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490 St-Joseph Blvd.

, Suite 102
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada J8Y 3Y7

Table Of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
Welcome to MultiTrans ......................................................................................................... 1
System Requirements .......................................................................................................... 2
GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................. 3
MultiTrans Modules .............................................................................................................. 3
MultiTrans Primer ................................................................................................................. 4
The Initial Screen.................................................................................................................. 5
Getting Help.......................................................................................................................... 7
Contacting Us ....................................................................................................................... 8
TRANSCORPORA MODULE ................................................................................................ 9
Introducing the TransCorpora Module - Full-text multilingual repository.............................. 9
Working with the TransCorpora Module ............................................................................. 10
Creating a New Corpus ...................................................................................................... 11
Using TransCorpora Builder ............................................................................................ 11
TransCorpora Builder Statistics....................................................................................... 19
Conversion Errors............................................................................................................ 22
Alignment Considerations................................................................................................ 23
Terminology Extraction.................................................................................................... 27
Concordance List............................................................................................................. 28
Input Files ........................................................................................................................ 29
Abbreviation Files ............................................................................................................ 29
Searching in TransCorpora................................................................................................. 32
Using TransCorpora Search............................................................................................ 32
TransCorpora Search Screen Display............................................................................. 33
Searching in TransCorpora Files..................................................................................... 36
Searching for an expression in a source or target file ..................................................... 39
Printing Search Results ................................................................................................... 39
Importing and Exporting...................................................................................................... 40
Exporting Corpus Alignments to a TMX File.................................................................... 40
Exporting Corpus Alignments to a TermBase ................................................................. 41
Exporting Corpus Alignments to a Text File .................................................................... 41
Importing a TMX File into a Corpus................................................................................. 42
Other TransCorpora Functions ........................................................................................... 43
Aligning sentences in a TransCorpora file....................................................................... 43
Adding Expressions to a TermBase from a TransCorpora file ........................................ 44
Switching Between TransCorpora and TermBase Windows........................................... 46
Saving and Closing TransCorpora files ........................................................................... 46
Reversing Language Direction ........................................................................................ 47

Appending Document Sets to a Corpus .......................................................................... 48

Removing Document Sets from a Corpus ....................................................................... 49
Client-Server Considerations.............................................................................................. 51
Corpora Server Console.................................................................................................. 51
Opening TransCorpora files from the Server................................................................... 52
Creating a new TransCorpora file on the Server ............................................................. 52
Specifying an Ignored Words List to Improve Performance and Scalability.................... 53
Accessing Corpora from the Web....................................................................................... 54
Welcome to TransCorpora Web ...................................................................................... 54
Accessing TransCorpora Web......................................................................................... 55
Selecting a Corpus .......................................................................................................... 56
Performing a Search........................................................................................................ 57
TERMBASE MODULE......................................................................................................... 63
Introducing the TermBase Module - Terminology management ........................................ 63
TermBase Editor Screen Display........................................................................................ 64
Basic TermBase Operations............................................................................................... 67
Opening a TermBase ...................................................................................................... 67
To Open Multiple TermBases.......................................................................................... 68
Closing a TermBase ........................................................................................................ 68
Creating a TermBase ...................................................................................................... 69
Deleting a TermBase....................................................................................................... 70
Removing a TermBase.................................................................................................... 70
Updating TermBase Data ................................................................................................... 71
Adding an Expression to a TermBase ............................................................................. 71
Adding a Translation to an Expression............................................................................ 72
Adding a Synonym to a TermBase.................................................................................. 74
Duplicating Records ........................................................................................................ 74
Deleting an Expression or a Translation.......................................................................... 75
Modifying a Translation ................................................................................................... 76
Modifying/Renaming an Expression................................................................................ 77
Searching in a TermBase ................................................................................................... 78
Expression Filter Manager............................................................................................... 79
Importing and Exporting...................................................................................................... 81
Importing from Tagged Lists............................................................................................ 81
Importing Other Text File Formats................................................................................... 85
Importing TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) Data .................................................... 91
Exporting Expressions From a TermBase....................................................................... 93
Other TermBase Functions................................................................................................. 96
Adding New Fields to a TermBase .................................................................................. 96
Saving Expression Lists ................................................................................................ 100
Switching Between TermBases..................................................................................... 101
Switching Languages in a TermBase ............................................................................ 102


MultiTrans User Manual - Table Of Contents

Viewing TermBase Properties ....................................................................................... 103
Read-Only TermBases .................................................................................................. 103
Copying an Expression From One TermBase to Another ............................................. 104
Client-Server Considerations............................................................................................ 105
Opening TermBases from the Server............................................................................ 105
Creating new TermBases on the Server ....................................................................... 106
Accessing TermBases from the Web ............................................................................... 107
Welcome to TermBase Web.......................................................................................... 107
Accessing TermBase Web ............................................................................................ 108
Selecting a TermBase ................................................................................................... 109
Performing a Search...................................................................................................... 110
TRANSTERM MODULE .................................................................................................... 111
The TransTerm Module - Integrated translation workbench............................................. 111
TransTerm Functions........................................................................................................ 112
Connecting/Disconnecting to/from MultiTrans.................................................................. 114
Using the TermBase Process to Automatically Replace Expressions from a TermBase. 115
Looking for Translations in Reference Documents........................................................... 116
Interactive Translation Process ........................................................................................ 117
Finding Translations in TermBases and/or Reference Documents.................................. 120
Extracting Expressions from Reference Documents ........................................................ 122
Viewing the Contents of a TermBase ............................................................................... 123
Setting TransTerm Options............................................................................................... 124
Resetting Document Colors.............................................................................................. 129
Counting Translated Words in a Document...................................................................... 130
LISTBUILDER MODULE ................................................................................................... 131
Using ListBuilder............................................................................................................... 131
DOUBLEVUE .................................................................................................................... 137
The DoubleVue Menu....................................................................................................... 137
Creating a DoubleVue Session......................................................................................... 138
Opening an Existing DoubleVue Session......................................................................... 139
Closing a DoubleVue Session .......................................................................................... 140
Following a Sentence in the Source File .......................................................................... 141
Replacing with an Original Sentence................................................................................ 141
Exact Search and Replace ............................................................................................... 141
Exporting a Session to a Folder........................................................................................ 142
Exporting a Session to an E-mail...................................................................................... 144
Importing a Session from a Zip file ................................................................................... 145
WORKING WITH PROJECTS ........................................................................................... 147
Working with Projects ....................................................................................................... 147
Project Manager - Information about the Project.............................................................. 148


Viewing Project Properties................................................................................................ 149

Creating a Project ............................................................................................................. 149
Opening a Project ............................................................................................................. 150
ANALYSIS......................................................................................................................... 151
Document Analysis ........................................................................................................... 151
Analysis Process Options ................................................................................................. 159
Analysis Features ............................................................................................................. 161
Statistics ........................................................................................................................ 162
Terminology Extraction.................................................................................................. 163
TermBase Extraction ..................................................................................................... 165
Corpus Extraction .......................................................................................................... 166
Making a Package ......................................................................................................... 167
PREFERENCES................................................................................................................ 169
Setting Your Preferences.................................................................................................. 169
File Locations.................................................................................................................... 170
General ............................................................................................................................. 172
Logon ................................................................................................................................ 173
Languages ........................................................................................................................ 174
Network............................................................................................................................. 176
TermBase ......................................................................................................................... 177
TransCorpora.................................................................................................................... 178
TransFinder ...................................................................................................................... 179
TransTerm ........................................................................................................................ 180
Windows NT Network - Defined Access Rights................................................................ 181
MultiTrans CS ................................................................................................................... 182
FILE TYPES ...................................................................................................................... 183
MultiTrans File Types ....................................................................................................... 183
MENUS ............................................................................................................................. 185
MultiTrans Menus ............................................................................................................. 185
File .................................................................................................................................... 185
Edit.................................................................................................................................... 186
Process ............................................................................................................................. 186
TermBase ......................................................................................................................... 187
SHORTCUT KEYS ............................................................................................................ 189
Shortcut Keys ................................................................................................................... 189


MultiTrans User Manual - Table Of Contents

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) ..................................................................... 193
Why are my TransTerm menu functions greyed out?....................................................... 193
How do I assign Word shortcuts for TransTerm Processes? ........................................... 194
How do I keep Word macros when refreshing 195
How do I add a synonym to an expression in my TermBase?.......................................... 195
Why can't TransCorpora Search find an expression? ...................................................... 196
How do I Append to TransCorpora files on the server?.................................................... 196
TROUBLESHOOTING....................................................................................................... 197
TransTerm won't respond ................................................................................................. 197
TermBases appear as read-only ...................................................................................... 197
Error message when trying to open a TransTerm session ............................................... 198
Cannot open .tcs file ......................................................................................................... 198
Import not found................................................................................................................ 199
Cannot uninstall MultiTrans .............................................................................................. 199
Highlights not revealed after using TransCorpora process .............................................. 199
The .tcs file disappears on Windows XP, SP1.................................................................. 200
TransTerm menu doesn't appear in Word after installation.............................................. 201
Manually Installing the TransTerm Module....................................................................... 202
INDEX ............................................................................................................................... 203

Welcome to MultiTrans
MultiTrans is a translation support and language management solution that is based on a
multilingual full-text repository of previously translated content. It has helped global
organizations and language industry professionals to improve translation productivity and
quality for all types of content. Unlike traditional translation memory tools which are
based on a database of isolated whole sentences, MultiTrans makes vast collections of
legacy full-text translations searchable for text strings of any length in their full usage
context. Its interactive search capabilities provide users with the most relevant
information, maximizing language resource reuse.
The complete MultiTrans solution consists of:
1. An indexed full-text multilingual reference corpus and tools to build and search
the corpus.
2. Terminology management tools, including a multilingual terminology repository
and terminology extraction tools.
3. An integrated translation workbench that integrates with popular word processing
environments to provide a variety of manual and automated capabilities to
search multiple corpora and terminology repositories for examples of previous
translations that are candidates for reuse.
4. A collaborative multi-user infrastructure for sharing language resources in realtime, including web browser access for the entire enterprise.
Since MultiTrans is Unicode compliant and does not rely on linguistic knowledge, it can
manage content in any written language, including bidirectional languages such as Arabic
as well as ideographic languages such as Chinese.
Before you start using MultiTrans, please take a moment to read The Initial Startup
Screen, for a brief explanation of the application's main visual components.

System Requirements
Minimum Requirements
Windows 98, ME, NT (service pack 4 or higher), 2000 or XP
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
Pentium II 300 MHz
At least 64 MB of free memory (more may be required depending on data volumes)
800x600 minimum resolution
20 MB of disk space for local installation
CD-ROM drive
VGA monitor (or higher-resolution) capable of displaying at least 256 colors
Additional items or services required using certain features:
28,800 bps modem (or faster) and Internet access for online updates
Microsoft Word 97 or higher

Recommended Requirements
To use MultiTrans for maximum performance, we recommend the following configuration:
PC with a Pentium III 450 MHz processor or higher
For Windows 98: 128 MB RAM
For Windows XP: 256 MB RAM
SVGA monitor (or higher resolution) capable of displaying at least 256 colors in
1024 x 768 resolution. (We also recommend a 17-inch monitor or higher.)

Getting Started
MultiTrans Modules
MultiTrans contains five modules. They are:
TransCorpora: Use this module to build and search through corpus files, then use
these corpora to create terminology databases and increase your translating speed.
TermBase: Use this module to build terminology databases (also called
"TermBases"); these may then be used when translating documents using
TransTerm: Use this add-in within your editor (e.g. Microsoft Word) to automate
some of your translation tasks, using your previously created corpus files and
Analysis: Use this module to assess the effort of translating a new set of documents
and determine the best translation approach. It provides statistics such as word
counts, amount of repetition, expressions found in terminology databases, and
sentence coverage from existing corpora.
ListBuilder: Use this module to automatically pair up your previously translated
documents in preparation for building a corpus.

MultiTrans Primer
You can use MultiTrans in a wide variety of ways. It is the perfect translation support and
language management solution for all your translation and terminology research needs.
The following is a list of tasks you can do with MultiTrans:

Set up MultiTrans
Index reference documents into a TransCorpora file. To do this use the TransCorpora
Search module.
Use ListBuilder to add reference documents to your TransCorpora files.
Store and manage monolingual and multilingual terminology in flexible databases
using the TermBase module.

Translate a document
Translate a document and build a TermBase all in one. To do this, use the
TransTerm module.
Automatically compare a document to be translated against reference documents.
To do this, use the TransTerm module.
Automatically replace all known terminology in a document using the terminology
banks you created. To do this, use the TransTerm module.

Work with legacy documentation

Align documents for later use with MultiTrans. To do this, use the TransCorpora
Search module.
Search for expressions in previously translated documents. To do this, use the
TransCorpora Search module.

Work with terminology repositories

Add, modify, and/or delete terms/expressions to an existing or new terminology
bank. To do this, use The TermBase Module.

MultiTrans User Manual - Getting Started

The Initial Screen

The first time you start MultiTrans, you will be asked to login with a user name. Enter a
user name into the dialog window that appears upon launching the application:

Click Start to launch the main window of MultiTrans.

The main screen consists of a Menu, a Toolbar, a Process bar and the Main Working Area.

See Menus and Shortcut Keys for more information on the MultiTrans menus.

The MultiTrans toolbar provides buttons which allow you to access the application's most
frequently used menu-option commands. To activate a command from the toolbar, simply
click on the appropriate button. You can hide or show the toolbars from the View menu.

Process bar
The Process bar is located on the left side of your screen. This bar allows you to quickly
access any MultiTrans module except TransTerm, as well the main options of the program.
You can hide/show the process bar from the View menu.

Main Working Area


MultiTrans User Manual - Getting Started

This is where you will be doing most of your work with MultiTrans. The main working area
initially displays a Quick Help sheet which gives you general information on how to use

Getting Help
There are various ways you can get help on MultiTrans:
Access the Help file by pressing F1 at any moment in the software.
Go to the Help menu and choose Contents or Index to find your way through the
Help files.
Refer to your User Manual.
E-mail us your questions at
Fax us a description of your problem at 819-778-0801.
Call our Customer Support Service at 819-778-7070.

Contacting Us
If you have any questions and/or concerns about this product or any other MultiCorpora
product, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Our URL is:

For program help:
To offer suggestions:
For general information:

Regular Mail
MultiCorpora R&D Inc.
490 St-Joseph Blvd., Suite 102
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
J8Y 3Y7

(819) 778-7070 (9 A.M. to 5 P.M. EST)

(819) 778-0801

TransCorpora Module
Introducing the TransCorpora Module - Full-text
multilingual repository
MultiTrans enables users to easily build and maintain indexed repositories (corpora) of
cross-referenced monolingual or multilingual content from legacy documents. The corpusbuilder automatically aligns legacy translated documents based on user-defined file
nomenclature. It then automatically extracts, indexes and aligns the complete text. The
full-text indexing enables text strings of any length (words, sub-sentence expression,
whole sentences or paragraphs) to be subsequently searched and retrieved. Statistical
alignment algorithms establish links between the equivalent sentences in multiple
language versions of the same content.
The alignment process allows you to see the whole translation in full context view so that
misalignments are easily spotted and modified. Each expression is highlighted and
presented in parallel windows that you can scroll through. Because of this context and
ability to correct misalignments as they work, translators can begin using a corpus within
minutes of its automatic creation. The quality of the corpus actually improves over time
with each usage.
Using the TransCorpora module in MultiTrans, a translator can build large corpora of
previous translations rapidly and efficiently. Besides previous in-house translation
projects, additional sources of translated text can also be easily added to a corpus,
including published web content. The benefits of such capabilities are enormous; if
content is found on the Internet that is relevant to a project, it can be downloaded and
used in a translation process immediately.

Working with the TransCorpora Module

The TransCorpora module allows you to quickly search through your legacy (i.e. previously
translated) documents for translations and/or equivalents.
It allows you to build your own terminology banks (known as TermBases see The
TermBases Module) by searching for corresponding terms in your reference documents.
TransCorpora includes three sub-modules (also referred to as processes):
The TransCorpora Builder process Use this tool to import your reference
documents into MultiTrans by creating TransCorpora files. These files may contain
one or more multilingual document sets, consisting of a source document with
translations in many languages. Once you have created a TransCorpora file, you are
then ready to use the TransCorpora Search process.
The TransCorpora Search process Use this tool to search for a word or an
expression in your source documents at the sentence level. Once you find a
word/expression, select its equivalent from the suggested translated sentence in
the corresponding target document, and add both to your active TermBase for later
use. A variety of search forms is available, including exact and fuzzy matching.
The TransCorpora Imports process Use this tool to import from TMX files.
In general, you should build TransCorpora files around a specific subject or field (for
example, engineering, marketing, technology, law, etc.).


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Creating a New Corpus

Using TransCorpora Builder
Adding Reference Documents to a Corpus
Adding reference documents to a corpus is a simple and straightforward process, thanks
to our easy-to-use TransCorpora Builder Wizard.
Before using the TransCorpora Builder, close any MS Word/WordPerfect programs
you may have opened.

