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JAKE Kenning

Jake Kenning

TABLE of COntents
Business Card




Photo Design

Web Page

Event Ad


Business CarD
Bussiness card for Whale Wax, surfing and clothing.

February 28, 2015

Course Instructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr

Illustrator (Logo), Indesign

Create a new logo for a Surf Wax/ Clothing Company.
This Business card is what I created to help promote it.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I first got the idea that it would be cool to call a company whale wax because they both start with a W
and would roll off the tongue easy. I took my research I
try to see what other people have done to create a logo
of a whale and wax. I combined these ideas I got from
Pintrest with my own creativity in Illustrator to make
it my own. In Illustrator I create 5 different variations
of this logo that could all match. I saved these as pngs
and copied and pasted them in the format of Indesign. This took me the longest in the project. I used a
combination of the pen tool and shapes to get specific
curves with the whale. For example, I used two circles,
one larger than the other to get the outside curve of
the whale and inside curve of the whale. With Indesign
I added text and arranged each object to the way it
would balance with my design. With the help of my
peers I found ways to improve my design.

This is a stationary that matches business cards for the
company I came up with, Whale Wax.

February 28, 2015

Course Intructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr

Indesign, Illustrator, shapes and pen tools.

Create a new logo for a Surf Wax/ Clothing Company.
This Business card is what I created to help promote it.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

I first got the idea that it would be cool to call a company whale wax because they both start with a W
and would roll off the tongue easy. I took my research I
try to see what other people have done to create a logo
of a whale and wax. I combined these ideas I got from
Pintrest with my own creativity in Illustrator to make
it my own. In Illustrator I create 5 different variations
of this logo that could all match. I saved these as pngs
and copied and pasted them in the format of Indesign. This took me the longest in the project. I used a
combination of the pen tool and shapes to get specific
curves with the whale. For example, I used two circles,
one larger than the other to get the outside curve of
the whale and inside curve of the whale. With Indesign
I added text and arranged each object to the way it
would balance with my design. With the help of my
peers I found ways to improve my design.

This is a montage with an inspirational and motivational quote by President Kennedy.

February 14, 2015

Course Instructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr


Learning how to apply layers and masking.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while

First I took the image and used the stamp tool to edit
out Jacqueline Kennedy. Second I took that new section of the picture and moved it in front of President
Kennedy. Third I blended a american flag in behind
JFK. After that then I took the presidential seal and
blended it in, in black and white. Then I added in text
and change the color of America and Freedom and
masked it to add a little effect. I then played around
with the placement of everything to make it look they I
wanted it to.

Brochure for Searchers the folds in fourths.

March 28, 2015

Course Intructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr

Illustrator(logo), Indesign

Make a brochure for a new company I created. Make it
so it reads easy and relatable when you have it.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

The process was interesting because I had this idea to
make a brochure that was different because it feels like
you are holding an iPhone. For many people they are
comfortable holding something like that. In a way my
brochure would already be relatable.
Creating the logo was my next challenge. I did some
research on surfing companies and tried to see what diretion they were going with marketing. This is where I
got the idea for the title Searchers but it wouldnt be
complete if it didnt include a subtitle The one wave
to connect them and focus your attention to surfing
and the action for finding that one wave.
Next was figuring out a unique fold that would be distinguishable. I came up with an idea to have this news
feed in an extra margin that would give this sense that
it is up to date and connected. I included other familiar
objects like facebook and spotify.
My next challenge was trying to present the info in
this digital format. I was going back and forth with an
iPad or webpage. The webpage flowed much better and
thats is where I put together my paragraph styles and


Mick Fanning from Australia and one his first
Rip Curl pro in 2004. Mick continued to win
surf pros later on in his career. He competed
with the world famous Kelly Slater in the most
recent WSL.

Tom Curren the old man on the block, born

in '64 and continues to surf in the WSL
and ASP surf championships. He is a very
talented surfer. Tom has also made a career in
the music industry with his recent album In
Plain View.

Bethany Hamilton from Hawaii and is most

famous for her childhood. She survived a
shark attack. A movie Soul Surfer was made
about her story of becoming pro.


