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Fiji News

New Variety Of Potatoes To Be Grown


Fiji imports about 17 million dollars

worth of potatoes every year.
With the introduction of these new
variety of potatoes to be locally grown,
it could help reduce our import bill by
almost 50 percent.
The new potato and sweet potatoes
varieties originate from Peru, Argentina,
Bolivia and Ecuador.
What we will do here, well just multiply
because weve only got a few samples of
each variety. We will multiply to make

more numbers and distribute it out to the

Pacific region. Sweet potatoes in particular
is a fast growing crop and thats why its
very ideal for disaster relief assistance, said
Logotonu Waqainabete CEPACT Curator
This will also help Pacific Island
countries expand their variety of crops.
Helping countries to have that new
diversity for sustainable food security
because most of the time countries
depend on a only a certain variety of
crops, he mentioned.

According to SPC, these new potatoes

also have unique traits.
For example theyre resilient to
diseases, some of them have nutritional
benefits. The purple sweet potatoes are
high in antioxidants, said he said.
SPCs strategic partnership with the New
Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade enables SPC to source, multiply
and distribute new resilient crop
diversity to support community food
security projects in the Pacific.

Thanksgiving Prayer For 2014 Elections

Members of the Samabula Sikh
community gathered at the Samabula
temple to end their three-day thanksgiving
prayer for the 2014 elections.
Samabula Sikh community president
Meja Singh said the event was also to
pray for MP Balmindar Singh.
We decided to have the three-day
prayer to align it with other religious
celebrations. As we all know the Hindu
community just celebrated Ram Naumi
and now the Christians are celebrating
Palm Sunday and going into Easter, he
That is why we had four priests taking
shifts for our nonstop prayer session to
pray for MP Balmindar Singh.
MP Mr Singh said the event was also
a thanksgiving prayer for the 2014
We invited the Prime Minister and the
Attorney-General to attend, but they
passed on their apologies because of
their busy schedules.
Meja Singh said the event was a build-up
to the celebration of Baisakhi on April
Balmindar Singh is a Government
backbencher in Parliament who is

also a member of the important Public

Accounts Committee.
He is a financial consultant who previously
worked at the Fiji Independent Commission
Against Corruption (FICAC).
Balmindar Singh has undergraduate
qualifications in commerce from the
University of New South Wales, a Masters
in Business Administration (MBA) from
Central Queensland University (CQU)

and a Masters in Commerce from the

University of the South Pacific (USP).
He is also a certified fraud examiner
with the Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners (ACFE).
His family initially settled at Wainibokasi,
Tailevu, but have diversified into cattle
farming and now run a 120-acre farm
they leased this year at Lomaivuna,

hips, arms and legs, sports injuries,

spinal deformities, complications from
bone infections of arms and legs, and
complicated fractures and some burn
In a statement, local admission co-

ordinator Central, Eastern and Northern

Division and also the CEO of Hilton
Organisation Sureni Perera said about
300 children were screened last year
alone, out of which about 30 received
treatment at the hospital in Hawaii.

Free Clinic For Children

A TEAM of medical experts from the

Shriners Hospitals in Hawaii are in
the country to provide free clinics for
children with orthopedic problems.
The team of doctors has been visiting Fiji
for the past 15 years on a voluntary basis
conducting pediatric and orthopedic
clinics in Lautoka, Labasa and Suva.
The team will screen, evaluate and
diagnose all children with orthopedic
problems such as birth defects of


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Fiji News

Change Your Attitude Road Users Warned

Attitude of road users continues to be
major factor in the number of road
accidents recorded in the country to date.
With the road death toll expected to
increase following a tragic weekend on
our roads, the Fiji Police Force is calling
on all road users to adopt a change
of mindset in as far as road safety is
Acting Chief Operations Officer
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
Biu Matavou said deaths occurring on
our roads are preventable.
We continue to see people using our
roads with a no care attitude as if they do
not have any responsibility to look after
the safety of others.
This has to change if we are to prevent
further injury or loss of life on our
The road death toll currently stands at 13
compared to 14 for the same period last year
and with the figure expected to increase
following five deaths last weekend, ACP
Matavou said road safety needs to be


more than just the responsibility of law

enforcement agencies.
We are limited in numbers and cannot
be everywhere so the onus is on all
road users be it a driver, passenger or
pedestrian to know that if you chose to
speed, get behind the wheel drunk, or
ignore their role as a pedestrian then you
are not only putting your life at risk but
others as well.
Statistics have shown that speeding,
dangerous driving, reckless and

negligent pedestrian behavior as well as

unsupervised children are some of the
main causes of fatalities on our roads.
With the Easter Long Weekend ahead
of us ACP Matavou said our roads will
be busy and people must plan ahead for
increased traffic volumes so youre not
tempted to rush to your destination.
He is pleading with all road users to
work with law enforcement agencies in
keeping our roads safe to prevent another
life being lost unnecessarily.


Fiji News

Nadi Four-Lane Ready In September

A new four-lane road from Votualevu
roundabout to Nasoso in Nadi could
be the catalyst for opening up a key
economic corridor in Fiji.
Programme Engineer for the Nadi
and Suva Road Upgrading Project
(NASRUP) Zaina Khan, has promised
to deliver the completed roads by
September this year.
At the moment we have two new lanes
opened out of the four lanes. The first
two lanes towards Lautoka represent
a major step in the economic change
in Fiji and the same to be delivered in
Nausori, she said.
She said switching the lane going towards
Lautoka had opened up the whole of the
right hand side for construction by the
We will be delivering jobs and economic
development potential and reduction
in road congestion in corridor with the
utilities upgrade and maintenance which
we hope to achieve for Fiji in the next
10-20 years.
Ms Khan said there had been a lot of
hassle and congestion at the Votualevu
She said the roundabout was trickier

at the moment but hopes to open it up

over the next month and has targeted the
middle of May to fix the bottle neck.
One of the journeys that drivers are
taking on is the switching and guiding
them with cones and traffic signs which
is same in Suva. We are noticing more
driver awareness coming to the traffic
management and switches and sticking
to the speed limit.

Now the work is distracting but we

need drivers to keep on focusing and
moving and not to on what is being done
on the sides.
At this stage that is not the end product
as there still a lot to do, as we need to
finish the sidewalks, bus shelter, traffic
signals, and road furniture signs, line
painting, litter bins and we have build
one kilometres.

Plans In Place To Have Food Labeling That

Contains Star Rating

Plans are in place to have food labeling

that will also contain Star Rating,
something which people see on electrical
This has been revealed by the National
Advisor for Non Communicable
Diseases, Dr Isimeli Tukana while
speaking at the World Consumer Rights

Day celebrations.
Tukana said few consumers read and
understand nutrition labels and people
need guidance in making healthy food
The nutrient profiling will be based on
energy, saturated fat, sodium, protein,
total sugar and fibre.

Tukana added that Fijians have moved

from organic eating to chemical eating
where more than 50 percent of people
eat items bought from the supermarkets.
Meanwhile, the President of the Fiji
Grocers Association, Savendra Dayal
said there can also be drawbacks for


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Fiji News

Fijian Woman Jailed In Tonga For Forgery

A former travel consultant of Fijian
origin has been sentenced to four years
imprisonment with the final 18 months
suspended by a Tongan court after
pleading guilty to 39 counts of forgery.
According to a Tonga news agency
report, Sera Polata, 41 who was also
found guilty of knowingly dealing with
forged documents for visa applications
to foreign countries, mostly the United
States will serve two-years and sixmonths at Huatolitoli Prison.
The sentence which was handed
down last Friday has been backdated
to February this year when she was
remanded in custody for sentencing.
The accused had initially pleaded not
guilty to a total of 47 counts of forgery and

knowingly dealing with forged documents,

at the start of her trial on 26 January, at the
Nukualofa Supreme Court.
During trial, she changed her plea to guilty
to 39 counts of forgery that included 29
forgeries and 10 for knowingly dealing
with forged documents. The Crown had
withdrawn the eight remaining counts
due to insufficient evidence.
The court had heard from October 2013
to April 2014, the accused who was a
travel consultant at the Friendly Island
Travel in Tokomololo, had at numerous
times forged documents by altering
Westpac Bank of Tonga bank statements
and reference letters of customers.
Customers provided her with their
travel documents to lodge their visa

applications on their behalf for a fee. She

then had forged a number of reference
letters and bank statements by scanning
copies of reference letters provided by
previous customers and copying and
pasting it into new documents for other
customers for their visa applications.
In early 2014 local private companies
and government departments began
to receive emails from the United
States Embassy in Suva and Australian
Immigration Department requesting
verification of reference letters that
displayed their letterheads submitted by
the accused.
The reference letters were identified to
have been forged and a complaint was
made to Tonga Police.

A 35-year old man accused of killing a

14-year old girl at Viria, Naitasiri, last
year has committed suicide.
Mukesh Lal was charged with one count
of murder for the killing of Ashna Devi
in September last year and was supposed
to have entered his plea in the High Court
in Suva. Corrections officials revealed
he hanged himself at the Suva Remand
Centre earlier this week.
According to the Fiji Corrections
Service, Lal hanged himself using a
cloth belt from his three-quarter shorts.
However, no motive has been
established by the Corrections Service
for his apparent suicide. They say he had
been behaving normally days before the

The incident occurred on Monday at
According to family members, Lal was
cremated at the Muaniweni cemetery.
Lal was found with the body of the
victim (Devi) in an abandoned house in
Viria in September last year. The victim
was reported missing from her home on
September 25 and checks made at all
likely places proved futile.
Mr Lal, a resident of Wainiika Settlement
in Viria was also reported missing from
home on September 24.
The two were last seen occupying a
vacant house and when Police arrived
at the scene they discovered the victim

The accused was alleged to have injured
himself and was taken to hospital before
appearing in court.

Inmate Commits Suicide

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Fiji News

Bainimarama Hands Cheques To Fire


Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama

handed cheques to six fire victims
from around the country, to launch
Governments Emergency Assistance
for House Fire Victims.
They each received $5000 each.
Their houses were fully or partially
destroyed by fire this year, the Prime
Minister said.
He said the cheques were to assist the
families in rebuilding or repairing their
homes and their lives.
I sympathies with the trauma that you
all have been through and I hope that
these payments help restore not only a
roof over your heads but enable you to
extend to put the trauma behind you.
He said he was happy to make the first
payments to the deserving families who
would be otherwise homeless, destitute
or both without assistance.
Fiji Telecom employee John Cheers lost
his $85,000 home in a fire in Lautoka.
He said he was still waiting for the fire
report on the cause of the fire.
The father of four said they lost
everything and it was a tragedy for them.
He thanked the Government for the
$5000 cheque.
Mr Cheers had been posted to Suva and
said he would like to recover some of the
losses he made in Lautoka.
Mr Madhavan, a taxi driver from Tavua,
had also lost his $80,000-house in a fire.
He said he was driving taxi when the
incident happened and when he returned
home the house was destroyed.
Mr Madhavan said he was very thankful
to the Government.
We now have a Prime Minister and a


Government that really cares for all

Fijians, he said.

