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Cell Poem

There are millions of cells inside your body

But if you look closer they each have many parts with different names, they are quite haughty.
In both the plant and animal cells, they are quite the same.
But some are different, they both claim

First is the Nucleus, which is located in both

It is the main control center; it can control the cells growth
It is the main director, and it even directs how the cell can reproduce
In any animal or plant such as a moose.

After the Nucleus is the Mitochondria, structures that are rod shaped
Convert the food into the energy, making sure the cell gets off the couch even if it is scraped
The energy can be used to carry out its functions
In fact, the cell needs a lot of energy. Energy and functions can make a conjunction

Then comes the Endoplasmic Reticulum, a passageway for materials

It is a network that tries to keep out anything bacterial
It is a maze of passageways that carry proteins to parts of the cell
It is like a truck on the highway, delivering items to a hotel.

Ribosomes are also located inside the cell

They are very tiny, as you can tell.
But besides its small size, is a factory the produces many proteins for the whole thing
It is then transported to the Golgi Bodies with a knock instead of a ring.

After that, we zoom into the Golgi Bodies, which is the cells mail room
They look like flattened sacs and tubes, a reddish color of gloom
Golgi Bodies receive proteins and materials from the Endoplasmic Reticulum, package them and
distribute them to other parts.
They are quite hard workers, so they always get a check mark

This is where the Plant Cell makes its claim

They have chloroplasts, which is a lot like a game
They capture energy from sunlight and use it to produce food for itself
That is how the plants look wonderful, a plus for yourself

After the chloroplast, come the vacuole storage areas

In the plant it stores water, food, waste and other materials but it is much bigger than the animals
vacuole, causing hysteria.
In fact, some animals cells do not even have it
But in the plants, it can fit.

We then get into the last part they share together

Lysosomes they are called, even smaller than a feather
They are round structures containing chemicals that break down materials in the cell, such as
Because of their ability to break down old cell parts, they can also be called the cells cleanup

The Cell Membrane is what they both have.

It protects the cell and in the animal it forms a barrier, making the environment and cell a half.

The cell wall is located in the plant cell, giving it a rigid shape.
But not in the animal, it does not have one, it does not have a drape

The cells are special in all their ways

They have many parts that will stay the same, always.
Many cells can help you stay alive
Cells are very important, they are the things helping you survive

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