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The Lost Catacombs of Devastation

Level 2


Dungeon History

Dungeon Walls

Coral (DC 10 to climb)

Dungeon Floor

Muck (difficult terrain)

Special Conditions



Room #1

The dungeon was created by giants as a stronghold. It was eventually

abandoned due to plague, and has fallen to ruin and been rebuilt many
times since then.

Completely Underwater
Shadowy (phosphorescent plankton)

A chute descends from the corridor into a magical cyst below

Patches of mushrooms grow here

A chute falls into the corridor from above

Ice Dart Trap: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; +8 to hit against one target,

2d10 cold damage

A clanking sound fills the corridor

Falling Block: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within a

10 ft. square area, DC 13 save or take 2d10 damage

The sound of drums fills the corridor

Acid Spray: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within a 20

ft. cone, DC 18 save or take 2d10 acid damage for 1d4 rounds

A fountain of water sits in an alcove here

A chute falls into the corridor from above

A toppled statue lies across the corridor

Kuo-toa Whip (mm 200, cr 1) and 1 x Kuo-toa (mm 199, cr 1/4), consumed
by disease and madness

2 x Reef Shark (mm 336, cr 1/2), lost and desperate

1 x Sahuagin (mm 263, cr 1/2) and 1 x Hunter Shark (mm 330, cr 2),
bloodied and fleeing a more powerful enemy

5 x Shadow (mm 269, cr 1/2), lost and desperate

3 x Lizardfolk (mm 204, cr 1/2), scouting from another part of the dungeon

3 x Swarm of Quippers (mm 338, cr 1), bloodied and fleeing a more

powerful enemy

North Entry #1

Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

Leads to room #4, inhabited by 4 x Shadow (mm 269, cr 1/2)

North Entry #2


West Entry


East Entry

Leads to room #19

South Entry

Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

Leads to room #8


Room #2

North Entry

Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

Leads to room #14, inhabited by 7 x Constrictor Snake (mm 320, cr 1/4)

West Entry
South Entry

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
Leads to room #20


Room #3

North Entry

7 x Bullywug (mm 35, cr 1/4)

Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 25 to open, DC 15 to break;

15 hp)
Acid Spray: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within
a 20 ft. cone, DC 17 save or take 2d10 acid damage for 1d4 rounds

West Entry
East Entry

Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

Secret (DC 20 to find) Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)
The door is concealed behind a statue of an armored warrior, and
opened by moving his sword
Electrified Lock: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects each creature
which touches the lock, DC 11 save or take 1d10 lightning damage

South Entry
Room Features

Room #4

West Entry
East Entry

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Someone has scrawled a crude drawing of an orc on the east wall, A pile of
rotten bread lies in the south-west corner of the room
1 x Sahuagin (mm 263, cr 1/2) and 1 x Hunter Shark (mm 330, cr 2)

Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

Secret (DC 15 to find) Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp)
A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
Leads to room #6

South Entry

Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

Leads to room #1

Room Features
Hidden Treasure

Several alcoves are cut into the north and south walls, A wooden ladder
rests against the east wall
4 x Shadow (mm 269, cr 1/2)
Trapped and Locked Strong Wooden Chest (DC 15 to unlock, DC 25 to
break; 20 hp)
Contact Poison: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects each creature
which touches the trigger, DC 11 save or take 1d10 damage
2200 cp, 1200 sp, 60 gp

Room #5

West Entry

Leads to room #11, inhabited by 6 x Steam Mephit (mm 217, cr 1/4)

East Entry

Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp) (slides to one side)

Leads to room #14, inhabited by 7 x Constrictor Snake (mm 320, cr 1/4)

Hidden Treasure

Chain Flail: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; initiative +3, 1 attack per

round, +6 to hit against all targets within 5 ft., 2d10 bludgeoning damage
Locked Simple Wooden Chest (DC 25 to unlock, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
2600 cp, 900 sp, 80 gp, Ceramic Dice (pair) (25 gp), Painted Glass Holy
Symbol (of a Nature God) (25 gp), Pewter Box (25 gp), Spell Scroll (Armor
of Agathys), Spell Scroll (Mage Armor), 2 x Potion of Healing

Room #6

West Entry #1

Secret (DC 15 to find) Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp)

A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
Leads to room #4, inhabited by 4 x Shadow (mm 269, cr 1/2)

West Entry #2

Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

South Entry

Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

Leads to room #19

Room Features

Room #7

North Entry
West Entry
East Entry

A shallow pit lies in the south side of the room, Someone has scrawled "The
Wand of Mirrors shall be lost until sea becomes sky and the Oath of
Wisdom is broken" on the east wall

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)
Leads to room #8

South Entry

Iron Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

Leads to room #17

Room #8

Room Features

A stone ramp ascends towards the south wall, A pile of barrel staves lies in
the north-west corner of the room

North Entry #1

Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

Leads to room #1

North Entry #2
West Entry #1

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp) (magically

reinforced, disadvantage to break)
Secret (DC 20 to find) Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)
The door is located above a small stone dais and concealed by an

West Entry #2

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Leads to room #7

East Entry
Room Features

Room #9

West Entry

Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

A rope ascends to a catwalk hanging between the east and west walls, A
stack of barrels filled with rotting fruit stands against the west wall

Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Falling Block: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets
within a 10 ft. square area, DC 11 save or take 1d10 damage
Leads to room #14, inhabited by 7 x Constrictor Snake (mm 320, cr 1/4)

South Entry

Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

Room #10

Room Features

A narrow shaft descends from the room into a natural cavern below, A stone
sarcophagus sits in the west side of the room