He said he would use the money to start

rebuilding his house.
Mrs Bina Wati, wife of Pradeep Kumar
from Nadi, who lost her house in a fire,
also received her cheque.
She said they lost everything and was
thankful to Prime Minister Bainimarama
for showing care for the poor.
The Prime Minister said more cheques
would be handed out the Northern
Division by the Local Government
He said Government had allocated $1
million in Emergency Assistance in the
2015 Budget,
Emergency Assistance Recipients
Rishni Devi Maya Rd, Davuilevu
Pradeep Kumar Nawaicoba, Nadi
Waisake Vunikadre Vomo St, Lautoka
John Cheers Vomo St, Lautoka
Madhavan Tavua
Pahalad Kumar Daniva Rd, Davuilevu


Fiji News

Family Law Workshop

The Legal Aid Commission continues
its rapid development and commitment
to providing better service to the people
of Fiji.
The Commission opened Family Law
Workshop attended by 80 lawyers who
specialise in family law.
Director Legal Aid Sunil Sharma said
over the past few years, the statistics
when it came to legal aid services had
increased to a limit that was skyrocketing.
There is a reason why this is happening
and it is because of the quality services
that are being provided, Mr Sharma
Therefore, it is important for the
Commission to organise such workshops
so that there is far better reach to the
people by way of quality delivery of
He said the workshop was very practical.
We will be looking at all facets of
family law which we feel are very

important like maintenance, nullity, hate

convention, property distribution, and
important components of family law
He said the general idea was to equip
the practitioners of family law with a

practical approach to the Family Law

Act, its rules and regulations.
He said as a practitioner in the family
law arena, it was very important that
they understood the requirements and
the needs of their clients.

Michael Fong Accorded A Hero's Welcome

WALK For Life Charity organiser
Michael Fong was accorded a hero's
welcome by the Colonial War Memorial
Hospital pediatric unit doctors and staff.
Mr Fong, who lost his son to congenital
heart disease, concluded his weeklong charity walk around Viti Levu last
Saturday aimed at raising money and
awareness on the fatal illness.
"We actually met at Vodafone in Tamavua
and a lot of people walked from there to
the hospital with me," Mr Fong said.

He said they collected more than $650

along the road, however, in the bank he
said they might have $14000.
"A few other sponsors had waited for me
to return so that they could present their
cheques to me.
"It was a worthy cause to remember my
son who passed away 17 years ago."
He said the main objective of the
fundraising was to provide financial
assistance to children and underprivileged who needed medical

"This week, the CEO of the children's
heart foundation working with the
pediatric of the CWM Hospital; we will
see how we can best distribute these
funds to families and children who need
medical assistance."
Mr Fong said two children were now
ready to be evacuated to New Zealand or
Australia for further surgery.
"These funds will now be used to send
these children across."

Security Company To Accommodate

Retired And Former Police Officers

PLANS to set up a private security

company to accommodate retired and
former police officers should eventuate
with the release of the much-awaited
one-off payout.
Former Police Officers Association
executive Tevita Ralulu revealed that this
business idea was shared to the former
officers last year after the announcement
of the payout was made.
"Right now, there is nothing in place for
the association," Mr Ralulu said.
"I was trying to bring in some new
ideas. Now that the money has being


approved, we hope something will

"It is now really up to the individuals
if they would like to contribute to
this proposal. The proposal is for the
association so we can make business
within the association, since most are
former and retired."
A number of proposals, Mr Ralulu
said, were made to those former police
officers last year and there was hope it
would eventuate once the payout was
The proposals included the setting up of

a security company or the purchase of

a property, which the Fiji Police Force
could again rent out to members of the
"Whenever a police officer is suspended
or fired, they can be accommodated in
this company.
"Most of these people were satisfied with
this explanation but it really depends on
the individuals when the money comes
Mr Ralulu said there would be a meeting
to further discuss those plans after the
payout was initiated.


Fiji News

Five Dead
Five people, including two children,
died in two separate road accidents in the
Western Division.
At Navo, outside Nadi, four-year-old
Anishya Chand died when the vehicle
she was travelling in veered off the road.
The dead included Ashnita Chand, 26,
a cashier at Foodhall Supermarket and
Metromix worker Low Kumar Naicker,
32. They were all from Sonaisali, Nadi.
The driver, Krishnil Chand, 19, is
admitted at the Nadi hospital while twoyear-old Harish Chand is in a critical
condition at Lautoka Hospital.
Reshma Kumar, 32, a cousin of the
late Mr Naicker said the community of
Sonaisali was still coming to terms with
the news.
My brother was a good man, soft spoken
and hardly ever got angry or raised his
voice, an emotional Ms Kumar said.
He was the sole breadwinner in the
family, so everyone depended on him.
She said she was surprised when the
message regarding the deaths was
relayed via a phone.
They said that I had to come quickly to

the hospital because it was an emergency.

I thought it was my mum who had gotten
into an accident, but when I saw my
brother I was so shocked.
Ms Kumar said her brother was well
educated and was always down to earth.
We really miss him a lot because now I
will never see him or hear his voice again.
My younger brother and I were really
close to him and it will make it harder to
accept that he is gone, she said.
Police spokesperson Inspector Atunaisa
Sokomuri said details of the accident
were sketchy.
The vehicle was travelling from Nadi
towards Sonaisali when it veered off the
road, he said.
It is understood they were returning
from a picnic, but investigations
Meanwhile, in the other fatal crash
at Korotogo, Sigatoka, at 7.30pm on
Saturday night two people lost their lives.
Inspector Sokomuri confirmed that
Pushpa Anjali, 58, of Nausori was
pronounced on arrival at the hospital
while Randhika Ashwini, 22, of Malolo

died at the Sigatoka Hospital.

The vehicle was driven by a 35-yearold woman and was travelling towards
Suva when it collided with oncoming
vehicle. Another passenger is in critical
condition at Lautoka Hospital, he said.
The road death toll now stands at 16
compared to 13 for the same period last
Police are urging the public and motorists
to be vigilant while on the road at all




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Fiji News


Bullied Student Burns Herself To Death

A Year 13 student is dead after she
burned herself following allegations that
a school teacher bullied her by exposing
her phone text messages to others.
The death of Navneeta Devi, 18, a
student of Jasper Williams High School,
Lautoka, has gone viral on social media.
Her mother, Roshini Devi, of Teidamu,
Lautoka, said, ask the teacher, will she
be able to give me another beautiful
daughter like this?
She was our only daughter and now she
is no longer there just because of some
bullying by a teacher. She has been part
of Jasper since kindergarten.
Ms Devi alleged a female teacher had
confiscated Navneetas phone during the
Lautoka athletics zone competition at
Natabua High School on March 20. The
phone was a gift for her 18th birthday.
She did ask me to take the phone to
school since she wanted to take pictures
with other class mates, Ms Devi said.
We received a phone call from the
teacher asking us if she was given the
permission to carry the phone and we
said yes.
Then we were told to come on Monday.
On March 23, Navneetas father, Narendra
Chand, went to school and signed the
complaint form indicating the phone
would be returned after the year end.
On March 24, Navneeta did not go to
school because she was sick.
The following day, March 25, Navneeta
went to school and her form teacher
called that she was sick and for a parent
to pick her up.
My daughter had told us that the
messages on the phone were read to
other teachers including students as well
which did upset her, Ms Devi said.
Mr Chand was called to take their
daughter home since she was still sick.
Ms Devi said: Navneeta came home
and went to sleep around 3pm. She later
woke up and made my cocoa and ate
She said at 4.15pm Navneeta poured
kerosene over her body and set herself
I was cutting bean outside. She took the
gallon of kerosene, told my sister-in-law
to wear her flip flop and go inside the
house, she said. I then tried to call her
and she did not answer but I could hear
someone making loud steps which were
coming from the toilet. I knew that she
would be in side. I had to bump the door
and saw that her top body was on fire.


Neighbours came running and placed

her under the shower. When we touched
her body we got burned. We rushed her
to hospital.
At about 11pm they reported the matter
to the Police and in the morning the
mobile was taken by Police.
Navneeta died from 69 per cent of second
degree burns. Ms Devi said Navneeta had
shared her dream to move to Liverpool,
Australia, to continue her studies to help
the family since her father, Mr Chand, is
the sole bread winner.
It is very surprising to see her end up
this way. She was a quiet child but thats
what she was, she added.
Police spokesperson Ana Naisoro
confirmed the incident.
It is alleged that the students had alleged
to have set herself alight after pouring
kerosene. Several people have been
questioned and released as investigations
continue, she said.
She added there had been allegations
leveled against certain individuals
claiming their actions led to the victim
taking such actions.
We request people not to jump to
conclusions and allow investigators to

do their work as they try to establish the

circumstances surrounding her death.
Principal Kanacoco Seniloli refused to
comment but said, So sorry I wont be
able to make any comments.
PTA president Anald Jacobs said, I
wish not to make any comments on the
above issue.
Minister for Education Mahendra Reddy
said that he would comment on the
matter later.
The school is owned by the Methodist
Church. Its president, Reverend Tevita
Banivanua said: I have not received any
information and I have no idea about it.
I was away and just came back into the
country today so I cannot comment any
Reverend James Baghwan, secretary for
communications and missions, said he
was also not aware of any such incident
at the school. He said the process would
be the school would notify the ministry
first before reporting anything to the
He said they would only be able to
comment when they received particulars.
Navneeta was cremated at the Drasa
Cemetery, Lautoka.


Fiji News


Nadi Airport Can Cater To More Flights

The Nadi International Airport has
the capacity to cater for more flights,
says Airports Fiji Limited executive
chairman, Faiz Khan.
Mr Khan has stressed that this is all
related to slot management, however.
At the moment we have peak hours most
of the morning 7am to 10am and most of
the afternoon 3pm to 7pm, he said.
So there are a lot of off-peak times
where there are no aircraft movements
at all.
So if you could get better slot
management in place so you can
surely cater for many more flights and
passengers in the air terminal.
Mr Khan made these comments as
JetStars inaugural Gold Coast-Nadi
flight touched down.
He labeled this as a significant event
given that it was after five and a half years
that a flight from a new port had begun
services. The last being in December
2009 with the Hong Kong-Nadi flight by
Fiji Airways.
Its a great occasion for Airports Fiji
and all of Fiji because it will promote

tourism, trade and economic growth for

Fiji, Mr Khan said.
We have to be appreciative of that and
at the same time be careful because
we dont want to rely too much on one
particular country.
By having said that, it is a growth for
passengers coming into Fiji and for
Airports Fiji Limited.
The way our business works, it works
mainly on the passenger numbers and
traffic growth so this all goes well in
terms of our growth this year as well.
Another important fact Mr Khan
highlighted was this was the first time
Airports Fiji had been involved with any
airline in bringing in a route to Fiji no
matter what little way they were involved.
In the past we have been given routes
that were negotiated directly by various
airlines and the Ministry of Civil
Aviation, he said.
For the future we look forward to
working with other airlines and hopefully
making things happen in terms of newer
routes. But of course we have to work in
the frame work of all the laws in Fiji.

