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Reality Based E-Magazine

Mr. Traylor Induction in to the Martial Arts Hall of Fame

Issue 22 February 03, 2010

Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.
Dark Gift Combat Fighting System Houston's Foremost Authority and premier Reality
Based Martial Arts, Street defense Facility.


I do not know what to say, I am extremely humbled by the IIMAA. I am just an
Instructor trying to point the way to the TRUTH IN COMBAT. I have been in the
Martial Arts for gee lets see over 32 + years or so. I owe everything I am to those
that have trained me in every Style of martial arts I ever studied. I have evolved as
a person and a Martial Artist BUT more SO as a REALITY BASED INSTRUCTOR.
I got see what works and what does not, I learned what paper dragons are and
what the real McCoy looks like and acts like. I have gotten to train with some
legends that have opened my eyes to Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives.
Mr. Traylor @ 16 years of age
I am still learning and training and looking
to better not only myself but my students as
well, This induction has taken me by
surprise as I see so many MUCH more
worthy than I that deserve This award. I ask
Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & Myself WHO I AM that I should get this? It
Founders of D.G.C.F. System. makes me think to the beginning of my
journey and where it has led me to and
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Induction into the hall of fame 1
where it will take me.
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2
Coming events 3 I would have never of thought that when I was a young
Airsoft Products 4 martial artist one day I might be inducted in to the
Why R.B. Training important 5 Martial Arts Hall Of fame.
Womens self defense 7
I have to Thank my Brother Joey who was always
Interview with Paul Vunak 12
Muzzling problem 16 there to hold the mitts or let me work on him, as well as
Welcome 19 Robert and his brother carols, Bruce, Kevin. This
Rob Hamic 20 journey of self discovery is truly humbling experience
BeeR Gut 21
for me. I owe so many a Thank you, that I do not know
links 24
where to begin. All I can Do is *BOW* & to My LORD
hit my knees, Thank You Thank You. I will strive to
earn this award, Not only to my students but the martial
arts Industry. I also want to thank my wife Mrs.Traylor
for the support and encouragement That I so badly
need sometimes, Thank you & I love you very
Much. To any one that is trying to start your own
school do not give up endurance and humbleness
is the key to success. Do not be something you
are NOT, be you and everything will fall in to
Thank you to all my students for trusting
Mrs.Traylor & I to teach and train you in Reality
Based Martial Arts & Combatives.
Stress and the Adrenal Glands
As with all structures of the body, the adrenal glands are subject to a range of
disorders and diseases. Major health problems can occur when the adrenal glands
produce too many or too few hormones. Two disorders caused by impaired
functioning of these glands are Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome. Stress
is one of the more commons causes.... High stress levels, which are often
accompanied by an unhealthy lifestyle, can weaken the adrenal glands. When
stress continues over a long time, the adrenal glands’ response to this stress can
Mr. Honore is deplete the body’s hormonal and energy reserves, and the glands may either shrink
NASM –CPT, CES , PES, in size or hypertrophy (enlarge). The overproduction of adrenal hormones caused by
Certified Personal Trainer & prolonged stress can weaken the immune system, disrupt the metabolism, cause
Apprentice Instructor in Hand to weakness, fatigue and a feeling of being run down. It can also interfere with normal
Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. sleep and cause a light and unrelaxing sleep state which can make one feel worn
out even after a full night’s sleep.
Inside D.G.C.F.S. Adrenal insufficiency is sometimes linked to chronic fatigue and thyroid problems as
Inside D.G.C.F.S. well. As adrenal damage and adrenal fatigue are so often caused by a stressful and
Induction into the hall of fame 1
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 unhealthy lifestyle, it is logical that this situation can be best treated and improved
Coming events 3 with a holistic and natural approach. One’s overall health, as well as the well-being
Airsoft Products 4 and optimum functioning of the adrenal glands, should be addressed. Certain herbal
Why R.B. Training important 5 ingredients are well-known for their tonic effect on the adrenal glands and improving
Womens self defense 7
Interview with Paul Vunak 12 ability to cope with stress. Relaxation methods and reducing stress in ones daily life,
Muzzling problem 16 as well as eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly can all be of great
Welcome 19 benefit to adrenal disease.
Rob Hamic 20
BeeR Gut 21
links 24 What is AdrenoBoost?

AdrenoBoost is a 100% herbal remedy containing herbs known for their ability to
improve the functioning of the adrenal glands and protect it from the damaging
effects of stress and modern lifestyle.

What it does:
.. To improve functioning of the adrenal glands
.. To help treat adrenal disease and protect the healthy adrenal glands from the
damaging effects of stress and the modern lifestyle
.. As a restorative remedy for increasing stamina and performance in people who are run-down by stress
.. To improve circulation, boost vitality and as an overall systemic invigorator
.. To regulate blood pressure, blood sugar and boost the immune system especially after illness.

Mr. Honore is
PES,Certified Personal Trainer
Apprentice Instructor in Hand to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S.

Page 2
Coming Events
February 27, 28 2010 – Houston, TX – Hock Hochheim- Location D.G.C. Main Event in
Gun & Rifle Ranking

March 28,30 – 2010 – Mr.Vargas Lone Star Conference- Location D.G.C.

April 17 – 2010 – Defender & Peacemaker Seminar – location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor


May 15,16 – 2010 – Tactical Airsoft Training. Gun Vs. Gun. Knife Vs. Gun – location
D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking

July – 2010 – Paul Green – Stone wall Tactical – Location D.G.C. sponsored by

September 18, 19 – 2010 - Knife Fighting Seminar – Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor

November 14,15 – 2010 – R.A.T Seminar – Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor are gearing up for the 2010 seminar tour, IF you wish Mr. &
Mrs.Traylor to come to your school for a seminar please contact them. The seminar
can cover what ever you want Just pick the module, All modules have Instructor
certification available.

Page 3

ARES Custom DSR-1 Full Metal Bullpup Gas Sniper Rifle.

This gun runs $550.00 – $600.00

Model Number: VAKS74UN-04

Length: 735 m/m Capacity: 120 rounds

Width: n/a Velocity: 328 fps

Height: n/a Hop Up: Yes

Weight: Approximately 2780 g Auto/Semi Auto: Yes

Blowback: No Power Source: BATTERY OPERATE


. page 4
Why is Reality Based Training so Important
First let’s look at what reality based Martial Arts means as Jim Wagner stated:

Training and survival skills based on modern conflict situations that the
practitioner is likely to encounter in their environment (their “reality”).

