rcierm, Wz ; mon-pewes, the morality
rnaisi.,pr s., B, Sz; ma., S I : n l a i ~ , p i B;
rnan, S.-AS. mati.
makede, j t . s., S; maohede, S ; rnakked, of a grown
pl., Sx; maden, S, 1 ' ~ ;maked, pp., PI), Manace, $6. threat, C, SkD; manas,
S, C ; maad, C, Y P ; mad, S, C, G ; y- Sz, WA, S k D ; manauce, B ; manassis,
7 ~ a ~ z a i eLat.
makea, Sz, C z ; y-maaa,Sz, Cz; y-mad, manaasis, pi, W.-OF.
; see Constans.
S I ; i-,,,=perea, S; i-nmtet, s z ; i-maae, mi>za~ia
P ; i-mad, G ; hi-makede, S.-AS. mai- Manacen, u. to threaten, C z , P P ;
manasside, pt, s., Sz, W ; manaasside,
ian; cp. OIIG. niaihd9z (Otfrid).
Maker, ib. mal<er,writer,
S ~ D ,Wa : manausyt, 8.-OF. menace?,.
Manasyng, ib. threalening, C, B.
Cnth., N D ; makyere, Sz.
Male, sb. bng, portmanteau, mail, C, Man-a8, sb. perjury, S D ; mana'as,
C3, Prompt., Cath.; males, pi, P.-OF, pi, S.-AS. mdn-d8; cp. Icel. mein-ei8r.
v,~a?e (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. mala (Du- AS. riidn, wickcd, wickedness; cp. Icel.
naris-, base, ncrin, harm.
Malencolye, sb. melancholy, P P ; ma- Manciple, $6. purveyor, S ; see Maunoiple.
lensoiie, C, Prompt.; maiicoiy, WA.OF. mciarriolie.
Manden, u. to send forth, to command,
Malencolyk, a& melancholy, C.- S2.-OF. nienrier; Lat. liiarzdnre.
OF. I I I P L C ~ I I . O / ~ ~ U ~ .
Mandragora, rb. mandrake, ND ;
Malengine, $6. wicked artifice, H D ; mandrogo?is, pl., Wz.-OF. ninndragore
(Cotg.) ; Lat. tilandra~ova(Vulg.).
malengyne, malice, evil disposition, S3.AF. rimiengi*, fiaud, ill-meaning; e n g i ~ , Mandrak, sb. mandrake, Voc.; mandeceit, treachery (Bartsch).
dragge, Prompt. ; mandraga, Cath.
Malese, sb. sickness, P P ; male ese, Mane, sb. complaint, S2 ; see Mone.
W ; m-le ess, B.-OF. ma?aise (Cot&.).
Maner, sb. manor, P P ; manere, P,
Malice, d.evil, W.-AE. nra2ice; Lat. Voc.; msnoir, 1'1'; maners, pL, farms,
W; maneres, P.-AF. manere,



limlzer, niniioir; Late Lnt. ncanwinnr ( n u -

Marche, sb. n border of a territory, dis-



trict, proviilce, PP, Cath. Comb. : marcha kind, sort, also manner, parti, border-conntry, S3.-AF, aiarihc.
custom, S, Sa, C, P ; maneir, Sz ; maner, Marchen, u. to border,SD ; lnarcheth
S3, C, P ; measure, moderation, W ; man- to, borders on, Sz.
e r s , p l , Sz. Phr. : of mmnere, in his be- marchen, u, to march, go, PP,-OF,
haviour, Cz ; mmer doctrine, kind of n,der
doctrine, Cz ; maner thing, msner sergeant,
wyght, Cz, Mare, adj..em?. greater, S ; see More.
-AF. nianrre; Late ~ ~nialieria,
t . a kind, Marewe, id. morning, Sz ; see Morwe.
Margarite, id. pearl, Coth., W, Wz ;
species (Ducange).
BBangen, Mangerie; see ma-- margrite, W A ; marsew, l'rompt.;
margsritis,pi., \V. Comb. : margery(e)gen, Maungerye.
manicle, ~ bmanacle,
colg.; mimg.cle, wries, pearls, Sz, PP, I'als~.-Lut. marprompt.; man.kelle, c a t h . ; mnykils, ~a'.ita(Vulg-) ; Gr. ir-pyapf~nr.
pi, 11.-AF. iiaa~zicie; Lat. maaiiuia, Marie, u. to give in marriage, P P ;
marieden, pf. pi, were married, P P ;
dimin. of niarzica, glove, hundca&
PI' ; Y-maried,PP.-OF. niarier;
maniple, id, a scarf.iike ornamentworn maded,
about the left wrist of a sacrificing pricst Lat. '12ayitare.
Marie, infcfj. marry! i. e, by S. Mary !
(Cotg.).-Or'. ma3zopie (Cutg.).
manke, sb. mancus, s piece of money, C3'
Mark, $6. a coin, Prompt., Cg, P P ;
S ; Low Lat. liiaiiitrs (Ducange).
homune, y ; manly, marbe, P P ; mark,pL, C 3 ; marc, S3.adv., boldly, s a , c:; monluker, ro,,ip.,S. AF. marc; cp. Low Lat. liialsn (Uacinge).
mansed, pp, enco,nmunicated,cursed, Markis, sd.marquis,Cz.-AF. marclzis;
p ; monsede, ~ p , - F~~ a,,lanicd; AS, I.ow Lat. aiavciiazsir, the governor of the
marches or frontiers. See insrehe.
arndnrid. See Amansien.
~$6. mallsion~( a term in a~s t r o IVIarkisesse,
~sd. mnrchioness,
~ Cz. ,
logy), Ca.-AF. mansion; Late ~ ~9,1ant . Marle, sb. marl, cicta, Culh., Voc.;
marle, m a ~ p ,Manip. ; marl, chalk,
rnarie (moil. mai.7ie) ; Late
mantel, sb,
Lat. ~tiargiia;dimin. of niaixa (Pliny).
AF. ma7ztel.
Marl-pflte. sb. chalk-~it,I'rompt.
~ ~ ~ ~t 6a. ~littlel mantle,
~ tc.-OF.
Marlyd, ad/. cvetntus, Prompt.; y.
Mantled, pp. covered, adorned with
Marschal, ib. marshal, steward, C,
flowers, S3 ; i-mantlet, mantlcd, S.
PP ; marchal, PI'; marschall, B ; marsManye. a*.
I'P ; manige, S ; cballe, Cath. ; ma.eschsl, PP.
maniac, S ; manie, mani, S ; moni, S, rnarasdkal (marihnl); Low Lat. niarirSz ; many, S, Conib,:manifea*ld,
; OHG. ainrarihalh, a horsefold, S;
S ; manigefola, S ; iaiii's
servant; OHG. n~ai.aA OIIG. iihalh:
monifald, moniuold, s ; manifielalioe, Gotli. skalkx. See Mere.
manifolcl, S ;, Sz ; monimon,
a kind of weasel.
sZ; mani+whatt, many a martre, sb. marten,
Cf, Mer'.
subject, S ; mawwhat, S2.-AS. nznnig. skD.-o".
Marchaundise, rb. merchandise, t m f M d r * , sb. ,,,arten, S3 ; mertfik, JD.
Martryn, sh. marten's IIII,H D ; marfie, PP; marohaundye, S2.-AF.
terns, p i , I-ID; marterons, H D ; ma.
Marchaunt, rb. merchant, P P ; mar- trans, 'ID.
Martyr, 56. martyr, Cath.-AF. ilzartir;
chantz, pi., S2 ; ma~chan., PP. -AF.
ntav6hnnt, nreriiraurrt, OF. mavc/icant,mar- Church Lat. ficaW" (Vnlg.) ; GI. P ~ P T ~ P .
ieant (Bartsch); Late Lat. meriatantern, Martyr, u. to torment, Cath.; martyre, c.--AF. martirer.
see Brachet.
Marche, sb. the month of March, Martyrdome, ib. toment,martyrdom,
Prompt.; mershe, Sz.-Late Lat. j,iarci%s Cath.; martirdam, C.
(Prompt.); Lat. n&artizrs, the month of Mary, sb. marrow, C, C1, Prompt.,
Cath. (n) ; mmrghe, Cat!,. ; mergh, H ;

Manere, sb.

w z ,




Maugre, rb. ill~vill,P P ; mawera, S1,

P ; mawgry, Cath.; magger, S3. Phr. :
i n the magper of, in suite of,S3; addglle
Maschen. u. to mash, beat into a 1 m m g r y , dc;lierithr, i'ath.
: i : ~I 8 ,
nlnsoxyn II, II~,.I.
Maomet, . L : , ,: .!!,., I 11, XI,,: ,
1': ..I I r ; meshc, S. .
I l l ..
. , I I : m a w a ~ e t . \ \ 11, mnwmcnr,l : I:,: 7 . .
I<.\ :
9 1.1.
m;lwmn. m a w n ~ r a . . . . .: man~ a s e$6.
, maze, c o n f ~ ~ ~a iwild
o ~ , fancy, mettib, W ; ma;metys, mawmetis, pi.,
H ; mammetq Sh.-OF. ninhr~naet,idol,
conhised tlrrong, I,, Sz, C.
See Mahoun.
Mased, jj. confused, bewildered, WA, "I"
Maumettrie, sb, idolatry, MahometPP, Sz, C3.
anism, S z ; maumettrye, C3; mmwmetrg,
Masednesse, rb. amaze, Cz.
; mawmetrye, PI'; mawmentrye,
maseliche, niiu. confiisedly, SkD (5.". H
Prompt,; a,,m entry,
Maunciple, $6. purveyor, C, C3 ; manMaselin, 16. a kind of drinlring-cup, ciple, s.-o~. 9,ialzcipe: 01~.
somelimes made of ~'smlin,H D ; maseWn,
h t . manCz. See Mestling.
iipiulil, slaw, properly possession, property.
Massage,ib.measage,S3: seeMessage. For the intrss~vcL, see Croniole.
Masse, sd. mass, P ; see Messe.
Maundee, $6.maundy, the washinc of
the disciples' fect,PP.-OF. malrdb; Church
Mast, most, Sz ; see most.
Lat. rnandaialu+n, the foot-washing [Du~ ~ ~ ~ $8,
i l7,8ixti(io,
~ ~ a, mixtnre
, ,
something com,+,heat and
c a t h , ; mastlyone, HD c a g e ) ; Lnt. a~ar~dafum,
(r.7. mailirz) ; mastline, N D ; mestlyone, manded.
rtciztiiio, Prompt-Late
at. mistiiiioneiii, NIaundement, rb. commandment, W,
miitiiionem, mestiianon, see ~ u c n n g e(3.7. PP; nlaundemens, PI., S2.-OF. manlienixturn), also mizli/ionem (Voe.); cp. 7"e"t(Cotg.).
OF. nicsfti/(meteilinCotg.). Cp.mestling maungen, v. to eat, PP; maunged,
P ; i-maunget, Sa ; mawed, PP.mat,pt. r. measured, W ; see meten. PP..
Mate, oi@ dcfeated utterly, confounded, OF. man@er; Lat, manduiare.
exhauited, dispilitcd, li, S b n ;
c 3 ; Maungerye, $6. a feast, P P ; *anPP; mangerye, G. -AF.
niaiimaat, C, s~.-oE.
~ dead
b =?%
(used in chess).
Mavis, rd. the thrush, Cotg. ; mavice,
Mate, $6. checkmate, S3.
Prompt. ; mavys, Palss. ; mavyss, S3.maten, u. to checkmate, defeat con. OF.
"fluuis (Cot.+); cp. It. maiuiccio
found, s3, HD; matyn, prompt.LOF.
Matere, sb. materid, stuff, matter, sxib- Mawe, ". maw, stomach, C z , C3,
ject, sz,C, cz,c3, P P ; mz*ter, p p ; ma. P P ; maw, P p ; maghe (=w=iua), H.(Voc.).
teere, C, P P ; matiere, S z ; materie, S z . AS'
Mawe, Mayct ; see miei.
-OF, nintei.e; Lat. meteria.
maselen, u. to talk, S-AS. nzabeiian, May, i b , the month of May, P P ; mer,
to hurnngoe, from nie88i,
meetin6r; Sa,-OF ffiai; Lat. ~ ~ ~ a i ~ ~ s .
May, ib. avirgin, Sz. S3, C3, PP, ID.cp. Goth. niath/jan, to
a meeting-place, market,
Icel. mela, AS. "&, '(cognata) femina, virgo;' see
from mdi; herewith is connected Low Lat. Grein. Cf. Mai.
May, pr. s. may, can, Sz ; see Maei.
t,iaiizciii, parliament.
lKa8ern, sb. treasnrr, SD; rnadnles,p/,, May, a+. comfp.fI.more in number, B ;
see Mo.
S.-AS. ?rzd8zmi (mum).
Matrimo~ne,sd. matrimony, C ; ma- Mayde, $6. maid, PP, S k D ; maide,
termoyn, E1.-AF. n$atn',,zonie; Lat. nin- PP, S ; meide, S ; mede, S.
Mayden, sb. maiden, P P ; msydene,
Maugre, prcp. in spite of, Sz, S3, C, P P ; meiden, S, SIcD; maiden, S ; mayCz ; maugree. Sa; mamgre, C ; maw- denes, $/., bachelors and spinsters, P P ;
greith, PP.-OF.
filaugi-e (F. rna&rb;; maidenes, S ; maydnes, S.-AS.
Lat. rnaiu,, +grai$~m.
(Voc.), rniegden (G~ein).
merghe, Cath. (n), $1 ; mari, C ~ t (h, a ) ;
merowj, W z ; merowis, p/,, Wz.-AS.



. A




Maydenhod(e), sb. virginity, PP, C ; pr.

s., H ; mellede, pt. s., Sz; mellid,

P P ; mellit, pp., S3; y-meilea, S a ; y.
Mayn, $6, strength, S3, G, PP, B ; medled, S3.-OF. medley, me~ler; Late
main, S : mane, B,-AS. 1 1 ~ e f e . g; CP. IccI. Lat. naiicula?.e, from fiiiiirre.
Medlynge, s6. mixture, joining; meadMayne, s6. a company, 5 2 ; mayny, lynge, \\', Wz; mellyng, mingling, fighting, Sa.
i z ; see Dlerne.
Waynful, a$. powerful, SD ; mein- Wedwe-grene, adj.g~eenasa meadow,
d e , S.
Sz ; see Dlede.
Mayre, rb. mayor, P P ; maire, P P ; Meel, sb. a slated time, meal, C, C a ;
..-Yr, I'rompt.; maizes, pl., P ; meires, mel, S ; mele,jl.,meal-times, S : meeles,
42, PP ; meyris, chief justices, M7.-PIE.
Sz, PP ; meles, PP.-AS. mhl: Goth. niil;
dcyre, meire, m e i ~ ,9szair8; Lat. nraiorem, see Sievers, 17.
Meiden, $6. maiden, S ; see Mayden.
Mayster, ~ b master,
S, C, Sz ; mars- meined, pp.
sz; mein$, s3;
y r , Prompt.; maister, S, C, C z , Sz ; See
-+istre, P ; meister, S ; maistres, pL,
f U F f a l e ,adj ~oiverful,S ; see n k n ; a , G, p ; maistris, Wz.-OF.
.at. magistru?,i.
~ 4chief;
. ,,,*ister, C, cz; Meire, $6. mayor, Sz ; see Mayre.
Meister, aiEj chief, S ; see Mays.ter.
,eister, S.-OF. maistrr.
Maysterful, dj.powerful; maiatir- Meister, sb. master, S ; see Dlayster.
Meistre, s6. mistress, S.
Maystresse, $6. mistress, prompt.;. Meistren, a. to bc master of, S.
-rstresse, Sz, C I . - OF. mairt,%~ie Mei&had, sb. virginity; meivhader,
gcn., S.-AS. mvgbhdd, from mess, virgin,
Maystrye, s6. mastery, Prompt., p p , woman: Golh. niagaiiis ; see Sieiws, 49.
:z ; maiatri(e), Sz, W z ; maistry, S3 ; Meke,&. mmk,C, Ca, Prompt.; mew,
3.-Icel. ,,yiiJiir,soft.
.=istre, C ; meystry, Su; mastry, B.IF. maiil~ie.
W e k e l ~ad-.
, meekly, Prompt.; mekly,
Me, conj bat, S, SD.-Cp. OLG. *Len. S z ; meoon), S.
Me, pro*. indej? a man, one, people, PP, Meken, u. to render meek, to humble,
:, Sz, S3. W : see men.
Sz. Sz. W. \Vz.. F.. Promot.
Meairen, - . .. n.:tr, .< ;
~ e k e n e s s e , ;. . ' I T ! . .; .I%
l 1'; I r C ' ' . l t : meknea. ';.: meocnssse.:
Mebles, . .:, n..v,?i I.. ! ,,;,t!,

msydenhede, C 3 ; meidenhed, SkD.




Mede, s6.mead (the drink), Cz, Prompt.;

,*the, SkD; meth, CM. - AS. riieodu

.ee Sievers, 106; ; cp. Gr. I*:Qv.

Mekil., 7,' . .nu 7

Mel, $6. a meal, S ; spe meel..
Melden, o. to show, S D ; meld, to

cure, Sz.-AS.




(Vac.); cp. OHG.

meid6tr ( O t W .
Mele, i b . meal, ground corn, S, PP.AS. riieoiu (Sievers, 249); cp. OHG. siiclo
, , Melen, u: t o spealc, to convevse, PP,
,Ss, W A ; melleth, j r . s., P ; mellud,
Pi. s., P.-AS. (gc)mhiaa.
Mell, v , to mix, mingle,. meddle, figllt
with, B, S j , H, \VA; see Dledlen.
MellB, JC. an affray, contest, medley,
B.-OF. nteiiee, ijuslee. C t Medlee.
Mellere, i6. miller, C ; see Dlylnere.
Mel-stan, $6, mill-stone, S ; see wylle.
Meltsn, v. to melt, P P ; molte,jt. r,
medlen, u, to mix, Prompt., C3, W2, S3.-AS. .tellan, pt. s. meoN (mdit), pl.
/ ; mell, S3; meUnd,pr.j.,B ; melles, r,zultorr, pp. niollcn.


s6. mead, meadow, S, C, P P ;

,.dew.+, Prompt. Comb. : medwe-grene,
n.en RS e meadow, Sa.-AS.
mhd (PI.
.hd?ua) ; see Sirvers, zgg.
Mede, 26. reward, bribery, S, Sz, ~ 3
V2, P ; meede, Sz, G ; meed, S3; meede,
, V Comb. : med-)ierne, yearning for
waril, S ; medgorne, S. -AS.
IMcic. oicord (OET) : Gotli. niizdo; see
ievers, 18r.
Meden, u. to reward, PP, Prompt.
Uaedlee, n d j mired in colour, C ;
adle, P~ompt.-OF. medic, nzcde. Cf.

Membre, jb. member, limb, PP.-AF.
t,~enzbrr ; Lat. ~,zcni6run~.
Men, proa. i n d d a man, one,

OF. tiien2risier; Late Lat. 7,rin%rtiare,from
minutus, lesseued.
Mepynge, sb. meaning, significarion,
intentloil, PP.
Menyng(e), ib. remembrance, mention,
Menyng(e), $8. complaining, PP.
Menje, a company, Sz ; menahe, Sz ;
see meyne.
meobles, $8. pi,, moveaMe property,
PP ; see mobyle.
Meoc, a 4 meek, S ; see Meke.
Meoclejjc, r6. meekness, S. - Icel.
Meocnesse, rb. meelmess, S ; see

P P , Sz ; me, S. See man.
Mene, a@. common, poor, mean, PP,
S3 : meane, S.-AS. (ge)nz&rir, common.
Mene, ae. mean, middle, S z , C3;
meyne,Cath. Conib.: menewhile, meanwhile, S z ; menewhiles, Sz.-AF. ?,wre;
OF.,neioigz (F. naoyea); Lut. niedionu?il.
Mene, sb. a mean, mediator, PP, H D ;
meane, S3; menes,pi, means, Sa, C3, P.
See above.
Menen, m. to mean, signify, to intend,
PP, S, CM, Sz,lVA.
Menen, a. to remember, H, H D : mekenesse.
meyne, B.
mercy, sb. mercy, Prompt. ; mersi, S ;
Menen, v . to complain, lament, be:your) pardon, P . - A F . ~ , J ~ ~
moan, Sz, PP, WA: meyne, B ; menYS,, .,,,,id:
Late Lat. r ~ e n c ~ i e r ns, gratuity,
$7. s., S3; menyt, pf. s., S*; men*., 32.pity, mercy; in Lat, pay, reward.
AS. mhtzen, to make moan, complain. See Mercyable, aq,merciful, c z , p p ,
Mercyen, u. to thank, PP, Sz ; merMengen, u. to commemorate, mention, .ien, to
fine, PP.-OF. ~,renier,
remember, PP, WA ; munge, P P ; to thank.
mengen here, u. '@. to Mercyment, rb. amercement, fine, P,
remember herself, reflect, PP.-AS. (8')- prompt., Cath.-Late Lat. r,ier~iol,inrt2$r,~.
n~yliegian,to remember, remind.
Mere, a6. famous, S ; mare, S.-AS.
Mengen, mix, PP, H, Sz ; mine(9,i~re): ~ ~ t P hI I E. ~ ~ ;see Fick (7.
en, S3: m y w e n , W : myngide, P f . s., 233),
sievers, I i .
W ; meynde, S ; mseingde, S ; i-mengd, Mere, sb. a mare, Sa, C, Cath.; meere,
pp',. S ; meyna, S, Sz,
Prompt.-AS. niere, f, of mearh, horse; cp.
memt, S3 ; meynt, S3 ; ment, S3: Y- OTr,
mengd, Sz ; y-megnd, C ; i-meind, S.Mere, $6. limit, boundary, Sz ; meer,
AS. (ge)mnqagan.
Con~b.: mere-stane, boundary
Mennesse, sb. commnnion,fellowshi~, Prompt.
sto,le, Cath.-A~. (ge)n,hre.
S2. See mene.
Mere, $6. sea, a mere, Prompt., WA.
Mennisc, 06.J~ula*=s,S D ;
C 6,: mere-mrtyd,
siren, C M ;
man-like, C3-AS. <i~e*nisc,man- mermayde,c ; mere-swin,
nish, human; cp. Ieel. mennikr.
mersuine, pi., Sz.-AS. nzere, sea, lake:
Mennissclej?.c, sb. humanity, S.
OHG. mari; cp. ~ 0 t h vlarci.
Mennisscnease, $6. humanity, S.
merels, ~ bpi.
, meielles, or nine men's
Menske, $6. ,honoar, dignity among
s3.-oli. n~ereiits (Cotg.); naerrI
men, S, Sz, H D ; mensk, S2, R ; men% ( D U C ~ ;Dcp.
~ ~Low
) Lat, mereiius, mcmlfavour, Sz.-lcel. nitmiha, humanity.
hrs, a coonter, token, a piece in draughts
Menskelye, ad#. worthily, reverently, (Ducange) ; see Rruchet.
S Z: menskly, H.
Merghe, sb. marrow, H, Cath. (n); see
Mensken, u. to honour, S, IID, Sz, P. maw.
Menskful, 4.tluorshipful, noble, Sa. ~ ~ ~ g hpp.i full
d ,of manow, I*.
Menskfully, ads. honourably, B.
Meridional, adj. southern, Cz.-OF.
Menstralcye, sb. minstrelsy, C ; see nreridionaJ(Cotg.). From Lat. nteridies,
Ment ; see menen (3) and meneen.
merke, ndi. dark, mirk, murlty, PP,
Mentil, sb, mantle, lVz ; see mantel. CM, S2, 11; mirke, S, Sa, 11; myrk, Sz,
Menusen, u. to minish, make less, SkD, H ; merk, PP; meerk, FP.-AS. nivrce,
WW, C M ; minyshe, S3.-AF, menuser, mirre, ,murc; cp. Icel. nyrkr, Dan. l,iork.



Merke, sb. darkness, PP.

Merkenesse, id. darkness, P P ;

Meseiste, sb. povcrty; myreiste, Wz.
Mesel, sb. leper, CM, PP, W.-AF.

mirkenes, Sz, H ; myrknes, Sz, 11.

nrese(; Lute Lat. miiriiis, leper (Docat~ge),
Merle, $6. blackbird, sj, ND.-OF. dimin. of Lat. misir, wretched.
,,serie (Cotg.); Lnt, mtncia.
Meselrye, sb. Icprosy, Cuth. (n) ; memerling, $6. the whiting, sa, &fanip., SYlery, Voc.-OF. *zesrlicrie, leprosy (Ducangel.
See above.
Cotg.; merlynge, Prompt.-OF. merlarz
(Cotg.), from Lut. nierula (cp. Late Lat. Meson-deu, $8. hospital,PP; maisonaswe, Cnth. (n), H D ; masyndewe, Cnth.;
nipririe in Voc. 642. 13).
Merlion, rb, merlin, a small hawk, CM; meaondieux, pi., 1'.-OF. nlairori Dieu,
meflyone, Prompt. ; madin, Cotg.-OF.
rsacrriion (Cotg.), dimin. of *esmeyie; Message, rb. mission, message, messenger, Sz, C3; massage, S3.-AF. nitscp. It. s?,~erlo(Florio), G. srh?iieri,
mermaYde, sb, mermaid, C ; see safe; Late Lat. niissotirrrrn (Brachet).
Messager, sb. messenger, Sa, C, Cz,
mere, $6.(3).
to mar, S : me.rren, S ; C3. G, P P : masager, P P ; messanger,
mazre, PP ; merri',pr.. pi., S.-AS, mer- PP.-AF. mrssagcr.
Messe, $6. mass, S, P ; mess, S3;
ran (in compoanas): OS, nirr-iian,
to hi"masse, P ; messes,pi, P. Comb.: merseder : GHG. ?iiarrjiz,: Goth. niarqnn.
~ rb, marsh,
~ S ~ D mershe,
~ mass-book,
h S ; messe-aos,
S ; manse-dasi, mass-day, S ; messe-gere,
dot., S.-AS. v~rrsr.
mass-gear, S; maase-geny, mass-fee, S3;
Mershe, ". March, Sz ;
massepans, pi., P.-AS.
niiessc; Church
Mersuine, $6. pi. porpoiscr, Sz ; sec ~ ~miria.
t .
mere, rb. (3).
Meste, oiij. s*/geri. greatest, chief, S,
Merthe, 56. mirth, P P ; see Dlurthe. Sz ; meste, c z ;
Merueile, sb. marvel, wonder, P P ; Mester, sb. art, trade, occupation, PP,
merueyle, Sz ;lileruaille, Cz; mervaylle, C, CM ; mestier, PP, l I D : meinter, S ;
C.-OF. merueiile ; Lat. mirabiiio (n. pl.). meoster, S : mystet, PP, R ; mister, B :
Merueillous[e), adj. mmarvellous, Cz, misteir, U. Phh. : mester men, sort of
PP.-OF. inerueiiios.
men, C.-OF.
and AF. nrrrter, nzrifier,
Mery, a 4 merry, cheerful, pleasant, occupation, business, need: Lat. nii>riiP P ; merie, S, C, Ca ; merye, Wz ; miri, teriuaz, see Rrachet (,s.v, r,iNier).
S ; mime, CM; my=, Prompt.; myde, Mester, s&. necd, want; mister, Sz,
Wz ; muri(e), S, C ; me*,
aiiv.,Sz, Cz; B, HD, Cath. ; myate., C, B; mysteir,
muryer, ionip., P ; mydest, ss~peri.,Sz. Sz; mystur, H D ; mystir, R; mystere,
Conrb.: merims*lre, merrymaking, S3; HD, I*. The same$ word as above, see
merie men, followers, Cz ; myrytottyr, a NQ ( 6 . 4. 161).
merry totter, swing, Prompt.; mymweder; Mestling, sfi. a kind of mined metal,
pleasant weather, Prompt.; mars weder,. Cath. (p. 230, n. 3 ) ; masdyne, Cuth.Prompt. (n), Bardsley (p. q?j).-AS. nirrg AS. mipot/inf(rnrrrfiini, 'auriculcos,' Voc.).
Cf. maselin.
Mes-, $Y&;
mis-; mys-.-OF. me$- ; Mestling, $6. mined corn, Cath. ($.
Lat. mitiur, see Constans.
230, it. 3) ; m a s t l ~ nrID;
masslin, Cotg.
Mesauentur, $6. misadventure, S ; (s. v. metad): maslin, H U : madin,
meeaunture, Sz ; missuenture, Cz, C3. Prompt. (9. 335 n), C ~ t g .(s.v. traniois);
Meschaunce, sb. miscl~ance, Sa, C, messling, Cotg. C t masti~aon.
Ca, Y ; myschaunse, Sz.
Mesurable, a+. mmoderatc, C, Ca, C j ,
Mescheuen, v. to come to mischief, P ; mesurabul, Sz.
SU ; mischeefe, drstnrrre, Manip.
Mesure, sd. measure, moderation, Sz,
Meschief, $6. ill-fortune, C ; myschief, Cz. P P : mesur, Sz, B ; meorure, S.AF. meiure; Lat. 9?8ensura.
Sz, P ; mirshiefe,Jafifin,,z, Manip.
Meseise, $6. discomfort, PI', S z ; mis- Met, rb. measure, moderation, S ; mete,
eise,PP; myseise, PI', S I , W ; myseese, daf.,5 ; meete, Sz.-AS. (,fr)md. Cf.
W ; myseyse, a 4 : , uneasy, P ; mesaise, meten.
rb., S.
Mete, adj mcet, fitting, close-fitting, Sa,
L 2



S3, Prompt.-AS. ,,z&fi, tight-fitting; cp.

meet, hi, see SliD.
Mete, ib. food, a meal, feast, S, Sz, C,
Wz, P P ; meten, pi., S ; meetis, Wz.
Comb.: mete-graces, graces at meat, S ;
mete-nlainges, meat-mggnrds, S. - AS.
mate (OET) : Goth. mati, from naatjan,
to eat; see Sievers, 263.
Metels, $6. dream, vision, P P ; meteles,
1'P. See belaw.
Meten, v. to dream, Chl, PP, S ; meeten, Sz, PP; mette, pt. s., Cz, P ; met,
jj., C.-AS. m&tan.
to paint, d e s i g n , s ~; metead,
PP., S.
Meten, u, to meet, P P ; mette, pt. r.,
S.-AS. 9,6Pta?z : OS. mlfiaa. From AS.
7116t. See Moot.
Meten, u, to mete, measure, Sz ; meete,
Wz ; mete, P ; met, Sz ; meten, pr. pi.,
W ; mat, pt. s., W.-AS. (gr)nutan; cp.
Goth. mitan, see Sievers, rg.
Mete-wand,r6.a measuringstick,WW.
Mete-yarde, d. measuring-rod, S3,
Meth,ad%mild, conrteous, HD; methe,
Meth, sb. moderation, mildness, S, Sz,
W A ; meas, S ; mepe, S2.-AS. nr46,
Methes-chele, rb. marten's sliin, S.AS, rneolB (Vac.).
Me8-ful, adj. moderate, S.
Me8-les, adj. immoderate; mepelee,
Metrete, ~ b measure,
w.-Lx~. nletrata
~ ~ t ~$6. dreaming,
~ ~ p( p ; ~met-)
inge, b.-AS. m d t i n f (Grein).

Meyne, u. to moan, lament, B; see

Meynh, sb. household, retinue, train,

company, Sz, S3, C, W, P P ; meynee, Cz,
W a ; meyny, Sz; mayne, Sz; mayny,
Sa, S3 ; meine, Sz ; men)e, Sz, H, Cuth. ;
men)he, Sz ; meany, S3 ; meny, Prompt. ;
meynes, p i , \V: meynees, Wz ; menjes,
menlia, H.-OF.
meisnee, i>iaislzee; Low
Lat. maisnadn, *nia+zsiosata, from Lat.

Meyneal, at$ homely, W ; of one's

household, W a ; menyall, S k D ; meyneals, $6. p i , they of the household, Wa.
See above.
Meynpernour, id. a taker by tLe hand,
bail, sorety, P.-AF. azcynper.norrr.
Meynprise, id. a taking by the hand,
bail, security, P ; maynpris, G. -AF.
Meynprise, u. to be si~retyfor, PP.
Meyntene, u. to sapport, abet (in an
action at law), P, Sz ; mayntene, to maintain, C, P.-AF. ?trcyntc?ier.
Meyntenour, rb. supporter, PP.-AF.
Miche, a@ much, Sz ; see moshe.
Mid (~),prrp.with, S, Sa ; mya, S, 31,
P ; mit,S; mide, S. Sz; myde,S~.Comb.:
mitte (mit pe), with the, S z ; mitte (mit
pe), with thee, S ; mid-al, withal, S ; midalle, altogether, S ; mid-iwisse, certainly,
S ; mid-ywisse, S ; myd-iwisse, S.-AS.
Mid ( 2 ) a@. mid, SD. Comb.: midmarwen, mid-morning, S ; mid-mometide, S U ; mid-ouernon, middle of the
; he* midouernon, fully the
middle of the afternoon, Sz ; midewinter,
Christmas, 5 2 ; midwinterdsei, sd. det.,
met- ~ h ~ i ~ S ;~ ~ ~ ~ . d sz
~ ;~
inge, Sz.
mid-ward, middle, Sz.-AS. m i d .
Meuen, u' to
PP; Middel, ndj. and s6. middle,weist, SkD,
mened,pp., S3; see monen.
S, Sz, C ; myddel, P P ; myddil, W ; mydMewe,
C, C z , aelsste, ruperi., G. Comd. : midael-niate,
Munip. ; mue, SD.-OF. niice, a. coop for midnight, S,-AS, l,iiddel,
fowls, the moulting of feathers (Cots.). ~ i d d ~ l -$b.
~ the
~ dmiddle
See below.
world, S ; middeleard, S ; myddelerd, S,
Mewen, *. to mew, inonlt, SkD, Cot&?. p p ; ,,,idelera, S ; nlydlerd, s z , PP;
-OF. ml/er (Cots.); Lat. nmtare, to mydelerd, PP; medlert, JD.-c~. OS.
,hange. Cf. Moutin.
middiignvd, OOHG. niittiia $art (Tatia~).
Mey, sb. May, Sa; see may.
Cf. Xiddenez%rd.
Meyn, sd. intcnt, S3; mcin, JD. Sce Midden-eard, sb. the middle abode,
the abode of men, S ; middensera, S ;
Meyn, to remember, be mindful of, middenard, S ; midenarde, dat., S.-AS.
LI; mcyne, B ; see Menen.
middan~rard for middan-pard, 'middle





enclosure' (OET),the earthsituatcdbetween Minion, a*. small, pretly ; mynyon,

heaven and hell, see Sweet, and Sievers, N D ; mynionly, adw,delicately, ND.
314, n. 5 ; cp. Goth. *xi&*&'ani~, Icel.
M i n t , p t . s. purposed, S ; see Munten.
*~rit&'avSr. See CV., and Grimm, n u t . -mint,
r r ~ $ z . - - ~ ~ .niynt, - P , J ~ , zGO~I,.
Ma 1'. 794.
-mwzdipa, see Sieveri, 255, 3. Cf. WurthMiddes, on& in p h r : in middes, in mint.
the midst, PP; in pe m ~ d d e s ,PI', S a ; Minute, sd. a mite, moment of time,
in (fro) be mYddis, PP, S3, W,
; in H D ; mynute, Prompt.; mynutis, $I.,
the mydis, Wz.-From
ffzid, 4. The small pieces
W. comb.
: myn-es gives the phrase an adverbial force. T h e
p~ ; myntwhile, ~f ; mnynteolder forms (in Layamon) are a
PP.-LZ~. niiirutuni (V,II~.). cf.
midden ; AS. on midian.
Midwif, $6. midwife, SD, SkD; myd- Minyshe, u. t o minish, S3 ; sec Menwyf, SkD; mydwyfe, Prompt.; mydewyf, asen.
SkD; medwyfe, Cuth. ; medewife, SkD; Mire, i6. ant, S ; mowre, Cath.-Cp.
medewyues, pi., Sz. See Mid (I).
Dan. ~nyl?,IczI. ?i&o~(l-r.
J :
M i g h t a n d , p i . . p . , a s niij having might, Mire, my, gcn. and '/at.,f of Min.
Mirky, aiij ddar, I*. See Merke.
Mihel, id. Michae1,SD; Myihele, H D ; Mirre, sb. myrrh, S, P P ; mir, Sa ;
Mihil, NU.-ChurchLat. &fiiihocl(V~~lg.),murre, P P ; myrre, PP. - AS. 7,~yrrc;
from the Heb.
Lat. rnyrrha (Vulg.); Gr. p6bjo.
Mihel-masse, $6. nfichaelmar, S D ; Mirye, a+. merry, CM; see ~ e r y .
Mihelmas, N D ; MYhehasse, P P ; x i s - Xis, a&. amiss, S, C3; mys, P P ;
selmasse, Sa.
mysae, Sz.
Miht, ipr. r. mayest, S ; see MiIrei.
Mis-, preqfz; mrs-, P P ; mysse-, PP.
Xihte, pt. r. miglit, S ; mi+ S ; -AS. mi>-; Goth. miiia~. Com6.: misbileue, suspicion, C3 ; misboden, injored,
miohte, S ; migte, S; see Mahte.
mikel, ~dj.
S, C, CM; misdede, misdeed, S, 1'1'; mirdeparten, to divide amiss, C z ; misdo, to
Sz ; see Xuohcl.
do amiss, PP, S, S z , Cz; Inisfaren, to besd,
S, Sz,
myloe, haye amiss, S ; mysfare, to miscarry, 1'P;
milche, S,-AS, nziitx, from mi
mispouernaunoe, miscoi~duct,Cz ; mi=mild, gentle; see Sievers, 198, q.
gyed, misguided, C z ; mys~happen,to
milcien, -. to show mercy, S ; mileen=, meet ~ i t hmisfoit,me, PP ; myshopand,
S ; milsien, S.-AS. mil~iafl,nlih'n*~. despai,ing, H ; ,,,isleuen,
to believewrongDBilde, a<ij. mild, S, Sz ; myld, S. ly, S ; misliken, to displease, to be disConib. : mild-heorte, mercifnl in heart, pleased, S, Sa ; misliking, displeasure, SI ;
SD: mild-heorted,S ; milde-herted, S2 ; myspay, to dieplease, 11; misrede, to admil&herrtle;;o, mildhealtedness, compas- vise ill, s ; misrempe, to go wide of the
sian, S; mild-heortnease, clemency, S ; mark, S ; mysreule, to misgovern, S3, PI' ;
mildhertnease, S.-AS. miide.
myssayde, abused, rebuked, slandered, 1'1' ;
Miles, $6. pi, animals, Sz.-Ct W. misseid, Sz; miasemand, misem=nn.
9,111, an animal, beast; miled, a wild unseemly, I f ; mistealen, to mistithe
(mis-iteotieget, S ) ; mistriste, to miianirnal (W.\V. S.).
Min, prorr.pan. my, S, s2 ; myn, S, truet,C 3 ; mysturne, to pervert, W, Wz.
Cz, IJP ; mi, S, Sz ; mines,gcn., S ; mine, Mis-, pr@z (of F. orizin) ; see mes-.
dat., S ; mire, gel,.and dat.,f, S ; mynen, Mislich, a& various, S ;mialiclle, aiiu.,
pi., Wz. Phr.: myn one, by myself, S ; mistlice, S.-AS. mislic (7,&isflii),vaalone, PP.-AS. nrln.
rious, ad". niiiliic (niiitliie, Grein). For
insertion o f t see Sievers, 196, I.
Min, sC. memory, Sa ; see ~ y n n e .
Mines, z pr. r. remembereit, Sz; see Misliche, a h . baiily, miserably, S ;
missely, wrongly, Sz.
Minion, 16. a favourite, a lover, Sh. Misse, s6. want, lack, fault, S ; mysse,
TG, N D ; i,eih~lz~lrs,
Manip.; minyons,pl., SI PP.
S3.-OF. oiigiion (Cotg.) ; cp. It. ,,iignone Missen, z. to miss, SD ; mis, Sz ;
myssep,pr. r., is without, FP.




r,roi/er, moiller, to wet; Late Lat. *nzoIliMister ; see Nester.

Mistiloker, n@, co~,ip. more mystic, a*, from mo[Iis, soft.
Moillere, sb. woman, wife, P P ; muliPP ; mystiloker, PP.

misty, a+.
myslerious; mysty, ere, PP ; moylere, P.-OF. nioiliier, mu,,listiir,s, prompt. ; ,,,istier, io?,,g.,p ~ . ilIer; Lat. nruiierem ; cp. AF. l!r*rlief',
Misty, n 4 . misty, nrbidosur, Cath.,
Mok, $6. muck, filthy lucre, P P ; muk,
Mite, sb. a mite, small coin, thing of no PP ; mukke, Prompt.
value, C3, Cotg. ( 5 . v. niilrntc) ; myte, PP ; MokYs 4 misty, HD. Cf. moiCh.
mi12utrrni,cath., Prompt., WW. CO,,,~.: Molde, 36. crumbling ground, earth,
t ~~e~ I C , P P . c f . minute. m o d 4 S, Sz, P, G ; mo-lae, P P ; mulde,
moldez, pi., dry pieces of mould,
sb. ,,,itten,
c 3 ; see "VA;Phr.:
o n molde, on the earth, in the
world, Sz, PP. Colnb. : molde-ale, a fuMithen, a. to conceal, ss SD.-AS. neral
or banquet, Prompt.; mulaefldsan; CP. OHG. (bi)7izidnn (Tatian,
a funeral banquet, JU ; mo~awerp,
P. 493).
mole, mouldcaster, SkD ; moldwarp, Sh. ;
Mix, $6. dimg, S ; a vile wretch, S z . moidewarpe, Cath.-AS.naol&. C t m u l l .
AS. raiz, mros, mroirx, Goth. siaihrlui; mole, $6, the moldwarp, tn(pa, sh. ;
cp. OHG. a ~ i s (Tatian).
mowle, S3; molle, Prompt.-This word
Mizzle, u. to rain slightly, S3, H D ; is short for moldc-worp. See above.
miselle, mysylle,pl~~uifarr,
Molte (for molt), pt. s. melted, S3;
Mo, a+. &andad*. more, besides, others, see melten.
S, Sz, S3, C ;moo, S3; ma, S, Sz ;may,$/.,
Mom, $6. the least sollnd that can be
S3.-AS. urn. (NZoproperly ?cans more in made with closed lips, PP, Sz ; mum, S3.
number; ?itoremcans greater m magmtude. ~
~u, to mumble,
~ PP;
Mobyle, aadi: moveable, S j ; moebles, e ~ y p.
moveables, property, PP, C3 ; -0s. I must, R ; p ~s.,. B ; z p r , s.,
bles, P P ; mebles, 1'P.-OF.
mobre, also s3;
mayeit, Sz ; gr. r., shall, Sz ;
meubie (Cotg.); Lat. mobilenz.
man, I pr. I., SD ; z pr. pl., Sz, B ; mun,
Moche, 04.and ad*. great, much, S, gr.r., Sa, H.-Icel. niuriu, 'dcbere,' pr. s.
Sz, CI ; see Mnche.
9nan (pl. munu).
Mochel ; see muchel.
Mon, ib. man, S ; see Man.
Mod ; see mood.
Monchen, u. to munch, Cath. (rz),
Modder, sb. a young girl, &fanip. ; Palsg., SkD; mounch, Sh ; munche, CM
(4145) ; maunohe, Palsg. ( 5 . v. br&uN) ;
moaer, Prompt,
Palsg.: mounchg.nge,Pr.P., S3.
moder, ,b. mother, S, sz,C, c3,PP; m-nche,
Comb.: mounsh-present, H D ; mauncheS ; moar, VIr ; modur,
mooder, s z , c z , c j ; muddir, s3; moaer present, Pulsg., I I D (r. 7 ,mu^^^^); maw=gen., s z , p p ;
C3, PP.
o,,L j che-presende, sycophant, 'Lath. ; manohmoaer-burh,
metropolis, s D ; moder- p=esent,dorop6ag~s,Cath. (fr).-Prabably
e ~arictyof MX. niaungelr ; O F , manger.
mother's child,
; modirles,
mothcrleis, w~.-,A.s. m,jdor: Lat, ,,,ittiler; For ch-ge cp. ME. c/iorshe ; OF. cha~che
= rirarge (see hfD), also F. reuasiner- OF.
see Douse, p. 51.
revinfer (SkD).
Modiile33c, ib. pride, S.
Mone, sh. share, companion, S.-AS.
Modi)nesse, rb. pride, S.
(ga)nzina, ' sociews ' (Voc.). See Ymone.
M o ~ Yadj.
, spirited, arimoius, proud,
pi', S, SL ;
~ b moan,
PP, S z .
moone, pP, C ; moon, S z ; m w n , B;
Moeued, pr. s. moved, disturbed, CS;
B,s 3 ; mane, sz.
see mouen.
Mone, sb. moon, S, Sz, S3, P ; a lunaMoght,pt. s. might, Sz; see mahte.
tion, P ; moyne, Cath., B; moyn, U.
Moich, a#. close, muggy, S3, JD.
Conid.: moue-dsei, dies lunae, Monday, S ;
Moile, u. to toil, to drudge, to defile, moneday, S ; mone-fioht,muonlight, S.poliote, daub with dirt, SkD; moillen, to AS. mdrxo.
wct, SkD; moylynge, pr. p., S3.-AF.
MonB, ib. money, S z ; see moneye.




Monek, $6. monk, Sz ; see

Monesten, u. to teach,



tree (Vulg.); cp. Gr. plpov, mulberry. cf.

W, moolbery.

W2, CM; moneishen, Cath. (71) ; mon- More, s6. moor, Prompt., H,P P ; mor,
Ysche, Cath.; monest, pt. pi., B. See S z ; mwr, B ; mwre, Sz, B.-AS. mdr.
More, ad/.and a h . ion$. more, greater,
Monestyng, s6. an admonition, W. elder, S, S z , W, Wz, PP, WW ; mor, S,
1'P; moare, S ; mayr, $3, B; maiz, B ;
W z , B ; monyschynge, Cath.
Moneth, ~ b month,
~ 3C,, PP, B, WW, m-m, S ; mare, S, S a ; mar, S, B ; maNU, cath. ; moonep, s z , PP ; monythe, =ere, H.-AS. nzdya. See mo.
Prompt. ; monyth, Sz ; n~onethe,W ; More, $6. root, Sz, PP, I I D ; moors,
m7.a (Voc. 135. 28, 2 9 , 32);
monthe, P P ; rnonthe,pi, C*; monethis, CM.-AS.
W. Com6. : moneth-minde, a service in CP. MHG. viol.&, niove, see IVeigund (s. v.
memory of the dead a molith after decease, s'b%'+).
ND ; month-mind, H D ; months minde, Moreyne, sl. miirrain, P P ; moreyn,
N D ; months mind, a strong inclination, Sz, Prompt.; morrein, \V~W; trioryn,
ND, Sh.-AS. ncdrsoS, from r,rdna, moon. I*; murrins, pi., W\V..-AV.
ttio,it$e ;
Moneye, $6. money, C3, P P ; mane, cp. LOWLat. iiiori+ra,a
Sa, l'I'.-As.
7ilorzeie,moneye, ionr re ; Lat. animals (Du~mge).
Morkin, $6.a beast that dies by disease
Moneyeles, aQ.moneyloss,PP; mone- or accident, RD, MD, NU.-Cp. Late Lat.
tnortici+ziz~m(Ducange), whence Ir. nzuili.
lees, PP.

Mong-corn<e\, $6. mixed corn, 33, ii'e*n,
Prompt.; monoorne, HD. See mensen. Morknen, u. to rot, S D ; mourkne,
Moni, a q . many, S, 5 2 ; mony, S; see S'.-lcel' niorii7za.
Mormal, s6. cancer or gangrene, CM,
Prompt., RD, SD, ND, H D ; morm*u,
monk, s6. monk, p p ;
sz; C.
Pal%. ; mortms1, ND ; morimsl,
pi., ;
S, sz; monkes, S,-AS, marmole, RD.-Cp. Late Lat. maiwni
,,ziL,zec; L ~ mo,,ai~z,s;
~ .
G ~ .povaxdr, *"yt*c""2, a disease of the feet and shins
monkery, the race of Morris, a 4 bhlorish, rb. morris-dance,
Sh, N D ; morisso, SkD; a morris~dnncer,
monks, S3.
SkD. Con16. : morris-dance, Moorish
PP ; SeeMansad. dance, Sh.; morrys-daunce, Hn ;
Moo-; see also under mo-.
res-dauncers, morris-dancers, H D ; m o b
Mood, ib. anger, pride, mind. C ; mod, rice-bells, bells for a morris-dance, S3 ;
S, Sz ; mode, det., S, S2.-AS. grzdd; cp. morris-pike, a large pike (weapon), HD,
OHG. 7 r ~ r r o t(Istian).
Sh.-Late Lat. morixcr's, Moorish.
Moode, s6. *,zud, S3 ; sse mud.
Morsel, xb. morsel, PP, 8 ; mossel,
Mool-bery, s6. mulberry, SkD; mul- SkD; mussel, W, Wz, P P ; musselle,
lizorsei; Lat. ,norieU2'm, a little
bery, Cath.-Cp. MHG. mziibcr (G. f t ~ a i ~ iVoc.-AF
6dere); OHG. niOriiei.i, mtrlen' (the i in bit; dimin. ofnior~us. Cf. Mosel.
the later forma being dne to dissimilation); Morther, $6. murder ; rnorthir, P P ;
see Kluge ; AS. sidr; OHG. nit?; Lat. moahre, C ; morder, P P ; mordre, C.9,iorus. See More.
AS. ~nordor;cp. Low Lat. n i z ~ v d n ~ a ~ .
Moot, $6. assembly, G. P P ; mot, PP. Morther, u. to murder, PP, Sa ; morConab. : moot-halle, liall of assembly, thre, C ; mordre, C, Cz ; murther, C.
court, P, G, W ; mote-ham, G, PP.Mortherer, $6. murderer, P P ; morAS. n~dt. C t Mote.
drer, C, C1.
Moralitee, s6. morality, i. e. a moral Mortifie, v. to mortify, to produce
tale, C3.-OF. moraiitc (Cotg.).
~hangeby chemical action, C3.-OF. nrorMordre, s6. murder, C ; see Morther. te$ar; Lat. niortz>dave.
More, $6. mulberry-tree; mours, p i , Mortreux, sd. messes of poanded
H. Comb. : more-tre, mulberry-tree, W ; meat, C ; mortrewes, CM, P P ; mormoore-trees, pi., 1613 ; mur-berien, pl. trwys, Prompt.; mortrwa, Cnth. ; mormulberries, Voc.-Lat.
niouus, mulberry- tesse, Palsg. ; martrels, PP ; mortreuus,

Mys-,prejz; rre loth Xis- andMes-. Mystpit, $9. injured by loss (of
blood), b3.
Mysteir, u. to be necessary, B ;
ters,pr. s. e needful, WA.
Myteyne, sd. cuff, glove, Prompt., S3 ;
Myster, id. trade, occupation, PP ; see miteyn, C3 ; mytane, Cath. ; myttan,

Voc -OF.

f,zzibljie (Cutg.); cp. Low Lat.

Myster, $6. need, want, C, WA, B ; ttiitana (Ducange).

see wester.
My3t, s6. power, Sz ; see Dnyght.
Mystir, adj. lacking, needful, B.
My3te, pt. r. might, S2 ; see mahte.

Na, adv. not, S ; see Xo.

S, C, Cz ; nyn, S ; nas, $t. r., S, Sz, HD,
P P ; nes, S, S z ; nere, pi, S, Sz, C ;
Na, a@ no, S ; see Nan.
Nabben, u. not to have ; naue, I pr. s., neoren, S; n*r% S.-ONorth. na'n ( = " l e
P P ; nauest, a pr. s., S ; nauestu, thou
hart not, S ; nastu, s ; nauep, pr. s., s ; Nam, pt. s. took, S ; see Nimen.
~ $ 6S,, PI', Sz ; nep, Sz ; nabbep,pi., Sz ; Nameliche, adu. especially, S2, C ;
naue, Sz ; nadde, pi. s,, S ; nad, P P ; see Womelioae.
nedde, PP, Sz ; nauedes, 2 pt. r., 5; Nan, ad/ none, no, S : see Non.
nieueden, pi., S.-AS. radhn (=ne had- N ~ $d, ~cup,, S ; neppe, d a i , S.-AS.

hrziep (Voc.); cp. OHG. h,znp/, OF. hariap

for Ne abod, abode not, S. (~urtsch),Low Lat. rapjus (Dncange).
See Abiden.
Nappen s. to nap, slnmber, nod,
Nacioun, d.nati0n.C ; nadon, Cath., pp, ~ 3 ,
~ e r; , napping, slumber,
raiioulz, noiir~n;Lat. 9zatio- W L; napp~r,sleep-inducing, Sa, ND.ncnr.
AS. h!meppiarr.
Naddren, pl. adders, S ; nadres, S ; Napron,
apron, SkD : nmrun,
see Nedder.
Prompt.-OF. napevois,from nape, a clolh ;
Nadrinke,)? Ne adrinke, let (it) not Low Lat. napa; Lal. nin*
(Punic word).
drown, S.
Narde, ib. nard, an unguent, W.-Lat.
Naht, sd. night, SD ; see aught.
(Vuig.) ; Gr, ~ a ~ 8 (Persian
Naht, adu. not, S ; see Nought.
Narwe, a&. narrow, C ; narewe, 5 ;
Nahte,$t. s. had not, S ; see owen.
nareu, S ; narwi, V
\ ; nearowe, S ; nerNaked, a& naked, bare, nndefeoded by w e , S ; narwe, adu., closeiy, PP.-AS.
body-armour, PP, C3; naket, PP, S ; nwlz, ad". nenrwe.
nakid, Sa ; nskit, Sz. Phr. : in naked Nas, pi. r. was not, S, Sa ; see Barn.
bedde, au iict 60e'iird forLt nad, Pulsg., Nat,jorNe at, nor at, Sz.
HD, ND.-AS. liaiod; cp. OHG. ~lnkot Nas, pr. $. has not, S, PP, Sz ; see
(Otfrid), Iccl. f8akt~.
Naken, u. to lay bare, SkD (s.7. naked). &ratidbe,d.
S z , Cz.-OF.
-0North. (ge)naiian (Mk. a. 4).
rzativifd (Cotg.) ; Lat. nafirrifoteni.
Naker, $6. kettle-drum, Sz, C, HD.xatte, ~ b lmat,
r i o n i r n , 6uiia, Voc.,
OF.? t a m , also nacaire, naiaivr, rzagzraire, cath. ; -=tt, HD, Voc. ; nat, Pa1sg.anaiaire (cp. Byantine Gr. d i r o p o u ) ; a OF.
(cotg.) ; Late Lat. lratta; Lat.
wordborrowed from the Turks; cp.Kurdish n,a2ta (probably a variant of ntappa). See
nakdr.a, see Ducange, Diez.
Naknen, u. to strip; nacnes,pr. s., S ; Naue, Nauest ; see Xabhen.
nakned, pp., HD.
Naujt.7, ndj. hhulng nnothing,very poor,
Nale; i r phr. Atte nale for At ten ale P. See ought.
(at pen ale), at the ale, P. See ~ l e .
Nauele, sd. navel, PP ; sawle, Wz ;
Nam, I pr. s. am not, S, Sz, P,C ; n s m , naule, PP ; navyle, Voc.; nawelle, Voc.;
S ; nayt, 2 pr. s., S, Sz ; nis,pr. s., is not, nawrlle, Voc.-AS. ~rafeia.







Nay, d m . nay, PP, S3.\VA; nai,S, Sz. dere, PP.-AS.

nhdi: OHG. riiideia, also

Phr.: nzy whan, nay when7 i.e. not so, ndldd (Tutian).
when (will Yoti do it), S3; withoute n*Y, Neer, o@. C O ~ A $ . nearer, Cz ;
withollt denial, G ; it is no nay, there neet, $b. ox,
pr, s, sz, ; net,
is no denyiug it, G, C2.-Cp. Icel. nei.
S ; ni,tt, S ; newt, S ; nete,
Nay1,rl..nail, finger-nail, S, Cz ; nayle, Cornb. : neet-hirde, $6. neat-herd, Prompt.
Voc. ; neil, S ; nayles, PL, PP.-AS.
A S . =dot, on, ~ ~ i t 1l ~~~ :naz,t;
niegci; cp. Icel. 92a<l.
OIIG. rdr, ' jurnentum ' (Tatian).
Naylen, u. to nail, Cath.; nylon, S ; Nefen, u. to nurnc, Sz ; see ~ e u s n e n .
nzilen, PI', Cz.
Re-for-thi, adu, nevertheless, Sz.Nayten, v. employ, ose, Sz, \vA.- AS. mfar8$.
Icel. reyte; ep. AS. nofia?r; weak vcrlr, Neghen, n%~f,i.
nine, Sz ; see Eyrie.
from Icel. ?@a; ep. AS. nPot(l7~. Cf Nehlechen, u. to approach, S ; neoNoten.
Ischin, S.-AS. ~zdalbiari,from ndah. See
Naytly, adu. neatly, fit for use, Sz.- Nkih.
From Icel. neyir, fit for use.
Neih, adv. nigh, nearly, almost, PP, S ;
Nayty9,u. to deny, Prompt., SD, IID. neyh, G ; neh, S, Sz ; ney, PI', S ; ne3,
-1cel. nctta. Cf. Niten.
S ; negh, PP ; ny, FP, I'rompt. ; ni3, W ;
\Vz ; neigh, Sz ; nei>e, P ;
and C O ~ ~ . nor, S, s2,s3.- "Y3,
neighe, P P ; ny)e, PP. Cotnh. : neyheAS. nc not, nor.
~ ~ $6. bface, , S, HD. D~,.,: neb- b o ~ r , neighbour, G ; neighebor, C2:
; neihsseft, face, appearance, presence, Sz ; neb- neighburgh, Sz ; 'Iehgebur,
*.'ah ; cp.
soheft, SD.-AS. 9ir66,beak, face (OETj. bond, close at hand, S.-AS.
Nece, s l . niece, P P ; neipoe, grand- o m . ?%dhti^,^).
daughter, s 3 ; neeoe, ww (P. q , 7 ) . - ~ y . Neihen, to be nigh to, to approach,
; r,&te ~ ~liep~ia;
t . in the place P P ; neighen, P P ; w h e n , 1'P, H, Sz ;
; ne3en, Sa ; ne3h2
Sz ;
of Lut. ncjtis, u grandduughter, a nirce; see nei3en, PP,
n e n h e n , S2.-AS. *chwall : Golh. nrhwBII, 5 32.
ihn, from nrhwa,nigh. See Neih.
Nedde,pt. i.Itad not, S ; see
Neipce, $6. granddaughter, S 3 ; see
Redder, s l . adder, make, H ; neddyr, Neoe,
Cath., Prompt. ; neddere, Cath. (rr) ; ned.
are, s ; neayr, voc.; neayre, Voc. ; Neither, Me,- plar. and conj neither,
S ; noither, 1' ; qeithyr,
n d ax~,,, $l., s ;
s ;nearis,
; SU : ="per,
n@thir, not, W.-AS,
neddren, S. Comb.: nedyrcopp, s],ider,
Voc.-AS. aadre: Goth. nodri; cp. OHG. d8hv'a8er' See
Neij, i ~ i p dno
~ . nei3 ,6ior non ei3, i. e.
natrd (Tatiun).
Sz. See Ey.
Nede, s l . need, peril, business, also as "O
Co*ib. :
prcd. a$. necessary, needfill, cz, W, PP: Nekke, d. neck, S, C, PI'.
neode, PP, S ; niede, S ;
S, s z , PP ; nekke-boon, nedc-bone, Sz, Cz ; nekkePI'.-AS.
iineiia (OET.).
ned, S ; need, Cz ; meid, B ; nedes, p ~ bon,
S z , P P ; nede, adu., ilecessariiy, S, CZ, Nelle, I and 3 pr. s. will not, PP, S ;
P P : nedes, needs, of necessity, Sz, C, nell, S ; nel, S ; ncle, S ; nulle, S, 1'P ;
PI'; nedis, W ; neodes, Sz, PI' ; needely, nule, S ; nul, PP, Sz ; nile, S, PP ; nil,
C ; nedelich, W. Der.: nedfui, needy, Pl', Cz ; nullish, I will not, S ; nulioh,
necessary, S ; nedfol,'Sz, PI'; n e o d f ~ lS,
, S ; nuly, S z ; nult, a pr. s., wilt not, S ;
P P ; needles, needlessly, Cz ; neidwais, neltn, thou wilt not, S ; ne~ttow, P ;
of necessity, Sz, E-Ohlerc. rlcd (VP), nultu, S ; nelle'b, pi., S ; nollep, Sz ;
AS. njd: Goth. nauths ; cp. OS. *dd, OHG. nollen, PP : nullep, S ; nulen, S ; nolde,
ndt (Tatinn).
pi. s., wollld not, S, P P ; nalde, S.-AS.
Neden, u. to force, compel, to need, S ; n ~ j f a * . See Wine.
neid, B ; nedep,pr. r., there in need, it is Nemnen, u. to name, mention, call, S,
necessary, PP, C ; n e a e p , S, PP.-AS.
53 ; mmpnen, PP, S%.-AS.nm,2nan:
nizlan (OET).
Goth. nanm/an. Cf. Neuenen.
Nedle, rh. needle, C3, P ; nedsle, PP ; Beod, Neodes ; see Neae.
nedel, PP ; nelde, P P ; neelde, P P . Neodep, pr. r. is needful, S ; see
. : nedclere, nerdle-seller, PP ; nel- meden.






Nursche, rb. nurse, W ; see Norice.

Nurschen, u. to nourish, PP ; see 8.

Dev.: naughty, bad, WU', Sh.; nsu3ty,

hswing nothing, PP.
Noumbles, s6.pi. entrails of a deer or
beast, Palsg. ; nombles, brrrbiiia, Cath.
(a),IID, Voc.; nownbils, Cath.; nowm ~ l l i s , Cath.
P h . : numbles of a
stag, nmiblcs d ' z o z re?% Cotg. - OF.
noailles, pl. ; cp. Late Let. ~a~mbulzrs
Lat. /a~mb#rins,dimin. of li~mbzri,loin.
Noumbren, u. to number, Wa; sec


Nuste,pf.$. lcnervnot, S, sz,PP ; sr


N ~$6. annoyance,
~ ,
sz; Boye.
Cz, C3, PP;

Cz ; =isex
PP; nyse, Sz ; nYss,
-OF. nice (Bartich); Lat. nij~;?rm,~g
see B ~ C ~ 5C 60.
~ ,
Nycete, $6. folly, B, PP ; nyoetee, C3
Noumpere, ~ 6 . umpire, arbitrator, nysete, P P ; nyadc, B.-AF. , ~ i ~ ~ t .
SkD, P ; nowmpere,Prompt.; nompeyr, timidity,
in OF.
P P ; nounpere, PP : owmpere, Prompt. ; ( ~ ~ t ~ . ) ,
umpere, SkD.-OF.
non per, odd, not Nyght, r6. night, Voc., P P ; niit, Sz
even ; Lat. nor, parcm.
P P : nicht, S ; nyht, Sz ; niht, S, PP
Nouthe, ndu. now, C, P ; now pa, Sa ; naht, S D ; na3t, Sa ; nyth, PP ; nigh:
nut%, S.-AS, n d bd, now then.
$I., C ; nigt, S ; niht, ads., at night, L
Nouelrie, rb. npvelty, Cz ; nouellerie, night, S; nihtes,Sz: ni3tes, P P ; nyghte;
~zouelerrc, irom noutl, novel, PP ; ny3tes, l'P. Ad*. phr.: a nyght6PP ; bi nihtes, S ; bi nihte, S ; a ni3t, S
0 niBt, S.
Conzb.: nyhtegale, nightin
~ 6 novice,
cz,voc.; nouyce, gale,
Sa ; niategale, S ; nYghtingalp
WW.-OF. l,.ouiceie(~otg.)
; ~ ~lzoi~iciunr.
t .
C3 ; niltingale, S : nycht-hyrd, guurdiw
Nowel, $6. Christmas, C h f ; nowella, of the night, s3; niht.ola, a night
?ID.-OF. noti; Lnt. nataimz.
stale, not freshly gathered, Sz ; ny)t-old
Nowt, $6. cattle, S. See Beet.
P P ; nightertale, the night-time, C
Noye, ib. suffering,annoyance, P P ; nuy, nyatertale, WA ; naghtertnle, %-AS
PI', Sz ; nwy, Sz. See Anoy.
aibt, neht, nenhf: Goth. nahti; cp. Lat
Noyen, u. to annoy, to grieve, to harm, noctern. With the deriv. ~ziphtertale c~
Sa, \v, l', H ; nayen, sz; urnyen, sz. Icel. ndttitiarial, a number of nights.
See Anoyen.
Nygun, $6. niggard, miser, Sz ; nyg
goun, G, CM. Cf. xigara.
Noyful, ndj. hurtful: noiful, Wz.
Noynement; a. noynement (for an Nykken, u. in piir.: nykken wit.:
opnement), an ointment, Sa. seeoyne- nay, to deny, refuse, HD.
Nymyl, n d j quick at seizing, nimble
Noyous, adj. hortful, annoying, W, active, Prompt.-AS, nuno/ (in com
WW In. ---,.
oounds). See Nimen.
Nyne, ~rzrni.nine,PP; niaen, S; nighen
Nul, Nule, Nulle; see Belle.
Sz ; neole, Sz; nihe, S. 1)cr.: nynt,
Nultu, wilt not. S ; see Welle.
ninth, S3 ; neynd, Sz ; niepe, S.-AS
Numen, $*. laken, seized, S ; see s i ~ o , ,(wS. neopr) : Goth, nism ; cp. Lat.
rzoucsz ; see Bmgmann, 5 I 5 % .
Nummer, sb. nurnbcr, S3 ; see Xombre. Nyrvyl, $6. a little man, Prompt.
Nunne, $6.nun, PP ; see Nonne.
nuruyn, il dwarf, Prompt.-Cp.
Nurh8, sb. mulmuring, S.
nyr/ili, a miser.
murnen. u. to murmur, SD. -AS.
Nyx, ad*. nigh, nearly, W , I$'%; see
giiomsan, to mourn.
I xcii,;






0 , ~ l z r m one.
a, S ; see Oon.
0 , ads. ever, aye, always, S ;

poisese, S3. Cz, PP, B.-OF. oicnpei.; Lat.