ALL equipment at the Lautoka Lions Eye

Clinic will soon be replaced with brand
new ones as part of another major project
of the Lions Club International this year.
In an interview in Suva, the club's district
governor for parts of New Zealand and
the Pacific Islands, Marian Andrews,
said there was a need to change the
equipment because they were old.
"There's about $US238,000 ($F482,099)
that is expected to be deposited into

the account and this is proposed for

the replacement of the equipment," Ms
Andrews said.
"The equipments have been there for a
long time and they need to be replaced.
The money is coming in this week
and all the equipment, including the
machines, will all be replaced. This is a
huge project for the club.
"The replacement will probably take
place in the next couple of months."

Building on partnership
JetStar Australia and New Zealand chief
executive, David Hall, said the new route
was in response to strong demands from
people living on the Gold Coast which
led to the three-weekly services.
We think probably 20,000 plus visitors
will be coming here from the Gold
Coast and contributing to tourism,
accommodation tours and restaurants
and importantly employment, he said.
The inaugural flight from Gold Coast to
Fiji was nearly at capacity when it arrived.


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Fiji News


RBF Welcomes Added Requirements For

Reporting And Disclosure

The Reserve Bank of Fiji has welcomed

added requirements for financial
reporting and disclosures by directors
and companies in the proposed new
Companies Bill.
Reserve Bank of Fiji Governor, Barry
Whiteside, made these comments in
the central banks submission before
the Parliament Standing Committee on
Justice, Law and Human Rights.
All licensed and regulated entities of the
RBF have always been held to a higher
standard of disclosures, comparable to
those following international standards,
he said.
Mr Whiteside said the Reserve Bank had
noted a number of submissions during
the standing committee had asked for
the removal of the disclosures.
But the RBF is of the view that requiring
even small companies to submit some
form of disclosure and reports contribute
to the culture of corporate discipline,
he said.
It helps companies, even small

applications whether at bank or through

the capital markets.
The RBF submits that these
disclosures benefit the company and
aid the development initiatives aimed
at encouraging companies to list on our
stock exchange.

The Reserve Bank has encouraged the

Registrar of Companies to develop
templates for these financial reporting
Mr Whiteside said this would lighten
compliance cost, especially for the much
smaller companies.

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Fiji News


Fiji Airways Announces Flight Deck


Fiji Airways says it has policies in place

which require two crew members to
always be present on the flight deck.
Fiji Airways Director Stefan Pichler said:
In the event that one of the pilots has to
exit the cockpit (flight deck), a cabin crew
member is stationed inside the cockpit

until such time that the pilot re-enters.

There are other Flight Deck Security
procedures governing entry and exit
from the cockpit at all times.
Mr Pichler was commenting as other
airlines scrambled to review their
policies in the wake of the Germanwings

Missing Sisters

crash which killed 150.

French authorities believe one of the
pilots deliberately crashed the plane,
using a security feature to lock the other
pilot out of the flight deck. Hours after this
was announced, Air New Zealand made
policy changes. Other airlines followed.

Police are looking for two sisters who have been reported missing since last Friday.
16 year old Shanu Naidu and 15 year old
Shainal Naidu from Lauwaki Settlement,
Lautoka had left home for school last Friday.
However, their mother received a call
from her brother-in-law claiming he saw
the two at Shirley Park dressed in casual
clothing and with two other boys.
When they failed to return home that
afternoon a report was lodged at the
Lautoka Police Station.
Anyone with information with regards
to their whereabouts are requested to
contact the Lautoka Police Station.


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Fiji News


Teacher Who Bullied Student-Suspended

A teacher who allegedly bullied a student
by exposing her phone text messages has
been suspended pending investigations.
The Year 13 student of Jasper Williams
High School, Lautoka, Navneeta Devi,
18, died on Monday in hospital from
burns she suffered after she set herself
Her parents claimed the school teacher
confiscated Navneetas phone and
showed her text messages to other
students and teachers. They claimed she
took her life because of that.
Her tragedy has caused public furor and
has gone viral on social media.
Mahendra Reddy
Minister for Education Mahendra Reddy
confirmed the teachers suspension. Mr
Reddy said the episode had led to loss
of life and they would ensure that due
processes were followed.
In the meantime we have suspended the
teacher and appropriate actions will be
taken after obtaining the full report of
the incident, Mr Reddy said.
We will get to the root of the matter.
Once we gather the full report we will
then take appropriate action to discipline
those responsible.
He said it was most unfortunate that this
had happened.
All teachers are advised to create a safe
learning environment for all students.
I will not entertain irresponsible acts
as such and I am sounding a warning
to teachers involved in similar acts to
change their approach to students or face
the axe because we do not want to have
bullies in our school system, Mr Reddy
He also expressed his deepest condolence
to the family of Ms Devi.
We deeply regret what has happened
and we sympathize with her grieving
family in this difficult time, Mr Reddy
It is not easy to lose a loved one and
we express our deepest condolence and
Prime Minister
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
said he had not been briefed by Mr
Reddy. He said all he could say was that
bullying should not to be tolerated.
Ro Teimumu
Leader of the Opposition and shadow
education minister, Ro Teimumu
Kepa, has called on Mr Reddy to make
public the Ministrys policy on Suicide
Prevention and Anti-Bullying.


As a concerned citizen, I will also

offer my services to the Minister, if he
intends to build a united front that can
fight Student or School-based bullying
and provide better coping mechanisms,
she said.
To the family of Navneeta Devi, 18,
I offer my deepest condolences and
understand the hardship they must be
going through in this time of mourning.
At this very moment, I and members
of the Opposition offer our prayers for
the family and the students of Jasper
May the life of young Ms Devi not be
in vain, and may our response to this
tragedy be fitting of responsible leaders.
Methodist Church
The Methodist Church, which owns the
school, said it is shocked and saddened
by the tragedy.
The president and general secretary
of the church have relayed their
condolences to the bereaved family
through a family friend and will pray
for them and Navneetas friends and
community, the church said.
Church general secretary Rev Dr
Epineri Vakadewavosa said the Church
was deeply concerned about the
circumstances surrounding this tragedy.
Navneeta was a part of the Jasper
Williams family since she was a little
girl. While the police and ministry of
education investigations must continue

without hindrance, as Jasper Williams

is a church-managed school we will
also take this matter seriously and look
into it through our own Department of
As an educational institution governed
by the policies of the Ministry of
Education, we would expect the school
staff and teachers to adhere to the
ministrys Child Protection Policy. While
Churchs Child Protection Policy is part
of our draft Code of Conduct which is
expected to be endorsed at this years
Annual Conference, we would expect
all our institutions and their staff to
adhere to the values and principles of the
Church. We do not condone any abuse of
authority or trust, especially towards our
children, who are the most vulnerable in
our society.
Rev Dr Vakadewavosa said they would
await the outcome of the investigations
before deciding what action to regarding
the particular case. However the Church
is calling on all its institutions to be
vigilant and take steps to ensure that
neither verbal, emotional, physical or
sexual abuse by peers or teachers takes
We want our communities and
institutions to be safe spaces where our
children a protected and nurtured. They
are our future and we need to ensure
that they are protected from all types of

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World News


3 Changes To BC Liquor Stores You Will

Start To Notice On April 1

B.C.'s liquor review has been a long

process with a number of incremental
changes, but there are a number of
changes coming into effect on April 1
that consumers will notice right away.
Starting Wednesday, select grocery
stores will officially be allowed to sell
B.C. wine on their shelves, but its
unclear when the first of these stores will
be ready to start selling wine.
There are also a number of changes to the
government-operated BC Liquor Stores.
1. It will look cheaper, but it will cost
the same
Beer, wine and spirits will be marked at
a lower price, but when you get to the

till April Fools it will cost about

the same as before.
That's because right now, the price
shown in BC Liquor Stores is the after
tax price.
The new tags will show the price before
"The comparison they need to do is at the
till when you're doing a comparison,
it's that price at the till that you want to
compare," B.C. Justice Minister Suzanne
Anton said.
2. Stores will be open later and on
BC Liquor Stores will be allowed to
match the hours of private liquor stores,

and will be able to be open on Sundays

and holidays including the upcoming
Easter weekend.
"People are used to having stores open,
and it's always been a little odd
certainly in the last while that BC
Liquor Stores are closed so much on the
weekends and holidays," said Anton.
3. Beer will be kept cold in store
Cold beer will no longer be limited to
the privately-owned cold beer and wine
stores, or just select BC Liquor stores,
known as signature stores.
Starting Wednesday, all stores will have
the choice to install refrigerators to sell
chilled beer and wine.

Air Canada Passengers 'Lucky' As Plane


An Air Canada plane which made a

hard landing short of the runway at the
Halifax airport during a snowstorm,
suffered significant damage.
It crashed into a bank of antennas and
sheared off its main landing gear, nose
cone, and an engine as it skidded on its
belly, officials said.
The airline said that 25 people were
taken to hospitals for observation and
treatment of minor injuries.
The airline said Flight AC624, an Airbus
320 that left Toronto on Sunday, had 133
passengers and five crew members. Air
Canada said the jet landed in stormy
"They touched down 1100 feet [330m]
short of the runway so I'd say they're
pretty lucky," Mike Cunningham, a
regional manager for Canada's Transport
Safety Board, told a news conference.
Cunningham said the plane hit an
antenna array, shearing the main landing
gear off before sliding on its belly on
to the runway for another 300m before
coming to a stop. Cunningham could
not rule out weather as a factor. He
also said he believes a power line was
severed, which led to a loss of power at
the airport.
Air Canada chief operating officer Klaus
Goersch said 25 people were taken to
local hospitals and all but one of them
were released.
"All of us at Air Canada are greatly
relieved that there have been no critical
injuries as a result of this incident,"


Goersch said.
"This was not a hard landing. This was
an actual crash," said Mike Magnus,
a 60-year-old businessman who was
sitting in the first row. "It was the closest
I've ever came to death. There is no
doubt in my mind."
Magnus added that the snow covering
the runway likely extinguished any
sparks that might have caused the plane
to catch fire.
Halifax Stanfield International Airport
spokesman Peter Spurway credited the
crew and passengers for evacuating the
plane within a minute.
"We just kicked the doors out and
jumped on to the wing and then ran
because we just wanted to get away from
the aeroplane in case of explosions or
anything," said Dominic Stettler, a father

of three.
Some passengers complained they were
left on the tarmac for up to 50 minutes as
they were lashed by snow before buses
"People were just happy to be alive but
after a while it got tiresome having to
wait outside in the freezing cold. I only
had a golf shirt on," Magnus said.
Spurway said the airport is reviewing its
Randy Hall, on his way home from
a Mexican holiday with wife Lianne
Clark, said he believed the jet hit a power
line before it landed hard on the runway.
There were sparks but no fire, he said.
"We were just coming in to land and
there was a big flash," said Hall. "The
plane came down, bang! It jumped up in
the air again."