To add reference documents to a corpus

1. Select TransCorpora Builder, either from the Process menu, the Quick Help
Page, or the Process bar. The first dialog box to be displayed is Step 1 Language Selection dialog box:


2. Select the languages to be used in the corpus. A corpus may contain more than
two languages, but only two languages may be viewed at one time in
TransCorpora Search. You can also change the languages listed by selecting
Modify the language list.
3. When you have selected the languages to be used, click Next. This displays the
Step 2 - Encoding Selection dialog box:

4. Select the encoding for your source and target documents. Your choices are
ISO Latin and Unicode (UTF-16). Click Next. This displays the Step 3 - Input
File(s) Selection dialog box:


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

5. Select the documents you wish to include in your corpus. The simplest way to
do this is to click Open List and select a list of document names. If no such list
exists, you may enter the names manually as follows:

Click the Add button to insert a row in the displayed list

Click each language column in the row one at a time, and for each
language select the file from a folder/directory on your computer (or
a Zip drive, CD-ROM, etc.)

Repeat this process for each set of documents you wish to add.

When you have finished adding documents, click Next. This displays
the Step 4 - Output Method Selection dialog box:


MultiTrans can index the following file formats: text, rtf, doc, ppt, xls, xml, html, pdf,
wpd, along with any file that MS Word and WordPerfect can open and save as text.
Unicode and ISO-Latin are recognized in all these formats. MultiTrans will
recognize normal ASCII files (usually *.txt) as well.
6. You can now either create a new corpus or append to an existing corpus.

To create a new corpus:

Select the Create new TransCorpora file radio button.
Input your new corpus name.

To append to an existing corpus:

Select the Append to existing TransCorpora file radio button.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Add the appropriate corpus by clicking the
icon (on the right of the
blank field). Select the appropriate name in the TransCorpora Search
Manager dialog box, then click Open.
7. Click Next. This displays the Step 5 - Sentence Delimitation dialog box:

8. To specify one or more abbreviation files, click the Configure Abbreviations

9. If your corpus includes PDF files, specify the appropriate PDF carriage return
type setting.
10. Click Next. This displays the Step 6 - Auto-Alignment dialog box.


11. By default TransCorpora Builder will automatically align your indexed

documents. If you do not wish it to do so, simply uncheck the Use AutoAlignment Process box. See also Customizing the Auto-Alignment Process.
12. If the corpus contains more than two languages, you may choose to align only
selected language pairs. For example, a corpus with 15 languages contains
105 pairs, and it is unlikely that all pairs would be used in translation.
13. Click Next. This displays the Step 7 - Terminology Extraction dialog box:


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

14. Check the Create Terminology Extraction box if you want TransCorpora Builder
to extract expressions containing two words (or more) with a frequency of more
than 1 in the reference documents. To customize the settings for this option,
click the Customize button. This will display the Terminology Extraction Options
dialog box. See Terminology Extraction Options for more information on this
15. Click Next. The Step 8 - Build Process dialog box is displayed.


The window will contain one tab per language, and an Auto-Alignment tab.
16. Click Build.
17. Click Open to start a TransCorpora Search session with the newly processed
TransCorpora file. This will start the TransCorpora Search wizard (see Using
TransCorpora Search).
Your documents do not need to be perfectly aligned before use, since MultiTrans
looks through the full text. It can also assist you later on in aligning your documents
(see Aligning Sentences in a TransCorpora file).
Once you have built your corpus, you may then use it with TransCorpora Search to
search for expressions, or to extract translations and build a TermBase.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

TransCorpora Builder Statistics

The TransCorpora Builder Statistics window provides detailed information about
TransCorpora Builders processing of input documents. After you have built a corpus, a
window such as the following is displayed:

The window consists of one tab per corpus language, one for Terminology Extraction and
one for Auto-Alignment. Each language tab has three separate areas - Statistics, Progress
status, and Progress indicator.
In the Statistics area you can view information such as the number of files,
sentences, words and unique words.
In the Progress status area you can view details of the build progress.


The Progress indicator area shows you in seconds (or milliseconds) the time it took
to build your file.
The Terminology Extraction tab looks like this:

In this tab are three separate areas - Terminology extraction, Progress status, and
Progress indicator.
In the Terminology extraction area you can view the file characteristics of the source
and target files.
In the Progress status area you can view details of the build progress.
The Progress indicator area shows you in seconds (or milliseconds) the time it took
to build your file.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Last is the Auto-Alignment tab:

In this tab are three separate areas - Auto-Alignment, Progress status, and Progress
In the Auto-Aligning area you can view the results of the auto-alignment process.
In the Progress status area you can view details of the build progress.
The Progress indicator area shows you in seconds (or milliseconds) the time it took
to build your file.


Conversion Errors
MultiTrans will try to automatically resolve any errors that may occur in the conversion of
MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Corel WordPerfect, WordPro, HTML, XML and PDF
files. When it is unable to resolve conversion problems, due to a problem such as a
corrupted file or password protected file, MultiTrans will skip the document set containing
the problem. At the end of the conversion process, before indexing starts, an error report
dialog will list any files that contained errors, and briefly explain the problem.

To Continue with the indexing of your documents

Click on Continue.

To Save this report for future reference

Click on Save.

To Cancel the corpus building process

Click on Cancel.

To Print this report for future references

Click on Print.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Alignment Considerations
Auto-Alignment Process
The Auto-Alignment Process is used to re-align documents in the current corpus. This may
be useful if you did not select auto-alignment when creating the corpus, or you have
updated the matching word list since creating the corpus, or you wish to select different
auto-alignment options.

Customizing the Auto-Alignment Process

The very powerful Auto-Alignment Process feature in MultiTrans allows you to
automatically align your source and target documents at a very high accuracy rate. You
can easily customize this feature when running the TransCorpora Builder Wizard.

To customize the auto-alignment process

1. Click the Customize button in the Step 6 - Auto-Alignment dialog box. This displays
the Auto-Alignment Options dialog box.


Accuracy Tab: Check the appropriate button. Choices are: Align sentences with at
least one candidate, Align sentences containing multiple candidates

The Auto-Alignment process searches the source document for sentences
containing numerical expressions or words from the Matching Word list. These are
called "candidates". Sentences containing one or more candidates will produce more
accurate alignments than sentences which contain only one candidate. However, if
you align sentences containing only one candidate, you may not obtain a satisfactory
amount of alignments.
Matching Word List Tab: You can instruct the Auto-Alignment process to create a
list of matching words, to increase the effectiveness of the process. In this context,
matching words are words which have identical spellings in both source and target
languages. This includes numerical expressions which your documents may
contain. The Use Matching Word List box is checked by default. Clear this box if
you do not wish to use the list of matching words.
2. Click OK in the Auto-Alignment Options dialog box to return to the TransCorpora
Builder Wizard.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Alignment Analysis
The alignment analysis function allows you to analyze the quality of the alignment
bookmarks in your corpus. The alignment analysis will find all areas in your corpus where
there are more than a certain number of consecutive sentences without any alignment
bookmarks. These areas where no alignment is present usually represent a problematic
area in your text in which the potential of misalignment is greater. As an example,
misalignment may be caused by a paragraph missing from the target text.
The alignment analysis function is available from the TransCorpora Search menu.

To use the alignment analysis function

1. From the TransCorpora Search menu, select Alignment Analysis. A dialog box
will open, containing the value of the gap size to look for. We suggest starting
with a high value such as 100.
2. Click OK.
3. The alignment analysis report will then appear, listing the alignment
bookmarks that follow a gap of 100 sentences without bookmarks. By
identifying alignment gaps, this report can help you identify potential alignment
4. Save the report, by clicking Save Report.

To go to an alignment that follows a large gap

Click Go to Gap, or double click on any item listed.


Aligned Word List

While building a TransCorpora file, or afterwards, the Auto-Alignment Process can be
selected, allowing MultiTrans to automatically align your documents. However, MultiTrans
also allows you to customize how it aligns your documents, by letting you specify
expressions and translations that match each other.

To customize the alignment process

1. Create a file called AlignWordList.<SourceLanguage>.<TargetLanguage>.lst.
For example, if the languages in your TransCorpora file are Russian to French,
create a file called AlignWordList.Russian.French.lst.
2. Using a text editor such as Notepad, add words or expressions that MultiTrans
will be able to match during the alignment process. Add one pair of words or
expressions per line, separated by a comma. For example:
map, grille
hard work, travail assidu


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Terminology Extraction
TransCorpora Builder's robust Terminology Extraction feature generates a list of
expressions of two (or more)consecutive words that occur more than once in your corpus.
You can view this "Concordance List" when using the TransCorpora Search process
(Terminology tab, Concordance List sub-tab). See Concordance List for more information.
Quicker Access to Recurring Expressions
With the Terminology Extraction feature, you can get a quicker view of the recurring
expressions and terminology contained in your previous translations, or even in
documents that have yet to be translated. The Concordance List generated by this
feature also displays the frequency of each expression in the document(s). This list can be
very useful when building a terminology database from previously translated documents,
since it allows you to concentrate on the most frequent expressions, the ones that can
best increase your performance when pre-translating documents with TransTerm's
TermBase Process.
Expressions in TermBase
Also included in the Concordance List is information about the Termbase. A paper clip
icon ( ) in the first column means that an expression is already included in the active
Termbase. Therefore, when adding expressions to a TermBase, you can easily hide all
translations with a paper clip, to concentrate only on your new expressions.
Using Terminology Extraction to Speed Up Your Translation Tasks
Terminology Extraction is also very useful for your documents that have yet to be
translated. If, for instance, you want to get an idea of the recurring expressions contained
in a document to be translated, simply create a monolingual corpus. This will give you a
list of expressions contained in the document, and you will also know which
expressions/words are already contained in your active TermBases. You may then take a
few minutes to include frequent expressions to ensure a better yield in the TermBase
process, since adding expressions once in the TermBase at that stage will allow translate
automatically all the occurrences with TransTerm's TermBase Process.


Concordance List
The Concordance List sub-tab displays expressions of two words or more (with a frequency
of at least 2) that have been identified by the Terminology Extraction feature (see Using
TransCorpora Builder).
You can view where a specific concordance occurs in documents by double-clicking it in
the list.

The Frequency column (at the right of the Expression column) shows you how many times
the expression appears in the document(s) included in the active corpus.

Expressions Already in TermBase

Expressions of two words or more from the Concordance List that are identified with the
paper clip icon in the first column are already included in the active TermBase.
If you wish to view only those expressions in the Concordance List that are not
included in the active TermBase, simply right-click anywhere in the list and select
Current View > Hide expressions found in TermBase.

Saving the Concordance List to File

You may wish to save a concordance list to a text file for later use.

To save the concordance list to file

1. Right-click anywhere in the Concordance List area.
2. In the following context menu, select Save list as text.
3. Type in a filename in the Save as dialog box, and click Save.
You can view this list by clicking the Concordance List sub-tab from the
TransCorpora tab.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Input Files
Input files are grouped in sets that normally consist of a source document with one or
more translations. For instance, if you want to include several documents translated from
English to French, you need to match the original (source) English document with each
translated (target) French document.
You may also create a monolingual corpus. For example, this could be used to identify
which expressions in a document are contained in a selected TermBase.
Reference documents can be indexed from the following file formats: text, rtf, doc, ppt,
xls, xml, html, pdf, wpd, lwp (WordPro) as well as anything Word and WordPerfect can
open and save as text. MultiTrans will recognize normal ASCII files (usually *.txt) as well.
They can be retrieved from any medium (network drive, CD-ROM, disk, etc), and their
equivalent input files are copied in the TransCorpora folder.

Abbreviation Files
Abbreviation files helps TransCorpora Builder separate text into sentences for alignment
TransCorpora Builder contains predefined punctuation rules which define sentence
delimiters. However, sentence delimiters such as periods may also appear in
abbreviations. To help distinguish between a period at the end of a sentence and a period
in an abbreviation, MultiTrans refers to an abbreviation file (one for each language).
When TransCorpora Builder finds an expression that is in the abbreviation file, it
recognizes that the delimiter does not mark the end of a sentence.
For instance: Without the abbreviation file: Mr. John Doe is interpreted as two separate
sentences. With the abbreviation file (containing Mr.): Mr. John Doe is interpreted as only
one sentence.
Some abbreviations will automatically be recognized by the system. For example,
R.C.M.P. will be a recognized abbreviation, since the first letter in the expression is
directly followed by a period.


Modifying and Creating an Abbreviation File

A TransCorpora Builder abbreviation file is an ASCII document containing abbreviations
related to a certain language. You need one abbreviation file for each language you will be
working with.

To modify an existing abbreviation file

1. From the File menu, select Preferences.
2. Click the TransCorpora tab.
3. Click the Abbreviation Editor button. This will display the Abbreviations dialog
4. Click the Open file button. In the Open dialog box, select the abbreviation file
you wish to modify, and then click Open.
Abbreviation files have a *.abv extension. At this point, you may either add new
abbreviations to the opened file or modify existing ones.

To create a new abbreviation file

1. From the File menu, select Preferences.
2. Click the TransCorpora tab.
3. Click the Abbreviation Editor button. This will display the Abbreviations dialog
4. Type in a new abbreviation in the Abbreviation field, then enter a Description,
and click the Add button. Add as many abbreviations as you wish.
5. When you have finished adding abbreviations, click the Save file button.
6. In the Save as dialog box, enter a file name, then click Save.

To add a new abbreviation:


Type the new abbreviation in the Abbreviation field, then enter a description,
and click the Add button. You may add as many abbreviations as you wish.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

To modify an existing abbreviation:

1. In the list of existing abbreviations, click on the entry you wish to modify. This
will display the desired abbreviation and its description in the Abbreviation and
Description fields.
2. Make the necessary changes, and then click Add.

To remove an abbreviation:

In the list of existing abbreviations, click on the entry you wish to remove, then
click the Remove button.

2. Click the Save file button to save the file as modified.


Searching in TransCorpora
Using TransCorpora Search
Before you can search for source/target expressions in one or more TransCorpora files,
you first need to open a TransCorpora session.
Opening a TransCorpora session involves selecting one or more TransCorpora files, as well
as one or more TermBase files to link your corpus. Consequently, when searching through
TransCorpora files, you can select a source expression and its target equivalent, and add
them to a TermBase. Your TermBase files are continually evolving and growing.

To Open a TransCorpora Session

Select TransCorpora Search from the Process menu, the Quick Help Page, or the
Process Bar. This displays the Step 1 - Select TransCorpora File dialog box.
Step 1:

Select TransCorpora files by clicking the icon to the right of the TransCorpora
File field. This displays the TransCorpora Search Manager dialog box.

To add TransCorpora files to the list of files to open, select them with your
mouse while holding down the Ctrl key, then click the Open button. This will
add them to the TransCorpora File field of the Step 1 - Select TransCorpora
File dialog box.

Click the Add button in the Step 1 - Select TransCorpora File dialog box.

When all the desired files are in the list, click the Next button in the Step 1 Select TransCorpora File dialog box.

You can also open a list of TransCorpora files by clicking the Open List button.
Step 2:
Select the TermBase(s) you wish to open and link to the selected TransCorpora
file(s). These TermBases are where you will be able to add translated
expressions which you will extract from your TransCorpora files.
Step 3:


Select Start to open all files.

Click OK when you have viewed all statistics. This will open the TransCorpora
Search window.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

TransCorpora Search Screen Display

When TransCorpora Search is opened, the main working area of MultiTrans is divided
vertically into two panels.

TransCorpora Search Window

The left panel contains two interrelated sections: Search and Information Center. The right
panel also contains two interrelated sections: Source and Target.


The Information Center section contains two tabs, respectively titled TransCorpora and
Search Results. The TransCorpora tab displays information about each TransCorpora file.
If multiple TransCorpora files are opened, a drop-down menu (just under the TransCorpora
tab) allows you to select which TransCorpora file to display information about. The
TransCorpora tab is comprised of three sub-tabs (in the bottom part of the section):
The Unique List sub-tab displays all the unique words in the TransCorpora files, with
their respective frequency.
The File List sub-tab displays all the source files that are included in the
TransCorpora File.
The Alignment sub-tab displays the alignments that were performed throughout the
TransCorpora File.
The left panel also contains the Search utility. At the top of the section, you can type an
expression, select the filter, press Enter or click on the Search icon
. TransCorpora
Search will then identify all sentences which contain either the exact expression, or all the
searched words. The search results will be displayed in the Search Results tab of the
Information Center section. The top part of the tab displays the found expressions and
their frequency, whereas the bottom part of the tab lists every target sentence.

Below is a table listing the various icons you will see when in the TransCorpora workspace.
These icons are located on the Toolbar.

search through opened TransCorpora files


associates an expression with a translation


moves the yellow highlight in sentence alignment to the previous


Sentence at

places the yellow highlight wherever the cursor is situated

Next Sentence

moves the yellow highlight in sentence alignment to the next



MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module


aligns sentences in source and target documents; shows up as

yellow highlight


deletes an alignment

Insert in

allows you to insert the selected source and target expressions

in the active TermBase

fields/Insert in

allows you edit a selected field and to insert the selected source
and target expressions in the active TermBase

Any text that you highlight in the Source and Target sub-sections will be added as
source and target expressions in the active TermBase (Ctrl+Ins being the shortcut to
use when adding expressions or words in a TermBase).
Automatically aligned corresponding sentences are color-coded in your source and
target documents for faster access. You can adjust these alignments manually, if
needed. See Aligning Sentences in a TransCorpora File for more information.


