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IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

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ISSN 2321-5992

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2015

An effective technique of vehicle traffic routing

using ant colony optimization algorithm
Manish Sharma1, Jitendra Kumar2

M.Tech., Department of CSE,

IFTM University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Associate Professor, Department of CSE,

IFTM University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Selecting an efficient way in a road network is a serious problem. Increasing in number of vehicles in last few years is creating a
problem of regional traffic routing. To solve this problem many algorithm are designed, UVTR (Update Vehicle Traffic Routing)
based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one of them. In this algorithm selection of efficient way is dependent on road distance,
vehicles speed and cost flow. A new factor (road rank) is added in this paper in UVTR algorithm. This algorithm is used where high
traffic demands occur to reduces the jams and provide a suitable path for the vehicles, so that the congestions are not occur. For
each road, road rank is assigned on condition of road. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is an algorithm in which behavior of ant
colonies searching for food is used. ACO has successfully been used to solve many optimization problems. Computer simulation
results show that new factor has an important role in selection of efficient way

Keywords: ACO algorithm, vehicle traffic, routing, road rank.

When you submit your paper print it in one-column format, including figures and tables. In addition, designate one author
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corresponding author only. With increasing urbanization and high traffic demand, regional traffic controlling is becoming a
very serious problem. Within the last decade, many researchers have shifted the focus of regional traffic controlling from
traditional optimization techniques to the meta-heuristics derived from nature. Inspired by the behavior of the ants in real
world, ant colony algorithm is a multi-agent system [2], in which each single agent is called an artificial ant. It is one of the
most successful examples of swarm intelligent systems and has been applied to solve many different types of problems
[5].Swarm intelligence is a field which studies the emergent collective intelligence of groups of simple agents [1].The
basic idea of the ACO meta-heuristic is taken from the food searching behavior of real ants. The purpose of using a
metaheuristics is to make sure that larger problem instances can be solved to near-optimality without demanding too much
memory and or too much execution time. Currently, heuristic algorithm is the main method for solving vehicle routing
problem. Heuristic algorithm can be divided into simple heuristic algorithm, two-phase heuristic algorithm, and artificial
intelligence methods [13] .An ACO algorithm simulates the behavior of the ants in the nature on a solution space [15].
ACO is a constructive meta-heuristic and at each step ants consider the entire set of possible elements before choosing just
one, the vast majority of an ant algorithm's runtime is devoted to evaluating the utility of reachable elements[12]. An Ant
Colony Optimization algorithm (ACO) is essentially a system based on agents who simulate the natural behavior of ants,
including mechanisms of cooperation and adaptation [6] .Many researchers have proposed heuristics or meta-heuristics
algorithm for efficiently solving the vehicle routing problem. ACO algorithms are also used for the classification of data
mining tasks [6]. Most real ants are blind. However, each ant while it is walking, deposits a chemical substance on the
ground called pheromone [1], which marks the route taken as they move from a food source to their nest, and foragers
follow such pheromone trails. Ant Colony Optimization is inspired by the foraging behavior of ants and their use of
pheromones to guide other colony members to food sources [3].The concentration of pheromone on a certain path is an
indication of its usage. These pheromone trails are used as a simple indirect form of communication [4]. It should be
noticed that over time, certain amount of pheromone concentration may evaporate. Finally, the one with the highest value of
pheromone is considered to be the optimal solution of the problem [5]. In this paper, new technique to solve Problem of
traffic controlling is proposed using ACO algorithm.


Ant colony optimization (ACO) was introduced by the Italian scholar. M. Dorigo and colleagues. It is a novel metaheuristic technique that has been successfully applied in solving various problems in combinatorial optimization. To

Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2015

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IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2015