Sz, o c 4 a r c , see SkD.
NhL, ; a, S ; as, S. Comb. : a. buten, Odde!a4.0ddd,
; a bute, S ; odd', pomt of land, odd number. Src Ord.
ever without, S, SkD (s.v.
for a y a n d 0 0 , for ever and ever, NED.Oerre, ib. anger, S. See Eorre.
AS. 6 (for d ~ u a ;) cp. Goth. aiw, ever. Cf. Of, prep. and odu. of, out oi, irom, by.
oif,S,Sz,Ca,C3, WLL'; o , S , Sz,IX; off,
SkD; a, Sz, PP, Sj.-AS. of: Goth. of:
0 - , $re&:
see On. (7).
Obediencer, rb. an officer in a monas- OHG. a60 (Tatinn): Gr. d n l ; see Sieveis,
tery, PP.-Church
Lat. oiird<e,itiarirrs 51, 130.
Of, though, I I (Ps. 125. I), TVA.-For
Obeisant, a@. obedient, Cz ; obey- ME.)@ See Poi.
Of-dreden, v . to frighten ; ve/ez. to
sand. U.-OF, o h i i s a ~ t ,pr, p, of ohei~.
Obeisaunce, sb. obedience, C, Cz ; dread greatly, S ; of-arade, S ; of-drsdde,
J., 5 ; Of-dyad, p)., S : of-dred, S ;
obeisanoes,pi, submisiivc act., Cz.-AF.
of-dret, Sa.-AS. oy%-ieda,i.
Cf. A-drad
Obeiss, obey, B ; obeischen, Sz, (A- 3).
W ; obeschynge, pr. p . , w.-From
OF. 0-ferrum, adu. afar, Sz ; oferrom,
W A ; see Aferre.
oliciw- stem of obeikarrt, ppr.p. of obeir.
Obeley, ~ 6 .
~ l i i ~ tvoc.
a , ; see Offensioun, $6. offence, damwe, C ;
offencioun, W.-Lat. ofinsio?zr,,~.
obeye, *. to ,,bey, TV, cz; obeiede, Of-feren, u. to terrify, S D ; offearen.
; Offeerd,pp., S ; ofera, S.
jt. r., W.-OF.
obeicr, for obnr ; at.
Offertoire, ib. offertory, onthem sunx
before the oblation, C. -OF. @eytoiye
Oble, $6. oblation: ~ b ~ ~ ~ odintioiici,
, p i . ,
(CO~S.);Church Lat. ofirton'uni.
obiatu,,i; cp. OF.
(nowouhiie); Church Lat. obiat&( D ~ ~ Office,
~ ~ ~ $6,~ office,
; . Cz ; offiz, S ; omoes,
pl., church services, PP.-AF. o f i o (ofyz);
Cf. Ouelete.
Oblischen, u. to bind, Wz ; oblyse, Lat, @'i"'r'.
Offrende, $6. offeling,.S ; offrand, H ;
J D ; oblyste, pp., ~ 3 oblysched,
oblischea, H11 ; ,,bushed,
HD,- AF. Offe=ands,pl., Sz.-Op. ofiaaiie(Bartsch);
ofirenda; see Constans.
ohi<iw-; Lat. obiifare.
Offri, *, to offer, S ; offren. S, PP ;
about, sz; see dbouten.
offrand, pr.p., Sz ; i-offred, $9, S.-AS.
Obout-ga, u. to go about, Sz.
ofiiaa; cp. OF. @?re (Uartsch) ; Lat.
0-brode, adu. abroad, P ; see Abrode. odere,
Obseruance, $6. homage, C, S3 ; ob- offringe, $6. offering, s ; o~rinlie,
aeruancee, pi, attentions, C2.-OF.
ob- offmng, c,
servairie (Cotg.).
Of-fruht, pp. terri6ed, S : ofrigt, S ;
Obserue, u. to favour. Cz.-OF. 06- ,,f-fruhte, pi, s.-cp. AS, ,qfirhtan, to
sowcr ; Lat. obren~are.
Obumbrat, @. ovrrshadowed, S3.Of-hungred, pp. an.hungred, PP ; ofLat. ohuin6,izt~rs.
hongret, PI' ; of-hongred, 1'P : offingred,
Oc, ioiv. but, S, I I D ; occ, S ; see Ac. SD ; afingred, SD ; afingret, NED, H D ;
Occean, sb. ocean, Sz ; oocian, SD, a e n g r e d , NED, I', HD.-AS. of-iiynpod.
Wz ; ocoyan, \YA, IID.-AF. ociyarsr ; Cf. A-hungerd.
Late Lnt. oiicanui; Lat. oienaur; GI. Ofne, J.dat. w e n , S ; see Ouen.
Of-newe, adv. anew, S3, Cz, C3. Cf.
Occident, sb. West, SI, S3, C3.-AF. A U ~ W ~ .
oiiiOerie,it; Lat. ociideiitrrn, pr. p. of oiiiiicre, ~ f . ~ u,~t o obtain,
~ h overtalce,
~ ~ ilt,
to net (of the sun).
Lain, reach, S , PP ( , a ) ; ofrattjte,, PP.
Occupy, u. to make use of, employ,, Ofrigt, pp. terrified, S ; seeof-fruht.


Ondful, ag. envious, hlD ; cntful, S.
Ond-swere, r6. answer, S ; see An-


Ondswerien, a. to answer, S ;

Ondyn, u. to bresthe, Prompt. ; ande,


O n d ~ n gid.
, smelling, PI': aynding,B.
Ones, ad*. once, Sz, S3, C3, G, P: see


One-sprute, r6. isspiration, Sz.

on-ferrurn, adu. afar, s z ; see
(On- I.)

On-fon, u. to receive, endure; onnfov,

pi.. s., S ; onfanged,pt. s., S2.-AS. on@i

for o~zd$d~z,see Sievers, 1 ~ 8 ,5. I. ~ f

Afon. (On- z.)
Ongel, $6,angel, S ; see Angel.
on-halSien, u. to adjure, entreat, S.
(On- I.)
Onhede, $6. unity, Yoc.; see oonhed.
On$+, ads. by night, S ; see A-nyghte.
On-imete, a 4 immeasurable, S ; see
Unimet. (On- 3.)
O n - l a ~ ~pi'~ "
'3 ; see
On-lepi, ag. only, S, Sz ; see Oonlepy.
Onlepiliche, ads. only, singly, Sj

On-lesum, a+. not






On-gwere, $6. answer, S ; see Answere.

On-swerde, pt. s. answered, S ; see

set on file ; ontent,
ontende,))., S.-AS.o,zlendug~.
Cf. ~ t e n a e n . (on- I . )
Ontful, a@. eonviaus, S ; see Onaful.
on-polyinde, p,.. p, not enduring, into~ernt,~e,
On-til1,prcp. until, to, B ; see Until.
. On-todelinde, $1.. p., aq. undividing.
mdiviribie, Sa.-AS. 20s-tod&ie,ide. (on- 3.)
above, ; see AnOn-UPPev
. On-vale, a. to unveil, S3. (On- 4.)
On-uast, prep. fast by, S.
On-wald, $6. power; anwalde, hi.S,
znwolde, S ; onwalde, S ; onwoldc, S.AS. anwaid. (On- I.)
On-wurpi, a@. unworthy, Erompt. ;
On-zyginde, pr. p. unseeing, used in
sense o f .
Sz, (On- 3.)
Ook, sd. oak, cz, C3 : ak,Voc;; 01,S2 ;
ake, Voe. ; eke, Voc.,Catll., G ; &is,
.bL, 53.-AS. o c ; cp. OMG. r i d (eih).

p?: s., S ;

f sake.

Oon, ~zum.and ii~dtfiart. one, Sz, ~ 3 ,

Cz, C3, G ; an, one, an, 3, Sz, H ; ane,

S3 ; MD, S3, H ; a, MD, Sz, H ; on, S,.Sz,
Sj, C z , G; one, MD, S, Sa; o, S, Sz, S3,

ice Unlenesum. (On- 3.)

Onlich, ere. only, S ; see oonli.
on-lofte, adu. dofi,sa,ca; see
(On- I.)
On-losti, 4 idle, Sz ; see unlnsti.
O n - l ~ u e ,adv. alive, C2, G ; online,
S-AS. on We.Cf. A l ~ n e . (on- I.)
Onoh, enough, S ; see Ynow.
On-rounde, adv. around, Sz. (On- I.)


S : enne, s, Sz ; en@,S ; *a=, S ; =ne,.S :

onne, S ; ore, hi. S. Phr;: by h i m
one, by himself, MD ; be it ane, by itself,
,); all himm ane,
himself, s ; hire
by herself, S ;


.,,,, f.


Oone-fold, a 4 onefold, single, simple,

MD; anfala, S, HD.-AS.



tion (Schmid), for ond-rep, see Sieverr, 5,

asness,S. .
198, 5 . 1. (On- 2.)
once, MD ; e t enes, S ; a t ones, MD, S2,
On-sene, sb. face, S D ; onsene, daf., C 3 ; a t ans, Sz; a t oones, C.-AS. .Ants,
S.-AS. on-r4on, on-sjn, an-& (Mt. 28.31 gen. m. of rin, used in ME. adverbially.
(On- I .)
AS. 6ne is used to express once, at once.'

On-side, ads. aside, NED. (on- I.)

On-sides, a&. aside, NED.
On-sidis-hond, adu. aside, Sa.
On-sih'be, J*. appearance, S. (On- 1.)
On-slepe, ad*. asieep, Sz. (On- I . )
On-spekinde, pr. p. unspeaking, unspeakable, Sz.

(On- 3.)

Cf. aones.

Oonhed, sh. unity, H D (p. 588) : oneheede, I I D ; onhede, Yet.; anhed, H ;

anhede, II.
oonlepY, ng.,
onlepi, S, S z ; olepi, S, Sz; anlepi, S,
H.-AS. d,~-iepix.
Oonli,nQ. only, sole,hlD ; oalich,MD,




S : anli, anly, H. Comb. : s n l p stsde; Ordeynour, $6. arranger, S2.

solilude, 13.-AS. dn-iii, dm-iii.
Ordinance, $6. provision, array, Sz.Oonli, adu. only, W ; onliche, P P ; AF. oniittanie cordeaarrcr).
onlyoh, Sz ; oneliche, P P ; anli, h l D ; Ordinatly, ndv. in good order, S3.
anly, S 2 ; onli, M D ; oneli, W (John Ordre, s6. order, PI', Ca ; ordres,?!.,
5 . 181.
orders (of friars), P P ; holy orders, PI'.Oor, ib. o r c t!!refilled
metal, Sz ; ore, AF. ordrr ; OF. ovdene, ordine ; Lut. orVuc. ; oore, Rlunip.-AS. dv (SlrD).
Oost, $ anny, B, S3, W,\V*: oist, Ordren, v. to arrange, rank, SD ; iB ; oyst, B ; ost, B, Sz ; oostis, pf., W, oraret,pp., S.
W2.-AF. asi, iiosl; Lat. iiortenr, enemy, ore,
oar, si are, M D ; eyr, 13;
ores,$(, S.-AS. nr.
Ooste, sb. host. il~n-keeper, MD : 06% Ore, nzcni. dat.fem, one, S ; see oon.
CM, M D ;
hrD ; boost, C ;
Oxe, rb. honour,grace, favour, clemency,
dot., MD.-OF. orit, iioilc; Lat. hoipilesr. happy augury, S, Sz, G, Chi:
Open, ad/. open, Sz, S D ; ope, S ; upon, ore,$b. ore, voc.; see oar.
Sa ; w y n . W ; opene, PI.,.SPAS. opt%;
mmeiless, Sa ; orelem.,
qp. Icel. opinn, and OIiG. o f i n (Otfrid). S ; ,c Areles,
Open-heaued, a+. bare-headed, S.
and adu. supe,.i. firjt, S ;
Openin, v. to open, explain, S ; oppen- orest,
and,p>..,p., Sz.-AS. (gr-)opnrian.
Orf, $6. an inlieritanee, hence, cattle, S,
Open-lic, ad/. open, Sz ; openliohe, s ~ . - I ~ ~ ~see
. Erfe.
ndu., S ; opeliche, S.-AS. oje~dii,ad".
Organ, $6. organ, P P ; organs, p!., oropc%liie.
ganam, Voc. ; orguns, harps (=organa),
,Opposen, v. to question, S k n ; opos).n, w z ; ..goyns,
I ~ . - L ~ orcGnum
; GT.
Prompt.: opposed, pi. s., PP.-OF. op. bb,avav,
poser; Lat. oh+,pausn~-e. Cf. APosen.
S, SD ; orglorgeilus, a ~ ,
Opye, sl.. opium, C, CM.-OF. opie; ions, st,.-OF.orgirci;ieur (nartsCh).
opiunr; Gr. Bniou, poppy-juice, from
rgel, sb. pride, S D ; orhel, S : orunor, rap.
o r p i ; cp. OF. orgucf
Or,profl. your2Sa : Ore, Sz ; see 3oure. gul,
( ~ ~ ~ ~ probably
~ ~ 1 , ) . nut.
origin ; cp.
Or, prep., LO~Y'., a h . before. Comb.: or OHG, ~ ~ - g i i o ,
ever, WW. See Er.
(Olfrid). ( 0 ~ - . )
.Or, io,V or, S ; see o8er.
Orient, sd. the East, S3, C2.-AF. oriOr-, ?r@x. out, >qithout, excessive. e,,t; ~ ~ t . the rising (sun).
AS. o r - : OHG. err- (Tatiun): Goth. us-.
Orientales, sb,pc,
Cf. A- r .
sb. prayer2 orison, C, Sz:
oratorye, si.. a place for pmyer, c.- uOrisoun,
r e i s u n , S ; oreisouns,pi, Sa; ofisons,
OF. orelo i,.c;
oraloriun, (Vulg,,.
C3.-AF. orrison, (ur), oraiir~n; Church
Orche?ard,sb. orcllard, S3 : o r c h a r 4 Lut.
oralionmz, prayer, from or-are,to pray.
S D ; orchard, Voc-AS. omrrrl (Voc.), Orlege, $6. tilne-teller, J D ; see Oreori.Seg~d, ((BT): tioth. ailrtiprds;
Fick, 7. 35.
Orleger, 86. c l o d , dial, S3 ; orlager,
ord, j6. point, beginning, S,
cz; ID.
orde, &I., S.-AS. ord (Voc.); cp. OHG.
Or-mete, aiij immense, S.-AS. orO Y ~a
, point, limit, dislrict, icel. oddr, ' cus.
pis ;' see I<luge.
Ordal, s6. ordeal, n severe test before Orologe, d. time-teller, dial, dock,
S3; orloge, Cath. (s);orlogge, C, C M ;
judgc, CM, SkD.-AS. ~ ~ - d iOSu,..dJ;i;
cp. OIIG. ur-deiii, 'jndioinm' (,Otfrid). horologe, Voc.; o l e g e , JU; horlege,
Cath., Prompt. (p. 120) ; orlsge, Voc.(Or-.)
s2, Lat. iioroio@zm*z; Gr. bpoA6y<av; cp. F.
F P ; ordayny, SL ; ordand, pt. "., s3; horiore, Sp. yelox (Minsheu).
ordeigned, P ; ordaynt, pp., S z ; i. Orped a&. valiant, Sz, H D , S D ;
ordeyned, S2.-AF, oi?/eiiier, OF. oyde- orpud, Prompt.: orpid, HI); orpit,
proid, also fielful, habitually chiding, J D ;
r i e r ; Lat. ord2llnn..


Ourflyng, $6. an adorning, W.
Ous,pmn. dot. and act. us, Sz, P P ; ows,

Outragely, adu, superflnously, H.
Outrageous, a@. cexcessive, C3, R.
P P ; "us, S z ; us, C z . Comb.: us self, Outrageusly, ndu. excessively, H.
ourselves, S, Cz ; u s EBIUI~P i US Silf, Outranee, sb. excess, extremity, S3.

dr: Goth. aru.

Out, ndu. out, W A ; ut, S ; owt, B ;

oute, WA; out, intef-j., away1 S z ;
utter+ a@. coj~ip.,outer, S ; utter, C3: atteraste, iz'peri., extreme, Cz ; outernest,
SD. Cofli6.: utmer, "titer, W ; uttermere, Wz ; utnume, exceptionally, S ;
out taken, except, Sz, C 3 ; out takun,
W, ws ; outtane, sz;, B ; ow.
tsne, B ; utwara, outward, S ;
outride, Sz ; outwith, WA.
Out, s6. auglit, S ; see Ought.
Out-beren, u. to beor out, Sz.

Out.; OutSz.
Out-bray, u. to bray out, S3.
Out-breiden, u. lo awake; outebreyae, $1. r., Sz.
Out-bresten, a, to burst out; o w brastyng,pr. p.,S3 : ute-br*st,Pt. s.,Sz-;
out-brast, S3.
Outen, ad/. strange, foreign, Sz.
Outen, u. to utter, Cz, C3, SkD ( 5 . 7 .
1r1trr)-AS. dtian.
Outerly, adv. utterly, Cz, C.3; uterly,
S3 ( 5 , v. el); utrely, SZ.
Outhees, s6. the hue and cry, C, HD;
ntheste, S.-Low Lat. udiiriir~m(Schmid),
for hutrsium (hursitct,i), from OF. hutcr
(hrrer), see Dacmge. (5. v, hueiiwn~). See
OnBer, roi+. either, or, SD, Sz, H ; see



Out-ioiyng, $6.extreme joy, W2.

Out-lawe, rb. outlaw, I'P,


otrtlranie (Cutg.).

Outrayed, pi.


destroyed, S3; see


ciroutren, v. to ,,tter, to put out

oulate, s k u ,
to ride oat, PP; to out.
ride, overtake in riding, S,
Out-senden, u, to send out, Sa.
Out-take, u. to take out, except, de(iver, Sa ; out toke, pi. r., Sz ; out taken,
pp., Sa, C3; out takun, \V, \?is; out
tane, Sz ; outp*lrun, \$'a.
See Out.
Oujt, $6. aught, W ; see Ought.
Ouita, pt. s. poraesied, W ; see Owen.
Ouelete, rb. the oblation in the Eucharist. S.-AS.
(Leo), o&fe
(OET) ;
Church Lut. ohiota (Ducangr). Cf. oble.
Onen, 16. oven, S ; ofne, dat., S.-AS.
OHG. ojan (Tatian) : Goth. auhnr:
OTeut. stem *z'kzilna-, see Douse, p. 80.
Ouer,prep.,ndv. over, above, beyond, S.
Cz, W ; uierr, S ; our, Sz, S& B ; oure,
S3; ouer, 06,upper, C, S k D ; ouerer,
.on@., Wa, H ; ouereste, snperl, C, Sa.
Comb.: oueraI, all over, everywhere, S,
Sz, C, Cz, C3; ouur a1,Sz ; ouir litil,
too ilttle, 'rompt.; or-litel, S 2 ; ouermykel, over much, Sz ; ouer P e r t , across,
pemerse, Sa, W ; one= thwart, across,
crossways, C ; our-thwort, Sj, B. -AS.
Goth. ltfar (see Sievers, 25. 1:; cp.
OHG. u b a ~(Otfrid:.
Oner.,prejz, over-; our-, B; or-, Sz.
Ouer-cumen, u. to overcome, S ; ouercome, S, Sz, Jva ; ofercom, $1. s., S ;
Oue"oml Sa ; ouercumen, pp., S ; ouercome, Sz.-AS. o$r-ruman.
O'er-defies sb. excess, S.
Ouer-fare, u. to pass over, Sz.-AS.



la+, s.-AS.
dtitlapn(schmid) ; lcei. $iliaoatlawed, rill@, outlnw.
Out-leden, u. to produce, edi,crre;
oute-leaen, S2.
Out-let, $6. outlet; utlete, dat., S.- @ie'yaya".
Our-fret,pl. s. fretted over, S3.
Cp. Icel. d1.1d1.
Outrage, d. outrage, eltcerrive insult, Ouer-gan, a. to go over, superare, SD,
Sa ; ouergon, S, W ; ourga, U ;ouergon..
SD, H, 15, iuzzu, >lanip. ; mvterage,
o/rrgd7r : OIIG. % b a r - f d a
cesmri, Prompt.-OF. 0 2 1 ~ r a p eolirnge
; cp. pp., %.-AS.
It. oltruggio (Florio). Low Lat. z61trapirr7~r;
from O r . ottre; Lat. ultra.
Our-hailing,pr. p. overhauling, considering, S3.
Outrage, a e . outrageous, s3;
Sa ; owtrsge, S3.
Our-heldand, pr. p. covering over, 53.
Outrage, u. to outragc, destroy, to lose Ouer-howen, w. to disregard, despise ;
ofer-howd,pr. s., S ; ofor-ho>ien, SD.
temper, Lz ; outrayed, $1. 2.. S3.-OF.
oultrafer (Cotg.).
Ouer-lede, u. to domineer over, P.



down upon, to despise, orerlook, P ; ouersibs, pr. s., S ; ouerse),pf. J., S (16. 30) ;
one=-sene,$$.,WW, S3; ouer-seye (me),
@., forgotten myaeli, P.-AS. o'r-sdoa.
Ouer-sloppe, sb. VPer garment, C3.

Our-straught, pp. stretched across,


Ouer-take, a. to overtake, SD : one=tan,$)., Ss ; ourtane, B.

Ouer-pagt, adj. anxious, S.
Over-throwe, u. to

averthrew,pt. I., G.
Ouer-tild, pp. covered over, S.-AS.

o/e~~teliiarr,to cover over.

Ouertlye, adu. openly, Sz.:From
O Z C ~ pp.
~ ,



Ouer-leiyng, i.pressure, W.
Ouer-liggen, u. to lie upon, S.-AS.
Ouer-lippe, 36. upper lip, Sz, C.
Ouer-lop, sb. omission, Sz.
ouerlyng, s/i. a superior, H, HD.
Ouer-maistrien, v. to overmaster, P.
Ouermastes. sb. @.summits, Sz.
Ouer-non, si.. afternoon, Sz (I a. 164)
Ouer-sen, u. to observe, sorvey, look


of ovrir, OF. odunr, aiiurir,

Prov. adubr'r ; Lat. ad de + oprrire.

Ouer-trowynge, pr.p. anxious?overconscious, W.

Ouer-walten, u. to overflow, Sz.

Ouer-wente, pt. s. overcame, S. See

Ouet, $6.fruit, Sa.-AS. o/c( ; cp. OHG.

obaz (ti. obit), Du. ooff; see Kluge.
Ow, interj. alas ! G.
Ow,pron. you, S, Sz ; see 3oa.
Owai, adu. away, Sz. Phr.: owai do
pam, do away with them, destroy them,
See Away.
Owel, sb. awl, S, Voe. ; see Aul.
Owen, to have, possess, to have to do,
to be ~ b h g e d ,to owe, MI), S, C j , P P ;
ojen, S ; sjen, S ; aahenn, MD ; ashe,
I3 ; awen, MD ; agan, S ; ahen, S ; owe,
p,: s., P ; og, S ; ouh, S ; ajh, Sa ; ah, S ;
an, S2 ; onhte, pf. s., PP, S ; ou3te3PP,
W ; auhte, S ; auote, S ; ahte, S ; aghte,
H ; agte, s ; .)te, sa; aujt,

Sz ; aucht, $I., S2 ; oughten, Ca.-AS.

dgon, I and 3 pr. 5. dh ( ~ 1 d. ~ o n ) pt.
, dbte,
pp. &en.
Owen, adj. o m , S, Sz, S j , Cz, C3,PP;
ojen, S, Sz ; ogen, S ; a ~ nS, ; sgen, S ;
*>hen=,S : ahen, S ; -win, S3 ; a w n ,
S3 ' awn, S3 ; owe, S, Sa ; oghe, S ; oge,
S ; 'oune, S, S a , P P ; ojene, Sz ; oghne,
~2.-AS. dcen, own, possessed, pp.
to possess.
Ower,prorr. your, S ; see 3oure.
~ - ~ h ~ ~ anywhere,
c3,SD (s.T. dw~zr, ,z); O W ~ SD,
~ . ,sz
(, 411) ; Ouer (for ,,nuex ?I,S.-AS. d.
hwhr, see0 (ada,),
0-whider, adv, anywhither, SD (1,.
,z) ; o-hwiaer, s.-AS. d.hwider. see
0 (cdv.)
~ . ~ h ico,,j.
l ~ , ,+.whiles,
dllring the
time that, H.
O l e , $6. on, S ; exen, p i , H D ; oxis,
oxa : OHG. obro (Tatian) : Goth.
nuhsn ; cp. Skt. rrkrhan. The AS. pl. forms
are oxan, @sen, cxen.
Oxe-stalle, rb. on-stall, C I .
Oxspring, sb. offspring, Sz ; see ofspring.
Oyle, sb. oil, C j , M D ; oyne, S z ;
oyele, Sa ; oli, MD ; oilles, pi, flattery,
PP. Phr.: bere up oile, to flatter, P P
),( ; hilde rrp pe kynges oyl, Tievisa, 3.
447, see NQ (6. I. ?s).-AF. oil#,olir ; Late
Lnt, oiium ; Lat. ohurn. Cf. Ele.
Oynement, rb. ointment, W, C ; o p e rnentis, pl., S j , W.
AF. oisnemcnt,
from on@?, to anoint; Lat. us@%.



O y n t p g e , 16. anointing, H.
Oynoun, s6. onion, CM; oynon, Voc. ;
oinsnum, Voc. ; oynouns, pi., C ; oyne)ones, HD.-AF. oynoun (P. oignon) ;,


Ojein,prep. against, MD; see Ajein.

Opines, jr@. in comparison with, S;
see A)eines.
03en, 9.lo owe, S ; see Owen, u.

.ow, S ; see owes,a,,y,

0 3 t v $6.aught, S ; see Ought.




love, Cz ; ~aramour,alove~(of
either sex!,
Parische, s6. parish, P P ; payisoh,
C, WA ; Parammure, Manlp; par anen- P P ; paresche, PP ; parsche, PP.-OF.
ture, peradventure, Sz, Cz, C3, PP ; pnroissr; Chilrch Lat.paroeiia (also pnroperauntere, M ; paranntre, Sz ; pera- ihia) ; Gr. napocxio.
uenture, \v; par
by cl~ancc,C3; Parischen, $6. parishioner, Cath., C ;
par Be ( p a r D ~ C ZC,~ C.3;
) , paraee, Cz ; parisschens, PI., PP, sz ; parrhens, PP.
par fay, by my faith, Cz, C3.
See above.
Par- ; see also under Per-.
Paritorie, rb. pillitory, C3, SkD ;
Parage, **..kindred, femily; llence, birth, peritorie, the wall-plan t bartram, Manip.:
descent, HD, JU, C M ; equality. D G . paratotory, ioiitropi~rni,Voc.; parietary,
AF. pamate; Lnte Lnt. *pnmliiirm, an ED.-OF.parifoire, pellitory (Cotg.) and
equality, from Lat. par, equal. Cf. Dis- paritorit (Alph.); Late Lat. patitarin
(Alph.); Lal.pnrietaria, from parirs, wall.
Parcel, ib. part, share. little bit, P P ; Parlement,sb.parliament, conicreace,
parcele, WA.-AF.parieie, part; Lnte Lat. PP, S2.-AF. parieiiient, from OF. poiler,
parfiieiin ; cp. It. particella.
to talk: Low Lat.pam6oiarr (Brachct).
Parcel-mele, a h . separately, bit by Parlesy ; see Palesy.
bit, P P ; percel-mel, Sz, PP.
Parloure,rb. the conversation room in
Parcenel, sb, partner, H .
nunneries, PP ; parlowr, ' colloquotoriam,'
Cath. ; parlor, S.-OF. parioir; Church
Parcenelynge, sb. partnership, H.
Parcener, sb. sharer, IID, Miz ; par. Lat. pariatorirr?,~(Ducange).
tener,W ;partynere, S.3 ;parceneris,pi., Parochien, x6, parishioner, PP; perS3; parosohienes, pi., PP.W, Wz; parteneris,W; ~ a r t y ~ e r i s , l 3 ~ .rochioun,
OF. parochierr ; Chi~rchLat.parochio?zzu,i ;
AF. panei&ere,paiil?o2rre,pi. p a r i e ~ c r rper,
fromparoc/iia. See Parisohe.
rencrs ; Late ].at. partionafffzm (acc.).
Parchementer, s*. preparer of parch- Partie, $6. part, portion, PP ; partye,
ment,Cath.; permenter, Voe.
party (in a law suit), PP ; party, s ~ d eSz
, ;
Parchemyn, i3. parchment, W, P P ; parties, PI., parts, Sa. Piir. : a psrty,
pershemyn, 1'P ; perchemen, \VA.-AF.
partially, S2.-AF.parth (partye), person ;
Gr, r t p - p p ) i v $ , from nipyoror Lat. partila, divided.
(cp. Lat. pet;r~iiuna).
Partly, adu. briskly ; see Perk.
Parchment; aec Passamen.
Partriche, xb. partridge, S3, P P ; payParclos, i b . an enclosure, partition, trish, C ; pertryohe, l'iompt.-Ar'. perscrern, S3, Palsg ;parcloor,Prompt.: per- dl.iie,perdriz ; Lnt, prrdiieni.
clos,IID;perolose,I~ID.-OF.Pai~ioi,pp., parvis, 03. the open space in fmnt of
closed cornplctely ; Lat. p e r + rlauszL9~2.
St. Paul's cathedral, l l D ; parvys, C, CM ;
Pardon, rb. pardon, PP.-AF.por?f*~n. parvyse, H D ; @srvyoe, Prompt.-OF.
Pardoner, ib,a seller of pardons,C,PP; pawis, the porch of s church, the outer
court of a palace (hence Low Lat. paruipardonere, l'rompt.
Parement, rb. an adorning, Cz, CM ; sum), pa~evis,parrii, par.05~; Late Lat.
paramentz, p ~ C.
, nr.:
chambre of pnradi*iszrm (acc.), the portico of St. Peter's,
Nome (Uucange), alro pviadiie (Vulg.);
parementz, tile presence-~humber,CS.a ~intercalation
~ .
of u
OF. parernext; also ciianrbrr iie parrmort, Gr. " ~ p ~ ~ ~Nori the
m OF. pnrvis, see Brachet (5.". roru6e).
the Chamber of Presence (Cotg.).
Parfit, a+. perfect, Sz PP C3 W . Pas, $6. a step, pnce, p.?ss, l,assilge,
, Sz ; pass,
parryt, P P ; periyt, c ;' parfighi, c canto, narrow path, ~ 3~ , 3PP,
; pas, $I.,
perfit, ~ 3 w, ; perflght, c.-OF. pegit, Ca ; pass. Sz ; pace, Prom~>t.
Sa; pases, S2.-AF. pas; Lat. possum
jar/Sr?; Lat. $etfctum.
Parfitliche, adv. perfectly, P P ; perfitlishe, PE'; parfitly, Cz, CM; pamtii, Paschen, 8 . tn dash, to strike: pash,
H U ; pasohte, $6. s,, P P ; passhed, pp.,
W ; perfytliest, nrpri., H.
Parfournen, a. to perform, PP, C2, paSschet,A'.,
CM, SPD (1,. 280) ; parforme, PP ; per. Paske, s6. pasover, W, PP, H D : pask,
fourne, P P ; performen, P P . A F . par. W.-AF. j a i h ; Church Lnt. pairha; Gr.
,fumir,pnrfiurrrir, to perform, to fllmirh. n 6 q a ; Heb. pesnk, a parsing-over.
Cf. Pumish:
Passamen, rb. a. kind of lace, SPD (p:




Peregrin, sd. a kind of falcon, IID.Peynen, u. reJrcx. to take pains, PP,

Cp. Late Lat.po.e~rirrafa!io (Ducange).
Sz, Cz ; peyned,pp., punished, W.
Peren, u. to appear, P.-OF, p a i r k Peynten, a,to paint, CM, P P ; p e p t ,
(paroil.) ; Lat. parPrc, to appear.
pp., S3, CM; peynted, Cz ; y-peynt, S3.
OF. peir'l, pp. of pciizdi.e; Lnt.
Pereye, sh. perry, Sa, Voc.;
see, Brachrt.
Prompt. ; pirrey, Cath. ; pirre, cutil, p ~ ~ z t c m
Conrb. : piri-whit, while perry, S2, P P . Peynture, id. picture, CM.-OF.peit~OF. perei., .6&, pzird (mod. poird), from tur.8 (AF. pai~rlare).
pcire (mod. poii.c), pear; cp. Late Lat. Phantasie, xd. fancy, S3.-Gr. qovp i ~ e l u m(Voc.), frompinrrm.
Perf&, mQ. perfect, C3, W; see Papfit. Philitutiit, sb. explained 'philosophy;
Perk, a& proud, pert, elated, H D ; S3; philantie, self-love, ND.-Gr. qihauperke, N U ; pert, SkD; partly, du., ria, self-love.
briskly, S3.
Philosophre, id. philosopher, Cz, C3 ;
Perken, v. to smartcn, to trim, SkD philosophree, p i , C 3 ; philosophers,
philooop/La ; Lat, phiioiophr~na
( 8 . " . pe1.1); pyrkis, $7. r., 53.
Pernel, iC. Pernel, or Parilel, a common 'act.) ; Gr. @ ~ h d c o q o ra, lover of wiadom.
in the English word, cp.
female name, Sz, Baldsley: purnele,a
concubine, PP.-OF. PcI.o.E~&
; Late Lat. ihociifcx for F. iliolirfe.
PcLroniila, name of a saint.
Picchen, u. to pitch, to fix, to pick,diPerreye, sh, jewelry, preciolls stones, vide with a sharp point,P; pitohinge, P.
; ~ i i t e$
, 1. s., SD ; pighte him,
P P ; perreie, Sz ; perrye, C, PP, I l n ; P.,,
pttched, fell, SkD; pi3ten,pi, \V: piht.
perrey, SI ; perree, C~.-AF. pelrye;
A ; pight, S3, PP, N D ;
OF. pirrrerir, precioils stones; from OF.
pyite, PP. Cf. Pyken.
picrc,pwe ; Lat. pezra, stone.
Pers, ad/. .dark
bioe, sky-co~oured, Pich, sd. pitch, S ; see Pikke.
Pigge, ~ b . pig, $orcc!L?is, Ivlanip;;
bluish grey, Chl, C ; perm, S3.-OF.
$err (liartich) ; cp. It. perm, Low Lat. pygge, Prompt. Conib. : pigsnie, ' lily s
eye,' a tcrm of endearment, ND ; piggesp e ~ s l ~$81-SCZLS
Perte, ag.manifest, obvious, sz, PP; neyghe, C M ; pigsj., ND, S3.
ndu. openly, PP. See Apert.
Pike, u. to pitch, S ; pykke, Cath.
Pertelyche, a h . plainly, evidently, Pikke, rb pitch, Cvth. ; pyx, Prompl. ;
Sz ; pertrlich, 1'P ; pertly, truly, S2 ; pyche, Prompt. : pych, S ; pish, S.-openly, P ; pertely, completely, Sz.
AS, pic (Voc.) ; Lat,piiear.
Pes, sb. peace, S , S I ; see Pees.
Piler, id. pillar, S, FP, Cz, C ; pyler,
Pese, $6.a pea, PP ; peose, PP ; peese, 11
' ' ; pilere, W ; pylere, 1'rompt.-AF.
P P ; pesen,pi., PP ; peosen, Sa ; pesea, pilcr ; Low Lnt, pilare (Ducange).
PP. Co*nb.: pese-ooddes, pea-pods, S z , P ; pillage, $6. plunder ; pyllage, SlrD ;
pes-codes, S3; pese-lof, loaf made with pilo*ge,
P.-As. pime ($.We, pise), Pease ; Pillen, a. to peel,Prompt.; pille, Cath.;
Lat.pirn, pi. o f p i i z ~ ? ~ .
pill, Cotg., WW ; pilie, P P ; pilled, rp..
Pesibilte, sd. a calm, W. See Pees. bald,~'\v,~rompt.;pilea,~ ; ~ i ~peeled,
d e ,
Pesible, adj. pcacefill, \Vz.-OF.paisihare, S3. ~ ' h r .: p i n e gzfeke, ueliical-e,
lib; Late Lnt. pnridi!em.
Cath. - OF. pelcr (Cotg.), also piliei.
Pesiblenesse, sb. calm, Sz, W ; pe- (I'alsg.); Lat. piinre, to deprive of hair,
SibilneSSe, \V.
frompiirri, hair.
Pettail, sC. rabble, B ; see Pitail*.
Pillen, u, to plunder, CM, NU ; pylle,
S3 ; pilen, 1'P; pil, H ; pylen, PP ;
Pettes, $6. pl. pits, Sz ; see ~ y t .
S3.-OF. piiidy (Cotg.) ;
Peyne, $6. pain, penalty, c z , bv, p p ;
peine, sz ; payne, sz.-AF.
pay,zr,pai,ze,Late Lat. palare (Uucange).
OF. peinr; Late Lat. $era; i a t . poerra. Pillery, rd. rapine, ND.
Filling, :b. robbery, S3.
Cf. Pyne.
Pepeble, adj. pains-taking, Sa ; pe- Pillour, $6. plunderer, P P ; pilonre,
nyble, H D ; penible, Cz.-OF. pcrible, PP ; pyllars,Pi., S3.
Pilwe, $6.pillow, CM ; pilewe, S 2 ;




pleyen, u. to play, amuse oneself, Poer, sb. powrr, Sz ; poeir, Sz ; power,

PP, C z ; pleien, S, 1'1'; pleiden, Pt. pi. I'rompt. ; powere, army, W A ; pouwer,
pporir; Late Lat.potZ~c,to
S2.-AS. plttiaegiola, to
on an in- PP.-OF. pod
stmment (OE'r), to play, ' ludere,'tomove be able.
briskly (Grrin), plegizrt (Sievers, 391) : OS. Poised,pt.r. weighed, P P ; sec Peisen.
p i e p a , to wager, to answer for; cp. OHG. poke, $6. a bag, Cuth., PP, S ; pooke,
plcgan (Otfrid).
Prompt. ; poc, SI ; powke, PP; pouh;,
Pleyn, adj. even, level, plain, clear, PP-Cp.ODu.poiie.
Prompt., C, C 3 ; pl;rYn, B ; ad*. plainly, Poket, $6. pocket, Prompt.; pokets,
, 3 ; plilyn, C3. - AF. plailr; pi,, c3.
Pokke, rh. .pastole, Prompt. ; poke,
P l e y n , ~to. com],lain, S3 ; see PlaYne. YO,. ; pokkes,pi, C3, Voc., PP.
Pleyn, ndj. fi~ll,C,C3, PP.-OF.pfii~z;
Pokok, sd. a peacock, PP; see Peook.
Lnt. pienurn.
Polcat, d. polecat, C 3 ; pulkat,
Pleynly, adu. fully, C.
prompt., voc. ; puloatte, SkD ; powlkat,
Pliht, rb. dangci,Sz; pligt, WA.-AS. Sku.-ME. poi- ; 0 P . pole, pour; Lat.
pliht [CIET.).
pmiln. Cf. Pulte.
Plihten, v. to pledge,. plight, PP. Sz ; Poletes, pullets, Sz ; see Pulte.
plyghte,PP,Prompl. ; pll;te,S; plyghte, polische, v . to polish, 'P; pulische,
pt. s., P P ; p l ~ ) h t e nPL,
P P ; Pliht, @., cath. ; puliohe, Cath. ; polsohe, PP ;
I'P, S a ; plyht, S2 ; pli;t, P P ; plYlt, b3 ; p u l s ~ h e ,P P ; pulshed, pp., S3.-From
plight, P P ; ~ l ~ g h C
t 3, ; i-pluht, S : OF. p01iri-, stem of poii~rarrt,pr. p. of
y-pliite, P P ; i-pligt, Sz.-AS. pizhtalr, p,lj,; ~ ~ t , p ~ i j ~ ~ .
to imperil, to venture (Schmid).
Poll, $6. poll, head, \VW ; head, person,
Plihtful, a& dangerous, Sz.
W H ; pol, P P ; polles, pi., PI'.
Plite, $6. state, condition, manner, SkD poll-ax, l,ole-ane, C ; polax, CM.
(p. Szz), CM, \VA; see Plyte.
Poll, u, to cut off the hair, WW,Manip.;
Plouh, $6, plough, PP ; plow, Prompt. ; p o w ~ e d , p t . p ~ww
. , ; pollid, pp., IV, W s ;
plewch, B ; ~ l o u )P, P ; ploh, S2 ; plewys, powlea, w W. Comd. : polled hen, C
pl., S3. Comb.: plouh-fot, plough-foot, (P. 1 2 5 ) ; pulled hen, bald, moulting
PI'; plow-lond, a measure of land, carril- hen, C.
cat% S a ; ~ l o w e l o n d ,Voc.; Plowlond,
to get money unfairly, by enPrompt.; Ploghe oflande, Cath. ; plowes tortion, palsg. ;
~ ~ ~ si3 ,~ ,
of lona, G ; plow-man, ploughman, Cz, ND, s ~ . - T I , ~same word us above.
LIP; plou)man, PP ; pluch-ox, plo~gll- poller,
extortioner, ~ 1 ) .
on, S3; plowstert, plough-tail or handle,
lmfairexaction, S3'
Prompt.-Icel.plGgr,plough; cp. AS.ploh,
Cz, CM; p o l ~ f f ,
p ~ o u g h ~ a n(ds ~ D ) , OHG. piecas,piou,oh Polyue, ~ 6 pulley,
ONE ( I . ro6).
Plukken, V . to pluck, PP, prompt.; Pomade, i.cider, PP.
plokken, P P ; plyghte, pt. r., CM, cz, Pomage, $6. cider, HD.
Pome, $8, pomade, S3. Con~b.:pomeP P ; plyght, pp., Cz (p. 290). -AS.
water, a kind of apple, I I D ; pom-water,
Plume, $6. feather; plumes, jL,,P P ; the apple of the eye, HD.-OF. porne,
apple ; Lnt. pomum.
plomys, S3.-OF. plume ; Lat.plr~ma.
ply=, u. to bend, Cz.-AF. plier; Lat. Pomel, s6. a knob, a boss, C, Tl'z ;
pomels,pi, S3; pomalles, HD.
piiiare, to fold.
PomeW, a i i i s~otte*like an apple, C ,
plyght, pp. plighted, pledged, ~ 3 see
C3 ; pomelee, HD. Cortib.: pomely gris
grey, Cotg.-oF.
Plyghte,$t.s.pluekerl, pulled, Cz; see (=g"sl'om"eld),
Plyte, ib. statc, condition, Prompt., C 3 , Ponne, sb. Pan, PP: see P a m e .
Pons, sb.pi. pence, Sz ; see Peny.
\?'A; plite, CM, W A ; lit, Sz.-OF.pIite,
SkD (p. 8 2 2 ) , pliste ; Late Lat. *plicito, Pope, sb. the pope, PP; pape, S. DET.:
from Lat. piiiare, to fold. Cf. Playte, popetrie, popery, S3.-AS.pdpa; Church
Let. pup,.





Popet, sb. puppet, Cz, SkD, CM.-OF. fold, P P ; poundfalde, P P ; ponfolde,

1', an encloime (Schmid).
Popyngay, sb. parrot, popinjay, S3 ; Pouren, v. to pore, gaze steadily, C3 ;
pore, CM ; powre, C ; pure, S ; pirith,
see Papejay.
Poraille, $6. poor people, C ; see $7. *.I PP.
Pous, s6. pulse, PP, CM ; pouae, SI ;
Porchas, s6. gain, winnings, Sa ; see Powce, Prompt. - OF. .f'ouir, $ 0 1 ~ ; Lat.
pulsllin (acc.).
PoustB, r6. power, P, B, HD, II (77.
Pore, a t i j ppoor, Sz ; see Pouer.
6 5 ) ; post% 1.m ; potestat, W ; poustees,
poret,$6. a ki,,d of leek. PP, prompt. ; Pi.,
s z , p . - ~ ~ . p ~(cotg.).
~ ~ ~ i l ~violent attacks, 1'1' ; potestatis,
powers.W.-AF. pouife,poe3lc, 0F.podrsic;
Pors, ib. purse, Sz ; see Purse.
Lat, poteifolem.
PortatJrf, 4 portable, light, P.-OF.
pout, to poke, to stir
a lo,,g
porlolif, lively of body (Cotg.).
instrument, JD. Ca?,rb. : pout-staff, ,n net
Porte, $6. gate, W W ; port, Sh. ; fastened to two poles, nsed for poking the
p o r t i s , p i , S3.-AF. port8 ; Lat. porla.
banks of
JU, s3.
P o r t r e y , ~to. pourtray,Fp ; PudreYe, ponerail1 ( P o v e r a i l l ) , rb. the poor
' ' ; p u r t r w e , P P ; purtreied, PP.. 53 ;
B ; purraile, PP; poraine, l ' ~ ,
portred, S3; p o d u r a t , S3.-0F.portray-,
c ; p o r a i i ~ ,pi., ~ 2 . - A F . ponerail.
stem ofPorfwa*t, pr. P. ofporlraare; Late poUerte,povert&), s6,
Lat. proh.ohere.
neir, shabbiness, PP, Ca, W A ; powerte,
Porueid,pp. provided, Sz ; see F u m e - n ; pouert, WA, PP, Sz, S3, C3, W, 1112.
-OF. poverlP ; Late Lat. paz$crtanr; see
Pose, $6. cold in the head, Sz, Prompt., Constans (SupplCment, p. 32).
Cath., l'alrg., Voc., C3.-Wel. par, a Poure ( P o v r e j , a+. poor, S, PP, Sz,
cough ; for cognates see SkD (s. v. wheeze), Ca ; pouere, PP, Sz ; pouer, S*; pore,
and lrugmann, 5 441.
S, Sz ; pure, Sz, S3 ; pouerore, co,t$.,
Possen, v , to push, S, PP, CM, Sz; pourest, super/., C z ; poure, ads.,
Prompt. ; posshen, PP.-OF.
pouisrr, Cz.-OF. powre ; Lat. peuperem.
pouisrr ; Lar. pz~irare,frequent. ofpeilere.
Poureliche ( P o v r e l i c h e ) , adv.
P o t , sb, a vessel for cooking or drinking poorly, Cz ; pourely, C.
from, SkD. Comb. : pot-parlsment, a Poynt, $6. point, a small portion, a bit,
talk over one's cups, Sa ; pot-sherd, pot- S z ; poynte, Promiit. Phr. : a t t h e
sherd, S3 ; pot-styk, pot-stick, nrotari%m, poynt, conveniently placed, Sz ; i n point,
Voe. ; pot-stykke, nioloriunz, Voc. ; pot- at the point, about to, Sz.-0F.poinf; Lat.
stiok, 53.
punillrm. Comb.: point-deuys, a t pointdeuys, with the greatest exactness, in
Potte,pf. 9. put, S z ; see Putten.
Pouderen, u. to powder, S k D ; p o u ~detail, minotely, CDI, Cz ; point-device,
HD.-OF. point ; Lat. punctnm.
deren, S3 ; pulderit,p$., S3.-OF.poud.
Poyntil, rb. a style to write with, W,
rer, poldmr ; Lat.puluerare.
Poudre, s6. powder, C3, W ; pouder, W Z; poyntyle, Voc.-0F.pointiile.
Poys, 36. weight, S.3; see Peis.
P P ; poudir, W ; poulder, H D ; pulder,
S3. Co1116.: poudre marchaunt,flavouring prane, s6. prawn, l'rompt., Manip.,
powder, C.-AF.
porrdre, pr~idrc, OF. Palsg., N D ; praune, SkD ; pranys, pi,
*pulre ; Lat, pui*rerem, dust.
S3. - OF. *pame, *$me; Lat. pcmo, a
Povn, sb,peaeock,S3.-OF,potm,$aon; ham; ep. It. perna, a nakxe fish (Florio). pazronmr; see BH (Introd., 27) Cf For the changes in meaning, cp. It. gonibareili, prawns (Florio), from galnbo, a leg.
Pound, $8. pound, P P ; punde, daf., S ; Pranglen, u. to press ; primgled,S.povmd,pl,, Sz. Conzb.: pound-mele, by Cp Du. pro?spfz; Goth. pra#gi?n, to press.
pounds at a time. PP, Sz ; pound-mel, P. Prank, a 4 full of sensational tricks;
-AS.purzd; Lat. potrdus, a weight.
pranker, ionip., ND.
Pound, rb. an enclosure, pound, pond, Pranken, u. to arrange the folds of a
S2 ; pond, SkD; ponde,Piompt.; poonde, dress, SkD, Prompt..Palsg., HD; pranske,
Cath. C0~7zl.: pondtolde, a pound, pin- ND ; pranke, to frisk about, Msnip.



P P ; p r i u e l ~ ,C2 ; p r p e l y , Cz.-AF.
priur ; Lat. prizcatunt.
Prpen, w. to deprive, Prompt. ; Prife,
H ; prrura, $1. r., H.-OF. primer; L*t.
Pwuete, $6. ~'rivity, secret counsel,
PP ; priuitee, Ss, Cs, C3 ; Pwuyte, Sz.
-AF. priuetr.
Psalme. ~ 8 psalm,
1-1, P P ; see S*lm.
Psautere, i b . psalter, H (p. 3) ; see

Purchaspg, $6. prorec~xtion,C.
Purfil, sb, the furred trimming of a dress,

p ; purfyle, P ; purse, a hem, Manip.

purfilen, u. to embroider on an edge,
to p~lrl,C, P ; purfie, Cotg.-OF. pourJZICY from JZIS~,to twist threads, from JZI,
threHd; ~ ~ t . j i i u ~ .
Purpre, sb. purple garments, S, P P ;
pu,pire, H (44 I,) purpour, a+, s 3 ;
p U r p ~ qW ;, pr, purple coverSauter.
ings, s.-AF.prrrpre; Lat.p2rrpara.
Publisshen, w. to make public, *Pa p~rpurat,n q . oat a purple colaur, ~ 3 .
Cz : puplische, W (Mt. 1. 19) : PUP- - ~ , ~ . ~ , , ~ , , t ~ ~ , =lad in
pusche, Sz ; publice, im$. s., PP.-A
of purple ( =
form due to analogy fromOF.publier; Lat. Pu'puresse, rb. a
p u t ~ u m r i a )w.
Pucelle, ib. a girl, maiden: puoell, Purse, sb. purse, bag, PP, S, C3 ; pura,
S3.-OF. purelie, pulielle; dirnin. from PP, Cz, C ; porse, P P ; pors, Sa.-AS.
at. ~ U N U I , the young of any animal ; cp. pul-r (Engl. Studien,xi. hs,l. 36); Late Lat.
OF. poNe, maiden (Bartsch). c p . pulte, lur.ia ; Gr. itiipori, a skin.
Purtenaunce, rb. appurtenance, bePukken, u. to poke, push, incite, P ; longings, 1'1'; puztensnce, the intestines
an animal, W W ; portenaunoe, Pnlsg.;
pukked, pi. s,,P.
$I., 33.- OF. appart*na.ce
pulched, pp.
s3; pol- pu*enmnciS,
Pulte, sb. pullet, Prompt. ; p o ~ e s , Pu&reied, pp. pourtrayed, S3; see
pi., Sz, PP.-OF. poletr; dim, of pole, Portrep.
poi&; Lat.pulia. Cf. puceue, ~ o l c a t .
Purveour, rb. purveyor, PP, SkD. Pulten, u. to push, beat, strike, put, AF.p'cr*eour.
PP, S z ; pelte, P P ; pilte, PP, SkD (s. v. Purveyaunce, rb. providence, propeN) ; pulte, pt. s., P P ; pult, PP, Sz ; vision, plan, means of getting, equipment,
pelte. S ; pelt, P P ; i-pilt,$p,, G; pilt, W ; purvei~nce,Sz, C3 ; pumeanoe, $3.
A F . parueaunce, OF. p i m e i n i t ; Lat.
S, SkD.
Pulter, rb. poulterer, c a t h . - ~ ~ .pole- provideflfia.
fey, julietrr.
Purueyen, u. to provide, W2, C2, P P ;
Pultrie, $6. poultry, S3, C, Prompt. ; PurusY, Ss, H ; PomaYen, H ; Po*pultery, name of a London street, the ueynde pr. $., S z ; purueid, pp., S3;
pourveid, Sz ; Porueid, S2.-AF. purPoultry, S3.-AF.puItrie,poletrie.
punde, s6. dat. pound; see pound (11. "iev,puruler3 for OF.pomeoir; Lat. proPuple, sb. people, PP, Prompt., l?'~; uid'ye.
pupel, sz ; poep~e,P P ; puplis,pi, wz. PuBeren, w. to poke about, S (9.96).
-OF.peupie,po@le(AF.propie); Lat.po- Putten, u. ta put, push, PP, W ;
puten, S ; puiten, P P ; puttide, pt. r.,
Sa ; Pot, pi., Sz ; Putten to,
Pur, adj. pure, tlioioogh, complete, Sz, SZ i
PP; pure, l'P, s 3 , C ; puir,PP; paire, added, assented, W ; put, pp., H ; Y-put,
P P ; pur, ndv., conrpletely, Sz ; pure, C3 ; *-put, G.
merely, m y , S3; purlyohe, ads., purely, Puttynge, r6. pushing, instigation, H.
compietely, S3.-OF.pur; Lat.pnmm.
puyssant, =dj. powerful, S ~ ;DpaisPurchacen, u. to acqilire, purchase, sant, ~3.-OF. putsrant, poimat; ~~t~
P P ; purehasen, C3.-AF. pl*rdnier, t o L S ~ .*poise~ztem,*porientem (CP. ~ t par.
pursue, to acquire ; 0F.porchaaL.r.
~ m t c ) ,from Lat. posse, to be able; see
Purchas, sb. gain, winnings, C, G ; Constans (Notes, p. 13).
porchas, S2.-AF.purdar.
Puysraunce, 16. might, power, H D ;
Purchasow, sb. proeecutor, C.-AF. puysaunoe, S3 : piscenoe, S3. - OF.
6uiironie, 6oliranca.




P y h r e , sb. alittlethiel, Prompt. ; pyk- impounds slray cattle, Cath., Bsrdsley ;

ers,pi, PP.
Pyndare, Prompt. ;pinas., N D ; pynner,
Pyke, rb. a pike, pointed pole,
fur. Mmip., Bardiley; pinner, Bardsley.
nlshrd with a spike, Prompt. ; pyk, Sz ; Pyne, sb. a n ~ ~ i storment,
S, S3, C2.
PYkis, $I., thorns, prickles, S3.
Pyk-star, pike-staff PI'.

Comb.: C3 ; P Y ~5,2 ; pines, pL, S, S z ; pynes,

S l ; pine, S ; pinen, S ; pynen, Sa.-AS.
Pyken, u:to pick, to s ~ ~ ~ I , P P , P pin
~ o ;~Late
~ ~ Lat.
. ; $?feu, see Sievers, 69. Cf.
Pioke, W W ; pykksna, pr.p., 53 ; pikid, Peyne.
Pt.s.,PP. Comb.:pyke-herneis,piundererrPynen, u. to torment, S z ; pinen. S ;
of amour, P P ; pyke.hernois, p p ; PYX.. Pyns, pr. s., S z ; Pinede, pt. r., suffered,
Porse, one u h o steals a purse, P p ; picke- PP; PYnede, Sa ; pined,$$., S ; tormented,
Purse, SS ; pick-purse, a name for paris, 5 2 : Y-PYned, Sz ; *-Pined, S.-AS.plnian
S3 (P. 374); Pike-purs, C. Cf. Picchen.
Pykeys, $6.a
tool for digging, Pyning, $8. torture; pining, S. Cofnb.:
Piompt. ; P Y ~ O YpS ;, pgcows, V,,~,-OF, PYnYng-stoles,stoolsaf punishment, crickmg-stools, PP, Sz.-AS.pi?zung.
piiois (Uucange).
Pynne,, peg, bolt, bar, PP ; p m ,
Pylche, ~ ba .fnrred garment. Voc., HD, G'-AS'piizrr2
pin, Peg (m).
Prompt.; ~ i l ~ S3,
h ~HD,
ND. Comb,:
, to shut up, enclose, Pen,
pilohe-clut, a pilch-clout, rag of a p i l ~ h , P ~ n n e n a,
, S z ; pennen, S~D.-AS.
S.-AS. pyita; Lat, pe[ljeiiiia,
made of fur PI'; ~ i n n e nPP,
pennan (in on-pennan).
Pylgrim, i.pilgrim, P P ; pilegrym, PPOUU, ~ 8a. pennon, C ; see Panoun.
S ; pelegrim, SkD; pylgwmes, pL, 1'P.
Pyony, 16. peony, Prompt. ; pyon,
-Prov. jelleg?ins ; Lat. peregnnui; ep. Cath.; pyany, Prompt. ; piones,pl, seeds
OF. pebrin. See Peregrin.
of the peony. P ; pylonies, FP.-OF.pione,
pylgrimage, $6.
p p ; pel- pion (Cotg.1; Lat. p(a)eoriiz ; Gr. wo~arr,io,
rimage, S.-AW. pi~ryryniage; OF. pele- the Peony.
Pyry, sb. storm of wind, gust, Prompt.:
$8. spiced wine and honey, pYri-2 S.3 (p. 437) ; pirie, HD, Prompt.
CM,VOC.; piment, neitar,voc., HL, ; py. (n); prrrY, Palsg., ND : Pirrie, S3, ND ;
mente, Prompt. - OF. pifttent, pigment perPie. Prompt. (n),N D ; berrie, Cotg.
berm, Florio (s. v. cr0sria
(Bartsch); LateLat.pigmcntu,ii(Ducange). d(5.'".d r ptourhilion);
~ r )HD.
P~nden,*. to shut in the pound. Cath.; prt, ~b.pit, peal, prompt.: put, S, P P ;
punt, p r . s., S.-AS. py~idan(in for-pyx.
Pit, S ; P m e , Prompt.; putte, S, PP, S* :
; cp., See Pound.
pette, Sz.-AS. p y a ; Late Lat. *putius;
Pynder, id. a pindar, pinner, one who Lat.pwteus.


Quad, a#. and $8. evil, bad, the Evil Q-ir, sb. quire, book, S 3 ; quayre,
One, MU, Cz ; w e d , MD, PI'; owed, MD; Mun~p.,LM ; qusyer, Voc.-OF.
qnet,MD;, dat., Sz ; uueade, Sz; (F. rahier), Prov. rasem for tadem: It.
quede, Sz.-AS. cwead; cf. Du. Rwaad.
, Lat. 'nzmtenzz~rn
~ ~ ~ . . : cn
-r. T.rtp
1 haternio. a sheet folded in four (Voc.1.
anad. dt. r. moth. S : see a d a n .


Quain, sb. trouble, mourning, Sa.-AS. quok (strongforin), PI'; iuook, Cz, S I ~ D ;
quoke, S2, H.-AS. rwnizan.
*hwdrr (see below).
Quainen, r . I 1
, hll-I
v I Quakynge. . I . trc.!t.I I: .;
l'r. mrt ,

. ;w


e 1 1 . - :


quakyng, \\.-A>
0 .


. . . . .,,

n : awa,

S 2



Prompt.; qw&ylle,Cath.; quale, Sz ;whal,

wz ; h-1, MD ; qualle, P1., Sz, Cath.
( n ) ; quhalis, S3. Cath. (?r).-AS. Awd.
Qualm, J ~ .death, pestilence, Sz, IT;
cw-lm, M U ; qualme, dat., C. A
mralm. See Quelen.
$6. a square-headed cross-bow
bo t, quarrel, WA, SlcD; quarelle, Sz ;
quarrel, WA, ND.-AF. guarrC, cross-bow
bolt; I,ate Lat. quarEreilunA (act.), a
qULTIel,a square tile, di,,,in. of Lat. guad.

Qued, a& bad, Sa, P P ; see Quad.
~ ~ ~ d~ b ~. wickedness,
~ h MD
i ;~
queaasohipe,S ; oweadsohipe, S.
quirc, choir,Prompt.; qnser,


quere, wz ; queir, s~.-oF. choeur

cot^.); Lat, ihoruni (ncc.) ; Gr. xap6r.
~a+, living,
~ szk; see Quik,
Quelen,v,to die, RID: Eweleu, MD,AS. e?uelen, pt.
(PI. ~ w ~ i o n ) , . ~
~wolen. CP. OHG. quela*, 'cruclari'
1'2'11, SqllalC.
Quarere, .ib. quarry, Prompt.; quareres, Quellen, .' to kiil, S, Sz, '3,
$8. s., S ; owelled, pi% $.-AS.
$l., s~..-o~.
(cotg.); L~~~L ~ quelde,
~ .
q21adrarie, qoariy, deriv, from 7uaiirur. czucllan; CP. OHG. $we*%, 'cruciare2,(Tatian), gzrelien (Otfrid).
See above.
Quartern, sb, prison ; owarterne,d~t., Quellere, sb. executioner, MD.-AS.
MI); quarterne, S, MD.-AS.
<wear- Cwellelr.
tenz, prison, perhaps for AS. yuettn, Queme, edj. pleasing, S, MD ; qweme,
' qouternio' (OET). Cp. Fr. casernr (Sp. convenient, W A ; cweme, S ; wherne, XD.
caserna), hurrack~;Lat.gzraterna (see B r a -AS. ( g e j d n e , from i(w)dm, pt. of ruchet); an etym. illustrated by the Fr. sea- man; cp.OHG. (6i)guttizan, to, to
term casn.,ret, log~book, a deriv. of Lat. suit, fit (Otfrid); see ICluge (s.7. 8eyurm).
quatn,nuni, seeDiez, p. 755 ( 5 . Y. tahier).See Comen.
See Quair.
Quemeful,a& placable, Wz.
Quarteroun, $6. a quarter, P, H D ; Quemen,u. to please, S, H, PP ; cwemquartrun, PP.
en, S ; owemde. pf. i., S ; i-quema, pp.,
Quat, Qua8,pt.r. quoth, S ; see Q u a - S ; i-owemet, $.-AS. cwdman.
Quenchen, u. to qi~ench,S, Prompt.,
Quatriuials, sb. $1. the quadriviais the $3, Skl) ; owennkenn, S ; queynte,pt. i.,
quadi~vmm,tile fonr higher sciences : artro- MD, Sz ; queynt,pp., MD, C ; r-kaenst,
logy, geometry, arithmetic, music, S3 (14 S z ; quenchid, W2.-AS. iwefrcan.
sl~).-From Late L a . guadri*ium, the Quene, s6. queen, wiic, woman, quean,
four mathematical sciences; in Lat. a place S, c,, c3, W A ., 9,,en, S, C ; cue+ s ;
where four ways meet.
kuen, M D ; kwene, S ; owene, MD.-AS.
Quave-mire, ib. quagmire, I I D ; qua- m i * ; cp. OHG. qz'era, wife (Otfrid); for
mier, DG.
root see Brugmann, 467, 3.
Quauen, to shake, Sz, PP, Prompt.; Querel,sb. a complaint, dispute, qoarrel,
puave, HD, JD, DG.
Sz, Yl'z; querele, SkD.-AF. yuerele ;
Quauynge, $6. shaking, MD.
Late Lat. *guerella, fol. Lat. guerzla.
Quayle, u. to curdle, to coagulate,
uerne, sb. hand-mill, Cz, Prompt.,
g . , Piom~t., Manip.-OF.
roeilleller; P%&., M D ; queerne, W.-AS. iweorn;
Lat. rooguiare.
cp. Goth. kwaimus; see Brugmann, 442.
Quaynt, ad/. pddent,wire,H: qusynte, Querr~ur,sb. quarry-man, CM. Sce
quamt, corious, W A ; see Coint.
Quayntis, $6. wisdom, prudence, H ; Quest, rb. an inquiry, jury, verdict, G.see Cointige.
O r . guede, u qucst (Cotg.). Quart is used
Quayre, sb. quire, book,CM see Qasir. for the proper legal term e n p m f ; OF.
Queade, rb. evil, iniquity, S z ; see mgzcesfe.
Queste, sb. will, bequest, G ; qniste, S.
Q e a l e , rb. a blister, pimple, pupuia, A corrupt form of Qusde (qv.), influenced
by the above word.
Manip. ; see Whele.
Quecchen, u. to shake, M D ; qvyc- QueBen, w. to speak, M D ; ewesen, S,
chyn, Prompt. ; qnytche, l'alsg. ; quitoh, Ml! ; owas, $1. r., S ; cw.8, S ; q u a , S ;
Cots. (s. 7. oril) ; cwehte, pf. r., MD ; qna8, S, Sz ; quo% S ; quat, S ; quad, S ;
puehte, MD.-AS. iwrrmn.
wod, S, Sa, Ca; koth, 5 3 ; aouth, MD ;




Rage, $6. madness, S2.-AF.

y a p ; Lat.