Searching in TransCorpora Files

To search in all opened TransCorpora files:
1. Click on the Search tab in the TransCorpora Search window.
2. Type in the expression in the Search field.
3. Select the desired Search Options:

Consecutive Words: The Consecutive Words option will only search for
expressions containing the exact expression entered. For instance, if the
expression is composed of two words, the search results will only display results
containing these exact two words in sequence. If this option is not checked,
TransCorpora Search will display every sentence containing the words entered in
the Search field, and in no particular order. The only requirement is that all the
words must be present in the same sentence.

Partial Match(es): The Partial Match(es) option will display partial results. If a
sentence contains some of the words entered in the search field, the sentence will
be retained and every partial expression found will appear in the search results. If
this option is not selected, TransCorpora Search will display only sentences
containing all the words in the search field.

Fuzzy Search: The Fuzzy Search option will search for a word with a fuzzy factor,
which means that found expressions do not have to be an exact match of the
searched item. To change the fuzzy search option:
Click the right mouse button on Fuzzy Search. An ellipsis button
appear. Click on it. You can now change the maximum number of differences
allowed (between what you type in the Search field and what MultiTrans will find).

4. Press Enter or click on the Search expression icon

. The search results are
displayed in the Search Results section (Figure 1). The top part of the tab displays
the found expression with their respective frequency. This is where partial
expressions will be listed when the Show All Derivatives filter is selected. The bottom
section displays all sentences where the selected expression from the top part is
found, listing information such as the source document, the sentence and word
number and the TransCorpora file in which the sentence was found.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Figure 1
When selecting a sentence from the search results, the source and target
documents will scroll to the right location. The source sentence will be highlighted
(default highlight color is yellow), with the found words colored in blue. The
corresponding sentence in the target document will also be highlighted.


Pop-up menu functions

If you right-click in the Source or Target windows, the following pop-up menu will appear:

The options include:

Search selection: search the corpus for the currently selected expression;
Copy: copy the currently selected block of text in the corpus;
Cut: cut the currently selected block of text in the corpus;
Paste: paste the currently selected block of text in the corpus;
Insert in TermBase: insert the currently selected block of text in the expression into
a TermBase;
Insert options: opens a pop-up menu with several options to choose from:

Insert Only

Insert and Align

Lower case

Proper case

Upper case


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module


No Change

Trim Spaces

Send to TermBase

Edit fields on Insert

Align Sentence: align currently selected text in corpus;

Delete Sentence: deletes selected sentence in corpus;
Follow Sentence at Cursor: highlights sentence where cursor is currently positioned;
Previous Sentence: goes to the preceding sentence and highlights the selection in
yellow (starting at the beginning of the expression);
Next Sentence: goes to the next sentence in the expression and highlights the
selection in yellow;
Find: searches through the corpus for selected text;
Font size: allows you to set the font size of the selected expression
Save TransCorpora Search: saves the current TransCorpora search.

Searching for an expression in a source or target file

You can search for a word/expression in either the source or target files.

To Search for an expression in a source or target file


Press Ctrl+F, or select Find in Source or Find in Target from the context-sensitive
pop-up menu (you can access this menu by right-clicking anywhere within the
source or target text).

Printing Search Results

There are times when you may want to keep a hard copy of your TransCorpora search
results. This is a one-button action that is quick and easy to perform:
1. Click on the TransCorpora Search menu.
2. Select Print Search Result from the menu.


Importing and Exporting

Exporting Corpus Alignments to a TMX File
TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) is a standard format for exchanging translation
memory data. A good source of information about the TMX standard is
To export MultiTrans corpus data to a TMX file, first open the corpus using TransCorpora
Search. Then select Save As TMX File from the TransCorpora Search menu. This will
display the following dialog:

Enter the output file name, and press Save to generate a TMX file. Optional fields are:


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module


TMX language list file: This optional text file contains language codes such as ENUS (one per line), which are used to populate the available selections on the
General tab.

Filter special chars: If this option is checked, special characters will be replaced
by representative codes. For example, the letter would be replaced by &eacute.
This may or may not be required, depending on the system that will be processing
the exported TMX file.
The General tab displays the language codes selected for each language. For example, if
you want English to be represented as EN-US in the TMX file, you would enter or select
that in the General tab.

Exporting Corpus Alignments to a TermBase

You can export all the aligned segments from a corpus to a TermBase, by selecting Save
to TermBase from the TransCorpora Search menu. The TermBase must be closed for the
export to succeed (if you select an open TermBase, you will receive a message indicating
that the export cannot proceed).

Exporting Corpus Alignments to a Text File

There are times when you may want to examine in detail how source and target files in
the open corpus are aligned. Using the Save Alignment to option allows you to do this
easily and effectively. A tab-delimited file will be created for easy browsing in a program of
your choice (Microsoft Excel for example). The file will contain six columns:
Alignment: a reference number for each row, beginning at 1.
Source sentence: a sentence in the source language.
Target sentence: the corresponding sentence in the target language, based on the
current alignment.
Corpus: the name of the corpus.
Source file: the name of the source file.
Target file: the name of the target file.

To access the Save Alignment to option

1. In the TransCorpora Search menu, select Save Alignment to. A dialog box will
2. Choose the location you want to save the file to by selecting the folder icon
and then browsing to the appropriate file.
3. When you have selected the file to save to, select Open.


Importing a TMX File into a Corpus

A new corpus can be created by importing data from a TMX file. To do this, proceed as
1. Close any open corpora or TermBases
2. Click on the Imports button in the TransCorpora section of the Process bar
3. Select Import Corpus from TMX and click OK. Then enter a file name in the
dialog provided and click Next to import the file.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Other TransCorpora Functions

Aligning sentences in a TransCorpora file
Source and target documents do not generally have the exact same number of sentences,
and this may result in misalignments. If the highlighted sentence in the target document
does not match the highlighted sentence in the source document, the text is misaligned.
TransCorpora Search allows you to easily correct these misalignments.
The most efficient way of using this function is to align your document as you go (i.e. "on
the fly"). You do not need to spend time aligning your entire document, since you cannot
know if you will be using every sentence. Therefore, we suggest that you align only when
performing searches from the TransCorpora Search or TransTerm modules. By aligning
your documents strictly on an as-needed basis, you will avoid spending a considerable
amount of time initially creating alignments that may not be needed.

To align sentences in a TransCorpora file

1. In the source document, click anywhere in the sentence you want to align, and
type Ctlr+F. This will highlight the sentence in yellow. You may also:

right-click and choose Follow sentence at cursor, or

o choose the Follow sentence at cursor option from the menu.

2. If the yellow-highlighted sentence in the target document does not match the
one in the source document, use the Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow (next sentence)
and Ctrl+ Shift+Up Arrow (previous sentence) key combinations to move the
yellow highlight to the corresponding sentence.
3. When you have found the corresponding sentence and highlighted it in yellow,
select Align Sentence, either from the TransCorpora Search menu or from the
context-sensitive menu (displayed when right-clicking with your mouse), or
simply type Ctrl+A.
4. This new alignment will affect the rest of the document; you can view all of the
new alignments by clicking the Alignment sub-tab of the TransCorpora tab.
The source document always controls the target document. That is, if you place the cursor
somewhere in the source document and yellow-highlight the previous sentence (Ctrl+Up
Arrow), the previous sentence in the target document will also be yellow-highlighted.
However, when you use the Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow and the Ctrl+ Shift+Up Arrow key
combinations, only the highlighted sentence in the target document will move.


Adding Expressions to a TermBase from a

TransCorpora file
The TransCorpora Search process allows you to quickly and easily find the translation
corresponding to an expression contained in a source document. You can then add these
source and target expressions to an opened TermBase.

To add expressions to a TermBase from TransCorpora Search

1. If multiple TermBases are opened, select the destination TermBase from the
2. Highlight the desired source expression with your mouse. (You may also use
the Shift+Right Arrow or Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow key combinations to select the
desired expression in the source document.)
3. Highlight the corresponding target expression using your mouse. The terms to
be added to the TermBase will appear in the Selected text fields of the Source
and Target sections in the main working area.
4. If necessary, you may edit the source and target expressions in the Selected
text fields.
5. Select Insert in TermBase either from the TransCorpora Search menu or from
the context menu (which shows up when you right-click your mouse), or simply
type the Ctrl+Ins shortcut key combination.
6. Repeat the previous steps for each and every expression you wish to add in the

Insert Options
You can set the way expressions will be inserted in a TermBase through the Insert Options
function in the TransCorpora Search menu or by right-clicking in either Source or Target
section and selecting Insert Options. The following window opens:


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Insert Only (Option is checked by default): This option simply inserts the selected
source and target expressions in the active TermBase.
Insert and Align: This option allows you to insert the selected source and target
expressions in the active TermBase, while aligning your source and target texts.
Lower Case (Option is checked by default): This option will insert expressions in the
TermBase in lower case only.
Title Case: This option allows you to insert expressions in the TermBase with initial
capital letters for each word in the expression.
Upper Case: This option allows you to insert expressions in the TermBase in capital
No Change: This option allows you to insert expressions in the TermBase as they
appear in your source and target documents, with uppercase and lowercase letters
Trim Spaces (Option is checked by default) This option will insert expressions in the
TermBase with all extraneous spaces trimmed. De-select this option if you need to
keep the extra spaces in an expression.
Send to Termbase: (Option is checked by default)
Edit field on Insert: This option allows you to edit field upon their insertion.


Switching Between TransCorpora and TermBase

You may want to switch between the TermBase and TransCorpora windows to work in
both modules, referring back to one module from time to time.

To switch from the TransCorpora window to the TermBase


From the Window menu, select TermBase Editor, or press Ctrl + W.

To switch from the TermBase window to the TransCorpora


From the Window menu, select TransCorpora Search, or press Ctrl + W.

Saving and Closing TransCorpora files

To save a TransCorpora file

Do one of the following:


Press Ctrl + S;

From the File menu select Save TransCorpora Search.

To close a TransCorpora file


From the File menu select Close TransCorpora Search.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Reversing Language Direction

When searching in a TransCorpora file, MultiTrans searches only in the source language.
However, there may be times when you need to search in the target language. To do this,
you must reverse the language direction in the TransCorpora file.

To reverse the language direction

1. Open a TransCorpora Search. Once opened, a TransCorpora Search menu will be
2. Choose Language Direction. You will see Source to Target selected by default. Select
Target to Source, and all open TransCorpora files will now reverse the language
3. To reverse the language direction for the TransTerm functions, first reverse the
language direction of the TransCorpora file(s).
4. In your word processor, click on the TransTerm menu and choose TransTerm Options.
On the Languages & TermBases tab, select your new source language and your new
target language. All of the TransTerm functions will now search for your target
If you reverse the language direction in the TransTerm Options before the
TransCorpora files, you will get an error message that says, "Language pair does not
match TransCorpora Search language pair. You can still use the selected
languages, but TransCorpora Search will not work properly. Continue with selected
languages?". In this case, simply cancel the changes to the TransTerm Options and
reverse the language direction in the TransCorpora Search first.


Appending Document Sets to a Corpus

Instructions for appending document sets to a corpus are given in Using TransCorpora
Builder. In summary, you proceed as if you were creating a new corpus, with one
exception. Instead of selecting Create New TransCorpora File, select Append to existing
TransCorpora file when you get to Step 4:


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Removing Document Sets from a Corpus

MultiTrans provides a simple method to delete document sets from a corpus, and
automatically update the required indexes.

To remove document sets from a corpus

1. Start TransCorpora Search (see To Open a TransCorpora Session). The
following window opens:

2. Click on the TransCorpora File field to display the TransCorpora Search

Manager window.
3. Select a corpus and click Modify to open the following window:


4. Select a document set and click Delete Pairs.

5. When you are finished, click Done.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Client-Server Considerations
Corpora Server Console
The Corpora Server Console allows corpora to be added, removed or modified on the
Corpus Server, without stopping and restarting the server application.

To Access the Corpora Server Console

1. In the Start menu, select Programs > Corpus CS.
2. Enter the address of the Corpora Server. If no address is entered, localhost will
be the default. Click Connect. You will be prompted for a user name and
password. The user name and address must match what is in the registry
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MultiCorpora\Multitrans
CS\Corpus\Admin. The Corpora List Path is a read-only field, matching what is
in the registry.
3. Choose Start. A message will appear, "Server successfully started, # corpora
were loaded". The Corpus Management tab will list the available corpora. The
following options are available:
Refresh: refreshes the display
Put Online: allows access to the selected corpus through the server
Put Off-line: disallows access to the selected corpus through the server. Once it is
off-line, documents can be appended to the corpus, removed from the corpus, etc.
Add Corpus: adds a corpus to the list, making it available for use through the server.
Note the full path of the corpus on the server is necessary.
Remove Corpus: removes a corpus from the list, making it unavailable for use
through the server. The corpus itself is not deleted or modified in any way.


Opening TransCorpora files from the Server

To Open TransCorpora files from the Server
1. Click TransCorpora Search.
2. Choose the yellow folder icon

beside the TransCorpora File field.

3. In the TransCorpora Search Manager, choose the Remote Corpora tab.

4. Click the Register Remote Corpus button.
5. Click Add Server. Leave the Connection Type as DCOM unless advised
otherwise. Add the name of the server and click OK. At this point, depending
on your organization, you may be prompted for a user name and password,
which would be supplied to you by your IT department. You will see the list of
TransCorpora files available from the server.
6. Select the TransCorpora file(s) you wish to open, and choose Register.
MultiTrans will bring you back to the Remote Corpora tab.
7. Select the TransCorpora File(s) you wish to open, and choose Open.
8. Click Add to add the TransCorpora File(s) to the main window, then select Next.
(See Searching in TransCorpora Files for more information.)

Creating a new TransCorpora file on the Server

You can create a local TransCorpora file using the TransCorpora Builder.

To create a new TransCorpora file on the server

1. Move the entire folder to the server.
2. Using the Corpora Server Console, choose the Add Corpus button and type in
the full path of the TransCorpora file (the .tcs file). Select this TransCorpora
file, and select Put Online.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Specifying an Ignored Words List to Improve

Performance and Scalability
TransCorpora is based on a full-text search engine, which includes an index of words that
appear in the text. This index is kept in memory. In client-server environments, portions of
the index are transferred from server to client in response to queries. Therefore, omitting
words such as articles from the index improves scalability by reducing memory usage, and
improves performance by reducing the amount of data sent from a client to a server.
There is one ignored-words list per language, with a file name of <language name>.ixl.
Files are kept in the General folder under the MultiTrans installation directory. The format
is very simple: one word per line.


Accessing Corpora from the Web

Welcome to TransCorpora Web
TransCorpora Web is a web application that allows you to search through your collection
of previously translated reference documents for specific expressions and their
translations. TransCorpora Web enables you to access your MultiTrans corpora from
anywhere you have Internet capabilities.
Using the TransCorpora Web module, you can search for previous translations rapidly and
efficiently using the Internet. Besides previous in-house translation projects, additional
sources of translated text can also be easily added to a corpus, including published web


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Accessing TransCorpora Web

Log on screen
After clicking on the appropriate TransCorpora Web link from your web browser, the
following screen opens:

To Log on to the TransCorpora Web

1. In the Login field, type your user name (E.g., Myname).
2. In the Password field, type your password (it will show up as ).
3. In the Language field, select your language of choice from the drop-down list.
4. Click Go. You are now logged in.


The Password field is case-sensitive.
The user name and password may not be required in your installation.

Selecting a Corpus
At the next screen, you will see a list of available collections of reference documents.

To open a TransCorpora session

1. In the Choose Corpora field, click on the file you wish to open. To select more
than one file:
Hold down Ctrl and click the right mouse button for individual selections, or
Hold down SHIFT and click the right mouse button to include several files within
a group.
2. Click Submit when you are finished selecting the file.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Performing a Search
The TransCorpora Search Screen
On the TransCorpora Search screen, you will see the first pair of reference documents.
The application will search in all pairs of reference documents simultaneously for any
expression you enter.
When the TransCorpora Search window opens, the main working area of MultiTrans is
divided vertically in two parts: a left panel and a right panel. (see Figure 1)

Figure 1 - TransCorpora Search window

The left panel contains two interrelated sections: Search and Search Results. The right
panel also contains two interrelated sections: Source and Target..


Search Screen - Left section

This section contains various work tools (search, lists, etc.) and has three tabs: Search,
TransCorpora, and Terminology (see Figure 2). Only the Search tab is available for use
with TransCorpora Web.

Figure 2
Search Tab
The Search tab is displayed by default. In the Search section, you can type an expression,
select the options, then hit the Search button. TransCorpora Search will then identify all
sentences which contain either the exact expression, or all the searched words. The
search results will be displayed in the Search Results section of the Search tab. The top
part of the Search Results section displays the found expressions and their frequency,
whereas the bottom part lists every target sentence.
To narrow the results down, you can select the Consecutive Words checkbox, the Partial
Match(es) checkbox, or Fuzzy.


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

Consecutive Words will only find the expression you are search for if the
words are actually together. For example, searching for Prime Minister
with Consecutive Words selected will find all occurrences of Prime
Minister. Searching for this same expression without Consecutive Words
selected will find all sentences containing both Prime and Minister, but not
necessarily together.
The expression you are searching for will be highlighted in yellow in the top right
window (see Figure 3). The corresponding sentence will be highlighted in yellow in
the bottom right window. To view other occurrences of the expression you are
searching for, select from the bottom left window. Once you have found a segment
you wish to reuse, just highlight the segment, right-click and use the standard copy
and paste operations to paste it into your current document.