World News


Woman Stabs Husband In The Chest Over

Okra Dispute

A woman settled a dispute with her

husband with a stab from a knife to his
chest. The cause of the dispute? Okra.
A friend of the family told Stella Dimoko
Korkus, that the husband had returned
home to find his wife cutting okra in
their bedroom.
He had then asked her to take it out of
the room since it wasnt appropriate. She
refused, probably mumbling something
that probably blew his fuse. So he
slapped her. She took it calmly and went
to the kitchen.
When he went to sleep, her already
burning fuse, blew too. And she grabbed
the slimy knife and drove it into his
What is most tragic about this news is
that the wife is two months pregnant.
One moment of anger from the man, and
hell never carry his baby. One moment
of anger from the woman, and her baby
will never have a father.

Villagers Flock To See Baby Girl Born

With Trunk In India
ITS not every day you meet god.

Residents across India have swapped

their love of cricket with the love of
their god Ganesha, after a baby girl was
born in what many believe is a direct
incarnation of the Hindu deity.
The yet-to-be-named girl was born in the
city of Aligarh, Utter Pradesh, with ... a


trunk, and now villagers in northern

India are flocking to see the apparent
Ganesha, the god of beginnings, is
characterised by an elephant head.
According to Ruptly, the nickname is
due to a protrusion in the middle of her

face which obscures her nose, giving her

the trunk-like appearance.
The condition is reportedly caused
by a gene mutation, affected by
malnutrition and heavy pollution
levels in the area.
Such is the frenzy over the babys
appearance, woman and children have
been singing, dancing and even making
My sister-in-law gave birth to a girl at
7am and her face looks exactly like Lord
Ganesha, said the childs aunt, Rajani.
Everybody is saying she is an
incarnation of the God. This is why
whoever hears about her is coming here
to get a glimpse of the baby and are
making whatever offerings possible.
Her parents, Om Prakash and Sarvesh,
believe the protrusion is a gift from
above, hoping that with her nose brings
good luck and good fortune.
But sadly the family doctor, Dr Jayant
Sharma, believes the girls luck could
run out.
A baby boy was born with a trunk some
time back, he said.
Unfortunately, he didnt survive. But
if this girl does, the family can go for
corrective surgery.


World News


Stray Dogs Show Their Gratitude

A funeral for a woman in Mexico took an
unexpected turn when stray dogs unexpectedly
showed up to pay their respects.
Animal lover Margarita Suarez of
Merida, Yucatan, was known during
her life for her kindness to all kinds of
animals, and every morning she would
feed the stray dogs and cats that would
show up at her home.
She was also known for taking food
along when she went out so she could
treat other strays she encountered.
Family members were stunned when the
dogs suddenly appeared at the funeral parlour
where Suarez's body was being kept.
Realising that the animals had come to
pay their respects to Suarez, the staff
allowed them to come in, and they lay
peacefully on the floor near the coffin.
At the funeral, the dogs even formed a
procession behind the hearse and then
returned to the funeral home.
Suarez's daughter, Patricia Urrutia,
believes that the animals had wanted to
be there to say goodbye to someone who
had been so good to them.

India's Government Hints At National Ban

On Cow Slaughter; Beef Exporter Warns
Of Job Losses

India's status as the world's second

largest beef exporter and fifth
biggest beef consumer could be in
jeopardy following hints from the
government in New Delhi that it is
considering a national ban on cow
The cow is revered in India and
supporters of the Hindu nationalist
government led by Narendra Modi said
the animal needed greater protection,
despite the cost to the country's multibillion-dollar beef industry.
The cow is considered sacred in Hindu
culture, and many nationalist and
religious groups believe they should be
"Cow is mother. Cow is not an animal,"
spokesperson for the hardline religious
group Vishva Hindu Parishad, Sampath
Rai, said.
"Cow, it is the backbone of society. So it
is not simple animal."
Laws exist against cow slaughter in


some Indian states, but they have not

always been implemented.
But since the election of popular Hindu
nationalist prime minister Mr Modi last
year, things have been changing.
Last month the state of Maharashtra
extended its long-held ban on cow
slaughter to include buffalo, which make
up the majority of the beef consumed in
and exported from India.
In that state, anyone caught selling or in
possession of beef faces a five-year jail
term and a $200 fine.
Two people have already been arrested.
The state government of Haryana had
reportedly been considering making
the crime of killing a cow akin to
murder, which would attract a life
The country's home minister said the
government could consider using its
power to implement a national ban on
cow slaughter, a move that could cripple
the nation's beef industry.

ALM group beef exporter Tasneem

Kamal said a national ban would lead to
many thousands of job losses for those
in the meat industry, as well as financial
losses for already impoverished farmers.
"We are worried and we are highly
concerned with the comment and the
statement of the home minister," Mr
Kamal said.
"The farmer also is directly engaged with
the slaughterhouse. When the animal has
stopped giving the milk to the farmer,
they just go to the market and sell it out,
so it will be heavy loss to the farmer
But Hindu hardliner and cow protectionist
Mr Rai said that was irrelevant.
"Money is nothing."
The move is unsurprising from the Hindu
nationalist government, but it might not
be supported by voters who elected Mr
Modi on the promise of creating more
jobs for the common man, not taking
them away.


World News


South African Man Accused Of Genital

Mutilation On Wife With Superglue

A JEALOUS husband has poured super glue onto his wifes vagina after accusing her of cheating on him with her uncle.
The 45-year-old South African man
from the village of Ngwamtila, near
Bushbuckridge, ordered his 40-year-old
wife to strip naked after threatening to
chop her head off with a machete.
My husband was an abusive man for
many years. His abuse spiralled out of
control when my uncle dropped me off
at our home. He then accused me of
cheating on him with my uncle. It was

shocking because he knew my uncle

well and even greeted him nicely when
he dropped me off, the woman told the
After locking her in the bedroom,
he then applied super glue to her
genitalia as punishment for her alleged
I looked at him with horror and tears
streaming down my face. I do not know

what would make a man who loves a

woman do that to her, she said.
The woman said she had been scarred for
life and unable to ever have sex again.
After the horrific attack that occurred in
March 2013, her husband fled and has
not been seen since.
The woman has decided to make her
story public in the hopes of tracking him
down and bringing him to justice.

Body Falls Off Coffin During Funeral


Mourners at a funeral procession were left

horrified after a body fell out of a coffin
when the bottom of the coffin gave way.
The ceremony, taking place in a rural village
in Indonesia, was brought to a shocking halt
when the body of the deceased appeared
to drop through the green canvas coffin in
which it was encased.
Wrapped fully in white cloth, the body
falls onto the road as pallbearers carry
the coffin past a street lined with grieving
friends and relatives.
But rather than stop to recover the body,
the coffin bearers continue walking,
unaware of their awful mishap.
Onlookers rush to rescue the body from
the middle of the road as the crowd
shrieks in horror.
The body is quickly placed back in the coffin
before the funeral processions continues.

US Pilot Who Yelled In Flight Sues Airline

A JETBLUE Airways pilot who scared passengers by yelling about Jesus and al-Qaeda in 2012 has sued the airline for $16
million, saying it jeopardised the flight by failing to recognise he was ill.
CLAYTON Osbon filed the lawsuit in
Manhattan federal court.
No one was seriously injured on the March
27, 2012 flight from New York to Las Vegas
when Osbon was restrained after running
through the cabin shouting irrationally.
The plane made an emergency landing in
Amarillo, Texas.
The lawsuit said Osbon's behaviour
resulted from seizures.
The lawsuit accused JetBlue of ignoring
warning signs Osbon was not well before
the plane took off.
In a statement, JetBlue praised the "heroic
actions of the crew," saying ongoing litigation
prevents it from commenting further.





Daily Coffee Can Lower Multiple Sclerosis


Drinking four to six cups of coffee

daily may lower the risk of developing
multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic
disease that attacks the central nervous
system - brain, spinal cord and optic
Caffeine intake has already been
associated with a reduced risk of
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
'Our study shows that coffee intake may
also protect against MS, supporting the
idea that the drug may have protective
effects for the brain,' said study author
Ellen Mowry from Johns Hopkins
University's school of medicine in
For the study, researchers looked at a
Swedish study of 1,629 people with

MS and 2,807 healthy people, and a

US study of 1,159 people with MS and
1,172 healthy people.
The studies characterised coffee
consumption among persons with MS
one and five years before MS symptoms
began (as well as 10 years before MS
symptoms began in the Swedish study)
and compared it to coffee consumption
of people who did not have MS at similar
time periods.
The study also accounted for other
factors such as age, sex, smoking, body
mass index and sun exposure habits.
The Swedish study found that compared
to people who drank at least six cups of
coffee per day during the year before
symptoms appeared, those who did not

drink coffee had about a one and a half

times increased risk of developing MS.
Drinking large amount of coffee five or
10 years before symptoms started was
similarly protective.
In the US study, people who did not drink
coffee were also about one and a half
times more likely to develop the disease
than those who drank four or more cups
of coffee per day in the year before
symptoms started to develop the disease.
'Caffeine should be studied for its impact
on relapses and long-term disability in
MS as well,' Mowry pointed out.
The findings will be shared at the
American Academy of Neurology's 67th
annual meeting in Washington, DC,
April 18-25.

Saliva May Protect You From Chemicals In

Tea, Coffee

Believe it or not! Your saliva can rescue

you from powerful toxins present in tea,
coffee and liquid smoke flavouring.
A compound present in saliva - along
with common proteins in blood and
muscle - may protect human cells
from DNA-damaging plant chemicals,
according to a study.
Dangerous plant chemicals called pyrogallollike polyphenols (PLPs) are found in tea,
coffee and liquid smoke flavouring.
"The presence of natural defence in our
body could help explain why PLPs are
not crippling cells and causing illness
as would be expected from their toxic

punch and widespread use," said lead

author Scott Kern from Johns Hopkins
University's Kimmel cancer centre, US.
Kern and his colleagues demonstrated
that PLPs found in everyday foods and
flavourings could do significant damage
by breaking strands of DNA.
In their research, they found that the
impact of the toxins was very strong
- in some cases producing 20 times
the damage of chemotherapy drugs
delivered to cancer patients.
"If these chemicals are so widespread
and they damage DNA to such a high
degree, we thought there must be

defence mechanisms that protect us on

a daily basis from plants we choose to
eat," Kern suggested.
An enzyme in saliva called alphaamylase, the blood protein albumin
and the muscle protein myoglobin all
protected cells from DNA breakage by
tea, coffee and isolated PLPs.
"Do people who eat the same PLPcontaining diet day after day develop a
natural cellular protection to the toxins?
"What does not kill us makes us stronger
may be right in this case," Kern said in a
paper reported online in the journal Food
and Chemical Toxicology.

