Filósofos Medievais Graduados

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Early Modern Philosophy Resources I'll start.

I am Markku Roinila, Post-doc

researcher in the University of Helsinki. I have been working mostly with
Leibniz, defended my Diss. on Leibniz's Rational Decision-Making in 2007.
After that I had a project on Leibniz's theory of emotions and currently I am
applying funding on a project on Leibniz's dynamics of the mind. I have also
done some work with Locke and Spinoza.
Gosto Responder 6 Ontem s 12:02

Cristina Marras Great idea! I'm researcher at Institute for the European
Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (ILIESI) of Italian National Research
Council (CNR) Rome. I work on Leibniz (theory of language and use of
language) and I wrote a book on Leibniz's meta...Ver mais
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Gosto Responder 4 Ontem s 18:02 Editado

Martin Lenz Nice idea! So, I'm Martin, an associate professor at the
University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy. I did my PhD on Ockham's
theory of mental language (2001) and my Habilitation on Locke's phil of
language (2009). Generally, I try to combine resea...Ver mais
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Gosto Responder 4 Ontem s 13:31

Early Modern Philosophy Resources This has started nicely! Most interesting!
Do carry on!
Gosto Responder 17 h

Marco Storni Hi, I'm Marco. I'm a PhD candidate at the Ecole Normale
Suprieure (Paris-Ulm), under the direction of Sophie Roux. My research
deals with Maupertuis and his place within the eighteenth-century Republic
of Letters. I'm much interested in the question o...Ver mais
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Gosto Responder 2 Ontem s 17:53

Julia Jorati I'm an assistant professor at the Ohio State Philosophy

department, and like Markku, I work mostly on Leibniz. Currently, I'm trying
to show that (what I take to be) a proper understanding of Leibniz's views on
teleology and spontaneity can help us und...Ver mais
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LSNA Conference 2015 | Ninth annual conference of the Leibniz Society of...
Gosto Responder 2 Ontem s 13:50 Editado

Monica Solomon Dear Markku, Many thanks for your initiative and for your
effort in keeping this page alive. I am a PhD candidate in history and
philosophy of science at University of Notre Dame. I am currently writing my
dissertation on Newton's concepts of mathemati...Ver mais
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Gosto Responder 1 Ontem s 15:11

Kristopher G. Phillips Hi, I'm Kris. I'm an assistant professor at Southern Utah
University. I just defended my dissertation on Descartes's modal
metaphysics this past summer. I've been working on modality, free will, the
mind-body problem and the philosophy of science in Descartes, but I also
have a soft-spot for Hume and Cavendish. Thank you for this!
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Gosto Responder 1 Ontem s 15:33 Editado

Nastassja Pugliese Hi, I'm Nastassja. Thanks for the page and the links
Markku. The "Early Modern Philosophy Resources" is a very nice and useful
initiative. I am a PhD candidate at the University of Georgia where I also
work as a teaching assistant. My dissertation is on Spinoza's theory of
imagination, but I also researched the topic on Aristotle, Maimonides,
Descartes and Hume. In my M.A. I studied philosophy of science and logic.
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Gosto Responder 1 Ontem s 14:23

Peter J. King I've been teaching philosophy (including Early Modern

Philosophy) for some thirty years, mainly at the University of Oxford, but
also at King's College, London, Birkbeck College, London, the University of
North London, and Reading University. I'm curr...Ver mais
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Gosto Responder 23 h Editado

Rich Booher Hi! I'm Rich Booher. My research focuses primarily on late
eighteenth and early nineteenth century German philosophers. This places
me at the later-edge of what most people consider "early modern" to
encompass. I also have serious interests in Hobb...Ver mais
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Gosto Responder 23 h

Francesco Toto Ciao, I am Francesco, post-doc at Ecole normale suprieure

de Lyon. I passed a couple of years at the Istituto italiano di studi storici
working mostly on Rousseau. My PhD was focused on Spinoza's theory of
the body. Right now, I don't know what am I w...Ver mais
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Gosto Responder 23 h

Lucia Oliveri Great idea! I'm Lucia Oliveri, a PhD student at the University of
Muenster (Germany) and research assistent at the Leibniz-Forschungsstelle
in Muenster. My research interests lie in Leibniz's epistemology and
philosophy of language and focus on the cognitive role of signs, theory of
imagination, mind-body problem, animal's cognition, and social dimension of
knowledge and language.
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Gosto Responder 23 h

Daniel Collette Hello! I am Daniel Collette, a doctoral candidate at the

University of South Florida. My main research interest lie in Pascal and
Descartes. I am writing a dissertation on the influence of Neostoicism on
early modernity by examining how Descartes, Pascal, and Spinoza
appropriate Stoicism differently in their moral philosophy.

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Gosto Responder 23 h

Jacopo Agnesina Hi, I'm Jacopo. I have a Ph.D. in History of Philosophy

(University of Eastern Piedmont, 2013). My dissertation on the philosophy of
Anthony Collins (tutor prof. Gianluca Mori) will be published this year for
Honor Champion, in the book series directed by Antony McKenna. At the
moment I'm searching funds to support my research project on the heritage
of British Free-thinkers in French-speaking cultural world during the
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