Partial Match(es) will find any portion of the expression you are searching
for, as long as two or more words are found in a single sentence. This option
can be combined with Consecutive Words to find any portion of the
expression you are searching for, as long as two or more consecutive words
are found in a single sentence.

Fuzzy will find variations of what you are searching for. Using the example
of searching for member of parliament, we will also find members of
parliament, member of parliaments, as well as various other permutations.
This option can be combined with any or both of the other two options to
broaden the search.


Search Screen - Right section

The right section contains two interrelated sub-sections: Source and Target. This is where
your source and target documents will be displayed.
The expression you are searching for will be highlighted in yellow in the top window the
corresponding sentence will be highlighted in yellow in the bottom window.

Figure 3 - Source and Target window


MultiTrans User Manual TransCorpora Module

To perform a search
1. Type the expression in the Search field.
2. Select the desired Search Options - Consecutive Words, Partial Words, or Fuzzy:
3. Click Search. The search results are displayed in the Search Results section
(see Figure 4). The top part of the tab displays the found expression with their
respective frequency. The bottom section displays all sentences where the
selected expression from the top part is found, listing information such as the
source document, the sentence and word number and the TransCorpora file in
which the sentence was found.

Figure 4 - Search Results


TermBase Module
Introducing the TermBase Module Terminology management
Large corporations face the challenge of maintaining a consistent corporate language in
all of their communications, whether monolingual or multilingual. When different sectors
of an organization work on communications products, inconsistencies can multiply rapidly.
The use of acceptable terms is also critical to communicating a corporate message.
MultiTrans supports the terminology management process with a scalable database
platform for storing and tracking comprehensive terminology management information, as
well as a set of integrated capabilities to easily capture new terminology, automatically
extract terminology candidates and their corresponding translations from legacy
documents, provide tools and resources to support terminology research activities and
manage the approval status and lifecycle of terminology.
Terminology extraction capabilities are included in the MultiTrans TransCorpora Builder
module, and supported by the TermBase module. The TermBase module allows you to
store and manage monolingual and multilingual terminology in flexible databases. These
databases (called "TermBases") can store multiple translations for each expression.
You can build versatile and easy-to-use multilingual terminology data bases manually or
interactively with TransCorpora Search (using previously translated reference documents),
and/or TransTerm. Moreover, TermBases are fully customizable: you can add unlimited
fields from a variety of types.
You may open a TermBase in stand-alone mode (using TermBase Manager), for manual
operations, or in conjunction with the TransCorpora or TransTerm modules, for interactive


TermBase Editor Screen Display

The TermBase Editor allows you to view, manage, and maintain your TermBase files,
either in stand-alone mode (through TermBase Manager) or interactively, when using the
TransCorpora and/or Transterm modules. You can change existing expressions and their
equivalents, add new expressions and equivalents, and perform searches.
When a TermBase is opened, the main working area of MultiTrans displays the TermBase

Left (Expressions) Panel of the TermBase Editor Window


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

The Left panel of the TermBase Editor displays the List of expressions of the active
TermBase file.
Right (Details) Panel of the TermBase Editor Window
The Right panel of the TermBase Editor displays details for the selected expression and its
equivalents (Details tab), and is also used to access a search tool (Search tab).



displays all the related information about each expression

contained in the active TermBase.


searches through folders to find specific files

Expression Sub-section
This sub-section displays information related to the selected expression, and allows you to add, modify or delete an
expression or a word in the TermBase. You can also add new fields by selecting Field Definitions in the TermBase

To delete an expression, select it from the Expression List, and click the Delete link
to the right of it (see Deleting an Expression or a Translation).
To add a new expression, click the New link (see Adding an Expression to a
To modify/rename an expression, select it from the Expression List and click the
Modify link to the right of it (see Modifying/Renaming an Expression ).
To add a new translation associated to the active expression, click the New link (see
Adding a Translation to a TermBase).
To modify the value of a field, simply click on its name to display the appropriate
editing dialog box. Some fields may not be modifiable (for instance, system fields
such as Created Date, Created By, etc.).
Translation Section
This section displays any translation(s) associated to an expression, and allows you to add, modify or delete a
translation. You can add new fields associated to a translation by selecting the Field
DefinitionsTermBase_NewField option from the TermBase menu.

To modify a translation, click the Modify link to the right of it (see Modifying a


To delete a translation, click the Delete link to the right of it (see Deleting an
Expression or a Translation).
To view the translation in the Expression sub-section, and have its position displayed
in the Expression List, click the View link.
The Expression List Section
The Expression List displays all the expressions in the dictionary for the selected language and TermBase. The list
also displays all the information for all the fields associated with each expression.

You can scroll through the list with the scroll bar, with the keyboard arrows, or by
keying in the first letter of a word. The cursor will scroll to the first expression
starting with this letter in the expression list.

To save an active TermBase

Do one of the following to save a TermBase:

Use the Ctrl+S shortcut key

Select the Save TermBase > Current TermBase option from the File menu.

To save all opened TermBase files


Select the Save TermBase > All Opened TermBases option from the File


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Basic TermBase Operations

Opening a TermBase
To open a TermBase
1. Go to the TermBase section of the Process bar.
2. Click TermBase Manager

3. Select the TermBase you wish to open (you may simply follow the on-screen
4. Click Open. This launches TermBase Editor with the selected TermBase file(s)
loaded. (See TermBase Screen Display for more information.

To open multiple TermBases:

1. Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key, and click on the corresponding TermBase
entries. All selected entries will then be highlighted and numbered according to
their order of selection.
2. Click Open.

To search for other TermBases on your system:

1. Click the Search button.
2. TermBase Manager will search all directories and folders on your computer.
You can halt this process by clicking Stop Search at any time in the process.

To browse your system for a TermBase file:

1. Click the Browse button.
2. In the Browse dialog box, look for TermBase files in the desired Windows


To Open Multiple TermBases

To open multiple TermBases:
1. Go to the TermBase section of the Process bar.
2. Click TermBase Manager

3. Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key, and click on the corresponding TermBase
entries. All selected entries will then be highlighted and numbered according to
their order of selection.
4. Click Open. This launches TermBase Editor with the selected TermBase files
loaded. (See TermBase Screen Display for more information.

Closing a TermBase
To close the active TermBase:

Select the Close TermBase > Current TermBase option from the File menu.

To close all opened TermBases:


Select the Close TermBase > All Opened TermBases option from the File


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Creating a TermBase
After accessing the TermBase Module from the Process bar (see Figure 1 ) you can create
multiple TermBases to work with.

Figure 1

To Create a TermBase
1. Go to the TermBases section of the Process bar.
Click New TermBase
Enter the name of your new TermBase.
Enter the subject of your new TermBase. This step is optional.
Enter a description of your new TermBase if you choose. If necessary, you may
change the location of the TermBase (not recommended) by selecting a new
value in the Folder field. This step is optional.
6. Click Create.



Deleting a TermBase
To delete a TermBase:
1. Click on the corresponding TermBase entry in the list.
2. Click the Delete button. This will permanently delete the TermBase.
After you delete an entry it cannot be recovered. Ensure that this is the function you
want to perform.

To delete multiple TermBases:

1. Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key, and click on the corresponding TermBase
entries. All selected entries will then be highlighted and numbered according to
their order of selection.
2. Click the Delete button. This will permanently delete all selected TermBases.
After you delete multiple entries, they cannot be recovered. Ensure that this is the
function you want to perform.

Removing a TermBase
To remove a TermBase from your list without deleting it
1. Click on the corresponding TermBase entry in the list.
2. Click the Remove button.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Updating TermBase Data

Adding an Expression to a TermBase
To add an expression to a TermBase
1. In the TermBase menu, select the

New Expression option.

Alternatively, you may also:

Click the New link to the right of the active expression which is being displayed in
the Expression sub-section.
This displays the Terminology file manager dialog box, which contains three distinct tabs:
Expression, Translations, and Fields.
2. Fill in the fields in each tab. Follow the on-screen instructions which appear in
the dialog box for each tab.
3. When you are finished, click the Apply button of the dialog box.


Adding a Translation to an Expression

To add a translation to an expression
1. In the Expression List section, click on the expression you wish to associate a
translation to. All relevant information about the selected expression will then
be displayed in the Expression sub-section (Details tab).
2. Click the Modify link (see Figure 1). There are 3 Modify links; choose the one
that corresponds to the expression name.

Figure 1 - Modify link

3. The Expression Manager dialog box is displayed. Click the Translation(s) tab.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

4. Click the New button in the Translation(s) tab. This displays the Add New
Translation dialog box, which contains two tabs: Translation and Additional
5. Enter your new translation in the Translation field.
6. Fill in the other fields of each tab; to do this, simply follow the Quick Tips which
are displayed for each tab. To create additional fields see Adding New Fields in
a TermBase.
7. When you are finished, click the Apply button in the Add new translation dialog
8. Finally, click the Apply button in the Terminology File Manager dialog box.


Adding a Synonym to a TermBase

You add a synonym to an expression in much the same way you add a translation.

To add a Synonym
1. In the Add New Translation dialog box, choose the language of your synonym.
As it is the same language as your source expression, MultiTrans will prompt
you with a message, "Expression and Translation language are the same.
2. Choose Yes. Your synonym will be created.

Duplicating Records
To duplicate an expression record
1. In the Expressions section of the TermBase Editor window, click on the record
you want to duplicate.
2. From the TermBase menu select Duplicate Files from the drop-down window.
3. The duplicate record will appear below your original expression.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Deleting an Expression or a Translation

To Delete an Expression
1. In the Expression List section, click on the expression you wish to delete. All
relevant information about the selected expression will then be displayed in the
Expression section (Details tab) to the right. You can also:

Press Ctrl + D;

Right-click in the expression list and select Delete Expression from

the pop-up menu.
2. In the Expression section, click the Delete link to the right of the expression.

3. This displays the following message box: "Are you sure you want to delete the
selected expression?"; click Yes.

To Delete a Translation
1. In the Expression List section, click on the expression for which you wish to
delete a translation from. All relevant information about the selected
expression will then be displayed in the Expression section (Details tab) to the
2. In the Translation section, click the Delete link to the right of the translation
you wish to delete.
3. This displays the following message box: "Delete translation?"; click Yes.
WARNING! Once you have deleted a translation, you cannot undo this action.


Modifying a Translation
To Modify a Translation
1. In the Expression List section (left), click on the expression you wish to modify a
translation from. All relevant information about the expression will then be
displayed in the Expression sub-section; as well, information about the
expression's translation(s) will be display in the Translation section.
2. In the Translation section, click the Modify link to the right of the translation
you wish to modify. This displays the Modify translation dialog box, which is
comprised of two tabs: Translation and Additional fields (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Modify Translation dialog box

3. The appropriate tab is pre-selected, with the expression highlighted in the
Translation field.
4. Make the necessary changes or rename the translation directly in this field.
5. If necessary, make any changes to other field values; to do this, simply follow
the Quick Tips for each tab.
6. Click the Apply button.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Modifying/Renaming an Expression
To Modify or Rename an expression
1. In the Expression List section (left), click on the expression you wish to
modify/rename. All relevant information will then be displayed in the
Expression sub-section (Details tab) of the section to the right.
2. Click the Modify link to the right of the expression. This displays the Expression
Manager dialog box. The appropriate tab is pre-selected, with the expression
highlighted in the Enter new expression or modify existing one field.
3. Make the necessary changes or rename the expression directly in this field.
4. When you are finished, click the Apply button of the dialog box.


Searching in a TermBase
The TermBase Search functions allow you to search for a word, an expression or a group
of letters within all opened TermBases. You can search for an expression in a specific
field (or in all fields), and in a specific language (or all available languages). You also have
the option to make case-sensitive searches.

To Search in the TermBase(s)

1. Click the Search tab in the right pane of the TermBase Editor window.
2. Type the desired expression in the Search for field.
3. Select the fields where the search will take place (the Look in field).
4. Select the desired search Language; you may choose to search in All
Languages or any language in the drop-down list.
5. Select the desired search Options. Select the Match whole words, Case
sensitive and Terminology File Search check boxes, according to your search


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

6. Click the Search button or press Enter.
7. In the Results section, double-click on a result entry to view the information
about this expression in the Details tab.

Expression Filter Manager

To define filters in the TermBase module, open the Expression Filter Manager. The
Expression Filter Manager can be accessed by clicking "Filters (Off)" above the Expression
List in the TermBase Editor.
There are two types of filters, expression conditions and field conditions. Expression
conditions allow you to view all expressions meeting a certain criteria, such as containing
or not containing a particular word, expressions starting with a particular letter, etc. Field
conditions allow you to view all expressions where a selected field has a particular value,
for example, all expressions relating to a certain client, created before, on or after a
certain date, etc. Any number of expression and/or field conditions can be defined for an
increasingly specialized filter.

Using the Expression Filter Manager

To define an expression condition
1. Select Add Expr. cond. The Filter Criteria is set to Equal by default.
2. Click on Equal to select from Equal, Different, Greater, Greater or Equal, Less,
Less or Equal, Containing and Not Containing.
3. Click on <Parameter> to enter the value you wish to filter on.
4. Select OK.
Example: Setting Filter Criteria to Containing, and entering direc as the <Parameter> will
find expressions such as bidirectional, direct, directory, and misdirect.


To define a field condition

1. Select Add Field cond. In this case, you must select the field you wish to filter
on by clicking on <Field Name>. A drop-down list of all the fields available in
your TermBase will be displayed.
2. Choose the desired field. The Filter Criteria is set to Equal by default.
3. Click on Equal to select from the same choices as above. The available
<Parameter> values will depend on the type of field you have selected. A
calendar will be available for a date field, a list of choices will be available for a
list of choice field, and so on.
Example: Setting the Field Name to Create Date, the Filter Criteria to Equal and choosing
a date will find all expressions created on that particular date.

To combine filter criteria

Add as many expression and field conditions as you wish.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Importing and Exporting

Importing from Tagged Lists
A "tagged list" is a text file in which each record contains a field name in angle brackets,
followed by a value. Here is a sample fragment:
<Creation Date>28.06.2001 - 10:22:15
<Created By>mt
<Change Date>22.02.2003 - 14:49:36
<Changed By>super
<en>a powerful tool
<fr>un outil puissant
<Creation Date>28.06.2001 - 10:22:15
<Created By>mt
Before you attempt to import from a tagged list, ensure that the TermBase you are
importing to is closed.

To Import from Tagged Lists

1. On the Process Bar, choose TermBases > Special Imports > Import from tagged
list. Click OK.


2. If the source file is Unicode, select the Unicode source file checkbox.
3. Click the yellow folder icon
moment while it scans.

to choose the Source file. You will need to wait a

4. Click the yellow folder icon

to import into.

beside New dictionary to choose the TermBase

5. Select the Date format checkbox to specify a particular date format, or leave it


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

6. Select all of the languages you wish to import, and map them to the
corresponding language. For example, for de you choose German from the
drop-down list. If you click on the double arrow icon (>>), that particular row is


7. Select the fields you wish to import, and select the corresponding field from the
drop-down list beside Maps to field. Clicking >> will hide that field.
8. Select Import.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Importing Other Text File Formats

The Import function lets you import structured files containing terms and expressions into
a new or existing TermBase.

To import one or more files from text

1. From the TermBases section of the Process bar, click the Special Imports icon
. This will display the Imports dialog box where you can choose the import
2. Select Import from text file and click OK. A dialog box called Step 1 - Import
from File will open.
3. Type the filename you wish to import into a TermBase in the Import From field
or use the button to browse your computer and select the desired file. Click
icon to add the file into the list of files to be processed (under the
Import From field).
Repeat this step for each file you wish to add to your TermBase.
beside the Import To field to browse your computer
4. Use the open file button
and select the desired TermBase. The Termbase Manager dialog box opens:


5. Select the file you want to import to.

6. Click the Select to add the file into the list of files to be processed. You will
return to the Step 1 - Import from File dialog box. The file you are importing to
will show up in the Import to field.
7. When you have all the necessary files, click the Next button. This will display
the Step 2 - Text Options dialog window.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Depending on your requirements, check the radio buttons Expressions of

terminology file on separate line and All expressions of terminology on same line.
Select the Read field Names from first line depending on how you want the file to
You can choose to set your own separator by checking the Separated expressions
If you are importing system fields such as Create Date, click Show system fields
8. Click the Next button. This will display the Step 3 - Field Delimiters dialog box.


9. You have a choice of delimiters used in the file(s) you will be importing. They
are: Tab, Comma, or Other. In this last case, you will need to specify the
appropriate in the field to the right of the Other check box. The other fields you
can choose from are:
File: Choose the file you will be using;
Start import at row: Select this when you start the import at selected row for each
The Start import at row function is useful if the first row of your file is header
information that you do not wish to add to your TermBase.
Look at the Preview pane to determine which delimiter is used in a specific file.
Once you select the right delimiter, each column will be properly displayed:
10. Click the Next button. This will display the Step 3- Field Type dialog box.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

11. Select the appropriate field type for each column of information. You can do
this more easily by first viewing the Preview pane.
You can check the information for each file you wish to add to your TermBase. To
view the columns of another file, simply select the appropriate file in the File dropdown menu, in the bottom part of the dialog box.
12. You may also create new fields, or modify/delete existing ones by clicking the
Definitions button. This will open the Field Definition Manager dialog box (see
Adding New Fields in a TermBase).
13. Click the Next button. This will display the Step 4 - Click <<Import >> to start
process dialog box. Click Import to start the Import process.