Think of it in this way somewhere, someone is THINKING of hurting or killing

another human being. If you’re not training to protect yourself and you meet
THIS PERSON HE or SHE will win. That is not a comforting thought. I hear folks
say, What you teach is so VIOLENT! I say PLEASE show me a murder, rape,
mugging that is NOT VIOLENT.
Look, I know Violents is not the answer, But when it is, IT’S the only ANSWER.
You must meet it with all the voracity one has to save your life or that of a loved
Mr.Traylor one. Sad truth is that the police may not make it in time to save you or them.
Owner & Founders of D.G.C.F.
System. I also hear this all too often “Self-Defense is a choice” No it is not!!! JEEZ GIVE
ME A BREAK it’s a responsibility. You are responsible to protect yourself &
Inside D.G.C.F.S. your family or an innocent person. Would you want your MOM, DAD, SON or
Inside D.G.C.F.S. DAUGHTER to be getting mugged or beating and have folks JUST WATCH?
Induction into the hall of fame 1
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2
Wouldn’t you want them to try and HELP?. BUT guess what FOLKS all to often
Coming events 3 They DO NOT HELP, They watch.. SO Learn to protect yourself. If you have to
Airsoft Products 4 fight, learn to fight “smarter” not harder. That’s why Mrs.Traylor & I look at most
Why R.B. Training important 5 of our techniques from a small male or women’s point of view. WHY hit a hard
Womens self defense 7
Interview with Paul Vunak 12
target “skull” with a soft tool “fist” Folks MOCK the eye jab, I have yet to see it
Muzzling problem 16 fail, I have use it in a REAL physical altercation more than once and it has
Welcome 19 worked EVERYTIME!!. We teach to BITE, Scratch the eyes, smash the throat,
Rob Hamic 20 and slap the groin ect…. These techniques are yes very brutal and believe it or
BeeR Gut 21
not these are the nice ones that we do but YOUR LIFE IS WORTH FIGHTING
links 24
FOR. Please do so.
Look your body knows how to defend itself instinctively. Believe or not,
“SELF PERSERVATION” we use the gross motor skill set OR flinch drills. We at
D.G.C.F.S. train you to use that to your advantage. This is a very important skill
set just as well as the mental attitude. There’s more to defending your life than
physical self-defense, train to also develop non-physical, distraction, and non
confrontational options. That’s why we also incorporate the 4 D’S
DETECT, DEFUSS, DEFEND OR DESTROY. This is also part of pre, during
and Post of a physical altercation. 99.9% of all martial arts school teach you
what to do DURING a physical altercation BUT only 1 % teach you to look at
things like
PRE-INDICATORS & POST after a physical altercation and what are your legal
obligation. We at D.G.C.F.S. train in those issues. Most martial arts and self-
defense programs don’t work, Not all just MOST. The reason I state this is
cause some of these self defense techniques are designed for MEN, STRONG MEN.
They tech a women to punch or palm a male in the head or solar plexus. My wife is 5’2 110lbs soaking wet, Do you think
that IF she punched a male oh lets say about 5’10 180lb that her punch would have an effect to make him stop?
HELL NO!!! In fact it might make him MAD. Know what you need BEFORE you choose a Self defense program.
Folks call me or talk to me and ask how long will it take me to get a BLACK BELT and my reply is this, A BLACK BELT is
a by product. Learning to defend your self is our priority. Your assailant won’t care what color belt you have, In fact all to
often a black belt can be bought or you are a very skilled forms expert. PLEASE under stand I am NOT KNOCKING
Traditional Martial Arts, In fact My wife and I have a Traditional back ground and my son is taking Traditional Shotokan
Karate. 99.9% of our techniques come from a Traditional martial arts we just modify it a little. 100% of D.G.C.F.S. goal is
that you are able to protect your self the very 1 night of class, So when you leave you have the knowledge and the

The way you train is the way you will protect yourself. Right or wrong so please think about what you want to accomplish
when it comes to self defense. Are you looking for SELF PERFECTION or SELF PROTECTION? YES there is a
difference. Look folks a street attack is not a contest with rules. My students hear me say that a lot, It is a life-changing
event, and the trophy is your life. One of my students “Jerry” made this observation. I really like it, it states this:
The WORLD is our RING and the RULES “They are NONE” the Belts is “OUR LIFES”. That says it all I would think.

Page 5
My wife and I do seminars and are in the works of filming our first DVD series. BUT A one-day seminar, video, or book will
not suddenly make you an expert. YOU will just have knowledge of the material, NOT application of it necessarily. You
need to see it in real world application under duress, This will validate the techniques. We at D.G.C.F.S do most of our
training under duress and with resistance; someone who does not want you to do what you are trying to do.
If you want to survive, you must be ABLE to hurt another human being, not in class but IF your life is on the line or your
safety. We also use unique tools, such as Maker knife, Shock Knife, airsoft guns, Elevator room ect.. LOOK ! You can't
"pretend" to hit, kick, grab, shoot or stab - your assailant won't be pretending .
Look when it comes to R.B.S.D., R.B.M.A.,C.Q.C , M.C.Q.C. you have to know that what you are being taught will work.
Not after the fact, but before you ever find yourself face-to-face with your worst nightmare. R.B. training is very safe and
can enjoyable but, there are certain elements of the training that simply cannot be ignored. You may not like the idea of
having to roll or the fact that you might get a bruise or two along the way.

Page 6
Women's Self Defense Support Material
Domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, or intimate partner
violence) occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or
psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between
spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate
partners. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures; people of all races, ethnicities,
religions, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic
violence is perpetrated by both men and women. Domestic violence has many forms,
including physical violence, sexual abuse , emotional abuse , intimidation , economic
deprivation, and threats of violence. Violence can be criminal and includes physical
assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual
Paul Green activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological and financial abuse are not
STONEWAL TACTICAL criminal behaviors, they are forms of abuse and can lead to criminal violence. There
are a number of dimensions including:
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Induction into the hall of fame 1 • Mode: physical, psychological, sexual and/or social.
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 • Frequency: on/off, occasional and chronic.
Coming events 3
Airsoft Products 4 • Severity: in terms of both psychological or physical harm and the need for
Why R.B. Training important 5 treatment.
Womens self defense 7 • Transitory or permanent injury: mild, moderate, severe and up to homicide.
Interview with Paul Vunak 12
Muzzling problem 16
Welcome 19 An important componet of domestic violence, often ignored is the realm of passive
Rob Hamic 20 abuse, leading to violence.[1] Passive abuse is covert, subtle and veiled. This includes
BeeR Gut 21
links 24victimization, procrastination, forgetfulness, ambiguity, neglect, spiritual and intellectual
abuse. Forms of abuse Domestic violence can take the form of physical violence,
including direct physical violence ranging from unwanted physical contact to rape and
murder . Indirect physical violence may include destruction of objects, striking or
throwing objects near the victim, or harm to pets. In addition to physical violence,
spousal abuse often includes mental or emotional abuse, including verbal threats of
physical violence to the victim, the self, or others including children, ranging from
explicit, detailed and impending to implicit and vague as to both content and time
frame, and verbal violence, including threats, insults , put-downs, and attacks.
Nonverbal threats may include gestures , facial expressions , and body postures .
Psychological abuse may also involve economic and/or social control, such as
controlling the victim's money and other economic resources, preventing the victim
from seeing friends and relatives, actively sabotaging the victim's social relationships,
and isolating the victim from social contacts. Physical violence Physical violence is the
intentional use of physical force with the potential for causing injury, harm, disability, or death, for example, hitting,
shoving, biting, restraint, kicking, or use of a weapon. Sexual violence Sexual violence is divided into three categories:

1. use of physical force to compel a person to engage in a sexual act against his or her will, whether or not the act is
2. attempted or completed sex act involving a person who is unable to understand the nature or condition of the act,
unable to decline participation, or unable to communicate unwillingness to engage in the sexual act, e.g., because
of underage immaturity, illness, disability, or the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or because of intimidation or
pressure; and
3. abusive sexual contact. Emotional abuse Emotional abuse (also called psychological abuse or mental abuse) can
include humiliating the victim privately or publicly, controlling what the victim can and cannot do, withholding
information from the victim, deliberately doing something to make the victim feel diminished or embarrassed,
isolating the victim from friends and family, implicitly blackmailing the victim by harming others when the victim
expresses independence or happiness, or denying the victim access to money or other basic resources and
necessities. Women who are being emotionally abused often feel as if they do not own themselves; rather, they
may feel that their significant other has nearly total control over them. Women undergoing emotional abuse often
suffer from depression , which puts them at increased risk for suicide , eating disorders , and drug examined 219
studies on intimate partner violence and concluded that "women are as physically aggressive, or more
aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners." Domestic violence against
women in lesbian relationships is about as common as domestic violence against women in heterosexual
relationships. Types The form and characteristics of domestic violence and abuse may vary in other ways.
Michael P. Johnson (1995, 2006b) argues for three major types of intimate partner violence.

