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Since I was Senior High School I want to be a teacher. I think Teachers not only have to
teach but also to motivate students to get their dreams. Education in Indonesia needs to be
repaired continuously until we reaches the goal to be An advance country. This circumstance
stimulated me to share knowledges and sciences. I am happy to share knowledge, motivate the
others, give positive influence, and I make sure that I concern education, I really want to
contribute toward the maintainance for the sustainability of education in Indonesia. I studied
Agricultural Engineering for 4 years, then I choose Food Science and Technology for master. I
wanna be a scientist and lecturer, transfers knowledge and experience to people who need that.
My simple dreams come true when I make somebody successful.
As a student in Department Agricultural Engineering, faculty of Agricultural Technology,
Gadjah Mada University, I have numerous opportunities to do many activities. In The First
semester, I join the organization in departement of public relation. Then, in the second semester I
have a chance to be a secretarist II as a daily management in organization. I also have an
opportunities to be a coordinator Assistance in the laboratory of postharvest and food
technology. My responsibilities are to guide the laboratory work about : unit operation, physical
properties of agricultural, and postharvest technology.
Beside studying, I also active joining society program. In the year of 2013, I had a chance to
join student exchange, SUIJI-SLP program (Six University Initiative Japan Indonesia- Service
Learning Program). SLP or Service Learning Program is a program for student to find problems
and solve it together with local people to sustain the local area, in that time, together with my
team have an opportunity to stay in Tonoe, Akehama. From that program I interested with
Japanese culture such as ceremony and education in daily. We also back to Indonesia to do the
same program. We have studied that children need education and motivation about sustainability
in local area which important to prohibit the extinction. From the overall of my experience I
believe that I am ready to graduate and continuoe for master.
Now, I am studying in Departement of Food Science and Technology of Agricultural
Technology, Gadjah Mada University, because I need to study more about food science such as
the characteristic on agricultural commodity especially for physicochemical behavior. I have
studied about food technology like how to choose the suitable methods for each agriculture

product in food processing. Beside that, I also have numerous opportunity to be a coordinator
assistance and a fasilitator of foundation to teach fatherless child ( Yatim Piatu Foundation) until
now. My responsibilities are teaching them and motivate them to be an independence young. I
think my experience above inspiring me to contribute for Indonesian country to be advance
especially for the education.
Agricultural technology is one of the scope that can cooperate with the food industry to help
it develops. We know that Indonesia is an agrarian country that rich of nature resource, like
agricultural product so that we need the good management to do the distribution until it
consumes. From this Joint Research program which held by Yamagata University, I hope I have
a chance for :
1. Study and research about postharvest, handling, and storage especially for fruit commodity.
2. Achieve my knowledge and my skill about postharvest technology so that strengthten the
sustainability of Indonesia in the future.
Considering all factors above. I believe that the chosen study will benefit Indonesia in general.
I consider my self to be a good participant for this joint research program because I am
young, I always have motivation to do something until finish, I am responsible, I like challenges,
and I can handle a work by team or by myself. I have the motivation to comeback for Indonesian
sustainability so that I want to study well from this program.

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