Kender 3.5 Version

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Kender ~3.5 version~ (3.

5e Race)
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1 Kender
1.1 Personality
1.1.1 Innocence
1.1.2 Wanderlust
1.1.3 Kleptomania
1.2 Physical Description
1.3 Relations
1.4 Alignment
1.5 Lands
1.6 Religion
1.7 Language
1.8 Names
1.9 Racial Traits
1.10 Vital Statistics

They're courageous...or naive. They love all that shines...
Kender are completely and entirely innocent, and remain so throughout their lives. Due to this they are fearless. Allthough a
Kender is immune to all types of fear, it should be noted that on more than one occassion, Kender have felt fear for


individuals that they care for. So, while Kender are immune to fear for themselves, they may still fear the peril of others.
Kender are afflicted with Wanderlust in their teens, this lust makes it difficult, even stifling to be in one place for a very long
time. They become overly curious, and find that they seek adventure more and more throughout their adolescence. This
can be problematic, as they are immune to fear, many young Kender may find themselves in dangerous positions. One such
example would be Teik Glittergold, a young rogue that found himself face to face with a red dragon, because the Kender
wondered how large the dragons cave could be.
As a note, Wanderlust does not make Kender unintelligent, it just helps to remove inhibitions about completing dangerous,
or otherwise unhealthy tasks, if it means that the Kender can explore, unearth, or find something new and different.
Kender usually grow out of the Wanderlust later in their lives, provided that they live that long.
Anyone who has holes in their pockets should be wary of the Kender. More often than not, if a Kender has a fond
appreciation for something you own that is not strapped down, tied up, or locked away, they will find it. It is not
uncommon at all for a Kender to have many pockets filled with the nick-nacks, and shiny baubles, that his party has
dropped. If one were to realize that their key has come up missing, and is now in the Kenders possession, the Kender
will (usually) have no problem giving it back, and will exclaim something along the lines of, I found that a couple miles
back, I bet you are really glad that I saw it and picked it up for you.
Kender are very curios and tend to "borrow" objects. The Kender possess a habit of finding things that have dropped into
their pouches by accident, picking things up in the streets, finding "junk", and generally getting things that belong to other
people. The Kender have enormous natural curiosity, a character trait which is also employed to provision the characters
with both lock picking skills and a tendency to "listen in on other's conversations". In terms of moral considerations,
Kender are described as not believing that there is anything wrong with handling, although this habit may be employed to
get Kender in to deep trouble with the owner of an item. In addition, they do not tend to "find" things like money, gems,
and the like, as they are depicted as having little concept of monetary value. Kender oppose actual thieving vehemently,
and thus consider being called a thief a great insult to their dignity.

Physical Description
Kender are often mistaken for Children or Halflings, most don't care either way if they are. They have small statures, like
halflings, but their eyes are bright and just slightly larger than their halfling cousins. They carry an air of innocence about
them, and are often caught off guard as many are just as naive as they are energetic. Any that have been in range of young
children who have had more than their fair share of sweets would find it hard to distinguish between them and a young

Kender are almost always overexcited and hyper, and are always on the verge of laughter. Although this makes way for
excellent first impressions, a Kender's companions may find him irritating after a time.



Kender are usually chaotic good or neutral. The vast bulk of Kender are immune to even the mention of the word 'law',
muchless the aspect of being lawful, though it should be noted that, save for the extremely rare evil members of this race,
Kender are too innocent to intentionally lie, and thus though obscenely rarely Lawful, most Kender are absolutely honest,
save when in the thrall of a full blown taunt.

Kender travel constantly, and are thus rare as it is hard to find a mate when constantly on the move.

Kender prefer to pray to those gods who would bring them joy and laughter.

Kender speak gnomish and common, and may pick a number of bonus languages equal to their intelligence modifier.