If you need to make changes, use the Back button to access previous dialog boxes.
14. Once the Import process is finished, an Import completed message will appear.
Click OK, and then Close to complete the process.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Importing TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) Data

The Import function also allows you to import TMX Level 1 files. This can be useful if you
wish to use translation memories previously created with other translation-aid tools.

To Import TMX files

1. Export your translation memory files to TMX Level 1 format.
2. From the MultiTrans TermBases section in the Process bar, click the Import
. This will display the initial Import Wizard dialog box (Step 1 - Import
3. Step 1 - Import Format
Using your mouse, select Translation Memory eXchange (TMX
Format), then click Next. This will display the Step 2 Import From
dialog box.
4. Step 2 - Import From

Using the
button, find the desired TMX Level 1 file on your
computer, and select it.

5. Click the icon to add it to the list of files to be processed (under the Import
From field).
Repeat this step for each TMX file you wish to add.
6. When you have added all the necessary TMX files, click the Parse button. After
parsing is done, the Step 3 Language Selection dialog box is displayed.
7. Step 3 - Language Selection
Associate the TMX language values with the appropriate MultiTrans
language values.
Here's an example:

o Click Next. This brings up the Step 4 Import To dialog box.

8. Step 4 - Import to


At this stage, you may either select to import your translation

memory in a TransCorpora file or a TermBase. Simply click the
appropriate radio button, then click Next.

We suggest that you start by importing your translation memory in a TransCorpora
9. Importing to a TermBase
In the Step 5 dialog box, click the Import button to start importing
your translation memory in a TermBase.
10. Importing to a TransCorpora file

After having clicked Next in the previous Step 4 dialog box, you will
then jump to Step 3 - Output Method Selection of the TransCorpora
Builder Wizard. Proceed as usual (see Using TransCorpora Builder).


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Exporting Expressions From a TermBase

Exporting to HTML
There are times when you may wish to export your files to HTML so that they can be easily
read by anyone using a browser. In this case you would select the Export to HTML

To Export to HTML
1. From the Termbase menu, select Exports. This will open a window called Exports.

2. From the list provided, click on Export to XML/HTML file.

3. Click OK. A dialog window called Export to XML-HTML will open. Three tabs are
contained in the window, the Output File tab, the General tab and the Fields


You can also simply double-click on the library name you wish to open.



Lets you save the file and output it to XML/HTML, as a template.


Lets you choose several options:


Modifies the position of each field being exported using blue Up and
Down arrows;

Set a different width for each field using the Width field.

Export the field.

Center the field.

Lets you choose several options:


Set the position of each target language you wish to export by using
blue Up and Down arrows;

Select the print range to either All Expressions or Selected


Set the separator to Tab, Comma, Semi-Comma, or Other.

4. Click on the Open file icon

in the Output name field to browse to the file you
want to export and then select the file.
5. In the Save dialog window that opens, you can save your document as HTML,
XML or all files by selecting from the drop-down list beside the Save as type
6. Click Save. The dialog window Export to HTML-XML will open. The name of the
file to be exported will appear in the Output file name field.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

7. Click Export.


Other TermBase Functions

Adding New Fields to a TermBase
You can add unlimited new fields per TermBase in multiple field types, in both Expression
and Translation sections.

To add new fields

1. Select Field Definition from the TermBase menu. This will display the Field
Definition Manager window:

2. Before inserting a new field, you need to determine which sub-section it will be
added to (Expression, Translation, or Terminology File); to do this, simply click
on the corresponding tab (Expression Fields, Translation Fields, or Terminology
File Fields).


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

3. Click the New button of the Field Definition Manager window. This displays the
Field Definitions dialog box.

4. Enter a field Name.

5. Enter a field Description.
6. Select a field Type.
7. It is your choice whether or not you select the Visible check box, depending on
your requirements.
8. Click Apply.
9. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for each field you wish to add.
10. When you are done adding fields to your TermBase, click the OK button of the
Field Definition Manager window.


A TermBase field name must be a unique value. It will appear next to the field in the
Fields section of the Expression Details tab.

Field Types
The following is a brief explanation for each field type:
Text String (Single Line)
Displays a one-line editable field in which text can be entered.

Displays an editable field in which numeric values can be entered. You may enter
any integer (i.e., a whole number).

This field type allows you to enter a date. It looks exactly like the Created and
Modified fields in the Information section.

Boolean (true / false)

Displays a drop-down list containing pre-set values (true or false).

Text String (Multiple Lines)


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Displays a three line edit box, with a scroll bar, in which text can be entered.

List of Choices
Displays a drop-down list which contains entries that you define.

List of Choices (multiple)

This field type is a list of choices in which you may select more than one value.
Multi-level list of choices
In this field type, when you select a choice at the top level, you may be presented
with a subordinate list of choices in the next level. Under this list may be another
and so on in a cascading manner.

To add items to your list of choices:

1. Select the Field Type, List of Choices. The choices list appears.
2. Type in an expression in the text box.
3. Click the


4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 until you have entered your desired choices.

5. When you are finished, click OK.
To remove an item from the list, select it and click


Saving Expression Lists

To save an expression list
1. In the Expressions section of TermBase Editor window, click on the expression
list you want to save.
2. Right-click on the expression and select Save Expression List As from the popup menu.
3. A Save As dialog window opens. Enter a name for the list in the File name field.
4. Select a folder to save the expression list in.
5. Click Save.
You can save multiple expression lists by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting
the lists you want to save.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Switching Between TermBases

To switch between TermBases
1. From the TermBase menu, select the TermBase menu item.
2. In the sub-menu, select the name of the TermBase you wish to access.

You can also access other TermBases by selecting the TermBase drop-down list from the
TermBase field on the toolbar.


Switching Languages in a TermBase

To Switch Languages in a TermBase
1. To switch languages in a TermBase, do one of the following:

select the desired language in the drop-down list of the toolbar Language

or select the desired language from the Language option of the TermBase
2. The TermBase will then display the list of expressions (if any) for the desired

The Language option also appears in the pop-up context menu when you right-click
in the Expression list section.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Viewing TermBase Properties

To View TermBase Properties
1. From the TermBase menu, select the Properties option.
2. The TermBase Properties window contains two tabs: General and Statistics.
When you have finished consulting the information, click OK to go back to the
main TermBase window.

Read-Only TermBases
Using Read-Only TermBases
When you load a read-only TermBase, you have access to its content for viewing purposes
only. You cannot modify any of its entries, nor can you add, delete, or otherwise process
any information.
Read-only TermBases are greyed out and italicized in the TermBase field of the
TermBase Editor icon bar.
In TermBase Manager, read-only TermBases are identified with a Yes value in the
Read-Only column.


Copying an Expression From One TermBase to

With the TermBase Editor, you can copy one or more expressions from one TermBase file
to another. This can be useful if you know that some expressions should be added to a
specific TermBase you wish to use for a given project, and that you want to centralize all
related terms in one TermBase, instead of loading many different TermBases..

To copy one entry


In TermBase Editor, simply select the entry in the left section (Expression
List) that you wish to copy to another TermBase.

To copy multiple entries

1. Do one of the following :

To select multiple entries, press the Ctrl key and click the desired
entries one by one;

To select a whole range of entries, press the Shift key and click the
first and last entries. All entries contained between these two entries
will be selected.
2. In the TermBase menu, select Copy File(s) to, followed by the desired
TermBase name. The selected entries will then be copied.

The TermBase to which you are copying files must be open for this process to be


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Client-Server Considerations
Opening TermBases from the Server
This information applies the first time you open a TermBase on the server, or when a new
TermBase is added to the server:

To Open TermBases from the Server

1. Open the TermBase Manager.
2. Go to the CS TermBases tab.
3. Click on the CS TermBase button.
4. Click on Add Server. Leave the Connection Type as DCOM unless advised
otherwise. Add the name of the server and click OK. At this point, depending
on your organization, you may be prompted for a user name and password,
which would be supplied to you by your IT department. You will see the list of
TermBases available from the server.
5. Select the TermBase(s) you wish to open, and choose Register. MultiTrans will
bring you back to the CS TermBases tab.
6. Select the TermBases you wish to open, and choose Open.
7. After registering your TermBases for the first time, they will always be available
from the CS TermBases tab.


Creating new TermBases on the Server

To Create new TermBases on the server
1. Open the TermBase Manager.
2. Go to the CS TermBases tab.
3. Click the CS TermBase button.
4. Click on Add Server. Leave the Connection Type as DCOM unless advised
otherwise. Add the name of the server and click on OK. At this point,
depending on your organization, you may be prompted for a user name and
password, which would be supplied to you by your IT department. You will see
the list of TermBases available from the server, and at this point, the New
TermBase button will become active.
5. Type in the name of the new TermBase, as well as a subject and description if
desired, then click Create.
6. Select the new TermBase and choose Register. MultiTrans will bring you back
to the CS TermBases tab.
7. Select the TermBases you wish to open, and choose Open.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Accessing TermBases from the Web

Welcome to TermBase Web
TermBase Web is a web application that allows you to capture new terminology and
automatically extract terminology candidates and their corresponding translations from
legacy documents. TermBase Web enables you to access your terminology management
information from anywhere you have Internet capabilities.
Using the TermBase Web module, you can store and manage monolingual and
multilingual terminology in flexible databases. These databases (TermBases) can store
multiple translations for each expression.


Accessing TermBase Web

Log on screen
After clicking on the appropriate TermBase Web link from your web browser, the following
screen opens:

To Log on to TermBase Web

1. In the Login field, type your user name (E.g., Myname).
2. In the Password field, type your password (it will show up as ).
3. In the Language field, select your language of choice from the drop-down list.
4. Click Go. You are now logged in.


MultiTrans User Manual TermBase Module

Selecting a TermBase
At the next screen you will see a list of all available collections of terminology
management information (documents).

To select a TermBase
1. Select the TermBase you wish to open.
2. Click Open. This launches TermBase Editor with the selected TermBase file(s)

To open multiple TermBases:

1. Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key, and click on the corresponding TermBase
entries. All selected entries will then be highlighted and numbered according to
their order of selection.
2. Click Open.


Performing a Search
The TermBase Web Search screen
The TermBase Search functions allow you to search for a word, an expression or a group
of letters within all opened TermBases. You can search for an expression in a specific
field (or in all fields), and in a specific language (or all available languages). You also have
the option to make case-sensitive searches.

To Search the TermBase Web

1. Type the desired expression in the Search field.
2. Select the desired search language from the drop-down list.
3. Click the Search button or press Enter.


TransTerm Module
The TransTerm Module - Integrated translation
While MultiTrans provides dedicated Windows and web-based interfaces to directly
manage and search the multilingual corpus or terminology repository, it also provides a
tightly integrated environment within Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint,and Corel
WordPerfect. In this way a translator has access to all of the MultiTrans language
resources and search functions from within their favorite editing environment.
TransTerm is directly integrated in the word processing application menu bar (the
TransTerm menu) and pop-up menus (added functions). To access the various MultiTrans
functions, your word processing application must be connected to MultiTrans.
Before using TransTerm, you must connect to MultiTrans and open either a
TermBase session, or a combined TransCorpora/TermBase session. MultiTrans
does not need to be running before you connect to it.
In order for the TransTerm module to work, the necessary macro must be installed in
the appropriate directory. If you do not see a menu titled "TransTerm" in your editor,
you will need to re-install MultiTrans, or follow the instructions in Manually Installing
TransTerm topic.


TransTerm Functions
When you access TransTerm, a drop-down menu opens:

The following table provides a brief explanation of the use of each TransTerm option:
TransTerm Menu
Connect to

Connect to MultiTrans


Disconnect from MultiTrans


Find translations in opened TermBases/TransCorpora files

Fetch from

Extract expressions from reference documents, view all

possible translations, add translations to a TermBase, and
insert in active document.

Interactive Translation

Find equivalent translations from both your TermBases and

TransCorpora files simultaneously


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

View TermBase

View the contents of a TermBase.

TermBase Process

Automatically replace source expressions found in the

TermBase with their equivalent

TransCorpora Process

Identify all words/ expressions already translated in reference


TransTerm Options

Set TransTerm Options

Reset Document

Reset original colors to a document

Compute Translated

Count Translated Words in a document


Set MultiTrans Preferences

MultiTrans Help

Access MultiTransHelp


Connecting/Disconnecting to/from MultiTrans

Before using TransTerm, you must connect to MultiTrans and open either a TermBase
session, or a combined TransCorpora/TermBase session. The opened session is where
TransTerm will get its information when working within your editor (e.g. Microsoft Word).
MultiTrans does not need to be already running when you connect to it.

TransCorpora and TermBase Mode

This mode allows you to automatically replace all expressions found in opened
TermBase(s), and compare the document you are translating against reference (previously
translated) documents contained in the opened TransCorpora file(s).

To Connect to MultiTrans
1. From the TransTerm menu, select Connect to.
2. Select TransCorpora and TermBase.

TermBase Only Mode

This mode allows you to automatically replace all the expressions found in the opened
1. From the TransTerm menu, select Connect to.
2. Select TermBase Only.
3. This opens your MultiTrans software. You will then be prompted to: open a
TermBase or TermBases file.
4. All TransTerm functions are now available except Fetch from TransCorpora and
TransCorpora Process. MultiTrans will be running in the background as you are
using TransTerm.

Disconnecting from MultiTrans

Once you have finished working with TransTerm, you can close the connection with

To disconnect from MultiTrans

1. From the TransTerm menu, select Disconnect.
2. MultiTrans will still be running in the background, so you may need to close the
application if you will not be using it.


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

Using the TermBase Process to Automatically

Replace Expressions from a TermBase
The TermBase Process function in TransTerm allows you to automatically replace all
known words/expressions (contained in all opened TermBases) in the active document
you are translating (or in the selected text, if you made a selection).
This process does not affect any of the formatting aspects of your document (font, style,
etc). However, some underlined and bold words may not always be replaced in an
expression, since MultiTrans cannot always necessarily determine which word/expression
corresponds to a given translation.
To help you view the translated expressions in your document, TransTerm displays all
modified words/expressions in color (blue being the default color). You can select any
color for displaying translated words/expressions (use the MultiTrans Preferences option
to set translated words/expressions to another color).
TermBase Process will compare the active document with all expressions in the opened
TermBases. If a match is found for the expression, the translation will be inserted in the
active document.

To replace expressions from a TermBase

1. To use the TermBase Process option, you may either connect to TransCorpora
and TermBase or TermBase Only.
2. Select TermBase Process from the TransTerm menu; alternatively, you can
right-click on the text you wish to translate, and select TransTerm > TermBase
3. Set your preferred options in the Translate Options dialog box (see TransTerm
If you selected a block of text, TransTerm will only perform a translation on the
selected portion of the document.
If you did not select a block of text, TransTerm will then perform a translation on the
whole document.


You can also use the TermBase Process to identify words/expressions from the
active document that exist in open TermBases, without automatically replacing
the matched words/expressions. To do this, simply set the target language
equal to the source language.

Looking for Translations in Reference

The TransCorpora Process function allows you to compare the active document against all
opened reference documents.
Every expression containing two or more words that is found in the reference document(s)
is then highlighted in the active document. The user therefore sees what can be
translated from the reference documents, and may select to view the results of his/her
search to translate the highlighted section(s) (using the View TransCorpora Search option
in the TransTerm menu).

To look for translations in reference documents

1. To use the TransCorpora Process function, you must connect to TransCorpora
and TermBase.
2. Select TransCorpora Process from the TransTerm menu; alternatively, you can
right-click on the text you wish to translate, and select TransTerm >
TransCorpora Process.
3. Once the TransCorpora Process is done, all words/expressions found in the
opened reference documents will be highlighted (yellow being the default
highlight color) in your document.
4. You may then choose which word/expression to translate directly from your
reference documents. To do so, select the desired word/expression (previously
highlighted), then select the Fetch from TransCorpora option from the
TransTerm menu.
5. This will bring up the MultiTrans screen, with the corresponding sentence
highlighted. Find the translation in the Target window, and insert it in your
document using Ctrl+Ins. Doing this will also insert the expression in your
active TermBase for later retrieval.
If you selected a block of text, TransTerm will only perform a search on the selected
portion of the document.
If you did not select a block of text, TransTerm will then perform a search on the
whole document.


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

Interactive Translation Process

The Interactive Translation Process is used to find equivalent translations from both your
TermBase and your TransCorpora files simultaneously. It will compare the active
document against your previously translated reference documents and your opened
terminology repositories. The process, accessed from within your familiar editing
environment, is designed to walk you through your document, step-by-step, presenting you
with equivalent expressions and terminology from which you can select the most suitable
In the Interactive Translation Process, MultiTrans will propose sentences expressions that
may not be exactly the same as the document you are translating. This is useful as for
example, you may have translated a very similar but not identical expression previously.

