WPCCA Meeting Minutes 3-25-15

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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Summary of Meeting of March 25, 2015

Brandyn McElroy called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. in the Schoenbaum Family Center.
Neighborhood Pride. Mr. McElroy announced that Weinland Park has been selected for the
citys Neighborhood Pride program this year. Weinland Park will be paired with the Milo-Grogan
neighborhood. He also announced that Joyce Hughes brother, Mike Hughes, died on March 23.
Free health clinics. Carol Achmoody and Andrea Hesse of Vineyard Free Health Clinics
presented information about the clinics. Ms. Achmoody said the free clinic has been in Weinland
Park for 21 years and has been at 171 East Fifth Avenue for 10 years. The Vineyard Church has
two clinics, the one in Weinland Park and a newer clinic at the church, 6000 Cooper Road,
Westerville. The clinic in Weinland Park has medical, dental and vision services. The clinic
provides episodic clinical care for adults at no charge. The adults must be under 200 percent of
the poverty level. All the professional staff members of the clinic are licensed to practice in Ohio.
Ms. Achmoody said her clinic does attempt to direct patients to a medical home for regular,
routine health care.
Ms. Hesse reported that Vineyard Free Health Clinics are partnering with the Lower Lights
Medical Center to provide ongoing care by appointment to deal with preventive and prenatal
health care and chronic medical conditions. Lower Lights has opened a clinic in conjunction with
the Vineyard clinics on East Fifth Avenue.
Redevelopment proposal. Jeff Brown and David Hodges of the Smith & Hale law firm spoke
about a redevelopment of the property on the northeast corner of East Seventh Avenue and High
Street. Chris Johnson of CA Ventures of Chicago explained that his firm is developing properties
in a number of states, and this proposed redevelopment is the firms first investment in the
Columbus market. The proposed redevelopment would create a six-story building with retail on
the first floor and five floors of apartments aimed at the college student and young professional
housing market. Access to the parking would be from Euclid Avenue or the back of the
development, rather than from High Street. The property is zoned C4, and Smith & Hale will
seek variances. Mr. Brown said the proposal is consistent with the new University District plan.
The building would include 156 residential units with 287 bedrooms (a mixture of studio, one-,
two-, three- and four-bedrooms) and 16,000 square feet of retail.
Among the questions and comments offered on the proposal were:
One resident expressed support for the existing coin-operated laundry and said additional
student and young professional housing is unnecessary. Another resident also expressed
support for the coin-operated laundry.
Another resident asked about the process for selecting retail tenants.
In response to a question, Mr. Johnson said the ground-breaking likely would be delayed, but
the opening would likely be for autumn semester 2017.

Another resident supported elimination of the curb cut on High Street, the design of the
building facing High Street, and the use for student and young professional housing so that
students are less likely to live deeper in the neighborhood.
Another resident asked about local building contractors being employed on the project.
In response to a question, Mr. Johnson said he didnt have the information on projected price
points for the apartments.

Matt Martin, chair of the civic associations Housing Committee, asked the representatives of the
developer to attend a meeting of the Housing Committee to discuss the proposal in more detail.
Other announcements and reports offered at the meeting included:
The Weinland Park Billboard Project will have a public unveiling on April 11 at 2 p.m. at
Godman Guild Association. John Grosvenor, resident and artist, reported on the project.
Julia Orban reported on the bird sanctuary created on a vacant lot along North Fifth Street by
the late Leslie Passmore. A work day in the bird sanctuary will be held Saturday, March 28,
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ms. Orban asked for residents who are willing to be part of a core
group that could help maintain the bird sanctuary.
J.P. Blackwood of Paving the Way spoke about road construction projects in the Columbus
area in 2015 and distributed a flyer with information about the projects. He noted the
resurfacing this summer of Summit and North Fourth streets with added bicycle lanes.
Chris Orban, chair of the civic associations Mobility Committee, explained that he will write
a grant application for bicycle lights that can be distributed in cyclists in the neighborhood.
Mr. Martin announced the April meeting of the Housing Committee has been canceled. He
plans to discuss the proposed Seventh and High project at the May or June meeting. He also
said the committee in the next few months will discuss housing goals and strategies.
Mr. Martin also announced that Veritas Church is hosting a candidates forum on Thursday,
April 23, at 7 p.m. at Veritas Community Church, 345 E. Second Avenue.
Michael Wilkos reported that the Columbus Metropolitan Library will have a public meeting
on April 14 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. to share plans for the new Northside Branch Library
building. The meeting will be at the Northside Branch Library.
Mr. Wilkos announced the annual Roots & Roofs event will be Saturday, May 16, from
9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mulch and flowering plants will be sold at a significant discount. Tshirts will be distributed, and lunch will be served by Godman Guilds Blue Bowtie Catering.
Terry Althouse said the Godman Guild community garden will have a significant upgrade.
The small plots will be refurbished. Fruit trees will be planted. She reported that the concrete
blocks for the small plots will be delivered on March 26. She asked for volunteers to help
unload the cement blocks. The garden also will have a Little Library with free books to be
dropped off or picked up.
Sheila Billingslea-Moser announced Godman Guild has a number of seasonal and permanent
jobs open at Godman Guild. Registration begins on April 3 for the Summer Youth Empowerment Program at Camp Mary Orton for children in kindergarten through eighth grade.
Mr. McElroy said that at next months meeting the attendees will be experiencing their inner
youth. He declined to give more details.
In closing, those in attendance introduced themselves. The meeting was adjourned about 8 p.m.

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