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5992

establish the shortest path from food sources to nests, ACO algorithm helps in modeling the behavior of real ants.[9].The
foraging behavior of ant colonies can be replicated in simulation and inspires a class of ant algorithms known as ant
colony optimization. Ant colony optimization (ACO) belongs to the class of meta-heuristics, which are approximate
algorithms used to obtain good enough solutions to hard CO problems in a reasonable amount of computation time [7]. The
ant colony optimization algorithm is inspired the behavior that the ant colony seek for food, and it mainly aims at the
discrete optimization problem. The ant colony algorithm is applied to the location problem successfully [20]. Ant colony
optimization (ACO) is an optimization technique inspired by the exploratory behavior of ants while finding food. Ant
algorithms were inspired by the observation of real ant colonies. .Ants start from their nest and find different paths to the
food. ACO is originally designed to find a better solution to Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), where a salesperson is
going to visit each city exactly once so that to travel the minimum distances [8]. In this context, the local information
available to the ant is the path that it took to the destination. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is an optimization framework
inspired by the observation [19] .Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is based on the observation that ants can find the optimal
path between a food source and their nest exploiting a mix of probabilistic behavior and pheromone depositing. Ant colony
optimization algorithm here is to replace ants with the agents, so that ants also possess the characteristics of agents [18]. In
fact, in ACO a set of artificial ants somehow simulate the behavior of real ants [14]. However a single ant is not aware of
the complete topology of the environment. Ants thus communicate with each other by depositing traces of pheromone as
they walk along their path. Subsequent ants that arrive in search of food, base their decisions of which path to take on the
pheromone traces left in that locality by the previous ants. This form of communication is indirect, i.e., one ant releases the
pheromone information into the environment, and another ant senses that pheromone information from the environment.
As more ants travel over a particular path, the concentration of pheromone increases along that path. Pheromones along a
path also gradually evaporate decreasing their concentration on that path. The pheromone acts significant stimuli since
other ants are able to sense the pheromones deposited by each other, and they generally take the path of maximum
pheromone concentration. This is how the ants progressively converge on a single optimum path between their nest and the
food [4]. ACO algorithms have proved that they are good meta-heuristics to many difficult optimization problems [16]
.Given shows how the ants find the shortest path.
Basic Ant Colony System Algorithm
The first ACO algorithm proposed is ant system (AS.) The sketch of ACS can be shown in
Each ant is positioned on a starting node
Loop /* at this level each loop is called a step */
Each ant applies a state transition rule to incrementally build a solution and a local pheromone updating rule until all ants
have built a complete solution. A global pheromone updating rule is applied.

This section discusses different methods focusing on varying aspects of Traffic controlling. Although each method is
different from other but related to our problem.
3.1 David Renfrew, Xiao-Hua Yu designed a new approach to find the optimal signal timing plan for a traffic intersection
is investigated using ACO algorithm. Traffic signal problem is a complex combinatorial optimization problem which fits
the nature of ACO very well. Rolling horizon algorithm is also employed to achieve real-time adaptive control. Computer
simulation results indicates that this new approach is more efficient than traditional fully actuated control, especially under
the conditions of high, but not saturated, traffic demand [5].
3.2 Siwei Jiang, Jie Zhang, Yew-Soon Ong proposed a pheromone-based traffic management model, which
simultaneously optimizes vehicle re-routing and traffic light control. Specifically, each car agent deposits multiple digital
pheromones on its route. The road infrastructure agents fuse the pheromone to forecast traffic conditions. Once a congested
road is predicted, we adopt a proactive vehicle re-routing algorithm for assigning alternative routes to cars before they enter
the congested road. At the same time, the traffic light control agents use an online strategy for assigning long time
duration of green traffic lights to the roads with a large amount of pheromone [10].
3.3 Juan (Susan) Pan, Mohammad A. Khan, Iulian Sandu Popay, Karine Zeitouniy and Cristian Borcea presents three
traffic re-routing strategies designed to be incorporated in a cost-effective and easily deployable vehicular traffic guidance
system that reduces the effect of traffic congestions. This system collects real-time traffic data from vehicles and road-side
sensors and computes proactive, individually-tailored re-routing guidance which is pushed to vehicles when signs of
congestion are observed on their route [11].
3.4 Mohammad Jamal Hossain, Golam Md. Muradul Bashir, Md. Rejaul Karim implemented the solution of
combinatorial problem, based on the heuristic behavior of ant. It also reflects the method considering flow, distance, cost,

Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2015

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IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2015

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5992

and emergency etc. Here, a new algorithm named UVTR (Update Vehicle Traffic Routing) is represented to overcome the
complexity of the previous algorithm. It yields the typical process for removing traffic problems in case of flow, distance,
cost etc. This formulation is represented with systematic rules based case study for the Dhaka City [2].