To use the Interactive Translation Process

1. Select Interactive Translation Process from the TransTerm menu. The
TransTerm Options dialog box opens. Along the bottom of the dialogue box you
will also notice a box where you can select to add the source and target terms
to your TermBase. A drop-down list allows you to select the target TermBase
from your opened files. The options are preset for you so that this process runs
effectively, or you can consult Appendix A to customize these options.
2. Click OK. The process will begin to search through the document you are
translating, looking for matches in your opened TermBases and then in your
TransCorpora files. As it finds a match, it will present you with the Interactive
Translation Process dialog box, which will ask you to either:
Replace the source expression with a suggested equivalent;
Skip the term, leaving the expression unchanged and moving on to the next match.
(Terms in blue in the Source section have found an exact match; terms in red are
those that differ or are not included in the Fuzzy matched target expression;
highlighted expressions have been found in your TransCorpora files; clicking on a
highlighted segment will display the source and target expressions in context. The
desired replacement can then be copied into the Selected Translation window,
which can be edited.);
Select Replace All to replace every identical expression to the one being identified
with the same translation;
Select Skip All to notify the program not to present you with this identical match


Selecting Replace or Replace All will replace the entire selection in the Source
section with the entire selection in the Target Segment Working Window.
The following figure gives you an example of what you will see when using the Interactive
Translation Process:

At the bottom of the dialog box you will see a box in which you can select to add the
source and target terms to your TermBase. Use the drop-down list to select the
target TermBase from your opened files.


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

To change the percentage of difference between searched and

suggested expression
1. Open your word processor.
2. In the TransTerm menu, choose TransTerm Options.
3. Select the Interactive Process tab, and click on the Advanced button. By
default, the Fuzzy factor is set to 80%, but it can be adjusted to suit your
needs. If you select Stop after first good match, MultiTrans will stop searching
for fuzzy matches after an accurate match is found. You can select the level of
accuracy you wish by changing the percentage in Stop search when fuzzy factor
is reached.


Finding Translations in TermBases and/or

Reference Documents
Using the TransFinder Option
The TransFinder function allows you to search for a translation in opened TermBase
and/or TransCorpora files. You may then select the preferred translation to insert in your
If no satisfactory translation is found, simply type in a new translation in the Target field;
the new expression will then be inserted in your document and added to the TermBase.

To Use the TransFinder Option

1. To use the TransFinder option, you may either connect to TransCorpora and
TermBase or TermBase Only. If you connect to TermBase Only, TransFinder will
then only search in your opened TermBase files.
2. Place your cursor on the first word of the expression or sentence you wish to
search for.
3. Select TransFinder from the TransTerm menu; alternatively, you can right-click
on the text you wish to translate, and select TransTerm > TransFinder. The
TransTerm Options dialog box will then be displayed. (When you first select
TransFinder, you need to set the TransTerm Options before proceeding.)
4. Once you have set your TransTerm options, the following dialog box will be


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

Add to TermBase section in TransFinder window




The expression you are searching for will appear in this field.


You may either select a translation from the list of possible

equivalents which appear in the From TermBase(s) tab at the
bottom of the dialog box, or you can enter a new translation to be
added to a TermBase.

Add to

From the drop-down list, select the TermBase where you wish to
add your new translation.


Replace All: Check this box if you wish TransFinder to

replace every occurrence of the expression in your current

Search TransCorpora File(s): Check this box if you wish

TransFinder to also search in your opened TransCorpora
files This will display a second tab at the bottom of the
dialog box, named From TransCorpora; it is similar to the >
From TermBases tab.

From TermBase(s) tab: Any equivalent found in the active

TermBases will be listed in this tab. To select it, simply click


on the corresponding entry. This will display the translation

in the Target field of the Add to TermBase section.
The TransFinder option only works on one sentence at a time. If you select multiple
sentences, TransFinder will only retain the first selected sentence.
Always use the TransFinder option starting from the first word of an expression or
sentence. TransFinder will always try to find the longest known expression by
seeking expressions from left to right.

Extracting Expressions from Reference

The Fetch from TransCorpora function allows you to switch to the TransCorpora module in
MultiTrans and search for the selected expression. If you select an expression and add it
to the TermBase in the TransCorpora Search module, it will also be replaced in your active
This function takes the selected text and retrieves it in all opened reference documents in
TransCorpora Search. It is useful when you want to view all occurrences of a certain
word/expression in your opened reference documents.

To extract expressions from reference documents

1. To use the Fetch from TransCorpora option, you must connect to TransCorpora
and TermBase.
2. Click on the first word of the expression you wish to search for.
3. Select Fetch from TransCorpora from the TransTerm menu; alternatively, you
can right-click on the text you wish to translate, and select TransTerm > Fetch
From TransCorpora.
To go back to your editor (e.g. Microsoft Word), click on its icon in the task bar, or
press the Alt+Tab combination until it is selected.
Always use the Fetch from TransCorpora option starting from the first word of an
expression. The program will always try to find the longest known expression by
seeking words to the right.


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

Viewing the Contents of a TermBase

The View TermBase function allows you to search in the selected TermBase for a
translation of a selected word or expression. It is especially useful when you want to view
and access all of TermBase functions, not just the ones available through the TransFinder

To view the contents of a TermBase

1. To use the View TermBase option, you may either connect to TransCorpora and
TermBase or TermBase Only.
2. Select View TermBase from the TransTerm menu; alternatively, you can rightclick on the text you wish to search for and select TransTerm > View TermBase.
When you select the View TermBase option, you will switch to the TermBase
module. If the current selection is not in the Termbase, no translation will be shown.
To go back to your editor (e.g. MS Word), click on its icon in the task bar, or press
the Alt+Tab combination until its icon is selected.
Always use the View TermBase option starting from the first word of an expression.
The program will always try to find the longest known expression by seeking words to
the right.


Setting TransTerm Options

TransTerm Options
The TransTerm Options will appear the first time you start a TermBase Process or an
Interactive Translation Process. You can also access TransTerm Options from the
TransTerm menu.
Languages and TermBases tab

Select the Source and Target languages of the document to be translated.

Select the TermBases you wish to use for automatic replacements. You
may select from any open TermBase.


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

Options tab

The Accepted, Temporary and Preferred tags should be selected. These

tags correspond to the Tag field in the TermBase module.

Automatically select translations will choose a translation for you when there
is more than one available translation for a particular expression.

Always select preferred translation will automatically select a translation

when it has the Preferred tag.

Case sensitive TermBase matching will only match terms with identical

Start from cursor causes processing to begin at the cursor instead of the
start of the document.


Advanced tab

Create output TermBase from translated expressions: use this feature if you
would like to create a new TermBase from a particular document.

Use TermBase caps in translation if you would like the capitalization of

replaced expressions to be consistent with the TermBase rather than the

Send all Interactive Process replacements to TermBase if you would like

replacements performed in the Interactive Process to automatically generate
new entries in the open TermBase.

Only replace expressions with at least x words: the TermBase Process will
not replace any expressions with fewer than x words.

Only highlight expressions with at least x words: the TransCorpora Process

will not highlight any expressions with fewer than x words.

Only highlight expressions with at least x non-excluded words: the

TransCorpora Process will not highlight any expressions with fewer than x
words that are not in the exclude list.


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

Interactive Process tab

Create alignments in corpus for re-aligned sentences will realign the corpus
as you select translations.

Automatically select translations for full sentences will choose the translation
for you without prompting you first.

Automatically select translations for full sentences only if aligned will select
the translation for you without prompting you first, as long as MultiTrans has
found a candidate for alignment in that sentence.

Approve full sentences coming from TermBases: if this option is not

selected, complete sentences coming from the TermBase will be replaced

Approve partially translated sentences: if this option is selected, partially

translated sentences will be displayed for you to complete the translation.

Show edit dialog for sentences without matches: if MultiTrans does not find a
translation for a sentence, it will still be displayed for you to translate.


Keep corpus caps will make replacements in your document using the
capitalization found in your corpus instead of that found in your active

Only highlight matches will highlight matching text, but will not replace text in
your active document.

Maximum matches to search for in a corpus will cause MultiTrans to stop

searching the corpus once it has found the specified number of matches.

The Advanced button brings you to the following dialog:

The Fuzzy factor lets you decide how close a match is acceptable to you.
The higher the fuzzy factor, the closer the match has to be for MultiTrans to
display it. If the fuzzy factor is low, you may get more results but they may
be less accurate.

If you select Stop after first good match, MultiTrans will stop searching for
fuzzy matches after an accurate match is found. You can select the
corresponding level of accuracy by changing the percentage in Stop search
when fuzzy factor is reached.


MultiTrans User Manual TransTerm Module

Resetting Document Colors

The TransTerm module uses color-coding to help you visualize what has been translated
and what needs to be translated in your document. At the end of a session, you can
automatically restore the original colors in your document by selecting the Reset
Document Colors option from the TransTerm menu.

To reset document colors

1. To use the Reset Document Colors option, you may either connect to
TransCorpora and TermBase or TermBase Only.
2. After having translated terms and expressions in your document with various
TransTerm options (such as TransFinder, TermBase Process, etc.), simply
select the Reset Document Colors from the TransTerm menu. Text colors will
be reset to their original value (usually black).


Counting Translated Words in a Document

The Count Translated Words option allows you to count the number of words that have
been translated using one of the TransTerm options. This can be useful, for example, if
you plan to assign the rest of the document to another translator.

To count translated words in a document

1. Start by loading a document you have previously worked on using one of the
TransTerm options.
2. From the TransTerm menu, select Count Translated Words. The application will
then count the number of translated words and display a screen containing all
relevant information. For example:

3. When you have finished reading this information, click the OK button to close
the dialog box.
These values are also stored in your document's properties in Microsoft Word. To
view these properties, go to the File menu in Microsoft Word, select Properties, and
finally click the Custom tab.


ListBuilder Module
ListBuilder is a tool that assists you in automatically pairing up your previously translated
documents in preparation for building a corpus. ListBuilder creates a list file that you
can specify when you are using TransCorpora Builder, instead of entering all the
document names manually. For ListBuilder to work effectively, your documents must have
a consistent naming structure. For example, you might use the same name but separate
folders for your source and target documents, or you might use a prefix or suffix to
indicate each documents language.

Using ListBuilder
1. Launch the ListBuilder by selecting Start > All Programs > MultiTrans >
ListBuilder. This opens the Step 1 Source & Target Location window:

2. Select the option that matches your configuration and click Next. If you choose
Same folder, the Step 2 Source and Target In Same Folder window opens:


3. If, at step 1, you chose Different folders instead of Same folder, you will not be
prompted to specify a folder here. Instead, you will specify a folder for each
language in the next window.
4. Once you have entered a folder (or immediately after step 1 if you chose
Different folders), click Next. The Step 3 Language Options window opens:


MultiTrans User Manual ListBuilder Module

5. This is where you select all the languages that you want to include in the
corpus. You can select or delete languages from the list on the left hand side.
You can also delete a language by selecting it on the right-hand side, rightclicking, and then selecting Delete link.
6. Once you have selected the desired languages, click Next. The Step 4 Language Search Options window opens:


Fields in this dialog are as follows:

Source folder: the folder that contains the documents for the selected language
Common part: this is a mask that can be used to restrict the search to specific files;
for instance if memo* is specified, only file names that begin with memo will be
Limit name length: in some file naming conventions, the language identifier appears
in the middle, rather than the beginning or end; this option can then be used to say
consider only this many characters beginning at this offset
Suffix or Prefix: specify the option indicating whether the language identifier occurs
at the beginning or end of file names, then enter the language identifier itself in the
text box
File extension: this is where you may specify which file types to include (Filter) or
exclude (Skip); use semi-colons to separate extensions; for instance if you enter
doc;txt and select Filter, only files that end with .doc or .txt will be included
File date: this is for filtering files based on the date; only files that meet the specified
date criteria will be included


MultiTrans User Manual ListBuilder Module

7. Once you have entered the appropriate parameters, click Process. The Step 5
File Pairing in Progress window opens:

8. When the pairing is finished, click View Results to open the Step 6 Search
Results window:


Aligned file sets are listed at the top. Files that are identified as language files but
not matched are listed in the Unpaired tab at the bottom, and files that do not match
a language template are listed in the Rejects tab.

To copy one of the unmatched files into an existing set, click on the

file, then click on the set, and then click the

10. When you have finished, click Close. You will be prompted to save the list in a
file which can be used later in TransCorpora Builder.


The DoubleVue Menu
Before you use the DoubleVue module, familiarize yourself with MultiCorpora's DoubleVue
drop-down menu. This menu can be accessed from the menu bar of your word processing
application, such as MS-Word. The options available to you are:

Create a DoubleVue Session

Open an existing DoubleVue Session

Close DoubleVue Session

Import from Zip

Export to Folder or E-mail

Follow sentence

Replace with Original Sentence

Exact Search and Replace

The DoubleVue menu in MS-Word looks like this:


Creating a DoubleVue Session

To create a DoubleVue session
1. Open the source document you will be creating the session from;
2. Then, select Create a DoubleVue Session from the DoubleVue menu in your
word processing application.
3. This will display the Creating a DoubleVue session dialog box. You will need to
enter the following information in each section:
Output Settings:
Session Name field: the initial field value corresponds to the document filename you
are creating the session from. You may modify this value, although we advise you to
leave it as is.
Description field: enter a short description of the work, for faster DoubleVue session
searches. You can also decide where your original and translated files will be copied,
by selecting the appropriate radio button.
Languages: In the Source and Target fields, enter the appropriate values, depending
on the source and target languages of your document.
You may enter values other than language names. For instance, if you are editing or
revising a document, you could then enter values such as "Original" and "Revised".
Window Arrangement: Click on the Arrangement button if you wish to arrange your
source- and target-document windows. Clicking this button displays the Window
Arrangement dialog box.


MultiTrans User Manual DoubleVue Module

Tiling: Select one of two radio buttons: Horizontal (both documents displayed one
on top of the other) or Vertical (both documents displayed to the left and to the
Document (on Top or on Left): Depending on the selected tiling pattern, choose
where your documents will be displayed.
Tile Distribution: Depending on the selected tiling pattern, set the percentage of
each window by moving the sliding rule to the left or to the right (this will cause the
percentage values on each side of the sliding rule to change accordingly).

Opening an Existing DoubleVue Session

To open a previously-created DoubleVue session
1. Select the Open an existing DoubleVue Session option from the DoubleVue
menu in the MS-Word menu bar. This will display the Open an Existing
DoubleVue Session dialog box.

2. Session Name field: enter the DBVfile for the desired DoubleVue session you
wish to open. If you do not know this information, click on the open-folder icon,
to the right of the field . This will display the Open DoubleVue Session dialog


3. Select the DoubleVue session in the list, and click on the Open button to insert
the name of the session in the Session name field.
4. Click on the Arrange button to change the window arrangement as desired (see
the Window Arrangement).
5. Click on the Open button.

Closing a DoubleVue Session

To close an active DoubleVue session

Select the Close DoubleVue Session option from the DoubleVue menu.
Your document windows will then close automatically if no changes have
been made to the files.

If changes have been made to a document, you will be asked to save them before
closing a window.


MultiTrans User Manual DoubleVue Module

Following a Sentence in the Source File

You may display a sentence in the source file which corresponds to the sentence in the
target file where your cursor is placed.

To follow a sentence in the source file

1. Place your cursor on the desired sentence you wish to follow.
2. In the DoubleVue menu, you may do one of the following:

select the Follow Sentence option;

right-click the sentence, and select the Follow Sentence option;

o press the Ctrl + Shift + F key combination.

The corresponding sentence in the source file will then be highlighted (in yellow, or any
other color previously selected in the Preferences option) for a few seconds (selected
amount of time can be changed using the Preferences option).

Replacing with an Original Sentence

To replace a translated/edited sentence
Place the cursor on the appropriate sentence, and select the Replace with
Original Sentence option in the DoubleVue menu
The original sentence will then be reinstated in the target document, thus replacing your
translated/edited sentence.

Exact Search and Replace

You can use MultiCorpora DoubleVue's powerful Exact Search and Replace tool anytime in
your Word documents, without previously having to open a DoubleVue session.

To perform an exact search and replace

1. In the DoubleVue menu, select the Exact Search and Replace option, or use
the Alt + F2 key combination. This will display the Exact Search and Replace
dialog box on your screen:


2. In the Find what field, enter the expression (one or more words) you wish to
3. In the Replace with field, enter the new expression (one or more words).
4. In the Search field, select the direction you wish to search in.
5. Under Options, check the appropriate box or boxes. You are now ready to start
the Exact Search and Replace process.

Exporting a Session to a Folder

To export a DoubleVue menu to a folder
1. Select the Export to option from the DoubleVue menu, followed by the Folder
sub-option. This opens the Send to Folder dialog box on your screen:


MultiTrans User Manual DoubleVue Module

2. In the Session Name field, enter the session filename you wish to export to a
folder, including its complete path (for example,
c:\documents\translate123.dbv). If you do not know this information, click on
the open-folder icon, to the right of the field . This will open the Open
DoubleVue Session dialog box.

3. In the Send to Folder field, enter the name of the folder you wish to send your
DoubleVue session to, including its complete path (for example,
c:\translations\). If you do not know this information, click on the open-folder
icon, to the right of the field . This will open the Select Destination folder
dialog box
4. Select the appropriate destination folder in the list.
5. To complete the export process, click on the Send button.