Page 7
The typology is supported by subsequent research and evaluation by Johnson and his colleagues, as well as independent
researchers. Distinctions need to be made regarding types of violence, motives of perpetrators, and the social and cultural
context. Violence by a man against his wife or intimate partner is often done as a way for men to control "their
woman".Other types of intimate partner violence also occur, including violence between gay and lesbian couples, and by
women against their male partners. Distinctions are not based on single incidents, but rather on patterns across numerous
incidents and motives of the perpetrator. Types of violence identified by Johnson:

• Common couple violence (CCV) is not connected to general control behavior, but arises in a single argument
where one or both partners physically lash out at the other. Intimate terrorism is one element in a general pattern
of control by one partner over the other. Intimate terrorism is more common than common couple violence, more
likely to escalate over time, not as likely to be mutual, and more likely to involve serious injury.
• Intimate terrorism (IT) may also involve emotional and psychological abuse.
• Violent resistance (VR), sometimes thought of as "self-defense", is violence perpetrated usually by women
against their abusive partners.
• Mutual violent control (MVC) is rare type of intimate partner violence occurs when both partners act in a violent
manner, battling for control.

Another type is situational couple violence, which arises out of conflicts that escalate to arguments and then to violence. It
is not connected to a general pattern of control. Although it occurs less frequently in relationships and is less serious than
intimate terrorism, in some cases it can be frequent and/or quite serious, even life-threatening. This is probably the most
common type of intimate partner violence and dominates general surveys, student samples, and even marriage
counseling samples. Types of male batterers identified by Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart (1994) include "family-only",
which primarily fall into the CCV type, who are generally less violent and less likely to perpetrate psychological and sexual
abuse. IT batterers include two types: "Generally-violent-antisocial" and "dysphoric-borderline". The first type includes
men with general psychopathic and violent tendencies. The second type are men who are emotionally dependent on the
relationship. Support for this typology has been found in subsequent evaluations. Others, such as the CDC , divide
domestic violence into two types: reciprocal violence, in which both partners are violent, and non-reciprocal violence, in
which one partner is violent. Theories There are many different theories as to the causes of domestic violence. These
include psychological theories that consider personality traits and mental characteristics of the offender, as well as social
theories which consider external factors in the offender's environment, such as family structure, stress, social learning. As
with many phenomena regarding human experience, no single approach appears to cover all cases. Psychological
Psychological theories focus on personality traits and mental characteristics of the offender. Personality traits include
sudden bursts of anger, poor impulse control, and poor self esteem. Various theories suggest that psychopathology and
other personality disorders are factors, and that abuse experienced as a child leads some people to be more violent as
adults. Studies have found high incidence of psychopathy among abusers. Dutton has suggested a psychological profile
of men who abuse their wives, arguing that they have borderline personalities (between psychotics and neurotics ), which
are developed early in life. Gelles suggests that psychological theories are limited, and points out that other researchers
have found that only 10% (or less) fit this psychological profile. He argues that social factors are important, while
personality traits, mental illness, or psychopathy are lesser factoflict, and when conflict does arise, are less likely to resort
to violence. If one spouse desires control and power in the relationship, the spouse may resort to abuse. This may include
coercion and threats, intimidation, emotional abuse, economic abuse, isolation, making light of the situation and blaming
the spouse, using children (threatening to take them away), and behaving as "master of the castle". Social stress Stress
may be increased when a person is living in a family situation, with increased pressures. Social stresses, due to
inadequate finances or other such problems in a family may further increase tensions. Violence is not always caused by
stress, but may be one way that some (but not all) people respond to stress. Families and couples in poverty may be
more likely to experience domestic violence, due to increased stress and conflicts about finances and other aspects.
Some speculate that poverty may hinder a man's ability to live up to his idea of "successful manhood", thus he fears
losing honor and respect. Theory suggests that when he is unable to economically support his wife, and maintain control,
he may turn to misogyny , substance abuse , and crime as ways to express masculinity. Social learning theory Social
learning theory suggests that people learn from observing and modeling after others' behavior. With positive
reinforcement, the behavior continues. If one observes violent behavior, one is more likely to imitate it. If there are no
negative consequences (e.g. victim accepts the violence, with submission), then the behavior will likely continue. Often,
violence is transmitted from generation to generation in a cyclical manner. Power and control In some relationships,
violence arises out of a perceived need for power and control, a form of bullying and social learning of abuse. Abusers'
efforts to dominate their partners have been attributed to low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy, unresolved childhood
conflicts, the stress of poverty, hostility and resentment toward women (misogyny ), hostility and resentment toward men
(misandry ), personality disorders, genetic tendencies and sociocultural influences, among other possible causative
factors. Most authorities seem to agree that abusive personalities result from a combination of several factors, to varying
degrees. A causalist view of domestic violence is that it is a strategy to gain or maintain power and control over the victim.
This view is in alignment with Bancroft's "cost-benefit" theory that abuse rewards the perpetrator in ways other than, or in
addition to, simply exercising power over his or her target(s).

Page 8
He cites evidence in support of his argument that, in most cases, abusers are quite capable of exercising control over
themselves, but choose not to do so for various reasons. An alternative view is that abuse arises from powerlessness and
externalizing /projecting this and attempting to exercise control of the victim. It is an attempt to 'gain or maintain power and
control over the victim' but even in achieving this it cannot resolve the powerlessness driving it. Such behaviours have
addictive aspects leading to a cycle of abuse or violence . Mutual cycles develop when each party attempts to resolve
their own powerlessness in attempting to assert control. Questions of power and control are integral to the widely utilized
Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project . They developed "Power and Control Wheel" to illustrate this: it has power
and control at the center, surrounded by spokes (techniques used), the titles of which include:

• Coercion and threats

• Intimidation
• Emotional abuse
• Isolation
• Minimizing, denying and blaming
• Using children
• Economic abuse
• Male privilege

The model attempts to address abuse by one-sidedly challenging the misuse of power by the 'perpetrator'. Critics of this
model suggest that the one-sided focus is problematic as resolution can only be achieved when all participants
acknowledge their responsibilities, and identify and respect mutual purpose.[80] The power wheel model is not intended to
assign personal responsibility, enhance respect for mutual purpose or assist victims and violence#cite_note-83#cite_note-
83) The contribution of these reactions is one possible component. EQUALITY WHEEL Trust and equality are hallmarks
of a good relationship. You should be able to feel safe and loved in your relationship. the equality wheel, demonstrates
what a healthy relationship looks like. Equality Wheel created and produced by Domestic Abuse Intervention Project 202
East Superior Street / Duluth, MN 55302 / (218) 722-7281 Non-Threatening Behavior You and your partner talk and act in
a way that makes you both feel comfortable expressing your opinions and making your own decisions. You feel safe
around each other. Negotiation and Fairness You and your partner have equal decision-making power in the relationship
and are willing to compromise. Rules and agreements are made together and apply equally to both of you. Sexual Safety
You and your partner are able to say no to any sexual behavior you are not comfortable with. You honor and respect each
other's sexual decisions, communicate about sex, and practice safe sex if you are sexually active. Connections With
Others You and your partner maintain friendships and family relationships, enjoy activities outside of your relationship and
make your own decisions about where you go, what you do and whom you hang out with. Responsible Parenting You and
your partner communicate and make responsible decisions about pregnancy. If you are parenting, you share
responsibilities and are positive, non-violent role models for children. Honesty and Accountability You and your partner
accept responsibility for your own actions. You acknowledge mistakes and admit when you are wrong and communicate
openly and truthfully. You trust your partner, and you are being trustworthy yourself. Trust and Support You and your
partner encourage each other's goals, talents and strengths. You value each other's feelings and opinions, even if they
are different from your own. You respect each other's privacy and listen non-judgmentally. Financial/Economic
Independence You and your partner control your own money and negotiate about shared expenses. When gifts are given,
they are given freely and without expectation for anything in return. There are no demands for money or material items.
Cycle of violence Frequently, domestic violence is used to describe specific violent and overtly abusive incidents, and
legal definitions will tend to take this perspective. However, when violent and abusive behaviours happen within a
relationship, the effects of those behaviours continue after these overt incidents are over. Advocates and counsellors will
refer to domestic violence as a pattern of behaviours, including those listed above. Lenore Walker presented the model of
a Cycle of Violence which consists of three basic phases: Honeymoon Phase Characterized by affection, apology, and
apparent end of violence. During this stage the batterer feels overwhelming feelings of remorse and sadness. Some
batterers walk away from the situation, while others shower their victims with love and affection. Tension Building Phase
Characterized by poor communication, tension, fear of causing outbursts. During this stage the victims try to calm the
batterer down, to avoid any major violent confrontations. Acting-out Phase Characterized by outbursts of violent, abusive
incidents. During this stage the batterer attempts to dominate his/her partner(victim), with the use of domestic violence.
Although it is easy to see the outbursts of the Acting-out Phase as abuse, even the more pleasant behaviors of the
Honeymoon Phase serve to perpetuate the abuse. See also the cycle of abuse article. Many domestic violence advocates
believe that the cycle of violence theory is limited and does not reflect the realities of manwill need to).