Rage, v. to to? wnntonl?, C ; ragid,


been wanton, WA.

Rampe, $6. an ill-conditioned woman,




Rampen, v. to rump, to seize or scratch

with the paws, to rage, Cz ; raumpe, Sz ;

Ragerie, $6. wantonness, CM.

rawmpide, pi. s., HD.-AF. roumpcr,OF.
to clamber.
Raght,$p.reached,Sz ; see ~ ~ c h ~ ram$er,
n .
Ragman, $6. a craven, the devil ; rage- Rande, sb. a strip or slice of meat, S3,

man, P P ; raggeman, PP.-IC~~.ragr(for H D i rand, Cot& ( 5 . 7 . giste), ND.-AS.

rarrd, a rim, edge ; cp. Swed. rand, a strip.
craven, cowardly.


Ragman-roll, $6. the craven's roll, a stripe, Icel. rZ>rd(pl.rardir).

term in Scottish history, JD, ND ; a game, Randoun, $6. force, impetuosity, SIID.
H D ; ragmanrs
rewe, a long jest, DG ; Phr. : i n a randoun, in a furious course,
n ; at randon, left to one's own force,
ragmsnrew, scrim, Manip. Hence
bull, p p ; SkD.-OF. mrrdori, 'the ~wiftnessand force
of a strong and violent stream' (Cotg.);
ragemon, sz; rageman, a list, s 3 ;
man, a tedious story, J D ; ragment, JD. from OTeut. *rand% a rim ; cp. AS. rand
See abovc.
-Cp. E. nki~~aroie.
Ranke, a@ strong, luxuriant, rebellious,
Rair, u. to roar, S3 ; see Roren.
WA, Prqmpt.; rank, S 3 ; ronk,Sz: rang,
R G ~ ~$. ,rose,sz; see Rysen,
HD. -AS.
nrrri; cp. Icel. rakkr (for
Rake,sb.onlyincompounds,as inerena- ..,g,),
upright, bold.
rake, messenger, SD.-AS. &rend-mra;cp.
search, S,PP, C, H.Icel. eymnd-rehi, so fand%eki, a king, see Icel. ratmrake, to search
a house ; Icel.
CV (5. Y. rehi). See Xmd-race.
rnnrr : Goth. riczli ; cp. AS. resn, a plank,
Rake, v. to run, wander,go, S, S3, I*D, beam, see sievers,
PI', JD, I1 ; rsyke, H, SI ; raik, R A , JD; Rap, rb. rope, S ; see Rope.
reyke, J D ; reke, HD; raykande,pr. p.,
s. reaped, W : see Bepen.
~ z . - ~ c e l .reika, to wander, cp. swed. mka, Rap,
Rape, sd. haste, S, PP, Prompt. ; rap,
to mn hastily (Rietz).
xake, $8. course, way, WA ; rakae, S*.-lcel. bra?, a falling down.
W A.
- . a+. hasty, G ; rapest, rrtperL.,
Rakel, a 4 hasty, mih, CM, SkD (r. v.
rake) ; rakle, CM ; racle, CM ; rackel, Rapeliche, ad*. hastily, PP : rapely,
J D ; rakyl, Manip.; rakehell, a bad fel- G ; rapelike, S ; rapli, Sz, G ; rapelier,
low, Manip., ND.-Icel. reikuli, wandering, iomp., PI'.
unsettled. See above.
Rapen, u. to hasten, S, PP, Prompt.;
Raken, v. to scrape, diminish, to mkc, rappe, P P ; rappe adoune, to humy
S , l'rompt. ; raked,$$., Cz.-Icel.
to along, PP. Ehr.: rape and renne, to seize
and plimder, C3; rapen and rinen, C3
scrape, to rake away.
and rend, H D ; rap or rend%
xaken-teie, ~ 6 =hain
s ; (n)
and run, H D ;
and ran,
raketeye, S ;richentegea,$~,S ; raken- Pal%.;
teis, HD.-AS. ~
e ~(voc.)
~ ;~roirnte,
~ t C3~(*);~ h and reeve, C3 (72):
hyapa, 10 fall, rush
a chain + tdah, a tye. w i t h racerte, cp. Fee, C3 (*).-Icel.
Icel. rckmdr, OHG. rahhinza. See ~ e k Rascall, ib. scraping*, refuse ; rasoaile,
PP ; rascayle, an animal not a beast of the
a ram, prompt, - AS.
chase, a hait not six years old, Prompt.
(n); the common people, Prompt.; rasRamage,
k ~ i ~the
~ ecommon
herd, S I ~ D
; rasc.11,
(Of a hawk), living in the iefiise beast, Palsg., NU. ; rwcalles, pi.,
branches (Cotg.); Late Lat. *mmaticunr, ,,mm,,
ofmm, low fellows,
from ramur, a branch.
S3.-AF. rascaifie (raskqvlle, m s k q l e j , a
Rammish, adj. strong-scented, C3, CM. rabble; cp. F. raiaiNe ; from OF. rorpr'rr,
Ramne, sb, bramble, Wz ; ramyn, H ; to scrape (Ducange) ; ep. OIt. rascarc
rammyn, I1.-Lat. rhamnur (Vulg.); Gr. (Florio).
p d + ~ o r (LXX).
Rascall, adj. common, low, H D ;



Con'& : aaosll wine, tortisum uinurn,

Prompt. ( n ) .
Rase, v. to run, to race, SD, Sz ; rese,
Sa ; re~sed,pp.
ridden, C.-AS. rhsan.
Rase, sb. a race, msh, S k D ; ras, SkD,
Sa: rase, Sz : res, SD, G (4 ; rees, attack, fit of passion, G.-AS. rhi.
Rasen, u. to scrape, Prompt.-OF.
rarer; Late Lat. rajare, freq. of Lut.

Raueynour, $6. robber; raneinoar,

W; rauynour,Wa.
Ravin, adj. ravenous, S3, Sh.
Ravin, u. to seize and devour greedily,
sh., WW.
Ravined, ~ d j.ravenous,
Rauischen, v . to seize with violence,
P P ; ravish, W W ; raueisohe, imp.
w*; rawsohiden, jt. $ p ~ , w%,-AF.
ravir (pi. p. ravirrarzt) ; Late Lat. *yapire ;


Rasour, $6. razor, Cz, C, Wz ; rssure,

H (Ps. 51. %).-OF. r a i o i ~ ;Late La:. Yasoriun,.

rasp en,^, to rasp, scrape, SkD ; rospen, S . OF. rarpar; OHG. rasp'% see
Rasse, $6. a raised mound or eminence,
a cairn of stones, Sz ; raise, HD. See

Rat,pr. s. reads, P P ; see Reden.

Rap,,&advice, S, SD.-Icel. rdd.
Rathe, v. to advise, HD. See above.
Rase, ndj. quick, swift, S D ;
S ; mae, pl., S ; radaere, oi,ip. pL, S.-

AS. h f ? ~ hred,
b , also Arm!, hrrd,quick, also
rad. Cp. Chron. ann. 755 (Parkcr) with
the Laud MS.
Rathe, adu. early, PP, Sz, S3; quickiy,
S, Sz ; rea'e, S ; rath, B : rase=, romp.,
sooner, rather, PP, S, S*, Cz ; redper, S ;
rasest, n*peri., P P ; rdeste, S.
Rathly, ads. qoickly, S 2 ; reaSUohe,
S ; readliche, S ; redeliohe, H D ; radely, Sz ; redlishe, S.-AS. hredliie.
Baton, s l . rat, PP, Cath.; atoun, P P ;
ratones, pl., PP.
Ratoner,rb,rat-catcher, PP,Voc. ; ratonere, PP.
Ratte,$b.rat, PP; rotte, Voc.; ratti=,
pi., PP.-AS. rat (Voc.).
Ratten, u. to tear, SD.-Cp. MHG.
refsaw, see Weigand (5. v. rotsine).
Rattes, i d . $1. rags, S ; rats, pieces,
shreds, HD.
Raughte, pt. s. reached, Ca ; see

Raunson, u. to iansom,redcem, PP.

Raunsoun, sb. ransom, Sa, C ; raunson, S z ; raunsun, Sa ; raunceoun, P P ;
rsnsoone, B:-AF. raulrson, mnson, OF.
rcdmn, reinion; Lat. redenlptionra.
Raneyn, $6. rapine, prey, W, p p ;
revyne. S3 ; ravyn, Cath. ; rsueyns,pl.,
W2.-AF. ravine: Lat. rapina, see BIT, g



at. rapere.

Rawe,sb. row, Cath.; raw,B, JD, Sku.

S3, Sz ; rowe, SkD ; rewe, C, G , W ;
rewis, p i , S3.-AS. rdwe, ribtae.
Ray,sb.stiiped cloth, ref!a,pannus,Voc.;
rtraguium, Voc., Cath., H U ; raye, S3;
rayes, pi, Sa. PP. Comb. : ray-cloth,
striped cloth, Wa, Prompt.-AF. dm$ de
rayr, 40th of ray, pl. riirs, OF..rai, raid;
Lat. radium (ace.).
Rayeres, sellers of ray, PP.
Rayid, ndj. striped, Prompt.
Raykez, pr. r. roams, Sz ; raykande,
pr. pt., advancing, Sz. See Rake.
Rayl, sd. rail, Prompt. ; raylle, Cath.Cp. Low G. ?.<gel,ti. viegel, a bolt; see
Rayle, v . ta rail, arrange in a row, Sz ;
railed,$$., Sa.
Rayle, sd. a kerchief, Palsg.; see


reilan, SD.

a. to flow, S3; raite, N D ;



to roam about, S2; see


Raynes,i. fine linen of Rheims, WA.So named from Rhei~ns; see SkD (p. 815);
cp. It. renro, fine flax (Diez, p. 393).
Read, s6. advice, S ; see Rebe.
Reade, odj. red. S ; see Reed.
Readen, v. to advise, care for, S ; see

Readi, a+. ready, S ; see Redi.

Real, adj. real, a term in medieval philosophy; reall, %-OF. real; Schol. La:.
realen, from rei.
Real, adj. royal, CM; riall, S3, PP,
CM ; wdl, S3, CM ; q e l l , S3 ; roisl,
CM ; roialler, ionip., Sz, C3-OF. real,
AF. roial, rriai; Lat. regalem.
Realte, $6. royalty, royal state, P P :
reaulte, P P ; reaute, P P ; roialtee, C3.A F realte; Late Lat. regaiiiaten.
Realyche, adv. royally, Sa ; resly,Sz;

Reame, id. kingdom, Sz ; see Eewme. Reclused, pp. shut up, withdrawn from
Rearde, sb. voice, cry, Sz ; see Rerd. the world, PP.
Recognisance, $6. an obligntion bindRed%, adu. quickly, S ; see Rethe.
quickly, s ; see ing one over to do some particular act, S3,

1 84



Reaume, sd. realm; kingdom, Ca, S z ;

see Eewme.

Rebekke, sb.

rrionisnnce, OF. reioi~nisame.

a. to commend, Sz, C3;
recornsundip, PP.-OF. rero,?zman&r, re-


a kind of fiddle, SkD;

C ~ ~ , " ~ ~ l v,o to
C ; reoonforted, pp., P.-OF.
r<conjorter; cp. AF.
rebownd_cunjo rter,
en, to sound again, reboare, Prompt. ; rebounde, pt. $., SZ-AF. rebundir, to re- Reconsyle, v . to recovers regain the
~ ~ reconsyled, PP.. 5'2 ; r e echo, cp. OF. bundir, to
( R O I ~ " ~P ,O S S C S S ~of;
W-AF. reronriier; Lat. reron; inclloalive verb, fro,,, L~~~ L ~ counselid,
~ ,
ciliare, to reconcile, re-establish, restore.
Record, ~ bwitness,
S3, WW; record%
aeceyt, 16. receipt,
AF. re~ovd, OF. retort, mention
prompt., ~ ~ ~reseit,
i ~c3,ww,
. ;
S 3 ; receite, W W ; reset, place of refuge,
a,-AF. it^; ~~t~ ~ ~ rciepia
t . (DU- Recorde. u. to call to mind, C, P P ;
recorded, pt. pi. declared, PP.-OF.
i o ~ d a r ;Latc Lat. recordare; Lat. reiovdari.
Reche, $8.smoke, S3 ; see Reke.
u, to recover, P P ; recour,
Recheles, ad/. c=eless, S, PP ; re=- Recoure,
~ ;
HD; recared, $?,, S3,cheles, PI' ; retcheles. S3 ; rekkeles, 33: H
AF. reiouire ; OF. recouvrr, reioxure
reochelees, Sz, Cz ; reohlesre, S3.-AS.
Lat, rpinp
liceliar, also reiceiier.
Recours, $4. recourse, Ca.-AF. reRechelesnesse, sb. carelessness, P P ; ,tdy,,
recchelesnes, PP.
saviour, Sz.
aechen, to care,reck, S, H D ; reke, Recouerer, ~ 6 restorer.
H ; resohe, S, HD, sz, c z; rekke, HD, Recra~ed.pp. defeated, PP. See
Cz ; rekp, pr. s., S ; rechen, Sz ; ro,te, bdow.
pf. s., S ; roaghte, Cz ; roght, H ; rohten, Recreaunt, adi. recreant, defeated,
pi., S ; rouoht,pt. s., suv,, Sz.-AS. rican: C M , P P ; recreant, PP.-AF. rereaunt,
OS. rdhian ; also, AS. *reican.
OF. reirmiat, giving up the contest; Late
Rechen, u. to explain, S ; reochen, to Lat. 7ecrede@em.
relate, S : reohade, pt. r., S.-AS. rriian: Recueil, s6. a collection, compilation,
OS. rekkiun: OHG. roinjan, in Otfrid D G ; "cuyell, S3; reoule, I-ID.-OF.
r e n d ICote.).
. ...... ..
see aybybe.

Rebounden, a. to re-echo;


Rechen, u. to reach, attain, WD, P P ;

Recule, n. to recoil, S3, Palsg., SkD,

rauhte,pt.r., PP, Sz ; rau)te, PP; raghte, ND.-OF. render.

1'P; raughte, C z ; raught, S3; raght,pp., Reculyng, sb. recoiling, S3.
Sz.-AS. r~a?z(BT),alsordrean,togetiuto Recure, r6. recovery, S3.
one's Power, Pt. s. rdhie, see Sievers, 407.
Recure, v. to recover, H D ; see s e Reclayme, u. to bring a hawk to the ooure.
wrist by a call, C3 ; recleYmYn, to makc Reddour, sb, violence, rigour, H D , Tretame, Prompt.; recleYmrd,pp. redomifus visa (3. 313); raddour, WA.-OF. raiior,
(used of hawlra), Prompt.-OF. rtciaimir, later roideur (Cotg.) ; from radr, roide;
rccCcinrer, reiiamrr; cp. .AF. reiiarne, pp., L a t rie.dum.
reclaimed (as a falcon).
Rede, a& red, C%; see Eeed.
Recles, ~ bincense,
S ; see Rekels.
ready,^^; redeliche, c&.,
Recluse, rb. a female anchorite, SkD: PP; redeli, Sz.-AS. (gejr&de : Goth.
'nnkyr, anachorifa,' Prompt.-AF. reitz'i; (fa)raidr.
rrcl*~se,a t pp. from OF. reciwe, to shut ~ e d e~, b =dece,
B ; read,
lip ; Late, recluderr.
S : red, S, Sz, B ; reed, C a ; reid, B ;
Recluse, ib. convent, monastery, S3.- rede, S ; reade, S ; rade, S ; reades,pl.
OF. reclwe
S.-AS. rhd.




Redels, $6.riddle, SkD ; redeles, P P ;

Reflac, s6. robbery, S ; see Reaen.

Refreissche, n. to refresh, C ; re-

rrdels, Cath.; rydel, Prompt.; riddle,



freschyn, Prompt.-AF. rqhrihir.

u. to give advice, to take Refrepe, $6. the burden of a song,
counsel, S, S2, 33, C z , B ; readen, S ; literally, a repetition, CM; rewains, SkD.
raden, to succour, S ; raddest, 2 $8. r.. S ; -OF. ~ f l m i from
~ , rifraindrc, to repeat,
raaae, pt. s., HD, Sz, 1' ; redden, pL, S ; to sing a song ( ~ c e Constans) ; Lat. r e +
raa, $$., SZ.-AS. (gejrddan, pt. rddde, fmnSere.
pp. prhd
Refreynen, u. to bridle, rflrenare, \V,
Reden, u. to read, S, Cz, C3 ; rsden, prompt.; refrayne, Manip.; rehain, WW.
S : rat, $7. s., P P ; reed, P. s.,
; O F . r&~zrv, to bridle; Lat. refrenarr
redden, $l., W ; redden, W ; radde, Sz ; (Vnlg.).
$$., S, S3, C 3 ; rea, S3, W.
redunge,passage rend,S.-AS. (gejrddan. livz ; refuyt, CM, HD, wz ; refat, sz,
-reden, 51(&
(used to form abstracts). C3 ; refutt, wa.-AF. refute; OF, rejuile,
-AS. -&den. See hat-reden, SliD ; cun- ye +fi6ite ; Lat.fu,ita, pp. f. offirrere.
reden, kindred, S k u ; fer-reden, S ; 3ed j , as $). kingly (power), sz.fered, S ; ualaw'ede, Sz.
AF. r e p i ; Lat. rrA~i/em. Cf. Real.
Redgownd, ~ 6 . asickness of young chil~ 6 r,,~e,
a kingdom,sz, c*,
d m , rirophulus, Prompt.; reed gounde,
e, S ; r.ngg, p i , s~.-AF. regne;
Palng.; raaegounaes,pl., sores, PP.-ME.
L ~regxum,
~ ,
rede, red igownde, a sore ; AS. pled. Cp. Regnen, v. t o reign, Cz, P P ; ring,
E. red-gzm.
S3; rrngis,$r. p i , S3 ; reYgned,$p., Sz ;
Redi, a4. ready, S, W, P P ; reds, Cz ; .engned, ~ 2 . - A F . reg*girer; at. r e p a r e .
ready, B ; read%, S ; riedii, S D ; re&u. to retail wares, HD.-OF.
liohe, adu., PP, Sz; redily, C3.
rerater, to mend, scorn, trick up an old
Redliche, a**, quickly,S ; see R a t h l ~ . thing for
(F. r e p i t a r , to b a r p i n ) : 1t.
Redoutable, ad/. to be feared, re- reattdri, to strive for the victory, to redoubtable, SIID.
grate, to sell by retail (Florio); Sp, refatedr,
R e d o u t e n , u. to fear; redoubt, Cotg. 'to huck io buying or selling' (Minsheu).
-AF. rcdzrfcr, OF. rcdo~ter; Lat. re + Cp. E. regatta ; It. r.igiitta, a struggling for






Redoutpg, $6. reverence, C.

thc mastery (Floria).

Regratere, $6. retail dealer, PP.-OF.
r e p t i e r ; cp. Low Lat. rej.l;ztarium (Docange).
Regratorie, $4. selling by retail, Pf,
Sa ; regraterye, PP.-OF. rcgratc~ie.
Regratour, s6. retail dealer, Sz, PP.AF. mfratozrr.
R e g u e r d o n , $6. reuzaril, ND ; reguerdoun, Sz. - Cp. OF. *i;l2cerdon*zcr, to
guerdon abundantly (Cotg.).
R e g u e r d o n m e n t , r6. requital, DG.
Rehed, $6, reed, W, Wz ; see Reed.
Rehersaille, id. rehearsal, C3.
Rehersen, u. t o rehearse, enumerate,
CZ, SZ,PP; reheroen, P P , C ~ :
WW, Sh.-AF.
rzbrrrer, rehercc~. See
Rehersyng, i.rehearsal, C.
Reheten, u. to refresh, to cheer, H,
CM, WA, HD, JD; reherit, H ; rehctid,
$$.! H.-OF. rriiaitier (Bartsch), cp. OF.
hn~trer, to make joyful, sec BH, Uiez, p.

reduce,^. to bring back, S3,ND.-Lat.

Redymyte,@.wreathed, crowned, S3.
-Lat redin~itzs,pp. ofredimi~#.
Reed, i6,advice, Cz ; see Bede.
Reed, $6. reed, I'P, Prompt. ; r e d ,
rehea, W, Wz ; reheed, Wz ;
reodes, p i , I'P; redes, PP. Com6.: red3erde, u rced-sceptre, s.-AS. hriod.
Reed, edjr red, Cz. C3, Sz, Wz, PP ;
rede, Cz, Ci,Sz,PP, B; reid, S3; reade,
S.-AS. dad.
Reednesse, s6. redness, Ca.
Rees, ~ 6 fit
. of passion, G ; see Base.
Reest, a 4 rancid (as flesh), Prompt.;
reste, Cath.
Reestyn, to be rancid, Prompt.
Reeuell, $6. joy, revelry, P P ; reuel, C,
Cz ; rule, S q D ; reueles, pi, revels, Cz.
-OF. remi, joy (Bartsch).
Refen, u.t o roof in, S.-AS. (ge)h+n.
See Roof.


I 86


Rehetpge, $6. comfort, refreshing, 13. -AF. rciier, to roily (OF. ralier, in
Reioysen, u. to rejoice, PP, Cz ; re- Bartsch) ; Lat. r e + lipre, to bind.
ioisshsn, P P ; reiosyng,p1.j.,S3.-OF.
Relyue, u. to rise, S3; rebued, pf. .s.,

resjolsi-,stem ofmsjoissant,pr. p. ofrer/oiY, raised, S3 ; see Releuen.

from r e t e r j o i ~ ; Lut. e z +ga*<dFre (Late Rem, 16. a kingcllom, S L; reme, C ; see
Lat. *gaudil.e); see Cunstanr, glossaire ~ e w m e .
(prefix rrr-).
Rem, $6. a cry, S ; reamer,pl., S.-AS.
Reke, $6. vapour, sm01<~,Sz, H (Ps. h"am, 0s. h d m , Icel. rdmr.
67. %;, Cath.; reyk, B ; reik, B ; reche, Reme, u. t o c ~ y ,roo=, S , P P ; re,==,
r&; cp. Icel. reyhr: OTeat. H I ) ; romy, H ; romiand, pr. g . , S a ;
*rau&i-; see liluge (s. v. rauih).
rumyand,H; romyd,pt. r., H ; remden,
Rekels, rb. incense, Cath.; rec~es,S, $1.. S.-AS. hl.lnian: 0s. hrhnian.
Sa. Comb.: reole-fat,incenie-vessel,
censer, Remedie, r6. remcdy, Cz ; remede, S3.
-OF. rerileda, AF. remedie; Lat, remeS, SD.-AS. nkrk.
Reken, v. to smoke, Cath.-AS. reran. diun~.
nekenen, u. to
up, to give Remen, w. to give i~lace,to quit, S ,
account, cz, W, p p ; rekne, sz, P P ; S D ; roume, P P ; rumen, S D ; fimen,
rikenen, S, PP ; rikgnya, ?$,, W z ; y- SD.-AS. rjnian : 0s. rdmian ; cp. OFris.
rc^i,ia,G. mi*tnien, see Weigand. SeeRowm.
rekened, Cz. Cp. Dn. rekeaan.
Remenant, i b . remnant, Ca, C3, S3 ;
Rekeninge, $6. reckoning. Ca.
remenaunt, C, Prompt. ; remsnand, U ;
Rekenthis, $6. $1. chains, W A ; re- reme~.wnt, P Z O ~ ;~ remlawnt,
~ .
HD ;
kmthes, WA.-AS. 7ocenfe; cp. Ice]. re- remlin, prompt. ( n ) . - ~ ~ remelmnt;
k n d ~ . Cf. Rakenteie.
remanant, pr. p. of remanoir (Uartsch) ;
Rekkeles, a+. ceareleis S3; see Re- at. rel,inn>~e.
Remlet, $6. remnant, HD, Prompt. (n).
Rekken, u. to reck, care, C z ; see Re- see .hove.
Remouyn, u, to remove, Prompt. ; reRelenten, u. to melt, C3, Palsg., meuen, ~ 3 c ,3 , ~ a l s g . s~D.-AF.
,,ioePrompt., bkl).-OF. r.oientrr (Cotg.).
ver (with change of conjugation) from OF.
Reles, $6. relaxation, fo~giveness,also remouoir ; Lnt. re + moaee.
tasttr, odonr, Prompt.; relees, l'rompt. (n); Remuen, u. to remove, CM, ND, SkD;
relece, Prompt. Z'hi,. : out of relees, remown, Prompt. ; remwe, to depart, S3 ;
without ceasing, C3.-AF.
reles, relcrs, remewad, pp., CZ.-OF. remu&; Lat.
relair. See below.
re + nirrfare.
Releschen, u. to relnx, release; re- Renable, ndj. eloquent, P P ; see Eesleoen, Prompt.; relesse, C3; releschand, unable.
pr. p., S 3 ; relesned, jt. s., forgave, C z ; Renably, adu. reasonably, CM; ronrelesad, pp., forgiven, P P ; relessed, PP. nab*, IIU. See above.
-AS. relaicher, rclcsirr, reieisser; Lat. Rend, a. to mabe to run into a shape, to
cast metal, melt, H ; rind, rynde, to melt,
Releuen, v. to raise op again, to rise, as lard, kc., JD.-Icel. rcnna, to make to
PP, C 3 ; relyue, S3 ; relieve, in*$., take run, to pour (of a mebed substance), causal
up again, S3.-AF. relm~r; Lat. rr1ruai.r. of renlaa (hana), to run. See Rennen.
Relif, r6. what remains, a fragment taken Renden, w. to tear, P P ; reendsn.
up flom the table; releef, Prompt.; relefe, Prompt. ; rente, pt. s., S ; rended, pp..
Cath., SkD.; reliere, Cath. (n) ; relifs, pl., Sz; y-~ent,C3.-ONortll. rendan, to cut or
W,Wz: relifes, W ; relifis, W z ; relyuea, tear down (BT).
Sz.-OF. religi, remainder (Bartsch), from Renegat, sb. renegade. C3 ; runagate,
reiicu-, accented stem of relruer, to raise W\1'.-OF. rinegat; Lnte Lat. rmcfatzrrn.
up ; Lat. releuire.
Renewlen, u. to renew, W ; renule,
Relikes, r6. $1. remains, H ; relikie, Wz ; renewlid, fl.,W ; renulid, Wz.W2.-AF. rriihas; Lat. reiiguias.
AF. rrnovrler ; Late 1.a.t. rmovellare.
Relyen, u. to rally, call back, re. Reneye, v. to deny, reject, abandon,
aeremble, to take courage again, P P ; rely, Sz, Ill', Cz, CM.-OF. reneirr; Late Lat.
B ; relefi, pl. i., B, Sa ; releit, pp., Sa, B. renegare.



Resen, u. to shake, C; see Busien.

Reset, sb. place of refuge, B; see Be-

Reume, s6. kingdom; see Rewme.

Reue, $6.reeve,prefect, minister of stale,



steward, S, PP, Prompt.; reeve, C ; renen,

Comb. : ref-schipe, reeverhip,
C ; resounea, pt. s., cz.-oF. m o n e y ; prefectare, S.-AS. ke)r&.
a t . reiornrc.
Reue, rl, clothing, spoil, plunder, S D ;
Respyt, $6, respite, delay, leisurc, C3, rsef, SD. Con6 : ref-lac, robbery, S, SD.
C ; respyte, Prompt., Cath.; respit,H.- -AS. rdaf, clciolhing, spoil: cp. Icel. reid
AF. respit ; Late Lat. reipeifrim (ncc.), spoil. Cf. Robe.
respite, proiagatiotl (Uucange) ; a technical
$6, rcvel, C ; see Reenel.
sense of Lut. respspritur, consideration.
Reuen, u. to rob, plcmder, S, Sz, S 3 ;
Rest, xb. rest ; reste, 3.-AS. resf; cp.,.,er
S,; rieue,Sa ; refand,pr. p.,M ;
OHG, reiti (Tutian).
reueae, p t s.. S : rafte, Cz : rseueden,
Resten, v , to rest, S.-AS. rertan; cp. p i , S : raft, pp., C.-AS. r6a$an, ta
OHG. vuten (Tatiun).
Resun,ib. reason, talk, Sz, PP,Prompt.; Reuere, $6, rohher, SD ; reuer, S3 ;
resoun, Cz, S z , 1'1'; reson, Cz, PP, H D ; rseueres,pl,, S-AS, rdafire.
reison, PP.-AP'. 7rsoz0z (?.ei$on,reaioun), Reuing, ib, robbeiy, S ; raoing, S.
also raiioznz, reason, language; Lat. ?a- Rewe, $. row, C ; rewis, pi, S.3; see
Resunable, adj. reasonable, talkative, sewel
: rewe1 boon, Cz ;
(?). comb.
eloquent, I'rompt. ; resonable, PP ; re=boon, CM : reuy~iebone, C z (IZ! ;
nabyl, H D ; renable, PP ; runnable, PP. yueiie bones, pL, HD, Cz (rz) ; rewle
Notes (p. %a\.-AF. reso+robic, OF. rri- .ton,, HI) (p. ~ ~ 8 ) .
sable, raisnabie; Lat. rationabilem.
Rewen, u, to rue, grieve, S, PP, Sa, S3,
Retenaunce, ~ b . retinue, company, c,;
yrornpt.; rewing,
PP, HU.-AF. rete?*azrncc;Late Lat. re. p , ?., s 3 ; reous,
pr. s., S;
S2 ;
fineniia (Ducange).
=wede, pt. s., S.-AS. iiriowan; cp. OS.
Retenue, sb. retinne, suite, CL.-OF. hrewar.
retenuc, a retinue (Cotg.) ; Late Lat. re- Rewere, who pities; reewere,
tenula (Docange). In P'. retmrre means 5%.
' reserve,modesty: and has become obsolete ~ ~ ~ f , , l ,
S, sz,c 3 ; renin the English sense of a 'suite.' a body of f,,l, Sz ; reowfule,pi, S,
Rewle, sb. ~ d e S, z ; see Beule.
orator, C, C z , Manip.Rewliche,
p p ; .ewli,
Late Lat. riictbor; Lat.vhetor; G r . p j r w p . piteous,
s ; reweli, S ; ruly, HD,-AS,
Rethoryke, ss6 rhetoric, C z ; retoryke, liriowiic.
P P ; retoryk, I'IJ.-Lat. rhetoriia.
Rewliche, odu, piteously, S ; reowRetten, u. to account, impute, C, H, liohe, S ; ~ ~ u i is2~ ;hrewli,
~ , S ; rwly,
Prompt., W; rectyn, Prompt.-AF. rrtter, Sz.-AS. iLr,eowlice.
yeley, lo accuse (PP. retie, ref<); Lat. ~
~ s 3 ; spe
reputare see BH, 5 153; by popular etymology Low Lat. ,.rctorr, ' i n jus voeare,' Riveling.
Rewme, ". kingdom, Sz, W, I-', PP ;
rcciat=s, accused ( ~ c ~ ~ m i ~
d ) f.A-retten.
realme, CM; reaume, Ca, S z ; reume,
Reuful, a+. ccumpnriionate, S a ; see pp, sz ;
sz, P P ;
C, PP,
Cath.; rem, Sz; reum, H.-OF. rrozmie,
Reule, sd. rule, PP, C ; rewle, PP, S3; AF. realme; Late Lat. *regalinzen.
rimle, S ; reuel, 5 2 ; reul, SZ ; riulen,
mth, pity, S, Cz, C3, G ;
pi., S.-AF. reslr; Lat. regde; also OF. Rewse,S;$6.
rou*6e, Sz,
reeve, S;
~iule,riglc; Late Lat. n p l a (for regrria). routh, S3; rube, S, S3 ; r a d e , Sa;
to rule, PP,C ; rewled,pt. s., rewpes, pi,, Sz. See Rewen.
S2.-AF. reuier; Lat. regulars.
Rewselese, a+. ruthless, C3; rew8Reuliche, adv. ruefully, Sz ; see ~ e w -lee, YP.
Reyn, re. rain, Wz, PP, C z ; lien, S ;

Resomen, v. to resound : resowne, pi. S.




I 89

rein, S ; reme, P P ; reane, S3; ran, S3. Ridilen, u. to sift; rydelyn, Prompt. ;
ridile, W ; ridlaade, pr. p., Sz. Phr. :
-AS. r e p (rha).
Reynen 8. to rain, PP: reinen, S ; ridaide watris = Lat. cribra~u aguui
ranyt, pt.
B.-AS. repian (also ~ig-(Vulg.), Cath. (n).
nnn, rinan), see Sievers, 9%.
Rif, a. to rive, Sz ; see ~ y u e n .
Reysed,&. ridden, C ; see Rase.
Rift, ib. veil, curtain ; rifft, S.-AS.
Reysen, a. to raise. G, CM ; reisen, '"lt; cp. Icei. rW, ripti
W 2 , S ; reas, S3.-Icel. rciia; cp. Goth. Riften, v . rrzritara, I-I (PE.18.2); rift,
to belch, Manip.-Icel. o$ta.
raiqan. See ainen, Reren.
Riht, a+. and $6.right, S ; see ~ y g h t .
Rejel, rb. a garment, rail, S ~ D rail,
J U ; raile, E D ; rayle, a kerchief, Palsg., Rihten, u. to direct, colrect, S ; r i g e n ,
Voc. ; rayleles,pi., ND.-AS. hreyi (Voc.). to set straight, S;ri)ti, Sz ; rightid,pt. s.,
C t Y-rayled.
S2.-AS. rihtan.
Riall, ad/. royal, CM, S3, PP; see ~ e a i . Rihtlecen, w. to direct, sct right, S ;
Rially, ndu. royally, CM; see zeall- rr:3tleche,S2, H D ; ry3tlokede,?P..Sj.AS. rihtidian.
R i h t e s , a*. righteous, S ; see Rrght.
Ribaud, $8.
ribald, P P ; rybsua, PP ; =ibaude, the Rike, $6. kingdom, S z ; see ~ i o h e .
sb. reckoner, S.
Evil One, P P ; ribalde, P P ; ~ i b ~s 3~; t Rikenare,
ribanaes, pi, sinners. P P ; tibane, S . Rikenen, a. to reckon, S, P P ; see
OF. Rekenen.
AF. ribald (pl. n'baur, n30jdddes),
Rin, u. to run, S3 ; see Rennen.
Ribandie,ib.sin,Sz,PP; ribaldjesting, Ring, v . to reign, S j ; see aegnen.



Riot, u. to revel, live dissolutely, glut.
Ribaudour, sb. profligate fcllow, P P ; tonoi~sly,WW ; ryot, B ; riotte, to be

rybaudour, PP.

Ribaudrie, sb. ribaldry, PP;

tie, PI', S3.


dissolute, lumriare, &lanip.

Riote, $6.uproar, SkD; riot, dissolute,
luxt~riuus living, W W ; riatte, Mallip.;
"rot, depredation, B.-AF.
riot# (qmt),
confusion, OF. riotc, quarrelling (Uartsch),
also fensling (Uucange) ; cp. ODu. Y ~ U O ~ ,
' caterva nebulonurn, luxuria'; see SkD.
Riotour, sb. rioter; rioter, glutton,
W W ; ryotoures, pL, C3.-AF. riotour,
(Ps. 36. I ) .
Riotous, ad/. luxurious, dissolute,
WW.-C~. Low
eotosabr (Ducange).
Ripe, edj. fit for reaping, mature, S ;

Riche, ad/: powerful, rich, S : ryohe,

PP ; ryke, 1'P; rioe, S.-OF. ride.
Riche, sb. kingdom, S, S* ; ryohe,pp;
rice, S ; rike, H, SI.-AS. rim.
Richelike, ad*. richly, S ; richliche, Sz.
Richen, v. to grow rich, P P ; recbe8,
pr. pl., PI'.
Richesse, 16, wealth, PP, sz,s3, cz;
ritchesse, W; richdne, S; riches, WW;
VPe, C z .
riohenres,pl,, costly articles, Sz ; rioche.ais, WW ; ri3tshessis, W.-OF.
nihese, Ripen, u. to become ripe, Prompt. ;
AF. richeide.
ripede,Pt. I., S.-AS. ripian.
Ripen, a. to divide by tearing open, to
Rice, ad/. right, S : see Rpght.
Riden, a. to
S, sz ; ridend,pI.P.r rip. to search diligently, examine, HD, JD,
(s.v. rip) ; =YPe,l'alsg. ; riped, pi. s.,
S ; q d i n g e , C3 ; rya, il18p.,S ; rit,pr, ,,,
PP, c 3 ; ritt, PP; +, PP, c ;
pi. $., S~.-CP. $wed. refla, to scratch.
Sz, B ; rod, S, Sz ; rood, c z ; riden, ):,, Ripple, $6. an instrument for rippin;'
off the flax-seeds, JD. Comb. : regylle.
S, C3, C ; rade, Sz ; =&id,B ; ridan,
C2 ; rad, B. Comb. : redyng-lryng, &kind Stok, an implement for cleaning flax,Voc.
Ripplen, u. to ripple Ran, J D ; rypelof feudal retainer, PP; xe*ng.xynges,
pi, PP.-AS. ridan, pt. r. rdd, PI. ridon. en, SkU, Prompt.
Ridere, 16. rider, S ; rideres, pj,, s ; Rishe, rb. rush, S3; see Rnsche.
tidaren, S.
Rist, pr. s. rireth, rises, C j ; see =men.
Ridil, 16. a sieve, Prompt. ; ~ d e l l e , Rit,pr. r. rides, C j ; see xiden.
Cat&.; ryddel, roddle, Cath. (n). Cf. Rinelic, adv. frequently, sa.


.S,PP; rym, Ca, C3; rime, S ; rymes, ryse, Cath., S3. Conid.: rise-bushes,
p!., rimes, ballads, l'P, Cz. Phv. : on his sticks cut for homing, DG.-AS. /iris; cp.
rime, in his torn, S.-OF.
rime, ryni; Icel. Aris, G. reis.
OHG. 7 i / i i , number; cp. AS. d,,~.
Rysen, u. to rise, PP, Cz ; r i m , R ;
Edymen, 9. to rime, Prompt., S3, Cz, risand,$i..p., Sz ; riseand, Sa ;
C3.-At'. rilner (rymrr).
S ; riat, pi-. i., C3; r.8, pi. s., S, C z ;
Ryming, sb. the art ofriming, ~ z . roes, Cz, W ; raiss, Sa, B: rass, B ; riRymthe, rd. room, !cisurc, Prompt' aen,pL, W ; rysen, W ; rise, C2 ; rysed,
$1. x. (wtah), S2.-AS. risnii, pt. s. nir (pi.
See Rowm.
vison), pp. r.iies.
Rynen, o. to touch, H . Dm.. : tine=, R ~ s h esb'
3' ; see Rusche.
thc quoit tilsl touches the marlr, HD.-AS.
~ 6, conl-sc
grass, S3; risp, JD.
hriilan, 0s.
OHG. rilialz E Y ~ P
Cp. C. rispc, sec Weiirnnd.
'Edynge, id. a circle, a a m r ~ p~~~r ~~ ,r n ~"pa.
rynger, pl., PP ; ringes, C3. Conib. :
Ryue. a((/.abunclant, G ; see ~ y f c .
who opens a ball, HD, NQ ( 5 . I. r+6); Ryuel, id. a wrii~kle,SD.
ryng-rangis, songs uclapteil fur circular
Ryuelen, n. to wrinlile, IIU, P P ; ~ u e dunces, S3.-AS. iiriisf, lccel. hriit,<r.
leden,pi. pL, P P ; riueld, pp., S2.-Cu.
Ryngen, u. to *ins, Proml,t. ; ringes, AS. nPi/ciciie (Lat. rir,yosm),Eng. &udic;i,
pr. pi, s ; rong,pi. $., c ~ runge,
p ~ s , xi. 66 ; and nu.rui/Eldn.
(19.,273) ; i-runge, pp., S.-AS. ?-ififan,Ryueling, $6. a rurinhiing, W ; ryuelynges,pl., wrinkles, \Vz.
11t. 5. rallg (pl. na8cogolr),pp, r u n ~ t n .
Ryngis, rb, pi. reigns, ~3 ; see zegne.Ryuen, u. to tear, rive, Sz, Cz, C3;
rif, 52; ryfe, H.-Ioel. ri/a.
Ryngis,p~..$ireigns, S3; see Reenen. R
Rya, sd. twig. br%ncli,branclles, S2, G C h l ; riuere, S-AF. riurrr; Late L ~ L .
( 5 . v. ruoodc), Chi; 2% S, CI\I ; ryss, S3 ; yiparia, seashore, bank, river. see


Sa, so, as, S, S z ; see Bwa.

Saaf, mi/. hcalcil, Sz ; see Sauf.
Sabat, sb. sabbath, W ; sabot, W ;

Sad, at(/ sated, over full, weary, satisfied,

serioss, finn, sober, discreet, grave, Pl',Sz,
se- 53, C, Cz, C3, \V; sead,S ; s a d , S; sadde,
bote, S z ; rabothis,pi., Sz.-Lut. iadbai2ziii adn., S?, ; sadder, coi,2p., more soulldly (of
sed: 0s. sad, sated; cp.
(Vulg.); Gr. <&iiPBarou; IIeb. jhabbdtb, sleep!, PP.-AS
OHG. sat (Tatian): Goth. rathi; cp. Lat.
rest, soihath.
see B r u ~ m a n n5, log.
Sabeline, sd. the sable, also the iur of
the sable, S ; sablyne, S.-OF. sadrii18r, Sadel, id. saddle, C3 :
from inbie; Ila~s.soboic; cp. G. ~ ~ b ~ i ,Comb. : ssdel-bowe, saddle-bow, %--AS.
Sac, sb. crime, Sz ; see Sax.
Saccles, ad/. ggniltless, Sz ; see xakles. Sadelien, u. to saddle; sadelede, pt.
Sachel, ~ b .
W, 13 (p. i.i S ; Sadeled,pp., G.-AS. sadelrap*.
inihcl; Lut, socccii~~i~i
( z , ~ c . ) , Sadly, a h . serioosly, S3, C, Cz, C 3 ;
ssdlier, ioliip., more heavily, P P ; saddimin. olsaccas. Sec sak.
Sacren, u. to consecrate, hallow, S, loker, morcsoundli, %,
Prorn1,t. ; y-saored,pp., S~.-OF. iaircr; Sadnes, $6. stedijslness, soberness, discreetness, S3, WA; sadnesse, Ca, I', W,
I&. sairarc.
Sacristane, sd. sacristan, Cnth. ; sea- W2.
SE,16. sea, S ; sce See.
ristoun, VOC. ; sextcylle, proinpt.; sexteyn, C2-AF. srnzitci7s, OF. sairiiiain, Saeclian, v. lo sickzn ; saeolede, pi. s.,
sexton (Cotg.); from Church Lat. s o i ~ i i l a S. Sce Sek.
Sad,a<(/. sated, S ; see Sad.




Salad, $6. helmet, CM; sallet, NI),
Saht, sahte; see Saht, Sahte.
Saehtleden, $1. pi. reconciled, S ; see Sh.; salette~,pl.,1<D(~.1663).-OF.ralaiie


Sares, $1. shears, S ; see Schere.

Saeri, ai(l. sorly, S; see Sory.
Szette,$1. s. sct, S ; see Setten.
Saw, $6. juicc, S ; see Sewe.
Safferes, Safiris; see Saphir.
Saffron,v . to tiblgr with saffron, Cf.
Saffroun, sb. saffron, C z ; sefrun,

(Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. snlada (Uacangc:,

SP. flimfa (Minshe~).
Sald,pt.I. sold, Sz ; see Sellen.
Sale, $6, hall, \VA, S, HD.-Icel. saii.;
cp. AS. smi (gen. iaies).
Sale, s6. basket of willoir,-twigs lor
catching eels, etc., S3. See salwe.
Salewis, $6. pl. willows, Wa; scc

I'rompt. ; saffran, SkD ; safforne, S3,Salm, $6. psalm, Sz, Wz ; psalme, ti ;

AF. safron.
psslmes, pi., 1'P; zalmes, Sz.-Chnrcll
creatures' ; see
Lut, pra!,,'l's (Valg.) ; Gr. $aApbr (LXX).
Sag, Sagh, saw; sce seon.
Salme, u. to sing psalms, Sz.
Saghe, saw, saying, ; see
Salt, sb. salt, VOC., S ; seslte, dat.. S I .
Saghtel, I $. becolne reconciled, ~o?,16.: salt-cote, a salt~pit,saiiiia, ~ o c;.
Sz ; see Sahtlien.
salte-cote, Cath., Voc.-AS, senit.
Saht, a d j at peace. reconciled ; s=ht, Salt, adj. salted, salt, s a ~ u iSD
, ; sealte,
S ; sehte, S ; saut, EID; rahhte,pi,
-AS. i e h t ; cp. Icel. idltr.
Salue, u. to salute, Cz,!uer;
Sahte, b . peace, reconcilintion, S ; L
siehte, concord, S ; saughte, HD.-Cp.
16. salntation, C.
Icel. idit, concord.
Salue, sb. salve, ointment, Ca, PI';
Sfitlien, u. to reconcile, to be recon- sallfe,
(p, 184),-AS,
cl,, G,
eiled, S, SkD (s.v.settle) ; ssatlen, SkD; Snibc'
s&u)tlen,SbD; saghtel, Sz ; rsehtlien,
Salwe, sb. a kind of willow, a sallow,
S ; saatin, RIA; saghetylle, HD.-AS.
SkD,Voc.; salwhe, Prompt.; salghe, IID ;
p i , W2.-AS. s t a u (Voe ::
reconciliation; ss3tbng s-lewis,
OIIG. saiahii; cp. Lat. saiic-riii, Ir. m i / ,
S I ; sau3talyng, H D ; saughtelynge: Gr. iAiaq, W . Ac&.
IID. Sue above.
whether . . . or,
sahtnen, *. to reconcile, to be recon. p m .
ciled, S ; eauhtne, I'P ; sau)tne, P.
S k u ; samyn, S3, H;
Sahtnesse, $6. peace, reconciliation, Same, a@. same,
SL, B,-Icel, ia,,,r,
S ; sehtnesse, S ; seihtnesse, S.-AS.
Same, $6. siiumc,' S ; sce Schame.
Samed, a h . together, S D ; somed, S ;
Sai?,saw; see seon.
S.-AS. ianiod.
Sak, f6. suclc, saclrcloth PP Wz . sek somet,
afiu. tosther, PP, S, Sz, H ;
s z ; seek, S ; seckes,pi.,k;
13. ~
-AS, saic;L ~raccMr
~ , (vulg,); ~
~ S&menn,
. S ; s a~w n , H. dB ; sammyn,
-1crl. s o m a n ; cp. OHG. sanimz (Tatiun).
(LXX); Heb.
probably of
Samet, sb. a rich silk stuff, C k l ;
SkD; samite, ND.-OF. snriiil;
sak, $6.
crime, cause,
s3, ; samyte,
Lat. r m r ~ i t s r ;~ iLate
Gr. i[kpirov;
saxe, s ;
sz; sakess,pL, crimes, sa, Late
-1~~1. ixh (stem
charge, Cp. G. *al,it, velvet, It. iiianiito (Florio).
coilt, crirne: Goth. iakjo (=&?);
CP. Samie, u. to be asliamed, S ; see
AS. snrs', OHG. rahha, ' C ~ L I S ~ ti^").
Samm-tale, adj.$l. in harmony, S.
Sake8,pr..s. shakes, S ; see sohaken.
Sakles, a+. guiltless, Sz: sakless, B ; Samnien, u. to unite ; somnen, S ;
aaccles, S z ; saoslesli, ads., .gniltlersly, Sammnesst, z pr. s.. S ; i-somned, M ,
S ; samned, S L ; samened, Sz ; samynd,
S2.-AS. miidas; cp. Icel. sokiauii.
sal, sb. salt. comb. : sal-armoniax, H.-AS. ~
sal ammoniac, C j ; sal-peter, saltpetre, samon, $6.salmon, Sa ; see Saumon.
C j ; sal-preparat, pprepaied suit, C3; Sand, s6. sand, 1'P; see Sond.
sa-tartre, salt of tartar, C3.-Lat. sai.
Sand, ib. a gift, SI ; see Sond.


.. .

Sanderbodes, rb. 9:. messengers, S ;




rb. salmon, Voc. ; salmond,

see Sander.
B ; ramon, Sz ; samowne, Prompt.-OF.
saunsun, snii,ion; Lat. salt,8onrr18.
Sang, s6. song, S, S j : see Songe.
Sang, sb. blood. Camb. : sank royall, Saumplarie, sb. example, instructor,
hlood royal, S3 (14. 490).-OF
S a m , PP.
r o ~ q ;Lat. ianp~iizonz.
Saumple, xb, example, IT, Wz, IID.
S a n g w i a e , ad/. blood-red, S3; sang- S a u m p l e r , rb, exemplar, pattern, W.
win, C ; sangwane, blood colour (in heib. the fatty substance
zaldry), S3.-.4F. snwuine; Lat. m+zb-li- floating on
,*hen it is
in ti,c
furnace, Sz ; rawnaevere, H D ; sandiver,
Sans, @*.A without, C3; sane, Sz, P P ; c o t g . - o ~ . szriiz
iie uerrc, the sweating of
saun, IID. Conad. : saun fail, without glass ( ~ o t g . ) ;s~riizor rr'ilrt, from suiir/cv,
fail, HD.-OF. sails, fe,iz.; Lat. sin#, see to ,,,,t,
as stonen in moist
naBH, 5 50.
salised from OTeut, bane smm, whence G.
Sant, a@ andsb. holy, saint, S2 ; %Ante, ichivdren, to sweat.
S ; sand, li.-Lat. Jarzclus. C t
Sausefleme, $6. the scab, ia:szu~z$~~yn~a,
S a n y t , pt. i. crossed himself, S z ; see C(p.1~0).flrr.: sausenemea, nd/.,having
pimpleson the face, HD ; sawseflem,pimpled, C, CM.-Late Lat. sa/sun~Je~smz.
Sape, s6. soap, S ; see Soope.
Saphir, sb. sapphire; safiris, W (Apoc. Saut, sl assault, 11, P P ; saute, 'I;
raut, a leap; Lat. saiiunc.
21. xg) ; saphires,p:., Cz, P P ; safferea, sawt, U.-OF.
iafi?., snp/iire; Lat. iapp/iifl~rn Saute, u. to leap, PP.-01'.
(UCC.) ; Gr. 46r4eipo9 ; Ileh. sappir.
sozrifer ; [.at. xa:tare.
Sapience, rli \\'isdom, i. e. the book so Sauter,sb. a musical instrument, psalter,
called, Cz, P ; wisdom, C3 ; sapiences, psalms, Sz : rawter, Voc. : sawtre,Voc.;
$/.,kinds of iuteiiigencc, C3.-OF.~opicnie; sautre, Wz : psanter, I'P ; psautere, H
Lat. iapitrztia.
(p. 3). Co#lQ.: sswtere-boke, Voc.-OF.
sazrlier (Bartsch), pinnititr; C urch Lat.
Sar, Sare, Sair; see Sore.
Sarce, ib. sieve, Cnth., Palsg. ; sesrce, psaitc7izins: Gr. ;I.aArip,ov.
Cotg. (sv. faniir); sarse,Cuth. ( ~ r ) ; sars, Sauvacioun, sb. salvation, Sz, S3, C3,
Cath. (a).-OF. $as, a scarce (Cotg.), ~aiaai: I,.-AE. satwaiiowrr ; Lat. inlvationiai.
Sp. i c d h (Minsheu); Lat. retarezL7,i, from S a u j t n e , v. become reconciled, P ; see
srta, hair on en animal. See Say.
S a r c e u. to sift, Pulsg. ; searse, 6 t h .
pvep. save, cz; see sauf.
(a).-02. snirer.
Saueine, x6. savin, sabine, SkD ; sewSari, o<$. sorry, S ; see Sow.
ane, S3.-AS. safirc; Lut. sabiria: cp. OF.
Sark, sb. shirt, S3; see Serk.
sabine, iauisier, the savine-tree (Cotg.).
Sarmoun, $6. sermon, P; see Sermoun. Sauetb, rb. safety, P P ; sauyte, Sz ;
Satern, ib. Satnnins, SD. Comb.: sane, P.-AF. iaaucla; Late Lat. saiuilaSateres-dai, Saturday, S ; Saterdei, S ; tenr.
seteraan PI'; ssetterdssi, S ; saterday, Save, ib. the herb sage, C ; see Sawge.
P P ; aeturday, I'P.
Savour, sb. savour, smell, pleasantness,
Sattel, u. to subside, Sz, S3; see Setlen. pleasure, I', Ca, C3, WW.-OF. savnrr ;
Sauf, n i i j safe, healed, made whole, Sz,
C3, 1'; sauff, S z ; saf, S z ; saaf, Sz, W ; Savouren, u. t o have a pleasant taste,
sauf,prep.,save,cxeept, C ; saue,Cz, C j ; to give an appetite to, Sz, P ; sanere ( =
sanlfe, S3 ; sauniohe, a&., safely, S z ; Lat. sapere), to have a taste, perception, W;
saufly, C, Cz, I'P; sauely, 11. Comb.: snuer, Sz, WW, CM.-.4F.
sanlfe-garde, safe-keeping, S3; s%lfg*rd, Saw.,
sb. a saw, saying, Sz, C, CI ;
S3.-AF. satrf; OF. sav; Lat. raiuz'm.
saghe, H ; saghes, pi, 11 ; ssghe, 52 ;
sawes, Sz, P.-AS, s a p .
Saugh, raw; see Seon.
Saughte, u. to he reconciled, G. See Sawe, u. to sow, S ; see Sowen.
Sawge, ib. the herb sage, P~.ompt.;
Saule, $6. sanl, S ; =awl,S ; sanu, S3; s e e , Cath.; save, C, 1ID.-OF. rau,sc;
Lat. sairtin; cp. Low Lat. saigia (Cath.).
nanlsn, pL, S ; see soule.




Say, pt. s. saw; see Seon.
Schaft, i6. shape, make, form, creature,
Say, 16. ilk, WA.-OF. seic; Sp. reda; S, Sz ; schafte, PI' ; shafte, P P ; soeppe,
Sz ; sohafte, pi, S ; safte, S ; sseppes,, saa, bristle. Cf Sarce.
Sayne, id. u net, \I7A.--OF. scilrr; Sa-AS. (&'e)sccafl.
Schakaris, drops of dew hanging iog,lza ; Gr, oayjv? ; cp. OIr. ihs.
Sayntuaryes, $6. $1. relics, S3; see
Sshaken, u. to shake, Prompt.; ssake,
S z ; sake8,pr. r., S ; sohok, PI. i., S, Sz ;
Saj, pt. s, saw ; see Geon.
C.-AS. sc*aca% Pt. scdc>.>
Sajfled,pt. s. settled, S2; see Setlen. Sch&ke,
Sajtlyng, $6. reconciliutioi~, S z ; see Scace".
Schal, I , 3 pt. $9,. s. shall, S ; soeal, S ;


words beginningwid,


see Sch-.

Bc;e, she, S ; sec Sheo.

Scserp, n i i j sharp, S ; see Sohaly.
Scandlic, adl disgraceful, S. See

Scaplorye, 16. a kind of scarf,Prompt.;

SCaPlOrY, scnpelory. Cutb., S ; rcaplorey,
Voc. ; scapelarY, Prompt.; chaPolorY.
S3 ; scaplery, Cath. is) ; scapularye,
Cath. (a);soopelarie, Cath. (a).-Churcli

Lat. sca$*~larc,from scapuia, shoulder

Scarl, sd. scare-crow, bugbear, HD ;
soarle, Cath.
Scarren, u. to scare, SD ; see Bkerren.
Scars, adj scaree,SD; scarce,Prompt.;
soarsliohe, adu.,scarcely, SD; roarslych,
sparingly, Sz ; soarsly, pilrsimoniously.
; scarseli, W,-AF,
Late Lat. encarpsuni.
Scarset6,sb. scarcity, C 3 ; soarste, S z .
-OF. siharseM (Ducangr).
Scarsnesse, $1.. scarceness, Prompt.
Scarth, sd. sherd, H ; skarth, JD.Ice1 siim.6. Cf Scherde.
treasure, S-AS. scent: 0s.
rkat; cp. OHG. sins (Tatian).
Scase, J. harm, S, Cz ; schathe, S z ;
nkaith, s 3 ; skzthe, C, G ; scath, W A ;
skath, 11.-Icel. saabi; cp. Oflti. icado
Scean,i+t,s. sllone, S ; see Schynen.
Sceappend, rd. creator, S ; see Soheppende.

Bcel, shall, S ; see Sohal.

Sceolde, should, S ; see Scholde.
Scewie, iliip, pl. let as see, S ; see

Schade,d. shade, shadow, W A ; schaaowe, Prompt.; sohardewe, S ; =haswe,

C z , C3. PAT.:i n sseae, dulkly, Sz.AS. rieadz~(stem xcmiiimz) : OS, siiado; cp.
O n t i . m z i o (Tatian).

=call S ; sceol, S ; soel, S ; schel, S, ;

ssel, Sz ; shal, S , Sz, Ca, C3; sal, S, Sz ;
s a l , H; sale, Sa ; salt, 2 $9'. s., S 2 ;
ssalt, S2 ; schulen, pi, S ; sohullen, S,
S z ; sohulle, S ; sohnllep, S ; sohule, S ;
s c ~ i e n ;, S C ~ U I ;~scnllen,
; soule,
S; shulen, S ; shullen, C3 ; nhulle, S ;
shul, Sz, C a ; shule, Sz ; sulen, S ; s u b ,
s ; slli~en,;
S ; achoiie, S Z;
sholen, S ; shole, S ; ssolle, Sz : solle,
; S ~ I Is
~2, ; S C ~ ~ I ~ O sai~tou,
W ,
tliou, Sz. Cf. scho~be.
schalk, $6.
m n n ,; schame,
~ ~ ~

S2.-AS. sicalc ( G r i n ) : Goth. siialhi; cp.

OHG. scnlc (Tatis").
Schanle, SL shame, S, PP ; rohome, S ;
shame, sz ; ncheome, S ; scome, S ;
ssame, Sz ;,
S.-AS. siea?,in.
schamefast, a@, modest, C,
Schamefastnesse,sb. modesty, C,w.
Schamelich, a$. shumrit~l; schomelich, S, Sz ; shameliche, adv., S ; shamlit, s%,

Schamien, u. to shame, to be asliamed,

S, W ;

Sz; ssame, Sz ; ssmie, S,

Schamylle, sd. stool, Cath. ; shame1

(=Lat. scabeil$'n&),
I1 ;.charnel, Cath. ( 7 8 ) ;
scllamI,y11e, niare/I2',,~,Clith.; shsmbles,
pL, Sh-AS. scatiiel (MI. 5 . 35), ~cantol,
iieamuz(VOC.); Lat. sintiieiil~ni;cp. OF.
,mniei(PS. log. I), also ~ ~sia6eilu7i~,
t .
from stem sca,,i. i,, iiai,LaiLm.seeNQ (s.
5. 361).
schap, ~ d shape,
PP, C, wz ; =hap, S,
Cz ; sohapp,Sz ; schappe, PP: rcheape,
S ; shappe, PP.-AS. (&'e)icenp.
Schapen, u. to form, create, ordain,
refl to dispose oneself, endeavour, S, C,
PP, S3 ; shape, PP ; sohop, $8. s., S, Sz ;
shop, S ; show, C Z; SDOP, S ; SOP, S ;
schope, Sz ; =hope,Sa, H ; sohapen, pp.,
C ; shapen, S, Sa, C z ; shape, C2 ; Yrohape, S z ; yshapen, C z ; yshape, C3.
-AS. sreaparz, pt. schj (riiop),pp. iieaperr.
Schapien, u. tocreate, form; schepien,




S ; schapide, pt. r., W : shaped, pp., S.

C t Soheppen.
Schaply, a#. fit, C.
Schaplynesse, sb. beauty, Wz.

strong shield, also a body of troops, battalion, PI' ; rcheltron, Prompt. ; soheltrone, aiic;, Voc. ; scheltrom, PP, Sz :
~olieltrun,Wz ; shultrom, PI' ; sohil%rum,B; chilrlrome, B ; jeltron, shielcl,
scharp, a+,
schalrpe, S :
scherpe, s ; rcaerp, S ; scharpe, niiu,, S ; shelter, SkD (s.v. shelter). -AS.
ilndma, a shield-troop (I.eo); cp. AF. <hi/sharaa, C2.-AS. iceern.

Bcharpin, v. to malresharp; scherpit,

pi. s., s3.
Schaven, a. to shave, scrape, 1'P ;
schauyde, pt. r., Urz;shauen, pp., 5 ;


schave, C ; y-schaue,
; y-shaue, c a ;
ischaven, S, Dir, : rhauing, a
slice, C3.-AS. siea/an, pt. si& pp.ic&r,
Schawe, sb. a sllaw, wood, grove, Sz,
G , 53, I*U, Cath. ; sohaw,
schowe, IIU : ahawes,
s c a.p ; cp. Ice1 skdqi:


*. to

Pl., PP. - AS.

shew, S, Sz, S3;


Schench, $8,draught of beer or winc,

S D ; senche? S ; sshenche, dot., S.-Icel.
of ann*.
to pollr out beer or
wine, to oiier a good thing, S, CM; rhen; schenkyn, Pro"'~'t'-AS'
rceaia*i, to pour out drink (Grein); cp.
OH(;. ,ccn~ief:en(otf~id), I C ~ I . S I Z C ~ Z ;: ~ ~
flolil AS. sicn7zc,
holiow bone nscd
for drawing off iiqllor. see S ~ D ".





