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Tables 20-1 and 20-2 list the common failure modes for fans, blowers, and fluidizers.
Typical problems with these devices include output below rating, vibration and noise,
and overloaded driver bearings.

Centrifugal fans are extremely sensitive to variations in either suction or discharge
conditions. In addition to variations in ambient conditions (Le., temperature, humidity, etc.), control variables can have a direct effect on fan performance and reliability.
Most problems that limit fan performance and reliability are caused, either directly or
indirectly, by improper application, installation, operation, or maintenance. However,
the majority are caused by misapplication or poor operating practices. Table 20-1 lists
failure modes of centrifugal fans and their causes. Some of the more common failures
are aerodynamic instability, plate-out, speed changes, and lateral flexibility.
Aerodynamic Instability

Generally, the control range of centrifugal fans is about 15 percent above and below
its BEP. Fans operated outside this range tend to become progressively more unstable,
which causes the fans rotor assembly and shaft to deflect from their true centerline.
This deflection increases the vibration energy of the fan and accelerates the wear on
bearings and other drive-train components.
Plate Out

Dirt, moisture, and other contaminates tend to adhere to the fans rotating element.
This buildup, called plate out, increases the mass of the rotor assembly and decreases


Fans, Blowers, and Fluidizers


Table 20-1 Common Failure Modes of Centn&gal Fans




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Source: Integrated Systems, Inc.


Root Cause Failure Analysis

its critical speed, the point where the phenomenon referred to as resonance occurs.
This occurs because the additional mass affects the rotors natural frequency. Even if
the fans speed does not change, the change in natural frequency may cause its critical
speed (note that machines may have more than one) to coincide with the actual rotor
speed. If this occurs, the fan will resonate, or experience severe vibration, and may
fail catastrophically. The symptoms of plate out often are confused with those of
mechanical imbalance because both dramatically increase the vibration associated
with the fans running speed.
The problem of plate out can be resolved by regularly cleaning the fans rotating element and internal components. Removal of buildup lowers the rotors mass and
returns its natural frequency to the initial, or design, point. In extremely dirty or dusty
environments, it may be advisable to install an automatic cleaning system that uses
high-pressure air or water to periodically remove any buildup that forms.
Speed Changes

In applications where a measurable fan-speed change can occur (i.e., V-belt or variable-speed drives), care must be taken to ensure that the selected speed does not coincide with any of the fans critical speeds. For general-purpose fans, the actual running
speed is designed to be between 10 and 15 percent below the first critical speed of the
rotating element. If the sheave ratio of a V-belt drive or the actual running speed is
increased above the design value, it may coincide with a critical speed.
Some fans are designed to operate between critical speeds. In these applications, the
fan must make a transition through the first critical speed to reach its operating speed.
Such transitions must be made as quickly as possible to prevent damage. If the fans
speed remains at or near the critical speed for any extended period of time, serious
damage can occur.
Lateral Flexibility

By design, the structural support of most general-purpose fans lacks the mass and
rigidity needed to prevent flexing of the fans housing and rotating assembly. This
problem is more pronounced in the horizontal plane but also present in the vertical
direction. If support-structure flexing is found to be the root cause or a major contributing factor to the problem, it can be corrected by increasing the stiffness or mass of
the structure. However, do not fill the structure with concrete. As it dries, concrete
pulls away from the structure and does little to improve its rigidity.

Blowers, or positive-displacement fans, have the same common failure modes as
rotary pumps and compressors. Table 20-2 (also see Tables 19-2 and 22-2), lists the
failure modes that most often affect blowers and fluidizers. In particular, blower fail-

Fans, Blowers, and Fluidizers


Table 2&2 Common Failure Modes of Blowers and Fluidizers

Source: Integrated Systems, Inc.

ures occur due to process instability, caused by stadstop operation and demand variations. and mechanical failures due to close tolerances.
Process Instability

Blowers are very sensitive to variations in their operating envelope. As little as a 1

psig change in downstream pressure can cause the blower to become extremely unstable. The probability of catastrophic failure or severe damage to blower components
increases in direct proportion to the amount and speed of the variation in demand or
downstream pressure.
Start/Stop Operation

The transients caused by frequent start/stop operation also have a negative effect on
blower reliability. Conversely, blowers that operate constantly in a stable environment
rarely exhibit problems. The major reason is the severe axial thrusting caused by the
frequent variations in suction or discharge pressure caused by the stadstop operation.


Root Cause Failure Analysis

Demand Variations

Variations in pressure and volume demands have a serious impact on blower reliability. Since blowers are positive-displacementdevices, they generate a constant volume
and a variable pressure that is dependent on the downstream systems back pressure.
If demand decreases, the blowers discharge pressure continues to increase until (1) a
downstream component fails and reduces the back pressure or (2) the brake horsepower required to drive the blower is greater than the motors locked rotor rating.
Either of these result in failure of the blower system. The former may result in a
reportable release, while the latter will cause the motor to trip or bum out.
Frequent variations in demand greatly accelerate the wear on the thrust bearings in the
blower. This can be directly attributed to the constant, instantaneous axial thrusting
caused by variations in the discharge pressure required by the downstream system.
Mechanical Failures

Because of the extremely close clearances that must exist within the blower, the
potential for serious mechanical damage or catastrophic failure is higher than with
other rotating machinery. The primary failure points include thrust bearing, timing
gears, and rotor assemblies.
In many cases, these mechanical failures are caused by the instability discussed in the
preceding sections, but poor maintenance practices are another major cause. See the
troubleshooting guide Table 22-2 for rotary-type, positive-displacementcompressors
for more information.

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