Ever tried running without swinging

your arms? New research has shown that
the swing in your arms counter balances
the movement of your legs and saves
energy at the same time.
"We know from the literature that arm
swinging plays an important role in
balancing the motion of the swinging
legs," said Christopher Arellano from
the Brown University.
Arellano studied 13 runners and measured
their oxygen consumption rates and
carbon dioxide that they exhaled.
He asked them to run without swinging
their arms by holding the arms loosely
behind the back, crossing the arms

across the chest, and holding the hands

on the top of the head.
He found that swinging the arms reduced
the runners' energy costs by three percent
(as compared to when they held their
arms behind their backs).
Arm swinging also saved energy an
impressive 13 percent compared with

when they held their hands on their

"I think everyone conceded that the most
challenging run was the one with the
hands on the top of the head," Arellano
added, recalling how runners complained
about how tired their arms were at the
end of the session.

Swinging Arms Most Efficient Way To Run


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Exercise Could Buy You Extra Years Of

Healthy Life

Debunking the common assumption

that ageing results in one becoming
progressively frail, researchers have
found that physical activity could help
extend the strength and health of youth.
The study of amateur older cyclists
found that many possessed levels of
physiological function that would place
them at a much younger age bracket
compared with the general population.
With similar levels of exercise, the
researchers found little physical
difference between people aged 79 and
those aged 55.
'Inevitably, our bodies will experience

some decline with age, but staying

physically active can buy you extra
years of function compared to sedentary
people,' said Norman Lazarus from
King's College London in Britain.
physiological problems at any age.
Hence, the confusion as to how much the
decline in bodily functions is due to the
natural ageing process and how much is
due to the combined effects of ageing
and inactivity,' lead author Ross Pollock
The study recruited 84 male and 41
female cycling enthusiasts aged 55 to

79 to explore how the ageing process

affects the human body, and whether
specific physiological markers can be
used to determine age.
Men and women had to be able to cycle
100 km in under 6.5 hours and 60 km in
5.5 hours, respectively, to be included in
the study.
Smokers, heavy drinkers and those
with high blood pressure or other health
conditions were excluded from the study.
The researchers found that people of
different ages could have similar levels
of function such as muscle strength, lung
power and exercise capacity.

A small yet significant study shows that

beetroot juice improves exercise function
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) patients.
The new research by Wake Forest University
looked at a small group of COPD patients
who drank beetroot juice as compared to a
placebo drink before exercise.
'The intent of this study was to determine
if acute ingestion of beetroot juice, which
is rich with nitrates, prior to exercising
could improve the exercise capacity of

COPD patients,' said Michael Berry,

chair of Wake Forest's department of
health and exercise science.
COPD makes it difficult for patients to
breathe and worsens over time.
In turn, they tend to limit their activities,
become more sedentary, and lose fitness
and physical function.
The findings showed overall that those
patients who drank beetroot juice were
able to extend their exercise time and
had reduced exercise diastolic and

resting systolic blood pressures.

'This is the first study to demonstrate
beneficial effects of dietary nitrite
supplementation on exercise performance
and blood pressure in patients with
COPD,' he added. One of the benefits of
exercise is that if you get positive results,
you are more likely to continue doing it.
'If beetroot juice positively impacts those
results, it could motivate COPD patients
to continue to be physically active and
improve their health,' he added.

Everyone knows how to protect skin in

the sun but what about eyes? Longer,
lazy summer days entice everyone to
spend more time outdoors, but whether
you are spending the day at the beach or
just relaxing in the garden, eye care is
needed in every possible way.
Not only does the sun make our eyes
more prone to infections and UVrelated conditions such as Photokeratitis
(a painful eye condition - similar to
a sunburn of the cornea - caused by
exposure to UV light), it can also do
permanent damage as UV rays deeply
permeate the eye, causing damage to
many structures, as reported.
Steve Schallhorn, chief medical director
at Optical Express, has shared his top
five eye care tips:
* Always read the label: Sunglasses
that are dark or tinted may look like
they will shade your eyes, but only 100
percent UV-protected sunglasses will

prevent your eyes from being exposed

to harmful UV rays. Overexposure can
lead to eye disease, especially for those
with light-coloured eyes as they are
more sensitive to the rays. So, invest
in a pair of polarised sunglasses. The
lenses in these help reduce harsh glare
from reflective surfaces, enabling you to
see better during sunny days and further
protecting your eyes.
* Get some fresh air: Although we're
quick to turn on the air conditioning to
cool us down as the mercury rises, this
can lead to a syndrome known as 'dry
eye' as air conditioning units remove
all the moisture from the air. Common
symptoms are persistent dryness,
scratchiness, red eyes and a burning
sensation. Avoid this by getting plenty
of fresh air and only having the air
conditioning on for short bursts of time.
* Blink more often: The eye is
surrounded by fluid, which protects

it by washing away debris and dust

every time we blink. Dry air can carry
high levels of microscopic allergens
which irritate your eyes. If your eyes
feel drier than usual, try blinking a few
times and make a habit of doing so
more frequently. This will allow more
moisture into your eyes.
* Pick up a stylish broad-brimmed hat:
Head gear isn't just fashion-forward it's
also a must when it comes to protecting
our eyes from the harsh sun. The wider
the brim, the more the hat will deflect
sunshine overhead and from the sides.
Go as big and bold as you dare when the
sun is at its strongest.
* Drink plenty of water: Drinking lots
of water during the summer months
will help your eyes maintain a healthy
balance of fluid, preventing them from
becoming dehydrated and irritated.
Well hydrated eyes also mean sparkly

Beetroot Juice Boosts Exercise Function In

Heart Patients

Keep Your Eyes Safe In Sun





Ways To Control Allergy Triggers At Home

Research shows that indoor air pollution,
often caused by dust mites and mould,
can be up to 10 times greater than
outdoor pollution. Use these easy tricks
to avoid unnecessary allergy triggers in
your home.
Use Doormats With Synthetic Fibers
Doormats made of natural fibers such as
wicker can break down and become food
for mites, mould, and fungus that then
get tracked into your home with every
new guest. Wash all mats weekly.
Avoid the Outdoors in the Morning
Not only do many people with allergies
experience more sneezing and itching
in the morning, but many trees release
their pollen in the air at first light, and
ragweed pollen tends to fly most thickly
at middaywhen it'll stick to your
clothes and get carried indoors. If you
want to work out, do it later in the day.
Change Your Clothes and Shower
When You Come in
Even if you don't feel dirty, pollen clings
to your hair and clothes where it can
easily irritate your nose and eyes, and
contribute to indoor air pollution. Don't
have time for quick rinse? At least wash
your hands to remove lingering pollen,
especially before making contact with
food or your face.
Wash the Shower Curtain Every
Or use cheap shower liners that you can
replace every couple of months. To help
stop mould growth in your bathroom,
always run the exhaust fan or open a
window or door when using the shower
to help keep surfaces dry. Another option
is to run a small portable fan (away from
water sources) during and after showers.
Also, check to see that the vent on the
outside of your house where the exhaust
exits isnt blocked by leaves.
Give Stuffed Toys a Deep Freeze
That teddy bear could be riddled with
dust mites! Regularly slip stuffed toys
into a freezer bag and let them chill for
3 to 5 hours. The cold will kill any dust
mites that could contribute to indoor air
Make Sure Your Gutters Aren't
Clogged gutters can result in water
seeping into the house, leading to mould
growth, which can exacerbate allergies.
Next time it rains, check your gutters. If
you see water leaking out of end caps,
flowing on the outside, or dripping
behind them, its time to get out the


Keep Your Thermostat Set Above

18C in the Winter
If you set it too low, youre encouraging
the growth of mould in damp air. The
heat dries out the air, preventing mould
growth and pollution. Of course, toodry air can also irritate your lungs and
sinuses. The perfect humidity in a home
is around 50 percent.
Make Sure Your Dryer Vent is Vented
For every load of laundry you dry, 20
pounds of moisture has to go somewhere!
If your dryer is vented to the garage or
basement, youre just asking for mould
Keep Your Pets Clean
Just like you take off your shoes, always
make sure to wipe off your pet's paws
when they come in from being outdoors.
Toweling off their coat can also help
prevent the spread of pollen indoors.
You can also try giving them frequent
water baths to help dissolve the natural,
allergy-causing substances in their sweat
and skin that spread to their fur.
Water Indoor Plants Sparingly
Overwatering can contribute to the
growth of mould, and any water that
leaks on to the floor is inviting mould
growth as well. Put pebbles on top of
the dirt to discourage mould spores from
getting into and polluting the air
Wash Your Bedding in Very Hot Water
Every Week
Its the best way to kill those pesky
microscopic dust mites that love your
bed even more than you do, and add to

the air pollution in your bedroom and

De-Clutter the Right Way
Do this regularly: Throw out or give
away coats and other clothing you
havent used in the past year. Put sports
equipment in the garage or basement
where it belongs. Slip shoes into hanging
shoe bags. When you finish, you should
be able to see all your closets floors and
back walls. Now give everything a good
vacuum and youll have significantly
reduced the amount of dust in your
house and cut down on your indoor air
Leave Shoes by the Door
Mud isn't the only thing you're tracking
into your home: wearing your shoes
inside carries dust, mould, and pollen to
every room in your house. Parking your
shoes by the door not only keeps your
floors looking clean, but also reduces
indoor air pollution.
Turn on the AC
Air conditioners remove mould-friendly
moisture and filter allergens entering the
house. Just make sure to clean or change
the filters often or youll just make things
Clean the Tray Under the Fridge
The tray is a veritable mould magnet.
Adding salt reduces the growth of
mould and bacteria. Also, clean under
the refrigerator occasionally; food can
become trapped there, become mouldy,
and the mould spores are blown into the
kitchen air every time the compressor
kicks in.

Almonds For Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight and have
no time to hit the gym, try munching on
a handful of almonds. According to a
new study, 'Almonds may help you shed
those unwanted pounds'.
These nuts are healthy and are rich in
healthy fats which offer a high level of
satiety. Besides, they are also loaded
with numerous nutrients like vitamins
and minerals, which will help you to
lower your carbohydrate cravings and
so, help you lose weight.
Almonds are also rich in minerals like
manganese, copper and magnesium
and B-complex vitamins like niacin and
biotin, which help to activate the energy
production in our bodies. So, the more

active your body is, the more it will burn

This nut is also good for your overall
health, because of its heart healthy
property also known as monounsaturated
fatty acids. These acids help in lowering
the bad cholesterol levels in your body
and reduce the risk of various heart
Besides, it is also rich in vitamin E, which
helps in protecting your cardiovascular
health from damage by free radicals.
So, if you are hungry in the evening and
are trying to lose weight, grab a handful
of these nuts, because they will not only
help you maintain a healthy weight but
also boost your heart health.


