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Healing Inflammation With Essential Oils

By: Misty Rae Cech

Most dedicated athletes are willing to try anything within reason (a very
flexible term in itself) to overcome injury so that they may resume training
and/or competition. 'Rest' is never what they want to hear - they want to get
right back into the swing of things. The more common injuries - tendonitis,
strains and sprains, and variations of these conditions are found in many
sports; they typically include inflammation and some sort of tissue damage.
Programs for relief are fairly well-known; they each have their plusses and
minuses. Rarely, however, do athletes or trainers consider the possibilities of
'aroma'-therapy. The name itself presents a very 'touchy-feel' type of
medicine, not considered strong enough or truly effective enough for
practical application. However, what aromatherapy is really working with are
complex phytochemical compounds with a broad spectrum of interaction with
human biochemistry. It is under these auspices that athletes and trainers may
investigate the usefulness of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil.

Medical aromatherapists understand the efficacy of essential oils for

particular conditions; the oils are not considered a natural cure-all, but each
plant offers chemical compounds with clear specificity of effects. Beyond the
effects of each chemical compound within an oil, some oils efficacy is a clear
synergy of the particular chemical makeup. Individual chemicals within
essential oils are well-known antivirals, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories,
expectorants, mucolytics, anti-tumorials...and the list goes on. Some
essential oils will contain synergies of these compounds; oils suggested for
colds will contain components that are antibacterial, antiviral, and mucolytic
(cleanses breathing passages) all in one essential oil. And what does this
offer for the injured athlete? The possibility of speedier return to training and
competition with Helichrysum italicum essential oil, which contains a synergy
of compounds which can act to support healing of a great variety of common

The physiological basis of many sports injuries, both chronic - from overuse and acute, from impacts, twists and strains, have many similarities. There is
usually some cells that have suffered structural damage - some enough that
the cells will die and need to be re-grown. There is typically inflammation,
which can be a means of the cells protecting themselves, or a result of fluid
leakage into the intracellular space. This fluid can be blood from damaged

capillaries, and appear as bruising; either way swelling will prevent proper
perfusion - or nutrient and waste exchange - at the damaged site. This can
lead to secondary damage - where cells around the originally damaged
tendon, ligament or muscle cells are also becoming damaged by lack of
oxygenation or nutrient supply. Further damage can occur through the overproduction of free-radicals under such conditions. One can imagine the
phenomenon of ice being applied immediately after an injury leading to a
significantly shorter (and less painful) recovery - a long wait increases the
possibility of secondary damage. The ice prevents the secondary damage
associated with swelling and oxidation from occurring.

Now for a look at the synergistic actions of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil
(there are several types of Helichrysum essential oil available - it is the
Italicum, also known as Everlasting or Immortele, that has these particular
properties. It is more rare, and more costly than other types of Helichrysum,
but worth the extra cost). Helichrysum has a high percentage of antiinflammatory sesquiterpenes - nearly 50% of it's makeup. Another 40% is
made up of Esters with marked relaxing effects on tissues - relieving tension
in injured areas and allowing natural perfusion to take place. The third major
component is a di-ketone, which signals tissues to regenerate. These diketones are rare, and Helichrysum Italicum contains the highest known

It is the synergistic activity of these components working together on an

injured area that can have a pronounced effect on healing common sportsrelated injuries. One professional athlete recently relayed an account of his
use of the oil - after lack of success in treating achilles tendonitis, he was sure
he was going to have to drop out of an important upcoming event. He had
been taking MSM, using topical Dimethylsulfoxide, consuming oral antiinfamies, and attempting to address the imbalance which had caused the
injury in the first place - all to no avail. After learning about Helichrysum, he
decided it was worth a try, and after three days of regular application to the
tendon, the pain was gone and he was able to continue his training at
maximum capacity!

While this is only one case, it is interesting that relief was found so quickly,
and to a chronic injury that was otherwise difficult to treat. The scientific
medical aromatherapy literature describes usage for acute injuries (such as
recently twisted ankles, wrists, or areas bruised from impact) more
frequently. According to Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt in Advanced Aromatherapy,

"Everlasting oil is certainly one of the most astounding essential oils. Its very
unique chemical composition along with (all) essential oil's ability to
penetrate into tissue and the circulatory system permit some spectacular
treatments. Used for bruises, sprains, and twisted ankles - usually
accompanied by swelling and subsequent hemorrhages - this oil proves
practically to be a wonder cure." He goes on to mention that the earlier the
application of the oil following an acute injury, the more pronounced the
heaing effect.

If you decide to try the oil for yourself, be sure of your source, and that the
variety is correct one discussed here. The oil is appropriate for range of
injuries - minor to major - though of course it is not a substitute for proper
medical attention in any way. Using the oil in conduction with a prescribed
therapy should be discussed with your doctor. The literature does state that
the oil is very well tolerated, and can be applied directly to the skin undiluted.
An application of a thin film a few times a day, as soon as chronic pain is
noted, or an acute injury occurs, is best. The oil can be used on broken or
damaged skin - in fact, it is included in formulas to reduce scar formation
along with Rosehipseed and Hazelnut oils (a 5% dilution of Helichrysum in a
50/50 blend of these two base oils can be used to support wound healing). As
with any therapy, be aware of how you're body is responding to treatment,
and consult a medical professional with any questions or concerns about it's
use. In summary, Helichrysum italicum essential oil is a gentle, topical
treatment which may speed healing for many common sport-related injuries.
It is regarded as a very safe oil and is worth a try if you are in need of such

About the Author: Misty is a degreed naturopath with a professional practice

in Boulder, Colorado. She is the wellness consultant to the Ananda
Apothecary, found at

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