Page 9
Safety in Explosive Incidents
Try to go to a room or area where there is an exit. Avoid rooms with potential weapons or no outside exits (e.g.
garages, kitchens, bathrooms).
Try to stay in a room with a phone or hide your cell phone in a safe place and have it programmed for 911. Call a friend
or neighbor if you can.
Visualize your escape route. If a safe moment arises, be prepared to use it.
Use your code word or special signal to tell your children or neighbors to call 911.
Trust your instincts and judgment to safely decide what to do next. Safety When Leaving
Open a savings account in your own name at a different bank. Consider direct deposit of your paycheck or benefit
Have your abuser's social security number and license plate number with you to give to the police.
Bring medications, hearing aids, glasses, etc.
Keep the Iowa Domestic Violence Hotline number with you at all times: 1-800-942-0333.
Review your safety plan regularly. Safety When No Longer Living with Your Abuser
Change the locks on your doors as soon as possible. If possible, buy additional locks to secure your windows.
Consider more outside lighting.
If you have children or other dependents living with you, discuss a safety plan for when you are not there. Inform their
school, daycare, etc. about who has permission to pick them up. Give copies of your protection order to anyone with
whom your children or dependents may be staying.
Inform neighbors and your landlord that your abuser no longer-0333 TYPES OF RAPE Rape can be categorized in
different ways: for example, by reference to the situation in which it occurs, by the identity or characteristics of the victim,
and/or by the identity or characteristics of the perpetrator. These categories are referred to as types of rape. Acquaintance
rape / Date rape These are non-domestic rapes committed by someone who knows the victim. They include rapes of co-
workers, schoolmates, friends, and other acquaintances, including "date rapes." The vast majority of rapes are committed
by people who already know the victim. Spousal rape Also known as spouse, marital rape, wife rape, husband rape,
partner rape or intimate partner sexual assault (IPSA), is rape between a married or de facto couple. Research reveals
that victims of marital/partner rape suffer longer lasting trauma than victims of stranger rape. College campus rape Some
studies indicate a particular problem with rape on college campuses. According to a 1992 study, one out of twelve college
aged men and women committed rape. The Department of Justice study also found that in "about half of the incidents
categorized as completed rapes, the women or men did not consider the incident to be a rape." According to the Journal
of Counseling and Development, women aged 16?24 are at the highest risk of sexual assault. One study has concluded
that as many as one in four college aged females and one in ten college aged males has been a victim of either rape or
attempted rape. Gang rape Gang rape, or mass rape, occurs when a group of people participate in the rape of a single
victim. Rape involving at least two or more penetrators is widely reported to occur in many parts of the world. Systematic
information on the extent of the problem, however, is scant. One study showed that offenders and victims in gang rape
incidents were younger with a higher possibility of being unemployed. Gang rapes involved more alcohol and drug
involvement, night attacks and severe sexual assault outcomes and less victim resistance and fewer weapons than
individual rapes. Another study found that group sexual assaults were more violent and had greater resistance from the
victim than individual sexual assaults and that victims of group sexual assaults were more likely to seek crisis and police
services, to contemplate suicide and seek therapy than those involved in individual assaults. The two groups were about
the same in the amount of drug use and drinking during the assault. In Johannesburg , South Africa , surveillance studies
of women attending medico-legal clinics following a rape found that one-third of the cases had been gang rapes. National
data on rape and sexual assault in the United States reveal that about 1 out of 10 sexual assaults involve multiple
perpetrators. Most of these assaults are committed by people unknown to their victims. This pattern, though, differs from
that in South Africa where boyfriends are often involved in gang rapes. The word tournante is a French adjective meaning
"turning" and is used as a slang term to mean a gang rape. According to the testimony of numerous victims, young
Muslim women who stray from traditional conduct in the immigrant neighborhoods, such as behaving and dressing like a
westerner, or wanting to live as Europeans or refusing to wear the traditional clothing , have been targeted for tournantes.
According to Samira Bellil in a CNN interview, there was a trial in Lille regarding a 13-year-old girl who had allegedly been
gang-raped by 80 men. War rape During war, rape is often used as means of psychological warfare MOTIVES FOR
RAPE There is no single theory that conclusively explains the motivation for rape ; the motives of rapists can be multi-
factorial and are the subject of debate. Researchers have attempted to explain the motivation of a rapist in terms of anger
, power) , sadism , and sexual gratification. Some argue that the capacity or propensity to rape is adaptive in the sense
that historically, men with genes which increase their propensity to rape may have had more children, furthering the
spread of those genes Anger rape Anger rape is characterized by physical brutality with the rapist using far more force
than is necessary to subdue the victim. The experience for the offender is one that is of conscious anger and rage. He/she
expresses his/her rage both physically and verbally upon the victim during the attack. His/her aim is to hurt and debase
his/her victim. He/she often shows his/her contempt through abusive and profane language. The anger rapist considers
rape the ultimate offense he/she can commit against the victim. Such a rapist strikes sporadically and infrequentlyes
torture and restraint.

Page 10
Sometimes it can take on ritualistic or other bizarre qualities. The victim's injuries will be primarily focused on the sexual
areas of his/her body; there may be mutilation of these areas. The rapist may use some type of instrument or foreign
object to penetrate his victim. The sadistic rapist's assaults are deliberate, calculated and preplanned. They will often wear
a disguise or will blindfold his/her victim. Prostitutes or other people whom they perceives to be "promiscuous" are often
the sadistic rapist's targets. The victims of a sadistic rapist may not survive the attack. For some offenders, the ultimate
satisfaction is gained from murdering the victim. Sexual gratification Though anger and power are believed to be the
primary motivation for most rapes, Richard Felson and James Tedeschi contend that sadism is a significant motivation to
rapists. Felson believes that rape is an aggressive form of sexual coercion and the goal of rape is sexual satisfaction
rather than power. Most rapists do not have a preference for rape over consensual sex. In one study, rapists evaluated
with penile plethysmography demonstrated more arousal to forced sex and less discrimination between forced and
consensual sex than non-rapist control subjects, though both groups responded more strongly to consensual sex
scenarios US rape statistics Though people tend to assume otherwise, rape by a stranger is by far the least common form
of rape. Rape of women by men, by perpetrator Perpetrator Frequency Steady dating partner 21.6% Casual friend 16.5%
Ex-boyfriend 12.2% Acquaintance 10.8% Close friend 10.1% Casual date 10.1% Husband 7.2% Stranger 2% Drug,
especially alcohol, use is frequently involved in rape. In 47% of rapes, both the victim and the perpetrator had been
drinking. In 17%, only the perpetrator had been. 7% of the time, only the victim had been drinking. Rapes where neither
the victim nor the perpetrator had been drinking were 29% of all rapes Contrary to widespread belief, rape outdoors is
rare. Over two thirds of all rapes occur in someone's home. 30.9% occur in the perpetrators' homes, 26.6% in the victims'
homes and 10.1% in homes shared by the victim and perpetrator. 7.2% occur at parties, 7.2% in vehicles, 3.6% outdoors
and 2.2% in bars Most rape research and reporting to date has been limited to male-female forms of rape. Research on
male-male and female-male is beginning to be done. However, almost no research has been done on female-female
rape, though women can be charged with rape Effects on victims Victims of rape can be severely traumatized by the
assault and may have difficulty functioning as well as they had been used to prior to the assault, with disruption of
concentration, sleeping patterns and eating habits, for example. They may feel jumpy or be on edge. After being raped it
is common for the victim to experience Acute Stress Disorder , including symptoms similar to those of posttraumatic
stress disorder , such as intense, sometimes unpredictable, emotions, and they may find it hard to deal with their
memories of the event. In the months immediately following the assault these problems may be severe and very upsetting
and may prevent the victim from revealing their ordeal to friends or family , or seeking police or medical assistance.
Additional symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder include