As Halflings or gnomes

Racial Traits
The Kender Pouch: This is a simple concept: Kender are kleptomaniacs, curious about EVERYTHING, and have
no attention span. They are liable to pick up EVERYTHING in a city. This means that veritably anything could be
found in a Kender's pockets. A kender may, once per gaming session with out penalty, name an item, ANY item
(they steal from wizards, too, and you never know what you'll find in THEIR pockets or labs), from any time period,
along with the intended purpose he or she intends to use it for. The player then rolls 1d100. On a natural 100, the
Kender pulls the exact item they were going for. Upon a failure to roll a 100, the closer to 100 the player rolls to
100, the closer to his intended purpose he comes. Anything beyond a 100 is COMPLETELY up to the DM, and if
the DM feels that the item is too over powered, they can still make the item worthless. EX: Kender wants a glock,
which which to shoot people. The Kender rolls a 100. The DM decides that a glock is too potent, so the glock is
unloaded. Alternately, the glock was from a museum exhibit, and has a solid barrel. EX Kender wants a glock, to
shoot the enemy with. Kender rolls a 1. Kender receives a fully loaded water pistol. More uses beyond the initial
one per gaming session are allowed, but no matter the results a second attempt or further has two possible
problems: 1) after the first, even a natural 100 is no longer guarenteed to give the item desired and 2) the DM may
pick a moment in time to switch the item the Kender is reaching for with any item of the DM's choice. Upto and
including a rubber chicken, fake dog poop, dirty mags, or a random skull (real or fake).
+2 Dexterity, (Incorrect. P. 28 of dragonlance campaign does not have a charisma modifier) +2 Charisma, -2
Wisdom, and 2 Strength; Kender are agile and beautiful, but are small and alittle senseless thus lacking in strength
and good judgement.
Humanoid (Gnome/Halfling).
Small: As a Small creature, a Kender gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a
+4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are
three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Kender base land speed is 30 feet, as they are used to keeping up with their -often annoyed- companions.
Darkvision: A Kender can see in complete darkness, an excellent trait for those who enjoy slipping in and out of


dark places and do not wish to bump into things or otherwise leave traces of their presence. Kender retains the
ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Kender are innocent, and are thus immune to Fear and lust, both Magical and mundane
** It is left in to let people know that it is wrong. The +4 dodge bonus to AC ONLY applies to dwarves, because it
is a Racial bonus, due to Giants being the Dwarves' racial enemy. This does not apply to any other race.#** +4
dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if
any) to Armor Class, such as when its caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
+4 racial bonus on Pickpockets or Sleight of Hand (Same skill, different 3.x versions), Open lock, Hide, Move
Silently checks due to be 'thieving little gits' by dint of nature. They aren't really, just curious with absolutely no
concept of personal property, but it comes down to the same thing in the end. They still know better than to get
caught. As these skills are inborn talents of the Kender, they are also considered class skills, no matter what class
the Kender actually is.
+4 racial bonus on Diplomacy if, and only if, the party has yet to discover the Kender's racial origins. Many Kender
can easily claim to be a Gnome or a scrawny Halfling with almost no squabble by the general masses, making
anything the say more believable. A Kender who has been outed, however receives a -4 to same said diplomacy
checks, as 'everyone knows Kender would steal your house if it weren't to big to fit in their pouches'. Most Kender,
however, have never had the presence of mind to deny that they are Kender.
Kender also gain a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Gather Information Checks, as they are constantly evesdropping
for interesting information.
Spell-Like Abilities: A Kender with a Charisma score of at least 10 has the following spell-like abilities:
1/day/Cha modifierdancing lights, darkness, ghost sound, prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 +
Kender'sCha modifier + spell level.
Taunt: Taunting is one of the kender's basic skills. Their curiosity gives them interesting if shallow understanding of
their enemies, and they can effectively use invective and sarcasm to enrage an opponent into recklessness. As a
standard action the Kender can taunt an intelligent creature which shares a common language with him/her, The
saving throw is 10+ Kenders Cha + 1/2 Kenders HD if the save fails the taunted must attack wildly for 1d10
rounds, taking -2 to hit and -2 on AC during that time. These penalties may be increased if the creature or character
is adjudged by the GM to be particularly susceptible to such insults. On the other hand, the kender's long-term
friends quickly develop an immunity to his barbed humor.
Racial equipment: Kender always start off with a backpack and a Hoopak Staff, a length of stick the rough length of
a bo staff with a forked end which can function as either a staff weapon or as a staff sling, and when rotated end
over end about in a rapid fashion makes an ear-splitting sound that is terrifying and, to anythign with sensitive ears,
painful enough to either drive away (DC 5 + Kender's Cha + 1/2 the Kender's HD) or drive mad (on a failed
attempt) the unsuspecting listener, similar to the effects of a dog whistle for those with normal hearing ranges.
Kender, due to their wanderlust and nature, also use standard Medium sized pouches (not backpacks) rather than
the small ones normally acquired by the Small races.
Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome. Bonus Languages: Any. Kender pick up new languages extremely
fast, and can gain bonus languages equal to their Intelligence modifier. It takes roughly four weeks for a Kender to
pick up a new language, and their new languages can include secret or forbidden languages: this allows them to learn
to communicate with all manor of life, be it plant or animal or even rock or metal.
Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass Kender's Rogue class does not count when determining whether he takes an
experience point penalty.
Level Adjustment: +0.
Kleptomania: Kender "borrow". It's just what they do. There's always a chance, no matter where they are, that
something will go missing. This item is usually a small, shiny bauble, or something neat looking. But, occasionally, the
"small, shiny bauble" turns out to be a jeweler's most expensive diamond ring, and that "neat looking stick" just
happens to be a wizard's staff... currently gripped in the aforementioned wizard's hand. In any given town, assuming
the Kender isn't turned away at the gate, there's a 1% chance the Kender will "borrow" something valuable. If the


