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First draft audience feedback and explain the changes following

the feedback
Our first audience feedback was mostly negative comments and
improvements. Some of the most common comments we got was It
wasnt scary enough, the opening is too short and there were not
many variance of shots.
It wasnt scary enough this may have been mainly due to lack of
knowledge of using iMovie to the full extent. For example I didnt properly
known how to use the properly change the lighting until the second draft
and similarly with the variance of shots being limited to long shots and
mid-shots. I have made some changes following the criticism. First of all I
have used the crop and ken burns tool to edit the mid and long shots to
close ups and extreme close ups. Furthermore I have changed the order of
the shots to have more variance of shots, for example there wont be a
scene with a lengthy mid-shot it will change to different shots such as
close ups. This way the audience is more interested and engrossed in the
film. Besides this we added background music that was better suited to
make the film opening more scary
To make the opening much longer, put in more titles and edited some of
the same footage with a variance of the shots therefore making it look and
become longer. In addition to this added more transitions and made them
longer to create a dramatic effect of the shots or titles. This made the
length longer therefore responding effectively to the feedback. Moreover
as a result of this the pace has become a lot slower therefore our audience
have more time to think about the meanings behind certain shots.
Another criticism the audience feedback stated we needed to clearly
establish what our title was. Some of the comments similar to this implied
that the audience werent sure if Revenge was our title. This may have
been because the size of the title was small and similar to other less
significant titles in the opening. As a result of this feedback I changed the
font style of the main title to a unique font style imported from a copyright
free website. As well as this we decided to make the size of the title to be
bigger and wider so it uses up most of the black background space. The
size and different of the font style will suggest to the audience that
Revenge is the title. As a result the title will be more meaningful and the
audience will be able to reminisce back to the opening title and make links
to the title Revenge and how it connects to the narrative of the film.
In our feedback there were some positive feedback, most of feedback
stated the lighting was horror like This was because of the low-key
lighting, which made the sequence darker than it was in the raw footage.
This contributes to the eerie mood and atmosphere of the film opening.
Another positive comment was that our choice of location was good in
our audience feedback they said that using a childs room was a very

effective and similar to the codes and conventions of horror films. In

addition it gives a hint to the films narrative.
Second draft audience feedback
The feedback was a mixture, for example most of the feedback stated the
film opening as too repetitive this may have been because we had 3
shots repeating, e.g. the shot of the boy, the shot of the teddy bear and
the shot of the stairs. Therefore to make it more interesting I did have to
vary the shots so its sort of different from each of the other shots. As a
result of this in our final video we have used a variety of film angles and
shots for example a shot of the boys feet going up the stairs and an
extreme close up etc. In addition we have used the transitions more
effectively by changing the timing of transitions and by using more
creative and variety of transitions.
Another comment made was it is too short, this is because we didnt
have a lot of raw footage to work from. Therefore we had to re-film and for
this filming we learned from our mistakes and took a lot of different types
of shots e.g. close ups, long shots wide shots, establishing shots etc. This
also includes different angles such as high and low angles to make the
opening more interesting. In addition our editing skills more developed as
a result we were able to do an eye line match of the object the boy was
looking at.
However there were positive comments as well, for example some
audience feedback stated that it had the scary mood and feeling this
suggests that we were successful in achieving our main objective for our
film opening, which was to establish the horror film mood and atmosphere.
This comment truly made me feel proud and happy. I wanted to continue
this through to our final video, which I did by following the principles of
horror films such as low key lighting, suitable music and good and
interesting shots.
A positive comment was made of the Blurreed productions institutional
logo; they stated it matched the theme and mood of the film opening.
Again I was happy with this comment, as it was the institutional logo I
made on the iMovie from scratch. I wanted to include this logo in our final
video as well; however it wasnt included because the film was near the
maximum limit.

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