For Woman


Homemade Face Packs For Tan Removal

Sure you have waited for long to go for that vacation and enjoy a little tanning session. But then when you come back
home you realise that the little tan sessions went too ahead leaving you with tanned hands, face and practically the whole
you. So here are certain home remedies which will help you to get rid of tanned skin.
1. Cucumber, Rose Water and
Lemon Juice: While lemon acts as
natural bleach, cucumber and rose
water acts as cooling agents. In a
small bowl take a tablespoon each of
cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose
water and mix in well. Apply the mix
with cotton on tanned areas and keep
it for about 10 minutes. Then wash it
off with cold water. Apply this pack
every day after you get back home
from the sun.
2. Gram flour and turmeric mix: Mix
two tablespoons of gram flour with a

pinch of turmeric, a tablespoon of milk

and a tablespoon of crushed orange peel
in a bowl with cold rose water. Apply the
mix on clean face and let it dry for about
15-20 minutes. Once the pack dries,
slowly remove the pack by scrubbing
gently in clockwise and anti-clockwise
direction; the exfoliation effect will help
in removing the tan.
3. Oat Meal and Butter Milk: While
butter milk is an excellent source for
soothing skin and healing blisters and
oatmeal is a great natural scrub. In a
bowl mix two tablespoon of oatmeal

with three-four tablespoons of butter

milk and apply on tanned areas. Gently
massage in circular motion; let it stay
for 15-20 minutes and cleanse with
4. Milk and strawberry: Not only is
this combination a healthy one, it also
helps in improving skin complexion
and reduction of dark spots, freckles
and even pigmentation. Take four-five
crushed strawberries and mix it with two
tablespoons of milk cream and apply
it on face. Let it stay for about 20-30
minutes. Rinse it with fresh water.

Everyday Essential Beauty Uses For

Coconut Oil

1. Coconut oil deodorant

Coconut oil has natural deodorant
properties. This can be further enhanced
by combining virgin coconut oil with
cornstarch, baking soda, and essential
oils like lavender or sandalwood oil.
This mixture is simply amazing, and is
an effective deodorant.
2. Salt Scrub
Similarly, mixing salt with virgin
coconut oil and applying on skin has
immense benefits. This works as a
natural exfoliating agent and removes
toxic substances present in the skin.
3. Lotion Bars
Make your own lotion bars by combining
coconut oil with other natural products.
Mix coconut oil with shea butter,
almond oil or beeswax to make your
own homemade lotion. This mixture has
amazing effects on dry, cracked skin,
and helps cure cracked heels faster.
4. Treat Eczema

You can make your own treatment

method for curing Eczema. Mix coconut
oil, Melrose, shea butter and lavender oil
and make a paste. Apply this paste on the
affected parts; you will see the results
after a few weeks.
5. Effective Lip Balm
Natural coconut oil is harmless and has
no side effects. Applying coconut oil
on the lips acts as a soothing balm. It
prevents chapping of lips and has a great
soothing effect.
6. Coconut oil toothpaste
This may sound incredible, but it is true.
You can make great toothpaste with
coconut oil as the base. Mix coconut oil
with some baking soda and bentonite
clay to make toothpaste that has
antimicrobial properties.
7. Sugar Scrub
Coconut oil makes a great exfoliating
agent. Mix virgin coconut oil with some
sugar and apply on skin. It serves as a

great natural aftershave lotion that is

great on the skin.
8. Sunscreen
You no longer have to spend exorbitant
sums on sunscreens. Natural virgin
coconut oil is a fantastic sunscreen by
itself. Whats more is you are safe from
the toxic effects of chemicals found in
synthetic sunscreens.
9. Hair oil
Coconut oil is excellent for hair and
scalp conditioning and treatment. Mix a
few drops of fresh lemon juice to with
virgin coconut oil and massage scalp.
This mixture has an amazing nourishing
effect on hair and adds luster.
10. Coconut oil as shaving cream
Men do not need to spend money on
shaving sticks or creams anymore.
Coconut oil mixed with baking soda and
honey is perfect as shaving cream. Whats
more is it is a natural and has antimicrobial
and antibacterial properties.

How To Wear Shimmer Makeup

One has to be very careful when it comes to makeup, for it is easy to go overboard, especially when it involves shimmer.
When applied properly, shimmer can add carry off that shiny look well.
a glow to your face and enhance your Choose one place on your face to add The eyes look great when highlighted,
features but there is a fine line between shine. You can either add shimmer so try and limit the use of shimmer to
highlighting your features and looking to your eyes, cheeks or lips don't highlight the eyes. It's a great look for an
ghastly. Here are a few tips one should highlight these three areas all at once. evening out.
keep in mind when using shimmer:
You can add a little glitter to your nails Shimmer can also be worn in the form
Consider your age when using shimmer. if you want another shimmery element.
of a bronzer. It especially looks good
It doesn't really suit teenagers as it Shimmer looks good when blended on women with a dusky complexion,
makes them look much older than they well, so use a brush to do so. Don't use but others can use it too, provided it is
are. Women in their 20s and 30s can your fingers as it might not blend as blended well.





Yelling At Your Kids

Many parents worry if yelling at children

can hurt them. This varies in different
families and different children and with
what is said, but if it harms the children's
feelings about themselves, makes them
afraid or so worried that they are unable to
play or learn freely it can be very damaging.
So it is important to think about how often
you shout at children, what you say, and
what else is happening in their lives.
Children's needs
Children need:
to feel loved
to feel secure
to feel safe
to feel that they are worthwhile
to feel caring limits
to feel that they can succeed at some
to feel that they can contribute - be
opportunities to explore and try new
Talking to them in a way that endangers
any of the above needs is likely to
damage their emotional development.
Family influences
Some families are loud. It is a pattern
in the family to speak loudly or shout
and children who are brought up in this
atmosphere get used to the noise and are
not likely to be harmed by it (unless the
yelling is putdown, or scary).
Sometimes children from these families
have trouble at school because they have
not learned to respond to directions when
they are given more softly.
If parents shout at children when they
are angry the child can feel the parents'
anger and it can make children fearful.
If parents shout at each other, young
children may not understand that they are
safe and it can be terrifying, especially if
one of the parents leaves or gets upset so
the children no longer feel safe in the care
of the people they trust to look after them.
If parents often criticize each other
in front of the child it can endanger
the child's security and damage their
confidence in themselves - because each
parent is part of them as well.
If a family is always used to shouting and
competing for 'air-space' the children
may not learn to be good listeners and to
allow others a chance to talk.
The child
Children differ in their ability to cope
with noise and shouting.
Some children seem not to notice it very
much; others will wince when they hear
loud voices and are obviously upset
by them. These children can be made


fearful if there is a lot of yelling.

Many babies and very young children can
be frightened by shouting, particularly
by men who have loud deep voices.
It is important to watch the child's response
and not to continue with behavior that
makes a child fearful or insecure.
What is said?
As well as the noise and angry feelings
that sometimes go along with shouting,
the most important effects on children
are from what is said.
Anything which harms a child's self
esteem in any kind of regular way can
be damaging.
Sometimes, especially when parents
are under pressure, they have to say
something to express their frustration.
It may be helpful to think in advance
about what to say to relieve feelings
so whatever is said does not damage
the child. For example: "I have had a
terrible day and I need a break" is far less
damaging to a child than "You little soand-so you always ruin my day".
Children, especially young children, judge
themselves by their parents' opinions of
them so words that are critical of the child
himself, or that compare him unfavorably
with others, will be damaging.
Words that threaten the child's sense of
security and safety are also damaging.
Some damaging things to say to
Threats - "If you do that again I'll leave
Things that say that life would be better
if they did not exist - "If it wasn't for
the children we could have had a new
car", "I can't stand you for another
Comparing - "Why can't you be tidy like
your sister?"
Labeling - "You are messy, untidy,
lazy, naughty, stupid, a nuisance, a sissy,
a bully, clumsy, fat, a little pig, shy,
Blaming - "You make me sick, tired,
cross", "You give mea headache, a
Undermining - "I'll do it, you're too
slow", "I love you but I don't like
Discouraging - "Why do you always get
it wrong?"
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse is defined as when a
child has suffered or is likely to suffer
psychological injury detrimental to
the child's well-being, or the child's
psychological development is in

Getting in first
Shouting can be the result of not being
able to set a limit early enough before
the child has crossed the line where you
can't put up with it anymore.
It is important to be able to recognize
when you need to stop what is happening
before you get to this line.
As soon as you feel that this is happening
you need to stop whatever you are doing and
the children are doing, and do something
that will help change the pace e.g.:
sit everyone down and make a drink
watch a video
read a favourite story or play it on a tape
play a favourite, not-too-exciting game
go outside e.g. take everyone for a walk.
Other things parents can do
Let children know often that you love them
and that you like them and you are proud
of them, to make up for the occasional
times when you may say damaging things.
Let children know that mistakes are important
because they are a way of learning.
Encourage children to try.
Let children know that you value their
If you are naturally loud and yell a lot
explain to your children that that is the way
you talk and you are not angry with them.
If you are angry with your partner try to
sort it out away from the children.
If you are angry with the children take a
few minutes or as long as you need before
you tell them - have cup of coffee, play
some music, go for a walk or whatever
helps you to calm down.
If you do shout, try to make sure you do
not say thing that is harmful to children
or put them down.
If you do shout a lot, your children are
likely to shout too. They are copying
you, not trying to "get at" you.
Talk about what you would like rather than
blame or threaten - e.g. "I want you to help
me pick up the toys". Listen to yourself - to
what you say and to how you say it.
If things are getting on top of you and
you are feeling angry a lot of the time,
get some support, either from your
partner or a good friend or a counselor.
Remember that what you do occasionally is
not what harms children; it is what goes on
most of the time. If most of the time your
relationship is good, that is what will count.
Books for children
There are many books about feelings,
such as sadness, fear and anger, written
for children. You could talk to the
librarian in your local library, read the
books first to be sure they fit your child
and your family.