Exporting a Session to an E-mail

To export a DoubleVue session to an E-mail
1. Select the Export to option from the DoubleVue menu, followed by the E-mail
sub-option. This opens the E-mail to dialog box on your screen:

2. In the Session Name field, enter the session filename you wish to export to a
folder, including its complete path (for example,
c:\documents\translate123.dbv). If you do not know this information, click on
the open-folder icon, to the right of the field . This will open the Open
DoubleVue Session dialog box:

3. Click the Send button. This will start your default E-mail program; you will then
be able to send the session (including source & target document and DBV
session filename, all compressed in one Zip file) to the recipient of your choice.


MultiTrans User Manual DoubleVue Module

Importing a Session from a Zip file

To import a DoubleVue session from a Zip file
1. Select the Import from Zip option in the DoubleVue menu. This opens the
Open From Zip dialog box on your screen:

2. In the Zip Name field, enter the name of the Zip file containing the desired
DoubleVue session, including its complete path (for example,
c:\messages\ If you do not know this information, click on the
open-folder icon, to the right of the field . This will open the Open DoubleVue
Session dialog box.


3. In the Send to Folder field, enter the folder name including its complete path
(for example, c:\translations\). If you do not know this information, click on the
open-folder icon, to the right of the field . This will open the Select
Destination folder dialog box:

4. Select the appropriate destination folder in the list.

5. Click the Arrange button to arrange your document windows according to your
preferences (see the Window Arrangement section).


Working with Projects

Working with Projects
Although you may not choose to work with projects on a regular basis, it is an important
function that allows you to group certain Corpora and TermBases together.

Projects: Opening the same settings

When you create a project, a project file (*.wrk) and a project sub-directory are initially
created in the MultiTrans Projects directory. The project file (*.wrk) contains all the
settings for a given project (date, statistics, etc.).
You can open only one project at a time.


Project Manager - Information about the Project

Required information
Name: This is the only field you need to enter when creating a new project. Make sure you
assign a distinct and clearly identifiable name to the project. Naming your projects makes
it easier for you to locate them on your system.

Optional information
The remaining optional information is useful for project tracking. Even though not
necessary, we do recommend that you fill in all the relevant information. In every case, try
to select useful names, codes, or numbers for easy reference.
Here is an Example:


MultiTrans User Manual Working with Projects

Viewing Project Properties

To view project properties
1. Open the project.
2. To view its properties, select the Project Properties option from the File menu.
3. When you have finished viewing the information on the project, click OK to
close the Project Properties dialog box.

Creating a Project
To create a project
1. Select the New option from the File menu (other options) to display the Project
Profile dialog box.

2. In the Project Profile dialog box, enter the appropriate information. (Please note
that the Name field MUST be completed. Other fields are optional. Make sure
you assign a distinct and clearly identifiable name to the project. This will be of
great help to you when accessing your files.) Click Next.
3. In the Client Profile dialog box enter the appropriate information. (ALL fields are
optional.) Click Next.


4. In the Responsible Officer dialog box, enter the appropriate information. (ALL
fields are optional.) Click Next.
5. In the Destination Folder dialog box, select the folder where the project will be
created. Click New.

Creating a project: Other Options

You can also:
Click the New Project icon from the project menu in the Process bar; or
Select the New icon in the toolbar; or
Use the Ctrl+N shortcut key.

Opening a Project
To open a project
1. Select the Open option from the File menu (other options).
2. In the Open Project dialog box, click on the project entry you wish to open.
3. Click Open.
You can also select the Re-Open Project option of the File Menu; this will display a
list of previously opened files, from which you can select a project filename.
Alternatively, you can click on the arrow to the right of the Open File icon in the
Toolbar to display a list of previously opened files.
The Open Project dialog box displays a list of all the projects available on your
system. To refresh this list, click the Search button (bottom left of the Open Project
dialog box). This function will search through your local drives for all available
To manually select a Project file, use the Browse button in the Open Project dialog


Document Analysis
Analyzing a Document
MultiTrans allows you to analyze a document before processing it. This way, you can
determine whether it is useful to actually process the document using MultiTrans (with
TransTerm, for instance). Once the analysis is done, you can save or print the information
for later use.
You can choose to perform a document analysis whether TermBase and/or TransCorpora
files are opened or not. If you perform an analysis without any TermBase or TransCorpora
file opened, then the analysis results will simply show the number of internal repetitions of
the analyzed document, i.e., the number of repeated expressions within the document (for
instance, the expression "Canadian Government" is repeated 12 times). If you perform an
analysis with previously opened TermBase and TransCorpora files, then the analysis
results will also display statistics related to the number of expressions found in the
opened TermBase and/or TransCorpora file(s).
1. From the Process menu, select Analysis. This will start the Analysis Wizard.
2. In the first Analysis dialog box, select the language of the document you wish to
analyze. To do this, select the appropriate value in the Language drop-down
list, then click Next.


The default value is English. If the language you wish to select does not appear in
this list, you will need to add it first. To do this, follow the instructions for the
Language Preferences option.
3. The second dialog box that opens selects the document's encoding format.
From the drop-down list in the Encoding field, select either Iso Latin-1 or


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

4. Click Next. In the following dialog box, you need to select the file or files you
wish to analyze.


5. First, type the name(s) of the files (including the full path) you wish to analyze
in the Analyze file(s) field, or use the
button to browse your computer and
select the desired files. Click the icon to add the file in the list of files to be
processed (under the Analyze file(s) field).
6. Once you have finished selecting files and adding them to the list of files to
analyze, click the Next button.
7. In the following dialog box, you can select the processes used for the analysis
(Select Analysis processes) and the process options (Process options). Select
the check box next to the process you wish to use, either to:

Search through opened TermBases, or

Search through opened TransCorpora Files

8. Click the Options button to bring up the TransTerm Options dialog box which
consists of four tabs:


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

Languages &
TermBases tab

Consists of a Source language field and Target language field to set

your language preference; also allows you to choose the
TermBase(s) you will be using.

Options tab

You can set the tags you want used for translation by using check
boxes. The check boxes are: Accepted, Temporary, Refused,
Misspelled, and Preferred.

Advanced tab

Allows you to choose what TermBases you want to output to by using

the Output to checkbox and then using the
icon to browse to the
TermBase you want.
You can also check the Replacing feature to use TermBases
capitalization in the translation process.
Use the spin dials to set the parameters you choose for replacing and
highlighting expressions.

Interactive Process

You can set the minimal frequency for an expression to be included

in the concordance list. (Note : the lowest allowed value is 2.)

9. Once you have finished, click Next.

10. Click the Options button to set the terminology-extraction options for the
analysis process. To do this, click the Options button. This displays the
Terminology Extraction Options dialog box.


The Terminology Extraction Options dialog box contains 3 tabs:

Exclude List tab

The Terminology Extraction process can eliminate concordances

containing words from the Exclude List. This list usually contains words
such as articles, prepositions, pronouns, and so on. To use an Exclude
List, leave the Use Exclude List box checked (default). If you do not
wish to use this list, simply select the box.

Length tab

You can limit the number of words contained in concordances to any

value you wish. Limiting this number may increase the speed of the
extraction process.

Frequency tab

You can set the minimal frequency for an expression to be included in

the concordance list. (Note : the lowest allowed value is 2.)

11. When you have finished setting the terminology-extraction options, click OK in
the Terminology Extraction Options dialog box, then click the Next button.
12. In the following screen, you will see the initial Analysis page with minimal
information. Click the Analyze button to start the analysis process.
13. This will display the Analysis Results page. This page shows all relevant
statistics pertaining to the analyzed document(s).


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

General Information

This section gives general information about the process, namely

the language(s) and the name of the document(s) to be

Statistics on
Processed File(s)

This section gives information on the files to be processed: total

number of files, sentences, words, and elapsed processing time.


This section gives information on the TermBase file(s) used and

its/their performance in relation to the analyzed document(s).


This section gives information on the TransCorpora file(s) used

and its/their performance in relation to the analyzed document(s).

Extraction Statistics

This section displays information on the expressions contained in

the document(s) under analysis. It gives the percentage of
expressions containing 2, 3, 4, and 5 or more words.

Extraction Distribution

This section gives a breakdown of the top expressions found in

your document. For the various expressions, you get the number
of words found in the expressions, the total number of words they
cover in your document, and the repetition ratio.

14. You may then print the analysis results or save them as HTML files. In both
cases, the system will generate 2 distinct pages/files. The first one is the
Analysis Results page (as displayed on the screen); the second one is a list of
expressions the Analysis process has extracted from your document(s).
15. Once you have consulted the results of the analysis, you can close the Analysis
Results window by simply clicking the Close button.

To print the results


Click Print.

To save the results as HTML files


Click Save As. This will display the Save Analysis dialog box:


First, enter the name of the file you wish to save the results in.
Then, set the options for the Terminology Extraction list. This is the list of
expressions that the Analysis process has extracted from your document.
Finally, click the Save button.


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

Analysis Process Options

Analysis Process Options
This function allows you to change the Analysis Process options such as source and target
language, the TermBases you want to use, and many more options.

Languages & TermBases Tab

In the Languages section, select the Source and Target languages you will be
working with.
In the TermBases section, check the TermBases you wish to search in. Select any
TermBase which is not needed for a specific search.

Options Tab
In the Tags section, select which terms/expressions will be used for search
For instance, if you do not wish to display refused and misspelled terms contained in
a TermBase, you would then need to select the Refused and Misspelled tags.
In the Selection section, select the appropriate boxes.

Advanced Tab
Output to Section:
In the Output to section, check this box if you wish to create a TermBase file from
the translated expressions in your document.
This option is useful when you want to extract the terminology related to the current
document from a large TermBase into a new smaller TermBase, for distribution
purposes (to a freelance operator, for instance).


Replacing Section:
In the Replacing section, check this box if you wish to keep capital letters in the
expressions found in your TermBase.
Normally, when replacing expressions in Microsoft Word, TransTerm will keep the
capitals found in the document, regardless of how the expression is written in your
TermBase. However, in some cases, you may wish to retain the capitalization found
in the TermBase, rather than that of the document. This is when you will need to
check the Use TermBase caps in TermBase process box.
TermBase and TransCorpora Processes Section:
In the TermBase and TransCorpora Processes section, select the minimum number
of words in any expression that will be replaced (minimum value is 1) or highlighted
(minimum value is 2) by the TermBase or TransCorpora processes.
This option is useful when you have a large TermBase containing long expressions
and many single frequently used words (the, that, of, an, etc.). The quality of
replacements can be poor when the software does word-for-word matching.
Consequently, this option will allow you to tell the system not to perform any
automatic replacement for expressions composed of a minimum number of words.
The default value is 1, which means that expressions containing one word or more
will be replaced. If the value is set to 2, only expressions containing two words or
more will be replaced, and so on. This is valid for both TermBase and TransCorpora


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

Analysis Features
The analysis module is a powerful tool to assist you in determining how your document will
be translated. When the analysis is completed, and the Analysis window is closed, you will
be in the Analysis report page. This page has 4 tabs:
1. Statistics
2. Terminology Extraction
3. TermBase Extraction
4. Corpus Extraction (if selected in the Analysis Wizard).

Standardizing an expression prior to translation

1. Click once in the Translation column beside the expression you want to
2. Type in the translation. Please note that the color of typed expressions not yet
sent to the TermBase is black.
3. To enter the newly added translations in the TermBase, from the Terminology
menu, select Send to TermBase, all expressions with Translation.
A paperclip ( )will now appear beside all expressions entered, and the color of
these expressions will now change to the Translation color.

From corpus
1. Double-click on the expression in the expression column.
2. Select the equivalent translation from the corpus.
3. Insert the translation in a TermBase. The translation will be entered in the
Translation column, and a paper clip ( )will appear beside the expression.
The translation will be in the Translate color, since it is directly added to the


This tab includes all statistics of the process as in the analysis window.


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

Terminology Extraction
This tab contains the list of terminology extraction in an interface that makes it easy for
standardizing terminology.

You may sort the data according to your preferences by clicking on the column


Each line of this tab contains an expression that has been extracted from the documents
analyzed. To the right of the expressions column, you get information about the
expressions frequency and the number of words it represents in the analyzed documents.
To the left of the expressions column, you get information about where the expression
has been found.
When the paperclip icon is present in the first column, the entire expression has been
found in the TermBase(s), when a C is present in the second column, the expression has
been found in the Corpora.
When an expression has been found in the Termbase, the target-language equivalent will
be listed in the extreme right column (Translation), with the Translate color (color you have
selected in your preference as the color MultiTrans should use to identify expressions
present in the TermBase, in TransTerm).


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

TermBase Extraction
This tab contains a list of all relevant terminology from the currently opened TermBases
that could be used to replace expressions in the documents analyzed. In this tab, you can
view the source expression, the translation from the TermBase, the language and the
name of the TermBase.

You may sort the data in different manners, by clicking on the column headers.


Corpus Extraction
This tab contains a list of sentences in the analyzed document(s) that have 100% or fuzzy
matches in a corpus. In this view, you see the sentence, the percent match (less than
100% if it is a fuzzy match), a three-sentence extraction from the corpus, and the names
of the corresponding document and corpus.


MultiTrans User Manual Analysis

Making a Package
These four tabs can be sent to non-MultiTrans users, or users that only have access to the
web repositories.

To build a package:
1. On the Analysis menu, select Save HTML Package.
2. Make the selection (or cancel it) by using the tabs you want to include in the
package, and select the destination folder for the package to be saved in. The
package is actually 3 HTML files (Terminology Extraction.html, TermBase
Extraction.html and Corpus Extraction.html).
3. If you also want to send a pre-processed document with the package, select
the Interactive Process option from the Analysis menu. This will open MS
Word, and pre-process your document, replacing full sentences, and colorcoding fuzzy sentences, and sub-sentence expressions both from the corpus
and TermBases. With this pre-processed document, the translator will know
what information is available from the web modules, or from the HTML


Setting Your Preferences
The Preferences option allows you to customize some functions and/or options of your
MultiTrans software.
Click on a tab name to link to information.
File Locations
MultiTrans CS


File Locations

File Types

Projects: The default project tells MultiTrans what files you had open last
time. You need write access to this, and it should not be in a shared location
(i.e. keep it on a local drive).

TermBases: This should point to whatever network or local drive you keep
your TermBases on. You have no write access so you cannot edit
TermBases, but can still view & search.

General: This should point to your local drive. This identifies the default
locations for your abbreviation files, your exclude lists, etc, all of which are
part of your installation (done on your local drive). You do not need write
access unless you want to change lists.

Lists: This can point to wherever you would prefer, but probably your local
drive. You need write access to this one.


MultiTrans User Manual Preferences


TransCorpora Files: This should point to the local or network drive where
you keep your TransCorpora files. You have no write access, therefore you
can't modify TransCorpora alignments, add files, etc.

Library: This should point to your local drive as it has to point to certain files
that are part of the installation process. No write access is necessary.

Export: This can point to wherever you'd like. This is where any text, html,
etc. exports will be saved by default.

TermBase Cache and Corpora Cache: This should point to your local drive
as this will speed up your searches. You need write access to these.



Use list of recently-opened


Check this box if you wish MultiTrans to display a list of

the most recently-opened projects in the Re-open Project
option of the File menu. You can select the number of
projects which will be displayed (up to 9).

Load last opened project

on open

Check this box if you wish MultiTrans to open the last

project you worked on during your last session with the
software. This option will automatically load all previous

Use default buttons

Check this box if you wish to use the Enter key to activate
the default button of any active screen/dialog box (usually
the Next, OK or Start buttons). If this option is not
enabled, you will need to actually click on the buttons
with your mouse.


MultiTrans User Manual Preferences


Show user dialog at


Check this box if you wish to have the program display the
Set Current User dialog box every time you start

Automatically logon at
startup as

Check this box if you wish to logon under the same name
every time you start MultiTrans. In this case, you need to
enter the user Name in the field below this check box (ID is




Click this button if you wish to add/delete values in the Language list. In
the following dialog box (Add/Remove Language(s)), check the boxes
next to the languages you wish to add to the list. Uncheck any
language you do not wish to appear in your list.
You can also add any language not included in the list by clicking the
Add user-defined language radio button, and filling the Language Name
and Language Code fields appropriately.
Custom languages can be useful if you wish to distinguish between
regional differences in a same language - for instance, American
English (US) and British English (UK). You can even use this option if
you wish to add codes to the TermBase.
For example, to enter a line of products in French and English, you
could create another language called Product, which you would then


MultiTrans User Manual Preferences

use to enter the product code. You could also create a language called
Codes if you need to use special codes when translating (such as the
Standardized Industrial Classification - SIC - codes).
Language 1
Language 2

Set your default languages by selecting the appropriate value for each
field. In general, Language 1 refers to the source language, and
Language 2 refers to the target language.




If you are accessing MultiTrans from a network, check the

appropriate boxes according to your preferences.
Always grant exclusive rights: Check this box if you will be granting a
user exclusive access rights to the MultiTrans files he/she will be
opening. In this case, only users with exclusive rights will be
authorized to modify the TermBase or TransCorpora file. When a file
is opened with exclusive rights, all other users who open it will be
granted read-only rights.
Always open in read-only mode: Check this box if you wish to have a
user open MultiTrans files (such as TermBase files) in read-only
mode. In this case, users will not be allowed to add/delete/modify
data to the files they open. If no option is selected, the program will
ask each user his/her rights preferences on an individual basis, when
opening a TermBase or a TransCorpora file.