• depersonalization or dissociation (feeling numb and detached, like being in a daze or a dream, or feeling that the
world is strange and unreal)
• difficulty remembering important parts of the assault
• reliving the assault through repeated thoughts, memories, or nightmares
• avoidance of things, places, thoughts, and/or feelings that remind the victim of the assault
• anxiety or increased arousal (difficulty sleeping, concentrating, etc.)
• avoidance of social life or place of rape

For one-third to one-half of the victims, these symptoms continue beyond the first few months and meet the conditions for
the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder . (See also Significant Emotional Event.) In general, rape and sexual
assault are among the most common causes of PTSD in women.
info coutesy of Fernan David Vargas

Paul Green
Is a Professor of Combative Arts with the American Budo Society as well as the International Technical Director, Alabama State Heavyweight
Champion in Sport Jiu-Jitsu in 1999 I hold a 5th dan in Jujutsu
a 5th dan in Ninjutsu
a 4th dan in Karate and a 3rd dan in Judo/Yudo respectively
also a certified instructor in The Defender Personal Defense Weapon System A certified instructor in the SABER(Strategic Anit-Blade Engagement
Response) Method An Advanced Instructor in Knife/Counter Knife Combatives under W Hock Hocheim

Page 11
Candid Interview with Sifu Paul Vunak
The Interview...
PFS: What was your first art?
PV: Tae Kwon Do...I started at age 9 and studied for four years.
PFS: Who was your instructor?
PV: Actually, there were four instructors that ran the school. They were called the Yi
Brothers - I believe their names were Yung Pok, Yung Kuk, Yung Ho, and Yung Chuen.
PFS: Why did you leave the Yi Brothers?
PV: After I finally got a black belt I decided to move on. I felt my kicking techniques
Sifu Paul Vunak World renowned were OK; however, I lacked good hands.
Navy Seal Training & Reality Based
Combatives Instructor and also my PFS: What was your next school?
instructor PV: Tiger-Crane Kenpo was an offshoot of
BKF (Black Karate Federation). A gentleman by the
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Inside D.G.C.F.S. name of Al Fleming was my instructor.
Induction into the hall of fame 1 PFS: How long did you study there?
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 PV: For roughly three years.
Coming events 3
PFS: Why did you leave?
Airsoft Products 4
Why R.B. Training important 5 PV: Well, I ended up doing most of the teaching
Womens self defense 7 there and soon discovered that our school had
Interview with Paul Vunak 12 turned into a childcare center. I had about 25-30
Muzzling problem 16
adults (mostly in their late twenties), and over 50 kids. My emphasis was on fighting,
Welcome 19
Rob Hamic 20 and not on running a business, so I got the brainy idea to close down the kids' class.
Beer Gut 21 Three months later, our school closed down!
links 24 PFS: Why is it that you were more interested in fighting than business?
PV: I grew up that way...I witnessed a lot of fighting starting from a very young age. I
was living in the worst part of Long Beach, California. In my high school (Poly High),
being Caucasian meant you were the minority. Not to mention growing up in an
extremely emotional household with a Yugoslavian father and a Sicilian mother!
PFS: Where did you go after the BKF school?
PV: It was November 22, 1976 when I was first introduced to Dan Inosanto and the
Filipino Kali Academy.
PFS: What was that like?
PV: I remember there were some dividers separating the classes. Most people don't
know, but the old Kali Academy used to teach Kenpo Karate as well as Jeet Kune Do
and Kali. I remember showing up on a Saturday afternoon during which there were no
formal classes, just free workout time. I decided to spar with someone to confirm that
this was indeed the school for me.
PFS: What was the result of this encounter?
PV: I picked the biggest, most serious-looking guy in the school and asked him if he would spar with me. My adrenaline
was pumping and I was bent on taking this guy out. I also remember hitting this guy with a backfist...that's the last thing I
remember! When I woke up there was a bunch of guys staring down at me, and I remember my first words were, "Sign
me up!"
PFS: Did you ever meet up with this guy again?

PV: (laughing) Yeah, we became friends and trained very hard together. His name was
Torrance Mathis. I remember after he kicked my ass all over the gym, I had car trouble and he
drove me home. I sat on my bed staring at a wall full of trophies and certificates until, in tears, I
ripped every certificate off my wall. I vividly remember my Mom walking in during my adolescent
emotional outburst and asking what happened to my face. When I told her she said, "So I guess
those two black belts and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee."
PFS: So where did you go from there?
PV: After about three years at the Kali Academy, I started teaching there.
PFS: What year are we in right now?
PV: I was 19, so it must have been around late '79.
PFS: What were your days like teaching at the Kali Academy?

Page 12
PV: Eventually I ended up teaching several classes daily. I opened the doors at 4:00 every afternoon, and our last class
ended at 10:00 PM. A handful of us would stay every night until 2:00 AM talking to Dan.
PFS: So you spent 8-10 hours a day there, 7 days a week?
PV: No, we were closed on Sundays.
PFS: Why the hectic schedule?
PV: Well, I was basically supporting myself from age 17 on through teaching. During the time I was training and teaching
at the Kali Academy I also had a Savate school with Daniel Duby from 1980-1984. [Ed. note: This was the first Savate
school in the United States.] I've never had a real J.O.B. Actually, that's not true...I worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken for
3 12 days. I was the Extra Crispy Man!
PFS: How long did you keep up this training pace?
PV: Basically until the Kali Academy closed, from 1976 - 1984. I then continued to study with Dan at Culver City
for the next two years. That's when I formed my own organization, Progressive Fighting Systems. However, I never
stopped being Dan's student.
PFS: How did you go about setting up the organization?
PV: During the years I spent teaching under Dan, my private clientele had grown rather large. A lot of times, students
would ask Dan for private instruction in certain specific areas, then he would direct them to the most appropriate
instructors. For example, if someone wanted stickfighting, Dan would send him to Ted Lucay. For boxing, he would
usually guide them to Richard Bustillo. For people interested in raw streetfighting, Dan would send them my way.
Consequently, PFS is comprised of people all over the world with the same bent - the pursuit of pure fighting and self-

PFS: How many people belong to the organization?

PV: We have over 300 instructors and over 4,000 students worldwide.
PFS: Do you own all 300 schools?
PV: No, I didn't learn anything from KFC, this is not a franchise! PFS is an
organization of all friends, in which I get to be more of a guide than a boss.
We really only have two basic goals:
1) Undying loyalty to Dan Inosanto.
2) To help keep Kali and Jeet Kune Do alive and growing in an ethical and
responsible way.
PFS: Could you explain your ranking system? Paul instructing in Germany, early 1998
PV: To understand our ranking system, you first need to understand the
methodology of learning Jeet Kune Do. It has everything to do with the process, and little to do with the product! In other
words, one becomes proficient in JKD through the process of self-discovery...and self-discovery is fueled by the process
of teaching. This mentality started when Bruce Lee first came to America; he had his mother art of Wing Chun, but after
discovering certain limitations he would essentially experiment on his students by teaching them. This gave him people to
train with - absolutely crucial for him to develop! Dan Inosanto is the main link between us and Bruce's principles and
concepts. After Bruce passed away Dan was left with the mantle of "Jeet Kune Do" on his shoulders. In order for him to
continue the growth of the art, he opened up the Filipino Kali Academy. This school was like no other; we were basically a
giant garage full of hard-core students. People would come from all over the world to view Bruce's art...professional
boxers, Thai boxers, world-class Karate and Gung-fu men, and about every other style you can imagine. We had two
words for anyone who came with a negative attitude: "Glove up!" I remember our school had a "bad rap." People would
say, "They aren't martial artists, they're just interested in fighting." The floors had seen so much blood, we finally gave up
and painted them red! The Kali Academy was the laboratory in which the art that we learn now was developed. When the
Academy closed and I started PFS, I needed bodies to teach, in order for me to personally continue growing. The only
way I know how to teach is to get my students to a particular level and then allow them to take the concepts and principles
and teach students of their own. By the process of teaching Jeet Kune Do Concepts, my students are accelerating their
personal growth tenfold.
After roughly ten hours of very intense one-on-one training with me, I usually award an apprentice instructorship. This
does not mean that these individuals are qualified Jeet Kune Do instructors! It simply means one has our blessing to
teach what he or she knows, and to grow from the experience. (Hence the term "apprentice.") After roughly fifty hours of
private instruction with me (or 2-5 years of training in a group setting, and depending on skill and other factors), an
apprentice will receive the first official rank of instructorship, Phase One Instructor. At this point, after several years of
dedication to learning, to Dan Inosanto and to PFS, a Full Instructorship is awarded. All of my full instructors must not only
have the physical side of the art groomed well, but the mental and emotional sides as well. Full instructors can make their
own apprentice instructors.