Kender spends more than 30 minutes in a given shop, there's a 5% chance he will "find" some piece of merchandise
(unless the Kender is in manacles, in which case the chance is 1% across the board). If the Kender happens to "find"
some "lost" item, roll a Spot check against the Kender's Slight of Hand (standard pick pockets attempt) to see if the
person notices the missing item being taken, with a -4 on that spot check if the Kender is manacled (similar to a
Rogue using a fake cast to throw off suspicion). The miraculously "found" item could be worth less than a copper
(dirty handkerchief), or as much as a few hundred gold (spell scroll, solid platinum broach, diamond ring, ect). 1d4
to determine whether the value is a multiple of Copper (1), Silver (2), Gold (3), or Platinum (4), followed by 1d100
to determine the numeric value of item would be the simplest way to determine it's worth, and random GM guess to
determine the actual item. Also note, this does not necessarily apply to only NPCs. Kender will "borrow", with
absolutely no limit on the definition, anything they can fit in their pouches, backpack, or walk away with. The
barbarian's great axe is not safe, nor are the royal Crown Jewels.
RP note: If anything in the town worth more than a few silver has gone missing in the last month, no matter how long
the Kender has been in town, feel free to have the town constabulary stop and search any Kender in the party. It's
not uncommon for a town to have the guards at the gates stop Kender and empty their pouches, keeping anything
the Kender doesn't recall picking up, "found" or "gifts" from any source but family. It is common for Kender to leave
town without items they have had for years. Common exceptions to the items kept are cloths being actively worn by
the Kender (no matter what size), any Small size clothes in the Kender's possession, the Kender Hoopak staff
(nobody wants one, since only Kender know the secret to the Hoopak Whistle), pouches actually containing
something (it's assumed that, as a Kender, any container legitimately owned by the Kender will have stuff in it, even
if the stuff in the container is probably not theirs), anything worth less than a silver piece (even an old, manky boot
could hold interest to a Kender... long enough to end up in on of their pouches, at least), and anything special fitted
to the Kender (specially made armor, pouch sets, knife sheaths, and similar for example. A Gnome tool vest would
probably be confiscated, as they are built over a century or more of diligent labor by a Gnome, and would never be
sold, bet, or "lost"... mainly because many races suspect that the Gnome's tool vest is somehow magically glued to
the Gnome). An appropriately set Bluff check can, of course, convince even the most paranoid guard that the
Kender is really a Gnome or a scrawny Halfling wearing boots... but this bold faced lie should probably come from
a non-Kender. Or written documentation from a local monarch. On a side note, any party not containing a Paladin
would do well to search their Kender well outside of the city walls. Any party containing a Paladin would do well to
search their Kender just before leaving, as many towns will assume the word of anyone with a huge sword and really
shiny armor is good. This will also save having to worry about your Kender loosing his picks and daggers. Also let it
be know that, since a Kender will "borrow" anything, a party should expect to, as they are looking for something in
their packs, spot the Kender examining the item in question curiously not ten feet away. Nor should the DM let the
party go unmolested by a Kender with in their party. Daggers, keys, knives, or anything else small enough to fit into
a pouch could at, any time, go missing. A random roll to see if the item someone is looking for is still there should be
made at least every few items. An "unattended" weapon that the Kender is physically capable of picking up could go
missing at night, if the Kender is on guard duty, though finding the Half-Orc barbarian's great axe should be a fairly
simple matter... if not, then Thorg deserve no head splitter.

Vital Statistics
Stats as Gnome, with the exception that Kender live twice as long, and thus take twice as much time to reach each phase
of maturity.

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