In this paper we add road rank factor in UVTR algorithm and use Bareilly City data for experimental result. We proposed
an effective technique based on some modifications in UVTR Algorithm. The aim of this paper is to achieve maximum
efficiency of route selection. In order to determine the Optimal routes, a cost, rank value based nature of route has to be
assigned to a given route. There are several ways to express travel costs for a route, the travel time, length of the route, the
traffic density on the route, flow of the route, emergency etc.
In UVTR virtual pheromone is used, inspired by the chemical indicators used by ants and termites for communication and
coordination. It is implemented by messages relayed from central traffic control to Sensor with Voice Synthesizer. Virtual
pheromones includes following properties: Without specifying a recipient, preventing the need for unique identities that are
unfeasible in large groups Pheromones are locally transmitted [2].Central traffic control (CTC) is bi-directional
communication in Sensor with Voice Synthesizer and update road information getting on CTC via traffic signaling element.
In previous UVTR algorithm, nature of Route is not used but in this paper, a rank value is assigned to each route on the
basis of condition. This rank value is used in given formula to calculate efficiency of route.
Method to calculate efficiency way
Efficient way E is inversely proportional to the distance and flow and the value of E is measured by percentage (%).
end if
i,jiP/ vr(i , j)
whileP>0 do
if P>vr then
if i, j >Fi , j then
E i, j={1/( P * Fi *S, j)}*100%
end if q q+1
end while
E= {1/ (D *F*S)}*100%
Here, E is the efficiency, D is the distance and F is the flow of the road.
The maximum value of the efficient way is the best optimum way
Eop = max {1/( D *F*S)}*100%


5.1 Main UVTR Algorithm
The UVT algorithm consists of two crucial parts i.e. (1) sensing element or Sensor with Voice Synthesizer. (2) Central
traffic control (CTC). Every car includes Sensor with Voice Synthesizer which is connected to CTC from which update
information may be achieved. Each sensor, with voice synthesizer can process and store data. A distinct server provides
supporting element to its central control.
5.2 Algorithm Optimum Route (D, vr, , F,S)
{D - the distance of route or node}
{ti- required time}
{vr- speed of vehicles}
{-cost value with respect to distance and speed}
{F-flow of vehicles per hours}
{S-rank value of route}
P D (i,j) {d(i , j) - distance between two nodes}

Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2015

Page 3

IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS)

A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2015

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5992

Table 1: Database for finding optimum route between two areas

In given paper, we considered Bareilly, UP, India traffic system. The road description of Bareilly is shown with the help of
given diagram. The authors built 9 nodes of road way intersection. There are several possible ways from each starting node
to destination node. In specific period, i.e., (5:30 pm-9:30 pm) the roads become busier and traffic problem is occurred. The
technique given in this paper is very useful to solve this problem. In given figure 1 node is connected in a common gateway
which is central traffic control that is placed on Kudesia. Every two nodes connected in a subway. In our experimental data
the authors consider node1 and node 6 that means Daak-khana to Choupla. The shortest possible path included nodes 1, 2,
4, 6. The shortest path nodes 1 to 6 are road 1 but high traffic network. Then possible shortest path includes nodes 1, 2, 4,
5, 6, road 2 shows next high traffic and as same as road 5. The driver takes short decision by Sensor with Voice Synthesizer
which road is preferable for him. It is dependent on road distance, vehicles speed, cost flow and road rank.

Fig.1 Location of connected nodes in Bareilly city

The alternatives paths are calculated by using flow, distance, cost, road rank for future. The authors discussed in given table
about the node to node network. The optimum path is road3 (nodes-1, 2, 3, 5, 6) according to its efficient way value.

We have explained the role of road rank factor in UVTR (Update Vehicle Traffic Routing) algorithm. This factor increases
the accuracy of UVTR algorithm. Up to date traffic information and information of road is taken from centralized database.
This information is used to calculate the efficiency. This will be very effective in solving the traffic network problem. In this
technique some factors are used these are cost, distance, flow, rank of route. Advantage of this algorithm is that it is easy to
implement and understand. In future many other factors can be added in this algorithm. Given technique is implemented in
MAT-Lab to show the results.

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A Publisher for Research Motivation ........

Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2015

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5992

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Manish Sharma received the (CSE) from SVITS, Indore in 2007 and doing M.Tech. in
Computer Science & Engineering from IFTM University, Moradabad, he stayed in IFTM University,
Moradabad during his PG.
Jitendra Kumar received his MCA degree from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Agra and M.Tech. (CSE)
from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. Working with Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, SET, IFTM University, and Moradabad as an Associate Professor.

Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2015

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