Schendee, u. to harm, ruin, disgrace,

PP, S, S z , \Vz, S3: shenden, I'P, Cz, H ;
Bchawere, rb. a veil, S ; soawere, scenaen, S: ssende, S z ; sende, S ;
mirrtlr, S ; sseawere, Sz ; schewere, WA. shende, pt. s., S ; schente, S: sohent,
Schawles, sb. scare-crow, an appear- $I., S, SZ, C, Wz, G ; shent, l'P, C1.nner, S ; schewelles, N11; sewell, IIU. AS. siendan. See Sohonde.
C r o m llxe same root as G. rriir~rilir. Sic Schendful, a+
dirgracei~~l,S D :
scllelldfulli~he,a&., PP ; shendfullishe,
Sche, she, C ; see Sheo.
Scheawen, u. to appear, S z ; see Schendlac, $6. clisgrace, S.
Bchendschip, i6. disgrace, hmt, min ;
Schede, $6. the parting of a man's hair, schenschip, W , Wz ; schenship, 1%
Cath. ; sec Sohode,
Bcheden, u. to separate, to part the Schene, n+. bright, S, Sz, S3, C ;
hair, to shed, pour, S, YP, \lz ; Shsedenn, Scene, Sz ; scheyn, S3; .hen% C z , S3:
S ; sheden, 1'P; shode, IIU; sohedae, sheene, Sz, 53, C3; rchenre, coin#, s., F P ; *heade, Cz; =haaae, c a ; AS. i i i n e : OS. skdni; cp. OHG. s h i
sseddc, S2 ; i-sohed, pp., S ; shad, S.AS. iilaiian, pt. siiod, pp. ri6adca; cp. Scheome, rb. shame, S ; see Schame.
OHG. $>ridan(Tutian), ti. rcheiteiriz.
Scheot,pt,. s. shoots, S ; see Scheten.
Scheef, sb. sheaf, i'rompt. ; shef, C ; Schepie8, inip. pl, slinpe, S ; sec
schof, I'rompt. ; sclleffe, Prompt. ; shsef- schapicn.
ess, pi., S.-AS. _~i#a,f
Schepne, sb. shed, stall, stable, C ;
Scheep, sb. slleep, l'rornpt.; shcp, S ; schepyn, bostar, Voc. ; shippen, H D ;
schepe. Cath.; pi., S 2 ; shep, S ; sep, S. sohyppune, Voc.; shepnes, pi, CM.-AS. siiap.
AS. siypnz, boviie ' (Voc.). Cf. Sohoppe.
Scheep, ib. shepherd, Sz, PI'; shepe, Bcheppen, u. to create, form, S U ;
P ; shep, l'P ; chep, l'P, Notes (p.458.)sohupte,pt. s., S.-AS. iccjpan, sijypnn.
AS. *si!ajapn (ic'$a).
Scheppende, sb. creator; sseppende,
Scheld, $8. shield, S, C, Wz ; rheld, S ; S ; sceppend, b ; soeappend, S ; rheprseld, Sz ; rchceld, C ; shel, S ; scheelde, pendes,p/., S.
siieid, rcyld.
Scheppere, ib. creator ; sohuppere,
Schelden, u. to sliield, PP ; sohilden, S ; shepper, IT-Cp. OIIG, strppheri
S, ti ; shilden, Cz ; silden, S.
(Otfrid), G, sih@'r.
Schelder, ib. shielder, Sz.
Scherald, aQ. cut by the plough-share,
Scheltroun, sb. shcltn, defence, a 53.



Schore, ib. a notch or line cut, a num- P P ;

ber, score, twenty, Sz, 1'P; score, G

Prompt., PP.-AS. scor; cp. Iccl. shox, ar
irhcirion. See Scheren.
Schort, a$. short, Prompt.; schorte
Sz ; scort, S, Sz.-AS. rieorL; cp. OHG

Schorteliche, adv. briefly, C.

Schorten,~.lo make short, C, Prompt
Schot, pt. s. rushed, S2 ; see Scheten.
Achouel, 16. shovel, Prompt. ; showell


scoJ (VOC.).

Schowpe, ib. a hip,

cornuni, Cath

Con~b.: sshowpedre, the briar, Cath.

scope-tre, Cath. (nj.
Schowre, ib. shower, Prompt.: schur
S U ; shourea, PI., PP, Cz ; sure., S.AS. siiir.: Goth. $hum.
Schowwyn, u. t o shove, Prompt.
sohowued, pp., Sz.-AS. scojan.



pushing, Prompt.

showuing, C3.
Schraf, j t . s. shrove, Sz ; see Schriuen


u. to scrape, PP.-Icel


Schreden, u. to clothe, S ; see Schrou.


l o cut, Prompt.;


fit. r.. Cz.-AS.


schredynge, sb. a cutting of herbs

Prornpl. : rchridyng, Wz.

Schrenchen, u. to make to fall, t,
deceive, S ; sorenshe, S ; sorennkenn, S
-AS. (ge)sire?iion, 'supplpntare,' Pi. 1 7
, (VP):
, en. OHG. sme7zBc~z:Otirid).
Schrewe, nrij nnil sb. wicked, bad,
wml<ru one, stllner, peevish woman, thl
devil, 0, Wz, Sz, P, S, CM ; shrewe, Cz
P ; shrew, S3, H, Sz, C 1 ; screwe, PP
Cp. AS. sirdamn, a shrew-mouse (Voc.).
Schrewen, u. to curse, CM, C.
Schrewid, a$. cursed, bad, W, Wz.
Schrewidnesse, sb. wickedliesi, Wz
Schrift, sb. shrift, confession, Sz
scrift. S : schrifte, dat., S2 ; shl+fte, S.AS. scri/t.
Schrifte, sb. confessor, S ; shrifte, S
sorifte, 5.
Schrippe, sb. scrip, bag, S z , P P
ahrippe, Y P ; ssrippe, S, Sz,W; sorS.ppe
Schriuen, u. to prescribe penance, t,
coofers, S ; aohryne, S z ; shriue, S
shrife, Sz ; sshraf, j t . r., Sz ; sohrof

ssriue, $1, Sz ; shriuen, jp., S :

shnuen, P ; soriuen, Sz : y-shryue, PL'.

-AS. m'~,hnrr, to prescribe penance, t o

receive confessions .: Lat. sir.ibrr.e.
Schroud, sb. dress,gnrment, PP; scrod,
S ; ahrud, S ; rrud, S ; sohroude, WA,
S z ; shrondes,pi., rough outer clothes, P.
-AS. sirdd (Voc.).
Schrouden, u. to clothe ; soruden, S ;
sshruden, S ; schreden, S : shrut,pr. s.,
S ; sored, S : rohrowrlis, S3; rohredde,
pi. s., S, ChI; sria, S ; aohred, z pi. s.,
Sz ; schruaae,pi, S ; Y-schrowayt,
S i ; ischrud, S ; iscrud, S.-AS. rirjdan,
also i m d a n .
Schrychen, u. to shrielr, screech,
Prompt.; schriken, S k n ; soriken, Skl) ;
shriken, Skll ; schirshen, S ; shryghte,
pi. r., Cz ; schrighte, C ; shryght, S3 ;
shryched, pi, S3 ; schrykede, C.-CII.
Swed. skrihn.
Schulde, should; see Soholde.
Schuldere, $6.slronlder, Voc., W, S,
C ; shulder, Vac.; ssoldren, pi, Sz.AS. risidor.
Schulen, shall ; see Schal.
Schulen, u. to squint, S ; skoul, SkD
(s.v. icowZ).-Cp. Dan. silule, to scowl.
Schulle, odv. shriily, S ; see sohylle.
Schunchen. v. to cause to shun, to
frighten, S.
Schunien, u. to shun, S ; sohonye, S ;
shonye, P ; sunen, S.-AS. s d n i a a .
Schup, sb. ship, S ; see Schip.
Schuppere, sb. creator, S ; see Schepnere.
- ~ - ~
Schupte,pt.s. created, S ; sec Scheppen.
Schur, sb. shower; see Sohowre.
Schurge, s6. scourge, S ; see scorge.
Schurten, u. reflex. to amuse (oneself), S.
Schut, v . to shoot, Sz ; see Soheten.
Schylle, a4. sonorous, shrill, Prompt.,
Cath.; schille, S, Sz ; schill, $3 ; sohille,
adu., S, Sz ; schulle, S ; shulle, PP.
Schylly, a h . sharply, Prompt.
Schyllynge, sb. shilling, l'rompt.;
schilling, pi., Sz ; soiidur, Cath. A S .



Schyne, $6. shin, C ;


sohynne, Prompt.
schyn-bone, Voc. - AS. scilla

Schynen, v. to sliine, Prompt. ; sinen,

S ; sehinen, S ; ssynen, Sz ; sceen,pt. s.,
S ; schon, C, G ; shoon, Cz schane, pi,




S3, I*; sinen, pp., S.-AS. siiiinn, pt. Sco, she, S ; see Sheo.
scdii (pl. siiiion), pp. siinna.
Scolden, should; see scholcle.
Schynyng, s6. liglitning, \Yz.
Scole, $6. thc bowl o f a balance, n bowl,
Prompt. ; ssoale, S ; scale, Cnth.-icci.
Schynyngli, adv. splendidly, \V.
a bowl.
Schyre, s6. n shire, PI'; ssire, Sa.
Lbiiib. : sohir-rene,
she~iff,S, Stole, s6, scilool, S, C, Cz, Prompt.
Com6. : scol-meistre, schoolmistreis, S
c ; rcfierreue, G ; a c h y Y e n e , ~ syrreue,
s ; aohirrel,es,p~, sz,PP; .hriXles, s3; (meisti.e; OF. rtirisir~; Lat. mnfistvn, scc
ithala; Gr. oxoh+, leisr\re.
shireues, P.-AS. siir.
Bchyre, a+. bright, clear, Prompt. ; Scaler, $6.scholar, C.
sshire, Sz; shire, H ; shir, S ; shyrest, Sooleye, w. to attend school, tostudy, C.
slzperl., H. Jhr. : r h y m e s , clearness, Scop,$t.S. marlc, S ; see schapen.
purity, H.-ASsrir; cp. Goth. skrirr. C t scorclen, v , to scorch, S ~ D s263 ;
scorkelyn, Prompt. ; scocklyd, jp.,
Bchytel, sl. sliuttle, used for s/~ootin7g prurnpt.
the tinead of the woof between the threads scorcne,,, -, to scorch, S,
of tire warp, SkU; schutylle, Carh.;
Scorge, J>.scoarge2Prom~t.
sohetyl, P
~(I>.qio). ~ ~ ~ ,~, :~shyttel6 .~
m'~ (10.2.. 15); schurge, S.-~AF. crroi'c6
Eooke, shattle.cock, S3. See
OF. e i i t r r p ; cp. It. score.& (Florio); 1,ut.
S c h ~ ~~ e 6, slicc,sma'l
. ~
piece, Prompt.; m + mv,72ia,a thong,rein,girdle (Uucange:,
shive,bh., NU;sheeve. NU,JD:sohyfes,
ip. IoD.
~I ) , ~ from
~ ~this ~ht.
~ ~
bits of tow, Catli.-Cp. Iccl. slzva.
c o ~ r i g i a is AF. esii~r@, OF. esionq<cc
Ychyuere, sb. n sliirer, piece of wood, ( ~ o t g . :) i t , .rcorcpg?tita ( ~ l o r i o;) LateLut.
SIICC,I'rampt. : shiner, SkD ; soifren, ez<orrifiata, see U~ez,1., 289, end Brachet.
pi., SkrJ; sciuren, SkD. See above.
sz ; sohere.
Schyueren, w. to break into shisers, scoute, $6. scout,
sku.- OF.
splinters. C.
eicoate (Cotg.).
Scipen, $2, sl~ipips,S ; see Sohip.
Scouten, u. to scoot, pry; skowtez,
Scite, s6. city, S ; see Citee.
p,. s., SZ.-AI<. eeiioiittr, to listen; OF.
Sclate,sb.rlilte,Prompt.;skiat,Prompt.; ascoirtir; ricoitei-; Lnt, azisiuiia~-c.
sclattis, p i , fepiac, W.-OF. cscint, a Scowkyng, sb. stalking, arnbuih, Sz,
shiver, splinter, sornetbing broken oll wit11 H.-Cp. I ~ n n siiuiiie,
to slinlr.
violence (Cotg.), F. Jctal.
Scred,j~:s. clothes, S ; see Sohronden.
Schundre, $6. scandal, slanrler, Cz, ~crippe,sb. scrip, bag, S, S z , \v; see
PP ; sclallnder, Prompt. ; sklaunmc, Sollrippc,
1'P; slaunder, Prom~t.-AF. esciatindre,
scriptour, $6.
OF. e r c n ~ ~ d l tLnt.
iiaiirinlzrm (TTolg); CriPiO;re,
L~~~ Lal,
GI. o~rbv6ahov.
~ ~ ~ i p l o ~~ ~C iI i I~C r~(UIICBLI~C).
i S~ ~,
to scnndnlize, to slander, sCrit,
sb. writing, ,iocnrnent, sz; S c r i ~ ,
W, C3 ; s l ~ u n d e r y d , p j . ,Prompt.
Sh. ; script, Sku.-O17. rscrit, ~srr.i$i;
Sclauyne, sd. pilgrim's cloak, S, Cath. ~ , ~rcr.2$tzr7i~.
t .
(n) sl*veyne, garment. Prompt., I i U ; sCrUd, dress, S ;
S C ~ ~ O ~ B .
slavyn, Cath. : sklavyn, HD; s d a u a y n ,
to clothc,S; see Schrouden.
Voc, ; smavene, Voc,; sIaueyn, PP,Sculde, should ;
I,O,V Lat. sitavina, a ~~~~~~~~~~tlike that
worn in Sluvonic counrrles (uucange); cp. Sculptilis, sb. pi. idols, \Vz.-Lat.
AE. riiiauitu; from the people C ~ I I ~ C~I~ " @ f i /at .C X V . ~ image
se,,$roil.don. lii. and d$ art, m. that,
Siau, a namc said to be connected with
Russ. ~iouo,a word, and to mean'the speak. the, S. C07126. : se PC, that nlan that, he
who, S ; se pet, he tlral, S.-AS. re. Cf.
ing, the intelligible.' See SkD (P.826).
Bclender, ae. slender, C, SkD ; sklen- sea.
are, C, Cz ; slenrlyr, Y r o m p t . - ~ ~ .ts- Se, so, us, S ; see Swa.
itc>afre(Palsg.); of Trulonic origin; cp. Se, 36. sea; see See.
ODo. slindm; see HH,5 50,
Se, rl. see; see See.
Scleyre, i6. Wil, PP; see W l a r r e .
Sead, 00.satiated, S ; see 826.






Sealte, sb. kt. salt, S z ; see s a l t .

S e e t h , p t . s. boiled, C2; see Sethen.
Sealte, a@. ssall, S z ; see Salt.
Seg, $6. a man, lad, 7iaiziizcr, ui,; Sz,
B e a r c e , Searse; see Saroe, rb. andu. P P ; segge, 11, \\'A, IIL) ; sege, HD.AS. srcg: OTeut. *sn,<joz, sec Sicvers, 130.
Seare, mi/. sure, S 3 ; see seere.
Seawede,pt.s.rhowed,S; seeSohewen. Sege, sh. sent, siege, S3, 117, C, C z ,

Sechen, u. to seek, S, Sz, C, PP; P r o n ~ l ~ ts. ;e g y s , p i ; H - A F . w e ; Latc

se!wn,Prompt.; seke, PI,,S,Sz; schechen, Lat. "sciiii2mi, fiom 1.nt. sciics; see DII,
S ; sohte,pi.r.,S,Sz; S O ; ~ ~ , S ;O ; ~ , S ~5 ;733. See See.
Soght,pf., S z ; socht, Sa ; y-~oht,pp.,S z . Segea on, v . lo make to sink,to cast
I'hr.: t o seke, at u loss, S3.-AS. stcaii doii,n, S-AS.
(pt. sdhtc, pp. gcsdlzt) : OS. sdiiarr.
B e c k , J. sack, S ; see s s k .
Segge, sd, sedge, S, Prompt.,Voc.-AS.
Secre, adj. secret, Sz, C, C 3 ; seoree, mig, sedge, also sivoni, see Sicvers, 258.
Cz. Coliih. : Seere of Secrees, Secret.? Seggen, u. to say, S, Sz, 53, 1,; segen,
Secreloii;m (name of n boob), C3.-OF.
S ; s a g e n , S ; seigen, S ; siggen, S, Sz ;
s r w r ; Lnt. ieirei~rnz.
nygge, S2, S3 ; sa.yn, Sl, C ; zipge, $1 ;
Secrely, a h . secretly, Cz.
seien, S ; seie, S3, C : sei, P ; naein, S ;
beyen, S ; seyn, Sz, Cz ; repn., S ; sci;,
Secrenesse, sb. secrecy, C;.
S e c t e , ~ h . a ~ ~ i i ~ , f ~ l l ~ ~ i ~ ~SZ
, :~ ZaY,
~ ~ t S, z~;~seh%
l i g ipr,
~ ~s.,, S ; s@iP,Sa ;
Sz; zilyp, S ? ; seistow, sayesi thou,
ault, appa~ei,PP, C z . - o ~ .
( ~ q . ) SeYP,
p i , Sz ;
pi. s., s ;
Late Lat.
a set of
.? fo~lowiilg,C3; =*en, $9..
Sade, S ; serle, S, Sz ; s a i a e , S ; sayae.
n suit of clothes, a suit iil lair.; L X ~ secta,
a faction, froin xer- baae ofseytli,to folio,\.. CZ; seyde, Cz ; seide, Sz, C ; eeidcsto.k,
PP, s3, ~aidstthou, Sz ; sugge, 2 P. 1. J~IQ.,S ;
:e-sed,pP., S ; i-saia, S ; 5-segd, S : i-seid,
cath. ; secatour, H ~ seoture,
S ; ised, S, Sa : seYd,Cz; w e d , S a : iset,
solietowre, prompl.; necutour, Pp,-AF,
(3 '. '4) ;
K ~ ~
C A - C C ~ I ~ O I;I ILa(. e ~ ~ c ~ iexecutor
t o ~ ~of~ a~ ~ ;, iseit,
C2.-AS. secgan, pt. sdde, pp. gcs~bd.
J. seed, ~ p S,
, s2; seed, 1 ' ~ ; Sehte, n'0. reconciled, S ; see Saht.
seoa. PI' ; rds, S. corizb. : seed.ieep, seed. Sehtnesse, s. peace, reconciliation, S ;
lbusl<ct. PIJ.-AS. sdd: Got],,
co. seesahtnesre.
O I I G . ' ~(Talian);
Sei, Seih, saw; sec seon.
Sede,pi. i. said ; see seggen.
Seily, ad/. simple, humble, S 3 ; see
See. s6.see.. sent., Sa.
... , . . ",
-OF: re, m i ; st(/enz.
Sein,i.p. secn; see Seon.
See, ih. sen, Prumpt., S, Cz: se, S, Sz; Seint, a@. and sii. Iloly, saint, S, 52,
s e r , S j ; o a , S ; s5, S ; sees, pi., S Z . C Z; seynt, P P ; rein, S, Sz ; seintcs, p i ,
Coiiib. : se-bore, sea-wwe, surgc, S z ; se- Cz ; seyntis, W2.-OF. seint, saint; Lat.
oalues, sea-calves, seals, S I ; se-halues, sanrttriii. Cf. s+nt.
sm-coasls. Sz.-AS, sh : Goth. saiws.
$8,sanctuary,SD; seynteB c e h , a+. sick, C ; see Sek.
warie,l'P; sayntuaryea,pl., holy things,
%el, ib. seal, C3, 1'. Prompt.; rehel, relics of saints, S3.-A1'. iainhrorie, also
PI'.-OF. $<el; Lal. rigi/la~oz.
reintlmrj,e, holy relics ; Lat. snnrtua~i~rtii.
Seeled, pj. eieled, W W (s.7. iiclcd); Seir, mi/. separate, S3; sec s e r .
see Ceelen.
Seirse, u, to search; seirsand, $7: p.,
B e e l e n , u. to seal, P P ; selen, P ; seled, st. seecerohen.
$6, Ci.
Seise, u. to seize, posses, Skn; seso,
Seeling, sd. a sealing, Wz.
PP, I + ; seiaed, pp., possessed of, S2.Seere, a 6 sere, dry, withered, SkD, OF. sekir, icsii,, iazir, to put in poiiesrion:
I'rompl. ; seare, S;.-AS. *ria?; cp. Low Low Lzt. raiirc (Dncnnge) ; OHG. ia+rr,
G, too?: . dry.
to sct. ic;;an fTntian):
, . see Urachet ( s . v .
Seeryn, v. to bccome dry, 1'rompt.- saisir).
AS. itariaiz. Cf. Soyr.
Seisine, ib. possession, S z ; aeysyne,
Sku.-AI'. reline.
S e e t , p t . s. rat, C, G ; see s i t t e n .
Sek, & sack, Sz ; sec Sak.
Seet, $6. seat, G ; sec Sete.






Sek, dj.sick, S, Sz ; seek, PP, C ; six,

Sely,adj,happy, blessed,simpie, humble,


S, G ; Syk, ti; sic, S ; seke, S ; sike, S, Sz, 5'3, C, Cz, C 3 ; seely,S3; seilye, S3;
C ; zyke, Sz ; aijke, \V; aikly, a&., with neli, $.-AS. r&/i8 : OHG, sdlif (Tatian).
ill-irill, Cz.-AS. szbc: Golh. si-iii.
Selyn, u. to line the inner roof of a
room, Prompt. See Ceelen.
Seke, u. to seek, S, Sz ; see Seoh9n.
Semblable, aiij. like, S3, PP.-OF.
Sekir, ad/. ssarc, \$-A. ; sce Siker.
Seknesse, sb. sickness, Sz. C ; seo- ""61abic.
nense, S ; siknesse, ~ z sykenesse,
1.; Semblably, a h , similarly, S3.
Semblance, sb. appearance, 5'2.-AT.
nekenesso, Sz.-AS, sJoozes.
Sel, sl. happiness, occasion, tirne, S ; ~ ~ ~ b l n ? z c r .
Sembland, odj. like, 1'P.
seel, Prompt.; sele, Sz.-AS. r&I.
Semblant, rb.nppearnnce,coontenancc,
Sel, adj. timely, good, S.-AS.
S, Sz, Cz ; setnblaunt, S, W, P P ; sem(Grrin) : Coth, sclr.
Sz-AF, ie"zbia'zt.
Selde, odj. $1. few, Cz ; a&., seldom, S,
Sz, C, Cz, G, P P ; seiden, SS, p ; rel- Semble, v. to seem ; sembeles, $7. s.,
dene, S z ; seldum, S. conib.
: seld- Sz.-OF. icrnblei.; Lnt. rim%rlai.e.
hwonne, selilom, S ; seld-sene, rarely
Semble, v. to assemble, Pi'; sembled,
pt. s., Sz ; semblyt, SS; semblyde, $1,
seen, S D ; seld-speohe, taciturnity, SD.AS. scid; see Sweet.
S3.-OF. nsenibler ; Late Lat. assitiiularc.
Self, p?o>i.self, $?PC, S ; seolf, S ; silf, Semble, ib, assembly, S2, P P ; semblee,
selue, S ; sulf, S, Sz ; suloe, S, Sz ; SL-AF. aiiicnilile, a$$emblce.
zelue, Sa; seolue, arc., 5 ; seolnen, pL, Beme, ib. loud, S, 1'; seem,Prompt., P.
S ; sielfe, S; sulf, S.-AS. reif
. a
: Law Lut. iaztnia (ialma).
Selke, ib, silk, P ; aiike, P ; seoike, s. i n p i a ; Gr. okypa, a pack~saddle; see
-AS. seoii (Voc.); lluss. sholk; Lat. mri. ZKP ( 2 . j37). =]I. I<lugc (s.7. sart,?~!.
rutu; cp. Icel. xithi; see SkU (p. 828).
Semen, u, to loacl, to be a weight, S.~ * , sdani; see above.
md s,3. wo,,derf,,l, a AS. ~ : f ~ l afrom
wonder, Sz, H, P P ; aelcouth, Sz, S3, Semen, v . to make two parties the
1'P; neicuth, S,Sz,WA; se~kow,lJromI7t. S ~ J J C .to concilinte,hence to suit, to appear
snitable or seemly, later, tu serm,S; seme,
-AS. schi-czid.
Sz ; reme, to reconcile, s ; remet, $r. s.,
sellrouth,v. to make wonderfill, W.
seems lilting, S. f i r . : to my seminge,
Selle, sb. cell, C, P ; sce Cellle.
as it appears to me, Ca.-AS. sit no"^, j e ~
Sellen, v. to give, sell, Prompt., C ;
sullen, S, Ss ; JYlle, Sz ; selde, pt. s ,
lialf. c ~ , ~ :J .remydope,
W ; seelde, W ; sald, Sz ; seeld, pp., W,
Wz ; seld, W ; sald, Sz. -AS. sellan
Semliche, 64.
seemly, Sa ; semelishe,
(iyNaa) : 05, sciliaia : Goth. saijar.
PP; remely, C, Cz ,WA; gemlike, S; nemSeller, $6. seller, dealer, P P ; suller, ly, sz; semeli, mrz; .emlokest, supc7.~.,
Sz ; siller, Wz.
S2.-AS. *sPirielic ; cp. Icel. snmi/i@.
Seller, sb. cellar, G ; gel=, Wz ; see
since, H, sa, s 3 , 1 7 ~ ;
see SiMen.
Sellich, n4. wonderful, illustrions, S ; Sen, seven, H ; see Seuen.
sellic, S ; seollich, S ; sulliche, o h . , S ; sen,$$, seen; see seen,
selli, S2.-AS.
sellic: OS. rcldlik; cp. Sence, s ~incense;
Goth. riliiaiciks.
Senche, sb. draught, S ; see Sshench.
SelSe. sb. lla~>~iness,
advantage, IID;
Senchen, u. to cause to sink; senchselhse, S.-AS.
(,ur)i&/d. See Sel.
test, z pt, r., S.-AS. rcrrcaa, causal of
Belure, sb. canopy, ceiling, S3; seloure, silriarr. See Sinken.
130 ; selour, E K r S (78); oelure, E h T S sendal, $a. a fine S ~ U N , c ; senael, 1%;
(78) ; silour, EETS (78); sylure, ccinfz'm, see cendal.
l'rornl~t.; silloure, W A ; ssllure, MU.senden, u, to senti, S ; sense, s z ;
OF. *reiei're; Late caelatwzrra (Du- send,pr. s., S ; sent, S, s z , c 2 ;
sendes, S ; sent, iin$. r.. S2 ; sende,pt, 3 ,
Beluer, rb. silver, S, Sz ; see Xiluer.
S, Sz ; send, S3 ; p i , Sz ; senten, S a ;





send, $A, S ; y-sent, Sz, C3 : i-sent, S : (pl. sdwoti, shjon),pp. rcrvcrr ( s a u e ~ )also
i-send, S ; i-aende, S.-AS. ieiriian : OS. grrsq<8r. AS. $don (for *schruort) : Goth.
seisdian : Goth. iard/nn.
iaiiizuars ; cp. Lat. ~ t p u - o r ,I follow ; see
Urugmann, 5 419.
S e n d e n , are; see Sinden.
Senden, u. to reproach, S ; see sohen- Seo8, are, S ; see Sinden.
Seouen, seven, S ; see Seuen.
Sene, a$. eeidcnt, S, Sz, C2.-AS.
Seowen, u. to sew, S ; see Sewen.
Sep, pi. sheep, S ; see Soheep.
Sene,?$. provided. P h r . : well sene, S e p t e m t r i o u n , s6. the North, Cz.well furnished, S j , HD. See Seon.
OF. ie$!cnt?.ion; Lnte Lal, rcjtcrzliiorcni
Seneuey, sb. milstard, VI' ; seneueye. (Voc.); from Lut. sc$ten~trioiirs,a name for
W ; seneuei, XI.-OF.
ssci2cvL, mmllslaid the constellation of the Great Bear.
(Cot&) ; an adjectival form from renue ; sepulture,
~ b tomb,
s 3 , c3: repulLa?. silaaji (Villg.); Gr. oiuaai; see Bra- turer, $1, bmials, sj.-~r..scpz,itlrrt;
chct (s.Y. sarrua).
Lat. spau/lul.a.
S e n e j e n , u. to sin; see Sunegen.
Ser, a i i j separate, severnl, different,
Sengin,*.to singe, burn on the surface; various,Sz,H: sere,Sz,II,WA; seir,Sd,ll.
seengyn, I'rompt.; seynd,$p., C ; seynkt, Bcr.: rernea, variety, I3 ; sernessis,pl.,
I'rompt.: sengt, Prompt-AS. stnga~i(in H ; rernesis, I3 ; serelepy, separate,WA;
serelepes, separately, PI'.-Cp.
asages of
he-selzpa), causal of siafan, to sing.
Ice1 sdr, to himself, used in many comSenne, s6. sin, S ; see Sunne.
pounds, as sir-lip, apart, partic~ilarly.
Sens, since, S3; see SiV'8en.
~ b incense,
s3: sence, prompt., Sercle, s*. circle, w=; see Cercle.
Cath.; sense, PP.-AF. e,,scas, erre,zs; S e r e w e , $6. sorrow, S ; see Sorwe.
Lat. ininis2rm, liL. what is bt>ined (Vulg.). Serge, sb. a taper, Cath.; see Cerge.
Sensing, sb. use of incense, S3 ; sen- Sergeant, sh. servant, serjeanl, C, C 2 ,
cynge, I'rompt.
C3: seriaunt, P ; aergan3, p i , S ; seriSentence, sb. sense, meaning, opinion, auntes, S z ; aeriauntz, P ; seriauns, Sz,
setfant; Lot. rerrrielzfn,~;see
of a story,,.,erdict, C, cz,c j ; sen- PP.-AF.
UH, 5 162.
tens, PP.-AE. ~cicntcsir;Lat. sante~~ti~.
Serk, s6. $ark, shirt, PI', S, S3, G ; sark,
Seofe, sewn, S ; see Seuen.
S3 ; serke, P.-Icel, s z d r .
Seolf, self, S ; see Self.
Sermone, u. to preach, speak, C j .
Seolke, sb. silk, S ; see Selke.
Seollich, n4,wonderiiil, s ; see seuioh. Sermonyng, 16. preaching, C.
Sermoun,ib. sermon, writing, Cz; sarSeoluer, rb. silver, S ; see siloer.
moun, P.-AF. serr,ioarr; I a t . seraioaoii.
to see, S, PP i sea, S, Sz i
seen, S ; sen, S ; se, Sz, lVz ; in$. $,, S: Sertes, &. certainly, Sz: see Certes.
p i , W ; see, may (God) see, Sa; rest, z Seruage, rb. servitude, thraldrom, Sz,
pi..s., S ; sist, S, Sz ; s i ~ tSz
, ; s & , p i., C, Cz, C3, lV, 12rompt.-OF. srrvafl.
S ; seop.$i., Sz ; sex, S%,P ; sei, z j t . s.,
Seruin, u. to servc, to deserve, S. Sz ;
Sz ; aieh, pt. s., S ; reh, S, Sz; sih, S z ; sarui, S ; serue, 11, P P ; serwis, zpr..?.,
si3, sz, W ; BY>, s z ; sYe, S3; sY, C3: S3; serwit, jt. s., S 3 ; y-serve&,jj..C ,
sea, S, S z ; s e ~ Sa,
, Cz, G ; lei;, 5 2 , S3 ; P ; i-serued, S. - AF. ~ermir;La%.serair'..
=eigh, ; seih, G ; seyh, G ; sag, S ; Seruisable, adj. serviceable, C3.
sagh, Sz ; sangh, S3, C, G ; 869, S ; sau3,
$6. service, S ; seruyse,c
Sz ; say, Sz, S3, C, W, G ; say3, OF, sel.uise; ~ % tjer8iitiirm;
see n t l ,
Sz ; saye, W ; saie, W ; sai3, W ; saw;,
W ; sihen, $/., Sz ; sy3en, 53 : seien, W;
c%.-- OF. $a?sei3en.W; seen, \v; %en, W; sien, W; Seruitute, sb.
wen, W ; saien, W : sayn, W : sayye,W ; uitzrte ; Lat, ier2ritz,tem ; see ~ o n s t a n a ,
sere, Sz ; seand,pr. p.,s3; seynge, \lTz
; Serwe, sb. sorrow, S ; see soywe.
seyn,jp.,Sz, C, W ; selen, S z ; sein,
sz; Serwish, a t 0 i~~z$ipri.ioiz~s,Manip.
sen, S ; aeie, Sa ; sien, \Vz; ~ i >W
, ; Serye, $6. series, C, CM.-Lat. ~tviem.
say, W ; Y-reiien,PP; Y-sein,1'1'; seen, Seryows, ad/. ' sad and feythehlle,'
re?.. S3; eyenne, S2.-AS. sdon, pt. scab Prompt.; serioure, scriosus, Manip. ;






seryoase, earnest, Palsg.-Late Lat. iu.i

Beuen-tene, nrrm. sevcnleen, Prompt. ;
oiur : from Lat. scvizzi.. pravc.
~ ~
~ - - ~ .
" . earnest.
, Sz.
S e r y o w s l y , a h , seriously; ceriously, Beuepe, 72ZL,,b. on?. sevrnth, Sa, P P ;
minutely, wit11 frill dctails, Sz, C3.-Late
reou&r, S ; souepe, S ; seofepe, S. scrioie, 'fnre, minlltatixn ' (Ducuilge).
Sew,pt. i. 5o!ved, E l ; see Sowen.
S e s e , u. to seize; see Seise.
Sewane, $6. rvviu (a herb), S3. Sce
Sesonn, sii. senson, C j ; cesoun, Wz.naueine.
Ali. icio,r, 01'. i i c i ~ o i i ; Lat. sationeni, a Sewe,il.juice,brotl~,gr~vy,delicacy,C~.
Cnth.., 1 l D :. sew.. H U :. saaw.S.-AS.
Set,$,. s. sat, S ; see Sitten.
Sewen, a. to sew, $sure, Wz ; seowen,
S e t e , rb. seut, Cnth., S, Cz, P P ; seet, S ; rewide, pi. s., W z ; y-sewed,$$., S j .
G.-AS. sclo, seol~c(OET).
-AS. siwioii : Goth. iiujan; see HrugJete, mij. .,,itabie, H (P. X X V ) . - I ~ ~ I . man", 5 120.
iflit, ervdnr.iiile, Srom sio'a, t o sii.
Sewen, y. t o Sollow, PP, C, Sz. Dcr. :
S e t e l , 16. seut, S D ; seotel, S ; steme, sewyngly, 1n ordcr, Sz. Sce Snen.
S. Co,,ib. : selel-gang, sunset, Sz.-AS.
Sewen, u. Phr. : to sewe at y" mete,
seti; cp. Goth. iiiir.
dtpoicpoizere, a f i n e m , lo set upon the table,
Prolnpt. See beloiu.
Seterday, Saturday, P ; see satern.
Sewer, 36. bearer of dishes, depz@er,Sz,
Se8, $6.seed, S ; sce Sea.
&$hen, u, to
prompt.; seeth, VOC.;sewere, Prompt.; asseour, N E D ;
Pt, $,, scthed, boiled, cz; y.soac,pp,, sz, assewer, NCU.-AF. nss*ozgr, he who sets
.-AS. i i t o ~a,z, I>t. s., st(a3J
Ct the table (Ilacnngc); from O17. n i ~ e o i v ,to
set, to place; Late Lut. ad$edzrc.
asterwards, since, S,
G ; Sewintene, seventeen, S3; see se1ien-




sa ; seppe, Sz ; sec simen.
sir, S; see sixe.
Setlen, u. to causc t o rest, also t o sink 8exe,
to icst,snbside, settle, S ~ ;
D~ ~ t t e
i ,s3, S e x t e , dxth;
se(ien, S,

S k D ; satelyn, l'rompt.; saatled, $1. i., S e x t e y n , sb. sacristan, sexton, Cz ; s c r

Sz lsec S k l l s.v. s r t ~ i ~ ~~. -~ ~i ~
, fix,
, ~ Sacristane.
settic (Grein).
Seych, i b . sigh, S3 ; see Syhe.
Setnesse, $6. an appointed order, i n S e y e d , pj. passed, lit. swayed, S z ; sec
C f ~ s e t n e ~ s eSweyen.
," ,
S e t h , sb. a yoimg plant, ii shoot; set- Seyen, u. to say; see Seggen.
tys, pi., S3.
S e y l , sb, sail, Prompt., S, C ; seil, S ;
Setten, u, t o sct, plxcc, appoint, S ; seiier,pl., S z ; seales, %--AS. s c t i
sett, to sct, watch game, S z ; setis,?,: s.,
Seylen, w. to sail, Prompt.; sayle, Cz ;
S ; setter, zpr. s., Sz ; sette,$t. i., S, Sz, salaud, pr.p., $3.-AS. (ge)scgiiaii.
S3 ; eette, S z ; ssette, S ; set, z $1, s., Beyn,pj. seen; see Xeon.
S L ; Settide,$(. s., V
\ ; settiden, pi., \V ;
sz; set,jj,, S; e y n e n , n. to lnakc a sign, e s ~ the
i - ~ ~S,ts,2 ; i-Sett, S ; i-sette, S ; y.Jot, SISII of the cross, PP ; saine, to bless, H D ;
sz,s3,cz,c~.-As. sctta7,: Colh, inon7z, beyned, $1. J., P ; sanyt, S%.-OF. i c i e i c r
s ~ eti, ; settan&,
pr. $.,

to cause t o sit; see


p. r r 3 ,

see ( B " ' t ~ ~ I l;~Lat. % ' ~ ~ ~ ~ e .


Seynd,pp. singed, C ; see Sengin.

Seynt, $6. girdle, C ; see Ceinte.

Seurte, rb. wrety, C ; see Surety.
Beuen, cum. seven, PP ; seue, 1'P, S ; S e j e n , u. to say, S ; see Seggen.

sconen, S ; seove, S ; seofe, S ; seuene, Sh-. For many words beginning with
l'P ; seousne, S ; sen, H ; zeue, Sz ; tllese letters, see Xsh-.
seofen, S.-AS.
seo/an; cp, Goth. sibxn, S h a d d e , pi. s. slred, poured, C z ; see
Let. Jepizm, Gr. inr6. For the Gotlr. trr- Scheden.


- z L ? ~ , see

Rrugmann, $ 5

223, 2 2 4 .

Shed, ib. discretion, S.-AS.


Seuend, num. o d seventh, Sz.

See Sohedan.
Beae.niht, $6. sennight, weel', S ; sene. Shefess,$Z, sheaves, S ; see Soheef.
nyllt, S.
Shrewen, u. ta shcw, S ; see Xchewen.


Sheeuering, pr. p. shivering, S3;




Signe, sb. sign, portent, P P ; see s y n g .

Signefiance, $6. meaning, S.-OF. i i ,

Sheo,pro9z. dm.,dcf art.,$7.012. p e r s . ~ ,nejance.

ilia, that, the, she, PI'; rohco, S D ; rcho, signefien, o. to sie,i[y, mean, s , - ~ F ,
S3, P P ; sho, S, I1 ; soo, Sz ; seo, S ; .ipaejtr.
sche. C, PP ; ohe, Sz ; ri, S ; sore, S. gihen, $,. p( a,u, s a ; see Sean,
C o ~ l b . :Zi pet, she that, S D (s.Y. J~).-AS.
Sik, a@. iiclr, S ; see s e x .
d o ; cp. OIIG, rU' (Tntian).
S3; see s w y c ~ l e .
Sherch, a. to search, S3 ; see Cerchen. Sike, n ~ i jsuch,
Siker, n@ sccore, sure, tmsty, S, s?,
Sho, sile, S ; see Sheo.
C3, P ; siki~,,M' ; sekir, I! ; eykere, Sz ;
Shode ; see nndei Soheden.
zikere, Sz ; syker, S3, P ; niiu., truly, S3;
Shrines, $1. sherifi, Sz; see ander sikerer, ror8j.,
s3, C ;
p : sik.
erest, sr'$ed, Sz. Conid. : sikerhede,
Si, she, S ; see Sheo.
secnrity, SD ; sikerlec, surety, pledge,
SU ; sikediche, surely, certainly, S ; sySi, let there be, S ; see Sinden.
kerlych, Sz ; sikelike, S ; s i h e r l ~ Sir
Sibbe, $6. and a@. peace,
n f i ~ ~ irelated,
SD, S , P ; sybbe, IJrompt.; C, Cs, P ; sykerly, I1 ; sekirly, B ;
sib, S ; syb, P. Comb.:, c afiinir; sikernesre, security, S,Sz, Cz, C3; siocrI I U ; sib-nesse,
SD ; rib-reden, nesse, S ; sykernes, S> ; sikirnesse, W ;
relationship, S D ; sibreae, I I n ; sybrede, Sykirnes, H ; sekimes, D.-OS. sibor;
banns of matrimony, prompt. ; oybreae, Late Lat. s i i z r m s (with vcceut on the first
~yllable);cp. OHG. siclior (Otirid). Cf.
Prompt. ; sib-sum, peaceable, S D ;
sumnesse, friendship, SD.-AS.
iibiii), Su'e.
peace, rclutiunship: Goth. iibja; cp. OMG. Siknesse, sb. sickness, Cz ; see ~ e k iibiia, peace (Tatian), relotionship (Otirid). nesse.
See Sirveii, 2 5 7 ,
Sikul, rb. siclde, P ; sykel, PP: sykyi,
Prompt.-AS. sicci (Voc.) ; Lal. sc~ala.
Sic, ad/. sick, S ; see Sek.
Sicer, id. strong driuk, Cz ; siser, Cz Sik, arij such, S2 ; See Swyche.
( 7 4 ) ; Ciser, CZ (n),
MU.-LOW ~ i ~ e r aSilden, u. to shield, S ; see Schelden.
(Vulg.); Cr. oincpa ( I . X x ) ; IIrb. ihzbnr Silke, $6. sillr, p ;
(Dent. 29. 6). Cf. sidir.
Bilour ; see selure.
Siche, a+. such, W ; scc swyche.
Siluer, $6. silver, S, C3 ; seolner, S ;
Sicht,pt. i. siglled, S3; see syxen.
suluer, Sz: seloer, S, Sz ; siluere, </at.,
Siclatoun, $6. a costly sillr tenture, ; selure, S.-Ohlerc. ~yr/lw,AS. szijoi
(seoi/ot') : OS. ~ili'bar-, Goth. i i l z ~ b r ;see
CM ; sicladoun, Chl; see ciclatun.
Sidir, sb. strong drink, cider, S3, \V, Sievers, '7.
MD; sidur, I V z ;
h f ;~syayr, Simle, ad*. ewr, for ever, S.-AS. s i x ~ i e
Prompt. ; sedyr, Prompt. ; cy&er,cz ; (iymle') for s i ~ n h l e :OS. rliiibla; cp. OHG.
cedyr, Prompt.; syther, cnth., sz; "z*zbzrl?~m(Tatian).
uythir, Cz ( n - O F . sid9.c (cid,~),si,iiiir ; Sinden, $9: pC are; sinnaenn, S ;
Law I.&. siieiz (Voc.) ; Gr. oixipa (Luke renden, S : reo8, S ; sf,pr, i. nrbj., lei
I . IS) ; cp. Sp. siiira (Dent, 2 9 . 6 ) . See (there) he, S ; seon, iu6).pl.,may he, S.Sicer.
AS. S Y ~ I I ~ pr.
L ? ~pl.,
, si, PI. S. subj., s i e , ~ ,
Sigaldren, ib. p/. sorccriei, S.-~ccl. ~1.3see Sicyen, 427.
.yeid-pi&, eilchantrnent by ~pells. s e e Sinegen, v. lo sin, S ; see Sunegen.
Crimm, Teat. M. pp. 1035-,043.
Sinen, $$. shone, S ; see schynen.
Sigaldrie, s6. enchantment, SD ; si- Sinne, 26. sin, S ; see snnne.
galdry, IiD.
Siouns, brunches, W z : see syon.
Sigaldrien, a, to bewitch; sygaldryd, Sipei,pl. ships, S ; see sohig.
fit. s., HD.
Si-quar; see under Si8.
Siggen, u. to say; see Seggen.
Sire, sb. a prince, king, lord, father,
Sighte, 16. sight, providence, appear- master, u trim used in nddressii~gkiliqhts
xnce, PI', C ; sihse, S ; syhte, S ; sy)t, l<ings, S, Sz, ', G ; ryr, rrorn,,t.--~~:
52 ; zigpe, Sz ; zy>pe, S2 : sihte, S ; i i r c (for *se'ior) ; Lnt. icnior, older; so 1'.
aiite, S.-AS. (;e)izhd (geii/if).
pi??; Lat.peior, worsc.

Sis, sin, C2; see sixe.
ciiafaut (ihafar~t), Low Lat. chaafallur,~,
ihaz~eutiui,a wooden tower used against
Siser, $6. strong drinlr; scc sicer.
deputed to hold besiegers ; cp. uirolt, rainfaiio. The origin
sisoure, $6, a

assizes, joryma,,, p , sz, G ; .isour, p p ;

sysour, PP.-Low aisisorn,~ IIIucmge), from OFr. a ( ~ ) ~ ai ~sitting
e , down,
also a settlement, pp. lem. of awrir; Lal.
airid&, to sit at.
Sist, seest ; see Seon.
Siste, sixth, S ; see Sixte.
Sistren,ji. sisters, C ; see suster.
Site, r6. ~ r i e f ,Sz ; syte, WA, I-ID.Icel, idt ;AS. suht; cp. OHG.sahi[Otirid),
Goth. sauhis, sickness.
Siten, u. to giieve, Sz. See above.
Si8, si.. time, SD ; rise, d a t . , ~; sith,ji;,
H ; syth, 11; rise, C,Sz, 1'1'; syths, H,
Cz, C3 ; sythes, Sz, I'P; sithis, W, S3;
sithes, P P ; eype, Sz ; zipe, S2 (9. 72).
Comii. : oft-sith(=Lat. tope),H ; si-quar
(for sib-quar), lime when, Sz.-AS. sit,
journey, turn, time: Goth. sirathi; Cp. 011G.
rind,'via' (Otirid), Icel. siinz.
Si88en, ads. and iofrj. afterwards, since,
S, C, G ; sippe, Sz, S3; sisen, S, S3, C ;
sise, S, S3; sith, Sz, S3, G ; seaman, S ;
seomen, S; weome, S ; sesben, S, Sz, G;
seten, S, S2; =eve, S ; ssth, S3, C ;
sePPe, Sa ; SupPe, S, Sz ; sY?Pen, Sz ;
sythen, Sz, $3; sen, 13, Sz, S3; syn, Sz,
S3 ; ryne, Sz, SI,; sens, S~-.AS-.AS~
Sitten, v. to sit, cost, befit, S, P ;
sytte, PP, S3; aitte, S2; sit, PP s., C,
Sz, G, PP : sitt, PP ; sits, S3; set, 91.8,
C, G ; s e t , S ; setten, pi., S ;
sete, S, G ; seten, Cz, W ; seeten, C ;
saten, G ; seten, p$., 5, C ; syttyn, Sz.
-AS. silta'z, pi. rut (PI. ifon), pp.iciin.
Sixe, r2zrm. sir, S. P P ; sexe, S ; sax,
S3 ; sis, Cz ; sys, C2.-AS. iis.
Sixt, seest; see seon.
Sixte, o r 4 sixth, S ; syate, P P ; sexte,
S, Sz : siexte, S ; siste, S.-AS. sirla.
Si~e,sb.victory,SD;si, SD; sy.S.-AS.
r8xe : Guth.sicis; cp. OHG. i i (Tatian).
Si3e-craft, sb, magic art, SD. See

of this word of various forms is absolniely

Skaith, $6. harm, S 3 ; see soase.
Skalk,sb.scalp,1.1; rkalke, H ; skalkys,
ji. , 1~1.
Skalle, $6. scabbiness on the head, scnil,
Skalled, a@. scabby, C.
Skalp, s6. scalp, H (Ps. 1. 1 7 ) ; scalp,
Skarrit, I $1. r. was scurcd, S j ; see
Skathe, ~ 6hnrm,
C, G ; skath, H ; see
Skeet, aiii swift; a h . soon, qnickly,
G Skete, I I D ; sket, S, 1ID.-lcel.
~ L j d f i r swift;
ad". sijdii.
Skele, $6. reason, S I ; see Skyl.
to amuse,SD.-lcel.s/irniin,
to amuse, to shorten, from ikamr, sliort.
Skentinge, 16. amusement, S, SU.
Sker, adv. clean, entirely, S ; see Schere.
Skerren, u. to scare, frighten, to be
frightened, SD; skeren, Prompt.; soarren,
s D ; skarrit, I j t . i., ~ 3 skerrit,
SD.1cel. siriwa, to prevent,
to si~rinir
Skewe, sb. sky, S z ; see Skye.
Skey, a@. shy s,( a horse), prompt.;
fui, aiihon~ii~ai~uus,
prompt.; gueymows,
p rompt. ; sweymows, Prompt. ; rquaymous, ~ h l ;sque.mouJ, C ~ squay;
mas* ve7.en~lidz/r,Cath.; skoymus, dis.
dainftll, Cath. (12); squeamish, coy, prrcise (of a potlng girl), Cotg. (s.v. iz'ci,"E);
fastidiuur, Baret.
Skil, 26. reason, H ; see SWl.
Skilwise, a+ reasonable, discreet, IT;
ssilwis, H ; skilwidy, odv,, 1~1,
Skinden, u. to hasten, S.-Icel. dyisifa,
ikulida; cp. AS scyn</aian.
Sklayre, id. a veil, P ; scleyre, I T ;
skleire, PP ; skleir, PP.-Cp. G. schhiei-,
Sijede,pt. r. sighed, S3; see Syken.
Silen, pt, pi. saw; see seon.
skaffaut,,d. an engine war used by Sklither, 4.slippery ( = Lat.ii~briir,i!,
besiegers, CM ; soaralde, proicsrri~rrn,
Cath.; roafe~a, ~tage, Prompt., S ~ D ; Sklythirynge, ib. liability to fail, %I.
scena,Munip.: sohaf- Skowtez, $7. s. pries, looks, Sz ; see
false, stage, Cath. (n); skafffold, Cath. Scouten.
(n).-OF. esiajaut (errliofaat) ; cp. OF. Skye, s6. cloud, sky, Prompt. ; skewe,



skwe, S2 ; #chew, W A ; SkY.8, $1,: Slegh, a 4 . cunning, S z ; sleh, S ; see

skj, cloud.
a,.. .
Skyl, sb. discernment, reason, skill Sleght, 16. cunning, S z ; sleht, S ; rec
I'rompt. ; skil, H ; skill, S ; style, Sz Sleythe.
skile, S, C 2 , W ; skille, SZ ; skele, Sz
Slendyr ; sec Sclender.
skiles,p/.,rrzrans, Cz, H ; skilles, Sz, II
Slepe, sl.. sleep, S, Sz, Prompt.; slape,
-Ice[. shii, dislinction, discernment.
3 ; dep, S.-AS. sidp: OS. sidp; el'.



Skylfulle, a@. j.reasonablc, discerning

I'iompt. ; skilful, Wz, C3.
Skylly, pe~hnprdispersing (?), SI.
Skyualde,pcrhnps scramble (?), Sz.
Sla, u. to slny, Sz ; see Sleen.
Slade, s6. a valley, Manip., ND.-AS

DFris. iii#.


Slagen, $p. slain, S ; see Sleen.

Slaht, ib. slaughter, S D ; sla>t, S2.AS. s!eicaht.

Slaine, Slawen ; see Sleen.

Slak, $6. ravine, a hollow, depresiion

Slepen, u. to sleep, S ; slep, pt. s., S,

53 ; slepte (weak for?,,), C I ,I'P ; slepen,
OL, IIP.-AS. iihpan, pt. sib; a r e d u d i ~
cvtiz~gverb, see Dbnse, b. 48.^
Slepyng, sb. sleep, Sa.
Slearende, pr.p. falling like snow, S.
Sleuth, 16. track, trail, slot, Sa, H ;
aluth, B ; slewth, B ; La, S, Ski).
Cotrib. : sleuth-hund, a sleuth-hound, Sz.
-Ice]. $lb8.
Sleupe, $6. sloth, Sz, P ; sleuth, H ; see

gap or pars between two hills, S3, B Slouthe.

slack, tire low groilnd, H D ; a commor
Sleue, $6. sleeve, C3, Prompt.-AS.
(in Yorkshiie), NQ (I. 10. qao).
Slak, a@. slack, Prompt.; slac, S z ; Sleueles, a+. sleeveless, useless, HD.
slake, daf.. C. -AS. sieoc: OS, siok.
Sley, a@. sly, Sz ; see sly.
Slakien, u. to be slack, to make loose Sleythe, $6. conning, skill, falsehood,
S, W : slake. to become less erievons.Sz trick, Prompt.. 1'P; deithe, PI': d q p e ,
to slacken, cease, Cz ; slakep,br, r., bum: 5%; slehpe, SD, PP ; slithe, PP ; slype,
low, Sz ; assuages, Cz.-AS. siaiian.
P P ; sleighte, PP, C, Ca, C3 ; sleht, S ;
Slape, rb. sleep, S ; see Slepe.
aleght, Sz.-Icel. i/<z@ (for days). See
Slatten, u. to throw down, to slap Sly.
slat, H i ) ; s l e a t d , $ r p i , S.
Sliden, u. to slide, PP ; d i t , p r . r., C3 ;
slod,pt. s., Sz ; sloae,pi., P P ; sliae,p$.,
Slaunder ; see sclaundre.
Slaueren, u. to slaver, to let tbc rvlivi W2.-AS. slidwi, pt. ridd, pp. sliiira.
fall from lhc mouth, Sz.
Slider, atg. dipgery, C ; slidir, Wz ;
dydyr, Prompt. See Sklither.
Slawe, aiQ. slow, S 3 ; see Slowe.
Slidernesse, sb. slippeiyness; slydirSla3t, sb. slaughter, S z ; see Slaht.
merse, Wz ; slydyrnerse, Prompt.
Sle, ad/. sly, cuoning, S3; see Sly.
Sleen, u. lo slay, PP, C z ; See, PP, 53: Slih, a+. .cunning, enpelienced, Sz; sec
W, G ; sle, S, S3, PP ; slen, PP ; =lean: e,.
S : slren.. S :. slon., S :. slo., S ,: sls.
Sz :
Slike, at+ such, 11.-Icel. iiikr.
s l e d , pr. J., S; sleth, S3 ; deeth, C
Slikien, w. lo smoothe, to polish, S D ;
slea8, pL, S ; sla;&, S ; slage, S ; sloh, slyken, P ; sliske,. 5 3.; isliked. S.
pt. s., S ; d o ) , S ; slou, S, Sz; slow, Sz: Sliper, aio. slippery, SD; slipper, S3,
S3 ; slowe, \V; slouh, Sz ; slou;, Sz ; 3h.-AS. iilpor (Leo).
slough, S.3, C ; doghen, pi.. S ; s1o;en.
S ; slowe,~Sz ; slowen, -l;?
JS ; Slitten, u. lo slit, pierce, SD ; slytyn,
Prompt. ; slyttyng, pr. P., piercing (of
slogh, S2 ; sloughe, S3 ; =lo, pi.. ~?<l.j.,
anguage), Sz ; islit,$$., S.-AS. difitorr.
.6... S2 ; rlen,. p!., . S :. slsaen.
- , 6s..
. S :. slaine. Slo, ub. to slay, S ; slon, S ; sloh,pt. i.,
5 ; slawen, Cz; slayn, Cz ; deie, Sz
slawe, S i , C ; slean, S3 ; y-slayn, Cg ; 5 ; see Sleen.
i-slawe, Sz ; y-slme, C3; i-sleiene, pi,, Slod,pf. J. slid, Sz ; see sliden.
S.-AS. iihn (for rlaharr), pt. iidh (pl. Slogardye, rb. sloth, Ca; see slugsibon), pp. sle,fe~z,also slepn.
Sleet, $6.sleet, Prompt.; slot, SD.Sloh, $8. slougli, P P ; slough, Cz, C3,
Cp. ti. ii/i/osie.
-AS. iidh.





Slokyn, a. to slake, quench, H, Cath. ; Smell, sb. smell, S ; smul, S.

slokin, S3 : sloklre. PP ; slokynd,pp., H ; Smellen,
S, p p ; s m y ~ l e ,
slekynd, ~*.--CP. Icel. ~iohvn. Cf. 81.1~- PP; ~ ~ o i t ~ ,s.,pSt ~. . - C ~ I . Lelerr,
~ ~ err,
to smoulder.
S1Onleren, u. to 'lumber, Cath., Smeorten, o. tosmart,S; see smerten.
Prompt.; slumeren, S D ; slombred, pt.
to smear, anoint; smoren,
s., P.
S ; smuries, pr. pi.. S ; smered, pp., S.Slomering, $6. slumbering, S3.
AS. imaian, siiiynbiz, from snierz~, fat,
Slong,pp.cast away, 5'3 ; see Slyngen.
Sloppar, a*. slippery, S j .
Smerl, i b . ointment, Sz.
Sloterin, u . ?iioiz~larc, S D ; sloterd,



Smerld ,?$,
Smerte, a@, and adu. painful, sharp,
Slo8, jb. tracl,, tmil, S ; see sleuth.
qL,ick, q,,ickly, C, S, P P ; smert,
Slough; sec sloh.
Sz ; smart, Sa, C3; smertcly, adu., G.Slouthe,sb. sloth, Sz, C3, P P ; slouhSe, AS, smca7+.

pp., bespaticred, Sz.

S ; sleujpe, Sz, P P ; sleupe, S2, 1' ;

slewthe, C3, P P ; sleuth, H, PP.-AS.

Sce bclou~.
Slow, S103e ; see Sleen.
Slowe, mi/ and ib. slow, sluggish, a
lazy man, PI', S ; slow, ~z : douh, S;
slawe, S3 ; slaw, Sz.-AS. ridw.
Sluggardy, $6, sloth, S j ; slogardye,
C3 ; doggardye, C.
Slugge, adj. sluthful, Prompt.
Slupgen, *.to slug, to be inactive, SkD.
Sluggy, a 4 . slatliful, Prompt.
Sly, a 4 sly, cunning, skilful, Prompt.;
~ l i )W
, ; slih, Sz ; GeY, Sz ; slegh, Sa ;
sleh, S ; sle>, S 2 ; sle, S3.-Icrl. sing?
(for ricfv).
Slyly, adu. cuniiingly, Prompt. ;s l e i g h
l y , prndcntly, C.
Blynge, s6. sling, PP.
Slyngen, u. to sling, hurl, throw away,
; slonge, pt.
Sz ; slang,
I).,SS ; s ~ u n g i n ,S3.-AS. rii,itan, pl.
~ians,pp. slutzgtn.
tarte, R ~ V O U prompt.;
S ; emaoh, Sz.-AS. sniec, taste, flavour
Smaken, to have 8. savour, scent, S,
I'rompt. ; smaoky, to imagine, perceive,
taste, relish, undcrirvnd, Sm ; smaohsnde,
pi..p.,S J ; smauhte,pt. i.,PI': smauite,
pi., PP. - AS, smcciaii, see Grein (s. v.




Smerten, a. to smart, to be pained,

l'P, S, S z , Cz ; smeorten, S ; smerte,
C ; smerted, S j . -AS. iriieorta?~
79, P,36),



, Cz,toP PSmite;
; smot.'myten,
pt. i., S, PP
PP ; smette, S3 ; smatte, S ; s m i t e n , p i ,
S; s m ~ e nW
, ; smiten, pp., PI'.-AS.
rr,~iinn,pt. ~,,~iit
(PI. S ~ Z ~ ~ pp.
O ~ iniitc~.
~ ) ,
Smob, rd. smock, Cz, PP, Prompt.
smok-les, RCQ. .without a
Smolder, s6, smol-e




Smor&r, s6. suffocating smoke, S ;

smorpre, PI'.

Smoraren, u. to smotllcr, suiiucate, SD.

1 ".
Smot, pt. '. of
Smul, $8. smell, S ; sec Smell.
S ; see Smerien.
Smy8ien, u. to forge: smythye, P ;
smytheth, 91,.s., Y.-AS. rmiJia~8.
,Smyppe, sb. smilhy, forgc, S2; rmythy,

s*ii8cb (Voc.).

Snapere, u. to trip, to stunrble, U - 2 ,

S D ; snappel; I I D ; mapirs, pr. i., WA.
Sna8, pt. s. cot, S ; see sni8en.
gnaw, i6. snow, S ; see snow.
Prompt.: Snelle, mi/. quick, sharp, S. Sz ; snell,

Smalle, a+ small, narrow,

zinal, S, Sz ; smnill, S j . AS. smoi,
narrow : Goth. minis.
Smart, n'0. bitter, Sa : sec Smerte.
Smatte,pt. s. amr,te, S ; see Smite=.
Bmec, s6. smokc, S ; smech, S ; smeke,
Prompt.-AS. s,ii&.
Smechunge, i b . taste, S. See Srnak.