Page 13
Finally, we have the rank of Senior Instructor. All of our Senior Instructors have been around for ten years or more. They
must exhibit not only all the attributes of the full instructors, but also have a solid belief system. Our Senior instructors
have evolved to the point where they are exploring the spiritual side of the art. It takes absolute determination and
persistence to achieve this level, the highest attainable in PFS. Seniors can make apprentice and Phase One instructors.
PFS: When did you start your Jiu Jitsu training?
PV: June of '88 was when I had my first taste of Jiu Jitsu. I was studying with Rorion (Gracie) in his garage.
PFS: What do you remember most about training with the Gracies?
PV: I guess it would be that wonderful feeling of training your whole life standing up, and then having someone completely
play with you on the ground. Not to sound like a fanatic or anything, but I was reborn! I consider myself to this day, after
ten years, still a baby on the ground. I get to be a student for the rest of my life.
PFS: Which of the Gracies did you train with besides Rorion?
PV: Besides about a year and a half with him, I worked with Royce for about the same amount of time, Royler for about 6
months, and Rickson for about three years.
PFS: Why did you train with all four of the Gracies?
PV: They all have a different "feel" and perception of how things are done.
PFS: Not to play favorites, but did you "connect" with any particular brother in a special way?
PV: Well, they're all incredible groundfighters, but anyone who has ever rolled around for even five minutes with Rickson
will tell you that he's from another planet! Besides an intense appreciation for the years I had with him, I have no words to
describe his skill level. There are certain athletes who defy description...Bruce Lee, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky,
Rickson Gracie...I guess God was in a good mood when he was dishing out attributes for these guys! (Laughs.)
PFS: Were other JKD practitioners studying Jiu Jitsu also?
PV: Very, very few. I think that for most people who have dedicated years to the martial arts and are already teachers, it is
too difficult to put on a gi, strap on a white belt, and start all over as a student.
PFS: What was your next evolutionary phase?
PV: Well, I got absolutely fanatical about Jiu Jitsu...I spread the word about Gracie Jiu Jitsu from South Dakota to South
Africa. No one outside of Brazil had really even heard of the Gracies back then, so I integrated the training into all of my
schools worldwide. Later the Gracies opened up a school, and then came the UFC. Now they're a household name. I'm
glad and honored that I got to train with them back when they were more accessible.

PFS: When did you start teaching the Navy SEALS?

PV: They initially approached me in late '88.
PFS: Why did they come to you?
PV: I have no idea. I was originally approached by a gentleman named Monty Trezise,
who interviewed me extensively and then directed me to Frank Cucci. After an eye-to-
eye meeting, Frank became very enthusiastic and spearheaded my relocation to
PFS: Which teams did you work with?
PV: Mainly Team 6; however, I eventually got around to most of the teams in one
capacity or another. We did most of the training on base; however, a few times I would
work with teams preparing for more covert operations, and we would train off base in a banquet room at a nearby hotel.
PFS: How long did you stay in Virginia?
PV: For a very long three years.

Click above to read the Letter of Appreciation sent to

Paul Vunak from the Department of the Navy.

PFS: Why do you say "very long?"

PV: Because I really didn't like living in Virginia. All we ever did was train all day, and go to biker bars and drink beer and
fight every night. Those were dark days for me that I'm not particularly proud of.
PFS: Training Navy SEALs and kicking butt sounds like a martial artist's dream!
PV: It's very easy to romanticize things like that, but in actuality there's nothing dreamy about waking up in jail with crusted
blood, swollen knuckles, and dry heaves.

Page 14
PFS: So how did you end up back in California?
PV: I actually had about six months left on my contract with the military, but I negotiated with the powers-that-be to
delegate the rest of the teaching to three people. These guys had been my most persistent, talented, and dedicated
students. They were Pat Bagley, Pat Tray, and Frank Cucci. I certified them as Full Instructors to carry on my art with my
blessing. Thus I was able to move back home to California. Now I only go back occasionally when my services are
requested for a special operation.
PFS: Where do you see yourself heading now?
PV: On a personal level, my interests lie in my music, and the pursuit of the healing arts. They have always amazed me -
and to be perfectly honest with you, I would much rather heal someone than hurt them. For the last several years, I have
been following a very stringent diet and lifestyle that I feel is conducive to growing emotionally and spiritually.
PFS: What got you interested in the healing arts?
PV: Purely selfish reasons at first - I have a hereditary ulcer, so I was forced to make major life changes to keep myself
healthy. After seeing the positive effects these changes have had in my life, I am anxious to share that knowledge and
energy with anyone interested.
PFS: What are your aspirations from a business point of view?
PV: I don't really want to change too much from the way things are now...I love my lifestyle. My business skills are about a
white belt - in the world of business, I feel like a guppy in a shark tank! I would certainly like to learn how to at least swim! I
do have some wonderful mentors in the business world. I find it amazing how ruthless people can be when it comes to
business. Now that certain companies and people view me as competition, I see there is no limit to how far they will go in
what they say. And every year, these people seem to push that envelope a little further. There are letters circulated
among companies' mailing lists that say ridiculous things, sometimes with my name supposedly signed to them; rumors
spread that are so far from the truth, they don't even hurt my feelings anymore the way they used to! I just don't feel it's
worthwhile to expend the time, money, or energy it would take to shut these people down.
PFS: Care to name any names?
PV: No. (smiling) Everyone does that. It seems like so many people these days feel that the only way to make themselves
look good is to put other people down. That's a zero-sum mentality, like a poker game. For you to win someone else has
to lose; and I totally disagree with that. When people ask me about a certain person, regardless of my personal feelings, I
never say anything negative. I simply tell people, "Put in their tapes or go to their seminars, and let your heart decide."
You can fake records, have fancy ad campaigns, or lie about championships, but the body mechanics (or lack of) always
tell the story! These days, everyone's out there promoting themselves as the next Bruce Lee. Personally I could never
come across as some badass Bruce Lee...I've lost too many fights to get a swollen ego! (Laughs) I absolutely love my life
the way it is right now. I enjoy teaching and giving back, my music and the healing arts, sharing my love with my wife and
our animals, and growing spiritually. If I were to win the Lotto tomorrow, I wouldn't change a thing in my life.

Paul Vunak

Page 15
From drawing the pistol to presenting and/or firing the pistol, whether on the range
or in real combat, muzzling / lasering the barrel of your handgun across your body or
those of nearby comrades and innocents, can be a deadly problem. Try as must to
keep the trigger off the finger until the last possible second, mistakes occur in chaos
and stress. Here are some issues to consider.
By: Hock Hochheim
A pioneer in Reality Based combatives
field and Military and L.E.O. trainer
Muzzling Your Own Thigh -
also my Instructor. Standing
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Induction into the hall of fame 1 During the quick draw process, the barrel of your
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 weapon almost invariably cross some part of your
Coming events 3
Airsoft Products 4 holster side leg.
Why R.B. Training important 5
Womens self defense 7
Interview with Paul Vunak 12
Muzzling problem 16
Welcome 19
Rob Hamic 20
BeeR Gut 21
links 24

In the early phase of a draw, the weapon may

travel over your leg (don't forget the foot!).