How To Roast A Leg Of Lamb

What You Need
5 to 7 pounds lamb leg, bone-in
3 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and freshly-ground black pepper
6 cloves garlic
3 stems fresh rosemary
Roasting pan, with rack
Aluminum foil
Sharp chef's knife or carving knife, for
Take the lamb out of the refrigerator
an hour before cooking.
Take the leg of lamb out of the refrigerator
about an hour before cooking so it comes
to room temperature. This promotes
faster, more even cooking.
Rub the lamb with olive oil.
Set the lamb in a rack inside a roasting
pan. Drizzle with olive oil and rub into
the fat and meat.
Season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper.
Broil for 5 minutes. Turn on the broiler
and position a rack below so that the
top of the meat is a few inches from the
broiler element. Broil the lamb for 5


minutes or until the top of the lamb leg

looks seared and browned.
Flip the lamb over and broil the other
side. Flip the lamb over and put back
under the broiler for 5 minutes or until
the other side is seared.
Top with garlic and rosemary. Take
the lamb out of the oven. Turn off the
broiler and set the oven temperature to
325F. Reposition the oven rack to the
middle of the oven. Mince the garlic and
rosemary leaves. Flip the lamb leg over
again and rub the top with the chopped
garlic and rosemary.
Cover the lamb loosely with foil. Tent
the pan loosely with foil to keep the
garlic and rosemary from burning. Put
the lamb back in the oven and cook at
325F for one hour.
Remove the foil after an hour and
take the temperature. Take the lamb's
temperature and remove the foil. The
lamb is ready (medium-rare to medium)
when the temperature is 135F (or
above). At 135F the lamb is cooked
to rare, but it will continue cooking as
it rests, so we recommend taking it out
of the oven at 135 for medium-rare to

If needed, continue cooking the lamb

until done. Continue cooking the
lamb (uncovered) until it reaches your
preferred internal temperature. Check
the temperature every 20 minutes until
Let the leg of lamb rest. Let the lamb
rest for at least 15 minutes before
Carve the lamb: Turn the lamb so the
bone is parallel to the cutting board.
Make perpendicular slices to the bone,
angling straight down until your knife
hits the bone.
Carve the lamb: Cut the lamb off the
bone by slicing through the bottom of
the slices with your knife parallel to the
Recipe Notes
To serve: We highly recommend serving
the lamb with this mint pesto.
To store: Leftover lamb can be stored in
the refrigerator for 3 days.
Freezing tip: Jamie recommends
freezing leftover rare to medium-rare
lamb in slices wrapped in foil. Then, to
warm them, she puts the frozen slices,
still wrapped, in a 350F oven. This will
warm them and not overcook them.




The week will have less activity. You

need to keep your hopes renewed with
thoughts of courage and determination.
You may be having additional work that
will keep you very busy. Accept that
this is a testing time when its possible
to resolve certain issues and if you cant
dont get too worried about it. There
may be chances for loss of money for
the week, hence maintains better control
of money. There may be errors and
omissions while carrying out your work.
This may cause worries to you. You
feel as if everyones picking on you and
mistrust those you encounter. If you are
unsure of others motivation, ask them
exactly what they want.


The week will present you with

opportunities that will help establish
beneficial new contacts. Your noticeably
fearless approach impresses, you have
the stamina to tackle any task. You may
have to build up your financial base by
adapting to the habit of savings, you
will possess sufficient amount of money.
More travel will be possible for the week.
You may need to adjust with the work
pressure. Favorable job front is seen. You
will be able to gain appreciation and reap
rewards for your work. Fully committed
with plenty of energy available, your
enthusiasm makes you feel more restless
than you normally are.


Generally the week is said to be a

favorable one. To achieve good results
you need to strive hard. This week you
will enjoy satisfaction in your profession
and help from your colleagues. However,
you will get success after facing initial
hardships. Profits will be possible for
the week, but it may not be available
up to the full extent. If youre single
make a first move towards cementing
friendship, don't be shy about showing
your feelings, honesty brings desired
results. If you are looking for a change
of job, turn your thoughts into action.
This will be possible by means of hard


You will be able to earn name and fame

for the week. Keeping you cheerful
and avoiding excessive thinking is
most essential for the week. With such
an enterprising attitude you may be
overstretched, if you feel on edge, allow
yourself the peace you need. However,
you may commit some mistakes due to


job pressure. Money will be available

in plenty. Your hidden potential and
talents will be come to the fore. You feel
impatient, on edge, unable to relax, its
particularly difficult to find any peace. If
youre normally calm and well-balanced
this is the stimulation you need to put
plans you have been thinking about for
a long time into action.


The week is said to give you moderate

results. You may keep yourself cool and
composed to see things in your favor. Try
to deal with as many outstanding issues
and plans for the future as you possibly
can. As in all things a healthy balance is
required, take a break when you can, going
out for a jog in the evening, riding your
bike or long walks in the country help you
relax and unwind after a time of intense
deliberations. You may face excessive
job pressure at work front. Prospects are
good, take advantage of any opportunity
you get to let others know how committed
you are. Youre able to state and define
your point of view convincingly in every
situation that occurs.


You will be able to succeed easily and this

will give you happiness. Regular prayers to
God will yield beneficial results and give
solace. You will be comfortable at work.
News about new job opportunities will
make you happy. Monetary progress will
be good for the week. You will have scope
to save for the future. Money flow will not
be smooth and you will be unable to secure
the amount expected to receive. You will
be able to exchange some pleasantries with
your close ones. You achieve so much, yet
are less satisfied than ever. Its important
for you to let others know your plans
and make it clear youre willing to show
the necessary degree of compromise that
insures everyone is satisfied.


It will be a week filled with a lot of

expenses. You need to be prudent and
clear in your dealings. Keep a watch over
your words. It will be good for you to
pay more attention to your work. There
may be chances for disputes with your
family members. Be cool and flexible
in exchanging words with your close
ones. Happiness and exuberance abound
and is extremely infectious, affecting
those closest to you, who in turn are
affectionate towards you. There may be
chances for errors and omissions on your
part while carrying out your work. You
will be unable to control the incurring

expenditure for the week. Curtail your

spending to have effective control over


The week will be highly favorable for

you. You will be able to fulfill your
desires. If you work hard, you will attract
success and fortunes to you. Avoid
arguments and put off any important
conversations for a bit. Be more open,
its only when people know how you feel
they understand why youre so hesitant.
Feeling drained and worn out, both
physically and emotionally, concentrate
on regaining your strength. You will
find immense satisfaction with your
profession. There are good chances for
you to gain favorable support from your
superiors. You will be thinking of ways
to improvise your way of work. Luck
will be on your side and this will guide
you to earn better.


Stable energies would prevail through the

week. Make use of the week by putting
in your best efforts and remaining happy.
You may face more stress in carrying
out your job. Avoid physical exertion,
make sure you look after your health and
don't overdo it. There is a need for you
to plan better; you can achieve success
in work out of your hard efforts. There
will be chances for both expenses and
gains for the week. Strongly influenced
by your emotions your relationships run
smoothly and make working in a team
easier than usual. Accept the way youre
feeling, enjoy the experiences it brings.
There are chances for disputes with your
family members.


The week is said to be an above average

and favorable one. You can develop
more new contacts which will be of
immense value to you. Colleagues will
be supportive to you. There will also
be chances for new job opportunities.
It's not difficult for you to take on any
sort of task youre presented with.
Partners notice how much energy you
have available and propose a new joint
venture which you do well in together.
Money may not be available in plenty.
Youre more than capable of dealing
with people, you respond naturally to
them in the most appropriate way you
know, understanding their needs and

Continued on Page 27



Ekta Kapoor Turns Maha Judge For

Nach Baliye 7

Television queen Ekta Kapoor might

don the hat of maha judge for the dance
celebrity show, Nach Baliye 7. After
some good hunt, when Ekta failed to find
an appropriate fourth judge for the show,
she has decided to step into the maha
judge shoes herself.
Ekta Kapoor had approached Kareena
Kapoor and Vidya Balan to judge the
show but both the ladies turned down
the offer. Kareena is busy with her film
projects and not ready to venture into
television at this moment.
"The makers of the show are still working
out her exact role, but it is said that she
will be a 'maha-judge'. Ekta will make
her presence felt only during important

episodes and will have the authority to rule

over the three judges," the source said.
Being a maha judge, Ekta Kapoor
will have the full right to eliminate any
celebrity jodi of her choice. She will
have the full power to eliminate any
strong jodi and bring back any eliminated
Jodi. However, the seventh season of
Nach Baliye will be judged by actress
Preity Zinta, author Chetan Bhagat, and
choreographer Marzi Pestonji.
One of the contestants of the seventh
season of Nach Baliye 7 will be
MasterChef India 4 judge Ranveer
Brar. He will take part on the show with
his wife Pallavi. The dance show is
expected to be aired on Star Plus in May.

Amitabh Bachchan Has Said Something Interesting

About Cinema And Youve Got To Read It
The Shamitabh actor is in Egypt for the inauguration of India by the Nile festival

Terming cinema a great integrator,

Bollywood mega star Amitabh Bachchan
has said Hindi movies have, over the
years, brought the historic cultures of
India and Egypt closer.
Interacting with the media at the
inauguration of the India by the Nile
festival, Bachchan noted that the two
countries have always enjoyed good
relations and the bond has been further
strengthened by cinema.
Cinema is a great integrator. Movies
give us an opportunity to laugh and cry
together. When we go to watch a movie
we dont ask the religion or caste of the
person sitting next to us, Bachchan,
who enjoys a huge fan following in

Egypt, said.
The superstar has been roped in for the
third edition of the festival being organised
by the Indian embassy in partnership with
Egypts ministry of culture and tourism as
well as the Cairo Opera House.
Bachchan said the festival (March 30 to
April 17) is an opportunity to bring the
Indian and Egyptian cultures together.
Weve had a historic legacy as both the
civilisations grew up on the banks of two
rivers the Ganges and the Nile. Weve
always had good relations with Egypt
and this festival provides an opportunity
to bring the two cultures together, he
Speaking on Egypts tourism industry

which has been hit the most in the wake

of the 2011 political upheaval, Bachchan
said things have started to look up.
Egypt is an important destination for
tourists owing to its rich history. And
now things are settling down here, said
The River by the Nile festival too is an
attempt to give a boost to the tourism
sector of Egypt the countrys major
revenue earner. In addition to screening
Bachchans films, the festival will
promote yoga, Indian handicrafts, folk
dances and street food among the locals.
Bachchan hoped that more and more
Indians will be lured toward Egypt in the
near future.

Continued From Page 26

your love-life. This will be essential

for the week. Little change is needed to
implement some of your new ideas and
develop strategies that affect how you
are able to improve your life.

much, even if you feel capable of more,

theres a particular level of involvement
in other peoples affairs thats best kept
to a minimum. You need to adopt better
planning in such a way that you don`t
lose money. There will be difference
of opinion with your close kith and
kin. Take some preventive care of your
health. You will enjoy average health.
You may be prone to hypertension and
headache. Ailments like eye infections
may be present.

