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Symphony Mobile Phone is a part of leading telecommunication and Consumer Electronic group SB Tel

Enterprise Limited (a legal Unit of Edison Group) the group is operated by Entrepreneurs who were
behind establishing two very popular mobile phone brands in Bangladesh: Siemens and BenQ.

Within short period of time since its introduction at the end of 2008 the brand has become very popular
especially among the young people. Because of its unique propositions Symphony Mobile now occupies
number one position in Bangladesh above Nokia according to market share. Innovation and exclusive
design clearly differentiate Symphony from other brands available in the market. The brand has launched
the first ever branded dual sim phone in the country. Continuing with the same trend of delivering
breakthrough products, Symphony Mobile launched X110, Bangladeshs first ever Qwerty keyboard
phone with Track ball. Moreover in the coming months lot of new products are introduced which include
full touch screen and smart phones.

Symphony offers customers reliability, value for money and wide range of choice. While the
performance, reliability and durability of the products are as good as any leading global mobile phone
brand handset with attractive features and functionalities are offered at a competitive price.

Symphony has customer care centers in all major districts in Bangladesh. Collection points have been set
up in the smaller districts in order to ensure prompt and reliable service to the remote areas. Run by
professional people and customer driven standard operating procedure the motto of the customer care
department is to make customers fully satisfied. Lot of value added service such free service check up,
free down loads are in the offing.

Symphony will grow at a faster pace than the growing Bangladesh mobile phone market. The brand will
continue to introduce innovative high quality products and is fully confident of winning hearts and mind
of our valuable customers

SWOT analysis:


Good quality

Extreme low price

Advanced technology

Warranty for phones

Varity of models

Exteriors and looks

Availability of showrooms

User friendly

Many features


Dont have advanced operating system yet like android or IOS

Dont have any big budget phone to fight with Nokia or I phones

It take long time to recharge the battery fully

Low brand equity

Targeting only the people who earn low

Not focusing on making smart phones


Big market share

High sales

Mass production


Unique features


As they have the low brand equity any rich brand can beat them anytime by lowering the price

Symphony doesnt have any blockbuster hit phone comparing to the galaxy s2 or I phones

Symphony has too many competitors like maximus, my phone, sprint etc. So it has to be come
out with more innovation.


This environment influences the organization directly. It includes suppliers that deal directly or
indirectly,consumers and customers, and other local stakeholders. This determines the relationship
between consumers, suppliers, distributors, public and dealers.

Macro environment
The market environment is a marketing term and it refers to all of the forces outside of marketing that
affect marketing management s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target
customers. Company, its suppliers, distributors, and its competitors are also impacted by what is
happening in the world. To succeed therefore, it is necessary to continuously monitor, anticipate, and
adapt, to that environment, and wherever possible, shape that environment. The market environment
consists of both the macro environment and the micro environment.

Micro environment
This includes all factors that can influence and organization, but that are out of their direct control. A
company does not generally influence any laws (although it is accepted that they could lobby or be part of
a trade organization). It is continuously changing, and the company needs to be flexible to adapt. There
may be aggressive competition and rivalry in a market. Globalization means that there is always the threat
of substitute products and new entrants. The wider environment is also ever changing, and the marketer
needs to compensate for changes in culture, politics, economics and technology. The acronym PEST is
used to describe framework for the analysis of these macro environmental factors .There are many factors
in the macro-environment that will affect the decisions of the managers of any organisation. Tax changes,
new laws, trade barriers, demographic change and government policy changes are

Political-Legal Environment:
This environment is composed of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit
various organizations and individuals .Sometimes these laws create new opportunities for business.
Various political and legal factors affected symphony. Symphony had to go through some basic issues.
These issues are:

Unified Licensing

Lowering of Interconnect Charges

Made License Fees 10%-15% of Revenue

Simplified Frequency Allocation Process


Symphony requires not only people but purchasing power also. The available purchasing power in an
economy depends on

The state of the economy State of the economy related to the category of economic status
of that country either is developed, developing or underdeveloped economy. Basically
developing economy is the potential market of handsets as these countries have many of
service providers so the demand of reliable and efficient handsets as well.... Bangladesh in
spite of the recession had a growing economy and hence this contributed to increased sales of
handsets in these years.