Muzzling Your Thigh While Dropping

Loud explosions and sudden gunfire often makes

a combatant drop to a knee while drawing their
pistol, as shown to the left. It is a reflexive move.
The drawn pistol will often muzzle your thigh. One
solution is to practice dropping to the weak knee,
thus limiting exposure.

The same problem holds true while drawing in a kneeling position.

Try to remember to drop down on the weak side knee.

Page 16
Muzzling Your Support Hand

In the haste to shoot with two hands, you may muzzle your support hand as it moves
into position. Watch out for your other hand!

Malfunctions and Reloading

When a shooter has a malfunction, or when he

reloads under stress, he may accidentally
point the barrel at anyone near him.

Take care when clearing malfunctions and reloading.

Page 17
Shooting Your Own Arm

In the course of close quarter combat, some 40 percent to 60 percent of the time you
are engaged in battling an enemy. Your arm is often pulled in the way of your line of fire.
You have a choice to shoot high (over your arm) or low (under your arm). But it is a
chaotic moment of motion. Take care not to shoot your arm.

Accidentally Shooting Yourself

The flight path of bullets, especially those of lessor rounds, are fickle when they hit your
opponent. if your are extremely close, these rounds may bang around inside his body
and back into you somewhere.

The Unsafe Re-Holstering

When the shooting is over, careless shooters who take little regard when re-holstering often
muzzle themselves. There is a case on record of a man shot shot himself in his own heart
when holstering his semi-auto into a shoulder holster.

Page 18
Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to welcome
Brain Velasquez, Larry ragsdale, Murali Natarajan,

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to wish a HAPPY BIRTH DAY

Wun Wong

Page 19
Robb Hamic is Featured in Security Management
Magazine as New Mexicos...
Robb Hamic was featured in the July 2009 Security Management article New
Mexico'ss private security watchdog. Security management is published by ASIS,
the world'ss largest security association. Mr. Hamic has received a lot of media
attention for the blog that he publishes: The New Mexico Security Blog. The blog
exposes many of New Mexico'ss security and investigation industry problems and
illegally operating companies. Mr. Hamic started the blog two years ago after he
became frustrated with the lack of enforcement by state agencies and unanswered
/ complaints to the state. The response by individuals, media, and the government
Robb Hamic has been strong.
is an IAFEFI member since 2003,
former Sheriff’s Deputy, Detective
and Desert Storm U.S. Army Veteran. Robb Hamic has been licensed in the security and investigation industry for almost
He is a Certified Law Enforcement ten years ago after receiving experience in the Bernalillo County Sheriff'ss
Trainer (CLET) and is a state and Department as a Deputy and Detective. He started his own firm and he was amazed
nationally accredited firearms that many companies and guards provided security services, sometimes wearing a
instructor for handgun, shotgun, rifle, gun, unlicensed and illegally. He made many complaints with New Mexico'ss
patrol rifle and tactics.
Regulation and Licensing Division that went completely unanswered. He was
Also my Instructor
Inside D.G.C.F.S. frustrated that many guards were working without any background checks and he
Inside D.G.C.F.S. found many examples of felons carrying guns while on duty 'sprotecting's the people
Induction into the hall of fame 1 of Albuquerque. He found many instances of gross negligence by the state but still
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2
Coming events 3
nobody took any notice. The blog ( has
Airsoft Products 4 exposed many crimes and has pictures of guards smoking marijuana on duty,
Why R.B. Training important 5 guards getting arrested, guards dealing drugs and other serious violations. The
Womens self defense 7
article ( comes at the end
Interview with Paul Vunak 12
Muzzling problem 16 of a series of reports and reports that highlighted the problem. The article sites the
Welcome 19 head of RLD telling the Santa Fe Reporter that Hamic might be right about the
Rob Hamic 20 epidemic of unlicensed security guards. RLD spokesperson said that his feedback
BeeR Gut 21
links 24 has been extremely helpful in few cases. State Legislator Bill Rehm thinks that
Hamic'ss blog maybe helpful in highlighting the overall cause. He says, if its
something we need to fix, I think that it is important to draw attention to it. Robb
Hamic has become an expert in negligent security issues and inadequate security in
New Mexico. He has kept diligent records on companies who operate illegally and
he also advocates for victims of negligent security at commercial locations. Business
owners are responsible for protecting people who come to their property.
Albuquerque is a violent place and business owners, property managers and others must evaluate the risks associated
with attracting people to businesses. Risk assessments and security procedures must be in place to protect people and
their property. Unfortunately, many business owners take shortcuts when it comes to security at the risk of others so they
can make a better profit, says Hamic. Robb Hamic is a private investigator and investigates negligent security together
with many of this employees who specialize in this area of risk. He works successfully with attorneys to recover money for
people who where injured as a result of bad security practices. Mr. Hamic is also a self defense
( trainer and certified law enforcement trainer. He is a law enforcement and military
firearms and combatitives instructor ( He brings a wealth of experience to his
clients with unmatched diversity. Mr. Hamic is a good source for expert opinion on a full range of law enforcement,
security operations, security procedures, personal protection, use of force, training, investigative, premises liability or
other topics that fall within his skill-set. He makes himself readily available to the news media and is available by cellular
phone. Mr. Hamic has provided investigative research, skip tracking, locates and background checks and surveillance for
investigative reporters.

Page 20
The Secret of That Stubborn “Beer Gut”
CAN It! Quickly and Easily, Once and For All 
How I lost 50 pounds of fat without even trying. Chocolate? Peanut butter? All Part of
the solution… 
Have you ever noticed that no matter how much you exercise, no matter how much
you diet, you just can’t ever seem to get rid of the “belly”, or maybe those last few
inches? Have you ever seen someone that looks to
be in pretty good shape but they still have a bit of a
“gut?” Sometimes even if there isn’t much to
“pinch”, one can still have a protruding belly, yet if
Clint Bodungen you poke it, it’s hard and not soft and squishy. What is it
with the “gut” today and why is it so hard to get rid
Inside D.G.C.F.S. of compared to other body fat.
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Induction into the hall of fame 1
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 It’s not rocket science to figure out that being
Coming events 3
Airsoft Products 4 overweight is, in most cases, the result
Why R.B. Training important 5 of consuming too many calories while
Womens self defense 7
Interview with Paul Vunak 12
maintaining a sedentary lifestyle.
Muzzling problem 16 Therefore, those that choose to do
Welcome 19 something about it usually achieve
Rob Hamic 20 success in following all the
BeeR Gut 21
links 24
recommended practices. However,
despite such success, many people still
exercise and diet until they are blue in
the face in an effort to lose that elusive
belly fat. However, the problem is that
belly fat is different than fat found in the
rest of the body. Belly fat, and the core
of many other weight and health
problems actually stem from something called visceral fat. Visceral fat, also known
as abdominal fat, organ fat, or intra-abdominal fat, is located inside the abdominal
cavity, surrounding our internal organs in the torso. What most people know as
standard body fat is known as subcutaneous fat, which is found directly underneath
the skin. (Our internal muscles also contain fat called, intramuscular fat, which is
found within muscle tissue itself and is also not related to visceral fat.)

