How To Clean Your Aura

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How to Clean Your Aura

Cleaning your aura is essential for spiritual hygiene. By cleaning your aura on a daily basis, you protect yourself against psychic attacks and
illnesses. A clean aura is charismatic and will encourage better relations with others. People will naturally be more considerate and grant
favors to one whose aura is clean and radiating with energy. Here is where we influence people and get them to do as we wish. Negative
thoughtforms used in black magick and generated from the ill will, jealousy or anger of others attach to ones aura and invite misfortuneaccidents, illnesses and so forth. Cleaning the aura only takes a few minutes a day and is well worth it. When one is ill, depressed the aura is
dirty and can take many meditations to clean. What is within reflects in ones aura.
Contrary to many teachings, Satan/Lucifer is the bringer of light. Since the Demons have been liberated, their auras have drastically
increased in light. Their power has increased as well. In some of the old grimiores, certain Demons have related their hopes to return to the
light. Those of us who have been working with them understand what they meant by this statement. The light is in the aura. The soul needs
light in order to have power. Father Satan levitated in front of me one time. When he did so, his aura became extremely brilliant in light.
Ideally, one should clean the aura twice a day- upon awaking and before falling asleep at night. Cleaning your aura before you go to sleep is
essential. The more people you come into contact with throughout the day, the more thoughtforms and energy will attach to your astral body
and result in problems. Peoples astral bodies intermingle on a daily basis. Like viruses and physical germs, the astral body picks up energy.
To clean your aura:
1. Visualize a bright light all over yourself. Hold this for One or more minutes. It doesnt take very long.
2. Now, visualize the light even brighter and more intensified on each of your chakras, like a miniature sun.
Thats all there is to it. If you notice your aura or chakras are dirty, repeat the process. This exercise can alert you to any negative energy or
psychic attacks and prevent them from manifesting.

Aura Of Protection
This meditation is very important. It is simple and the more you do this, the more powerful the protective aura becomes.
1. Breathe in white-gold energy* as you would with the energy foundation meditation. You don't need to go into a deep trance with this. Just
concentrate on *feeling* the energy enter your being on each inhale and then visualize a powerful brilliant light, like the Sun becoming
brighter and brighter with each exhalation. Once you get this going, it becomes very easy and takes little time.
2. Affirm: "I am breathing in powerful protective energy. This energy is building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all
times in every way."
Say this to yourself five times for five inhales. After this, just concentrate on visualizing and feeling the energy, making it more and more
brighter and powerful.
This will program the energy and also program your aura.
After several days of doing this exercise, you can say the affirmation once or twice, instead of five, as it will already be programmed into your
The more you do this, you will build a more and more powerful protective aura. Use the energy from the Sun as well. Energy from the Sun is
extremely powerful. When doing this, just add "I am breathing in powerful protective energy from the sun. This energy is building an aura of
protection around me. This aura protects me at all times in every way."
*White-gold energy is used because it is reflective. You can also program your aura so you breathe in protective energy from the Sun
(extremely powerful) when you are outside. After the first few times, you don't even have to visualize anything. You can just feel this and you
don't have to be in a trance for it to work- you will feel it. I am to where I just consciously breathe in energy and I can do it easily at any timewith no trance or visualization.
Another important thing you can do to protect yourself and remain safe is to affirm 5-10 times before you go to sleep:
"I am always totally safe and protected in every way." Never doubt this! The aura of protection will also help to clean your aura and repel any
negative energy. This is very important.
You can also visualize loved ones and breathe energy into their aura to protect them. Just go into a trance and visualize whoever you want to
protect and breathe in energy as outlined in the link above and then breathe it out into the aura of the one you wish to protect and follow the
same procedure, only apply it to this other person. This can also be done for healing purposes.

Fighting the Enemy Attacks

{ Different Enemy Tactics }
Here are some basic methods for fighting the greys and reptilians; these attacks are just mind games our enemies play in order to scare us
away from our Father. It is the last ditch effort by our enemies to Rule through Fear. Most will not even experience these attacks, this is
purely to educate and spread awareness of the tactics the enemy uses against us.
Father Satan and the Mighty Gods always protect us from these attacks, when we become more powerful and knowledgeable we learn to
Deal with these attacks on our own. Below are some basic enemy attacks.
Nightmare Attacks:
You will experience this mostly in the beginning, you will awake in the middle of the night, your body will feel paralyzed and you will have a
feeling of fear however the fear does not come from a problem or something in your life, it is as if the fear is from absolutely nowhere, You
will also hear loud noises.
This is a common form of psychic attack by the enemy greys. Whilst still new on this path, call upon Father Satan and your Guardian Demon
to help you during this type of psychic attack.
The best way of dealing with this is simple awareness. Once you start to meditate, advance and become more aware, you will feel when
these nightmare attacks are going to happen before they actually do, this will give you time to prepare.
The best preparation is to Cleanse your Aura and build your Aura of Protection It is very important to constantly build your Aura of protection.
From the moment you dedicate you should be doing this daily A lot of needless hardship can be avoided by simply building a strong Aura of
Understanding and Breaking the Night-time Paralysis:
This paralysis is brought on by the body releasing chemicals within your brain to keep you from walking around during your sleep. This
paralysis is completely natural however, the enemy time their mind attacks during the resale of the chemicals. Once you begin to meditate
constantly, you will find it easy to break the paralysis. You need to Meditate and continually build a strong Aura of Protection to fight against
In order to break this, you must not think physically, do not panic or frantically try and move your arms or legs etc. You must remain calm, and
try to move with thought.
In other words, you must think and visualize the movement, not try to force it physically. This is why awareness of what is happening and the
trust in Father Satan and the Gods will ensure your success against these initial enemy attacks.
Enemy Thoughtforms and Elementals:
These are very easy to deal with, but if you are unaware of them they can cause you a little grief.
The first type that you will experience will be seeing a shadow out the corner of your eye move really fast, or something similar, these are
enemy elementals, they generally exist to spy on Dedicated Spiritual Satanists and to help keep the masses blind.
The best way to get rid of them in is to do a Banishing Ritual and to continually cleanse House with the Blue Demonic\Satanic Energy. Or if
you can, simply use the fire element.
When you are slightly more advance and psychically open, you will experience them in a different way, you will most likely see an eyeball or
many eyeballs constantly staring at you, you can see and you feel them watching you.
The same method of combating them in the above still applies but there is a quicker way to deal with them. Just focus on one, shut the eye,
face it away from you and destroy it by burning it with the fire element.
The second type you will experience is a basic enemy thoughtform, they just stick you your Aura, you can feel them and see them
parasitically leeching off you. The method for dealing with these is to simply clean your Aura, this gets rid of them. Also I suggest that when
you are new, to cleanse your Aura under running water The running water aides in cleansing your Aura.
General Depression, Anxiety and Over-Aggression:
This is caused by either the enemy or the Planets. In most cases it is both, this is due to the fact that the enemy will use the Planets against
you whenever possible. To combat this simply clean your Aura every day, preferably three to four times a day, and constantly build your Aura
of protection, also three or four times a day. Treat the cause, not the symptoms.
Regularly check your Astrological chart and be aware of any negative planetary alignments. Prepare for them and know that the enemy will
use them to their advantage.
Again always be Aware.
And of course severing the enemy link will make it far more difficult for the enemy, to influence you on a mental and emotional level.
The Enemy Nordics:

I have experienced much with enemy Nordics; they will not actually perform night-time attacks. Astrally, yes fighting them does happen, but
on the physical plane, they prefer to play mind games as they have an affinity for looking down on Humans.
What the enemy Nordics will do is appear to you as one of our Gods, they will not directly say they are of our Gods and they will not say that
they are of Father Satan; they will let you assume that, They will never impersonate our Gods as they fear the consequences of doing so.
They gain your trust by talking to you and appearing too you, they even go so far as to give you advice with meditation and spiritual
advancement, although this is basic advice and simply reading any one of High Priestess Maxine Dietrichs Sermons would help you more!
Once they have your trust they will continue to play nice until one day, out of nowhere they put you in a position that you feel you cannot
escape from, their main goal is to corrupt you. This does happen and the only way to combat this is to never assume anything, as High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich has said many times, assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.
If a being appears to you, even if they are nice and they assist you, always question them. Ask for their name, even if you do not suspect that
being, just to be sure you do not want to learn this lesson the hard-way. Always be aware and always be cautious and always be Prepared.
As you grow and open more to the Astral the enemy cannot manipulate you like this, you will be able to know and feel our True Gods and the
truth of Astral Communication, but it takes time and practice.
Father Satan and the Gods will always guide and protect you, but learning how to fight on your own when is imperative. The hunger for
Knowledge is what sets apart those who will survive and those who will not!
To all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father
Satans Divine Light Guide You Eternally!
Severing the Enemy Link
{ Regaining Control of your Thoughts and Emotions }
The main enemy instrument that is used to attack us is the link. It is a thin tube-like object; its colour is green and it originates form the
jehova the main enemy godform, the Link passes through the 3rd Eye and connects directly to your 6th Chakra.
It is with this Link that the enemy is able to so easily influence our Thoughts, draw out our energy for their own use and most especially,
make a select few of us, see things that are not actually there, in order to cause insanity, also there telepathy is incredibly strong, because
they operate in a hive mind.
It is absolutely imperative that you break this link! The method for breaking it is as follows:
Place your hand over the tube, put a very bright and vibrant layer of the Demonic\Satanic Blue energy around your hand and snap the tube,
both in the physical and astral. As you do this, use the Fire Element to burn the tube all the way to its source. After severing the link, you will
feel extreme relief, similar to the relief felt after the initial Dedication to Father Satan.
Once you have broken this Link, the enemy will continually try and re-attach it. It is up to you to constantly be aware of what you are thinking
and feeling, if the link is being re attached your thoughts and emotions will be suddenly negative, for no apparent reason. You are now aware
of the link itself, and you should have no problem feeling when the Link is being re-attached, once they attempt to re-attach it. They will try
over and over again, the more bio-electricity you have the more they will keep coming back. You can simply snap the Link again using the
Demonic\Satanic energy and Fire. I cannot stress the importance of doing this; you will experience far less intense mental and emotional
psychic attack and also your preliminary Chakra work, i.e. opening the Chakras, will go a lot smoother.
There is also a secondary Link that connects from the Back extension of the 6th Chakra into the Main 6th Chakra. This works in conjunction
with the main enemy link and must be broken in the same fashion as well.
There is however another major link. This Link serves to fully manipulate your emotions and drain you of the entirety of you energy. This Link,
like to former, originates form the enemy godform, however it connects to your Heart Chakra and passes through the Font Heart Charka
extension and the Auxiliary Heart Chakras on the chest. It has a red colour.
This link provides the enemy with a vast amount of energy. The more Gentiles who sever this link, the weaker the enemy will become. The
method for breaking this Link is the same as the last. There is also a secondary Link that connects through the Back extension of the Heart
Chakra to the Main\Middle Heart Chakra.
It is important that I add, you can break this Link for others. I suggest you sever the Link to their 6th Chakra and the Link to their Heart
Chakra. The more people, the better every Link severed weakens our enemy further. I strongly encourage you to post your experiences
with regards to breaking these Links in the Hells Army eGroup.
So to all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father
Satans Divine Light Guide You Eternally!
Sep 7th 2010

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