It will be a favorable week. You can

make use of the week for progressive
activities. There will be determination on
your part that will make you to succeed.
You need to get prepared to face more
challenges. You know the full extent
of your ambitions and are more than
able to make up your mind about them
quickly. A bold approach also benefits
your relationships, actively improving



It is important that you remain in a

happy state of mind and avoid worrying
much. Visiting temples will give more
relief to you. There are chances for
you to face unpleasant moments with
your superiors. Dont try to take on too



Rati Agnihotri Finally Breaks Her Silence On

Domestic Violence By Husband Anil Virwani

The actress also talks about her decision to end her 30-year-old marriage to businessman
When actress Rati Agnihotri decided to
complain to the cops about the alleged
violence perpetrated by her husband,
she didnt expect the personal matter
would leak out into the public domain.
Talking about her decision to open up,
she says, I am surprised and hurt that
my motives for speaking out to the law
enforcement and legal machinery are
being questioned. Because I chose to
not speak about it, some sections of the
media doubt the veracity of my claims.
Ive remained silent, but the fact is that
that what is being said about my life
is not true, she says as she resolutely
announces her decision to end her
marriage. Yes, its time for me to move
one. Ive taken a very long time to take
the right decision. People are asking why
I remained in the marriage for so long.
Well firstly its my life. I dont owe any
explanations to anyone except my son
Tanuj for whose sake I chose to stay
on. Ive taken 30 years to opt out of my
Rati wanted her son to understand
why she needed to break away from
the marriage. That was most painful.
Tanuj is the only reason I stuck on (in
the marriage). He is 28 now and man
enough to face the truth in his mothers
life. He knew the truth 10 years ago. He
knows the truth now. He knows what his
mother has endured. Finally he has told
me. Mom, dont live your life for me.
Live for yourself. Do what you think is
right for yourself.
Why didnt Rati discuss her marital
problems with close family and friends?
I really had no one to talk to. I stuck
on to the marriage for my sons sake.
This is the honest truth. If the world portrays me this way and I am painted my sons decision for me. I am taking
would like to judge me otherwise, so poorly in numerous papers across the his advice. He said, No matter what
be it. It saddens me to see the way my country. If you dont have access to youll always be my mother. Every
life is being projected in the media. me it doesnt mean my life is open to time something of this sort happened
within the four walls of my home, hes
Does the media know how hard it is on distortion.
me to make the decision that I did after Regarding her decision to break away the only person I reached out to. In the
keeping quiet for 30 years? Just because from the violent marriage Rati says, past Ive called him for help and he has
I kept quiet all these years about what I After the latest violence I couldnt immediately come to my rescue. I am
was going through and finally decided to stay in the same house any more. I had still hurt because of the last beating.
do something about it doesnt mean my nowhere to go, so I drove down to my I dont have the strength to go and see
motives are questionable. Pondering home in Lonavla. My son was shooting my ailing mother. Ive never failed as a
over her own predicament Rati asks, Do in Pune and he came to meet me and mother. No matter what happens, Tanuj
I sound depressed to you? Do I sound advised me to do what I thought was will continue to be the centre of my
desperate? One widely-read newspaper right. This (ending the marriage) was universe.




Shah Rukh Khan To Launch Sons Aryan,

Abram In Bollywood

With such a busy schedule and endless

projects in hand, it is surprising to see
how the best of ideas pop up in Shah
Rukhs mind! But after all, he is King
Khan. Multitasking is something very
ordinary for a person like him. This is
evident from the latest venture that King
Khan is thinking about. And hearing
his plans, one could truly say that Mr.
Khan is a perfect blend of a superstar
and father. It has been reported that
Shah Rukh wants to create the Hindi
remake of the famous Hollywood flick
Boyhood. And the actors that he wants
to cast in this upcoming venture are none
other than his own sons.
Shah Rukhs elder son Aryan and little
Angel AbRam would be appearing
in Boyhood. They would be seen in
the lead and Aryan was the one who
suggested the remake to Shah Rukh.
Then the actor watched the film,
following which he agreed to produce
the remake for Aryan. A source who is
close to the Khan family says, Aryan
watched it and was so impressed that he
called up SRK from London and asked
him to watch the film. The father-son
duo often recommends good books and
films to each other.
The superstars both sons would be
making a debut with this film. Shah


Rukh has already started work on this

upcoming project. He has contacted
the makers of Boyhood to acquire the

rights for this remake. The original film

has taken 12 years for filming. It showed
a young version of a boy and later a
grown up boy. But Shah Rukh plans to
finish the filming in a shorter time, by
featuring AbRam as the younger version
of Aryans character.
The director of the film would be decided
as soon as the makers of Boyhood
give a green light to the remake. Shah
Rukh is discussing the matter with
Raees director Rahul Dholakia and
Fan director Maneesh Sharma. The
2014 Boyhood was directed by Golden
Globe winner Richard Linklater. Rumor
has it that he has already visited Khan in
Mumbai. The source further adds, SRK
wants Linklaters inputs in the film and
will work in close association with him.
As for Shah Rukh In all probability
Khan will play Ethan Hawkes character
in the film. The actress to reprise the
role of the Patricia Arquette has not
been decided yet Patricia Arquette had
been awarded Golden Globe Awards and
Academy Award for Best Supporting
Actress in the film.



It Follows (PG)****
Pass it On!
Horror films have niche audiences.
Connoisseurs of this historic genre will
have their dreams (nightmares) fulfilled
by It Follows. Freaky in the extreme this
foxy thriller from Mongrel Media will
definitely give you a cold sweat. What
a shame this dynamic notorious chiller
is only playing at the Vancity Theatre
and Cineplex Metropolis Burnaby. For a
change this is one movie worth going to
the suburbs for.
Youth inhabit horror films and It
Follows is no exception. Plot-wise our
tale has a young man having sex with a
teen age girl in a car. Back seat encounters
have been around since the 50s or earlier
and could even be regarded as a rite of
passage in some quarters. This particular
"interlude" turns downright nasty as the
man in question "apparently" passes on a
bit more than his "manhood" to the girl.
Somehow Jay Height gets infected with
a sinister virus that can only be cured
by sleeping with another human being


and "passing it on". At least that's the

game plan. Up to the challenge or not
is Maika Monroe (The Bling Ring) who
ably displays a whole range of emotions
as she tries to cope with her rather odd
ailment courtesy of Jake Weary. So
much for tender loving care.
People who liked Scarlett
Johannson in the equally freaky Under
The Skin Will feel right at home here.
Perfect settings such as secluded houses,
lakeside cabins and rural outbacks

By Robert Waldman

provide prime stomping grounds for

a diverse range of killers who take
the mating ritual into the outer limits.
Director David Roger Mitchell has a
real feel for fresh fodder and has written
a real exciting fresh and unique horror
classic that will leave viewers shaken.
Superb acting by a very
youthful cast, top tension and a sizzling
soundtrack make this moody 100 minute
ordeal eerie and special. You won't soon
forget this descent into hell.



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It is rather astonishing and perhaps
difficult for us to understand how our
Lord could have an attitude of gratitude
on the night before He was to endure the
pain of crucifixion..
Gods only perfect and pure sacrificial
lamb Jesus Christ was sufficient once
for all. The blood that was shed for the
sin of all mankind to wash us clean

from our thoughts. Ways and deeds of

Being wiped by the Roman soldiers ,
Spat on , laughted at, mocked at and still
carried the Cross showed His true love
of Forgiveness and was nailed to the
No more sacrifices are needed for
repentance asking for forgiveness .

Jesus Christ paid the penalty of Sin by

His Blood at the Cross.Jesus Christ
came into the world to be the Love of
God for Us. He took upon himself the
garment of our humanity.
Love of Jesus Christ was so true and so
great that He went to the Cross willingly
to register that Love and forgiveness and
brought salvation to us.

Christainity ii a good news from

cemetery. Christainity is something
much more than good advice .It is News
about a Person who came lived, Died
and conquered death and continues to
Jesus Christ conquered death and the
grave and ascended back to the father .
Hi is present everywhere in the hearts of
those who trust him and accepts him as

Lord And Saviour

Yes His resurrection fro the grave gives us
a new beginning in life. Life of Joy, Peace,
Love With Each Other That removes
berrriers like hatred , jealousy, mistreat
one, ill treatment among each other
The pagan ritual on Sunday morning
going out to collect eggs and rabbits


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Vancouver Whitecaps Admit Play Hasn't

Been Pretty This Season, But Say "It's
About The Points"

When you look at some of the most

successful sides in world soccer, one
thing that often separates them from
the chasing pack is their ability to grind
out results, and especially wins, when
theyre not playing anywhere near their
The Vancouver Whitecaps have been
showing that ability in abundance
through their first four games of this
season. Three straight wins and three
dramatic late winners have shown that
the Caps have the mentality to get the
job done, no matter the performance. But
they have also shown that improvements
are needed in a number of areas to keep
those wins coming.
While hed ideally like to play attractive
soccer and rack up victories, winning
ugly isnt bothering Whitecaps boss Carl
"I don't think it was pretty from our point
of view, but we won," Robinson told
reporters when asked about his teams
latest last-gasp win, a 2-1 triumph over
Portland on Saturday. "I could have

stood here talking about how well we

played and no points on the board. You
can spin it whatever way you want, but
it's about points.
"If I play brilliant all season and don't
win one game, I don't think you're going
to keep me here because of my delightful,
intricate football. It's about results. We
haven't found the balance yet between
playing really well and winning. At the
moment we've got the winning and we
need to try and play really well."
There have been glimpses of the fast,
flowing soccer that Vancouver has
produced in the past, but their opponents
have dominated possession in each of
the Whitecaps three wins this season.
Robinson knows his side wont be able
to go through the whole season playing
on the back foot, hitting on the counter
and squeaking out the wins. Right now
though, the confidence in his group is sky
high and he feels that it breeds success.
"We need to play better, we know that,"
Robinson said. "It's a good habit to have,
winning. At the moment we have a

good, winning habit in this group, so it's

important that we continue to work hard,
continue to do the small details correctly
and get a bit of luck along the way.
It's not nice when you're chasing the
ball for long periods of time, but we're
going to have to do that sometimes.
Despite being behind in the possession
stats, the Whitecaps defense hasnt
allowed many shots on goal. Chicago
managed only three against Vancouver
and Orlando just one. Its in the middle
of the park where the Caps are being
outplayed and with the LA Galaxy
coming to town at the weekend (10 pm
ET; TSN1, MLS LIVE), its an area that
needs an instant improvement.
We need to rest on the ball more, said
goalkeeper David Ousted. Be able to
keep it and not be chasing all the time
like we were Saturday. Doing that,
especially against LA, who again are
such a good team on the ball, if we can
keep the ball more and make them run,
then I think we're going to have an easier
time getting a result."

Rangers Become Vegas Favourites To Win Cup

According to Las Vegas gambling site

Bovada, the New York Rangers are the
new favourite to win the Stanley Cup.
The Rangers had a price of 12-to-1 on
March 3 but after a strong month have
now almost halved those odds to 13-to-2.
The Chicago Blackhawks, who were a
15-to-2 favourite last month, are now
second at 7-to-1.
The Montreal Canadiens remained at 10-

to-1 to win the title, tied with St. Louis

and Tampa Bay.
The biggest odds improvement in
March came from the Ottawa Senators,
who rode Andrew Hammond's winning
streak and dropped from 200-to-1 odds
to 50-to-1 to win the Cup.
As far as individual awards,
Canadiens goalie Carey Price remains
the heavy favourite (1-to-3) to capture

the Hart Trophy as league MVP. Alex

Ovechkin (7-to-2) and Sidney Crosby
(7-to-1) have the next lowest odds
after Price.
Calgary Flames forward Johnny
Gaudreau is the favourite (4-to-7) to win
the Calder Trophy, ahead of Nashville's
Filip Forsberg (7-to-4), Ottawa's Mike
Hoffman (6-to-1), and Florida's Aaron
Ekblad (8-to-1).

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