“Beer Gut” Myths

An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, or "belly fat", and is also sometimes called “beer belly” or
“beer gut”, in which the abdomen protrudes excessively. However, there is little scientific evidence that beer
drinkers are more prone to abdominal obesity, despite these nicknames. One of the few studies conducted on the
subject did not find that beer drinkers are any more prone to abdominal obesity than nondrinkers or drinkers of
wine or spirits. The truth is that anyone with a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle can end up with belly fat, men
and women, drinkers and non-drinkers alike. Female sex hormones do cause fat to be stored in the buttocks,
thighs, and hips in women, so men are more likely to have fat stored in the belly due to sex hormone
differences. However, when women reach menopause and the estrogen produced by ovaries declines, fat
migrates from their buttocks, hips and thighs to their waists, and eventually, fat is stored in the belly as visceral

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Stress as an Additional Cause

Studies of female monkeys at Wake Forest University (2009) discovered that individuals suffering from higher stress have
higher levels of visceral fat in their bodies. This suggests a possible cause-and-effect link between the two, wherein stress
promotes the accumulation of visceral fat. With today’s high stress world, this could be one explanation as to why visceral
fat is more difficult to get rid of than regular body fat. The “Stress Hormone”, Cortisol, has been attributed to this increase
in visceral fat, and many drugs and over-the-counter supplements have been developed to inhibit the production of
Cortisol. However, this can be extremely harmful to your health because Cortisol is required to manage many functions in
your body during times of stress.

Association with Diabetes

It is well known to many of us that there is a strong correlation between obesity and several health risks including heart
disease, hypertension, and diabetes. However, it is important to note that, central obesity, specifically, has strong ties to
insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus type 2. There are numerous theories as to the exact cause and mechanism in
type 2 diabetes, and central obesity is one of them. Central obesity is known to predispose individuals for insulin
resistance, and insulin resistance is a major feature of diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM). Fat cells, in general, have an
important physiological role in maintaining triglyceride and free fatty acid levels, as well as determining insulin resistance.
Abdominal fat, in particular, has a different metabolic profile than other types of body fat, being even more prone to induce
insulin resistance. This is one of the major reasons in the link between obesity and diabetes.

The Sit-ups/Crunches Myth

There is a common misconception that spot exercise (that is, exercising a specific muscle or location of the body) most
effectively burns fat at the desired location, but this is not the case. Spot exercise is beneficial for building specific
muscles, but it has little effect on fat in that area of the body, or on the body’s distribution of body fat. The same thing
applies to sit-ups and belly fat. Sit-ups, crunches and other abdominal exercises are useful in building the abdominal
muscles, but they have little effect on the visceral fat located there. When the body burns fat, it burns fat equally all over
the body all at once. However, visceral fat seems to be quite a bit more stubborn than other types of body fat.

So what is the Solution?

Many of us are already familiar with the formula for reducing body fat. “Burn more calories than we consume in a low fat
diet”, is what we have always been told. While this is true, it’s not as easy as it sounds for some of us and, as we are
beginning to learn, visceral fat doesn’t always follow rules. Fortunately, we have good news. Thanks to new research as
well as a few simple guidelines, you can trim both body fat and visceral fat with minimal changes to your diet and lifestyle.
The best news is that one of those changes in your diet is to put some of your favorite “goodies” back in!

The fact of the matter is, not all fat is created equal. We have seen this between the different types of fat within our body,
but the same is true for the fat we consume in our diet. This is the subject of the latest Science Advisory from the
American Heart Association. For years, health professionals thought that all fat was bad. We now know that the culprit in
promoting heart disease is the saturated fat that clogs arteries, elevates cholesterol, and promotes visceral fat.

New research on the type of fat in the diet has now shown that unsaturated fat, mono- and poly-, can actually be
beneficial for health. A higher monounsaturated fat diet can help the heart by reducing cholesterol, triglycerides, trans-
fats, and even stubborn visceral fat, as long as saturated fat intake (mainly from animal products) is low and overall
energy needs are balanced. In fact, the evidence is so convincing that the American Heart Association now says that a
high-monounsaturated fat diet can be an alternative to the presently recommended 30% fat diet to reduce the risk of heart

Foods that are high in monounsaturated fats include fish, peanuts and other nuts, peanut butter, olives, vegetable oils
including olive oil and peanut oil, avocados, and even dark chocolate (yes ladies I said chocolate). You should have a
serving of foods like these every meal and substitute them as often as possible for foods high in saturated fats such as
meat and full-fat milk and cheese.

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The Quickest and Easiest Way to a Healthier, Trimmer You… Beer Gut Included.

I have compiled my top 10 list (in no particular order) of things that I did to lose 50 pounds easily and effortlessly. These
are things you can easily start doing right now in order to start eliminating your body fat, including that stubborn visceral
fat. The best part is, these are things that require minimal effort with minimal impact on your life. Most people should
experience between a 10%-20% change in the first week or two. Enjoy!

1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even when you are not thirsty. Our body is mostly water, and
water facilitates all necessary functions. The more hydrated your body is the better it will function, to include
getting rid of fat. Maintaining hydration will reduce water weight from water retention.
2. Manage your food quantities. More is less and less can be more. The body can only synthesis so many calories
at a time. If your body requires 2,000 calories a day but you only consume 1,800, then you would have a deficit
and, therefore, burn fat instead of storing excess calories. However, if you consume all 1,800 calories in one
sitting with pizza and beer it doesn’t work that way.
• Eat less per sitting and more often throughout the day (5 or 6 times per day if you can). This not only
helps you manage your caloric intake, it also keeps your metabolism burning.
• One easy way to do this is to get a small plate or rectangular container that holds about 2 cups. Each
meal, do not eat more than what will fit within that container.
• Each meal should be the equivalent size of 2 to 2 ½ of your fists.
• When eating out at restaurants, immediately ask for a “to go box” and put half of your meal in that box.
3. Have a serving of foods high in monounsaturated with every meal. We’ve discussed the health benefits for
this above. So, go ahead. Indulge. Peanuts, peanut BUTTER, dark CHOCOLATE, vegetable oils, avocados,
olives and nuts. Mediterranean food is great for this. Like everything though, moderation is the key. Do not over-
indulge, increasing your caloric intake.
4. Reduce simple carbohydrates and starches later in the day. As the day goes by, our metabolism slows down
and our energy needs are reduced. Eating healthier, more fiber rich foods later on in the day help keep the
metabolism going and we don’t encourage fat storage by consuming simple carbohydrates during this time.
5. Include high intensity sessions in your regular workouts. High intensity exercise is more effective for
reducing visceral fat. You really should try to do at least some sort of cardio workout 20 to 30 minutes a session at
least 3 days a week. In addition, if you include several sessions of short intense bursts in your regular workout
routine you will also increase visceral fat loss. This can be short sprints (even on a treadmill or elliptical machine),
intensely hitting a punching bag, etc.
6. Drink Green Tea. Green Tea consumption enhances exercise-induced changes in abdominal fat and helps keep
our metabolism burning. It also supports your immune system as an added bonus.
7. Eat watermelon and grapefruit. Believe it or not, watermelon is a little known fat burning fruit! Eating foods that
naturally increase your metabolism keep energy levels elevated and keep the fat burning engine going.
8. Take the stairs and forget the close parking. Increasing little things in your life such as taking the stairs instead
of the elevator and parking further away, increasing your walk, can make a big difference in your life. These
lifestyle changes increase your activity levels and they add up.
9. Take your vitamins. Ensuring your body has the necessary tools to function properly is a key component to
burning fat. Vitamins and minerals are those tools. Choose a vitamin pack that suits your needs. Contact a
nutrition expert or your doctor to help you with this, but even a simple one a day is worlds better than nothing.
10. Minimize fried food and sugar intake. Saturated fat (which is pretty much the “fried” in fried foods) and sugar
intake are two of the leading culprits when it comes to body fat increase. By simply reducing these items just a
little will do wonders on your road to fat loss. Instead of reaching for that pie for desert, grab some fruit or Jello…
or at least cut it in half. Grab the grilled chicken instead of the fried… or at least reduce the portion. In addition,
reducing sugar as much as possible has a plethora of additional health benefits. Just do a “Google” search on the
harmful effects of sugar and why sugar is bad for you… you might be amazed.

By Clint Bodungen
Owner / Chief Instructor of Houston Combat Arts & Street Defense (HCA)
HCA Tactical Ninjutsu Instructor
HCA Military Hand to Hand, Defensive Tactics, CQC / Street Self Defense Instructor
HCA Combat Conditioning Instructor

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