These three logos are variations for the company Kenning Surf.

February 21, 2015

Course Instructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr


Create a logo that was simple and conveyed the
message to my audience.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

For the first logo I designed I used the pen tool to draw
the bottom of the surfboard. Then I used the ellipse
tool to make the moon shape and put another circle
over it and transformed it by minus out the small circle.
With the second logo I use the pen tool to get a rough
design of a surfboard fin then I took that rough shape
and used circles that were the same size and transformed it to give it a smooth look. Then I took that
single surfboard fin and copied and pasted it five more
times and arranged it to look like a K and a S. With
my last logo I had a harder time with. I wanted to look
like a bottom of a surfboard but it hard to make it look
like it three dimensional. Some of my first composition
was not proportionate. But with many adjustments I
got it to the point where it looks like the board is laying flat and you are looking at it from the fin side.
Message: The message is that Kenning Surf is a surfshop, brand that is innovative and unique in its industry.

The design shows the photography principle of Lead
room. Additionally the poster demonstrates complimentary color scheme.

February 7, 2015

Course Instructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr

Photoshop, Indesign

Convey the message Suit up!

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles):

Starting the project I had an idea to take the picture of
my roommate because he was dressed up very nice. I
took the picture demonstrating lead room. Kaleb, my
roommate, and his dark suit gave great contrast for
the rest of the composition. After watching Bro. Kerr
in class and practicing using Photoshop, I opened the
photo in Photoshop and layered it adjusted the levels,
then a layer of vibrance. Next I made a black & white
layer and erased it so that his blue tie and the floor
would stand out. I came to the determination to ad
orange in my composition to create the complimentary
color scheme. I added hexagons to create diagonal
balance and rhythm. After that I thought it would be
a great place to include my swatches. I then thought
about my quote to put in there. I couldnt resist putting
Barney Stinson from How I met your mother in the


Swag is
for boys.
Class is
for men.
-Barney Stinson

This is a website where I get to show how my logo
would be presented.

March 14, 2015

Course Instructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr

Text Wrangler, Photoshop, Illustrator

Learn how to write in code and make a website.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):

To say the least, the process was very long and meticulous. I took the format from the Idaho Beekeeper and
first replaced my logo. In my logo I went with Blue
and gold and to compliment it for the split complementary color scheme I decided to include brick
color in my text. I went and set up a scrolling text with
a fixed background. I looked it up using w3schools.
com. With several trials and errors I got it scroll the
way I wanted it. To allow it to scroll more I increased
the padding on the bottom. The home page which is
the first page to my website is a link that goes to the activity page. I searched every where online to try to find
out how to do this. This was hardest part. With reading
on google searches I found out how to make a different
background for each html page. So I found this black
texture paper that will go good with my logo which I
took the time in photoshop and gave it a mockup job
on a gold foil on black paper. With the activity page I
found a image that was on the beach where I thought
my logo would fit best in.

EVent AD
The ad is to promote the Billabong Pro in Tahiti which
will help fund the
Mauli Ola Foundation.

January 31, 2015

Course Instructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr


Learn how to make a design in word

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles):

I got a page out of the Surfer Magazine from the
summer of 2014 and scanned it. With Microsoft Word
I blended the wording out of the scanned image by
layering it with empty space from the original image on
top to hide it. Then with the same technique I added
a layer of the wave to hide part of my title behind the
wave. This was the hardest part of my project. The
next task was figuring out how to use colors with my
design. I concluded that Red, Yellow and White text
looked most appealing. I adjust some of it to eliminate
any tangents.

It is a Black and White flier advertising a graduate leadership conference.

January 23, 2015

Course Instructor:
Bro. Cory Kerr


Create an ad that conveys a message

I started by making four sketches of different designs
of what I wanted to try for the flier. I took my favorite
design and created it in InDesign. I emphasized the
black squares and triangles that are used in my design
to contrast with negative space. I wanted the title to be
in a unique place and still stand out so I included it in
the bottom right corner and contrasted it with graduate and leadership in smaller font size. To contrast
the title, I made leadership bold to emphasize it. I
chose a typeface without any serifs so that it breathes
easier with the negative space.

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