North Entry #1

Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

Leads to room #20

North Entry #2

Locked Iron Door (DC 25 to open, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

Leads to room #13

East Entry
South Entry
Room Features

Room #11

North Entry

Stuck Stone Door (DC 20 to break; 60 hp)

Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)
A mural of a god of light covers the ceiling, Someone has scrawled "Stay
left" on the east wall
1 x Gibbering Mouther (mm 157, cr 2)

Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

Leads to room #15, inhabited by 2 x Bullywug (mm 35, cr 1/4) and 2 x
Giant Frog (mm 325, cr 1/4)

West Entry

Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

Leads to room #12, inhabited by 1 x Chuul (mm 40, cr 4)

East Entry

Leads to room #5

Room Features

Room #12

North Entry

The floor is covered in perfect hexagonal tiles, Someone has scrawled

"Look to the left" on the west wall
6 x Steam Mephit (mm 217, cr 1/4)

Leads to room #16

East Entry #1

Secret (DC 25 to find) Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
The door is concealed by an illusion
Leads to room #15, inhabited by 2 x Bullywug (mm 35, cr 1/4) and 2 x
Giant Frog (mm 325, cr 1/4)

East Entry #2

Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)

Leads to room #11, inhabited by 6 x Steam Mephit (mm 217, cr 1/4)

Room Features

Room #13

North Entry
West Entry

A large table and simple cabinet sit in the center of the room, A sulphurous
odor fills the room
1 x Chuul (mm 40, cr 4)

Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)
Electrified Lock: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects each creature
which touches the lock, DC 12 save or take 2d10 lightning damage
Leads to room #20

East Entry #1


East Entry #2

Trapped Iron Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

One-way Door: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable

One-way Door: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable

South Entry

Locked Iron Door (DC 25 to open, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

Leads to room #10, inhabited by 1 x Gibbering Mouther (mm 157, cr 2)


Room #14

North Entry
West Entry

Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp) (slides to one side)
Leads to room #5

East Entry

Trapped Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Falling Block: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets
within a 10 ft. square area, DC 11 save or take 1d10 damage
Leads to room #9

South Entry

Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

Leads to room #2, inhabited by 7 x Bullywug (mm 35, cr 1/4)


Room #15

West Entry #1

7 x Constrictor Snake (mm 320, cr 1/4)

Locked Stone Door (DC 20 to open, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

Leads to room #16

West Entry #2

Secret (DC 25 to find) Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
The door is concealed by an illusion
Leads to room #12, inhabited by 1 x Chuul (mm 40, cr 4)

East Entry #1

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

East Entry #2


East Entry #3

Secret (DC 15 to find) Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)
A bookcase and concealed door pivots smoothly
Acid Spray: DC 15 to find, DC 20 to disable; affects all targets within
a 20 ft. cone, DC 15 save or take 1d10 acid damage for 1d4 rounds

South Entry

Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)

Leads to room #11, inhabited by 6 x Steam Mephit (mm 217, cr 1/4)

Room Features

Room #16

North Entry

Numerous pillars line the north wall, A large demonic idol with ruby eyes
sits in the east side of the room
2 x Bullywug (mm 35, cr 1/4) and 2 x Giant Frog (mm 325, cr 1/4)

Trapped and Locked Stone Door (DC 10 to open, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

Contact Poison: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects each creature
which touches the trigger, DC 13 save or take 2d10 damage

East Entry

Locked Stone Door (DC 20 to open, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

Leads to room #15, inhabited by 2 x Bullywug (mm 35, cr 1/4) and 2 x
Giant Frog (mm 325, cr 1/4)

South Entry

Leads to room #12, inhabited by 1 x Chuul (mm 40, cr 4)

Room Features

Someone has scrawled "Beware the shadows" on the south wall, Several
iron blobs are scattered throughout the room

Room #17

North Entry

Iron Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

Leads to room #7

West Entry
Room Features

Room #18

West Entry
Room Features

Room #19

North Entry

A mural of legendary monsters covers the ceiling, Someone has scrawled
"It's a trap" on the west wall

Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 20 to break; 20 hp)

A rope ascends to a wooden platform in the south-east corner of the room,
A pile of sundered shields lies in the south-west corner of the room

Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

Leads to room #6

West Entry #1

Leads to room #1

West Entry #2

Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 20 to open, DC 15

to break; 10 hp)
The door is located near the ceiling and concealed within a mosaic of
a legendary battle

East Entry #1

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

East Entry #2

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

Hidden Treasure

Hidden (DC 20 to find) Locked Strong Wooden Chest (DC 25 to unlock, DC

25 to break; 20 hp)
2400 cp, 700 sp, 70 gp, Bloodstone (50 gp), Chalcedony (50 gp), Citrine (50
gp), 2 x Moonstone (50 gp), Spell Scroll (Sleep)

Room #20

North Entry #1

Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)

North Entry #2

Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)

Leads to room #2, inhabited by 7 x Bullywug (mm 35, cr 1/4)

East Entry

Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

Electrified Lock: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects each creature
which touches the lock, DC 12 save or take 2d10 lightning damage
Leads to room #13

South Entry #1

Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)

Leads to room #10, inhabited by 1 x Gibbering Mouther (mm 157, cr 2)

South Entry #2

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp)

South Entry #3

Secret (DC 15 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
The door is concealed behind a statue of an armored warrior, and
opened by moving his sword


The Lost Catacombs of Devastation
Some content used under the terms of the Open Gaming License

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