MultiTrans User Manual Preferences


Default Tag

Select the default tag to associate when you are adding new
expressions to a TermBase. Choose this value very carefully, since all
new expressions will take on this tag.
Choices are: Accepted, Refused, Temporary (the initial default value),
and Misspelled.



Colors Section

Color code

If you check this box, the sentences of the source and target
documents which are displayed in TransCorpora Search will be color
coded for easier viewing. If left unchecked, all text will be displayed in
a black font.

Insert to

To automatically add the source and context of the selected

expression and translation to the TermBase, check this box. This is
used when inserting expressions in the TermBase from the
TransCorpora Search.


Specify the maximum number of search results displayed in

TransCorpora Search.


Click the Abbreviations button if you wish to edit one of your


MultiTrans User Manual Preferences


abbreviation files. Abbreviation files are used for alignment purposes

when you are using TransCorpora Builder. This file tells the Builder
which abbreviations containing a period (.) should be ignored when
aligning documents.


Selecting this option provides faster conversion, but some formatting

information, such as headers and footnotes, may be lost.

In order to have access to the Termium Plus online terminology database, you need to
enter your registration information, as well as the link through which you connect to the
Check the Search Termium glossary option if you want to search Termium Plus every
time you open the TransFinder dialog.
In order for the search to be successful, you must enter your valid registration information
in the User and Password fields. If you are not registered to Termium Plus , you may do
so from the following site:
If you are connected to the internet through a Proxy server, you must check the Use Proxy
server option, and enter the Proxy server IP address and port. Clear this option if you are
not using a proxy server.



Colors Section

Select the color to be used by TransTerm to mark translated words

in your document.

Found in

Select the color to be used by TransTerm to highlight words in your

document, which the application has found in reference documents.

Use alternate

When this option is selected, TransTerm will change the highlight

color if found words are not consecutive. This tells you that
consecutive words highlighted with the same color in the document
can be found consecutively in the reference material.


MultiTrans User Manual Preferences

Windows NT Network - Defined Access Rights

Since some users should always have read-only rights to some information (files shared
for viewing purposes, for instance), it is better to put these files in a permission-set readonly access from the NT server.

To define access rights

1. Make a folder on the network and set user access to read-only, except for the
system administrator who will be able to have full access read-write-modify to
the files.
2. Copy the general TransCorpora and TermBase files in this folder. Regular
users will therefore have read-only rights to the generic files on the server,
while retaining full access to the TransCorpora and TermBase files they create
in their own folders.


MultiTrans CS

Default Connection Type

This gives you the choice between DCOM and TCP/IP


Default Port

This is the default port setting. Do not change this setting.


File Types
MultiTrans File Types
File Type



Abbreviation File
An abbreviation file is a list of commonly-used abbreviations for a given
language. This file is necessary when aligning source and target
See TransCorpora Builder Abbreviation Files for more information.


List of words such as articles to ignore during indexing. See Improving

Performance and Scalability by Specifying an Ignored Words list for
more information.


TransCorpora Builder List

See TransCorpora Builder List for more information.


TransCorpora File
TransCorpora files are created with TransCorpora Builder, and
incorporate one or more language-paired documents. The
TransCorpora Search module uses these files when looking up term
See TransCorpora Builder for more information.


TransCorpora Search List

See TransCorpora Search for more information.


TermBase File
See TermBase for more information.


Project File
This type of file contains all relevant information on a given project.


MultiTrans Menus
The Menu bar in MultiTrans contains the following items which allow you to access the
program's various command options:

New Project

Create a new project file (*.wrk). See Creating a Project.

Open Project

Open a previously-created project file (*.wrk). See Opening a


Re-Open Project

Refers to a list of previously opened project files, from which the

user may select & open a *.wrk file.

Close Project

Close the active project file (*.wrk).


View the active project's properties, some of which may be edited.

See Viewing Project Properties.


Displays the "Preferences" dialog box. User may then change

his/her preferences, and save the new values.

Change User

Set the program to a different user for identification purposes.


Exit the program.



Cuts selected text, and copies it in the clipboard for later pasting.


Copies selected text in the clipboard for later pasting.


Pastes last cut or copied text.

TransCorpora Builder

Opens a TransCorpora Builder process. See Using

TransCorpora Builder.

TransCorpora Search

Opens a TransCorpora Search process. See Using

TransCorpora Search.


MultiTrans User Manual Menus

This menu is active only when a TermBase is opened.
New Expression

Short-cut key: Ctrl+N

Insert Expression

Short-cut key is: Ctrl+Ins

Modify Expression

Short-cut key is: Ctrl+R

Delete Expression

Short-cut key is: Ctrl+D


Choices are:






Choices are:

English (number of expressions shown in


French (number of expressions shown in



List of opened TermBases.

Field Definition

This option is used to add user-defined fields to the Information

Center section of the TermBase main screen. Fields can be
added for a wide variety of reasons when building a Terminology
Bank, depending on the user's preferences.


Prints the content of the selected TermBase.


View detailed information about the active TermBase.


Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys
General MultiTrans Shortcut Keys



Go to Quick References


Go to TransCorpora


Go to TermBase


Refresh active screen

Menu Shortcut Keys




Selects the first menu on the menu bar (the File menu), but
does not display it on screen. Using the keyboard left and
right arrow keys, you may then move from one menu to the
next (and vice versa); hit Enter when you wish to display the
desired menu.


Chooses the menu, or menu item, whose underlined letter

matches the one you type. For instance, the Alt+F
combination will display the File menu, while Alt+E will
display the Edit menu, and so on.

Left or Right Arrow

(Cursor Keys)

Allow you to move from one menu to another (after having

hit the Alt key).

Up or Down Arrow
(Cursor Keys)

Allow you to move from one menu item to another



Chooses the selected menu item

Project Shortcut Keys




Create a new project


Open an existing project

TransCorpora Shortcut Keys




Insert expression in TermBase


Align source and target sentences


Follow sentence at cursor


Next sentence


Previous sentence


Save TransCorpora Search file

TermBase Shortcut Keys




Save TermBase


New Expression


MultiTrans User Manual Shortcut Keys


Rename Expression


Delete Expression


Insert (Add) Expression

Windows Shortcut Keys

The following keys can be used from any window, regardless of the application you are



Switches to the Task List


Switches to the next application window or minimized icon,

including full-screen program.


Switches to the next application window, restoring

applications that are running as icons


Copies the entire screen to Clipboard


Closes the active window


Gets Help and displays the Help Index for the application


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why are my TransTerm menu functions greyed
All functions are greyed out in my TransTerm menu in Word, WordPerfect, or PowerPoint.

You are not connected to MultiTrans and need to manually connect.

In your word processing application, select the TransTerm menu > Connect
to > and choose either TransCorpora and TermBase or TermBase only. All
available functions should be activated and show up in black.

You can only connect from one application at a time. Disconnect from one
application before connecting from another.


How do I assign Word shortcuts for TransTerm

To assign Word shortcuts for TransTerm Processes
1. In Word, select the Tools menu > Customize. The Customize dialog box
containing three tabs opens: Toolbars, Commands, Options. Select the
Toolbars tab.
2. Click on the Keyboard button. The Customize Keyboard dialog box opens up.
3. In Categories, choose Macro. The Macro names are:
McAddtoTermBase > TransFinder
McTranslate > TermBase Process
McHighlight > TransCorpora Process
McViewEquiterm > Fetch from TransCorpora
4. Choose the macro you'd like to assign a shortcut to and press the shortcut
you'd like to assign. Then click on Assign.
You must be connected to MultiTrans before you can use these shortcuts.


MultiTrans User Manual Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I keep Word macros when refreshing
Sometimes you will need to refresh the MS Word template called When you
do this, you will lose any macros already set up. To ensure that you do not lose the
macros, take the following steps:

To keep Word macros when refreshing

1. Open Word (using the old template).
2. Choose Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor. The macros will be in the top left
3. Select a macro, choose File > Export File.
4. Open Word with new template.
5. Open the Visual Basic Editor again and choose File > Import File.
You can't choose more than one template at a time, so you have to export and import
them individually.

How do I add a synonym to an expression in

my TermBase?
To add a synonym to an expression
1. Choose New next to the expression, as if you were adding a new translation.
2. Enter the synonym.
3. Choose the same language as the source. You will get a message asking if you
realize you've chosen the same language.
4. click OK to continue. You will now have a new synonym.


Why can't TransCorpora Search find an

When using TransCorpora Search and searching for an expression that you know is in the
corpus, MultiTrans tells you it can't find it, or,
When using TransCorpora Search and searching for an expression, the system returns
something not containing that expression.

Your indexes are corrupt and you need to rebuild them.

To rebuild:
1. Click on TransCorpora Search.
2. Click on the yellow folder icon beside the TransCorpora file field. Select your
corpus and choose Rebuild.
3. Do you want to modify the file list? Choose No if your indexes are corrupt.
Choose Yes if you are removing files from a corpus.
If you click No: Click Build to start.
If you click Yes: Modify the file list as necessary which usually means removing files.
Choose Create new TransCorpora file. By default it will already have the name of the
corpus you are rebuilding. From there you will follow the usual steps when in
TransCorpora Builder.

How do I Append to TransCorpora files on the

This process cannot be done unless the TransCorpora file is taken off-line using the
Corpora Server Console, and accessed as a local corpus, possibly through a mapped
drive. Once you have finished appending, put the TransCorpora file back online using the
Corpora Server Console.


TransTerm won't respond
MultiTrans gives me the following error message: "MultiTrans is already a server to
another Microsoft Word session. Please close the other Microsoft Word session in order to
connect to MultiTrans from this session"

You aren't connected to another session. Therefore you will need to do the following:
1. Close MS Word and MultiTrans. Make sure there are no Word processes not
responding in the background (Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt +
Delete. Look in the Processes tab and find WINWORD.exe. Press End Task if
you find any non-responsive programs).
2. Now open MultiTrans by itself.
3. Open Word. You should now be able to connect.

TermBases appear as read-only

My TermBases appear as read-only.

1. Find the file you need by browsing through your computer. By default it should
be in C:\ProgramFiles\MultiTrans\TermBases.
2. Right-click on the file and choose Properties.
3. Verify that the file is not actually read-only.
If Yes: De-select the Read-Only checkbox.
If No: Make sure that the TermBase you are looking for is not in use.
4. If no one else has the file open, click on Search in the TermBase Manager. The
screen will be refreshed.
5. Browse for your TermBase.


Error message when trying to open a

TransTerm session
The following error message appears when you try to open a TransTerm session:
"MultiTrans is already a server to another Microsoft Word session. Please close the other
Microsoft Word session in order to connect to MultiTrans from this session."
You aren't connected to another session though.

1. Close Word and MultiTrans. Make sure there are no Word processes crashed
in the background (To do this go to Task Manager > Processes and look for
WINWORD.exe. Select End Task if any are open.)
2. Open MultiTrans by itself.
3. Open Word, and you should be able to connect.

Cannot open .tcs file

In TransCorpora Search, I can browse for and see my .tcs file, but I cannot open it (it
doesn't show up in the TransCorpora Search Manager after browsing for, and opening it).

One or more files in the corpus has been renamed. A TransCorpora file cannot be
renamed after being built. Change the name back to the original name given to it when
first built.


MultiTrans User Manual - Troubleshooting

Import not found

MultiTrans gives me the following error message: "Cannot find import; DLL may be
missing, corrupt, or wrong version. File "URLMON.DLL", function
"CoInternetCreateZoneManager" (error 0).

We only support Windows 5.0 and higher. Therefore you have to be using a local, not a
network installation.

Cannot uninstall MultiTrans

MultiTrans gives me the following error message: "Unable to locate/process internal
binary resource. Please contact your software vendor" This error will occur when you are
trying to uninstall MultiTrans.

You need administrative rights to add or remove software.

Highlights not revealed after using

TransCorpora process
Colors (highlights) are not showing after using the TransCorpora Process from MS Word,
although MultiTrans says x% found.

1. Open MS Word.
2. Click on the Tools menu > Options > View tab. Ensure that the Highlights
checkbox is selected.


The .tcs file disappears on Windows XP, SP1

The problem with the .tcs file disappearing is a Microsoft XP, SP1 bug. Microsoft does not
manage the file cache correctly over a network, and erases certain file types.

To solve the problem, you must disable the cache on the shared folder. It is documented
in articles 814112, 328170 and 812937 on the Microsoft Website:
A patch is under development for the problem, but for now the work-around is to disable
the cache on the shared drive.


MultiTrans User Manual - Troubleshooting

TransTerm menu doesn't appear in Word after

The TransTerm menu doesn't appear in Word after I install MultiTrans.

1. In MS Word, select the Tools menu > Templates and add-ins, and verify that is there and selected.
If yes: The template from Word is likely corrupted. To refresh it: From
the Tools menu, select Templates and add-ins, click on Attach to see where the template is located. Close MS Word, and use Windows Explorer to
browse to the template. Rename this file to Normal.dott, and re-start
If no: There has been a problem in the installation. Open Windows Explorer, and
copy from C:\Program Files\MultiTrans Pro, Light or
Trial\Add-Ins\MsWord to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Startup*.
Restart MSWord.
For Office 2003, should be copied to
C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Office\Office11\Startup
2. If Excentrix is installed (usually it will put a Services menu in Word), uninstall it.
Open MS Word to make sure the menu is gone, then refresh the
template as in procedure 1.
3. If Adobe Acrobat writer 6 is installed, go to the Tools menu > Templates and
add-ins, clear the selection


Manually Installing the TransTerm Module

In general, the TransTerm module is installed during MultiTrans setup. However, if
TransTerm was not installed, you can do so manually using the following procedure (a
copy of the MS-Word macro running MultiTrans is always included in the MultiTrans

To Manually Installing the TransTerm Module

1. Search for the or (depending on your
version of MultiTrans) Word macro file on your computer. This file is usually
located in the C:\Program Files\MultiTrans\Word Macros\ (or C:\Program
Files\MultiTrans Light\Word Macros\) folder.
2. Copy the macro file in the Startup directory of MS-Word (Usually located in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Startup\).
If you have problems locating the Word Startup folder, look in the MS-Word Tools |
Options menu, and check the File Locations tab for the location of the Startup


Corpus extraction in Analysis 166


a DoubleVue session 138
a new TransCorpora file 11, 52
an abbreviation file 30

Abbreviations 29, 30
Access rights 176

read-only files 181
TermBase web 108
TransCorpora web 55

a TermBase 70
an expression or translation from a
TermBase 75
documents from a corpus 49

a synonym to a TermBase 74
a translation to a TermBase 72
documents to a corpus 48
documents to a corpus on the server
expressions to a TermBase from a
TransCorpora file 44
new fields to a TermBase 96

Disconnecting TransTerm from MultiTrans

DoubleVue 138, 140, 141
Duplicating TermBase records 74

Error messages 198, 199
Exclude lists 124, 151

Administrator 181

Exclusive rights 176

Alignment 23, 25, 43

a DoubleVue session 142
corpus alignments to a TermBase 41
corpus alignments to a text file 41
corpus alignments to a TMX file 40
expressions from a TermBase to HTML
or XML 93

Analysis 151
Appending documents to a corpus 48,
Automatic alignment 23, 43

a DoubleVue session 140
a TermBase 68
an Analysis Results window 151

Color 141, 180

Follow Sentence option 141

Concordance list 28

Full-text search engine 9

Connecting from TransTerm to MultiTrans


Fuzzy search 36

File locations 170

Filters 79

Consecutive words 36

Help 7

Contacting MultiCorpora 8

Highlight 44, 180

Conversion errors 22


Corpus 11, 23, 32, 48


a TermBase 70
abbreviations 30

Ignored words list 53

Renaming an expression 77

a DoubleVue session from a zip file 145
a tagged list into a TermBase 81
a TMX file into a corpus 42
a TMX file into a TermBase 91
text files into a TermBase 81, 85

Requirements 2
Reversing language direction 47
Rights 176, 181

Initial screen 5
Keys 189, 194

an expression list 100
an updated corpus 46
analysis results 151

Searching 32, 196

Language 19, 47, 124

Sentence delimiters 23, 29

ListBuilder 131

Sentences in DoubleVue 141

Server 52, 181

Shortcut keys 189, 194

Matching word list 23

Statistics 162

Menus 185

between TermBases 101
between TransCorpora and TermBase
windows 46
languages in a TermBase 102

Network 176, 181

Synonym 74, 195

network 176
TransTerm 180

System requirements 2

TCS file 198

Partial matches 36
Password 55, 108

TermBase 11, 68, 70, 93, 109, 112, 151,


Printing 39, 151

TermBase Web 108, 110

Projects 147, 148, 149

Terminology extraction 11, 27, 151, 163

exporting corpus alignments to a TMX
file 40
importing a TMX file into a corpus 42
importing a TMX file into a TermBase

access 176, 181
TermBases 103
a corpus from the server 51

TransCorpora 10


MultiTrans User Manual - Index

TransCorpora Builder 11

Unicode 1, 11

TransCorpora file 32, 43, 46, 52

Uninstall 199

TransCorpora Search 10, 32

Users 176, 181

TransCorpora Web 55

Translation 74, 75, 117

Web 55, 108

TransTerm 111, 112, 117

XML 40, 93


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