Homework Format

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SPC 218 Dynamics of Particle and Rigid Bodies

Assessment: Midterm 1 10%, Midterm 2 10%, Midterm 3 10%, Project 20%, Quizzes
10%, Attendance + Homeworks 10%, Final 30%

Class Attendance:
Class attendance is required and may be periodically recorded. Students cannot
reasonably expect to master the course material without regular attendance at
class. Students are responsible for all material covered and quizzes taken in class
regardless of their attendance.
I may give quizzes at random classes. Quizzes will cover the material taught in
the pervious lectures as well as the reading assignments given to the students.
Policy on Missed Mid-term Exams or Quizzes:
Students may miss Mid-term exams due to an emergency case (for example,
sudden illness) must present a doctor notice with 24 hours of the exam date. If the
excuse is accepted, the final exam score will adjust to make for the missed midterm.

Academic Integrity:
High level of academic integrity and honor is expected form each student. Each
student is expected to do his or her own work on homework, quizzes and exams.
You may discuss the problems with other students but you may not copy
solutions. You should make sure of your ability to solve the problems on your


As an engineer and a professional, your work will be often read and scrutinized by
others. In some instants your work could be a legal document or a piece of evidence in
a court of law. It is your responsibility to present your work in a legible, methodical,
and logical manner. A specific format is required in this course. The intent of the
required format is to get you in the habit of presenting your work professionally that
earns you professional respect and credibility.

ACCURACY is essential in any engineering work. Clear work, neatly and

systematically arranged, will assist in reducing errors to a minimum.
CLEARNESS AND NEATNESS are indication of clear thinking and mastery of
the subject; they are essential if the work is to be understood and used by others.
SYSTEMATIC PRESENTATION reduces errors and increases the informational
and engineering value of the work performed.

All work must be done on Suitable Papers as in the below picture. Work will be done
on the faint-lines side only (engineers do not write on the back of the paper). Attached
to this instruction is an example of the organization of the paper and how to display
your solution. You must follow the following requirements for each problem:


Sketch the problem with given dimensions and symbols.

Write a summary statement of the problem or what is required.
Draw Free Body Diagrams (FBD) using drawing tools. Show on the diagrams all
the necessary dimensions, forces, angles, and clearly label your variables.
Equations and solutions: It is not sufficient to write numbers in equation form:
the basic equation must be first written.
The answer must be presented to completely define the problem requirement. It
must be set apart from the calculations and emphasized by surrounding it in a box
as shown in the attached sample solution.
Each homework must be stapled at the top left corner. Loose sheets will not be

It should be understood by all students that adherence to the attached homework

solution format is not optional; it is mandatory. Failure to adhere to the attached format
may result penalty of the homework grade.
Homework problems are due at the beginning of each class unless otherwise instructed.
Homework problems are integral part of this course. Students cannot expect to develop
the skills necessary for success in this class unless all the homework problems are
completed as scheduled.

Problem Solution Format

SPC 218, Sec 6 2/15/15

HW# 1/ P#13.8

Zakaria Elnaggar

If the drawing is
a photo, simplify
it by blocks,
circles, etc.

If you do not adhere to the shown format, your score may be reduced

If you do not use suitable paper, we will not accept your HW

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