5 3 ; snel, S.-AS.
i r e i i : OIIG. iflei
Snepe, adj. foolish, S.
snesien, W . to strike, 3.-AS. sa&ra,i
(in d-sn&sot+ BT), to pnl on a spit ; iroin
snds, n spit (T'oc.) ; cp. Icel. s~ieirnfrom

SniOGen, u. to cut;


sna5,pr. s., S.-AS.



il, rest,

solace, piearnre, rnerrimcnt, ti, Cz, PP, SkD.-AF. solar, OF.

solas, Lat, solatiuni ; see BH, 5 143.
Solde, should; see Soholde.
Solempne, a@, solemn, grand, festive,
mugnihcent,Cz,C3, Prompt.; solempnely,
a h . with pomp, Sz, Czl C3 ; solenliahe,
1'P.-AF, sole?,iprLi; Lat. solenineni.
Solempnite, $8. festivity, C, Prompt.
-AF. soilenipi?iire; Lat, roie~~~~ziinie~,~.
Solere, $6, an uppcr room, loft, Prompt.,
Voc., H U ; throne, H ; soler, W, Voc.,
H U ; soller, l'alsg.; stage of a house.
ND; sollar, IID,l'ulsg.-AF. soier, solair,
OF. soiier ; Late Lut. solarizrni (Voc.) ;
CP. AS. miere (Grein), 0s. so*ri, OIIG.
xoia-i (Tutiun), soidri, the pratoriom of
Pilate, also a gucst~chamber(Otfrid), Du.

ini8an, pt. sit& (pl. inidon); GI). OIIG.

migia3z (Talian).
Sniwen, u. to snow: snewen, SU ;
sniup, pr. s,S ; sniwcp, SD ; snew, pt.
r., SU ; snewede, C.-AS, miwan.
Snorkil, $8. wtinl<le, H.-Cp. Norti,,
E.iasr/ilc, to run into knots, JD, snzrrl,to
wrinkle, J D ; cp. OIIG. nsuor, string, see
Fick, 7. 3j1.
Snow, sb, snow, Prompt., P P ; snou),
1'P; snou, S ; snaw, S.-AS.
Goth. sraiws.
Snowbe, $6. snoot, ~ ~ o m p; tsnute,
-CII. G. xchtzauze.
snybbyn, u. to
prompt., c ;
; snybid, Pt,
H ; snybsnd,
pr. p., I3 ; snibbed,pp., Cz.
Snybbynge, $6. rebulie, Prompt. ; Zoi'icr'
s~fitary,hatins company3
snybyngr, H ; snibbing, sz; .nybyngis,
sullen, Pi', I'rompt. ; soleyn, Pl', Wz;
pi., H.
sonein, S3.-OF. xolaiii, solitary, per'"YtYn, u. t' ciear the
; taining to one alone : Late Lat. *so/aiium,
snytte,pt. r., Sz; y-snyt,pp., SZ.
from Lat. io/zrr.
Sobre, ad/. sober, srdnte, C A; robur,
see under sum,
1'rumpt.-OF, sodre ; Lut, iobrii6rn.
Some, sb. concord, S.-AS. sdiiic.
Sobreliche, a 4 and ad*. ~ednte,
iS ; ,
soberly, Chl ; sabuny, CM ; soberly, C. s
Soburnesse, $4. soberness, Prompt.
C ; sumer,
Soche, a+. such, S ; see Swyche.
$., CZ,c3. COIILL. :
Socht, P.pi. sought, wmt, S3; see
su,nmcr-g.imc, I,.-AS. izinior: OS.
iuninr; cp. OHG. iiitizar (Trtiun).
Socour, rb. succoor, CZ, C3; socowre, Somme, $6. sum, S3, C3 ; some, S 3 ;
Prompt.-AF. st'cur, soiioar, OF. socori;
p r o m p t , - ~ y , sum,,, (iu,,Lc);
Late Lat. sirciurras (Ducuiige).
Lat. summa.
Bodeyn, a'*. sudden, Cz, C?; soaeynlsi Somnen, u. to join, S ; see Samnen.
adu. suddenly, S3, C z ; sodeynliche, Sz.
u, to summon, p p , C ~ ;
-AF. iode.v?ze; Late Lat. iubiionuni, see aomeny,
somony, s z ;
BII, 5 1 2 2 .
somownyn, Prompt.; somondis, $9: s.,
Softe, odj. softl warm, mild, gentle, S, H . snmunrlis, 11 ; somencd, pp.,
Sz, C3; ads. gently, luxuriously, Sz, S. C3 : A;.
mnzo,,,,~ve ( P ~ .p. sonioiiaizt), OF.
Comb.: ,e,xmz,ivc; Late Lnt. s u 6 m a f r s ; Lat. rsb +
softeliche, gently, S ; s o f i s l ~C3.
eott-hede, i b . softness, Sz.-AS. idjie.
Sohte, pt. s. sought, S, Sz ; see Sachen. ~ ~ m p n o n rsb., summoner, one who
Soke, $6. the exercise of judicial power, cites beiore an ecclesiastical court, C, P P ;
PP, SkU. Dcr.: soken, the territory or sumpnour, S z ; somnour, P P ; somnsr,
precinct in which public privileges were PP; somenour, 1'1'; sumnowre,Prompt.
exercised, SkD ; sokne, PP; (Rotland)- A F . rzrmenour.
sokene, (Ilutland)shire, ?.-AS.
sdc, the Somw&; see under sum.
exercise of judicial power ; sdm, rdien, an sand, s,3,
S, sz,C, p p ; sand,
eaquily; see Selimid.
, P P ; sonde, dat., S.-AS,
Bokelynge, 16. suckling, Prompt.
Sond, sb. a dish or mess of food; smd,
Sokelynge, sl. a herb, loinsto, Prompt. gift, S z ; sonde, dat., S ; sonden, pl., S ;
Sokyl-blome, rl. ioiusla, Voc.-From sandon, S.-AS. iaad,' ferculum' (Yoc.).
a form*soRe/,lhar which so&.
Cp.Houg- Sonde, 16. a sending, message, gift x n t ,
aiso rnusion, embassy, rnesicugci, S, S2,






Cj, P, G, H (p. 497); sonden, pl., S ; Sorwe, $6. sorrow, S, Sz, CM, C a ;
Sz ; sorile, S ; sorele, S ;
sondes, S. Conib. : sondeemon, mei- sor?e, S ;
senger, Sz ; sandesman, S D ; sandis- sare)e, S ; soreghe, Sz ; seorewe, S ;
serewe, S ; seoruwe,S ; serwe, S2 ; soru,
rnene, pi., HU.
Sonder. Con16. : sonderemen, mes- S Z; Sonhe, S ; sorewe, S, S2.-AS. sorh :
0s. Soyfia.
senjiers, S ; sanderbodes, messengers, S.AS, rarsder in ra~zrlei.oirn (Ciiron. ann. Some-ful, a& ssorroluft~l,C ; sorful,
S ; sonuefully, adu, sorrowfuiiy, Cz.
Sorwen, u. to sorrow,CM; serrlhepp,
Sondry, separate, Cz; see Sunder.
Sone, sd. son, S, Sz, Ca, G ; sune, S ; $Y. S., S.-AS. sor'iair.
zone, Sz ; sun, Sz. Comb. : sone i n lawe, Sorwyn e,sl sorrowing, CM; sorew.
son-in~iuw,c~.-As. ismu: Goth. s1Lmu. yngis, pi.,
Sone, adv. forthwith, quickly, soon, S Sory, ad/. sorry, wretchell, painful,
Sz, C, Cz, PP, G ; sori,
G, S1, Cz, P P ; soune, S i ; son, Sz ~ ~ i e v o uPrompt.,
soyn, Sz ; sonest, a'per.l., Cz ; sonnest, S, Sz, PP ; sari, S ; sari, S ; sm'iliche,
adu., S ; soryly, Prompt. C o s ~ l :. soryP.-AS. sdna, see Sievers, 317.
mod. sad in mind, S.-AS. id?.<<.
cz; see syngen.
song, pt. s.
songe, ~ b song,
S, s 3 ; S o v n e s s e , $6. saclness, Prompt.; sarinesse, s.-AS. s d r i ~ x e ~ ., s3; SOngeS, $[., s.-AS.
~$6. the ~,,bservation
~ of -Soster,
~ $6.sislcr,
~ S z ; see
~ Suster.
dreams, P.-OF.
s o ~ ~ g eLat.
s o ~ ~ d ~Sote,
~ i i ~aiEj
, n ,sweet, Cz, C3; see Swete.
Soth, a$. aad sd. true, troth, soolh,
Sonne, sd. stm, S, Sz, c z , P ; sunne, S, mothsaying, S, Sz, C3, P, H ; sooth, Cz ;
, ; sothe, \?I, Sz, S3, P ; soothe,
Sz, I'rompt. Coaab.: sunne.bem, slmbcam, s ~ t h Sz
S ; Sunnen-dsei, Sunday, S ; sunne-dei S ; S3 ; Zope, Sz ; sothely, ndv.,veriiy, PP,W ;
sunedai S ; sunedei2 .5; sane-daei2 ' s , . ~00thly,Cz. Concb.: sovfast, tmc, S,S3,
soneda;, S, G ; sonendaye=, pi, S z ; H ; sothefast, W ; tloothfartnease, trnth,
CZ,C3, H ; sothnes, troth, SZ,H ; Sothsunne-risindae,suu-ri~ing,S.-AS.~~~~,~~:
nesse, Sz, P ; sothriht, truly, S.-AS.
OS. szr9ina.
id8 (for *son$, *$ad); cp. Icei. s o n l ~ (for
Soop,PI. t. of SUP.
Soope, sb. soup, I'rompt. ; s s p , S . XS"7Z6r) ; cP. Dan, sanii.
Sothe, a@. south, S3; see sowthe.
AS. id,&; Lat. s q o .
sweet, s ~ see
; m e t e . Sothien, u, to verify, S Q SkD ( 5 . v.
soot, Soote,
ioothc) ; i-sdet, pp., S-AS. ,re-~d~Ti~~.
Sooth, Soothly; rcc Soth.
Sothroun, a+. southern, S3; see SOWSop,pl, s. menled, S ; see Schapen.


Sope,pp. o/sup.
s o ~ e r , s bsupper,
C, Cz, G ; secsouper.


Sotte, s6. fool, S, Prompt., PP; sot, S,

asttes, 6 2 R . , S, sZ. Del. : SOtliCe,
S o p h ~ m e , ~ l . a s o ~ h i ~ m . C z ; s o p h i mioo~iihly,
S ; sotschipe, folly, S ; sottea,
pi, aul~tlclies,C2.-OF. rophiioir (Cotg.); besotted, c 3 , - ~sot,
Gr. dgto+a.
Sotyle, aii/ wbtlc, tine-wrought, crafty,
S O P P ~di.., a sop, Cath., P P ; sop, C ; ingenioIls, prompt.; rotyl, PP; sotil, PP,
soppis, pi., S3.
C ; sotel, P P ; sutene, Cath. ; sutaille,
Sopun, $$. of sup.
S 3 ; rotely, ad*., I'P; suteli, IT.-KF.
Sore, u. to soar, mount aloft, Cz, CM. rotii, mtii; Lat. iabt?/at>a.
-OF.;LalcLat.*cxau~are, Sotyle, u. to reason s~ibtly,to make use
lo enpose to the air (Lat. aura).
of cunnilig, P P ; rotilen,PI'; sutils,pr.i.,
Sore, mi/. and ads. sore, painful, S, Cz, malies subtle, H.
; a*re, S % S ; sar, S, Sj, Sz ; soore, Sotylte, $6.skill, Prompt. ; sotilte,C3.
Prornpl. ; sair, B.-AS. sdr.
-AF. soiilite; Lat. subtiiilateriz.
sore, sb. sore, misery, Cz ; sor, S ; sar, Souchen, u. to sns],ect, SD, H D ;
S ; roore, Prompt.-AS. sdr.
=ouches, pr. r., S2.-OF. surcher ; Late
Soren, $1. shorn, S ; see Schere.
Iat. *iuspiinre, for Lat. suipiiar.i, see
Sort, $6. destiny, chance, lot, C, w ; Diez, p. 681, and BH, 5 15%.
sorte, turn (=Lat. uice), W.-AP. s o ~ t ; Souden, u. to pay, PP. See Sowde.
Lat. sorlcn~.
S ~ u d l y ,49.dirty, 33.-Cp Korthern




E. rtcddill, to dirty (JDj, also G. izrdclrt, to Souerentb, sb. sovereignty, Prompt. ;

do dirty work.
rouerayntee, C2.-AF. xoucroillte.
Souerty, sb. surety, S3; see Surety.
Fouereyn, a*. and sb. suprcme, soveSoufre, sb. sulphu~,S2 ; soume, CM. Yew, C , Cz, C 3 ; souereynes, pi., supe-OF. iot&fi/r.e, s o z r l j s (Cotg.) ; Late Lat. riors, P, W ; subayns, I1 ; souereyneste,
iriperi, Wz ; aoueraignly, adu., C.-AF.
Lat. *rz@crulz2'rn.
Souken, a. to su~l:,Cz, Sz, wz ; sow&- S O U P Y ;~ ~Late
en, S3. Coij'b.: soukynge-fere, foster- Sowdan, sb. sultan, Sz, C3.-OF.
brother, W.-AS. sdcan, pt. sdac, pp. sores. soe~rian,s o s l h n ; Arab. sidtdn.
Soule, $8. soul, PP, S, S z ; sowle,S, C ; Sowdanesse, ib. sultuners, 93, C3.
s, Sz, H ; sawle, S ; saull, S3 ; Sowde, a. to strcnglhen; sowdid, fi.
soulen, pi., 5, Sz ; saulen, S ; rswleas, (= Lat. rorsolidatac), 0 iotrder
S ; sowle, S ; zaulen, S2. Cornb. : soule (Cotg.) : It. rolda9.c; Lat. roliriarc, see SkD
hele, soul's ralvalion, P P ; sawel hal, Sz. ( 5 , " .
-AS. sdwol, idwle: Goth. saiioala.
Sowde, $6. stipend, pay, W ; sowd,
Soun, $6. sound, S a , S3, Cz, Wz, H : Prompt.; sowdis, p i , W.-OF. soude;
sown, 15, W,
; sown% Sz: son, Sz ; Lat. ioldi~nr,il sum of money, from solidus.
sownde, Prompf.-AF.
s o m OF. son;
sowdyowre, ,b. one that fights for
Lut. lonvm.
pay, soldier, Prompt. ; soudiouu, S3.Sound, ib. a rwoon, S3; see swowne. Cp. OK.ror~doicr(Dncangc).
Sounen, a. to roond, Cz, P P ; sownen, Sowen, V . to sow, S, PP : sawe, S ;
Cz, S2, Wz, P P ; sowndsn, l'rompt.; souwen, PP; aewe, pi. s., W ; sew, H :
sunen, S.--AF. snaer, ronru; Lat. sorare. rewen, pi., S ; seowe, $t. $.
Sounyng, rb. sounding, Sz.
sowun,pp., W ; sowe, G; ;emsawen,3.Soupen, u, to sop, drink gradnally, to AS. sdwa*.
eaL supper, P, W, Cz ; sowpen, S3.-OF.
Sowse, u. to immerse in brine, to plunge
souper. Of Teotosic origin. Cp. Sup.
in water, to drench with rain, Polsg., S3;
Souper, sb. supper, c ; soper, C, c2, souse&,$$.,~iclcled,Sh. ; soust, drmched,
Speoser r.-Yrom 01'. salrse, sauce ; Lat.
G.-OF. roiaper, AF. roper.
Souple, &. ssnpple, pliant, C, Cz.OF. marpie, bestcn, defeated (Bartsch) ; Sowse, sb. a dish of pickled food, a<ridiwm, Voc.
Lat. sujplicem, rubmissivc.
Soure, a+. sour, acid, P P ; sur, S ; Sowthe, 4 south, Prompt. : sothe,
soure, ndu. sourly, C2, P. Comb. : sour- 5 3 ; SO%,s. Comb.: Soup-hamteasire,
Sz ; su8-saxe, Sossex, SD.don;, leaven, W ; sollraow, W ; souraow3, Haml>sl~ire,
w.-AS. s,il.; cp. 1 ~ ~ 1 , & sdrde,ui AS. rd8 : OliG. rwizd~nna,from the south
(Matt. 13. 33:.
Souren, u. to sour; sowria, pp., made Sowtherne, a@. southern, Prompt. ;
souperon, 5 2 ; nouthren, C3 ; sothroun,
sour, W.
Sours, $8. source, origin, c z ; soaring, 53 ; suthroun, S3.
Cbl.-Ol?. soirrse, R spriiig oi wattr; Late S o p , n i i j brown (as ofwithered leaves),
Lat. suija, a late pp. f. form from Lat. S3.-OF. sor (Roland); cp. F. seure. Of
Teutonic origin. See Seere.
mrp-e (OF. ~oni?-e,
pp. sois, roirrs).
Souse, u. to strike, dash, RD, SkD; S p ~ cpi.
, s. of Speken, q. v.
souce, Spenser I. See below.
Spzche, $6.speech, S ; see Speche.
Souse, rb. the downward plui~geof a Spak, ae. wiisc, prudent, quiet, gentle,
bird of prey, RD. (Originally the same as SL1 ; spake, H D ; spaklishe, adu., SD ;
Sours, nsrd of a hawlc's flight.-W. 16'. S.> spalrii, S2.-Icel. ipakr, quiet, gentle, wise.
Soutere, sb. cobbler, S3; souter, P P ; Spale, $6, u chip of wood, splinter, S,
sowter, Cnth., NU.-AS. szilcre (Voc.) ; SU ; spalle, Prompt. ; spolle, Prompt. ;
Lat. szator.
spole, Voc.-Icel. ipoir (spala, gen. pl.).
Souteresse, s6.awomanshoc-seller, P. Spang, sb. a metal fastening, brooch,
Souenaunce, sb. remembrance, 5 3 . clasp, buciile ; apangs,$l., S3.-AS.rpange
OF. soseaarzic, also sormennnce (Cotg.), (Grein).
from sovaiir; Lat. s86burnirt.
Spangele, id. a small plate of shining



Squyler, $6. dish-washer, Sz ; sqwyl- C2.-AS.



sienliion; see Sweet, Alztlolare, l'rompt., SkD ( 5 . 7 . icniicry): swyl- Saron Prir,ier, 83. 37.
lere, Voc.-OF. sc-rulier (Ducange) ; Late Stalle, ib. place, irate, station, prison, siutciari*~~t,
one in charge of the stall, b o ~ t hPI',
, Prompt.; steal, S ; stab
dishes (Ducange) : from Lut riuUNn. (It Prompt.: stale, S3.-AS.
steel: OHG.
seems to have been confilsed with szuiiltr; rial (Otfrid).
see SkD, s v . sczrl1evy.-W.W.S.)
Stallit, pp. placed, S3.
Squylerey, sb. room foru,ashing dishes Stallyn, u. to enthrone prelates, Prompt.
in, a SCUIIOI~,
Slt~.-Cp. O F . ~risriilr; Stalworse, a& stoat, strong, sturdy,
Late Lat.snrtrNa~.i~~,,s,
' l o c ~ ~ s u breponon.
S,, G ; stalworth,
11 (pp, 26, 87);
tar scntellae' ( D u c u n ~ e ) .See above.
rtslword, Sz ; stalworthy, S3. Prompt. :
Sqware, 4. Ssquare, Prompt. ; aware, ntalworpe.t, sl?pcri., s2 ; stalwortv, a h .
Si.-Oh'. ciguerre; ez+puadmm ; stnrdily, sz. Com6 : gta~worth-hede,itulc p . It. sgatadra.
wartness, SI.-AS. sielwurb (Chron. unn.
Srid,pt. r. clothed, S ; see Schrouden. 8g6).
Srud, $6.dress, S ; see Schrond.
Stamyn, rb. stamine, linsey-woolsey
cloth, u gnrment mvde of that material,
Ss-; see Soh-.
Prompt., Cath. (71) ; $tamin, S ; starnine,
sseawere, r&, a mirror, s2;
HD.-OF. estiil,iinc,tamine, also a strainer
Sseawy, a,to show, Sa ; see schewen.
Stamyn, sb. the stem, bows of a vessel,
Ssedde ; see under Scheden.
S z ; stamyne, Catb. (n).-Icel.
Ssede ; see itrrder Schade.
sfamn, a post, prow~post,also stern~post;
Ssolde, should ; sce S~holbe.
cp. It.stnminr, the npright ribs or pieces of
Ssoldren, pi. shoulders, S z ; see Schul- timber of the inside of u ship, of our shipdere.
wrights called foot-stocks (Florio).
Stable,nQ. constant, firm,fined.Cz,W, standen, to w n d , to cost, be valid,
P P ; stabli, adu., W.-AF. csialie; Lat. S ; stonden, S, Sz, C z , W ; stant, pi.. s,
S, Sz, S3 ; stont, S ; stand, Sz ; rtonte,
Stable, u. to establish, confirm. to cause Sz; a t o ~ e , p s.,
t , s z ; pi, S a ; rtoden. SI,
to rest, S3, W, l', C ; Y-stabled, %.-OF.
Cz ; stude, S3 ; i-stonde, pj., S.-AS.
rtaniian, pt. st&, pp, re-sta7zrlcn.
Stablischen, eslnblish, \V; stab- Stane, id. ,fat itone, S ; see Stoon.
lisse, PP.-OF.
establiss-, stem of rstob- Stang, sb, stagnant pool ; stanc, S i ;
iiiinni, pp. of estabiir.
stank, IIU ; stsngis, pi., H ; stange3,
Stac,$t. s. closed up, S1; see Steken. 5 2 ; stbunkis, 11.- 01'. Erial28, esian
Stad, pp. bestead, circumstanced, beset, (e~tnnc);Lnt. itnpiuni.
WA, Sz-Icel.
sfaiid+, circumstanced, Stangen,~.
to prick, to throb, HD, 11.
Swed, stadd.
Der. : stangynge, torment, H.
Btaf, s6. a star, stick, a letter of the Stannyris, sb,pL the small stones and
alphabet, PP, S D ; staffe, Prompt. ;staues, gravel at tile side of a river, S3. See Stoon.
pi, Sz, PP. Conab. : stef-creft, the art of Staple, 16. a loop of iron in a wall used
grammar, S ; slaf-slinge, staff-sling, Cz ; for fastcuing chains, S3 (p. qp).-AS.
staff-slynge, I l U ; staff-dyngere, staff ~tapz~i(Voc.j.
slinger, HD.-AS. siirl; staff, stick, twig, Starf, pi. s. died, Sz, C s ; see Steruen.
letter written on a twig, see Weigand (s. v. starin, *. to $tare,
buchsfa6) : CP. Icel. ~ f a f rOHG.
stab, bnoh- SD; .tare, CZ, s 3 , P P ; starinde, pr. p.,
stab (Tatian).
S ; stareand, S2.-AS. stariarz.
Stair% 4. steep, WA ; stayre, Stark, ad/. strong, firm, severe, S, ~3 ;
W A (12).
starro, S ; starke, $L, C2.-AS.
Staire, sb. stair, ladder, WA. AS. OS. itare.
dkfcger. See Stien.
Starnys,pl. stars, S3: see Sterne.
Stal, Stal1,pt. s. of Stelen.
Stat, sb. state, conditioi~, S a ; rtaat,
Stale, $6. stealing, S.-AS. ifoiic.
existence (=Lat. statss), W. Cf. Eatat.
Stalken, u. to slep slowly, C, G ; Stapelien, to eslahlish; 3e-st~peled,
stalk-, Prompt.; stalked 11M,jt. _i. I@., p.6, S.-AS. ge~ta6eiod.

Stapelnesse, sb, stability, SD; stapel.
nes, Sz.-AS.


Stent, sb. slopping-place, S3.
Stenten, a. to cruse, pause, CM; see

Statut, sb. statute, PP; stmtute. P P ; Stynten.

statutes, p i , Sz, PP. Comb. : statute- Steoren, v. to perfixme with incense, S.

c p .AS. stPra+i(Lco). See stor.

law attached. S3-AF. stafzrt (esfai*~t)
; steoren,
u. lead, direct, s ; see steren.
Lat. rtatut,'7,&.
Steorren,pl. stars, S ; see Sterre.
Stauea,pr.s,stows away, Sz ; atawed, Step-barn, sb. orphan, H.-Cp. AS.
jp., Sz ; see Stowyx.
xtep~czld,olphan, Ps. 67. 6 (VP) ; AS.
Steal, ib. place, state, S ; see Stalle.
orphaned; cp, QHG, Jlj$
Steapre ; see Stepe.
Stepe, aG. rteep,WA, SIID-AS. itfa$.
Stea3, pt. s. of Stien, q. v.
Stepe, a@. bright, shining (of eyes), CM,
Stede, sb. steed, horse, S, Cz, PP, WA. C, S3, H U ; steapre, comp., S.3 (p. 426).
Comb.: stede-bao, horseback, PP.-AS.
strong, stout, firm, S, HU.
stkia, from sfdd,a collection ofhorses,a stud. s,, store,
Stede, $8. place, Pl', S, Sa, S3; stude, Stere, ~ b tiller,
helm, rudder, steeringS ; rtide, W, Wz ; stud, Sz; sted, S3, gear, the stern of a ship, C3, S ; steere,
C o d . : ~tedefast~steadfast,
S ; stedefast- w z; .tiere, IT. Conrii. : sterelees, withliohe, steadfastly, S ; rtedfastly, C z ; out a rudde~.,Sz, C3 ; rterman, steersman.
stedefastnesse, hrmncss, C2.-AS. stede : v ~ ~ . - &i,
I ~ ~rndder.
~ .
0s. stcdi: Goth. stadi (stern ofstoths).
Stere, s,j, helmsman, c3,s2.
Stee, $6. a ladder, W*, H D ; sties,p1., Steren, u . to lead, direct, steer, S, 33,
HD. See Stien.
P P ; steir, B ; steoren, S.-AS. stdorarz,
Steef, Stef; see S t ~ f .
Steer, rb. a young ox, C! PP.-AS.
Steren, u. to stir, tomove, Sz,WA, P P ;
~ t / ;wcp. 1-at. see Curtms,No. 232. see stiren.
Stef-creft, sb. the art of grammar, S ; Sterlinge, sb. coin, penny of standard
see Staf.
ci~rrency, ~ 3 PP,
SkD.-Cp. Low Lat.
Stefne, ib. voice, S : sce Steuene.
Sterne, sb. star, WA, H , S2 : stern, S*,
steghe, u, to ascend,H ; see &!tien.
B ; rtarnys, p i , S3.- Icel. sf@r,zn. Cf.
Steghere, rb. rider, H.
staple, the slaplc to which a prisoner is by

Steir, u, to stir, S3; se: Stiren.

to fasten, SD, WA ; stelye,
u., to be fastened up, P ; stekez, in@.pL,
Sa; stao, pt. s., S z ; stak, SkD (s.v.


Sterne, adj. stern, Prompt. ; sturne,

s,. . t e r Y n , w ~ ;sterin, H D ; steryne,

s ; adu., S ; sterne, 1'P;
.ternelioh, CM, PP. Der.: sturnhede,
s~.-As. sgnzc.

2~ ;'.ti.,,,,pi,

.?tick); storen, pli.. Sz ; Y-steke, G ;

i-steke, G-Cp.
OIIG. stecharr, to fix, Sterre, sb. star, S, Sz, S3, Ca, C3, W,
pierce, p t .it& (PI. J ~ A A * P~P) .,@ ' - s ~ ~ c Ap~p ~
; z,
S ; steorren,
S ; steore.,
see Otfrid.
S ; sterris. W, PP ; aterren, S, Sz. Coli'b. :
Stelen, v . to steal, to go stealthily, P P ; ~ t ~ . ~ ~ - lst.?r~ig~>t,
i h t , s?. ~ c r . i-stirret,
s t e l , pt. J., S ; st-I, C z , W ; stalll, 33: starred, S ;
SD.-AS. stcorra :
stalen, pl., S ; stelen, S ; stole, pp-a
cp. OHG. iterro (Tutiiln).
Corizb.: s t e l ut, stole out, S ; stal ut, b. Stert,sb.tail, plongh-hnndle, S, Prompt.,
-AS. s f e i w ilt. ~ f e l ( ~ sfhio+2),
HD ; the stalk of fruit, HI), palsg.;
Stelse, sb. stealth, Pi' ; stalthe, SkD. .t..t., voc. C O , ~:~steort-naket,
Ct Stouth.
"aked, S.-AS. sttort; cp. Icel. sterlr.
Stem, sb. vapoiir, ray of light, flame, 3; stert, $8. a start, quick movement, C.
steem, Prompt.-AS. rtCari~.
Sterten, a. to start, Sz, C, B, PP;
Stemin, u. to steam, shine, gleam, C, ~ t i ~i,,~p.
t , 5.. S ; stirte, pt. s., S ; stirt,
S3. CM.-AS. stdrnan (SkDl.
S ; sterte, C, G ; atert, SL; stert, pj.,
Stene,sb.astone jar,SD,Trevisaq. 1 1 5 ; Ca ; y-stert, C.
s t e e n e s , p i , SL. See below.
Steruen, u. to die, S z , S3,Cz; sterfev,
Stenen, a,+'. made of stone, S.-AS. pv. s., S; starf, jt. s.. Sz, C z ; sturuen,
sthnm (Voc.). Sec Stoon.
pl,, S ; sturfe, S ; storuen, C3 ; stoNe,





H. Concb.: stound-mele, ' Strapes, J. pi. escheats, goods of

at times, S3.-AS. stand: OS. itz~iida;cp. s t r a ~ g e r idead without English-horn issue,
OHG. stzmto, ' tempus, horv' (Tatian).
and of haslards dead intestate, P P ; atreyStounden, u. to be for a time; s t o ~ ~ n duer,P.-Cp.OF.est~nhiere(Godefroyj,also
ea,pt. i., S D ; rtunaen,p/. (=rtunaeaen), esil.ayp>.c (see Cotg.), Low Lat. crfrcen'a :
Latc Lut. crtratar.ia ; ep. rirrater (DuS.
Stoapen, u. to stoop, W (john zo. 5 ) , cange). For the u intrusive see Parvis.
Strecchen, u. to stretch, I'P ; streke,
C3 ; stowpen, CM, 1IU.-AS, itzipian.
i strecche 0% to exert (one self), Sz ;
Stour, $6.conflict, commotion,
Sz, B, J D ; stowre, S3 ; stoure, IIU; Strekis, pr. s., I 1 ; stnu3te, pt. r., W ;
W ; strei>t, Sz ; strei>ten,pi,
stoures.pi,Cz ; stow re^, S 2 . - ~ ~ . e i f o r ~ , ,Streiite,
estor, ri!zn.(Roland) ; cp. Icel.
a stir, W ; strekid, H ; strekand,pr. p., S2, H ;
strekyng, S3; strekid,$$., H ; strahte,
tomult, battle.
stour, to move quiclily,
stow- $1.) S i straughte, C.-AS. sh-eccan, !lt.
strchtc, pp. streht.
rand, $7. $., S3.
Stouth, $6. steullh, S3.-Icel. stz~idr.- Stree, sd. straw, C ; see Straw..
Strem, sd. stream, ray, hcum,S,Sz, Cz,
Cf. Stelthe.
Voc. ; streem, C.-AS.
rtrianr : Ice!.
S t o v ~ s~, 6 pi.
. vapours, S3 ; see Stew. st7au,,,r; see Douse, p. G ~ .
Stow~n,u. to stow,
Stren, sd. race, prugeny, H D ; streen,
staue=,pr.s., Sz: stouwet,pp., c z ; streones, $1, S.-AS.
sb~on,a get.
P P ; Etawed, S2; stmed, S2 ; stewed, ti,g, possession (Leo).
PP.-AS. st6wiiarz (OET).
Strend, sb. generation, Sz : strindr,pi.,
Stra, s6. straw, S ; see Strawe.
Straight (for strait), ad/.closc-fittins, strenen, u. to get, beget, HD : 3etight, Sj ; see streyt.
strell8, pr. s., S ; i-streoned, pp., S ; iStrain, u. to distrain, S3.-AF. dcs striene*, S.-AS, rtrionaii, ,oe-rtriotzar~;
f76i9zdrc (Pr. p. drifrei~sant). See Strey- ep. OHG. ( g i ) ~ t l ito~ gain
~ ~ ~ti^^).
~ ~ ~ ,
Strenge, r6. a t i i n ~ ,S3; H (p. 367) :
Strand, sb. stream, torrent, Sz, S3, H ; strynge, Prompt-AS. 1t7-t~ifi
rtronde, W z ; strynd, JD.
Strengen, u. to strenethen, S D ;
Strande, sb, bank, sliore, WA.
rtreng, in$, r., S.-AS. strarzgiati. See
Strang, ad/. strong, S ; see Btronge. Slronge.
Strangelyn, u. to snffocate, Prompt. ; Strengse, $6.strength, violence, S, S2 ;
estrangle, NED ; astrangle, NED, MD; strenae, S ; stren8e,S, Sz ; strengthes,
astrangeled, pp., S2.-AF.
ritrmzyipr; pi, sonrces of strength, Cz: strenthis,
Lat. s t i . n ~ ~ ~ ~ z y iof
, i aGr.
~ ~ c origin
; cp.
strong places, S3.-AS, itreta#Ut~.
-&An, halter.
Stren sen, a. lo strcngthcn, S D ;
Strapeles, s d p l fastenings of hrecches, strengdi' him, pr. s,rflez.,S ; strenghS ; straauls, Voc.; rtrapils, Cuth.-AS.
ped,pt. s., Sz ; pp., Sz ; i-strengpea, S.
rt?ap*d1nr (Voc.).
Strengthy, ad/. strong; strenehie,
Strate, s6. way, street, S ; see Btrete. J D ; rtrenghthi, H.
Stratly, adv. closely, Sz ; see streyt. Strenken, v . lo sprinl~le,S.
Straunge, a+ strange, foreign, C, Strenkil, a. to sprinkle about, H ;
Prompt. ; strange, C.-AS. eitrn?zfe; Lat, strenkelyn, Prompt. ; strenkle, Sz ;
slrinkle, H D : strenkild, pp., H.
Straunge, u. to beaime strange ; etrenkyl, sd. a sprinlrling, a Iroly-wnter
strangep, pr. s., Sz ; rtr&nngid,pp,,HD. stlcli, Prompt.; strenkle, H D ; strinklc,
Strawe, sb. straw, Prompt. ; stm, S, I I D : strennclesJ,pi, S.
Cnth ; stree, C, Prompt. Conih, : straw Streones, sb. p i progeny, S ; see Stren.
beri, strawberry, S D ; rtrabery, Cath. ; st rep en,^. to strip, Cz, CM; streepo,
C ; rtrupen, S.-AS.
strjpan (in bcstraberi-wgthe, Cnth.-AS. sbeaw,stria; sb$jarr).
cp. Icel. st&, see Sieveis, 250.
Strete, id. way, streel, PP, S ; strate, S ;
Strayny, p?. s. rub. restrain, S z ; see atret, S.-AS. s t r k t : 0.5. strdta; Lat.
strZfa (uia) ; see Sievers, 17.
a h . , at times,




Streynen, u. to dmw t i ~ h t ,Cz, W, Stund, sh. time, occasion, period, inWz, PL'; strzyny, p r . s. s*/+, Sz.-AF. stant, S ; see Stonnde.
stmi$*- base of ift,eiprarzf, pr. p. of strein- Stunt, a,+
blont, not sharp, obtuse,
dye (di-ailidre) ; Lat. s f r i ~ i ~ e r e .
Streyt, pp. a n d mij.
narkow, rlnct, S2, C ; atreite, S3, C ;
s t r a i g h t , S3: Strayte, pl., Sz; streyte,
adu. closely, S2, C : streitliche, S a ;
r t r a t l y , Sz: streatly, S3.-AF. estreit
(eih-ait) : Lat, stl-iifuni.
Strif, d. strife, S : r t r y f , C.-AF.

foolish, SD, HD, SkD; stuntlic, aiiu.,

foulishly, SII. Ucr.: st~mtneaae,foolishness, SD.-Cp. OSwed. sf<mt, cnt short.
Sturdy, ad/, obstinate, stern, cmel,
SD.-OF. eitoiiriii, &mazed, rush (Cotg.:,
e~fovdi,pp. of estordir; from Lnt. turdsrr,
a thrush; see Fijrster, ZliP, x. 84.
estrq; of Teutonic origin; see below.
Sturdynesse, sb. sternness, disobeStrifen, u, to strive, Sz ; stryvyn, dience, Prompt., Cz.
Prompt. ; strof, $t. s., C.-OF. eslriver: Stufioun, ~ 6 durgeon,
Sz, HD.-AF.
Prov. esiribar; OIIG. stribldaii ; cp. G. ituliozm; Low Lat. siu~ioizenz;from OFIC.
rfrcben; sue l<loge (s.v.), and Mackel, dnrio,
Sturne, Sturn-bede ; see s t e r n e .
Strike, rb. hank of flax, C, *ID.
Sturuen, pi.$/. died, S ; see Steruen.
Btriken, u. to strike, to mb, to let Sty, sb. path, Sa, Prompt. ; s t i s h e ,
down, to advance, lo move qnickly, to dat, H ; stighes, pt., H ; .tiher, sz;
flow, Sz, S k D ; stryke, l'p, Palsg.; strok, .ti,.,
s z ; styes, H ; .teghe., H.-AS.
pi. s., P P ; stroke, P, W W : strake, S3, sf(e, seestien.
WW ; strook, Sh. ; strck, SkD ; strike,
Sty, 56. sty, poriariffm, Prompt. Co*~*b.:
pl., S ; stx;Lke, s z ; strocke, S 3 ; atrikea, rty-ward,
steward, seneiiaiius, Prompt.,
$p., PP, WW : striken, WW : stricken,
C 3 ; Stiward, 5, c ; steward, p p ;
WW : strooke, Sh.-AS.
strhaf*,pt. st,lward,
a sty,
2f~dc(PI. x ~ > ~ < opp.
, z ) r/~ice+$,
whence sl@oeard. ,,
Strogelen, u. l o struggle, C3, Slm.
Styf, ndj. stiff, strong, violent, PP, S? ;
Strogelynge, sb. strllggling, Prompt. s i f , S, SZ, PP : steer, wz ; atef, PP.
Stronde, sb. shore, strand, Prompt., S, &I.: stef-he&, st~~rdiness,
Sz.-AS. s t y ;
C. C?. HD.-AS. iti.aad C t Strande.
sce SkD.
Stronde, $6. stream, torrent, W z ; sec Styh,pt. s. mounted, Sz ; see Stien.
Stynten, a. l o slint, cenrc, pause, PP,
Stronge, a@ stl-ong, hard, severe, Sa, H ; ntinten, Cz, C3, S2, S ; stunten,
Prompt., S L : s t r o n g , S : s t r a n g , S, SI ; 1'P; stente, C z , S3 ; pt. s., Ca ; s t i n t , Sz :
rtronge, adz., S, G : strengre, co17ap.,
S ; stynted, pl., S3 ; stent, pp., C.-AS.
strengere, S, S z , Wz ; strenzer, C z ; sfynfaii, to malie short. See S t u n t .
strengeste, supel%, S ; atrengest, G.Sty-ro~,stirrup, Prompt., G : stirop,
AS.str?irig comp. drei*$or., superl. ~ h - ~ n f t s fS,
. C Z ; stiroppe, s3.-AS. sfif--,-& ((Voc.).
Strook, sb. stroke, Cz. See s t r i k e n . See Stien.
Stroyen, a, to rlestroy, PP, G, S3; SU-;see also Sw-.
s t ~ n y e n P, ; stroy, Sz, Sh.; s t r u e n , pr. Sua, so, as, S,S z ; see Sws.
pi, P P ; rtryede,pt. s., S1.-AV. drdr,a~y- Sual, d ,swell (as of the sea), 11. See
base of destr.ziyn?zf, pr. p. ol iicifntirc; swellen.
Late Lat. *dcrlr2igo-e; formed on Lat. suank, pi.p[, toiled, sz; see swinken,
deitn<ctus,pp. of dcitnrer.e.
Sublymatorie, sb. vessels for sublistrupen, a. to stlil,, S ; see Strepen. mation, C3.-Late Lat. sublit,~,ratoriut~.
Stuard, 16. steward, S ; see Sty.
Sublymen, u. to sublimate, C3.-Lnt.
Stubbe, $6. stomp, trunk, C ; =tub, sz~bii~>~ii,~ni.c.
Sublyming, 56. sublimation, C3.
Stucche, sb. piece, S;ateche, S.-AS.
Sucoinis, sb. umber, Sz.-From Lat.
S~Y" : OlHG. 'fubi (Tutian).
sxrcinu?iz tVoc.).
~ t u d e. , i ,.. . ;: . Stcde
Sudarie, , 2 % .I;:,.,\\ ; sudary, i l l ) .
stues, . ..' . i t , \;, I?..;, ': .!. ' , , I . ;
I . : . r l . . : , . ? ,i I:.
src Stewc.
( Sudekene, ' . ;a . .c..: r, I ! 1.).



Sur, adj soar, S : see SOU?.

Sure, ne. sure, PP.-AF. .wCr; Lat


Suren, w. to give security to, PP, S3.

Surety, $4. surety; s e w t e e , C3, Sz

renrte, C ; souene, S3.-AF.

I&. ieacritafenc.
Burfait, $6.surfeit, excess, P ; rurfet
PP.-AF. iqfait, nr@t, outrage, annoys""-

euo, Sz. C07186. : re-for& so fir, S ; aogat, in mch i way, Sz.-AS, iiud.
Swage, u. to assuage, diminish, IT', m-2,
H. S3. See Aswagen.

Swaliden, pt. pi. dried up, W ;



Swamish, o 4 , timorous, inazc<?a(aculur,


See Sweem.

- - . sb. a stroke, IID.
Swappen, u. to strike, slash, to fall

Surplys, i6. surplice, C3.-OF.~z6i9lii suddenly, C2 ; swap, imp. s., Ca ; swspte,

Late Lut. sl*perpelliccum.
pt. :., cz ; $I,,33.
Surquidry, rb. plide, arrogance, WA
Swarde,$6. coverins, skin, turfy snrface,
surquedw, ND, Spcnser 2 ; surquiarie. sward, Prompt.; swarth, ~ a t h('. p. 373);
CM ; sucoudry. B.-OF. suvcuiderie, fron swarthe, H D ; swart, H D ; sweard, HD.
nr9,cuiiier; Lut. i i @ d r + cogifarc, to thinli. Der. : swsrdit, pp., grass-covered, S3.AS. sweai,Z, skin (Voc.) ; cp. Icel. iuoi-8r
Surrye, sb. Syria, Sz.
(base iua73a-), skin of tile head, also the
Surryen, ad/ Syrian, Sz.
sward. surface of the earth.
Suspect, $6,suspicion, C z , I-ID.-Latr
Sware, ad/. square, Sz : see Sqware.
Lur. snipecizrs, ~llipicion(Dncunge).
Swart, a&. black, S, H D ; swarte, S.
Suspect, a@ open to suspicion, Cz.Lnt. siirptctar, pp. of suspiicre, lo suspect. A S . swrart: OS. $wart:. co. OHG.
itLars (Tatim).
Sustene, u. t o swtain, C z ; susteene.
C3 ; susteyne, P P ; sustened, pp., Cz ; Bwarve, swerve, S3 ; see Sweruen.
Swat ; see Swot.
i-susteined, S z ; i-sourteined, 5'2.-AF.
Swatte, Swat; see Sweten.
rrrifeiecs; OF. roiiclzir; Lat. ~urtiiieve.
Suster,sb.sister,S. Cz,C3,PP; soster, Swe, u. to follow, S3; see Suen.
Sz ; sostre, P ; sustren, p i , S, P ; sos- Sweande; see Sweyen.
tren, S z ; zostren, S z ; siatren, C ; Sweem, $6. a EWOOII,
trance, grief,
siatris, W.-AS.
swtrrfer, sroeosior; ~ p .l'rompt., SkD (s.v. sguran~iiii); nweam,
Goth. s?vister (Icel, syslir), cognate wlth 'subita aegrotntio,' SkD : swaim, Prompt.
Lat. somr (for *mior), SLt. svair. On the (n) ; swem, S ; sweme, SkD, I I D ; rume,
Teutonic inlrt~rive1 see Douse, p. 61.
S2.--1cei. iucinzr, a bustle, slir.
Sute, $6. suit of clothes, clothing 01 Sweigh, $6. sway, motion, Sz, C3. See
hrlma~iflcsh, also tmin, si~itr,PP, Cath., Sweyen.
Prompt.-AF. sryfc; froin suiwrc, S ~ W Y to
Bwele, u. to wash, Sz; see Swilien.
follow. See suen.
Swelen, u. to sweal, to waste away
Sukel, a*. manifest, SD: aute~iche, illrder the action offire, SkU,Trevisa, 3.325;
ads. plainly, S.-AS. srucaiol (szuutol), sec swale, HD ; swaliden, p!. pL, dried up,
O E T ; from izotof, an assembly; cp. Icel. W.-AS. s?oPimz; from swdl, heat (OET).
Swellen, u. to swell; swal, pi, s., S,
Sz, Cz, P P ; swollen, $p., Cz.-AS.
Sutoli, adu. subtly, W ; see sotyle.
Sutelin, a. to be manifest, S.-AS, iwelian, pt. swcnli, pp. swotIt7e.
Swelten, u. to faint, to die, I'P; nwalt,
pt. s., SD ; awulten,pi, SD ; swelte, pt.
&Is, a& soatil, S ; see Sowthe.
s. (weah), C, HD.-AS, szirelfan, to die, pt.
Supe, adu. very, S ; see swithe.
szuraif (pl. swfriton) ; cp. Icel. surlta.
Suppe, afterwalds, since, S, S z ; see Swelten, a. to destroy, to cause to
perish, Sa ; swelt,pp., SD.-Iccl. suella, to
Suthroun,alii.sauthern,S3; sce sowth. pul to dcath (cansnl of the above).
Swelth, $6. offsconring, fil~h,S3, HD,
Suun, sl. a swoon, Sz ; see swowne.
ND. See Swilian.
Suwed,pp.followed, Sz ; see suen.
Swelwen, w. to ssaliow, C z ; sec
Swa, a h . and on/. so, as, S, Sz ; swo: Swolowen.
S ; sa,S,Sz;ro,S,Sz;se,S;sua,S,S~; Swem, sb. a grief, S : see Sweem.


Swenchen, u. to distress, afflict, S ; Sweyen, u. to sound, PP ; soreion, S.
-AS. (causal of swdpii). See
sueneten, $1. pi, S ; i-nwechte,pp., S.AS. swoiian (causal of switicanj. See Swowen.
Sweyne, sb. servant, ani8iftf: Prompt.,
S ; s w w n , Cz, G ; swein, S ; sneyn, S ;
Sweore, sb. neck, S ; see Swere.
suePo, Sa.--1cel. rutinn, s boy, lad, serSweote, "(0 iisiieet,S ; see swete.
cP. AS. J
~ ~ ~ ~ .
Swep, ib. drift, meaning,S. See swopen.
Swi-, prr/z, silent. Cojrii,.: swi-dsges,
swepe, whip, SD ; swellen, pi, S ; still
days, days of silence, 5 ; rwi-n~esse,
awupen, S ; swepes, S.
Canon of thc Mass, tlie sileut Mass,
swepen, a. to sweep, SkD; y-swepe*, the
s ; swi.wike, the still weel<, SI).-.~S.
pp., C3. See Bwopen.
swipe, silence.
Swerde,sb. sword, Prompt., P P ; swer%
u. to be silent ; swig&, pr. $.,
PP, S , Ca ; sweord, S ; suers, S, Sz ; s ; swicae,
euord, Sz.-AS. iwtord: OS. iwcrd; cp.
OHG. suiiBi,i (.Tstitian),
OHG. s w c ~(Tatian).
sb, neck, S ; see Swire.
Swere, 16. neck, S ; sweer;, G ; see Swiere,
Xwike, sb. traitor, deceiver, S ; sllikes,
pi., S.-AS. suira.
Sweren, x. to swear, S, Sz, Cz ; swe- Swike, $8. mouse-trap, S ; swyke, Voc. ;
rien, ; sueren, ; swor, pt. i., s : suer,
deceit, S2.-AS, rruiie, 'scandalurn'
S, Sz ; sware, Sz ; sweren, PL, S ; Suik,
sworen, S, Cz ; suoren, S ; suore, Sz ;
Bwike, a 4 dpceitful, SD. C~JJ**.
nrvoren,pp., s ; swore, c z , G ; y.swore,
tleaciiery, S, $ 2 ; suikedom,
sz,cz; i-saore, sz.-~s.swrrian, swikedom,
Sz ; swioful, treacirrro~~s,
S ; swikulll,
iwdr, pp. iworm.
1I.-AS. swiie.
Swering, 16. sivearin& C3.
Bwikel, a 4 treacherous, S, 11; silril,
Sweruen, a. to swerve, SkD; swame, H ; Swiki~ly,adv.,11. coiiib.
: swikelS.1; auaruins, pr. p., S3 ; swaruea, 2IP.. dam, trenchery, ; swi)rel~ome, s2 ;
S3.-AS. s?oeovan. lo rub, pt, ~ w e PP.
a ~ nwike~heae,trenchcry, S ; swi~relede,S ;
ruikelhede, Sz.-AS, iwicoi.
Swete, a 4 sweet, S, C ; sweote, S ; Swiken, u. to cease, fail, deceive, S ;
ruete, S, S L; S D D ~ ~S2
, ;
C Z , C3i swyken, 1%; suyken, pi pi., S.-AS.
swete, aiiu., S : swote, S, C ; 8oote. S3 ; rtuiian. pt, swdi (pl. r?uiiail>,pp. szuiicn.
soot, S a ; swettere, co,,ip.. W z ; swete- swilien u, to
S I ~ D swelc,
liche, ndu.,sweetly,S; swetlike, S ; swet- -AS, swiij
t e r l r , <or@. more swectli, H. a
t:.gwilk, ad/: such, H, S ; see swyche,
swetnesas, swcctnne, S ; swotnesse, 3.Swin,*l..1% $or<=r3SD; svwne, Voc.;
i w ~ t eie
,w;Li; ep. 0 1 5 ~Juoii
pi. S.-AS. swim.
Swinden, u. to perish, dwindle away, S;
'weten, '. to make sweet, S'-AS'
S.-AS. rwindan, pt. ivrand(p1.
wita an.
swundoian), pp. rwndeir.
Sweten, u. to sweat, S , P ; sw*ttc,pt. swing, bias, inclination,
I., S, C2, C3, w=: SmatteS. 9 pt.
S ; free course of be,laviour, S:,; swinge,
swat,pl.,S3.-AS. irtdian, pt. swhltc. See sway, s3,
u. to swing, heat, whip,
Sweuen, $6, dream, S, C z ; sweuene, Swingen,
g,i smugen, 1%;swungen,pp., S ;
S, Sz, p. W ; swefnee,pl,, S.-AS. s?vebn: swongen, 11; s w o n g y n , ~ . - ~ ~ . s w j
OS. swrban.
pt, iwanf (pl. iw2i+zgoa),py, rrvt~iien.
Sweuenen, u, to dicam, SD.
Swink, sb. toil. S, C3; swynk, S a ;
Bweuening, $6. dreaming, S, Sa.
swino, S ; suino, S ;swinch, S; swunohe,
Sweuien, u. to send to sleep; sweue%, S.-AS. (fe)swinc.
pr. r., S.-Icel. iuei/o,to lull to sleep.
to toil, S, C3,ND;swynke,
Bweyen, u,to sway, to go, wnlli, pars, Sz, C ; swincke, S3 ; sarirnc, $1. s., S ;
SkD, HD ; sweiaen, SI) ; swe)en, SId) ; swonc, S ; swunken, pi., S ; swonken,
sweande, pr. p., Sz ; swe, p r . pi, Sz ; S1; suank, S2.-AS. s7oi?zian, pt, swanc
eeyed,pp., S2.-Cp. Swed. ivipr;, l o bend. (pl. iwuncon), pp, rwunian.




Swinkere, $8. labourer, C.
Swippen, u. to moveviolently;




tossed, S.-AS.


Swupen, pi. whips, scourges, S ; see

nwipte, SwePe.


Swuve, ads. very, quickly, S ; see

nwyre, Sz, I I D ; Swithe.

sweors, S ; rwere, S : sweere, G; swiere Swyche, niEj such, PP, Sz ; swiche, S,
C2, PP ; S W U ES~;, suich, S Z; soohe, S ;
S ; swyer, HD.-AS. iioioi.a.
Zuyche, 5 2 ; siche, W : swice, S ;
sWirk,v. lo dart, s3.
rwulche, S ; swilch, S ; rwulc, S ; swilc,
Swirk, s6. a jerk, u blow, IID.
S ; swilk, H , S ; ruilo, S ; suilk, S, Sz ;
Swithe, a h . "cry, greatly, much, qnidc- silt, ; sike,
swilc ( =swd +
ly, S, Sz, P, W, G ; swythe, S, Sz, C3 ; lk),
swute, S : suise, S, S* ; sufle, S, Sa ;
swymbel, $6,a giddy
supe, S ; swith, S L; awi%eIiohe,exceed- Dan, suii,i,,zel,

Swire,ii,. neck, CM;




ingly, S.-AS.
sroiSt, ad". from swo,
Swyme, i b . dizziness, vertigo, H D
strong: Goth. sminthirs.
(s. 7,. rwinir), SkD (5. v. s z u i n ~ ,2 ) ; swym,
u. to scorch, burn, SD; swides, sk~.-AS. swiliia
; see SICU (s.v. syueapzpr. i., S.-Icel. i u i t a .
Swo, so, as, S ; see Sws.
Sy, s6. victory, S ; see S i p .
Swogh, sb. a swoon; see Swough.
Syde, a+. %and ad*, wide, long, far,
Cuth. ; side, S, IT, Sz, Colg. (s.v. rohoiz);
Swolowe, rl. gnlf, Wz.
Swolowen, u. to saallow, wz ; swoi- S Y ~ ,l'rompt. (n); s n d , Prompt. : GYY*,
wen, c3; swelwen, c z , ~
~; swoi-~ Prompt.
~ : syader,
pen,$)., S ; i-swolae, S; swolewia, p t . ~ . wide, side, far.
weak, ~ z . - ~ r o mAS, swrlgnn, pt. swealh Syen, pt. pi saw ; see seon.
Syke, sb, sigh, C ; syk, Ca ; seych, 33.
(pi. szoulpgolz), pp. szoolgen.
Swongen,pj.hbeatnl, H ; see Swingen. Syken, u. to sigh, C, C3, P P ; siken, S,
toiled (to get), Sz ; SZ. P P ; syghte, pt. s., C3 ; sicht, S3;
aykede, PP ; syked, Cz ; siaerle, S3.-AS.
see Swinken.
cleanse, Sz, PP, syment,
Swopen, u , to
$6. cement, MD ;
H U , S k u 6.v. swooP).-AS. swdpal*, pt. MD.-OW. ii7,Lent; Lat.
S W ~ ~ ~ ~ Z .
BH, 5 39.
Swor, pt. t. of Sweren, q. v.
Symented, pp. cemented, Sz.
Swot, 86. sweat, PP, W ; swat, S ; Symulacris, $6, pi. images, idols, W ;
swote, u'at., C3.-AS, srud!.
simylacris, W ; symelacris, W.-Lat.
Swote, a+. sweet, S, C ; see Swete.
Swouch, v . to m-ke a rustling sound, Syn, since, Sz, S 3 ; see Siwen.
S3.-AS. szvdlagan. See Swowen.
Synewe, $6. sinew, Prompt. : synow,
Swough, s6. the sound of tlie wind, a Voc. ; synoghe, Sz.-AS. sinu (gen.
sighing, swoon, C, Cz, CM, I I U ; swogh, sinme), see'Sieveis, 259.
S3, HI) ; swowe, Sz, HD. See above.
Syng, s6. sign, S3 ; singne, W ; sygne,
Swowe, $6. swoon, S2 ; see swough. PI' ; signe, PP.-AN. $i&i; Lat. ript'm.
Swowen, u. to faint, swoon, P P ; i- Syngabil, aii/$l. things to sing(=Lat.
swoae, pp., S ; y-swoae, S.-AS. szudgarr. ca*ta6zl<sj211.
to make a noise like the wind, to sough, Syngen, u. to sing, P P ; singen, S ;
sigh. Cf. Swonoh, Swough, Suhien.
song, pt. s., S, S3, C z ; pi, S3; songe,
Swowne, $6.swoon; sowne, S3 ; s u ~ n ,S3; Sungen,$L S ; sunge,$$., S ; gouge,
C2.-AS, siligan.
Sa ; swownde, H D ; sound, S3.
Synguler, a+. sole, alone, excelling
swownen, u. to sruoon, C,
c3, all,
PI' ; singuler, Sa, C3. W z ; relating
Prompt., Cath. ; swoune, PP.
tooneperson,Sa; singula~e,individual,S3;
Swunche, toil, ; see
synguledi, only, Wz.-Lat, sinfdaris.
Swungen, P b beaten, scourged, S ; Synnamome, $6. cinnamon, s 3 ;
see Swingen.
mome, &ID; synamome, MU : synamon,
Swunken, pt. pi. worked, toiled, S ; MU.-OW. iinamorne; Lat. rinnan~ornum
see Swinken.
(Vulg. ; Gr. nrvdpmpov; Heb. pinnaniifi.




Spopyr, $6. a pigmcnt of reddish and

greenish coluur, l'iompt.; aynopsr, S3 ;
cynoper, MLI ; cinoper, ND ; cynope,
green, in heraldry, SkD ( r . v iino$ic).-Cp.
OF. si*zopie,green colour in blazon (Cotg.),
also iiiiope ; Late Lut. ii?ro,biiion,rcd udrrc ;
from Gr. azvonir, a red earth ; from Ziuhsr),
Sinope, a port on the Black Sea.
Syon, i b . scion, a cutting for crafting, a
young shoot, S3, Palsg.; oyun, Prompt. ;
oion, S ~ D; S ~ O USD
~ , ; aiouns, $L,
branches (=Lat.pnlf,8itrr), W2.-OF. iiolz.

Ta, u. to take, Sz, S3; see Take.

Taa. Comb.: the taa, the one, HD.
Taa, sb. toe, Sz ; see Too.
Tabard, d. a short coat or mantle,



Syrupe, sb. syrup, Calh.;

sirop, SI<D;

soryp, l'rompt. ; seroppes, $l syrups, S j .

-OV. i y r o j (Cotg.); Arab. shzmfb, syrup,

a beverage.
sythe, >b, scytl,e, pp, vat. l'rompt.;
.ithe, AS, s{3e j ~ o c , ) *i8ii
( o K ~ );
cp, 1 ~ ~ 1 ,
Syue, $6. sieve. C3, Prompt.-AS. r@
(v,,~.),xihi (OET), see Sievers, z ~ z .

Sy?en,$1. $1. saw ; see Seon.

Syjt, s6, sight, Sz ; see Bighte.

Tache, sb. a clasp, braoch,jfbuia, Calh.


Cf. Takke.
u. to fasten, Cath. (n). Cf.


S ; ses Tokne.
osually rlerveless,forrnerly worn byplough- Tame, ~ b token,
m a , ~noblmcn,~ndileralds,now by heralds Tacnen, u . to betokc~l,S ;takema,#.,
only, HD, SkD, C ; tabart, Sz, PP ; tab- SZ-AS. (gc)liiiniaii.
Tade, 16. toad, hfi,
Voc., Cnth., S z ;
taberd, Voc.; tabeberde, Voc.; tabsre, tadde, S. Con~b.: tadde-ohese, iubcra,
tabard, t a h r t , also ta6ari.c Voc. ; tadde-pol, Antius, Voc.; tadpolle,
(Cotg.); cp. It. tabarro.
lumbricur, Voc. ; tade-stole. bolrlzi, fun,
AS. iddice (tn'riie).
Tabarder, r6. a name for scholars at g " ~ Cath.-Cli.
Queen's College, Oxford, NU.
Taffata, s6. a lhin glassy silk sluff, C,
Tabernacle, $6. a place in which some W A , Cotg.: tzfata, Palsg. ; taffaty, HD.
holy thing is deposited, WA; tabernacles, -Low ia//nta (Docangr); cp. OF.
p i , niches of a lofiy cross, S 3 ; ornamental taffetas (Cotg.).
niches, HD ; shritles, S3 (I. I&).-Lat.
Tahte, Tagte,$t, s. of Teohen.
tabtnzanrhw8 (Vulg.); cp. OF. tabemarie Tai. the,,.
,. s .: see ,be%.
Taille, ~ 6 a. taily, an account scored on
Table, rb. in palmistry, a space bctween
p~eeeof wood, C, P ; taile, CX, P ;
certain lines on the hand, H D ; tabler,PL, tayle, cath., prumpt.; talYy,prompt.-^^.
a game, now called bsclwmmon, CM. See faille, tilt, a notch, a taily (cotg.), from
taillei., t o cut.
Tabour, $6. a small dram, SkD; %%bur, tail lour,^^ tailor, sz, PP ; t ; ~ ~ i
WA ; taber, Voc.-OF. tabor., tllabour.
V O C ;taylaor, Voc.; taylours, PP.-AF.
Taburne, $6. a drum, ty*n$anum, WA, tailiozw. See ahove.
Voc., Cath. ; taburn, 13.
Takel, ib. implement, tuclcle, arrow, C,
Tabyrner, $6. a player :10 the fabor, SkD ; tsole, Pmmpt. ; takil, B. Der. :
trmpaniita, Lath.; taberner,trt~ipaazsafoo, takild, pp., caught, seized, H.-Cp.
Taburnystir, s6. female tabor player Taken, u. to take, to deliver, yield up,
( = t y m p a n i r i a ) , I*.
hand over, tu hit, rcflrr.,to betalie oneself.
Tache, '. . L...trk, .:.,I,, 9; 1 ~ 1 : t v .. t : t . ~ . , ;, .x, >,%,I . , I l','\\ ttecen, .,nt, v,
I \ L ..,:
.I. I l l , : tacche.11: , mcches. -.I, 13: roe.;.
> tok -. * > : tttk,.;;
.r ... I L . ;. tacehis..Ill1 .: teches. j r . / ,. : toke. 2 :.. . > tokell, r . \ \ . : taken.
tached,pp., tainted, stained ; Lchyd, PI'. pj., ~3 take, Sz, C, c;
y-take,%, Cz i
-OF. taibc, leche, and OF. tachel; to spot, ifake, S ; tane, Sz, S 3 ; tan, Sz. PAY.:
to staiil.
taken with, to endure, accept, S ; taken







to, to take to, S (s. v. lok) ; taken ircpe, to Tapinage, s6. secret sctrllring, HD.tnlre heed, Cz ; tsken tome, to vacutc, H. OF. fapiizagc (Uucangc); cp, tirpir, to hide



Taken, sb. tolien, Sz ; see Tokne.

Taking, $6. snare; takyng, Wz.
Takke, $6. button, clasp, Prompt. Cf.


Tapissynge, sb. hangings, 11.

Tappe, s6. a tap, 'iiipidva, I'rompt.
*ewe, SU.

Comi.. : tap-tre, ~iz?iidro,

HD, Cath.

Tappestere, s6. a female tapster, C ;

tapstare,pi-opiaarin, Prompt.
Cf. Tachen.
Takning, s6. algniLcation, S2; see Tarette, $6. ship of hemy bmden, Sz.
-Low Lal. tarcte, also taiiiia (Uucange);
cp. 01'. iar.iiie.
Tal, acg. seemly, Prompt.
Targe, sb. a charter, Prompt.
Talde, pt. s. oi Tellen.
Targe, $6. a small shield, C. Sz, Voc.Tale, i6. account, recl:oning, tale,
tiye, talk, the gospel narrative, S, SZ, CZ, OF. targc (BH); cp. 1a?aaz(e(Colg.).
PP. Con~b.: tale-tellour, talc-bearer, l'P; Target, 16. a small turgc, Prompt. ;
tale-wys, slanderous, P P ; tal-wis, P P . targett, Voc. ; tergate, S3 ; targattes,
AS. taizr, 'numeios, ilarratio'; cp. OIIG. pi., SI<U.--Low Lat. f a r p t a ; cp. It, targhrtta (Florio).
zain 'numrros' (Tatian).
Talen, u. to speak, C, 3s.-AS. ~aiian, Tarien, v . to delay, to hinder, C z ; to
tarry, IVz, S3 ; see Terien.
to reckoil (Grein).
Talent, sb. desire, inclination, appetite, Tarne, ib. a girl, HD.-lcel. prrlia ; cp.
li, I'rompt., C3, HU.-OF. iaicnt, desire OH(;. thiartia (Otfrid); see I<luge ( 5 . v.
iii9-n~). See perne.
(BIi); Late Lal. tah,tiuni (Ducange).
%alvace,d.a kind of buckler or shield, Tarme, $6. a Lnrn; see Terne.
l i D : talvae, HU.-OF.
inieuas, /aims Tas, ib, heap. C ; taas, C ; tarre,
(Dacangr), also t a i l m i (Cutg.) ; cp. Low Prompt., 1lD.-OF. tas, staclr, hcnp (LIH) ;
Lat. taiauacizrr (Ducnngr).
cp. Du. tas, Low Lat. tarsis (Voc.:, faisus
Talyage, rb. a taxing, Prompt. ( S T . (Uucange).
faike); tallage, flavour, S3; talage, HD. Taske, sd. a taring, Prompt.; a task,
-Low Lut. fa//i@~m, a laxing, testing H D , Pu1sg.-Cp. Late Lat, fasia for lara,
n tan. See Taxen.
pr;hlic wcighti and measures (Uucangs).
Tasker, sb. a thrasher, Voc., H D ;
Tan,$$. tukm, S z ; sce Take.
Tancrit, ad/. transcribed; tancrete, s3. *askeri Jj;twakur, Bardsley.
-OF. laiicrit ; Lat. lra>ziiriptui,i (Uu- Tassel, ib. male hawli; see Teroel.
Tast, ib. taste, S3, PP ; taast, Prompt.
Tang, sb. sea-weed, SBD, JD. Comb.: !Easten, u. to feel, touch, kiss, taste,
tang-fish, the seal,,f.
C3, P P ; h a s t e n , Prompt. ; tast, pt. i..,
Tangle, rb. sea-weed, HD, JU.-Icel.
probed, Hn.-OF. tarter, to feel by touch,
to taste (F. tdlcrj ; Late Lut. *taritare,
Tangle, u. to twist confusedly; tangell, freijaent. of Lat. taxare, to hundlc.
Palsg. ; tmgild,pp., ensnared, H (p.149). Tatter, a shred, loose-hanging rag, a
Tape&, sb. u maker of tapestry, ragged person. ND, SkU; totters, pi.
rrompt. ; tapicer, C ; tapesere, Prompt, rays, Sh. Dcr. : tatered, no?.., jagged, S3.
-OF. lapisiitr, from lapis, ta$iz ; Late Gr. -Iccl, toltsdrr (for tiifurr), totzrrr.
T ~ V L T I O V , for T ~ V ~ ~ T L O UCf.
Tauny, aq. tawny, P ; tanny, Prompt.
-hF. taunt, OF. tanre, tawny, talmed, pp.
Tapecerye, ib. tapestry, HD.-OF.
of tapser, to tan (BH).
Tapet, $a. &th, liangings, tapestry, Tavel, $8. the game of 'tables,' backprompt., N U ;
HD ; tapite, s3 ; gammon, SD. Comb. : tievel-bred, back;
tapyt, VOC.: tapett, cath.; tapeti=, pi. gammon-board, SU.-AS.
( = ~ , & t .tqdciei), wz ; tapiteS, IILI; ta- (Voc.;; Lnt. f a b ~ l a . See Table.
pets, S3, 1
: tapiter, a m a l ~of Tavelen, u. to play at ' tzbles,'S.
tapestry, 1ID.-Lat. lapete, irom Gr. r a 4 - Taverne, ib. an inn, Prompt., Voc.AE. taverf~e; Lat. tadtma.
riov. Cf. Tnpecer.
Takken, v . to fasten, to sew together,



Taverner, sb. inn-keeper, Cz, 15D, P,

Voc. ; tavernere, 1'iompt.-AF.
Lale Lat. tabtr?zorium.
Tawen, u. to prepare leather, W D ;
tewen, Prompt. ; taw, to dress hemp,
I I D ; tawed, pp., hardened with labotir,
S3 ; i-tauwed, S.-AS. taiuian, to prepare, dress Icather, to scourge.
Tawer, sb. a tanner, SD, SkD.
Tawnen, u. to shew, S ; taunede,pf. s.,
SD.-Cp. ODu. toonclz and MHG. zouiicn
for zozzfenm, fro111 OHG. zor6g'ayian
for az.
ouSjai2 (sce Lener); cp. AS. et-jvarz. See
T ~ ~to tax,~ S ~~DPP,-AF,
, ,
~ taler;
Lat. tarair.
Taxoure, 16. a taxer, P.
~$6. tail,
~ a retinne,
,f follow.
ers, ~ z ,Cz, P P ; taile, Sa. P P ; tayle,
Catli.-AS. t q l : Goth. tagl, hair.
~n ~ .lad,
, brisk, s3;
t e y t e , p l , HD.-Icel. ieitr.
Te-, $re&; same as TO- ( z ) .
Teald,pp. of Telleu.
Teares,pl. tears, S ; see %'ere.
Techen, u. to teach,S, C z , S a ; teachen,
S ; tsche, S ; tahte, $f. s., b ; taihte, S ;
tagte, S ; tzhtes, 3 #. s., S ; tehten, p[.,
S ; ta1lcht,?i% S3; V-teit, Sa ; Ydaught,
Cz.-AS. tdian, pt, tkhtr, pp. thht.
Teches, sb. pi. marks, signs, Sz ; see
Teer, $6. tear, Cz ; see Tere.
Teise, $6. a fnthom, I m - A F . fcise
(OF. toi~e):Late Lat. tensa. Cf. TeYse.
Teijen, u. to tie, bind, Sz ; see Tilen.
Teld, rb, a covering, tent, SkD (s.v. tilt) ;
telde, Sz, H D ; teite, I'rompt. ; tilde,
PP (p. 779).-AS. (ge)ttld, a tent; cp. Iccl.
Telden, u. to pitch n tent, to erect a
building, to dwell, P P ; tilaen, S3 ; time,
$t. 5., PP ; tulde, P P ; telt, H D ; teldit,
pp., PP ; tyla, ~ 3 .
Tele, sb, sorcery, magic, HD.
T e l e n , ~to. reprove, to scoffat,S ; t d e n ,
S.-ONolth. felan (Luke 7. 30). AS- tdian,
to blame, from tn'lz', ' calumnia' (Grein).
Telie, a. to till, cultivale, P P ; see
Telinge, sb. husbandry, culture, study,
practice of magic; talynge, I I D ; tulyinge, 1'P ; teolunges,pl.,S.-AS. teolung,
tilxng, tiiling, ciillore, study.
Tellen, u. to tell, count, esteem, S 5 2 ;

t e l s t , zpr.



