Riaz Ahmad Gohar Shah - A True Perspective

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In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful


RIAZ A.GOHAR SHAHI (now dead) is the leader of a new cult based in Pakistan called
"ANJUMAN SARFROSHAN-E-ISLAM". This sect actually aims to destroy Islam from
within, thus claiming to be a Sufi group. Prominent Muslim Scholars have issued Fatwa/Verdicts
against him and his group. We have quoted below some beliefs of Gohar Shahi from his books
containing accounts of dreams in order to expose him and to warn the Muslim community about
this Fitna (dissension). May Allah the Almighty protect us from all Fitnah, Ameen.

1. "From the age of 20 years until 32 years, I was affected by that donkey. Namaz [prayer]
etc. were all finished for me and I could not even perform the Jum'a Namaz." [Roohani
Safar, page 7]

2. "I could not even distinguish Haraam and Haraam when earning money. Deceit, fraud
and lies became habitual in the business." [Roohani Safar, page 8]

3. "I was partially affected by Qadiyaniat and Wahhabism because of societies." [Roohani
Safar, page 8]

4. "Now that sage is presenting a glass of bhang and I drink it and find it extremely tasty. I
am thinking what delicious drink bhang is. The Ulama [scholars] have without cause
declared it to be Haraam." [Roohani Safar, page 35]

5. "It was the first part of the night and I saw a dark-complexioned man before me who's head
was bare. Hanging around his neck is a slate on which it is written MUHAMMAD Sallalahu-
alaihi-wa-sallam without declension [i'raab]. A voice said: 'This is the Prophet of Allah
Sallalahu-alaihi-wa-sallam. Do prostration in his respect.' A question erupted in my mind,
surely Rasoolullah (S.A.W.) is Noori (Light). Why is this man dark-complexioned? The
answer came: 'Your heart is still black. White appears as black in a black mirror.' I
understood. I wanted to get up but realised that my body was under a fit and that shadow is
controlling my head. The moment of kissing his feet went away. My heart is very saddened
and I am becoming very angry on that shadow. I feel like swearing a lot at that shadow. But I
even think that I have got guidance from it..." [Roohani Safar, p.21]

5. "That lustful woman (mastani) understood that perhaps because of today's payments,
Gohar Shahi fancies me and lay close beside me and then she embraced my chest." [Pages
32, 37 & 38]

GOHAR SHAHI claims to be a Sunni and yet he goes about "preaching" in the disguise of a Pir
by deceiving the public in zikr meetings, etc. It is imperative that Muslims abstain from such
meetings. Scholars have issued Fatawahs (verdicts) declaring Gohar Shahi as being misled;
rude towards Rasoolullah (S.A.W.); Zindiq; Murtad; Munafiq; Mardood; Jahannami; and
is liable for capital punishment (killing). We request all Muslim Governments to declare Gohar
Shahi and his followers as apostates in their countries.


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