Income distribution- Income distribution basically related to the section of the society, high
income group, high middle class group, middle class group, low middle class group & low
class group. The preference of handset varies according to the income groups. As per the
survey done by Symphony Mobile main focus of Low income group is in the price range of

Market innovation has contributed to the reduction of the cost of ownership and made services
more accessible for low income groups which are very price sensitive. To overcome this
hurdle, other operators boost the penetration in low income groups with use of innovative
tariff plans, offer very cheap handset to the public and exploring attractive VAS which are
appealing to different segment of customers.

Innovative tariff plans

Affordable Handset handsets that symphony offers are very lows price comparing to others.

People make up markets. Marketers would therefore like to know the Size of population , Growth rate of
population, Age distribution of population, Regional distribution of population, Ethnic mix, Education
levels etc. Different age groups prefer different cell phones. Teenagers mostly prefer cells which are
attractive, look trendy and have attractive features whereas people of age group i.e. between 40- 50 use
mobiles for communication purposes mainly. Size and brand play to some extent an important role in
decision making. When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers value familiar
brands. When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers prefer handsets which are
user friendly. Still after so many brands entering into the market, a major portion of the population still
prefer familiar reliable brands like symphony. Because it is user friendly as compared to brands like Sony
Erickson, Micromax, LG, and Samsung and so on. Price of the phone has been identified as a critical
factor in the choice of the mobile phone model, especially among the younger generation .It has been
found that besides new technological advances price is the most influential factor affecting the choice of a
new mobile phone model. Still large chunks of the population prefer the middle price range of cell
phones. In fact value for the money is most important factor that influences consumer choice for a cell

One of the greatest socio-cultural factors affecting the handset market is the increasing need of social
recognition among the masses, which is further fuelled by lowering of tariff rates by the service providers.
Moreover with higher spending power among the masses, festivals and marriages and other socio cultural
factors affect handset sales. Socio-cultural environment shapes customers beliefs, values, and norms.
The social and cultural factors that influence the buying behaviour of consumers are inclusive of culture,
social class, reference group, family, demographics and geography. Culture is an amalgam of tangible
factors and intangible traditions that enunciate the lifestyle of a particular group of people. As for social
class, it defines the income group the individual belongs too and that, in turn, is heavily dependent on the
income earned, which is a great factor in determining buying behaviour. The third factor is the reference
group. As is obvious from the
name it is the group from whom the consumer seeks reference. It could range from people like one's
parents, members of the family whom the individual feels close to, close friends, celebrities who endorse
the brand etc. People whom we trust, their opinion means a great deal to us and affects many decisions of
ours including buying behaviour. Regarding family, this determinant is totally different from the erstwhile
one as this one focuses on the norms and preferences of the family in which the individual lives and is
brought up. Moreover this determinant is on a collective and unconscious basis as the individual's buying
decision is taking effect from the ambience of his family and the unconscious way he has grasped the
values that have been given to him by his family. Coming to demographics, these are small and specific

details about the individual such as age, gender, education, income, occupation etc. Also the geographical
location in which the consumer resides also determines the buying behaviour depending on sub-factors
like climatic conditions, availability of resources, surroundings etc.
One of the most important factors that affect our lives is Technology.It is the most important force that
keeps on changing our day to day lives, which not only affects individuals but can also affect economy as
a whole. Technology is a dynamic force which shapes people and industries lives and even wipes out
entire industries. We live in an age in which the pace of technological change is pulsating ever faster,
causing waves that spread outward toward all people, and all industries. Cell phones have no longer been
limited to communication but also have indirectly emerged as a means of reducing face to face social
interaction as people can listen to music, can watch movie on their cell phone and so on. So, it has
become very essential for marketers to have a look on dynamic technological environment, so that they
can actual find out customers needs and aspirations.

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