S tel8,pr.s.,S,Sa ; tellus,

pi, Sz ; talde, pt. r., S ; tolde, Sz, PP ;

telld, Sz ; tolden, pi, S ; taldan to, accounted, S ; telden, W ; teal*, pp., S ;
tslde, Sa ; ytold, Cz, Sz ; i-told, S ; told,

trllalz, pt. tiaide, See

Teme, sb. theme, subject, tent, P P ;

teeme, Sz, PP.-OF. theme; Lat. thcma ;
G'. Oipa.
Teme, n. to tame, H ; temyd,pp., I%.AS. teniinll (Voc.) : Goth. (ga)tasy'n/an.
Temen, u. to bring forward as witness,
tiriian, tj?iia?i (Schmid), from
tianr, a summoning for warranty (Schmid).
Temen, u. to make empty, to pour out,
HD,lJrompt., Catli., H ; tume, J D ; teym,
fenza, to empty; fioin t h y ,
Temp, u. to trmpt, I I ; tent, to probc,
Sh.; tenlped, $$., HD.-OF. tc7,Lpter (f.
tenter); Lat, terrtare.
Temporal, a+. lasting but for a short
time, Sz.-OF. te??lporel; Lat. teasporalcni
Temporalite sb. lemporal power, P P ;
tedporuiities, PP.-AF. tern.


~ to temper,
,train, lq~,
cz; temperid,pp,,directed,\~~z
tempred, fitted, attuned, Sz, PP.-OF.
tentprer (F.
; ~ ~tenipc70re.
t .
Tempre, ni4 tempeled, modified, temperate, H.-OF. tomp~,rr.
T ~ to~ draw,
to go,
to C O I ~ ~ U C ~
s ; teen,
S ; tuen, H D ; te, H D ; t&, pr. i., S ;
tuhen,$t. pi, S ; i-to)en,pp., S ; i-tohen,
S. Comb.: ful-itohe, badly trained, S.AS. timi, pt. tPaA (1'1. f i r p n ) , pp. toferz :
Goth. ti*<han; cp. Lat. duere ; see Urug5 65.
Tend, mi/.ord. tenth, Sz, B; tende, HD.
Tende, $6. a tenth, H D ; teind, tithc,
S3; tendis,pl., H.-Icel. tir'nd, il tenth.
Tende, u. to tithe, Cath.
Tenden, u. to kindle, set fire to, S3,T.V;
taenden, \?'; tind, I I D ; tendeden,pt,pl.,
P P ; tenden, P P ; tendyn, P P ; tende, Sz ;
y+end,pp., Sz.-AS, tcndan (in oli-fmdnn):
Goth. tand/nfz, causal of *fi+idar~,
to bum.
Tene, rb. grief, venation, injory, S, Sz,
S3, PI', H ; teene, PP ; teone, S, Sa, PI';
teyne, B; tyene, S2.-AS. thna.
Tenen, u. to vex, trouble, injure, P P ;
teene, PI' ; teonen, PP.-AS.

Th, an

abbreviation of the article the, parne, u. to lack, want, H D . H ; thsr.n,

Conib. : thair, Sz; thangel, Cz ; H ; t h s m y s , p r . ~H
, ; tharnyd,pt. s., H .
tharmes, C; tharray, Sz, C z ; thits- -1cel.partinih (iorpaifiiosiE), to lacli.
semblee, Sz, C3 ; thwys, the aclvice, C ; p a i ~ , p , - dcm.pi.
those, S, s2;
theffect, Cz ; theffuaion, s3'
pf,o?r. dcm., pmn. rei. and <or* that,
c a ; themb*tel, $3 ; themperice, S : S,pat,
s2; pet, S, s z ; at,sz,s3,H,NED.themperour, Sz, C3 ; thancens, C ; AS,^^^,
thenchanntement, C ; thencres, C ;
thenae, S, sz, s 3 ; thentencioun, c3; Pauien, 9. to permit, S D ; peauien, S ;
therle, S3 ; theatat, C ; thimage, C z ; thave, 130.-AS.i'a~an.
thingot, c3;
s 3 ; thorient,c zI pe, $> dcJ art. 71s. that man,
the, S ; pae, S : te, S ; to, S ; pat, is., S,
thorisoun, C ; thothre, S, S3.
; pet, S, Sz ; tat, S ; tatt, S ; pes,
Pa, apt. d& fit-. the, S ; daf. tizasc.2 S ; gSz
,,,. ,,i., S ; pes pe, much
(more), S ;
$I., S ; pto,i. pi., who, S ; sce pe.
pas, S ; pane, aic, na., S, Sz ; pan S, Sz ;
Pam, a?+.dat. s. aild $1. the, S ; see pe, pen., s ; .,,
S, sz;
And see pei.
&it. m.,S ; pan, S ; pen, S, Sz ; pon. S ;
Pan, art. ifat. and occ. the, S ; sce pe.
po, S ; pa, S ; peo, ao>ii.j, S ; paere, dai.
pan, adw. (hen; see panne.
f.and # e n . j ; par@, S : pere, S : par, S ;
per, S ; pa, a i c . j , S ; po, S ; peo, S ; pie,
pane, art, aic. niax. the, S ; see pe.
S ; pe, i9a.d. as in pe bet, the better, PP.
pane, acts. then, S ; see panne.
Co1,26.: the self, itself, H.-ONorth.
pane, $6.tllale, Sz ; sce peyn.
see Sievers, 33z.
Panen, ndg. tlicncc, S ; panene,,,pron. 7cl. \ibo, which, S.-AS. Bc
(the Indeclinable rzlative pronoun). See
pank, sb, a thought, a thank. gratitude, above.
grace; Pano, S ; Pone, S ; Ponk, S, P P ; pe, ,,G. than. S-AS. &, cq,,arn:
Panee, dat., S ; ponke, S, Sa; pankes,
peaw, sii.
virt,,c, S ;
pl., P P ; thonkes, I'P, Sz. 1%~.
: can
Prompt, HD.
pano, con ponk, is thanl~f,,l, S ; here Pedam, $8. ~>ios~>eril?,
pankes, fen,as ndu., of their own thought,
$1. nations, S2 (3.
spontaneously, S, C . - A S . ~ ~ ~ C
cp.; OHG.
thnac (Otfrid).
thence, S ; see Pepan.
panken, u, to titiink, PP, S ; ponken, Peaen,
peder, d u . thither, S a ; see piaea
PP, S, Sz.-AS.pmriia7i.
panne, ad^. lhm, ~ h ~ , S,
, , PP, sz,C ; Peef, sb. thief, Cs ; see Peof.
pann, S ; pane, S ; pmt, S, Sz, Cz ; penne, peen, u. to thrive, uigcrc, Prompt.; thee,
( a ) , H D ; the, C, LID;
S, PP, Sz ; pene, S, P P ; pen, S; peonne, 53; C2. C3. Spei~~er
the,lp?. s. S Z L ~ ) ~P. P
, ; theech (thee + ioh),
S.-AS. prelzfie.
panne, C O , ~ .than, S; pane, s ; pan, sz ; ma? I tI1rive2 C3 ; theich, PP ; Peagh,
s., SD i-Pe3, S2.-AS.
penne,S ; p.nn, S ; pene, 3 ; pen, s , p p . $t.
hniz ; c],. Goth. tl~eihan;see Sievers, 383,
Douse, p. qa.
panne, niiu. thence, SL; see penne.
pefe, sb. leafy brand, twig; theve,
Par,$t.+r. s. i*li$erers:it needs, opus esi, R,
; th*'e,
; tha,rst2' AIph. (*#, oz, b. : thefethorn, bucl~t~,orn,
1 $6), Voc. ; thefthorne, H ;
s.2 PI'; tha*. pf.9. s., HD.
Conah.: thewethornys,
$),, ,,20 7.zl r, Voc.; the.
thardestow, thou wouldst need, P P ; see
l.e,,i,iz,i, Prompt.; the thorntre,
pifipor-ia. ' ramnus '
par-, pr@z ; see per..
(Voc.), !Jeo/edoni (Voc.); c t AS. pigaian,
pare, art. h t . J to the, S ; see pe.
'frutrscere' (voc.).
Parmes, il. $2. entrails, HD.- AS pei, pro". $1. they, S, PP, C ; pe33, S ;
?ea?.n~(Voc.;; for cognates see I<luge (5.". te33, S ; pai, S, FP, Sa ; tai, S ; the, S3 ;
pej3re, gca., S ; te33re, S ; thair, Sz ;






thayr, PP; par, Sz, S 3 ; pe3m, hi. acc., S, S z ; thrynne, G ; parin, S,Sz ; perin,
S ; thaim, Sz ; thaym, P P ; tham, Sz. S ; perwiti, therewith, S, C z ; parwiti, S,
Comb. : pam-selue, themselves, Sz.-Ieel.
S z ; perwi)t, Sz ; parwi88, S ; permide,
pi?,,they (Dan. de),gen.peirra, dut.pinr ; therewith, S ; peremyde, P ; parmid, S ;
cp. AS. 84, those. See pe.
perof, thereof, S, Cz ; prof, S.-AS, bdre,
pein, sb. thane, S ; see peyn.
pmn. dem. dat. f. ; see pe.
pellyche, $yon. such, Sz ; see pulli.
pere, adu. there, where, S, Sz, S3 ;
penchen, u. to think, to intend, S, Sz ; Pare, S ; Pore, S, Sz ; Per, S, Sz, S3 ;
penken, PP, S ; pohte, pt. s., S, sz; par, S, Sz ; por, S ; pear, S ; pior, S ;
po,te, S ; poght, Sa ; thoncte, S ; ponht- Par, S ; t a r , S (in Ormnlnm). Comb. :
en, p ~ s, ; posht, jp., 3%; pouht. PP ; peraboute,thereabouts,Sz ; pare aman%
at ~"rionslilne~,Sa ; per an under, there
thouot, s.-AS, peainn, ~ t phic,
beneath, S2 ; pere as, rvherc that, S j ; per
( t . See pynken.
pene, art.
l,iasc. the, S ;
S ; binore, before tllen, 5 2 i per before, S ;
per efter, thereafter, S ; ther on, tilerean,
see pe.
Z ; Pro". S ; P n t e , thereout, S ; per
penien,u. to serve;
pL, S, C
Weiner, in comparison therewith, S ; pare
Der. : peninge, services, S.-AS. pkria*~,
sz; porrluiles,
pqnialz, frompept. See peyn.
pere whiles, P ; pertil, thereto, S ; portil,
Penne, than ; also then ; see Panne.
s ; perto, thereto, S, sz, ca,c3; parto,
penne, a h . timce, S ; panne, Sz ; 52 ; per towart, against it, S ; per uppe,
ponne, S ; peonne, Sa, PP. See Panen. besides, S ; pruppe, thereupon, S.-AS.
pennes, a&. thence, PP, Sz, Cz, C3; pier: Goth. thnr.
thennna, W. Conzb.: thenncs-forth, pere, ad. fern. and riat.,? of the, to the,
thenceforth, Cz.
S ; see pe.
peode, ib. people, nation, S ; piode, S ; perf, a+. unleavened, W, Sz, P P ;
peode, pi., orders (of angels), S ; nalions, peorrf, S. Coa86. : therf looues, unSz: peae, Sz ; peden, tiat., S.-ASjtod;
lrnvened bread. W ; thcrf breed, HD.cp. Goth. thii~iia,OIIG. tiiiota (Tatinn).
AS.pcorf; cp. Icel.pjmfr.
peof, $6. thief, S, P P ; thef, P P ; pyef, perfling, 04.~ilnleuvened;perrflinng,
Sz ; theef, Cz, Prompt.; pene, dat., S ; S.
Piel-. S ; peofes, jf.,
S ; Peones, S, P P ; perne, $6.
SD ( H ~ v ~ I zOg 8~) ,;
theues, Wz ; theueli, in a thief-like see Tame,
manner, Mia ; peofte, thefr, S ; pefte, lil',
pes,pro% dmi. 711. this, S ; pis, S ; pis,
Proml>t.-AS. p W : Goth. fhiubs; CP.
f,S ; teas, 3 ;,
OIIG. ihiob (Tatinn).
ni., S ; pisre, fcn. ,f, S ; pissen, dat. ni.,
Peorrf, a@. ~lnleavened,S ; set Perf.
s ; pisse, dat. f,s ; pisser, s ; pesser,
p e o s , p ~ o a dcm.5
this, S ; see Pes.
S ; peser, S ; pas, act. J , S ; pas, pL, S,
peoster, $6. darkness, S.-AS. pdosfmi : Sa ; pos, S ; peos, S ; pes, C, \\'a ; these,
OS. thisrtri.
M'z ; pues. Sz ; pis, Sz ; pie* S3 ; pisse,, S ; pise, Sz, Cz ; pyse, Sz ; pesen,
peostre, a+. .dark, S ; see pester.
per, see Sieve% 338, and SliD
peow, $6.
peoww, S. D ~: ~S.-AS.
peou-dom, bondage ; peoudome, &t., S. (s.V. this).
-AS.jiow: Goth. fhizgs; cp. OHG. thiz6, Pester, a 4 . dnrlc, H D ; pyester, Sz ;
pepatrg, S ; pnster, S.-AS. pdostre : OS.
' ancilla' (Otfrid).
p e o w t e n , u. to serve ; peowwtenn, S. fh8"sf".
Pesternesse, sb. darkness, S, P P ;
-From AS.pilo?uct,service.
per, pros. dem. pr these, s z , H D ; Pyesternesse, Sz ; piesternease, S ;
there, H ; pir, s z , H s3, J D ; thore, u.pestrien, w. to become dark, S.-AS.
Icel.peir, they. See pei.
per-, pvqiz, SICII(s. v. there-). coma.
: ~YJtyian.
pet.$,^*. that; see Pat, P .
perfore, for it, for that cause, PP, S, ca ;
pepen, adu. thence; pepenn, S : peden,
perfor, S, S i ; pernore, Sa ; perenore,
S ; parfore, S, Sz ; paruore, S ; pare- S ; thethyn, II.-Icel.pe8an,pa8an (Dan.
uore, S ; parfore, S ; perinne, therein, S, dedcpr).
Sz, C1 ; parinne, S ; psrinne, S ; prinne, peues, s l . p i thieves, Wz ; see peof.







prom, SD. Coiicd.: prim-setel, tiironz's,

ads. three at a timc, S.-Cp.
S U ; primsettles, pi., S.-AS. prym?ir,
prinne, ads. therein, S, S z ; see per-, p ~ y ~ z s e l l
prunnesse, rb. Trinity, S ; see preo.
prist, $6. t h i r d s , Sa, PP ; purst, S, Cz, p r u p p e , adu. thereupon, S ; see per-.
PP. Conzb. : purstlew, thirsty, HD.prusche, rb. a thrush, S.-AS.pryscc.
AS.pyrst (pirsf), psrit.
pruste1,ib. thesong-thmeh, S ; prostle,
p r i s t , p t . pi. thrust, S ; see pmsten.
S. Contd.: pn~stel-cook,
thrustlecocb, Cz ;
priste, ndj. bold, S.-AS. prtsie : OS, prestelcoc, 32.-AS. prostic (Voc.).
thrzsli ; cp. G, dreirt.
prusten, u. to thrust, S U ; threste, C ;
pristen, u. to thirst, TV, S ; thresten, thrirten, W ; thrt~ste,pi, s., W ; prist,
S z ; pursten, S D ; thurstea him, pi. r. S ; pxiste,pj., S.-Icel.pr4iia.
inilrpers., OHG. thurrirn pu, pro%,thou, S ; see pen.
pues, $2-038. dam. $1. these, Sz ; see pes.
priuen, u. to thrive, S, P P ; pryue, p u f t e n , sb. handmaid, S ; puhten,S.P P ; proff,pi. s., P P ; priuen,pP., grown A fern. deriv, of AS. (gejpfla, a comrade,
up, P P ; pryuen, well grown, Sz.-Icel.
properly one who sits oil the samc rowingpr&, to seize,pr@rk, to thrive.
bench; from pofta ' translra' (Vac.); cp.
eager, earnest, vehement, H D ; 1cel.popia.
pra, H ; prsa, H U ; proo, sharp, H D ; p u l k e , a@ that, those, Sz ; see pilke.
throw, aiiu., S3; proliche, adu., vehe- pulli, a$. snch, S, S D ; pellich, S U ;
mently, Sz ; p r o l ~qoicl<ly,
resoltely, Sz, p,~lyohe,Sz.-AS.p~iii~,pyiiiiia1~~p~~li~,
IID, PP.-Icel. p r d ~ r ,stubborn, also ire- ~ , r f ifrom
~ , pers; sce Sievcrs, 349. Scc
prof, ad*. thereof, S ; see per-.
punche8, punc8; see pynken.
p r o h , r6. coffin; see pruh.
punre, $6. thlmdcr, S ; see poner.
prop, $6. a village, S, C z ; see Porp.
p u r f e n , u. to need; )a~f,)f.-)r. s., need,
prosshen, jp. threshed, S ; see pres- eiopus a t , S ; thare, H ; thm, II ; tharst,
z s., PP ; purt, pt. r., necded, Sz, H ,
prote, r6. throat, S., PP. -AS. pmt% B. Conrb. : thardertow,thonwo~~ldsi
parjan, ptbpr. )calf; pt.po?/fe
(Vuc.); cp. OHG. (if-ozza (whence G.
drossti); related to Du. itroot; cp. It.
pzrrfum; cp. OIIG. Ihz~rfin,to need (Tastrozsa (Diez). See Iiluge (s.v. drmri).
prowe, $6. a little while, conrse, time, tian).
moment, Prompt., PI', Sz, Cz, C3, H D ; purgh, prep. throngh, Sz, Cz : PUT>,
throw, H D ; prqe, S ; thrawe, S L ; SZ, TVZ; purej, S ; purh, S ; puroh, S ;
puruh, S ; pos, Sa ; poru3, Sz, Wz ;
thraw, Sz, N.-AS.p?&.
S ; POru. S~ S' ; thoroU,
p r o w e , s6. sufieling, aerumrzrv, SD, Po",
H ; p u s , S, Sz; purf, Sz, H D ;
p0~=3like,ad*., thoroughly, S. Conid. :
prowen, to throw, ; preu $. S . thurghfare,
thorougllfure, C ; purhfaren,
prewe, threw himself,
,,, l S topass through;
thurghfare, Sz; thurghprowe, PP ; prawen, pp., Sz ; prowen,
girt, pierced tl~rongh, C ; thurchhurt,
sz; y.throwe,,+7,,an, to twist, thoroughly
hurt, S a ; purh-lenen, to live
to whirl, pt.priow,pp.prdulc+r.
purhlefede,pt. s.,S ; purh-seon,
Prowen, u. to silfler, S ; Proweae, pt.s., through;
to perceive ; purh.ihs, p,.. $., s ; pIIrUhS.-AS.prowinn; cp. OHG. iiin~ohr(Ta- ut, wholly, ; th,lrghout, cz ; puruhttinn).
ut, throoghoat, S ; porn-out, Sa.-AS.
Prowunge, sb. suffering, passion ; p , , ~ h ;i,;p. OIG. ~JZZLT~LII
proweunge, dat',
; prowenge, S ;
for admitting light,
proweinge, S.-AS. prows'nc.
s hole, S ; thurles, pi, HD.-AS. pyrel,
prublen,' u. to press, crowd ; Pmb- ~ O I Cfrompurh,through
; so (with different
Iande,pr. p., Sz.
suffix) Goth. thairko, hole, tile eye of a
pruh, $6. coffin,S ; throh, HD.-AS. medic, from thairh, through; see Kluge
(5. v. durch). See purh.
prum, $6. strength, a crowd, glory, S D ; purlen, u. to pierce, S, Sz, P P ; pirlen,




pwyten, a. to cut, to ~vl~iltlc,Voc.,

C, Sz, PP, H ; thrill, H.-AS.pyrZian
Prompt., Palsg. Der. : t h w t y n g e , ent(pirlialz).
wllitlling, PP.-AS.Pw[fall.
parst, rb. thirst, S. C Z ; see prist.
pas, adu. lhnr, S ; tus, S (in orrn~,lilm). PY, $6. t h i ~ h ,Prompt.; be, SlQ H D ;
H D ; ~ $ 3 ,Ss ; Pih, SkD ;
comb.: pusgate, in this i,.ay, PP; pus- pee,
gates, IID, PP.-AS.pzri, OS. thus.
pyester, at+. I~darL,Sz ; see perter.
puster, o+. dark, S ; see pester.
pyesternesse, sb. dariiness, S z ; see
put, for PUit, S: scc pou.
puvele, twigs, S.-AS.pj~el,'fru- Pesternesse.
pyht, a+ close, compacl, tight, Prompt.;
ten ' (Vac.). See pefe.
thite, H D ; ti>t.SkD.-Cp. ti. diiht, Iccl.
pwang, sb. thong, S ; see pwong.
p J t / ~ see
; ICluge ( s . ~ . ) .
thiuart, SD. Comb. :pyhtyn, v. to malie tight, prompt.;
pwert-ut, througliout, S.-Ieel.prrt, neus3,
ter of Puerr, transverse ; cp. AS. pweorh,
to seem ; p,,nkep, pr. $.
Goth. Mwairhs, angry, cross.
impcrs., P P ; pun&, S ; punohti, S ;
of leather, thong, S. pineheti, s ; pinks. s ; pin&, S, ; penketi,
Pwong, $8.
Sz, W ; pw*ng, S ; P o w , S.-AS.Ploa~*8, PP ; puhte,pt. >., s pu)te, s ; p q t e , s z ;
pwytel, ib. a knife, wl~ittle; thwitel, thoughte, C3; pout, Sz. -AS. pyncan,
SkD ; thewtill, S3. See bclo\v.
pt.piilite, pp. (gQilht. See penchen.






Tisende, $8. pl. tidings, ncws, customs,

to-brake, pt. s, s z r v , S ; to-broken, pp.,

S ; ti'enden, 5 ; tiTand, Sz ; tisandes, PP, G ; to-broke, PP, SL, W. (TO-1 . )
S2.-lcel. tiditaii, pl., tidings, ncws; from ~
- u, tob burst~nsnnder,
~ C;~
to happen; cp. t i m a , a custom, tit?, to-berst&i,pl.. >., S: to-barrt,pt. $.,
customiiry, freqomt.
G ; to-brast, W ; to-brosten, pp., C.
Tising, $6. lidings, news, S, Sz ; ty- (TO. 2 . )
Vrng, S, Sz ; tisinge, $I., S ; ti'inges,
To.brisen, v. to break to piecer; toS2.-Cf. Tiding.
brisid, p$.,
(TO- 2.)
Titill, il. an epistle, WA.
To-cleue, v. to cleave asunder, to fall
Titmose, rb. titmouse, S3, Manip. ; to pieces, P P ; to-cleef, pt. s., PP ; t o tytemose, Prompt.; tytmase, Voc.-AS.
clief, PP. (To. 2 . )
mhe, a word forming the second element T
-v , to~come ~together;
~ to-~



of thc names of many kinds of small birrla,

see SkD.
Titte, sl. a quick pull, Sz.
Titte, v. to pnll tightly, H D ; tytted,


pt,p[,, p ~ iTo,
To-comyng, ad/. future, Wz. (To- I.)
To-cweme, adv. agreeably, S. (To- I.)
To.cyme, il,
S, (To- I,)
Tod, $6. s. fox, JD, ND, HI), S k D ;

Tixt, $6. tent, PP ; see Texte.

S3. Coiiib. : Todman, nardsTi?en, u. to tic, PP, Sx : teiaen, Ss ; toddis,pi,
ley.-~lie word is colnmun j,, b ~ i dyorl<.
ter, fi; te, B; teien, pr. pi., SkD ; tej.8, shire and
see EUS (Ser. c).
pp., Cz ; y-teyd, C.-AS. tipre (*Idfan). Tod, sl. a bush, generally
of ivy, l i D ;
Ti3t, adu. qnickly, S L ; see Tit.
toade, SLD.
To, prep. to, at, in, upon, for, \r.ith re- ~ ~ - d ~pt.~$. hdusl,ed
t , (herself) in
fcrence lo, hy, against, aftcr, as, antil, PP,
S, S z : te, S, Sz. Comb. : tabide, to abide,
c3; taeraye,
cz; t a l l e g e , ~;



; tamenden,
cs ; tanoyen, 52 ; tilpese, S3; t w i x ~ S~ ;, tarraye, Cz ; tassaile, C z ; tassaye, Cz ;
taswage, S3 ; tembraoe, Cz ; tencombre,
S3 ; tendure, S3 ; tenforme, S3 ; tenrage, S3 ; tenpye, Cz ; texpounden, Cz.
To, ads. too, S, PI'; te, S.
To, num. two, S, Sz ; sce Tuo.
To-, p?& (1). The prep. to in corn-



prt3.z (2), in twain, nsonder, t o

td-; cp: OIIG. zi- (Tatian),

Lat. dif-.


To-belimpen, belong to,S.



To-bellen, u. to swell extremely;

bolle, pp., PP.

(To- 2.)

S3, (To- z , j
v. to divide, S, Sa ; to&"en, S ; to-aealen, 5. (To- %.)
To-drawen, u. to draw ilrui~iler, Sz.
W ; to-dragen, S ; to-drowe, pi. pi., P P ;
t0-&ro>e, S ; to-drawun, pp., W : todr&hen,S. (To- %.)
TO-dreuen,u. to trouble ; to-drened,
pp., S2. (To- 2.)
To-driuen, u. to drive asunder; todryue, 1'1' ; to-drif, iiiip, s., S. (TO-2.)
To-dunet, $1.struck with a sa~ulding
blow, S. (To- 2.)
To-fallen, u. to (all in pieces, SD.


To-flight, s6. refuge, Sz. (TO- I.)

To-foren, prep. and a h . before. S12 ;

to- t o f ~ r n YP,
s 3 ; tofore, S, PP, S z ; to.
uore, S, SI ; tofor,S,PP,Sa, W. (To- I . )
u. to pal:; tobar, Pt. s., S. T~.forrow,s h , previously, S3. (TO-I.)


Toft, ib. hillock, eminence, a slightly

To-beten, u. to beat in pieces, C3. devated and exposed site, PP, Sz ; canipas,

(To- 2.)


OSwed. too~t, il clcarcd

To-breden, u. to sprcad out; tobred- space (Dan. ioii~t,a toft); from Icel, tdiiir,
dest, zpt. i., S*.. (To- 2.)
empty. Sec Tome.
To-breiden, a. to tear asunder, dii- To-gadere, ads. together, S, Sz ; tetorqzrrre; tobreidynge, pr. P., 'A'; de- gredere, S ; togedere, S, P P ; togedre,

breidrnge, W ; tobraidide, pt. s., W. P P ; togeddre, S ; togidere, 1'1'; togider,

(To- 2.)
S, C2; togederes, PP, S; togideres,
To-breken, u. to break in pieces, S, P P ; togidres, PP, C3; togeaeris, P P ;
C3, W ; to-brac, pi. s., P P ; to-brak, G ; togeders, P P ; togedders, Sz. (To- I.)



To-gan, v. to go


asunder, S D ; togas, N D ; toom, Prompt.; tume, JD.-lcel.

$7.. .pi..
t i m ~ Yacant.
. S. (To- 2.)
, emutv. Ci Toft.
To-genes, p e p . toivards, S ; togeines, Tome, $6. leisure, Sz, PI', I< (p. 169) ;
S ; toiriner, 5 ; to3enes, S. (To- I . )
toym, B ; tume, B; Iccl. tiin, lexsure. See
Toggen, u. to draw, nllare, sport, S, above.
To-morwen, ads. to-morrow, S : toTo-grinden, w. to grind in picces; to- morwe, F P ; tomoreae, S ; tomorn, C.
(To- I.)
g r y n t , 91..
r., PP. (To- 2 . )
TO-hewen,u. tollcw in pieces, S, Sz, To-name, $6. cognomen, P P ; towname,
PI'. (To- 1 .)
C3. (To- 2 . )
To-hope, sb. Ilope, S. (TO. I.)
Tonge, ib. tongue, Sz, Cz, C3, P P ;
To-hurren, hurry
S. (TO-2.) tnnge, S,C, PP, W z ; tounge, PP ; tong,
~ ~ k~ bkfuiler,
. ~ one
~ who
, thickens S3 i t u n s , Ss. Der. : tongeae, tongued,
cloth, sz,
; towker, p p ; toucher, talkative, PI'.-AS.
PP ; tucker, H D ; tonkey, Bardsley; Tonge, ib. pair of tongs,fircrps, S, Sz,
Prompt.; tange, Voc.-AS. tanfa (T70c).
t u k e r , Bardslry. See Tuken.
Tokne, sb. token, P P ; toone, S ; tacne, Tonne, $6.tun, PP, Sj, Cz, G ; tunne,
S ; taken, PP, Sz ; t a k u l ~ ,\I' ; taxens, S,III'. Coriib.: tonne-greet, as largeround
pi., Sz.-AS, liic>r:Culh, taikrrr; cp. OHG. as a tun, C.-AS. tr~?me.
zeiiilan (Tatian).
Too, $6, toe, C : t a a , Sz, ITD: toon, pl.,
Toknynge, il, signification, P P ; toc- C ; ton, C ; t a r , Sz; taes, Sz.-AS. t6 (pl.
ninge, S ; toknyng, PP ; takning, S? ; Id?').
takeninge, Sz ; tokenins, C3.-AS. tdc- Tool, sii. tool, rueapon, C, Prompt. ;
toles,pl., P P ; tooles, PP.-AS. tdi
Tolie, u. :o till, S ; see Tilien.
Toom, au'/. empty; see Tome.
To-liggen, v, to pertain t o ; toli8,pl: Toord, s6, sttrcui, !Vz, Prompt.
E., S. (TOi.)
Topase, ib. topaz, Cotg. ; topace, S3 ;
Tolke, ~ ba. man, S L; see T U I ~ .
tupace, S k D ; topacius, W (Apoc. 2 1 .
Tolle, $6. toll, custom, Voc. ; to1 P P 30); thopas, C? (I,. I ~ ~ ) . - O F .Lopase;
Piompt. Conib. : toi-bothe, toll.iooti; Lat. topazz,fts (acc.) ; Gr. rbnacu'ur.
(=Lat. feionitirrz),Sz, W, Voc.-AS. toll: Toppe, sb. tuft of hair, P, S ; top, top
OFiis. folen, tolnc; Lat. teloniz'ta (Vulg.) ; of the head, Prompt.
Gr. r r h b k o u . Note that the fz of the stem T
-u, to shnkc
~ awnder,
p~p ;
appears in AS. tolrzei.e, ' tcloniarius,' Voc. ; t o.qu ashte,pt, $,, pp, ( T ~ see Weigand (s.v. zoli).
To-quaite, $1. s. quaked, PP. (To- a )
Tollen, v . lo lake toll, C. Der.: tollere, To-raeen, to scrape to
taxgatherer, usurer, Sz, PI'; t o n e r , Voc.
(To- 2.)
a. to rend in pieces, PP ;
Sku ; tole, x D ;
CM, t oTo-renden,
r e n t e , p t . s., Cz, W ; to-rent,??., S,
S, H, PP,-AS,
tylia,i (in Cz, W. (To- 3.)
T o r e t , s b . ling on a dog's collar, through
To-loggen,a.todra.e hither and thither, which the leash was
; torettz,
Sz, PP; to-luggeil, pp., 1'P.
pi., C; tnrrets, DG-OF. lonirt, llie ciiain
Tolter, ad*. unstco[Iily, totteringly, S3,
is at the end of thc check of bit,
SkD (s.v. lot/ev).
also the little ring whereby a hawk's lunr
To-luken, v. to rend asunder, S ; to- is fastened to the jesses <Cotg.).
loken,pp., S. (To- 2 . )
Toret, sC. turret, G, C, Prompt.; touret,
Toly, $6. scarlet colonr, %'A; tuly, SkU.-OF. iouret!e [Cotg.).
Prompt., "D; tuelY, S k u (s.v. t*.aj, 2 ) . To-reuen, u. to campletely take away,
Heb. iili', crimson (Isaiah I . IS), properly pp, ( T ~z-, ) ;
B worm.
T o r f , sb. turf, Sa ; t u r f , Voc.; t u r u e s ,
Tombestere, sb. femillc dancer, C 3 ; pi, sz.-AS. I ~ ~ ~ ( v o c . ) .
see Tumbestere.
Torfare, sb. hardship, misery, pcril,
T o m e , a d / empty, void, unoccopied, H, WA.-Ice1 torfera.



TO-rightes,a h . to righls, aright, G. people

[To- I.)

To-riven, u. to rcnd in twain;

was riven in twain, Sz.
Torment,i.a tempest, torment, snKcring, SkU, C3, Prompt.; tourment, SkD.
-AE. toniient, a tempest, tzirnccrrt ( I b
land), OF. toi.ri~eiit, tovmieiit, a tempest,
tortnre (Bartsch), tormuifc, a tempest
Tormenten. u, to torment, S~D.-OF.
Tormentour, i6. executioner, C3,
W W ; tormentoures, pi., c~.-AF. tori
Tormentynge, sb. tortme, Cz
Tormentyse, rb. torture, Cz.
Torne, i b . a tom, trick, wile, G.
Tornen, u. to tuln, PP ; see Tournen.
To-rof,pt.r. of To-riven.
Tortuous, a(+. o h l i q l ~(tcnn
in astro.
logy), C3.-Lat. iorlnos~ri,croolicd.
To-samen, adu. together, S. (TO- I.)
To-schaken, a. to shnlre asunder, S.
(To- 2.)
To-scheden, u. to part nsnnder; tosohed,pp., Sz. (To- *.)
To-schellen, u. to shell, peel ; toshullen,pp., PP. (To- 2.)
To-schreden, a. to cut to
(To- 2.)
To-spreden, a. to scntter; to-sprarl,
@p.,Sz. (To- 2.)
To-swellen, u. to swell greatly; toswolle, pp., S, I T . (TO. 2.)
To-swinken, v. to labour greatly, C3.
(To- 2.)
- to p,,~i
t to~
~; to-tose,
S. (To- 2.)
~ to t look~ about, ~PP, S3 ;,
tutana, p,,.p., l~rojre~ing,
pur~iingout, s 3 ;
totede, pt. i., Sj ; y-toted,$$., s3. Con26.:
tote-hyne, S ~ ~ C Z L Iprornpt.-~s.
~ ,
tdtinn ;
see SliD (s.v. tout;.
T ~ - + to~ tear
~ to~ pieces,
~ , c3; to.
teoren, S ; toteore, S ; totorne,pp., PI,;
totorn, S ; totore, C3. (To- 2.)
To-turn, .rb. r e f ~ ~ gSD.
(TO. I.)
~ ~ - t ~ to
i pull
~ ~ h to-~
twichet,pr.p/., S. (To- 2 . )
Toun, rb, an enclosure, farm-stead, town,
Sz,C, V\ : toune, 1'1'; t u n , S, Sz : tonne,
h i . , Sz, Ca. Conah.: toune-men, mcn of
the town, not rustics, PI'; tun-soipe, the




of the farm-stead, S.

Der : towni s h , belonging to the town, S3.-AS. tzlrz,

enclosare, farm, town; cp. OHG. spin,
hedge (Tutian).
Tour, i b . tower, S, 52, C Z , P P , W Z ;
t u r , S ; torres, pi., S1.-OF.
t w , tor,
tour: Lat. t217411)1.
Tournen, u. to turn, P P ; turnen, S,
SL, P P ; tornen, Sz, I'P; teornen, Sz ;
tirnen, S ; y-tornd, pp., S2 ; i-turnd, S,
Sz.-AF. 2 z n n e r ; Lat. to, mare, from tornuf,
a lathe.
Tourneyment, $6. tournament, Cz.OF. torrioieiiie>rt.
Towaille, 86. towel, C z ; towayle,
Prornpt.,Voc. ; twaly, I'rompt. ; towelle,
Voc.; towylle, Vat.-AE. towniile ( f r ~ e ills), OF. fosrailc (Burtsch); l.ow
tonada; of Teutonic origin, cp. OHC.
,i,,dh;in, w a s h i n g - ~ ~
t ~ l dsilmhan,
:hnahan, to wash (Tntian). Sec SkD, also
IClugc (s.7. zwrhb).
To-walten, u, to roll with violence;, overflolicd, Sz. (To- z . )
To-ward,prep. towa~ds~against,
touward, S ; towart, S. (To- I.)
To-warde, R<+. present, us a guard or
protection, PP. (To- I.)
TO-wawe,u. to move about near, Sz.
(To- I . )
T~wker,sb. a fnllrr; see Tokker.
To-wringen, u. to distort; towrong,
Pt. S , S. tTaTo-wrye,u. to cause lo go on one side,
'3 (4. "4).
LTo- '.)
To3eines, prep. towards, S ; see Togenes'

T o ~ e r ea, h . this year, Cath. (To-I.)

, $6, track oftoseparate,S.
a way over a field,
trace, Prompt., C,SlcD;tras, PI'; trans, Sz.
Traaen, u. to trace, to draw pictore,

way, to conduct oneself,

P'o"~>t., CM, s 3 ; trasen, S3.-OF. trnco(trassrr) ; Late Lat. "t~oitinm,from Lat.
ff.ack base ofpp. offrahere; see HH, 5 131.
Trade, i.a trodclcn path, S3, TG,
SkD, 11D. Sec Treden.
Tradicion, sb. surreilder, S3. - Lat.
Cf. Tresonil.
~ ,
Traitorye, sb. treachery, C3, CM.
Traitour, $6. traitor, S ; traytour, S ;
t r e i t u r , S.-AF. fi.aitur; Lat, tmiiiiorer,~.
Tram, 16.engine, machine, WA; tramr n y s , p i , H.
to trace one's




Trappe, $6. the trappings of a horse, P P ;

trade, H (Ps. 55.2); troden,$$., C3;

S k D ; trappys,$i, SkD.
trodun, Wz ; treddede,pt, r. (?uea/i),S3.Trapped, a@. adorned with trappings, AS. tredan, pt. 2riPd (pl. thdoiaj, pp. treden.

C, I'rompt.

Trappings, $8, pi. ornaments, Sh.

Trappure, $8. trappings of a horse,

Prompt. ; trappures,pl, C.
Trauail, $, labour, toil, trouble,
Sz, PI'; trauaille, Cz ; trawayle, Sz ;
trauell, S z ; trauel, xl', \t7z, $1 (Ps. 108.
tmz~ail, t~auaiiie; Late Lat.
'tvadaiulr~m; from Lat. trabem, a beam ;
CIX It.,a frame for confinii~gonruly horses. See Trave.
Trauaille, u. to work,
trouble, vex, torment, PP ; traueilan. W,
S a ; tr-le,
W, M'a.-AF.
to work,to vex. See above.
Trauailous, a@. ij.aborious, Wz.
Trave, sd. n frame in \vhich farriers
confine immly horses, Chi. See Trauail.
Trawed, pi. pL trowed, expected, Sz ;
see Trowen.
Tray, sb. venation; see Tre)e.
Trays, $6. )pi traces, horse-harness, C ;
trayoe, Prompt.; trayse, Calll.- OF.
tvap, horse-harness (Pals,n.) for traits, pl.,
of tmict, a trace for horscs (Cotg.); Lat.
tioctum, pp. of traker.c.
Trayste, v . to trost, Sz ; traste, PP,
Sz.-Icel. t~eysla,from ti.aai1. See Trint.
Traystly, odv. conficlently, 11.
Traystnes, sb. confidence, H.
Traystynge, sb. confidence, H.
Traytyse, $6. treaty, truce, S3 ; see

Tre, sb, tree, wood, i(p~zj?z, Prompt., 52,

PP, W, Wz ; treo, S, PI' ; treowe, dnt,
S ; treuwe, p i , S ; tren, Sz ; treen, S3;
treon, S ; tremes, S ; trowes, PP. Comb.:
tre tyxnus (=ligii*dmthyiyirrz'iiz), W.-AS.
trdow (iueo), dat. trdrllie, pi. t r i r a u (trio),
sec Sievers, 250; cp. Goth. trizr.
Treatise,:J. a passage (lit. a treatise),
Sg ; see Xretxb.
Treatyce, $8. treaty, truce, S 3 ; see

Treget, r6, guile, trickery, CM.

Tregetrie, i b . a piece of trickery, CM.
Tregettowre, $6. a juggler, j+nior,

Prompt.; tregetonr,Prompt.(?i),LM, HD.

Tregettyn, a,to juggle, Prompt.-OF.
t~esgcler(Ducange); Lat. trarzr+ iacla~c.
~u. to betmy,
~ I' ; itrayet, pp.,
HU,-OF, tra+; ~~t~ ~ ~*tradire
t , for
~ ~tradere,
t ,
s 3 ; trelys, ia7iie l.
Treiljis, sb,
Iz~i,1'rompt.-OF. tfeillii, from treiiic, u
vine, arbour (Baitsch); Late Lat. *tricia;
tric/ijla; see B ~ 98.
~#. to
~ stagger,~p p ;
tremelyn, l'rompt.; trimlen, I l D ; trgmlen, s3; tremblen, W, PP ; tnmble,
ixanip.-picard F. tl.enrier (AT. treuiiilcr) ;
~~t~ ~ ~t t 1.ore,
Tremlynge, sb. trembling ; tremelynge, Prompt.; trimlyng, S3 ; trymlinge, 11D.
Trent& rd, a set of thirty manses for
the dead, SkD, ND, P P ; trentall, money
paid for a !rental, 53; a month's mind,
ND.-OF. t~cistal, b-entcl; Church Lat.
Treo, id. tree, S ; treon,pl., S ; see Tre.
~ S ; see Trewe.
Trepeget, $6. s military engine, HD,
Ch.1; trebget, Prompt. ; trebgot, an instr~irnentfor catching birds, Prompt.
Tresor, d,treasure, S, Sz, C3 ; tresour,
PP, Sa, S j , Cz ; treosor, S ; tresores,
p i , 1'1' ; tresures, S.-AF. tre~or; Lat.
Tresorere, $6. treasurer, Pl'; treserour, PP.-AI'.


-AT. tieioiye.
Tresoun, $6. treason, craft, C, P P ;
tresun, P ~ O , ~s ~; treron,
~ . ,
treison, PP ; trayson, S.-AF,
tm?soioa; La!. t,?cditio>~esi.
Trespas, sb. trespass, P P ; trespaoe,
Trechery, sb. treachery, trickery, S ; PI,, C.
see Trioheric.
Trespassen, u. to trespass, PP, WIT ;
Trechoure, ib. a cheat, HD.-OF.
trespace, Cz ; trespasride, pt, s., W
tviihPor (Kartsch) ; Late Lot. tricntoi-eiii. (Acts I. zg).-AF. 2re@asrer, t o cross over,
Trechurly, adu. treachero~iily,S3.
to disobey.
Tred, sb. a foot-murli, SliD (5.7. tmril).
Tretee, sb. treaty, Cz, C3; trete, C.Treden, u. to tread, C, I'rompt., p P ; OF. traitc ; Lvtc Lut. trarta. See Tretis.
pl.pi., LV, I'P; tret,$r. s., C N ; troden, Tretis, a@. j.wtli made, pretty; tretys,

Troden,?$. of Treden.
sadness, S3.-OF. t r i ~ t :Lat. tt,islcnr: and
OF. 1r.iiIesw; Lnt. triitiliic.
Trofle, $6. a trifle, S3 ; see ~ m f l e .
Trompe, $6. a trump, trumpet, C3; Tua, nzmc. two, Sz ; see Tuo.
t r u n ~ p e C.-AF.
Tuhen, pt. pZ. of Ten.
Trompe, v . to 1~1%~
the trumpet, P P ; Tuht, s6. disdplinc, S.-AS. t~lii;

trumpe, \V, Promllt-AF. trninpcr.

OHG. zsrbt (Otfrid). See Ten.
Tronchoun, $6. a tmnchron, hroken Tuhten,".to draw, persuade, discipline,
piccr of a spear-shaft, C ; tronchone, S ; tihte,pt. s., S.-AS. tyiitan.
Prompt.-OF. t i ~ ~ s i h o i fi,oiafore.
Tuin, nr'n'. two, Sa ; see Twinne.
Trone, s6. throne, S, PP, S i , Cz, C3, ~
~ to k
~ S ; tuxe
~ up, ,
W ;, S ; one of the nine orders ,izlci lirScre,cath. ; tlllrkyn up, P
of angels, W A ; tronen, Sz.-OF. tmne; Y - ~ o u R pp,
~ ~ , tuclied, ft1lled, PP.-AS.
Lat, thmn2rir~:from Gr. Bp6vos.
lariiarr (tuicmii) ; cp, OHG. zni./iotz (OtTronen, cnll~rone,l'P.-OF. Ironer. frid).
Trost, szrk.pi- s. trust, Sz : see Tristen. Tuker, $b. a fLlller; sec Tokker.
Trotevale, $6. a trifling thing, HD.
Tulke, s6. a ~ n n nsoldier, knizht, TVA,
Trouble, n4. troubled, Sz, Cz.-AP.. E K E (56); t o l k e , ' ~ z ;tolk, WA, Skn
t ~ i ~ b l pp.
e , of l ~ ~ ~; bsee
b Trnblen.
(s.7,. ialh).-Icel.
t2j!kl, interpreter; LithTrouthe, 6 Lmth, Sz, C j ; see uan. 12rl/iar, interpreter; cp. Dun. tol8.
Tullen, u. to draw, entice, CM, SD ;
Trowabile, odj. ccrediblc, H.
see Tollen.
Trowen, o. to believe, S, Sz, S3, C z , Tumben, v. to leap, t~imble,dance;
Sz ; *=wed, pl.PL, cr- tombede, pt. s., SD.-AS. turubiaiz ( ~ k .
C3, n, P P ;
pected, Sz.-Ierl. Iriin: Siucd. fro. Sec 6. z z ) ; cp. OF. tniiibrf; to fall.
Tumbestere, $6. 2 female dancer, H D ;
Trowyng, sb. helief, Sz.
tombester, ST) ; tumbesterie, pL, SD,
Truage, $6. tribute, S z ; see Trewage. Cg (p. 1 5 1 ) ; tombesteres, C3.
Trublen, u. to tronble, W ; troblen, Tumblen, u. to leap, dance, SD, SkD ;
W ; triblen, 13.-AF. tf-ub*~; Late Lut. to tumble, P P ; tombly, I'P; tumlyn,
uoiufnre, Prompt.
Trufle, $6. nonsense, al~smdtale, trifle, Tumbler, $8. a tumbler, a female
PP. SkD ; trofle, S i r SkD; trefele, P P : d;rncer,Voc. ; tnmlare,volzrlatar,Frompt.
trifkLl, P P ; trifle, PP.-AF. (rsifs, t?ofe, T~~ ~ bC. ~ C I ~ S U Vfrrrm.~iead,
tow,,, S,
mockery, OF. IiwJs, a jest, ii flout, also a S a ; sei
truffle (Cotg.) : Lat. Ieiiicm, truffles; see T
~u, to enclose,
S~; see Tynen,
Sku (s.7. l,.zdJt).
For the intrusive i cf.
Tunge, i b . tongnr, S,C,Wz; seeTonge.
TruKen, u. to begnile, SkD ; trofle, Tunne, "' tun, S ; see Tonne'
nnni. two, S z , C,
tua, Sz ;
SkD; trifelyn,Prompt.; treoflynge,pr..$.,
S ; twa, S, Sz; to, S, Sz ; towe, S3.
s~.-oF.tngzC7, tlrcfl,.,to mock ( c ~ , ~ . ; two,
Trukenen, v. to fail, S.
Trukien, u. to fail, S.-AS. tntciarr,to Tur~".
Turnen, u. to tnm, S ; see Tournen.
fail, deceive.
Turss, u. to pack; see Trusren.
Trusse, $6. n hondle, Manip., CM.
Trussen, u, to pacli, to pack ~ f f C,
, Sz, Turues, sb. pi. pieces of turf, Sz ; see
PI', Mnnip; turss, B.-OF. trusser, tms- Tmf.
st?., t o r s ~ r ;Latc Lat. *lor.fiar~.
Tus, for thus, S ; see pus.
Truste,pt. z, tmated, S ; see Tristen. Tutand, pt,. p. prqiecting, pushing out,
Sz ; sce Toten.
Tryce, u. to trice, to hoist up, C z ;
Tute, 16. a horn, rorrru, os, SD.-For
Tryg, ndj. tnisty, secure, Sg.-lcel. Teutonic cognates see Weigand (s.v. zotfe).
Scc Tewelle.
Tryrnlyt, $1. pi trembled, S3; see Tute, u. 'to trite in a horne,' Manip.
-Cf. Siled. lula, to blow a horn.
Tryst, alij sad, S3. Der. : tristes, Tntel, sb. beak, mouth (?), S.






Uggen, u. to dread, to shudder at, H D ; Urn-louks, a. to lock in, H .

pr. r., H ; Um-sege, v . to bcsiege, 13.
Urn-set, pp. beset all round, S 2 ; see
Uggynge, id. shuddering, horror, H.
Ugly, a h . drcadfiil, horrible, H, S k u ; Urn-shadow, v. ro shadow round, prouglike, SI-U.-Icel. e'mli~.
tect, H.
Ugsorn, R@ frishtf~~l,
SliD ( 5 . 7 . z'fly).
Um-stride, v , to bestride, Sz ; umUhte, sb. tile part of the night before strode,pt. s., IIU.
daybrenlr ; Wen, dot., S, SD.-AS. dilte : Urn-writhen, v , to wind round, H ;
up, H ; huge, H ; uggis,
uggid, pi. i., 11.-Icel. era.

OS, zilita: Goth. i ~ i i i ~ o ocp.

; OHG. i~ohta, umwrithyn,pp., H.
Iccl. dita, see Weigvnd (s.7. achlj, and ~
-pi. ~went ~abant,d11. ~
Fick, 7. g.
Un-, pmjz (I), has a negative force and
Uhten-tid, sb. early moming-time, SD. is used behre
adjedives, and
Uht-song, sb. morning-chant, matins, past
~.-tioth. un- ; cp.
SD.-AS. zrht-$an,?
Gr. du-.
Ulke, a<$.the same, S ; see Ilke.
Un-,,prtjz ( z ) , expresses the reversal of
Umbe, pie$. about, around, WA, S ; an actton, and is nscd before verbs; on-,
ummbenn, S; embe, S.-AS.yni6e (enz6e): Sa.-Goth, and-; cp, Gr. d v n . .
OIIG. umbi (Otfrid,, OS. ut,ibi.
Un-, prejz (3), until.-OS. znzd-. Cf.
Vmbe-cast, cart about, consider, 0th.
ponder, B ; umbekeatez,pv. s., Sz.
Un-aneornned,jp.tmnamed, innumerUmbe-grouen,pp.grownallround,Sz. able, S. C t A-nemsen.
Umbelappe, v , to smround, TVA. See Un-aua,nced,pp, unpromoterl, Sz.
Un-berrned,pp.uiileavened; unberrVmbe-set, u. t o beset, R ; umbeset, mead, S.
pt. s., I! ; vnlset, S a ; umbeset, pp., B ; Un-bicumlich, ad/. unbecoming, S ;
umsett, H, 1ID; vmset, S2.-AS. ynsb uubicomelish, S,
Un-biheue, ad/. unprofitable ; unbi-

U; um- herre, ionip., S.
yaibe + stzmd
Un-bileue, sd. unbelief, W.
Umbe-penken, u. to hdhink, meditate, un-bileueful,
S ; umthmk, H ; vmbethinkis low, if?*$.u,,bileful,
pi. refZ., B ; umbithoghte, pi. s., IIU ;
Un-binden, u. to unbind, Sz ; unbind,
vmbethouoht, B.-AS. ymd-pmialz.
pr. s., S ; unbint, S ; unbond, pt. s., S ;
Umbe-weround, ?$. environrcl, 13.
pi., s ; pp., c2.-cp. OHG.
Umbe-while, adsiu,sometime, a1 times, in.bigztarz(otirid). (Un- 2.)
S ; umwhile, H, H U ; umwile, S ; vmUn-bischoped, pp. unconfirmed ; unquhile, B ; umquile, WA.
bisnpea, S.
Urn-ga, u. to go about, H.
Un-bisorjeliche, adw. piteously, S.
Urn-gang, $6. circuit, Sz, H.-AS.
Un-blise, a& joyless ; unblype, 5 2 .
if^^, u. to surro,,nd, H ; vmgaf, S.Un-boh*,$p.unaloned for, S; unbouht,
pt.$l.,Sz, H.
urnWg.ipen, u. to
vm- Un-bokelen, u. to unbuckle, Cs, C3.
stunt, If.-AS.

griaed,pi.pi, SL.





unburst, Sz.
um-hilen, u. to cover up ; ~ ~ h i l dUn-brosten,
Ulr-buhsum, adj. disobedient, S ; vnpt. s., H.
Um-lap, a. to wrap around, compre- boxOme,P.
hendere, to embrace, TVA, Sz ; umlappe, Un-bnxsumnes, sd. disobedience, H.
H, H D ; vmlilpped, pp., Sz. See um- Unce, $6. ounce, SkD, C ; ounces, pi,
unce; Lat, zcniia.

Cf Inche.




Un-eses, edu. scarcely, WA, S ; unnethes, Sz, C z , W, I1 ; vnneths, H ;

sneea, 1'1.'

Un-iwasse, $p. ~mwnshen,S.

Unk, pr.oa. <i8~a/.
us both, S ; unker, of
us both, S.-AS,

uni, dat, and acc., unier,

Un-fajen, a@. displeased; unfeyn, Sz. gen. : Goth, z~t,.ii, acc., =&is, dat., z'thara,
Un-fest, aiij unstable, Sz.
Un-kempt,/.p. uncombed, rough, S3.
Un-festlich, adj. tunfestive, Cz.
un-fete,~dj.i i ~ . ~ bad,
~ d sz.
~ , tun- I.) Un-kenelen, u. to ungag, S. (Un- 2.)
un-filabil, niq.insatiable, H. (un- I.) Un-kouth, a+. unknown, sirangc, P P ;
unk116, S ; unou8, Sz ; unoouthe, $1.. Sz,
Un-filed,$$,undefiled, Sz.
; uncutie, S ; nnoose, S.-AS. un-ih8.
Un-flichand,@.~mflinching,lI.(Un-I.) Cz
Vn-kunnyng, sb. ignoruncc, TV; vnUn-for)olden, $p. unreijnited, S ; nu- k,nnyngi.,p~, wz.
vorgulde, S.
Vn-kunnynge,n& unskilful, ignorant,
Un-freme, $6. disadvantage, S.-AS.

\\-, \vz; unlronnyng, C ; vnkon.

nynge, PP.

Un-fruytouse, a+. :j.1ni~~litf~~l,

Un-gert, $1. rmgiri, G.
Un-kynde, a& unnatural, unkind, Cz,
Un-glad, adj. unhappy, Sz.
PP ; nnounde, SD.
Un-happe, $6.ill-lock, WA.
Un-kyndenesse, rb. unlcindness, C3,
Un-happy, ndj. unlucky, Sz.
Un-hardy, ncg. not bold, PP.
Un-kyth, u, to hide, Sz. (Un-2).
Un-hele, sb. sicliness, S ; misfortune, Un-lace, u , to nnbind, W. (Un- z.)
Un-lappe, v. to unfold ; onlappyt, pt.
Un-heled, pp. uncovered, WA, PP.- s., S3. (un- 2.)
AS. hrlian: OHG. hni/n". (Un- 2 ) .
Un-lede, ndj, miserable, wretched, S,
Un-helse, $6. sicl<ness,S ; unhalte, S. SU.-AS. *~?z-i&d:Goth. z r ~ r - / a .
Un-hersumnesse,sG.disobedience, S. Un-leueful, a d j not permisriblc, I T ;

-AS, zgnhjuuninis.
Un-hillen, u. to disclose, S ; unhilen,
Sz, W ; onhillin, Yrumpt.; unhulien,
Cbf, G, SU, P P ;
SU, M D ; unhiled,
unhuled, S~.-CP. Goth. hai/a*, OHG.
htrijatz, hz~llan. (Un- 2.)
Un-hol, a+, ij.icl<,S.-AS. 1~1~-/ldl.
Un-hold, adj. tnng~acious,S.
Un-ifo3, oig. innumerable; unnifo?e,
Un-inleas, sd. want of moderation, S
(8 b. 1 2 ) .
Un-imet, adj. immense, immeusnrable,
S ; onimete, S.-AS. %a-genztt.
Un-imete, aiiu. immeilscly, S.-AS.

Un-imeteliche, adu. infinitely, S.-

AS. angernetlice.

omeefful, illiiiti's, Prompt.

Un-leuesum,adj. not permissible;


lesum, S3.

~ , ~ l i l S.
un-louken, u. to ,,,,lock, PP; .,,,lake,
pp., G. (Un- z.)

Un-lusti, a@. imlusty, idle, S D ;


losti, 52.

Un-lykynge,ndj.~uilfit,improper, scandalous, PP.

Un-mayte, a+. unmeet, H. i'ilr. :

in unmayte, unhttingly, 13.
Un-me&, 56. want of moderalion, S ;
unmes, S ( 8 a. 10). See Tdeth.
Un-meuable, a 4 immovable, TV.
Un-moebles, $6. pi. immovable pro-

Un-iredlice, ads. sharply, roaghly, S ; perty, PP.-Cp.

OF. f,zac6/es (BPI:; pi. of

viuille; Late Lat. mJ6iItm.
Un-isalse, sb. unhappiness, S.-AS.
un-mylde, ndj. ccloc~,W ; unmyld, H.
Un-nait, adj. useless, Sz, H.
Un-iseli, a@. tunhappy, S.-AS. an- Unnen, u. to grant, S ; hunne, S ; an,
I pr. s., S ; on, pr. s., S ; i-unne, pp., S.Un-itald,jj.unnunnbered,S.-AS. zm- AS. unnaia, I and 3 pr, s. ann, opt, uaize,
pt. site, pp.fc-rmnca. Cp. Icel. zrlma,OS.
Universite, $6. universe, world, W.- g i z r r z ~ a a n ,OHG. gi-zmran, pt. oniia (OtOF.zmiversiic; Lat. u~~iuersifatern
(Vulg.) frid), G. goiincn.
unrideli, S-AS,

(.E -m) .(uL.!I%'J,>

sun 31-10 'of

' ~ J U I Z.SO .d3 ! y +8pan
pJzcn . s o - . ~ > [ s '03un ' d a d 'oq-un
' z 'pa~n%nn
i ad 'pq~!?nndd'pap,-un
('E -an) ' g 'r~puo:a q s
l z 'olnn
'[!~uu ' h i $ '.fidoi '1;qUn
'qurz .rp03 '[!iutt


'S 'pau~opnun.d$'pag;q-un 1
.ED ' z s 'dl(~"do1d
-ru! 'Llqelyo~duu .npn 'XIX?JKZY+-U~
.zs 'eur.=d
-on !seaualqelyo~doo .p ' y ~ r l - u n
.H 'a3ua!$zdm! q r 'saupoura~oyq-an

.mu?d.urz. g ~
-.ES '.p?%a&edun ! S '.lap 'amadnn is
'na4-an :s 'Ll!lnrorum! .?s 'amayq-un

' d d 'IWWd
a n ! z~ 'l5aJ~x[rn! .@n 'XgZad-Un
.(u!ari)) Szuo-zra ' s v - ' ~'aa~nox~n
uzoun : '$no mo.i\ ' p p .j@ 'auxo-un
',$\ 'alqu~nouoqs!l>.@n 'qsauo-un
'a,ua!paqor!p .qs 'aouaypaqo-un
.H 'ssauszalm~8qps 'saupuv.40~-un
.fi'~saualqouX!.qr 'plqou-un
'zi$t'a1qouS! .i)v 'arqou-un
.?liClr.~,l 'sv-.s '0""
a n : 'lauun !s 'ssalam .@o 'qru-Un
'ease-,a-unass !H 'sa?anan :&I
M '23 'ZS 'dpsre3n .npn 'sayqauun
. a p e - a n a x ! ES 'qlauun !
$3 ''3 'CS 'S 'dp3xess . n p 'agauun

Up-wanen, a. to move upivard with an

undiiluting motion; up-wafte,$t.pi.,Sz.
Up-?elden, u. to deliver up, Sz.
vrchun, he,jghog, H ; see Trchon,
Ure, sb. pmctice, worlc, owration, ND,
Munip., S k u . - OF. e w e , aevn; Lut.

Ure, rb. fate, lndi, good luck, B,


OF. Eur., cur: Piov. agrri; Late Lat.

*aguril'm for Lat. auf86rilnni; see BH,


Urnen, u. to mn, S ; see Eennen.

Urre, sb. anger, S ; see Eorre.
Usage,si,.cuslom, Cz, C3.-AF. u s a s .
Usaunce, sb. custom, IID, CM.-OF.

customary, PP; used, C3; vsyt, S3;

oysit, B ; wsyt, S j . d F . urcv.
Ussher, $6. usher, door-keeper, Cz,
SkD ; usohere, l'rompt. ; usshere, 1'P.AF. uiiiier, ussrr, OF. assier; Lut. oitidoor-keeper,from ti,^,^^, door.
Usure, sb. usury, Ca, P ; vsuris,pi, W.
-AF. z'rrdre; Lat. rrirrre.
Utas, sb. tile odave of a iesliral, IID,
ND SkD, Pn1ig.-AF. atawes: Lat. orFor the $ = di cp, in Old Fre,lch
u& = u i v a ~(BB).
Ute, adu. out, S.-AS. die.
Uten, prep. away from, S.-AS. *tan;
cp. Goth. utana.
Uthe, sb. wave, S ; ypex,pl., 5 2 , HD.AS. 48: Lat. unria.
Ut-laje, ib. outlnw, S.-Icel, eitiaga,
outlawed, zlilapi, an oiltlaw. See Out-lawe.
Uttring, sb. circulating, S j . See Out-

usance (Cots.).
. -,
Use, sb. use, usury, H D ; us, Sa, S D ;
voe, S3; oyss, B.-AF. us ; Lat. uizrnL.
Usen, u. to nsc, to be accosiomed, p p ,
S j , C3 ; urede, $!, r., SD, PP; ~ d r l ~ ~ , p :"en.
dealt with, W ; pvsed, p$., S z ; uset, U3ten, sb. early morning,S; see Uhte.

V U (consonant).
For some words of Teutonic origin beginning with V, see F ; see also in
some cases W.

Vant, u. to vaunt, WA. -OF. vnntrr;

Vacherye, rb. a dairy, Prompt.-OF.
uaiherir, u cow-house (Cotg.); Late Lat. Late Lnt. ua?zi!are, from Lat. uaazrs.
uaiiai.ia, from Lat, eracia, a cow.
Vantwarde, $6. vangi~ard, S z ; see
Vader, ib. fullier, S, Sz ; see Fader.
Uaren, u. lo fare, S ; see Faren.
Uaein, odj. fain, S ; see Fayn.
Variaunt, a 4 clianging, fickle, C2.
Uair, aiij fair, Sz ; sec Fapr.
to wry, I'rompt.; wariande,
Uale, oiij many, S ; see Pele.
Sz ; variand, S z , S3 ; variant, S3.
vale, l,P,-AF.
ual; Lat, $?.$.,
-AF, varier ; Lat. uwim".
Varlet, sl.. a young vassal, servant,
va11e!'3 "2
SkD, Sh. ; w e r , ~ ~Manip.
; verlet,
valeye, P P : vaJwis, pi., B.-OF. -alee; s3.-"~. uarlet,
dimin, of uai,al.
cp. It. uallata.
See below.
Vale,<.to descend, S3.-Cp.OF.avnlcr, . vassal, $8. a servant, sl,bject.- AF.
to dencend. Cf. Aualen.
uaiial; Low Lat. uaiiaiiitni (acc.), from
Valuwen, u. to become yellow, S; see ~NJ~,.I,
a man, s snbject (of Celtic origin);
cp. Wel, gwas, a youth, servant.
Vampies, Vampett ; see Vaumpe. Vassalage, 16. good service, pro'ness in
arms, courugc, H ; vaarelage, C, CM.Vane, $6.a ~ u n e Cz
, ; see Fane.
Vanishen, v. to vanish, Cz ; va*nshe, AF. vaiseinfe
Voc. ; vanshede,$t.s., IT; vanyschiden, Vath, $6,dmger, B.-Iccl. un'0i.
Vath, ilrterj fie! (= uah), W.
pi, became vain, W ; vunyssht,pp, Sz.Cp. OF. esuanzrisr-, base of pr. p. of Uaumpe, sb. the fore part of the foot,
eiuanuil; Lnt. c z + ztnncicerc, from uanui. the vamp, Prompt., S ; vampies, ND ;





wam~e,peiinsa,peeiiz~ni,aatepeiinie,Voc.; Vengeable, a+. f1111 of vengeance, Sj,

wampiLy,pedonn, Voc.: vzuntpe, I'nlsg.; ND.
vampett, Catll.-OF.
z~aiaipie (Palsg.). Vengeaunce,$6. vengeance, PP ; venavant-pied,the fore part of the foot (Colg.). g,,ce,
W A ; veni
pp, W ,
Vaunte, $6. a boast, \VA. Sce Vant. vengeans, B ; veni%uncis,pL, W.-OF.
Vaunten, v. lo vault, S3 ; vant, S3 w89yb7ice (BH).
(sv. uaut). Probahly for uazrrrt, uar6t.
Uenie, $6. supplicatio~i for pardon on
Vauntwarde,sb. vanguard, PP; vant- one's knecr, S.-Clii~rch Lat. utriia (Dnwarde,Sz; vaward, B,\VA.-AF.auar~?tt.
gar&, OF. aunni?t,arite,aua,it'pyar/ie.
Venkisen, u. to vanquish, PP: vencuss,
Vauntynge, sb. wnlling, S3.
U; venkquyst, pt, s., Sz ; venauysshed,
Vavasour, $6. a sub-vassal, C, HD.- pp.,S2, C 3 ; venkised, l'P; venous%,B.AF. uaunsiisr; OF. vauassor, a gen. pl. AF. eeapiiss-, base of pr. p. of uriiyzir,
form, see Burlsch, p, ~ o ;oLow Lat. vnsizri an inchoutive form of OF. veincre ; Lat.
uassolrm, vassal ofvnnsals (Diez, p. 338). ?~incere.
Vaylen, avail; vaille, PP ; vay- Uenne, $6. dal. mud, S : see Fen.
leth,pr. s., S3; vayls, H. See Auailen. Ventose, $6.cupping-glass.-OF. wenVayn, s6, vein, S j ; see veyne.
lose (uelrloz~se),cupping-glass (Cotg.); Late
Lut. zrrnloia.
Ueale, a 4 many, S ; see Uele.
Ventouse, a. to cup, 1ID.-OF. vniUeat, s6. vessel, S ; see rat.
touser (UH).
Veaw, a+. few, S I ; see Fewe.
Ventusynge, sb, cupping, C.
Veder, s6. father, S ; see Fnder.
Veel, sb. veal, SkD; veale, calf, Manip.; Venust, ad/. bheantiful, S3.-Lat. nnznsIzLi.
veal, Manip. ; veilys,pl., calves, Sj.-OF.
ueei(1's. 28.6): I'rov. uedei; Lnt. uileilz~+,z Venym, s6,poison, PP, C ;venim, Ca,
C j , PI', Munip.-OF, vetrin (Ps. 139. 3).
see UH, 5 44.
Veer-tyme, rb. spring-time, TTa. See Lat. t~cn>z%rni;
Venym-makere,s6. poisoner, Wz, I*.
Veille, sb. watcher, P ; veil, PP.-OF.
.,venolnous CI\I.-AF.
vriie ; Lat. zriaiIia, a vigil, a watch.
uaaywousr, OF. uencniolrie.
Ueir, a+. fail., MD; see Fayre.
Venymous-heede,$6. venom, PP.
Ueir, 16. beauty, S. See above.
Ueole, nG. mmaily, S ; see Uele.
Vekke, xb. an old womm, CM.
sb. enemy, S ; see Feend.
Uelaj-rede, rb. fellowship, S* ; see Ueond,
Ueor, a</*.far, S ; see Fer.
Uele,atij.many,S , ; ueo~e,S ; ueae,Ver, $6. spring, 113, 51 (Ps. 73. 19).
Conz6. : veer-tyme, spring~timc, Wz.S ; see Pele.
Uelen, u. to feel, M D ; see Pelen.
Veluet, $8. velvet, reriami ~ i i i o ~ver,
~ ~ , Sinss, Wa ; verre, 13D.-OF.
(w"i"r6) ; Lat. i it^**'.
Manip., Promp1. ; .Mwet, prompt. ; ve1o.
Uerd, $6. army, M D ; uerden, $2. dai.,
uette,Cz; vellet,HD.-It,uc/l~lo(Florio);
Late Lat. *ui/l~~tom
; from ~ * t .M~//,Js, S ; see rerd.
shaggy hair; cf. OF. veii~,shaggy (Cotg.). Uerden, pt.pi. fared, S ; see Paren.
Vendage, $6. vintage, PP-OF. vepr Verdegrese, $6. verdigtis, P P ; verdedan,ce; Lat. uirzdj~nia;see BH, 5 167.
sreoe, viride p ~ z 7 1 1 VVC.;
Venerie, s6. l~lmting,C ; venery,game, C3.-OF. vert oiegrii, verdigrease (Cotg.) ;
pi. of g r i ;
uozrric (Cotg.), from z
~ to OF.
~ (Dacan~e),






Lnte Lat.av?c%i,r; Lnt, groeilrnr; see Con.

hunt; Lnt, ucnari.
Notes, 1). 2 5 ,
B1% 5 32.
Venesoun, $6, venison, P, voc ; veny.
soun, PP.-AF. vcnesozm, u812yiuurr, OF. Verdite, sl. verdict, C ; verdyte, Palsg.
vefziion ; Lat. uerafioncnr, hunting, see A F . weiwiit ; Lat. rt8i.e dictnm.
Apfrlstcdt (Introd. xxx), 815, 5 2 8 .
Uere, $6,companion, S ; see rere.
Venge, a. to avenge, PP, ND, W ; Vergere, $6. an orchard, CM.-OF.
wenge, Sz ; vengide, $8. i., \?I.-OF.
ucrfitr (MI) ; Late Lat. wi~idiarizuir; see
uengcr, ue92@r; Lat, ui~idicarr.
5 134.


Verlet, $6.

a young scrvant, S3 ; see


virtue, kindness, Sa, PP, W, Ca; vertues,

vuermiiion.coloured,S3 ; pl., Sa. Phr. : the Lord of vertues, the
vermayle, CM.-OF.
veriiicil; Lnt. uev- Lord ofhosts, Wz, I{.--OF. vcl-$26,uirtud;
Lat. ui?.fl'tcnz.
mimlui, scarlet (Volg.).
Vermiloun, $6. vermilion; vermyloun, Verveine, 16. vervain, SkD ; verueyne,
Voc.: vermylion, W A ; vermeon, WA. Sz ; velveyn, Voc.-OF. uerueinc; Lat.
zrerbFxa; see BII, 5 44.
A F . oermiloun.
Vernage, sb. an Italian white winc, Very, aiij. true, W ; see vsrray.
Prompt, CM, , IID. -AF. ufriiagc; It. Vese, u, lo drive away, H D ; see Pesien.
ucmacira, a kind of winter wmc i n Italy vese, $6, a rmh of wind, c.-cp. 1 ~ ~ 1 .
very strong lilie Mnlmery,' so Florio, cp. flii, impulse, see
Dante, Pi~rg.$4, 24; from It. venzociio, a
Vestiment, $6. vestment, Cz ; uestisevere winter, from uel.,l o, winter;
S, C.-OF. vcstinirnt (Barthch);
bernu*,i, belonging to winter. Cp. Low rnenz,pi.,
Lat, z,cs
Lnt. uu.nachie (Docange).
Vernicle, i6.a copy of the handkerchief Vewe, '4. few, Sz ; see
Veyne, $6. vein, C ; veine, SkD ; vaine,
,f st. veronica, s 2 , PP, c ; vernakylle,
Cali,. ; vernaoie, HU.-Church Lut. uer- s3 ; V'LYna s3 : V'nYS, pii S2 i WaYnYs,
from fironica, the S3.-AF. veine ; Lat. u?*m ; see BH, 5 44.
traditional name of the woman who wiped Viage, ib. voyage, journey, S2, S3, C,
thesaviuar's face (the word being popularly C3, CM, B; vyage, Sz.-OF. uiaxe, (BH) ;
connected with zrera icon, true lilienesij ; Lat. uiafiii'm, provisions for a journey,
Veronica is a form of Bernice, the tradi- from ?ria.
tionnl name of the wornall who was cured Vicarie, $6. vicar, PP ; vioary, Cz ;
of nn issne of blood. Bernice or Bereniie visorie, PI' ; v i h r y , PP ; viokery, PP ;
is a Macedoniali form of GI. *rprvirrq, vecory, Vuc.-AF.
vicairr (F. uiguiev);
hearer of victorv. Sce 3'. verolziguc in Lat. ~ ~ i i a r i z ~nn zsubstitute.
Vilanye, rb. villainy, Cz, C3, PP ; vilVernisch, sl. varnish, Sz, I'P ; vern- ianie, uiolcatia, Manip.; vilonye, disgmce,
ysche, Prompt. ; vernyrh, 68?-nis, Voc : G.-AF.
~ i l o ~ OF.
i ~ , uilc+rie (uiionic),
uiridiurn, uirt$<i'n~, Voc. ; vernish, en- from viiaijr, peasant. farm-servant, also bad,
cazrsft'm, Manip.-OW.
uer?%is,varnish, villainous (BH); Late Lut. uiila~zus,f a n Cotg.; from OF. urr+iir; Late Lat. *uiLri- s~r,ant, from Lut. *diNa, fmn-stead, counsire, from uifi-ilizrs, from zritniliz, glass try-house.
(Diez, P. 339).
Vile, nG. vile; vyle, P P ; vil, PP.Vernish, u. encanstarc, Manip.-OF. AF. uii; 1,at uiiem.
w ~ l i i i s ~10e ~variiish,
to sleek, or glaze over villiche,
with varnisi~(Cots.).
Vilte, $6. uilenesr, H (Ps. qg. a s ) ; v p ,
Verony, ~ 6 .a vcmacle, HD.- OF. H D ; .,nete, IID.-OF. w~N;; ~ ~U Zt~ Z .ueroizic; Low Lut. vem~iiia (Ducunge).
See Verniole.
Viole a. to violate; violid, lip., 33.Verraily, ad*. verily, Cs, C ; verra- OF. .ioie,; 1 ~zrioiare.
lyest, si~pevi,H.
Viole, sb. " i d ; violis, $1, W (Rev. 5.
Verray, aG. true, S, Sz, Cz, C3, B; 8) ; soles, ~3.-OF. W~O*;~ ~ . f y o l e ;
verrey, ti, 1IU ; very, W. PQr.: verray ~ ~ t . p h i G
~ ~j rp,b~,,.
. ;
force, main forcc, Cz.-AF. urrrai, ucrnzi;
sort of rondeau, N D ;
Late Lat. *uer&unc (whencc F. vrai), from virelayes, pi, S3, CM
; virolais, HD,Lat. uei.a~i.
OF. uirelay [Cotg.) ; OF. uirer+lai; OF.
Verrayment, a ~ verily,
~ ~ 0 . ; Vera-; Late Lat. uirare; Lat. uibrorr
ment, S3, HD.
i p. 3 6 Cf. Vyre.
Vers, s6. verse, PP.-AF. uers; Let. Visage, s6. face, PP, Cz ; vysege, Sz.
A F . visage; Late Lat. 'uisaticu>,c, from
Versifie, a. to compose verses, PP.
Lut. ~ i s ~ racc.
n , of uiszrs, sight.
Versifyour, sb. versifier; vercefyour, Vitaille, $6. food, Sz, Cz, C3; vitaile,
PP, W W ; vitayle, S3 ; victual, WW;





gnufie) ; 0. Dutch wa@i (see Kilian) ; cp. Wald-ejed, a+, wall-eyed, WA.-lcel.
OI~IG. ?"aha, honey-comb (Tatinn); see weld-<Mr.
Weigmd (s. v. tunffel).
Wale, v. to choose, WA.-Cp. Goth.
Wafrere, s&. n maker of wafer-cnlrei, ziia@ti.
confectioner, PI'; wafereres,$f., C3.
walette,~ b .bug,
prompt. ;
Wafrestre, sb. a female maker or seller walet, ~ . - ~ e r h u p s corruption ofwatel;
of wafer-cukes, PP.
see SkD.
Wage, $6. a gage, pledge, pay for Walk (Valk),W. to uzatcl~,Sz,S3, R.service. U'A, I'romilt. ; wages, $1, 1'1'. SO written for zvic/i/i (vakir). see Wakien.
AF. ?un&,e, gage ; Low Lat. rundizini, a walke, sb, a walk, WA,
pledge; Gotli. wadi; CP. Lal. zras (uadi-).
v , to roll,
S ; welk, pl.
Cf. Wed.
SliD ; welke, H D ; w?ilke,pp., S.
Wagen, u. to engage, to go bail, P, i.,Wallare,
sb. stone-mason, tillzrator,
prompt.-~p.; L ~ ~ zvaiizare,
Prompt. ,5ee Wal.
from ?vad<zem. See above.
sli. a spring of water, IXD.
W a g g e n , ~to. s~lvketo o n r ~ f r o , ~ r o m p tColnb.
: walle-heued, a splinghead, Sz.
CM, 1'P ; wsggid, pp., W
Waghe' sb.
; wah'
; see Wallen, u. to boil, to weil, to tnrn
about, S, Sz, PP ; weallen, S. Coli~d.:
wa.I-h&t, boiling hot, S. Der.: wally,
Waille, u, to wail, C z ; see weilea.
S3.-AS. weallan, pt. wdoi, pp.
Wait, pr. s. knows, S3 ; see Witen ( I ) . sorging,
Waith, $6. danger, peril, B, I D ; vathe, walme, $6, a bubble in boiling, IID.
W A ; vath, 8.-lcel. uddi.
Walshe, a@. and $6, foreign, a foreigner,
waith, u. to huIlt,
TVelshman, P. Conib. : walshe note, wrlcatch,
; cp, AS, wh 8as, to hunt,' to
CM. - AS. iueli~c, foreign, Welsh
randtr (crein). llelated to F, gafxe,-nut,
(SkD) ; from ?uenNi, a foreigner, a Welsh(see Brachct). Sec Gaignage.
Waith, ib. game, sport, a ' luke,'S3, JD. Walt, $t. J. possessed, Sz ; see Welden.
-1~~1. ~ ~ i r i rcp.
; OHG. weida (otfr,d),
Walten, u. to roll, to roll over, oveltnrn,
see Weigand (3.". waide).
, V I , ~ ~is taken in hunting to fail, Lo well out, Sz ; welt, pf. s., SkD
(s. v. W~NET)
; welte, I I D ; walt, S2.-AS.
or fishing, JU, S3.
Wak, adj. wet, moist, S3,Skn (s.v. wnbr). "eaitan'
D ~ : :wakner, moistners, JU.-C~. u,,. Walter, sb. water, S3 ;
u. lo roll about, welter, Sz,
wah, Icel. SCAT; cp. Icel. -a02 ( ~ ~ ka - )Walteren,
S3, P P ; weltyn, Prornyt. Dw. : walthole in ice.
Wake, $6. ~ w ~ t~ ~i gh i, icath.
~ , conib. : rsnge, a welterins, Prompt. ; weltering,
wakepleyes,ceremoniesattending thevigils 2 turning Over, S3.
Walwen, a. to roll, CM, PP ; welwyn,
for the dead, C.
Waken, u. to be n\aal<e, to<e,cease Prompt. ; walowand, $r. p., WA ; walefrom deep,s, PI', S z ; woo, pi, $., s ; wide, pt. s., TV. - AS, wcal?uia,r : Goth.
wok, S ; wook, Sz, C3.-AS. ?oacan, pt. walwjan (in compounds).
zodc, pp. wnun.
Walwyng, sd. a rolling, W.
Walrien, u. to watch. to awalte, S, 1'P; Wambe, 46. belly, womb, W A ; wame,
waky, S 2 ; wakede,$t. i., S, 1'1'; waked, WA.
pp., S.-AS. ?uacian, pt. wocciie.
Wan, adj. wan, pale, C3, W ; wanne,
a watch, SL,Cz; wakynge, I'rompt. ; won, Sz. Conib. : wannesse,
lividness (=Let. Iiuor), Wa.-AS. zoaian?r
Waknen, u. to be aroused from sleep, (rvonn).
SkU, PP.-AS. wieinari.
Wan-,prej.z, expressing lack, drficicncy.
Wal, sb. wall, muvus, tan'es, Prompt., Comb. : wan-beleue, ptrfiifin,. l'rompt. ;
S, Sz,Cz ; wall ( nzaicf.ia), II, W A ; wan-hope, despair, Sz, C , P, II, Voc. ;
wa*lles, Pi., S ; wallen, S.-AS.
weall, wan-towwen, untrained, wanton; wantown,
wall, rampart ; Lat. ualticrn.
C ; wantoun, Cz ; wanton, WA ; wanWald, sd. wold, wood,WA.-AS. wcaid; towe, Prompt. ; wanton-ner, want of
cp. 011G. zuald.
discretion, S3 ; wantownesse, C ; wan-





trude, fail, failore, S ; wan-tntkien, to S.-AS. (gc>wur:OHG. gi-i-ziiar (Otfiid).

fail, SD ; wan-trokiynge,uburement,Sz ; See I-war (13. 123).
wan-trust, distrust, CM.-Cp. Do. wan-, War., at. s, subi. were., S z ;
. war . ne,
~ ~ n l e iSz
s , ; see Was.
Wand, sh. a rod (=Lat. u i w ' , H (Ps. War, a&. where, S ; see Wher.
109. 3). :vA ; wan% I* (ps. 44. ~ ) . - C P .
~ ha. warmnt,guarantee, SliD:
OSweil. ?ueiih
proleitor, Prompt. AF. marnnt, OF.
Wand, i b . hesitation, Sz. See Wonden. garn7*t,1 . 0 ~L Z ~ .marcrici,i (Die., p. 177) ;
Wandren, u. to wander, to walk, Sz, OIIG. I O C ~ T ~ Z ~pr.
U , p. of ?UGICII, zuarj-all, to
PI'. . W :. wendren,Sz.l'P.-AS.?vicniErian.
to take lieed. Cl. Warice.
. .
Wandlre8e,il. misery, S, I-ID; wand- ' Waranten, u. to warrant, C3.
reth, per& SL,WA; wontre=%e,S ;wand- w a r d SI,. a g,,ii,
ii,; waraes, $I.,
rede, S ; wanrede, S.-Icel.
ua+id-redi, ~D,-A;. ?otard (lii. j, ' CoitoE.'


difhcolty, from vat&, difficult.

Ward, ib, world (Lancelot of the Laik,
Wane, id. weening, thought, juclgment, E. E, T. S. No. 6 ) . See wera.
B ; wan, S z ; vayn, Sz, B ; veyn, doubt, W a r d e , ib. ward, iuitodia, S ; ward,
B.-AS. zubx. See Wenen.
cure, heed, recard, Sz ; keeping, I'romptWane, fb. a Vlantity, a number, Sz, 33; AS. 7ucard(,6), C I I S ~ ~ ~ Conib.:
~ ~ . '
wardesee Woon.
motes, rneetingr of a ward, P.
Wane, 16.
deficiency, misery, S,
u. to g,,ard, S ; ~ ~ ~jp.,
8 ~
Sz, \\'A; wone, S.-AS. wana.
Sz.-AS. zvcardian.
Wanelasour, sb, One who rouses and W a r d e y n e , i b , warden, l'rompt.; warddrives game, alator, Voc. See I i U (5. v. eyn, CM, voc.; wardane, H ;
p i , umpircs, G.-AF. ?onrdcin.
Wanen, u. to wane, to
to grow less, Wardone, $6. a kind of pear, uoIc?,irrr,a,
C, C z , S z ; wang.e,P; wanne, to cbb, S3;
waned,$$., Sa.-AS. 7vanian (roonia*).
>b. a ho,,se of
Ware, sb. merzl:sndise, Sz, C3, G , SkD.
Wangeliste, sb. evnngelit, Sz. - I C ~ I vara;
cp. AS. war%, care, custody,
Churclt Lat. eziicn~elirta(Vulg.).
Wangtooth, sb. molar tooth, Cz ; see
~ 6 host,
C O I ~ C ~ ~sz.
~ O ~CO,,,~.
h e l l e ~ ~ a rthe
e , host of hell, SD ; watres
Wankel, aG.tottery, unstable; wan- ,,,,,
waters, sz; willden ware, winds,
kyll, Sz.-AS. zunaioi (SkD, 5 - v. wench) ; sz.-AS.
war?^ (Grein), see Fick, 7. 291.
cp. OHG. ?oanR, tottering (Otfrid).
Cf. Were.
Wanne, a h . eo*ij. .when, S3 S2 ; see
$6. spring, H ; wayr, ver, Catll.;
were, B.-Icel, uiir.
Wannes, adu. whence, S3 ; see Whan- ware, ~ 6 .weir, dam, H D ; wore, Sz ;
were, CM.-AS. zocr (SkD); cp. Ieel u6rr.
Want, arii. deficient; wan% SkD: Ware, at+. corr$. woise, 1%; seewerre.
wonte, ib, dehcicncy, SkU.-lcel. uant, n.
Ware, u, to lay out, to spend, Sz, H D ,
of unnr, deficient.
J D Palrg. (p. 452) ; wayr, iotllsiutare,
Wanten,*. to be lacking, cam-, Cath.;
JU ; war, JD.-IC~~. we+,
woute, S, Sz ; w-++ede,$t. s., S ; w w n t to invest money, to spend. see
yt, $I., S3.-Icel. vaata.
W a p n e , sb. aenpon, S ; see Wepne.
$6. a
; warWapnid, $$. armed, Sz ; see weanen. r,yne, i<D. Dev. : warnere, warrener,
W a p p e n , u. to lap, wap (said of water), Prompt.; warnel; P, HD, Bardslcy.-Ar'.
to yelp, S j , Prompt.
wlzri7~ne (8arenne, gar~eync); I.ow Lht.
W a p p y n g e , $6. barking of hounds, wnr.emza; from OHG. war- in w a ~ j a n .
See Warant.
War, adj, ca~~tious,
wary, S, Sz, Cz, G, Warh (ilr iompor'rali), an ontlawed
W , Wz, P P ; wear, S ; warliche, niiu. felon. Comb.: warh-treo, the felon's tree,
cautiously, S ; wesrliohe, S ; warly, 11; the galloivs (used of the cross of Christ), S.
warli, W. Der. : warschipe, pnidencc, -AS. wearh, an outlawed felon, a wolf;







cp. Icel. v a r y , a wolf, an outlaw. With Sz ; wore. S ; ware, S ; wear, S3; ware,
wad-trio cp. OS. ?onrap-treo,Icel. uarg- pi, s. s?r@., S ; war, Sz ; war. . ne, wcre
fr!, also AS. wend-rdiE (Voc.).
. . .not, unless, Sz, H ; were, SI.-AS.
Wari-angel, sb. a butcher-bird, a small oei, 1 and 3 pt., w&e, z pt. (pl, zv&oa),
(pl. zudtsa). See Weas.
woodpecker, WA (p. 469); wary-angle, u b j zu&e
Cotg. (s.7, pie).
Waschen, a. to wash, S ; waische,
Warice,u.toheal, cure, to becured, C3; W2 ; wasrhen, S ; weschen, S ; wessohe,
warrchyn, coilua/es<o, Prompt. ; W S ~ ~ S C SZ
~ ,; wassen, S ; Warse, S ; wesch, pt. s.,
WA ; warjlsske, Pi~lsg.i warisshed, pp., S ; wessh, S, S z ; wesh, Cz, C3 ; wei%
l'rampt. (78)-OF. ?uorirs-,pr. p. stem of S ; wairohide, W, Ws ; werse, pi, S ;
wnvir, p v i r (F. gti,d,-if-),of Teut. migin ; wosschen, Sz ; wirsohen, G ; wesshen,
P ; WLSShe,pp.,C 3 ; wassohen, G ; waisOHG. iva@tr, to protect. Cf, Warant.
warien, u. to
s3, t ~H, chun, W ; je-wasse, S.-AS. zoasia?i, pt.
(?s. 10s. 2 7 ) , C3; werien, H ; varyit, wds~(wdn), pp. wasieiz (wesccn).
pt. s., Sz ; wereged, pp., S.-AS. wclboiall; Wasekn, u. to wade in mire ; wsrecp. OHG. (fzn.)-ae~pi (Tatian). AS. led, pt. s., S3.-Icel. wasin, to wade in
ooze, from vdf, r,wetness, cp. AS. rvd~(wdr).
zucrgia+2, from wearb, an a c c t ~ r ~ eperson,
See Wose, wori.
an outlawed felon. See warh.
Warien, be on tliewatch, S(9.132); Wassail, a silli~talionused in drinking,
waren, S ; ware pe, itiij. s., Pp ; war 8 K D ; wsssel, ND ; warrayl, S ; waesy o w , p / . , CL.-AS. wanaii, to take hceil, hail, S. Sec Was.
Wast, sd. ~vasteftdexpeiiditure, C3 (p.
Warke, $6. worli, Sz ; see werk.
Warlale, $6. a warlock, sorcerer, de- 48).
celver, \+'A.
AS. zuhrlop, covenant- Waste, a& solilary. S ; vast, Sz.-AF.
breaker, often used of the devil (Grein).
r~ait.-OP.~~tas/e. See below.
Warnin, v. to warn, moneo, S, Cz ; Waste, u. to waste away, Cz ; vast, to
warnon, k'romljt.; warnyt, pi. s., B ; waste, Sa.-OF.
rvastcr (goitel.); cp.
warnede, PP.-AS. zwavninn, from wcarrr, hIHG. waiten ; Lut. irnsfa7r ; see Mad'el,
a denial, refnsal. C t Wernen.
Germ. Elemmtc, p. 7 2 .
Warnishen, u. to fortify, protect, SkD Waste, $6. waist, a man's middle,
(5. V. p i - n i r h ) ; warenyss, H ; wamnist, Prompt. ; wast, Prompt. ; waast, Cz.wsrnyst,warnyscht,Pp., 11; warnised, l'robubly a deriv. irurn Wexen (to grow);
HD. Der. : wsrmysynge, protection, de- see SlcD.
fence, 'I; warnYshynge, H.-AF.
Wastel, $6.a cake nlaile of tile fiilest
PC. P. stem of w w n i r ; of 'rent. fl ,,I& y, proml,t.; wartell, /ibUnr, voc.;
origin. See Warnin.
wastelle, Voc., Cath. Co9ii6. : waste1
Warpen, u. to throw, cast, utter, to lay breed, cake-Lread, CM, C.-AF. wartel,
(eggs), PP, Sz, S, Cath.: werpen, S, 13; p s ~ (F.
d gbtcaz6).
wormn, S ; warp2pt. n.s., S, PP ; w w e , wastme, $6.
form, pcrsona~
P P ; werp,
; worpen, pp, S.-AS.
appea~ance,S, S k u (s. v. wniit) ; westm,
weorpmr, ~ t .weal?, PP. wof?m: 05. f r m t , ~ . - ~ ~ . w e s t seeWexen.
wc?;nari; cp. OIiG. zrrerphaii (Tutiun).
Wastoure, $6. a destroyer, W A ; a
Warrok, u. to fasten with a girth, P P ;
warrisk, HD.
what, S, S Z ; S ~ What.
Warrok, sb. a girth, Voc.
Wat, I and 3 $7. s. know, l<nowi, S, Sa,
Warysone, sb. reward, iiorratiuum,pos- S3 ;
witen (I),
serrio, Prompt. ; warynon, \VA ; ~ ~ r i n o n ,
r. quell% S:
C M ; wary.oun, sz,H ;
,,,,, voc.;
Wate, $6. chance, locl;, S ; see Whste.
wariroune, 8.-OF. runr.isor, help, pro.
tection, from zualir (gz~arir,gn7iv). See Watel, $6. a hnrdlc woven with twigs, a
bag of woven stuff, the baggy flesh on a
Was, pi. $. was ; wsea, s ; wees, sz; bird's neck, wattle, SkD. Co7iih : watelwale/, hordlc,
wea, S, Sz ; watz, Sz ; was, pi. s,, s ; fU1, wallet-fi~ll,yP.-AS.
wes, S ; were, S, Wz ; waren, p i , S ; cove'ing. Cf. Walette.
wierenn, S ; waren, S ; weren, S ; wer, Watelen, u. to wattle, to strengthen
S ; way, Sz ; weoren, S ;woren, S ; wern, with hurdles, SkD; watelide,pt. s., 1'1'.






Water, sh. water, Sz ; weater, S ; vatti,, S2 ; walter, S3 ; watres, Pi., Sz.

wayfe, WA.-Cp.
I.ow Lat. woyviare;
see Dacange (8.v. zuayf) Cf. Weyuen.
Comb. : watirbank, shore, W ; waterles,
?, sz ; see weY,
without watei, C. Do..: watrana, water- Weaden,16,pl,SBrmmts, S ; seewade,
ing, SI.-AS. wiitcr: OS. wotar.; cp.
Wealden, u. ta govern, S ; see Welden.
OIIG. wazzav (Tatiun).
Watloker, ad*. con@. sooner, Sz ; see W e a l d e n tj.; , $6. ruler, S ; warlden, S.What.
u. to govern, rule, eonlrol,
Wattri, adj. vvcnomor~s,Sz ; see Attrie. Wealden,
to waver, to
Prompt. ; waverand, py. p., B ; vauerand, Weallen, u. to boil, S ; see wallen.
sz,R ; w.wersnd, B; waweryt,pt. s., B; Wear, a#. T.rar?, c~ntions,S ; see War.
Weater, $6. water, S ; see Water.
vaueryt, Sz.-Iccl. v a j m .
Web, sb. that which is woven, S2, tV2
wawe, $b.
W A ; waghe, WA.7. 6 ) ; webbe, P ; wobbrr%pi., 53.AS. ~ d ;hcp. G O I ~ .
seewewe. (Job
Wawe, $6, wave, Sz, C3, W, PP, AS. web*'
Prompt.; w.wea, pi., WA, s z , s3, c 3 ; Webbare, sb. malcer of woollen or
wawe;, Sz ; waje;, Sz ; quawes, ~ 2 . - linen cloth, P'o'nPt.
Webbe, sb. u weaver,Barddey, C M , C ;
Icel. WAXY;cp. AS. ~ 2GOTI,.
a female weaver, P.
I<luge ( 5 . v. wofc).
Wawen, u. to move from side to i d e , Webster, i4. a female weaver, Voc. ;
Voc.; webstere, textov, Voc., W a
P ; wawid,$)., il,!~~!<e~,
SkD (s.v. ?u~~).- tezto'.,
(Job 7. 6 ) ; websteris, pi., Sa.-AS. 7e6.
AS. ?rm$iarz (tirein).
Wax, sb. wax, Prompt. ; wex, C C3 . *est'
Weeehe,sd.vigil, watch, S ; seewacche.
wexe, Wz. Coiiib. : wax-bred, a.
ledge, Wi'z ; wedde, P ; dat.,
covered with wax,^ u,ritiog-tablet, S ; war: wed-lac, wedlock, S ;
lokes, wan-flakes, S2.-AS. weax,
; SE:dil'a~iirb.
wealak, S ; wedlock, C z ; wedlaokes,
ruie.rhreJ, a board covered with wax.
Waxen, u. to grow, S, S z ; see wexen. Sen., S ; wedlake., S.-AS. zuedd: Goth.
wadi. Cf. Wage.
Way, iriterj. wwo !, S ; see Wo.
u. to engage by a plcdge, to
Wayke, 4 weak, Cath., Sz, C, C3, Wedden,
S, C ; i-weddet, $$,, S ; y-weaae,
PI'; way&, S2, C z ; waik, PP, B ; waiker, S : Y-we*ded:Ca.-AS.weeiiiia*,
to pledge.
col,ip,, S3,-Icrl, ueikr; cp, AS, zudc, Ct
Wede, s6. weed, garment, S, Cz, PP,
W A ; weid, S3 ; w e y 4 S3 ; weden,jl.,
W a y k e l y , n d ~watchf~llly,
S ; wedes, S, Sz, 11; wedis,
-AS. ?uaioiiice, ad". from zuaioi (Voc.). 3
S3, H,-AS, ruhde: Os, wddi,
See Waken.
u. to be mad, to go mad, Sz,
Waymenten, a. to lament, Promlit., Weden,
; weide, S3 (6.438) wedde,Pt, s., S.
Spenscr (a).-4F. zueit,l,riirfer,ptai~irantrr. -AS, wirian, from zvdd, Sze Wade,
Waymentynge, $6. lamentation, C,
,h. wether,
; wea7r,
CM, H ; wqrmentynge, C.
Prompt.; weddir,Sz; veddir, S3; wether,
Wayne, ". wain, cart,
; S1.-AS.
wder: cp. Goth. ~"ithnrs,lamb.
waines,ji., S.-AS. wag~z:OHti. m a e n
Weder, sb. weather, S, Sz, C z ; wedirs,
pi, Sz,WA; veairs, Sz; wedere), storms,
Wayowre, sh. a wager, Prompt. ; wai- z ; wederss, P.-AS. wciier; cp. G.
our, S2.-OF. zuapnrc (F.fiigcwe), from ,,,iter,
?once (gaze). See Wsge.
Wederen, expose to the weather;
WayryngPe, $4. a lilile villain, WA. wederyn, aura, prompt. ;
Wayte, s6. watchmail, waier, spy, wither, SkD; wydder, S3. Dm.: wetherPrompt. ; waites,$i, s%.See below.
ing, weathering, seasoning from exposure
Wayten, u. to watch, expect, ~ z ~, z to
, tile weau~er,S3.
PI'; wsiten, S, Sz, S3, C z , PP; i-wayted, Wedous, sh.pi. widows, Sd; see Wiajp., S2.-AF.
wayter, OF. <uauniter (Ro- ewe.
land): OHG. zcmhieiz, to \rutcl~(O;frid).
$6, a man, W A ; we, WA, see
Wayue, u. to scnd, plit away, W A ; Wye.

we, ,*, ,,,.







Weed, sb.


weed, wild herb, Prompt. ; welowe, Calh., H D ; wilowe, H (PS. 7 2 .

zoiod, w i d : 17); walows, $7. s., W A ; w e l l o ~ r l p
, p,
Cath.-AS. wealowiaie (Uoswoith).
W e e p , p t . 1. wcI% CI, C3 ; see Wepen. W e l k , p t . r, walked; see walken:
Wee+, a+, wet, P P ; wet% C. --AS. Welken, v . to fade, wilher, P ~ O ~ S,
~ , ~ . ,
Sz, S3, C3, 15, I I D ; wealkea, pp., 53.Weete. s6. >vet, perspiration, S2. PP :. Cn. Du, ivelJriz.
wet% S z , C j ; weet;C~,.I'I'.-AS.?u&ia.
welkene,$6. welkin, slcy, p p ; welken,
Weeten, m. lo \vet, Wa ; wette, pi. r., W A ; welkne, cz, HD ; weolcne,S ;
C.-AS. wdfaa.
wolcne, S.-AS.
woicna, pl. of W O I C ~ ~ A ,
Wei, inteij. ,YO ! S ; see WO.
dond, OS. zuolJan.
Weilen, u. to lament, W, Wz, S z ; Welle, sb. spring, fonntain, S, Cz, Sz;
weylen,C ; wzine, Cz. Ber : weilyng, well, S 3 ; wel, S : weeles, $1. (=Lat.
lamentation, W.-Cp. Icrl. ualn.
for-rentcs),Sz. Caii~6.: welaprung, wellspling, S.-AS. weiia, also writ, wwyll, from
Weir, rl. war, S3 ; see Werre.
Weir, $6. doubt, B ; weYr, B, s z ; were, wealla'*, to boil ~111. See Wallen.
Wellen, u. lo well, Sz, PP.-AS, wcllan,
CM, Sz, J D ; wyre, Digby Myst.
Weird, ib. falc, S3 ; see w e r a .
Wellen, u. to weld: furiio, Prompt. ;
W e i j h , s6. man, Sz ; see Wye.
wellid,pp., \A'%.
Condb. : wellyng-place,
~ ~ l well,
, ~ ~ S,
j Sz,
~ P.P ; wal, S ;
weyI, S z ; weill, S 3 ; wiel, S 3 ; wol, S ; asmelting-place ( = L a 1 canfiioriuti~),Wz.
wele, Sz ; welle,S. Conib. : wel-biooon,
joyous, CM ; weloomen,
PP ; Welt, pf. s. ovcrlumed ; see Walten.
welcume, S ; welcome, to welcomc, PP ; WelSe,rI,. wealth, riches,S,PP; weolthe,
wolcumen, S ; wilcweme, content, S ; PP. See wele.
we1 dede, good deed, PP ; pi., S ; wel- Welwen, v . to facie, Sa ; sec welewen.
faring, prospcrok~s, Cz.-AS.
?i.el; cp.
$6. spot, blemisl,, s 2 , pp, c z , XV,
OHG. ?uizola (Tatian). Cf. AS. wc/ddd,n
H : wemme, l,rompt,,
benefit (Uosworth).
H. Conib.: wemles, spotleis, Sz, WA ;
Wel, r $9: s. will, desire, S z ; see Wille. wemmeler, Sz ; wemmelees, C3.-AS.
Welde, 36. weld, dyer's weed, Prompt., zvanm8, Goth. mnnini, OS. wam, crime,
CM, SkD ; wolde, Prompt. ; wnld, JD. wicl;edncss.
-Cp. Low Lat. $r'nlttu~>&
:Ducnngr). Cf. Wemmen, u. to stain, blemisli, SD.Gnude. 'Weld, Xcieda lutco/n, Ccnistn AS. wciiarnna : Goth. (aiia)?unniiir/atr.
titzctoria,' Britten (Plant-names).
Wenche,sb.agirl,muiden, moiii.servant,
Welden, u. lo have power over. govern, Sz, Cz,WA, Prompl., SkD ; wench, B, Sz,
possess, SU (s. v. mnldtn); wealden, S ; wW.
wolde, S ; wal% pr. r.3 S ; wolde, Pt. Wenchel, $a. an i t h n t (boy or
s g ~ 4 . SD.-AS.
-ealc~arz, pt.
PP. SLD (s.". w ~ , ~ c ~ ) . - A s .W ~ , A C ~ I , tot.
lciy; cp. OHG. waakdn, lo totter (Olfrid).
weld en,^,. to wield, possess,S, Sz,W2; seewankel.
weld, S3 ; welt, pf, s.2 Sz ;
Cz ;
v , to turn (nit.), to tilin oneweld% C2 ; wait Ss i welded,Cz ; wela- self, to
to go, depart, s, sz, cz;
ide, establiihrd, Wz ; weldiden, pl., ob- went, S3 ; wend, im,i2o, s., S ; went, S ;
tained, Wz-AS. ($e:zucliiaa.
pr. s., t~lrns lac!.), S ; wend, p i , Cz;
Weldere, s l . possessor, Wa.
wendc, $t. r., S, S z ; w e n d , 13 (Ps. 9.28);
Weldynge, sb. posresaion, I-I.
wente, S, Sz, Cz; wenden,pl.,S; wenten,
Wele, rb. weal, prosperity, S, Sz. S3, Cz, S ; wente hym, turned him (re&z.), S j ,
PI'; weole, S, Sz, 1'P ; welle, I'P; well, C3; went,$$., S, Sz, Cz, C 3 ; wente, W ;
1'P ; weolen,pl,, benefits, S. Conc6. : wele- =went, S ; iwente, S. Der. : wendynge,
we?zdan, pt. viiende:
ful, blessed, joyous, S ; weoleful, S : wel- departure, H.-AS.
ful, Sz, C3 ; w e ~ c f u l v prosperously,
W. Goth. wasdges, causal of windan. See
-AS. web. ?ueoin.
W e l e w e n , u . to fade, tobecome yellow, Wenen, u. to ween, suppose, S, S z , Cz,
W, H D ; 'wemen, ~ z welyen,
~ z 1 ; ~ 3P, P ; weene, PP, ~ 3 wanst,
z $7. s.,
wed, S ; weode, dat., S.-AS.

cp. OS. ~ i o d .





Werd, $6. fatc, dcstioy, S3, B ;


S ; wende, pt. I., S, S3, C z , P P ; wente,

pj., S3 ; wend, Cz. - AS. ~ud~a:nan,(pt.
Z U L ~: LGoth.
~ ~ ) ii)?ii/n?i, from wF9is, hope ;
cn. OS. zudiiiaa.OIIG. zorinea (Tatinn).
Wenen, u. to disaccostom, to wenn,
ablacto, Prompt., \Vz. H.-AS, d-weeeiica,
to disnccustom, l o wenn (Vl'. 1's. 130. %),
cp. wrlliar~(?ucmlan), to accustom, Icel.
usnja: Goth. *zoa?@n; cp. Icel. unrri.,
Wenge, $6. wing, PP, Cath. ; wenges,
p i , Sz, S3 ; winger, Ca; whynges, Sz ;
wengis, \?Tz ; wyngis, \?Tz ; wengen,
dat., S. L)ev : wenged, winged, C.-lcel.


S3; weme, Sz ; wnrde, S D ; werdir,pl.,

S3,II, B ; wierde, EID, CM; wordis, H ;
wur8es. S.-AS. mvid See Worthen.
Werd, $6. world, WA, Sz ; see Werld,

Were, sb. a man, hiisband, S. Conib.:

~ e r - ~ ~ l~ f~, - w
Sz ~; ,werwolues,pl.,
l f ,
S3.-AS. r o e , OS. wry; cp. Goth, wai?.,

Lat. sir.. OIr, fir.

Were, sl. company,hostl S.-Cp. MEIG.
wcr, wen: OHG. w a d , see Weigan? (s.v.
w i r ) . Cf. Ware.
$b, war, H ;
were; sb. doubt, ~z ; see Weir.
Went, sb. passage, road, pathway; Wereged, pp. acc~irsed,S ; see Warien.
wente, &/., Chl.
Wereld, $6, ruorld, S ; see World.
Weod, sb. weerl, S : see Weed.
pi. were, S ; were, S ; wer,
Weole, sb. wed, S, S L ,P P ; scc Wele. S:Weren,pt.
see was,
4. pa>=rf~ll, S.-AS. w c I k werien, u. to
" -.. c3. seewery.
ncn. aee wele.
u. to wear, PI', S ; were, Sz,
Weorc, $6. work, S ; see Werk.
C z ; wer, S 3 ; werede, $1. s.. C ; wered,
Weored, sb. a host, cohort ; weordes, PP, c,, c3; wered, pp., Cz, C3, P P ;
pl.,S; worder, S.-AS.?ircomd: OS. weroii. ,,,ne.went.
, nait.Sx.-AS.zverian:
~Weoren...Of. .
fll. were, S : see Was.
, .: cn.
- Icrl. atria,. to clothe. to invest
money, t o spend.
Weorld, sb. i,,orl-id, s';see w e r i d .
Weorren, u. to war, S.-AS. wewin* Werien, v. to defend, to keep off, S ;
weren, S, Sz, C ; were&, pt, s., S2.-AS.
(zren.icn in Chron. nnn. 1135).
zrr*rinn, OS. weriarr; cp. OHG. wen-08, Lo
Wepe, $6. weeping, Sz ; wep, S.
defend, forbid (Otfrid), were*, to forbid
Wepen, u. to weep, S, P, C3; weopen, (Tatia,,),
S : wep, pt. i., S, S I , C ; weep, Cz, C3 ;
, ~ of defence,TVA ;
wepe, ; weep, ; wepen, pl,, s ; wept,te, Werke, ~ 6r.n o r l ~work
pt. i., C3 ; wepten, PI,
wonen, $$., Werk, S, S z , C ~ , P r o m p t .wers,S;
wLOp):0s. iudpiar, S ; WO'CI s2 ; Work% Sa ; Warke, 5 3 ;
weorxer, pi, S. Comb. : werk-beeste,
Goth. ?oop/"ii. See Wop.
jzraie?it%mi,\\Tz.-AS. (p)wrwr : OS. wcrir;
a mnle, Sn ; cp. I C ~ I , ~ i ~ r i i , entrenchment.
Wep-man, s*. a
weopmon, S ; w e p m e n , p i , S.-AS. whpmair (Voc.), ?u&p;nncdiiinn (Grein). See Werke, u. to work, Prompt.; wirken,
Sa ; werchen, S, S3, C3., w rohen, S ;
wurchen, S, Sz ; worchen, W, S z ;
Wepne, sb. w c w n , nieiiib*.zim oiiiic, wrohte,pt. $., s ; wro3te, S, s z ; wroght,
PP, S, Prompt.; wepen, Cz ; wapne, S ; Sz ; w r a h t , Sz ; wrshtas, z pi, s., S ;
wwynnys,pJ., S3, n ; w * ~ n y s 8
, ;-pen,
wrogt,pp., S ; wrooht, s3; wroght, sz ;
WA. -AS.
whpm: Goth. ro+iza, PI.
wro,,ghte, s 3 ; i-wraht, S ; i-wrodte,
we.ipans ; see Sicvers, I 7, and Cosiln. p. 4r.
; y-wrou3te, P ; y.wroght, ,-a.-A~.
Wepnen, u, to arm, SD ; wapnid, ?$., wyrian, pt. W O ~ A L pp.
~ , gezuo~iit.
S a ; wapened, W A ; wo~nede,PC,S.
werke, $i..
Wer, sb. war, B ; rce Werre.
(Grein) ; cp. Icel. uevirr.
Werble, s l . warble ; wrablis, pL, S3.
Werken, u. to ache, WA : werkyn,
Werblen, a. to warble (of trumpets), Prompt.; werohen, Sj.-Icel. u c r k j ~ .
WA, S I C ; werbelen, S l m ; wrabil, to Werkinge, sb. aching; werkynge, R ;
move in an nndolating manner, .ID.-OF.
I~eacl-ache,l'rampt.; warkynge, H ; werkwc7iilcr; of Teut. origin, cp. G. wirble!~, y n g i s > j i , H.
t o whirl, to warble.
Werld, sb. world, S, Sz ; weorld, S i
Werchen; see Werke, Werken.
wore14 S; worlae, PP; world, S; werela,





S ; m r l d , S ; worlt, S ; wordle, Sz, Wes, Pi. i. was, S, Sz ; see Was.

P P ; word, S1, PP; werd,>vA, Sz; werde, Weschen, a. to wash, S ; wessche, Sz ;
I'rompt. ; weorldes, gcn., S ; woreldes,
pi. s., S ; see Wasohen.
werldes, S ;
Weste, a@. desolate; wesste, sb.,wilciS = ; wordles, pi, Sa. Conrb. : weorela- e*,,ess S.-AS.
desolate (zuti(r,z, a
liohe, worldly: weorelldlike, S ; world- descrtj : 0s. vodlti; cp, OHC,
lich, S ; worldlic, S ; worltliche, S ;
(Talian). Ct
wordliche, S ; werdliche, S3 ; weoreldS.
sohipe, worldliliess ; weorel~dshipess, W e S t i ~
g c n , S.-AS. zotoi?~ld: 0s. sootold; cp. Westm, ib. fruit, S ; see Wastme.
Wet,proa. what, S ; see What.
OIIG. wcrait (Tatinn).
Wermod, sd. wormwood, Voc. ; wer- Wether, $6. wither, Sa ; sec Weder.
mode, SH ; wormod (=Lat. a ~ ~ i ~ f ~ wette,pt,
~ b n ~ l , $.
c ; see weeten.
W ; wormode, Voc. ; wormwod, Voc.Weued, sb. altar, Sz -AS. weojod (for
AS.,,idij, (OET.) ; cp. G. zoeniail *h.
wii-bed<?),idol-tuhle, altar (Voc.), zuitbcd
Wern, $8. fl. were, S ; sec Was.
( I )i
t ( V ) . AS. wi6 (wig)),idol,
Wernard, sb. n deceiver, liar, P ; wern- sacred place, altar (Grein); cp. Goth. weihs,
araes, pl., P.-OF. girenznrt. Sec below. holy, and ti. ~ i h in- weih-uai/it, zueih.
Wernen, u. to refuse, PP, S, S2, G, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h .
I I D ; wurne, Sz ; warn, II, R, S2, H D ; Wexen, u. to wax, to grow, S, S z , C3,
wornde, pi. s., Sz-AS. zuyrrzna, to reit~se TI', \Tz ; waxen, S, Sz; walxis, pr. pi,
(Grein) ; cp. OS. zw,er?iiarz. Cf. warnin. S3 ; wex, pt. s., S, Sz, S3 ; weex, C3 ;
1 ; we=, XT';
werpen, *. to throw, to bring forth, S ; we=, S ; wax, S2 ; ~ 0 x SZ
wexen, p i , S ; wexe, C z ; woxen, 11';
see Wsrpen.
O ~ X S3
; wexide, Pi. s. (weal<form). M'z ;
Werrayour, sb, warrior, B,-OF, gut,.. W
waxen,$$., S ; woxen, Cz, C3, W ; woxe,
yeitr (BH).
G ; wox, S2.-AS. weazas, pt. wdon, pp.
Werre, m i j C U I I I ~ worse,
H, HI); were, 7ueaxen.
J U ; wer, I:; wwe, H, ID; war, J D , n ; wey?$i.. way, S, s2.c Z ;
S, s 2 ;
waur, JD.-Iccl. ucwi.
weg, 5 ; weie, S ; weye, S ; we, S z ;
Werre, $6. war, S, C, Cz, H, Cath.; weies,geiz., S ; vayis, Sz. C0?1,6.: weyworre, Sz ; were, I1 ; wer, B ; war, R ; bred., plantain, Prompt.,Voc. (see Grirnm,
weir, B, S j . Der.: werely, warlike, S3, p. r z ~ g i . fir. : a litill we, a little bit,
JD.-OF. zverve (F. gm"c) ; OHG. werra, S I ; wei, a little time, Sa (see SkD, s. r.
strife, cp. ,n'-wewi, a tumult (Otirid).
m e , p. 833).-AS. zoeg; cp. Goth. wig$.
Werreyen, u. to make war, Cz ; wer- weyd, sh. garment, Sa ; see Wede.
ray, H,
warray, '.-OF.
Weye, il. crentllre, person, wight, man,
PI' ; wye, P P ; wy, PP.-AS. zc,iga, warW e r r i e n , ~to. make wnr,SD; weorren, ,ior, man.
S ; worri, Sz ; w;vryed,pt. pi, FI ; werid, Weye,sb. a wey, a weight so called, PP.
I1 (Ps. ro8. %).-AS. ?uerriaiarr ; OF. p e r Weyen, u. to weigh, to movc, PI', Cz,
ricv (HH). See abuvr.
S, Sz ; weie, Sa ; w e i ~ n S, ; weyen, pp.,
Werse, a*. conij. ~vorrsc,S ; see WurSe. s,, p ;
pt. r.
form), sz ;
Werte, rd. a wart, C, Prompt., Voc. ; weyaed, P.-AS. z u e e n , to bcar, to move,
warte, Cath.; wrette, Prompt. ; wrot, pt. zoeg (pl. ~odgos),~ l p
Prompt. (n). Cofi~b.: wrot-wort, =trrtb weyuen, to swing
to set aside,
rayin, Prompt. (*a).-AS. 7rlearft (Voc.).
waive, c z , c3,G, sz.
Werwolf, ib. man-woli; see Were.
-AF. ?ueiuer; Icel. ueifh, to vibrate. CL
Wery, a+ torbid, dirty, Sa (4 a. 38); WaYUe.
weary, Cz ;,weri, ads., S. Uer.: weri- Weyues, s6. pl. men ar things found
nisse, weanness, S2.-AS.
wdrig, weary. astray withunt an owner, P.-AF. waG
o z j j ( I ) . See above.
Sec Worie.





Wha, $?,an. wlio, Sz ; see Who.
(790. 2 7 ) ; wheal, SkD ; wheale,'pupula,'
Manip. ; quealr, hlunip.
Whaer, a h . where, S ; see Wher.
Whal, 16. iuhulc, Wa.-AS. ilzoiel
(voc.). Whelen, u. to putrefy, Prompt.-AS.
h?ueiian ( W ) .

C t Qual.

Voc., Prompt.,
a h . ~ , z I ~ ~ ~~ o~ , z~ .hen,
j. . ,
s z , W h e l k sb. a pim~>le,
c z ;whane, S ; whalme, S, ; hwanne, MI) ; whelk, Sh. ; whelkes, PL, Chf, C ,


S ; huanne, Sz ; hwenne, S ; hwau, S ; Skn ( S Y. wheal).

hwen, S ;hwon, S; w a n n e , S , s z ; wonne, Whelp, sb. a whelp, dog, C z , C3,
S ; wane, S, S I ; wone, S ; wan, S ; won, Prompt.; welp, h1D; quelpe, MD; quilpe,
S ; quanne, S ; quune, S ; quan, s ; MD ; qwelpe, Vat.-AS. hweip.
quuan, S ; quen, Sz ; quene, S. Comb. : Whene,u.tolnment,MD.-AS.hw&na+i.
whannse, wilenioeucr, S.-AS, h?iiani$e. See Quain.
Whanene, ads. whence, S ; wanene, Whennes, a h whence, C3, P : see
S ; wenene, Sz ; whaennenen, S; whenne, Whannes.
Sa, Cz.-AS. ii?eanorr.
Wher, a h . irelei-mfi. and re/. where, S,
C z ; whare, S I ; whaer, S ; hwer, S ;
Sz ; whannns, Wz ; whennys, W ; wan. ]mar, S ; huer, Sa ; wer, S ; war, S ;
qusr,Sz ( E V , sig2mr) : quhare,S3; quuor,
nes, Sz ; whennes, C3, P.
S. Comb.: wheras,where, S3, Cz ; werbi,
what, pro*. illten
S ; werefore, whercforc, S ;
why, whr,efore, S, s3, w ;
S, whereby,
s z ; w l , a t t , ~ ; w h a u t , ~ z: hwat,s; hwet, hwerfore, S ; warevore, S, Sz : werinne,
Sz : huermyde, iihcrewith, Sz ;
S ; huet, s z ;
s, s z ; wet, S, sa; whwein,
S, sz. ~ ~ ~hwat
6 . . .:
both w O r - O f i whereof, S ; whserswa, wheresoS ; wherso, Cz ; hw-se, S ; hwerse,
. . . wz*t,s ; what swa, ever,
S : warso, Sz ; whsersitt, S ; quhair-to,
S ; quat kin,
kind, sz;
enex, mul,tsoevcr, s2.wherefore, S 3 ; whzsrwipp, wherewith, S ;
wareporn, wherethrough, Sz.-AS. hiadr.
-AS. hruet.
Wher, #*.on. and corij. wllether of the
wllat, ioizj.what tirne,
; wat,s.two, whether, Sz, C, C z , G, P P ; where,
Cf. A1-watt.
; Whar,
; hwere, S ; wer, S z ; quer,
What,a+. quick, keen, sharp, strennons lip
; quhidder, S3 ; whether, S ; hwever,
M ~ hwat,
M D ; wat, M D ; SZ
'iv,, ; wate, M D ; whate, MD, HD ; S. Comb.: wher so, whethersoever, S ;
Cf. Auper2
S ; watlolrer,
S2.-AS, queSer
/i?unl: OS, /noat; cp. ~ c e i .huair, OHG.
Whete, sb. wheat, Voc, C3; hwete, S ;
?on$, sharp (Otirid).
S: quete,Sz ; quet, Sz.-AS. hwhle:
[Whatel, sb. chance, luck; hwate, S, wete,
Goth, h?uiiilcir,
MD ; w ~ t t e ,S ; puate, HD.-AS. Arual,
HD, ; whyomen, aagory, irzciianioitirm ; cp. I C ~ I . Whethen, ".'
thyne, I I D (p. pg).-Icel. iiun8an.
hvot (iiuala-). Sce What, a+.
to sharpen, CM, Prompt.,
Whaup, sb. the larger curlew, IID, J D ; $ Whetten,*.
3 : whaatte, $1. s., S, MD; wette, &ID.
whaap' J D ; WhaP' ID; qUhaiup' J D ;
quhaip, JD ; awp, J J j; awppis,$l., 53. 'Coiirh. : whet-stone, Prompt.; whestone,
Voc, ; whestones,ji,
Wheen, $6. a nnmber, a quantity, JD ; s~.-As. ; whenton,
I , ? : ~ 1 ~~ ~ 1~hue*.
. ~ ~ see
quhene, JD.-Cp.
AS. hwiiie, insl. of what, n4
hzoda, see Sievrrs, 237. See Woon.
Whi, adv. inlewog why, S : wi, S ; wy,
Wheene, a@ jl. fc\i., B.
S ; hwi, S ; qui, Sa.-AS. iiwi, inst. of
Whele, rl. wheel, Voc., Wz ; whiel, iizvii. See who.
CM: whel, C ; quhele, S3 : hweoles,pl., Which, pro*. iliterrog and
S. Comb.: quheill-rym, wheel-rim, S3.- w h i c h , ~ aw; h i l k , ~ zwhillo,~;whulche,
AS. huiol; cp. Gr. nbrrhur; see Douse, p. s ; hwilc, s ; hwiloll, s ; hwioh, S ;
hwuch, S ; huych, S ; huyshe, Sz ; wulo,
Whele, ih. a pimple, Prompt., Voc. S ; w i n , S z ; wulche, S ; woshe, S ;

25 8


. .

Ca ; wifman, woman, S ; 'wimmaa, S i Wile, sh. a wllile, S ; see While.

=ymma*n, S : wiman, S ; womman, S, wilk, pvoil., ~ h i ~ sz
h , ; see which.
PP ; wummon, ; wommanhede,
Will adj. at a lass, astray, bewildered,
hood. C z , Cz.-AS.
wli: OHG. v ~ i 6B, S, ;lwil, H ; vill, 1( ; wille, adu., S.
Par. : w i l l of yea, ut a loss in coui~sel,
Wig, 46. a beast of burden, horse, S.- B ; ~ i l ofi wane, a loss in thougilt, n :
AS. zuic8: CP. Icel. viffr (uic"-), also
ofwan, s z ;
ofvayn, s~.-Ic~I.
uiff, see Sievers, 247.
will? (for ruildr;, wiid.
Wigelen, s. to reel, stagger, S.
Wille, I p?. J. will, S, Ss : we], Sz ;
Wight, s6. active, swiit, strong, Sz, PP, wuie, S ; wune, S ; wile, pi.. r., S, S z ;
CM, ti; wyght, 5 2 ; wijt, P P ; wiht, 1'P; w o k , S ; wol, Sz, Cz ; wult, z pr. s., S ;
w h t , Prompt. ; wicht, S3 ; w c h t , 53 ; wolt, S, Sz, Cz ; willen,pi,, S ; will&, S ;
wict, S ; visht, 52; rwte, Prompt. ; wnlle8, S ;wulle, S ; wilen, S : wiln, G ;
wightly, ndu., 1%; wijtli, S z ; wi:tliche, wolle8, S ; wole, Cz ; woln, C. Co~izb.:
Sz, P ; wihtliche, S a ; witly, Sz. Dcr.: ichulle (ich + wulle). S ; ich ohulle, S ;
wightnesse, alacrity, Cath.
ioh ohule, S ; wiltu ( w i l t t s n ) , S ; wilte,
Wight, rh. w i ~ h t ,creature, being, PP, S ; woltow, C, PP.-AS. zuilie, I and 3 pr.
wilt, a pr, s. See Wolrle.
Sa, C3; wyght, PP, Sz, C3; wi:t, PP, S ;
wij:t, S3 ; wiht, S, Sz ;wyht, S? ; whit, Wille, $6. will, joy, l,leasnre, S, Sz, Cz,
S 3 ; whi)t, S3.-AS. zuiht, see SliD.
PP ; wslle, PP ; willer, fcn. as edv. wilWiht, sh. n tliing, S ; wijt, S ; whit, lingly, S ; willeliohe, rids,, willingly, S.
WW.-AS. wiht (wsht), thing,f. and n. Coni6.: willesful, wilful, S ; willesfol,
Wihte, ib. </at.weight, S ; see wyghte. S a ; wylles uol, Sz ; wylsfully, wiift~lly,
Wik, ~ badwclling
; wike,pi, S. c ~ n i b . : SZ. P k : mid Kuode wYIle, willingly,
S zS; . i n good wille, anxioils, G.-AS.
~ i & ~ - l ucoijrt;
u~ttta: Golh. wii/iz. Ci. Wil.
wic; Lut. z~icum(acc.).
Willing, sb. desire, Cz.
PI', C, S z ; weke, PI', Cath.; woke, W, Wilnen, v . to desire, S, Sz, S3, C, Cz,
Sz, PP, Prompt., Cath.; ~ o u k * , V
\ ; IV, P ; wilnien, S ; wylny, Sa. Dw. :
wowke, Cuth.-AS.
mice (ztiucu);
La?. wylnynge, desire, Sz.-AS. ?oii?xlbi~.
Wilwe, $6. willow-tree, C, Prompt.AS, wehf (Voc.).
Wike, $6. office, service, S D ; p i ,
Cp. Goth. wi1.o; Lat. ~riiciir,changc, regillar Wimman, $6. woman, S ; see Wif.
successioii, office, service.
Wimpel, sb. s nun's reil, S : wympel,
Wiken, sb. office, charge; wikenn, S C. C07iib.: wimpel-leas, wimple-leis, S.
(5. 1113), st).
-1cel. uimpiti; cp. AF. gitiniplr.
Wikenere, rb. officcr, SD.
Wimplin, u. to cover with a wimple, S ;
Wiket, rb. a small gnte, S, P, CM ; Y-wimpled, pp., C ; i-wimplet, S ; ywickett, PI'; wyxett, uaiua, gate, Cuth.; w m p l e d , C.
litlle window,fr~rcsfreiia,Prompt. ; viket. Wimplange, s6. wimpling, S ; wimiodiz~m,a lover-window, Cnth. (n).-OF.
lunge, ,?at., S.
wihrt (wiqz~it); cp. ODo. iuiihet.
Winden, v . t o wind, twist, turn; wrnde,
Wikke, ndj. bad, Cz, CI, ; sce Wioke. PI' ; wand, pt. i., SD; wonden, pi., P ;
Wikked, a+. cdepravcd, bad, Cz ; see wounden, I'P; wunden,pp., S; wounden,
S : wounde, P P ; y-wounden, PI'.-AS.
Wil, sb. will, joy, S ; Cotill.: wiltill, wi~da~i,pt.war~d(~l.~~~~inlioo~),p~.
desirous, gracious, willing, W, Wz ; wil- Wine, id. friend ; wines, pi., S. Coinb. :
full, S3; wilfulliche, willingly, S ; wil- wine-males, kinsmen, S.-AS. wine, winefulli, W ; wilfully, C3.-AS.
(gc)wili. rirdf.
Cf. Wille.
Winne,,S ; wynne, I I D (p. 933) ;
Wild, a+. self-willed, untamed, uncdli- wunne, S, Sa ; win, S. Der.: winli,
vated, desert, S ; wielde, W z ; wylde, $6. pleasant, Sz ; winsom, Sz.-AS. wylen.
pi., wild animals, Sz. Der. : wildern*, Winnen, u. to win, S, Sz, Ca; wxnne,



Sz ;wyn, S3 ; vyn, Sz ; wuaien, S ; wan,

pt. s., S, Sz, Ca, C3, P ; van, Sz ; wonne,
pL, PP, Sz; wonnen, pp., C; wonne, C ;
Y-wonne, P ; i-wonne, Sz ; wonen, Sz ;
wune, Sz. Dcr.: wynnyng, gain. W.AS. (gc)wi>rnan,pt. ?oan (pl. lui'ilnolz>, pp.

that, S ; wiMat,S, Sa; wiEouten,without,

Sz, S3, W ; w i h t e n , S ; wi8outenfoah,
outside, Sa; wi'outefoi6,S3,W; withoutforth, Sz-AS. toid.
With-clepin, a. to recall, reuoiare,
W i t h - d r a j e n , u. to withdraw, S ; wfldra?en, S z ; wi8dro?e, pt, s., S ; with-



W i r k e n , u. to work, Sz ;'see Werke.

Wis, odv. indeed, S ; wisly, aiiv., cer- drow, S.
tainl?, sorely, C, C2, C3.-AS. (ge)wiss. WiBer,prep. against, SD ; a d j , hostile,
See I-wis.
S ; $ 6 , resistance, SD. Conih. : wiserling,
Wissen, u. to direct, goide, S,Sz, S3, adversary, S ; wi%erward, contrary, SD ;
CM, P ; wyssen, Sa; wyssye, S ; wisi, S, widel.wardnesee, opposition, S ; wiserDEP: W~SSULII~C,
il~struction,S; wirsinge, win, adversu~y, IID, Sz.- AS. zoi8er,
dat.,S; wissenge,S.-AS.ruirrian,wisien: against.
OIIG. wf@n, also ~ci~tstir
Wiseren, u. t o resist; wi%reM,pr. i.,
W i s t e , p t . i.
I<ilew,S,Cz, G ; wist,pp. S.-AS. wittriarz.
known, S3, CI, G ; sce w i t e n (I).
WiBi, s6. a willow, a flexible twig, a
Wistynge, sb. learning, H.
withy, SD, SkD ; wythy, Voc. ; widdie, a
Wit, sb. wisdom, intelligence, S, c z ; rope made of twigs ofwillows, a halter, a
wyt, S ; wittes, $1,.sellsen, S, Sz, c z ; whip mvdc of twigs, JD. Cottab. : wythebonde, doia, chain for prisoners, Prompt. ;
wites, S.-AS. (gtjzuift.
we&-bonder, gnr, Sz ; wi8-winde, conWit, prcp. with, S ; see wi8,
W i t % d.blame, Sz, 11; w t e , C3. See voiuuizi, SD ; withewyndes, @$., 3%(p.
334,, I,.-AS,
zuiOig, willow, zoiOwi,rde,
Witen (3).
vilicella,' Voc. ; cp. OD". ?~lriic?ui~zde.
Witen ( I ) , o. to know, S, Sz, \T7, Pl'; ' With-seye,
u . to conuadict, renounce,
w y t e n , ~ sz
, ; witte, Sz ; witt, Si; witt,
i,,~p.r., S ; wittow, witow, know t,,oo, C3; wythsay, I I D (P. 935) ; witseggen,
S z ; m t e , p L , S ; wytene, gcr., S z ; wit- "
Wis-stod,.$t. 8.stood beside, S a ; withynge, pl..p., s3,w ;
I and pr, $., S,
SZ, s 3 ; wate, H ;
s 3 ; wet, S, sz, stode, p i , reslstcd, PI'.
Cz ; woot, sz, w ; wote, s3;
sz; W i t h - t a k e , u. to reprove, H ; withwort, z pr. s., S,Cz ; wostn, knowest toke,pt. S , 11.
tliou, S ; wostom, Cz ; witen, pi., S, w ; W i t h - t a k e r e , i .reprover, H.
w ~ t e 8 Sz
, ; wate, S z ; wiste,pt. s., S, Cz, Witien, u. l o kccp, Sz ; wited, pt, s.,
G ; wisten, pi, S, W ; wist, SL, S3 ; Sz. Uer. : witunge, cnre~tuking,S.-AS.
wYst, Sz, S3; wuste, pt, r., S,Sz ; wnst, zoitinn, ' providere' (Grein).
Sa : wist,$P, s3, c z , c.-As. luitan, 2 pr. Witing, ib. knowledge, Cz. See w i t e n
adst, 3 pr. %, wdi (pi. zoitoii), pt. wirte (I).
(zoissc), pp. zoitni.
Witije, 16. seer, prophet, S ; wite)e, S.
Witen ( z ) , u. to observe, kecp, guard, A S . zuitip, from witon, to see; ep.
S, P, Sz ; wiste, 1".s.. S ; wistest, z pi. OIIG. z u i z n p ( T n t i e from wizaa, to see
r., S ; i-wist,pp., S. See above.
( ~ t f ~ i a )See
. w i t e n (3).
Witen (3). u. lo impnte, blame, S, Sz ; Witter, a#. wise, rlrilful, S ; wyter,
WYte, C2.-AS. ziritaiz, to sec, to blame Ss ; witerliohe, a h , truly, wisely, S;
witerlilre, S ; w i t t e l y , clearly, P, H D ;
witen (q), u. to dqmpi, to disal,pcur, witerdilie, S; witterlike, S ; witerli,Sz ;
to dwindle, S, H ; wyte, H ; w i t , Sz ; ute, witirly, '1.-Icel,
uitr, u i t r l i p .
let us, S.-AS. (g-e)zvitaia; see Grcin. Sec W~tti,
aiij skilful, \?'2.-AS. mittif.
W i t - w o r d , s6. covenant,II; witewora,
Witerliche, ads. truly, S ; witerlike, Sz.
S ; see Witter.
W i 3 t , sC. creature, thing, S ; sce w i g h t .
Wi8,prep. against, towards, by, with, S, W l a f f y n g , sC. babbling, Sz.
Sz ; wid, s, S z : wit, S, Sz; wi3th. SZ. Wlanc, a<@. p r o d , fine, grand, Sz ;
Col,ib. : wi8innen, within, S ; wi8inne- ~ i o n kS, z ; wlonke, fine
HDfof% inruardly, S3, W ; wiMan, provided AS. w h n ~

W'lappen, u. to wrap, W, Wz ; lappen,



Woden,r6. name of a Teutonic deity, S.

Comb. : Wodnesdei, Wednesday, SD ;

W, H, Cath., SkD, HD.

to feel disgust, to abominate, Wednes dai, SD ; wendes dei, %AS.
Wdden ; cp. OHG. W?diaolarr,Icel. Odi?in.
W, wz,
Sz, I I D ; ~ l ~ t h ipt.
d , $., H.AS. wletiaa.
Woh, sip. .crooked, wrong; wo3e, S ;
Wlat-some, a@, disgusting, abomin. wo3he, 2% S. A h . phr.: mid wohe,
able, Sz, H U ; wlatsom, C ; wlatsum, wrongfully, S : mid gret wou, Sa ; wi86
woihe, S ; wi% won, Sz ; a n wowe, S.Sz ; latsom, Sz ; wlethsum, 11.
Wlatunge,r6,disguit,SD; wlathwgis, AS. ~ d hcrooked.
pL., abominauuns, H.-AS. widhmg, nausca Woh,rb. ~vrong,S : wouche, S3 ; wow%
pi., Sa.-AS. mdh, iniquity.
Wlech, a$. warm, S.-AS. ?u?ec.
Woke, i b . week, W, S z ; see Wike.
Wlite, $6. beauty, splendour, form, hue, Wol,pi.. r. will, Sa ; see WiIle.
face, S.-AS. zulile (OET).
Wol, a h . well, very, S ; see Wel.
Wliten, u. to see, S D ; w l ~ t e ~ , p y . p i . ,Wolcne, sb. pi. clouds, the sky, S ; see
S2.-AS. wliIa7c; cp. Iccl. lita.
Wlonk, a*. fine, grand, Sz ; s e e w h n k . wold, ~ b power,
force, S, SX.
Wluine, ib. she-wolf, S.
-AS. (ce>aeald.
Wo, itzte??. W U !, SD ; Way, S: wei, S ; Wolde, sb. wold, open conntry, country,
i , S. Comb. : wo l a wo, an exclamation s P I ~ ~ ~ ~ . - A S .
wood, forest : OS,
of sorrow, S ; weylaway, Sz, C3; weila- ?iald,
wai, s ; w a i l ~ w a i ,S ; wayloww', G ; wolde, pt. $.
desirous, was
walawai, S ; wele away, Sa.-AS. wd: wa,,ld, 3, sz,c z ; wulae, S : walde, s ;
Goth. w a i ; cp. OHG. wp (Otfrid), Icel. wald, sz,p, ; wide, s2; woldes, $(. $.,
uei.-AS. 2nd Id ?vd.
S ; wolden,pl, S ; wolde, S, Cz; wulde,
WO,rb. also used as a*. woe, sonowful, 5 ; w u ~ d ,s a ; walaen, S ; vald, Sa, B.S, Sz, Ca, C i ; ws, S , Sz, B. i ' h :~Wo AS. molde, ~ t s.. ofwillan. See wille.
begon, surrounded with woe, SkD; wai
Pp; wlf, S ; wlie,Voc.;
worth, B ; wo worthe, SD.-AS. w'a.
wo~wes,pi.,~z ; wulues, fen., S. Comb.:
S ; wooc, skD.-AS.
Woo, 4.
wo~ues-heed, , v o I ~ . ~head,
G.luiii. See Wayke.
AS. m d f ; cp. Icel. iijfr.
WOC,pt. s. woke, S ; see Waken.
Wolle, sb. wool, S, Sz, C3, P. Comb.:
Woche,pron. which, S ; see Which.
wolle-ward, with the skin against the
Wode, sb. wood, tree, S, Sz, Cz, PP ; wool, SkD ; wolward, S3 ; woolwmrd,
wod, S a ; vod, Sz ; wude, S. Comb. : ND ; wolle-websteres, wool-weavers, P.
woae-bynde, woodbine, SkD ; woode- A S . W Z L I Goth.
bynde, moprz~oiiusz,Prompt., C ; wodp,
bynde, Sz (p. 76); woode-lrnde, lindcn- Wolt, z pr. r. wilt, S ; sce Wille.
tree in a woo%, G ; wode-roue, woodruff,
sz;~ o o a e - r brushwood,
G ; woode- Wolx,pf,3. grew, S3: see Wexen.
schawe, thicket of the wood, G ; m a e - Wombe, $6. urrztcr, aimsf, uterus,
side, wood-sidc,S ; rrode-spae, S z ; wade- Plompt. S, Sz, 33, Cz, C3. P; wambe,
w a e , the name of a bird, also called wit- ~ 3 . - ~ d .wamb: Goth. watt~ba,ibebelly.
wall, Prompt., HD ; wude-w~le,S ; wode- Won, a@. wwa S S;~see Wan.
wose, a satyr, faun,SU,Voc.,Prornpt. (7');
Wonden, u. to turn aside, to fear, to
wode-wese, Prompt. ; wod~wose,WA.hesitate, S,Sz ; wayaayt, pt. r., Sj.-AS.
AS. wudu; cp. O I r . j d ((Windisch).
Wode, sb. woad, S, Prompt.) wod, SkD; Wonder, a@. fearful, wonderful, S, S z ,
wad, faudo, Prompt.-AS. ?"ad.
Cz ; a h . , C3 ; wounder, S2 ; vounder,
Wode, a 4 mad, raging, S, 52, 53, C ; S2 ;Wondir, S j , H ;wnder,sb., a wonder,
wod, S, Sz, H ; wood, Cz,C?,,Sj; woode, S ; wounder, Sz ; wunder, pL, awful
W ; wodly, a&., madly, C, Der.: wod- wickednesses, S. Der. : arunderuoe, wonnes, maduerr, S2, H ; wodenesse, Sz ; derfal, S ; wunderliohe, ads., S ; wonderwoodnesse, C3,W. Consb.:wodewrothe, Iyohe,Sz; wonderly, C ; wundarlicherte,
madly angry, S3.-AS, wdd: Goth. wods; ruperi., S ; wunderlukeste, S. Phr. : to
cp. OHG. wzrot.
wundre, wrong, S.



Wondrien, u. to wonder ;


Wopned, $p. armed, S ; see Wapnen.

Sz ; wondre, C ; wundrien, S.-AS.

Wort. s6. work, Sz ; see Werk.
~ o r c h e n ,u. to work, W, S z ; see
Wondringe,pres.p.wandering, Sz; see w,,ke.
Word, $6. beginning, CM (3. 2 2 4 ) ; see
Wone, $6.dwelling, PP, Sz, S3 ; won, or*,
S3; wun, S3; wosnes,pL, S ; worde, r ~ word,
Sz ;
prompt. ; word, p ~
wanes, S, SI. See Wonen.
S ; weord, S ; weordes, S ; wordes, S.Wone, sb. custom, habit, PP, S, Ss : AS. word; cl,. OHG. ruort (Tutian).
wune, S.-AS. (gr)wznta.
Wore, were, Sz ; see W a s
Wone, $8. want, loss, misery, S ; see woreld, sl. world, S ; wordle, s a ;
see Werld.
jp' accustomed,
'3; see Worie, ndj. turbid, dirty, S ; wori, S.
F r o m AS. wlr. a swampy place, perhaps
Wonen, to dwell,PP, S3Sz; wonien, identical with wdr, mire, see SkD (s. v.
S, Sz, P P ; wunien, S ; wony=nd, pr. P., weavj. ct wose.
S2 : wonnand, Sa ; wounnsnd, S3. Dm.:
reptile, worm, snalie, S, sa,
wonynge, dwelling, PP, S ; waning, C, C 3 . wurm, S ; werm, S ; wirm, insect, S.
3:wonyinge, Sz : wunienge, PI., ,,tz: OH^. wurnr p t i a n j ; cp.
AS. wu7zian.
Goth. ?onurins ; see Uonse, p. 56.
Wonen, a. to weep, lament, SD; wanen, wormed, J B . wormwood, w ; see werSD. Uer.: wonyng, lamentation, S.mod,
AS. wdx-;
cp. OIIG. wei*&d?b(Tatian).
Worne, pp, spent, past, lit,
Wonge, $6.ferritoriumrnPrompt.;wong, see
low land, H D ; wongea, pl., meadows, S. Worowen, u,to choke, strangle, worry,
-AS. wa*zf3a plain, field: CP. Goth. prompt., cath., sz, S ~ D ;worry, HD;
waggs, a iield, paradise.
; w i r w , SkD.-AS. wyrgan, to
Wonge, ~ 6 a. cheek, SD, I D : wonges, wyrry, S3worry
(in compoundi) : OHG.
pL, Sz. Co7,tb.: wange-toothe, molar wzrrgan, CL wayh,
tooth, f,io/nrL.,Prornpt.; wongtothe,Voc.;
wangtooth, Cz ; wank-teeth, pl., Wz ; Worpare, sl. throwei, S,
Worpen, a. to throw, S ; Warpen
wangtotht, b~el,iinus,
V L O ~ W ~ ~V~C.-AS.
(won@); cp. OITG. waizga (Talian). Worre, $6.war, Sz ; see Werre.
wonger, $8.
c z , CM. see Worri, mabewar, Sz; seewerrien.
Worschipen, v . to hononr, Sz; worabove.
shepen, P P ; wurschepen, Sz. See


Wonne, Wonnen,pp. ofwinnen.
Wort, $6. a plant, vegetable ; wo*es,
wontea, pr. $. is lacking, S ; see pj.,
sz, S3, C ; worti., Sz, s3, W, Wz.Wanten.
AS. wyrl: OS. wurt; cp. Goth. weurtr,
WOnung, 'vanings
wonzmg,mot, and Lat. ~ Z d i x ;sce Brngmann, 5 306,


See wanen.

and Douse, p. 56.

Wood, a@. mad, C z , C3, S3 ; seewode. WOdh, adj. worth, esteemed, worthy,
Wooden, v. to be mad, to look madly, p p ; ~ ~ r t S:
h ,W U T ~S, ~Sz.
, Der.:
CM, C3.
worthi, PI' ; w u a r , Sz ; worply, worthy,
Woon, $6. a smilll qnantity, a few, a PP, Sa ; wodelY, S3 ; wualiche, honoar-

quantity, a number, Sz, G , P P ; wone, Sz ;

woone, Prompt. ; wane, Sz, S3 ; won, P P ;
quhone, B. Coarb.: good woon, abundantly, G ; good won, PP.-AS. hwdn
(arij. used as sb.). C t Wheen.
Wop, s l . crying, loud lament, S, Sz.AS. 2udp.
wel,t, Cz ; see Wepen.
Wopne, sb. nrinc, RD, Prompt. See

.ably,S; wodnche,S;~lrthmint,honour,
S ; wudsoipe, worship, honour, S ; w o a sip^, Sz ; worsohupe, Sz ; worsipe, S ;
~ ~ r s c h i p eS.-AS.
weor8; c p Goth.
Worth, sQ.
worth, honour, P P ;
wurrpe, riat., S.-AS. wrord.
worth en,^. to become, to be, to dwell,
PP, Sa, S3, G ; wuden, S ; weoden,
Sz ; worst, z pr. r., P P ; wurstow, thou




shalt he, PP ; wursto, S ; worth, pr. s., Wraw, ailj perverse, angry, fierce,
Sz, P P ; wur8, S ; wrp, S ; vorthis, S z ; SU, Prompt., C3, Chf, I I D ; wrau, SD.
wuzde8, S ; warthe, pt. s., P P ; worth, Cf. Wro.
Sz, PP ; worthed, S3 ; vorthit, Sz ; wa&,
Wrawid, pp, perverse, peevish, WA.
S ; wart2 S ; ward, S ; ward, S.-AS.
Wrawnesse, ib. fierceness, I'rompt.,
wcar8all, pt. s. wear8 (pl. ?ozrf-don), pp. C>I,
cp. Goth. zoairt/iar.
Wrecche, rb. also ns
wretch, miserWose, $6. ooze, slime, PP, Prompt. ; ~ b l s,
~ ,Sz, C. P P ; wreche, S, Sz, Chl;
woose, Cath. (-1 ; wase, a k a a ,Cath.-AS,
wrecce, S. ~ a n i b:. wreccehed, wretcheilrods8 (SkD. s.7. oost), and rt8ase (OET):
S ; wreocheae, sz.-~S. wrecca, an
OHG. waso ; wbence 017. wasan, gasan (F. oiltcast,
,fason) ; see Kluge ( 5 . 7 . wmcr).
Wretched, a+. wretched, S, P P ;
Wot, 1 and 3 py. 3. know, lcnows, S, Sz ; wriohea.
S. CO,,ZC..: wrecche~n.nessc,
wort, 2pr.s. Iknoaeet,S,Cz; serWiten(1). misery, c a , c3,PP,
Wouke, $6. week, W ; see Wike.
Wreche, $6. rengeance, misery, S, 5 2 ,
Wound, sb. wound, PP, Cz ; wuna, S. c,, ~ 3 wraohe,
S ; wrzohe, S ; wreke,
-AS. ~ z ' n d .
Sa ; wrake, Sz, I'P; wrao, Sz ; wrick,
Wounden, u. to wound, S3 ; WowndYn, Sz. Conib. : wrakfill, full of vmgcance,
Prompt. ; y-wounaea,#.,S3; i-wundet, Sz.-AS. zvrai2', rengeance, misery, also
S-AS. rvuniiian.
exile, miscry. See Wreken.
Wout, sb. n vault, Voc., IID.-OF.
W r e k e n , ~toorge,wie;il<,
uo2tie (BR) ; Late Lat, uoltn.
avenge, S, Sz, C2, C3. 1'P; w ~ e k e nS, ;
Wowe, ib. wall,pnriei, niarrri, Prompt., wral~,pi. i., G ; wreken, pp., S z , PP ;
P P ; woie, S ; waghe, H n , H ; wa>he,S ; wreke, G, PP ; wroken, l'l', WA; wrol~e,
wawe, S ; wah, S. Conab. : waheles, I'l,, H D ; i-wroken, G.-AS. lorecan, pt.
wall-less, S ; wa?herifft,veil of tlrr temple, wnec (pl. ?urdcmz),pp. 7ormca; cp. Goth.
S.-AS. wdh ; cp. OUn. zuaeg, see 5kD zvrihan, t o persecute.
(s.v. wai*scof, P. 833) ; CP.
Goth. Wreker, $6.
Wrenche, sb. a twist, trick, deceit, S,
Wowe, id. $1. >yrong%S z ; see Woh.
s,, s3, c3; wrink, s ,;~wuenkis, pi.,
Wowen, a. to incline any one to one's WA.-AS.
own wisbcs, to woo, Sz, C3, P, W z , S 3 ;
renchen, u, l o tnm, twist, S. Dcr.:
woie, S.-AS. w&ian (SIcD, s.7. woo), from wrinching,
struggling, s3,wdh. See Woh.
AS. wrciiran.
Wower, d.wooer, S3; wowar, S3; Wreng8e,sbdistortion,S. Seewringen.
wouwere, PP ; woweres, pl,, PP,-AS,
Wrenne, sb. wren, Voc.; wranne, S.W & T ~ (VOC.).
AS. $?.e?iim, wrdnna.
W o x , p t . s. grew, Sz ; see Wexen.
wrablis, ~ b pi.
wurbiings, sz; see Wreon, u. to corer ; wre, CM : wreo,
pr. s. sub., S.-AS, iiirdo?~,pt. wrdah (pl.
?orr<,fofz),pp. mro,-crr, see Sirvers, 383. Cf.
Wraht,pi. s. of Wevke.
Wrak, $6. that which is driven ashore, Wrihen.
wreclr, Sz, S3, C3 ; rac, drive11 vapour, Wreten,jj. of wryten.
ruck, Sz, SliD; rack, Sh.-AS. wrci. Cf. Wreth, sb. wrath, Sz, II ; wrappe, PP,
S. Comb. : wrcViul, wratlilul, S, Sz ;
Wveohe and Wreken.
wraWelees, Sz.-ONorth.
zurd6llo. Sec
Wranne, $6. wren, S ; see w r e n n e .
Wrastlen, u. t o wrestle, C, Sz, G , P P ;
wrsskle, PP ; wrastyiie, Cuth. ; wre.xle, W r e t h e , s b . wreath, C.-AS. ?uudb. See
Voc. Der. : wrastling, wrestling, Cz, G ; Wrythen.
wrastelyng, G.-AS.
?ui.dstlian (oftener WreBaen, u. to become angry, to malre
lurdzlian), from ?vrdrton, i u wrest, flom angry, S ; wrea%8in, S ; wraWin, S, S?,
w r h b , fiim, strong. HJ~ditis for zurhbt, G ; wreten, S, Sz, 11. Ucr.: wrathfrom z ~ l ~ d pt.
d , 01 wri3nn, scc Sieuers, 232. thing, provocation, W.
See Wrythen.
Wrien, u. to twist, bend, CM, SkD
wroth, S ; see Wroth.
; wrye, S3,PP.-AS, wrigian, to
WraB?ji,i,v.toget angry,S;seewre%'Sen. drive, bend.







an accusation. wripen, Sz.

Der.: wrything, turning,

Cz.-AS. wriiian, pt. wvdb (pi. wribon),
pp. wriiie"~.
Wll-; see =Iso wo-, wou-.
sz; w u ~ c ,s ; see

Com6.: wrigtful, i~uiity,S ; wrigteles,

withoat an accusation; wrigteleslike,
cnaselessly, S.-Cp. AS. ?urdiit, an accnintion, from the pt, of (ge)?orijcalz,to acctlse
(cp. scran, pt. sdhiile).
Wrihels,ib. a covering, veil; wriheles, Wude, sb. wood, tree, S ; see Wode.
S ; wriels, 5D.-AS. wr(fcis.
Wule, sb. while, S z ; see While.
Wrihen, u. to cover, S ; wrie, CM ;
pr. $. .,,.ill, s ; see wine.
wrien, pr. p i , S.-AS. *wrihan,pt. wrM
; windi, S.
(pl. wrigogon),pp. zuripn; cp. OHC. rijian Wundi,
, Wune, adi. acc,lrtomed, S.
(Tatian). Cf. Wreon.
to a,,d fm, to Wunien, u. to dwcll, S ; see Wonen.
Wunne, $, S, Sz ; see w i n n e .
move about, SBJJ(s.v. wnrogie);
Wurne, a. to refuse; see Wernen.
pi. s., Sz.
Wringen, u. to wring, press, S, Sz, Cz ; Wurse,adj, adv.conip.woric,S; wurs,
w r a n g , pi, s., S ; wrong, S, SZ, S3, CS; S, G ; werse, S ; wers, CM, S, 11 (p. 269) ;
wronge, P : wrongen, pi., Sa ; wrong, wmrse, S ; wrse, S ; wurse, ib., the devll,
pp., S.-AS.
wi.ilzgn7&,pt. -zvmn~ (~1. S ; worse, S.-AS. wyrs.
Wursien, u. to become worse, take
wru>igon),pp. w r z ~ 7 1 , ~ ~ a .
writelinge, $6. ttliiling a "ightin. hmt, S ; i-wursed,pp., S.-AS. wyr?ian.
Wurst, ado. szrped, worst, S ; wurste,
gale), S.
wro, $6.that which is crooked, a comer, a$. S ; wepste, S ; werat, mz ; warst, H
I ~ D wra,
VIA; wraa, W A ; (P. 269) ; werest, S ; w r s t , S. w o r s t e
wray, WA, NQ ( 6 ,
25z),-~p, 1 ~ ~rd
1 , (=Lat. nrpuissimi=Gr. r o c wovr)poG, i. e.
the devil), W.-AS.
(for wd). See Wraw.
Wursen, Wurstu, Wur'G; see
Wrohte, pi. i. of Werke.
Wrong, pp., a& and $6.twisted nwy, Wursien, u. to hononr, S ; wurrpenn,
wranb., a wrong, S, PP; wrang, PP.
: wrongwis, ,,,,jest,
H, 3; S i ~ u f i e ' t pr. s., S ; warseaen, $1. $1,
wrangwis, sz; wrangwislie,
wrongly S. Der.: wurbing, honour, S.-AS. ?uia.iisz; wrongwis,y,
wrirngwisnes: zan, turoriiian, from zueord. See Worth.
Wuschen, u. to wish, Sz, P P ; wusiniquity, Sz. See w r i n g e n .
shen, PP ; wisshen, PI'.-AS.
pi, s, of wwten.
from miisc: OHG. ?uerutzsc, a wish; see
Wroth, pt. r. of Wrythen.
Sievers, 185.
Wroth, a 4 wroth, fearful, S, C3, P P ;
i,,*p.p~ linoiv, S ; see wit en(^).
wrab, S, Sz, H ; wroper, iornp., PP, HD ;
Wy, ndu. why, S ; see Whi.
wrothe, adu., angrily, evilly, S, G ; wro8to wither, S3; sceweaeren.
fiche, w r a t i r i ~ , ~sz
~ y: wrosly,
sz;wr&e. Wydder,*.
Wye, sb. a man, P P ; wy, S3, P ; wsle,
l y , S z ; wrath^^, H. coi18b.:
haile, calaml~y,WA. phr : to wratierS Z ; weilh, Sz ; w i j e s , p l , Sz ; wies, Sa.
heale, to evil fortunc, bud luck, s ; to A S . mi@, warrior, m a . Set Weye.
Wygge,ib. a slnvll cake or bun, Prompt.;
wroper hele, PP.-AS, zordlh.
Wryt, xb. writing, S ; writ, S ; writte, wigg,
Wyghte, sb. w e i ~ l ~ tHD,
PP, C 3 ;
S2.-AS. (se)w~.t.
v. to write, cz ; writen,S ; wyhte. S ; wijte, PP ; wihte, S.-AS.
w r i g h t , S 3 ; w m t , pt. s., S, 52, P P ; (8e'wiiit.
Wylem, ad*. formerly, S ; see Whilom.
wroot, Cz, C3; wrate, S, H ; wroten,
pi, W ; writen, Cz ; wryten, pp., P P ; Wyn, $6. wine, S, C ; wyse, dat., S.
writen, S, Cz, C j ; write, S ; wryte, Sz ; Cosz6.: wyn-ape, ape-wine, ubr de sin@,
wreten, Sz ; y-writen, Sz ; y-write, Sz ; C3 ; win-iserd, vineyard, S ; wynjord, Sa ;
i-wryten, S ; i-writen, S.-AS.
writalr, win-tre, uine, S.-AS. mils ; Lat. uitruii~.
pt. w d t (pl. writon), pp. zuriten.
Wynd, $6. wind, S ; wynt, Sz.-AS.
Wrythen, v. to writhe, twist, Prompt., wind: Goth. zui+zd~:Lat. zrentui; see
No. 587.
S l ; wroth, pt. I., P P ; ~ u i t h e n pi.,
wrythen, S ; pp., I T ; writhun, W ; i- Wyndas, il. windlass, Prompt,, Ca.-





Icel. wind-dir, a pole which can be woilnd
wyndewen, u. to winnow,wz;wynd.
owen, $ 1 ; windwen, S ; wynewen, W.
Comb.: wyxwe-schete, winnaluing-sheet.
S3.-AS. whdzvinn (OET). See wynd.
Wynk, si. sleep, nap, P P ; wink, PP,



a$, wise, PP. Sz: wis, S, Sz ;

visa, S z ; wisliche, adz,., S. Dcr. : wisdom, learning, S.-AS. 4,Goth. weis.
Wyse, rb. mode, manner, Cz,Sz ; wise,
S,Sz ; wis,S ; wes, S ; viss, Sa. Comb.:
ryghtwis, righteous, P F ; wrongwis, PP.
-AS. wise.
Wyue, u. to take to wife, Cz ; wiuen,
S ; wyued,$p., married, PP.-AS. wifian.
Wpken' u' to
'Ieep' PP3 Wyuere,rb.a serpent, Chi.-OF, wivrc,
Prompt.: winke, Cz ; vynke, Sz. Der.: uiwe (P. giure) ; Lat u@ra; see BH,
m n k r n g e , fit of sleepincsi, PP.


Wyppyl-tre, J. the cornel-tree, CM

ywere, s6. a fishpond, Vac. ; way(': 90) ; WhJTPmlt~e, C.:CP.
owre, pzsczna, prompt.--~F. uiuicr; Lat.
zutpel-h, the cornel-tree (Pr~trel).
z'il~ar.ium ; cp. OHG. zv?wdri (Tatian), G.
Wyrle, u. to whirl, Sz ; see Whyrlyn. uaiher; see Kloge.

X is written in some MSS. for sh. I t constantly occurs in the Coventry Mysteries,
as in zal, zaZt, zuld, kc.; see HD.

P,at the beginning ofwords, oftcn represents an older 3, under which letter Y-words
may in some cases be found.

Y-, $re,& ; see 3e.

Yeant, sb. giant, HD ; see Geaunt.
Yald,pt. s. of jelden.
Yeddinges, pL. romances, songs, C ;
Yane, u. to yawn, H D , Palsg.; see see 3sdWnge.
Yede, pt. s. went, S, 52, 53, C3 ; see
Eode, 3eode.
Yare, adu. soon, Sz, Sh.; see 3sre.
Yeer, $6. year, C2 ; see 3eer.
Yate, s6. gate, Cz, S3 ; see Gate.
Yef, if, S, Sz ; see jif.
Yawle, u. to howl, H D ; see 3oulen.
Ychan, each one, I I D ; yshone, H D ; Yefte, sb. a gift, S ; see 3ift.
see Eche.
Yeir, pi. years, Sz ; see p e r .
Yche, a@. the same, Sz; see Ilke.
Yelde, sb. a palment, S : see Gild.
Ydolastre, s6. idolater, Cz.-Cp. OF. Yelde-halle, $6,gaild-hall, CM, C.
idojdtre (Cotg.1; Church Lat. idolaba yelden, u, to
cz;see 3e~aen.
Yelderes, sl.pL. debtors, S z .
Ydolatrie, sb. idolatl~, PP.-Church
ye1dinges, sb. pL. paymmts,

Lat. idoiatn'a (Volg.).

Ydole, fdol' C3 ; ya01es2
pr, C3Cliurch Lat. ziialluni (Vulg.); Gk. etbruhov Yelleden, jt. pL yelled, C ; see 3ellen.
(LXX); Cp. OF. i&, yd+ ( R O ~ ~ D
~ ) ; Yelp% to boast, C : see 3elpen.
Yelwe, a& yellow, C ; see 3elow.
Lat. 1doLwn~(accented as m Greek).
Yeman, rb, retainer, C ; see 3omsn.
Ydre, rl. hydra, water-snake, WA.-OF.
Yeme, 16. sn txnde, H D ; see =em.
ydm ; Lut. hydra ; Gr, ii6pa.
Ydres,sb.gL.water-pots(=Lat.hydriae), Yemen, u. to heed, S ; see 3emen.
S.-Gr. d6pio~;cp. OF. ~ d d i e(Ducange).
Yemer, adj. sad, S ; see jemer.
Ye, $6. eye, Voc.. H D ; see E)e.
Yemernesse, sb. sadness, S.

Yen, sb. pl. eyes, I I L ; see E3e.
S ; mow), \V ; innoghe, Sz ; ynough,
Yep, adj. prompt, quick, H D ; yepe, CZ; inough, C ; onoh, S ; anough, Chi;

H U ; see 3ape.
Yer, ionj ere, before, S3 ; see ~ r .
yerd, ~ 6 an
S, c ; see 3erd.
Yerde,s6. rod, Cz; yeorae, S; see 3erae.
Yere, $6. ear, I I D ; see Ere.
Yerle, sb. earl, S3 ; see Erl.
Yerly, a h . early, S 3 ; see Erly.
Yerue, a+. desirous, CM; see 3-e.
Yer'che, $6. earth, S 3 ; see Erthe.
Yeste, rb. gest, tale, I I D ; see Geste.
Yete, ronj. yet, S ; yet, C3 ; see 3et.
Yeuen, a. to give, S ; see 3iuen.
Yftles, a+. giftless, HD. See jift.
Yh- is written in some MSS. for y- ; see
Yheden, $.pi. went, Sz : see Eoae.
Yhode, went, S i ; see Eode.
Ying, aG. young, Sj, G, B ; see jong.
Yis, adu. yes, C z ; see 3is
Yistirday, yesterday, PI'; see 3ister..
Yit, colzj. yet, Cz, C 3 ; see jet.
Y-kuenct, pp. quenched, S z ; see

Ylaste, pi. s. o/ 3e-lesten.

to believe, SZ.-AS.

See Zeuen.

ynewe, H D ; anew, S3 ; ynewch, S3;

eneuch, S j ; inouwe,pZ.,S2.-AS,gendF.;
C ~ OlIG.
abllndance Patian).
H ~ ~ ~ e ~ i ~ ~ y ~conscience,


Yod, pf. 3. went, Sz : see Eode, 3eoae.

Yolden, pp. ofjelaen.
Yolle, u. to yell, C ; see jellen.
yolwg, ~ b .
clamour, c ; rce


Yond, a h . yonder, S z , Cz ; see 3ond.

Yonge, ad/ young, S, Cz ; see 3ong.
Yonghede, sb. youth, S ; see jonghede.
Yore, aiiu. formerly, Sz, S j , Cz ; see

Yornyng, $6. desire, S3; see 3erning.

Youngth, rb. youth, S j ; see jongth.
Youngthly, adj. yyoatlrful, S3. See

Youthe, sb. youth, Cz ; yowthe, Sz ;

See 3outhe.

Yow,pron. pi. act. and iint. you, S, Ca ;

See jou.

Yow, sh. ewe, CM.-AS. eowrr: Goth.

awi; see Sievers, 106.
Yoye, u. t o joy, HD ; see mien.
Ypocrysie, sb. hypocrisy, P P ; ypooriEye, C3.-AF. * i y i ~ i e .
Cz.- OF.
ypoi,-ife; Lat. ~ Y P o(Vuls.);
c ~ ~ GI.
~ fino-

Y-liche, odv. alike, Cz ; see niche.

Ylk-oon, each one, H D ; see &he.
ylonde, jb. island, sz;ilona, skD,- xp'ri'
AS. Igland; Ig,watery land, island, from
Y-rayled,$$. covered, S3. See Be)el.
OTeut. stem *nu&, see Sievers, gg.
Yre, sb. anger, H ; iris, pi, W2.-Lat.
Y-mone, r6. company,,id?za,
'societas' (Vac.).
, spider, ~2 ; see Arsnye.
Ympe, ~ b a.
scion, ~ i i s ~ ~ iIID,
, , ~ , Y r e ~ n es*.
PP, H ; impe, Prompt., N D ; imp, S3, Yrk, a. to makc tired, to become tired,
TG.-AS. inipc (BT) ; Low Lat. inzpoiui,H : irlqm, fmfidior, Prompt. ; erke, SD ;
S3; irked, pf. s.2 SD.a graft; Gr. lfiquror, engrafted ; cp. F.ente. irk@, I pt.
Ympen, u. to graft, PP ; ympyd, pp., Swed.y~ha; CP. Lat. ur@re.
H , l'rompt.
D v . : ympynge, graft, scion, Yrk,aG. oppressed, tired, S:,; irke, SkD.

Comi: irkeaum,fastidiosz~i,Prompt. ;irke~ u m n e s s e , / ~ ~ t i d i Prompt.

Yrous, adj. angry. H.
Ysche, w. to issue, to go forth, B; see
148: 8) ; i ~ s ,
see Yse, $6. ice, CM, H
W z ; ijs, S3 ; yse, riat., 52.-AS. ri.

H ; impynge. Prompt.
ympne, $6. hymn, CM, HD. - OF.
ymnc; Church Lat. hyt,inani ( ~ , , 1 ~ .;)
Gr. 8fliivar; see Brugmann, g 131. See


adu. particularly,



Ynow, dj.,sb., and ads. enough, Sz, Yqels, s6. pi. ashes, HD.-AS. y s b
Cz, W, P P ; ye-noughe, s3; inoh, s ; ( G ~ e m ;) see Curlios, No. 610. See Isle.
ynoh, Sz ; ynou, Sz, S ; ynow, S 3 ; Ysope, sb. hyssop, Wz, Voc.; ysoop,
ynou), Sz ; innoh, S ; inow, S ; inouh, I I D ; yroppe, Voc.-OF. ysojpe (Ps. 5 0 ,
S ; inou, Sz ; ino)e, S ; inojh, S ; ynouh, 7 ) ; Lat. hyiiopuni (Vulg.) ; Gr. 6oowaor.

Ysue, $6. issue, P ; issue, PP.-AF. C3; nuel, S?, S ; iuel, S, M'z, S z ; euel,
issire, pp. f. of iriir; Lat. ex-ire. See S, W z , S z ; eueyl, S 2 ; ufel, S ; ynels,
pi, Sa ; the yuele (=malignon. i. e. the
Ythen,n& bury, B ; ythand, U.-Icel, devil), W.-AS.yfiZ: OS. u6il (Tatian).
Yuele, ad*. evilly, W ; uuele, S z ;
Ypez, rb. pl. waves, Sz, H D ; ythes, e u e ~ eS.
WA ; see Uthe.
ib. ivory, W, Wz ; ynor, I I D ;
Y-tijt,?p. made tight, S3; see ThYhtYn.
yuour, HU ; see Euaur.

Yugement, sb. judgment, H D ; see

Yuory,i6. ivory, Prompt.; see

Yje, $6, eye, H D ; see E)e.


Yuel, aiij. and d. evil, S, Sz, W, Wz,


j (pronounced as y).
ja, oda. yea, S, FP, Sz, H ;


)i:,S; )ha,Sz; )o,Sz.-AS.<&;

3n, 1cel.jd.

;sen, jrcp against, in comparison with,

cp. Goth.

S ; see jeyn.

je-arnen, w. to earn,S.-AS.$#-canzim.
See Emen.
3af,pt. s. d j i u e n .
?eat,pt.s. poured, S ; see ?&en.
;al,$t. s. yelleil, Sz ; see jellen.
?ape, a@. vigorous, strong, keen, bold, 3e-bugon,pt.pi wereobedient, S.-AS.

ge-bri#on, lrom~a-61Ifan. See Bowen.

je-cende, a@. natural, S ; i-cunaux,
iO"ZlJ., S.-AS.gz-ryade.
See Xynde.
jara, S ; aarowe, S ; 9are, act-., soon, S, 3e-ceosen, 8: tochoose, MD; ;e-cas,jf.
s., S.-AS. fe-cdosnn.
G ; yare, Sa, Sh.-AS. fcnro.
jarken,u, to preparc, S, S2, W A ; jarr- 3ed, sb. a w o r d : )eddes, pl., MD.-AS.
kenn, S ; geuken, S ; giarkien, S ; )ear- p'e'l, ,nil, fwl, s o n ~ poem,
ceon, S ; ieirken, S ; jarketh hym, pr. i. jeddien, u. to speak, MD ; aedde, to
P ; Isesxced,pj.,S ; i-garcket, S ; sing, S2.-AS. feddia72, glddian, to sing, to
ijarked, S ; giarked, S.-AS. geavciata.
jarm, $6. cry, Sz.-Icrl.jaiwzr,u crying. jeddynge, 35. a gest or romance,
jarlne, n, to scream, yell, bellow, WA, Prompt. ;3erldyngis,pl., H D ; yeddynges,
songs, C. See above.
jarowe, sb. milfoil, nriI/*iiwn, herb jede,pt. s. \~ent,S, Sz ; see 3eoile.
for nose-bieeding,Prompt ; yazowe, Palsg., jedire, a 4 vehement, W.4; jeaedr,
Manip. ; )&row,Voc. ; )arrow, S3.-AS.
aiiu. iluicldy, Sz, MD.
Cp. AS, wrii.8
g a m e (Voc.) : OEIG. p l - a i m , pus.
(edi-c), quickiy, at oncc: OS, adm, quick.
?arowe,adj. reildy,S; >srn,S ; see 3sre. jeer, $6. year, S 3 ; jer, S, Sz ; gser, S ;
jate, sb, gate, SL,G , H, W A ; ~ . t ,H U ; yeer, C z ; )ere, PI', Sz ; yere, Sz, Cz ;
see Gate.
yeire, Sz : )ex, $1.. PP, S. Sz. S? : ~ e rS.;
Yeer, Ca ; ger; S ; 4eii, ~j ; "ieir, ~z 1
je-,a prefix beforeverbs and
A S . $8.. Lln MS.the equiuplentsof fe., )ere, P P ; yere, Sz ; yhere, Sz ; )ere% S,
PP ; geres, S.-AS. zd?, @(a?: OS. >r,
vir. je-, I-, Y-,Xi-, A-, E-, me
found prefixed to past participles. F~~ l a ? ; CP. Gr. &pa ; see R r i ~ ~ m a ngn ,118.
S?,. .
words b e ~ i n r rai nwith
~ this ~ ~
~ ~ t.
... l ~
many cases tlre uneomoounded form.1
I ief., io&. if.. S,. SL.: see >if.
je, projz. ye, S, Sz, P P ; ye, C z ; ge, S ; je-fered, sb. company, soiietai, S ; 3geyhe, S z ; ;eo, S ; jie, S.-AS.
ZE. See erred, M D ; ifereden, MU.-AS.
also 3011, joure.
jea, ads. yea, P P : )a, S, Sz, PP, H ; ?eft, sb. gift, S ; see 3ift.
3e, S, S z , P P , G ; )he, W ; ye,%, PI',Cz;
je-fo,sb.fue,MD;ifo, &ID; y-uo,MD;



astute, bold (BT).

jare, a h . formerly, S ; see jore.

?are, a+ ready, S, S z , G ; yare, IID;



%vo, S ; 3ef0, pi, S ; ifo, MD.-AS,

Sec Foo.

gcin'. lente, S ; aemeles, S.-AS.



gOiil8ih1, d m r -

jemen, u. t o care for, t o heed, S, IlD,

je-geng, ~ 6 compnny,
S.-AS. gepnfi
Sz, S3; yemen, S, G ; yem, Sz ; 3ieme8,
jeid, $1. s. went, Sa ; see jcode.
pr. s., S ; yhemes, pl., Sz ; )erne&,$2, r.,
3eien, u. to cry out, S, M D ;
$1. 5,; iemedd,jp., S ; 3em,nde, $)., S.-A~.
J., MD.-Icei,geyja, to balk (3. strong vb.1. fi7,ian,
(8jmnn); cp. 1 ~ ~ ,ucyl,,n,
jeir,pl. years S3 ; see 3eer.
folm from Icel. p ~ n ~heed,
r , attention ; see
je-laBien, u. to invite, s.-AS. grladzan.
jemer, aaj. sad, M D ; yemer, S ;
~ o m e rS, ; lomere, adv., S.-AS. f2mize?-.
je-la$iere, sb. inviter, S.
jeld, s6. payment; yeide, S ; jielde, S ; je-nleten, u. lo mcet, S ; i l n e t e n , t o
f i n 6 S : Y-mete, S ; 3e-met, pr, s., S ;
sildes, pd., S ; gseildes, S.-AS. fjl,f,
$1. pi, S ; y-mette,@., C% PP.
3elden, u. t o pay, yield, S,PP, SL, G, W i i-metten,
A S . ge~~iritmz,
pt, s. gewdtls. See Meten.
Yelden, Cz ; julde, PP ; yhelde, Sz ;
yheld, sz;
p,.. $., PP; 3ile, I'P ; jemsall, sb. kcepillg, B. See +men.
3ald, pt. s., l'l', Sz, S 3 ; yam, PI', $2 ; 3ene, u. t o reply, S ; see Gejnen.
s a l t , H D ; jelde, l'P,Sz; 3e1te, P P ; ; e ~ t , jeode, pi. r. went, S, PI'; ;ode, liP, S,

P P ; geld, S ; ,elaide, \V; yolden,pp., C ; S z ; ,.id, Sz, S3 ; qude, Sz ; yede, S, Sz,

S3, C3; yhode, Sz ; yod, Sz ; yheden, pi,
aoldun, W ; jolde, W ; i ) ~ l dS,~ S2.-AS.
gt-io;/e. See Eode.
gildan, pt. p a i d (pl. gz'ldon), pp. golden: Sz (s.v.firtil-).-AS.
cp. Goth, gzdiian.
aeolewe, a@. yyello~v.S ; sec 3elow.
jeldingus, s6.ji. payments, debts, S j . 3eomer, mi/ sad, S ; see jemer.
3e-lesten, u. to fulfil, to perform, to jeorne, ads. eagerly, S, Sz ; sce 3crne.
coi~linue,lait,extend, S ; i-leste, S : i-lest, pornen, u. to yearn, desire, S ; see
pr. s., S : i-lested, S ; pelest, $1. s., S ; j,,,,,,
7-lsste, S* ; i-laste, S,
3eoten, u, to pour, s ; see 3eten.
je-limpen, u. to happen, MD; )@lamp, 3ep,
H D ; see jupe.
$1. s., S ; ilomp, S.-AS. ,.e~limpon. Sec
3er, sb, year, S, S z ; see

jellre, sb. yolk of an egg, Prompt.

jellen, u. lo yell, MD 1 yol'e, C ; )olle,
S ; 3eIlynge, pr. p., h o ~ v l ~ nU';
g , ;al,pt. s.,
MD' Sz ; ""le' pi', MD ;
MD ;

jerd, $6. an enclosure, court, field,g.?rden,

W ; yerd, S, C : jerde, G ; jard, S3.AS. gcani: Goth. cards, hot~sc; cp. Lat.
/,a,ia, ;
, p. 73. See Garth.
jerde, sb. rod, stick, yard, staff, Prompt.,
c z ; yeorae, S ;
W, S, s2,
S z . ;erais, pi, W ; 3erdel1, ,/at pi, S.bG,,,, p,rd (VP) : GO^^. gazcir;
cy. ~ & t .
hasla ; see Douse, p. 73.
ready, s ; irew, s2 ;
S. see
jerne, n. to run, See

yelleden, C.-AS.
geiiafr (xielia72), ~ t
geall (pl. p N o n ) , pp. pllcrz.
3ellynge,~b.yelling, MU ; yollyng, C ;
)ollinge, S.
3elow, adi,yellom, MD : >eolllwe, S ;
Wlewe, S ; ?eluwe, S ; ;olewe, S ; yelwe,
C : ,yalu, IIU.-AS. w l w - stem of gcoiu
(geolo) ; see Sievers, 300; cp. G. pl6.
jelpe, sl. boasting, S.
?erne a&. eagerly, S, Sz,S3, P P ; yeme,
?elpen, a. to boast, S ; yelp@,C ; yallp, c 3 ; 3e&ne, S, sz; 3orne, HD ; ;ierne,
$I.*., MD ; yelp, MD.-ASfiiparr
( p i c & 5 ; ,,
an), Pt. 8 4 (PI. 8u&o7'), PP. 'Pipe*.
S, Sz, P P ; )eornen ,


?elpynge, sb. boasting, I'rompt.

S, 5 2 ; ;irnen, S ; 3arnmd, pr. p., S l ;
jeman, sb. youth, servant, M D ; see ,irnde,pt. s., S ; lornde, S ; )yrnden,pl.,
Sz ; i-3irnd, pp., S ; yjymed, S2.-AS.
georrzan, also 'fyrnaiz ; see Sievers, 79.
lemanry, sb. yeomanry, B.
jeme, sb. care, S, Sz, G ; yeme, H D ; jernful, ad/.ddesiroi~s,MD : 3eornfu1, S.
geme, S.-AS. getiir (in compaunda),g$oie,
jerning,rb.desire, MD ; yornyog, S j ;
jeme-leas, a@. careless, S : aemeler, yherninpes,pl., Sz.-AS. gtOY,Z*'?Sf.
S.-AS. g4t,zeijnr.
jernliche, adu. diligently, MD ; geornjemeleaste, rb. careleasnesn, S ; )erne- liohe, S.-AS. geornlice.

jok, sb. yoke, W, W z ; ?ockis, $I., W, jore, adu,formerly, Sz, G ; yore, Sz, Sj,
Wz.-AS.geoc: Goth. juk; cp. Lat. i d p m , C2 : )are, S.-AS. g e d ~ a ,for gCara, cen.
Gr. @ydv ; see Bmgmann, g 1 33.
1'1. of giar. See jeer.
jorle, sh. eearl, HD ; see Erl.
3olde, PP. paid, W ; see jelaen.
jornde, pt. s. yearned, S ; see ?ernen.
jole,d.Yule,Cliristmas, HD, SkD.-AS.
gioia; cp. Goth. jilrieir, Grimm, p. 7 0 2 ; joskinge, sd. rohbing, IVA; iyxynge,
Prompt.-Cp. AS. yiscian (lil').
see Sievera, zzo.
, molten, W z ; see jeten.
joman, sd. n yooth, MD, Cuth.; aeman, 3 0 t ~ nPi'.
M D ; yeman, servant, retainer, C ; iemen, jOu,pron,pl. acc. and dat. you, S,Sz,TV,
1'P ; )ow, Sz, G, P P ; yow, S, C z ; iew,
p i , HD, P P ; ioumen, PP.
S ; ieu, S ; 3uw, S ; 3iu, S ; giu, S ; g u , S ;
jomere, a h . sadly, S ; see jemer.
jomerly, a+. sad, Sz.-AS. geatoriic. ~ ~ $ , ~ , ~ A ~ , ~ ~ & , eou'
S i ~S;:
? o n , 4 yon, MD, P P ; m e , PP, Sz.pulen v. to holul, cry, i \ f ~ gou~en,
AS. geon, (SlcD) ; cp. Goth. jeins; see S, S, ;
MD ; yawle, 1 3 ~ gowl.
Sievers, 338, and B r u ~ m a n n ,g 123.
and,jr.)., S3.-Ieel.~gayauia.
jond, prep. throusll, M D ; 3eond, S ; joure, prorz. pi. p a . of you (also pors.
3ont, S ; >eon, S.
pror., yoor), S ; eouwer, S ; eonre, S ;
jond, ads. yandcr, therc, MD, S j ; yona, iure, S ; iiure, S ; iowre, PP ; eure, S ;
gur, S ; )em, S ; ower, S ; o w e , Sz; our,
S%,Cz ; 3onde, PP.
jonde, z,sed dj.
PP ; yond, s z , S ; Ore, Sz : or, Sz ; ~ou-8, C2.-AS.
SA.%-AS, geord, through,
yonder. Jow'.e. gen. of dew, you. See je.
jou-selue, yourselves, S ; ?ou-silf, W ;
yonder, ti;
>ow-aeluen, P P ; 3ow-self, PP ; ow-reolf,
S ; ow-seoluen, S ; ou-suluen, S.
? o n g , adi. yooong, S, S z , Sa, W, P P ;
PP, Sa ;Youthe, Cz ;
S ; 3onge, G ;
S, cz; yunge, jouthe, ~ b youtll,
S ; iYng, S j ; g u n g e , ~ i; u n g e , ~ ;hung, iewthe, PP ; Yawthe, Sa ; Thouthe, Sz ;
"howthe, Sz ; 3 i - 4 S ; 3uhese, S ; iuisz; ying,s3, G ; iinp., s j , G ;
i*wt; see
s ; 3eunger, s ; lungre, s ; gung. ese. $.-AS. geogsb, gr~rd,.
e s t , izrperi, S ; gunkeste, S ; iongoal,
Sz ; p n g e s t , G.-AS. eo,qp: Goth.jl~gsi jouthede, sb. youth, MD ; youthede,
(for jsns) ; cp. Lui. i s u ~ e ~ c;a see
, ~ XIilge hlD ; gushede. S.-AS. geogu8hdd.
(5.". jz'gesd).
jouen, pp. of jiuen.
jon hede, sb. youth, M D ; yonghede, jowle, sb. Yule, IID ; see 3ole.
S, ~ 8 aunghede,
jojelinge, sb. guggling noise, S.
jonglyng, $6. young man, disciple, MD, jude, .st. it.. went, Sa ; see jeoae.
Mr ; iunglenges,pi, S.
3uheBe, sb. youth, S ; see jouthe.
jongthe, ib. youth, W ; iungthe, HD, 3us, ads. yes, Sa ; see jis.
Prompt. ; youngth, Sj.
jut, conj yet, S, Sz, P ; see jet.
jop, a&. bold, H D ; see 3ape.
jyng, a@. young S3 ; ;see jong.






A, $#I@.
of, Sz, S 3 , PP ; see Of.
A, a h . Cvcr, S; a&, S ; a buten, ever

on foot, Sz; see A-fote.

Autorite, ib. aulhority, C ; see Auctor-

without, S ; see 0.
Accompt, .sb. account, S3; sce Acounte. Auteur, id, author, S3 ; see Auctour.
Acoompted, @. accounted, S3 ; see Aw- ; i c e Au-.
Aynd, sh. breath, 8 ;rce Onde.
Ace, sb. a jot, S3 ; see As.
Aynding. sl. smelling, B ; see Onding.
Addledd,$j. enncd, S ; see Adlen.
Ayr, $1. "fir, B ; see o r e .
Z n ,nzmi and i n i f 6 art. one, S ; renne, Belde, a& big, hlaitering, S ; see Bold.
S ; sce oon.
Belt,$$. built, S3 ; see Bilden.
Eness, a h , oncc, S ; see Oones.
Beode, u. to pray, S ; see Bidden.
Afingret, $$. an~llu~lsered,
XED, FIU ; ~
~ toburst, S~, C ; see ~ ~ ~
see @%hungred.
Afyrst, $$. athirst, PP; =furst, PP; Betaken, u. to betoken, Sa ; see ~ i atrast, PI' ; see Of-purst. behold: bihslden,S%;
Agseped, pp. made ready, S z ; see A- Bi-hsalde,



Ah, pr. s. owes (ns a duty), S ; shen,

pr. pi, are obliged, S ; see Owen.
Aht, sb. nught. anything; ahte, S ; ahct,
S ; see Ought (1,. 165).
Ak, $6.oak,Voc.; akis,pI.,S3; recook.
~ k ~ born,
~ ~
s ; see~A-cennen.
t ,




Bilaede, pi.

s. enclosed, S ; see Bi-

B i l ~ u e nu., to remain, S ; see Bi-leuen.

Billet, $6.n piece of firewood; bynets,
*"' s3 ( 2 6 ' 7R5)'
~ . Binom; pt. 3. of a - n i m e n .
Bi-so?*e,$1. s. of Bi-sechen.
Bituhhe, prep. between, S ; see Bi-

for mn aunter, a chance, twi)e.

Sz ; ire Auentnre.

Ande, i b , breath, H ;
Anfald, mi/ single,

see Onde.


Blane (for blan),$t. s. of Bi-linnen.

Blynke. Eor sie read see.
HD; Bod, pi. r. wailed, Sz ; bode, waited for,

S z ; see sirien.
see Oone-fold.
Bounden,pp. bound, S,Cz; see Binden.
Anhed, 16. unity, I I ; see Oonhed.
Breas, ib. brass, S ; see Bras.
Anleth. For u. read sb.
Anwalde, s6. hi.power, S ; anwolde, Breggid, pi. s. shortened, W ; see AS ; see On-wsld.
Are, $6. our, h l D ; see Ore.
Bulde, pi. s. built, C ; sec Bilaen.
Athamaunte, $6. adamant, C ; see Bye, u. t o buy, Sa ; by, C3 ;see Biggen.
Camel. T h e regular OF. equivalent for
Atteir, r6. attire. Sg ; see A t r r e ., ianrZl8ilrm was ihai,acii. In OE. iarliri
Aual, itiip. s. fell, cause to fail, S ; see the termil~vtioti-81 is due to analogy with
French forms derived from -6ieirn6. See
Auhbe, pt. s. ought, S ; aucte, owned, BH. 5 43.
Canoun. Church Lat. ranoniiui did
S ; see Owen.

not mciln originally ' one on the church-roll
or list,' bat one who was b o u ~ ~tod observe
a certain rule of life (arson, xavhv). OF.
r~anoilieis not thc precise eqnisa~ent of
canorriium, but represents a Latin type
*canorilnni. See Scheleis Dict. (cd. 3).
Cherche, $6. church, Sz, C 3 ; see

27 1
Baxede, pi. r. aslced, S ; see Asken.
before, S ; see ~ r .

p ~ ~ ~ y , " , ";
" k $ ~
Hulpen. (1.0 be placed Inore 10 the

Ich, aii/ each, S, SI ; see Eche.

Cl:lomben,pp.climbed, C ; see climben. Ieden,pt. p!. ment, S ; see Eoae.
Joutes. F o r j u l E reudjzifa. For other
Daw, $, Sz ; see Day.
~u, disburse
b P YI s3
~ ; see ~ cognates
~ ofihls
, wide-spread word,sec I<logr





disilai,,, W,


Degyset, pp. disguised, Sz ;

sce n i s -





Dide,P.s. did,caused, put,S; see Don.

Dilitable, a 6 delightf~~l,
Sz ; see Delitable.

Diuise, v , to tell of, describe, Sz ; see


Dmi3est, z?'
; seeDrYe.
Dunt, sb. blow, S, Sz ; see Dent.
Effnenn, u. to make eqnal or even, S ;
see Enenen.

Ernes. A derivation of thi;

the French has not bccn proved.-OF. wrzri
does not exist.
Falten. The form falt should bc taken
away from this article and placed under
rolaen. The words faif flzi f*l*gemean
' m y tongue gii- I V ~ Y . ' For tile various
meanings of this ~ e r hfolden, see MD (ii.
68). This correctioi~is dile to the lcindnrss
of Prof. Napiei.
For-swinken, v , to exhaust with toil;
forswonke, pp., S3 (p. 364,l. zq).
Frayd, pp. frightened, S3; fraid, scarcd,
S3; see Afrayen.
u, to abide,
s z ; see

(s.v.janihe). See also E.V. &lire, wllelr I<lujie

relnarl<sthat Ice1 o l r , clleeie, and Finnish
~ ' u u ~ cheese,
are ety~uologicallyconuected
with G.jaicchr, and Latinji~r.
Kepen. AS. rifon, lo keep, should be
kept quite distinct froin AS. iijnii, to sell.
AS. iipaiz is the yllunclic representalive of
OTent. hazrljafz, whereas cepon, to lrcep,
O T ~ , , ~*. ~ ~ ~cp.
j ~E.,
firr>i, tlie representative of AS. c:he, OTcut.
xiraiii (ti. iiiihn:.,,,See lilugr's note in P.
Br B. Ueitrjge, wn. 538.
Mlo. Add ) at llie end.
Note, xb. nnt. A better explanation of
?rot-Rccdis'with the hair ofthe head closely
cut.' Thc verb to v o t t mcani to cut the
hair close. 'Toadre, to sheer.. cliu.
.. cut..
~'~"le,noft'; C a l ~ r a r r .
Onond, prep. as regads, respecting, S ;
onont, S ; scc An-ent.

~ be notea
~ E. y,lcen
the same word as^, y,lca71.
FOY yrpcii is the pilonetic tquivnirllt OTAS.
, " t h hrvhrs,
w~icrcas yzrcalL represe,l ts AS,
~ ~ ~&iu;,,o,
1 , .
S3 (1,. 364,l. 29) ;
Sisour, sb. juror, PP;sysour, P ;sce
Stok. Prof. Napier msintail~sthat the
Stokess of the Ormulum cannot be identified wit11 AS. $loci, us the geminnlion of the
consonant persists in the Ormnlam. He
Swgests that stokcss meal15 'places,' cornpa'iils the use of ~-to&ein place-names,
e g . mm'e s f o h in C h o n . (Earle, 13. 249).
He also cilen in illostrntion AS. sfoi-ueard,
'oppidanils,' see Leo, p.
Sum (I). Dck 'sumere, dat., S;'
Twichand, pns. pt. touching, regarding, S3 (13. 271).
Tyred, pp. attired, dressed, Sa ; see
is ,,,t

F,Holthailsen s,,ggests
wurci means s dmger,
*his ME hag/ with 1 ~ ~ 1haiff
,.,hicj, has
,he same meaning. l<luge conrlectr
iieffa with Golliic hdhan, to han,o, so that
it may mean radically ' a state ofbcing in
suspense.' The word must have corne inlo
England in thc form *ha&/,
bcfore the assimilation of ht to tt.
Hal, aiij. all, Sz ; see Al.
Bam, 1py. I. am, S ; see Am.

~ ~t

~ .

Urpe (written Vrpe), 16. earth,



S z ; see S (4 a. 49).-Ct
Icel. lau7znuih, 111, thk
corners of themonth ; see CV(s.v. munnr).
Whicohe,achest,trunk,bon;whuoche, The word wihcr is still in use in this sense
at Whitby. See Whitby Glossary (E.D. S.).
P P ; whyohe, Prompt.; h o ~ h e Prompt.,
AS. hwiiic; ' Closlrlla, hwicce;' Engl. Stu- Wone, ad/. om, S3 (7. 97) ; see Oon.
dicn, xi. 65.
Wyne-grapis, sh. pi. vine-grays, S3
Wike, the comers of the mouth, (13.99).

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